Hematology Calibrator Procedure Guideline
Hematology Calibrator Procedure Guideline
Hematology Calibrator Procedure Guideline
• Calculate the mean for each parameter. Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, H15-A3, Reference and selected
procedures for the quantitative determination of hemoglobin in blood.
• C
ompare the results from your instrument to the Approved Standard - Third Edition.
assay targets:
Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, H07-A3, Procedure for
a. If the recovered mean values are within the determining packed cell volume by the microhematocrit method.
Approved Standard - Third Edition.
system specific assayed tolerance limits, and
your control data does not indicate a change
is warranted, the instrument does not require
calibration. It may be helpful to correlate your
lab control means with a peer group for this
assessment. 320612