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MEMBRANE FILTER TECHNIQUE (g222yThermotolerant (Fecal) Coliform Membrane Fiiter Procedure 9-89

gins on transport medium when high temperatures are encoun-

Dissolve ingredients by rehydrating in water. Sterilize by tered during transit.
autoclaving ar 121-124"C for 15 min. Final pH should be 8.6 +
b. Transfer und incubation.' At the laboratory, transfer filter
0.2. Dispense at least 2.0 to 3.0 mL (depending on pad manu- from holding medium on which it was shipped to a second sterile
facturer) to tight-lidded plastic culture dishes containing an Petri dish containing m-Endo or Endo LES medium and incubate
absorbent pad, and carefully remove excess liquid from pad by at 35 4- 0.5'C fbr 20 to 22 h.
decanting the plate. Store plates in the refrigerator for use within
96 h. 4. Estimation of Coliform Density
3. Procedure Proceed as described in 92228.5. Record times of collection,
filtration, and laboratory examination, and calculate the elapsed
a. Sunple presenation and shipnxent' Place absorbent pad in time. Report elapsed time with coliform results.
bottom of sterile Petri dish and saturate with selected coliform
holding medium (see 9222C.2). Remove membrane fllter from 5. Bibliography
filtration unit with sterile forceps and roll it, grid side up, onto
surface of medium-saturated pad. Protect membrane from mois- Grr-onErcn, E.8., P.W. Keslrn, H.L. Jsrrn & H.F. Cunr. 1955. A
ture loss by tightly closing plastic Petri dish. Seal loose-fltting delayed incubation nrembrane filter test for coliform bacteria in
water. Anrer. J. Pub. Health 45:1462.
dishes with an appropriate sealing tapet to prevent rnembrane
PeNszet, A.K., T.J. MecrlrN & H.G. Cous. 1965. Coli-aerogenes and
dehydration during transit. Place culture dish containing mem-
Escherichia coli counts on water samples by means of transported
brane in an appropria.te shipping container and send to laboratory membranes. Proc. Soc. Water Treat. Exam. 14:179.
for test completion. The sample can be held without visiblo BRFTFNsKT, F.T. & J.A. Wrxren. 1969. Use of the delayed incubation
growth for a maximum of 72 h at ambient temperature on the membrane filter test for determining coliform bacteria in sea water.
holding/preservative medium. Visible growth occasionally be- Water Res.3:583.
CsrN, IVi. & P.J. Hlcrcv. 1986. Elimination of overgrowth in delayed-
incubation mernbrane filter test for total coliforms by M-ST holding
t Parafilm, Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC, or equivalent. medium. Apol. Envirorl Microbiol. 52:-778.

9222 D. Thermotolerant (Fecal) Coliform Membrane Filter Procedure

Thermotolerant (formerly fecal) coliform bacterial densities e. Culture dishes: Tight-fitting plastic dishes (see 92228.1e)
may be deterrnined by either multiple-tube procedure or MF are preferred when MF culture plates will be submerged in a
technique. {See Sectisn 9225 for differen*iation af Escherichia water bath during incubation. Place thermoiolerant coliform
e.'/i.) Tte thenno*oieraat cr&ifsrm !# procedum uses am sa- cukure plmes in plastic bags {remrve as much air as possib}e} or
riched lactcre modium and hcuba$on terriperature of ,&{.5 -r seal individual dishes with waterproof (freezer) tape to prevent
0.2'C for selectivity. Because incubation temperafls-e is critieal, leakage during submersion.
submerge waterpreoled (plastic bag enclosures) L{F culnr,-es in a f. Filtation rorlts.' See 92228.1f.
water bath for incubation at the elevated iemp€rature or usc an g. lulernbrane filters: See 92228.19.
approprriate -cr:)lid heat-sirrk or other incubator that is documented h. Absorbenr pnd.s: See 9222R.lh.
to hold the temperature at 44.5oC "1- 0.2C thrcughout the i. force1ts: See 92228.1i.
chamber over a 24-h pericd. The best type of incubator is a j. Water bath or incubator: The specificity of the therrnotol-
gable-covered circulating watel bath. In general, this methoC is erant coliform rest is related directly to incubation temperarure.
applicable under the same circumstances as the multiple-tube To meet the need for greater temperature control, use a gable-
tirermotolerant coliform procedures (see Section 922 lE). covered water bath, a heat-sink incubator, or any properly de-
There are limitations to the interprctation of a thermctolerant signed and constructed incubator that can maintain a temperature
coliform result from thermal waters (e.g., the tropics) and pulp tolerance of -0.2"C. Most circulating water baths equippeC with
anci pa,per mril effluent samples where thermotolerant Klebsiella a gable top to reduce water and heat loss can maintain a tem-
ha-,,e predominated and not been indicaiive of a sewerage source. Derature of M5 -f 0.2oC. However, static air incubation may be
As with all coliform results, a sanitary survey should be con- a problem in some types of incubators because <lf potential heat
ducted to identify the most plausible source and public health layering in the chamber, slower heat transfer from air to the
risk interpretation. medium, and slow temperature recovery each time the incubator
is opened during daily operations.
1. Laboratory Apparatus
2. Materials and Culture Medium
o. Samitle bottles: See Section 90308.19.
b. Dilution boules: See Section 90308.13. mFC mediunt' The need for uniformity dictates the use of
c. Pipets and graduated cltlln4nrt, See Section 90308.9. dehydrated media. Never prepare metiia from basic ingredients
d. Cotteiners.for culture nrcdium: See 92228.1d. when suitable dehydrated media are available. Follow the man-

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