1975-Nov-14 The Lost Found Nation of Islam in The West
1975-Nov-14 The Lost Found Nation of Islam in The West
1975-Nov-14 The Lost Found Nation of Islam in The West
Bilalian News
Imam W. D. Muhammad
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; Peace and Blessings upon His
Servant and His Messenger, Muhammad, forever. Amen.
When the teachings of Islam were first begun in the Bilalian (Black American)
communities in the wilderness of North America by Master Fard Muhammad in the early
1930’s, no one knew what Almighty God had in His great plan. Even as the number of
converts in the Muslim Community began to swell and even as their strength began to
grow during the 40 - year leadership of Master Elijah Muhammad, still the world could
not clearly see the wise design in the plan with which Allah was moving the mentally and
spiritually dead Bilalian people of America.
No one thought that the despised and rejected once - slaves of America would accept the
call to Islam as quickly as they did accept it. Although many teachers of Islam had toiled
for many years in America before the establishment of the Lost - Found Nation of Islam
in the West, very little progress had been made in getting Bilalians to accept Islam in this
wild, savage society which hated Islam and which openly mocked Prophet Muhammad
ibn Abdullah (peace be upon Him), His Divine Message, and any person who dared to
follow His teachings.
In spite of this hostile environment, thousands of Bilalian men and women, who were
former Christians, suddenly embraced Islam and accepted to be identified with the 800
million Muslims all over the world. Thousands of men and women who were ex - slaves
or who were the children of ex - slaves accepted the One True and Living God, the
Creator, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, as their only God. They also
accepted Prophet Muhammad, to whom the Holy Quran was revealed, as the Universal
Who would have believed that in such a few short years, the Lost - Found Nation of
Islam in the West would have grown from nothing to a great religious body numbering in
the hundreds of thousands stretching from coast to coast in America and spilling over its
borders into Bermuda, Jamaica, Trinidad, Virgin Islands, Belize, Canada, and into other
countries of the Western Hemisphere? But this modern day “miracle” has happened, and
we believe that soon Islam will be the religion of the majority of the people all over the
The first thing that we experienced in slavery as Bilalian people under the cruel grip of
slavery in America was the destruction of our family. The world that enslaved us knew
that a people's strength is in their family unity. They had to destroy our family bonds
before they could successfully reduce us to work animals.
Now, thanks to Allah, we have come into Islam through the teachings of a great man and
a master teacher. Master Fard, Muhammad. Today we know that we are not alone here in
the West and we know that we are brothers and sisters of the Muslim family all over the
A "Lost” People
Master Fard Muhammad told us in the early 1930's that we were from Muslim fore-
parents and that we had many Muslim brothers and sisters around the earth. Today, white
Christian writers in the West are admitting that many of the slaves that were brought to
America were from Muslim lands and that they had Muslim names.
The world is now admitting that the strength of Africa during the time of slave traffic was
not pagan nor Christian, it was Islamic. Because Master Fard Muhammad recognized our
true history, he identified us as a people who were "lost" from our land, our people and
our religion. That is why he referred to us as "The Lost - Found Nation of Islam in
America." He did not mean that we were a new nation or a different Nation of Islam from
the Universal Nation of Islam, but he meant that this body represented the lost members
from the Universal Nation of Islam.
Because the Lost - Found Nation of Islam in the West is a new Muslim Community in the
world of religious communities, we must keep our eyes open because the old, evil world
would like to deprive us of the life giving Light of Islam. They know that Islam alone is
the key to freedom, justice, equality, and strength for the Bilalian communities of the
6. Among Jinns
And among Men,
Since the great Masters Fard Muhammad and Elijah Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) lit
the torch of Islam among the more than 30,000,000 Bilalians in America, the Islamic
mentality has produced a clean, righteous people who are contributing to the financial.
social, economic, and spiritual upliftment of the total community.
In over 175 Temples of Islam in America and the Caribbean, members of the Lost -
Found Nation of Islam in the West work tirelessly to propagate the Faith of Islam. New
converts are rushing to the call from all walks of life at the rate of approximately 25,000
per week. (The total National figure of new converts for Temple meetings held
September 24, 26, 28, 1975, was 28,909 -Editor) There are now 46 Universities of
Islam established to properly train Muslim children through the high school level in an
atmosphere of high academic consciousness.
In almost every city where Temples of Islam are located, Muslims have established
employment for themselves and others by operating clean and efficient businesses to
satisfy the needs of their community. Through the pooling of Believers' resources across
the country, many national businesses have been established including restaurants,
supermarkets, a bank, bakeries, clothing stores, office buildings, cleaners, and farms
specializing in poultry, produce, and diary goods. For almost two years, the Lost - Found
Nation of Islam in the West imported fish from the South American country of Peru in
quantities exceeding three and one - half million pounds of fish per month. A current
importation project is providing Bilalian Communities in America with thousands of
pounds of seafood from the North African Muslim Country of Morocco.
We are thankful to Allah for the many blessings He is bestowing upon us. In a cruel and
savage environment, He Alone has given to His believers here in America the help that
we needed. Now He is blessing us with success.
No people can be strong without Islam. If any people have strength, it is because they
have some measure of Islam no matter what spiritual, political, or social label they may
put on it. Any philosophy which ignores Allah will eventually have weaknesses to
develop in it, grow in it, and destroy it.
In order for people to respond willingly to any philosophy, it must have some measure of
Islam. The West has used "God" to attract its people and the East has used "social
equality" — both philosophies have some degree of Islam.
Charity In Islam
For example in the Marxist teachings on the distribution of wealth (maintaining the
economy), they say that the wealth is to be given to the individual according to his need.
He, in turn, is to give (work) according to his ability or his worth. This idea is the Islamic
concept of charity, but it has been advanced to the world as a "new" social theory.
The Holy Quran says that we should give all that we can give in charity over that amount
which is necessary to sustain our needs. Charity, in Islam, automatically brings about
social equality. The Holy Quran also says in the marriage law that the amount of the
dowry (which is protection for the wife) should be measured by the amount of wealth that
the groom has.
The first people to advance a philosophy are the owners of that philosophy. If you will
study history, you will see that the origin of all ideas for the good and the advancement of
human beings is in Islam, the true and the natural religion of Almighty God. We are going
to try to convert all people who believe in other than Islam to the Right Religion. We are
going to let you know how shameful you look giving praise to something that does not
deserve praise because it is inferior to the Superior God Who rules all creation.
We have five pillars in Islam which represent the very foundation of our religion. The
first pillar is the belief in the One God, alone. The second pillar is belief in prayer or
worship. The third pillar is belief in fasting, or the belief in bringing yourself in accord
with Divine. The fourth principle, belief in Zakat or charity, is a belief in the unity of the
Muslim brothers and sisters in the community of Islam.
The fifth pillar, called "Hajj" (the pilgrimage to Mecca) represents the universality of the
Islamic social concept. Muslims do not have a local social or a local community concept;
we have a universal community idea. Our community idea can be established all over the
world because it is equally natural for one man as it is for another man.
"Hajj" is established for Muslims because of the universality of Islam. No matter what
geographic location Muslims may live in, as many of them as possible should all come
together yearly as one community. There is no geographic difference that is worth
recognizing as a problem which can work against the unification of all Muslims.
The people of the world can become one efficiently working community without any
problems and we do not have to have National-ism, Social-ism, Commun-ism, Marx-ism,
Lenin-ism, Capitalism, or any other kind of "-ism." All we need is Islam to keep the
world community growing and progressing as it was naturally intended to grow and to
progress by God.
The Islamic Community is designed to get the optimum results from any people with no
respect to them as a different race or as a different nationality.
Muslims have the oldest principles of human belief and human action on the earth. That
is the proof of those principles' strength to survive. Islam is the only way of human
principles that exists today in it’s pure form. All other religions and beliefs have split up
and divided themselves, but Islam remains whole and complete.
Christian Denominations
The enemies of Allah and Islam have tried to cause or to publicize "divisions" in the
religion. Writers with Western mentality do not explain that the divisions in Islam are
division of thought, not religious divisions. It is a false projection to try to deceive the
people into believing that different Islamic schools of thought are comparable to different
Christian denominations, like Baptists, Methodists, and Catholics.
When Muslims make the Hajj to Mecca, you do not see any delegation with signs
identifying themselves as a different delegation from the others, because of the evil of
divisiveness in religion is not allowed in Islam. All true Muslims identify themselves as
one with all other Muslims all over the world.
The enemies of Islam are working hard to try to destroy us and our work of propagating
the Faith of Islam in the West, although they see that they cannot hurt us with their weak,
evil, poison weapons. We are determined to work harder to open the eyes of our poor,
innocent brothers and sisters to Divinely illuminated Mind.
Whenever you make progress, you must work harder than before. When you are
successful you have to protect yourself and your property because you might excite the
greedy appetites of those who want what you have. They do not want to see you
successful or victorious, so they will try to destroy the good that you have worked hard to
accomplish with the help of Almighty God.
Brothers and Sisters, we invite you to join us in our universal mission of remaking the
Thank you for honoring us with your time to read these few words.
Your Brother, W.D. Muhammad
Allah, "Al –Rahman,” creates the moral and dignified man through the free giving of His
Divine Word, the Holy Quran. He puts the Word of Qur'an in the man and it creates him
in the image and likeness of Divine.
When we say creation, in this sense, we are talking about creation that builds life in a
person — a creation that feels the hardships, the miseries, and the agonies in a person. It
is the human that reaches out mentally and morally to another being. It embraces that
being, not just because it has a beautiful physical attraction but because it has a beautiful
inward attraction. This is our real "life."
The Divine Word of Almighty Allah unlocks the mind, turns the light on in our being, and
makes a spiritual sun to rise within us. It shines upon the dead matter in our mind, our
soul, and our spirit. It causes us to take on form in the likeness of Divine Word which
carries the germ of the Divine Mind.
If you want to be natural, you'd better start loving leadership. A leaderless people are no
different from a headless body. If you cut the head off a body, the body dies. If you cut
leadership off from the people, that people will die as a body.
Whenever you try to step into the filth of the Jinn world, you are stepping down from
your elevated nature with God. Your strength is Truth (Divine Nature} and if you want to
survive on this earth, you had better keep climbing up that ladder.
Why should you choose to be a servant in the devil's kingdom at a time like this when the
Sun of Truth is beaming its brilliant rays of Divine Light for your glory. I am telling you
what the word from heaven is saying: "Come into your power, O Mighty King, and sit on
the Throne to rule all the nations."
As hard as we are working to deliver to you the Wisdom of Divine Mind, some of you
retreat back into darkness and accept the invitation to come into the petty foolishness of a
white mentality. You go into his cheap vices, his world of lies, and end up as a super-fly
dope king or carrying a gun for some crooked -minded devil.
You don't have the sense to make a gun, but you have the wickedness and dumbness of
the brain to pull the trigger. You are a slave of the devil and a pitiful brother.