Tattoo Sorcerer

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Homebrew Subclasses Which I

Shamelessly Pulled From Pathfinder

just thought it would be cool tbh. The Parrot is a beautiful bird known for its singing, its
dancing, and its ability to imitate other bird calls and even
human speech. Your parrot tattoo grants you proficiency in
the skills of Performance and Persuasion. In addition, you
can mimic sounds you have heard, including voices. A
creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations
with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by your
Charisma (Deception) check.
Sorcerous Origin The Viper is a fearsome predator known for its stealthy form
Different sorcerers c1aim different origins for their innate of hunting and its slithering. Your viper tattoo grants you
magic. These origins vary greatly, from draconic bloodlines, proficiency in the Stealth and Survival skills. Additionaly,
to wild magic, and some sources even more ancient and you can squeeze without any penalty, you can stand up
mysterious. from prone by spending only 5 ft. of movement, and you
can move while prone at your normal speed.
The Tattooed Sorcerer The Turtle is a noble aquatic reptile known for its sturdy
carapace. Your turtle tattoo grants you proficiency in the
The Varisian people are known for many things, but one of Survival and Nature skills. Additionaly, you can hold your
the physical characteristics that distinguish them the most is breath for up to 15 minutes at a time . Your AC is 12 + your
their tribal tattoos, which they consider one of the greatest Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to
forms of personal artistic expression. determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you
It is known that there is some connection between these with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while
tattoos and the divine power of their gods. On occassion, a you use your natural armor.
child will be born with a "birth tattoo", which may look just as
a blurred stain when the child is a newborn, but which will
become clearer as the child matures, revealing a picture
which might represent anything from a sword to a unicorn, or
might out phrases in some long-dead unic language or outline
a map.
The children that bear birth tattoos harbor great magical
potential. It is said that these children are gifted with the
blessing of the Varisian gods, who watch over them.
The Sorcerers from this origin bear powers that are
reflected in the art on their own skin. They can channel their
magic through their ink, and temporarily confer magic
tattoos to others.
Familiar Tattoo
Starting when you choose this origin at 1st levei, you learn
the Find Familiar spell with some changes, as detailed
below; and can cast it once without spending a spell slot, and
regain the ability to do so after finishing a long rest.
The familiar that you choose is permanent, if you cast the
spell again, none of the options are available to you but the
one that you chose first.
The options you have are different, the list is: parrot
(raven), turtle (crab), and viper (poisonous snake).
When you dismiss your familiar, it doesn't dissappear.
Instead, it appears in your skin. While in this form, the
familiar can't do any actions, cannot be targeted by spells
or attacks, and does not count as a creature separate from
you. It appears as an stylized version of itself in the form
of a tattoo. At your will, it can animate and move around
your body, but this doesn't serve any useful purpose. While
it is on your skin, the tattoo grants you some passive
bonuses, according to your choice of familiar:

Spell Tattoo Tattoo You!
At 1st level, you gain the ability to create spell tattoos. You Starting at 18th level, you gain the ability to turn your own
spend a minute inscribing a magical tattoo on a willing body into ink and to move in two dimensions. You can spend
creature, who must be within 5 ft. of you for the entire time. 4 sorcery points as a bonus action to transform into a
At the end of the process, you touch the creature and a painting and enter a solid surface of a size you can squeeze
magical tattoo appears in the place that you touched, which into. .
stores the magic power of one spell. The bearer of the tattoo You become an stylized version of yourself much like your
can cast this spell at any time while the tattoo is present. tattoo familiar. While in this form, you cannot attack or cast
Once the spell is cast, the tattoo dissappears. The spell uses spells, and you don't provoke attacks of opportunity. You can
the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and only use the Dash action, and move into any direction across
spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise the surface you are in. Rugged, cracked and sandy surfaces
treated as if the bearer had cast the spell. count as difficult terrain. You can slip into openings of
You can tattoo a spell of any level equal to or less than a virtually any width while in this form.
third of your sorcerer level rounded up. This must be a spell You can't be touched or hurt with attacks directly while in
in the sorcerer's list that you know which doesn't have a this form, and you can't be made the target of any spells that
material component with a price listed. would cause you to make a Strenght, Constitution, or
The recipient for the tattoo must know at least one Dexterity saving throw. Any attack directed at you instead
language and have an intelligence score of 8 or higher for targets the surface that you are painted on.
them to cast the spell, and a creature can only have one spell Minor physical damage to the surface you are on don't
tattoo at a time. The Bearer must be able to see and touch harm you, but its partial destruction or a change in its shape
the tattoo with its hands in order to cast the spell. For that (to the extent that you no longer fit within it) expels you and
reason, it is usually not convenient to place the tattoo on the deals 6d6 bludgeoning damage to you. The surface's
face, neck, back, bottom or scalp. complete destruction expels you and deals 50 bludgeoning
A creature can destroy the tattoo with Dispel Magic if they damage to you.
can see it. If it is too high level of a spell, they must succeed This transformation lasts for up to 1 minute, but you can
on a check as usual. emerge early as a bonus action. You can't voluntarily end the
The spell tattoo will dissappear once the sorcerer who transformation in a space that you don't fit in, and if the time
made it finishes a long rest. ends while you are on an occuppied space, you take 5 points
Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you of bludgeoning damage and appear on the nearest
finish a long rest. unnocuppied space. Once you come out, you can't transform
again until the beginning of your next turn.
Tattoo Artist
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to create more spell
tattoos. You can make another spell tattoo by spending 2
sorcery points per level of the spell.
Additionaly, now when your familiar is reduced to 0
hitpoints, instead of dying and dissappearing, it appears back
in your skin, but it looks dead and cannot move. You still get
the benefits of having your familiar in your skin while it is
dead in this way.
Ink Affinity
Starting at 14th level, you receive greater bonuses from
having your tattoo familiar in your skin:
Parrot's Flight While your parrot familiar remains in your
skin, you can sprout great, colorful feathered wings that
allow you to fly like the birds. You get a flying speed equal
to your walking speed.
Viper's Slither While your viper familiar remains in your
skin, you are able to perform superhuman feats of
flexibility. You can squeeze through spaces 2 sizes smaller
than yours, and melee atackers don't get advantage against
you for being prone.
Turtle's Resilience While your turtle familiar remains in
your skin, you are much harder to hurt, as if you were
armored, and you get an affinity to water comparable to
that of an aquatic animal. Your AC is 14 + Dexterity
modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your
AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC.
A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your
natural armor. Also, you can hold your breath for up to an
hour at a time, and you get a swim speed of double your
walking speed.

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