Feminism Speech

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Before starting with the concept of feminism, I´m going to ask you two different
questions. First of all, can you raise your hand if you call yourself a feminist? This time,
can you please raise your hand if you believe that men and women deserve to have
equal opportunities? Both questions are asking the same thing, there are men and
women who still find it difficult to understand what feminism defends: equality
between men and women. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Feminism
relates to the “The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the

First of all, with this speech I want to clarify the misconception of this social
movement, why all the people need to be an active part of the feminist struggle and
finally evidence why society needs feminism.

I´m feminist, two words in which you venture into the lion´s den with the majority of
the people, most of them are voices that attribute anything to discredit this social

I have always heard that ignorance is daring for many, and it is totally true, in this case,
we are not mistaken. This is people who insult you, harass you and try to make you
rectify for being a feminist, oh surprise! they have no idea of feminism. Not even the
definition of the term, as I had said before. The worst thing is that society is very
convinced that it knows it. Their opinions are based on prejudices without any real
basis and they come to accuse you from ignorance for many things, from hating men
to wanting to kill them all. What is the problem that these prejudices incite? I guess a
mixture of ignorance and panic. It is a normal reaction due to the fear of questioning
the basic ideas with which we have grown as individuals. To declare yourself a feminist
is, in itself, a danger and a challenge in the face of a patriarchal system.

To this day, and as long as there is only one woman in the world whose rights are
being trampled upon, feminism will not only be necessary, it will be essential.

Essential because women perceive lower wages, because we are used as sexual
objects in the media, because the word "woman" is used as an insult, because
patriarchy manifests itself in our day to day and for hundreds of reasons more than
just confirm the indispensable nature of feminism.

But unfortunately for all children and adolescents it is in school, where we spend most
of our time, where these behaviors are reinforced. Let's start with the uniforms: girls
skirt, boys’ pants. Faithful defenders of equality, yes, if when allowed to wear street
clothes, girls cannot wear shorts or skirts, if when you have to do errands that require
physical effort, such as carrying boxes or any other heavy object, the following
sentence is heard: "I need strong guys to lower these boxes.". If the educational
environment presents these situations, why do we miss the continuity of macho
We can also extrapolate these situations to the domestic environment; although it is
true that in recent times many more men have been involved in domestic chores,
women are still the main responsible for these.
Therefore, feminism is a necessary movement since it would be wonderful a future in
which there was no need for marches or protests to demand elementary rights, in
which there were no religions that belittled women by subjecting them, for example,
to genital mutilation, in which there was a real democracy. Although many people are
concerned, women and men are feminists because of conviction and what is sought
with this movement is the equality of rights and duties between men and women; and
make up the inequalities to make them known and be able to correct them.

“A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and
men” Gloria Steinem


¿Qué es realmente el feminismo? La respuesta definitiva. (2019). Retrieved

from https://buhomag.elmundo.es/my-life/que-es-realmente-el-
5 Common Misconceptions When It Comes To Feminism. (2019). Retrieved
from https://www.the-unedit.com/posts/2018/1/26/5-common-
20 Misconceptions About Feminism That Need To Go. (2019). Retrieved
from https://www.theodysseyonline.com/20-misconceptions-about-
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feminism | Definition of feminism in English by Oxford Dictionaries. (2019).
Retrieved from https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/feminism
Los movimientos feministas como motores del cambio social. (2019).
Retrieved from http://www.mujeresenred.net/spip.php?article135
País, E. (2019). El discurso de Helen Mirren para las mujeres que no se
consideran feministas. Retrieved from

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