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Kukatpally, Hyderabad.


IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: triangle, Area of Triangle, Collinearity of

1) Immediately fill in the particulars on this Points, Locus (Simple problems), Translation
page of the Test Booklet with Blue/Black and Rotation of axes (70%)
Ball Point Pen. Use of pencil is strictly PHYSICS:
prohibited. Constraint equations, Problems in NLM
2) The test is of 3 hours duration. without friction (Including spring
3) The Test Booklet consists of 90 questions. problems)(70%)
The maximum marks are 360. Newton’s Laws Of Motion (Without
4) There are three parts in the question paper Friction): Cause of motion, cause for the
A, B, C consisting of Chemistry, Maths change of motion, Newton's first law,
and Physics having 30 questions in each
qualitative definition of force, inertia and
mass, types of inertia, Newton's second law,
part of equal weight age. Each question is
quantitative definition of force, definition of
allotted 4 (four) marks for correct response.
unit force, dimensional formula and SI units
5) Candidates will be awarded marks as stated of force, Newton's third law, action and
above in instruction No. 4 for correct reaction, Internal and external forces in case
response of each question. (1/4) (one fourth) of system of objects, Discussion on
marks will be deducted for indicating cancellation of action and reaction forces,
incorrect response of each question. No Inertial and non inertial frames of reference
deduction from the total score will be made and pseudo force, Problems on simple
if no response is indicated for an item in the application of NLM - Atwood machine, Lift
answer sheet. problems, spring balance, weighing machine
6) There is only one correct response for each etc, EXCLUDE : The problems involving
question. Filling up more than one response constraints like multiple pulley & multiple
in any question will be treated as wrong contact problems(30%)
response and marks for CHEMISTRY: Liquid Solutions and
wrong response will be deducted Colligative Properties: Henry's law, Vapour
pressure, Ideal solution, Determination of
accordingly as per
molecular weight by relative lowering of
instruction 5 above.
vapour pressure, elevation of boiling point,
depression of freezing point, osmtoic
SYLLABUS pressure(including Vant-hoff factor) (70%),
MATHS: Buffer solutions, INDICATORS, salt
Matrices (30%); 2-D GEOMETRY: hydrolysis, Solubility of sparingly soluble
Distance Formula, Section formula, Finding salts and solubility product(30%),
various Centres with given vertices of a
CHEMISTRY decreasing the volume of the gas above
01. the liquid to one half of its initial volume
(assume temperature constant).

Which of these relations is correct 1) 8.77 mmHg

1) T1 T2 T3 2) T3 T1 T2 2) 17.54 mmHg
3) 35.08 mmHg
3) T1 T2 T3 4) T1 T2 T3
4) between 8.77 and 17.54 mmHg
02. Given at 350K P o 300 torr and
A 04. A sample of air is saturated with benzene
PBo 800 torr, the composition of the (vapor pressure = 100 mmHg at 298 K) at
mixture having a normal boiling point 298 K, 750 mm Hg pressure. If it is
of 350 K is: isothermally compressed to one third of
1) X A 0.08 2) X A 0.06 its initial volume, the final pressure of the
3) X A 0.04 4) X A 0.02 system is

03. The vapour pressure of water at 200 C 1) 2250 torr 2) 2150 torr

is 17.54 mmHg. What will be the 3) 2050 torr 4) 1950 torr

vapour pressure of the water in the 05. Assuming the formation of an ideal

apparatus shown after the piston is solution, determine the boiling point of a

lowered, mixture containing 1560 g benzene

(molar mass = 78) and 1125 g

space for rough work Page 2

(molar mass = 112.5 ) using the C1, C2 and C3; each containing (non
following against an external pressure volatile) NaCl as solute and water as
of 1000 Torr. solvent, as shown in Fig. If the vessel 2
gains weight and the vessel 3 loses
weight, then

1) 900 C 2) 1000 C

3)1100 4) 1200 C 1) C2 C3 2) C1 C2
06. Barium ions, CN and Co 2 form an 3) C1 C3 4) Both (1) and (2)
ionic complex. If that complex is 08. When only a little quantity of HgCl2 s is
supposed to be 75% ionized in water added to excess KI(aq) to obtain a clear
with vant Hoff factor ‘i’ equal to four, solution, which of the following is true
then the coordination number of Co for this solution ? (no volume change on
in the complex can be: mixing). The reaction is
1) Six 4KI aq HgCl2 s K2 HgI4 aq. 2KCI aq.
2) Five
1) Its boiling and freezing points remains
3) Four
4) Six and Four both
2) Its boiling point is lowered
07. Dry air is slowly passed through three
3) Its vapour pressure become lower
solutions of different concentrations,
4) Its freezing point is lowered.

space for rough work Page 3

09. For a solution of 0.849 g of mercurous 11. Inulin C6 H10O5 n
is dissolved in a
chloride in 50 g of HgCl2 the suitable solvent and the osmotic pressure
freezing point depression is 1.240 C. of the solution of various
K f for HgCl2 is 34.3K-kg/mol. What concentration in kg / m3 is measured at
is the state of mercurous chloride in 200 C . The slope of a plot of against c
HgCl2 ? Hg 200, Cl 35.5 3
is found to be 8.134 10 (Sl units) The
1) as Hg2Cl2 molecules molecular weight of the Inulin (in
2) as HgCl molecules kg/mol) is:
3) as Hg and Cl ions
1) 4.8 105 2) 9 105
4) as Hg 22 and Cl ions
3) 293 103 4) 8.314 105
10. Two beakers, one containing 20 ml of
12. Which has maximum freezing point?
a 0.05 M aqueous solution of a non-
volatile, non electrolyte and the other, 1) 6g urea solution in 100g H 2 O

the same volume of 0.03 M aqueous 2) 6g acetic acid solution in 100g H 2 O

solution of NaCl, are placed side by 3) 6g sodium chloride in 100g H 2 O
side in a closed enclosure. What are
4) All have equal freezing point
the volumes in the two beakers when
13. Select correct statements:
equilibrium is attained? Volume of the
a) The fundamental cause of all
solution in the first and second beaker
are respectively. colligative properties is the higher
1) 21.8 mL and 18.2 mL
entropy of the solution relative to that of
2) 18.2 mL and 21.8 mL
the pure solvent
3) 20 mL and 20 mL
4) 17.1 mL and 22.9 mL
space for rough work Page 4
b) The freezing point of hydrogen 16. A 0.50 molal solution of ethylene glycol
fluoride solution is larger than that of in water is used as coolant in a car. If the
equimolal hydrogen chloride solution freezing point constant of water is 1.86o
c) 1 M glucose solution and 0.5 M per molal, at which temperature will the
NaCl solution are isotonic at a given mixture freeze?
temperature 1) 1.56o C 2) 0.93o C
1) only a 2) only b
3) 1.86o C 4) 0.93o C
3) only c 4) a,b, c
14. The vapour pressure of a pure liquid A 17. During depression of freezing point in a
is 40 mmHg at 310 K. The vapour solution the following are in equilibrium:
pressure of this liquid in a solution 1) Liquid solvent, solid solvent
with liquid B is 32 mmHg. Mole 2) Liquid solvent, solid solute
fraction of A in the solution, if it obeys 3) Liquid solute, solid solute
Raoult’s law is: 4) Liquid solute, solid solvent
1) 0.8 2) 0.5 18. Which of the following aqueous solutions
3) 0.2 4) 0.4 will show maximum freezing point.
15. Depression of freezing point of 0.01 1) 0.4M K 2 Fe Fe CN
molal aq. CH3COOH solution is
2) 500 ml of 0.2 BaCl2 solution mixed
0.02046o . 1 molal urea solution freezes

at (– 1.86o C). Assuming molality equal with 500 ml of 0.4M Na 2SO4 solution
to molarity, pH of CH3COOH solution
3) 0.3M glucose solution
4) 0.1M Ba 3 PO4 2
1) 2 2) 3
3) 3.2 4) 4.2
space for rough work Page 5
19. pH of a saturated solution of silver salt 21. What is the maximum concentration of
of monobasic acid HA is found to be Mg 2
that can be introduced into a
9. Select the option(s) which is / are solution containing 0.1 M NH3 and
correct. Given: K a HA 10
0.01 M NH4 without causing
a) Solubility of the silver salt is precipitation of Mg OH 2
? K b of
1.1 10 5 mol / lit NH3 10 6 , K sp of Mg OH 2
1.2 10 12

b) Solubility product of the silver salt 1) 0.012 M 2) 0.24 M

11 3) 0.024 M 4) 0.048M
is 1.1 10 M2
22. If K sp of PbSO4 is 4 10 , then what is
c) Concentration of Ag in the solution
the loss in wt. of PbSO4 if it is washed
will be greater than that of A .
with 5 lit of water.
1) only a,b 2) only b,c
(mol.wt of PbSO 4 303 g / mol)
3) only a,c 4) a,b, c
1)6.06 mg 2) 12.12 mg
20. 100 ml aqueous 0.1 molar M CN 2
3) 30.3 mg 4) 0.1 mg
(80% ionized ) solution is mixed with
23. For a series of indicators, the colours and
100 ml of 0.05 molar H2SO4 solution
pH range over which colour change takes
(80% ionized ). What is the pH of the
place are as follows
resultant solution at 25 C ? (Assume Indicator Colour change over Ph
no hydrolysis of M , range
K b of CN 10 6 ) U Yellow to blue pH
1) 6 2) 8 0.0 to 1.6
3) 9 4) 7 V red to yellow pH 2.8 to 4.1
W red to yellow pH 4.2 to
space for rough work Page 6
X yellow to blue pH 25. During the titration of a weak diprotic
6.0 to 7.7 acid H 2A against a strong base NaOH ,
Y colourless to red pH
8.2 to 10.0 the pH of the solution half –way to the
Which of the following statements is first inflection point and that at the first
inflection point are given respectively by
1) Indicator V could be used to find
1) pK1 and pK1 pK 2
the equivalence point for 0.1 M acetic
pK1 pK 2
acid and 0.1 M ammonium hydroxide 2) K1ca and
(ammonia solution) titration pK pK 2
3) pK1 and 1
2) Indicator Y could be used to pK pK 2
4) pK1 pK w and 1
distinguish between 0.1 M and 0.001 pK w

M NaOH solutions in water. 26. A 0.10 M solution of fluoride ions is

3) Indicator X could be used to gradually added to a solution containing

distinguish between solutions of Ba 2 , Ca 2 , and Pb 2 ions, each at a

ammonium chloride and sodium concentration of 1 10 M. In what
acetate. order, from first to last, will the
4) Indicator W would be suitable for precipitates of BaF2 ,CaF2 and PbF2 form?
use in determining the concentration of K sp
acetic acid by strong base titration. 7
BaF2 1.8 10
24. The pH of the mixture of 25 ml of
0.01M of CH3COOH CaF2 1.5 10
5 7
K a of CH 3COOH 5 10 and 25 ml PbF2 7.1 10
of 0.01M of NaOH solution is 1) CaF2 , PbF2 , BaF2 2) BaF2 , CaF2 , PbF2
1) 7 2) 8
3) 10.25 4) 9.125 3) PbF2 , BaF2 ,CaF2 4) CaF2 ,BaF2 , PbF2

space for rough work Page 7

27. If solubility of Hg 2Cl2 is s, then K sp is toluene 22 mmHg
1) The vapour will contain a higher
1) 4s2 2) 4s3
3) s3 4) 4s4 percentage of benzene
28. In the given figure, with passage of 2) The vapour will contain a higher
time, the concentration is expected to
percentage of toluene.
change as
3) The vapour will contain equal amounts

0.1 M 0.05 M of benzene and toluene

NaCl BaCl2
Solution solution
4) Not enough information is given to

Semipermeable make a prediction.


1) Concentration of NaCl increases 30. Moles of K 2SO4 to be dissolved in 12

2) Concentration of BaCl2 increases mol water to lower its vapour pressure by

3) both concentrations remain
10 mm of Hg at a temperature at which
4) both concentrations decrease vapour pressure of pure water is 50 mm

29. Which statement about the is :

composition of the vapour over an
1) 3 mol 2) 2 mol
ideal 1:1 molar mixture of benzene and
toluene is correct? Assume the 3) 1 mol 4) 0.5 mol

temperature is constant at 250 C .

Vapour Pressure Data,
Benzene 75 mmHg
space for rough work Page 8
MATHS 34. Area formed by 2 x 3 2y 6 8 is

31. A, B and C are n-rowed square 1)4 2)32

matrices and if A = B + C, C2 = O and 3)16 4)6
for n N , 35. A, B, C are three matrices of the same

An+1 = Bn [ B + (n + 1) C ], when order such that any two are symmetric

1) BC = CB. 2) AC=B and remaining 3rd one is skew

3)A=BC 4)NONE symmetric. Now X = ABC + CBA and
32. All the elements of a square matrix A Y = ABC - CBA, then (XY)T is
of order n are non-negative. If aij, 1) symmetric 2)skew symmetric
i j , is the least non-negative value 3) I -XY 4) -YX

of the function. f(x) = x2 + 2x – 1 and 36. The point (4, 1) undergoes the following

tr (A) = l, then maximum value of |A| three transformations successively.

will be (i) Reflection about the line y x

(ii) Translation through a distance 2 units
1) ln 2) (n)n
along the positive direction of x - axis
1 n
3) 4) ln(n)
n (iii) Rotation through an angle about
33. If every element of a square non the origin in the anticlockwise direction.
singular matrix A is multiplied by k The final position of the point is given
and the new matrix is denoted by B by the coordinates
1 1
then A and B are related as 1 7
1) , 2) 2, 7 2
1 1 1
2 2
1) A K B 2) A B
1 7
1 1
3) , 4) 2, 7 2
3) A n
K B 1
4) A K n
B 1 2 2

space for rough work Page 9

37. Line L has intercepts a and b on the centre of the circle passing through the
coordinate axes, when the axes are end points is
rotated through a given angle; keeping 1) 4 x 2 y 2 a 2 b2
the origin fixed, the same line has 2) x 2 y 2 a 2 b2
intercepts p and q, then
3) 4 x 2 y 2 a 2 b2
1) a 2 b 2 p2 q2
4) x2 y 2 a2 b2
1 1 1 1
2) 2
a b2 p2 q2 40. If a line segment AM=a moves in the XY
3) a 2 p 2 b2 q 2 plane and always parallel to OX so that
1 1 1 1 the left end point A slides along the circle
a2 p2 b2 q2 x2 y2 a2 , the locus of M is
38. A ray of light coming from the point 1) x 2 y 2 4a 2
(1, 2) is reflected at a point A on the x- 2) x 2 y 2 2 ax
axis and then passes through the point
3) x 2 y2 2ay
(5, 3). The coordinates of the point A
4) x 2 y 2 2ax 2ay 0
13 5
41. The coordinates of point P are a , b
1) ,0 2) ,0
5 13 where a is root of the equation
3) 7, 0 4) none of these x2 x 42 0 and b is integral root of the

39. Two rods of lengths a and b slide equation x 2 ax a 2 37 0.

along the x-axis and y-axis The co ordinates P can be

respectively in such a manner that their 1) 6, 4 2) 7, 4
ends are concyclic. The locus of the 3) 7, 3 4) 6, 3

space for rough work Page 10

42. If the points A 3, 4 , B 7,12 and P x, x 45. A rod of length l moves such that its

are such that PA

2 2
AB then
ends A and B always lie on the lines
3x y 5 0 and y 5 0 respectively. The
the integral value of x can be
locus of the point P, which divides AB
1)7 2)12
internally in the ratio 2:1, is
3)10 4)20
1 2 2
43. Ai 1 , Bi 1 , Ci 1 be the points which l2 ax by 5 9 y 3 then
divides respectively the sides BiCi , 1) K=4,a+b=6 2) k 3, a b 5
Ci Ai , Ai Bi of triangle Ai Bi Ci internally in 3) a b 0, k 2 4) K 1, a b 4
the ratio 2:3 for all i=1,2,3……if 46. A line cuts the x-axis at A 7, 0 and the
A1 3, 4 , B1 0, 2 , C1 6, 3 then the
y- axis at B 0, 5 .A variable line PQ is
centroid of the triangle A8 B8C8 is drawn perpendicular to AB cutting the x-
3 axis at P and Y-axis at Q. If AQ and BP
1) 3,1 2) 7
2 intersect at R and the locus of R is
1 1 1
3) ,1 4) , 7
7 x2 y 2 ax by 0 then
3 3 2
44. A variable line ”L” is drawn through 1) a=7,b=5 2) a=-7,b=3
0(0,0) to meet the lines L1 and L2 given 3) a=3,b=6 4) a=1,b=-1

by y x 10 0 and y x 20 0 at the 47. Let A 2, 3 and B 2,1 be vertices of a

points A and B respectively. ABC if the centroid of this triangle

A point P is taken on ‘L’ such that moves on the line 2 x 3 y 1 , then the
2 1 1 locus of the vertex C is the line
then the locus of P is
1) 2 x 3 y 9 2) 2 x 3 y 7
1) 3x 3 y 40 2) 3x 3 y 40 0
3) 3x 2 y 5 4) 3x 2 y 3
3) 3x 3 y 40 4) 3 y 3x 40
space for rough work Page 11
48. The coordinate axes are rotated are exhausted. Then the coordinates of
through an angle 220 about the origin, the final point so obtained is
If the equation lx1 mx2 kx3 ly1 my2 ky3
1) ,
l m k l m k
4 x 2 12 xy 9 y 2 6 x 9 y 2 0 changes
x1 y1
to ax2 2hxy by 2 2 gx 2 fy c 0 then 2) ,
n 1 n 1
h 3 h
1) 2) 3
a 5 c xi yi
3) ,
g 1 a i i
3) 4) 4
c 2 c
xi yi
4) ,
49. The coordinate axes are rotated n n
through an angle about the origin in
51. Let S1 , S2 ,..... be the squares such that for
anticlock wise sense, If the equation
each n 1 the length of the side Sn is
2 x 2 3xy 6 x 2 y 4 0 changes to
equal to length of the diagonal of Sn 1 . If
2 2
ax 2hxy by 2 gx 2 fy c 0 then
the length of the side of S1 is 10 cm, then
the least value of n for which area of
1)1 2)0
Sn 1 sq.cm given by
3)2 4)3
1) 7 2) 8
50. A1 , A2 , A3..... An are n points whose
3) 9 4) 10
coordinates are
52. If the square ABCD where
x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , x3 , y3 ..... xn , yn . A1 A2 is
A 0, 0 , B 2, 0 , C 2, 2 and D 0, 2
bisected at G1.G1 A3 divided in the ratio
undergoes the following three
1:2 at G2 .G2 A4 is divided in the ratio
transformations successively
1:3 at G3 and so on until all the points
i) f1 x, y y, x

space for rough work Page 12

ii) f 2 x, y x 3 y, y OP OQ a , then the locus of foot of

x y x y perpendicular from origin on PQ is

iii) f3 x, y ,
2 2
1) ( x y ) x 2 y 2 axy
Then the final figure is
2) ( x y) x 2 y 2 axy
1) Square 2) parallelogram
3) Rhombus 4) rectangle 3) ( x y ) x 2 y 2 a( x y )

53. The variable line drawn through the 4) ( x y) x 2 y 2 axy

point the point (1,3) meets the x-axis at 56. Given P a , 0 and Q a, 0 and R is a
A and y-axis at B. If the rectangle
variable point on one side of the line PQ
OAPB is completed .Where “O” in the
such that RPQ RQP 2 . The locus
origin, then locus of “P” is
of the point R is
1 3
1) 1 2) x 3 y 1 1) x 2 y 2 2 xy cot 2 a2
y x
1 3 2) x 2 y 2 2 xy tan 2 a2
3) 1 4) 3x y 1
x y
3) x 2 y 2 2 xy tan 2 a2
54. The straight line passing through the
4) x 2 y 2 2 xy cot 2 a2
point (8,4) and cuts y-axis at B x-axis 4
57. If ( xi2 yi2 ) 2 x1 x3 2 x2 x4 2 y2 y3 2 y1 y4
at A. The locus of mid point of AB is i 1

1) xy 2 x 4 y 64 the points x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , x3 , y3 , x4 , y4
2) xy 2 x 4 y 0 are
3) xy 4 x 2 y 8 0 1) The vertices of a rectangle
4) xy 4 x 2 y 72 2) Collinear
55. P and Q are two variable points on the 3) The vertices of a trapezium
axes of x and y respectively such that 4) Rhombus

space for rough work Page 13

58. Through the point p , , where PHYSICS
61. Let u be the initial velocity of a particle
x y
0 , the straight line 1 is and F be the resultant force acting on it.
a b
drawn so as to form a triangle of area
(A) If u F 0 and F is constant then the
S with the axes. If ab>0, then the least particle may retrace its path

value of S is (B) If u.F 0 and F is constant then the

particle trajectory is parabola with
1) 2) 2
increasing speed.
3) 3 4) none (C) If u F 0 and F is constant the

59. The maximum area of the triangle particles travels along a straight line.

whose sides a,b, and c satisfy Then

0 a 1,1 b 2 and 2 c 3 is 1) A and B are only correct

2) A, B and C are correct
1)1 2)1/2
3) Band C are only correct
3)2 4) 3/2
4) A, B and C are wrong
60. If A, B and C are the angles of a
62. A ball is projected vertically up from the
triangle, then the matrix is
floor of a room. The ball experiences air
sin 2 A sin C sin B resistance that is directly proportional to
A sin C sin 2 B sin A is
the speed of the ball. Just before hitting
sin B sin A sin 2C
the ceiling the speed of the ball is 10m/s
1) Singular 2) non –singular and its retardation is ‘2g’. The ball

3) Idempotent 4) null matrix rebounds from the ceiling without any

loss of speed and falls on the floor in 2
space for rough work Page 14
sec after making the impact with the block D and the front vertical wall of the
ceiling. The height of the building is cart is
1) 15m 2) 25m
3) 30m al ground 4) 20m
63. N identical carts are connected to each
other using strings of negligible mass. 1) 16N 2) 20N
A pulling force F is applied on the first 3) 24N 4) 8N
car and the system moves without 65. Three blocks A, B and C are placed in an
friction along a horizontal ground. The ideal Atwood machine as shown in the
tension in the string connecting 4th and figure. When the system is released from
5 th carts is twice the tension in the rest it was found that the tension in the
string connecting 8th and 9th cart. The string connecting A and C was more than
number of carts is thrice the tension in the string connecting
1) 16 2) 12 A and B. The masses of the blocks A, B
3) 20 4) 8 and C are m1, m2 and m3 respectively.
64. A toy cart has a mass of 4kg and is Then pick out the INCORRECT option
kept on a smooth horizontal surface. of the following.
Four blocks A, B, C and D of masses
2kg, 2kg, 1kg and 1kg respectively
have been placed on the cart as shown
in the figure. A horizontal force
F=40N is applied on the block A as
shown. The contact force between the
space for rough work Page 15
1) m3 can have any finite value load starts from rest and must come to
2) m1 2m2 rest when it reaches the height ‘h’ is
3) The ratio of the tensions in the 1)
4 h
4 h
g ( 1) g ( 1)
strings mentioned above depends on
m3 2 h 2 h
3) 4)
g ( 1) g ( 1)
4) All the blocks have same
68. In the arrangement shown the system is
acceleration in magnitude
in equilibrium. Mass of the block A is M
66. In an ideal Atwood machine having
and that of insect clinging to the block B
only two blocks on either side of
is ‘m’. The pulley is ideal and string is
pulley the sum of two masses is
light. The insect loses the contact with
constant. If the string can sustain a
the block B and begins to fall. The time
tension equal to of the weight of
30 after which the separation between the
the sum of the two masses the least block B and insect becomes L is
acceleration of the masses would be
(in ms-2) (g=10ms-2)
1) 2 2) 5
3) 4 4) 10
67. A load of ‘W’ Newton is to be raised
vertically through a height ‘h’ using a 2M m L M m L
1) 2)
Mg Mg
light rope. The greatest tension that the
4 M m L M m L
3) 4)
Mg 2 Mg
time of ascent if it is required that the
69. A pulley mounted on a stand which is
placed on a weighing scale. The
space for rough work Page 16
combined mass of the stand and the 71. In the given arrangement all strings and
pulley is M0. A light string passes over pulleys are light. When the system was
the smooth pulley and the two masses released it was observed that M and m0
m and M (>m) are connected to its free do not move. Then pick out the
ends as shown. The reading of the INCORRECT option of the following.
weighing scale when the two masses
are left free to move is

1) M
4Mmg 2Mmg m1 m2
1) M0g 2) M0g
M m M m 4m1m2
2) m0
4Mmg 2Mmg m1 m2
3) M0g 4) M0g
M m M m
3) If the string just above m2 is cut all
70. A block is slides down a smooth
remaining masses fall with different
The maximum value of its horizontal
4) If the string just above m2 is cut all
component of acceleration is
remaining masses fall with same
1) gcos 2) g/2
g cos
3) 4) g/4

space for rough work Page 17

72. Three blocks A,B and C each of mass the ground. The spring constant of spring
‘m’ are placed on a smooth horizontal is
table. All the other surfaces of contact
are also smooth. A horizontal force ‘F’
is on each of the blocks A and B as
shown. The ratio of normal forces
exerted by the ground on A, B and C is
2 3

1) 2Sdg 2) Sdg
3) Sdg/2 4) None

1) 1:1:1 2) 1:2:3 74. A triangular wedge ‘W’ having mass M

3) 3:1:2 4) 2:1:3 is placed on an inclined plane with its

73. A U-shaped container has uniform face AB horizontal. Inclination of the

cross sectional area ‘S’. It is suspended

vertically with the help of a spring and the wedge there is a lies an infinite tower

two strings A and B as shown in the of rectangular blocks. Blocks 1, 2, 3,

figure. The spring and the strings are 4…… have masses

light. When water of density ‘d’ is M,M/2,M/4,M/8,…..respectively. All the

poured slowly in to the container it is surfaces of contact are smooth. The

observed that the level of water contact force between the blocks 1 and 2

remained unchanged with respect to is

space for rough work Page 18

1) 2.9 sec 2) 3.9 sec
3) 4 sec 4) 2 sec
76. A wedge of mass ‘m’ is placed on a
horizontal smooth table. A block of same
mass is placed at the midpoint of smooth
inclined surface having length ‘L’ as
2 2 0
Mg cos Mg cos and the
1) 2)
1 sin 2 1 2 sin 2
body is released and simultaneously a
2Mg cos
3) 4) None constant horizontal force is applied on the
1 2 sin 2
75. Blocks A and B have dimensions as wedge as shown. The value of the force F
shown in the figure and their masses is 1.5 times the value for which the block
are 8kg and 1kg respectively. A small remains at rest with respect to the wedge.
block C of mass 0.5kg is placed on the Then the time after which the block will
top left corner of block A. All the come out of the inclined surface is
surfaces of contact are smooth. A
horizontal force F=18N is applied on
the block B at time t=0. The time after
which the block C will touch the
ground is (take g=10ms-2)
3L 3L
1) 2)
g 2 2g

L 2L
3) 4)
g 2 g

space for rough work Page 19

77. In the system shown in the figure all
the surfaces of contact are smooth and
the string and pulley are light and the
. When
released from rest it was found that the
wedge of mass m0doenot move. The
value of M/m is

1) 2L/3 2) 2L/5
3) L/2 4) L/5
79. In the system shown all the surface of
1) 0.2 2) 0.4 contact are smooth and the pulleys are
3) 5 4) 2.5 ideal and the string is light. Block on the
78. In the system shown in the figure the incline surface of A is ‘m’. Mass of A
two springs S1 and S2 have force and B are respectively ‘4m’ and ‘2m’.
constant ‘K’ each. Initially the system The acceleration of the wedge ‘A’ when
is in equilibrium with spring S1 the system is released from rest is
stretched and the spring S2 relaxed.
The end A of the string is pulled down
slowly through a distance ‘L’. The
distance by which the block of mass
‘M’ moves is
1) 6g/47 2) 9g/47
3) 3g/47 4) 2g/47

space for rough work Page 20

80. A person applies a constant force F on
a particle of mass ‘m’ and finds that
the particle moves in a circle of radius
‘r’ with a uniform speed ‘v’ as seen (
in the plane of motion) from an inertial
frame of reference. Select the correct
1) This is not possible
2) There are other forces acting on the 1) Acceleration of 7kg block is zero

particle 2) Acceleration of 5kg block is zero

3) The resultant of the other forces is 3) Acceleration of 6kg block is

100/6 ms-2
directed towards the center
r 4) Acceleration of 4kg block is 5ms-2
4) The resultant of the other forces 82. In the figure there are two particles A and
varies in direction not in magnitude B each of mass ‘m’. A is connected to the
81. In the given diagram the pulley is ceiling by a light inextensible string OA
friction less and massless. Both the and B is connected to A by light
springs are having same force constant inextensible string AB. Initially the line
10N/m. Initially with the string OB is vertical. System is released from
attached to the ground the total system
is at rest. Now the string is cut, then 5
respectively. Then the value of
immediately after cutting the string
pick out the INCORRECT option of is

the following.

space for rough work Page 21

3) Acceleration of the block C will be
4) Acceleration of the block C will be 7
84. In the system shown in the figure a block
B of negligible mass is connected to a
particle of mass 1kg with non-stretchable
1) 2 2) 1
string. Now the hanging particle is given
3)3 4) 4
a velocity 8gH horizontally when the
83. Two blocks A and B are kept on
system is at rest. The initial acceleration
smooth surfaces having accelerations
-2 -2
of block B is ‘4K’ ms-2. The value of K
a1 3t ms and a2 4t ms
is( g=10ms-2, H=2m)
respectively. Block C is attached to
massless and frictionless pulley as
shown in the figure. Then at time t=2
sec (Assume initially the system is at

1) 4 2) 5
3) 7 4) 6
85. Block A is on a frictionless horizontal
table. A massless and inextensible string
fixed at one end passes over a smooth
1) Velocity of block C is 25/6 ms-1
nail fixed with the block A. The other end
2) Velocity of the block C is 30 ms-1
space for rough work Page 22
is connected to block B of mass m as
shown in the figure. Initially the block
. The
magnitude of the acceleration of the
block B just after the it is released is --
-----ms-2(take g=10ms-2)
F02 T2
1) u 2) u
2m 8m
3) u 4) u
4m 2m
87. Two masses m and M are attached with
strings as shown. For the system to be in
equilibrium we have

1) 2 2) 4
3) 3 4) 5
86. A particle of mass m, initially at rest, is
acted upon by a variable force F for a
brief interval of time T. It begins to
move with a velocity u after the force
2M 2m
stops acting. F is shown in the graph as 1) tan 1 2) tan 1
m M
a function of time. The curve is an M m
3) tan 1 4) tan 1
2m 2M
88. A string of negligible mass going over a
clamped pulley of mass m supports a
block of mass M as shown in the figure.

space for rough work Page 23

The force on the pulley by the clamp is 90. A bead of mass m is fitted on a rod and
given by can move on it without friction. Initially
the bead is at the middle of the rod and
the rod moves translationally in a
horizontal plane with an acceleration a0

in a direction forming an with the rod.

The acceleration of bead with respect to
1) 2Mg rod is
2) 2mg
3) M m m2 g

4) M m M2 g

89. Three identical rigid circular cylinders

A, B and C arranged on smooth
inclined surfaces as shown in figure. 1) g sin

The least value of that prevents the 2) g a0 sin

arrangement from collapsing is 3) g sin a0 cos

4) g sin a0 cos

1 1 1 1
1) tan 2) tan
2 2 3

1 1 1 1
3) tan 4) tan
3 3 4 3
space for rough work Page 24
Kukatpally, Hyderabad.
Max. Marks: 360


1 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 2 6 2
7 4 8 2 9 1 10 2 11 3 12 1
13 4 14 1 15 2 16 2 17 1 18 3
19 4 20 2 21 1 22 3 23 3 24 2
25 3 26 4 27 2 28 2 29 1 30 3

31 1 32 3 33 3 34 2 35 4 36 3
37 2 38 1 39 3 40 2 41 2 42 4
43 1 44 4 45 1 46 1 47 1 48 2
49 3 50 4 51 2 52 2 53 3 54 2
55 2 56 4 57 1 58 2 59 1 60 1

61 2 62 4 63 2 64 1 65 3 66 1
67 4 68 1 69 1 70 2 71 3 72 3
73 1 74 2 75 1 76 1 77 1 78 2
79 1 80 2 81 3 82 1 83 3 84 2
85 1 86 3 87 1 88 4 89 3 90 4
1. P K m X
As T Km i.e. slope

T3 T2 T1

2. P0 300 torr

P0 800 torr

Normal boiling point Ps Patm 760 torr

760 300X A 800 1 X A

500X A 40

XA 0.08

3. po 17.54

After V2 , V.P of H 2O does not change
vapour corresponding to and P 17.54 mm and T 200 C is converted to liquid
4. Pair 750 Pdryair Pbenzene

Pdryair 750 100 650

On making volume 1/3rd, Pdryair becomes

3 times P1 650 3 1950

new Pair 1950 Pbenzene = 1950+1000
= 2050 torr
5. n benzene 20
n chlorobenzene 10
Boiling point Ps Pext 1000 PB PCB

2 1 0
1000 PB0 PCB
3 3

3000 2PB0 0
PCB at that T

Page 2
at 900 C, 2 1000 200 3000

at 1000 C, 2 1350 300 3000

at 1100 C, 2 1800 400 3000

at 1200 C, 2 2200 540 3000

1000 C
6. i 1 n 1

4 1 n 1 0.75

n 1 3 n 5 no. of ions

Baa Co CN x b

2a 2 x b 0 1 0x. nos.

a b 5 2 from n 5

2 a b bx 0

2 5 bx 0 bx 10 3

Value of b a, b, x are integers is 2 or 1

i.e. x = 5 or 10
Ans = 5
7. If P1, P2 and P3 are vapour pressure of solutions in vessel 1,2 and 3 respectively. After
through vessel-1, pH2O in dry air is P1 . After passing through vessel – 2, pH2O is P2 .
Given vessel-
2 gains weight.
P2 P1

similarly vessel-3 loses weight P3 P2

P1 P2 C1 C2

P3 P2 C3 C2

Both (1) and (2) are correct

8. 4KI aq HgCl2 s K 2 HgI4 aq
2KCl aq

Total Conc. of ions initially = 4 2 C 8C

Page 3
Total Conc. of ions finally = 1 3 C 2 2 C 7C

conc. of solutions decreases

Hence boiling point decreases
Freezing point decreases
Vapour pressure increases
9. Tf ik f m

i 1 association
Hg 2 Cl 2

10. Transfer happens till V.P are equal

i.e effective conc are equal
if x is volume transferred from beaker 1 to 2
0.05 20 0.03 20
20 x 20 x

20 x 24 1.2x

x 1.8mL
Final volume in beaker 1 = 20 1.8 18.2 mL
Beaker 2= 20+1.8 = 21.8 mL
11. CST

n W kg ST
v V m3 M

ST 8.314 293 3
slope = 8.314 10
M M kg/mol

M 293 103 kg / mol

12. max freezing point min effective conc.

1) 0.1mol
2) 1 0.1 1 mol
3) 2 0.3
Page 4
13. 2) HF is a weaker acid lower conc higher F.P
3) effective conc. of both is 1M
14. PA 40 PA 32
PA P A XA 40X A XA 0.8

15. Tf iKf m

0.02046 = i k f 0.01 - (1) CH3COOH

1.86 = Kf 1 - (2) ( urea)

i 1
1.86 0.01
H c 0.01 0.1 10

pH = 3
16. Tf kf m

1.86 0.5 0.930

Tf 0 0.93 0.930 C

17. Conceptual
18. max. freezing point less effective conc.
1) 0.4 4 1.6M
2) BaSO4 is ppted out. Left over ions :

Cl 0.2

SO 24 0.1

Na 0.4

0.7 M

3) 0.3 M
4) 0.1 5 0.5M

AgA s Ag A
x x y

Page 5
x y y y

y2 kw 10 14
x x y Ksp ; 10
x y ka 10
10 5
OH 9
y 10

5 2

10 6
A 4
10 x y
x 10 105 1.1 10 5

5 6
Ag Ag 1.1 10 10

1.1 10

Ag A

20. mmoles of M CN 2

mmoles of H2SO 4 5

M CN 2

10 1 0.08 10 0.8 2 10 0.8

=2 8 16
H 2SO 4 2H SO4 2

5 1 0.8 2 5 0.8 5 0.8

=1 8 4

8 16
-8 -8 +8
8 8
it’s a buffer of HCN
Page 6
pH pK a log 14 6 log1
NH 4
21. buffer poH= pK b log

= 6 log 5
OH 10

2 2
Mg OH Ksp

1.2 10
2 2
Mg 10
1.2 10
22. PbSO4 Pb

S2 4 10 10

S 2 10 5 mol / lit
solubility in 5 lit of H 2 O 2 10 5

i.e weight = 303 10 0.0303gm

= 30.3mg
23. 1) pH at eq pt of CH3COOH & NH4OH 7 (beyond range)
2) pH of 0.1 M NaOH = 13 red
0.001M NaOH = 11 red
3) NH 4Cl acidic, CH3COONa basic

yellow blue

4) CH3COOH titration gives basic solu at eq pt

W not suitable
24. CH3COO at eq pt = 0.005M
pKa log C
pH= 7

5 log 5 3 log 5

7 1 8
Page 7
25. 1st Inflection pt 1st neutralization pt
half way HA H 2A

pH = pKa1 log pKa1
H2 A

at neutralization pt, only HA is present

pKa1 pKa 2

26. F req for ppth of

Ksp 1.8 10
1) BaF2 2
= 3
Ba 10

1.5 10
2) CaF2 3
7.1 10
3) PbF2 3

F req for CaF2 BaF2 PbF2

CaF2 ppts 1

HgCl 2 s Hg 22 2Cl
s 2s
Ksp s 2s

= 4s3
28. effective conc. of NaCl sol = 0.1 2 0.2M
effective conc. of BaCl2 soln 0.05 3 0.15M
Nacl Bacl2

Solvent flows from BaCl2 to NaCl sol

Conc. BaCl 2 & Conc. of NaCl

29. X B 1/ 2 XT 1/ 2

PB0 75 PT0 22

YB PB0 XB 75 1
YT PT0 XT 22 1

Page 8

30. If moles of K 2SO4 x

10 3x
50 3x 12
3x 12 15x

x 1

31. A2 B B 2C B C B B 2C BC CB

32. tr A a11 a22 a33 ......ann n n a11a22 a33 ..........ann nn A

33. B KA B Kn A
1 K 1
A Kn B 1

B1 A 1

34. Conceptual

36. Image of the point P about the line y x is Q 1, 4

Transformation through a 2 units along the positive direction of x axis , then new

R 1 2, 4 ie, R(3, 4)
OR OR ' 5

and tan 4/3

4 3
sin and cos
5 5

Then , final position of the point is OR ' cos /4 , OR 'sin /4

Page 9
1 1 1 1
5 cos sin ,5 cos sin
2 2 2 2

1 7
2 2

x y
37. Equation of L is 1 and let the axis be rotated through an angle and let
a b
X, Y be the new coordinates of any point P x, y in the plane, then

x X cos Y sin , y X sin Y cos , the equation of the line with reference to

x y
original coordinates is 1
a b
X cos Y sin X sin Y cos
ie, 1 ………………(i)
a b
and with reference to new coordinates is
1 ……………………(ii)
p q

Comparing Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get

cos sin 1
a b p

sin cos 1
a b q

Squaring and adding Eqs. (iii) and (iv), we get

1 1 1 1
a2 b2 p2 q2

38. Let the coordinates of A be (a, 0). Then the slope of the reflected ray is
3 0
tan say …………………..(i)
5 a
Then the slope of the incident ray
2 0
tan ……………………(ii)
1 a
From Eqs. (i) and (ii),
tan tan

Page 10
3 2
5 a 1 a
3 3a 10 2a 0; a
Thus, the coordinate of A is , 0

39. Let C h, k be the centre of the circle passing through the end points of the rod AB
and PQ of lengths a and b respectively, CL and CM be perpendiculars from C on AB
and PQ respectively. Then CA=CP (radii of the same circle)

a2 b2
k2 h2 ( AL a / 2 and MP b / 2)
4 4

4 h2 k 2 a 2 b2

40. Let AOL

A a cos , a sin

M a a cos , a sin

x a a cos
x a a cos .......... i

and y a sin .......... ii

From Eqs. (i) and (ii),

x a y2 a2

Page 11
x2 y 2 2ax 0

x2 y2 2ax

41. a2 a 42 0

a 7 or 6

If a 7 b 4 or 3

P 7, 4 or 7,3

If a 6 not possible
2 2
42. pA pB

x 7
2 2
2 2
x 7 x 12 80

x 20 satisfies

43. centroid remains same for all triangles

x y
44. I) r putting in L1 we get
cos sin
1 sin cos
; putting in L2 we get
OA 10
1 sin cos
let p h, k and op = r we get
OB 10
2 sin cos sin cos
;3 y 3 x 40
r 10 20
200 2
II) r 2 2
hence locus in y x 200
sin cos

Page 12
45. A point on y+5 =0 is B , 5 , p x, y divides AB in the ratio 2:1,

d 2 3 5 3y 5
x ,y
3 3 3
9x 3 y 5
2 2
But l 2 AB 2 3 10

1 2 2
Or l 2 3x 3 y 5 9 y 3
46. p is the ortho center of ABQ
BRA 90o
R lies on the circle with AB as a diameter
the locus of R is the circle
x 0 x 7 y 5 y 0 0

Or, x 2 y 2 7 x 5 y 0
47. Let x, y be coordinate of vertex C and x1 , y1 be coordinates of centroid of the triangle.
x1 2 2 y 3 1
x1 and y1
2 3
x y 2
x1 and y1
3 3
The centroid x1 , y1 lies on the line 2 x 3 y 3 So, x1 and y1 satisfies the equation of line
2 x1 3 y1 1

x y 2
2 3 1
3 3

2 x 3 y 9 ,which is the required locus of the vertex C.

48. a 4, c 2, g 3, h 6

49. x x cos ysin

y x sin y cos

x1 x2 y1 y2 x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3 xi yi
50. G1 , G2 , .........Gn ,
2 2 3 3 n n

51. n 1
1 100 2n 1
n 8

Page 13
52. under the transformations f1 , f 2 and f3 , A 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 A1 0, 0

B 2, 0 0, 2 6, 2 B1 2, 4 C 2, 2 8, 2 C1 3,5

D 0, 2 2, 0 2, 0 D1 1,1

Clearly A1B1 D1C1 B1C1 A1D1 and A1C1 is nor perpendicular to B1D1 . Therefore A1B1C1D1 is

x y 1 3
53. let the line be 1. If passes through 1,3 1 A(a, 0) B o, b
a b a b
1 3
The locus of p a, b is x, y . 1
x y

x y
54. Let the equation of AB 1 1 . Let p h, k locus of midpoint of AB. a 2h, b 2k
a b
x y 1
substitute in (1) 1 kh hy hk and passes through the point
2h 2k 2
x, y 8, 4

8k 4h hk 2h 4k hk 2x 4y xy . The locus of p is xy 2 x 4 y 0

55. Let P , 0 Q 0, . Equation of the circle passing through OPR is x 2 y 2 x 0

x2 y2 x2 y2
III ly a 0 0, 0 , P , 0 , Q 0,
x y

Let R x, y be a locus point slope of OR slope of PR 1

y 0 y 0
1 y2 x x y2 x x2
x 0 x a

x2 y2 x2 y2
x2 y 2 ax
x y

x2 y2 x2 y2
Since a a x2 y2 x y axy
x y

y 1 y y
56. RQP RPQ 2 tan tan tan 2
x a x a a x

y y
1 y 1 y 1 y 1 a x a x
2 , tan 2 tan tan 2 tan
a x a x a x y y
1 .
a x a x

y a x a x
tan 2 a2 x2 y2 2 xy cot 2
a2 x2 y 2
Page 14
x2 y 2 a2 2 xy cot 2

x2 y 2 2 xy cot 2 a2 0

57. Let A x1 , y1 , B x2 , y2 , C x3 , y3 , D x4 , y4

Given x12 x22 x32 x42 y12 y22 y32 y42 2 x1 x3 2 x2 x4 2 y2 y3 2 y1 y4 0

x1 x2 x3 x4 y1 y2 y4 y3
x1 x3 , x2 x4 , y2 y3 , y1 y4 or and
2 2 2 2
Hence, AB and CD bisect each other. Therefore ABCD is a parallelogram
2 2 2 2
Also, AB 2 x1 x2 y1 y2 x3 x4 y4 y3 CD 2

Thus, ABCD is a parallelogram and AB = CD. Hence, it is a rectangle

58. OA OQ QA cot OB OR RB tan

1 1 2 2
Now, the area of OAB is cot tan 2 tan cot
2 2
1 1
2 tan cot 2 2 2 2
2 2
Least value of s 2
2 2
59. Let the verties be O 0, 0 , A , 0 , and B 1 , 1 , where 0 1 and 1 1 1 4

So, the area of OAB is maximum where 1 and 1 , 1 is 2,0

In this case, a = 1, b = 2, and c 5 , which satisfies 2 c 3

Therefore, the maximum area is 1.

60. A sin 2 A sin 2 B sin 2C 2sin A sin B sin C sin 2 A sin 2 A

A sin 2 A sin 2 B sin 2C 2sin A sin B sin C 1 cos 2 A sin 2 A
A sin 2 A sin 2 B sin 2C 2sin A sin B sin C sin 2 A sin 2 A cos 2 A 0
4 least non negative value is 0
61. Conceptual.
62. Just before the impact with ceiling retardation = 2g
If ‘R’ is the resistance then
R mg 2mg R mg

after impact the ball falls with constant velocity

H 20m

Page 15
63. Acceleration a , where ‘m’ is mass of each cart.
Let T, be the tension between 4th & 5th cart.
Considering last (N – 4) carts, T1 N 4 ma

Similarly T2 N 8 ma

Given T1 2T2
N 12

F 40
64. Acceleration of system a 4 ms 2
M 10

Contact force 4 4 16 N

65. m1 m2 g T1 m1 m2 a T1 m1 m2 g a

T2 m2 g a

Given T1 3T2
m1 m2 3m2

m1 2m2

The ratio of T1 and T2 is independent of mass m3

66. Let the heavier mass be ‘x’ then other mass M x
xg T xa

T M x g M x a

Eliminating ‘x’
g a
T 1 M g a
g a g a

M g 2 a2
Page 16
T Mg

M g 2 a2 24
2g 50

a2 24 a2 1 g
1 aMin
2 25 2 25 5
g g

V0 a1t1 a2t2

1 w
a1 n 1 g
a2 g when tension is zero

V0 1 gt1 gt2

V0 t1 t2 h
t1 1 t1 1 gt1 h
1 g t12 h

g 1

t Min t1 t2

t1 1 t1 t1

2 h
g n 1

68. mA M

mB M m

Acceleration of B after the insect falls is

m A mB
a g upwards
m A mB
Page 17
2M m
Acceleration of insect is g
mg 2 Mg
arelative g
2M m 2M m

2L 2M m L
arelative Mg

69. Conceptual.
70. Conceptual.
71. Tension in the string connecting m1 and m2 is T g
m1 m2

4 m1m2
m0 g 2T m0
m1 m2

Mg 4T M
m1 m2

For A: N1 sin 30 F F
RA mg N1 cos30
For B: N 2 sin 30 F F
RB mg N 2 cos30
For C: N1 N 2
RC N1 cos 30 mg N2 cos30

RC mg

RA : RB : RC 3:1: 2

73. Mass of water added when the level rises by ‘x’ is

Page 18
m 2 sxd (x is w.r.t. container)
Kx 2sx dg
K 2s dg

74. Let the acceleration of the system is ‘a’.

Sum of all the blocks is M 0 .
1 1
M0 M 1 .....
2 4


Let N1 be the normal contact force between wedge & M0.

Let N2 be the normal contact force between wedge and inclined plane.
for wedge N 2 N1 Mg cos

N1 Mg sin Ma …. (1)
For M0
M 0 g N1 M 0a sin

2Mg N1 M 0 a sin …. (2)

3 g sin
Solving (1) and (2) a
1 2sin 2

3 g sin 2
acceleration of blocks a1 a sin
1 2sin 2
Considering mass of M (i.e. 1)
Mg N12 Ma1

Mg cos 2
1 2sin 2
75. Acceleration of A B 2ms 2
In the frame of A B acceleration of ‘C’ is 2ms towards right.
Time to travel 4m is

Page 19
2 4
t1 2sec

Velocity of ‘C’ at this time is

2 2 4ms 1

Now the block ‘C’ falls of the edge. In the frame considered time needed to fall 2m is
t2 0.4 0.63sec
1 2
Horizontal distance covered is s 4 0.63 2 0.63


2.92 2.75

‘C’ directly falls on ground.

t2 0.8 0.9sec
t1 t2 2.9sec

76. F 3mg

For block

a0 is acceleration of wedge.

In the frame of wedge N mg cos ma0 sin

ma ma0 cos mg sin

For wedge

3mg N sin ma0

N sin 3mg ma0

Eliminating N and using sin cos 45o

Page 20

1 1 2
2 2


77. Use free body diagram and apply the condition for static equilibrium.
78. Let initial extension of S1 be x0.
Kx0 Mg

Let the extension of S2 be x2 and further extension in S1 be x1 when A moves down by

2x1 x2 L

For equilibrium of M
Kx0 Kx1 Mg 2 Kx2

x1 2 x2

L 2L
x2 , x1
5 5
79. Use constraint equations and Newton’s laws.
80. Conceptual.
81. Use Newton’s laws of motion.
82. Conceptual.
83. Use constraint equations.
84. Conceptual.
85. Use constraint equations and Newton’s laws.
86. Impulse is the area under F-t graph, as well as the change in momentum. So,
F0 T
2 2
87. mg 2T sin 45

mg 2T ….. (1)
Page 21
T1 cos T cos 45

T mg mg
T1 cos T
2 2 2

Further, Mg T cos 45 T1 sin

mg 1
T1 sin Mg
2 2
T1 sin Mg ….. (2)
2 2M
tan 1 (Divide (2) by (1))
mg m

Three forces are acting on the pulley T (horizontally), T (vertically downward) and the
weight of the pulley (also acting vertically downwards) i.e. Force Mg acts horizontally
and M m g acts vertically downwards. So, total force acting on the pulley is
Fnet M 2g2 M m g2

Fnet M2 M m g

89. Let us draw the free body diagrams of C and A.

W = weight of each sphere

N2 = normal reaction between A and inclined plane
N1 = normal reaction between A and C
N1 = normal reaction between B and C
Free body diagram of C

Page 22
Resolving vertically 2 N1 cos30o W
N1 ….. (1)

When the arrangement is on the point of collapsing, the reaction between A and B is
Free body diagram of A
Resolving horizontally and vertically
N 2 sin N1 sin 30o

N 2 sin ….. (2)
2 3
N 2 cos W N1 cos 30o ….. (3)
Dividing (3) by (3), we get
3 3

tan 1
3 3


mg sin ma0 cos ma

a g sin a0 cos

Page 23

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