Edu 371 Udl Unit Plan
Edu 371 Udl Unit Plan
Edu 371 Udl Unit Plan
Division of Education
Final 11/05/2018
Course/Level of Administration: EDU 371 (F18), LAN 335 (W19), EDU 371 and 372 (F19)
Instructions to candidates:
Universal Design for Learning is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for
all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. UDL has come to dominate the field
because of its broad applicability and its research foundation in the learning sciences, both
cognitive and neurosciences (Source: The Higher Education Opportunity Act of
2008 defined UDL as a “scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice,” derived
from research on neurodiversity and the learning sciences (Ralabate, 2011)1. The ultimate goal of
applying UDL to instruction is to help all learners to develop into expert learners—learners who
can assess their own learning needs, monitor their own progress, and regulate and sustain their
interests, effort, and persistence during learning tasks (CAST, 2012)2.
Both the Universal Design for Learning framework (UDL) and the Danielson Framework for
Teaching (FfT) offer guidance to educators on how to support ALL their students in becoming
expert learners. A Crosswalk between the two frameworks has been developed by UDL and
Danielson experts to help teachers The Interdisciplinary Inquiry Unit Plan Key Assessment is
designed to provide candidates the opportunity to develop rich and integrated units of instruction
in the K-12 classrooms. Candidates must demonstrate the ability to plan instruction and utilize
multiple disciplines, multicultural resources, pre-, formative, and summative assessment tools,
and a variety of instructional strategies to meet the needs of all learners.
Candidates will:
Ralabate, P. K. (August, 2011). Universal Design for Learning: Meeting the needs of all students. ASHA Leader
CAST (2012). UDL and Expert Learners. Retrieved August 14, 2014 from
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
1. Recognize the purpose and importance of Michigan Academic Standards for each grade
level and subject area and know where/how to locate them (Resource:,4615,7-140-28753_64839_65510---,00.html)
2. Consider adaptive technology and motivational methods for students with diverse needs.
3. Understand and consider the value of various hands-on learning opportunities, such as
service learning, in the attainment of knowledge, skills, and values.
4. Identify instructional strategies, including direct instruction, and understand how children
learn about the world.
5. Recognize various types of diversity and consider ways to meet the needs of diverse
Candidates will develop an interdisciplinary inquiry unit (for instance, a social studies based
topic or theme lends itself well to this assignment). In order to build a unit that is based on
interdisciplinary instructional principles, the following criteria must be met:
1. Identify interdisciplinary concepts that will be introduced.
2. Create a list of learning experiences and skills to be taught – include inquiry and choice.
3. Create a variety of evaluation and assessment procedures – pre, formative, and post
4. Choose a theme for the unit of instruction
5. Include multicultural resources (i.e., differentiated instruction for Special Needs students,
English Language Learners, etc.)
6. Include strategies that will meet the needs of diverse learners, including ELL, learners
with disabilities, etc.
7. Include strategies that involve technology integration – including assistive technology.
8. Include a wide variety of instructional strategies that demonstrate differentiation of
9. Include an opening paragraph that introduces the unit with a rationale, grade level, length
of unit (2 weeks, 1 month, etc), and your outcome goals.
The template below has been adapted from P. Hubbard’s Reducing Barriers in Learning
Through a Universally Design Classroom, poster session presented at the 2008 CEC Convention
and Expo (Boston, MA, April 2008).
Performance Indicator: The TARGET level for this instrument is “Accomplished” on the
scoring rubric below OR a minimum total score of 21 (with no more than one marking in
the “emerging” category).
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
Students with Behavior Challenges I will engage I may give
students in students
leadership alternate ways
roles within to express
some of our themselves at
groupings. any point in the
This may unit in a way
include but that is more
is not limited fitting and
to, leading comfortable to
discussions them in order to
or being a help alleviate or
time keeper. eliminate off
task behaviors
that may stem
from the
anxieties this
unit may cause
some students
(mainly the
sharing of their
original written
Other Needs/Challenges
Computer Lab/Media Needs/Assistive Technology
Print Resources (provide detailed bibliography)
Other Space Requirements
Other Resources Needed (i.e., instructional aids, etc.…)
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
2.) Types of 2.) Gives students 2.) Individual 2.) The books are
Poetry another meant for
Booklet resource that personal
can be referred reference when
to at any time the Power Point
to aid them in is not displayed,
gaining or for when the
knowledge student needs to
and to aid look back at the
them in content when
writing their we are not in
own poetry. the classroom.
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
addressed right
4.) Reading 4) Having the 4.) Teacher led 4.) Teacher led
students hear and student allows students
me read the lead to hear how to
book or many correctly read
of the poems various poems.
aloud, they Student led
can hear how helps those
fluency sounds students who
in poetry, and are visual
how pauses, learners.
pace and
affect a poem.
In addition,
having my
presented in
Power Point
helps those
students who
learn better
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
assessment to
see if students
are properly
language in
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
9.) Review 9) Reviews give 9.) Small Group 9.) Allows for
the ability for deeper
me to see what understanding
concepts are and more in-
still being depth
struggled with conversations
and which between peers.
ones are Also allows
mastered. students to have
This allows us a sounding
to spend our board and to
remaining ask questions to
time as peers, whose
effectively as explanations
possible. may be better
10) Poetry 10) These guides 10) Individual 10) This allows for
Building give outlines specific
Guides to certain feedback for
types of poetry each student
that the author.
students can
use more
easily to create
writing that
meets the
of the type of
poetry. These
guides can be
followed until
students are
more familiar
with the
concept and
can write a
poem on their
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
12) Read Aloud 12) A read aloud 12) Individually 12) Done
is another tool to whole and individually to
that will help small group the whole group
students to allows for
hear problem specific
areas in their feedback from
written poetry. the teacher.
It will also aid Done
students in individually to a
how to small group
fluently read allows for
poetry and comfort when
gain the student is
comprehensio reading a draft
n. In addition, that is not final.
a read aloud It allows for
also helps peer feedback.
students to
hear proper or
issues like
pace, pauses
Formative Unit Pre-Assessment (if any)
I will assess student’s prior None used
knowledge and compare to gained
knowledge through our
conversation after reading The
Wonky Donkey.
I will assess student understanding
and thoughts through the
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
Teaches and Teaches and creates Teaches and creates Teaches and creates
Content or Skill creates learning learning experiences learning experiences learning experiences that
Area Components experiences that that make the that make the make the discipline
InTASC 2 and 4 make the discipline accessible discipline accessible accessible and meaningful
HLP 8 discipline and meaningful for and meaningful for for learners to assure
Danielson 1d and accessible and learners to assure learners to assure mastery of the content is
meaningful for mastery of the content mastery of the content fully demonstrated;
CAEP 1.3., 1.4.
learners to assure is somewhat is mostly
mastery of the demonstrated; demonstrated; Three or more resources (books,
content is not strategies, etc.) are listed for all
six content or skill areas.
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
Pre- and No pre- or A pre- or summative Pre and/or summative Clearly explained pre- and
Summative summative assessment is listed but is assessments listed but summative unit assessments;
Assessment assessments listed to not fully developed to minimally developed to uses multiple methods of
InTASC 6 engage learners in show learner engagement show learner engagement assessment to engage learners
HLP 18 their own growth, to in their own growth and in their own growth and
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018
Danielson 1f monitor learner the monitoring of learner the monitoring of learner in their own growth, to
CAEP 1.2. progress. progress. progress. monitor learner progress,
Multicultural Two or fewer Three-Four At least Five Six or more multicultural
Components multicultural multicultural multicultural components listed for entire
InTASC 2 components components listed for components listed for unit; professional educator
CAEP Cross- listed for entire entire unit; entire unit; recognizes individual
Cutting Theme: unit; professional professional educator professional educator differences, diverse cultures
Diversity educator recognizes individual recognizes individual and communities to design
HLP 12
recognizes differences, diverse differences, diverse inclusive learning
Danielson 1b
individual cultures and cultures and environments that enable all
differences, communities to design communities to design students to meet high
diverse cultures inclusive learning inclusive learning standards.
and communities environments that environments that
to design enable all students to enable all students to
inclusive learning meet high standards. meet high standards.
environments that
enable all
students to meet
high standards.
Instructional Two or fewer Three-Four At least Five Six or more instructional
Strategies instructional instructional strategies instructional strategies strategies listed for entire
InTASC 8 strategies listed listed for entire unit; listed for entire unit; unit; plans instruction that
Cross-Cutting for entire unit; plans instruction that plans instruction that supports all students in
Theme: Diversity plans instruction supports all students in supports all students in meeting rigorous learning
HLP 2 and 12 that supports all meeting rigorous meeting rigorous goals by drawing upon
Danielson 1a, 1b, 1f
students in learning goals by learning goals by knowledge of content areas,
CAEP 1.1.
meeting rigorous drawing upon drawing upon curriculum, cross-
learning goals by knowledge of content knowledge of content disciplinary skills, and
drawing upon areas, curriculum, areas, curriculum, pedagogy, as well as
knowledge of cross-disciplinary cross-disciplinary knowledge of learners and
content areas, skills, and pedagogy, skills, and pedagogy, the community context.
Siena Heights University
Educator Preparation Provider Created 10/25/2018