Assignment One

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Selected journal article: Virtualization of food supply chains with the internet of things

1. Identify the following

I. Journal Publisher
II. Journal name
III. Title of the paper, journal doi, issue, volume, page number, date of
submission, date of acceptance, date
of publication
IV. List of author, first author, corresponding author & affiliations

The above points are indicated below.

2. Explain each what they mean
I. Journal publisher

Is the subfield of publishing which distributes academic research and journals. Most academic
work is published in academic journal article, book or thesis form. The part of academic written
output that is not formally published but merely printed up or posted on the Internet is often
called "grey literature". Most scientific and scholarly journals, and many academic and scholarly
books, though not all, are based on some form of peer review or editorial refereeing to qualify
texts for publication. Peer review quality and selectivity standards vary greatly from journal to
journal, publisher to publisher, and field to our case as indicated above by arrows
Elsevier is the journal publisher.

II. Journal name

Journal name is the general name of sector, area, study that contains collections of papers,
studies, journal articles about that area. E.g. Journal of food engineering may contain the
following journal articles. Ethylene and fruit softening, effect of High Pressure Processing on
Meat, Meat Products and Seafood, in silico modeling of mass transfer & absorption in the human
gut and etc. for this case the journal name is food engineering.

III. Title of the paper

This is probably the most important part of the paper as readers will decide whether to proceed to
read your article or not pending on it. It should describe the research and is short, informative
and concise. Title of the paper describes the paper’s content clearly in Informative, descriptive
title in sentence form with a verb. But, not all journal publishers accept title in sentence form.
For the above selected journal the title of the paper is Virtualization of food supply chains with
the internet of things.

IV. journal doi

A DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, is a string of numbers, letters and symbols used to
permanently identify an article or document and link to it on the web. A DOI will help your
reader easily locate a document from your citation. For this case the DOI is

V. Volume, Issue, and page number

A journal paper requires volume and/or issue numbers for journal article references. This is
because journals are periodicals, which means they are published at regular intervals or time
periods, so additional information is needed indicating when and where the article was
published. Journal articles usually have both a volume and issue number. Sometimes, they will
only have one of these numbers.
Page numbers are pages of the volume in which the specific journal article is taken. For this case
volume of the journal is 76, page numbers are (128-136). However, the issue number is often not
printed on the front page - instead, it is only located in the library catalogue or databases. Always
check the library catalogue or database record to and the volume and issue numbers for journal
article references.

VI. date of submission, date of acceptance, date of publication

Date of submission is the first date in which the paper is submitted to the publisher. After the
paper is submitted the paper is revised by the publisher boards to check whether it comply their
standards. Therefore date of acceptance is the date in which the paper got recognition by the
publishers. Date of publication is the date in which the paper is published. The locations of date
of submission, date of acceptance, date of publication in the journal paper is not same for all
journal types, and publishers. For this case date of submission is 16 February 2015, date of
acceptance is 10 November 2015 and date publication is expressed in year in the journal (2016).

VII. List of author, first author, corresponding author & affiliations

Authors are individuals who have made significant contribution to the design, analysis, and
writing up of the paper to take public responsibility for its content. The first author is one who
has major input into the study and prepares most part of the manuscript. For this case the first
author is C.N. Verdouw.

The author who should receive inquiries is called the corresponding author. Journals ask that a
corresponding author be designated for each paper. The corresponding author typically submits
the paper, receives the editor’s decision whether to publish it, submits revisions, works with the
editorial office after acceptance (for example, by answering questions from the manuscript editor
and checking page proofs), and responds to inquiries from readers. For this case the
corresponding author/s are J. Wolfert, A.J.M. Beulens. A. Rialland is the author who contributes
less to the paper relatively to the first and corresponding authors.

Affiliations are institutions where researchers conduct a research. For this case the authors list
the following affiliations.

a. LEI Wageningen UR, P.O. Box 29703, 2502 LS The Hague, The Netherlands
b. Information Technology Group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 8130, 6700 EW
Wageningen, The Netherlands
c. MARINTEK, P.O. Box 4125 Valentinlyst, NO-7450 Trondheim, Norway

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