Brochure OEKOSEM
Brochure OEKOSEM
Brochure OEKOSEM
Saves Time, Money and Fuel Reliably High Yields Stops Erosion
Thanks to combining several work Thanks to a perfect seed bed as well Thanks to 60 % untilled surface you
steps in one machine you will be as water and heat retention in the avoid erosion and soil compaction
planting in one single untilled strips
The Rotor-Strip-Till System Oekosem creates a perfect seedbed 0 Title Page: Row-rotavating and -planting
of corn into forage grasses in one pass.
for all row crops in one single pass. The untilled strips are pre-
1 With this soon to be patented tool, the
venting erosion and save water. Through fertilizing, sub-soiling, rotavating blades are fraying the corn
rotavating and seeding in one single pass you are saving time, stubble including the rootstocks.
money and preserve a high-yielding soil structure. 2 The corn stubble processing is highly ef-
fective and hits almost all stubble residue
and rootstocks within the rows.
In Switzerland the ploughless Rotor-Strip-Till System has been applied successfully
over the last 25 years. For instance: Despite increasing drought periods the yields 3 Sub-soiling tines with wide wing shares
have remained high thanks to the high water holding capacities in the no-till strips. are loosening the soil in depth and also
lift the soil into the rotavator.
Oekosem is effectively fighting water- and wind-based erosion thanks to strip-tillage.
Only 40 % of the overall surface are tilled while the remaining 60 % stay untilled. .
Water Conservation
In water conservation areas the tillage system Oekosem can effectively heighten the
retention potential of the soil through no-till strips which store and buffer nutrients as
well as filter pesticides. Also, Oekosem strip-till potentially reduces the necessity to
use pesticides in the first place.
Simple and Successful System
4 4 Combining work steps: Fertilizer is Oekosem is tilling 4, 6 or 8 rows simultaneously. The row spacing
fed from the front mounted tank and
incorporated with the Rotor-Strip-Til-
can be varied to 37.5, 50, 70 or 75 cm. The sub-soiling tines are
ler. The precision planter and the running in a depth of around 15-25 cm. The rotavator is incorpo-
micro-granulate-spreader are se-
mi-mounted to the back. rating any applied fertilizer into a depth of 7-15 cm and produces
a uniform and finely structured seedbed. The culti packer roller
secures tight soil to seed contact.
And this is how simple the ploughless Rotor-Strip-Till System really works: The soil in
the tilled strip is mixed with the applied fertilizer, finely crumbled and therewith prepa-
red for seeding. The sub-soiling tines which are fitted in between the rotavator knives
can be easily adjusted to the desired depth in which the soil is to be loosened. Within
the strip, the soil is lifted into the rotavator with the wide wing shares so that the soil is
settling back down a little after the rotavator has passed. This is to avoid any hard-pan-
ning through smearing of the rotavator. At the same time, this stimulates strong root
growth and a penetration of roots into even deep layers of the soil. For vegetable
producers there is a new option available: An actively powered leveling roller which
is planing the soil surface perfectly and leaves a very finely structured seedbed. At
last, the adjustable culti packer roller is delivering the right soil to seed contact. All of
this amounts to a perfect seedbed which is the best basis for strong root growth.
5 to 8 Work Steps Combined into One Single Pass
1. Spraying and Fertilizing 2. Loosening tine 3. Rotavator Blades 4. Leveling Roller 5.Culti Packer Roller 6. Seeding / Planting
Row-spraying Sub-soiling Incorporating and Seedbed preparation Soil to seed contact Precision planting, Doub-
Fertilizing below seed mixing (optional: sugar beet, le-row, Micro-granulate
vegetables) fertilizer
Experience with the Oekosem
Subsoiling tines
Rotavator blades
Some Typical Fields of Action
6 7
5 Row-rotavator with semi-mounted double You can acquire Oekosem in different designs, based on your
row planter Baertschi Duo-Drill. Example
here: Double-row planting of canola
Seeding Sugar beet, silage corn, grain maize, soybean, Winter hardy cover crop, canola,
8 New: Oekosem-P with actively powe- Oekosem can be delivered in different designs tailored to your
red leveling roller (in the center of the
machine) for a perfectly even, finely
specific needs:
crumbled surface for seeding sugar beet,
vegetables and canola Technical Facts
9 New: Strip-Rotavator for 8 rows with a
row spacing of 37.50 cm suited for cano- Type 4R700 4R750 6R500 6R750 8R375
la, soybean and vegetables.
Number of Rows 4 4 6 6 8
10 Reliable and high yields thanks to high
Working Width 280 cm 300 cm 300 cm 450 cm 300 cm
water and heat holding capacity in the
no-till strips Row Spacing 70 cm 75 cm 50 cm 75 cm 37,5 cm
11 Result of the corn stubble fraying with Working Depth Subsoiler 20−35 cm 20−35 cm 20−35 cm 20−35 cm 20−35 cm
the soon to be patented stubble proces-
sing tool.
Working Depth Rotavator 7−15 cm 7−15 cm 7−15 cm 7−15 cm 7−15 cm
12 Back side: Corn stubble processing with Operational RPM 1000 U/min
the Oekosem combined with the double Power Requirements ab 104 kW/ab 140 PS
row planter Baertschi Duo-Drill for see-
ding a cover crop or green manure. 2015 Technical changes and product adaptation reserved
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