Final Assessment - Film Project
Final Assessment - Film Project
Final Assessment - Film Project
Group Members:
Film Title:
Lighting /5 Every scene utilizes specific, purposeful and creative uses of lighting.
Rule of Thirds /5 Each scene is purposefully shot to ensure that the audience’s eye is
drawn to the most important part of the scene.
/5 The film opening includes a film title, a hook to the film, and setting up
Film Opening the setting – ground your readers.
/5 The storyline is skillfully developed with complex major and minor
characters and original definite setting. It contains most of the following:
Storyline Teaser, Exposition or Background. Setting, Characters, the Conflict
(problem), Rising Action, Suspense, Climax, Falling Action. Resolution
or epilogue, End teaser.
/5 There are at least 3 three-dimensional characters with strong descriptions
of their personality traits, flaws, and motivations. The characters are fully
developed, original in appearance and personality. They are integral to
the plot.
Message to /5 The film delivers an engaging and meaningful message to the audience
Audience that encourages thoughtful reflection and a call to action.
Scenes /5 Each scene/change of location has an establishing shot that clarifies the
location, time of day, mood and focal character for that scene/shot.
/5 The film is cleanly and professionally edited with purposeful choices for
transitions and cuts that lead to seamless viewing for the audience and
at no times is the audience drawn out of the story because of editing
choices or errors.
/5 The quality of sound ensures that the audience hears all dialogue. The
Use of sound/no
soundtrack choices are purposeful and creative, adding to the mood of
the scene and contributing to the emotional impact of each scene.
/5 The film length is between 5 and 7 minutes including opening and
closing credits that include roles actor, cameraperson, and director
credits - as well as established mood and potentially location or intent
of the film.
Creation in Process Rubric and contribution (Individual marks) + Group Evaluations, Roles list:
Group Member: Activities: Rating: 3-Excellent, 2- What can you and your group
(Yourself) Good, 1-Needs members improve on for next
improvement week? (Group effectiveness)
Participates in group
discussions and contributes 3 2 1
ideas to the group….
Participates in group
discussions and contributes 3 2 1
ideas to the group….
Participates in group
discussions and contributes 3 2 1
ideas to the group….
Participates in group
discussions and contributes 3 2 1
ideas to the group….
Roles list for the week!
Write down the date, your name, and explanation of how the day went and what role you had
(What it consisted of)
Film Title:
Group members:
Date: Student: What was your role for the day? How far did you get
Week: today? What is your primary goal for tomorrow? What
do you need to accomplish?
**1 Minute of their short film is storyboarded
1. **Script (Have to show me 2 pages everyday= total of 4 pages for me to see by the end of
the week)
3. **Pitch (Have to pitch it to me before you start filming- so part of your group can be
6. Rehearsal Planning Sheet (I need to see when you pitch your project to me)
7. Group Evaluation Sheet (At the end of each week, individually you will complete an
evaluation for each person in your group as to how they are participating and engaging in
the project)
** Each student will get a plastic sleeve cover for all their information for their final project.
Before each class actually starts, for 10 minutes you can introduce a new element for the students
**/10 For teacher evaluation for individuals process throughout the project
35 level: High level of reflection and responsibility for keeping your group organized
25 level: Reflections and roles switching is what I am assessing and looking for the most.
15 level: Follow more instructions if you are in a group with 25 level and 35 level