Project Proposal For Irrigation System of San Pablo Isabela For Banks

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(Irrigation System for Productive Rice Production)


Title: Flywheel Free Energy Irrigation Facility

Beneficiary: San Vicente, Dalena, Narang-ay Irrigators’ Association

Address: San Vicente, San Pablo, Isabela

Type of Fund: Loan/Grant

Fund Source and Cost:

Table 1. Source of Fund

Source of Fund Amount Percentage Share

41,000,000 100%


This proposal is aimed at addressing the absence of Irrigation Facility

Situated along the Vicinity of Barangay San Vicente, San Pablo, Isabela.

At present, the said rice field is not irrigated therefore its production is
mainly dependent upon rainfall. Sufficient rains only occur in the months of
October, November and December, as such planting rice is only limited, rainy
months allowing only one rice cropping in a year within 3 to 4 months period. The
rest are the idle months for the rice field, leaving its fullest economic potential
untapped. Due to climate change rare chances that this area can be cultivated
and make productive due to insufficient rainfall as expected, it can never sustain
the growing of rice plants to make it profitable.
The corresponding solution to the foregoing problems, will result to
considerable increase to the farmers’ income, thus would have a positive impact
towards improvement of the town’s economy.

In addition, the Irrigators’ Association has just recently acquired last 05

March 2019 a 36 HP four-wheel Kubota (Model L3608DT) mini-tractor, under the
farm mechanization program of the Department of Agriculture. This equipment
will provide big help to farmers not only in reducing time of field preparation but
also, in reducing the expenses being incurred in plowing the land (1st component
of land preparation) by 50% or from P2,400.00/ha to P 1,200.00/ha.

Maximization of the use of San Vicente rice field and improvement in yield
will result in hiring of more farm workers. Proper land preparation and application
of the needed fertilizers will result in the abundance of raw materials for the
sustainable operation of the rice field. Continuous cropping will enhance
managerial competence in crop production; first, at the level of Project
Management Committee of within the municipal government and, secondly, in
the long run, at the level of the farmers/irrigators association.

In view of the foregoing, the Association of Irrigators of San Vicente,

Dalena, Narang-ay, especially Barangay San Vicente, looked at this proposal as
a solution in maximizing the yield of the said agricultural land.


In line with the National Governments’ thrusts and the LGU’s goal of
poverty reduction thru more improved infrastructure, the main objective of the
project is to create a more productive rice farming within San Vicente, San Pablo,
Isabela area, thus encourage the group of farmers to become more productive
that will help reduce the rate of poverty incidence, thus improve their way of
The project is aimed at increasing production of the San Vicente rice field
by efficient and maximum utilization of the area through:

 Provision of certified palay seeds

 Application of balance fertilization technology, which is the combination of

organic and inorganic fertilizer

The usual agricultural productivity of the 90-hectare San Vicente rice field
is only three to four months in a year with only palay as the production output.
With the introduction of the foregoing irrigation facility, the remaining
unproductive 7 months will be utilized, therefore maximizing the use of the land.
Such maximization in the use of land will result to economic upliftment of the
farmer-beneficiaries. The Department of Labor and Employment will provide fund
for the procurement of planting materials and fertilizers while the Municipal
Government of San Pablo in cooperation with the Irrigators’ Association will
provide the stockroom for storing farm inputs and will subsidize the use of mini-
tractor. Such stockroom has a floor dimension of 5.0m x 6.5m with a height of
3.0m. It has the capacity of storing up to 300 bags of palay. The Irrigators’
Association shall look for additional stockroom to allow storage of all farm inputs.
As their counterpart, beneficiaries will provide payment to labor involved in
preparation of the field up to the harvest period.

At the end of the target period, a considerable increase in the income of

145 farmers/land owners and other farm workers will be observed. Such increase
in income will be sustained through sufficiency in the supply of farm inputs
through efficient and effective project management.

The 90 hectares and 145 farmer beneficiaries of rice farm will benefit
within the target farmland. The rest of the farmers near the location of the project
of about 157 hectares are indirect recipients of the project since they will also
benefit from the excess of water flowing from the project area since the project
area is located higher than the beneficiaries of 157 hectares which is situated
adjacent to the proposed Deep well and Flywheel Free Energy Irrigation System.


The administration of the project will be a joint undertaking of the North

Point Construction, and the Officers and Members of San Vicente, Dalena,
Narang-ay Irrigators’ Association and shall assist in ensuring the safety and the
proper disposal of waste materials. Municipal Government shall facilitate all
necessary undertaking partnered by the Barangay Council of San Vicente, San
Pablo, Isabela to assure the sound implementation of the project.

Table 2. Time Table of Activities

Responsible Person
Activities Date
/ Agency
1. Planning and Concept San Pablo Irrigators’
Development March 2019 Association/ North
Point Construction
2. Conduct of consultative meeting to San Pablo Irrigators’
determine social acceptability of March 2019 Association/ North
identified farmer’s association. Point Construction
4. Conduct of meeting to identify First week of April San Pablo Irrigators’
farmers’ problems and needs; and 2019 Association/ North
arrive at conclusion as to what Point Construction
developmental project is needed
by the farmers to address the
present adverse situation.
5. Preparation of Project Proposal 2nd and 3rd week of San Pablo Irrigators’
and other related documents. May, 2019 Association/ North
Point Construction
6. Submission and Approval of Last week of June,
Project Proposal 2019
7. Creation of Project Management
Committee that shall formulate 2nd week of June, San Pablo Irrigators’
guidelines and policies, manage 2019 Association/ North
project implementation, conduct Point Construction
project monitoring, and discuss
issues and concerns.
8. MOA signing and transfer of funds 2nd week of
August, 2019
Responsible Person
Activities Date / Agency
9. Project Implementation
a. Awarding of Project to North First Week of San Pablo Irrigators’
Point Construction and Signing September 2019 Association
of Contract
b. Procurement of Building Second week of North Point
materials/ Equipments September 2019 Construction
c. Ground Breaking on Project Last week of San Pablo Irrigators’
Site September 2019 Association/ North
Point Construction
d. Well Drilling and Excavation First Week of North Point
October 2019 Construction
e. Installation of Pump Well and Third week of North Point
Test Pumping October 2019 Construction
f. Laying CHB for Drainage First week of North Point
System and P House Cons. November 2019 Construction
g. Final Pump Testing and San Pablo Irrigators’
Demonstration February 2020 Association/ North
Point Construction
h. Turn-over of Project to the Second week of San Pablo Irrigators’
Beneficiaries ready for February 2020 Association/ North
operation Point Construction
a. Procurement of Farm Inputs 3rd week of San Pablo Irrigators’
February 2020 Association
b. Field preparation and planting of Last week of San Pablo Irrigators’
palay February, 2020 Association / Project
Responsible Person
Activities Date / Agency

c. Harvesting (part of harvest shall Last week of July San Pablo Irrigators’
be reserved for the next planting , 2020 Association / Project
period) Management
d. Project Monitoring (PMC shall San Pablo Irrigators’
conduct regular monitoring and Association / Project
must meet once every two Management
months or as the need arises) Committee


The North Point Construction shall be the in-charge in the implementation

of the project, since they have a new and competitive technology to do the job.
Safety and health in the undertaking shall be ensured at all times during the
construction phase.

The officers and members of the Association shall also monitor the project
in its implementation phase up to its completion to ensure the appropriateness of
the construction.


Achieving a sustainable rural infrastructure for project is a key to poverty

alleviation. Furthermore, community organizing and the actual participation of
beneficiaries and other stakeholders in various activities during project planning
and implementation can encourage sustainability in the realization of the project.

Once completed, the project will give a high impact on the yield of rice
production on the said rice field to be irrigated. For the sustainability of the
project, the Irrigators’ Association shall hold the production of the rice field in
order to have a smooth management in the repayment period of 5 consecutive
years until the full loan amount shall be paid.

The beneficiaries shall help in the cultivation of the farmland to make it

productive in order to fulfill the 5 year plan repayment period; hence, they will be
given incentives in the said participation serving as a laborer.

Once the repayment has been fully realized, the Irrigators’ Association will
then award or redistribute their actual portion to cultivate themselves as an
individual farmer to make their farming productive and continuously enjoying their
benefit as farmer-beneficiaries of the said farmland.
Table 3. Work and Financial Plan

Financial Requirements
Project Component/ Physical Cost per
Particulars Target Item Beneficiary Sponsor’s Other
Equity Share Counterpart
A. Pre-Implementation
1. Planning and Concept
2. Conduct of consultative
meeting to determine
social acceptability of 1
identified farmer’s
Snacks (20 participants) 20 50.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

3. Conduct of meeting to 1
identify farmers’
problems and needs
Snacks (20 participants) 20 50.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
4. Preparation of Project
Proposal and other
related documents.
Office Supplies and other 500.00 500.00
10. Submission and
Approval of Project
Travel Expenses 3500.00 3500.00
11. Creation of Project
Snacks during the 10 50.00 500.00 500.00

meeting (10
Office supplies and 500.00 500.00
other miscellaneous
12. MOA signing and
transfer of funds (25
Snacks during the 25 50.00 1,250.00 1,250.00
Tarpaulin/streamer 1,000.00 1,000.00
Supplies and other 500.00 500.00
Travel expenses 500.00 500.00
Sub-Total Pre- 10,250.00 10,250.00
B. Implementation
Material and Supply
1. Urea (bags) 185 1,445.00 267,325.00 267,325.00
2. Complete Fertilizer 280 1,528.00 427,840.00 427,840.00
3. Ammonium Sulfate 95 880.00 83,600.00 83,600.00
4. Organic Fertilizer 460 535.00 246,100.00 246,100.00
5. Herbicide(liters) 18 419.00 7,542.00 7,542.00
6. Pesticide (liters) 18 1,313.00 23,634.00 23,634.00
7. Knapsack Sprayer 10 3,136.00 31,360.00 31,360.00
8. Certified Palay 95 1,360.00 129,200.00 129,200.00
Seeds (bags)
1 Unit Four wheel mini-
tractor (36HP Kubota, 800,000.00 800,000.00
Model L3608DT)
1. Stock room (Floor 700,000.00 700,000.00
dimension: 5.0m x
6.5m; height: 3.0m)
Labor Component for
the Preparation of land for
planting palay (rice):
1. Fuel of mini-tractor 540 L 55.00 29,700.00 29,700.00
for plowing of 90ha
land @ 6L/ha.
2. Irrigator’s 90 ha. 1,200.00 108,000.00 108,000.00
counterpart in the
use of mini-tractor
for plowing @
3. Harrowing (tundag) 90 ha. 2,400.00 216,000.00 216,000.00
using hand tractor
@ P2,400.00/ha
4. Last harrowing 90 ha. 2,400.00 216,000.00 216,000.00
using hand tractor
@ P2,400.00/ha.
5. Leveling (3 persons 90 ha. 1,800.00 162,000.00 162,000.00
for 2 days @
P300.00 per day)
6. Planting cost per
a. 12 planters @ 90 ha 4,200.00 378,000.00 378,000.00
b. 1 parakudap 90 ha 250.00 22,500.00 22,500.00
(pulling of
seedling) @
P250/day for 1
c. 1 “parataltag” 90 ha 500.00 45,000.00 45,000.00
distribution) @
P250.00 for 2
1. Drying (5 persons 90 ha. 1,500.00 135,000.00 135,000.00
@ P300 per day) in
1 cropping period
Other Expenses 5,500.00 5,500.00
Conduct of Farmers Field
School for rice production
(4 meetings per month for
four months)
1. Travel Expenses (2 1,000.00 1,000.00
2. Supplies and 5,000.00 5,000.00
3. Snacks 3,700.00 3,700.00

2-day Training on 10,000.00 10,000.00

Pest Management
Sub-Total Implementation 10,250.00 2,837,400.00 1,216,601.00 4,054,001.00
1 Project
Implementation for
the Irrigation
Deep Well 150m (with 6” 6 3,450,000.00 20,700,000.00 20,700,000.00
G.I Pipe Installed)
Flywheel Free Energy 6 650,000.00 3,900,000.00 3,900,000.00
Machine (8 KVA)
3HP Submersible Pump 6 115,000.00 690,000.00 690,000.00
Power House 6 250,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00
Line Canal (H 1m x W .6m 800 5,650,00 4,520,000.00 4,520,000.00
x L 800m meters

Water Catch Line (4m x 6 75,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00


Supplies and other

miscellaneous materials 4,764,000.00 4,764,000.00

Sub-Total Project
Monitoring / Post 36,524,000.00 36,524,000.00

TOTAL PROPOSED 10,250.00 39,316,400.00 1,216,601.00 40,588,251.00

Project Share (in %) .02% 97.00% 2.98% 100.00%


Table 4. Gross Income versus Production Cost

Note: The computation below is based on 3 cropping periods in a year.

A. Total Cost Production for 3 Cropping Periods Amount
Implementation Phase (90 Has) 12,162,003.00
B. Marketing
Sacks @ 140 sacks/hectare
No.of Kgs. sold 1,890 Metric Tons
Price per kg. 17.30
C. Gross Sales Annually 32,697,000.00
D. NET INCOME (Gross Sales – Implementation Phase) Annually 20,534,997.00
E. ROI (Net Income/Total Implementation Phase) Annually 168.84%

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