Physics Revision Guide

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for Cambridge IGCSE ®

Revision Guide

Sarah Lloyd

Oxford and Cambridge

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Tips for effective revision 4

1 General physics
1.1 Length, volume and time 7
1.2 Speed, velocity and acceleration 8
1.3 Mass and weight 15
1.4 Density 16
1.5 Forces 18
1.6 Energy, work and power 33
1.7 Pressure 41

2 Thermal physics
2.1 Kinetic theory 50
2.2 Thermal properties 56
2.3 Transfer of thermal energy 67

3 Properties of waves
3.1 General wave properties 80
3.2 Light 85
3.3 Sound 96

4 Electricity and magnetism

4.1 Magnetism 105
4.2 Electrical quantities 110
4.3 Electric circuits 118
4.4 Dangers of electricity 129
4.5 Electromagnetic effects 131
4.6 Cathode ray oscilloscope 139

5 Atomic physics
5.1 Radioactivity 150
5.2 The nuclear atom 158

Answers provided on our website:

How to use this revision guide

This book is designed to be used with Complete Physics for IGCSE. It offers brief notes and
simplified explanations, along with practice questions, to help you understand the physics
principles required for the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus. The notes, examples, summary
questions and examination questions are divided into sections that relate to the syllabus areas.

The examination questions that accompany each subsection (e.g. transfer of thermal
energy, which is part of the thermal physics section) will allow you to test yourself at regular
intervals. There are also questions at the end of each section so that you can test your
knowledge and understanding of the whole topic. In this way you can revise topic by topic
until you have covered the entire syllabus. Answers to questions are available at

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Tips for effective revision

✓ Begin your revision well in advance of the examination
✓ Find a quiet place to work, free from distractions
✓ Study in exam-length sessions broken up by 10 minute breaks, when you leave
your desk
✓ Process the information that you are trying to learn: make your own notes, draw
a table and categorise the information, draw mind maps (spider diagrams) to
summarise the key points
✓ Test yourself often using examination questions

Active Revision for Physics

Making revision notes
Don’t just write out your notes. Try to make them as brief as possible, just picking out the
essential points. This is quite challenging! You could try writing your revision notes onto cue
cards. They are then more portable to read on the bus/tram to school or on the way to see
your friends.

Drawing revision mind maps (spider diagrams)

This is a good way to visually summarise information. You can link ideas, which will help
your understanding of the topic. Simplifying difficult concepts into diagrams will help you
to reduce the information that you have to learn for the exam. Drawing out a mind map on
a large sheet of paper will allow you to put in more diagrams and highlight the important
points in colour. Below is an example of a simple mind map on radioactivity.

Radioactive particles Alpha, (helium nucleus). Beta, (electron). Gamma,

ionise atoms in cells, (electromagnetic wave).
which leads to cell
damage or cell death.
Can cause cancer in the
future. Unstable nucleus, emits
radioactive particles.

Background radiation is
Dangerous! RADIOACTIVITY all around us.

People who work with Useful! Sources of background radiation

radiation are monitored medical fallout
to check that they have 12.0% 0.3%
not been exposed to cosmic rays industrial
unsafe levels. They wear Gamma emitters are used as 10.0% 0.7%
a film badge. tracers in medicine. Beta emitters
are used to measure the thickness the body
of paper in factories. Alpha 12.0%
emitters are used in smoke alarms.

gammas from radon and

rocks etc. thoron
14.0% 51.0%

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Writing your own test
Write down questions as you go through this Revision Guide. When you reach the end of
the topic you can use the questions to test your knowledge and understanding and check
your progress.

Getting someone else to test you

You could give one of your classmates your revision notes and ask them to test you. Or you
could get them to ask you about parts of the syllabus they don’t understand. This is a good
test of your understanding of that topic!

Using your syllabus

You can download a copy of the syllabus from the CIE website. Make check lists for revision
using the syllabus to indicate when you have made revision notes, practised exam questions
etc. Don’t forget to include a column to tick when you feel you have understood a topic.

Doing past exam questions

There are lots of examination questions throughout this book for you to try. Try revising a
small part of a topic, say for about 30 minutes and then test yourself on the examination
style questions provided here. When you feel ready, full past papers are available on the
CIE website

Making revision posters

If you make your revision notes into posters and put them in places where you will see them
often, you will read them without even realising! This will help to keep topics fresh in your
mind. Your family and friends will see what you have been revising and might talk to you
about it, which will help the information in stick your mind.

Essential quantities and units

Quantity Symbol Unit
Time t second (s)
Force F newton (N)
Weight W newton (N)
Velocity v metres per second (m/s)
Speed s metres per second (m/s)
Distance d or s metre (m)
Acceleration a metres per second squared (m/s2)
Mass m kilogram (kg)
Moment M newton metre (Nm)
Energy E joule (J)
Work done W joule (J)
Power P watt (W)
Current I ampere (A)
Potential difference (voltage) V volt (V)
Resistance R ohm (Ω)
Charge Q coulomb (C)
Frequency f hertz (Hz)
Pressure p newton per metre squared (N/m2)
Temperature T degrees Celsius (°C)
Density ρ or d g/cm3 or kg/m3

Wavelength λ metre (m)

Specific heat capacity c joules per kilogram degree Celsius J/(kg °C)
Specific latent heat l joules per kilogram (J/kg)

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Formulae and magic triangles
These magic triangles are a useful way of remembering how to use an equation, but are no
substitute for remembering the equation itself.

To use a magic triangle, cover the quantity you are trying to find. The relationship left
behind shows you how to calculate it. For example, cover up speed, u in the first triangle
and you are left with __

d Dv F

u 3 t a 3 t m 3 a
d5u3t Dv 5 a 3 t F5m3a


F 3 d 2
m 3 v2 W 3 h
M5F3d KE 5 12 3 m 3 v 2 PE 5 W 3 h


F 3 d p 3 A P 3 t
WD 5 F 3 d F5p3A E5p3t


l 3 t l 3 R l 3 V
Q5l3t V5l3R P 5l3V

m v

3 V f 3
m5 3V v5f3

p 5 gh E 5 mcDT E 5 DmL

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1 General physics

1.1 Length, volume and time

✓ Length is measured with a ruler, tape measure, vernier callipers or micrometer
screw gauge
✓ Volume may be measured with a measuring cylinder
✓ Time is measured with a stop clock or stop watch

Length measurements can be made more precise by using an instrument with a vernier
scale such as vernier callipers or a micrometer screw gauge. A ruler measures to the nearest
millimetre, vernier callipers to 1/10 mm and a micrometer 1/100 mm. Length measurements string
can be made more accurate by measuring multiples, such as the thickness of 500 sheets of l1
paper, then divide by 500 to get the thickness of one sheet. Check the reliability of your l2
measurements by repeating them. If the repeated results are similar, they are reliable. When
measuring the length, l of a pendulum as in the figure (right), you need to measure to the bob
centre of gravity. One way of doing this is to take two measurements and average them: a c
from the fixed end of the string to the beginning of the bob, l1 and from the fixed end of
the string to the far end of the bob l2.

gap being fixed fixed scale on

measured scale scale revolving barrel

gap being 0 5 35
mm 30
mm 0 10 20 25

0 5

Read the highest scale See where divisions coincide. Read the highest scale Read the scale on the
division before : Read this on sliding scale, division that can be seen: barrel, putting a decimal
putting a decimal point in front: point in front:

7 0.4 5.5 0.32

Add: 7.4 mm Add: 5.82 mm

▲ Reading a vernier ▲ Reading a micrometer

The volume of a regular solid can be found by measuring its dimensions. For example,
recording the length, width and height of a cuboid (box) and multiplying these
measurements together. The volume of an irregularly shaped object can also be measured
using a measuring cylinder with a eureka can. Place the object in the eureka can and use the
measuring cylinder to measure how much water is displaced. The volume of water displaced
is equal to the volume of the object.

A digital stop watch measures time to a precision of 0.01 s. This is far more precise than
human error will allow, which is about 0.2 s. If possible, time over as long a period as
possible. When timing the time period for a simple pendulum, for example, it is more
accurate to time 100 swings with a stop watch and then divide by the number of swings. ▲ Eureka can and measuring
This reduces the error due to human reaction time. Repeat time measurements to check for
reliability of data.

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1.2 Speed, velocity and acceleration

✓ Speed 5 ________
change in velocity
✓ Acceleration 5 ________________
✓ Velocity and acceleration can have both positive and negative values

distance (m)
Speed (m/s) 5 ____________
time (s)

u 5 d

Worked examples
1. A car travels at a speed of 20 m/s for 30 s. How far does it travel in this time?

2. A cyclist travels 1000 m in 3 minutes. What is his speed?

3. A girl walks 3 km at 1.5 m/s. How long does her journey take?

1. d5u3t
5 20 3 30
5 600 m

2. u 5 d/t
5 1000 4 (3 3 60)
5 1000 4 180
5 5.56 m/s

3. t 5 d/u
5 (3 3 1000) 4 1.5
5 3000 4 1.5
5 2000 s (33 min 20 s)

Note: in example 2, time in minutes must be converted to seconds. In example 3, distance

in kilometres must be converted to metres.

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General physics 1

Distance –time graphs

A journey can be represented on a graph by plotting the distance travelled on the y-axis and
the time taken on the x-axis. The shape of the graph describes the journey.

y step
y step
distance/m The gradient of the graph 5______
x step
5 speed

x step

▲ Distance –time graph

Examples of distance–time graphs

1. In a crash test, a car travels at steady speed and then stops suddenly as it hits a wall.

There is a constant gradient The gradient suddenly

because the object travels changes to zero (horizontal
at steady speed. line), which means the speed
is zero and the object has


2. A runner sets off in a race, increasing her speed until she reaches her maximum speed.

The gradient gradually

increases because the
speed is increasing.
Initially, the gradient is low,
which means the speed is low.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Velocity and acceleration

Velocity is a vector quantity; it is equal to speed in a particular direction. Speed is a
measurement of how fast an object is moving.

Acceleration is also a vector quantity. It is equal to the change in velocity per second.

When an object is slowing down, if its velocity is decreasing, the acceleration is negative.
We say that it is decelerating. See section 1.5 (scalars and vectors).

Acceleration (m/s2) 5 change in velocity (m/s) 4 time (s)

a 5 _____
a5 Δ v
initial velocity 5 u, final velocity 5 v,
time taken for the change in velocity 5 t,
change in velocity 5 v 2 u 5 Δv

Worked examples
1. A car increases its velocity from 10 m/s to 20 m/s in 5 s. What is its acceleration?

2. A runner has an acceleration of 10 m/s2. How long does it take him to reach a speed of
5 m/s from rest? (Note ’rest‘ means zero velocity.)

3. A train accelerates at 9 m/s2 for 5 s. If its initial velocity is 5 m/s, what is its final

1. a 5 Δv 4 t
5 (20 2 10) 4 5
5 2 m/s2

2. t 5 Δv 4 a
5 5 4 10
5 0.5 s

3. Δv 5 a 3 t
5 45 m/s
v 5 u 1 Δv
5 5 1 45
5 50 m/s


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General physics 1

Speed–time graphs

The gradient of the speed–time

y step
graph 5 _____
x step
y step 5 acceleration

The area under the

graph 5 distance x step

▲ Speed–time graph.

The area under the graph is a calculation involving the units on the two axes. It is not a
physical area.

Examples of speed–time graphs

1. A car accelerating until it reaches its maximum speed.

At the maximum speed the

graph is horizontal (gradient
The car starts with its greatest is zero) indicating the car has
acceleration (the gradient is reached a steady speed.
highest). The acceleration speed
decreases with time as the car m/s
approaches its maximum speed
(the gradient decreases).


2. A runner who accelerates with constant acceleration to his maximum speed and
then decelerates steadily to a stop at the end of the race.

As the runner reaches a

At the start of the race steady speed, the gradient
the acceleration of becomes zero (horizontal line
the runner is greatest speed on graph).
(gradient is maximum). m/s
This acceleration is At the end of the race, the
constant and so the runner decelerates (negative
gradient of the graph is gradient) to rest (zero velocity).
constant (a straight line). The straight line shows that the
time/s deceleration is constant.

3. A skydiver from the time she jumps from a helicopter until the moment she
reaches the ground.

When she opens her parachute, the

Initially the skydiver acceleration changes from positive to negative
accelerates but the as she decelerates (negative gradient).
acceleration decreases
with time as air resistance speed
increases (gradient is m/s Finally, the deceleration
positive but decreasing). decreases and she reaches a
steady velocity (zero gradient).
This is the terminal velocity.



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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Examination style questions



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

The graph above is for a 60 minute car journey.

a. Between which times is the car speed at its highest?
b. Calculate the total time for which the car is stopped.
c. State without calculation how the graph could be used
i) to find the distance travelled in the first 12½ minutes.
ii) to find the average speed for the journey.

Graph adapted from CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q2

2. A stone falls from the top of a building and hits the ground at a speed of 32 m/s.
The air resistance force on the stone is very small and may be neglected.
a. Calculate the time of fall.
b. Copy and draw the speed–time graph for the falling stone.





0 1 2 3 4

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q1a


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General physics 1

3. The figure below shows the speed–time graph for a journey travelled by a tractor.



2 P
0 50 100 170 200

a. Use the graph to describe the motion of the tractor during the sections OP, PQ, QR
and RS.
b. Which two points on the graph show when the tractor is stationary?
c. State the greatest speed reached by the tractor.
d. For how long was the tractor travelling at constant speed?
e. State how the graph may be used to find the total distance travelled during the
200 s journey. Do not attempt a calculation.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 2 Q3

4. Palm trees are growing every 25 m alongside the highway in a holiday resort.

1 2 3 4


The IGCSE school bus drives along the highway.

a. It takes 2 s for the bus to travel between palm tree 1 and palm tree 2.
Calculate the average speed of the bus between tree 1 and tree 2.
b. It takes more than 2s for the bus to travel from tree 2 to tree 3.
State what this information indicates about the speed of the bus.
c. The speed of the bus continues to do what you have said in (b). State how the
time taken to go from tree 3 to tree 4 compares with the time in (b).
CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 2 Q2


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

5. In a training session, a racing cyclist’s journey is in three stages.

Stage 1 He accelerates uniformly from rest to 12 m/s in 20 s.
Stage 2 He cycles at 12 m/s for a distance of 4800 m.
Stage 3 He decelerates uniformly to rest.
The whole journey takes 500 s.
a. Calculate the time taken for stage 2.
b. Copy the grid below and draw a speed–time graph of the cyclist’s ride.





0 100 200 300 400 500

c. Show that the total distance travelled by the cyclist is 5400 m.

d. Calculate the average speed of the cyclist.
CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q2


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1.3 Mass and weight

✓ Mass is a quantity related to the inertia of an object, measured in kg
✓ Weight is the force, in N, on a mass due to a gravitational field
✓ On Earth, the gravitational field strength is 10 N/kg

Mass is the amount of matter that makes up an object. It is measured in kilograms (kg). All
masses have a quality called “inertia”, the tendency to keep moving if already moving and
stay still if already still.

For example, a car in a crash test: when the car hits the wall, it decelerates to rest in a short
time. The crash test dummy has inertia due to its mass and so it keeps moving forwards at
the same speed as before the car hit the wall. Although it looks as though the dummy has
been thrown forward, there is no net forward force on it.

Weight is the force on a mass due to gravity. It is measured in newtons (N).

weight (N) 5 mass (kg) 3 gravitational field strength (N/kg)

W 5 m 3 g

On Earth, the gravitational field strength, g 5 10 N/kg. This is also called the acceleration
due to gravity or the acceleration of freefall and has an alternative unit of m/s2.

Examination style question

Some IGCSE students were asked to write statements about mass and weight.

Their statements are printed below. Choose the two correct statements.
Mass and weight are the same thing.
Mass is measured in kilograms.
Weight is a type of force.
Weight is the acceleration caused by gravity.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 2 Q2


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1.4 Density

mass , measured in g/cm3 or kg/m3
✓ Density 5 _______

Density is a quantity related to how closely packed the particles in a material are as well as
how much the particles weigh.

mass (g)
density (g/cm3) 5 ____________
volume (cm3)
r 5 m

A simple method of measuring the density of an object (if its density is greater than that
of water):

new volume
measuring reading
initial volume

water object

• Find the mass of the object using a balance.

• Approximately half fill a measuring cylinder with water. Read the volume of water from
the measuring cylinder scale.
• Place the object in the measuring cylinder and take the new volume reading.
• Calculate (new volume reading – initial volume reading) to find the volume of the
• Calculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume.

Worked examples
1. The mass of a stone is found on a top pan balance. It has a mass of 120.02 g. A
measuring cylinder is filled to a volume of 60 cm3 with water. When the stone is placed
in the measuring cylinder, the new water level is 95 cm3. Find the density of the stone.

2. An object of known density of 2.7 g/cm3 is placed into a measuring cylinder of water.
The level of the water rises from 45 cm3 to 72 cm3. What is the mass of the object?

3. A metal block of density 3.2 g/cm3 and mass 90 g is placed in a measuring cylinder
containing 65 cm3 of water. What is the new water level?

1. Volume 5 95 2 60 5 35 cm3
120.02 5 3.4 g/cm3
m 5 _______
r 5 __
V 35

2. Volume 5 72 2 45 5 27 cm3
m 5 V 3 r 5 27 3 2.7 5 73 g

3. V = __ 90 5 28 cm3
m 5 ___
r 3.2
New water level 5 65 1 28 5 93 cm3


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General physics 1

Examination style question

1. A student is given a spring balance with a Newton scale. She is told that the
acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2.
Describe how she could find the mass of a toy car.
Describe how she could go on to find the average density of the toy car.

Adapted from CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q1b

2. A student used a suitable measuring cylinder and a spring balance to find the density of
a sample of a stone.
i) Describe how the measuring cylinder is used, and state the readings that are taken.
ii) Describe how the spring balance is used, and state the reading that is taken.
iii) Write down an equation from which the density of the stone is calculated.
iv) The student then wishes to find the density of cork. Suggest how the apparatus
and the method would need to be changed.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q1b

3. Fig. (a) shows a measuring cylinder, containing some water, on a balance.

Fig. (b) shows the same arrangement with a stone added to the water.

measuring reading Q
reading P


reading R reading S
(a) (b)

a. Which two readings should be subtracted to give the volume of the stone?
b. Which two readings should be subtracted to give the mass of the stone?
c. In a certain experiment,
mass of stone 5 57.5 g,
volume of stone 5 25 cm3.
i) Write down the equation linking density, mass and volume.
ii) Calculate the density of the stone.

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 2 Q3

Practical question
An IGCSE student is determining the density of a metal alloy.

The student is provided with several metal rods, as shown on the right.

1. Measure with a ruler the length, l, of one of the rods.

2. The student measured the diameter of one of the rods with a ruler and found it to be
0.6 cm. Calculate the cross-sectional area, A, of the rod.

3. Use this value to calculate the volume, V, of one rod and hence the whole bundle.

The student used a balance to find the mass of the bundle and found it to be 59.1 g.
Calculate the density of the metal alloy.


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1.5 Forces

✓ Forces are vector quantities that can change the shape of an object, accelerate it or
change its direction
✓ Moment of a force about a pivot 5 force 3 perpendicular distance from the pivot
✓ An object is in equilibrium if there is zero net force on it and zero net moment
✓ An object will not fall over if the line of action of its weight acts through its base;
this depends on the position of the centre of mass
✓ The resultant of two forces can be found by drawing a scale diagram

Forces can produce a change in size or shape of an object. For example, loading a spring
will increase its length.



An experiment to find how the extension of a spring varies with

the force applied
• Measure the original position of the spring using the pointer and ruler, to the
nearest mm.
• Add a 100 g mass hanger and measure the new position.
• Repeat 6 times, adding a 100 g mass each time.
• Calculate the extension by subtracting the original position from each subsequent
position reading.
• Plot a graph of extension against force, where force 5 mass 3 10 N/kg.

Graph of results
From 0 to P, extension is directly
proportional to the force applied.
Beyond P, the extensions are larger
extension/m for the same increase in force.

P At E, the elastic limit is reached.

Beyond this point, the spring will
O not return to its original length
when the force is removed.


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General physics 1

Hooke’s Law
If a material obeys Hooke's Law, the extension is directly proportional to the applied force,
provided that the elastic limit is not exceeded.

F 5 kx

Where F 5 applied force (N), k 5 force constant for object under test (N/m),
x 5 extension (m)

Force, mass and acceleration

A force can accelerate an object. The larger the force on the object, the greater the
acceleration if the mass stays constant. The larger the mass of the object, the smaller the
acceleration if the force stays constant.

Force (N) 5 mass (kg) 3 acceleration (m/s2)

F 5 m 3 a

Worked examples
1. A force of 10 N acts on an object of mass 5 kg. What is the acceleration of the object?

2. A force of 15 N causes an object to accelerate at 2 m/s2. What is its mass?

3. A mass of 3 kg has a deceleration of 5 m/s2. What force acts on it?

1. a5F4m
5 ___
5 2 m/s2

2. m5F4a
5 ___
5 7.5 kg

3. F5m3a
5 3 3 25
5 215 N

Note: in example 3, the object is decelerating so acceleration is negative.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Resultant force
The resultant force acting on an object is the net or overall force when the size and
direction of all the forces acting are taken into account. Force is a vector quantity.



Resultant force 5 5 N 1 2 N 5 7 N

The forces are added together because they act in the same direction.

15 N 10 N

Resultant force 5 15 N 2 10 N
5 5 N (to the left)

The forces are subtracted because they act in opposite directions.

A force can cause an object to change direction. The object will move in a circle if the
force acts perpendicular (at a right angle) to the direction that the object is travelling.

v 5 velocity
F 5 force

The force acts at right angles to the direction that the object is moving. The force does not
do any work on the object because the object does not move in the direction of the force.
The force constantly changes the direction of the object which means its velocity changes
but its speed stays constant. The object accelerates towards the centre of the circle.

The force which causes an object to move in a circle is called the

centripetal force. The centripetal force increases if:

• the mass of the object increases tangent

• the speed of the object increases
• the radius of the circle decreases

If the force which is providing the centripetal acceleration is suddenly removed,

the object will move on a tangent to the original circle.


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General physics 1

Examination style questions





0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

The graph above was obtained by a student who loaded a spring from 0.5 N to 3.0 N
and measured its length.
a. Find the length of the spring when a load of 2.0 N is applied
b. Find the load required to stretch the spring to a length of 18 cm
c. Find the extension of the spring when it is stretched by a load of 1.5 N

Adapted from CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 2 Q1

2. A mass of 5.0 kg accelerates at 3 m/s2 in a straight line.

a. State why acceleration is described as a vector quantity.
b. Calculate the force required to accelerate the mass.

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 3 Q3

3. The length of a spring is measured when various loads from 1.0N to 6.0N are hanging
from it. The graph below gives the results.





0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Use the graph to find

a. the length of the spring with no load attached,
b. the length of the spring with 4.5N attached,
c. the extension caused by a 4.5N load.
CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 2 Q1


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

4. In an experiment, forces are applied to a spring as shown in (a). The results of this
experiment are shown in (b).

(b) 16

(a) 12

force/N 8.0 P


weights 0
0 2.0 4.0 6.0

a. What is the name given to the point marked Q in (b)?

b. For the part OP of the graph, the spring obeys Hooke’s Law.
State what this means.
c. The spring is stretched until the force and extension are shown by the point R on
the graph. Compare how the spring stretches, as shown by the part of the graph
OQ, with that shown by QR.
d. The part OP of the graph shows the spring stretching according to the expression
F 5 kx.
Use values from the graph to calculate the value of k.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q2


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General physics 1

5. The points plotted on the grid below were obtained from a spring-stretching







0 1 2 3 4 5

a. Using a straight edge, draw a straight line through the first 5 points. Extend your
line to the edge of the grid.
b. Suggest a reason why the sixth point does not lie on the line you have drawn.
c. Calculate the extension caused by the 3N load.
d. A small object is hung on the unloaded spring, and the length of the spring
becomes 62 mm.
Use the graph to find the weight of the object.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 2 Q9

Practical question
An IGCSE class is investigating the effect of a load on a metre rule attached to a spring. The
apparatus is shown in the diagram below.


metre rule
zero end of rule
taped to bench mass



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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

The zero end of the metre rule is taped to the bench to stop it slipping. The spring is
attached to the rule at the 40.0 cm mark and the masses are attached at the 90.0 cm mark.
The masses are added 10 g at a time and the angle, u, between the bench and the rule
measured with a protractor.

One student’s results are shown below

m u
0 29
10 28
20 26
30 25
40 22
50 19

1. Complete the column headings.

2. One student suggests that m and u should be directly proportional to each other. Plot a
graph of u (y-axis) against m (x-axis). Using your graph show whether this prediction is
correct. State your reason.

Turning effect and equilibrium

The turning effect or moment of a force about a pivot is equal to the force multiplied by its
perpendicular distance from the pivot.


Moment (Nm) 5 Force (N) 3 distance (m)

M 5 F 3 d

If an object is in equilibrium there is no resultant turning effect and no resultant force.

Worked example
1. A force of 2.0 N acts at distance of 3.0 m from a pivot. Find the moment of the force.

2. A force of 5.0 N provides a moment of 15 Nm about a pivot. What is the distance of

the force from the pivot?

3. A force provides a moment of 20 Nm about a pivot at a distance of 2.0 m. What is the

size of the force?


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General physics 1

1. M5F3d
5 2.0 3 3.0
5 6.0 Nm

2. M
d 5 __
5 15
5 3.0 m

3. M
F 5 __
5 20
5 10 N

Examples of objects in equilibrium

20 N
30 N
1m 4m
4m 1m
3m 6m

25 N 24 N

Clockwise moment 5 2 3 3 5 6 Nm Clockwise moment 5 20 3 1 5 20 Nm Clockwise moment 5 24 3 1 5 24 Nm

Anticlockwise moment 5 1 3 6 5 6 Nm Anticlockwise moment 5 5 3 4 5 20 Nm Anticlockwise moment 5 6 3 4 5 24 Nm
Net moment = 6 2 6 5 0 Nm Net moment 5 20 2 20 5 0 Nm Net moment 5 24 2 24 5 0 Nm

Taking moments about the pivot in each case.

An experiment to show that there is no net moment on an object

in equilibrium

horizontally balanced
metre rule

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
9N horizontal pivot

Anticlockwise moment due to the 9 N weight 5 9 3 0.4 5 3.6 Nm

Reading on the spring balance 5 12 N
Moment due to the force of the spring balance 5 12 3 0.3 5 3.6 Nm

Conclusion: in equilibrium, clockwise moment 5 anticlockwise moment


915436_ch01_007-049.indd 25 9/10/09 08:58:08

IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Examination style questions

1. a. State the two factors on which the turning effect of a force depends.
b. Forces F1 and F2 are applied vertically downwards at the ends of a beam resting on
a pivot P. The beam has weight W. The beam is shown in the diagram below.

F1 W F2

i) Complete the statements about the two requirements for the beam to
be in equilibrium.

1. There must be no resultant ..................................................

2. There must be no resultant ..................................................

ii) The beam is in equilibrium. F is the force exerted on the beam by the pivot P.
Complete the following equation about the forces on the beam.

F 5 ....................................................
iii) Which one of the four forces on the beam does not exert a moment about P?

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 2 Q5

2. The diagram below shows apparatus for investigating moments of forces.

horizontally balanced
metre rule

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
6.0 N horizontal pivot

The uniform metre rule shown is in equilibrium.

a. Write down two conditions for the metre rule to be in equilibrium.
b. Show that the value of the reading on the spring balance is 8.0 N.
c. The weight of the uniform metre rule is 1.5 N. Calculate the force exerted by the
pivot on the metre rule and state its direction.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q2


915436_ch01_007-049.indd 26 9/10/09 08:58:08

General physics 1

Practical question
The IGCSE class is determining the weight of a metre rule.

Below is a diagram of the apparatus




A metre rule is supported at one end by a pivot through the 1.0 cm mark. The other end is
supported at the 91.0 cm mark by a newton meter hanging from a clamp.

1. Describe how you would check that the metre rule is horizontal. You may draw a
diagram if you wish.

2. The students record the force F shown on the newton meter and the distance d from
the pivot to the 91 cm mark. They then repeat the experiment several times using a
range of values of the distance d. The readings are shown in the table.

F/N d/m 1 / __
__ 1
d m
0.74 0.900
0.78 0.850
0.81 0.800
0.86 0.750
0.92 0.700

Copy the table. Calculate and record on your table the values of 1/d

3. 1 / __
a. On graph paper, plot a graph of F/N (y-axis) against __ 1 (x-axis).
d m
Start the y-axis at 0.7 and the x-axis at 1.0.
b. Draw the line of best fit on your graph.
c. Determine the gradient G of the line.

4. Calculate the weight of the metre rule using the equation

G where k 5 0.490 m.
W 5 __


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Centre of mass
The centre of mass of an object is the point on the object where the mass can be
considered to be concentrated and hence where the weight of the object can be
considered to act.

The centre of mass of a very thin object (a lamina) can be found by experiment:

pin points
line 1


line 2

Point where lines cross 5 position

of centre of mass

Push a pin through a point on the edge of the lamina and allow it to swing freely. Use a
plumb line (a small mass on a piece of string) to mark a vertical line from the pin point
across the lamina. Repeat for a second point on the edge of the lamina. Where the two
lines cross is the position of the centre of mass.

The position of the centre of mass affects the stability of an object

For example:
If object 1 is tilted through a small angle, the weight will act outside the base.
There will be a net moment on object 1 that will cause it to fall over. If object 2 is tilted
through a small angle the weight will still act inside the base. There will be a net moment
on object 2 that will cause it to go back to its original position and it will not fall over.

object 1 object 2


object 1 object 2


weight weight
pivot pivot


915436_ch01_007-049.indd 28 9/10/09 08:58:09

General physics 1

Examination style questions

1. A piece of stiff cardboard is stuck to a plank of wood by means of two sticky-tape
“hinges”. This is shown below.

sticky-tape ‘hinge’
A plank of
C wood

a. Initially, the cardboard is flat on the plank of wood. A box of matches is placed on
it. The cardboard is then slowly raised at the left hand edge, as shown below. State
the condition for the box of matches to fall over.

sticky-tape ‘hinge’

plank of

b. The box of matches is opened, as shown below. The procedure in (a) is repeated.

sticky-tape hinge

plank of

i) Complete the sentence below, using either the words “greater than” or “the
same as“ or “less than“.

In (b), the angle through which the cardboard can be lifted before the
box of matches falls is …………………………………………… the angle
before the box of matches falls in (a).

ii) Give a reason for your answer to (i).

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q3


915436_ch01_007-049.indd 29 9/10/09 08:58:09

IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

2. a. A light vertical triangular piece of rigid plastic PQR is pivoted at corner P.

A horizontal 5N force acts at Q, as shown in below.



Describe what, if anything, will happen to the piece of plastic.

b. On another occasion, two horizontal 5N forces act on the piece of plastic, as
shown in below.




i) Describe what, if anything, will happen to the piece of plastic.

ii) Copy the diagram above and mark the force that the pivot exerts on the piece
of plastic. Show the direction of the force by means of an arrow and write the
magnitude of the force next to the arrow.

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q3


915436_ch01_007-049.indd 30 9/10/09 08:58:09

General physics 1

Scalars and vectors

A scalar quantity has size only.

A vector quantity has size and direction.

Examples of scalar quantities Examples of vector quantities

Mass Velocity
Energy Acceleration
Time Force

To calculate the resultant (overall) force on a point acted on by two forces, F1 and F2 you can
draw a scale diagram.

Choose a scale e.g. a line of 1 cm

represents a force of 1 N
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

1 N 5 1 cm
Draw the forces F1 and F2 acting
on the point F2


Put the forces “nose to tail” i.e.

so the arrows follow on. F2


Draw the resultant force line from Fr

the tail of one arrow to the head F2
of the second arrow.


Measure the length of the

resultant force line in cm and
then convert this value back to 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
newtons. mm

1 cm 5 1N


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Examination style question

1. A student sets up the apparatus shown below in order to find the resultant of the two
tensions T1 and T2 acting at P. When the tensions T1, T2 and T3 are balanced, the angles
between T1 and the vertical and T2 and the vertical are as marked on the diagram.


T2 = 8.0 N board
pulley T1 = 6.0 N


Draw a scale diagram of the forces T1 and T2. Use the diagram to find the resultant of the
two forces.

a. The value of the resultant
b. The direction of the resultant
c. The scale used in the drawing

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 3 Q2


915436_ch01_007-049.indd 32 9/10/09 08:58:10

1.6 Energy, work and power

✓ Energy can be transformed from one type to another but it cannot be created
or destroyed
✓ Different types of stored energy can be transformed into electrical energy in power
✓ Work done 5 force 3 distance, power 5 energy/time
✓ kinetic energy 5 __21 mass 3 velocity2
✓ change in gravitational potential energy 5 mass 3 gravitational field
3 change in height

An object may have energy because it is moving or because of its position. Energy can be
transferred from one place to another, transformed from one type to another or stored.
The unit of energy is the joule (J).

Types of energy

Gravitational potential The energy gained as an object is moved away from the Earth
e.g. a book being lifted onto a shelf
Kinetic The energy an object has due to its movement
e.g. a person running
Chemical Stored energy that can be released in a chemical reaction
e.g. a battery, fuel such as coal
Strain The energy stored when an object changes shape
e.g. a stretched rubber band
Electric The energy carried by an electric current
Sound The energy carried by a sound wave
Internal energy The total kinetic and potential energies of all of the particles in an
Thermal (heat) energy The energy released when the temperature of a hot object decreases
due to a decrease in its internal energy
Nuclear Stored energy that can be released in a nuclear reaction
e.g. energy stored in the sun.
Light Energy given off, for example, by very hot objects

Heat energy can be transferred from a hot object to a cooler one.

Kinetic energy can be transferred from one car to another in a collision.

Energy transformations
In an energy transformation, energy is converted from one type to another. For example:

Light bulb Waterfall

electric heat + light gravitational potential kinetic

Bow and arrow Cell

strain kinetic chemical electrical


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Principle of conservation of energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It is transformed from one form to another.


Heat energy out = 98 J

Electrical energy
in = 100 J
Light energy out = 2 J

100 J in 5 (98 J 1 2 J) out

Examination style questions

1. A piece of fruit is falling from a tree.

The list below contains the names of some different forms of energy.



gravitational (PE)

internal (thermal)

kinetic (KE)




a. Which four forms of energy are possessed by the falling fruit?

b. Which form of energy increases as the fruit falls?

c. Which form of energy decreases as the fruit falls?

d. Which form of energy is stored in the body of a person as a result of eating the fruit?

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 2 Q4


915436_ch01_007-049.indd 34 9/10/09 08:58:12

General physics 1

2. A child is sitting on an oscillating swing, as shown below. At the top of the oscillation,
the child and swing are momentarily at rest.

i) Use the names of appropriate types of energy to complete the following word

potential energy ......................... .........................
5 energy at the 1 energy at the 1 energy losses
at the top of the
oscillation bottom of the bottom of the
oscillation oscillation

ii) The child continues to sit still on the swing. The amplitude of the oscillations slowly
Explain why this happens.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 2 Q4b and c


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Energy resources
Energy resources are used to produce electrical energy from other forms of energy.

Coal, oil and gas fired power stations The chemical energy in the fuel is released by burning.
The chemical energy is transformed to heat energy
which is used to heat water and increase its internal
energy, turning it into steam. The steam turns turbines,
transferring its kinetic energy to them. The kinetic
energy is transformed to electrical energy in the

Geothermal power stations Water is pumped underground and gains heat energy
from the hot rocks deep underground. The heat energy is
then converted to kinetic energy in the turbines, which
turn the generator to produce electrical energy.

Hydroelectric power stations The gravitational potential energy of the falling water
is transformed to kinetic energy as the water passes
through the turbines. The turbines turn the generator to
produce electrical energy.

Solar cells The light energy from the Sun is transformed to

electrical energy in the solar cell.

Solar power station The heat energy from the Sun is concentrated by a
series of curved mirrors, which focus the energy into
one place. This heat energy converts water to steam,
which turns the turbines, giving them kinetic energy. The
kinetic energy is transformed to electrical energy in the

Wave power As the turbines bob on the surface of the sea,

gravitational potential energy is transformed to
kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is then transformed
into electrical energy in the generators.

Tidal power As the tide comes in, the water builds up behind the
dam and gains gravitational potential energy. When
the water is released the gravitational potential energy
is transformed to kinetic energy and then to electrical
energy in the generator.

Nuclear power The nuclear energy stored in uranium-235 is released

when the uranium nuclei split in a process called nuclear
fission. The nuclear energy is transformed to heat energy
which is used to turn water to steam. The steam turns
the turbines and then this kinetic energy is transformed
to electrical energy in the generator.


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General physics 1

Nuclear fusion
The process of nuclear fusion is carried out in the Sun. Hydrogen nuclei collide at great
speed in the Sun and fuse together to form helium nuclei. This releases energy in the form
of heat and light.

Examination style question

1. The diagram below represents a hydroelectric system for generating electricity.


station water flows down

water flows out

Answer the following questions, using words from this list.




internal (heat)






a. What sort of energy, possessed by the water in the reservoir, is the main source of
energy for this system?
b. When the water flows down the pipe, it is moving. What sort of energy does it
possess because of this movement?
c. The water makes the turbines in the power station rotate. What sort of energy do
the turbines possess because of their rotation?
d. What sort of energy does the power station generate?
e. None of the energy transfer processes is perfect. In what form is most of the
wasted energy released?

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q4


915436_ch01_007-049.indd 37 9/10/09 08:58:13

IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Work and power

The work done in joules by a force acting on an object 5 force 3 distance moved by the
object in the direction of the force.

work done (J) 5 force (N) 3 distance (m)

W 5 F 3d

The power in watts is the work done per second or the energy transformed per second.

energy (J)
power (W) 5 _________
time (s)

P 5 E

Worked examples
1. A car engine produces a force of 2000 N while accelerating the car through a distance
of 200 m in a time of 10 s.
a. What is the work done on the car by the engine force?
b. What is the power developed by the engine?

a. W 5 F 3 d
5 2000 3 200
5 400 000 J
5 400 kJ
b. P 5 __
400 000
5 ________
5 40 000 W
5 40 kW

Kinetic energy
Kinetic energy can be calculated from the formula:
1 mv2
KE 5 __
where m 5 mass in kg; v 5 velocity in m/s

When an object is lifted higher above the Earth’s surface work must be done.
Since work 5 force 3 distance
and force 5 weight of the object
work done 5 weight 3 height lifted
where weight 5 mass 3 gravitational field 5 mg.

Gravitational potential energy

It follows that the change in gravitational potential energy (the work done in lifting
the object) is given by the formula:

PE 5 mgh

where m 5 mass in kg; g 5 acceleration due to gravity 10m/s2;

h 5 change in height in m


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General physics 1

Worked examples
1. A car of mass 1000 kg is travelling at a velocity of 20 m/s. Calculate its kinetic energy.

2. Calculate the change in potential energy of a 70 kg parachutist as she falls through a

height of 100 m.

3. A ball of mass 0.5 kg is dropped from rest at a height of 5 m above the ground. Find its
velocity when it hits the ground.

1. 1 mv2
KE 5 __
1 3 1000 3 202
5 __
5 200 000 J
5 200 kJ

2. PE 5 mgh
5 70 3 10 3 100
5 70 000 J
5 70 kJ

3. PE 5 mgh
5 0.5 3 10 3 5
5 25 J
loss of PE 5 gain of KE
v 5 √(2KE/m)
5 √(2 3 25/0.5)
5 10 m/s

Examination style questions

1. An electric pump is used to raise water from a well, as shown below.




a. The pump does work in raising the water. State an equation that could be used to
calculate the work done in raising the water.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

b. The water is raised through a vertical distance of 8.0 m. The weight of water raised
in 5.0 s is 100 N.
i) Calculate the work done in raising the water in this time.
ii) Calculate the power the pump uses to raise the water.
iii) The energy transferred by the pump to the water is greater than your
answer to (i).
Suggest what the additional energy is used for.

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 3 Q3

2. A student wishes to work out how much power she uses to lift her body when climbing
a flight of stairs.
Her body mass is 50 kg and the vertical height of the stairs is 4.0 m. She takes 20 s to
walk up the stairs.
a. Calculate
i) the work done in raising her body mass as she climbs the stairs,
ii) the output power she develops when raising her body mass.
b. At the top of the stairs she has gravitational potential energy. Describe the energy
transformations taking place as she walks back down the stairs and stops at
the bottom.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 3 Q3

3. The diagram below shows water falling over a dam.

dam falling water

7.0 m

a. The vertical height that the water falls is 7.0 m.

Calculate the potential energy lost by 1.0 kg of water during the fall.
b. Assuming all this potential energy loss is changed to kinetic energy of the water,
calculate the speed of the water, in the vertical direction, at the end of the fall.
c. The vertical speed of the water is less than that calculated in b. Suggest one reason
for this.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q3


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1.7 Pressure

✓ force
Pressure 5 _____
✓ 1N
Pressure is measured in Pascals (Pa) with 1 Pa 5 ____
✓ Atmospheric pressure can be measured using a barometer
✓ The pressure at a depth h under the surface of a liquid of density p 5 rgh
✓ The pressure of a gas can be measured using a manometer

The pressure on a surface due to a force is the force on 1 m2 of the surface.

force (N)
pressure (N/m2) 5 ________
area (m2)
p 5 __

The unit of pressure, N/m2 is also known as the pascal (Pa)

Worked examples
1. A force of 10 kN acts on the surface of a liquid, of area 0.08 m2. What is the pressure
on the surface of the liquid?

2. A person of weight 600 N exerts a pressure of 200 kPa on the ground. What is the area
of their feet?

3. The area of a dog's paw is 10 cm2. The pressure under the paw is 50 kPa when it
exerts half of its body weight on the paw. What is its weight?

1. F
p 5 __
10 000
5 _______
5 125 000 Pa
5 125 kPa

2. F
A 5 __
5 ________
200 000
5 0.003 m2

3. F5p3A
5 50 000 3 (10 4 10 000)
5 50 N
Total weight 5 2 3 50 5 100 N

Note: In question 1, 1 kN 5 1000 N

In question 3, area in cm2 is converted to area in m2 by dividing by (100 3 100) ie
by 10 000


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Atmospheric (air) pressure can be measured with a barometer.

The glass tube is evacuated

and so the mercury can move vacuum
up inside. The greater the
air pressure, the higher the
mercury rises up the tube.
The height of the mercury
column is proportional to
the outside air pressure.
There is pressure on the
surface of the mercury
due to the force of the
air molecules hitting the
air pressure air pressure surface.

The air pressure on the

surface forces the mercury
mercury up the glass tube.

The pressure at the base of the mercury column 5 density of mercury 3 g 3 height
5 r gh
where r 5 density of mercury in kg/m3
g 5 acceleration due to gravity in m/s2
h 5 height of column in m

The pressure below the surface of all liquids increases proportionally to depth. For example,
the formula above can be used to calculate the pressure under the surface of the sea.

A manometer can be used to measure the pressure of a gas:

The gas whose pressure is

to be measured enters the This end of the tube is
manometer here open to the air.

The air exerts a pressure

h on the surface of the
The gas exerts a pressure liquid here.
on the surface of the

Liquid in a glass tube

The pressure due to the gas 5 atmospheric pressure 1 r gh

Where r 5 density of liquid in kg/m3; h 5 difference in height of two liquid surfaces in m


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General physics 1

Examination style questions

1. a. The diagram below shows two examples of footwear being worn by people of
equal weight at a Winter Olympics competition.
Which footwear creates the greatest pressure below it, and why?


b. Drivers of high-sided vehicles, like the one below, are sometimes warned not to
drive when it is very windy.

Suggest why they receive this warning.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 2 Q3

2. The diagram below shows a pond that is kept at a constant depth by a pressure-
operated valve in the base.


outlet valve

a. The pond is kept at a depth of 2.0 m. The density of water is 1000 kg/m3.
Calculate the water pressure on the valve.
b. The force required to open the valve is 50 N. The valve will open when the water
depth reaches 2.0 m. Calculate the area of the valve.
c. The water supply is turned off and the valve is held open so that water drains out
through the valve. State the energy changes of the water that occur as the depth
of the water drops from 2.0 m to zero.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q3


915436_ch01_007-049.indd 43 9/10/09 08:58:15

IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Summary questions on unit 1

1. Fill in the blanks

The speed of an object can be calculated by working out

divided by .

The unit of speed is . Speed is equal to the of a

distance–time graph. Velocity is equal to speed in a certain and

it has the same . The acceleration of an object is equal to

the _ ____ of velocity and has units of .

Acceleration can be calculated from the of a velocity–time graph. The

area under a velocity–time graph is equal to the .

2. Calculate the speed of an object that travels 10 m in 5 s.

3. The initial velocity of a car is 10 m/s. It reaches a velocity of 25 m/s in 5 s. What is its

4. What is the gradient of a distance–time equal to?

5. What is the area under a velocity–time graph equal to?

6. What is the difference between mass and weight?

7. A pebble of mass 100 g is placed in a measuring cylinder containing 50 ml of water.

The water level rises to 75 ml. What is the density of the pebble?

8. Fill in the blanks

A force can stretch an object, or change its . If small forces are applied to
a spring, the extension produced by a load is to the force

applied. This is true up to the limit of . A force can change the velocity of

an object by causing it to . The acceleration is if the force

on the object is doubled and the mass stays constant. The net or overall force on an

object is called the force. When forces act in opposite directions

they are to find the resultant force. When forces act in the same

direction, they are to find the resultant force. A force can change

the in which an object is travelling without changing its .

This happens when the force is to the direction in which the object is

travelling and it causes the object to move in a .

9. A force of 10 N produces an extension of 20 cm. What extension would be produced

by a force of 2.5 N?


915436_ch01_007-049.indd 44 9/10/09 08:58:16

General physics 1

10. Fill in the blanks

The mass of an object is measured in ____________. The weight of an object is

a type of ____________ and is measured in ______________. The weight can be

calculated by multiplying the ____________ by the ______________ __________

______________. The density of an object is equal to its mass divided by its

________________. The unit of density is ___________ or ______________.

11. Match the devices to the energy transformations

kettle chemical to electrical

generator kinetic to electrical

battery light to electrical

solar cell electrical to thermal

12. Calculate the kinetic energy of a ball of mass 0.2 kg thrown at a speed of 7 m/s.

13. Calculate the increase in gravitational potential energy of a boy of mass 50 kg

climbing a flight of stairs of height 5 m.

14. Calculate the distance travelled by an object if the work done on it by a force of 20 N
is 100 J.

15. What is the power of a kettle that transforms 100 J of electrical energy to internal
energy in 0.5 s?

16. What is the pressure 3 m under the surface of the sea? Sea water has a density of
1200 kg/m3.

17. Calculate the pressure under a block of mass 0.3 kg when resting on an area of 5 cm2.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Examination style questions on unit 1

1. A solid plastic sphere falls towards the Earth.
Below is the speed-time graph of the fall up to the point where the sphere hits
the Earth’s surface.







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

a. Describe in detail the motion of the sphere shown by the graph.

b. Copy the diagram below and, draw arrows to show the directions of the forces
acting on the sphere when it is at the position shown by point S on the graph.
Label your arrows with the names of the forces.

c. Explain why the sphere is moving with constant speed at S.

d. Use the graph to calculate the approximate distance that the sphere falls
i) between R and T,
ii) between P and Q.

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 3 Q1


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General physics 1

2. The diagram below shows a simple pendulum that swings backwards and forwards
between P and Q.



pendulum bob

a. The time taken for the pendulum to swing from P to Q is approximately 0.5 s.
Describe how you would determine this time as accurately as possible.
b. i) State the two vertical forces acting on the pendulum bob when it is at
position R.
ii) The pendulum bob moves along the arc of a circle. State the direction of the
resultant of the two forces in (i).
c. The mass of the bob is 0.2 kg. During the swing it moves so that P is 0.05 m higher
than R.
Calculate the increase in potential energy of the pendulum bob between R and P.

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 3 Q2

3. A bus travels from one bus stop to the next. The journey has three distinct parts.
Stated in order they are
uniform acceleration from rest for 8.0 s,
uniform speed for 12 s,
non-uniform deceleration for 5.0 s.
The graph below shows only the deceleration of the bus.




0 5 10 15 20 25

a. Copy the graph and complete it to show the first two parts of the journey.
b. Calculate the acceleration of the bus 4.0 s after leaving the first bus stop.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

c. Use the graph to estimate the distance the bus travels between 20 s and 25 s.
d. On leaving the second bus stop, the uniform acceleration of the bus is 1.2 m / s2.
The mass of the bus and passengers is 4000 kg.
Calculate the accelerating force that acts on the bus.
e. The acceleration of the bus from the second bus stop is less than that from the first
bus stop.
Suggest two reasons for this.

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 3 Q1

4. The diagram below shows a model car moving clockwise around a horizontal
circular track.

direction of

model circular
car track

a. A force acts on the car to keep it moving in a circle.

i) Copy the diagram and draw an arrow to show the direction of this force.
ii) The speed of the car increases. State what happens to the magnitude of this
b. i) The car travels too quickly and leaves the track at P. On your diagram, draw an
arrow to show the direction of travel after it has left the track.
ii) In terms of the forces acting on the car, suggest why it left the track at P.
c. The car, starting from rest, completes one lap of the track in 10 s. Its motion is
shown graphically in below.






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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General physics 1

i) Describe the motion between 3.0 s and 10.0 s after the car has started.
ii) Use the diagram at the beginning of the question to calculate the
circumference of the track.
iii) Calculate the increase in speed per second during the time 0 to 3.0 s.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 3 Q1

5. The diagram below shows a steam safety valve. When the pressure gets too high, the
steam lifts the weight W and allows steam to escape.

0.2 m


force of

a. Explain, in terms of moments of forces, how the valve works.

b. The moment of weight W about the pivot is 12 N m. The perpendicular distance of
the line of action of the force of the steam on the valve from the pivot is 0.2 m.
The area of the piston is 0.0003 m2.
i) the minimum steam force needed for the steam to escape,
ii) the minimum steam pressure for the steam to escape.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 3 Q2


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2 Thermal physics

2.1 Kinetic theory

✓ The arrangement of particles varies in solids, liquids and gases
✓ The arrangement of particles affects the physical properties of a substance
✓ The kinetic energy of the particles is dependent on the temperature of the substance
✓ The particles in gases and liquids are in constant random motion
✓ When the particles of a gas collide with the walls of its container they exert a pressure
✓ The pressure due to a gas at constant temperature is inversely proportional to its
✓ The highest energy particles escape the surface of a liquid due to evaporation,
at temperatures below the boiling point

A molecule is one or more atoms (of the same or different elements, joined together by
chemical bonds) capable of existing as a unit.

Molecular structure of solids liquids and gases

Solid Liquid Gas

Particles are arranged in a regular Particles are arranged randomly. Particles are arranged randomly. Particles are very
repeating pattern. Particles are close Particles are close together and vibrating, far apart compared with the size of the particles
together, vibrating in fixed positions. but are able to move past one another. themselves and are moving randomly in all

Physical properties of solids liquids and gases

Solid Liquid Gas
Very difficult to compress Difficult to compress Easy to compress
Cannot flow Can flow Can flow
Keeps its shape Takes the shape of the bottom Fills the entire container
of the container

In a solid the particles are close together with strong bonds (attractive forces) between them.
It is difficult to separate the particles and as a result solids are hard to break. As the particles are
already tightly packed, they cannot be pushed closer together and so solids are incompressible.


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Thermal physics 2

In a liquid, the particles are close together with weak bonds (attractive forces) between
them. It is easy for the particles to move past one another and as a result liquids can be
poured and can flow. As the particles are already close together, they cannot be pushed
much closer together and so liquids are incompressible.

In a gas, the particles are very far apart with negligible (practically zero) forces between
them. It is easy for the particles to move past one another and the gas can flow.
The particles can easily be pushed closer together and so gases are compressible.

Substances that can flow are called fluids. All liquids and gases are fluids.

Change in motion of molecules in a gas with temperature

As the temperature of a gas increases, the average kinetic energy of the particles increases
and so the average speed of the particles increases.

Pressure due to a gas

The gas particles are moving fast in all directions. If the gas is placed in a sealed container,
when the particles hit the sides of the container, they rebound and so exert a force on the
walls of the container. Hence there is a pressure on the side of the container equal to the
force exerted divided by the area of the side. ( p 5 F /A, see section 1.7). If the temperature
of the gas increases, the average speed of the particles and the number of collisions per
second increases. Hence the force exerted on the container by the particles is greater and
so the pressure increases.

Brownian motion: the movement of small particles in a gas

or a liquid


view through
zig-zag paths glass
of smoke bits cover

smoke glass
lamp cell

If smoke is introduced into a glass cell and observed through a microscope, the smoke particles
can clearly be seen. The smoke particles appear to be in random motion. This is because they
are constantly being hit by the other rapidly moving particles, in the air, in the glass cell.

This is evidence that the particles in air are in constant random motion. It shows that
massive particles may be moved by light, fast-moving particles.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Boyle’s Law: the variation of volume of a gas with applied

Experimental arrangement

trapped air

glass tube

20 volume scale

40 air from


Experimental procedure
The pressure on a fixed mass of gas is varied by using a foot pump and measured using a
pressure gauge at constant temperature. The volume of the gas is recorded as the pressure
is increased.

As the graph shows, when the pressure on the gas is increased, the volume of the gas
decreases. If the pressure is doubled, the volume of the gas halves. The volume is inversely
proportional to the pressure applied.

A graph to show how the volume of a

fixed mass of gas varies with pressure
Volume/ml 30
0 100 200 300 400 500

▲ A graph to show how the volume of a fixed mass of gas varies with pressure

Boyle’s Law
For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, the volume is inversely proportional to
the applied pressure.
pV 5 constant

Evaporation is the transformation of a liquid into a gas at a temperature below the boiling
point of the liquid. The liquid particles have kinetic energy and are moving past one
another but some particles have more kinetic energy than the others. These faster particles


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Thermal physics 2

may be moving fast enough to overcome the force of attraction between them and the other
particles. The fast moving particles escape from the surface of the liquid and form a gas.



The rate of evaporation can be increased by:

• increasing the temperature (e.g. put the liquid in a warmer room)

• increasing the surface area (e.g. put the liquid in a wider container)
• increasing the air flow over the surface of the liquid (e.g. blow on the surface).

Examination style questions

1. The following diagram shows a plastic bottle containing only air. The bottle is
sealed by the cap.

cap screwed on tightly


a. Describe the motion of the molecules in the air inside the bottle.
b. Describe and explain what happens to the pressure in the bottle as the temperature
of the air increases.

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q5a

2. An IGCSE student notices a puddle of water on the pavement as he leaves home on a

warm day. When he returns one hour later, the puddle is only half as wide as before.
a. State the name of the process causing the decrease in the size of the puddle.
b. Explain how the process leads to the observed effect.

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q5b


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

3. The apparatus shown below is set up in a laboratory during a morning science lesson.






Later in the day, the room temperature is higher than in the morning.
a. What change is observed in the apparatus?
b. Explain why this change happens
c. Suggest one disadvantage of using this apparatus to measure temperature

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 2 Q5

4. a. The diagram below shows the paths of a few molecules in air and a single dust
particle. The actual molecules are too small to show on the diagram.

paths of

dust particle

Explain why the dust particle undergoes small random movements.

b. The diagram below shows the paths of a few molecules leaving the surface of a
liquid. The liquid is below its boiling point.

air and vapour


i) State which liquid molecules are most likely to leave the surface.
ii) Explain your answer to (i).

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 3 Q5


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Thermal physics 2

5 The diagram below shows a way of indicating the positions and direction of movement
of some molecules in a gas at one instant.


a. i) Describe the movement of the molecules.

ii) Explain how the molecules exert a pressure on the container walls.
b. When the gas in the cylinder is heated, it pushes the piston further out of the
cylinder.State what happens to
i) the average spacing of the molecules,
ii) the average speed of the molecules.
c. The gas shown in the diagram is changed into a liquid and then into a solid by
cooling.Compare the gaseous and solid states in terms of
i) the movement of the molecules,
ii) the average separation of the molecules.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q5

Practical question
An IGCSE student sets up the following experiment by wrapping the bulbs of three
alcohol-in-glass thermometers with the same thickness of cotton wool. Thermometer 1
has dry cotton wool, thermometer 2 has cotton wool soaked in water and thermometer
3 has cotton wool soaked in acetone. She then investigates how the temperature of each
thermometer varies with time.

▲ Thermometer 1 dry ▲ Thermometer 2 water ▲ Thermometer 3 acetone

The results of the experiment are shown in the table below:

Time/min Temperature 1/°C Temperature 2/°C Temperature 3/°C

1 24 24 24
2 23 21 20
3 23 19 17
4 23 18 16
5 23 18 15

1. Compare and explain the trend in temperature for thermometer 1 and thermometer 2.

2. Compare and explain the results for thermometer 2 and thermometer 3.


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2.2 Thermal properties

✓ Most substances expand when heated but water shows unusual behaviour
between 0 °C and 4 °C
✓ The thermal expansion of metals can be used in bimetallic strips in applications
such as thermostats and must be accounted for in engineering applications
✓ The thermal expansion of liquids is used in liquid-in-glass thermometers
✓ The volume of a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure is dependent on
✓ On the Celsius scale, thermometers are calibrated so they all read the same
temperatures at 0 °C and 100 °C
✓ Specific heat capacity is a measure of a material’s ability to store heat energy
✓ Latent heat of fusion is a measure of the heat energy required to melt a solid
at its freezing point
✓ Latent heat of vaporisation is a measure of the heat energy required to boil
a liquid at its boiling point

Thermal expansion of a solid

When solids are heated, they expand only a little, usually too little to see with the naked
eye. However, in large structures such as bridges, buildings and railway tracks, this
expansion could cause problems when there are large changes in temperature. To avoid this,
railway tracks have small gaps between them to allow for expansion. If no gap was left,
when the tracks expanded on a hot day they would be forced against each other and the
track would bend and buckle.

gap no gap

▲ Railway tracks on a cold day ▲ Railway tracks on a very hot day

The expansion of metals can be used in a bimetallic strip, shown below.

bimetallic strip: cold

brass brass expands most


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Thermal physics 2

When the strip is heated, one metal expands more than the other and so the strip bends.
The higher the temperature, the more the strip bends. In a thermostat, when the
temperature rises, the bimetallic strip bends and the contacts separate, switching off the
current to the heater. When the temperature falls, the strip goes back to its original position
and the heater is switched on again. The temperature at which this occurs can be altered
using the adjustable control knob.

current current
from to
supply heater


bimetal strip

control knob contacts


▲ Thermostat

Thermal expansion of a liquid

Liquids expand more than solids when heated, enough for the effect to be visible.
This expansion is used in liquid-in-glass thermometers.

0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 oC

alcohol (or mercury) ‘thread’ narrow tube

When the alcohol in the thermometer is heated by placing the bulb in a hot liquid, for
example, the alcohol heats up and expands. This forces the alcohol up the narrow tube,
so the thermometer gives a higher temperature reading.

Thermal expansion of a gas

Gases expand more than liquids when heated. When the temperature of a gas is increased,
the particles gain kinetic energy and move around faster. This means they take up more
space and so, if the gas is free to expand, it expands.

Measurement of temperature
The Celsius scale of temperature is defined by its two fixed points: the freezing and boiling
point of water. These are taken to be 0 °C and 100 °C (in standard atmospheric conditions).

The Kelvin scale of temperature is defined by the vibrations of particles. At absolute zero,
(0 kelvin or 0 K) particles have zero kinetic energy and no longer vibrate. Compared to the
Celsius scale, this occurs at 2273 °C. The two scales have the same sized degree, 1 °C is
274K so 2 °C is 275K.

Kelvin temperature/K 5 Celsius temperature/°C 1 273


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Examples of thermometers

Liquid-in-glass See expansion of liquids, above

Thermistor A thermistor is an electrical component whose resistance decreases with
temperature. It allows more current to flow when the temperature increases.
The current reading is converted to a temperature reading on a digital meter.
Thermocouple A thermocouple is made from two different types of metal, which are joined
together to form two junctions. When there is a difference in temperature
between the junctions, a small potential difference is created that depends on
the temperature difference between the two junctions. The “hot junction” is
placed in the substance whose temperature is to be measured. The potential
difference between the hot and the cold junctions is then measured. The greater
the temperature of the hot junction, the greater the potential difference. The
potential difference is then converted to a temperature reading.

All thermometers calibrated on the Celsius scale agree at the fixed points of 0 °C and
100 °C but not necessarily at temperatures in between these values. This is because
the property of the material that is being used to measure temperature may not vary
linearly. This affects the accuracy of the thermometer. The precision, or sensitivity, of the
thermometer depends on how finely it is calibrated. For example, in an alcohol-in-glass
thermometer, the divisions usually allow temperature to be measured to the nearest 1°C.
Digital meters attached to a thermocouple or thermistor may give temperature to the
nearest 0.1°C.

The range of a liquid-in-glass thermometer is limited by the freezing and boiling points
of the liquid. A frozen thermometer will not work and if the liquid boils it will explode!
Thermistor and thermocouple thermometers may have greater ranges but are not always
as convenient as a liquid-in-glass thermometer.

Examination style questions

1. A manufacturer of liquid-in-glass thermometers changes the design in order to meet
new requirements. Describe the changes that could be made to increase:
a. the range of the thermometer
b. the sensitivity of the thermometer

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 3 Q5b

2. The diagram below shows a fixed mass of gas trapped in a cylinder with a movable

cylinder piston


The temperature of the gas is increased.

a. State what must happen to the piston, if anything, in order to keep the pressure of
the gas constant.
b. Explain your answer to part a.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q6b


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Thermal physics 2

3. a. State two changes that usually happen to the particles of a solid when the solid
is heated.
b. Most substances expand when they are heated.
i) State one example where such expansion is useful.
ii) State one example where such expansion is a nuisance, and has to be
allowed for.

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 2 Q5

Thermal capacity
When heat energy is supplied to an object, its internal energy increases. This is because the
molecules move faster so they have more kinetic energy. When an object's internal energy
increases, the corresponding increase in temperature depends on its thermal capacity.

The thermal capacity of an object depends on the material from which it is made and
its mass.

The specific heat capacity of a material is the energy required to raise the temperature of
1 kg of the material by 1 °C.

For example, The specific heat capacity of water 5 4200 J/(kg °C), which means that it takes
4200 J of energy to raise the temperature of 1 kg water by 1 °C

Energy transferred 5 mass 3 specific heat capacity 3 temperature change


E 5 mcDT

Worked examples
1. Water has a specific heat capacity of 4200 J/(kg °C). How much heat energy must be
supplied to raise the temperature of 1.5 kg of water by 10 °C?

2. 150 J of heat energy are required to raise the temperature of a 100 g block of metal by
5 °C. What is the specific heat capacity of the metal?

3. What is the increase in temperature of a 200 g block of metal of specific heat capacity
400 J/(kg °C) when 1500 J heat energy is supplied?

1. E 5 mcDT
5 1.5 3 4200 3 10
5 63 000 J
5 63 kJ

2. E
c 5 _____
5 __________
0.100 3 5
5 300 J/(kg 8C)


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

3. E
DT 5 ____
5 ____________
0.200 3 400
5 19 8C

Note: in questions 2 and 3 the mass in g must be changed into kg by dividing by 1000 i.e.
100 g 5 0.100 kg
200 g 5 0.200 kg

An experiment to determine specific heat capacity of water

Experimental arrangement

power supply

electrical heater


Measure out 0.5 kg of water and pour into a beaker insulated with cotton wool. Place
a thermometer in the water and cover it. Place an electrical heater of power 50 W in
the water. Take the initial temperature of the water using the thermometer. Switch on
the electrical heater and at the same time start a stop watch. Stir the water with the
thermometer until the temperature has increased by 10 °C. Stop the stop watch and take
the reading of the time taken for the water temperature to rise by 10 °C.

Processing the results

Time taken 5 7 min 5 420 s
Energy supplied by the heater 5 power 3 time 5 50 3 420 5 21 000 J
Energy transferred to the water 5 m 3 c 3 DT 5 0.5 3 c 3 10
Assuming all of the energy from the heater is transferred to the water,
0.5 3 c 3 10 5 21 000
c 5 4200 J/(kg °C)

It is unlikely that a student would be able to obtain such an accurate value for c in an
experiment, as some heat is always lost to the surroundings.


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Thermal physics 2

The following graph shows how the temperature of a substance varies with time as heat
energy is supplied at a constant rate.

At this temperature, the heat

energy is used to break the
bonds (attractive forces)
When heat energy between the particles of the
is transferred to a solid. The kinetic energy of the
solid, its temperature particles does not increase and
increases until its so at the melting point the
melting point is temperature remains constant. As the liquid
temperature/⬚C reached. is heated, its
increases as the
particles gain
kinetic energy.

solid solid and liquid liquid


Solidification is the reverse of melting. A hot liquid loses heat to the surroundings which
reduces its temperature. At the “melting point”, the particles, instead of losing kinetic
energy (causing a drop in temperature), arrange themselves into new “low energy”
positions, i.e. the liquid becomes a solid.

The energy which must be put in to melt a solid at its melting point, or is given out when
a liquid solidifies at its freezing point, is called the latent heat of fusion. There is no
change in temperature.

The following graph shows how the temperature of a substance varies as heat is supplied at
a constant rate.

When the boiling point is

reached, the heat energy
When heat energy is used to break the bonds
is transferred between the particles so that
to a liquid, its there are no forces between
temperature them. This happens at a
increases until its constant temperature (for Once all of
boiling point is constant pressure). the liquid has
temperature/⬚C reached. become a gas,
the transfer of
heat energy
causes the
of the gas to

liquid liquid and gas gas



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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Boiling is different from evaporation in three ways:

• Boiling occurs at a fixed temperature, which depends on the substance being heated
and its pressure.
• Evaporation can occur at all temperatures, including those below the boiling point.
• Evaporation decreases the temperature of the remaining liquid. The temperature of the
liquid remains constant during boiling.

Condensation is the reverse of evaporation. If you breathe onto a cold window, you will
see the water vapour (gas) in your breath turn back to liquid water as tiny droplets on the
window. The window takes energy from the gas causing the particles to move to lower
energy positions closer together, i.e. the gas becomes a liquid.

The energy which must be put in to vaporise a liquid at its boiling point, or is given out
when a gas at its boiling point condenses, is called the latent heat of vaporisation.
There is no change in temperature.

The specific latent heat of fusion is the energy required to melt 1 kg of solid at its
melting point, with no change in temperature.

The specific latent heat of vaporisation is the energy required to vaporise 1 kg of liquid
at its boiling point, with no change in temperature.

For example, the specific latent heat of fusion for water 5 300 000 J/kg which means that it
takes 300 000 J of energy to melt 1 kg of pure ice at 0 °C.

Energy transferred 5 mass 3 specific latent heat


E 5 DmL

Worked examples
1. What mass of water is changed from liquid to gas when 30 kJ of energy is supplied
(assuming that there is no change in temperature)? The specific latent heat of
vaporisation of water is 2 300 000 J/kg.

2. How much energy is required to melt 0.3 kg of ice? The specific latent heat of fusion of
ice is 330 000 J/kg.

1. E
Dm 5 __
30 000
5 __________
2 300 000
5 0.013 kg

2. E 5 DmL
5 0.3 3 330 000
5 99 000 J
5 99 kJ

Note: in question 1, kJ must be changed into J by multiplying by 1000


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Thermal physics 2

An experiment to find the latent heat of fusion of ice

Experimental arrangement


rated 50 W



Fill a funnel with ice and place a 50 W electric heater in the ice. Find the mass of the beaker
using a balance. Place the beaker under the funnel and at the same time start a stop watch
and switch on the electric heater. After 10 minutes, remove the beaker and switch off the
heater. Find the mass of the beaker and water. Subtract the original mass of the beaker to
find the mass of ice that has melted.

Processing the results

Energy supplied by the heater 5 power 3 time 5 50 3 600 5 30 000 J
Energy transferred to the water 5 Dm 3 L 5 0.1 3 L
Assuming only the energy from the heater is transferred to the melting ice,
0.1 3 L 5 30 000
L 5 300 000 J/kg

Inaccuracies in this experiment arise because some of the energy from the heater is lost to
the surroundings and some energy from the surroundings is transferred to the ice. These
two factors tend to cancel each other out and give a fairly accurate value for L.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

An experiment to find the specific latent heat of vaporisation

of water
Experimental arrangement


electrical heater

boiling water


Part fill a beaker with freshly boiled water and place on a balance. Place a 50 W electrical
immersion heater in the water. Switch on the heater and wait for the water to boil. When
the water is boiling, take the reading on the balance and at the same time start a stop
watch. When the mass reading on the balance has decreased by 0.1 kg, take the reading
on the stop watch.

Processing the results

Energy supplied by the heater 5 power 3 time 5 50 3 4600
Energy transferred to the water 5 Dm 3 L 5 0.1 3 L
Assuming only the energy from the heater is transferred to the melting ice,
0.1 3 L 5 230 000
L 5 2 300 000 J/kg

Inaccuracies in this experiment arise because some of the energy from the heater is lost to
the surroundings, which tends to give a value for L that is too large.

Examination style questions

1. An IGCSE student wishes to estimate the specific heat
capacity of aluminium. She uses the experimental
arrangement shown in the diagram.
a. State the readings that she must take in order to
calculate the specific heat capacity of aluminium. thermometer electrical heater
b. Suggest whether the calculated value of specific
heat capacity will be higher or lower than the
actual value.
c. Explain your answer to part b.
aluminium block

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 3 Q4


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Thermal physics 2

2. a. State two differences between evaporation and boiling.

b. Explain why energy is required to boil a liquid and why the temperature of the
liquid remains constant during boiling.
c. A laboratory determination of the specific latent heat of vaporisation of water uses
a 100 W heater to keep the water boiling at its boiling point. In 20 minutes, the
mass of liquid water is reduced by 50 g. Calculate the value for the specific latent
heat of vaporisation obtained from this experiment. Show your working.

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 3 Q4

3. Some water is heated electrically in a glass beaker in an experiment to find the specific
heat capacity of water. The temperature of the water is taken at regular intervals.

The temperature-time graph for this heating is shown below.




temperature/°C 30



0 60 120 180 240 300

a. i) Use the graph to find

1. the temperature rise in the first 120 s,
2. the temperature rise in the second 120 s interval.
ii) Explain why these values are different.
b. The experiment is repeated in an insulated beaker. This time, the temperature of
the water increases from 20 °C to 60 °C in 210 s. The beaker contains 75 g of
water. The power of the heater is 60 W. Calculate the specific heat capacity of
c. In order to measure the temperature during the heating, a thermocouple is used.
Draw a labelled diagram of a thermocouple connected to measure temperature.

CIE 0625 November '07 Paper 3 Q4

4. The diagram below shows apparatus that could be used to

measure the specific latent heat of ice. 60 W heater

a. Describe how you would use the apparatus. You may power supply
assume that ice at 0 8C and a stopwatch are available.
State all the readings that would be needed at each stage.
b. In an experiment, 120 g of ice at 0 8C is to be melted. The melting ice at 0 °C
specific latent heat of ice is 340 J/g. Assume that all the
energy from the heater will be used to melt the ice.
Calculate the expected time for which the 60W heater is
switched on. beaker


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

c. When the experiment is carried out, the ice melts in slightly less time than the
expected time.
i) State one reason why this happens.
ii) Suggest one modification to the experiment that would reduce the difference
between the experimental time and the expected time.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q4

Practical question
An IGCSE student is investigating the temperature rise of a beaker of water when heated
by different methods. Beaker A is heated electrically and beaker B is heated by a Bunsen

fixed voltage
power source

A beaker B

Bunsen burner
beaker A

1. The student first records room temperature from the thermometer shown below.

⫺10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110


Write down the value of room temperature.

2. The beakers are both heated for 1 minute. Beaker A reaches a temperature of 32 °C
and beaker B reaches a temperature of 29 °C. Calculate the temperature rise in each

3. The student expected the temperature rise in beaker A and beaker B to be the same.
Give two possible reasons why the results were different.


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2.3 Transfer of thermal energy

✓ Heat is transferred in solids by the vibrations of the molecules. This is conduction
✓ Heat is transferred in liquids and gases by the movement of the molecules. This is
✓ All objects emit and absorb heat through infrared radiation
✓ Black surfaces are the best emitters and the best absorbers of infrared radiation
✓ Silver surfaces are the worst emitters and the worst absorbers of infrared radiation

An experiment to show that copper is a good conductor of heat

copper bar

blob of wax
drawing pin Bunsen flame

If a copper bar is heated at one end with a Bunsen flame, the drawing pins fall off one
by one, beginning with the pin closest to the Bunsen flame. This is because as the metal
conducts the heat from the hot end of the bar to the cold end, each of the blobs of wax
melts in turn.

cold end hot end

electrons with the lowest

vibrational energy electrons with the
metal ions most vibrational energy

Metal atoms that have lost their free electrons are called ions. Sometimes metals are
described as a lattice of metal ions in a “sea” of free electrons. Other solids are not usually
good conductors of heat because they do not have free electrons to transfer heat energy
from one molecule to another.

At the hot end of the metal bar, the ions gain energy and vibrate faster. The ions in a metal
are close together and so these ions pass on their vibrations to neighbouring ions, which in
turn start to vibrate faster. In this way, heat is transferred from the hot end to the cold end
of the solid bar.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Metals also have free electrons in their structure which gain kinetic energy at the hot end
of the bar. These free electrons pass on their kinetic energy through collisions with other
electrons and metal atoms as they randomly diffuse through the metal. In this way, energy
(heat) is conducted from the hot end of the bar to the cold end.

An experiment to show that water is a poor conductor of heat

boiling tube boiling water

metal gauze



Ice is trapped at the bottom of the boiling tube with a piece of metal gauze. When the
water at the top of the boiling tube is heated strongly, it boils. The ice at the bottom of the
tube does not melt. This shows that water is a poor conductor of heat. However, if the ice
is allowed to float normally, it melts quickly when the water is heated at the bottom of the
test tube. This is because the water molecules can move, so the water heats by convection.

Water, like other liquids and non-metal solids, is a poor conductor of heat energy because
its molecules do not have free electrons to easily pass on their kinetic energy to their
neighbours, so the heat can only be transmitted through the vibration of the particles.
Gases are very poor conductors of heat energy because their molecules are very far
apart so kinetic energy cannot be transmitted from one molecule to another.

Materials that are poor conductors are called insulators. For example, air is an insulator.


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Thermal physics 2

An experiment to demonstrate convection in water
A few crystals of potassium
permanganate are placed at the bottom
of a beaker of water. They dissolve and
colour the water near them purple.
When the water is heated, the purple
cooler warmer
water rises above the Bunsen flame,
water water
moves across and then falls at the other sinks convection rises
side of the beaker before returning to current
the flame to be heated again.

crystals to
colour water

This movement of water is called a

convection current.

2. The water begins to cool. Warm water rises

and pushes the cooler water over.

3. As the water
cools further its
molecules lose 1. When heated, the water
kinetic energy molecules gain kinetic
and move closer energy and move around
together. The faster. They move further
density of the apart and so the density
water increases. of the water decreases.
The cooler, more The warm, less dense,
dense, water water rises above the
sinks. cooler denser water.

4. When the warm water rises

cooler, denser water moves
across to take its place.

Convection can only take place in fluids (liquids and gases) where the particles are free to
move. Materials that have trapped air in them such as cotton wool or bubble wrap are good
insulators, because air does not conduct heat, and trapped air cannot convect heat either.

All hot objects emit infrared (thermal) radiation, part of the electromagnetic spectrum
of waves (see section 3.2). Like all electromagnetic waves, infrared radiation can travel
across a vacuum, which is why we are able to feel the heat of the Sun across the vacuum
of space.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

An experiment to demonstrate which type of surface is the best

emitter of infrared radiation

silver black

white black
heat detector

metal cube
meter containing
boiling water

The metal cube has its vertical sides painted with four different surfaces: matt black, shiny
black, white and silver. It is filled with boiling water and a heat detector (a thermopile)
placed at a constant distance from it. The cube is rotated so that each of the sides faces the
detector in turn and the reading on the meter noted.

The readings on the meter vary as follows:

lowest highest
silver white shiny black matt black

Matt black surfaces are the best emitters of thermal radiation. Silver surfaces are the
worst emitters of thermal radiation.

An experiment to demonstrate which colour surface is the best

absorber of infrared radiation

thermometer thermometer
black silver


The initial readings are taken on the two thermometers. The radiant heater is switched on
and the temperature on the two thermometers recorded at intervals of time.

Initially the readings on the thermometers are the same but after about 30 seconds the
thermometer on the matt black surface gives a slightly higher reading than the thermometer
on the silver surface. The temperature of the matt black surface continues to rise faster than
the silver surface.

Matt black surfaces are the best absorbers of thermal radiation. Silver surfaces are the
worst absorbers of heat radiation.


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Thermal physics 2

Examination style questions

1. The diagram below shows two containers, one painted matt black and the other shiny
white. Both are filled with water, initially at the same temperature.

painted surface
dull painted
black shiny white

Bunsen burner

Describe how you would use the apparatus to determine which of the two surfaces is
the better absorber of infrared radiation.

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 3 Q5a

2. Name the process by which thermal energy is transferred:

a. from the Sun to the Earth.
b. through the metal handle of a saucepan.

Adapted from CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 2 Q4a

Applications of conduction, convection and radiation

Vacuum flask
• The stopper is made of plastic, which is an insulator,
to reduce heat flow by conduction. The stopper also
stops heat flow by convection of air and stops heat stopper
flow by evaporation.
• The gap contains no air. So there are no particles to
pass on the heat by conduction or convection.
• The silvered surfaces reflect infrared radiation and gap with
reduce heat flow by radiation. air removed

glass or
steel walls


A vacuum flask

▲ A vacuum flask


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Insulating the home



hot water tank


• “Lagging” around the hot water tank is made of plastic foam, which traps air to reduce
heat loss by conduction (air is an insulator) and convection (the air is trapped and
cannot move).
• Loft insulation is also made of fibres that trap air to reduce conduction and convection.
• An air cavity reduces heat exchange by conduction. Filling the air cavity with foam traps
the air and also reduces convection.
• Double-glazed windows have air or another gas (argon or krypton) between the two
layers of glass to reduce heat exchange by conduction and convection.

Sea breezes

air cools

cool air sinks warm air rises

wind towards coast

• During the day, infrared radiation from the Sun heats up the land more than the sea.
The air above the land gets hotter than the air above the sea.
• The hot air above the land rises because it is less dense than the surrounding air.
• Cooler air from above the sea rushes in to take its place.
• This convection current causes a cool sea breeze to blow from the sea to the land.


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Thermal physics 2

Solar panel

(or clear
plastic) cover

network storage
of water insulation tank for
pipes pump warmed

• The black surface of the solar panel absorbs infrared radiation from the Sun.
• The heat is then conducted through metal pipes to warm up water.
• The warm water rises to the top of the storage tank by convection.

Examination style questions

1. The diagram below shows a saucepan.

plastic handle


copper base

a. Suggest why the base is made of copper.

b. Suggest why the handle is made of plastic.
c. The saucepan is placed on the hot hob of a cooker. The soup begins to heat up.
i) Explain how the heat is transferred from the cooker hob to the soup.
ii) By which of the following processes is heat transferred through the soup?
conduction radiation convection evaporation

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q7a and b

2. An electric soldering iron is used to melt solder, for joining wires in an electric circuit.
A soldering iron is shown below.

metal cylinder
with heater coil plastic handle
copper tip

lead to



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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Solder is a metal which melts easily. The heater coil inside the metal cylinder heats the
copper tip.
a. i) Suggest why the tip is made of copper.
ii) Suggest why the handle is made of plastic.
b. The heater coil is switched on. When the tip is put in contact with the solder, some
of the heat is used to melt the solder.
i) State the process by which the heat is transferred from the copper tip to the
ii) By which process or processes is the rest of the heat transferred to the
conduction convection evaporation radiation
c. A short time after switching on the soldering iron, it reaches a steady temperature,
even though the heater coil is constantly generating heat.
The soldering iron is rated at 40 W.
What is the rate at which heat is being lost from the soldering iron?
greater than 40 W
equal to 40 W
less than 40 W

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q7

3. a. The diagram below shows a copper rod AB being heated at one end.

copper rod



i) Name the process by which heat moves from A to B.

ii) By reference to the behaviour of the particles of copper along AB, state how
this process happens.
b. Give an account of an experiment that is designed to show which of four surfaces
will absorb most heat radiation.

The four surfaces are all the same metal, but one is a polished black surface, one
is a polished silver surface, one is a dull black surface and the fourth one is painted
white. Give your answer under the headings below.

• labelled diagram of the apparatus

• readings to be taken
• one precaution to try to achieve a fair comparison between the various surfaces

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q5


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Thermal physics 2

Practical question
The IGCSE class carries out an experiment to investigate the effect of insulation on the rate
of cooling of hot water. The apparatus is shown in the diagram below.

thermometer thermometer


water water

beaker A beaker B

The students each have a stop watch, two glass beakers and some hot water. Beaker B is

A student fills beaker A about two thirds full with hot water and takes the initial reading
on the thermometer, u. At the same time the student starts a stop clock. He takes readings
of the temperature every 30 seconds for four minutes. He then repeats the experiment for
beaker B. The results of the experiment are recorded below.

Beaker A Beaker B
t/ u/ t/ u/
0 85 0 85
30 71 30 74
60 62 60 65
90 55 90 57
120 52 120 55
150 49 150 51
180 47 180 49
210 45 210 47
240 44 240 46

1. What unit is missing from the column headings? Plot graphs of temperature (u) against
time (t) for beaker A and B on the same axes. Label both axes and draw the curves of
best fit. Start the temperature axis at 40 °C.

2. The experiment was designed to investigate the effect of insulation on the cooling of
hot water. Suggest two ways to improve the experiment.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Summary questions on unit 2

1. Match each heat transfer mechanism to its description

Conduction An electromagnetic wave

Convection Movement of hot fluid due to changes in density

Radiation Most energetic particles escape from the surface of a liquid

Evaporation Transfer of vibrational energy from particle to particle

2. Fill in the blanks

The specific latent heat of fusion is the energy required to _____________ _______ kg

of solid. The specific latent heat of vaporisation is the energy required to ___________

______ kg of liquid. The specific heat capacity is the energy required to increase the

_________________ of ______ kg of material by 1 °C.

3. Complete the table

Solid Liquid Gas


Arrangement of Close together but

molecules able to move past
one another
Compressible? Yes
Flows? Yes
Shape Keeps its shape

4. The diagram below shows the coastline at night. Copy the diagram and draw four
arrows to show the direction of the convection current in the air. Label each arrow to
explain why the air is moving in the direction you have indicated.

air cools

warm air rises cool air sinks

wind away from coast


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Thermal physics 2

5. Write down the word equation used to calculate specific heat capacity.

Use the word equation to calculate the specific heat capacity of aluminium if 4500 J of
energy is required to raise the temperature of 500 g by 10 °C. Show your working. Give
the unit of specific heat capacity.

6. Write down the word equation used to calculate specific latent heat of fusion.

Use the word equation to calculate the specific latent heat of fusion of ice if 66 000 J
of energy is required to melt 200 g of ice. Show your working. Give the unit of specific
latent heat.

7. A sealed container with a moveable piston contains a fixed mass of dry air. The piston is
used to reduce the volume of the gas without changing its temperature. Describe and
explain the effect on the pressure of the gas

The piston is now fixed so that it cannot move and the volume cannot change. The gas
is heated. Describe and explain the effect on the pressure of the gas.

8. Crossword

1 2 3 Across:
1 Heat transfer by electromagnetic
4 5 wave (9)
7 The energy required to increase the
temperature of 1 kg of substance
7 by 1 8C (8, 4, 8)
11 Scale of temperature (6)
12 Heat transfer by passing on
vibrations from one molecule to
8 another (10)
9 13 Metals are good conductors
because of these in their structure
10 11 (4, 9)
14 A substance in which there are no
forces between molecules (3)
15 Type of thermometer (12)
19 A solid changes into a liquid at this
13 constant temperature (7, 5)
21 The temperature at which all
molecular vibrations stop (8, 4)
15 2 The relationship between the
pressure and volume of a
fixed mass of gas at constant
16 17 18 temperature (9, 12)
3 This happens in a puddle of water
19 on a warm day (11)
4 Liquid often used in liquid-in-glass
thermometer (7)
20 5 Heat transfer through the
movement of hot fluid (10)
21 6 Energy of movement (7)
8 A liquid changes into a gas at this
constant temperature (7, 5)
9 The colour of surface that is the
best absorber of thermal radiation
(4, 5)
10 An instrument for measuring
temperature (11)
16 The colour of surface that is the
worst emitter of thermal radiation
17 Stops all heat transfer apart from
radiation (6)
18 The unit of energy (5)
20 Substance in which the molecules
vibrate in fixed positions (5)


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

9. Draw a mind map (spider diagram), including all the important points from this unit.
Use diagrams, colour coding and mnemonics to help you remember the key points.
Ensure that you group the key ideas logically. When you have finished, ask someone to
test you on the content of your mind map.

Examination style questions on unit 2

1. The diagram below shows a student’s attempt to estimate the specific latent heat of
fusion of ice by adding ice at 0 8C to water at 20 8C. The water is stirred continuously
as ice is slowly added until the temperature of the water is 0 8C and all the added ice
has melted.

glass rod
thermometer stirrer

glass beaker


top-pan balance

a. Three mass readings are taken. A description of the first reading is given.
Write down descriptions of the other two.
reading 1 the mass of the beaker 1 stirrer 1 thermometer
b. Write down word equations which the student could use to find
i) the heat lost by the water as it cools from 20 °C to 0 °C,
ii) the heat gained by the melting ice.
c. The student calculates that the water loses 12 800 J and that the mass of ice
melted is 30 g.
Calculate a value for the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.
d. Suggest two reasons why this value is only an approximate value.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 3 Q4

2. The diagram below shows how the pressure of the gas sealed in a container varies
during a period of time.




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Thermal physics 2

Which two of the following statements could explain this variation of pressure?

The temperature of the gas is increasing.

The temperature of the gas is decreasing.
The volume of the container is increasing.
The volume of the container is decreasing

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q6

3. a. State two changes that usually happen to the molecules of a solid when the solid
is heated.
b. Most substances expand when they are heated.
i) State one example where such expansion is useful.
ii) State one example where such expansion is a nuisance, and has to be
allowed for.

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 2 Q5

4. The diagram below shows a way of indicating the positions and direction of movement
of some molecules in a gas at one instant.


a. i) Describe the movement of the molecules.

ii) Explain how the molecules exert a pressure on the container walls.
b. When the gas in the cylinder is heated, it pushes the piston further out of the
State what happens to
i) the average spacing of the molecules,
ii) the average speed of the molecules.
c. The gas shown in the diagram is changed into a liquid and then into a solid by
Compare the gaseous and solid states in terms of
i) the movement of the molecules,
ii) the average separation of the molecules.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q5


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3 Properties of waves

3.1 General wave properties

✓ Every wave can be described in terms of its frequency, wavelength, velocity and
✓ In a longitudinal wave the vibrations of the particles are parallel to the direction of
motion. In a transverse wave, the vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of
✓ All the particles along a wavefront are at the same point in their vibration
✓ Water waves, produced by a ripple tank, can be reflected, refracted and diffracted

A wave transfers energy from one place to another without transferring the particles of the
medium. Individual particles vibrate (oscillate) about fixed positions.

There are two types of wave:

Longitudinal Transverse
direction of travel wavelength

wavelength displacement

direction of
compression rarefaction travel

In a longitudinal wave the particles vibrate parallel to the In a transverse wave the particles vibrate
direction of the wave. This leads to a series of compressions perpendicular to the direction of the wave. This
and rarefactions. In compressions, the particles are closer leads to a series of peaks and troughs. At peaks, the
together than normal. In rarefactions, the particles are particles are displaced higher than normal, at troughs
further apart than normal. they are displaced lower than normal.

An example of a longitudinal wave is sound in air. An example of a transverse wave is light.

As shown on the two diagrams, the wavelength is the distance between adjacent
particles that are at the same point in their vibration e.g. the distance between a
compression and the next compression or the distance between a peak and the next peak.

The amplitude cannot easily be shown for the longitudinal wave but for the transverse
wave it is the distance from the centre of a vibration to the peak, measured in m.
The amplitude is the maximum displacement from the rest position.

The velocity of a wave is the distance travelled per second, measured in m/s.

The frequency of a wave is the number of complete waves passing a point every
second, measured in hertz, Hz.


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Properties of waves 3

velocity 5 distance travelled by the wave in 1 second

frequency 5 number of waves passing a point every second or the number of
oscillations made by a particle on the wave every second.
The unit of frequency is hertz (Hz)

velocity (m/s) 5 frequency (Hz) 3 wavelength (m)

v 5 f 3 l

Worked examples
1. A sound wave has a frequency of 10 000 Hz and a wavelength of 0.033 m. What is the
speed of the wave?

2. A radio wave of speed 300 million m/s has a frequency of 600 MHz. What is its

3. What is the frequency of an ultrasound wave of speed 1500 m/s and

wavelength 0.05 m?

1. v5f3l
5 10 000 3 0.033
5 330 m/s

2. l 5 __v
300 000 000
5 ____________
600 000 000
5 0.5 m

3. v
f 5 __
5 _____
5 30 000 Hz
5 30 kHz

Note: 1 MHz 5 1 million Hz 5 1 000 000 Hz

direction of travel wavefronts

Wavefronts can be represented as lines which are always perpendicular to

the direction of wave travel. The distance between one wavefront and the next is
one wavelength.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Ripple tank
The ripple tank has a vibrating bar attached to a motor, which can be used to set up waves
of varying frequency in water.


shallow tank of water


vibrating bar

wave patterns below tank

Water waves reflect at solid surfaces. There is no change in frequency, speed or wavelength
on reflection.

incident water wave reflected water wave


Wave theory suggests that each point on a wavefront can be considered to be a source of
circular waves. These circular waves combine to make the wavefront and as they spread out,
the wave travels forward.

Water waves travel more slowly in shallow water.

As a wavefront AB approaches the boundary between the deep and shallow B

water, point A meets the shallower water first and this part of the wavefront t
e fron
slows down. Point B is still moving at the same speed as before. Wavefront nal wav
AB turns clockwise which means that the new wavefront A’B’ is now A
moving in a different direction. This change in direction is called refraction. B'
new wavef


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Properties of waves 3

Water waves spread out as they go
through a gap in a barrier. Only part of the
wavefront can go through the gap. The
waves that come from the new wavefront
form a new curved wavefront. Maximum
diffraction through the gap occurs when original new
wavefront wavefront
the gap is greater than or equal to the
wavelength of the waves.

Examination style questions


The diagram above shows a cross section of waves on water.

a. Mark on the diagram the wavelength and amplitude of the waves.
b. Describe how you could use a stop clock to find the frequency of the waves.

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 2 Q6

2. air pressure

normal P X Y
air pressure distance in direction
of travel of the wave

The diagram above shows how the pressure in air varies at one instant with distance
along a sound wave.
a. Mark with a letter C on the diagram a point where there is a compression. Mark
with a letter R on the diagram a point where there is a rarefaction.
b. Describe the motion of a group of air particles along the wave shown in the
c. The sound wave has a speed of 330 m/s and a frequency of 500 Hz. Calculate the
wavelength of the wave and find the distance PX.

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 3 Q7b–d


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

3. The diagram below is a drawing of a student’s attempt to show the diffraction pattern
of water waves that have passed through a narrow gap in a barrier.

barrier with
narrow gap

direction of
water waves

a. State two things that are wrong with the wave pattern shown to the right of the
b. Sketch the wave pattern when the gap in the barrier is made five times wider.
c. The waves approaching the barrier have a wavelength of 1.2 cm and a frequency
of 8.0 Hz.
Calculate the speed of the water waves.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q7


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3.2 Light

✓ When light is reflected, the angle of incidence (i) is equal to the angle of reflection (r)
✓ When light slows down it bends towards the normal. ____ sin i 5 n where
sin r
speed of light in vacuum
n 5 ______________________
speed of light in medium
✓ Convex converging lenses produce different images, depending on the distance of
the object from the lens
✓ When white light is refracted by a triangular prism it splits into the colours of the
spectrum. This is called dispersion
✓ The electromagnetic spectrum is the name given to all the waves that travel at the
speed of light in a vacuum. Their properties vary with frequency

Reflection of light
• The image is as far behind the
mirror as the object is in front.
• The image is the same size as
the object.
• The image is laterally inverted,
which means left and right are
swapped around.

• angle of reflection 5 r
normal to the surface of the mirror i.e. image
line at a right angle to the surface • angle of incidence 5 i
• The image can only be
seen by the eye. It cannot
mirror surface
be focused onto a screen,
r i
which is why it is virtual.
reflected ray incident ray • The reflected ray appears
to come from a point
object behind the mirror. This is
eye the location of the virtual
▲ Ray diagram

• The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection

• The incident ray, reflected ray and normal lie in the same plane


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Refraction of light

incident ray

r refracted ray

glass block


• i 5 angle of incidence
• r 5 angle of refraction
• As the ray of light enters the glass block it slows down and bends towards the
normal so i > r.
• As the ray of light leaves the glass block it speeds up and bends away from the
• The frequency of light is unchanged as it travels from one medium to another. As the
light speeds up the wavelength increases. As the light slows down the wavelength

When light travels from an optically less dense medium to a more dense medium,
e.g. from air to glass, it slows down and so bends towards the normal. When light
travels from a more dense to a less dense medium it speeds up and bends away from
the normal.

If the angle of incidence is 908, the ray enters along the normal to the surface of the glass
block. The light slows down but does not change direction. As it leaves it speeds up but
does not change direction.

The refractive index of a material (medium) is related to how dense it is. Generally, the
denser the material, the higher the refractive index.

speed of light in a vacuum

Refractive index of a medium, n 5 _________________________
speed of light in the medium
n is a constant for the material and has no unit.

The relationship between the angle of incidence i and the angle of refraction r is given by:

sin i
n 5 ____
sin r

Worked examples
1. A ray of light is incident in air on a glass block at an angle of 30° to the normal. The
refractive index of glass is 1.3. Calculate the angle of refraction.

2. A ray of light in air incident is on a transparent plastic block at an angle of 458 to the
normal. The angle of refraction is 308. Find the refractive index of the plastic.

3. The angle of refraction for a ray of light entering a diamond is 158. What is the angle of
incidence if the refractive index is 2.8?


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Properties of waves 3


1. sin i
sin r 5 ____

sin 308
sin r 5 ______
r 5 22.6°

2. sin i
n 5 ____
sin r
sin 458
5 ______
sin 308

5 1.4

3. sin i 5 n 3 sin r
5 2.8 sin 15°
i 5 46.4°

Critical angle

refracted ray

r refracted ray
i c

incident ray reflected ray incident ray reflected ray

As the angle of incidence increases, the angle of refraction also increases, until r 5 908.
When r 5 908, the angle of incidence 5 the critical angle. If the angle of incidence is
increased beyond the critical angle, total internal reflection occurs.

i r

incident ray reflected ray

▲ The law of reflection i 5 r is obeyed when

light is totally internally reflected. The angle of
incidence > critical angle.

Reflection may occur every time a ray of light is incident on a boundary between two media
but total internal reflection can only occur when the incident angle is greater than the
critical angle.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Total internal reflection can be used in optical fibres. An optical fibre has a thin glass
cylindrical core coated with a transparent material of lower refractive index (cladding).

cladding core

The cladding has a lower refractive index than the core, i.e. it is less dense. This means
that total internal reflection will occur for all rays of light that hit the boundary between
the core and cladding at an angle greater than the critical angle.

Optical fibres can be used to communicate signals, for example telephone conversations, or
in medical applications such as endoscopy (a method of examining inside the body).

Examination style questions

1. The diagram (right) shows a ray of light OPQ passing through a semi-circular glass O
a. Explain why there is no change in the direction of the ray at P. P

b. State the changes, if any, that occur to the speed, wavelength and frequency of
the light as it enters the glass block. 30°
c. At Q some of the light in ray OPQ is reflected and some is refracted. On the
diagram, draw in the approximate positions of the reflected ray and the refracted Q
ray. Label these rays.
d. The refractive index for light passing from glass to air is 0.67. Calculate the angle
of refraction of the ray that is refracted at Q into air.

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 3 Q6

2. The diagram (right) shows a rectangular glass block ABCD.

a. The ray FE is partly reflected and partly refracted at E.
i) On the diagram, draw in the approximate path of the refracted 60°
ray, within and beyond the block. Label the ray refracted ray. A B
ii) On the diagram, draw in the path of the reflected ray. Label the
ray reflected ray.
b. A second ray, almost parallel to AE, strikes the block at E and is partly
refracted at an angle of refraction of 438.
i) State an approximate value for the angle of incidence at E.
ii) State an approximate value for the critical angle for the light in
the glass block.
iii) Calculate an approximate value for the refractive index of the
glass of the block.
c. The speed of the light along ray FE is 3.0 3 108 m/s. Calculate the speed of the
refracted light in the glass block.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 3 Q6


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Properties of waves 3

3. The diagram (right) shows a ray of light, from the top of an object PQ, passing
through two glass prisms. P A B
a. Complete the path through the two prisms of the ray shown leaving Q.
b. A person looking into the lower prism, at the position indicated by the eye Q
symbol, sees an image of PQ. State the properties of this image.
c. Explain why there is no change in direction of the ray from P at points A, C, D D

and F.
d. The speed of light as it travels from P to A is 3 3 108 m/s and the refractive
index of the prism glass is 1.5. Calculate the speed of light in the prism.
e. Explain why the ray AB reflects through 90° at B and does not pass out of the
prism at B.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q6

Practical question
A student investigates the refraction of light through a transparent block. He places
the transparent block on a sheet of plain paper, largest face down, and draws a line W
round the block. He draws a line to represent an incident ray and places two pins
W and X in the line. The diagram on the right shows the outline of the block and
the incident ray. X
1. On the diagram, draw a normal to line AB at the point where the incident ray
meets the block. The incident ray is drawn on the diagram. The positions of the
two pins W and X that mark the incident ray are shown.

2. Measure the angle of incidence i.

3. Draw in the refracted ray with an angle of refraction of 20°. Continue this line D C
until it meets the line CD.

4. The ray emerges from the block in a direction that is parallel to the incident ray. Draw in
this emergent ray.

5. Two pins Y and Z are placed so that the pins W and X, viewed through the block, and
the pins Y and Z all appear exactly in line with each other. Mark on the diagram, with
the letters Y and Z, where you would place these two pins.

Dispersion of light
White light is made up of a range of different frequencies. We see different frequencies of
light as different colours and so we can say that white light is made up of many different
colours. This can be demonstrated experimentally using a triangular glass prism.

incident ray red

of white light
on screen


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

When white light passes through a triangular glass prism, it refracts at each surface and is
deviated through a large angle. Of all the colours that make up white light, violet travels
slowest in glass and red travels fastest in glass.

This means that violet is bent through the largest angle and red through the smallest. The
other colours of visible light appear in between and so a spectrum is seen on the screen.

The refractive index of glass is higher for violet light than for red light.

When light spreads out into the colours of the spectrum, this is called dispersion.

Converging Lens
When parallel rays of light from a distant source pass through a convex converging lens,
they are focused to a point, which is called the principal focus. The principal focus lies
on the principal axis, which is an imaginary line perpendicular to the plane of the lens. The
distance between the principal focus and the centre of the lens is called the focal length.

convex lens

principal focus

principal axis

focal length

How to draw a ray diagram

1 2 3
F' F F' F F' F

As these three diagrams show, each ray diagram should include three rays. Where the three
rays meet an image is formed. Each ray must have an arrow on it to indicate the direction
of travel of the light.


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Properties of waves 3

Object between F and 2F


F 2F
principal axis
2F F

lens image

F 5 principal focus
2F 5 2 focal lengths from centre of lens

When the object is between F and 2F, the image is real (can be focused on a screen),
inverted (upside down) and magnified (bigger than the object).

This arrangement of a convex lens is used in a projector.

Object beyond 2F

F image
object 2F F

When the object is beyond 2F, the image is real, inverted and diminished (smaller than
the object).

This arrangement of a convex lens is used in a camera.

Object between the centre of the lens and F

image F object F

When the object is between the centre of the lens and F, the image is virtual (cannot be
focused on a screen but can be seen by looking into the lens), magnified and upright (the
same way up as the object.

This arrangement of a convex lens is used in a magnifying glass.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Electromagnetic spectrum
All electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. They all travel at the same speed in
a vacuum: 3 3 108 m/s, but travel more slowly through other materials. Each section of the
electromagnetic spectrum has its own uses and features.

Region Frequency range/ Hz Wavelength range/m Applications

Electromagnetic oscillations
5 10 104 2 1022 produced by electrical circuits.
10 2 10
Received by aerial. Used for

Microwave Used for rapid heating in

microwave oven, sending signals
1010 2 1011 1022 2 1023 between satellites and the Earth
(e.g. mobile phones), radar
All hot objects produce infrared
11 14 radiation. Used in burglar alarms,
10 2 10 1023
2 10 26
night vision goggles and optical
fibre communication.
increasing energy

Produced by very hot objects such
14 as the Sun. Detected by the eye
10 10 27
and photographic film. Used in
optical fibre communication.

Ultra-violet Causes fluorescence in some

materials (absorption of UV and
emission of visible light). Used
1015 2 1017 1027 2 1029
with sun beds to produce a sun
tan and in identifying security
marked valuables.
X-radiation Blackens photographic film.
Used to take images of bones
in medical diagnosis (X-rays
1017 2 1019 1029 2 10211
penetrate flesh more so than
bone). Dangerous in high doses
since ionising (see section 5.1).
Produced in the nuclei of
radioactive elements. Used in
1019 2 1022 10211 2 10214 medical diagnosis and therapy.
Dangerous in high doses since
ionising (see section 5.1).


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Properties of waves 3

Examination style questions

1. The diagram shows the various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

radio visible

Two of the regions have been labelled.

a. Copy the diagram and write the names of the other regions in the boxes.
b. Only one of the following types of wave is not an electromagnetic wave:
microwave, radar, sound. Which one is not electromagnetic?

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q7

2. The diagram below shows the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

ultra- s infrared radio
γ -rays and X-rays i
violet b waves

a. Name one type of radiation that has

i) a higher frequency than ultra-violet.
ii) a longer wavelength than visible light.
b. Some g-rays emitted from a radioactive source have a speed in air of 3.0 3 108 m/s
and a wavelength of 1.0 3 10214 m. Calculate the frequency of the g-rays.
c. State the approximate speed of infrared waves in air.

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 3 Q7

3. a. The diagram below shows a ray of blue light shining onto a glass prism.

air air

ray o t
e l i gh

With the aid of a straight edge, draw a possible path of the ray through the prism
and into the air until it reaches the screen.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

b. When a ray of white light passes through the prism, it spreads into a spectrum of
colours that can be seen on the screen.
i) Which of the following is the name of this spreading effect?
convergence, diffraction, dispersion, reflection
ii) Which colour is deviated least by the prism?
iii) Which colour is deviated most by the prism?

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 2 Q7

4. The following diagram is drawn to scale. It shows an object PQ and a convex lens.

position of
convex lens

F F principal
principal focus principal focus

a. Draw two rays from the top of the object P that pass through the lens. Use these
rays to locate the top of the image. Label this point T.
b. Draw an eye symbol to show the position from which the image T should be viewed.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q7

5. a. The filament of a lamp is placed at the principal focus of a lens, as shown.

Complete the diagram by continuing the three rays into the air on the right of
the lens.


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Properties of waves 3

b. The lens in the diagram below has a focal length of 2.0 cm.


1 cm

1 cm

On the diagram:
i) mark and label the positions of the principal focus on the left of the lens and
the principal focus on the right of the lens.
ii) carefully draw a ray from the top of the object, parallel to the axis, through the
lens and continue it until it reaches the edge of the squared area.
iii) carefully draw a ray from the top of the object, which travels parallel to the
axis after it has passed through the lens.
iv) draw and label the image.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 2 Q7


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3.3 Sound

✓ Sound waves are produced by vibrating objects
✓ The faster the vibrations, the higher the frequency and hence the higher the pitch
of the vibrations
✓ The greater the amplitude of the vibrations, the louder the sound
✓ Sound waves are longitudinal, producing a series of compressions and rarefactions
in the medium
✓ Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum. They travel faster through denser media
✓ Oscillations in the ear allow us to hear sounds in a range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz

Vibrating objects such as this tuning fork vibrate the molecules in the air and form a series
of compressions (higher pressure than normal where the air molecules are close together)
and rarefactions (lower pressure than normal where the air molecules are far apart).

The faster the tuning fork vibrates, the higher the frequency of the sound wave and hence
the higher the pitch. If the tuning fork vibrates with greater amplitude, the sound is louder.

Sound waves in air are longitudinal. We hear sound when sound waves cause our ear
drums to vibrate. We can hear a range of frequencies from about 20 Hz to 20 kHz. As we
get older, this upper limit of 20 kHz gets lower.

Sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum. They must be transmitted through the
vibrations of particles in a medium. The closer together the particles in the medium, the ▲ Tuning fork
faster the sound waves travel. So sound travels faster in solids than in the air.

For example:

air water metal

slowest fastest
330 m/s 1500 m/s 5000 m/s

An experiment to find the speed of sound in air

microphone microphone
A B control digital
unit timer

start 0.003


When the hammer hits the metal plate, microphone A receives the sound wave almost
instantaneously. The sound travels a distance of 1.0 m (measured with a ruler) before it
reaches microphone B. The digital timer starts when the sound wave reaches microphone A
and stops when the sound wave reaches microphone B. The experiment is repeated several
times and an average time found. The speed can then be found:


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Properties of waves 3

speed 5 ____________
average time
5 ______
5 330 m/s

Sound waves obey the same laws of reflection as light waves. Sound waves reflect from any
surface. A reflected sound wave is called an echo.

Sonar is a method of measuring distances with sound. If a sound wave is sent from a boat
and reflects off the sea-bed, it will be received a short time later. The depth of the sea-bed
can then be calculated. Ultrasound images are built up in the same way.

For example:

time between sending the sound wave and receiving the echo 5 0.20 s
speed of sound in water 5 1500 m/s
0.20 3 1500 5 150 m
distance to the sea-bed 5 ____________
(42 since 0.20 s is the time to travel to the sea-bed and back)

Examination style questions

1. The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s. A man stands
220 m from a flat wall as shown below and claps
his hands once.
a. Calculate the time interval between the time
when the man claps his hands and when he
hears the echo. woman man
b. A woman is standing 220 m further away
from the wall than the man. She hears the clap
twice, once directly and once after reflection
from the wall. How long after the man claps 220 m 220 m
does she hear these two sounds?

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q9


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

2. A square wooden block is made to rotate 2000 times per minute. A springy metal
strip presses against the block, as shown in the diagram. A person nearby observes
what is happening.

2000 rotations/minute

metal strip

a. Calculate how many times per second the block rotates.

b. Calculate the frequency of the sound caused by this arrangement.
c. State whether or not this sound could be heard by the person nearby, and give a
reason for your answer.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q8

3. A man is using an axe to chop down a tree, as shown below.

a. A short time after the axe hits the tree, the man hears a clear echo.
He estimates that the echo is heard 3 seconds after the axe hits the tree.
i) Suggest what type of obstacle might have caused such a clear echo.
ii) The speed of sound in air is 320 m/s.
Calculate the distance of the obstacle from the tree.
b. A branch from the tree falls into some shallow water in a pond nearby. The branch
sets up a wave. The wave moves to the left a distance of 3.0m before hitting the
side of a moored boat and reflecting back again.


3.0 m
side of

The wave takes 5.0 s to travel from AB to the boat and back to AB.
Calculate the speed of the water-wave.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 2 Q7


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Properties of waves 3

Summary questions on unit 3

1. Fill in the blanks

There are two type of wave: ____________ and ______________. In a ____________

wave the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of travel of the _____________.

In a _____________ wave the ________________ are _______________ to the direction

of travel. The _____________ of a wave is the distance between adjacent points on the

wave that are at the same stage in their oscillation. The __________ _____________

of a wave is the time for one complete wave. The frequency is the number of

___________ passing a point each _________________. Velocity (or speed), frequency

and wavelength are related by the equation _____________. When waves meet a

barrier, they bounce off. This is called ________________. When waves speed up or

slow down the change direction. This is called ______________. When waves pass

through a gap in a barrier, they spread out. This is called _______________.

2. Mark amplitude and wavelength on the diagram below.



3. Complete the following diagrams to show the reflected and refracted rays.

air perspex air

glass air glass

4. In each of the following cases, draw a diagram to show the incident, refracted and
reflected rays and the normal to the boundary. Calculate the angle of refraction and
state the angle of reflection in each case. The refractive index for air to glass is 1.5.
The refractive index for glass to air is 0.67.
a. Light incident at an angle of 568 to the normal in air on a glass surface.
b. Light incident in glass on an air/ glass boundary at an angle of 358 to the normal.
c. Light incident in glass at an angle of 608 to the normal at an air/glass boundary.

What is different about part c?


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

5. Match the terms on the right with the correct definition from the left hand column.

Ratio of speed of light in air to speed in material Diffraction

Wave spreading out as it passes through a gap Refractive index

Wave changing direction as its speed changes Dispersion

Light bouncing off a smooth surface Reflection

White light splitting into a spectrum as it is deviated by a prism. Refraction

6. On graph paper, draw the following ray diagrams to scale:

a. An object of height 2 cm at a distance of 5 cm from a convex lens of focal
length 3 cm.
b. An object of height 3 cm at a distance of 5.5 cm from a convex lens of focal
length 2.5 cm.
c. An object of height 2 cm at a distance of 2 cm from a convex lens of focal
length 3 cm.

In each case, state a possible use for the arrangement.

7. a. What is the wavelength in air of electromagnetic radiation of frequency

1.0 3 1016 Hz? Which region of the spectrum does this belong to?
b. What is the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation which has a wavelength of
0.1 m in air? Which region of the spectrum does this belong to?
c. What is the wavelength in air of electromagnetic radiation of frequency
1.0 3 1020 Hz? Which region of the spectrum does this belong to?


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Properties of waves 3

8. Crossword

1 Across:
2 Region of the electromagnetic
2 3 4 spectrum that has the highest
energy (5)
5 4 The colour in the visible spectrum that
is deviated the most by a prism (6)
6 7 6 Region between visible and X-rays in
the electromagnetic spectrum (5-6)
8 Perpendicular to a boundary between
9 two media (6)
12 The distance between the mid position
10 11 of a particle on a wave and its
maximum displacement. (9)
12 13 Angle of incidence when the angle of
refraction is 908 (8, 5)
17 Region of the electromagnetic
spectrum with longer wavelengths
13 14 than visible light (5-3)
18 This type of wave cannot travel in a
vacuum (5)
15 19 Region of the electromagnetic
spectrum with the longest
16 wavelength (5)
20 20 to 20 000 is the ___________
17 range that the human ear can hear. (9)
21 Speed = frequency x ___________
18 (10)
19 Down:
1 Water waves do this when they pass
20 from deep to shallow water (7)
3 Electromagnetic radiation used to
cook food quickly (9)
5 Distance between the centre of a lens
and its principal focus (5,6)
21 7 An image that cannot be focused on a
screen (7)
9 Carries information by total internal
reflection of light (7, 5)
10 The unit of frequency (5)
11 Region of a sound wave where the
pressure is lowest (11)
14 Region of a sound wave where the
pressure is highest (11)
15 Sound waves do this when they hit a
hard smooth surface (7)
16 Lens that is thicker in the middle than
the edges (6)

9. Explain what is meant by dispersion.

10. Draw a diagram to show what happens to water waves, produced by a straight
vibrating rod, when they are incident on a gap in a barrier.

11. A sound wave travels at 330 m/s in air with a wavelength of 0.1 m. What is its
frequency? The wave enters water and the wavelength changes to 0.45 m. What is
the speed of the sound wave in water?

12. A sound wave travels through a 2 m long metal rod in 0.42 ms. What is the speed of
the wave?


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Examination style questions on Unit 3

1. An inventor is trying to make a device to enable him to see objects behind him. He cuts
a square box in half diagonally and sticks two plane mirrors on the inside of the box.

A side view of the arrangement is shown below.


box cut
in half


The following shows the arrangement, drawn larger. It shows parallel rays from two
different points on a distant object behind the man.

ray 1 from object

ray 2 from object



a. Carefully continue the two rays until they reach the place where the inventor’s
head will be.
b. Look at what has happened to the two rays.
What can be said about the image the inventor sees?

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q8


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Properties of waves 3

2. The speed of sound in air is 332 m/s. A man stands 249 m from a large flat wall, as
shown below, and claps his hands once.

woman man

249 m 249 m

a. Calculate the interval between the time when the man claps his hands and the
time when he hears the echo from the wall.
b. A woman is standing 249 m further away from the wall than the man. She hears
the clap twice, once directly and once after reflection from the wall.
How long after the man claps does she hear these two sounds? Pick two.

0.75 s 1.50 s 2.25 s 3.00 s

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q9

3. The diagram below shows the path of a sound wave from a source X.

path of sound wave

Y wall

a. State why a person standing at point Y hears an echo.

b. The frequency of the sound wave leaving X is 400 Hz. State the frequency of the
sound wave reaching Y.
c. The speed of the sound wave leaving X is 330 m/s. Calculate the wavelength of
these sound waves.
d. Sound waves are longitudinal waves.
State what is meant by the term longitudinal.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q6


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

4. a. The diagram below shows two rays of light from a point O on an object. These rays
are incident on a plane mirror.

i) Copy the diagram and continue the paths of the two rays after they reach the
mirror. Hence locate the image of the object O. Label the image I.
ii) Describe the nature of the image I.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q7

5. Two students are asked to determine the speed of sound in air on the school
playing fields.
a. List the apparatus they need.
b. List the readings that the students need to take.
c. State how the speed of sound is calculated from the readings.
d. State one precaution that could be taken to improve the accuracy of the value
e. The table gives some speeds.

speed/m/s speed of sound in air speed of sound in water

10 000

Copy the table and place a tick to show the speed which is closest to
i) the speed of sound in air,
ii) the speed of sound in water.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 3 Q7

6. The diagram below shows white light incident

at P on a glass prism. Only the refracted red ray
PQ is shown in the prism.
a. Copy the diagram, draw rays to complete
P red ray
the path of the red ray and the whole path Q
of the violet ray up to the point where
they hit the screen. Label the violet ray. white ligh
b. The angle of incidence of the white light
is increased to 40°. The refractive index of
the glass for the red light is 1.52.
Calculate the angle of refraction at P for
the red light.
c. State the approximate speed of
i) the white light incident at P,
ii) the red light after it leaves the prism at Q.

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 3 Q6


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4 Electricity and magnetism

4.1 Magnetism

✓ Ferromagnetic materials can be magnetised and are attracted to magnets
✓ The field lines around a bar magnet can be plotted using compasses
✓ An electromagnet can be used to magnetise unmagnetised ferromagnetic objects

A north magnetic pole is actually a north seeking pole, i.e. if it is free to rotate it will point
towards the Earth’s north pole.

F N N F N S N iron

Like magnetic poles repel Unlike magnetic poles attract Magnetic poles attract ferromagnetic

Iron is a ferromagnetic material. It contains what we can think of as tiny magnets called
domains. In an unmagnetised piece of iron, the domains are arranged randomly but when
a piece of iron is placed near a magnet, the domains line up because they are all attracted
by the magnet.


Unmagnetised iron – the Magnetised iron – the domains line up with the north pole.
domains are arranged randomly

This table shows how a magnet can pick up an unmagnetised piece of iron. When the
domains line up, a south pole is formed opposite the north pole of the magnet. The
poles attract. This is induced magnetism. When the magnet is removed, the piece of iron
will quickly lose its magnetism. The domains become randomly arranged again and the
temporary magnetism is lost.

Steel is made from iron and carbon and so it is also ferromagnetic. If steel is used instead
of iron, the steel will keep become less strongly magnetised, but it will retain some of its
induced magnetism and become a permanent magnet. It will remain magnetised until it is
banged on the table or dropped.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Field around a bar magnet

Field lines
(The arrows show the direction a
north pole would move if placed in
N the field. The closer the field lines are
S together, the stronger the magnetic

If small plotting compasses are placed around the bar magnet, the compasses show the
direction of the magnetic field. If small pieces of iron (iron filings) are sprinkled around the
magnet they too will line up with the magnetic field and show the field lines.

By convention, current is always shown as flowing from the positive side of a cell to
the negative side in a complete circuit. Conventional current is the flow of
positive charge.

I = conventional current

Electrons are negatively charged, which means that they flow in the opposite direction
to conventional current.

Current is measured using an ammeter, which must be placed in series in a circuit.

A ammeter

When a current flows through a wire, a magnetic field is produced around the wire. The
direction of the magnetic field depends on the direction of the current (from 1 to 2 around
the circuit) and is given by the right hand grip rule as shown below.

direction of magnetic
field lines conductor
electric current

direction of magnetic
right hand electric current field lines

The field lines point in the direction of the fingers of your right hand when your thumb
points in the direction of the current.

If the current flows in the opposite direction, then you must turn your hand round and see
that the field lines now go round the wire in the opposite direction.


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Electricity and magnetism 4

iron nail


coil of


When a current flows through a coil of wire, a magnetic field is created around and inside
the coil. The pattern of the field lines outside the coil is identical to a bar magnet.
Objects made of ferromagnetic materials can be magnetised by placing them inside the coil.

An electromagnet can be switched off by opening the switch and cutting off the current
from the battery. Its strength can be increased by increasing the voltage of the supply.

A relay is an electromagnetic switch that often uses a small current to switch on a much
larger current, which may be dangerous if done directly.

connections to a
pivot high current supply

iron armature


high voltage/current
coil connections (to a low
switch contacts
current supply via a switch)

When the switch is closed, a small current flows through the coil, creating a magnetic field.
The iron core of the coil becomes magnetised and attracts the iron armature, which pivots
and pushes the contacts together. This closes the high current circuit and switches on heavy
machinery, for example. The advantage of this arrangement is that the operator cannot
come in contact with the high current supply.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Examination style questions

1. a. Explain what is meant by the south pole of a magnet.
b. The south poles of two magnets are brought together. Is the force between them
attractive or repulsive or is there no force between them?
c. The iron bar is attracted to the north pole because of induced magnetism in the iron bar.


iron bar

i) On the diagram, mark clearly the induced north pole and the induced south
pole of the iron bar.
ii) State what happens to the induced magnetism in the iron bar when the
magnet is taken away.

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 2 Q8

2. a. Two magnets are laid on a bench. End A of an unidentified rod is held in turn
above one end of each magnet, with the results shown below.


bench south pole north pole

lifted off lifted off
bench bench

i) Suggest what the unidentified rod is made from.

ii) State what, if anything, happens when the end A is held over one end of
1. an unmagnetised iron bar,
2. an uncharged plastic rod.


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Electricity and magnetism 4

b. The diagram below shows four identical plotting compasses placed around a bar
magnet where the magnetic field of the surroundings can be ignored. The pointer
has only been drawn on one plotting compass.


Copy the diagram, draw the pointers on the other three plotting compasses to
indicate the directions of the magnetic field of the bar magnet in those three places.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 2 Q8

3. The diagram below shows a bar magnet on a board in a region where the magnetic
field of the surroundings is so weak it can be ignored. The letters N and S show the
positions of the north and south poles of the magnet. Also on the diagram are marked
four dots.


a. Copy the diagram and carefully draw four magnetic field lines, one passing
through each of the four dots. The lines you draw should begin and end either on
the magnet or at the edge of the board.
b. On one of your lines, put an arrow to show the direction of the magnetic field.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q11


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4.2 Electrical quantities

✓ The region around a charged particle, where another charge experiences a force,
is called an electric field
✓ Current in amperes is the charge in coulombs passing a point every second
✓ Potential difference is the energy per coulomb of charge
✓ Resistance at constant temperature 5 V/I
✓ Power in a circuit 5 VI
✓ Energy transformed in a circuit 5 VIt

Electric charge

+ + – – +


Positive charges repel Negative charges repel Positive and negative charges attract

The region around an electric charge where another charge experiences a force is called an
electric field. The field lines show the direction a positive charge would move if placed in
the field.

– +

e.g. an electron e.g. an ion

▲ Electric field lines for two source charges

Charging by induction
The negatively charged
+ – electrons in the metal
– – – – – – – – –
+ – sphere are repelled by the
+ – charged rod and move
away from it, leaving the
positive charges behind.
A negatively charged rod
is brought towards an
isolated metal sphere.

+ –
– – – – – – – – – + –
+ –
Flow of electrons

A conducting wire is attached

between ground and the sphere,
which allows the electrons to
flow off the sphere to the ground.


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Electricity and magnetism 4

3. net positive charge

+ +

When the conducting
wire is removed and
the sphere is isolated
again, it is left with a
net positive charge.

Electric current
Charge is measured in coulombs (C). Good conductors, such as metals, have electrons
that are free to move through their structure. Poor conductors (insulators) do not have
freely moving charged particles within their structure. Examples of insulators are rubber,
plastic and paper.

The flow of charge through a conductor is called the current. Current will only flow
through a conductor if there is a potential difference (PD) between the ends of the

The current in amperes is equal to the charge in coulombs passing a point every second.

Charge (C) 5 current (A) 3 time (s)

Q5 I 3 t

Worked examples
1. A charge of 0.01 C passes a point in a circuit every 0.2s. What is the current flowing?

2. How long does it take for a charge of 30 C to pass a point in a circuit when a current of
0.8 A flows?

3. How much charge will pass a point in a circuit when a current of 0.5 A flows for
1 minute?

1. I 5 __ 2. t 5 __
I 3. Q5I3t
_____ 30
5 5 ___ 5 0.5 3 60
0.2 0.8
5 0.05 A 5 37.5 s 5 30 C

Note: in question 3, 1 minute must be changed into 60 seconds.

Electromotive force and potential difference

An electrical supply (a power pack, cell or battery) provides electrical energy, which is carried
round a circuit by the current. The electromotive force or e.m.f. of a supply is the energy
per coulomb of charge, it is measured in volts (V ).

Potential difference or voltage across a component in a circuit is the energy required per
coulomb of charge to drive the current through that component. It is measured in volts (V).


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

The potential difference (PD) across a component is measured using a voltmeter in parallel
with the component.


Metals at a constant temperature have a constant resistance, measured in ohms (V).

potential difference (V)

Resistance (V) 5 ____________________
current (A)
R5 V

For a constant potential difference, increasing the resistance decreases the current.

For a constant resistance, increasing the potential difference increases the current.

Worked examples
1. A potential difference of 20 V is required for a current of 0.5 A to flow through a
resistor. What is its resistance?

2. A current of 0.01 A flows through a resister of 1 kV. What is the potential difference
across the resistor?

3. How much current flows when a potential difference of 5 V is applied to a resistor of

10 V?

1. R 5 __ 2. V5I3R 3. I 5 __
___ 5
5 5 0.01 3 1000 5 ___
0.5 10
5 40 V 5 10 V 5 0.5 A

Note: in question 2 kV must be changed into V. 1 kV 51000 V.


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Electricity and magnetism 4

An experiment to find the resistance of an unknown resistor

resistor A ammeter



▲ Test circuit

Vary the potential difference across the unknown resistor by changing the resistance of
the variable resistor. Measure the PD across the unknown resistor each time you change
the resistance of the variable resistor, using the voltmeter and the corresponding values of
current using the ammeter.



potential difference/V

V 5 ________________
Resistance 5 __ 1
I gradient of graph
Alternatively, resistance can be calculated by working out V/I for several values of V and I
and an average resistance found.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

The resistance of a wire

current A

length, l

A metal wire has a length l and a cross-sectional area A. When the length of the wire is
increased, the current has to travel further through the wire and so the resistance increases.
When the cross-sectional area is increased by increasing the diameter of the wire, the
current has a greater area to travel through and so the resistance decreases.

The resistance of the wire is directly proportional to the length of the wire and inversely
proportional to the cross-sectional area.

Electrical power
Electrical energy is transferred from the battery or power supply in a circuit to the
components in the circuit by the electrons. The component transforms the electrical
energy into other forms (for example a bulb converts electrical energy into heat and light).
The rate at which the energy is transformed is the power. Power can be calculated from
the formula:

Power (W) 5 potential difference (V) 3 current (A)

P 5 VI

Energy 5 power 3 time

so E 5 VIt

Worked examples
1. What is the power of a bulb that allows a current of 1.5 A to flow when there is a
potential difference of 8 V across it?

2. What is the current flowing through a bulb of power 40 W when there is a potential
difference of 200 V across it?

3. What potential difference is required to produce a current of 0.3 A in a bulb of power

60 W?

1. P5V3I 2. I 5 __ 3. V 5 __
____ 60
5 8 3 1.5 5 5 ___
200 0.3
5 12 W 5 0.2 A 5 200 V


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Electricity and magnetism 4

Examination style questions

1. The table below shows the potential difference (PD) needed at different times during a
day to cause a current of 0.03 A in a particular thermistor.
a. Calculate the two values missing from the table.

time of day (24-hour clock) 0900 1200 1500 1800

PD/V 15.0 9.9 7.5
resistance/V 500 210 250

b. Copy the axes below, plot the four resistance values given in the table.





0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100
time of day/24-hour clock

c. i) Draw a smooth curve through your points.

ii) Why do we draw a smooth curve rather than a series of straight lines joining
the points?
d. The thermistor is a circuit component with a resistance that decreases as the
temperature increases.
i) From your graph, estimate the time of day when the temperature was greatest.
ii) State the reason for your answer to d(i).

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q6

2. a. i) What name do we give to the type of material that allows electrical charges
to pass through it?
ii) Give an example of such a material.
iii) What must be done to this type of material in order to make electrical charges
pass through it?
b. i) What name do we give to the type of material that does not allow electrical
charges to pass through it?
ii) Give an example of such a material.
c. Which of the two types of material in a(i) and b(i) may be held in the hand and
charged by friction (e.g. by rubbing with a soft cloth)?

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q10


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

3. A student has a power supply, a resistor, a voltmeter, an ammeter and a variable resistor.
a. The student obtains five sets of readings from which he determines an average
value for the resistance of the resistor.
Draw a labelled diagram of a circuit that he could use.
b. Describe how the circuit should be used to obtain the five sets of readings.
c. The following circuit is set up and the reading on the ammeter is 0.5 A.

6.0 V

resistor resistor of
3.0 Ω unknown value

i) Calculate the value of the unknown resistor.

ii) Calculate the charge passing through the 3.0 V resistor in 120 s.
iii) Calculate the power dissipated in the 3.0 Ω resistor.

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 3 Q8

4. a. The diagram below shows a positively charged plastic rod, a metal plate resting on
an insulator, and a lead connected to earth.

positively charged
plastic rod

metal plate
lead connected
to earth insulator

Describe how the metal plate may be charged by induction.

b. An electrostatic generator sets up a current of 20 mA in a circuit.
i) the charge flowing through the circuit in 15 s,
ii) the potential difference across a 10 kΩ resistor in the circuit.

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 3 Q10


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Electricity and magnetism 4

Practical question
A student uses the circuit shown below to investigate the resistance of a piece of wire.

+ source –


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

V crocodile metre rule


The student measures the current I in the wire. She then measures the PD V across AB, AC
and AD.

The student’s readings are shown in the table below.

section of wire l/cm l/A V/V R/

AB 0.375 0.95
AC 0.375 1.50
AD 0.375 1.95

1. Using the diagram, record in the table the length l of each section of wire.

2. Show the positions of the pointers of the ammeter reading 0.375 A, and the voltmeter
reading 1.50 V on the blank ammeter and voltmeter below.

0.2 0.3
0.1 A 0.4

0 0.5

2 3
1 V 4

0 5

3. Calculate the resistance R of the sections of wire AB, AC and AD using the equation
R 5 V/I.

4. Record these values of R, to a suitable number of significant figures, in the table.

5. Complete the column heading for the R column of the table.

6. Use your results to predict the resistance of a 1.50 m length of the same wire. Show
your working.


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4.3 Electric circuits

✓ Current is the same in each part of a series circuit but is shared in a parallel circuit
✓ PD is the same across each part of a parallel circuit but is shared across a series circuit
✓ Thermistors and LDRs can be used as sensors
✓ Capacitors store charge and can be used to produce delays in circuits
✓ Digital signals have only two states: high and low
✓ Logic gates can be used to process signals to produce a desired output

Symbols for electrical components

Switch Resistor

Voltmeter Ammeter

Lamp (1) Lamp (2)

Variable Cell

Relay NO Bell

Fuse Transformer

Diode Transistor

Thermistor Light dependent

resistor (LDR)

Capacitor Battery

Drawing circuit diagrams

Use a pencil and a ruler to draw the connecting wires.
Do not draw the connecting wires through the components i.e.
Always use the correct symbols for the components shown in the table above.

Series and parallel circuits

6V 12A 12A
3A 3A

3A 3A
6A 1Ω 6A


1Ω 1Ω 6A 6A

▲ Series circuit ▲ Parallel circuit


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Electricity and magnetism 4

In a series circuit the current is the same all the In a parallel circuit the current splits at the
way round the circuit. junction and is shared between the resistors.
Adding resistors in series increases the total Adding resistors in parallel decreases the total
resistance in the circuit. resistance of the circuit.
In a series circuit, the total resistance is simply In a parallel circuit, the total resistance is given
the sum of the individual resistances. by the formula
In the example above, 1
____________ 1 1 __ 1
total resistance 5 1 V 1 1 V 5 2 V 5 __
total resistance R1 R2
In the example above,
____________ 1
1 1 __
5 __
total resistance 1 1
1 5 0.5 V
total resistance 5 __
The potential difference across each resistor can The potential difference across each resistor can
be calculated using V 5 IR. be calculated using V 5 IR.
In the example above, V 5 3 3 1 5 3 V, so each In the example above V 5 6 3 1 5 6 V, so each
resistor has a PD of 3 V across it. resistor has a PD of 6 V across it.
In a series circuit, the potential difference is In a parallel circuit, the potential difference
shared between the resistors. This is because across each resistor is the same as the potential
the energy from the cell is shared between the difference across the cell. This is because after
resistors. picking up energy from the cell charge only
passes through one of the resistors (not both).
If one of the resistors broke, the circuit would be If one of the resistors broke, the current
broken and no current would flow. could still flow through the second resistor,
although the current would be smaller because
there would now be a greater total resistance in
the circuit.

Strings of party lights used to be wired in series, which meant if one of the bulbs broke, all
of the bulbs would go out. Now, they are wired in parallel so that the rest of the bulbs will
still work if one breaks.

Action and use of circuit components

A potentiometer can be made from a variable resistor. Sliding the moving contact along
the length of the resistor moves the contact represented by the arrow in the diagram.
This changes the voltage on the voltmeter. Increasing the resistance in parallel with the
voltmeter increases the share of the potential difference from the cell and the reading on
the voltmeter increases.

variable resistor


If the voltmeter is replaced with another component, the potential difference across the
component can be varied with the potentiometer between 0 V and the maximum PD from
the cell.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics




A transistor is an electrically operated switch. It has three terminals: the base, collector and
emitter. When a small current flows into the base, a larger current can flow between the
collector and emitter. In this way the transistor also amplifies the current.


The thermistor is a component whose resistance decreases as the temperature

increases. This means that it can be used as a temperature sensor.

R2 supply


▲ Temperature sensitive circuit

When the thermistor is warmed, its resistance decreases and it takes a smaller share of the
potential difference from the power supply. R1 takes a larger share of the supply PD. The
PD across the base is now large enough for the base current to switch on the collector–emitter
current. When a large current flows from the collector to the emitter, the bulb lights.

This circuit could be used to turn on a warning light to show that the hob of an electric
cooker is hot, or as an indicator light to show that hair straighteners have reached their
operating temperature.

Light dependent resistor (LDR)

The light dependent resistor (LDR) is a component whose resistance decreases as the
light intensity increases. This means that it can be used as a light sensor.


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Electricity and magnetism 4




▲ Light sensitive circuit

When the light intensity on the LDR decreases, its resistance increases and it takes a larger
share of the potential difference from the power supply. Resistor A takes a smaller share of
the potential difference from the power supply. The PD across the base is now large enough
for the base current to switch on the collector–emitter current. When a large current flows
from the collector to the emitter, the bulb lights.

This circuit could be used to switch on a light at night.


A diode only allows current to flow one way through it, the direction in which the arrow
is pointing.

This property of the diode is used in the conversion of a.c. current to d.c. Alternating
current (a.c.) repeatedly changes the direction in which it flows around the circuit. Since
the diode only allows current to flow in one direction, it changes the alternating current to
direct current. This is called rectification.


A simple capacitor consists of two parallel metal plates separated by a layer of insulator.
When a cell is connected across the capacitor plates, electric charge is forced onto the
plates. If the cell is the disconnected, the capacitor plates remain charged until the
capacitor is connected across a conductor. By storing charge, the capacitor is effectively
storing energy.

When one capacitor plate is charged positive and the other negative, there is an electric
field between the plates. In real capacitors, the plates and insulator are often rolled
up together.

+ –
+ –
positive plate + – negative plate
+ –
+ –

electric field lines

Capacitors can be used in a circuit where a component is to be switched on or off after a

time delay.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

R2 supply


▲ Time delay circuit

As the capacitor charges, the potential difference across its plates increases. Initially R1 gets
a large share of the supply PD but this share decreases as the capacitor charges. When the
PD across R1 is low enough, the base current switches off the collector–emitter current.
Initially, the bulb lights. After a time delay, which depends on the size of the capacitor and
the resistance in the circuit, the bulb goes out.

This circuit could be used to switch on a hall light and then switch it off after a suitable time
delay once the person had climbed the stairs.

Digital electronics
A digital system consists of an input sensor (such as a simple push switch) and a processor
circuit, which controls the voltage to an output device (such as an electric bell). The
processor circuit consists of a series of logic gates. Logic gates respond to small voltages,
which are either on or off (digital signals). They do not respond to analogue signals.

An analogue signal (V) varies continuously

in amplitude.
A digital signal (V) has only two states:
high and low (or on and off, or 1 and 0)

Logic gates
Logic gates are circuits containing transistors and other components. They transform a
digital input voltage into an output, which depends on the type of logic gate. The input and
output voltages are given as 1 or 0 (on or off) and can be represented in a truth table.

Logic gate Symbol Truth table

A Y 1 0
0 1

Y 0 0 0
B 1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1
Y 0 0 0
B 1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 1
Y 0 0 1
B 1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 0
Y 0 0 1
B 1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 0


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Electricity and magnetism 4

A NOT gate gives an output that is the opposite of the input.

An AND gate only gives an output if the input A and input B are both 1.
An OR gate gives an output if input A or input B is 1.

Logic gates can be combined to perform different functions in electrical circuits.



The truth table for the above arrangement is as follows:

0 0 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 1

This is a very complicated logic gate circuit! It has three inputs A, B and C and a final output
Z. Start by reading columns A 1 B and looking at the output from the OR gate D. If either
A or B or both are high (1), then D is high (1). Now check the input B and the output E from
the NOT gate. The output from E is the opposite to the input at B. E 1 C are the inputs to
an OR gate whose output is F. Finally, look at the inputs D 1 F and the output Z to the AND
gate. Check that both D and F must be high (1) for Z to be high (1).

The following block diagram shows a circuit that will switch on a warning light at night
when the temperature is too low.


AND relay bulb

thermistor NOT

At night, the LDR output is 0, which is reversed by the NOT gate.

In the cold the thermistor output is 0, which is changed to 1 by the NOT gate.
This switches at the AND gate. The current is increased by the relay and the bulb lights.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Examination style questions



resistance wire

a. When the circuit above is connected up, how does the current in the resistance
wire compare with the current in the 2 V resistor?
b. A voltmeter connected across the resistance wire shows the same reading as a
voltmeter connected across the 2 V resistor. State the value of the resistance of the
resistance wire.
c. Calculate the combined resistance of the wire and the resistor.
d. The wire and resistor are disconnected and then reconnected in parallel, as shown.

resistance wire


i) What is the combined resistance of the wire and resistor in the parallel circuit?
ii) The ammeter in the series circuit reads 0.3 A. Is the reading on the ammeter in
the parallel circuit greater than, less than or equal to 0.3A?

e. Walls in buildings sometimes develop cracks. The width of a crack can be

monitored by measuring the resistance of a thin wire stretched across the crack
and firmly fixed on either side of the crack, as illustrated in the diagram below.

thin wire

fixing pin
fixing pin


The wall moves and the crack widens slightly.

State what happens to
i) the length of the wire
ii) the resistance of the wire.

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q11


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Electricity and magnetism 4

2. The diagram below shows part of a low-voltage lighting circuit containing five identical

12 V d.c.


a. Complete the circuit, by the addition of components as necessary, so that

i) the total current from the supply can be measured.
ii) the brightness of lamp E only can be varied.
iii) lamps C and D may be switched on and off together whilst lamps A, B
and E remain on.
b. All five lamps are marked 12 V, 36 W. Assume that the resistance of each lamp is
the same fixed value regardless of how it is connected in the circuit.
i) the current in one lamp when operating at normal brightness.
ii) the resistance of one lamp when operating at normal brightness.
iii) the combined resistance of two lamps connected in parallel with the
12 V supply.
iv) the energy used by one lamp in 30 s when operating at normal brightness.
c. The whole circuit is switched on. Explain why the brightness of lamps A and B is
much less than that of one lamp operating at normal brightness.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 3 Q8

3. The circuit below is based on a transistor and thermistor

R2 supply


a. Describe the action of the thermistor in this circuit.

b. State and explain how the circuit may be modified so that the lamp switches on at
a different temperature.
c. State one practical use of this circuit.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 3 Q10


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

4. The diagram below shows a low-voltage lighting circuit.

12 V d.c.

a. Copy the diagram, indicate with a dot and the letter S, a point in the circuit where
a switch could be placed that would turn off lamps Y and Z at the same time but
would leave lamp X still lit.
b. i) In the space below, draw the circuit symbol for a component that would vary
the brightness of lamp X.
ii) On your diagram, mark with a dot and the letter R where this component
should be placed.
c. Calculate the current in lamp Y.
d. The current in lamp Z is 3.0 A. Calculate the resistance of this lamp.
e. The lamp Y is removed.
i) Why do lamps X and Z still work normally?
ii) The current in lamp X is 1.0 A. Calculate the current supplied by the battery
with lamp Y removed.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q8

5. The circuit below is used to switch on a lamp automatically when it starts to go dark.



a. Write down the names of the components labelled A, B, C and D.

b. Which of the four components A, B, C or D acts as a switch?
c. Explain why the lamp comes on as it goes dark.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q10


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Electricity and magnetism 4

6. The diagram below shows a high-voltage supply connected across two metal plates.

+ supply –


metal plates

When the supply is switched on, an electric field is present between the plates.
a. Explain what is meant by an electric field .
b. Copy the diagram, draw the electric field lines between the plates and indicate
their direction by arrows.
c. The metal plates are now joined by a high-resistance wire. A charge of 0.060 C
passes along the wire in 30 s.
Calculate the reading on the ammeter.
d. The potential difference of the supply is re-set to 1500 V and the ammeter reading
changes to 0.0080 A. Calculate the energy supplied in 10 s. Show your working.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q8

7. a. Draw the symbol for a NOR gate. Label the inputs and the output.
b. State whether the output of a NOR gate will be high (ON) or low (OFF) when
i) one input is high and one input is low,
ii) both inputs are high.
c. The diagram below shows a digital circuit made from three NOT gates and one
NAND gate.



i) Write HIGH or LOW in each of the boxes on the diagram

ii) State the effect on the output of changing both of the inputs.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q9


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Practical question
A student is investigating the relationship between potential difference V across a resistor
and the current I in it. The diagram below shows the apparatus that the student is using.

switch power variable

source resistor




1. Draw the circuit diagram of the circuit shown above. Use standard circuit symbols.

2. The student is using a lamp to show when the current is switched on.
Why is it unnecessary to use the lamp?

3. State which piece of apparatus in the circuit is used to control the size of the current.

4. The student removes the lamp from the circuit. He is told that the resistance of a
conductor is constant if the temperature of the conductor is constant. He knows that
the current in the resistor has a heating effect. Suggest two ways in which the student
could minimise the heating effect of the current in the resistor.

5. The diagram below shows a variable resistor with the sliding contact in two different

sliding contact in position A

metal bar

coil of resistance wire

sliding contact in position B

metal bar

coil of resistance wire

State which position, A or B, shows the higher resistance setting. Explain your answer.


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4.4 Dangers of electricity

✓ Bare electrical cables and damp conditions can lead to electric shocks
✓ High currents can cause excess heating leading to fires
✓ Fuses and circuit breakers limit current to prevent electrical fires

plug plug


live live

neutral neutral

flex Grip flex Grip

insulation insulation

▲ The 3 pin plug ▲ The 2 pin plug

Safety features of the 3 pin plug and the 2 pin plug

• If the live wire comes loose and touches the metal casing of the appliance, the earth
wire carries the current safely to ground and the fuse melts.
• In the 2 pin plug the earth wire is carried in grooves in the plastic case.
• If the current in an appliance becomes too large, say because there is a short circuit, the
thin wire inside the fuse melts and breaks the circuit.
• The plastic coating over the cable insulates the conducting wires.

Water conducts electric current and so you should never touch an electrical appliance
with wet hands or operate electrical equipment in wet conditions.

In the home, circuit breakers protect us from electrical fires.

springy piece of metal


iron rocker
iron core

If the current flowing through the coil of wire becomes too large, the iron core becomes
strongly magnetised and attracts the iron rocker with enough force to pull it down. This


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

opens the contacts and breaks the circuit so that the current can no longer flow. The
circuit breaker can be reset by flicking a switch, which pushes down the springy piece of
metal and pulls the rocker back up to close the contacts.

A “blown” fuse has to be replaced but a circuit breaker can easily be reset by lifting the iron
rocker back into postion.

Examination style question

For each hazard, draw a line to the appropriate protection.

electrical hazard means of protection

loose live wire touches metal fuse or circuit breaker in the

case of appliance circuit

worn insulation on cable to an use of switches with a nylon

appliance pull-cord

steam in a washroom earth wire connected to the

condenses inside a switch metal case of the appliance

wires get hot because current visual check of cables before

is too high connecting appliance

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 2 Q12


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4.5 Electromagnetic effects

✓ When a coil cuts magnetic field lines, an e.m.f. is induced across the coil, this
principle is used in the a.c. generator
✓ A transformer can be used to step up and step down a.c. voltage
✓ The direction of the force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field is
given by the left hand rule
✓ A coil of wire carrying a current in a magnetic field will turn due to the forces on it;
this principle is used in the d.c. motor.

Electromagnetic induction
coil of copper wire

bar magnet

sensitive voltmeter

When the north pole of the bar magnet is moved into the coil, the needle on the sensitive
voltmeter briefly moves to the right before returning to the centre.

The movement of the magnetic field lines due to the bar magnet induces an e.m.f. across
the coil, which is then measured by the voltmeter. This is because as the magnet moves into
the coil, the coil cuts the magnetic field lines.

When the north pole is moved out of the coil, the needle briefly moves to the left. This is
because the coil is cutting the field lines in the opposite direction and so the induced e.m.f.
is in the opposite direction.

The voltmeter can also be made to briefly move to the left if a south pole is moved into
the coil.

Ways to increase the induced e.m.f.:

• Move the magnet faster

• Put more turns on the coil
• Use a stronger magnet


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

N S The e.m.f. across the coil can cause a

current to flow in the coil if it is in a
complete circuit. The current that flows
causes the coil to act like a bar magnet.
When a north pole is moved towards
the coil, this induces a north pole at that
end of the coil. The e.m.f. opposes the
change because the north pole of the coil
repels the north pole of the magnet.

S N When a north pole is moved away from

the coil, this induces a south pole at that
end of the coil. The south pole of the coil
N attracts the north pole of the magnet,
again opposing the change.

a.c. generator

magnets The magnetic poles

As the coil spins, this provide a constant
side of the coil cuts up magnetic field.
through the magnetic
field lines inducing an
emf, which causes a
current to flow in the
coil because it is part
of a complete circuit.

As the coil spins,

The brushes keep this side cuts down
electrical contact with through the field
the slip rings but do lines also inducing
not move. The brushes brush an emf.
link the slip rings to the
external circuit.
The slip rings turn
with the coil. They
are made of a
good conductor
such as copper.

When the coil reaches the vertical position, the side

that was previously cutting up through the field
lines will now cut down through the field lines.
This means that the induced e.m.f. will change
direction and therefore the current will change

Every time the coil reaches the vertical

position, the current will change direction.
The current produced is alternating or a.c..
▲ Graph of voltage against time for an a.c. generator


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Electricity and magnetism 4

primary coil secondary coil

alternating input voltage alternating output voltage

The coils are wound round The changing magnetic field in

an iron core. The alternating the iron core induces an e.m.f.
input voltage produces an (a voltage) in the secondary coil.
alternating current in the
primary coil which causes a
changing magnetic field in
the iron core.

This is a step-down transformer. The output voltage is less than the input voltage.
This is because there are fewer turns on the primary coil than on the secondary.

A step-up transformer has more turns on the secondary coil than on the primary.
The output voltage is greater than the input voltage.

__S 5 ___S
VS 5 voltage across the secondary coil; NS 5 number of turns on the secondary coil
(1 turn 5 1 loop of wire in the coil);
VP 5 voltage across the primary coil; NP 5 number of turns on the primary coil
If the transformer is 100 % efficient, the input power is equal to the output power.
P 5 IV so: IpVp 5 ISVS

Worked examples for you to try

1. The input voltage to a transform is 20 V. There are 100 turns on the primary coil and
6 000 turns on the secondary coil. What is the output voltage?

2. The input voltage to a transformer is 300 V and the output voltage is 12 V. There are
100 turns on the secondary coil. How many are these on the primary coil?

3. A transformer has 1 000 turns on the secondary coil and 200 turns on the primary coil.
The output voltage is 10 V. What is the input voltage?

4. The input voltage to a transformer is 50 kV and the output voltage is 100 kV. There are
3 000 turns on the primary coil. How many turns are there on the secondary coil?


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

1. Vs 5 ___
___ Ns i.e. There are 60 times as many turns on the
Vp Np
secondary coil so there is 60 times as much voltage
Vs 5 Vp 3 ___
Np across this coil. Voltage and number of turns are
5 20 3 ____ directly proportional.
Vs 5 1200 V

2. Vs 5 ___
___ Ns i.e. There is 25 times as much voltage across the
Vp Np
Vp primary coil than the secondary and so there are
Np 5 Ns 3 ___ 25 times as many turns on the primary coil
5 100 3 ____
Np 5 2500

3. Vs 5 ___
___ Ns i.e. There are 5 times fewer coils on the primary
Vp Np 1 of the
Np then on the secondary coil and so there is __
Vp 5 Vs 3 ___ 5
Ns secondary voltage across the primary
5 10 3 200
Vp 5 2 V

4. Vs 5 ___
___ Ns ie. the voltage is stepped up by a factor of 2 and so
Vp Np
there are twice as many turns on the secondary coil
Ns 5 Np 3 ___
Vp than the primary.
100 000
5 3000 3 ________
50 000
Ns 5 6000

Transformers are used to step up the voltage coming from a power station onto the power
lines that transmit electrical energy. The power from the power station is constant and
so increasing the voltage decreases the current. (P 5 IV again) Transmitting electrical
energy at high voltage and low current reduces the energy lost as heat from the power lines
and increases the efficiency of the system.

Force on a current–carrying conductor

A wire carrying a current has a magnetic field around it (direction given by the right hand
grip rule). If the wire is placed in another magnetic field, the two magnetic fields will
interact and there will be a force on the wire.

wire carrying current I


direction of force, F

In the above arrangement, the wire will move downwards due to the force on it.


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Electricity and magnetism 4

rust or force

hand F irst

Cond finger

The direction of the force is given by the Fleming’s left hand rule.

To check the direction of the force, hold your fingers in the position shown in the picture.
Now turn your hand so that your second finger points into the page and your first finger
points from left to right across the page. Your thumb should point down the page, in the
direction of the force.

Remember: First finger Field, seCond finger Current, thuMb for Motion

• If the direction of the magnetic field stays the same but the direction of the current is
reversed (so that it comes out of the page), the force reverses and is now upwards.
• If the direction of the current remains into the page and the magnetic field is reversed
(so that it goes right to left across the page), the force reverses and is now upwards.

Check this example using the left hand rule.

The d.c. motor

pole of
north F
pole of coil


magnet brush brush



▲ The d.c. motor

• The poles of the magnet are curved to provide a radial magnetic field. This helps to
keep the coil in a constant magnetic field.
• There is a force, F, on each side of the coil since the coil is carrying a current in a
magnetic field. The direction of these forces is given by the left hand rule. The forces
cause the coil to spin.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

• The commutator turns as the coil turns. It keeps in electrical contact with the brushes
and so the current, I, keeps flowing through the coil. Every time the coil reaches
the vertical position, the two sides of the commutator swap brushes and the flow
of current is reversed. This means the direction of the force on each side of the
coil is reversed and so the coil keeps spinning in the same direction. Without the
commutator, the coil would just oscillate backwards and forwards.

The speed at which the coil spins can be increased by

• increasing the number of turns on the coil

• increasing the current
• increasing the strength of the magnetic field

Examination style questions

1. A person has a 6 V bell. He hopes to operate the bell from a 240 V a.c. mains supply,
with the help of the transformer shown below.

240 V
a.c. output

primary coil secondary coil

5000 turns 250 turns

a. State how you can tell from the diagram that the transformer is a step-down
b. State how the output voltage compares with the input voltage in a step-down
c. Calculate the output voltage of the transformer when connected to the 240 V
mains supply.
d. Why would it not be wise for the person to connect the 6 V bell to this output?

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 2 Q10


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Electricity and magnetism 4

2. The diagram below shows a flexible wire hanging between two magnetic poles.
The flexible wire is connected to a 12 V d.c. supply that is switched off.

wire fixed here

N S 12 V d.c.

flexible wire
hanging between
magnetic poles
wire fixed here

a. Explain why the wire moves when the supply is switched on.
b. State the direction of the deflection of the wire.
c. When the wire first moves, energy transfers from one form to another. State these
two forms of energy using an arrow to show the direction of transfer.
d. The diagram below shows the flexible wire made into a rigid rectangular coil and
mounted on an axle.

magnetic pole


magnetic pole S S


i) Add to the diagram an arrangement that will allow current to be fed into the
coil whilst allowing the coil to turn continuously. Label the parts you have
ii) Briefly explain how your arrangement works.

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 3 Q11

3. A transformer is needed to step down a 240 V a.c. supply to a 12 V a.c. output.

a. Draw a labelled diagram of a suitable transformer.
b. Explain
i) why the transformer only works on a.c.,
ii) how the input voltage is changed to an output voltage.
c. The output current is 1.5 A. Calculate
i) the power output
ii) the energy output in 30 s.

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 3 Q9


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

4. The diagram below shows the basic parts of a transformer.

primary coil secondary coil

input output

a. Use ideas of electromagnetic induction to explain how the input voltage is

transformed into an output voltage. Use the three questions below to help you
with your answer.
What happens in the primary coil?
What happens in the core?
What happens in the secondary coil?
b. State what is needed to make the output voltage higher than the input voltage.
c. The core of this transformer splits along XX and YY. Explain why the transformer
wouldnot work if the two halves of the core were separated by about 30cm
d. A 100% efficient transformer is used to step up the voltage of a supply from 100 V to
200 V. A resistor is connected to the output. The current in the primary coil is 0.4 A.
Calculate the current in the secondary coil.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q10

5. Your teacher gives you a length of wire, a sensitive millivoltmeter and a powerful
magnet. You are asked to demonstrate the induction of an e.m.f. in the wire.
a. Describe what you would do.
b. How would you know that an e.m.f. has been induced?
c. Name a device which makes use of electromagnetic induction.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q10


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4.6 Cathode ray oscilloscope
Cathode ray tube
cathode fluorescent
electrons electrons

plates to vertical (vacuum)

accelerate deflection
the beam plates

• The “electron gun” consists of a filament (the cathode) that produces electrons when
heated by thermionic emission.
• The electrons are accelerated through a potential difference, away from the
negatively charged cathode.
• The horizontal and vertical deflection plates change the direction of the beam of
electrons, using an electric field. The electrons are attracted by the positively charged
plate and repelled by the negative plate.
• When the beam of electrons hits the fluorescent screen, their kinetic energy is
transformed to light energy and a bright spot appears.

The cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) can be used as a high resistance voltmeter. When it is
connected in parallel with a component in a circuit a bright trace appears on the screen.
The trace shows how the amplitude (size) of the PD varies with time.

Time base setting: controls

Screen the number of cycles of
voltage seen on the screen.

m .2 .1
OFF 1 .5 50
TV:H 2 20
TV:V 10
TR 5
20 2
TRIG 50 1
Volts per division
setting: controls
the height of
.5 .2 .5 .2 the trace on the
1 .1 1 .1

5 20 CAL 5 20
10 10 10 10
V 20 5 mV 20 5 mV

▲ Typical cathode ray oscilloscope


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Examples of traces on the oscilloscope screen

Y gain setting 5 2 V per division Y gain setting 5 10 mV per division

This is the trace obtained for a d.c. voltage This is the trace obtained for a d.c. voltage of 40 mV
of 5 V (2.5 divisions 3 2 V 5 5 V) (4 divisions 3 10 mV 5 40 mV)

Y gain setting 5 0.5 V per division Y gain setting 5 1 V per division

Time base setting 5 1 s per division Time base setting 5 10 ms per division
This is the trace obtained for an This is the trace obtained for an a.c. voltage with a
a.c. voltage with a peak voltage of 2 V peak voltage of 2.8 V (2.8 divisions 3
(4 divisions 3 0.5 V per division) and a 1 V per division) and a peak to peak voltage
peak to peak voltage of 4 V. of 5.6 V.
The time period 5 time for one complete The time period = time for one complete cycle
cycle of voltage 5 10 s (10 divisions 3 of voltage 5 50 ms (5 divisions 3
1 s per division). 10ms per division).
Frequency 5 _________ 5 0.1 Hz 1
Frequency 5 _________ 1 5 20 Hz
5 _____
time period time period 0.05

Examination style questions

1. a. The diagram below shows how a beam of electrons would be deflected by an
electric field produced between two metal plates. The connections of the source of
high potential difference are not shown.

+ high –
beam of electrons


i) Draw in the missing connections. Complete the diagram by inserting the high
potential difference in the correct place.
ii) Explain why the beam of electrons is deflected in the direction shown. In your
answer, consider all the charges involved and their effect on each other.


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Electricity and magnetism 4

b. The deflection of a beam of electrons by an electric field is used in cathode ray

i) What makes the electron beam move backwards and forwards across the
ii) What makes the electron beam move up and down the screen?
c. An a.c. waveform is displayed so that two full waves appear on the screen of a
cathode ray oscilloscope.
d. The diagram on the right shows the face of the oscilloscope. On the diagram, draw
in the waveform that will be displayed.

Adapted from CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q9

2. a. The diagram below shows a type of tube in which cathode rays can be produced.

filament anode screen


i) A PD is connected between two terminals in order to cause thermionic

emission. Between which two of the four labelled terminals is the PD
ii) Where does the thermionic emission occur?
iii) Which particles are emitted during thermionic emission?

iv) Draw the path of the cathode rays that are created when all the electrical
connections are correctly made.
v) State what is seen when the cathode rays strike the fluorescent screen.
b. The diagram below shows the same tube as previously, with two metal plates
alongside the tube. A high PD is connected between the plates.



Draw the path of the cathode rays.

c. The tube in both diagrams has a vacuum inside it.
State why this vacuum is necessary.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Summary questions on unit 4

1. What are the units for the following quantities?

Charge Time period

Current Frequency
Potential difference or voltage Energy
Resistance Power

2. Complete the table to show the names of the electrical components and their symbols

Switch Resistor


Variable resistor Cell

NO Transformer


Light dependent
resistor (LDR)

3. Write down the equation linking current, charge and time. Use the correct symbols.
Then answer the following questions. Give the answer with the correct unit.
a. A current of 3 A flows for 6 s. How much charge passes a point in that time?
b. 6 mC of charge pass a point in a circuit every 100 s. What is the current in the
c. How long does it take for 15 C of charge to pass a point when a current of 0.1A

4. Write down the equation linking resistance, potential difference and current. Use the
correct symbols. Then answer the following questions. Give the answer with the
correct unit.
a. What is the potential difference across a 100 V resistor when a current of 0.5 A
flows through it?
b. What current flows through a resistor of 330 V when a there is a potential
difference of 10V across it?
c. What value of resistor has a current of 0.8 A flowing through it when the potential
difference across it is 1.5 V?

5. Write down the equation linking current, potential difference and power. Use the
correct symbols. Then answer the following questions. Give the answer with the
correct unit.
a. What is the power of a lamp when a current of 3 A flow through it and the
potential difference across it is 12 V?
b. A lamp of power 40 W has a potential difference of 230 V across it. What is the
current through the lamp?
c. A lamp of power 100 W has a current of 0.5 A flowing through it. What is the
potential difference across the lamp?


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Electricity and magnetism 4

6. Explain how an earth wire and a fuse can protect a person from an electric shock.

7. Draw a circuit to vary the potential difference across a lamp and measure the current
through the lamp. Include an appropriate component to measure the potential
difference across the lamp and a switch to switch the circuit on and off.

8. Draw the symbols for a NOT, AND and OR gate and give their truth tables.

9. Explain how a relay can be used to switch on a large voltage using a small voltage.

10. Draw the electric field lines between the plates of a capacitor.

11. Complete the paragraph

When a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic , there is

a on the conductor. The direction of the is given by

the rule, where the first finger is the ,

second finger is the and the thumb is for . The force

on a conductor in a magnetic field can be increased by increasing the

through the conductor or increasing the of the

12. Draw and label a diagram of a d.c. motor. Explain how the commutator allows the
motor to turn continuously.

13. Describe an experiment to show that the direction of the e.m.f. induced across a
conductor depends on the direction that the conductor is moved through a magnetic

14. Draw and label a diagram of an a.c. generator. Explain how the slip rings enable the
generator to turn continuously.

15. Give three ways in which the output voltage from an a.c. generator can be increased.

16. Draw a diagram of a step up transformer. Label the primary and secondary coils and
the iron core. Explain why the transformer will not operate with a d.c. input voltage.

17. Use the information given to sketch an oscilloscope trace for the following examples.

Volts per division 5 2 V Volts per division 5 1 V

Time base 5 0.1 s per division Time base 5 50 ms per division
a.c. input with peak voltage of 6 V and a.c. input with peak voltage of 4 V and
frequency 2 Hz frequency 5 Hz


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

18. Crossword

1 2 3 4

5 6

9 10


12 13

14 15





Across: Down:
1 A component whose resistance decreases with 2 Used to deflect the electron beam in a cathode ray
increasing temperature (10) tube (8, 5)
3 Equal to current x voltage in an electrical circuit (5) 3 A quantity whose unit is the volt (8, 10)
6 An electrical component that stores charge (9) 4 Used to switch on a large voltage with a small
7 Used to determine the direction of the force on a voltage (5)
current carrying conductor in a magnetic field 5 Used to measure the potential difference across a
(4, 4, 4) component (9)
8 Limits electrical current in wiring in the home (7, 7) 9 Used to vary the potential difference across a
11 A property exhibited by the elements iron, cobalt component (13)
and nickel (14) 10 Measures the current through a component (7)
12 Produced when a conductor cuts magnetic field 13 A quantity whose unit is the ampere (7)
lines (7, 3) 14 Transforms an input signal of 1 to an output
15 Repels positive charges (8, 6) of 0 (3, 4)
16 Used to step a.c. voltage up and down (11)
17 A quantity whose unit is the ohm (10)
18 Attracts a north pole (5, 4)
19 An electrical component with three terminals (10)


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Electricity and magnetism 4

Examination style questions on Section 4

1. The diagram below shows a low-voltage lighting circuit.

12 V d.c.

a. Indicate with a dot and the letter S, a point in the circuit where a switch could be
placed that would turn off lamps Y and Z at the same time but would leave lamp
X still lit.
b. i) Draw the circuit symbol for a component that would vary the brightness of
lamp X.
ii) Mark with a dot and the letter R where this component should be placed.
c. Calculate the current in lamp Y.
d. The current in lamp Z is 3.0 A. Calculate the resistance of this lamp.
e. The lamp Y is removed.
i) Why do lamps X and Z still work normally?
ii) The current in lamp X is 1.0 A. Calculate the current supplied by the battery
with lamp Y removed.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q8

2. Below is a sketch of some apparatus, found in a Science museum, which was once
used to show how electrical energy can be converted into kinetic energy.

When the switch is closed the wheel starts to turn.


metal d.c. supply

magnet spokeda
N wheel
S small dish of

wood base


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

a. Explain why the wheel turns when the switch is closed.

b. Draw an arrow to show the direction of rotation of the wheel.
c. The d.c. motor is another way to convert electrical energy into kinetic energy.
Draw a labelled diagram of a d.c. motor.
d. Describe how the split-ring commutator on an electric motor works.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 3 Q9

3. The diagram below shows an electrical circuit.

12.0 V d.c.


4.0 Ω
one metre resistance wire

The resistance of the lamp is 4.0 Ω when it is at its normal brightness.

a. The lamp is rated at 6.0 V, 9.0 W.

Calculate the current in the lamp when it is at its normal brightness.
b. The sliding contact C is moved to A. The lamp lights at its normal brightness.
i) the total circuit resistance,
ii) the potential difference across the 4.0 Ω resistor R.
c. The sliding contact C is moved from A to B.
i) Describe any change that occurs in the brightness of the lamp.
ii) Explain your answer to (i).
d. The 1 m wire between A and B, as shown in the diagram, has a resistance of
2.0 Ω. Calculate the resistance between A and B when
i) the 1 m length is replaced by a 2 m length of the same wire,
ii) the 1 m length is replaced by a 1 m length of a wire of the same material but
of only half the cross-sectional area.

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 3 Q8

4. a. The diagram below shows an a.c. supply connected to a resistor and a diode.

a.c. supply output

i) State the effect of fitting the diode in the circuit.


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Electricity and magnetism 4

ii) Sketch graphs to show the variation of the a.c. supply voltage and the output
voltage with time.

a.c. supply


b. i) Draw the symbol for a NOT gate.

ii) State the action of a NOT gate.

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 3 Q9

5. a. The diagram below shows two groups of materials.


copper plastics
iron silk
gold glass
aluminium ebonite

i) Which group contains metals?

ii) Which group contains insulators?
iii) Write down the name of one of the eight materials above that may be
charged by rubbing it with a suitable dry cloth.
b. Two charged metal balls are placed close to a positively-charged metal plate.

One is attracted to the plate and one is repelled.

attracted to plate


repelled by plate

Write a 1 sign on the ball that is positively charged and a 2 sign on the one that is
negatively charged.
c. State what is meant by an electric field.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 2 Q8


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

6. The diagram below shows a tube for producing cathode rays. The tube contains
various parts.


A spot is formed on the screen by the cathode rays.

a. What do cathode rays consist of?

b. Which part, A, B, C or D, must be heated to create the cathode rays?
c. i) Which part, A, B, C or D, is coated with fluorescent material?
ii) What is the purpose of the fluorescent material?
d. A potential difference is applied between the two halves of part C.
What effect does this have on the cathode rays?
e. Explain why there needs to be a vacuum inside the tube.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 2 Q11

7. a. The diagram below shows two resistors connected to a 6 V battery.


6V X


i) What name do we use to describe this way of connecting resistors?

ii) Calculate the combined resistance of the two resistors.
iii) Calculate the current in the circuit.
iv) Use your answer to a (iii) to calculate the potential difference across the 10 V
v) State the potential difference between terminals X and Y.


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Electricity and magnetism 4

b. The circuit below is similar to the circuit shown at the beginning of the question,
but it uses a resistor AB with a sliding contact.


6V X


i) State the potential difference between X and Y when the sliding contact is at
1. end A of the resistor,
2. end B of the resistor.
ii) The sliding contact of the resistor AB is moved so that the potential difference
between X and Y is 5 V.
On the second diagram, mark with the letter C the position of the sliding contact.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q9


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5 Atomic physics

5.1 Radioactivity

✓ There are three types of radioactive emission: a, b and g, which have different
✓ The radiation all around us is called background radiation and it can be detected
using a Geiger counter or photographic film
✓ In radioactive decay, the composition of the nucleus, and hence the atom, changes
with the emission of a or b radiation
✓ The rate of decay of a radioisotope can be measured by its half-life
✓ Due to the dangerous nature of ionising radiation, sources of radiation must be
stored in lead-lined containers and workers must be monitored for exposure

A radio isotope is an isotope of an element that has an unstable nucleus and can undergo
radioactive decay by emitting alpha (a), beta (b) or gamma (g) radiation (or a combination
of the three). By emitting radiation, the nucleus becomes more stable. (For the definition of an
isotope see section 5.2.)

Summary of the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiation

α β γ

What is it? helium nucleus (2 fast moving electron electromagnetic wave

protons and 2 neutrons) (See section 3.2 )
Relative charge 12 21 zero

Relative mass 4 1/1800 zero

Atoms with unstable nuclei occur naturally and emit radiation, contributing to the
background radiation. Higher doses of radiation can be dangerous because alpha, beta
and gamma are all ionising and can cause cell damage. This means that when an alpha
or beta particle or a gamma ray interacts with an atom, it can remove an electron from the
atom. The atom becomes a positive ion. Alpha is the most massive and highly charged of
the three types of radiation and is by far the most strongly ionising.

Summary of the behaviour of alpha, beta and gamma radiation

α β γ

Ionising effect strong weak very weak

Penetrating effect Not very penetrating. More penetrating than Very penetrating. Not
Absorbed by a few cm alpha. Absorbed by a completely absorbed
of air or a few sheets few mm of aluminium by lead and thick
of paper concrete.
Behaviour in electric Deflected by electric Deflected by electric Not deflected by
and magnetic fields and magnetic fields and magnetic fields electric or magnetic
but in the opposite fields
direction to alpha and
by a greater amount


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Atomic physics 5

Effect of electric fields

Positive plate
Alpha particles are attracted to the negative terminal because they are β particle
positively charged. Beta particles are deflected in the opposite direction γ ray
as they are negatively charged. Gamma rays are undeflected.
α particle
Negative plate
Effect of magnetic fields

α source

slow (higher
(lower energy)
magnetic field
out of page
β source
γ undeflected
γ source

▲ Effect of a magnetic field on alpha, beta and

gamma radiation

Magnetic fields have different effects on alpha, beta and gamma radiation. The deflection
of the alpha particles is given by Fleming’s left hand rule (see section 4.5), with the direction
of motion of the alpha particles as the current. They are deflected at right angles to the
field and to their original direction. The beta particles are negatively charged and so they are
deflected in the opposite direction to the alpha particles. They are deflected more because
they have lower mass. Gamma rays are not charged so they are not deflected at all.

Examination style questions

1. Complete the following table about the particles in an atom

particle mass charge location

proton 1 unit 11 unit In the nucleus

a. Which of the particles in the table make up an alpha particle?

b. Which of the particles in the table is a beta particle?
c. What is the relative mass of an alpha particle?
d. What is the relative charge of an alpha particle?

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 2 Q12

2. The diagram shows a beam of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. The beam passes
between the poles of a very strong magnet.

beam of

State the direction of deflection, if any, for each type of radiation.

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 3 Q11


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

3. a. Describe what happens when atoms are ionised by ionising radiation.

b. Explain why alpha radiation is more ionising than beta radiation.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q11

Detection of ionising radiation

The Geiger-Muller (G-M) tube works by detecting the ions produced when alpha, beta or
gamma radiation enters the tube. It is attached to a counter that registers a count each time
a radioactive particle is detected.

G-M tube



Photographic film is blackened by ionising radiation. The higher the number of radioactive
particles incident on the film, the blacker it becomes (see film badge, page 156).

Random nature of radioactive decay

In a sample of radioactive nuclei, there is no way to predict which will be the next nucleus
to undergo radioactive decay. Radioactive decay is a random process, although there is the
same constant probability of decay for each nucleus. This is like throwing lots of dice at
once. Each of the dice has the same probability of being a six (1/6) but you cannot predict
which ones will be sixes each time you throw them.

Nuclear equations
When an unstable nucleus gives out radiation, its composition may change. This can be
represented in a decay equation. On the left hand side of the equation is the original
or parent nucleus, on the right hand side is the daughter nucleus and the radioactive
particle that has been emitted.

(For an explanation of these symbols, see page 159.)

222 4 218
Alpha decay 88 Ra 2 He 86 Rn
Note that in alpha decay, the proton number decreases by 2 and the nucleon number
decreases by 4.

14 14 0
Beta decay 6 C 7 N -1 e
Note that the nucleon number is unchanged but the proton number increases by 1. This is
because, in beta decay, a neutron is converted into a proton and an electron. The electron
is then fired out of the nucleus but the proton remains. There is one less neutron and one
more proton in the daughter nucleus.


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Atomic physics 5

Gamma decay 99
43 Tc 99
43 Tc 0
0 γ
In gamma decay, the number of neutrons and protons is unchanged. The gamma ray takes
away some of the excess energy of the nucleus after it has emitted an alpha or beta particle.

Examination style questions

1. The nucleus of sodium-24 decays to magnesium-24 by the emission of one particle.
In the equation below the symbol u represents the emitted particle.

24 24 x
11 Na 12 Mg y u
a. What is the value of x?
b. What is the value of y?
c. What is the emitted particle?

Adapted from CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q12c

2. The nucleus of uranium-238 decays to Thorium-234 by the emission of one particle.

In the equation below u represents the emitted particle.

238 234 x
92 U 90 Th y u
a. What is the value of x?
b. What is the value of y?
c. What is the emitted particle?

3. The nucleus of iodine-131 decays to xenon-131 by the emission of one particle.

In the equation below u represents the emitted particle.

131 131 x
53 I 54 Xe y u
a. What is the value of x?
b. What is the value of y?
c. What is the emitted particle?

As a sample of radioactive material decays, its activity decreases with time. The activity
is the number of radioactive particles emitted per second. As the number of parent nuclei
decreases, the number of radioactive particles emitted per second decreases.

It is not possible to measure the time taken for a sample of radioactive material to
completely decay because the activity never falls to zero. Instead, we measure the half-life.

The half-life of a radioactive isotope is the time taken for half the nuclei in the sample to
decay, or the time taken for the activity of the sample to fall to half of its original value.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics


80 million parent nuclei 40 million parent nuclei 20 million parent nuclei 10 million parent nuclei

1 half-life 1 half-life 1 half-life

Each time one half-life passes, the number of parent nuclei halves.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

The graph shows how the activity of a sample of radioactive material varies with time.
Note that it takes 5 seconds for the activity to halve from 200 to 100 counts per second and
then a further 5 seconds to halve from 100 to 50 counts per second. How long does it take
for the activity to fall from 50 to 25 counts per second?

Measuring half-life
The half-life of a radioactive isotope (radioisotope) can be measured experimentally, using a
Geiger-Muller tube and counter to measure the activity. Before beginning the experiment,
several readings of the background activity must be taken (the counts per second before the
sample of radioactive isotope is placed in front of the detector). The background count
must then be subtracted from all count rate readings. A graph of corrected count rate
(count rate with background count subtracted) on the y-axis versus time on the x-axis is
plotted and the half life found, as for the graph above.

Uses of radioisotopes
The use of a radioisotope depends on the type of radiation it emits and its half-life.

Medical tracers
A gamma emitting radioisotope with a short
half-life (typically 6 hours) is injected into the signal to computer
patient and the gamma radiation that is emitted
from his body is measured with a detector called a
gamma camera. ‘Hot spots’ where gamma rays are
being emitted at a higher rate show where there
is a higher concentration of radioisotope. This
allows the medical staff to diagnose a range of
gamma camera
conditions, including cancer. Using a radioisotope
with a short half-life ensures that the patient does
not emit radiation for too long and gamma rays
are easily detected outside of the body since they
are very penetrating.



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Atomic physics 5

Carbon dating
All living things contain carbon. Many materials, such as cotton and wood, contain
carbon because they came from once-living plants. Plants absorb carbon dioxide in the
process of photosynthesis and convert it to carbohydrates, which the plant uses to make
new plant tissue. However, not all of the carbon that the plant takes in is carbon-12 (the
most abundant isotope of carbon). A certain percentage of carbon in the atmosphere
is carbon-14, a radioactive isotope that emits beta radiation. The half-life of carbon-14
is several thousand years. When a tree is alive, it continues to take in carbon so the
proportion of carbon-14 remains the same. However, once a tree has been cut down it
stops taking in carbon from the atmosphere. The carbon-12 remains, but the carbon-14
decays and its activity drops over a very long period of time. Ancient artefacts containing
animal or plant matter such as wood or cloth will have a lower proportion of carbon-14
than when they were made. The activity of the artefact can be measured and compared to
what it would have been originally. For example, if the activity has halved, then one half-life
has passed and an estimate of its age can be found.

Monitoring thickness

beta source


signals detector

control unit

Paper mills use a beta-emitting radioisotope with a long half-life to ensure that the paper
remains at the same thickness. The radioactive source is placed at one side of the paper and
a detector at the other. Some of the beta radiation is absorbed by the paper but if the paper
gets thicker more radiation is absorbed and the count rate at the detector decreases. The
rollers adjust automatically to squash the paper and make it thinner again.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Detecting leaks

If there is a suspected leak in a water pipe, a gamma emitter of short half life (several hours)
can be put into the water supply. A detector is held over the area of the suspected leak and
the activity measured and compared to background activity. The gamma radiation would be
partially absorbed by the metal pipe and only if there was a leak would the reading on the
detector be significantly higher than background radiation. After several hours the levels of
radiation would be safe again.

Medical therapy
Cobalt-60 is a radioisotope used frequently in radiotherapy. A beam of gamma radiation,
emitted from a sample of cobalt-60 is focused with great precision onto a cancerous tumour
in the body of the patient. The beam is rotated round the patient to reduce the dose to any
one area of the body while the tumour receives a high enough dose to kill the cancer cells.

Safety precautions

photographic film
sealed in thin plastic

▲ Film badge

Ionising radiation can damage or kill cells or, if changes take place in the DNA in the
nucleus of the cell, cause mutations of genes and lead to cancer. Therefore, people who
work with radiation must take safety precautions. Radiation workers wear film badges,
which monitor the dose of radiation received, to ensure that it does not exceed safe
levels. Radiotherapists handle radioactive sources in lead lined syringes and stand behind
a lead screen.


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Atomic physics 5

Examination style questions

1. The graph below is a decay curve for an alpha-emitting radioisotope.



count rate


0 2 4 6 8

Showing your working on the graph, find the half-life for the radioisotope.

Adapted from CIE 0625 June ‘05 Paper 3 Q10a

2. A student uses a radioisotope that emits only alpha particles and has a long half-life to
investigate the percentage of alpha particles that are absorbed by 3 cm of air.
a. Draw a labelled diagram of the experimental arrangement required to make the
b. List the readings that the student should take.

Adapted from CIE 0625 June ‘05 Paper 3 Q10b

3. Suggest two uses for radioactive isotopes. For one of your examples, describe how it is
used or draw a diagram to illustrate its use.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 3 Q11


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5.2 The nuclear atom

✓ The nuclear atom consists of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons with
electrons orbiting
✓ The protons and neutrons are relatively massive compared to the electrons
✓ Protons are positively charged. Neutrons are neutral. Electrons are negatively
✓ Isotopes have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons

neutron electron

• The nucleus is in the centre of the atom and contains the protons and neutrons.
• Protons and neutrons are called nucleons.
• The electrons orbit the nucleus.
• The nucleus is very small compared to the size of the atom (about 1/10 000 of
the diameter).

Relative masses and charges of the particles in an atom:

Name of particle Relative mass Relative charge
Proton 1 11
Neutron 1 0
Electron 1/1800 21

In a neutral atom the number of electrons orbiting the nucleus is equal to the number
of protons in the nucleus. Therefore the positive and negative charges cancel out to give
zero charge.

Number of protons in the nucleus 5 proton number 5 Z

Number of nucleons in the nucleus 5 number of protons and neutrons
5 nucleon number

A nuclide is an atom which is specified by its proton number and nucleon number.


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Atomic physics 5

We represent nuclides like this:

nucleon number

symbol for the element

proton number Z
Example: Carbon-14
Number of protons 5 6 5 Z
Number of neutrons 5 8 5 A 2 Z
Symbol 5 C 6 C
Structure of an atom of carbon-14
This is a diagram representing carbon-14.

proton neutron electron


Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons in the nucleus of the atoms but
different numbers of neutrons.

Example: carbon
An atom of the most common isotope of carbon, carbon-12, has 6 neutrons in its nucleus.
An atom of carbon-14, shown above, has 8 neutrons in its nucleus. The atom is neutral,
which means the overall charge on it is zero.

Carbon-12 has a stable nucleus, with the protons and neutrons held together by the strong
nuclear force. Having two extra neutrons makes the nucleus of carbon-14 unstable and
therefore radioactive (see section 5.1).

The discovery of the nucleus

The nuclear model of the atom was not widely accepted until the early part of the 20th
century, when Rutherford and his research team gathered evidence for the existence of the
nucleus by carrying out the following experiment.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

beam of movable
alpha particles detector

alpha source

foil vacuum

large slight
deflection deflection

Small positive particles, called alpha particles (see section 5.1) were fired at a thin gold foil.

Diagram Description Conclusion

gold foil
Most of the alpha particles went This showed Rutherford that the atom
straight through the gold foil without was mainly space.
changing direction.

alpha particles

gold foil
Some were deflected through small This showed Rutherford that there
angles was positive charge in the atom that
repelled the positively charged alpha

alpha particles

gold foil
A few were deflected backwards, The positive charge in the atom must
towards the alpha source. be very concentrated to exert such
a large force on the alpha particles.
The mass and the positive charge
are concentrated at the centre of
the atom.
alpha particles


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Atomic physics 5

Examination style questions

1. Uranium-238 can be represented as 238 U. How many protons, neutrons
and electrons are there in an atom of uranium-238?

Adapted from CIE 0625 June ‘07 Paper 2 Q12

2. The diagram shows three alpha particles moving towards a thin gold foil.

gold foil

Particle A is moving along a line that does not come close to a gold nucleus.
Particle B is moving along a line that passes close to a gold nucleus.
Particle C is moving directly towards a gold nucleus.
a. Complete the diagram to show the paths of particles A, B and C.
b. State how the results of such an experiment, using large numbers
of alpha particles, provides evidence for the existence of nuclei in
gold atoms.

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 3 Q11

3. You have learned about protons, neutrons and electrons

a. How many of each are found in an alpha particle?
b. How many of each are found in a beta particle?

Adapted from CIE 0625 June ‘07 Paper 2 Q12


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Summary questions on unit 5

1. Fill in the blanks

The three types of nuclear radiation are , and .

All are emitted from an unstable . The most penetrating type

of radiation is . The most ionising type of radiation is . Alpha

radiation cannot penetrate a sheet of . Beta radiation is absorbed by

a few of aluminium. When entering an electric field, beta

particles will be . They are attracted to the electric

pole. When entering a magnetic field alpha particles are at a

angle to their original direction and the direction of the field.

2. Match the statements

Electron Relative charge 5 21 Relative mass 5 1

Proton Relative charge 5 0 Relative mass 5 1

Neutron Relative charge 5 11 Relative mass 5 1/1800

3. Draw a diagram to show what happened in Rutherford’s a scattering experiment. Draw

the gold nucleus and a line to indicate the path of the a particles before and after
interaction with the gold nucleus.

Most a particles did not get close to a gold

nucleus and did not experience a strong
repulsive force.
Some a particles came close to a nucleus and
were repelled by the positive charge.

Very few a particles hit a gold nucleus head

on and were repelled strongly.

4. Complete the table

Isotope Number of protons in nucleus Number of neutrons in nucleus


2 He

92 U

95 Am


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Atomic physics 5

5. Crossword

1 2 Across:
4 The part of the atom from which
3 radioactive particles are
emitted (7)
4 5
6 Alpha radiation is absorbed by
this (5)
8 This must be taken before an
experiment into radioactive decay
is carried out (10, 5)
6 7 9 The name of the model of the
atom that came before the nuclear
model (4, 7)
12 An isotope of this element is used
as 'fuel' in a nuclear power
station (7)
8 14 A helium nucleus (5, 8)
16 Necessary to absorb gamma
radiation (4)
18 This disease can be treated with
radiation (6)
1 Knock an electron off an atom (6)
2 What an atom is mainly made up
10 11 of (5)
3 The splitting of uranium nuclei into
smaller nuclei and neutrons (7)
5 The source of background radiation
that becomes more dangerous at
12 13
high altitiude (6, 4)
7 This detects radioactive particles in
a film badge (12, 4)
8 A fast moving electron (4, 8)
14 15 10 An electromagnetic wave (5, 3)
11 An instrument used to detect
radioactive particles (6, 7)
13 A physicist who suggested
16 17 experiments to see what would
happen when alpha particles were
fired at a gold foil (10)
15 The time taken for the activity
of a sample of radioisotope to
halve (4, 4)
17 An isotope of this element is used
for dating artifacts such as ancient
clothing (6)


6. Draw a mind map (spider diagram), including all the important points from section 5.
Use diagrams, colour coding and mnemonics to help you remember the key points.
Ensure that you group the key ideas logically. When you have finished, ask someone to
test you on the content of your mind map.


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

Examination style questions on Section 5

1. A radioactive source emits only b-particles.
a. A scientist wishes to investigate the deflection of b-particles by an electric field.
Draw a labelled diagram to suggest a suitable experimental arrangement.
b. State how the apparatus would be used to show the deflection of the b-particles
by the electric field.
c. State how the results would show the deflection of the b-particles.
d. Explain the direction of the deflection obtained.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 3 Q11

2. a. The graph below is the decay curve for a radioactive isotope that emits only



count rate


0 10 20 30 40

Use the graph to find the value of the half-life of the isotope.

Indicate, on the graph, how you arrived at your value.

b. A student determines the percentage of b-particles absorbed by a thick aluminium

sheet. He uses a source that is emitting only b-particles and that has a long half-life.
i) Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus required, set up to make the
ii) List the readings that the student needs to take.

CIE 0625 June '05 Paper 3 Q10

3. The table below contains some information about uranium-238.

proton number Z 5 92

nucleon number A 5 238

decays by emitting a-particle

a. State how many electrons there are in a neutral atom of uranium-238.

b. State where in the atom the electrons are to be found.
c. State how many neutrons there are in an atom of uranium-238.
d. State where in the atom the neutrons are to be found.
e. State what happens to the number of protons in an atom of uranium-238 when an
a-particle is emitted.

CIE 0625 November '06 Paper 2 Q11


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Atomic physics 5

4. a. State what is meant by

i) the half-life of a radioactive substance,
ii) background radiation.
b. In a certain laboratory, the background radiation level is 25 counts/minute.
Below is a graph of the count-rate measured by a detector placed a short distance
from a radioactive source in the laboratory.





count rate




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

i) At zero time, the measured count-rate of the source and background together
is 80 counts/minute.
Calculate the count-rate due to the source alone.
ii) After one half-life has elapsed, what is the count-rate
1. due to the source alone,
2. measured by the detector?


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IGCSE Revision guide: Physics

iii) Use the graph to find the half-life of the source.

iv) Why does the graph not drop below the 25 counts/minute line?
v) Sketch the curve that might be obtained for a source with a shorter half-life.

CIE 0625 November '05 Paper 2 Q12

5. Three particles you have learned about are

protons, neutrons and electrons.

a. How many of each of these particles

i) are found in an a-particle,
ii) are found in a b-particle?
b. Sodium-24 can be represented as 11 Na .
How many protons, neutrons and electrons are there in a neutral atom of 24
11 Na
c. A nucleus of sodium-24 decays to become magnesium-24, by the emission of one
particle. The equation below describes this change.

The symbol x u represents the emitted particle.

24 24 x
11 Na 12 Mg yu

i) State the value of x.

ii) State the value of y.
iii) What type of particle is u?

CIE 0625 June '07 Paper 2 Q12

6. a. The table below gives the half-lives of three radioactive substances.

substance half-life
iodine-128 25 minutes
radon-222 3.8 days
strontium-90 28 years

Samples of each of the three substances have the same activity today. Which
sample will have the greatest activity in 1 year’s time? Explain your answer.
b. In 1986, an explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power station released radioactive
substances into the air. One of the radioactive substances released was iodine-131.
Some of the iodine-131 found its way into cow’s milk.

The activity of a sample of this contaminated milk was measured each week for
4 weeks. The results are shown below.

time/days 0 7 14 21 28
________ 1000 547 294 162 88


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Atomic physics 5

i) Copy this graph and plot the values given in the table.







0 5 10 15 20 25 30

ii) Draw the best-fit curve through your points.

iii) Use your graph to find the half-life of iodine-131, showing clearly on your
graph how you obtained your value.

CIE 0625 June '06 Paper 2 Q9


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A electric circuits 118, 128 speed, velocity and acceleration 12–14
absolute zero 57 action and use of circuit components thermal energy transfer 71, 73–5
absorbers 67, 69, 70, 71 119–22 thermal properties 58–9, 64–6
a.c. generators 132 circuit breakers 129–30 waves 83–4
acceleration 5, 8, 10, 15, 31 digital electronics 118, 122–3
force, mass and acceleration 19, 21 drawing circuit diagrams 118
vector quantity 10, 31 series and parallel circuits 106, 118–19 F
electric current 106–7, 110, 111, 112, 118, ferromagnetism 105–6
activators 34
120, 129, 131 field lines 105, 106, 107, 110, 131
alpha radiation 150, 151, 152
conventional current 106 Fleming’s left hand rule 131, 135, 151
ammeters 106
force on a current-carrying conductor fluids 51
amperes (A) 110, 111
134–5 force 5, 18
amplitude 80, 96, 139
electricity 33, 36 force, mass and acceleration 19, 21
angle of incidence 85, 86, 87
charging by induction 110–11 force on a current-carrying conductor
angle of reflection 85
dangers 129 134–5
angle of refraction 86, 87
electric charge 110 net moment on an object in equilibrium
atmospheric pressure 41, 42
electrical power 114 25, 26
electromotive force (e.m.f.) 111–12, objects in equilibrium 25
B 131–2 resultant force 20
background radiation 150 plug safety features 129–30 spring loading 18, 21–4
barometers 41, 42 electromagnetic effects 131 steam force 49
beta radiation 150, 151, 152 a.c. generators 132 turning effect and equilibrium 24–5, 26
bimetallic strips 56–7 d.c. motors 131, 135–6 vector quantity 18, 20, 31
boiling 61–2 electromagnetic induction 131–2 formulae 6
boiling point 50, 52, 56 force on a current-carrying conductor frequency 5, 80, 81, 96
Boyle’s Law 52 134–5 fuses 129, 130
Brownian motion 51 transformers 133
electromagnetic spectrum 69, 85, 92, 93
C electromagnetism 105, 106–7
gamma radiation 92, 150, 151, 153
capacitors 118, 121–2 relays 107
gas fired power stations 36
carbon dating 155 electromotive force (e.m.f.) 111–12, 131–2
gases 50, 51, 67, 68
carbon-12 155, 159 electrons 106, 110, 111, 139, 158
Boyle’s Law 52
carbon-14 155, 159 free electrons 67, 68
Brownian motion 51
cathode ray oscilloscopes (CROs) 139–40 emitters 67, 69–70
change in motion of molecules with
Celsius scale 56, 57, 58 energy 5, 110, 121
temperature 51, 54–5
centripetal force 20 energy resources 36–7
pressure 41, 42, 51, 52, 56
charge 5, 106, 110 energy transformations 33
thermal expansion of a gas 57
chemical energy 33, 36 nuclear fusion 37
Geiger counters 150, 152, 154
circuits 106, 107, 110 principle of conservation of energy 34
geothermal power stations 36
coal fired power stations 36 scalar quantity 31
colour spectrum 85, 89–90 types of energy 33
distance-time graphs 9
commutators 136 engineering applications 56
speed-time graphs 11–13, 14, 46, 47–9
compasses 105, 106 equilibrium 18
gravitational fields 15
compressibility 50–1 net moment on an object in equilibrium
gravitational potential energy 33, 36, 38–9
compressions 80, 96 25, 26
condensation 62 objects in equilibrium 25
conduction 67–8, 71–3 turning effect and equilibrium 24–5, 26 H
conductors 111 eureka can 7 heat see specific; thermal
convection 68–9, 71–3 evaporation 50, 52–3, 62 hertz (Hz) 5, 80, 81
copper 67, 74 examination style questions 46–9, 78–9, Hooke’s Law 19
coulombs (C) 5, 110, 111 102–4, 145–9, 164–6 hydroelectric power stations 36, 37
critical angle 87–8 atomic physics 164–7
cathode ray oscilloscopes 140–1
density 17 I
D electric circuits 124–7 ice 62, 63, 65–6
d.c. motors 131, 135–6 electrical hazards 130 images 85
deceleration 10 electrical quantities 114–116 objects between centre of the lens and
density 5, 16 electromagnetic effects 136–8 F 91
diffraction 80, 83 energy 34–5, 37, 39–40 objects between F and 2F 91
digital electronics 118, 122–3 force 21–4, 26–7, 29–30 objects beyond 2F 91
diodes 121 gases and liquids 53–5 inertia 15
dispersion 85, 89–90 light 88–9, 93–5 infrared radiation 67, 69, 72, 73, 92
distance-time graphs 9 magnetism 108–9 absorbers 70, 71
domains 105 mass and weight 15 emitters 70
nuclear atoms 161 insulation 72, 75
pressure 43 insulators 68, 111
E radioactivity 151–2, 153, 157 internal energy 33, 36, 59
Earth 15, 71 resultants 32 ionising radiation 92, 150
echoes 97 sound 97–8 detection 152


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ions 67, 110, 150 nuclides 158–9 resistance of a wire 113–14, 116–17
iron 105–6 relative masses and charges of particles resistors 113, 118, 119, 120–1
isotopes 158, 159 158–9 resultants 18, 20, 31, 32
nuclear energy 33, 36 revision 4–5
nuclear equations 152–3 ripple tanks 80, 82
J nuclear fission 36 Rutherford, Ernest 159–60
joules (J) 5, 33, 38 nuclear fusion 37
nuclear power stations 36
K scalars 31
Kelvin scale 57 O sea breezes 72
kilograms (kg) 5, 15 ohms (Ω) 5, 112 solar panels 73
kinetic energy 33, 36, 38 oil-fired power stations 36 solar power stations 36
kinetic theory 50 optical fibres 88 solder 73–4
oscillations 35, 81, 96 solidification 61
solids 50, 67
L thermal expansion of a solid 56–7
latent heat see specific latent heat P sonar 97
length 7 particles 50–3, 80, 96, 110, 151 sound 33, 96
lenses 85, 90–1, 94–5 density 16 echoes 97
light 85 nuclear atoms 158–9, 160 speed of sound in air 96–7
converging lens 90 pascals (Pa) 41 specific heat capacity 5, 56, 59
critical angle 87–8 peaks 80 water 60, 65
dispersion 85, 89–90 pendulums 7, 47 specific latent heat 5, 65–6
electromagnetic spectrum 92, 93 physical properties 50–1 specific latent heat of fusion 56, 61, 62
energy 33, 36 pitch 96 ice 63
reflection 85 pivots 18 specific latent heat of vaporisation 62, 64
refraction 86–7, 89 positive charge 106 speed 5, 8
speed of light 85, 86 potential difference (PD) 5, 111–12, speed of light 85, 86
light dependent resistors (LDRs) 118, 120–1 118, 139 speed of sound in air 96–7
liquids 50, 51, 67 potentiometers 119 speed-time graphs 11–13, 14, 46, 47–9
evaporation 52–3 power 5, 38, 110 steam force 49
thermal expansion of a liquid 56, 57 power stations 36 stop watches/clocks 7
logic gates 118, 122–3 pressure 5, 41 strain energy 33
gases 41, 42, 51, 52, 56 Sun 37, 69, 71, 72, 73
prisms 85, 89–90, 93–4 symbols 5
M protons 158
magic triangles 6 symbols for electrical components 118
magnetism 105
bar magnets 106, 107 Q T
electromagnetism 106–7 quantities 5 temperature 5
ferromagnetism 105–6
gases 50, 51
magnetic fields 106–7
measurement of temperature 57–8
magnetic poles 105, 106 R thermal energy 33, 36
magnifying glasses 91 radiation 69–70, 71–3
thermal energy transfer 67
manometers 41, 42 radioactivity 150, 159
applications 71–3
mass 5, 15, 18, 59 carbon dating 155
conduction 67–8
centre of mass 28 detecting leaks 156
convection 68–9
force, mass and acceleration 19, 21 effect of electric fields 151
radiation 69–70
scalar quantity 31 effect of magnetic fields 151
thermal properties 56
matter 15 half-life 153–4
boiling 61–2
measuring cylinders 7 ionising radiation 150, 152
melting 61
medical therapy 156 medical therapy 156
specific heat capacity of water 60, 65
medical tracers 154–5 medical tracers 154–5
thermal capacity 59
melting 61 monitoring thickness 155
thermal expansion of a gas 57
metals 56, 59–60, 67–8, 111, 112 nuclear equations 152–3
thermal expansion of a liquid 56, 57
micrometers 7 radioactive decay 150, 152
thermal expansion of a solid 56–7
microwaves 92 safety precautions 156
thermistors 58, 119, 120
molecular structure 50 radioisotopes 150, 154–5, 156
thermocouples 58
moment 5, 18, 24 radios 92
thermometers 55, 56, 57, 58
net moment on an object in random motion 50, 51
thermostats 56, 57
equilibrium 25 rarefactions 80, 96
tidal power 36
ray diagrams 90, 91
time 5
rectification 121
scalar quantity 31
N reflection
time measurement 7
negative charge 106 light 85
time delay switches 121–2
neutrons 158 total internal reflection 87–8
transformers 131, 133–4
newton (N) 5, 15 water 80, 82
transistors 120
nuclear atoms 158 refraction 80, 82
troughs 80
carbon-14 159 light 86–7
tuning forks 96
discovery of the nucleus 159–60 relays 107
nucleons 158 resistance 5, 110, 112–13


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U volts (V) 111 applications 92

ultra-violet radiation 92 volume 7 electromagnetic spectrum 92, 93
units 5 longitudinal waves 80
W sound waves 96–7
water 56, 59, 62, 65, 66 transverse waves 80
V conduction of heat 68 water waves 80, 82–3, 83, 84
vacuum flasks 71 convection 68–9 wavefronts 81
vectors 10, 18, 20, 31 latent heat of vaporisation 64 weight 5, 15, 18
velocity 5, 8, 10, 80, 81 specific heat capacity of water 60, 65 work done 5, 33, 38
vector quantity 10, 31 waves 80, 82–3, 83, 84
verniers 7 watts (W) 5, 38
vibrations 80, 96 wave power 36 X
visible radiation 92 wavelength 5, 80, 81 X-rays 92
voltmeters 112, 118, 119 waves 80


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