JPay Contract and Amendments Thru 2022

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Table of Contents


1 Amendment to the Statement of Work {SOW) ODRC/JPAY


3 DAS and JPAY Amendment No. 1- Contract for Inmate Kiosks and Lock Box

4 DAS and JPAY Contract for Inmate Kiosks and Lock Box Services

5 DAS and JPAY Amendment #2, Amendment #02, Amendment #01 to

Statewide Master Service Agreement for Services of Independent
Contractor, RFP/Contract #1901

6 DAS and JPAY Statewide Master Service Agreement for Services of

Independent Contractor, RFP/Contract #1901

7 JPAY Cost Proposal in Response to RFP 1901

8 Amendment No. 5 for RFP 1901

9 Amendment No. 4 for RFP 1901

10 Amendment No. 3 for RFP 1901

11 Amendment No. 2 for RFP 1901

12 Amendment No. 1 for RFP 1901

13 Nevada, Request for Proposal No. 1901 for Inmate Kiosks for NASPO and


("Amendment") is entered into effective the Z,2- day of fN"-J2... 2015, by and between
JPay Inc., a Delaware corporation ("JPay") and the State of Ohio.

WHEREAS, the State of Nevada, on behalf of the National Association of State

Procurement Officials ("NASPO") as well as the Multi-State Corrections Procurement Alliance
completed an open and competitive solicitation and awarded a multi-year contract to JPay for
inmate kiosks and related services ("Originating Contract"), RFP/Contract # 1901.

· WHEREAS, JPay and the State of Ohio are Parties to that certain Participating
Addendum dated September 13, ·2012 (the ..Agreement"). Capitalized tenns used herein· but not
defined have the meanings given to them in the Agreement.

WHEREAS, JPay and the ODRC are parties to a statement of work based upon the
Participating Addendum, the following ammedments have been agreed upon by both parties.

In consideration of the promises and covenants contained herein and other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged~
the Parties mutually agree as follows:

I. Term. The Agreement shall be for the remaining tenn of the Originating Contract
which has an expiration date of July 31, 2022.

2. Money Orders. JPay shall offer free money orders to the Ohio Department of
Rehabilitation and Correction ("ODRC") and as such, JPay shall not pay ODRC
commissions on money orders, see Exhibit A.

3. VideoGrams. JPay shall offer 30 second video clips that may be sent between
offenders and their friends or family members in accordance with the tee schedule
attached as Exhibit A.

4. eBooks. JPay shall offer eBooks on the Inmate Kiosks for inmates to purchase
and download onto their media player. Fees for eBooks are in accordance with the
fee schedule attached as Exhibit A. JPay shall not pay ODRC commissions on

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned hereby acknowledge and certify that as of

the date below, they are duly authorized to sign on behalf of and legally bind the entities named
below by executing this Amendment.


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Money Orders

*No commissio11 will be paid 011free 1110111.?' orders.


I Fee
3 slamps


*Fee does 1101 i11cl11de sales tax. If e1pplicahle.

Statement of Work

Project Objectives
JPay will deploy its music, email, video visi~tion, media account funding, and money transfer/lockbox
services for the ODRC. With the site tours already complete, the related implementation and "go live" efforts
will resume immediately after the execution of the contract A project plan will be developed collaboratively
by }Pay and ODRC.

JPay has categorized the various tasks and responsibilities associated with this implementation in this brief

I. Funding and Media Services
a. Media Funding Services
i. Friends an~ family will be able to fund the inmate's media account via all of the
available payment channels being offered such as credit card, debit card, money
gram, and lockbox.
ii. Services will also allow inmates the ability to purchase media credits via the kiosk .... .:.

using funds from their inmate trust account. The use of these services will
the inmate the option to:
1. Purchase a JP3 Player.
2. Purchase music to download to JP3 Player.
3. Check their inmate trust account balance.
4. Check their inmate media account balance.

b. Inmate Trust Account Funding Services

i. Money Transfer services for the ODRC will utilize the following:
1. Lockbox - ODRC will publicize the JPay money order PO Box as the new
mailing address to send money orders to fund inmate trust accounts. ODRC
will publicize this new address and policy/procedure on the ODRC website
ahead of going live. The website wiJI generally address the public and notify •
them that upon the start date, money orders will no longer be accepted at
the facilities and that they must be sent to JPay instead. )Pay will process
money orders and will post these funds onto trust accounts via integration
with CACTAS. .. .
2. The ODRC has the option to activate credit card, debit card via web and
phone, and MoneyGram deposits at any point during the contract.
3. The ODRC has the option to activate credit card, debit card, and cash via a
lobby kiosk at any point during the contract
c. APA funding services:
1. Funding services will be available so that Parolees can make payments via
credit/debit card, MoneyGram, and money order lockbox.
2. Outbound phone call reminders will be made to parolees to inform them of
payments due and to prompt them to make payments.


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3. Additional collections mechanisms (such as outbound mailers) may be

activated as deemed appropriate.
JPay will activate medial email, and video services upon going live with the kiosks. JPay anticipates
that within 6 to 9 months, all kiosks in all facilities will be live and will be able to support the services
listed above.

a. 2-Way Email (for non-restricted inmate population)

i. Ad-Segregation, Infirmary, MentaJ Health and Geriatrics popuJation will not utiJize
this service. These four areas will continue to utilize the existing email system.
ii. To include videograms
b. Video Visitation
c. Music
i. JP3 pJayers
ii. Music downloads
d. Free Services
i. Check inmate trust account balance
iii. Check media account balance
iv. Inmate/staff communication
v. Ancillary information
• JPay will offer the ability to link to the ODRC's server or to the CACTAS
server to display information via iFrame technology as agreed upon by both
ODRC and JPay.

II. Network and Infrastructure Analysis

JPay conducted site visits of alJ ODRC locations that will be a part of this program. Those facilities are
noted in the table below. lnduded in the tabJe is the planned number of kiosks to be deployed at the
facility. During the site visits, JPay and ODRC representatives discussed what existing infrastructure
wilJ be made available to ]Pay and what new infrastructure will need to be installed. In general, JPay
requires the following infrastructure available at each location:
1. Internet access, 3MB download/upload bandwidth (Equivalent of2 bonded Tl) or better.
2. Network access at each kiosk Jocation via CAT 5 network cabling {cable runs of 100 meters
or less). JPay can share existing network infrastructure and can provide appropriate
appliances to supplement the facility's network where necessary.
3. For long cable runs, fiber optic cable is necessary. }Pay requires two strands of multi-mode
fiber. JPay will provide media converters as necessary in cases where ~he facility makes
unused fiber available. JPay can also share existing fiber with the facility through VLAN
configuration. }Pay can provide appliances to perform this function if necessary.
4. Electrical power in the form of a standard outlet is required at each kiosk location.

The placement of each kiosk is documented in photographs in the site visit notes. The ODRC is
responsible for gaining any approvals necessary for placement of kiosks in advance of installation at
a facility.

Facility Name
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Allen Correctional Institution - ACI 11
Belmont Correctional Institution - BECI 20
Chillicothe Correctional Institution - CCI 26
Correctional Recention Center - CRC 15
Corrections Medical Center - CMC fMerned as FMC) 2
Davton CorrPrtional Institution - DCI 8
Franklin Pre-Release Center - FPRC - fMerned as 5
Grafton Correctional Institution - GCI 17
Hockinu Correctional Facilitv - HCI 3
Lake Erie Correctional Institution - LAECJ 12
Lebanon Correctional Institution - LECI 18
London Correctional Institution - LCI 26
Lorain Correctional Institution - LORCI 13
Madison Correctional Institution - MACI 19
Mansfield Correctional Institution - MANCJ 18
Marion Correctional Institution - MCI 22
Noble r.orrectional Institution - NCI 20
North Central Correctional Institution - NCC! 24
Northi>ast Pre-Release Center - NPRC 8
Oakwood Correctional Facilitv - OCI 4
Ohio Reformatorv for Women - ORW 14
Ohio State Penitentiarv - OSP 1
Pickawav Correctional Institution - PC! 11
Richland Correctional Institution - RICI 20
Ross Correctional Institution - RC! 17
Southeastern Correctional Institution - SCI 10
Southern Ohio Correctional Facilitv - SOC! 4
Toledo Correctional Institution - TOCI 13
Trumbull Correctional Institution - TC! 8
Warren Correctional Institution - WCI 12

P AGE 3 OF 8
Responsibilities Matrix
.,., ,
. '~~ Item ..
- '
:.....-.._. ~- ~... ..:-__ -~"'
. IPav ·. ·ODRC
Project Management x
Obtain Notice to Proceed from Facility x x
Coordinate Site Access x x
Provide Network Configuration Information x
Electrical Service to Kiosk Equioment (Run Conduit) x
Cabling Service to the Kiosk Equipment (Cat5/6; Run Conduit;
Terminate Cat5/6) x
Fiber (Pulline:/Blowing/Terminate Fiber Where Aoolicable) x
Moun tine- Brackets and Hane:ine: Kiosks x
Provide Storae:e and Staging Soace x
Provide, Configure and Install Kiosks and Desks x
Oualitv Assurance and Review x
Provision of Network Environment x
Network Access Provider (Including Remote Access to Kiosk for
Maintenance) x
Electrical, Cabling a nd Fiber Maintenance x
Materials For Kiosk, Electrical, Cabling and Fiber x
Kiosk Maintenance x

Fjnancjal Responsibility
JPay will provide or assume the costs of the following items:
1. Kiosk hardware, including mounting brackets.
2. Network cable, CAT 5 and fiber, required to provide the jPay services, at cost if ODRC
provisions the material.
3. Network appliances; at cost ifODRC provisions the material.
4. Electrical cable; at cost if ODRC provisio ns the material.
5. Additional Internet Service Provider services where necessary to meet bandwidth needs.
6. Facility labor for installation at standard ODRC reimbursement rates.

Any new infrastructure installed to support the JPay service and other ODRC functions will be cost-
s hared between )Pay and the ODRC, with each party paying 50% of the bill. The cost of
infrastructure installed solely for the purpose of providing )Pay services will be paid by )Pay. If the
ODRC uses a third party to perform a ny work, ]Pay reserves the right to review the proposals a nd
solicit other bids to perform the work.

Ill. Technical Integration

)Pay already receives an inmate file from ODRC trust accou nting vendor which facilitates the
exchange of inmate and payment data. JPay will receive an inmate data fil e from ODRC or from
CACTAS daily via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) consisting of all r elevant data for identification s uch as
the inmate's name, ID number and housing location, and etc. This fi le enables JPay to validate the
inmate at each point of payment fo r deposit to the inmate trust or media account. JPay will aggregate
all payment information and send the data to ODRC or CACTAS in a daily batch fil e via FTP. The FTP
exchange allows for payments to be credited to inmate accounts dai ly.

All funds corresponding to each day's payments a r e remitted to ODRC's bank via an Automated
Clearing House ("ACH") credit each banking day. The ACH is received within 24-48 bus iness

PAGE 4 0F8
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(banking) hours and aH fund transfers are detailed in batch reports.

JPay will work with CACTAS to build any additional interfaces needed to support the related services.
For inmate trust account funding, JPay will receive files .from CACTAS and send files to CACTAS. For
the Kiosk services whereby inmates purchase media credits to buy stamps, songs, etc, JPay will
interface with CACTAS.

For the ancillary services requested by ODRC that allow inmates to see their release dates (among
other data), }Pay will give CACTAS an "iFrame" so that CACTAS can present all requested data to the
inmate within the JPay Kiosk screen.

IV. Service Levels Inmate Kiosks and Networks:

Kiosk and network issues are resolved within the following timeframe: between 4 hours and 4
business days. Resolution may take 4 days or longer is if this issue is considered an exception, i.e. we
are waiting on an order for spare parts, we need to repair damaged fiber, clearance delays, escort
issues, etc. Some issues require ODRC assistance, such as power and network failures.

Issue reporting, communications, and resolutions are handled by jPay's Help D.esk Team, Field
Engineering Team, and NOC (Network Operation Center).

The Help Desk is responsible for technician clearances, scheduling, assistance with mai1room PC's,
inquiries from Investigators, Trust Accountants, and other staff. Help Desk also resolves issues with
CACTAS for file transfers and such file issues are intended to be resolved within 24 hours.

Onsite Field Engineers are deployed to resolve hardware, network, and power issues. For all onsite
calls, our goal is to have someone on site within 24 hours of the issue being identified and reported.
As it is not always possible to have someone onsite within 24 hours, we aim to have someone onsite
no later than 4 business days not including the exceptions described above.

The NOC detects prolonged downtime by watching the network and the frequency of inmate logins.
The NOC performs remote reboots to resolve the vast majority of kiosk outages on the same day that
they're reported. If an issue is not detected by the NOC, it is most likely detected in the inmate
support tickets and in the direct communication from the ODRC staff via email and phone.

As a general rule, Kiosks are much more complicated than inmate phones and JPay fully understands
the hyper-sensitivity of having the kiosks up and running as much as possible.

V. Marketing Campaign
For a successful launch, it is imperative that the inmate population, friends and families are well
aware of the service and its offerings. Before launching the lockbox service, ODRC will notify the
public about the details of the program. The ODRC website will be updated to include JPay product
information, instructions on how to use JPay, and a link to our customized Ohio state landing page.
JPay will work with ODRC to distribute printed materials, including "wallet cards" That are
distributed throughout the living units to the inmates. )Pay may also distribute pre-paid post cards
for sending home.

VI. System Training

JPay will deploy a team of dedicated training team that will work with the ODRC designated point of

contact to customize the training delivera bles and objectives. Training will generally be conducted
using live training, remote training. and content and literature distribution.

Upon turning on the kiosks at each facility, the JPay Account Manager will conduct onsite training
with s taff and with inmates by doing inmate town hall sessions. This will be coordinated between the
Account Manager and the ODRC upon each site launch.

JPay may also produce infomercials for the intra circuit TV system in the prisons.

JPay's inmate ticket team handles inquires on a daily basis.

Suggested Attendees for training sessions (training sessions are organized by respective roles):
1. Warden or Assistant Warden
2. Security Personnel
3. Inmate Finance Personnel
4. Mailroom Personnel
5. Deputy Warden
6. Unit Managers and Case Managers

i. As discussed in detail during the site tours, much of the work will be performed by ODRC staff at all
of the aforementioned ODRC facilities.
ii. Project Deliverable Date to be determined collaboratively by both ]Pay and ODRC following the
meeting to establish scheduling and logistics of work to be completed by ODRC.
iii. Jn the event ODRC decides to utilize any outside vendor, both parties must agree on the selection of a
third party vendor and the related terms and conditions.

Phases and Deliverables

.. ~
" ·--.,
~- ·.::~Deliverables . T:{.~~J . " ShmoffRea'dY/N7 PartV

Plan ning Phase Statement of Work y Both
Project Kickoff Conference Call N
Facilitv Site Tour N
Implementation Phase Equipment Deliverv y }Pav
Equipment installation/alignment y JPav
Proiect Close Both

PAGE 60F 8
In general, JPay anticipates that the money order lockbox service will be live within 30 days after contract
signing. The statewide kiosk installations will be completed between 6 and 9 months after contract signing.
Some of these go live dates will need to be determined on a case by case basis, and are subject to delays based
on facility access, equipment lead times and resource availability.

Stakeholders and Representatives

Role i 'Piione •


Pro· ect Owner ODRC

Communication Plan

Reports Project status Customer

report Manager Project Team

issues and
Reviews Project Project E-mail At Contract Customer
and milestone/phase milestone completion Manager Project Team
Meetings exit review and
si noff

PAGE 70F 8
Pricing Exhibit

De osit Amount Internet Fee Fee Commission
$0.01-$20.00 $3.90 $4.90 $1.00
$20.01 - $100.00 $6.90 $7.90 $1.00
$100.01 - $200.00 $8.90 $9.90 $1.00

Service Inmate Fee Commission

Email/Secure Messaging $0.20 - $0.33* $0.00
Video Visitation (30 Minute Session) $9.90 $1.00
MP3 (Individual Song) $1.95** 5%
MP3 with Additional Memory - 8GB $49.99 $5.00
* Current pricing with tiered stamp packages included. For example, $1.00 for 3 stamps, and $12.00 for 60 stamps.
** Individual son rices va b record label

De osit Amount Internet Fee Fee Commission

$0.01 - $20.00 $2.90 $3.90 $0.00
$20.01 - $100.00 $5.90 $6.90 $0.00
$100.01 - $200.00 $8.90 $0.00
$200.01 - $300.00 $10.90 $0.00

$0.01- $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

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De osit Amount Pa Fee Card Fee Commission
$0.01 - $100.00 $2.90 $5.90 $0.00

De osit Amount JPa Fee Commission

$0.01 - $5,000.00 $2.95 to $8.95 $0.00

Index No.: GPC011

Ohi<DAS Contract No.: RS901913

Eff. Date: 08/01/15

4200 SURFACE ROAD, COLUMBUS, OH 43228-1395






Attached are pages 1; 6 and 8 to this contract Remove these pages from the existing contract. and replace with. the
attached pages on the effective and/or revision date.

As a result of mutual agreement between the state of Ohio and the contractor, this amendment is issued to renew the subject
contract an additional seven years, effective 08/01/15 through 07/31/22; to update the ODRC Authority contact and, to add
the Summary of Amendments.

Additionally, the contract anlyast has been updated along with the Contractors fax number.

All other prices, terms and conditions remain unchanged.

Questions regarding this Amendment and/or the Requirements Contract may be directed to:

Jennifer Dammeyer, CPPB

[email protected]

This Amendment, the main Requirements Contract and any additional amendments thereto are available from the DAS
website at the following address:

Affected Contractor(s): 174553

Jpay Inc.
12864 Biscayne Blvd. Ste. 243
Miami, FL 33181
[email protected]
Index No~: GPC011- ..

OhidJAS Eff. Date.: 08/01/15

Page No.: 1

4200 SURFACE ROAD. COLUMBUS, OH 43228-1395

REQUIRED USE CONTRACT FOR: Inmate Kiosks and Lock Box Services

CONTRACT No.: RS901913 EFFECTIVE DATES: 09/13/12 to 07131/15

*Renewal through 07/31/22

The State of Ohio Department of Administrative Services (DAS) agreed to participate in a cooperative contract for Inmate
Kiosks and Lock Box Services with JPay, Inc. which is administered by the State of Nevada Purchasing Division, on behalf of
National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO} and the Multi-State Corrections Procurement Alliance (MCPA).
The State of Ohio has accepted an offer submitted in response to the State of Nevada Request For Proposal No. 1901 that
opened on 03/24/11. The State of N~vada Purchasing Division completed the evaluation of the proposal respoose(s). The
Offeror fisted herein was determined to be the highest ranking Offerer by the State .of Ohio. The respective Proposal,
including the incorporated contract terms and conditions, standard contract terms and conditions, special contract terms &
conditions, any bid addenda, specifications, pricing .schedules and any attach.ments l~corporated by referen~ a.nd ricc~p~~
by PA.Sdlr;tg_ t~~ State of Oh.lo Standard Contract Terms and Conditions. and Supplemental Contract Terms and Conditions
<Rev. 02/2011), become a part of this Requirements Contract. · · ·

This Requirements Contract is effective beginning and ending on the dates noted above unless, prior to the expiration date,
the Contract Is renewed, terminated or cancelled in accordance with the Contract Terms and Conditions.

This Requirements Contract is available to all State Agencies, State institutions of higher education and properly registered
members of the Cooperative Purchasing Program of the Department of Admini~atlve Services, as appllcable.

Agencies are eligible to make purchases of the listed supplies and/or services in any amount and at any time as determined
by the agency. The State makes no representation or guarantee. that agencies will purchase any volume of supplies and/or

SPECIAL NOTE: State agencies may make pur~hases under this Requirements Contract up to $2500.00 using the state of
Ohio payment card. Any purchase that exceeds $2500.00 will be made using the official state of Ohio purchase order (ADM·
0523). Any non-state agency, Institution of higher education or Cooperative Purchasing member will use forms applicable to
their respective agency.

Questions regarding this and/or the Requirements Contract may be directed to:

*Jennifer Dammeyer, CPPB

*[email protected]

This Requirements Contract and any Amendments thereto are available from the DAS Web site at the following address:

*Denotes contract renewal and analyst contact update with amendment 1.

Signed: ~~~_.......
Robert Blair, Director ~k
D te .
Index No. GPC011
Eff. Date. 08/01/15


IV. Primary Contacts

The primary contact individuals for this Addendum are as follows (or their named successors):

Lead State (representing both Nevada state procurement and Nevada corrections)
Name: Dawn Rosenberg, Chief of Purchasing
Nevada Department of Corrections
Address: 5500 Snyder Ave, Carson City, NV 89702
Telephone: 775-887-3219
Fax: 775-887-3343
E-mail: [email protected]

Name: Danny Shapiro, Executive Vice President
Contractor: JPay, Inc
Address: 12864 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 243, Miami, FL 33181
Telephone: 305-358-8689 x 225
Fax; 305-893-8895
E-mail: [email protected]

Participating State - State Purchasing Authority

Name: Jennifer Dammeyer, CPPB
Address: 4200 Surface Rd, Columbus, OH 43228
Telephone: 614-644-6762
Fax: 614-644-1785
E-mail: [email protected]

Participating State - State Corrections Authority

Name: Kevin Stockdale
Address: 770 west Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43222
Telephone: 614-752-1055
Fax: 614-728-1578
E-mail: [email protected]

V. Servicing Subcontractors: None

This Addendum and the Master Price Agreement together with its exhibits, set forth the entire agreement between
the parties with respect to the subject matter of all previous communications, representations or agreements,
whether oral or written, with respect to the subject matter hereof. Terms and conditions inconsistent with, contrary or
in addition to the terms and conditions of this Addendum and the Master Price Agreement, together with its exhibits,
shall not be added to or incorporated into this Addendum or the Master Price Agreement and its exhibits, by any
subsequent purchase order or otherwise, and any such attempts to add or incorporate such terms and conditions
are hereby rejected. The terms and conditions of this Addendum and the Master Price Agreement and its exhibits
shall prevail and govern in the case of any such inconsistent or additional terms. This Addendum applies only in the
jurisdiction of the Participating State which has executed this Addendum.
Index No. GPC011
Eff. Date. 08/01/1 5
Page 8



JPay Inc.
12864 Biscayne Blvd Ste. 243
Miami, FL 33181


Daniel Shapiro Teleph one: (855) 445-5729

*FAX: (305) 675-0693
E-Mail : [email protected]


Amendment Effective

Number Date
Contract re newal for seven years; in line with NASPO/WISCA. Also update to
1 08/01/15 contract analyst contact and update to vendor fax number.

*Denotes contractor fax number update, removal of expiration date and addition of Summary of Amendments with
amendment 1.
Index No.: GPC011
Eff. Date.: 09/13i12
Page No.: 1

4200 SURFACE ROAD, COLUMBUS, OH 43228-1395

REQUIRED USE CONTRACT FOR: Inmate Kiosks and Lock Box Services

CONTRACT No.: RS901913 EFFECTIVE DATES: 09/13/12 to 07/31/15

The State of Ohio Department of Administrative Services (DAS) agreed to participate in a cooperative contract for Inmate
Kiosks and Lock Box Services with JPay, Inc. which is administered by the State of Nevada Purchasing Division, on behalf of
National Association of State Procurement Officials·(NASPO) and the Multi-State Corrections Procurement Alliance (MCPA).
The State of Ohio has accepted an offer submitted in response to the State of Nevada Request For Proposal No. 1901 that
opened on 03124/11. The State of Nevada Purchasing Division completed the evaluation of the proposal respense(s). The
Offeror listed herein was determined to be the highest ranking Offerer by the State of Ohio. The respective Proposal,
including the incorporated contract terms and conditions, standard contract terms and conditions, special contract terms &
conditions, any bid addenda, specifications, pricing schedules and any attachments incorporated by reference and accepted
by OAS, $tate. of Ohi() Standard Contract Terms and Conditions, and Supplemental Contract Terms and Conditions
<Rev. 02/2011), become a part of this Requirements Contract.

This Requirements Contract is effective beginning and ending on the dates noted above unless, prior to the expiration date,
the Contract is renewed, terminated or cancelled in accordance with the Contract Terms and Conditions.

This Requirements Contract is available to all State Agencies, State institutions of higher education and property· registered
members of the Cooperative Purchasing Program of the Department of Administrative Services, as applicable.

Agencies are eligible to make purchases of the listed supplies and/or services in any amount and at any time as determined
by the agency. The State makes no,representation or guarantee that agencies will purchase any volume of supplies atid/or

SPECIAL NOTE: State agencies may make purchases under this Requirements Contract up to $2500.00 using tile state of
Ohio payment card. Any purchase that exceeds $2500.00 will be made using the official state of Ohio purchase order (ADM-
0523). Any non-state agency, institution of higher education or Cooperative Purchasing member will use forms applicable to
their respective agency.

Questions regarding this and/or the Requirements Contract may be directed to:

Ryan Beers
[email protected]

This Requirements Contract and any Amendments thereto are available from the DAS Web site at the following address:

Signed: 'I I : r' ,~ t" , : . 1/'.r~ .•

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Robert B1air, birector · \: Date

ITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum as of the last date of execution below.

Contractor: JPay, Inc

:i ·blef~.L, ~j1.' Danl~ll!:

' .

'<-1~ By:
Tltle: coo


Index No.: GPC011
Eff. Date. 09/13/12



Contract Numbers 3

State of Nevada, Contract Web Link 3

Scope 4

Participation 4

Changes 4

Primary Contacts 6

Servicing Subcontractors 6

Price Schedule 7

Contractor Index 8
Index No. GPC011
Eff. Date. 09/13/12
Page 3





Index No. GPC011
Eff. Date. 09/13/12
Page 4



To provide Inmate Kiosks and Services in accordance with the Nevada Master Price Agreement Number 1901, that
was issued on behalf of the Multi-State Corrections Procurement Alliance (MCPA) of the National Association of
State Procurement Officials (NASPO). The Contractor shall establish a specialized scope and pricelist with each
participating Agency or institution depending on their desired needs of services that the Nevada Master Price
Agreement Number 1901 offers. Agencies may decide to only utilize a select few services from the Nevada Master
Price Agreement and do not have to use each service being offered under the contract. Each Agency can utilize the
awarded pricing under the Nevada Master Price Agreement Number 1901, or may negotiate the prices and
commissions based off of their operational needs. The agreed upon prices and commissions will be signed by each
individual Agency and Contractor. The signed agreements will be kept between the Agency and Contractor. The
awarded pricing and commissions are available to view at the link provided below. 1901.pdf

II. Participation:

COOPERATIVE PURCHASING CONTRACT. This Contract is open to all State Agencies and may be relied upon by
Ohio institutions of higher·education and Ohio political subdivisions. Ohio political subdivisions include any county,
township, municipal corporation, school district, conservancy district, township. park district, park district created
under Chapter 1545 of the Revised Code, regional transit authority, regional airport authority, regional water and
sewer district, port authority or any other political subdivision as described in the Ohio Revised Code. To qualify to
use this Contract the political subdivision must be currently enrolled in the State's Cooperative Purchasing Program.
Purchases made from this Contract by a political subdivision that is not properly registered with the State's
Cooperative Purchasing Program will be a violation of law and may be contrary to the political subdivision's
competitive bidding requirements. If a political subdivision or institution of higher education relies upon this Contract
to issue a purchase order or other ordering document, the political subdivision or institution of higher education
"steps into the shoes" of the State under this Contract. The political division's or institution of higher education's
order and this Contract are between the Contractor and the political subdivision or institution of higher education.
The Contractor must look solely to the political subdivision or institution of higher education for performance,
including payment. The Contractor agrees to hold the state of Ohio harmless with regard to political subdivisions and
institution of higher education's orders and political subdivision's and institution of higher education's performance.
DAS may cancel this Contract and may seek remedies if the Contractor fails to honor its obligations under an order
from a political subdivision or institution of higher education.

Ill. Changes:

CONTRACTOR QUARTERLY SALES REPORT. The Contractor must report the quarterly dollar value (in U.S.
dollars and rounded to the nearest whole dollar) of the sales, to include both state agencies and political
subdivisions, under this Contract by calendar quarter (e.g. January-March, April-June, July-September and October-
December). The dollar value of the sale is the price paid by the Contract user for the products and/or services listed
on the purchase order or other encumbering document, as recorded by the Contractor.

The Contractor will receive an email with a User ID and password and must report the quarterly dollar value of sales
to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) via the Internet using the web form at the Ohio DAS Contract
Management Contractor Portal, If no sales occur, the Contractor must show zero. The report
must be submitted thirty (30) days following the completion of the reporting period. The Contractor is responsible for
emailing the Analyst listed on page one of the contract with any company contact changes.

The Contractor shall also submit a close-out report within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the expiration of
this Contract. The Contract expires upon the physical completion of the last outstanding task or delivery order of the
Contract. The close-out report must cover all sales not shown in the final quarterly report and reconcile a II errors and
credits. If the Contractor reported all contract sales and reconciled all errors and credits on the final quarterly report,
then the Contractor should show zero "O" sales in the close-out report.
Index No. GPC011
Eff. Date. 09/13/12
Page 5


The Contractor must forward the Quarterly Sales Report to the following address:

Department of Administrative Services

GSD Business Office
4200 Surface Road
Columbus, OH 43228

If the Contractor fails to submit sales reports, falsifies reports or fails to submit sales reports in a timely manner, DAS
may suspend, terminate or cancel this Contract.

CONTRACTOR REVENUE SHARE. The Contractor must pay the Department of Administrative Service's (DAS) a
revenue share of the sales transacted under this contract. The Contractor must remit the revenue share in U.S.
dollars within thirty (30) days after the end of the quarterly sales reporting period. The revenue share equals 0. 75%
of the total quarterly sales reported. Contractors must include the revenue share in their prices. The revenue share
is included in the award price(s) and reflected in the total amount charged to ordering agencies which includes both
state agencies and political subdivisions using this Contract.

The contractor must remit any monies due as the result of the close-out report at the time the close-out report is
submitted ·to DAS. The Contractor must pay the revenue share amount due by check. To ensure· the payment is
credited properly, the Contractor must identify the check as a "Revenue Share" and include the Ohio Contract
Management Remittance Report

The Contractor should make the check payable to: Treasurer, State of Ohio and foiward the check to the following
Department of Administrative Services
GSD Business Office
4200 Surface Road
Columbus, OH 43228

If the full amount of the revenue share is not paid within thirty (30) calendar days after the end of the applicable
reporting period, the non-payment constitutes a contract debt to the State. The State may either initiate withholding
or· setting off payments or employ the remedies available under Ohio law for the non-payment of the revenue share.

If the Contractor fails to pay the revenue share in a timely manner, DAS may suspend, terminate or cancel this

Terms and Conditions. In addition to the Terms and Conditions listed in the Nevada Master Price Agreement
Number 1901, the following requirements will apply to the state of Ohio. The Ohio Standard Contract Terms and
Conditions and Supplemental Contract Terms and Conditions may be accessed through the following link:
This Contract will become effective 09/13/12 for the state of Ohio and will follow the expiration dates and renewals as
set forth in the Nevada Master Price Agreement Number 1901.
The awarded Contractor shall abide by all Terms and Conditions set forth in this Contract and in the case of
contradiction between the RFP document and the state of Ohio Terms and Conditions, the state of Ohio Terms and
Conditions shall supersede.
Index No. GPC011
Eff. Date. 08/01/15
Page6 ·


IV. Primarv Contacts

The primary contact individuals for this Addendum are as follows {or their named successors):

Lead State (representing both Nevada state procurement and Nevada corrections)
Name: Dawn Rosenberg, Chief of Purchasing
Nevada Department of Corrections
Address: 5500 Snyder Ave, Carson City, NV 89702
Telephone: 775-887-3219
Fax: 775-887-3343
E-mail: [email protected]

Name: Danny Shapiro, Executive Vice President
Contractor: JPay, Inc
Address: 12864 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 243, Miami, FL 33181
Telephone: 305-358-8689 x 225
Fax; 305-893-8895
E-mail: [email protected]

Participating State - State Purchasing Authority

Name: Jennifer Dammeyer, CPPB
Address: 4200 Surface Rd, Columbus, OH 43228
Telephone: 614-644-6762
Fax: 614-644-1785
E-mail: [email protected]

Participating State - State Corrections Authority

Name: Kevin Stockdale *
Address: 770 west Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43222
Telephone: 614-752-1055
Fax: 614-728-1578
E-mail: [email protected]

V. Servicing Subcontractors: None

This Addendum and the Master Price Agreement together with its exhibits, set forth the entire agreement between
the parties with respect to the subject matter of all previous communications, representations or agreements,
whether oral or written, with respect to the subject matter hereof. Terms and conditions inconsistent with, contrary or
in addition to the terms and conditions of this Addendum and the Master Price Agreement, together with its exhibits,
shall not be added to or incorporated into this Addendum or the Master Price Agreement and its exhibits, by any
subsequent purchase order or otherwise, and any such attempts to add or incorporate such terms and conditions
are hereby rejected. The terms and conditions of this Addendum and the Master Price Agreement and its exhibits
shall prevail and govern in the case of any such inconsistent or additional terms. This Addendum applies only in the
jurisdiction of the Participating State which has executed this Addendum.

*Indicates update.
Index No. GPC011
Eff. Date. 09/13/12


The following link contains the pricing that was awarded for JPay, Inc. on the Nevada Master Price Agreement
Number 1901

http://purchasing. state; 1901. pdf

Index No. GPC011
Eff. Date. 08/01 /15
Page 8



JPay Inc.
12864 Biscayne Blvd Ste. 243
Miami, FL 33181


Daniel Shapiro Telephone: (855) 445-5729

*FAX: (305) 675-0693
E-Mail: [email protected]


Amendment Effective
Number Date
Contract renewal for seven years ; in line with NASPO/WISCA. Also update to
1 08/01/15 contract analyst contact and vendor fax number; update ODRC Authority contact and
to add the Summary of Amendments.

*Denotes contractor fax number update, removal of expiration date and addition of Summary of Amendments with
amendment 1.
Far Purcbaslng_Use Oaly:



Between the State of Nevada
Acting by and Through Its

Department of Administration, Purchasing Division

515 E. Musser Street, Suite 300
Carson City, Nevada 8970l
Contact: Ronda Miller, Purchasing Officer
Phone: (775)684-0182 Fax: (775)684-0188
E-mail: [email protected]


JPay Inc.
12864 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 243
Miami, Florida 33181
Contact: Errol Feldman, General Counsel
Phone: (305) 577-5543 Fax: (305) 893-8895
E-mail: [email protected]

I. AMENDMENTS. For and in consideration of mutual promises and/or their valuable considerations, all provisions of
the original contract resulting from Request for Proposal #1901 and dated July 19, 2011, attached hereto as Exhibit B,
remain in full force and effect with the exception of the following:

A. To extend the cu1Tent contract an additional four (4) years from August l, 2018 to July 31, 2022 to allow vendor
ample time to recoup their costs.

Current Contract Language:

3. CONTRACT TERM. This contract shall be effective fi"om August 1, 2011 subject to NASPO/MCPA Board of
Directors' approval to July 31, 2018, unless sooner tenninated by either party as specified in paragraph (20).

Amended Contract Language:

3. CONTRACT TERM. This contract shall be effective ftom August I. 2011 subject to NASPO/MCPA Board of
Directors' approval to July 31. 2022, unless sooner tenninated by either party as specified in paragraph (20).

2. INCORPORATED DOCUMENTS. Exhibit I (Original Contract) is attached hereto, incorporated by reference

herein and made a part of this amended contract.

3. REQUIRED APPROVAL. This amendment to the original contract shall not become effective until and unless
approved by the Nevada State Board of Examiners.

Revised: 0710./ Page I o/2

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this amendment to the original contract to be signed and intend to
be legally bound thereby.

Independent Contractor's Title


for Julia Teska



Approved as to fonn by:


Deputy AttorniYG ~raCfiitt<lm~y General Date

Revised: 07/0./ Page 2 o/2

For Purchasing Use Only:





A Contract between the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) and the Multi-State
Corrections Procurement Alliance (MCPA)
Acting by and through the State of Nevada

Department of Administration
Purchasing Division
515 E. Musser Street, Suite 300
Carson City, Nevada 89701
Contact: Ronda Miller, Purchasing Officer
Phone: (775) 684-0182 •Fax: (775) 684-0188
E-mail: [email protected]


12864 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 243
Miami, Florida 33181
Contact: Errol Feldman, General Counsel
Phone: (305) 577-5543 Fax: (305) 893-8895
E-mail: [email protected]

I. AMENDMENTS. For and in consideration of mutual promises and/or their valuable considerations, all provisions of
the original contract resulting from Request for Proposal #1901 and dated July 19, 2011, attached hereto as Exhibit B,
remain in full force and effect with the exception of the following:

A. To extend the current contract from July 31, 2018 to July 31, 2022 to allow vendors ample time to recoup their

Current Contract Language:

3. CONTRACT TERM. This contract shall be effective from August l. 2011 subject to NASPO/MCPA Board of
Directors' approval to July 31. 2018, unless sooner tenninated by either party as specified in paragraph (20).

Amended Contract Language:

3. CONTRACT TERM. This contract shall be effective from August 1, 2011 subject to NASPO/MCPA Board of
Directors' approval to July 31. 2022, unless sooner tenninated by either party as specified in paragraph (20).

2. INCORPORATED DOCUMENTS. Exhibit I (Original Contract) is attached hereto, incorporated by reference

herein and made a part of this amended contract.

3. REQUIRED APPROVAL. This amendment to the original contract shalJ not become effective until and unless
approved by the Nevada State Board of Examiners.

Revised: 07104 Page 1 o/2

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this amendment to the original contract to be signed and intend to
be legally bound thereby.

Independent Contractor's Signature Date Independent Contractor's Title

Approved by NASPO/MCPA Board of Directors

i~;;.._tj_-1-1+/J--'-tf_ _ _ __
On _ _;..:..,..;.7
I/ (Date)

Approved as to fonn by:

Revised: 07104 Pagel o/2

For Purchasing U~e Only:





A Contract between the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) and the Multi-State
Corrections Procurement Alliance (MCPA)
Acting by ·and through the State of Nevada

Department of Administration
Purchasjng Division
515 E. Musser Street, Suite 300
Carson City, Nevada 89701
Contact: Ronda Miller, Purchasing Officer
Phone: (775) 684-0182 •Fax: (775) 684-0188
E-mail: [email protected]


JPay Inc.
12864 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 243
Miami, Florida 33181
Contact:. Errol Feldman, General Counsel
Phone: (305) 577-5543 Fax: (305) 893-8895
E-mail: [email protected]

I. AMENDMENTS. For and in consideration of mutual promises and/or their valuable considerations, all provisions of
the original contract resulting from Request for Proposal #1901 and dated July 19, 2011, attached hereto as Exhibit B,
remain in full force and effect with the exception of the following:

A. To extend the current contract an additional two (2) years from August I, 2011 to July 31, 2018.
B. To add additional service options as outlined in the listing attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Current Contract Language:

3. CONTRACT TERM. This contract shall be effective from August J, 2011 subject to NASPO/MCPA Board of
Directors' approval to July 31, 2015, unless sooner tenninated by either party as specified in paragraph (20).

Amended Contract Language:

3. CONTRACT TERM. This contract shall be effective from August J, 2011 subject to NASPO/MCPA Board of
Directors' approval to July 31, 2018, unless sooner tenninated by either party as specified in paragraph {20).

2. INCORPORATED DOCUMENTS. Exhibit 1 (Original Contract) is attached hereto, incorporated by reference

herein and made a part of this amended contract.

3. REQUIRED APPROVAL. This amendment to the original contract shall not become effective until and unless
approved by the Nevada State Board of Examiners.

Revised: 07104 Page I o/2

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this amendment to the original contract to be signed and intend to
be legally bound thereby.

Independent Contractor's Signature ' . Da~e Independent Contractor's Title

Approved by NASPO/MCPA Board of Directors

On _ _ --'--%___,f'/,__;.-;!3;,..___ _

Approved as to form by:

On y ,Atf,. /.J

Revised: 07104 Page 2 o/2

Exhibit A

Customer to Government Payments (section "Banking") See Cost Proposal 1901
General money transfer services for prison commissary accounts, 11Sending Money With a Cr~~it/Debit Card" See Cost Proposal 1901
Credit/debit card via phone and internet See Cost Proposal 1901
Lobby kiosk with credit/debit cards and cash See Cost Proposal 1901
.money order lockbox, aka "automated lockbox11 See Cost Proposal 1901
walk in cash payments a~ retailers like MoneyGram/Walmart See C~st Proposal 1901
Inmate KioskS See Cost Proposal 1901
· Inbound and outbound email for inmates See Cost Proposal 1901
Video visitation See Cost Proposal 1901
MP3 and music sales See Cost Proposal 1901

Tablet with 16G Memory $59.99
Tablet with 326 Memory $69.99

Content on the Tablet (an extension of section - MP3 - Download/ Purchasing of Music)
... _;.~lJ~~!~ontent downloads and subscriptions $2.00 - $250.00
E-books $2.00 - $25.00
o movie rentals $2.00 - $25.00
Approved Games $2.00 - $25.00 .
Downloading/Uploading inmate kiosk content onto the tablet No cost - $5.00

Additional Kiosk Services

Cell Phon~ Detection (an extension the inmate kiosk network solution; the technology is installed within the kiosks and is run on the
kiosk network infrastructure) · TBD
Commissary Ordering Application from the Kiosk $0.00 - $1.00 per order

Video Visitation· Services \J
Customer to Inmate & Inmate to Custome~lling $0.30 cents a minute

care Packages
. Payment Related Software P~ckages
Offender Banking and Accounting Software Package System TBD
Commissary Software Package Systems TBD

Release Debit Cards

Card Activation $0.00-$13.00
ATM Withdrawal $2.00
ATM Decline $0.50
Pin and Signature Purchase $0.70
Pin/Sig Decline $0.50
Monthly Service Fee $0.00-$3.00
Replace card $5.00
Expedite Card . $30.00
Account Closure $9.95
Auto Customer Service . $0.25
.Uve Customer Service $1.00
lna..ctivity Fee $2.99
Statement Print $1.50

Booking Kiosks No cost -$5.00

BaiiiBond Kiosks No cost-10%

Pa.t.OJ~..and Probation Payments and Consumer to Government Payments (i.e. fees and fines) Same as
<)ut~9n.d. Pa~ent Reminde~ $0.00 - $1.00

Payment Related So~re.Packages

Case Management Software Package System TBD
Alchohol Monitoring · TBD
Alchohol Interlock and System. TBD
Electronic Monitoring Software PaGkage System and Products TBD
Telephone Reporting Softaware Package System TBD

For Purchasing Use Only:




A Contract between the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) and the Multi-State
Corrections Procurement Alliance (MCPA)
· . Acting by and through the State of Nevada

Department of Administration
Purchasing Division
515 E. Musser Street, Suite 300
Carson City, Nevada 89701
Contact: Ronda Miller, Purchasing Officer
Phone: (775) 684-0182 Fax: (775) 684-0188
E-mail: [email protected]


JPay Inc.
12864 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 243
Miami, Florida 33181
Contact: Errol Feldman, General Counsel
Phone: (305) 577-5543 Fax: (305) 893-8895
E-mail: [email protected]

Pursuant to Nevada .Revised Statute (NRS) 277.100, NRS 277.110, NRS 333.162(1)(d), and NRS 333.480
the Chief of the Purchasing Division of Nevada is authorized to enter into cooperative group-contracting

The National Associaticin of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) and the Multi-State Corrections
Procurement Alliance (MCPA) is a cooperative group-contracting consortium for state government
departments, institutions, agencies and political subdivisions (i.e., colleges, school districts, counties,
cities, etc).

In consideration of the above premises, the parties mutually agree as follows:

1. REQUIRED APPROVAL This contract shall not become effective until and unless approved by the
Western States Contracting Alliance Board of Directors.
2. DEFJNITIONS. "NASPO" means the National Association of State Procurement Officials. "MCPA"
means the Multi-State Corrections Procurement Alliance. "State" and/or "Lead State" means the State of
Nevada and its state agencies, officers, employees and immune contractors as defined in NRS 41.0307.
"Participating State(s)" means state(s) that have signed (and not revoked) an Intept to Contract at the time of
the award of this contract, or who have executed a Participating Addendum. "Buyer" means any
NASPO/MCPA agency or political subdivision participating under this contract. "Contractor'' and/or
Effective 04/07

Pagel o/10
Contracting Agency" means a person or entity that performs serviCes and/or provides goods for
NASPO/MCPA under the terms and conditions set forth in this contract. "Solicitation'' means RFP #1901
incorporated herein as Attachment AA. "Fiscal Year'' is defined as the pe~od beginning July 1 and ending
June 30 of the following year.
3. CONTRACT TERM. This contract shall be effective from August 1. 2011 subject to NASPO/MCPA
Board of Directors' approval to .July 31. 2015, unless sooner terminated by either party as specified in
paragraph (20).
4. CANCELIATION OF CONTRACT; NOTICE. Unless otherwise stated in the special terms and
conditions, any contract entered into as a result of the Solicitation may be canceled by either party upon
written notice sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of the cancellation. Further, any Participating State
may cancel its participation upon thirty (30) days written notice, unless otherwise limited or stated in the
special terms and ~onclitions of the Solicitation. Cancellation may be in whole or in part. Any cancellation
under this provision shall not effect the rights a~d obligations. attending orders outstanding at the time of
cancellation, including any right of any Participating State to indemnification by the Contractor, rights of
payment for goods/services delivered and accepted, and rights attending any warranty or default in
performance in association with any order. Cancellation of the contract due to Contractor default may be
5. INCORPORATED DOCUMENTS. The parties agree that the scope of work shall be specifically
described; this contract incorporates the following attachments in descending order of constructive


A Contractor's attachment shall not contradict or supersede any NASPO/MCPA specifications, terms or
conditions without written evidence of mutual assent to such change appearing in this contract.
6. ASSENT. The parties agree that the terms and conditions listed on incorporated attachments of this
contract are also specifically a part of this contract and are limited only by their respective order of
precedence and any limitations specified.
7. BID SPECIFICATIONS. Contractor certifies that any deviation from the specifications in the scope of
work, incorporated herein as part of Attachment AA, have been clearly indicated by Contractor in its
response, incorporated herein as Attachment BB; otherwise, it will be considered that the bid is in strict
compliance. Any BRAND NAMES or manufacturers' numbers are stated in the specifications are
intended to establish a standard only and are not restrictive unless the Solicitation states "no substitute,"
and unless so stated, bids have been considered on other makes, models or brands having comparable .
quality, style, workmanship and performance characteristics. Alternate bids offering lower quality or
infe1ior performance have not been considered.
or reject any or all bids or parts of bids, and to waive informalities therein. This contract is based the
lowest responsive and responsible bid and meets the specifications of the Solicitation and terms and

Effective 04/07

conditions thereof. Unless stated otherwise in the Solicitation, NASPO/MCPA has the right to award
items separately or by grouping items in a total lot.
9. BID SAMPLES. Any required sampies have been specifically requested in the Solicitation. Samples,
when required, have been furnished free of charge. Except for those samples destroyed or mutilated in
testing, samples will be returned at a bidder's request, transportation collect.
10. CONSIDERATION. The parties agree that Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph
(5). Contractor shall report contract utilization and pay an administrative fee of .5% of the total kiosk
spend to MCPA, paid quarterlywithin 60 days of the end of the quarter. Inmates or family/friends of
inmates to be charged a transaction fee for each service as listed in contractor's cost proposal.
Contractor shall pay the participating State a commission for each service purchased by inmates as

Services Commission/Rate
$ 0.05
$ 0.50

Contracted prices represent ceiling prices for the supplies and services offered. The Contractor shall
report to the Lead State any price reduction or discount, or other more favorable terms offered to any
Purchasing Entity and the Contractor agrees to negotiate in good faith to re-establish ceiling prices or other
more favorable terms and conditions applicable to future orders. Bid prices must remain firm for the full
term of the contract. NASPO/MCPA does not guarantee to purchase any amount under this contract.
Estimated quantities in the Solicitation are for bidding purposes only and are not to be construed as a
guarantee to purchase any amount.
11. PAYMENT. Payment for completion of a contract is normally made within thirty (30) days following
the date the entire order is delivered· or the date a correct invoice is received, whichever is later. After
forty-five (45) days the Contractor may assess overdue account charges up to a maximum rate of one (1)
percent per month on the outstanding balance. Payments will be remitted by mail. Payments may be made
via a Participating State's "Purchasing Card."
12. TAXES. Prices shall be exclusive of state sales and federal excise taxes. Where a Participating State
is not exempt from sales taxes on sales within its state, the Contractor shall add the sales taxes on the
billing invoice as a separate entry. Contractor will be responsible to pay all taxes, assessments, fees,
premiums, permits, and licenses required by Jaw. The Lead State's real property and personal property taxes
are the responsibility of Contractor in accordance with NRS 361.157 and NRS 361.159. Contractor agrees to
be responsible for payment of any such government obligations not paid by its subcontractors during
performance of this contract. Nevada may set-off against consideration due any delinquent government
obligation in accordance with NRS 353C.190.
13. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS OF PARTICIPATING STATES. Financial obligations of Participating
States are limited to the orders placed by the departments or other state agencies and institutions having

Effective 04/07

Page3of 10
available funds. Participating States incur no financial obligations on behalf of political subdivisions.
Unless otherwise specified in the Solicitation, the resulting award(s) will be permissive.
14. ORDER NUMBERS. Contract order and purchase order numbers shall be clearly shown on all
acknowledgments, shipping labels, packing slips, invoices, and on all correspondence.
15. REPORTS. The Contractor shall submit quarterly reports to the NASPO/MCPA Contract
Administrator showing the ~uanti~es and dollar volu~e of pur~hases by each Participating State. ~S
16. DELIVERY. The pnces bid shall be the ·delivered pnce to any NASPO/MCPA state agency or
political subdivision. All deliveries snail be F.O.B. destination with all transportation and handling
charges paid by the Contractor. Responsibility and liability for loss or damage shall remain with the
Contractor until final inspection and acceptance, when responsibility shall pass to the Buyer except as to
latent defects, fraud and Contractor's warranty obligations. The minimum shipment amount will be found
in the special terms and conditions. Any order for less than the specified amount is to be shipped with the
freight prepaid and added as a separate item on the invoice. Any portion of an order to be shipped without
transportation charges that is back-ordered shall be shipped without charge.
17. HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL INFORMATION. The Contractor will provide one set of the
appropriate material safety data sheet(s) and container label(s) upon delivery of a hazardous material to
any Buyer. All safety data sheets and labels will be in accordance with each Participating State,s
18. INSPECTIONS. Goods furnished under this contract shall be subject to inspection and test by the
Buyer at times and places determined by 'the Buyer. If the Buyer finds goods furnished to be incomplete or
in non-compliance with bid specifications, the Buyer may reject the goods and require Contractor to either
correct them without charge or deliver them at a reduced price which is equitable under the circumstances.
If Contractor is unable or refuses to correct such goods within a time deemed reasonable by the Buyer, the
Buyer may cancel the order in whole or in part. Nothing in this paragraph shall adversely affect the
Buyer's rights including the rights and remedies associated with revocation of acceptance under the
Uniform Commercial Code.
a. Books and Records. The Contractor will maintain, or supervise the maintenance of all records
necessary to properly account for the payments made to the Contractor for costs authorized by this
contract. Contractor agrees to keep and maintain under generally accepted accounting principles
(GAAP) full, true and complete records, contracts, books, and documents as are necessary to fully
disclose ~o NASPO/MCPA, the State or United States Government, or their authorized representatives,
upon audits or reviews, sufficient information to determine compliance with all state and federal
regulations and statutes.
b. Inspection & Audit. Contractor agrees that the relevant books, records (written, electronic, computer
related or otherwise), including, without limitation, relevant accounting procedures and practices of
Contractor or its subcontractors, financial statements and supporting documentation, and documentation
related to the work product shall be subject, at any reasonable time, to inspection, examination, review,
audit, and copying at any office or location of Contractor where such records may be found, with a 15
day written notice by NASPO/MCPA; the United States Government; the State Auditor or its contracted
examiners, the Department of Administration, Budget Division, the Nevada State Attorney General's
Office or its Fraud Control Unit~, the State Legislative Auditor, and with regard to any federal funding,
the relevant federal agency, the Comptroller General, the General Accounting Office, the Office of the
Effective 04/07

Page4 of JO
· Inspector General, or any of their authorized representatives. All subcontracts shall reflect requirements
of this paragraph.
c. Period of Retention. All books, records, reports, and statements relevant to this contract must be
retained a minimum four (4) years after the contract terminates or or until all audits initiated within the
four (4) years have been completed, whichever is later, and for five (5) years if any federal funds are
used in the contract. The retention period runs from the date of payment for the relevant goods or
services by the State, or from the date of termination of the Contract, whichever is later. Retention time
shall be extended when an audit is scheduled or in progress for a period reasonably necessary to complete
an audit and/or to complete any administrative and judicial litigation which may ensue.
20. CONTRACT TERMINATION. Any of the following events shall constitute cause for NASPO/MCPA
to declare Contractor in default of the contract: (1) nonperformance of contractual requirements; and/or (2)
a material breach of any term or condition of this contract. NASPO/MCPA shall issue a written notice of
default providing a period in which Contractor shall have an opportunity to cure. Time allowed for cure
shall not diminish or eliminate Contractor's liability for damages. If the default remains, after Contractor
has been provided the opportunity to cure, NASPO/MCPA may do one or more of the following: (1)
exercise any remedy provided by law; (2). terminate this contract and any related contracts or portions
thereof; (3) impose liquidated damages; and/or (4) suspend Contractor from receiving future bid
Winding Up Affairs Upon Termination. In the event of termination of this contract for any reason, the
parties agree that the provisions of this paragraph survive termination:
i. The parties shall account for and properly present to each other all claims for fees and expenses and
pay those which are undisputed and otherwise not subject to set off under this contract. Neither party
may withhold performance of winding up provisions solely based on nonpayment of fees or expenses
accrued up to the time of termination;
ii. Contractor shall satisfactorily complete work in progress at the agreed rate (or a pro rata basis if
necessary) if so requested by NASPO/MCPA;
iii. Contractor shall execute any documents and take any actions necessary to effectuate an assignment of
this contract if so requested by NASPO/MCPA;
iv. Contractor shall preserve, protect and promptly deliver into NASPO/MCPA's possession all
proprietary information in accordance with paragraph (29).
21. REMBDIBS. Except as otherwise provided for by law or this contract, the rights and remedies of the
parties shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or equity,
including, without limitation, actual damages, and to a prevailing party reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.
It is specifically agreed that reasonable attorneys' fees shall include without limitation $125 per hour for
attorneys employed by the Lead State. Nevada may set off consideration against any unpaid obligation of
Contractor to any State agency in accordance with NRS 353C.190.
22. LIMITED LIABILITY. Nevada will not waive and intends to assert available NRS chapter 41 liability
limitations in all cases. Contract liability of both parties shall not be subject to punitive damages. Liquidated
damages shall not apply unless otherwise specified in the incorporated attachments. Damages for any breach
by the Lead State shall never exceed the amount of funds appropriated for payment under this contract, but
not yet paid to Contractor, for the fiscal year budget in existence at the time of the breach. Damages for any
Contractor breach shall not exceed 150% of the contract maximum "not to exceed" value. Contractor's tort
liability shall not be limited.
Effective 04/07

23. FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party to this contract shall be deemed to be in violation of this contract if it
is prevented from performing any of its obligations hereunder due to strikes, failure of public transportation,
civil or military authority, act of public enemy, accidents, fires, explosions, or acts of God, including, without
limitation, earthquakes, floods, winds, or storms. In such an event the intervening cause must not be through
the fault of the party asserting such an excuse, and the excused party is obligated to promptly perform in
accordance with the terms of the contract after the intervening cause ceases. NASPO/MCPA may terminate
this contract after determining such delay or default will reasonably prevent successful performance of the
24. INDEMNIFICATION. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall indemnify, hold harmless
and defend, not excluding the State's right to participate, the lead State, NASPO/MCPA from and against all
liability, claims, actions, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys'
fees and costs, arising out of any alleged negligent or willful acts or omissions of Contractor, its officers,
employees and agents. The Contractor shall release, protect, indemnify and hold NASPO/MCPA and the
respective states and their officers, agencies, employees, harmless from and against any damage, cost or
liability, including reasonable attorney's fees for any .or all injuries to persons, property or claims :(or
money damages arising from acts or omissions of the contractor, his employees or subcontractors or
volunteers except in cases in w~ch the liability, claims, actions, damages, losses or expenses are caused
exclusively or pri~arily by the State's negligent or willful acts or omissions.
25. CO:ry.tPLIANCE WITH LEGAL OBUGATIONS. Any and all supplies, services and equipment bid
and furnished shall comply fully with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Contractor
shall procure and maintain for the duration of this contract any state, county, city or federal license,
authorization, waiver, permit, qualification or certification required by statute, ordinance, law, or regulation
to be held by Contractor to provide the goods or seivices required by this contract. The Lead State may set-
off against consideration due any delinquent government obligation in accordance with NRS 353C.190.
26. WAIVER OF BREACH. Failure to declare a breach or the actual waiver of any particular breach of the
contract or its material or nonmaterial terms by either party shall not operate as a waiver by such party of any
of its rights or remedies to any other breach.
27. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this contract is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict
with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected; and the rights and
obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the contract did not contain the particular
provision held to be invalid.
28. ASSIGNMENT/DELEGATION. To the extent that any assignment of any right under thi.~ contract
changes the duty of either party, increases the burden or risk involved, impairs the chances of obtaining the
performance of this contract, attempts to operate as a novation, or includes a waiver or abrogation of any
defense to payment by State, such offending portion of the assignment shall be void, and shall be a breach of
this contract. Contractor shall not assign, sell, transfer, subcontract or sublet rights, or delegate
responsibilities under this contract, in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of the
NASPO/MCPA Contract Administrator.

Effective 04/07

29. OWNERSHIP OF PROPRJETARY INFORMATION. Any reports, histories, studies, tests, manuals,
instructions, photographs, negatives, blue prints, plans; maps, data, system designs, computer code (which is
intended to be consideration under the contract), or any other documents or drawings, prepared or in the
course of preparation by Contractor (or its subcontractors) in performance of its obligations under this
contract shall be the exclusive property of NASPO/MCPA and all such materials shall be delivered into
NASPO/MCPA possession by Contractor upon completion, termin~tion, or cancellation of this contract.
Contractor shall not use, willingly allow, or cause to have such materials used for any purpose other. than
performance of Contractor's obligations under this contract without the prior written consent of
NASPO/MCPA. Notwithstanding the foregoing, NASPO/MCPA shall have no proprietary interest in any
materials licensed for use that are subject to patent, trademark or copyright protection.
30. PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. ETC. The Contractor shall release, indemnify and hold NASPO/MCPA,
the State, and Participating States and their officers, agents and employees harmless from liability of any
kind or nature, including the Contractor's use of any copyrighted or un-copyrighted composition, secret
process, patented or unpatented invention, article or appliance furnished or used in the performance of this
31. PUBLIC RECORDS. Pursuant to NRS 239.010, information or documents received from Contractor
may be open to public inspection and copying. The State will have the duty to disclose unless a particular
record is made confidential by law or a common law balancing of interests. Contractor may label specific
parts of an individual document as a "trade secret" or "confidential 11 in accordance with NRS 333.333,
provided that Contractor thereby agrees to indemnify and defend the State for honoring such a designation.
The failure to so label any d.ocument that is released by the State shall constitute a complete waiver of any
and all claims for damages caused by any release of the records. ·
32. CONFIDENTIALITY. Contractor shall keep confidential all information, in whatever form, produced,
prepared, observed or received by Contractor to the extent that such information is confid~ntial by law or
otherwise required by this contract.
33. NONDISCRIMINATION. Contractor agrees to abide by the provisions of Title VI and Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000e), which prohibit discrimination against any employee or
applicant for employment, or any applicant or recipient of services, on the basis of race, religion, color, or
national origin; and further agrees to abide by Executive Order No. 11246, as amended, which prohibits
discrimination on basis of sex; 45 CFR 90 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, and Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 which prohibits
discrimination on the basis of disabilities. Contractor further agrees to furnish information and reports to
requesting Participating States, upon request, for the purpose of determining compliance with these
statutes. Contractor agrees to comply with each individual Participating State's certification requirements,
if any, as stated in the special terms and conditions. This contract may be canceled if the Contractor fails
to comply with the provisions of these laws and regulations. Contractor must include this provision in
every subcontract relating to purchases by the States to insure that subcontractors and vendors are bound
by this provision.

Effective 04/07

34. FEDERAL FUNDJNG. In the event federal funds are used for payment of all or part of this contract:
a. Contractor certifies, by signing this contract, that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred,
suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this
transaction by any federal department or agency. This certification is made pursuant to the regulations
implementing Exeeutive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, 28 C.F.R. pt. 67, § 67.510, as
published as pt. VII of the May 26, 1988, Federal Register (pp. 19160-19211), and any relevant program-
specific regulations. This provision shall be required of every subcontractor receiving any payment in.
whole or in part from federal funds.
b. Contractor and its subcontractors shall comply with all terms, conditions, and requirements of the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-136), 42 U.S.C. 12101, as amended, and regulations
adopted thereunder contained in 28 C.F.R. 26.101-36.999, inclusive, and any relevant program-specific
c. Contractor and its subcontractors shall comply with the requirements of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
amended, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, P.L. 93-112, as amended, and any relevant program-specific
regulations, and· shall not discriminate against any employee or offeror for employment because of race,
national origin, creed, color, sex, religion, age, disability or handicap condition (including AIDS and
AIDS-related conditions.)
35. I..DBBYING. · The parties agree, whether expressly prohibited by federal law, or otherwise, that no
funding associated with this contract will be used for any purpose associated with or related to lobbying or
influencing or attempting to lobby or influence for any purpose the following:
a. Any federal, state, county or local agency, legislature, commission, counsel or board;
b. Any federal, state, county or local legislator, commission member, counsel member, board member, or
other elected official; or
c. Any officer or employee of any federal, state, county or local agency; legislature, commission, counsel
or board.
36. NON-COLLUSION. Contractor certifies that this contract and the underlying bid, have been arrived
at independently and have been without collusion with, and without any agreement, understanding or
planned common course of action with, any other vendor of materials, supplies, equipment or services
described in the invitation to bid, designed to limit independent bidding or competition.
a. Uniform Commercial Code. The Contractor acknowledges that the Uniform Commercial Code applies
to this contract. In general, the contractor warrants that: (a) the product will do what the salesperson
said it would do, {b) the product will live up to all specific clauns that the manufacturer makes in their
advertisements, (c) the product will be suitable for the ordinary purposes for which such product is used,
(d) the product will be suitable for any special purposes that the Buyer has relied on the Contractor's
skill or judgment to consider.
b. General Warranty. Contractor warrants that all services, deliverables, and/or work product under this
contract shall be completed in a workmanlike manner consistent with standards in the trade, profession, or
industry; shall conform to or exceed the specifications set forth in the incorporated attachments; and shall
be fit for ordinary use, of good quality, with no material defects.
c. System Compliance. Contractor warrants that any information system application(s) shall not
experience abnormally ending and/or invalid and/or incorrect results from the application(s) in the
operating and testing of the business of the State. This warranty includes, without limitation, century
Effective 04/07

Page Bo/JO
recognition, calculations that accommodate same century and multicentury formulas and data values and
date data interface values that reflect the century.
38. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Contractor certifies that it has not offered or given any gift or
compensation prohibited by the state laws of any NASPO/MCPA participants to any officer or employee
of NASPO/MCPA or participating states to secure favorable treatment with respect to being awarded this
39. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Contractor shall be an independent contractor, and as such shall
have no authorization, express or implied to bind NASPO/MCPA or the respective states to any
agreements, settlements, liability or understanding whatsoever, and agrees not to perform any acts as agent
for NASPO/MCPA or the states, except as expressly set forth herein.
40. POLITICAL SUBDIVISION PARTICIPATION. Participation under this contract by political
subdivisions (i.e., colleges, school districts, counties, cites, etc.,) of the NASPO/MCPA Participating
States shall be voluntarily determined by the political subdivision. The Contractor agrees to supply the
political subdivisions based upon the same terms, conditions and prices.
41. PROPER AUTHORITY. The parties hereto represent and warrant that the person executing this contract
on behalf of each party has full power and authority to enter into this contract. Contractor acknowledges that
as required by statute or regulation this contract is effective only after approval by the NASPO/MCPA Board
of Directors and only for the period of time specified in the contract. Any services performed by Contractor
before this contract is effective or after it ceases to be effective are performed at the sole risk of Contractor.
The Contractor certifies that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for
debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction (contract) by
any governmental department or agency.
42. GOVERNING IAW: JURISDICTION. This contrapt and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto
shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Nevada, without giving effect
to any principle of conflict-of-law that would require the application of the law of any other jurisdiction. The
parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the First Judicial District Court, Carson City, Nevada for
enforcement of this contract. The construction and effect of any Participating Addendum or order against
the contract(s) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Participating State.
Venue for any claim, dispute or action concerning an order placed against the contract(s) or the effect of a
Participating Addendum or shall be in the Purchasing State.
43. SIGNATURES IN COUNTERPART. Contract may be signed in any number of counterparts, each of
which shall be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one in the same instrument.
44. ENTIRE CONTRACT AND MODIFICATION. This contract and its integrated attachment(s) constitute
the entire agreement of the parties and such are intended as a complete and exclusive statement of the
promises, representations, negotiations, discussions, and other agreements that may have been made in
connection with the subject matter hereof. Unless an integrated attachment to this contract specifically
displays a mutual intent to amend a particular part of this contract, general conflicts in language between any
such attachment and this contract shall be construed consistent with the terms of this contract. The terms of
this contract shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented or amended in any manner whatsoever
without prior written approval of the NASPO/MCPA Contract Administrator.

Effective 04/07

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be signed and intend to be
legally bound thereby.

Independent Contractor's Signature

Signature Date Title

Approved by NASPO/MCPA Board of Directors

on ____f?!_,__/_9'_Y/-~~___.;.__._·~;;.a:g,._-

Approved as to form by:

on ~r .J :-!:J l-1

Effective 04107

Page JO of JO

ntractor shall indemnify, hold harmless and, not excluding the State1s right to participate, defend the State, its officers,
fficials, agents, and employees (hereinafter referred to as "Indemnitee'•) from and against all liabilities, claims, actions,
amages, losses, and expenses including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, (hereinafter referred to
llectively as "claims") for bodily injury or personal injury including death, or loss or damage to tangible or intangible
roperty caused, or alleged to be caused, in whole or in part, by the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Contractor or any
f its owners, officers, directors, agents, employees or subcontractors. This indemnity includes any claim or amount arising
ut of or recovered under the Workers' Compensation Law or arising out of the failure of such contractor to conform to any
deral, state or local law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation or court decree. It is the specific intention of the parties that the
demnitee shall, in all instances, except for claims arising solely from the negligent or willful acts or omissions of the
demnitee, be indemnified by Contractor from and against any and all claims. It is agreed that Contractor will be responsible
r primary loss investigation, defense and judgment costs where this indemnification is applicable~ In consideration of the
ward of this contract, the Contractor agrees to waive all rights of subrogation against the State, its officers, officials, agents
d employees for losses arising from the work performed by the Contractor for the State.

ntractor and subcontractors shall procure and maintain until all of their obligations have been discharged, including any
arranty periods under this Contract are satisfied, insurance against claims for injury to persons or damage to property which
ay arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives,
mployees or subcontractors.

he insurance requirements herein are minimum requirements for this Contract and in no way limit the indemnity covenants
ontained in this Contract. The State in no way warrants that the minimum limits contained herein are sufficient to protect the
ontractor from liabilities that might arise out of the performance of the work under this contract by the Contractor, his agents,
epresentatives, employees or subcontractors and Contractor is free to purchase additional insurance as may be determined

MINIMUM SCOPE AND LIMITS OF INSURANCE: Contractor shall provide coverage with limits of liability not
less than those stated below. An excess liability policy or umbrella liability policy may be used to meet the minimum
liability requirements provided that the coverage 'is written on a "following form" basis.

1. Commercial General Liability - Occurrence Form

Policy shall include bodily injury, property damage and broad form contractual liability coverage.
• General Aggregate $2,000,000
• Products-Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000
• Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000
• Each Occurrence $1,000,000
a. The policy shall be endorsed to include the following additional insured language: "The State of Nevada
shall be named as an additional insured with respect to liability arising out of the activities performed by, or
on behalf of the Contractor".

2. Worker's Compensation and Employers• Liability

Workers' Compensation Statutory
Employers• Liability
Bach Accident $100,000
Disease - Each Employee $100,000
Disease - Policy Limit $500,000
a. Policy shall contain a waiver of subrogation against the State of Nevada.
b. This requirement shall not apply when a contractor or subcontractor is exempt under N.R.S., AND when
such contractor or subcontractor executes the appropriate sole proprietor waiver form.

3. Fidelity Bond or Crime Insurance

Bond or Policy Limit $_ _ _ __
a. The bond or policy shall be issued with limits based on the amount of cash being handled by the Contractor.
b. The bond or policy shall include coverage for all directors, officers, agents and employees of the Contractor.
c. The bond or policy shall include coverage for third party fidelity and name the State of Nevada as loss
d. The bond or policy shall include coverage for extended theft and mysterious disappearance.
e. The bond or policy shall not contain a condition requiring an arrest and conviction.

ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: The policies shall include, or be endorsed to include, the
following provisions:
1. On insurance policies where the State of Nevada is named as an additional insured, the State of Nevada shall be an
additional insured to the full limits of liability purchased by the Contractor even if those limits of liability are in
excess of those required by this Contract.
2. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance and non-contributory with respect to all other
available sources.

NOTICE OF CANCELLATION: Each insurance policy required by the insurance provisions of this Contract shall
provide the required coverage and shall not be suspended, voided or canceled except after thirty (30) days prior written
notice has been given to the State, except when cancellation is for non-payment of premium, then ten (10) days prior
notice may be given. Such notice shall be sent directly to Mail all required insurance documents to the Lead State

ACCEPTABILITY OF INSURERS: Insurance is to be placed with insurers duly licensed or authorized to do

business in the state of Nevada and with an "A.M. Best" rating of not less than A- VII. The State in no way warrants
that the above-required minimum insurer rating is sufficient to protect the Contractor from potential insurer insolvency.

VERIFICATION OF COVERAGE: Contractor shall furnish the ·state with certificates of insurance (ACORD form
or equivalent approved by the State) as required by this Contract. The certificates for each insurance policy are to be
signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf.

All certificates and any required endorsements are to be received and approved by the State before work commences.
Each insurance policy required by this Contract must be in effect at or prior to commencement of work under this
Contract and remain in effect for the duration of the project. Failure to maintain the insurance policies as required by
this Contract or to provide evidence of renewal is a material breach of contract.

All certificates required by this Contract shall be sent directly to Mail all required insurance documents to the Lead
State (Nevada). The State project/contract number and project description shall be noted on the certificate of insurance.
The State reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all insurance policies required by this Contract at
any time.

SUBCONTRACTORS: Contractors, certificate(s) shall include all subcontractors as additional insureds under its
policies or Contractor shall furnish to the State separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All
coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to the minimum requirements identified above.

J. APPROVAL: Any modification or variation from the insurance requirements in this Contract shall be made by the
Attorney General's Office or the Risk Manager, whose decision shall be final. Such action will not require a formal
Contract amendment, but may be made by administrative action.
Mail all required Insurance documents to the Lead State (Nevada).

WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be signed and intend to be legally bound thereby.

Date ndependent's Contractor's Title
7,./tf'-// a~~
Date Title

Attachment BB Page 3 of 3
Request For Proposal No. 1901
Jl/'tlytrifl.______ co_s_tP_r_op_o__
mllm!"'_ _ _ _....,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sal

May 3, 2011

Ronda Miller, Services Purchasing

State of Nevada, Purchasing Division
515 E. Musser Street, Suite 300
Carson City, NV 89701

RE: Cost Proposal in Response to RFP 1901

Dear Ms. Miller:

JPay Inc. ("JPay") appreciates the opportunity to submit the following Cost Proposal in
response to Request for Proposal No. 1901 for Inmate Kiosks. All of JPay's products and
services are provided at no cost to the correctional facility; all fees are borne by the inmate
or their friends and family members.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. We look forward to
hearing from you.


Errol Feldman
JPay Inc.
12864 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 243
Miami, FL 33181
Tel: 305.577.5543
Fax: 305.893.8985
Email: [email protected]
Request For Proposal No. 1901
· ~#'tflJ~-----------------------------------------------C-o-st_P_ro-po-sa_I Inmate Banking Fees

(Paid by friend or family member transferring funds)

Sending Money With a Credit/Debit Card

Deposit Amount Internet Fee Phone Fee

$0.01 - $20.00 $3.95 $4.95

$20.01 - $100.00 $6.95 $7.95

$100.01 - $200.00 $8.95 $9.95

$200.01 - $300.00 $10.95 $11.95

Sending Cash at a Walk-In Retail Location

Deposit Amount JPay Fee

$0.01 - $5,000.00 $5.00 to $8.95 *

* Depends on In-Person Location

Sending Money at a Lobby Kiosk

Credit/Debit Card
Deposit Amount Cash Fee

$0.01 - $100.00 $3.00 $6.95

Sending Money Order via Lockbox

Deposit Amount JPay Fee

$0.01 - $1,000.00 Free

' -. "· ---- . -. . --: •,: . -
. ' ..: : ~ ·::: :~ .' . . :·· ~

~.~~:~_, ,, ::_\-:,: .-:,.·_;:/:X~~:: ;~j~~~~-#.-~~::} ~::o;~~~~~~i1~i :~.i.~,:~~fro~-:-/} '.:~~~~~~inti:-.;_:

--:-:. ., ._ ._ : __
- - .{CQrtentlyJnccfrc~rat·e.d)>
1-----1--1------.1·No. <>flnmates . . -.. --- . . ... -· '· 12,000 12,500 30,500 2,000 51,000 40,000 5;soo

3.1 Requirements- -. :--.: Turnkey-Kiosks -_ < --

INo. of Kiosks 100% I 100% ·1 100% I 100% I 100% I 100% I 100%
ILe~se, Purchase or No Cost Lease .J No Cost I
No Cost I
No Cost
- I
NO Cost I
No Cost I
No Cost Stand Alone Kiosk
I No. ~f Kiosks -

ILease, Purchase or No Cost

N/A I 100% I 100% r 100% I 100% I 100% I 100% outside-Kiosk
N/A I No Cost I No Cost I_ No Cost I
No Cost I
No Cost I No Cost

No .. of Kiosks N/A I 100% -, 100% r 100% I 100% I 100% I 100%
ILease, Purchase or No Cost N/A I No Cost .I No Cost I No Cost I No Cost I. No Cost I No Cost t-tardware Only Kio$~ . :::·,.- --
Specify type proposing: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
No. of Kiosks N/A 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Lease, Purchase or No Cost N/A No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost

NOTE: If Kiosk is leased, include all costs

associated to include maintenance.

3.2 Environment ·

. I
0.40 Ts 0.40 I;$ o.4o Is o.4o Is 0.40
Inmate Banking $ 0.05 Please see the attached fee schedule; prices apply to all states
Inmate Grievances $ 0.05 No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost
Video Visitation (30 Minute Session) $ 25.00 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95 $ 9.95
Inmate Scheduling $ 0.05 No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost
MP3 Download Information $ 0.05 No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost
MP3 Purchase Music $ 0.17 $ 1.95 $ 1.95 $ 1.95 $ 1.95 $ 1.95 $ 'i.95
Phone Time Usage $ 0.05 $ 0.10 $ 0.10 $ 0.10 $ 0.10 $ 0.10 $ 0.10
Application Architecture $ 2.00 No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost
Interfacing $ 2.00 No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost
Communications $ 2.00 No Cost· No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost
Scalability (No. of inmates per Kiosk;
Maximum 250) 180 150 150 150 150 150 150
Stat e EXAM PLE Nevada Virginia Wyoming Ohio Arizona Hawaii
Other App lications (Describe in detail)
3.2.2 Software Architecture
Jspecify app lications proposing: I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A
3.2.3 System Architecture
jspecify items proposing I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A
3.2.4 Customer Interaction Messages

jspecify applications proposing: I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A
: I I I I I I I
3.2.5 Remote Management
jspecify applications proposing: I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A
3.2.6 Software Provisions
I Jspecify applications proposing: I N/A I N/A I N/ A I N/A I N/A I N/A
3.2.7 Hardware Requ irements
Specify items proposing N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
- No Cost
Monitor No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost

Secu rity
3.3 Requirements ,-

Describe all cost associated with this

section. No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost

3.4 Service
3.4. 1 Softwa re Modificatio n/Release Mgt

I I No Cost I No Cost I No Cost I No Cost I No Cost I No Cost

3.5 Reporting
J List any cost associated w ith th is section.
I'f none, list N/ A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ~'
ITraining and I I I I I I
3.6 Support
· ... . ;., .. .
' .
' :', j
; ; ~.-:;':; .· '~·~:
. ;.~.. _; :: . . ',
" .. ::{: ,":
.;::. :
.. ·.
._.· ... ,, ' " .• :· :: " '

•. ···
. . ·"·; ::~- -. .
.· .. ·
.. ~ . ·.·. . :::;
~ ~

:.~~J!l~-c ,.; . Nevada · : . ·.virgini~ ·.. ,· ~v<>111111~~ • . Ohio.·


.... · ....... .
... -- ·"··-''·•···- - --.•
Arl~~n~-. Hawaii
Describe all cost associated with this
section. No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost No Cost

' :.' .... '.:

.:; . - ....... "

3. 7 System Warranty .. •, ·. ._,·:; "·
.• 'I', ·.·.
List any cost associated with this section.
If none, list N/A. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

... ·;. . .
DRC Securi_tv.
3.8 Requirement
··< ;


I I INot Applicable N/A N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A ·1 N/A

I I I ,.,::
I " .. I I I I
Optional/Other :·, :;."~'
'./,:;,, ..
3.9 Services ., . ,•
Describe all cost associated with this
section. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

.. ;
3.10 Documentation '
List any cost associated with this section.
If none, list N/A. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

.. . " .·- . . ...

Commission DRC Commission .. ·~- .-. .. .
.. . " .~. - -

Email (per Outbound eMessage) 2.0% $ 0.05 $ 0.05 $ 0.05 $ 0.05 $ 0.05 $ 0.05
Purchasing Music 2.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0%
MP3 Player (per device) $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00
JPS Tablet (per device) $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00
Inmate Banking (per inbound transfer) $ 0.50 $ 0.50 $ 0.50 $ 0.50 $ 0.50 $ 0.50

. ' ",;··~ , .. ..... ' .

Related _..

. .. "
. "

Equipment .. i .
.,\ . .... ,.
' - -
MP3 Basic Player -4GB of Memory $ 18.00 $ 39.99 $ 39.99 $ 39.99 $ '39.99 $ 39.99 $ 39.99
MP3 with Additional Memory - SGB $ 49.99 $. 49.99 $ 49.99 $ 49.99· $ 49.99 $ 49.99
MP3 with Additional Memory - lGGB $ 59.99 $ 59.99 $ 59.99 $ 59.99 $ 59.99 $ 59.99
JPS Tablet $ 119.99 $ 119.99 $ 119.99 $ 119.99 $ 119.99 $ 119.99
State of Nevada Brian Sandoval
Department of Administration Governor
Purchasing Division
S 1S E. Musser Street, Suite 300 Greg Smith
Carson City, NV 8970 I Administrator

SUBJECT: Amendment No. 5 to Request for Proposal No. 1901

DATE OF AMENDMENT: April 26, 2011
DATE OF RFP RELEASE: March 24, 2011
DATE AND TIME OF OPENING: May 4, 2011 @ 2:00 p.m.
AGENCY CONTACT: Ronda Miller, Senior Buyer

The following shall be a part of RFP No. 1901 for Inmate Kiosks. If a vendor has already
returned a proposal and any of the infonnation provided below changes that proposal, please
submit the changes al~mg with this amendment. You need not re-submit an entire proposal prior
to the opening date and time~


Section 8.3.1; Part I: Technical Proposal. Copy to be sent to New Evaluator:

Warden Steve Hargett

40 Pippin Road/ PO Box 160
Newcastle, WY 82701
Phone: 307-746-4436

Attached file is complete list of evaluators:

Ifyou are U11able to access tile above i11serted file,
please co11tact Nevatla State Purcllasi11g at
[email protected]
for a11 emailed copy.


Vendor shall sign and return this amendment with proposal submitted.

RFP 190 I A111e11d111e11t 5
This document must be submitted in the "State
Documents" section/tab of vendors' technical proposal

Amendment 5 RFP 1901 Page I of 1

RFP 1901
NASPO/MCPA Inmate Kiosks

Arizona Evaluators

Denel Pickering, Chief Procurement Officer Arizona Department of Corrections

1645 West Jefferson Street, Ste 4401
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: 602-364-3786

Nevada Evaluators

Dawn Rosenberg, Chief of Purchasing

Nevada Department of Corrections
5500 Snyder Ave
P.O. Box 7011
Carson City, NV 89702
Phone: 775-887-3219

Eric Graham,
Nevada Department of Corrections
5500 Snyder Ave
P.O. Box 7011
carson City, NV 89702
Phone: (775) 887-3388

Ohio Evaluators

Michelle Matheron, Data Administration Manager

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Office of Administration
770 West Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43222
Phone: 614-752-1306

Virginia Evaluators

Cindy Sager
Department of Corrections
6900 Atmore Drive
Richmond, VA 23225
Phone (804) 674-3308 ext 1401
Fax: (804) 674-3530

Lois Fegan
Department of Corrections
6900 Atmore Drive
Richmond, VA 23225
Phone 804-674-3303 EXT 1118

Wyoming Evaluators

Jamie L. Spezzano
WDOC Purchasing Manager
State of Wyoming, Department of Corrections
1934 Wyott Drive, Suite 100, Office A118
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: (307) 777-8508

Vince Bocchino
1934 Wyott Drive, Suite 100
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: 307-777-5770

Warden Steve Hargett

40 Pippin Road/ PO Box 160
Newcastle, WY 82701 New Evaluator
Phone: 307-746-4436

KeAAetf:l Sce1:t Ael:let:t

193 4 W·tet:t DFive, StJite 100
Cl=IE?tteAAe, 'lN 82002 Non-Evaluator: Do NOT send proposals. See new evaluator
Pl=leAe: 397 777 3532 above.
State of Nevada Brian Sandoval
Department of Administration Governor
Purchasing Division
SIS E. Musser Street, Suite 300 Greg Smith
Carson City, NV 89701 AdminiStrator

SUBJECT: Amendment No. 4 to Request for Proposal No. 1901

DATE OF AMENDMENT: April 20, 2011
DATE OF RFP RELEASE: March 24, 2011
DATE AND TIME OF OPENING: May 4, 2011 @2:00 p.m.
AGENCY CONTACT: Ronda Miller, Procurement Staff Member

The following shall be a part of RFP No. 1901 for I11mate Kiosks. If a vendor has already
returned a proposal and any of the information provided below changes that proposal, please
submit the changes along with this amendment. You need not re-submit an entire proposal prior
to the opening date and time.



20. How many electronic messages is the DOC receiving per year? • Incoming • Outgoing
NV - None; NDOC currently does not allow electronic mail

20. How many electronic messages is the DOC receiving per year? • Incoming • Outgoing
NV-NDOC currently allows incoming electronic mail 12 month average is 5300 per
mM~ .


Vendor shall sign and return this amendment with proposal submitted.
RFP 1901Amendment4

This document must be submitted in the "State

Documents" section/tab of vendors' teclmical proposal

Amendment4 RFP 1901 Page 1 qf J

State of Nevada Brian Sandoval
Department of Administration Governor
Purchasing Division
515 E. Musser Street, Suite 300 Greg Smith
Carson City, NV 89701 Administrator

SUBJECT: Amendment No. 3 to Request for Proposal No. 1901

DATE OF AMENDMENT: April 15, 2011
DATE OF RFP RELEASE: March 24, 2011
DATE AND TIME OF OPENING: May 4, 2011 @2:00 p.m.
AGENCY CONTACT: Ronda Miller, Procurement Staff Member

The following shall be a part of RFP No. 1901 for Inmate Kiosks. If a vendor has already
returned a proposal and any of the information provided below. changes that proposal, please
submit the changes along with this amendment. You need not re-submit an entire proposal prior
to the opening date and time.


11. How many housing units are at each facility?

VA DOC Housing Unit

Ifyou are u11able to access the above i11serted file,

please co11tact Nevatla State Purchasi11g at
for an emailed copy.


Vendor shall sign and return this amendment with proposal submitted.

RFP 190/ Amendme1113

This document must be submitted in the "State

Documents" section/tab of vendors' technical proposal

Amendment 3 RFP 1901 Page 1 qf l

INMATE HOUSING BUILDINGS Downloaded from FICAS 10719/2009
Institution Building Asset-Name YrConstr #Floors SF
Appalachian Detention Center 2 Security Building 1960 2 25,260

Augusta Correctional Center 6 Housing A 1986 4 26,330

Augusta Correctional Center 7 Housing B 1986 4 26,330
Augusta Correctional Center 8 Housing C 1986 4 26,330
Augusta Correctional Center 9 Housing D 1986 4 26,330
Augusta Correctional Center 27 Housing M 1987 4 23,100
Augusta Correctional Center 28 Housing N 1987 4 23,100

Baskerville Correctional Center 6 Housing Visiting (HU-1) 1962 2 25,000

Baskerville Correctional Center 18 Housing H-2 1989 1 12,146
Baskerville Correctional Center 19 Housing H-3 1989 1 12,146

Bland Correctional Center 23 Housing Building 4 1972 2 10,848

Bland Correctional Center 25 Housing Building 2-on 1st floor 1952 2 10,848
Bland Correctional Center 25 Housing Building 2-on 2nd floor
Bland Correctional Center 25A Housing Building 1 1959 2 10,848
Bland Correctional Center 27 Housing Building 3 1969 1 14,000
Bland Correctional Center 80 Modular Housing Unit 1990 1 2,016
Bland Correctional Center 81 Modular Housing Unit 1990 1 2,016
Bland Correctional Center 82 Modular Housing Unit 1990 1 2,016
Bland Correctional Center 89 Special Management 2000 1 11, 100

Brunswick Work Center 32 Housing Admin Support Unit (Work Center) 1995 1 24,000

Buckingham Correctional Center 6 Housing Unit A 1982 4 26,330

Buckingham Correctional Center 7 Ho.using Unit B 1982 4 26,330
Buckingham Correctional Center 8 Housing Unit C 1982 4 26,330
Buckingham Correctional Center 9 Housing Unit D 1982 4 26,330
Buckingham Correctional Center 36 Housing Unit N 1988 4 26,330

Caroline Correctional Unit #2 1 CLONE - Cell Building 1962 2 25,260

Central VA Correctional Unit #13 1 CLONE Administration, Housing, Kitchen, Dining, RecrE 1962 2 25,260

Chesterfield Womens Diversion Center 2 Housing Building 1971 1 4,500

6/29/2015 Page 1of6

INMATE HOUSING BUILDINGS Downloaded from F ICAS 1071972009
Institution Building Asset-Name YrConstr #Floors SF
Coffeewood Correctional Center 16 CLONE Housing Unit 1 1994 1 12,313
Coffeewood Correctional Center 17 CLONE Housing Unit 2 1994 1 12,313
Coffeewood Correctional Center 18 CLONE Housing Unit 3 1994 1· 12,313
Coffeewood Correctional Center 19 CLONE Housing Unit 4 1994 1 12,313
Coffeewood Correctional Center 20 CLONE Housing Unit 5 1994 1 12,313
Coffeewood Correctional Center 21 CLONE Housing Unit 6 1994 1 12,313
Coffeewood Correctional Center 24 Segregation Bldg 1994 1 10,300

Cold Springs Correctional Unit #10 1 CLONE Administration, Housing, Kitchen, Dining, Recre 1953 2 22,912

Cold Springs Work Center 41 Work Center - Housing, Administration, & Support Unit 1996 1 19,982

Deep Meadow Correctional Center 1 Inmate Dormitory 1 1990 1 10,000

Deep Meadow Correctional Center 2 Inmate Dormitory 2 1990 1 10,000
Deep Meadow Correctional Center 3 Inmate Dormitory 3 1990 1 10,000
Deep Meadow Correctional Center 4 Inmate Dormitory 4 1990 1 10,000
Deep Meadow Correctional Center 6 Inmate Dormitory 6 1990 1 10,000
Deep Meadow Correctional Center 9 Medical/Detention Building 1978 1 4,818

Deerfield Correctional Center 2 Housing Unit 1 (A-Pod) 1994 1 12,313

Deerfield Correctional Center 3 Housing Unit 2 (B-Pod) 1994 1 12,313
Deerfield Correctional Center 4 Housing Unit 3 (C-Pod) 1994 1 12,313
Deerfield Correctional Center 08/08A Medical Detention I Segregation Building 1976 1 6,715
Deerfield Correctional Center 27 Housing Expansion 2006 1 48,960

Dillwyn Correctional Center 2 CLONE Housing Unit 1 1993 1 12,313

Dillwyn Correctional Center 3 CLONE Housing Unit 2 1993 1 12,313
Dillwyn Correctional Center 4 CLONE Housing Unit 3 1993 1 12,313
Dillwyn Correctional Center 5 CLONE Housing Unit 4 1993 1 12,313
Dillwyn Correctional Center 6 CLONE Housing Unit 5 1993 1 12,313
Dillwyn Correctional Center 7 CLONE Housing Unit 6 1993 1 12,313
Dillwyn Correctional Center 11 CLONE Housing Unit 7 (Segregated Housing) 1993 1 9,926

Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women 2 Housing Unit 1 1998 2 35,833

Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women 3 Housing Unit 2 1998 2 35,833
Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women 4 Housing Unit 3 1998 2 35,833
Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women 5 Housing Unit 4 1998 2 35,833
Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women 13 Reception I Segregation 1998 2 38,677

6/29/2015 Page 2of6

INMATE HOUSING BUILDINGS Downloaded from FICAS 1071972009
Institution Building Asset-Name YrConstr #Floors SF
Green Rock Correctional Center 12 Program Support Building (seg cells) 2007 1 79,330
Green Rock Correctional Center 13 Housing Unit 1 2007 2 36,858
Green Rock Correctional Center 14 Housing Unit 2 2007 2 36,858
Green Rock Correctional Center 15 Housing Unit 3 2007 2 36,858
Green Rock Correctional Center 16 Housing Unit 4 2007 2 36,858

Greensville Correctional Center 5 Housing Unit HU-7 1990 4 52,500

Greensville Correctional Center 6 Housing Unit HU-8 1990 4 52,500
Greensville Correctional Center 7 Housing Unit HU-9 1990 4 52,500
Greensville Correctional Center 10 Housing Unit HU-1 1990 4 52,500
Greensville Correctional Center 11 Housing Unit HU-2 1990 4 52,500
Greensville Correctional Center 12 Housing Unit HU-3 1990 4 52,500
Greensville Correctional Center 14 Housing Unit HU-4 1990 4 52,500
Greensville Correctional Center 15 Housing Unit HU-5 1990 4 52,500
Greensville Correctional Center 16 Housing Unit HU-6 1990 4 52,500
Greensville Correctional Center 17 Segregation Housing 1990 2 34,260

Greensville Work Center 32 Work Center Admin I Housing I Support Building 1995 1 32,095
Greensville Work Center 33 Detached Housing 1995 1 15,000

Halifax Correctional Unit #23 1 CLONE Administration, Housing, Kitchen, Dining, Recre 1954 2 25,260
Halifax Correctional Unit #23 2 CLONE Annex-Housing (100 Man) 1976 .1 11,704

Harrisonburg Mens Diversion Center 1 Cell Building 1966 2 25,260

Haynesville Correctional Center 2 Housing Unit 1 1993 1 12,313

Haynesville Correctional Center 3 Housing Unit 2 1993 1 12,313
Haynesville Correctional Center 4 Housing Unit 3 1993 1 12,313
Haynesville Correctional Center 5 Housing Unit 4 1993 1 12,313
Haynesville Correctional Center 6 Housing Unit 5 1993 1 12,313
Haynesville Correctional Center 7 Housing Unit 6 1993 1 12,313
Haynesville Correctional Center 11 Segregation Unit 1993 1 9,926

Haynesville Correctional Unit #17 1 Main Building 1959 2 25,260

6/29/2015 Page 3of6

INMA I E HOUSING BUILDINGS Downloaded f'rom FICAS 1011912009
Institution Building Asset·Name YrConstr #Floors SF
Indian Creek Correctional Center 2 Housing Unit 1 1994 1 12,313
Indian Creek Correctional Center 3 Housing Unit 2 1994 1 12,313
Indian Creek Correctional Center 4 Housing Unit 3 1994 1 12,313
Indian Creek Correctional Center 5 Housing Unit 4 1994 1 12,313
Indian Creek Correctional Center 6 Housing Unit 5 1994 1 12,313
Indian Creek Correctional Center 7 Housing Unit 6 1994 1 12,313
Indian Creek Correctional Center 11 Housing Unit 7 (Segregated Housing) 1994 1 9,926

James River Work Center 149 CLONE Work Center Admin I Housing I Support Buildin 1995 1 19,737
James River Work Center 150 CLONE Detached Housing 1995 1 15,000

Keen Mountain Correctional Center 7 Housing Unit A 1990 4 52,500

Keen Mountain Correctional Center 8 Housing Unit B 1990 4 52,500
Keen Mountain Correctional Center 9 Housing Unit C 1990 4 52,500

Lawrenceville Correctional Center 3 Housing C-1 1998 2 36,307

Lawrenceville Correctional Center 4 Housing C-2 1998 2 36,307
Lawrenceville Correctional Center 5 Housing C-3 1998 2 36,307
Lawrenceville Correctional Center 6 Housing C-4 1998 2 36,307
Lawrenceville Correctional Center 7 Housing C-5 1998 2 36,307
Lawrenceville Correctional Center 8 Housing C-6 1998 2 36,307

Lunenburg Correctional Center 2 CLONE Housing Unit 1 1994 1 12,313

Lunenburg Correctional Center 3 CLONE Housing Unit 2 1994 1 12,313
Lunenburg Correctional Center 4 CLONE Housing Unit 3 1994 1 12,313
Lunenburg Correctional Center 5 CLONE Housing Unit 4 1994 1 12,313
Lunenburg Correctional Center 6 CLONE Housing Unit 5 1994 1 12,313
Lunenburg Correctional Center 7 CLONE Housing Unit 6 1994 1 12,313
Lunenburg Correctional Center 11 CLONE Segregation Building 1994 1 9,926

Marion Correctional Treatment Center 1 Finley Gayle (Admin) Building 1957 2 98,378
Marion Correctional Treatment Center 12 Dormitories - Modulars 1 1990 1 2,016
Marion Correctional Treatment Center 15 Dormitories - Modulars 2 1990 1 2,016

Mecklenburg Correctional Center 1 Housing Unit 1 1976 2 38,793

Mecklenburg Correctional Center 2 Housing Unit 2 1978 2 36,090
Mecklenburg Correctional Center 3 H9USing Unit 3 1978 2 36,090
Mecklenburg Correctional Center 4 Housing Unit 4 1978 2 36,090
Mecklenburg Correctional Center 5 Housing Unit 5 1978 2 48,794

6/29/2015 Page 4of6


Institution Buildina Asset-Name Yr Constr #Floors SF

Nottoway Correctional Center 6 Housing Unit A 1984 4 26,330

Nottoway Correctional Center 7 Housing Unit B 1984 4 26,330
Nottoway Correctional Center 8 Housing Unit C 1984 4 26,330
Nottoway Correctional Center 9 Housing Unit D 1984 4 26,330
Nottoway Correctional Center 58 Housing Unit N 1987 4 26,330
Nottoway Correctional Center 59 Housing Unit 0 1987 4 26,330

Nottoway Work Center 64 Work Center Admin I Housing I Support Building 1994 1 25,000

Patrick Henry Correctional Unit #28 1 Administration, Housing, Kitchen, Dining, Recreation 1969 2 25,260

Pocahontas State Correctional Center 1 Housing Unit 1 (Building A) 2007 2 36,858

Pocahontas State Correctional Center 2 Housing Unit 2 (Building B) 2007 2 36,858
Pocahontas State Correctional Center 3 Housing Unit 3 (Building C) 2007 2 36,858
Pocahontas State Correctional Center 4 Housing Unit 4 (Building D) 2007 2 36,858
Pocahontas State Correctional Center 5 Programs Building (seg} 2007 1 86125

Powhatan Correctional Ctr/Reception & Classficat 1 Housing Cells C-1 1960 4 34,144
Powhatan Correctional Ctr/Reception & Classficat 2 Housing Cells C-2 1955 4 29,312
Powhatan Correctional Ctr/Reception & Classficat 3 R&C Housing Cells C-3 1952 4 30,032
Powhatan Correctional Ctr/Reception & Classfica~ 4 R&C Housing Cells C-4 1978 4 34,390
Powhatan Correctional Ctr/Reception & Classficati 6 Dormitory D-3 & D-4 1960 2 29,576
Powhatan Correctional Ctr/Reception & Classficati 7 Dormitory D-7 & D-8 1952 2 33,466
Powhatan Correctional Ctr/Reception & Classficaf 8 Housing Cells C-5 1962 3 24,642
Powhatan Correctional Ctr/Reception & Classficat 9 Maximum Security Building (M Building) 1970 3 25,713
Powhatan Correctional Ctr/Reception & Classficau 42 Medical Facility 1982 1 21,420

Red Onion State Prison 2 Housing C 1998 2 56,992

Red Onion State Prison 3 Housing D 1998 2 56,992
Red Onion State Prison 4 Housing A 1998 2 56,992
Red Onion State Prison 5 Housing B 1998 2 56,992

Rustburg Correctional Unit #9 1 CLONE Administration, Housing, Kitchen, Dining, Recre 1962 2 25,260

Southampton Men's Detention Center 5 Dormitory 1981 1 10,960

Southampton Men's Work Center 1 Administration/Housing 1977 1 9,865

6/29/2015 Page 5of6

Institution Building Asset-Name YrConstr. #Floors SF
Southampton Women's Pre-Release 99 CLONE Detention Center Admin I Housing I Support Bu 1995 1 19,716

St. Brides Correctional Center 300 Housing (Building D) 2005 2 28,207

Stafford Men's Diversion Center 5 Cell House 1953 2 25,260

Sussex I State Prison ·2 Housing 1 1997 4 53,814

Sussex I State Prison 3 Housing 2 1997 4 53,814
Sussex I State Prison 4 Housing 3 1997 4 53,814
Sussex I State Prison 5 Housing 4 1997 4 53,814
Sussex I State Prison 14 Segregation Building 1997 1 3,682

Sussex II State Prison 2 CLONE Housing 1 1997 4 53,814

Sussex 11 State Prison 3 CLONE Housing 2 1997 4 53,814
Sussex II State Prison 4 CLONE Housing 3 1997 4 53,814
Sussex II State Prison 5 CLONE Housing 4 1997 4 53,814
Sussex II State Prison 6 CLONE Segregation Building 1997 1 3,682

Virginia Correctional Center for Women 1 Housing Unit #1 1932 2 18,899

Virginia Correctional Center for Women 2 Housing Unit #2 1949 2 20,686
Virginia Correctional Center for Women 3 Housing Unit #3 1949 1 11,714
Virginia Correctional Center for Women 4 Housing Unit #4 1949 2 17,466
Virginia Correctional Center for Women 5 Housing Unit #5 1950 2 27,089
Virginia Correctional Center for Women 6 Housing Unit #6 1950 2 27,089

Wallens Ridge State Prison 2 CLONE Housing 1 1998 2 56,992

Wallens Ridge State Prison 3 CLONE Housing 2 1999 2 56,992
Wallens Ridge State Prison 4 CLONE Housing 3 1998 2 56,992
Wallens Ridge State Prison 5 CLONE Housing 4 1998 2 56,992

White Post Diversion Center 49 CLONE Diversion Center Admin I Housing I Support Bu 1996 1 19,737

Wise Correctional Unit #18 1 CLONE Administration, Housing, Kitchen, Dining, Recre 1960 2 25,260
Total: 4,728,862

6/29/2015 Page 6of6

State of Nevada Brian Sandoval
Department of Administration Governor
Purchasing Division
SIS E. Musser Street. Suite 300 Greg Smith
· Carson City. NV 89701 Administrator

SUBJECT: Amendment No. 2 to Request for Proposal No. 1901

DATE OF AMENDMENT: April 14, 2011
DATE OF RFP RELEASE: March 24, 2011
DATE AND TIME OF OPENING: May 4, 2011 @2:00 p.m.
AGENCY CONTACT: Ronda Miller, Procurement Staff Member

The following shall be a part of RFP No. 1901 for Inmate Kiosks. If a vendor has already
returned a proposal and any of the information provided below changes that proposal, please
submit the changes along with this amendment. You need not re-submit an entire proposal prior
to the opening date and time.



13. What is the total$ amount of trust fund deposits?

NV-For the entire month ofMarch 2011, our trust fund deposits totaled $879,490.49.

ODRC -Ave $3M/mo. Approx. $2,045,000 is deposited into the Offender Trust fund on
a montlily basis.

WY - $998, 786. 79 (via mail room only).


13. What is the total$ amount of trust fund deposits?

NV-For the entire month ofMarch 2011, our trust fund deposits totaled $879,490.49.


VJ-Approx. $2,045,000 is deposited into the Offender Trust fund on a monthly basis.

WY - $998, 786. 79 (via 11u1il room only).


1. Who is the Department of Corrections current Jail Management provider?

Amendment 2 RFP 1901 Page 1 of5
2. Who is the current phone vendor?
AZ - Ever~om Securus.

3. Who is the current commissary vendor?

AZ - Keefe Commissary network.

4. Will the DOC provide all necessary electric power and cabling for kiosks in each facility?
AZ - No, ADC will not provide all necessary electric power and cabling for kiosks in
each facility.

5. In Section there is a requirement for the Ability to Translate information - what
information is required to be translated?
AZ - Translation services are not anticipated as necessary; bilingual instructions and
menus (English/Spanish) would be necessary.

6. In Section there is a requirement for video visitation, does the DOC require this
service to be offered on a separate/ stand alone kiosk from the other applications?
AZ - ADC does not require video visitation service.

7. Section 3 .2.2 what is the operating system designated by the DOC for the kiosks
application to run on?
AZ - ADC does not have a designated operating system on which kiosk applications
will be required to be run.

8. With all the varying types of kiosks, can a vendor respond with the types of kiosks they
are able to provide?
AZ- Yes.

9. Will winning this RFP mean that the company that wins can install kiosks in Nevada
DOC right away to take payments?

10. Is this contract binding for all the DOC's in the alliance?

11. How many housing units are at each facility?

AZ - ADC has ten (10) state operated prison complexes and five (5) contracted private
prisons in AZ - , with a total of 61 prison units (ranging from 1-8 units per prison
complex). Housing Units range from 1-10 per prison unit. ADC currently has 284
Housing Units for state operated prisons and 30 Housing Units for contracted private
prisons, for a total of314 Housing Units.

12. Deposit Services - How many transactions does the DOC process now? • Money order •
Phone• Web• Walk-in
AZ - or the Inmate Trust Account, ADC processes approximately 44,000 money order
transactions per year; approximately 88,000 Western Union transactions per year; and
approximately 24,000 initial inmate intake transactions per year.

13. What is the total$ amount of trust fund deposits?

Amendment 2 RFP 1901 Page 2 o/5

AZ.- For the Inmate Trust Account, ADC deposits approximately $36 million per year
from money orders, western union, and initial inmate intake and approximately $18
million per year from inmate wages.

14. Would the DOC eliminate taking money orders and allow vendor to provide lockbox
services for money orders?
AZ - Not at this time; however, this may be negotiable as a contract amendment.

15. Does the DOC process Parole and Probation payments? If so how many transactions of
each of the following?• Money order• Phone• Web• Walk-in
AZ -ADC processes approximately 13,500 Money Orders per year for parole payments.
ADC does not process probation payments.

16. What is the total $ amount of trust parole /probation payments?

AZ - Approximately $708, 700 per year for parole payments. ADC does not process
probation payments.

17. How many inmates are released per year?

AZ - In Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010) the AZ - Department of
Corrections released 20,571 inmates.

18. What is the average amount an inmate is released with?

AZ - $225. 00.

19. Does the DOC give inmates money upon release "gate money"?
AZ - Released inmates are provided $50 in "gate money" for their first release only.

20. How many electronic messages is the DOC receiving per year? • Incoming • Outgoing
AZ - Inmates do not send or receive electronic messages. The volume of incoming,
outgoing and internal electronic messages is not tracked.

21. How many paper photos does the DOC receive per year?
AZ - Unknown; this information is not tracked.

22. How many photos can each inmate have at one time?
AZ -A maximum of thirty (30) photos per inmate.

23. Video Visitation - Will the inmates allow families to visit remotely (from home)?

24. Will the DOC consider reducing their visitation to video only?

25. Does the DOC want inmate kiosks for visitation placed in housing units/pods or in
separate area exclusive for Video Visitation?
AZ - ADC does not anticipate utilizing video visitation at this time.

26. Section 3, 2nd paragraph: As the procurement may result in more than one contract,
would multiple vendors be selected to provide the same service(s) at the DOC or would

Amendment 2 RFP 1901 Page3 o/5

· awarded vendors be selected to provide only one or ·several services listed under the

27. Section 3, 3rd paragraph: As vendors may propose on one or more of the system
requirements, will the DOC award individual services to different vendors? For example,
will one vendor be awarded the email service and another vendor awarded the inmate
banking service?

28. Section 3, 4th paragraph: Can Participating States award the contract to a vendor that was
not awarded the DOC contract?

29. Section 3.1.1: Is the DOC looking for a solution that incorporates each of the four kiosk
types or one kiosk with all of these features? If the vendor's solution combines all four
types into one kiosk, how should this be represented in the Cost Proposal?

30. Section Will the DOC accept a deposit kiosk solution that does not accept

31. Section, Application Archite<;:ture: Is the DOC looking for the vendor's platform
and whether or not the subsections apply?
AZ- Yes.

32. Section - Which DOC applications would the vendor need to interface with?
AZ - ADC has separate applicatio11s for tlie inmate telephone system (Securus), inmate
banking system, inmate store system, and the ADC AIMS offender management
system. For each of these, the vendor will be required to adhere to a standard format
for integration.

33. Section Should the vendor propose the vendor's preferred method of
connectivity or is the DOC looking for the vendor to provide one or more methods?
AZ - ADC would want the vendor to propose the preferred method of connectivity, but
would reserve the right to review and approve proposed method of connectivity.

34. Section 3.2.2: Would the DOC be open to the vendor's designating the kiosk's operating
system as it is already proven in the field?
AZ- Yes.

35. Section Is the DOC looking to view this information on the vendor's system?
AZ- Yes.

36. Section What offender management system does the DOC use? If it is not a
proprietary system, will each party be responsible for their own integration costs?
AZ - The ADC AIMS offender ma11.agement system is a proprietary system. ADC will
require a standard .format to be adhered to for integration; therefore there will be no
integration costs for the vendor.

Amendment 2 RFP 1901 Page 4qf5

37. Section Is the DOC looking to customize just the text of the error messages or
something else?
AZ - Unknown at this time until a determination can be made to the nature of the error
messages being reported.

38. Section Is the DOC seeking to view the vendor's remote management?
AZ- Yes.

39. Section 3.3 Is the DOC willing to share network bandwidth with the vendor? Would the
vendor be allowed to install additional bandwidth (i.e. Tl)?
AZ - ADC is open to discussing shared bandwidth with a vendor, dependant on
location, and bandwidth requirements. Vendor may also be required to install an
appropriate circuit.


Vendor shall sign and return this amendment with proposal submitted.


RFP 1901 Amendment 2

This document must be submitted in the "State
Documents" section/tab of vendors' technical proposal

Amendment 2 RFP 1901 Page5 o/5

State of Nevada Brian Sandoval
Department of Administration Governor
Purchasing Division
515 E. Musser Street, Suite 300 Greg Smith
Carson City, NV 89701 Administrator

SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to Request for Proposal No. 1901

DATE OF AMENDMENT: April 13, 2011
DATE OF RFP RELEASE: March 24, 2011
DATE AND TIME OF OPENING: May 4, 2011 @2:00 p.m.
AGENCY CONTACT: Ronda Miller, Senior Buyer

The following shall be a part of RFP No. 1901 for Inmate Kiosks. If a vendor has already
returned a proposal and any of the information provided below changes that proposal, please
submit the changes along with this amendment. You need not re-submit an entire proposal prior
to the opening date and time.

The States abbreviation precedes the individual States answers.

Answers without State abbreviation applies to ALL States.


Section 8.3.1; Part I: Technical Proposal is amended to Nine (9) identical copies. Additional
copy to be sent to:

Arizona Evaluator

Denel Pickering, Chief Procurement Officer

Arizona Department of Corrections
1645 West Jefferson Street, Ste 4401
Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Attached file is complete list of evaluators:


Ifyou are u11able to access tlte above i11serted file,

please contact Nev111la State Purchasil1g at
for a11 e111ailetl copy.

Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page 1of12


1. Who is the Department of Corrections current Jail Management provider? Who is the
DOC J aiVInmate management system provider? If there is no third party provider how is
information including inmate name, number and location managed and how would the
kiosk software vendor access this information?
NV - Syscon Justice Systems.

OHIO - The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction (ODRC) uses its own
web.-based Department's Offender Tracking System with support from Diversified
Systems, Inc. Depending on the information required, ODRC may provide a flat file
via SFTP with relevant inmate data, such as inmate number, inmate name, dob, etc.

Virginia DOC provides in-house offender management for offenders sentenced to

state-responsible sentences. We do not provide management to offenders in local jails.

WY - Inter11ally developed. ·

2. Who is. the current phone vendor?

AZ - Evercom Securus.

NV - Century Link /IC Solutions.

ODRC - Global Tel*Li11k.

VI - Global Tel-Link


3. Who is the current commissary vendor?

AZ- Keefe Commissary network

NV - Self operated.

ODRC provides commissary services on-site at all but one facility, which is serviced by
a neighboring institution. Application is CA CTAS, by Cashless Systems, Inc.
VI - Keefe Commissary

WY - Cashless Systems Inc. (Cactus).

4. Will the DOC provide all necessary electric power and cabling for kiosks in each facility?
NV - Existing capabilities and needs will be determined 011 a site by site basis.

ODRC will provide electric power and cabling as necessary; however, wireless
communication is preferred, and ODRC will not provide communication cabling.
VI- Yes


Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page 2qf12

5. In Section there is a requirement for the Ability to Translate information - what
information is required to be translated?
NV - At minimum, instructions and directions must be available in English and
Spanish, however, we are looking for vendors to provide additional creative solutions
in this area.

ODRC - any instructions I user interfaces that people would need to read in order to
understand h,ow to correctly operate I use the kiosk to accomplish their tasks.

WY - Instructions and directions must be available in both English and Spanish.

6. In Section there is a requirement for video visitation, does the DOC require this
service to be offered on a separate/ stand alone kiosk from the other applications?
NV - The Department is seeking a wide range of options so the best solution for video
visitation needs can be identified. Security concerns and convenience to the public will
be key eleme11ts of importance for the DOC

ODRC may choose to have video visitatio11 on separate kiosks from the other
applications based 011 the 11umber of kiosks per i11mate and the facility designAayout,
security, and available space.

VI - Not a requirement but we foresee a need/or a kiosk dedicated to video visitation

depending on the volume of the service

WY - Either alternative would be acceptable. WDOC would not require it at this time.

7. Section 3.2.2 What is the operating system designated by the DOC for the kiosks
application to run on?
NV - Linux, specifically SuSE for integration with our current network and Microsoft

ODRC- kiosk O/S does not matter as long as it is secure, stable, kept up-to-date, and
allows applications to interface.

VI - We have no specific designation but the system must be secure.

WY - Microsoft Windows.

8. With all the varying types of kiosks, can a vendor respond with the types of kiosks they
are able to provide?
NV - Yes; if a vendor has multiple kiosk solutions, please provide them. The
Department is looking for the best combination of optiotis available.

ODRC - they can, with the understanding they may not be selected if other vendors are
able to provitle all types.


9. Will winning this RFP mean that the company that wins can install kiosks in Nevada
DOC right away to take payments?

Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page 3 qf12


10. Is this contract binding for all the DOC's in the alliance?
No; each participating state will need to complete a participating addendum with the
vendor(s), including Nevada. This is not a mandatory contract.

ODRC - No; depending on the contract, ODRC may. choose to negotiate a separate
contract, puil out of the project completely, or issue a separate solicitation.


11. How many housing units are at each facility?

NV - Exact configurations can be made available; each Institution/Camp is configured
differently, however NDOC has approximately 125 housing units of 100 inmates each.

ODRC - Depends on the facility and definition of "unit"; varies from 2 to

approximately 48 per facility.

VI - We do not have housing unit information at this time. This attachment shows a
list of each facility and their population count in February 2011 and could be used to
determine potential need.

VI Monthly
Population Surmery .1
Ifyou are unable to access the above il1serted file,
please contact Nevada State Purchasing at
[email protected]
for a11 emailed copy.

WY- WMCI-15, WSP-15, WWC-9, WHF-3, WHCC-5.

12. Deposit Services - How many transactions does the DOC process now? • Money order •
Phone• Web• Walk-in
NV - For the entire month of March 2011, we had a total of 9,286 t1·a11sactions
through lockbox and money transfers. The NDOC currently does not allow phone,
web or walk-in deposits.

ODRC-Ave 65,000 I month; 60140 split between m01iey orders am/ other receipts.

VI - Approx. 27,200 transactions a month come from the mail (money orders)
Approx. 4,600 transactions a month come from electronic fUiidilig vendors
Approx. 150 transactions a month come from visitors

WY - 10, 789 (via mail room only).

13. What is the total$ amount of trust fund deposits?

NV- For the entire month ofMarch 2011, our trust fund tleposits totaled $879,490.49.

ODRC - Ave $3M/mo. Approx. $2,045,000 is deposited into the Offender Trust fund
a mo11thly basis.

Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page 4of12

WY - $998, 786. 79 (via mail room only).

14. Would the DOC eliminate taking money orders and allow vendor to provide lockbox
services for money orders?
NV - Possibly; the NDOC currently has lockbox services, however we will look at all
solutions presented through the RFP.

ODRC - Yes, but only if there is no additional delay in posting funds to inmate
accounts and there is no additional charge to depositors, inmates, or ODRC

VI - We would consider this option and would like to see the vendor provide a creative
solution as to how this can be· accomplished. The cost must be equitable for families.


15. Does the DOC process Parole and Probation payments? If so how many transactions of
each of the following?• Money order• Phone• Web• Walk-in
NV - Currently, payments are collected through our inmate payroll system. NDOC
does not accept money orders, phone paymetits, web payments or walk-itis for P&P

ODRC - No; those payments are processed by a contracted vendor, RMS. Number of
transacti01is not available at this time.

VI - Those transactions are processed at each Probation and Parole district office.
Information of that nature is not collected centrally.


16. What is the total $ amount of trust parole /probation payments?

NV- Fiscal year to date (711110 through 41412011) $95,204.58 Parole and Probation
payments have been collected through the inmate payroll system.

ODRC - approximately $66,000/month.

VI - Those transactions are processed at each Probation and Parole district office.
Information of that nature is not collected centrally.


17. How many inmates are released per year?

NV-Average 5,580 inmates are released per year (465 per month)

ODRC - 25,000.

VI-Average 13,000.

WY- 778.

18. What is the average amount an inmate is released with?

Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page 5of12
ODRC - $103. 00.

VI - The average parole/discharge check is approx. $105

WY - Variable.

19. Does the DOC give inmates money upon release "gate money"?
NV - NDOC provides release assistance "gate money" for indigent inmates upo11

ODRC - Yes, if the offender is released under certain circumstances.

VI - If the Trust balance funds do not total $25.00, sufficient money will be added to
reach that amount. This i11cludes offenders that are being released from incarceration
but are not going directly into the communi'ty. For offenders that will remain under
incarceration such as being transferred to work release or being released to a detainer,
the facility does not need to supplement offender funds to meet the $25. 00 discharge

WY - Yes - $6/meaVtravel period & bus fare.

20. How many electronic messages is the DOC receiving per year? • Incoming • Outgoing
NV - None; NDOC currently does not allow electronic mail

ODRC - 25,000.

VI - None at this time.


21. How many paper photos does the DOC receive per year?

ODRC does not track that number.

Virginia DOC does not track this informatio11.

WY - Do not record.

22. How many photos can each inmate have at one time?
NV - Unknown

ODRC - not limitetl

VI - Offe1iders may receive no more than five (5) 4''x 6" photographs at any time.
Offenders may have a reasonable amount i11. their personal property as long as they
can be stored iii their locker or cttbinet.

WY - 40 in cell.

Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page 6qf12

23. Video Visitation - Will the inmates allow families to visit remotely (from home)?
NV - This solution would be considered as long as the visit could be recorded. Security ·
concerns will be measured along with convenience to the public in evaluation all

ODRC will allow visits from home as long as there is a "kill-switch" option that allows
ODRC to immediately terminate the visit if necessary for security reasons.

VI - Not at this time - families participate in video visitation by a remote location in the
community. See website for more information:

WY - Yes with permission and availability.

24. Will the DOC consider reducing their visitation to video only?
NV - No. A combination will be utilized but contact visitation cannot be eliminated.

ODRC - Not at this time.

VI - Not at this time


25. Does the DOC want inmate kiosks for visitation placed in housing units/pods or in
separate area exclusive for Video Visitation?
NV - A combination; in disciplinary segregation units, the kiosks would be in the u11its
with the capability to roll them to in front of the cell In general population units, the
kiosks could be located in visitation, the units is a program room, or another
designated area.

ODRC - Depends on the institution and available space.

VI - In the housing units - may explore other locations depending 011 volume of visits.


26. Section 3, 2nd paragraph: As the procurement may result in more than one contract,
would multiple vendors be selected to provide the same service(s) at the DOC or would
awarded vendors be selected to provide only one or several services listed under the
NV - It will depend on the State and the service.

ODRC prefers to select a single vendor for the same or seve1·al services. Howeve,., if in
the best interests of the state, ODRC may select different vendors for each service.


WY - Multiple.

Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page 7of12

27. Section 3, 3rd paragraph: As vendors may propose on one or more of the system
requirements, will the DOC award individual services to different vendors? For example,
will one vendor be awarded the email service and another vendor awarded the inmate
banking service?
NV - Depending on the State and the service required. Each State may negotiate their
own contracts.

ODRC - if an award is made, it will most likely be to a single vendor who can provide
the services ODRC needs; however, it is possible multiple awards may be made if that
result is most beneficial to the state.



28. Section 3, 4th paragraph: Cail Participating States award the contract to a vendor that was
not awarded the DOC contract?
NV - Depending on the State and the service required. This is not a mandatory

ODRC - Yes, and states may choose to no longer participate.


WY - Maybe - it would require justification and approval from state purchasing.

29. - Section 3.1.1 : Is the DOC looking for a solution that incorporates each of the four kiosk
types or one kiosk with all of these features? If the vendor's solution combines all four
types into one kiosk, how should this be represented in the Cost Proposal?
NV - Each kiosk type proposed should have an associated cost proposal; unless one
kiosk could support a turnkey and a11 outside kiosk, however a stand alone may not
contain the enclosure and the hardware 011ly would 11ot contain tlie software.

ODRC is looking for a solution that provides turn-key, stand-alone kiosks for interior
use. For Ohio, therefore, proposing an outside, turn-key, stand-alone kiosk may be
cost-prohibitive. If a bidder provides only one type of kiosk, it should be listed under
eacli type ofkiosk solution.

VI - One Kiosk type witli all features.

WY - Each Kiosk type should be specified with an associated cost. If a single kiosk can
provide all services then a breakdown of costs per service would be helpful since we
wouldn't necessarily want all of the services available and would not want to liave to
pay for things we t1ren 't using.

30. Section Will the DOC accept a deposit kiosk solution that does not accept
NV - We will look at all solutions presented through the RFP.


Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page 8of12



3l. Section, Application Architecture: Is the DOC looking for the vendor's platform
and whether or not the subsections apply?
NV- is open architecture; yes, the DOC wants to determine if the vendor·
applications have open architecture. is Documented Interface AP/ and tool kit ad; yes, the DOC wants to
determine if the vendor applications have documented Interface AP/ and tool kit ad. is Custom changes to tlie Interface API; yes, the DOC wants to know ifthe
vendor can make custom changes, however at what cost?


VI - We are looking for a platform in which we can connect to other systems that we
work with. ·

WY - This is what we would like to know for each subsection: or not use by DOC and/or other vendors DOC uses for services. - applicable or not and at what cost

32. Section - Which DOC applications would the vendor need to interface with?
NV - NOTIS - Nevada Information and Offender Tracki1ig System, inmate banking
system, inmate stores system, and other applications as required by the Department.

ODRC - DOTS (Department's Offender Tracking System), CACTAS (Cashless

Commissary and Trust Accounting System), telephone system (GTL); all interfaces
must be coordinated with appropriate current vendors. ODRC will 1iot be responsible
for any costs associated with the i11terfacels.

VI - We work with a number of systems from offender management, phones,

commissary, to smaller stand-alone systems.

WY - Cashless Systems Inc. - Cactus, WDOC's offender management system, other

windows/web apps as the agency deems appropriate.

33. Section Should the vendor propose the vendor's preferred method of
connectivity or is the DOC looking for the vendor to provide one or more methods?
NV - The vendor should provide creative connectivity solutions that will work with
institutions, while maintaining security requirements. If multiple options exist, these
should be separately identified.

ODRC - Propose vendor's prefen·ed method and include other methods vendor is able
to provide.

VI - Web Services is our comiectivity method.

Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page 9of 12

WY - More than one option - Vendor to provide connectivity options that will work with
their kiosks i.e. DSL, Tl, etc.

34. Section 3.2.2: Would the DOC be open to the vendor's designating the kiosk's operating
system as it is already proven in the field?
NV - The DOC will look at all solutions presented through the RFP.




35. Section Is the DOC looking to view this information on the vendor's system?
NV - Either on the vendors system or through a web interface.

ODRC would prefer to view the information through a vendor-supplied method.

Whether that is on the vendor's system or using software supplied by the vendor and
installed on ODRC systems matters only in that slw installed on ODRC systems must be
transferable to other ODRC systems by ODRC staff without requiring vendor
intervention or assistance. Either method must allow ODRC 2417 access to monitor

VI - Yes, We want to understand all internal connections.

WY - Either on the vendors system or through some form of web interface.

36. Section What offender management system does the DOC use? If it is not a
proprietary system, will each party be responsible for their own integration costs?
NV - NDOC uses Syscon Justice Systems for their offender management system. It is
a proprietary system;

ODRC uses the Department's Offender Tracking System, which is currently serviced
by Diversified Systems, Inc. The vendor will be responsible for any and all integration

VI - We have a proprietary system and we will be responsible for integration costs.

WY - Internally created.

37. Section Is the DOC looking to customize just the text of the error messages or
something else?
NV -The error message as well as any instructional a11d prompts be customized as

ODRC - primarily text.

VI - We woultl like to have input for the text.

Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page JOqf 12


38. Section Is the DOC seeking to view the vendor's remote management?
NV - Yes. We would like to see the vendor's remote management system.

ODRC does not seek to view the vendor's remote management; ODRC seeks to use the
remote management tool to minimize the time its staff must spend managing the

VI - Yes, we want to understand how this will take place.

WY - Only as necessary for the maintenance of security/control of access to the system

by the inmates.

39. Section 3.3 Is the DOC willing to share network bandwidth with the vendor? Would the
vendor be allowed to install additional bandwidth (i.e. Tl)?
NV - The DOC has limited available network balldwidth; it varies by location. The
awarded vendor will need to work with the DOC and the Department of Information
Technology (DoIT) to implement a desired solution. Any proposal should not degrade
existing network capabilities of the DOC.

ODRC prefers a wireless network be installed by the vendor. ODRC should be able to
also use that wireless network as needed.

VI - We are willing to share network bandwidth and the vendor is not allowed to install
additional bandwidth. DOC would be responsible for adding any. additional

WY - WDOC will not be able to share. Vendor will need to install additional resources.

40. Section 3.7 If the vendor is a distributor (and not the manufacturer) of the MP3 player,
can a shorter warranty period be proposed for the MP3 player?
NV - We will look at all solutions presented through the RFP, ·however if the warranty
is not competitive, the vendor runs a risk.

ODRC - No; the vendor must be able to cover the player for the specified length of



41. Section 8.3.3 I Attachment E: As only the State of Nevada receives a copy of the cost
proposal and four Participating States are also evaluating the proposals, how is the
evaluation process performed? Are each evaluator's scores weighed evenly?
Nevada will provide the "Cost" to the evaluators upon completion of scoring the
Technical Proposllls.

42. Item #5 on the Sample Score Sheet is said to correspond to "Section 7, Project Costs."
However Section 7 is entitled "Payment." Please clarify.

Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page 11of12

Item # 5 should correspond to "Section 6, Project Costs'~

43. Will you consider leasing the equipment over a two or three year period with end of term
options of return, purchase for fair market value, or continue leasing at a reduced rental?

44. Attachment D, .question #1 refers to copiers. Please clarify.

Ple~e provide attached document to your references.

Attachmmt D.doc

Ifyou are unable to access the above i11serted file,

please contact Nevada State Purchasi11g at
for an emailed copy.


Vendor shall sign and return this amendment with proposal submitted.


RFP 1901Ame11dment1
This document must be submitted in the "State
Documents" section/tab of vendors' technical proposal

Amendment 1 RFP 1901 Page 12qf12

RFP 1901
NASPO/MCPA Inmate Kiosks

Arizona Evaluator

Denet Pickering, Chief Procurement Officer Arizona Department of Corrections

1645 West Jefferson Street, Ste 4401
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: (602) 364-3786

Nevada Evaluators

Dawn Rosenberg, Chief of Purchasing

Nevada Department of Corrections
5500 Snyder Ave
P.O. Box 7011
carson Oty, NV 89702
Phone: (775) 887-3219

Eric Graham,
Nevada Department of Corrections
5500 Snyder Ave
P.O. Box 7011
carson Oty, NV 89702
Phone: (775) 887-3388

Ohio Evaluators

Michelle Matheron, Data Administration Manager

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Office of Administration
770 West Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43222
Phone: (614) 752-1306

Virginia Evaluators

Cindy Sager
Department of Corrections
6900 Atmore Drive
Richmond, VA 23225
Phone: (804) 674-3308 ext 1401

Lois Fegan
Department of Corrections
6900 Atmore Drive
Richmond, VA 23225
Phone: (804) 674-3303 EXT 1118

Wyoming Evaluators

Jamie L. Spezzano
WDOC Purchasing Manager
State of Wyoming, Department of Corrections
1934 Wyatt Drive, Suite 100, Office A118
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: (307) 777-8508
Vince Bocchino
1934 Wyott Drive, Suite 100
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: (307) 777-5770

Kenneth Scott Abbott

1934 Wyott Drive, Suite 100
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: (307) 777-3532
Virginia Department of Corrections
Division of Operations
Division of Community Corrections

Monthly Population Summary

February 2011

Research & Management Services
Virginia Department of Corrections
Division of Operations
Division of Community Corrections

Monthly Population Summary

February 2011

Average Daily Population in DOC Institutions

The average number of Virginia state responsible offenders incarcerated in DOC
institutions in February 2011 was 30,418. This was a 1.0% decrease from the
30,733 average inmate population in custody last month and a 1.2% increase
from the average population (30,052) reported one year ago. In February 2011,
the average number of out of state offenders housed in contract beds was 1,046.
The total average daily population· (ADP) in DOC institutions was 31,464

Community Corrections Caseload

The end of month Probation & Parole caseload for February 2011 was 59, 108.
This was a 0.7% decrease from the 59,511 reported for last month and a 3.3%
decrease from the 61, 136 reported one year ago.

Data Sources
The Research and Management Services (RMS) Unit compiles the information
contained in this Monthly Population Summary from various Corrections ·
Technology Services Unit (CTSU) Institutional and Community Corrections
reports and supplemental reports provided by the Division of Community
Corrections. For additional information, contact the RMS Unit at 804-674-3268
or [email protected].

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 1of15
Virginia Department of Corrections
Monthly Population Summary
February 2011

Executiv~ Summary

Division of Operations ADP

VADOC Major Institutions 27,309
VADOC Inmates 26,263
Out of State (OOS) Contract Inmates 1,046
Hawaii 2
Pennsylvania 1,005
U.S. Virgin Islands 39

Correctional Field Units 1,209

Work Centers 1,359
Private Prisons 1,574
MCV Security Ward 12
Local Hospitals 1
Total Division of Operations Average Daily Population 31,464
VADOC Inmates 30A18
OOS Contract Inmates 1,046

Division of Community Corrections End of Month Population

Parole 2,530
Probation 49,630
Post-Release Supervision 712
Interstate Compact 1 1,574
Conditional Release2 12
Supervision Type Yet Not Reporte~ 4,650
Total Probation & Parole End of Month Population 59, 108

Special Programs4 End of Month Population

Community Residential Programs (CRP) 144
Detention Centers 251
Diversion Centers 365
Total Special Program End of Month Population 760

Jail Contract Beds5 End of Month Population

Assigned Jail Work Release (AWR) 235
Assigned to Jail Contract (JCB) 85
Assigned Jail Contract Work Release (JCW) 95
Re-Entry Assigned to Jail 22
Re-Entry Work Release (RWR) 7
0ffenders from other states who are currently being supervised in Virginia under an Interstate Compact agreement.
1nmates who were released from a Civil Commitment, from incarceration due to Medical reasons, Commutation/Pardon or
other reasons where a Community Supervision obligation is required as a condition of their being released.
0ffenders who have been assigned to a P&P District but have not yet had a Supervision Type entered.
CRP, Detention Center and Diversion Center populations are included in the Total P&P EOM Population.
Jail Contract Bed populations are not included in either the Total Division of Operations ADP or the Total P&P EOM Population.

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 2of15
Virginia Department of Corrections
Division of Operations
Average Daily Population
February 2011

Major Institutions oos

VADOC Contract
Central Region Inmates Inmates Total ADP
Baskerville Correctional Center 469 0 469
Buckingham Correctional Center 1,052 0 1,052
Coffeewood Correctional Center 1, 181 0 1,181
Deep Meadow Correctional Center 718 0 718
Dillwyn Correctional Center 1,065 0 1,065.
Fluvanna Correctional Center 1,229 1 1,230
James River Correctional Center 201 0 201
Lunenburg Correctional Center 1,166 0 1,166
Mecklenburg Correctional Center 715 0 715
Nottoway Correctional Center 1,180 0 1,180
Powhatan Correctional Center 839 0 839
Powhatan Reception & Classification Center 450 0 450
Vir51inia Correctional Center for Women 574. 0 574
Central Region Major Institutions ADP 10,839 1 10,840

Eastern Region
Deerfield Correctional Center 1,073 0 1,073
Greensville Correctional Center 3,000 1 3,001
Haynesville Correctional Center 1,142 0 1,142
Indian Creek Correctional Center 985 0 985
St. Brides Correctional Center 1,105 0 1,105
Sussex I State Prison 1,122 0 1,122
Sussex II State Prison 1·,276 0 1,276
Eastern Region Major Institutions ADP 9,703 1 9,704

Western Region
Augusta Correctional Center 1,163 0 1,163
Bland Correctional Center 640 0 640
Green Rock Correctional Center 0 986 986
Keen Mountain Correctional Center 812 6 818
Marion Correctional Treatment Center 192 0 192
Pocahontas State Correctional Center 1,032 0 1,032
Red Onion State Prison 709 9 718
Wallens Rid~e State Prison 1,173 43 1,216
Western Region Major Institutions ADP 5,721 1,044 6,765

VADOC Major Institutions ADP 26,263 1,046 27,309

Private Prisons
Lawrenceville Correctional Center 1,574 0 1,574

Total Major Institutions ADP 27,837 1,046 28,883

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 3of15
Virginia Department of Corrections
Division of Operations
Average Daily Population
February 2011

Correctional Field Units oos

VADOC Contract
Central Region Inmates Inmates Total ADP
Central Virginia Correctional Unit 214 0 214
Halifax Correctional Unit 241 0 241
Rustbura Correctional Unit 149 0 149
Central Region Correctional Field Unit ADP 604 0 604

Eastern Region
Caroline Correctional Unit 137 0 137
Ha~nesville Correctional Unit 113 0 113
Eastern Region Correctional Field Unit ADP 250 0 250

Western Region
Cold Springs Correctional Unit 113 0 113
Patrick Henry Correctional Unit 135 0 135
Wise Correctional Unit 107 0 107
Western Region Correctional Field Unit ADP 355 0 355

Total Correctional Field Unit ADP 1,209 0 1,209

Correctional Work Centers oos

VADOC Contract
Central Region Inmates Inmates Total ADP
James River Work Center 258 0 258
Nottowa~ Work Center 184 0 184
Central Region Work Center ADP 442 0 442

Eastern Region
Brunswick Work Center 151 0 151
Deerfield Men's Work Center 189 0 189
Deerfield Women's Work Center 170 0 170
Greensville Work Center 267 0 267
Eastern Region Work Center ADP 777 0 777

Western Region
Cold SErinas Work Center 140 0 140
Western Region Work Center ADP 140 0 140

Total Correctional Work Center ADP 1,359 0 1,359

VADOC Contract
Hospitals Inmates Inmates Total ADP
MCV Security Ward 12 0 12
Other Local Hospitals 1 0 1
Total Hospital ADP 13 0 13

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 4of15
VADOC Division of Operations
Average Daily Population - FV2011


20 18 15











Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Ju n- 11

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 5of 15
FY2011 Institutional Monthly Average Daily Population by Inmate Type, Region and Facility Type

Jul-10 Aug-10 See-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Aer-11 Ma~-11 Jun-11 Average
Total Inmates 31,922 32,011 32,011 32,011 32,008 31,952 31,777 31,464 31,895

VADOC Inmates 30,874 30,958 30,958 30,963 30,962 30,905 30,733 30,418 30,846
Out of State (OOS) Contract Inmates 1,048 1,053 1,053 1,048 1,046 ~.047 1,044 1,046 1,048

Central Region 12,271 12,290 12,318 12,308 12,316 12,255 12,159 11,898 12,227
Eastern Region 12,305 12,363 12,343 12,349 12,373 12,415 12,350 12,306 12,351
Western Region 7,346 7,358 7,350 7,354 7,319 7,282 7,268 7,260 7,317

VADOC Major Institutions 27,754 27,816 27,843 27,793 27,734 27,714 27,604 27,309 27,696
Correctional Field Units 1, 172 1,175 1,193 1,216 1,222 1,223 1,209 1,209 1,202
Work Centers 1,402 1,422 1,378 1,406 1,459 1,427 1,375 1,359 1,404
Private Prisons 1,577 1,578 1,580 1,578 1,577 1,573 1,574 1,574 1,576
MCV Hospital Security Ward 14 15 12 15 14 12 14 12 14
Local Hospitals 3 5 5 3 2 3 1 1 3

Central Region 12,271 12,290 12,318 12,308 12,316 12,255 12,159 11,898 12,227
VADOC Major Institutions 11,199 11,196 11,218 11,207 11,209 11,169 11, 103 10,840 11, 143
Correctional Field Units 585 596 604 617 615 613 602 604 605
Work Centers 472 480 481 467 477 460 440 442 465
MCV Hospital Security Ward 14 15 12 15 14 12 14 12 14
Local Hospitals 1 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 1

Eastern Region 12,305 12,363 12,343 12,349 12,373 12,415 12,350 12,306 12,351
VADOC Major Institutions 9,693 9,742 9,763 9,731 9,714 9,765 9,731 9,704 9,730
Correctional Field Units 245 246 247 248 248 249 248 250 248
Work Centers 788 795 751 791 833 826 796 777 795
Private Prisons 1,577 1,578 1,580 1,578 1,577 1,573 1,574 1,574 1,576
Local Hospitals 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2

Western Region 7,346 7,358 7,350 7,354 7,319 7,282 7,268 7,260 7,317
VADOC Major Institutions 6,862 6,878 6,862 6,855 6,811 6,780 6,770 6,765 6,823
Correctional Field Units 342 333 342 351 359 361 359 355 350
Work Centers 142 147 146 148 149 141 139 140 144
Local Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 6of15
FY2011 Institutional Monthly Average Daily Population by Inmate Type, Region and Facility Type

Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 A~r-11 Ma~-11 Jun-11 Average
VADOC Inmates 30,874 30,958 30,958 30,963 30,962 30,905 30,733 30,418 30,846

Central Region 12,270 12,289 12,317 12,307 12,315 12,254 12,158 11,897 12,226
Eastern Region 12,304 12,362 12,342 12,348 12,372 12,414 12,349 12,305 12,350
Western Region 6,300 6,307 6,299 6,308 6,275 6,237 6,226 6,216 6,271

VADOC Major Institutions 26,706 26,763 26,790 26,745 26,688 26,667 26,560 ~6.263 26,648
Correctional Field Units 1,172 1,175 1,193 1,216 1,222 1,223 1,209 1,209 1,202
Work Centers 1,402 1,422 1,378 1,406 1,459 1,427 1,375 1,359 1,404
Private Prisons 1,577 1,578 1,580 1,578 1,577 1,573 1,574 1,574 1,576
MCV Hospital Security Ward 14 15 12 15 14 12 14 12 14
Local Hospitals 3 5 5 3 2 3 1 1 3

Central Region 12,270 12,289 12,317 12,307 12,315 12,254 12,158 11,897 12,226
VADOC Major Institutions 11,198 11, 195 11,217 11,206 11,208 11,168 11, 102 10,839 11, 142
Correctional Field Units 585 596 604 617 615 613 602 604 605
Work Centers 472 480 481 467 477 460 440 442 465
MCV Hospital Security Ward 14 15 12 15 14 12 14 12 14
Local Hospitals 1 3 3 2 1 0 0 1

Eastern Region 12,304 12,362. 12,342 12,348 12,372 12,414 12,349 12,305 12,350
VADOC Major Institutions 9,692 9,741 9,762 9,730 9,713 9,764 9,730 9,703 9,729
Correctional Field Units 245 246 247 248 248 249 248 250 248
Work Centers 788 795 751 791 833 826 796 777 795
Private Prisons 1,577 1,578 1,580 1,578 1,577 1,573 1,574 1,574 1,576
Local Hospitals 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2

Western Region 6,300 6,307 6,299 6,308 6,275 6,237 6,226 6,216 6,271
VADOC Major Institutions 5,816 5,827 5,811 5,809 5,767 5,735 5,728 5,721 5,777
Correctional Field Units 342 333 342 351 359 361 359 355 350
Work Centers 142 147 146 148 149 141 139 140 144
Local Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 7of15
FY2011 Institutional Monthly Average Daily Population by Inmate Type, Region and Facility Type

Jul-10 Aua-10 SeE-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 AEr-11 Ma~"!'11 Jun-11 Average
Out of State (OOS) Contract Inmates 1,048 1,053 1,053 1,048 1,046 1,047 1,044 1,046 1,048

Central Region 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Eastern Region 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Western Region 1,046 1,051 1,051 1,046 1,044 1,045 1,042 1,044 1,046

VADOC Major Institutions 1,048 1,053 1,053 1,048 1,046 1,047 1,044 1,046 1,048
Correctional Field Units 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Work Centers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Private Prisons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MCV Hospital Security Ward 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Local Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Central Region 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
VADOC Major Institutions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Correctional Field Units 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Work Centers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MCV Hospital Security Ward 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Local Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Eastern Region 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
VADOC Major Institutions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Correctional Field Units 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Work Centers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Private Prisons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Local Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Western Region 1,046 1,051 1,051 1,046 1,044 1,045 1,042 1,044 1,046
VADOC Major Institutions 1,046 1,051 1,051 1,046 1,044 1,045 1,042 1,044 1,046
Correctional Field Units 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Work Centers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Local Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Manager:nent Services
Page 8 o(15
FY2011 Institutional Monthly Average Daily Population by Inmate Type, Region and Facility Type

Jul-10 Au9-10 See-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Aer-11 Ma~-11 Jun-11 Average
Central Region VADOC Inmates 12,270 12,289 12,317 12,307 12,315 12,254 12,158 11,897 12,226
VADOC Major Institutions 11, 198 11, 195 11,217 11,206 11,208 11, 168 11, 102 10,839 11,142
Correctional Field Units 585 596 604 617 615 613 602 604 605
Work Centers 472 480 481 467 477 460 440 442 465
MCV Hospital Security Ward 14 15 12 15 14 12 14 12 14
Local Hospitals 1 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 1

Central Region VADOC Major Institutions 11,198 11,195 11,217 11,206 11,208 11,168 11,102 10,839 11,142
Baskerville Correctional Center 474 471 471 475 478 483 470 469 474
Buckingham Correctional Center 1,078 1,077 1,077 1,082 1,057 1,044 1,051 1,052 1,065
Coffeewood Correctional Center 1,184 1,187 1,188 1,183 1,194 1,192 1,185 1, 181 1,187
Deep Meadow Correctional Center 755 763 757 763 759 753 751 718 752
Dillwyn Correctional Center 1,091 1,084 1,080 1,076 1,084 1,076 1,071 1,065 1,078
Fluvanna Correctional Center 1,225 1,231 1,228 1,234 1,232 1,232 1,222 1,229 1,229
James River Correctional Center 446 444 446 461 461 457 412 201 416
Lunenburg Correctional Center 1,179 1,177 1,183 1,177 1,179 1,177 1,172 1,166 1,176
Mecklenburg Correctional Center 705 699 714 715 715 712 720 715 712
Nottoway Correctional Center 1,193 1, 191 1,194 1,193 1, 189 1,188 1,182 1,180 1,189
Powhatan Correctional Center 835 832 836 823 829 824 833 839 831
Powhatan Reception & Classification Center 456 456 456 450 452 451 448 450 452
Virginia Correctional Center for Women 577 583 587 574 579 579 585 574 580

Central Region Correctional Field Units 585 596 604 617 615 613 602 604 605
Central Virginia Correctional Unit 240 239 237 235 221 219 214 214 227
Halifax Correctional Unit 201 208 216 231 244 245 242 241 229
Rustburg Correctional Unit 144 149 151 151 150 149 146 149 149

Central Region Correctional Work Centers 472 480 481 467 477 460 440 442 465
James River Work Center 282 290 290 288 290 285 264 258 281
Nottoway Work Center 190 190 191 179 187 175 176 184 184

Central Region Hospitals 15 18 15 17 ·15 13 14 12 15

MCV Hospital Security Ward 14 15 12 15 14 12 14 12 14
Other Local Hospitals 1 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 1

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department·of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 9of15
FY2011 Institutional Monthly Average Daily Population by Inmate Type, Region and Facility Type

Jul-10 Aua-10 SeE-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 AEr-11 Ma~-11 Jun-11 Average
Eastern Region VADOC Inmates 12,304 12,362 12,342 12,348 12,372 12,414 12,349 12,305 12,350
VADOC Major Institutions 9,692 9,741 9,762 9,730 9,713 9,764 9,730 9,703 9,729
Correctional Field Units 245 246 247 248 248 249 248 250 248
Work Centers 788 795 751 791 833 826 796 777 795
Private Prisons 1,577 1,578 1,580 1,578 1,577 1,573 1,574 1,574 1,576
Local Hospitals 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2

Eastern Region VADOC Major Institutions 9,692 9,741 9,762 9,730 9,713 9,764 9,730 9,703 9,729
Deerfield Correctional Center 1,056 1,062 1,062 1,055 1,063 1,072 1,068 1,073 1,064
Greensville Correctional Center 3,008 3,041 3,035 3,032 3,017 3,010 3,007 3,000 3,019
Haynesville Correctional Center 1, 157 1,154 1,156 1,150 1,159 1, 156 1,145 1,142 1,152
Indian Creek Correctional Center 1,007 1,001 1,005 1,001 1,000 1,004 995 985 1,000
St. Brides Correctional Center 1, 157 1,169 1,166 1,136 1, 109 1,155 1,133 1,105 1,141
Sussex I State Prison 1,041 1,044 1,060 1,077 1,087 1,094 1,107 1,122 1,079
Sussex II State Prison 1,266 1,270 1,278 1,279 1,278 1,273 1,275 1,276 1,274

Eastern Region Correctional Field Units 245 246 247 248 248 249 248 250 248
Caroline Correctional Unit 135 134 135 136 136 136 136 137 136
Haynesville Correctional Unit 110 112 112 112 112 113 112 113 112

Eastern Region Correctional Work Centers 788 795 751 791 833 826 796 777 795
Brunswick Work Center 169 177 169 163 169 171 160 151 166
Deerfield Men's Work Center 191 196 194 197 197 196 195 189 194
Deerfield Women's Work Center 139 135 143 161 174 171 164 170 157
Greensville Work Center 289 287 245 270 293 288 277 267 277

Eastern Region Private Prisons 1,577 1,578 1,580 1,578 1,577 1,573 1,574 1,574 1,576
Lawrenceville Correctional Center 1,577 1,578 1,580 1,578 1,577 1,573 1,574 1,574 1,576

Eastern Region Hospitals 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 10of15
FY2011 Institutional Monthly Average Daily Population by Inmate Type, Region and Facility Type

Jul-10 Aug-10 Se~-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Aer-11 Ma~-11 Jun-11 Average
Western Region VADOC Inmates 6,300 6,307 6,299 6,308 6,275 6,237 6,226 6,216 6,271
VADOC Major Institutions 5,816 5,827 5,811 5,809 5,767 5,735 5,728 5,721 5,777
Correctional Field Units 342 333 342 351 359 361 359 355 350
Work Centers 142 147 146 148 149 141 139 140 144
Local Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Western Region VADOC Major Institutions 5,816 5,827 5,811 5,809 5,767 5,735 5,728 5,721 5,777
Augusta Correctional Center 1,160 1,157 1,160 1,154 1,153 1,156 1,162 1,163 1,158
Bland Correctional Center 638 648 644 645 648 632 635 640 641
Green Rock Correctional Center 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Keen Mountain Correctional Center 881 884 873 878 820 808 811 812 846
Marion Correctional Treatment Center 203 204 200 200 200 199 194 192 199
Pocahontas State Correctional Center 1,026 1,028 1,033 1,032 1,030 1,033 1,031 1,032 1,031
Red Onion State Prison 746 744 743 742 751 745 727 709 738
Wallens Ridge State Prison 1, 161 1,162 1,158 1, 158 1,165 1,162 1,168 1,173 1,163

Western Region Correctional Field Units 342 333 342 351 359 361 359 355 350
Cold Springs Correctional Unit 111 112 113 113 112 113 112 113 112
Patrick Henry Correctional Unit 132 123 126 128 135 136 135 135 131
Wise Correctional Unit 99 98 103 110 112 112 112 107 107

Western Region Correctional Work Centers 142 147 146 148 149 141 139 140 144
Cold Springs Work Center 142 147 146 148 149 141 139 140 144

Western Region Hospitals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 11qf15
FY2011 Institutional Monthly Average Daily Population by Inmate Type, Region and Facility Type

-Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 A~r-11 Ma~-11 Jun-11 Average
Major Institutions VADOC Inmates 28,283 28,341 28,370 28,323 28,265 28,240 28, 134 27,837 28,224

Central Region VADOC Major Institutions 11,198 11,195 11,217 11,206 11,208 11,168 11,102 10,839 11,142
Baskerville Correctional Center 474 471 471 475 478 483 470 469 474
Buckingham Correctional Center 1,078 1,077 1,077 1,082 1,057 1,044 1,051 1,052 1,065
Coffeewood Correctional Center 1,184 1,187 1, 188 1,183 1,194 1,192 1,185 1, 181 1,187
Deep Meadow Correctional Center 755 763 757 763 759 753 751 718 752
Dillwyn Correctional Center 1,091 1,084 1,080 1,076 1,084 1,076 1,071 1,065 1,078
Fluvanna Correctional Center 1,225 1,231 1,228 1,234 1,232 1,232 1,222 1,229 1,229
James River Correctional Center 446 444 446 461 461 457 412 201 416
Lunenburg Correctional Center 1,179 1,177 1,183 1,177 1,179 1,177 1,172 1,166 1,176
Mecklenburg Correctional Center 705 699 714 715 715 712 720 715 712
Nottoway Correctional Center 1,193 1,191 1,194 1,193 1, 189 1,188 1,182 1,180 1,189
Powhatan Correctional Center 835 832 836 823 829 824 833 839 831
Powhatan Reception & Classification Center 456 456 456 450 452 451 448 450 452
Virginia Correctional Center for Women 577 583 587 574 579 579 585 574 580

Eastern Region VADOC Major Institutions 9,692 9,741 9,762 9,730 9,713 9,764 9,730 9,703 9,729
Deerfield Correctional Center 1,056 1,062 1,062 1,055 1,063 1,072 1,068 1,073 1,064
Greensville Correctional Center 3,008 3,041 3,035 3,032 3,017 3,010 3,007 3,000 3,019
Haynesville Correctional Center 1, 157 1,154 1,156 1,150 1,159 1,156 1,145 1,142 1,152
Indian Creek Correctional Center 1,007 1,001 1,005 1,001 1,000 1,004 995 985 1,000
St. Brides Correctional Center 1,157 1,169 1,166 1,136 1,109 1,155 1, 133 1,105 1, 141
Sussex I State Prison 1,041 1,044 1,060 1,077 1,087 1,094 1, 107 1,122 1,079
Sussex II State Prison 1,266 1,270 1,278 1,279 1,278 1,273 1,275 1,276 1,274

Eastern Region Private Prisons 1,577 1,578 1,580 1,578 1,577 1,573 1,574 1,574 1,576
Lawrenceville Correctional Center 1,577 1,578 1,580 1,578 1,577 1,573 1,574 1,574 1,576

Western Region VADOC Major Institutions 5,816 5,827 5,811 5,809 5,767 5,735 5,728 5,721 5,777
Augusta Correctional Center 1,160 1,157 1,160 1,154 1,153 1,156 1,162 1, 163 1,158
Bland Correctional Center 638 648 644 645 648 632 635 640 641
Green Rock Correctional Center 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Keen Mountain Correctional Center 881 884 873 878 820 808 811 812 846
Marion Correctional Treatment Center 203 204 200 200 200 199 194 192 199-
Pocahontas State Correctional Center 1,026 1,028 1,033 1,032 1,030 1,033 1,031 1,032 1,031
Red Onion State Prison 746 744 743 742 751 745 727 709 738
Wallens Ridge State Prison 1, 161 1,162 1,158 1,158 1,165 1,162 1,168 1,173 1,163

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 12of15
FY2011 Institutional Monthly Average Daily Population by Inmate Type, Region and Facility Type

Jul-10 Aug-10 See-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Aer-11 Ma~-11 Jun-11 Average
Correctional Field Units VADOC Inmates 1,172 1,175 1,193 1,216 1,222 1,223 1,209 1,209 1,202

Central Region Correctional Field Units 585 596 604 617 615 613 602 604 605
Central Virginia Correctional Unit 240 239 237 235 221 219 214 214 227
Halifax Correctional Unit 201 208 216 231 244 245 242 241 229
Rustburg Correctional Unit 144 149 151 151 150 149 146 149 149
Eastern Region Correctional Field Units 245 246 247 248 248 249 ·245 250 248
Caroline Correctional Unit 135 134 135 136 136 136 136 137 136
Haynesville Correctional Unit 110 112 112 112 112 113 112 113 112
Western Region Correctional Field Units 342 333 342 351 359 361 359 355 350
Cold Springs Correctional Unit 111 112 113 113 112 113 112 113 112
Patrick Henry Correctional Unit 132 123 126 128 135 136 135 135 131
Wise Correctional Unit 99 98 103 110 112 112 112 107 107

Correctional Work Centers VADOC Inmates 1,402 1,422 1,378 1,406 1,459 1,427 1,375 1,359 1,404

Central Region Correctional Work Centers 472 480 481 467 477 460 440 442 465
James River Work Center 282 290 290 288 290 285 264 258 281
Nottoway Work Center 190 190 191 179 187 175 176 184 184
Eastern Region Correctional Work Centers 788 795 751 791 833 826 796 777 795
Brunswick Work Center 169 177 169 163 169 171 160 151 166
Deerfield Men's Work Center 191 196 194 197 197 196 195 189 194
Deerfield Women's Work Center 139 135 143 161 174 171 164 170 157
Greensville Work Center 289 287 245 270 293 288 277 267 277
Western Region Correctional Work Centers 142 147 146 148 149 141 139 140 144
Cold Springs Work Center 142 147 146 148 149 141 139 140 144

Hospitals 17 18 15 17 16 15 15 13 16
MCV Hospital Security Ward 14 15 12 15 14 12 14 12 14
Other Local Hospitals 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 2

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 13of15
FY2011 Institutional Monthly Average Daily Population by Inmate Type, Region and Facility Type

Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Aer-11 Ma~-11 Jun-11 Average
Out of State (OOS) Contract Inmates 1,048 1,053 1,053 1,048 1,046 1,047 1,044 1,046 1,048

Central Region OOS Contract Inmates 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Fluvanna Correctional Center - US Virgin Islands 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Eastern Region OOS Contract Inmates 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Greensville Correctional Center - US Virgin Islands 1 1 1 1 1

Western Region OOS Contract Inmates 1,046 1,051 1,051 1,046 1,044 1,045 1,042 1,044 1,046
Green Rock Correctional Center - Pennsylvania 995 998 999 994 990 985 983 986 991
Keen Mountain Correctional Center - US Virgin Islands 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 5
Marion Correctional Treatment Center - Hawaii 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
Red Onion State Prison - Pennsylvania 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 3 1
Red Onion State Prison - US Virgin Islands 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6
Wallens Ridge State Prison - Hawaii 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Wallens Ridge State Prison - Pennsylvania 14 13 13 13 13 16 16 16 14
Wallens Ridge State Prison - US Virgin Islands 27 29 28 27 27 27 26 25 27

Hospital OOS Contract Inmates 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MCV Hospital Security Ward - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Local Hospitals - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 14of15
Virginia Department of Corrections
Division of Community Corrections
End of Month Population
February 2011
Probation & Parole·
Su~ervision T~ee Central Eastern Western Total
Parole 928 1,102 500 2,530
Probation 17,798 16,854 14,978 49,630
Post-Release Supervision 187 466 59 712
Interstate Compact 704 515 355 1,574
Conditional Release 5 6 1 12
Supervision Type Yet Not Reportecfl 1,740 1,729 1, 181 4,650
Total Probation & Parole End of Month Population 21,362 20,672 17,074 59, 108

Special Programs
Detention Centers Total
Appalachian Detention Center 105
Chesterfield Women's Detention Center 44
Southam~ton Detention Center 102
Total Detention Center EOM Population 251
Diversion Centers Total
Chesterfield Women's Diversion Center 67
Harrisonburg Diversion Center 94
Stafford Diversion Center 88
White Post Diversion Center 116
Total Diversion Center EOM Population 365
Community Residential Pro9rams Probationers Parolees Total
Apex Management (Male) 15 0 15
Dominion Services (Female) 3 3 6
Darcus Home (Male) 0 15 15
Franklin Grove (Male) 7 0 7
Gemeinschaft (Male) 29 0 29
Guest House (Female) 10 0 10
Piedmont House (Male) 15 3 18
Rubicon (Female) 5 0 5
Rubicon (Male) 13 2 15
Second Chance (Male) 6 0 6
Secor/LCCC (Female) 2 0 2
Secor/LCCC (Male) 8 0 8
Stellar (.Femalel 8 0 8
Total Community Residential Program EOM Population 121 23 144

0ffenders from other states who are currently being supervised in Virginia under an Interstate Compact agreement.
1nmates who were released from a Civil Commitment, from incarceration due to Medical reasons, Commutation/Pardon or
other reasons where a Community Supervision obligation is required as a condition of their being released.
0ffenders who have been assigned to a P&P District but have not yet had a Supervision Type entered.
Special Program Populations are included in the Total P&P EOM Population.

Monthly Population Summary - February 2011

Virginia Department of Corrections
Research & Management Services
Page 15of15
Attachment D

· The State of Nevada, as a part of the RFP process, requires proposing vendors to submit business
references as required within this document. The purpose of these references is to document the
experience relevant to the scope of work and provide assistance in the evaluatio1fprocess.

The proposing vendor is required to complete Part A and send the following reference form to each
business reference listed for completion of Part R The business reference, in turn, is requested to
submit the Reference Form directly to the State of Nevada, Purchasing Division by the requested
deadline for inclusion in the evaluation process. The business reference may be contacted for validation
of the response.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 1

State of Nevada Brian Sandoval
Department of Administration Governor
Purchasing Division
515 E. Musser Street, Suite 300 Greg Smith
Carson City, NV 89701 Administrator



Part A:
(Name of company requesting reference)

Part B:
This form is being submitted to your company for completion as a business reference for the company
listed above. This form is to be returned to the State of Nevada, Purchasing Division, via e-mail at
[email protected] Attn: Keli Hardcastle or facsimile at (775) 684-0188, Attn: Keli
Hardcastle no later than April 29, 2011, and must not be returned to the company requesting the
reference. When contacting us, please be sure to include the Request for Proposal number listed at the
top of this page.


Company providin2 reference:
Contact name and title/position
Contact telephone number
Contact e-mail address
1. Has the Vendor provided you with kiosks in the past 3 years and how would you rate their overall
__ (3 =Excellent; 2 =:Satisfactory; 1=Unsatisfactory;0 =Unacceptable I No Service in last 3 years)

2. In general, what services has the vendor provided for you?


3. How would you rate the completeness and accuracy of the data and reports provided by the vendor?
_ _ (3 =Excellent; 2 =Satisfactory; 1 =Unsatisfactory; 0 =Unacceptable)
3. How would you rate the vendor's flexibility relative to changes in the project scope and
__ (3 =Excellent; 2 =Satisfactory; l =Unsatisfactory; 0 =Unacceptable)

4. How would you rate the dynamics/interaction between the vendor and your staff?
_ _ (3 =Excellent; 2 =Satisfactory; l =Unsatisfactory; 0 =Unacceptable)

5. How would you rate the timely and proactive nature of the vendor in providing service?
_ _(3 =Excellent; 2 =Satisfactory; l =Unsatisfactory; 0 =Unacceptable)

6. How would you rate the vendor's ability and attention to detail during pre and post
_ _ _ (3 = Excellent; 2 = Satisfactory; l = Unsatisfactory; 0 = Unacceptable)

8. With which aspect(s) of this vendor's services are you most satisfied?

9. With which aspect(s) of this vendor's services are you least satisfied?

10. Would you reconunend this vendor's services to your organization again?
State of Nevada
Brian Sandoval
Department of Administration Governor
Purchasing Division
515 E. Musser Street. Suite 300 Greg Smith
Carson City, NV 8970 I

The State of Nevada Purchasing Division

on behalf of National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO)
and the Multi-State Corrections Procurement Alliance (MCPA)
Request For Proposal No.1901

Release Date: March 24, 2011
Deadline for Submission and Opening Date and Time: May 4, 2011 @ 2:00 P.M.

For additional information, please contact:

Ronda Miller, Procurement Staff Member
(77 5) 684-0182
(TTY for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing: 1-800-326-6868
Ask the relay agent to dial 1-775-684-0182/V.)

This document must be submitted in the "State

Documents" section/tab of vendors' technical proposal ·"'

See Page 22, for instructions on submitting proposals.

Contact Information
Company Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ City _ _ _ _ _ __ State ___ Zip _ _ __

Telephone(_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fax(_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

E-Mail A d d r e s s : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Prices contained in this proposal are subject to acceptance within _ _ _ _ _ _ _ calendar days.

Contact Person
Print Name & Title
Page 1 of65

1. OVERVIEW OF PROJECT I SCOPE OF WORK ......................................................................... 3

2. ACRONYMS/DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................... :. 4

3. PROJECT DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................. 6

4. PROJECT TERMS AND CONDITIONS ....................................................................................... 17

5. COMPANY BACKGROUND AND REFERENCES ..................................................................... 18

6. COST ................................................................................................................................................... 20

7. PAYMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 20

8. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................... 21

9. PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND AWARD PROCESS ............................................................... 26

10. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCEPTIONS .............................................................................. 27

11. SUBMISSION CHECKLIST ........................................................................................................... 31

Attachment A .......................................................................................................................................... 32

Attachment B ........................................................................................................................................... 33

Attachment C .......................................................................................................................................... 34

Attachment D .......................................................................................................................................... 45

Attachment E ........................................................................................................................................... 48

Attachment F ........................................................................................................................................... 51

Attachment G .......................................................................................................................................... 53

Attachment H .......................................................................................................................................... 55

Attachment 1............................................................................................................................................ 59

Attachment J ........................................................................................................................................... 60

Attachment K .......................................................................................................................................... 61

Attachment L ........................................................................................................................................... 62

Attachment M .......................................................................................................................................... 63

Attachment N .......................................................................................................................................... 64

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Pagel

A Request for Proposal process is different from an Invitation to Bid. The State expects vendors
to propose creative, competitive solutions to the agency's stated problem or need, as specified
below. Vendors may take exception to any section of the RFP, except Section 4 Project Terms and
Conditions. Exceptions should be clearly stated in Attachment B (Certification of Indemnification
and Compliance with Terms and Conditions of RFP) and will be considered during the evaluation
process. The State reserves the right to limit the Scope of Work prior to award, if deemed in the
best interest of the State NRS §333.350(1).

Prospective vendors are advised to review Nevada's ethical standards requirements, including but
not limited to, NRS 281A and the Governor's Proclamation, which can be found on the
Purchasing Division's website (


The State of Nevada, Purchasing Division on behalf of the National Association of State
Procurement Officials (NASPO) and the Multi-State Corrections Procurement Alliance (MCPA)
is seeking qualified manufacturers to provide Inmate Kiosks for NASPO/MCP A and all
participating States. Vendors will provide and manage a system that will allow offenders in
designated correctional facilities access to .automated services with little or no assistance of staff.

The National Association of State Procurement Officials is a national association of Chief

Procurement Officers that has established a procurement cooperative for state government
departments, institutions and political subdivisions (i.e., colleges, school districts, counties,
cities, etc.) for the NASPO Member States and territories of the United States.

Under terms of the NASPO Cooperative Memorandum of Agreement all fifty states and the
District of Columbia may participate· in this potential contract at their option and in accordance
with their statutory requirements and rules.

Obligations under contracts that result from this cooperative procurement are limited to those
states and other eligible purchasing entities that execute a Participating Addendum.

Financial obligations of Participating States are limited to the orders placed by the departments
or other state agencies ·and institutions having available funds.

Participating States incur no financial obligations on behalf of political subdivisions.

Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation or by Participating States the resulting master price
agreement(s) will be permissive.

Traditionally Department of Corrections (DOC) provides services to inmates located within its
Institutions/Facilities across the state. Most of these services are requested by the inmates
through DOC staff, requiring a significant staff time investment to complete transactions.
Permitting inmates to obtain these services electronically in a secure correctional environment
with little staff assistance will greatly improve the efficiency of both correctional and free-staff,
allowing for a more efficient operation.

The process for this solicitation and eventual contract is as follows:

• The RFP will be drafted and issued by the State of Nevada;

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page3

• The RFP process will governed by the Laws and Codes of the State of Nevada;
• A recommendation of award will be issued by the State of Nevada, based on the
Evaluation Committee's results, to the NASPO Directors;
• If approved, the Master Service Agreement will be executed (Attachment C) by the
Successful Vendors and the State of Nevada;
• Each state must then execute a Participating Addendum (Attachment H) with any unique
Tenns and Conditions. It is the awarded vendors' responsibility to negotiate with each
participating state. Upon award vendor(s) must work with the state's existing
commissary/inmate banking company i.e. Cashless Systems.

This RFP contains a multi-.state scope and may result in more than one contract. The resulting
contract(s) will be for a contract tenn of five (5) years, subject to approval of the NASPO Board
of Directors anticipated to be June 1, 2011.


For the purposes of this RFP, the following acronyms/definitions will be used:

Confidential Any infonnation relating to the amount or source of any income, profits, losses or
Information expenditures, including data relating to cost or price submitted in support of a bid
or proposal. The term does not include the amount of a bid or proposal. See NRS
§333.020(5)(b ).

Division Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC).

Evaluation An independent committee comprised of a majority of state officers or employees

Committee/ established to evaluate and score proposals submitted in response to the RFP
Sourcing Team pursuant to NRS §333.335.

LOI Letter of Intent - notification of the state's intent to award a contract to a vendor,
pending successful negotiations; all information remains confidential until the.
issuance of the fonnal notice of ~ward.

Lead State The State of Nevada and its state agencies, officers, employees and immune
contractors as defined in NRS 41.0307.

May Indicates something that is not mandatory but permissive.

NAC Nevada Administrative Code

Nevada The lead state for the purpose of this RFP

NRS Nevada Revised Statutes

NOA Notice of Award - fonnal notification of the state's decision to award a contract,
pending Examiners' approval of said contract, any non-confidential infonnation
becomes available upon written request.

NASPO The National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO).

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page4

Participating State State(s) that have indicated intent to participate or who have executed a
Participating Addendum.

Proprietary Any trade secret or confidential business infonnation that is contained in a bid or
Information proposal or included in a particular contract.

Public Record All books and public records of a governmental entity, the contents of which are
not otherwise declared by law to be confidential (see NRS §333.333 and NRS
§600A.030(5)) must be open to inspection by any person and may be fully copied
or an abstract or memorandum may be prepared from those public books and
public records.

RFP Request for Proposal - a written statement which sets forth the requirements and
specifications of a contract to be awarded by competitive selection NRS

ShalVMust/Will Indicates a mandatory requirement. Failure to meet a mandatory requirement may

result in the rejection of a proposal as non-responsive.

Should Indicates something that is recommended but not mandatory. If the vendor fails
to provide recommended information, the State may, ·at its sole option, ask the
vendor to provide the information or evaluate the proposal without the

State The State of Nevada and its state agencies, officers, employees and immune
contractors as defined in NRS 41.0307.

Subc01itractor Third party, not directly employed by the vendor, who will provide services
identified in this RFP. This does not include third parties who provide support or
incidental services to the vendor.

Successful Vendor The organization/individual that is awarded and has an approved contract with the
State of Nevada for the services identified in this RFP.

Trade Secret Information, including, without limitation, a fonnula, pattern, compilation,

program, device, method, technique, product, system, process, design, prototype,
procedure, computer programming instruction or code that: derives independent
economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not
being readily ascertainable by proper means by the public or any other person
who can obtain commercial or economic value from its disclosure or use; and is
the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its

Vendor Organization/individual submitting a proposal in response to this RFP.

WSCA The Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) is a cooperative group-

contracting consortium for state government departments, institutions, agencies
and political subdivisions (i.e., colleges, school districts, counties, cities, etc.,) for
the States of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Minnesota,

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page5

Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and
Wyoming. WSCA is a subset of the National Association of State Procurement
Officials (NASPO). NASPO is a non-profit association dedicated to
strengthening the procurement community through education, research, and
communication. It is made up of the directors of the central purchasing offices in
each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the territories of the United


In accordance with NRS 333.333, "Each request for proposals must include mm1mum
requirements that the successful vendor must meet for the awarding of a contract pursuant to the
provisions of this chapter. A contract may not be awarded to a vendor who does not comply with
the requirements set forth in the request for proposals." All successful vendors must meet the
requirements of this section.

This procurement contemplates a multi-state· scope and may result in more than one contract. In
detennining an award, factors considered include but are not be limited to, pricing, range of
applications offered; the favorability of the tenns under which the vendor will do business; other
vendor programs, capabilities, and product characteristics judged to provide additional value or
administrative cost savings to the Participating States.

While the primary purpose of this solicitation is to select a vendor(s) who can meet the needs of
Participating States, vendors may propose on one or more of the system requirements as
indicated below. Vendors must clearly describe any geographical limits (e.g. by state name) if
proposing a geographical area less than that of all Participating States.

A Participating State may evaluate and select a vendor judged to be in the best interests of the
state involved. Administration of any such award(s) will be done by each of the Participating
State(s) involved.

Violation of, or conflict with any codes or standard requirements throughout this RFP must be
brought to the attention of the Participating States DOC's institutions/facilities prior to bidding,
as each state operates slightly different as a result of the security levels at the locations.

It will be the awarded vendor's responsibility to provide proof to all Participating States' all
sales/use taxes has been paid.


3. I. I Kiosk Solutions

3.1.1. I Turnkey Kiosks - all hardware and software necessary to provide any
related services the vendor provides.

3. I .1.2 Stand Alone Kiosk - all hardware and software necessary to provide
unattended transaction processing of applications.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page6 Outside Kiosk - located outside and be able to withstand weather and the
elements; rain, snow, wind, sun, etc. Kiosks should withstand
temperatures from -20 degrees to 110 degrees with up to 100% humidity. Hardware Only Kiosk - all related hardware as needed to implement kiosk
solution. Kiosk should contain a touch screen; however, a durable
security centered keyboard will also be considered especially supporting
disabled inmates who could not access the kiosks.

Note: If proposing this type of kiosk, vendor to be responsible for the

project, with a sub-contractor(s) as needed to complete the installation as

3.1.2 Kiosk Enclosure

The successful vendor shall provide a kiosk design to be of standalone style for
inside/outside locations. The kiosk enclosure/housing needs to be self contained,
rugged and secure. No crevices that can enable inmates to damage or spill into
the enclosure and damage the kiosk.

This requirement is not mandatory and will be determined by the type of kiosk
proposed. If there are no enclosures, vendors are to explain in detail the plan for
mounting and security of the hardware.

Kiosk enclosures may, but not limited the following: Heavy duty locking mechanisms, hinges, door mechanisms capable of

resisting inmate tampering and vandalism. Hardware must be contained in the kiosk enclosure. The kiosk should have the ability to be anchored to the floor and or the
wall. The vendor shall ensure that each kiosk can be easily unsecured
from the floor or the wall by authorized personnel. The kiosk enclosure must be of a neutral color and easily cleaned. The kiosk shall not bear company names or logos. Pictures, artist renderings and drawings of the proposed kiosk design
shall be included with the proposal. Vendor must ensure that battery-backed alanns with detectors on all
openings are implemented where entry might be forced. Kiosk alarms
must be:
• Manually set to ring for a period of time with shrill alann;
• Capable of activation/deactivation at a remote location designated
by the institution; and
• Proven not to provide false signaling regarding remote alarm. Kiosks must have sealed opening(s) for power and phone lines as
needed. Kiosks have adequate ventilation to include fans if needed for


Inmate Kiosks RFP No.1901 Page 7

3.2.l Kiosk Applications

At minimum, the operating system/applications should allow the Participating

States DOC the ability to modify. Vendor shall ensure each kiosk is maintained
on the most current version of the vendor's systems of operation, with no more
than two versions at any one-time across all kiosks.

Vendor shall provide the method of insuring inmate ID security. Methods could
include fingerprint scan, or other biometric possibilities, ID card scanning
(magnetic or barcode), and or voice options. (Refer to section 3.3 of this RFP)

Vendors to describe in detail the ability to provide at minimum the following

functionality within their software application: Email/Secure Messaging - Incoming/outgoing is screened by the

system using keyword search before download is allowed. Keyword.
screening would evaluate risk level of e-mail. Unacceptable or
questionable (moderate to high risk) e-mail is held or staged at a
central location computer for DOC approval before it is available for
offender delivery or download. At minimum; Keyword search may be
edited at any time. Offender email must be storable by vendor or
transferrable to DOC Storage. Email services, including, restrictions of senders/receivers,

and keyword search capabilities on both incoming and
outgoing messages. Please give your ability to provide the
above. Capability for the DOC to manage email approvals at either
an institution level as well as a state level. Systems ability for the email to include photos. System to
allow for separate view of photos from messages and the
ability to reject/accept any combination of those.
NOTE: Photos will increase stress on the network. Estimated impact of email/messaging on the DOC network. Provide a plan for data lines should capabilities at the
institutions be limited as a result of this implementation. Internet access/direct e-mail reply is not allowed within the
Nevada Department of Corrections. Vendor to detail how
this could be managed with their systems. Vendor to propose both viewing and printing options
available for the proposed kiosk. Inmate Banking - Many of the DOC' s currently have a system to

accept electronic funds transfers. If available, vendors shall provide
their capability and system to provide Electronic Funds Transfer. The
vendor must outline the process for verification via all methods, such
as debit card, credit card, or money order.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page8

NOTE: Vendors that accept credit cards must specify that they meet
all card requirements for the processing of transactions. Nonpayment
of credit card transactions will not be the responsibility of the DOC. Exchange data with the DOC Inmate Banking System:

including but not limited to bank balances and transaction
information. Vendor to describe any limitations to the
information can be presented to the inmate through the
Kiosk. Kiosks installed in the visitation area shall be limited to
deposits only and to include cash, checks, and credit cards. Enforce ability to maintain minimum and maximum
deposit levels. Machine to have the ability to print deposit
receipts. Describe security features that insure accurate deposits, i.e.,
wrong account numbers. Security - Provide the method of insuring inmate ID
security. Vendors to provide their ability to provide bio-
metrics, magnetic card readers, or other forms of security. Inmate Grievances - (Internal complaint routing)

Vendor to provide internal document routing between inmate kiosk
and DOC staff. If this currently does not exist, is there potential for
future expansion in this area? Ability to Translate Information

• Spanish/English-English/Spanish;
• Translate Applications/Information from English to other
languages. Inmates Commissary Ordering commissary items directly through the kiosk. Provide holiday or package program orders for the inmates. Interface purchases with the inmate banking system. Video Visitation Requirements for data transfer for video visitation. Estimated impact of video visitation on the DOC network. A plan for data lines should capabilities at the institutions
be limited as a result of this implementation. Vendor to propose recommended visitation time
constraints. Inmate Scheduling

Vendor to provide any scheduling capabilities i.e. inmate medical
appointment scheduling. MP3 - Download I Purchasing of Music

Vendor must be able to customize music catalog for approval by
institutions by State.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page9 Ability to download with and without direct access to the
internet; Secure MP3 music downloads solutions; Offer a large variety of titles and genres available for
purchase; Alternative methods that allow the inmates to search and
·choose music (to place in a queue) without being connected
to the kiosk. This includes the ability to choose order of
preference and deleting selections in the queue; Download/data retrieval times; Security features and if features can be disabled upon
release for normal use. This includes any locking features
to prevent music sharing, etc. Vendor to describe theft
prevention features; Capabilities of the actual MP3 player to be used. Are there
base/upgraded versions? What is the min/max gigabyte
capacity? Describe power features and how recharging of the player
is achieved;
3 . Must be able to provide inmate with transaction
data/account balance; System to be able to catalog inmate songs in a database; the
ability for the inmate to manage his total music library; Player must be clear to provide viewing of internal
components; DOC must have the capability to approve all music
available to purchase on the catalog; and Vendor must have contractual rights to distribute digital
media from major music labels or other entertainment
fields to provide reasonable volume of acceptable media
content. Phone Time Usage

Capabilities for the kiosk to provide tracking of phone time usage. Application Architecture Open source application. Documented Interface API and tool kit ad. Custom changes to the Interface APL

3 .2.1.11 Interfacing
3 . Vendor to detail their capability to interface vendor's
applications to DOC applications. Security and capability when interfacing to DOC

3 .2.1.12 Communications
Kiosks to support communications via:
• Cable
• Wireless

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 10

• Other

3.2 .1. i 3 Scalability

Vendor to recommend number of inmate to kiosk ratio and how their
system can adjust based on changing inmate populations. Provide all
assumptions used to ide~tify required computing power and/or

3.2.2 Software Requirements

The successful vendor shall provide a kiosk application that will run on an
operating system designated by the DOC and is capable of being upgraded.

The successful vendor shall allow for additional applications to be added as

determined necessary by the DOC. Upon mutual agreement between the vendor
and the DOC, additional applications can be added via change order to the kiosk
while this contract or its extensions are in effect, at the department's option.

Vendor must provide any and all upgrades that become available during the term
of the contract. Third Party Acquisition of Software: vendor shall notify the

Department in writing if its intellectual property, business, or all of its
assets are acquired by a third party. Title of Software: Vendors submitting a proposal represents and
warrants that it is the sole owner of the software or, if not, the owner,
has received all legally required authorizations from the owner. Vendor
to provide the following documentation:
• Term of software license.
• Rights to Computer Software. Touch screen monitor shall reduce the ability to read the screen when
viewed from the side to prevent others from viewing displayed
information. Touch screen shall not require scrolling.

3.2.3 System Architecture The capability for the development of future applications and

implementing these applications on the proposed hardware
configuration. Vendor shall ensure that the system architecture is scalable and
designed to easily and inexpensively accommodate changes (future
applications, etc) resulting from DOC rules and workflows. Vendor mu~t allow for the kiosks to be data linked within an institution,
and best case to be linked throughout the Department. Provide the capability of producing reports, including but not limited
• Use and statistical reports by function. (i.e., Banking queries, store
sales, phone time, etc; and
• Accounting repo11s.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 11 Provide a kiosk application that will run on a operating system
designated by the DOC and is capable of being upgraded. Touch screen buttons and font sizes large enough to be easily read by
the majority of customers. Provide kiosk application instructions to the inmates which are clear
and to the point, with no large blocks of text. Vendor shall ensure each kiosk is maintained on the most current
version of the vendor's systems of operation, with no more than two
versions at any one-time across all kiosks. Kiosk Operational Statistics to include:
• At minimum, internal operational software.
• Ability to look at up-time logging data and monitor kiosks.
• Full monitoring capabilities; KYM/Power. · Data transfer in your operating system. Please include specification for
eXtendable Markup Language (XML) or other standard interface
options, to tie in a kiosk-based application with offender management

3 .2.4 Customer Interaction Messages

Messages to be available in English and Spanish.

Vendors are to describe in detail the following: Transaction processing messages; What messages prompt the inmate during their time on the
kiosk; Error message, can the error message be customized? Does functionality include instructional prompts? Transaction processing messages to indicate what messages prompt the
inmate during their time on the kiosk. This should include error
• Can the error message be customized?
• Does the functionality include instructional prompts?

3.2.5 Remote Management

At minimum, remote Keyboard/Video/Mouse (KVM) reset is required. Vendor to detail remote management capabilities. To include the

• Monitoring;
• Diagnostics;
• EtTor resolution;
• Software problem assistance;
• Intelligence reporting;
• Application and software updates and upgrades; and
• Rebooting and controlling the remote kiosks from a central

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page12 Remote management should be set through a security access

3.2.6 Software Provisions Vendor shall provide any and all software upgrades that become
available during the term of the contract. Third party Acquisition of Software - The vendor shall notify the
department in writing if its intellectual property, business, or all of its
assets are acquired by a third party. · Title of Software - By submitting a proposal, the vendor represents
and warrants that it is the sole owner of the software or, if not, the
owner, has received all legally required authorizations from the owner. Tenn of software license. Rights to Computer Software.

3 .2. 7 Hardware Requirements

Vendor must describe the capability for the development of future applications
and implementing these applications on the proposed hardware configuration.

Vendors to describe in detail the ability to provide the following: Vendor shall provide for all electrical equipment to operate on a

regular 120 volt, 60 hertz, AC power and be "UL" or equivalently
listed and be certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory
to be compliant with the FCC regulations. Monitors must be Energy Star Compliant with a minimum level of
EPEAT Bronze. Monitors must be a minimum of 17" in size across the
diagonal, having an associated graphics control board with video
drivers. Monitor must be able to withstand operating temperatures of
110 degrees and 100% humidity. Describe alternatives for offenders with· disabilities. i.e., Large print
options; Text reader options for the blind; Assistive key-stroke
functionality for paralyzed offenders. Vendor to propose solutions that would assist the visually impaired. Each kiosk must have a touch screen video display monitor capable of
displaying digitized photographs, graphics, and videos, etc. Touch screen monitor must be secure, safe and capable of
withstanding heavy usage in a correctional environment. It must be
scratch resistant. Vendor must provide any special care required to
keep the screen clean, and prolong the viewing and usage life
expectancy. Touch screen monitor shall not be of the "overlay" or "membrane"
type. If a "surface acoustic" or "capacitive" technology is not utilized,
the vendor must provide an explanation of why another technology is
being proposed. Touch screen monitor must reduce the ability to read the screen when
viewed from the side to prevent others from viewing displayed

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page13


Vendors to describe in detail how the following security requirements will be performed:

3.3.1 System must be able to support secure wireless, if required by using facility.
3.3.2 Kiosks may or may not connect to DOC information technology infrastructure.
3.3.3 Vendor to detail plans to support their proposal both ways.
3.3.4 Incoming e-mail is screened by the system using keyword search before
download is allowed. Keyword screening would evaluate risk level of e-mail.
Unacceptable or questionable (moderate to high risk) e-mail is held or staged at a
central location computer for DOC approval before it is available for offender
delivery or download.
• Keyword search may be edited at any time.
• Offender email must be stored by vendor or transferrable to DOC
3.3.5 Internet access/direct e-mail reply is not allowed within the Nevada Department
of Corrections. Vendor to detail how this could be managed with their systems.
3.3.6 MP3 music downloads - Player connects and accepts downloads only from the
secure kiosk. No direct access to the internet within the Nevada Department of
Corrections. Vendor to detail plans to support their proposal with and without
direct access to the internet.
3.3.7 Recording Video Visitations
3.3.8 Vendor must have contractual rights to distribute digital media from major music
labels or other entertainment fields to provide reasonable volume of acceptable
media content.


3.4.1 Software Modification by the vendor and Release Management. Department initiated modification to the software; the vendor shall

provide the following:
• Timely cost estimates; and
• Reasonable delivery date for enhancements, as mutually agreed
upon. The vendor will prepare software releases and stages for testing,
validation and acceptance in a test environment. The Department will
perform testing for authorization to proceed prior to migration to
production environment. The vendor shall propose, provide, and describe their solution for
change management. These must include at a minimum:
• Version number;
• Description of the change;
• How the change was initiated (i.e. user or system support);
• Person requesting the change;
• Person responsible for the change; and
• Date and time of the change.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 14 Vendor to provide maintenance and service plan to include frequency
and speed of maintenance. Downtime shall not extend past a 24 hour
period. The successful contractor must provide support for the equipment
Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in participating state's
time zone. Vendor must provide the toll free number for agency to
call when service is needed. Maintain levels of service and machine installation at no cost to state. No additional installation cost for changing out machines that need
repair or replacement. The vendor will coordinate its service schedule in advance with the
institution. If ownership of equipment shall remain with the contractor, the state
shall provide reasonable measures against loss by pilferage or
destruction. The vendor shall be responsible for any expenses required
for the repair of the equipment. The successful vendor must provide following support services for
equipment placed within state buildings, that include but are not
limited to:
• Unlimited phone support;
• Updates and upgrades;
• Security-related updates to their proposed solution, which may be
called updates, upgrades, patches, service packs, hot fixes, or


3.5.1 Vendor must include in their proposal reporting capabilities for machines to be
provided, to include but not limited to the following:

• Processing time per transaction;

• Number of transactions per day;
• Offender purchases;
• The number of an individual's purchases;
• Transactions rejected and rejection reason;
• The source and amount of deposits to offender accounts;
• Use and statistical reports by function. (i.e. Banking queries, store sales,
phone time, etc; and
• Be able to provide custom reports as may be requested by individual
participating entities. Describe in general, the level of sophistication and
complexity, custom usage report data that you can provide to the
participating entities. Vendors should provide a sample report with their

3.5.2 Reporting shall be provided in the format required by MCPA/NASPO Reporting

Forms (Attachment N). ·

3.5.3 The following usage reports shall be submitted for the respective quarter:

• A quarterly summary of equipment sold.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 15
• A quarterly summary by category.

Reports are to be submitted to the lead State in the format required by MCPA
(Attachment N).

Reporting Dates:

1st Quarter - July- September - due by November 15th

2nd Quarter - October - December - due by February 15th
3rd Quarter - January- March - due by May 15th
4th Quarter - April - June - due by August 15th


Vendor to provide all training materials and user manuals.


Equipment must carry a minimum one (1) year warranty that it is free from defects in
material and workmanship. If defects are identified, the successful vendor agrees to
repair or replace defective parts promptly on a like-for-like basis without additional cost
to the customer. Any and all items failing during the warranty period will be replaced
promptly free of charge. Upon significant failure, the warranty period will commence
again for a minimum 90 additional days. Significant failure shall be determined by the
Participating State Contract Administrator.


3.8.1 Security Upon approval of the contract and prior to the start of work, each of
the staff assigned by the contractor and/or subcontractor to this project
may be required to sign non-disclosure agreements to be determined
by each participating State. All non-disclosure agreements shall be enforced and remain in force

throughout the term of the contract. All employees of vendors entering prison grounds must adhere to

NDOC Security Regulations (Attachment K).

3.8.2 Work Area/Project Preparation

Prior to commencement of work, the awarded vendor shall ensure that:
• Arrangements have been made for any disposal of waste materials per
Scope of Work;
• All tools, equipment and materials are on hand; and
• Any applicable worker training has been completed and documentation is
on site required.

3.8.3 Health and Safety Standards

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page16 The awarded vendor shall comply with all applicabl~ federal, state,
and local requirements for protecting the safety of the contractor's
employees, building occupants, and the environment. The awarded vendor must comply with all Federal, State and Local
rules and regulations.

3.8.4 Employee Background Clearance Requirements

Upon contract award, and at least four (4) days prior to beginning work, the
awarded vendor shall submit a completed Contractors Background Check
Applications (Attachment M), Consent for Rele~se of Criminal History Records
fonn (DOC560) for each employee who will be working on this project (unless
previously cleared for the Site Visit).

Note: No personnel entering the correctional facilities may be ex-felons.

Forms must be sent to:

NDOC Contracts
Attn: Martha Simas
P.O. Box 7011
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: (775) 887-3319 I Fax: (775) 887-3343
Email: [email protected]

Faxes or e-mailed fonns will be accepted, but the original form must be sent by
US postal mail within three (3) days or clearance may be revoked.


Vendor may submit additional options. Options must be listed in detail.


3.10.1 Detailed technical system documentation and system design specifications,

descriptions of all proposed kiosk hardware and software, operating instructions,
footprints, power and environmental requirements, model numbers, makes, serial
numbers, electrical and grounding requirements, temperature and humidity
ranges, software components and features, etc.
3.10.2 As applicable, prior to production implementation, the successful vendor shall
provide to the DOC detailed technical system documentation, detailed system
design specifications, descriptions of all proposed kiosk hardware and software,
operating instructions, footprints, power and environmental requirements, model
numbers, makes, serial numbers, electrical . and grounding requirements,
temperature and humidity ranges, software components and features, etc.


4.1 Contractual Special Terms and Conditions

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 17

4.1.1 Participating Addendum - Individual Participating States may, through a
Participating Addendum, limit:
. The awardees; Available financial vehicles; Equipment Groupings,. segments, models, standardized configurations,
available accessories, available software; Exclusion of geographical areas; As well as additional items as deemed necessary by the Participating
State. States may also, through the Participating Addendum, expand or restrict
these options for Participating Political Subdivisions.



Vendors must provide a company profile. Information provided shall include:

5.1.1 Company ownership (sole proprietor, partnership, etc). Incorporated companies must identify the state in which the company is
incorporated and the date of incorporation. Please be advised, pursuant to
NRS §80.010, incorporated companies must register with the State of
Nevada, Secretary of State's Office as a foreign corporation before a
contract can be executed between the State of Nevada and the awarded
vendor, unless specifically exempted by NRS §80.015. The selected vendor, prior to doing business in the State of Nevada, must
be appropriately licensed by the Office of the Secretary of State pursuant
to NRS §76. Information regarding the Nevada Business License can be
located at Vendor's must provide the following:
• Nevada Business License Number
• Legal Entity Name
• Is "Legal Entity Name" the same name as vendor is doing business
as? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If "No," provide explanation.
5.1.2 Disclosure of any alleged significant prior or ongoing contract failures, contract
breaches, any civil or criminal litigation or investigation pending which involves
the vendor or in which the vendor has been judged guilty or liable with the State
of Nevada.
5.1.3 Location(s) of the· company offices and location of the office that will provide the
services described in this RFP.
5.1.4 Number of employees both locally and nationally.
5.1.5 Location(s) from which employees will be assigned.
5.1.6 Name,- address and telephone number of the vendor's point of contact for a
contract resulting from this RFP.
5.1.7 Company background/history and why vendor is qualified to provide the services
described in this RFP.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 18

5.1.8 Length of time vendor has been providing services described in this RFP to the
public and/or private sector. Please provide a brief description.
5.1.9 Has the vendor ever been engaged under contract by any State ofNevada agency?
[ ] Yes [ ] No lf"Yes," specify when, for what duties, and for which agency.
5.1.10 Is the vendor or any of the vendor's employees employed by the State of Nevada,
any of its political subdivisions or by any other government?
[ ] Yes [ ] No lf"Yes," is that employee planning to render services while on
annual leave, compensatory time, sick leave, or on his own time?
5.1.11 Resumes for key staff to be responsible for performance of any contract resulting
from this RFP.
5 .1.12 Fi11ancial information and documentation to be included in Part III of vour
response in accordance with the Submittal Instructions. Dun and Bradstreet number Federal Tax Identification Number The last two - (2) years and current year interim:
Profit and Loss Statement
Balance Statement

Vendors should provide a mm1mum of three (3) references from similar projects
performed for private, state and/or large local government clients within the last three
years. Vendors are required to submit Attachment D, Reference Form to the
business references they list. The business references must submit the Reference
Form directly to the Purchasing Division. It is the vendor's responsibility to ensure
that completed forms are received by the Purchasing Division on or before the proposal
submission deadline for inclusion in the evaluation process. Business References not
received, or not complete, may adversely affect the vendor's score in the evaluation
process. The Purchasing Division may contact any or all business references for
validation of information submitted.
5.2.1 Client name;
5.2.2 Project description;
5.2.3 Project dates (starting and ending);
5.2.4 Technical environment; (i.e., Software applications, Internet capabilities, Data
communications, Network, Hardware)
5.2.5 Staff assigned to reference engagement that will be designated for work per this
RFP; and
5.2.6 Client project manager name, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address.

5.3. l Does this proposal include the use of subcontractors?

Yes No Unknown - - -

If "Yes", vendor must at the time of Participating Addendum: Identify specific subcontractors by state and the specific requirements of

this RFP for which each proposed subcontractor will perfonn services.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 19


Note: All Cost Proposals shall be submitted to the State as a separate, sealed package and
clearly marked: "Cost Proposal in Response to RFP No. 1901", please refer to the
Submittal Instructions for further instruction.

The Vendor(s) shall report contract utilization and pay an administrative fee of .5% of the total
kiosk spend to MCP A, paid quarterly. The MCPA/NASPO directors approved the level of the
administration fee, and the fee is not negotiable. The administrative fee is to be paid quarterly
within 60 days of the end of the quarter (See section 3 .5 of the RFP for Reporting Schedule). In
addition to the MCPA administrative fee, some NASPO and non-NASPO states may require that
a fee be paid directly to the state ·on purchases made by procuring entities within .that state. For
all such requests, the fee level, payment method and schedule for such reports and payments
shall be incorporated in a Participating Addendum that is made a part of the contracts. The
Vendor(s) may adjust pricing accordingly for purchases made by procuring agencies within the
jurisdiction of the state. Any such price adjustment shall not exceed the dollar value of the
additional fee. All such agreements shall have no affect whatsoever on the MCP A fee or on the
prices paid by the procuring agencies outside the jurisdiction of the state requesting the
additional fee.

Vendors must provide detailed fixed prices for all costs associated with the responsibilities and
related services. Clearly specify the nature of all expenses anticipated. Cost must be submitted
on Attachment L. All pricing must be FOB destination regardless of state.

The State will not be liable for any costs in preparation of a proposal submitted in response to
this RFP, in conduct of a presentation, or any other activities responding to this RFP.

Vendor shall report to the Lead State any price reduction, discount or other more favorable terms
offered to any Purchasing Entity, and the awarded vendor agrees to negotiate in good faith to
reestablish ceiling prices or other more favorable terms and conditions applicable to future



If applicable per proposal, describe the commissions that will be paid to the Depatiment for the
use of the system and music downloads.

7.1 Payment of commissions must be made on a monthly basis, to each participating state by
check or money order. (See attachment L)

7.2 Additional details related to commission payments, due dates, penalties for late payment,
etc. will be clarified in each participating addendum.


7.3 Payment for the contracted service will be within 30 - 45 days upon receipt of invoice
and the Customers approval.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 20

7.4 Successful vendors will invoice the customer in each Participating State directly with that
customer paying the vendor or their authorized distributors directly.

7.5 No additional payment will be authorized due to labor, materials, equipment, or any other
extra costs necessary to meet codes, standards, and regulations.


8.1 In lieu of a pre-proposal conference, the Purchasing Division will accept questions and/or
comments in writing regarding this RFP.

The RFP Question Submittal Form is located on the Services RFP/RFQ Opportunities
webpage at Select this RFP number and
the "Question" link.

The deadline for submitting questions is April 5, 2011 at 2:00 p.m., Pacific Time. All
questions and/or comments will be addressed in writing and responses e-mailed or faxed
to prospective vendors on or about April 12, 2011.

8.2 RFP Timeline

Deadline for submitting questions April 5, 2011 at 2:00 p.m.
Answers to all questions submitted available on or about April 12, 2011
Deadline for submittal of Reference Questionnaires April 29, 2011 @ 5:00 p.m.
Deadline for submission and opening of proposals May 4, 2011 @ 2:00 p.m.
Evaluation period May5 ,...,May25
Vendor Presentations (approximate time frame) May 24, 2011
Selection of vendor on or about May 24, 2011

NOTES: These dates represent a tentative schedule of events. The State reserves the
right to modify these dates at a11y time.

The State also reserves the right to forego ve11dor presentatio11s alld select
vendor(s) based on the written proposals.

8.3 Proposal submission requirements:

8.3.1 Vendors shall submit their response in three (3) parts as designated below:

Part I: Technical Proposal

One (1) original marked "MASTER" sent to State of Nevada Purchasing
Eight (8) identical copies ,..., One ( 1) each of these copies to be sent to the
sourcing team listed in Section 8.3.3.
One (1) identical copy on CD (Note: CD must be labeled accordingly
and in a case.) sent to State of Nevada Purchasing Division.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 21

Three (3) copies sent to State of Nevada Purchasing Division.


Page I ofRFP
All Amendments to the RFP
All Attachments requiring signature
Certificate of Insurance

Technical Proposal must not include cost or confidential information.

Technical Proposal shall be submitted to the State in a sealed package

and be clearly marked:
"Technical Proposal in Response to RFP No. 1901"

Part II: Cost Proposal:

One (1) original marked "MASTER" sent to State of Nevada Purchasing
One (1) identical copy on CD (Note: CD must be labeled accordingly
and in a case.) State of Nevada Purchasing Division.
Three (3) copies sent to State of Nevada Purchasing Division.
Cost Proposal shall be submitted to the State in a sealed package
and be clearly marked:
"Cost PrQposal in Response to RFP No. 1901"

Part III: Confidential Information:

One (1) original marked "MASTER" sent to State of Nevada Purchasing
Division; and
One (1) identical copy sent to State of Nevada Purchasing Division.
Confidential Information shall be submitted to the State in a sealed
package and be clearly marked:

"Confidential Information in Response to RFP No. 1901"

If the separately sealed proposal, marked as required above, are enclosed in another
container for mailing purposes, the outennost container must fully describe the contents
of the package and be clearly mark~d:


PROPOSAL OPENING DATE: May 4, 2011@ 2:00 p.m.
FOR: Inmate Kiosks

8.3.2 Proposal must be received at the address referenced below no later than 2:00
p.m. Pacific Time, May 4, 2011. Proposals that do not arrive by proposal
opening time and date WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Vendors may submit their
proposal any time prior to the above stated deadline.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 22

THAN MAY 4, 2011 @2:00 P.M. PACIFIC TIME (there will be no exceptions, if
proposals are not received they will be deemed non responsive)

8.3.3 One copy of each Technical Proposal (Part I) shall be submitted to:

Nevada Evaluators

Dawn Rosenberg, Chief of Purchasing

Nevada Department of Corrections
5500 Snyder Ave
P.O. Box 7011
Carson City, NV 89702

Eric Graham,
Nevada Department of Corrections
5500 Snyder Ave
P.O. Box 7011
Carson City, NV 89702

Ohio Evaluators

Michelle Matheron, Data Administration Manager

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Office of Administration
770 West Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43222

Virginia Evaluators

Cindy Sager
Department of Corrections
6900 Atmore Drive
Richmond, VA 23225

Lois Fegan
Department of Corrections
6900 Atmore Drive
Richmond, VA 23225

Wyoming Evaluators

Jamie L. Spezzano
WDOC Purchasing Manager
State of Wyoming, Department of Corrections
1934 Wyott Drive, Suite 100, Office Al 18
Cheyenne, WY 82002

Vince Bocchino
1934 Wyott Drive, Suite 100
Cheyenne, WY 82002

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 23

Kenneth Scott Abbott
1934 Wyott Drive, Suite 100
Cheyenne, WY 82002

Remaining proposals shall be submitted to:

State of Nevada, Purchasing Division

Ronda Miller, Services Purchasing
515 E. Musser Street, Suite 300
Carson City, NV 89701

8.4 The State will not be held responsible for proposal envelopes mishandled as a result of
the envelope not being properly prepared. Facsimil.e, e-mail or telephone proposals will
NOT be considered; however, at the State's discretion, the proposal may be submitted all
or in part on electronic media, as requested within the RFP document. Proposal may be
modified by facsimile, e-mail or written notice provided such notice is rec~ived prior to
the opening of the proposals.

8.5 Although it is a public opening, only the names of the vendors submitting proposals will
be announced NRS §333.335(6). Technical and cost details about proposals submitted
will not be disclosed. Assistance for handicapped, blind or hearing-impaired persons who
wish to attend the RFP opening is available. If special arrangements are necessary, please
notify the Purchasing Division designee as soon as possible and at least two days in
advance of the opening.

8.6 If discrepancies are found between two or more copies of the proposal, the master copy
will provide the basis for resolving such discrepancies. If one copy of the proposal is not
clearly marked "MASTER," the State may reject the proposal. However, the State may
at its sole option, select one copy to be used as the master.

8.7 For ease of evaluation, the proposal should be presented in a format that corresponds to
and references sections outlined within this RFP and should be presented in the same
order. Responses to each section and subsection should be labeled so as to indicate
which item is being addressed. Exceptions to this will be considered during the
evaluation process.

8.8 If complete responses cannot be provided without referencing confidential information,

such confidential information must be provided in accordance with submittal instructions
and specific references made to the tab, page, section and/or paragraph where the
confidential information can be located.

8.9 Proposals are to be prepared in such a way as to provide a straightforward, concise

delineation of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis should be
concentrated on conformance to the RFP instructions, responsiveness to the RFP
requirements, and on completeness and clarity of content. Expensive bindings, colored
displays, promotional materials, and unnecessarily elaborate responses beyond what is
sufficient to present a complete and effective response to this RFP are not necessary or
desired and may be construed as an indication of the proposer's lack of environmental
and cost consciousness. Unless specifically requested in this RFP, elaborate artwork,

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 24

corporate brochures, lengthy narratives, expensive paper, specialized binding, and. other
extraneous presentation materials are neither necessary nor desired.

The State of Nevada, in its continuing efforts to reduce solid waste and to further
recycling efforts requests that proposals, to the eJ).tent possible and practical:

• Be submitted on recycled paper.

• Not include pages of unnecessary advertising;
• Be made on both sides of each sheet of paper; and
• Be contained in re-usable binders rather than with spiral or glued bindings.

8.10 Descriptions on how any and all equipment and/or services will be used to meet the
requirements of this RFP shall be given, in detail, along with any additional information
documents that are appropriately marked.

8.11 The proposal must be signed by the individual(s) legally authorized to bind the vendor,
see NRS §333.337.

8.12 For ease of responding to the RFP, vendors are encouraged, but not required, to request
an electronic copy of the RFP. Electronic copies are available in the following formats:
Word 2003 via e-mail, diskette, or on the State Purchasing Division's website in PDF or
EXE format at When requesting an RFP via e-mail or
diskette, vendors should contact the Purchasing Division for assistance. In the event
vendors choose to receive the RFP on diskette, the vendor will be responsible for
providing a blank 3.5" formatted diskette; unless vendors provide a Federal Express,
Airborne Express, etc. account number and appropriate return materials, the diskette will
be returned by first class U.S. mail.

8.13 Vendors utilizing an electronic copy of the RFP in order to prepare their proposal should
place their written response in an easily distinguishable font immediately following the
applicable question.

8.14 For purposes of addressing questions co11.cerning this RFP, the sole contact will be the
Purchasing Division. Up011. issuance of this RFP, other employees am/ representatives
of the agencies identified iii the RFP will not answer questions or otherwise discuss the
contents of this RFP with any prospective vendors or their representatives. Failure to
observe this restriction may result in disqualification of any subsequent proposal NA C
§333.155(3). This restriction does not preclude discussions between affected parties for
the purpose of conducting business unrelated to this procurement.

8.15 Vendor who believes proposal requirements or specifications are unnecessarily restrictive
or limit competition may submit a request for administrative review, in writing, to the
Purchasing Division. To be considered, a request for review must be received no later
than the deadline for submission of questions. ·

The Purchasing Division shall promptly respond in wntmg to each written review
request, and where appropriate, issue all revisions, substitutions or clarifications through
a written amendment to the RFP.

Administrative review of technical or contractual requirements shall include the reason

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 25

for the request, supported by factual infonnation, and any proposed changes to the

8.16 If a vendor changes any material RFP language, vendor's response may be deemed non-
responsive. NRS §333.311.

8.17 Vendors are cautioned that some services may contain licensing requirement(s). Vendors
shall be proactive in verification of these requirements prior to proposal submittal.
Proposals, which do not contain the requisite licensure, may be deemed non-responsive.
However, this does not negate any applicable Nevada Revised Statute (NRS)


9.1 Proposals shall be consistently evaluated and scored m accordance with NRS
§333.335(3) based upon the following criteria:

• Demonstrated competence/experience in performance of comparable engagements

• Technological merits '
• Environmental and accessibility merits
• Ability to service the Contract.
• All-encompassing approach to proposed equipment, software and services
• Conformance with the requirements, terms and conditions of this RFP
• Pricing

• Presentations - Following the evaluation and scoring process specified above, the
State may require vendors to make a presentation of their proposal to the evaluation
committee or other State staff, as applicable. The State, at its option, may limit
participation in vendor presentations up to the four (4) highest ranking vendors.
NOTE: The State reserves the right to forego vendor presentations and select
vendor(s) based on the written proposal.

Note: Financial stability will be scored on a pass/fail basis

Proposals shall be kept confidential until a contract is awarded.

9.2 The evaluation committee may also contact the references provided in response to the
Section identified as Company Background and References; contact any vendor to clarify
any response; contact any current users of a vendor's services; solicit information from
any available source concerning any aspect of a proposal; and seek and review any other
information deemed pertinent to the evaluation process. The evaluation committee shall
not be obligated to accept the lowest priced proposal, but shall make an award in the best
interests of the State of Nevada NRS § 333.335(5)

9.3 Each vendor must include in its proposal a complete disclosure of any alleged significant
prior or ongoing contract failures, contract breaches, any civil or criminal litigation or
investigations pending which involves the vendor or in which the vendor has been judged
guilty or liable. Failure to comply with the terms of this provision may disqualify any
proposal. The State reserves the right to reject any proposal based upon the vendor's
prior history with the State or with any other party, which documents, without limitation,

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 26

unsatisfactory performance, adversarial or contentious demeanor, significant failure(s) to
meet contract milestones or other contractual failures. See generally, NRS §333.335.

9.4 Clarification discussions may, at the State's sole option, be conducted with vendors who
submit proposals determined to be acceptable and competitive NAC §333.165. Vendors
shall be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion
and/or written revisions of proposals. Such revisions may be permitted after submissions
and prior to award for the purpose of obtaining best and final offers. In conducting
discussions, there shall be no disclosure of any information derived from proposals
submitted by competing vendors.

9.5 A Notification of Intent to. Award shall be issued in accordance with NAC §333.170.
Any award is contingent upon the successful negotiation of final contract terms and upon
approval of the Board of Examiners, when required. Negotiations shall be confidential
and not subject to disclosure to competing vendors unless and until an agreement is
reached. If contract negotiations cannot be concluded successfully, the State upon
written notice to all vendors may negotiate a contract with the next highest scoring
vendor or withdraw the RFP.

9.6 Any contract resulting from this RFP shall not be effective unless and until approved by
the Nevada State Board of Examiners (NRS 284.173).


10.1 Performance of vendors will be rated semi-annually following contract award and then
annually for the term of the contract by the using State agency in six categories:
Customer service; timeliness; quality; technology; flexibility; and pricing. Vendors will
be notified in writing of their rating.

10.2 In accordance with Nevada Revised Statute 333.336, if a vendor submitting a proposal in
response to this solicitation is a resident of another state, and with respect to contracts
awarded by that state, applies to vendors who are residents of that state a preference,
which is not afforded to vendors or contractors who are residents of the State of Nevada,
the State of Nevada, Purchasing Division shall, insofar as is practicable, increase the out
of state vendor's proposal by an amount that is substantially equivalent to the preference
that the other state of which the vendor is a resident denies to vendors or contractors who
are residents of the State of Nevada.

10.3 This procurement is being conducted in accordance with NRS chapter 333 and NAC
chapter 333.

10.4 The State reserves the right to alter, amend, or modify any provisions of this RFP, or to
withdraw this RFP, at any time prior to the award of a contract pursuant hereto, if it is in
the best interest of the State to do so.

10.5 The State reserves the right to waive informalities and minor irregularities in proposals

10.6 The State reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received prior to Contract award
(NRS §333.350).

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 27

10.7 The State shall not be obligated to accept the lowest priced proposal, but will make an
award in the best interests of the State of Nevada after all factors have been evaluated
(NRS §333.335).

10.8 Any irregularities or lack of clarity .in the RFP should be brought to the Purchasing
Division designee's attention as soon as possible so that corrective addenda may be
furnished to prospective vendors.

10.9 Proposals must include any and all proposed terms and conditions, including, without
limitation, written warranties, maintenance/service agreements, license agreements, lease
purchase agreements and the vendor's standard contract language. The omission of these
documents renders a proposal non-responsive.

10.10 Alterations, modifications or variations to a proposal may not be considered unless

authorized by the RFP or by addendum or amendment.

10.11 Proposals which appear unrealistic in the terms of technical commitments, lack of
technical competence, or are indicative of failure to comprehend the complexity and risk
of this Contract, may be rejected.

10.12 Proposals from employees of the State of Nevada will be considered in as much as they
·do not conflict with the State Administrative Manual, NRS Chapter §281 and NRS
Chapter §284.

10.13 Proposals may be withdrawn by written or facsimile notice received prior to the proposal
opening time. Withdrawals received after the proposal opening time will not be
considered except as authorized by NRS §333.350(3).

10.14 The price and amount of this proposal must have been arrived at independently and
without consultation, communication, agreement or disclosure with or to any other
contractor, vendor or prospective vendor. Collaboration among competing vendors about
potential proposals submitted pursuant to this RFP is prohibited and may disqualify the

10.15 No attempt may be made at any time to induce any firm or person to refrain from
submitting a proposal or to submit any intentionally high or noncompetitive proposal.
All proposals must be made in good faith and without collusion.

10.16 Prices offered by vendors in their proposals are an irrevocable offer for the term of the
Contract and any contract extensions. The awarded vendor agrees to provide the
purchased services at the costs, rates and fees as set forth in their proposal in response to
this RFP. No other costs, rates or fees shall be payable to the awarded vendor for
implementation of their proposal.

10.17 The State is not liable for any costs incurred by vendors prior to entering into a fonnal
contract. Costs of developing the proposal or any other such expenses incurred by the
vendor in responding to the RFP, are entirely the responsibility of the vendor, and shall
not be reimbursed in any manner by the State.

10.18 All proposals submitted become the property of the State, selection or rejection does not
affect this right; proposals will be returned only at the State's option and at the vendor's
request and expense. The master technical proposal, the master cost proposal and

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 28

Confidential Information of each response shall be retained for official files. Only the
master technical and master cost will become public record after the award of a contract.
The failure to separately package and clearly mark Part IV - which contains Confidential
Information, Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary Information shall constitute a complete
waiver of any and all claims for damages caused by release of the information by the

10.19 A proposal submitted in response to this RFP must identify any subcontractors, and
outline the contractual relationship between the awarded vendor and each subcontractor.
An official of each proposed subcontractor must sign, and include as part of the proposal
submitted in response to this RFP, a statement to the effect that the subcontractor has read
and will agree to abide by the awarded vendor's obligations.

10.20 The awarded vendor will be the sole point of contract responsibility. The State will look
solely to the awarded vendor for the performance of all contractual obligations which
may result from an award based on this RFP, and the awarded vendor shall not be
relieved for the non-performance of any or all subcontractors.

10.21 The awarded vendor must maintain, for the duration of its contract, insurance coverages
as set forth in the Insurance Schedule of the Contract form appended to this RFP. Work
on the Contract shall not begin until after the awarded vendor has submitted acceptable
evidence of the required insurance coverages. Failure to maintain any required insurance
coverage or acceptable alternative method of insurance will be deemed a breach of·

10.22 Notwithstanding any other requirement of this section, the State reserves the right to
consider reasonable alternative methods of insuring the Contract in lieu of the insurance
policies required by the below-stated Insurance Schedule. It will be the awarded
vendor's responsibility to recommend to the State alternative methods of insuring the
Contract. Any alternatives proposed by a vendor should be accompanied by a detailed
explanation regarding the vendor's inability to obtain insurance coverage as described
below. The State shall be the sole and final judge as to the adequacy of any substitute
form of insurance coverage.

10.23 Each vendor must disclose any existing or potential conflict of interest relative to the
performance of the contractual services resulting from this RFP. Any such relationship
that might be perceived or represented as a conflict should be disclosed. By submitting a
proposal in response to this RFP, vendors affirm that they have not given, nor intend to
give at any time hereafter, any economic opportunity, future employment, gift, loan,
gratuity, special discount, trip, favor, or service to a public servant or any employee or
representative of same, in connection with this procurement. Any attempt to intentionally
or unintentionally conceal or obfuscate a conflict of interest will automatically result in
the disqualification of a vendor's proposal. An award will not be made where a conflict
of interest exists. The State will determine whether a conflict of interest exists and
whether it may reflect negatively on the State's selection of a vendor. The State reserves
the right to disqualify any vendor on the grounds of actual or apparent conflict of interest.

I 0.24 The State will not be liable for Federal, State, or Local excise taxes NRS §372.325.

I 0.25 Attachment B of this RFP shall constitute an agreement to all tenns and conditions
specified in the RFP, including, without limitation, the Attachment C contract form and

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 29

all terms and conditions therein, except such terms and conditions that the vendor
expressly excludes. Exceptions will be taken into consideration as part of the evaluation

10.26 The State reserves the right to negotiate final contract terms with any vendor selected
NAC §333.170. The contract between the parties will consist of the RFP together with
any modifications thereto, and the awarded vendor's proposal, together with any
modifications and clarifications thereto that are submitted at the request of the State
during the evaluation and negotiation process. · In the event of any conflict . or
contradiction between or among these documents, the documents shall control in the
following order of precedence: the final executed contract, the RFP, any modifications
and clarifications to the awarded vendor's proposal, and the awarded vendor's proposal.
Specific exceptions to this general rule may be noted in the final executed contract.

10.27 Vendor understands and acknowledges that the representations above are material and
important, and will be relied on by the State in evaluation of the proposal. Any vendor
misrepresentation shall be treated as fraudulent concealment from the State of the true
facts relating to the proposal.

10.28 No announcement concerning the award of a contract as a result of this RFP can be made
without the prior written approval of the State.

10.29 The Nevada Attorney General will not render any type of legal opinion regarding this

10.30 Any unsuccessful vendor may file an appeal in strict compliance with NRS 333.370 and
chapter 333 of the Nevada Administrative Code.

10.31 Local governments (as defined in NRS §332.015) are intended third party beneficiaries of
any contract resulting from this RFP and any local government may join or use any
contract resulting from this RFP subject to all terms and conditions thereof pursuant to
NRS §332.195. The State is not liable for the obligations of any local government which
joins or uses any contract resulting from this RFP.

10.32 Any person who requests or receives a Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative
agreement shall file with the using agency a certification that the person making the
declaration has not made, and will not make, any payment prohibited by subsection (a) of
31 u.s.c. § 1352.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 30


This checklist is provided for yendor's convenience only and identifies documents that must be
submitted with each package in order to be considered responsive. Any proposals received
without these requisite· documents may be deemed non-responsive and not considered for
contract award.


Required number of Technical proposals (per Submittal Instructions)


Required number of Cost proposals (per Submittal Instructions)


Required Forms to be submitted labeled "State Documents";

• Page 1 of the RFP completed

• All Amendments completed and signed
• Primary Vendor Attachments A & B signed
• Primary Vendor Information provided
• Certificate of Insurance - Primary vendor only


• Required number of Confidential Information

(per Submittal Instructions and defined in Acronyms/Definitions)

• Financial Information


1. Send out Reference forms for Primary Vendor (with Part A completed)

2. Send out Reference fonns for Subcontractors (with Part A completed) (if applicable) _ _ __

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 31

Attachment A
Submitted proposals, which are marked "confidential" in their entirety, or those in which a significant
portion of the submitted proposal is marked "confidential" will not be accepted by the State of Nevada.
Pursuant to NRS §333.333, only specific parts of the proposal may be labeled a "trade secret" as defined
in NRS §600A.030(5). All proposals are confidential until the Contract is awarded; at which time, both
successful and unsuccessful vendors' technical and cost proposals become public information. In
accordance with the Submittal Instructions of this document, vendors are requested to submit
confidential information in a separate envelope or binder marked "confidential."

The State will not be responsible for any information contained within the proposal should vendors not
comply with the labeling and packing requirements, proposals will be released as submitted. In the
event a governing board acts as the final authority, there may be public discussion regarding the
submitted proposals that will be in an open meeting format, the proposals will remain confidential.

By signing below, I understand it is my responsibility as the vendor to act in protection of the labeled
information and agree to defend and indemnify the State of Nevada for honoring such designation. I
duly realize failure to so act will constitute a complete waiver and all submitted information will become
public information; additionally; failure to label any information that is released by the State shal.l
constitute a complete waiver of any and all claims for damages caused by the release of the information.

This proposal contains Confidential Information, Trade Secrets and/or Proprietary information as
defined in Section 2 "ACRONYMS/DEFINITIONS."

YES- - - - NO- - - - -

SIGNATURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

Primacy Vendor

PRINT NAME _______________________

Primacy Vendor Date

This document must be submitted in the

"State Documents" section/tab

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 32

Attachment B

I have read, understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions specified in this Request for

Checking "YES" indicates acceptance of all terms and conditions, while checking "NO" denotes non-
acceptance and vendor's exceptions should be detailed below. In order for any exceptions to be
considered they MUST be documented.

YES- - - - NO- - - - -

VENDOR NAME- - - - - - - - - - - -

- -Vendor
Primary -----------
- -Vendor
Primary ----------- Date



Attach additional sheets if necessary. Please use this format.

This document must be submitted in the

"State Documents" section/tab

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 33

Attachment C


The following Master Service Agreement (MSA) is provided as a courtesy to vendors
interested in responding to this RFP. Please review the terms and conditions in this form,
as this is the standard Contract used by the Lead State for all services of independent
contractors awarded through a WSCA solicitation. It is not necessary for vendors to
complete the MSA Form with their proposal responses.

All vendors are required to submit a Certificate of Insurance in the "State

Documents tab/section of their proposal identifying the coverages and minimum
limits currently in effect.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 34

For Purchasing Use Only:



A Contract between the Western States Contracting Alliance

Acting by and through the State of Nevada




Pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 277.100, NRS 277.110, NRS 333.162(l)(d), and NRS 333.480 the Chief of the
Purchasing Division of Nevada is authorized to enter into cooperative group-contracting consortium.

The Western States Contracting Alliance is a cooperative group-contracting consortium for state government departments,
institutions, agencies and political subdivisions (i.e., colleges, school districts, counties, cities, etc.,) for the states of Alaska,
Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah,
Washington and Wyoming.

In consideration of the above premises, the parties mutually agree as follows:

1. REQUIRED APPROVAL. This contract shall not become effective until and unless approved by the Western States
Contracting Alliance Board of Directors.
2. DEFINITIONS. "WSCA" means the Western States Contracting Alliance. "State" and/or "Lead State" means the State of
Nevada and its state agencies, officers, employees and immune contractors as defined in NRS 41.0307. "Participating
State(s)" means state(s) that have signed (and not revoked) an Intent to Contract at the time of the award of this contract, or who
have executed a Participating Addendum. "Buyer" means any WSCA agency or political subdivision participating under this
contract. "Contractor" and/or Contracting Agency'' means·a person or entity that performs services and/or provides goods for
WSCA under the terms and conditions set forth in this contract. "Solicitation" means RFP # 1715 incorporated herein as
Attachment AA. "Fiscal Year" is defined as the period beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of the following year.
3. CONTRACT TERM. This contract shall be effective from subject to WSCA Board of Directors' approval to
__, unless sooner terminated by either party as specified in paragraph (21 ).
4. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: NOTICE. Unless otherwise stated in the special terms and conditions, any contract
entered into as a result of the Solicitation may be canceled by either party upon written notice sixty (60) days prior to the
effective date of the cancellation. Further, any Participating State may cancel its participation upon thirty (30) days written
notice, unless otherwise limited or stated in the special terms and conditions of the Solicitation. Cancellation may be in whole
or in part. Any cancellation under this provision shall not effect the rights and obligations attending orders outstanding at the
time of cancellation, including any right of any Participating State to indemnification by the Contractor, rights of payment for
goods/services delivered and accepted, and rights attending any warranty or default in performance in association with any
order. Cancellation of the contract due to Contractor default may be imn1ediate.
5. INCORPORATED DOCUMENTS. The parties agree that the scope of work shall be specifically described; this contract
incorporates the following attachments in descending order of constructive precedence:

ATTACHMENT AA: SOLICITATION #1901 (Scope of Work) and ATTACHMENTS (list attachments);

A Contractor's attachment shall not contradict or supersede any WSCA specifications, terms or conditions without written
evidence of mutual assent to such change appearing in this contract.
7. ASSENT. The parties agree that the te1ms and conditions listed on incorporated attachments of this contract are also
specifically a part of this contract and are limited only by their respective order of precedence and any limitations specified.
8. BID SPECIFICATIONS. Contractor certifies that any deviation from the specifications in the scope of work, incorporated
herein as part of Attachment AA, have been clearly indicated by Contractor in its response, incorporated herein as
Attachment BB; otherwise, it will be considered that the bid is in strict compliance. Any BRAND NAMES or
manufacturers' numbers are stated in the specifications are intended to establish a standard only and are not restrictive unless
the Solicitation states "no substitute," and unless so stated, bids have been considered on other makes, models or brands
having comparable quality, style, workmanship and perf01mance characteristics. Altemate bids offering lower quality or
inferior performance have not been considered.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 35

9. ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF BIDS. AND AWARD. WSCA has the right to accept or reject any or all bids or
parts of bids, and to waive informalities therein. This contract is based the lowest responsive and responsible bid and meets
the specifications of the Solicitation and terms and conditions thereof. Unless stated otherwise in the Solicitation, WSCA has
the right to award items separately or by grouping items in a total lot.
10. BID SAMPLES. Any required samples have been specifically requested in the Solicitation. Samples, when required,
have been furnished free of charge. Except for those samples destroyed or mutilated in testing, samples will be returned at a
bidder's request, transportation collect.
11. CONSIDERATION. The parties agree that Contractor will provide the services specified in paragraph (5) at a cost of$
_ _ _ _ _ per (state the exact cost or hourly, daily, or weekly rate exclusive of travel or per diem
expenses). Unless otherwise stated in the special terms and conditions, for the purpose of award, offers made in accordance
with the Solicitation must be good and firm for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of bid opening. Contracted prices
represent ceiling prices for the supplies and services offered. The Contractor shall report to the Lead State any price
reduction or discount, or other more favorable terms offered to any Purchasing Entity and the Contractor agrees to negotiate
in good faith to re-establish ceiling prices or other more favorable terms and conditions applicable to future orders. Bid
prices must remain firm for the full term of the contract. In the case of error in the extension of prices in the bid, the unit
prices will govern. WSCA does not guarantee to purchase any amount under this contract. Estimated quantities in the
Solicitation are for bidding purposes only and are not to be construed as a guarantee to purchase any amount. Unless
otherwise stated in the special terms and conditions offers made in accordance with the Solicitation must be good and firm
for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of bid opening. Bid prices must remain firm for the full term of the contract.
In the case of error in the extension of prices in the bid, the unit prices will govern. If Contractor has quoted a cash discount
based upon early payment; discounts offered for less than thirty (30) days have not been considered in making the award.
The date from which discount time is calculated shall be the date a correct invoice is received or receipt of shipment,
whichever is later; except that if testing is performed, the date shall be the date of acceptance of the merchandise. WSCA is
not liable for any costs incurred by the.bidder in proposal preparation.
12. PAYMENT. Payment for completion of a contract is normally made within thirty (30) days following the date the entire
order is delivered or the date a correct invoice is received, whichever is later. After forty-five (45) days the Contractor may
assess overdue account charges up to a maximum rate of one (1) percent per month on the outstanding balance. Payments
will be remitted by mail. Payments may be made via a Participating State's "Purchasing Card."
13. TAXES. Prices shall be exclusive of state sales and federal excise taxes. Where a Participating State is not exempt from
sales taxes on sales within its state, the Contractor shall add the sales taxes on the billing invoice as a separate entry.
Contractor will be responsible to pay all taxes, assessments, fees, premiums, permits, and licenses required by law. The Lead
State's real property and personal property taxes are the responsibility of Contractor in accordance with NRS 361.157 and NRS
361.159. Contractor agrees to be responsible for payment of any such government obligations not paid by its subcontractors
during performance of this contract. Nevada may set-off against consideration due any delinquent government obligation in
accordance with NRS 353C.190.
14. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS OF PARTICIPATING STATES. Financial obligations of Participating States are limited
to the orders placed by the departments or other state agencies and institutions having available funds. Participating States
incur no financial obligations on behalf of political subdivisions. Unless otherwise specified in the Solicitation, the resulting
award(s) will be permissive.
15. ORDER NUMBERS. Contract order and purchase order numbers shall be clearly shown on all acknowledgments,
shipping labels, packing slips, invoices, and on all correspondence.
16. REPORTS. The Contractor shall submit quarterly reports to the WSCA Contract Manager showing the quantities and
dollar volume of purchases by each Participating State.
17. DELIVERY. The prices bid shall be the delivered price to any WSCA state agency or political subdivision. All
deliveries shall be F.O.B. destination with all transportation and handling charges paid by the Contractor. Responsibility and
liability for loss or damage shall remain with the Contractor until final inspection and acceptance, when responsibility shall
pass to the Buyer except as to latent defects, fraud and Contractor's warranty obligations. The minimum shipment amount
will be found in the special terms and conditions. Any order for less than the specified amount is to be shipped with the
freight prepaid and added as a separate item on the invoice. Any portion of an order to be shipped without transportation
charges that is back-ordered shall be shipped without charge.
18. HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL INFORMATION. The Contractor will provide one set of the appropriate material safety
data sheet(s) and container label(s) upon delivery of a hazardous material to any Buyer. All safety data sheets and labels will
be in accordance with each Participating State's requirements.
19. INSPECTIONS. Goods furnished under this contract shall be subject to inspection and test by the Buyer at times and
places determined by the Buyer. If the Buyer finds goods furnished to be incomplete or in non-compliance with bid
specifications, the Buyer may reject the goods and require Contractor to either correct them without charge or deliver them at
a reduced price which is equitable under the circumstances. If Contractor is unable or refuses to correct such goods within a
time deemed reasonable by the Buyer, the Buyer may cancel the order in whole or in part. Nothing in this paragraph shall
adversely affect the Buyer's rights including the rights and remedies associated with revocation of acceptance under the
Uniform Commercial Code.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 36

a. Books and Records. The Contractor will maintain, or supervise the maintenance of all records necessary to properly
account for the payments made to the Contractor for costs authorized by this contract. Contractor agrees· to keep and
·maintain under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) full, true and complete records, contracts, books, and
documents as are necessary to fully disclose to WSCA, the State or United States Government, or their authorized represen-
tatives, upon audits or reviews, sufficient information to determine compliance with all state and federal regulations and
b. Inspection & Audit. Contractor agrees that the relevant books, records (written, electronic, computer related or
otherwise), including, without limitation, relevant accounting procedures and practices of Contractor or its subcontractors,
financial statements and supporting documentation, and documentation related to the work product shall be subject, at any
reasonable time, to inspection, examination, review, audit, and copying at any office or location of Contractor where such
records may be found, with or without notice by WSCA; the United States Government; the State Auditor or its contracted
examiners, the Department of Administration, Budget Division, the Nevada State Attorney General's Office or its Fraud
Control Units, the State Legislative Auditor, and with regard to any federal funding, the relevant federal agency, the
Comptroller General, the General Accounting Office, the Office of the Inspector General, or any of.their authorized
representatives. All subcontracts shall reflect requirements of this paragraph.
c. Period of Retention. All books, records, reports, and statements relevant to this contract must be retained a minimum
four (4) years after the contract terminates or or until all audits initiated within the four (4) years have been completed,
whichever is later, and for five (5) years if any federal funds are used in the contract. The retention period runs from the
date of payment for the relevant goods or services by the State, or from the date of termination of the Contract, whichever is
later. Retention time shall be extended when an audit is scheduled or in progress for a period reasonably necessary to
complete an audit and/or to complete any administrative and judfoial litigation which may ensue.
21. CONTRACT TERMINATION. Any of the following events shall constitute cause for WSCA to declare Contractor in
default of the contract: ( 1) nonperformance of contractual requirements; and/or (2) a material breach of any term or condition
of this contract. WSCA shall issue a written notice of default providing a period in which Contractor shall have an
opportunity to cure. Time allowed for cure shall not diminish or eliminate Contractor's liability for liquidated or other
damages. If the default remains, after Contractor has been provided the opportunity to cure, WSCA may do one or more of
the following: (1) exercise any remedy provided by law; (2). 'terminate this contract and any related contracts or portions
thereof; (3) impose liquidated damages; and/or (4) suspend Contractor from receiving future bid solicitations.
Winding Up Affairs Upon Termination. In the event of termination of this contract for any reason, the parties agree that the
provisions of this paragraph survive termination:
i. The parties shall account for and properly present to each other all claims for fees and expenses and pay those
which are undisputed and otherwise not subject to set off under this contract. Neither party may withhold performance
of winding up provisions solely based on nonpayment of fees or expenses accrued up to the time of termination;
ii. Contractor shall satisfactorily complete work in progress at the agreed rate (or a pro rata basis if necessary) if so
requested by WSCA;
iii. Contractor shall execute any documents and take any actions necessary to effectuate an assignment of this
contract if so requested by WSCA;
iv. Contractor shall preserve, protect and promptly deliver into WSCA's possession all proprietary information
in accordance with paragraph (31 ). .
22. REMEDIES. Except as otherwise provided for by law or this contract, the rights and remedies of the parties shall not be
exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or equity, including, without limitation, actual
damages, and to a prevailing party reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. It is specifically agreed that reasonable attorneys' fees
shall include without limitation $125 per hour for attorneys employed by the Lead State. Nevada may set off'consideration
against any unpaid obligation of Contractor to any State agency in accordance with NRS 353C.190.
23. LIMITED LIABILITY. Nevada will not waive and intends to assert available NRS chapter 41 liability limitations in all
cases. Contract liability of both parties shall not be subject to punitive damages. Liquidated damages shall not apply unless
otherwise specified in the incorporated attachments. Damages for any breach by the Lead State shall never exceed the amount of
funds appropriated for payment under this contract, but not yet paid to Contractor, for the fiscal year budget in existence at the
time of the breach. Damages for any Contractor breach shall not exceed 150% of the contract maximum "not to exceed" value.
Contractor's tort liability shall not be limited.
24. FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party to this contract shall be deemed to be in violation of this contract if it is prevented from
performing any of its obligations hereunder due to strikes, failure of public transportation, civil or military authority, act of
public enemy, accidents, fires, explosions, or acts of God, including, without limitation, earthquakes, floods, winds, or storms.
In such an event the intervening cause must not be through the fault of the party asserting such an excuse, and the excused party
is obligated to promptly perform in accordance with the terms of the contract after the intervening cause ceases. WSCA may
terminate this contract after determining such delay or default will reasonably prevent successful performance of the contract.
25. INDEMNIFICATION. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend, not
excluding the State1s right to participate, Nevada from and against all liability, claims, actions, damages, losses, and expenses,
including, without limitation, reasonable attomeys1 fees and costs, arising out of any alleged negligent or willful acts or
omissions of Contractor, its officers, employees and agents. The Contractor shall release, protect, indemnify and hold WSCA
and the respective states and their officers, agencies, employees, harmless from and against any damage, cost or liability,

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 37

including reasonable attorney's fees for any or all injuries to persons, property or claims for money damages arising from acts
or omissions of the contractor, his employees or subcontractors or volunteers.

26. INSURANCE SCHEDULE. Unless expressly waived in writing by the State, Contractor, as an independent contractor and
not an employee of the State, must carry policies of insurance and pay all taxes and fees incident hereunto. Policies shall meet
the tenns and conditions as specified within this Contract along with the additional limits and provisions as described in
Attaclunent BB, incorporated hereto by attachment. The State. shall have no liability except as specifically provided in the
The Contractor shall not commence work before:
1) Contractor has provided the required evidence of insurance to the Contracting Agency of the State, and
2) The State has approved the insurance policies provided by the Contractor.
Prior approval of the insurance policies by the State shall be a condition precedent to any payment of consideration under this
Contract and the State's approval of any changes to insurance coverage during the course of perfonnance shall constitute an
ongoing condition subsequent this Contract. Any failure of the State to timely approve shall not constitute a waiver of the

Insurance Coverage: The Contractor shall, at the Contractor's sole expense, procure, maintain and keep in force for the
duration of the Contract insurance conforming to the minimum limits as specified in Attachment BB, incorporated hereto by
attachment. Unless specifically stated herein or otherwise agreed to by the State, the required insurance shall be in effect
prior to the commencement of work by the Contractor and shall continue in force as appropriate until:
I. Final acceptance by the State of the completion of this Contract; or
2. Such time as the insurance is no longer required by the State under the terms of ~his Contract;
Whichever occurs later.
Any insurance or self-insurance available to the State shall be in excess of, and non-contributing with, any insurance required
from Contractor. Contractor's insurance policies shall apply on a primary basis. Until such time as the insurance is no longer
required by the State, Contractor shall provide the State with renewal or replacement evidence of insurance no less than thirty
(30) days before the expiration or replacement of the required insurance. If at any time during the period when insurance is
required by the Contract, an insurer or surety shall fail to comply with the requirements of this Contract, as soon as Contractor
has knowledge of any such failure, Contractor shall immediately notify the State and immediately replace such insurance or
bond with an insurer meeting the requirements.

General Reguirements:
a. Additional Insured: By endorsement to the general liability insurance policy evidenced by Contractor, the State of
Nevada, its officers, employees and immune contractors as defined in NRS 41.0307 shall be named as additional
insureds for all liability arising from the Contract.
b. Waiver of Subrogation: Each insurance policy shall provide for a waiver of subrogation against the State of Nevada,
its officers, employees and immune contractors as defined in NRS 41.0307 for losses arising from
work/materials/equipment performed or provided by or on behalf of the Contractor.
c. Cross-Liability: All required liability policies shall provide cross-liability coverage as would be achieved w1der the
standard ISO separation of insureds clause.
d. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions: Insurance maintained by Contractor shall apply. on a first dollar basis without
application of a deductible or self-insured retention unless otherwise specifically agreed to by the State. Such approval
shall not relieve Contractor from the obligation to pay any deductible or self-insured retention. Any deductible or self-
insured retention shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) per occurrence, unless otherwise approved by the
Risk Management Division.
e. Policy Cancellation: Except for ten (10) days notice for non-payment of premium, each insurance policy shall be
endorsed to state that without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the State of Nevada, c/o Contracting Agency, the
policy shall not be canceled, non-renewed or coverage and /or limits reduced or materially altered, and shall provide
that notices required by this paragraph shall be sent by certified mailed to the address shown on page one (1) of this
f. Approved Insurer: Each insurance policy shall be:
I) Issued by insurance companies authorized to do business in the State of Nevada or eligible surplus lines insurers
acceptable to the State and having agents in Nevada upon whom service of process may be made; and
2) Currently rated by A.M. Best as "A-VII,, or better.
Evidence of Insurance:
Prior to the start of any Work, Contractor must provide the following documents to the Lead State:
1) Certificate of Insurance: The Acord 25 Certificate of Insurance form or a form substantially similar must be submitted
to the State to evidence the insurance policies and coverages required of Contractor.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page38

2) Schedule of Underlving Insurance Policies: If Umbrella or Excess policy is evidenced to comply with minimum limits,
a copy of the Underlyer Schedule from the Umbrella or Excess insurance policy may be required.

Review and Approval: Documents specified above must be submitted for review and approval by the Lead State prior to
the commencement of work by Contractor. Neither approval by the Lead State nor failure to disapprove the insurance
furnished by Contractor shall relieve Contractor of Contractor's full responsibility to provide the insurance required by this
contract. Compliance with the insurance requirements of this contract shall not limit the liability of Contractor or its sub-
contractors, employees or agents to the Lead State or others, and shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other remedy
available to the Lead State or Participating States under this contract or otherwise. The Lead State reserves the right to
request and review a copy of any required insurance policy or endorsement to assure compliance with these requirements.

Mail all required insurance documents to the Lead State identified on page one of the contract.
27. COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL OBLIGATIONS. Any and all supplies, services and equipment bid and furnished shall
comply fully with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration
of this contract any state, county, city or federal license, authorization, waiver, permit, qualification or certification required by
statute, ordinance, law, or regulation to be held by Contractor to provide the goods or services required by this contract. The
Lead State may set-off against consideration due any delinquent government obligation in accordance with NRS 353C. l 90.
28. WAIVER OF BREACH. Failure to declare a breach or the actual waiver of any particular breach of the contract or its
material or nonmaterial terms by either party shall not operate as a waiver by such party of any of its rights or remedies as to any
other breach.
29. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this contract is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the
validity of the remaining tenns and provisions shall not be affected; and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be
construed and enforced as if the contract did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid.
30. ASSIGNMENT/DELEGATION. To the extent that any assignment of any right under this contract changes die duty of
either party, increases the burden or risk involved, impairs the chances of obtaining the performance of this contract, attempts to
operate as a novation, or includes a waiver or abrogation of any defense to payment by State, such offending portion of the
assignment shall be void, and shall be a breach of this contract. Contractor shall not assign, sell, transfer, subcontract or sublet
rights, or delegate responsibilities under this contract, in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of the WSCA
Contract Manager.
31. OWNERSHIP OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. Any reports, histories, studies, tests, manuals, instructions,
photographs, negatives, blue prints, plans, maps, data, system designs, computer code (which is intended to be consideration
under the contract), or any other documents or drawings, prepared or in the course of preparation by Contractor (or its
subcontractors) in performance of its obligations under this contract shall be the exclusive property of WSCA and all such
materials shall be delivered into WSCA possession by Contractor upon completion, termination, or cancellation of this contract.
Contractor shall not use, willingly allow, or cause to have such materials used for any purpose other than performance of
Contractor's obligations under this contract without the prior written consent of WSCA. Notwithstanding the foregoing, WSCA
shall have no proprietary interest in any materials licensed for use that are subject to patent, trademark or copyright protection.
32. PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. ETC. The Contractor shall release, indemnify and hold WSCA, the State, and Participating
States and their officers, agents and employees harmless from liability of any kind or nature, including the Contractor's use
of any copyrighted or un-copyrighted composition, secret process, patented or unpatented invention, article or appliance
furnished or used in the performance of this contract.
33. PUBLIC RECORDS. Pursuant to NRS 239.010, information or documents received from Contractor may be open to public
inspection and copying. The State will have the duty to disclose unless a particular record is made confidential by law or a
common law balancing of interests. Contractor may label specific parts of an individual document as a "trade secret" or
"confidential" in accordance with NRS 333.333, provided that Contractor thereby agrees to indemnify and defend the State for
honoring such a designation. The failure to so label any document that is released by the State shall constitute a complete waiver
of any and all claims for damages caused by any release of the records.
34. CONFIDENTIALITY. Contractor shall keep confidential all information, in whatever form, produced, prepared, observed
or received by Contractor to the extent that such information is confidential by law or otherwise required by this contract.
35. NONDISCRIMINATION. Contractor agrees to abide by the provisions of Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 (42 USC 2000e), which prohibit discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment, or any applicant
or recipient of services, on the basis of race, religion, color, or national origin; and further agrees to abide by Executive Order
No. 11246, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on basis of sex; 45 CFR 90 which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of age, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 which
prohibits discrimination on the basis of disabilities. Contractor further agrees to furnish information and reports to requesting
Participating Entities, upon request, for the purpose of determining compliance with these statutes. Contractor agrees to
comply with each individual Participating State's ce11ification requirements, if any, as stated in the special terms and
conditions. This contract may be canceled if the Contractor fails to comply with the provisions of these laws and regulations.
Contractor must include this provision in very subcontract relating to purchases by the States to insure that subcontractors
and vendors are bound by this provision.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 39

36. FEDERAL FUNDING. In the event federal funds are used for payment of all or part of this contract:
a. Contractor certifies, by signing this contract, that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed
for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or
agency. This certification is made· pursuant to the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and
Suspension, 28 C.F.R. pt. 67, § 67.510, as published as pt. VII of the May 26, 1988, Federal Register (pp. 19160-19211), and
any relevant program-specific regulations. This provision shall be required of every subcontractor receiving any payment in
whole or in part from federal funds.
b. Contractor and its subcontractors shall comply with all terms, conditions, and requirements of the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-136), 42 U.S.C. 12101, as amended, and regulations adopted thereunder contained in 28
C.F.R. 26.101-36.999, inclusive, and any relevant program-specific regulations.
c. Contractor and its subcontractors shall comply with the requirements of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, P.L. 93-112, as amended, and any relevant program-specific regulations, and shall not
discriminate against any employee or offeror for employment because of race, national origin, creed, color, sex, religion, age,
disa~ility or handicap condition (including AIDS and AIDS-related conditions.)
37. LOBBYING. The parties agree, whether expressly prohibited by federal law, or otherwise, that no funding associated with
this contract will be used for any purpose associated with or related to lobbying or influencing or attempting to lobby or
influence for any purpose the following:
a. Any federal, state, county or local agency, legislature, commission, counsel or board;
b. Any federal, state, county or local legislator, commission member, counsel member, board member, or other elected
o~cial; or
c. Any officer or employee of any federal, state, county or local agency; legislature, commission, counsel or board.
38. NON-COLLUSION. Contractor certifies that this contract and the underlying bid, have been arrived at independently
and have been without collusion with, and without any agreement, understanding or planned common course of action with,
any other vendor of materials, supplies, equipment or services described in the invitation to bid, designed to limit
independent bidding or competition.
a. Uniform Commercial Code. The Contractor acknowledges that the Uniform Commercial Code applies to this contract.
In general, the contractor warrants that: (a) the product will do what the salesperson said it would do, (b) the product will
live up to all specific claims that the manufacturer makes in their advertisements, (c) the product will be suitable for the
ordinary purposes for which such product is used, (d) the product will be suitable for any special purposes that the Buyer
has relied on the Contractor's skill or judgment to consider.
b. General Warrantv. Contractor warrants that all services, deliverables, and/or work product under this contract shall be
completed in a workmanlike manner consistent with standards in the trade, profession, or industry; shall conform to or exceed
the specifications set forth in the incorporated attachments; and shall be fit for ordinary use, of good quality, with no material
c. System Compliance. Contractor warrants that any information system application(s) shall not experience abnonnally
ending and/or invalid and/or incorrect results from the application(s) in the operating and testing of the business of the State.
This warranty includes, without limitation, century recognition, calculations that accommodate same century and multicentury
formulas and data values and date data interface values that reflect the century.
40. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Contractor certifies that it has not offered or given any gift or compensation prohibited by
the state laws of any WSCA participants to any officer or employee of WSCA or participating states to secure favorable
treatment with respect to being awarded this contract.
41. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Contractor shall be an independent contractor, and as such shall have no
authorization, express or implied to bind WSCA or the respective states to any agreements, settlements, Ii.ability or
understanding whatsoever, and agrees not to perform any acts as agent for WSCA or the states, except as expressly set forth
42. POLITICAL SUBDIVISION PARTICIPATION. Participation under this contract by political subdivisions (i.e.,
colleges, school districts, counties, cites, etc.,) of the WSCA Participating States shall be voluntarily determined by the
political subdivision. The Contractor agrees to supply the political subdivisions based upon the same terms, conditions and
43. PROPER AUTHORITY. The parties hereto represent and warrant that the person executing this contract on behalf of each
party has full power and authority to enter into this contract. Contractor acknowledges that as required by statute or regulation
this contract is effective only after approval by the WSCA Board of Directors and only for the period of time specified in the
contract. Any services performed by Contractor before this contract is effective or after it ceases to be effective are perfonned at
the sole risk of Contractor. The Contractor certifies that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction (contract) by any
govemmental department or agency.
44. GOVERNING LAW: JURISDICTION. This contract and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed
and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Nevada, without giving effect to any principle of conflict-of-law that
would require the application of the law of any other jurisdiction. The parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the First
Judicial District Court, Carson City, Nevada for enforcement of this contract. The construction and effect of any Participating

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 40

Addendum or order against the contract(s) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
Participating State. Venue for any claim, dispute or action concerning an order placed against the contract(s) or the effect of
a Participating Addendum or shall be in the Purchasing State.
45. SIGNATURES IN COUNTERPART. Contract may be signed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an
original, but all of which together shall constitute one in the same instrument.
46. ENTIRE CONTRACT AND MODIFICATION. This contract and its integrated attachment(s) constitute the entire
agreement of the parties and such are intended as a complete and exclusive statement of the promises, representations, nego-
tiations, discussions, and other agreements that may have been made in connection with the subject matter hereof. Unless an
integrated attachment to this contract specifically displays a mutual intent to amend a particular part of this contract, general
conflicts in language between any such attachment and this contract shall be construed consistent with the tenns of this contract.
The terms of this contract shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented or amended in any manner whatsoever
without prior written approval of the WSCA Contract Manager.

IN WllNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be signed and intend to be legally bound
thereby. ·

Independent Contractor's Signature Date Independent's Contractor's Title

Signature Date Title


Greg Smith, Administrator, State of Nevada


Approved as to form by:

Deputy Attorney General for Attorney General {Date)

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 41


Contractor shall indemnify, hold harmless and, not excluding the State's right to participate, defend the State, its officers,
officials, agents, and employees (hereinafter referred to as "Indemnitee") from and against all liabilities, claims, actions,
damages, losses, and expenses including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, (hereinafter referred to
collectively as "claims") for bodily injury or personal injury including death, or loss or damage to tangible or intangible
property caused, or alleged to be caused, in whole or in part, by the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Contractor or any
of its owners, officers, directors, agents, employees or subcontractors. This indemnity includes any claim or amount arising
out of or recovered under the Workers' Compensation Law or arising out of the failure of such contractor to conform to any
federal, state or local law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation or court decree. It is the specific intention of the parties that the
Indemnitee shall, in all instances, except for claims arising solely from the negligent or willful acts or omissions of the
Indemnitee, be indemnified by Contractor from and against any and all claims. It is agreed that Contractor will be
responsible for primary loss investigation, defense and judgment costs where this indemnification is applicable. In
consideration of the award of this contract, the Contractor agrees to waive all rights of subrogation against the State, its
officers, officials, agents and employees for losses arising from the work performed by the Contractor for the State.

Contractor and subcontractors shall procure and maintain until all of their obligations have been discharged, including any
warranty periods under this Contract are satisfied, insurance against claims for injur-y to persons or damage to property which
may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives,
employees or subcontractors.

The insurance requirements herein are minimum requirements for this Contract and in no way limit the indemnity covenants
contained in this Contract. The State in no way warrants that the minimum limits contained herein are sufficient to protect
the Contractor from liabilities that might arise out of the performance of the work under this contract by the Contractor, his
agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors and Contractor is free to purchase additional insurance as may be
determined necessary.

A. MINIMUM SCOPE AND LIMITS OF INSURANCE: Contractor shall provide coverage with limits of liability not
less than those stated below. An excess liability policy or umbrella liability policy may be used to meet the minimum
liability requirements provided that the coverage is written on a "following form" basis.

I. Commercial General Liability - Occurrence Form

Policy shall include bodily injury, property damage and broad form contractual liability coverage.
• General Aggregate $2,000,000
• Products - Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000
• Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000
• Each Occurrence $1,000,000
a. The policy shall be endorsed to include the following additional insured language: "The State of Nevada
shall be named as an additional insured with respect to liability arising out of the activities performed by, or
on behalf of the Contractor".

2. Worker's Compensation and Employers' Liability

Workers' Compensation Statutory
Employers' Liability
Each Accident $100,000
Disease - Each Employee $100,000
Disease - Policy Limit $500,000
a. Policy shall contain a waiver of subrogation against the State of Nevada.
b. This requirement shall not apply when a contractor or subcontractor is exempt under N.R.S., AND when
such contractor or subcontractor executes the appropriate sole proprietor waiver form.

3. Fidelity Bond or Crime Insurance

Bond or Policy Limit $

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 42

a. The bond or policy shall be issued with limits based on the amount of cash being handled by the
b. The bond or policy shall include coverage for all directors, officers, agents and employees of the
c. The bond or policy shall include coverage for third party fidelity and name the State of Nevada as loss
d. The bond or policy shall include coverage for extended theft and mysterious disappearance.
e. The bond or policy shall not contain a condition requiring an arrest and conviction.

B. ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REOUIREMENTS: The policies shall include, or be endorsed to include, the
following provisions:
l. On insurance policies where the State of Nevada is named as an additional insured, the State of Nevada shall be
an additional insured to the full limits of liability purchased by the Contractor even if those limits of liability are in
excess of those required by this Contract.
2. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance and non-contributory with respect to all other
available sources.

C. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION: Each insurance policy required by the insurance provisions of this Contract shall
provide the required coverage and shall not be suspended, voided or canceled except after thirty (30) days prior written
notice has been given to the State, except when cancellation is for non-payment of premium, then ten (10) days prior
notice may be given. Such notice shall be sent directly to Mail all required insurance documents to the Lead State

D. ACCEPTABILITY OF INSURERS: Insurance is to be placed with insurers duly licensed or authorized to do

business in the state of Nevada and with an "A.M. Best" rating of not less than A- VII. The State in no way warrants
that the above-required minimum insurer rating is sufficient to protect the Contractor from potential insurer

E. VERIFICATION OF COVERAGE: Contractor shall furnish the State with certificates of insurance (ACORD form
or equivalent approved by the State) as required by this Contract. The certificates for each insurance policy are to be
signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf.

All certificates and any required endorsements are to be received and approved by the State before work commences.
Each insurance policy required by this Contract must be in effect at or prior to commencement of work under this
Contract and remain in effect for the duration of the project. Failure to maintain the insurance policies as required by
this Contract or to provide evidence of renewal is a material breach of contract.

All certificates required by this Contract shall be sent directly to Mail all required insurance documents to the Lead
State (Nevada). The State project/contract number and project description shall be noted on the certificate of
insurance. The State reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all insurance policies required by this
Contract at any time.

F. SUBCONTRACTORS: Contractors' certificate(s) shall include all subcontractors as additional insureds under its
policies or Contractor shall furnish to the State separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All
coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to the minimum requirements identified above.

G. APPROVAL: Any modification or variation from the insurance requirements in this Contract shall be made by the
Attorney General's Office or the Risk Manager, whose decision shall be final. Such action will not require a formal
Contract amendment, but may be made by administrative action.

Mail all required insurance documents to the Lead State (Nevada).

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 43

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be signed and intend to be legally bound thereby.

Independent Contractor's Signature Date Independent's Contractor's Title

Signature- State of Nevada Date Title

Attachment BB Page 3 of 3
RMins rev 03/08

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 44

Attachment D

The State of Nevada, as a part of the RFP process, requires proposing vendors to submit business
references as required within this document. The purpose of these references is to document the
experience relevant to the scope of work and provide assistance in the evaluation process.

The proposing vendor is required to complete Part A and send the following reference form to each
business reference listed for completion of Part B. The business reference, in tum, is requested to
submit the Reference Form directly to the State of Nevada, Purchasing Division by the requested
deadline for inclusion in the evaluation process. The business reference may be contacted for validation
of the response.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 45

State of Nevada Brian Sandoval
Department of Administration Governor
Purchasing Division
S 1S E. Musser Street, Suite 300 Greg Smith
Carson City, NV 8970 I Administrator



Part A:
(Name of company requesting reference)

Part B:
This form is being submitted to your company for completion as a business reference for the company
listed above. This form is to be returned to the State of Nevada, Purchasing Division, via e-mail at
[email protected] Attn: Keli Hardcastle or facsimile at (775) 684-0188, Attn: Keli
Hardcastle no later than April 29, 2011, and must not be returned to the company requesting the
reference. When contacting us, please be sure to include the Request for Proposal number listed at the
top of this page.


Company providin2 reference:
Contact name and title/position
Contact telephone number
Contact e-mail address
I. Has the Vendor provided you with copiers in the past 3 years and how would you rate their overall
_ _ (3 =Excellent; 2 =Satisfactory; 1 =Unsatisfactory; 0 =Unacceptable I No Service in last 3 years)

2. In general, what services has the vendor provided for you?


3. How would you rate the completeness and accuracy of the data and reports provided by the vendor?
_ _ (3 =Excellent; 2 =Satisfactory; I =Unsatisfactory; 0 =Unacceptable)

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page46

3. How would you rate the vendor's flexibility relative to changes in the project scope and timelines?
__ (3 =Excellent; 2 =Satisfactory; 1 =Unsatisfactory; 0 =Unacceptable)

4. How would you rate the dynamics/interaction between the vendor and your staff?
_ _ (3 =Excellent; 2 = S~tisfactory; 1=Unsatisfactory;0 =Unacceptable)

5. How would you rate the timely and proactive nature of the vendor in providing service?
_ _(3 = Excellent; 2 = Satisfactory; 1 = Unsatisfactory; 0 = Unacceptable)

6. How would you rate the vendor's ability and attention to detail during pre and post implementation:
_ _ _ (3 = Excellent; 2 = Satisfactory; I = Unsatisfactory; 0 = Unacceptable)

8. With which aspect(s) of this vendor's services are you most satisfied?

9. With which aspect(s} of this vendor's services are you least satisfied?

10. Would you recommend this vendor's services to your organization again?

inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 47

Attachment E


Inmate Kiosks RFP No.1901 Page 48

The State of Nevada Purchasing Division
on behalf of National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO)
and the Multi-State Corrections Procurement Alliance (MCPA)
RFP 1901
Proposal Opening Date: May 5, 2011 @2:00 p.m.


I Evaluator

After reading vendor proposals, assign a score for each criterion between 1 and 10, with 1=Poor and
1O=Excellent. The Revised Score column should be left blank until the scheduled evaluation meeting.
Make sure to write vendors name, initial each page of the score sheets and write all the strengths and
weaknesses on the last two pages of this document.

Item #1 Weight Score

Demonstrated Competence

Demonstrated Competence:

Did the vendor provide sufficient data to convince you that they will do a good job for the State?
Was the proof compelling?
Are you confident that this vendor has the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform nil its tasks well?
Will the vendor's resources be adequate to serve the State's needs?
Does the vendor suggest new ways to enhance performance?
Does the vendor have the flexible capacity to handle all the needs of the State as they continue to change?
Did the vendor present sufficient performance history to convince you of their ability?
Has the vendor been in business long enough to provide good stability?
Has the vendor experienced ownership changes that would impact their services'!
Has there been any censure or litigation history?

Item #2 Weight Score
Experie1tce i1t Performa1tce of Comparable

Experience in Performance of Comparable Engagements:

Docs the vendor have prior experience that will ensure nil the skills necessary to perform tasks well?
Did the vendor have success in other work for a private or governmental entity'!
Does the vendor's previous work convince you of its successful completion of these duties'!
Has the vendor provided ade11uate references?

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 49

Item #3 Weight Score
Conformance with Terms of this Request/or

Conformance with the Terms of this RFP:

Did the vendor's proposal provide all the necessary information requested in the RFP in a professional manner?
Did the proposal cause doubt regarding its ability to complete the necessary tasks?
Was the proposal easy to understand and did it provide answers to questions, or create more questions?

Item #4 Description Weight Score
Expertise and Availability ofKey Personnel

Expertise and Availability of Key Personnel:

Is the staff that will be assigned to this project by the vendor the best qualified to complete the tasks?
Will they be available to insure completion of the project?
Will they be available for follow-up issues?
Is sufficient staff assigned to handle these duties?
Is there a Nevada office or contact person?
Will assigned staff respond to issues within a reasonable amount of time?

Item #5 Description Weight Score

Cost will be evaluated based on the vendor's response to Section 7, Project Costs.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 50

Attachment F


1. EXPRESS WARRANTIES. For the period specified on the face of the Contract, Contractor warrants and represents each of
the following with respect to any goods provided under the Contract, except as otherwise provided on incorporated attachments:
a. Fitness for Particular Pumose. The goods shall be fit and sufficient for the particular purpose set forth in the RFP or other
solicitation documents.
b. Fitness for Ordinarv Use. The goods shall be fit for the purpose for which goods of a like nature are ordinarily intended, it
being understood that the ·purpose for the goods covered by the Contract are ordinarily intended is general government
administration and operations.
c. Merchantable. Good Oualitv. No Defects. The goods shall be merchantable, of good quality, and free from defects,
whether patent or latent, in material and workmanship.
d. Conformitv. The goods shall conform to the standards, specifications and descriptions set forth in the incorporated
attachments. If Contractor has supplied a sample to the State, the goods delivered shall conform in all respects to the sample
and if the sample should remain in the State's possession it shall be identified by the word "sample" and the signature of
Contractor's sales representative.
e. Uniformitv. The goods shall be without variation, and shall be of uniform kind, quality, and quantity within each unit and
among all units.
f. Packaging and Labels. The goods shall .be contained, packaged, and labeled so as to satisfy all legal and commercial
requirements applicable to use by a government agency, including without limitation, OSHA material safety data sheets and
shall conform to all statements made on the label.
g. Full Warrantv. The foregoing warrantjes are "full" warranties within the meaning of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty --
Federal Trade Commission Improvement Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2301 et seq., and implementing regulations 16 C.F.R. pts. 700-703,
if applicable to this transaction.
h. Title. Contractor has exclusive title to the goods and shall deliver the goods to the State free and clear of all liens,
encumbrances, and security interests. If the Contract causes title to vest in the State, the State hereby grants a security interest
in the goods to Contractor under the terms set forth in the Contract.
2. COMPUTER WARRANTIES. If the goods include computer software and/or hardware, the following warranties shall apply
in addition to the express warranties set forth above.
a. Software Warrantv. Contractor/licensor warrants that for the period specified in the incorporated attachments:
(l) Under normal use and service, the media on which the licensed software is delivered shall be free from defects in
material and workmanship. If the licensed product fails to meet the media warranty, and the State as licensee gives licensor
written notice thereof during the applicable warranty period, licensor shall replace such media.
(2) The licensed product will meet licensor's published specifications therefore in effect on the effective date of the
Contract. If the licensed product fails to meet the warranty and licensee gives licensor written notice thereof, licensor shall
correct the failure, provided that licensee gives licensor· detailed information regarding such failure. However, licensor
shall not be liable to licensee for the warranty provided herein if ( 1) unanticipated or unauthorized modifications are made
to the licensed product by someone other than licensor, or (2) the media for the licensed product is subject to misuse or
b. Hardware Warrantv. Contractor warrants that, under normal use and service, the computer hardware and spare parts
purchased from Contractor shall be free from defects in material and workmanship, and the computer hardware wiII meet the
Contractor's then current published specifications therefore. If hardware warranted hereunder fails to meet the warranties
herein and the State gives Contractor written notice thereof during the applicable warranty period, Contractor's sole obligation
shall be to correct the failure by repair, replacement, or adjustment, as determined in Contractor's sole discretion. However,
Contractor shall not be liable hereunder if:
(I) unanticipated or unauthorized modifications are made to the computer hardware by someone other than Contractor;
(2) attachments, features or devices are employed on the computer hardware that are not supplied by Contractor or not
approved in writing by Contractor, including, without limitation, otlter components of the State's systems; or
(3) the computer hardware is subject to abuse or misuse.
3. INFRINGEMENT: INDEMNITY. Contractor warrants the purchase or use of the goods shall not infringe upon any United
States or foreign patent, and Contractor shall indemnify the State against all judgments, decrees, costs, and expenses resulting
from any alleged infringement and shall defend, upon written request of the State, at its own expense, any action which may be
brought against the State, its vendees, lessees, licensees, or assigns, under any claim of patent infringement in the purchase or
use of Contractor's goods. If the State is enjoined from using such goods, Contractor shall repurchase such goods from the State
at the original purchase price. The State shall notify Contractor promptly in writing of any such suit. If the State compromises
or settles any such suit without the written consent of Contractor, Contractor shall be released from the obligations of this
paragraph and from any liability to the State under any statute or other rule of law.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 51

4. USAGE OF TRADE: COURSE OF DEALINGS: IMPLIED WARRANTIES. Contractor shall also be bound by any other
implied warranty that, at the time of execution of the Contract, prevails in the trade of government in the marketing area in and
about the State of Nevada. Contractor shall also be bound by any other implied warranty arising through course of dealings
between Contractor and the State from and after the execution of the Contract. Contractor shall also be bound by all warranties
set forth in Nevada's Uniform Commercial Code (NRS Title 8) in effect on the date of execution of the Contract.
5. WARRANTIES CUMULATIVE. It is understood that warranties created by the Contract, whether express or implied, as
well as all warranties arising by operation of law that affect the rights of the parties under the Contract, are cumulative and
should be construed in a manner consistent with one another.
6. PRIORITY OF WARRANTIES. If it is held by a court of competent jurisdiction that there is an irreconcilable conflict
between or among any of the warranties set forth in the Contract and any warranties implied by law, the parties agree that the
specifications contained in the Contract shall be deemed technical and mere language of description.
7. BENEFICIARIES OF WARRANTIES. Benefit of any warranty made in the Contract shall be in favor of the State, any of its
political subdivisions or agencies, and any employee or licensee thereof who uses the goods, and the benefit of any warranty
shall apply to both personal injury and property damage.
8. DELIVERY. INSPECTION. ACCEPTANCE. RISK OF LOSS. Contractor agrees to deliver the goods as indicated in the
Contract, and upon acceptance by the State, title to the goods shall pass to the State unless otherwise stated in the Contract. The
State shall have the right to inspect the goods on arrival and, within a commercially reasonable time, the State must give notice
to Contractor of any claim or damages on account of condition, quality, or grade of the goods, and the State must specify the
basis of the claim in detail. Acceptance of the goods is not a waiver of UCC revocation of acceptance rights or of any right of
action that the State may have for breach of warranty or any other cause. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, risk of loss
from any casualty, regardless of the cause, shall be on Contractor until the goods have been accepted and title has passed to the
State. If given any, the State agrees to follow reasonable instructions regarding return of the goods.
9. NO ARRIVAL. NO SALE. The Contract is subject to provisions of no arrival, no sale terms, but proof of shipment is to be
given by Vendor, each shipment to constitute a separate delivery. A variation of ten days in time of shipment or delivery from
that specified herein does not constitute a ground for rejection. The State may treat any deterioration of the goods as entitling the
State to the rights resulting from a casualty to the identified goods without regard to whether there has been. sufficient
deterioration so that the goods no longer conform to the Contract.
10. PRICE: TAXES: PAYMENT. The price quoted is for the specified delivery, and, unless otherwise specified in the Contract,
is F.O.B. to the delivery address specified above. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the price does not include
applicable federal or State sales, use, excise, processing or any similar truces, or duty charges, which shall be paid by the State, or
in lieu thereof, the State shall provide Vendor with a true exemption certificate acceptable to the applicable trucing authority.
Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, payment shall be made by warrant drawn on the State of Nevada (in accordance with
Nevada law) and mailed to Vendor at the address specified above (or to assignee if assignment is acknowledged by the State)
within the time specified above.
11. GOVERNING LAW. The laws of Nevada, including, without limitation, Nevada's Uniform Commercial Code (NRS Title
8) in effect on the date of execution of the Contract, shall govern with respect to any goods provided under the Contract.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 52

Attachment G


Apart from the Lead State conducting the solicitation, the states listed below have signified their intent
to enter into a contract and participate with the State of Nevada for this Request for Proposal. These
States are considered Participating States for the purposes of this solicitation and its resulting
contracts(s). This Attachment includes state-specific provisions required by law, regulation or
procurement practices of the identified states.

Additional states may be added with the consent of the contractor and Lead State through execution of a
Participating Addendum.

Specific Terms and Conditions related to each State may be attached below. All States reserve the right
to add any State specific terms and conditions to any resultant participating addendums signed in
response to award(s) based from this procurement.

MCPA States:
• Arkansas
• District of Columbia
• Georgia
• Iowa
• Kentucky
• Minnesota
• Missouri
• Nevada
• New Mexico
• Oklahoma
• Rhode Island
• South Dakota
• Virginia
• Wyoming

Other potential States:

• Alaska
• Alizona
• Colorado
• Hawaii
• Idaho
• Montana
• Nebraska
• North Dakota
• Ohio
• Utah
• Vennont
• Wisconsin

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 53



Ohio standard term;
and conditions. pdf


Virginia Term; and

Conditions. pdf

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 54

Rev. 02/2011 Page 1 of08



A. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS. The State of Ohio's funds are contingent upon the availability of lawful appropriations
by the Ohio General Assembly. If the General Assembly fails at any time to continue funding for the payments any or
other obligations due by the State under this Contract, the State will be released from its obllgatfons on the date funding

The current General Assembly cannot commit a future General Assembly to an expenditure. Therefore, this Contract
will automatically expire at the end of a current biennium. The State may renew this Contract in the next biennium by
issuing written notice to the Contractor or by actions of the State of the decision to do so.

B. OBM CERTIFICATION. None of the rights, duties, or obligations In this Contract will be binding on the State, and the
Contractor will not begin its performance, until all of the following conditions have been met:

1. All statutory provisions under the Ohio Revised Code, including Section §126.07, have been met.
2. All necessary funds are made available by the appropriate state agencies.
3. If required, approval of this Contract Is given by the ControUing Board of Ohio; and
4. If the State Is relying on Federal or third-party funds for this Contract the State gives the Contractor written notice
that such funds have been made available.


1. Contract Termination. If Contractor falls to perform any one of its obligations under this Contract, it will be in
default and the State may terminate this Contract in accordance with this section. The tennlnallon wfll be effective
on the date delineated by the State.

a. Termination for Default. If Contractors default Is unable to be cured In a reasonable time, the State may
tenninate the Contract by written notice to the Contractor.

b. Termination for Unremedled Default. If Contractor's default may be cured within a reasonable lime, the State
will provide written notice to Contractor specifying the default and the time within which Contractor must correct
the default. If Contractor fails to cure the specified default wlthfn the time required, the State may terminate the
Contract. If DAS does not give timely notice of default to Contractor, the State has not waived any of the
State's rights or remedies concerning the default.

c. Termination for Persistent Default. The State may termfnate this Contract by written notice to Contractor for
defaults that are cured, but are persistent. "Perslstenr means three or more defaults. After the State has
notified Contractor of Its third default, the State may tenninate this Contract without providing Contractor with
an opportunity to cure, if Contractor defaults for a fourth time. The four defaults are not required to be related to
each other in any way.

d. Termination for Endangered Performance. The State may terminate this Contract by written notice to the
Contractor if the state determines that the performance of the Contract is endangered through no fault of the

e. Termination for Financial Instability. The State may terminate this Contract by written notice to the
Contractor if a petltfon in bankruptcy or similar proceeding has been filed by or against the Contractor.

f. Termination for Delinquency, Vlolatlon of Law. The State may terminate this Contract by written notice, If It
determines that Contractor Is delinquent In Its payment of federal, state or local taxes, workers' compensation.
Insurance premiums, unemployment compensation contributions, child support, court costs or any other
obligation owed to a state agency or polltlcal subdivision. The State also may cancel this Contract, if it
determines that Contractor has violated any law during the performance of this Contract. However, the State
may not terminate this Contract if the Contractor has entered Into a repayment agreement with which the
Contractor rs current.
Rev. 02/2011 Page 2of8

g. Termination for Subcontractor Default. The State may terminate this Contract for the default of the
Contractor or any of its subcontractors. The Contractor will be solely responsible for satisfying any claims of its
subcontractors for any suspension or termination and wm Indemnify the State for any Uabillty to them.
Subcontractors will hold the State harmless for any damage caused to them from a suspension or tenntnation.
The subcontractors will look solely to the Contractor for any compensation to which they may be entitfed.

h. Termination for Failure to Retain Certification. Pursuant to section §125.081 of the Revised Code, the State
may set aside a bid for supplies or services for participation only by minority business enterprises (MBE's) as
certified by the state of Ohio, Equal Opportunity Coordinator. After award of the Contract, It Is the responsibility
of the MBE Contractor to maintain certification as a MBE. If the Contractor fails to renew Its certification and/or
Is de-certified by the State of Ohio, Equal Opportunity Coordinator, the State may Immediately cancel the

I. Termination for Convenience. The State may terminate this Contract for its convenience after issuing written
notice to the Contractor. If the termfnaUon is for the convenience of the State, the Contractor will be entitled to
compensation for any Deliverable that the Contractor has delivered before the termination. Such compensation
will be the Contractors exclusive remedy in the case of termination for convenience and wilJ be avallable to the
Contractor only after the Contractor has submitted a proper invoice for such, with the invoice reflecting the
amount determined by the State to be owing to the Contractor.

J. Termination, Effectiveness, Contractor Responslbllitles. The notice of termination whether for cause or
without cause will be effective as soon as Contractor receives it. Upon receipt of the notice of terminaUon,
Contractor will lmmedfately cease all work on the Project, If applicable, and refuse any addltfonal orders and
take all steps necessary to minimize the costs the Contractor wlll Incur related to this Contract. The Contractor
will immediately prepare a report and deliver It to the State. The report must detall either the work completed at
the tlme of termination or the orders received and not processed prior to termination, and if applicable, the
percentage of the Project's completion, estimated time for delivery of all orders received prior to terminaUon,
any costs incurred by the Contractor in doing the Project to date and any deliverables completed or parttally
completed but not delivered to the State at the Ume of termination. Any and all work, whether completed or not,
will be delivered to the State along with the specified report. However, if delivery In that manner would not be in
the State's interest, then the Contractor will propose a suitable alternate form of delivery.

2. Contract Suspension. If Contractor fails to perform any one of Its obllgaUons under this Contract, it will be fn default
and the State may suspend rather than terminate this Contract where the State believes that doing so would better
serve Its interest.

In the case of a suspension for the State,s convenience, the amount of compensation due to the Contractor for work
performed before the suspension will be delermfned in the same manner as provided in this section for termination for
the State's convenience or the Contractor may be entitled to compensation for work performed before the suspension.
less any damage to the State resuHing from the Contractors breach of this Contract or other fault.

The notice of suspension, whether with or without cause will be effective immediately on the Contractor's receipts of the
notice. The Contractor will immediately prepare a report and deliver it to the State as is required in the case of


A. ACTUAL DAMAGES. Contractor Is liable to the State of Ohio for all actual and direct damages caused by Contractor's
default. The State may buy substitute supplies or services, from a lhird party, for those that were lo be provided by
Contractor. The State may recover the costs associated with acquiring substitute supplies or services, less any
expenses or costs saved by Contractors default, from Contractor.

B. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. If actual and direct damages are uncertain or difficult to determine, the State may recover
liquidated damages In the amount of 1% of the value of the order, deliverable or milestone that Is the subject of the
default, for every day that the default Is not cured by the Contractor.

C. DEDUCTION OF DAMAGES FROM CONTRACT PRICE. The State may deduct all or any part of the damages
resulting from Contractors default from any part of the price still due on the contract. upon prior written notice to being
issued to the Contractor by the State.


A. INVOICE REQUIREMENTS. The Contractor must submit an original Invoice with three (3) copies to the office
designated In the purchase order as the ubill to" address. To be a proper Invoice, the invoice must Include the following

1. The purchase order number authorizing the delivery of products or services.

2. A description of what the Contractor delivered, Including, as applicable, the time period, serlal number, unit price,
quantity, and total price of the products and services. If the Invoice is for a lease, the Contractor must also include
the payment number (e.g., 1 of 36).
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If an authorized dealer has fulfilled the purchase order, then the dealer's Information should be supplied In lieu of the
Contractor's information.

B. PAYMENT DUE DATE. Payments under this Contract will be due on the 30th calendar day after the later of:

1. The date of actual receipt of a proper invoice In the office designated to receive the invoice, or the date the service
is· delivered and accepted in accordance with the terms of this Contract.

2. The date of the warrant issued In payment will be considered the date payment is made. Interest on late payments
will be paid In accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section §126.30.


is not subject to an unresolved finding for recovery under ORC §9.24. If the warranty was false on the date the parties
signed this Contract, the Contract Is void ab Jn/tlo.

B. GENERAL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. The Contractor warrants that the recommendations, guidance,
and perfonnance of the Contractor under this Contract will:

1. Be in accordance with the sound professional standards and the requirements of this Contract and without any
material defect.

2. No Deliverable will Infringe on the Intellectual property rights of any third party.

3. All warranties are in accordance with Contractor's standard business practices attached.

4. That the Deliverables hereunder are merchantable and flt for the particular purpose described in this contract.

Additionally, with respect to the Contractors activities under this Contract, the· contractor warrants that:

5. The Contractor has the rfghl to enter Into this Contract.

6. The Contractor has not entered into any other contracts or employment relationshJps that restrict the Contractor's
ability to perform under this Contract.

7. The Contractor will observe and abide by all applicable laws and regulations, including those of the State regarding
conduct on any premises under the State's control.

8. The Contractor has good and marketable title to any goods delivered under this Contract and which title passes to
the State.

9. The Contractor has the right and ability to grant the license granted In Deliverable In which title does not pass to the

If any work of the Contractor or any Deliverable fails to comply with these warranties, and the Contractor is so notified In
writing, the Contractor will correct such failure with all due speed or will refund the amount of the compensation paid for
the Deliverable. The Contractor will also indemnify the State for any direct damages and claims by third parties based
on breach of these warranties.

c. INDEMNITY. The Contractor will indemnify the State for any and all claims, damages, lawsuits, costs, judgments,
expenses, and any other liabilities resulting from bodily injury to any person (including Injury resulting in death) or
damage to property that may arise out of or are related to Contractors performance under this Contract, providing such
bodily injury or property damage is due to the negligence of the Contractor, its employees, agents, or subcontractors.

The Contractor will also indemnify the State against any claim of infringement of a copyright, patent, trade.secret, or
similar intellectual property rights based on the State's proper use of any Deliverable under this Contract. This obligation
of indemnification will not apply where the State has modified or misused the Deliverable and the claim of infringement,
is based on the modification or misuse. The state agrees to give the Contractor notice of any such claim as soon as
reasonably practlcable and to give the Contractor the authority to settle or otherwise defend any such claim upon
consultation with and approval by the Office of the Slate Attorney General. If a successful claim of infringement is made,
or if the Contractor reasonably believes that an infringement olaim that is pending may actually succeed, the Contractor
wilf take one (1) of the following four (4) actions:
1. Modify the Deliverable so that Is no longer Infringing.

2. Replace Deliverable with an equivalent or better item.

3. Acquire the right for the State to use the Infringing Deliverable as it was intended for the State to use under this
Contract; or
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4. Remove the Deliverable and refund the fee the State paid for the Deliverable and the fee for any other Deliverable
that required the avallablllty of the Infringing Deliverable for it to be useful to the State.






A. AMENDMENTS. No amendment or modification of this Contract wlll be effective unless It is In writing and signed by
both parties.

B. ANTITRUST ASSIGNMENT TO THE STATE. Contractor assigns to lhe State of Ohio, through the Department of
Administrative Services, all of its rights to any claims and causes of action the Contractor now has or may acquire under
state or federal antitrust laws if the claims or causes of action relate to the supplies or services provided under this
Contract. Addltfonally, the State of Ohfo wfll not pay excess charges resulting from antitrust violations by Contractor's
suppliers and subcontractors.

C. ASSIGNMENT I DELEGATION. The Contractor will not asstgn any of Its rights nor delegate any of its duties under this
Contract without written consent of the State. Any assignment or delegation not consented to may be deemed void by
the State.

D. AUDITS. The Contractor must keep all financial records in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting
principles. Additionally, the Contractor must keep separate business records for this project, Including records of
disbursements and obligations incurred that must be supported by contracts. invoices, vouchers and other data as

During the period covered by this Agreement and until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this
Agreement, lhe Contractor agrees to provide the State. its duly authorized representatives or any person, agency or
instrumentality providing financial support to the work undertaken hereunder, with access to and the right to examine
any books, documents, papers and records of the Contractor involving transactions related to this Agreement.

The Contractor shall, for each subcontract In excess of two thousand five hundred ($2,500). require its subcontractors to
agree to the same provisions of this Article. The Contractor may not artificially divide contracts with its subcontractors to
avoid requiring subcontractors to agree to this provision.

The Contractor must provide access to the requested records no later than (5) five business days after the request by
the State or any party with audit rights. If an audit reveals any material deviation from the Contract requirements, and
misrepresentations or any overcharge to the State or any other provider of funds for the Contract. the State or other
party will be entitled to recover damages, as well as the cost of the audit.

E. CONFIDENTIALITY. The Contractor may learn of Information, documents. data. records. or other material that Is
confidential in the performance of this Contract. The Contractor may not disclose any information obtained by it as a
result ·of this Contract, without the written permission of the State. The Contractor must assume that all state
Information, documents, data, records or other material ts confidential.

The Contractor's obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the information will not apply where it: (1) was already in the
Contractor's possession before disclosure by the State. and it was received by the Contractor without the obligation of
confidence; (2) is Independently developed by the Contractor; (3) Is or becomes publfcly available without breach of this
Contract; (4) is rightfully received by the Contractor from a third party without an oblfgation of confidence; (5) is
disclosed by the Contractor with the written consent of the State; or (6) is released in accordance with a vafid order of a
court or governmental agency, provided that the Contractor (a) notifies the State of such order immediately upon receipt
of the order and (b) makes a reasonable effort to obtain a protective order from the issuing court or agency limiting
disclosure and use of the confidential Information solely for the purposes intended to be seiviced by the original order of
production. The Contractor will return all originals of any information and destroy any copies It has made on termination
or expiration of this Contract.

The Contractor will be liable for the disclosure of any confidential information. The parties agree that the disclosure of
confidential information of the State's may cause the State irreparable damage for which remedies other than Injunctive
relief may be inadequate, and the Contractor agrees that in the event of a breach of the obligations hereunder, the State
shall be entlUed to temporary and permanent Injunctive relief to enforce this provision without the necessity of providing
actual damages. This provision shall not, however, diminish or alter any right to claim and recover.
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F. CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION. This Contract will be constructed In accordance wtth the plain meaning of its language
and neither for nor against the drafting party.

G. CONTRACTOR DISCLOSURE; LOCATION OF SERVICES. DATA. As part of this Agreement. Contractor shall
disclose the following:

1. The location (s) where all services wlll be perfonned; and

2. The location{s) where any state data applicable to the contract will be maintained or made available; and
3. The principal location of business for the contractor and all subcontractors.

Contractor shall not. during the performance of this Contract, change the location(s) of the country where the services
are performed or change the location(s) of the country where the data is maintained or made available without prior
written approval of the State.

H. DRUG FREE WORKPLACE. The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal laws regarding
drug-free workplace and shall make a good faith effort to ensure that all its employees, whiJe working on state property,
will not purchase, transfer, use or possess illegal drugs or alcohol or abuse prescription drugs In any way.

I. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. The Contractor will comply with all state and federal laws regarding equal
employment opportunity, Including Ohio Revised Code Section 125.111 and all related Executive Orders.

Before a contract can be awarded or renewed, an Affirmative Action Program Verification Form must be completed using
the Ohio business Gateway Electronic Filing website Approved Affinnative Action Plans
can be found by going to the Equal Opportunity Departments web site:

J. FORCE MAJEURE. If the State or Contractor Is unable to perform any part of its obligations under this Contract by
reason of force majeure, the party will be excused from Its obligations, to the extent that its perfonnance is prevented by
force majeure, for the duration of the event. The party must remedy with all reasonable dispatch the cause preventing it
from carrying out its obligations under this Contract. The term "force majeure" means without limitation: acts of God;
such as epidemics; lightning; earthquakes; fires; stonns: hurricanes; tornadoes; floods; washouts; droughts; any other
severe weather; explosfons; restraint of government and people; war; strikes; and other like events; or any cause that
could not be reasonably foreseen in the exercise of ordinary care, and that is beyond the reasonable control of the

K. GOVERNING LAW I SEVERABILITY. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio, and the venue
for any disputes will be exclusively with the appropriate court In Franklin County, Ohio. If any provision of the Contract
or the appllcatlon of any provision Is hefd by that court to be contrary to law, the remaining provisions of the Contract will
remain in full force and effect.

L HEADINGS. The headings used In this Contract are for convenience only and wiU not affect the interpretation of any of
the Contract terms and conditions.

M. NOTICES. For any notice under this Contract to be effective it must be made In writing and sent to the address of the
appropriate contact provided elsewhere in the Contract.

N. ORDER OF PRIORITY. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between this document and any provisfon incorporated
by reference, this document will prevail.

O. PUBLICITY. The Contractor will not advertise that it is doing business with the Stale or use this Contract as a marketing
or sales tool without prior, written consent of the State.

P. STRICT PERFORMANCE. The failure of either party at any time to demand strict performance by the other party of any
of the terms of this Contract will not be construed as a waiver of any such term. and either party may at any time
demand strict and complete perfonnance by the other party.

Q. SUBCONTRACTING. The State, through the Department of Administrative Services, General Services Division, Office
of Procurement Services, recognizes that ft may be necessary for the Contractor to use a subcontractor to perform a
portion of the work under the Contract. In those circumstances, the Contractor shall submit a list identifying its
subcontractors or joint venture partners performing portions of the work under the Contract. If any changes occur during
the tenn of the Contract, the Contractor shall supplement its list of subcontractors or joint venture business partners. In
addiUon, all subcontractors or joint venture business partners agree to be bound by all of the Terms and Conditions and i
specifications of the Contract. The State, through the Department of Administrative Services, General Services Division, i
Office of Procurement Services, reserves the right to reject any subcontractor submitted by the Contractor. ~· ....
R. SURVIVORSHIP. All sections herein relating to payment. confidentiality, license and ownership, indemnification,
publicity, construction warranties, limitations of warranties and limitations on damages shall survive the termination of
this Contract.

s. TAXES. The State is exempt from all state and local taxes and does not agree to pay any taxes.
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S-1. Contract Orders. Participating state agencies will order supplies or services under this Contract from the Contractor directly. The
Contractor may reeelve orders made by participating state agencies by telephone, facsimile, electronically, in person, debit order or by
State of Ohio payment card or purchase order (ORDE) from authorized employees of the partlclpatlng agency. The State will not be
responsible for orders placed by unauthorized employees. Contractor is not required to fill an order with a delivery date that is more
than 30 days beyond the date of Contract expiration, termination or cancellation, unles~ the Contract provides for quarterly deliveries.
Under a Cont~ct that provides for quarterly deliveries, Contractor Is not required to fill an order with a delivery date that Is more than 90
days beyond the date of Contract expiration, termination or cancellation.·

s..2. Compensation. In consideration for Contractor's performance each participating state agency wm pay Contractor directly at the
rate specified in the Contract Payments may be made by the Ohio Payment Card, an Auditor of State warrant or by electronic funds
transfer (EFT). For all transactions the Contractor must have a valid W-9 fonn on file with the Office of Budget and Management.
Registration Jn OBM's database requires the Contractor to complete an IRS W-9 Fonn. The completed original form should be malled
to: Office of Procurement Services, 4200 Surface Rd .• Columbus, OH 43228-1395.

S-3. Ohio Payment Card. ParticlpaUng state agencies purchasing supplies from the Contract may use the Ohio Payment Card. Such
purchases may not exceed $2,500 unless the Office of Budget & Management has approved the agency to exceed this limit. Jn the
event that OBM increases the dollar limit for payment cards for all state agencies, notice of such increase will be posted on the
Procurement Services website. Participating state agencies are required to use the Ohio Payment Card in accordance with the Ohio,
Office of Budget and Managemenfs current guidelines for the Ohio Payment Card and the participating agency's approved plan filed
with the Office of Budget of Managemenl Contractor may process a payment In the payment card network only upon delivery and
acceptance of the supplies or services ordered. For partial deliveries or performance, Contractor may process a payment for the
amount delivered or completed only and not for the enUre amount ordered by the participating agency. Upon completion of the delivery
of remaining supplies or services, Contractor may process a payment request in the payment card network for the remainder of the
order. Contractor will receive payment through its merchant bank within the Ume frame agreed upon between Contractor and its
merchant bank. The Contractor should ~pect normal processing fees from its merchant bank for payment card transaction which may
not be passed on to the agency making the purchase.

S-4. Requirements Contract. The quantity of supplies or services to be provided under this Contract is the quantity determined by the
actual. good faith. requirements of the participating state agencies. DAS may allow a participating state agency to purchase supplies or
services Identical to those provided under this Contract from a supplier other than Contractor, if one of the folfowlng conditions apply:

(A) The supplies or services to be purchased were not anticipated by DAS at the time this Contract was let and the supplies or
services are required in a large quantity;

(B) The supplies or services to be purchased are unique or unusual from the supplies or services provided under this Contract; or

(C) The agency requires the supplies or services to remedy an emergency and Contractor Is not able to provide the supplies or
services, as the emergency requires.

S·6. F.O.B. The Place of Destination. Contractor must provide supplies or services under this Contract F.O.B. the place of
destination. The place of destination will be specified by the participating state agency on the agency's purchase order or other
ordering document Freight will be prepaid unless otherwise stated.

S·6. Time of Delivery. If Contractor Is not able to deliver the supplies or services on the date and time specified by the participating
state agency on the agency's ordering document, Contractor must coordinate an acceptable date and time for delivery with the agency.
If Contractor is not able to or does not provide the supplies or services to a participating state agency by the date and time provided on
the agency's ordering document or by the date and time later agreed upon, the State may obtain any remedy under Section II, "Contract
RemedlesD, as described in the Standard Contract Terms and Conditions or any other remedy at law.

S-7. Minimum Orders-Transportation Charges. For purchase orders placed that are less than the stated minimum order,
transportation charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice by the Contractor to the delivery location designated by the ordering
agency. Shipment Is to be made by private or commercial freight service provider, air. rail, water, parcel post, express or commercial
package delivery. whichever is the most economical and expeditious method for proper delivery of the item. Failure of the Contractor to
utilize the most economical mode of transportation shafl result In the Contractor reimbursing the ordering agency the difference between
the most economical mode of transportation and the mode of transportation used by the Contractor. Failure to reimburse the ordering
agency shall be considered as a default.

s. Workers' Compensation. Workers' compensation Insurance. as required by Ohio law or the laws of any other state where work
s ..
under this Contract will be done. The Contractor wlll also maintain employer's liability insurance with at least a $1,000.000.00 limit.

S·9. Automobile and General Llablllty Insurance. During the term of the Contract and any renewal thereto, the Contractor. and any
agent of the Contractor, at its sole cost and expense shall maintain a policy of Automobile Liability Insurance in accordance with the
Slate and Federal laws, unless otherwise stated. In addition, Contractor shall carry Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage i· .
with a $1,000.000 annual aggregate and a $500,000 per occurrence limit for bodily injury, personal Injury, wrongful death and property j
damage. The defense cost shall be outside the policy limits. Such policy shall designate the State of Ohio as an Additional Insured, as ;
Its Interest may appear. The policy shall also be endorsed to Include a bJanket waiver of subrogation and a statement that the
Contractor's commercial general HabHily insurance shall be primary over any other coverage. Umbrella/excess liability Insurance may
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be used to meet the required limits and the coverage must fol(ow form. The Office of Procurement Services reserves the right to
approve all policy deductibles and levels of self-insured retention-captive insurance programs and may require the Contractor to have
their policy (ies) endorsed to reflect per project I per location general aggregate Hmlts.

If not submitted with the Bidder's response, copies of the respective insurance certificates shall be filed with the Office of Procurement
Services within seven (7) calendar days after notificatfon. Failure to submit the Insurance certificates within this time period may result
In the bidder being deemed not responsive. Said certificates are subject to the approval of the Director, Department of AdmlnlstraUve
Services and shall contain a clause or endorsement providing thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation, non-renewal or
decrease in coverage will be given to the Director, Department of Administrative SeNlces. Failure of the Bidder to maintain this
coverage for the duration of the Contract, and any renewals thereto, may be eonsldered as a default. AU Insuring companies shall have
and maintain at least an A· (Excellent) rating from A.M. Best.

S-10. Quality Assurance. At the option of DAS or the participating agency, samples may be taken from deDverles made and
submitted for laboratory tests. The State will bear the cost of the testing when samples are found to be in compUance with the Contract.
If samples do not conform to the Contract. Contractor wlll bear Jhe costs of testing and the State will apply the terms and conditions of
the Termination provision of this Contract.

S-11. Electronfc Commerce Program. The State of Ohio is an active participant in E-commerce to include Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI). This program wifl benefit both the State and the contractor by reducing time delays in recefvtng orders and
payments that are associated with the existing manual processes. It Is the goal of the State of Ohio to eventually conduct an
procurement activities through electronic commerce technologies. Contractor is encouraged to move toward compliance with electronic
commerce technologies, as this will be the preferred method of doing business with the State of Ohio in the future. The following
Information is offered to assist all interested businesses in their efforts to move toward becoming a trading partner with the State of
Ohio through the electronlc commerce technologies. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Is used for electronlc purchase orders,
invoicing, and payment of purchases. The program includes sending electronic purchase orders to the Contractor, the receipt of
eleclronfc invoices from the Contractor and the transmission of payment and remittance Information back to the Contractor. A
complete •implementation Guide•, for doing business with the State of Ohio using EDI, can be found on the Internet at: This guide contains all of the Information necessary for a company to become
EDI compllant By following all of the links, the entire guide may be viewed, downloaded and printed at your location. In addition,
companies who are interested in becoming EDI trading partners with the State of Ohio should visit the Office of Budget and
Management's website at http:l/ for addrtlonal infonnatlon regarding E-commerce.

S-12. Usage Reports. At no cost to the State, the Contractor shall be required to provide quarterly, bi-annual or annual usage reports
as requested by the Office of Procurement Services. The reports will include Information as to purchase activity under the Contract by
all participating agencies and Co-operative Purchasing Program members. Report topfcs will Include. but will not be limited to:
customer name, date of purchase, item description, quantity, dollar value, aggregate sales to date for each customer and other such
information as requested by the Office of Procurement Services. Electronlc media Is the preferred method for these reports. Failure to
provide the requested reports will be deemed as an event of default.

S-13. Return Goods Polley. The State will apply the following Return Goods Polley on all purchases made under the Contract. The
bidder acknowledges to have read, understood, and agrees to this Policy.

(A) Return goods, when due to Contractor error (i.e. over-shipment, defective merchandise, unapproved substitution, etc.) shall be
returned to the Contractor, at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall make arrangements to remove the return goods from
the ordering agency premises within seven (7) calendar days after notification. The Contractor shall not apply any restocking or
other charges to the ordering agency. At the option of the ordering agency, replacement items may be accepted and wlll be
shipped within seven (7) calendar days of notification. Failure of the Contractor to arrange for return of the items within the
specified time will result In the items being deemed as abandoned property and the ordering agency will dispose of accordingly.

(B) For orders of custom manufactured items. the Contractor will provide a production sample of the Item to the ordering agency for
acceptance. The production sample will be Identical to the item to be provided. The orderfng agency wm provide written
acceptance of the Item prior to the Contractor continuing with production. Once delivery and acceptance has been completed and
the ordering agency detennines for any reason that any remaining quantities will not be used, the agency may request the return of
the custom manufactured items. Acceptance of the retum of custom manufactured items will be at the option of the Contractor. If
the Contractor agrees to the return of these items, the agency will be responsible for all costs associated with packaging, shipment
and transportation, to Include the original shipment to the agency and subsequent return of goods to the location designated by the
Contractor. The Contractor may assess restocking fees that are equivalent to restocking fees that are normally assessed to other
customers or as published by the Contractor. Failure of the Contractor to provide a production sample and obtain written approval
form the ordering agency wlll result In the Contractor bearing all responsibility and costs associated with the return of these goods.

(C) Return goods of regular catalog stock merchandise, when due to agency error (I.e. over purchase. discontinued use, inventory
reduction, etc.) will be accepted by the Contractor if notice is given by the agency within six (6) months of delivery and acceptance.
All items to be returned must be unused and In their original containers and In suitable condition for resale. The ordering agency
will be responsible for all transportation costs associated with both the original shipment of items to the agency and the subsequent
return of the Items to the locatlon designated by the Contractor. The Contractor may assess a restocking fee associated with the
return of the items to the location designated by the Contractor. The Contractor may assess a restocking fee not to exceed their
standard published restocking fee or equivalent restocking fee that is assessed to other customers of the Contractor. Return of
regular stock catalog merchandise, when delivery and acceptance exceed six (6) months will be at the option of the Contractor.
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S-14. Product Recall. In the event product delivered has been recalled, seized. or embargoed and/or has been determined to be
misbranded. adulterated, or found to be unfit for human consumption by the packer, processor, manufacturer or by any State or Federal
regulatory agency, the Contractor shall be responsible to notify DAS-Procurement Services and all ordering agencles/entit1es within two
business days after notice has been given. Contractor shall, at the option of the ordering agency, eilher reimburse the purchase price or
provide an equivalent replacement product at no addllional cost. Contractor shall be responsible for removal and/or replacement of the
affected product within a reasonable time as determined by the ordering agency. At the option of the ordering agency, Contractor may
be required to reimburse storage and/or handling fees to be calculated from time of delivery and acceptance to actual removal.
Contractor wlll bear all costs. associated with the removal and proper disposal of the affected product. Failure to reimburse the purchase
price or provide equivalent replacement product will be considered a default.

S-16. Ohio Ethics. All Contractors who are actively doing business with the State of Ohio or who are seeking to do business with the
State of Ohio are responsible to review and comply with all relevant provisions of O.R.C. Sections 102.01 to 102.09. Contractor certifies
that HIs currently in compliance and wirl continue to adhere to the requirements of Ohfo ethics laws.

S-16. Declaration of Material Assistance. In accordance with R.C. 2909.33(C), I certify that I meet one of the following conditions:

(a) I have not received, nor wlll receive as a result of this contract, an aggregate amount greater than one hundred thousand dollars
($100,000) In business or funding, excluding personal benefits, from the state, lnstrumentalltfes, or political subdivisions during the
current fiscal year; .


(b)(1) I have received, or will receive as a result of this contract, an aggregate amount greater than one hundred thousand dollars
($100,000) in business or funding, excluding personal benefits, from the state, lnstrumentalltles, or polltlcal subdivisions during the
current fiscal year.

(2) I have either precertified with the Office of Budget and Management, or have completed the Declaration of Material Assistance form
as directed on page 2 of the Invitation to Bid, (Item D). certifying that I have not provided material assistance to any organization on the
Terrorist Exclusion List, as that term Is defined in R.C. 2909.21.

This solicitation is subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia Vendors Manual
and any revisions thereto, which are hereby incorporated into this contract in their entirety. The
procedure for filing contractual claims- is in section 7.19 of the Vendors Manual. A copy of the
manual is normally available for. revie~ ~t the purc~asing. offi~~ and. is. ac~~sible on the Internet
at under "Manuals".


This solicitation and any resulting contract shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the
Commonwealth of Virginia and any litigation with respect thereto shall be brought in the courts
of the Commonwealth. The agency and the Contractor are encouraged to resolve any issues in
controversy arising from the award of the contract or any contractual dispute using Alternative
Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures (Code of Virginia, §2.2-4366). ADR procedures are
described in Chapter 9 of the Vendors Manual. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable
federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations.

By signing and submitting a proposal under this solicitation, the Offeror certifies that if awarded
the contract, it will have the following insurance coverage at the time the contract is awarded.
For construction contracts, if any subcontractors are involved, the subcontractor will have
workers' compensation insurance in accordance with §§ 2.2-4332 and 65.2-800 et seq. of the
Code of Virginia. The Offeror further certifies that the Contractor and any subcontractors will
maintain these insurance coverage during the entire term of the contract and that all insurance
coverage will be provided by insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in Virginia by the
Virginia State Corporation Commission.

If awarded a Contract, the Offeror shall provide a current Certificate of Insurance naming ~he
Commonwealth ofVirginia, Deparbnent of Corrections as an additional insured for the stipulated
coverage and shall include the applicable contract number on the certificate.
The Offeror named on the Certificate ofinsurance shall correspond to the Offeror's information
provided on Attachment A: Proposal Form.


1. Worker's Compensation - Statutory requirements and benefits. Coverage is compulsory

for employers of three or more employees, to include the employer. Contractors who fail
to notify the Commonwealth of increases in the number of employees that change their
workers' compensation under the Code of Virginia during the course of the contract shall
be in noncompliance with the contract.

2. Employers Liability-$100,000.

3. Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence. Commercial General

Liability is to include bodily injury and property damage, personal injury and advertising
injury, products and completed operations coverage. The Commonwealth of Virginia
must be named as an additional insured and so endorsed on the policy.


During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees to (i) provide a drug-free
workplace for the Contractor's employees, (ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees
and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the .unlawful manufacture,
sale, distnbution, dispensation, posses~ion, or use of a controlled substance, marijuana or alcohol
is prohibited in the Contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against
employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for
employees placed by or on behalf of the Contractor that the Contractor maintains a drug-free
workplace; and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or
purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or

For the purposes of this section, "drug-free workplace" means a site for the performance of
work done in connection with a specific contract awarded to a Contractor in accordance with this
chapter, the employees of whom are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, sale,
distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance, marijuana or alcohol
during the performance of the contract.


The eVA Internet electronic procurement solution, web site portal,
streamlines and automates government purchasing activities in the Commonwealth. The eVA
portal is the· gateway for vendors to conduct business with state agencies and public bodies. All
vendors desiring to provide goods and/or services to the Commonwealth shall participate in the
eVA Internet e-procurement solution either through the eVA Basic Vendor Registration Service
or eVA Premium Vendor Registration Service. All offerors must register in eVA; failure to
register will result in the proposal being rejected.

A. eVA Basic Vendor Registration Service: $25 Annual Registration Fee plus the appropriate
order Transaction Fee specified below. eVA Basic Vendor Registration Service includes
electronic order receipt, vendor catalog posting, on-line registration, electronic bidding, and
the ability to research historical procurement data available in the eVA purchase transaction
data warehouse.

B. eVA Premium Vendor Registration Service: $25 Annual Registration Fee plus the
appropriate order Transaction Fee specified below. eVA Premium Vendor Registration
Service includes all benefits of the eVA Basic Vendor Registration Service plus automatic
email or fax notification of solicitations and amendments.

1. For orders issued prior to August 16, 2006, the Vendor Transaction Fee is 1%, capped at a
maximum of $500 per order.

2. For orders issued August 16, 2006 and after, the Vendor Transaction

Fee is:

(i) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, capped at $500 per order.

(ii) Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, capped at
$1,500 per order

The eVA transaction fee will be invoiced approximately 30 days after the corresponding
purchase order is issued and payable 30 days after the invoice date. Any adjustments
(increases/decreases) will be handled through purchase order changes.
A contractor organized as a stock or nonstock corporation, limited liability company, business trust,
or limited partnership or registered as a registered limited liability partnership shall be authorized
to transact business in the Commonwealth as a domestic or foreign business entity if so required by
Title 13.1 or Title 50 of the Code of Virginia or as otherwise required by law. Any business entity
described above that enters into a contract with a public body pursuant to the Virginia Public
Propurement Act shall not allow its existence to lapse or its certificate of authority or registration to
transact business in the Commonwealth, if so required under Title 13.1 or Title 50, to be revoked or
cancelled at any time during the term of the contract. A public body may void any contract with a
business entity if the business entity fails to remain in compliance with the provisions of this


Jn the event a contract is awarded for supplies, equipment, or services resulting from this
bid/proposal, no indication of such sales or services to the (name of institution) will be used in
product literature or advertising. The contractor shall not state in any of its advertising or product
literature that (name of agency/institution) has purchased or uses any of its products or services,
and the· contractor shall not include (name of agency/institution) in any client list in advertising
and promotional materials.


All contract personnel shall be subject to a post accident drug testing and testing where
reasonable suspicion exists that the terms of this clause have been violated. In addition,
Contractor's employees assigned to this contract, who work in correctional facilities, detention
centers, diversion centers, probation and parole offices, and central or regional offices· or with
offenders, will be subject to random urinalysis testing. All required drug testing shall be paid for
by the Contractor.


Jn the event a Contractor proposes to employ ex-offenders, the DOC may determine that it is not
in the best interest to allow some ex-offenders to provide service. Some of the factors that the
DOC may consider are: where the ex-offender served time, the nature of the crime and the length
of time since sentence obligation was completed.

Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Commonwealth of Virginia, its
officers, agents, and employees from any claims, damages and actions of any kind or nature,
whether at law or in equity, arising from or caused by the use of any materials, goods, or
equipment of any kind or nature furnished by the Contractor/any services of any kind or nature
furnished by the Contractor, provided that such liability is not attributable to the sole negligence
of the using agency or to failure of the using agency to use the materials, goods, or equipment in
the manner already and permanently described by the Contractor on the materials, goods or
equipment delivered.


The solicitation/contract will result in purchase order(s) with the eVA transaction fee specified
below assessed for each order.

1. For orders issued prior to August 16, 2006, the Vendor Transaction Fee is 1%, capped at a
maximum of $500 per order.
2. For orders issued August 16, 2006 and after, the Vendor Transaction Fee is:

· (i) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $500 per order.

(ii) Busi~esses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, capped at $1,500
per order.

The eVA transaction fee will be assessed approximately 30 days after each purchase order is
issued. Any adjustments (increases/decreases) will be handled through eVA change orders.

Internet electronic procurement solution, web site portal www.eVA., streamlines and
automates government purchasing activities in the Commonwealth. The portal is the gateway for
vendors to conduct business with state agencies and public bodies.

Vendors desiring to provide goods and/or services to the Commonwealth shall participate in the
· eVA Internet e-procurement solution and agree to comply with the following:

If this solicitation is for a term contract, failure to provide an electronic catalog (price list) or
index page catalog for items awarded will be just cause for the Commonwealth to reject your
bid/offer or terminate this contract for default. The fonnat of this electronic catalog shall conform
to the eVA Catalog Interchange Fonnat (CIF) Specification that can be accessed and downloaded
from Contractors should email Catalog or Index Page information to
[email protected].


Pursuant to Code of Virginia, §2.2-4311.2 subsection B, a bidder or offeror organized or
authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth pursuant to Title 13. l or Title 50 is required
to include in its bid or proposal the identification number issued to it by the State Corporation
Commission (SCC). Any bidder or offeror that is not required to be authorized to transact
business in the Commonwealth as a foreign business entity· under Title 13.1 or Title 50 or as
otherwise required by law is required to include in its bid or proposal a statement describing why
the bidder or offeror is not required to be so authorized ..
Attachment H

Sample Participating Addendum

Inmate Kiosks RFP No.1901 Page 55

PARTICIPATING ADDENDUM [hereinafter "Addendum"]
to the
State of Nevada
Nevada Master Price Agreement RFP Number 1901
issued on behalf of
Multi-State Corrections Procurement Alliance (MCPA)
of the
National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO)
[hereinafter "Contractor'']
(Participating State)
[hereinafter "Participating State"]
(Participating State Contract Number)

The Multi-State Corrections Procurement Alliance (MCPA) establishes a means by which participating
state procurement and correctional authorities may join together in cooperative multi-state contracting
for the support of state correctional agencies, recognizing the unique requirements of correctional
facilities, institutions and services.

1. Scope: This Addendum covers the MCP A Inmate Kiosks Contract lead by the State of Nevada
for use by state correctional agencies and other entities located in the Participating State authorized
by that state's statutes to utilize state contracts.
This Addendum covers the MCPA Inmate Kiosks Contract lead by the State of Nevada for use by
(briefly describe the jurisdiction of the governmental entity). This entity has been authorized by the
State Chief Procurement Official of the state within which it is located to use the MCPA Inmate Kiosks

2. Participation: Use of this MCP A Inmate Kiosks cooperative contract by state correctional
agencies, correctional agencies of political subdivisions and other entities (including cooperatives)
authorized by an individual state's statutes to use state contracts are
subject to the approval of the
respective State Chief Procurement Official. Issues of interpretation and eligibility for participation are
solely within the authority of the State Chief Procurement Official.

3. Changes: (Insert specific changes or a statement that "No Changes Are Required")
4. Primary Contacts

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 56

The primary contact individuals for this Addendum are as follows (or their named successors):
Lead State (representing both Nevada state procurement and Nevada Corrections)
Name: Ronda Miller
Address: 515 E. Musser Street, Room 300, Carson City, NV 89701
Telephone: (775) 684-0182
Fax: (77 5) 684-0188
E-mail: [email protected]


Participating State - State Purchasing Authority


Participating State - State Corrections Authority


5. Servicing Subcontractors: None

The Master Price Agreement Number and the Participating State Contract Number (if provided
above) MUST be shown on all Purchase Orders issued against this Agreement.
This Addendum and the Master Price Agreement together with its exhibits, set forththe entire
agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of all previous communications,
representations or agreements, whether oral or written, with respect to the subject matter hereof. Terms
and conditions inconsistent with, contrary or in addition to the terms and conditions of this Addendum
and the Master Price Agreement, together with its exhibits, shall not be added to or incorporated into
this Addendum or the Master Price Agreement and its exhibits, by any subsequent purchase order or
otherwise, and any such attempts to add or incorporate such terms and conditions are hereby rejected.
The terms and conditions of this Addendum and the Master Price Agreement and its exhibits shall
prevail and govern in the case of any such inconsistent or additional te1ms. This Addendum applies only
in the jurisdiction of the Participating State which has executed this Addendum.

bunate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 57

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum as of the last date of execution

State of
Participating State Chief Procurement Official or state procurement designee.

By: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-


Participating State Chief Corrections Official or state correction designee.







Inmate Kiosks RFP No.1901 Page 58

Attachment I


Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and Cooperative Agreements

The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that:

(1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to
any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member
of Congress, an officer or employee. of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in
connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of
any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation,
renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.

(2) If any funds other than Federally appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for
influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an
officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this
Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit
Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions.

(3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award
documents for all sub awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub grants, and contracts under grants,
loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all sub recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.

This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this
transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or
entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the
required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than
$100,000 for each such failure.

Date: _ _ _ __
(Signature of Official Authorized to Sign Application)

Name of Independent Contractor

Title of Project

This document must be submitted in the

"State Documents" section/tab

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page59

Attachment J



1. Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974, PL 93-291

2. Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7506(c)
3. Endangered Species Act 16 U.S.C. 1531, ET seq.
4. Executive Order 11593, Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment.
5. Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management
6. Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands
7. Farmland Protection Policy Act, 7 U.S.C. 4201 ET seq.
8. Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, PL 85-624, as amended
9. National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, PL 89-665, as amended
10. Safe Drinking Water Act, Section 1424(e), PL 92-523, as amended
1~ Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966, PL 89-754, as amended ·
2. Section 306 of the Clean Air Act and Section 508 of the Clean Water Act, including Executive
Order 11738, Administration of the Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
with Respect to Federal Contracts, Grants or Loans
1. Age Discrimination Act, PL 94-135
2. Civil Rights Act of 1964, PL 88-352
3. Section 13 of PL 92-500; Prohibition against sex discrimination under the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act
4. Executive Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity
5. Executive Orders 11625 and 12138, Women's and Minority Business Enterprise
6. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, PL 93, 112
1. Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, PL 91-646
2. Executive Order 12549- Debarment and Suspension

Inmate Kiosks RFP No.1901 Page 60

Attachment K
Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC)
Security Regulations

These regulations are not inclusive of all security regulations for each facility. It is the responsibility. of the
awarded vendor to adhere to all facility security regulations.

1. All persons employed by the contractor who will be entering prison grounds, prior to the commencement of
any on-site work, will be required to complete a criminal history background application. Background checks
are required in all instances and applicants are approved for entry under the company name on the application

2. If an employee knows any inmate incarcerated in the Nevada Department of Corrections it must be disclosed
on the background application. Entrance to the institutions will be approved on a case by case basis.

3. A picture ID is required of all employees entering any institutioi:i.

4. Ex-felons will not be allowed entry on to any prison grounds without the express approval of the Director of
the Department of Corrections~

5. Employees of the contractor who will be entering prison grounds will not be able to wear clothing similar to
inmate clothing, i.e., blue jeans, blue shirts, without a business logo and without prior approval from the

6. All contractor vehicles entering and leaving an institution will be thoroughly inspected. Any vehicle or
individual will be subject to search at any time while on institution grounds. Vehicles that are left unattended
while inside the institution must be locked.

7. The contractor is responsible for all tools brought on to prison grounds and must ensure that all tools are
accounted for when completing on site work. All loose tools and equipment must be secured within their
locked vehicle or assigned storage area.

8. Items that are lost or tum up missing will be reported to the Associate Warden of Operations (AWO)
immediately. The institution will not be responsible for the contractor's tools, equipment, or materials. It is
suggested that no valuables be brought into the institution.

9. No cell phones, PDA's, narcotics, alcohol, firearms or other weapons shall be carried on the premises. All
contractors must ensure that, while at the facility, inmates do not have access to telecommunication devices in
accordance with NRS 209.417 and NRS 212.165.

10. There shall be no fraternization with inmates.

11. All NDOC Institutions and Facilities are tobacco free. Tobacco products cannot be brought into any
institution/ facility or used anywhere on prison grounds, including parking lots. Contractors must leave all
tobacco products in locked vehicles in the parking lot. Vehicles will not be allowed to internal access to
institution/facility carrying any tobacco products. Tobacco products may not be used while supervising
inmates regardless of your location. Violation of this procedure will result in removal from p1ison property.

By: Date: _ _ _ __
(Signature of Official Autho1ized to Sign Application)
This document must be submitted in the
"State Documents" section/tab

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 61

Attachment L

Cost Proposal


Ifyou are unable to access the above i11sertedjile,

please contact Nevada State Purchasi11g at
srvourc/[email protected]
for a11 emailed copy.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 62

... .,
.·:· i-?/::.-:~'.·~ .. .\' ·.-T:·f:] 11··:: ~ : ·. \:· T'..· :_;.:_ <.·f~;{:.P :;, ...
. ,.~

·, . ' - .
- -~ - '·, ;:
'· '>
:· .' ·:.
;·· .. ·
. . •n~ert ·111.sert . Insert .Insert·.
; '., ., • • ., State's . . · State~s, · Stfi'te's · State's
.. sta~e>< :~' · . ... ·. ·. I·;::~~x~M~~t~,··v t:;-:;;.~.~v~,~~-i~< A"'yi~jtrii~i!.:;;~ ;'.JN~q~!6g\. ~:-P.i~~~~'~g. :,:Pr~~~s1~g Proposing . >~rppQSing
No. of ln'rri~tes·(CurreritlylnC:arcerat:e'd) ··· ···.. 12,000
------------., . . . . . '· ., . . 1----t------t----t-----+---1---t-----t-----.

Kiosks . i
Requirements .. Turnkey Kiosks

INo. of Kiosks 100% I I .I ·1 I I I
ILease, Purchase or No Cost Lease I I I I I I I Stand Alone Kiosk
INo. of Kiosks N/A I I I I I I I
ILease, Purchase or No Cost N/A I I I I . I. I I outside Kiosk
INo. of Kiosks . , ,.
N/A I I I I r
ILease, Purchase or No Cost !·,.
N/A . I I I I I I I Hardware Only Kiosk
Specify type proposing:
No. of Kiosks N/A
Lease, Purchase or No Cost N/A

NOTE: If Kiosk is leased, include all costs

associated to include maintenance.

Kiosk Application: . ·User Fees Applied. Per .
3.2.1 Service if applicable ... .

Email/Secure Messaging $ 0.05 $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Inmate Banking $ 0.05 $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Inmate Grievances $ 0.05 $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Video Visitation $ 25.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Inmate Scheduling $ 0.05 $ $ $ $ $ $ $
MP3 Download Information $ 0.05 $ $ $ $ $ $ $
MP3 Purchase Music $ 0.17 $ $ $ $ $ s $
Phone Time Usage $ 0.05 $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Application Architecture $ 2.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Interfacing $ 2.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Gemmoo <: 'nn ~ <: <: s s s $
·•· •.1n~ei't. -'. ·:.(_ tns~rt
··\~tate's:: State's : - s.tate's -: ~·)state'~
...State . '.~XJ\.MPL~ ·. · · :N~vad~ · ' :f.vitgini.~ ,:· · >Wvoming . :~.r(tpC>sing ·. ,Proposing .· Proposing Pre>posing ·
Scalability (No. of inmates per Kiosk;
Maximum 250) 180
Other Applications (Describe in detail)

3.2.2 Software Architecture

Specify applications proposing:

3.2.3 System Architecture

Specify items proposing

3.2.4 Customer Interaction Messages

Specify applications proposing:

3:2.5 Remote Manage111ent

Specify applications proposing:

·---------.! 3.2.6 Software Provisions

Specify applications proposing:

3.2. 7 Hardware Requirements

Specify items proposing

Describe all cost associated with this

3.4.1 Software Modification/Release Mgt

Insert Insert Insert Insert
I '
State's Stat e's State's Stat e's
State EXAMPLE Nevada Virginia Wyoming Proposing Proposing Proposing Proposing

I I ·- I
Training and
Describe all cost associated with this

System Warranty -

List any cost associated with t his section .

If none, list N/A.

DRC Security
I INot Applicable I I I I I I I
I I ,_ I I I I I I I
Describe all cost associated wi th this
section. !
- I I I I I I
List any cost associated with this section.
If none, list N/ A.

Commission DRC Commission

For Inmate Services 2.0% % % % % % % %
Downloading Music 2.0% % % % % % % %

I IMP3 Basic Player s 18.00 Is Is Is Is IS Is Is
- MP3vvith-rext-&-Memof, $ - 5-2.QO-j $ -1-S s ('. ('.. ('.. ~
Attachment M
Nevada Department of Corrections
Contractor Background Check Application


Ifyou are u11able to access the above iltserted file,

please co11tact Nevada State Purcliasi11g at
[email protected]
for a11 emailed copy.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page 63

Attachment N

Reporting Forms

MCPA Reporting
Requiremmts Instruc

MCPA Adnin Fee
Check Form doc

MCPA Sales
Reporting Model.xis

MCPA Sales
Reporting Requlrrren!

Ifyou are u11ab/e to access tlte above ilisertedfile,

please co11tact Nevatla State Purcltasi11g at
srvpurc/[email protected]
for a11 emailed copy.

Inmate Kiosks RFP No. 1901 Page64

l\bil Applications To: Nevada Department of Corrections Phone (775) 887-3319
~ DOC Contracts Or (775) 887-3347
.. Attn: Contracts ... ..
F.O. ao·x 7011·
Contractor Background Check Application Fax (77~) 887-3225 -
Carson City, NV 89701
Please PRINT clearly all information


Applicant Name
Last First MI

p· ease complete this questionnaire in its ENTIRETY and mail it back to the address listed above. BE ADVISED: ANY omission or
f~ lse statement is SUFFICENT REASON FOR DENIAL.

L st any other names (alias) you are known by. Include your maiden name and any nicknames, if applicable)
(Failure to include all names will result in denial)

~ urrent Physical Address

Full Street City State Zip

8 urrent Mailing Address

Full Street City State Zip

P: evious Address
Full Street City State Zip

Hpme Phone Number ( )

L st any other states you have lived in:

P~cupation or Business Employer
BLlsiness Phone ( ) Contact Name:
~: lX Number: ( )

Have you ever worked for the Nevada Department of Corrections? D Yes D No If Yes, When?

Drivers License and or ID number State
Date of Birth Place of Birth Age
s:;N Gender: Male D Married D
ll~ce Marital Status: Female D Single D
ff eight Weight Hair Color Eye Color
S' ars Marks or Tattoos

For Official Use Only

~ pplication Review
f\Dproved D Denied D

Signature of Authorized Personnel Date

Please complete the 2"" page.

Page 1 of2

:·.. Criminal History: ALL arrests must be listed, whether there was a conviction or not. You must also list arrests in other
~ tates and countries. Do not exclude anything: any omission of an arrest is sufficient reason for denial.

Have you EVER been arrested? Yes D D or No

I lave you EVER been convicted of a Felony? Yes D or No D

I "yes to either of the above, complete the following, attach additional sheets if necessary.

C'harge_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Disposition,____ _ _ _ _ _.Date of Arrest_ _ _ _ _ _ _ City/State_ _ _ __

1C harge_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Disposition,____ _ _ _ _ _.Date of Arrest_ _ _ _ _ _ _ City/State_ _ _ __

Charge_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Disposition,____ _ _ _ _ _Date of Arrest_ _ _ _ _ _ _ City/State_ _ _ __

tharge_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Disposition,__________Date of Arrest._ _ _ _ _ _ _ City/State_ _ _ __

2harge_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Disposition,____ _ _ _ _ _Date of Arrest._ _ _ _ _ _ _ City/State_ _ _ __

Areyoucurrently·onProbation? Yes D or No D If yes, in what state?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

~. Do you or have you ever visited or corresponded with an inmate incarcerated in a Nevada Department of
Corrections Facility? Yes D or No D
:f yes, complete the following section and attach additional sheets if necessary.

N" ~me and Inmate Number Relationship Indicate whether you visit or
write this inmate

!. Authorization
Chapter l 79A of the Nevada Revised Statutes permits an Agency of the Criminal Justice to obtain records of criminal history
r ~! arding a prospective employee. Consent is not required in order to obtain information reflecting only convictions. Consent is
r ~< uired in order to obtain a complete record of criminal history.

The applicant's signature on this consent fonn will permit the Department of Corrections to obtain complete
i 1f ormation regarding arrests, detention, indictments, information or other formal criminal charges and disposition of charges,
ii tc uding dismissals, acquittals, convictions, sentences, correctional supervision and release.

This information will be used only for purposes of determining employability. Chapter l 79A ofNRS prohibits an employer
t1 o in dissemination of this infonnation.

Applicants Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Date_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Agency Autho1ization for Records Check Date

DOC 560 (02/08)

WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Developme nt Team (WNCDT)
Kathryn Offerdahl-WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Development Analyst
Paul Stembler - WSCA/NASPO Coop erative Development Coordinator
· General Voice: 612-284-4316
General Email: wncoopdt@g

MCPA Cooperative Contracts

ronday , June 29, 201 5
. Requuements
. Page l of 4

WNCDT is the WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Development Team (Kate and Paul) who will be
~upporting the cooperative contracts by handling reporting and eligibility for the lead
f ailure to comply with these reporting requirements may be considered a breach of the
r aster Price Agreement and subject to default action.

~ales Report~ng Schedule:

. ales reports are sent to Kate Offerdahl:
uarterly sales reports are sent by 161h day of second calendar month after end of
alendar quarter (the same schedule outlined below for the admin fee checks)
Sales reports sent to the FTP site that you have been provided (ONLY send an email to
Kate that there are FPT site problems to [email protected] )

WNCDT will compare sales for a quarter with Admin fees submitted for a quarter and
work with manufacturer to reconcile any differences (both xxxx and Lee Ann will be
copied on emails related to reconciliation).

llis our intention to try to provide sufficient information to participating state directors to
liminate or reduce the special reporting requirements states have. However, states
etain the option of requiring different formats for reports. The Lead Contract
i dministrator and the WNCDT will work with states and manufacturers on these issues.

Sales Reporting Format:

ales report format is attached.
WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Deve lopme nt Te am (WNCDT)
Kathryn Offerdahl-WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Development Analyst
Paul Stembler - WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Development Coordinator
General Voice: 612-284-43 16
General Email: [email protected]

MCPA Cooperative Contracts

onday, June 29, 20 15 Reporting Requirements Page 2 of 4

i dmin Fee Schedule:

{\-dmin fees (check) sent to AMR (Lee Ann Pope) on the form provided
Admin fees (check) sent to WSCA at the address below by 1 st day of second calendar
htonth after end of calendar quarter

1 st Quarter- January - March- due by May 15th

2 nd Quarter-April- June - due by August 15th
3 rct Quarter- July - September - due by November 15th
4 th Quarter - October - December - due by February 15th

ubmit to:
Lee Ann Pope
Deputy Director/WSCA Program Manager
201 East Main Street, Suite 1405
Lexington, KY 40507
Check must be payable to NASPO and must include MCPA Contract Number xxxxxxx.

All sales (new sales, devices, lease payments, etc.) ORDERED

during a calendar quarter should be reported and paid in that
quarter. Do not hold up reports or checks because of late data
simply insure that the order date is accurately entered in the
next report and we can make the adjustments.
WSCA/NASPO Coope rative Deve lopme nt Team (WNCDT)
Kathryn Offerdahl-WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Development Analyst
Paul Stembler - WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Development Coordinator
General Voice: 6 12-284-4316
General Email: [email protected]

MCPA Cooperative Contracts

onday, June 29, 20 15 Reporting Requirements Page 3 of 4

~dmin Fee Cover Sheet:

c ontractor is required to pay quarterly an administrative fee or o.5% co.oo5- one hau
bf one percent) on ALL sales under this contract on the following schedule:

b alendar uarter Endin Payment Due

st Quarter - Ending March 31 (for Jan, Feb and Mar) May 15
2nd Quarter - Ending June 30 (for Apr, May and Jun) August 15
~rd Quarter-Ending September 30 (for Jul, Aug and Sep) November 15
4th Quarter-Ending December 31 (for Oct, Nov and Dec) February 15

b ontractor will submit a copy of the following form, completed and signed, with each

WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Development Team (WNCDT)
Kathryn Offerdahl-WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Development Analyst
Paul Stembler - WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Development Coordinator
General Voice: 612-284-4316
General Email: [email protected]

f11CPA Cooperative Contracts

~onday,June 2s, 20 15 Reporting Requirements Page 4 of 4

Admin Fee Cover Sheet should be sent to:

Lee Ann Pope

Deputy Director/WSCA Program Manager
201 East Main Street, Suite 1405
Lexington, KY 40507
Summary of Sales by contractor

Contract No: Contract Title:

Manufacturer Name: Contact Person:

Contract Term: Contractor

[with possible extensions] Signature:

Reporting Period: Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Calendar 2011 2012 2013

(Please circle one) Year:
Qtr 3 Qtr 4 (Please 2014 2015 2016
circle one)


[multiply sales by this number] x 0.5 % (0.005)

NASPO Administrative Fee: $

Check here if sales equal zero this quarter: D

www.obou t WSCA. org

WSCA/NASPO Cooperative Development Team

1960 Cliff Lake Rd, Suite 129-237, Eagan, MN 55122
Voice: 612-284-43 16 Fax: 952-392-4580
[email protected]

Ionday, June 29, 2015 Page 1of1

Lee Ann Pope

Deputy Director/WSCA Program Manager
201 East Main Street, Suite 1405
Lexington, KY 40507
<I:heck must be payable to NASPO and must include Contract Number XXX-XXX -
YYYY. XXX is the MCPA contract counter (e.g.: C2-201 l) . YYY is the Lead State contract
identification (e.g.: MA OFF22)

Summary of Sales by contractor

Contract No: Contract Title:

Manufacturer Name: Contact Person:

Contract Term: Contractor

[with possible extensions] Signature:

Reporting Period: Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Calendar 2011 2012 2013 2014

(Please circle one) Year:
Qtr 3 Qtr 4 (Please 2015 20 16 2017 2018
circle one)


[multiply sales by this number] x 0.05 % (0.0005)

NASPO Administrative Fee: $

Check here if sales equal zero this quarter: D

NASPO Cooperative Contract Sales Report
Summary for xxxxx
Month: Calendar Year:
FieldSize 8 5 2 45 60 40 40 00000-0009

Contract Customer Bill to Bill to Bill to
Vendor Name Number State Type Name Address Bill to City Zipcode
60 40 40 00000-0009 20 20 20 35

Ship to Ship to Ship to Ship to. Order PO Customer Order
Name Address City Zipcode Number Number Number Type
8 8 8 20 25 60 8 $10.00

Invoice Invoice Product Product UNSPSC List

PO Date Ship Date Date Number Number Description Commodity Price/MSRP
6/29/2015 13:47

$10.00 11 $13.00 $13.00 30 1 20

VAR/Resel Compliant Main Unit
ler/Distrib Yes-1 No-2 Serial
Unit Price Quantity Total Price Admin Fee utor NAME NA-0 Number
l'fatiDffill Assodmton oUl:lb Praanment Offidlls

This is the minimally acceptable reportir

certain elements may be adjusted, with c

Lead zeros should be avoided if possible

Reports should be submitted in Microsof

Field Name



National Association of State Procurement Officials
Western States Contracting Alliance

>operative Contract Sales Reporting Data Requirements and Data Forn

ig requriement for NASPO, WSCA or MCPA cooperative contracts. These elements are NOT
tuthorization from the Lead Contract Administrator and the WNCDT to accommodate differen

!. Fields should be right justified. Field with no data should be left blank.

't Excel 97-03 format or an equivalent approved by the Lead Contract Administrator and eithe

Field Description
Lead State assigned contract number (using L~ad State's numbering protocol)
State postal abbreviation code (Alaska= AK, Missouri= MO, etc.)
State Gov't, Education-Kl2, Education-HED, Local Gov't, Medical, Other- are accpetable
segments. [determined by industrial practice for each contract - uniform for each contract]
Customer (agency) Bill to name
Customer (agency) Bill to address
Customer (agency) Bill to city
Zip code in standard 5-4 format [standard 5 digits is acceptable, formatted as a zip code]
Customer (agency) Ship to name
Customer (agency) Ship to address
Customer (agency) Ship to city
Zip code in standard 5-4 format [standard 5 digits is acceptable, formatted as a zip code]
Vendor assigned order number
Customer provided Purchase Order Number
Vendor assigned account number for the purchasing entity
Sales order, Credit/Return, Upgrade/Downgrade, etc. [determined by industrial practice
for each contract - uniform for each contract]
Vendor assigned Invoice Number
Product number of purchased product
Product description of purchased product
List Price - US Currency ($99999.999) [determin~d by industrial practice for each contract-
uniform for each contract]
Unit Price - US Currency ($99999.999)
Quantity Invoiced (99999.999)
Extended Price (unit price multiplied by the quantity invoiced) - US Currency ($999999999.9
Administrative Fee based on Total Price - US Currency ($999999.999)
negotiable. The field size of


Data Type Field Size

Alpha Numeric 5
Alpha Numeric 2

Alpha Numeric 45
Alpha Numeric 60
Alpha Numeric 40
Alpha Numeric 40
Alpha Numeric 9
Alpha Numeric 60
Alpha Numeric 40
Alpha Numeric 40
Alpha Numeric 9
Alpha Numeric 20
Alpha Numeric 20
Alpha Numeric 20

Alpha Numeric 35
Numeric 8
Numeric 8
Numeric 8
Alpha Numeric 20
Alpha Numeric 25
Alpha Numeric 60
Numeric 10
Numeric 10
Numeric 11
·9ENumeric 13
Numeric 13
February 12, 2009

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