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1. What is the maximum possible length of an identifier?

a) 31 characters

b) 63 characters

c) 79 characters

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: d

Explanation: Identifiers can be of any length.

2. Which is the correct operator for power(xy)?

a) X^y

b) X**y

c) X^^y

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: In python, power operator is x**y i.e. 2**3=8.

3.What error occurs when you execute the following Python code snippet?

apple = mango

a) SyntaxError

b) NameError

c) ValueError
d) TypeError

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Answer: b

Explanation: Mango is not defined hence name error.

4.What is the output of print 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3?

a) True

b) False

c) Machine dependent

d) Error

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Answer: b

Explanation: Neither of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 can be represented accurately in binary. The round off errors
from 0.1 and 0.2 accumulate and hence there is a difference of 5.5511e-17 between (0.1 + 0.2) and 0.3.

5.What will be the value of x in the following Python expression?

x = int(43.55+2/2)

a) 43

b) 44

c) 22

d) 23

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Answer: b
Explanation: The expression shown above is an example of explicit conversion. It is evaluated as
int(43.55+1) = int(44.55) = 44. Hence the result of this expression is 44.

6.The expression 2**2**3 is evaluates as: (2**2)**3.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: The value of the expression (2**2)**3 = 4**3 = 64. When the expression 2**2**3 is
evaluated in python, we get the result as 256, because this expression is evaluated as 2**(2**3). This is
because the associativity of exponentiation operator (**) is from right to left and not from left to right.

7.What will be the output of the following Python code snippet if x=1?


a) 8

b) 1

c) 2

d) 4

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Answer: d

Explanation: The binary form of 1 is 0001. The expression x<<2 implies we are performing bitwise left
shift on x. This shift yields the value: 0100, which is the binary form of the number 4.

8. What will be the output of the following Python expression?


a) 2
b) 4

c) 8

d) 12

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Answer: c

Explanation: ^ is the XOR operator. The binary form of 4 is 0100 and that of 12 is 1100. Therefore,
0100^1100 is 1000, which is equal to 8.

9. What will be the output of the following Python code?

if (9 < 0) and (0 < -9):


elif (9 > 0) or False:




a) error

b) hello

c) good

d) bad

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Answer: c

Explanation: The code shown above prints the appropriate option depending on the conditions given.
The condition which matches is (9>0), and hence the output is: good.

10. What will be the output of the following Python code?

x = 'abcd'

for i in x:


a) a b c d

b) A B C D

c) a B C D

d) error

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Answer: b

Explanation: The instance of the string returned by upper() is being printed.

11.What will be the output of the following Python code?

d = {0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c'}

for x, y in d.items():

print(x, y)

a) 0 1 2

b) a b c

c) 0 a 1 b 2 c

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: Loops over key, value pairs.

12.What will be the output of the following Python code?

for i in range(int(2.0)):


a) 0.0 1.0

b) 0 1

c) error

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: range(int(2.0)) is the same as range(2).

13.What will be the output of the following Python code?

string = "my name is x"

for i in string:

print (i, end=", ")

a) m, y, , n, a, m, e, , i, s, , x,

b) m, y, , n, a, m, e, , i, s, , x

c) my, name, is, x,

d) error

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Answer: a

Explanation: Variable i takes the value of one character at a time.

14.What arithmetic operators cannot be used with strings?

a) +

b) *

c) –

d) All of the mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: + is used to concatenate and * is used to multiply strings.

15.Given a string example=”hello” what is the output of example.count(‘l’)?

a) 2

b) 1

c) None

d) 0

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Answer: a

Explanation: l occurs twice in hello.

16.What will be the output of the following Python code?


a) 2

b) 0

c) error

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: Counts the number of times the substring ‘yy’ is present in the given string.

17. What will be the output of the following Python code?


a) 4

b) 0

c) Error

d) True

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Answer: b

Explanation: The first position in the given string at which the substring can be found is returned.

18.What is the output when we execute list(“hello”)?

a) [‘h’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘l’, ‘o’]

b) [‘hello’]

c) [‘llo’]

d) [‘olleh’]

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Answer: a

Explanation: Execute in the shell to verify.

19.Suppose listExample is [‘h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,’o’], what is len(listExample)?

a) 5

b) 4

c) None

d) Error

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Answer: a

Explanation: Execute in the shell and verify.

20.Suppose list1 is [2445,133,12454,123], what is max(list1)?

a) 2445

b) 133

c) 12454

d) 123

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Answer: c

Explanation: Max returns the maximum element in the list.

21.Suppose list1 is [1, 5, 9], what is sum(list1)?

a) 1

b) 9

c) 15

d) Error

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Answer: c
Explanation: Sum returns the sum of all elements in the list.

22.Suppose list1 is [2, 33, 222, 14, 25], What is list1[-1]?

a) Error

b) None

c) 25

d) 2

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Answer: c

Explanation: -1 corresponds to the last index in the list.

23.Suppose list1 is [1, 3, 2], What is list1 * 2?

a) [2, 6, 4]

b) [1, 3, 2, 1, 3]

c) [1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2]

d) [1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1]

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Answer: c

Explanation: Execute in the shell and verify.

24. To add a new element to a list we use which command?

a) list1.add(5)

b) list1.append(5)

c) list1.addLast(5)

d) list1.addEnd(5)

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Answer: b

Explanation: We use the function append to add an element to the list.

25.To which of the following the “in” operator can be used to check if an item is in it?

a) Lists

b) Dictionary

c) Set

d) All of the mentioned

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Answer: d

Explanation: In can be used in all data structures.

26. What will be the output of the following Python code?

list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]

list2 = [5, 6, 7, 8]

print(len(list1 + list2))

a) 2

b) 4

c) 5

d) 8

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Answer: d
Explanation: + appends all the elements individually into a new list.

27.What will be the output of the following Python code?

points = [[1, 2], [3, 1.5], [0.5, 0.5]]



a) [[1, 2], [3, 1.5], [0.5, 0.5]]

b) [[3, 1.5], [1, 2], [0.5, 0.5]]

c) [[0.5, 0.5], [1, 2], [3, 1.5]]

d) [[0.5, 0.5], [3, 1.5], [1, 2]]

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Answer: c

Explanation: Execute in the shell to verify.

28.What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>> a=[14,52,7]

>>>> b=a.copy()

>>> b is a

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: List b is just a copy of the original list. Any copy made in list b will not be reflected in list a.
29.Write the list comprehension to pick out only negative integers from a given list ‘l’.

a) [x<0 in l]

b) [x for x<0 in l]

c) [x in l for x<0]

d) [x for x in l if x<0]

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Answer: d

Explanation: To pick out only the negative numbers from a given list ‘l’, the correct list comprehension
statement would be: [x for x in l if x<0].

For example if we have a list l=[-65, 2, 7, -99, -4, 3]

>>> [x for x in l if x<0]

The output would be: [-65, -99, -4].

30.Write a list comprehension for number and its cube for l=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].

a) [x**3 for x in l]

b) [x^3 for x in l]

c) [x**3 in l]

d) [x^3 in l]

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Answer: a

Explanation: The list comprehension to print a list of cube of the numbers for the given list is: [x**3 for x
in l].

31. Which of the following is a Python tuple?

a) [1, 2, 3]
b) (1, 2, 3)

c) {1, 2, 3}

d) {}

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Answer: b

Explanation: Tuples are represented with round brackets.

32. Suppose t = (1, 2, 4, 3), which of the following is incorrect?

a) print(t[3])

b) t[3] = 45

c) print(max(t))

d) print(len(t))

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Answer: b

Explanation: Values cannot be modified in the case of tuple, that is, tuple is immutable.

33.What will be the output of the following Python code?



a) (1, 2)

b) (1, 2, 4)

c) (2, 4)

d) (2, 4, 3)

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Answer: c

Explanation: Slicing in tuples takes place just as it does in strings.

34.What will be the output of the following Python code?

d = {"john":40, "peter":45}


a) 40

b) 45

c) “john”

d) “peter”

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Answer: a

Explanation: Execute in the shell to verify.

35.What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>>t1 = (1, 2, 4, 3)

>>>t2 = (1, 2, 3, 4)

>>>t1 < t2

a) True

b) False

c) Error

d) None

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Answer: b

Explanation: Elements are compared one by one in this case.

36. What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>> a=(1,2,(4,5))

>>> b=(1,2,(3,4))

>>> a<b

a) False

b) True

c) Error, < operator is not valid for tuples

d) Error, < operator is valid for tuples but not if there are sub-tuples

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Answer: a

Explanation: Since the first element in the sub-tuple of a is larger that the first element in the subtuple
of b, False is printed.

37.What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>> a=(2,3,4)

>>> sum(a,3)

a) Too many arguments for sum() method

b) The method sum() doesn’t exist for tuples

c) 12

d) 9

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Answer: c

Explanation: In the above case, 3 is the starting value to which the sum of the tuple is added to.

38.Is the following Python code valid?

>>> a=(1,2,3,4)

>>> del a

a) No because tuple is immutable

b) Yes, first element in the tuple is deleted

c) Yes, the entire tuple is deleted

d) No, invalid syntax for del method

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Answer: c

Explanation: The command del a deletes the entire tuple.

39.What type of data is: a=[(1,1),(2,4),(3,9)]?

a) Array of tuples

b) List of tuples

c) Tuples of lists

d) Invalid type

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Answer: b

Explanation: The variable a has tuples enclosed in a list making it a list of tuples.

40. Is the following Python code valid?

>>> a,b=1,2,3

a) Yes, this is an example of tuple unpacking. a=1 and b=2

b) Yes, this is an example of tuple unpacking. a=(1,2) and b=3

c) No, too many values to unpack

d) Yes, this is an example of tuple unpacking. a=1 and b=(2,3)

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Answer: c

Explanation: For unpacking to happen, the number of values of the right hand side must be equal to the
number of variables on the left hand side.

41.What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>> a=(1,2)

>>> b=(3,4)

>>> c=a+b

>>> c

a) (4,6)

b) (1,2,3,4)

c) Error as tuples are immutable

d) None

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Answer: b

Explanation: In the above piece of code, the values of the tuples aren’t being changed. Both the tuples
are simply concatenated.
42. What will be the output of the following Python code?

>>> a,b=6,7

>>> a,b=b,a

>>> a,b

a) (6,7)

b) Invalid syntax

c) (7,6)

d) Nothing is printed

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Answer: c

Explanation: The above piece of code illustrates the unpacking of variables.

43.Is Python case sensitive when dealing with identifiers?

a) yes

b) no

c) machine dependent

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: Case is always significant.

44. Which one of these is floor division?

a) /

b) //
c) %

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: When both of the operands are integer then python chops out the fraction part and gives
you the round off value, to get the accurate answer use floor division. This is floor division. For ex, 5/2 =
2.5 but both of the operands are integer so answer of this expression in python is 2. To get the 2.5
answer, use floor division.

45. What is the answer to this expression, 22 % 3 is?

a) 7

b) 1

c) 0

d) 5

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Answer: b

Explanation: Modulus operator gives the remainder. So, 22%3 gives the remainder, that is, 1.

46.What is the output of this expression, 3*1**3?

a) 27

b) 9

c) 3

d) 1

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Answer: c
Explanation: First this expression will solve 1**3 because exponential has higher precedence than
multiplication, so 1**3 = 1 and 3*1 = 3. Final answer is 3.

47. What will be the output of the following Python code?




a) he

b) lo

c) olleh

d) hello

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Answer: a

Explanation: We are printing only the 1st two bytes of string and hence the answer is “he”.

48.What data type is the object below?

L = [1, 23, 'hello', 1]

a) list

b) dictionary

c) array

d) tuple

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Answer: a

Explanation: List data type can store any values within it.
49.In order to store values in terms of key and value we use what core data type.

a) list

b) tuple

c) class

d) dictionary

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Answer: d

Explanation: Dictionary stores values in terms of keys and values.

50.What is the average value of the following Python code snippet?

>>>grade1 = 80

>>>grade2 = 90

>>>average = (grade1 + grade2) / 2

a) 85.0

b) 85.1

c) 95.0

d) 95.1

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Answer: a

Explanation: Cause a decimal value of 0 to appear as output.

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