DLP Fungi

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Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc.

College of Education
(Formerly Dr. Yanga’s Francisco Balagtas Colleges)
Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7

At the end of a 60-minute class, the students will be able to:
 identify the characteristics of Fungi
 demonstrate Fungi through illustrations and models
 enjoy and participate in the discussions and activities


A. Topic: Microorganisms: Fungi
B. Reference: Science and Technology 7
C. Material: Marker, Laptop

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning Class! Good morning Ma’am!

Let us pray! Carlo, please lead the prayer. (A student will lead the prayer)

Before you all take your seats, kindly arrange (None Ma’am)
your chairs and seat properly. Is there any
absentee today?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Drill
Okay, before we start our lesson today, I have (The students raise their hands)
here a very important thing in a Science class. (Ma’am, it’s a microscope)
Who among the class knows what object is

Very good! (Students will answer)

Now, do you still remember the major parts of (Yes Ma’am!)
the microscope?

Okay very good class!

2. Motivation
Now, let us take a look on this short video The class watches the video.
clipping titled The Amazing Microscopic

What can you infer from the video? (One student shares his insights about the

Very good. Who else? (Another student answers.)

Is the video interesting class? Yes, Ma’am. It is interesting.

3. Lesson Proper

Class I have here a word,

MICROORGANISMS. What comes to your
mind when you hear or see this word?

Another one class? (Student will answer)

Another? (Student will answer)

Class take a look on the screen, we have here (Student will answer)
several words that are linked together to the
word microorganisms.

Microorganism or microbe is a microscopic

organism, which may exist in its single-celled
form or in a colony of cells.

Now class, what can you say about eukaryotic (Student will answer)
cell? (Ma’am eukaryotic cells are cells with true

and prokaryotic cell? (Student will answer)

Microorganisms are classified as bacteria,

archaea, fungi, protozoa, algae, and viruses,
but for today we will be focusing only fungi.

Can anyone describe fungi? (Student will answer)

Generally, fungi are characterized into two;

they do not have a true roots, stems and leaves
and they do not have the green pigment
What else, how about you class, how can you (Student will answer)
describe fungi? (Fungi have mycelia and hyphae)

Who else? (Student will answer)

There 3 kinds of hyphae, these are, rhizoids, (Student will answer)

stolon and sporangiosphores. How can we (Rhizoids are branching rootlike hyphae)
define rhizoids?

How about stolons? (Student will answer)

(Stolons are horizontally growing hyphae)

And lastly, how about sporangiosphores? (Student will answer)

(Sporangiosphores grow upward and bear
reproductive cells called spores.)

Compare a mushroom with the shelf fungus (Student will answer)

Fomes. How do they differ in texture? (Fomes are hard)

They are hard because their cellulose cell wall

also contain chitin. Chitin is a fibrous
substance consisting of polysaccharides and
forming the major constituent in the
exoskeleton of arthropods and the cell walls of

And because fungi do not have the green (Student will answer)
pigment chlorophyll, they cannot perform (Ma’am a heterotroph is an organism that
photosynthesis, that’s why they are cannot produce its own food.)
heterotrophs. What do we mean by
heterotrophic organism?

Correct! Fungi get their food from dead or

decaying matter. This mode of nutrition is
known as saprotrophic nutrition. Organisms
that have this mode of nutrition are referred to
as saprotrophs.

Now class since we are done discussing the (Student will answer)
characteristics of fungi, how important are (Maintenance of ecological balance)
fungi to our daily lives?

What else, anyone? (For decomposition)

Another one class? (For food and medicine)

How can fungi maintain the balance of nature? (Because they also produce oxygen)

Most oxygen that we inhale are produced by (Decomposition is the state or process of
fungi. The next importance of fungi is for the rotting or decay)
decomposition process. So what is

How can fungi act as decomposer? (Through the use of fungi in the process of
decomposition, they are return of soluble
nutrients to the soil, and release of large
amounts of carbon dioxide gas to the air which
is utilized by green plants for photosynthesis.)

Next is some fungi are used as food, such as (Yes Ma’am)

kabuting parang or scientifically known as
Agaricus campestris and taingang daga or
scientifically known as Auricular polytricha.
Have you tried eating taingang daga?

There are also poisonous mushrooms, an

example is the Amanita verna. Did you know
class that those colorful mushrooms are
usually the poisonous than the white or the one
color ones? So when you see mushrooms along
the way that are bright colored, don’t dare get
and eat the mushroom.

Next, another fungus used in food is yeast. (As leavening agent. ‘pampaalsa’)
What are the other use of yeast?

What else? (Fermentation process)

Fermentation is the ability of yeasts to respire

in the absence of oxygen.

Lastly, fungi are of value in medicine as a

source of antibiotics. Penicillin was discovered
when Sir Alexander Fleming.

Fungi also pose negative or harmful effects.

Fungi can add to the spoilage of food, and
lastly some fungi are pathogenic.

What do we mean when we say pathogenic? (These means that they can cause diseases)
Have you understood the lesson? Are there any

4. Generalization
What have we learned today? (Students will answer)

5. Application
The teacher will call 3 volunteers from the
class. Each of them will be given home
scenario, and then she’ll let the students to
analyze and to share his or her idea in front of
the class.

The following are the scenarios:

1. Your young brother/sister got curious
on how or what is bread made of? How
are you going to explain about the
2. You visited your grandma’s garden and
you have noticed this strange
mushroom. Your grandma wants to
cook it, but you’re not sure if it is safe.
What are you going to do?
3. A loaf of bread was left uneaten for 3
days, you notice green patches in the
bread, and you got curious about what
is it. You tried to eat the bread and upon
tasting it, you found an awful taste.
What do you think is the reason behind

IV. Evaluation
In a ¼ sheet of paper, identify the following.
(Questions will be posted)

1. These are microscopic organisms that

can be eukaryotic or prokaryotic.
2. He discovered Penicillin.
3. These are organisms that fed on
decaying organic matter.
4. These are threads and filaments
composing the mycelium.
5. These are branching root like hyphae.

Answer keys:
1. Microorganisms
2. Alexander Fleming
3. Saprophytes
4. Hyphae
5. Rhizoids

V. Assignment
Subscribe to the link below and answer the
multiple choice questions.


That’s all for today class. Good day!

Prepared by:

Via Nova G. Borillo

BSED-Biological Science

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