Audio System W BMW E39-3
Audio System W BMW E39-3
Audio System W BMW E39-3
BMW 5-Series (E39)
Audio System Upgrades
BMW 5-Series (E39)
system upgrades
Use only positive (+) speaker wires. Tape off negative (-)
speaker wires. Connect “+” speaker wires to RCA center
conductors. Tie shields (audio return) together and
ground to case of radio at back of radio. Repeat for 4
channel system.
Use of an a/d/s/ AC502 remote subwoofer level control will allow Equipment:
us to control the volume of our subwoofer from the front of the P450 amp $ 500.00/ea.
car. How convenient! This way, we can match the bass level to our 310rs.2 10” dual voice coil sub $ 250.00/ea.
own personal taste or to compensate for bass masked by road or AC502 level control $ 90.00/ea.
wind noise.
Total $ 840.00
PQ40 in 2 channel mode $ 1000.00/ea.
A8s $ 150.00/ea.
A10s $175.00/ea.
A12s $ 200.00/ea.
308rs.2 $ 200.00/ea.
312rs.2 $ 300.00/ea.
Our subwoofer could be the same one we chose for Upgrade I or Equipment:
something more. 235is $ 350.00/pr.
The entire system will be powered by an a/d/s/ amp, and will use 235im $ 280.00/pr.
an AC502 for remote subwoofer level control A10s subwoofer(s) $ 175.00/ea.
P650 amp $ 650.00/ea.
This BMW system is going to sound dynamic, smooth, and
musical, yet still maintain totally stock cosmetics inside the car. AC 502 $ 90.00/ea.
Total $ 1545.00
345is $ 600.00/pr.
P850 amp $ 850.00/ea.
Choice of a/d/s/ subwoofers
Given the interior dimensions and solid build quality of the Equipment:
BMW 5 Series, we’ll have one excellent sounding audio system 345is $ 650.00/pr.
that will rival many home systems for sonic quality, and we’ve still 335im $ 400.00/pr.
maintained absolutely stock interior cosmetics for that low profile (2) 312rs.2 subwoofers $ 600.00/pr.
look. This is especially important if the car in question is leased, PH30 amp $ 850.00/ea.
because even at this level of sophistication the car is easily PQ40 amp $ 1000.00/ea.
returned to stock at the end of the lease term. AC502 $ 90.00/ea.
Total $ 3590.00
You will need part # 65-12-8-364-756 from BMW to send the audio signal from the changer to the factory
tuner pack. You will also need to add the rear output leads on the factory tuner. For ease of location dis-
assemble the tuner pack and double check wire and pin location.