Exercise Questions

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 Exercise Questions

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Error Correction-Error Correction
The Sentence correction Section includes different types of Questions. These Questions are
designed to test your ability to identify written English that is grammatically correct. They also
test your ability to understand the essential message conveyed in that sentence. Therefore,
understanding the essential and discarding the unimportant or non-essential in the key point to be
focused while attending to these type of questions.

When we analyze placement papers, we find that there are different patterns employed to test
these question on Sentence Correction"

Choosing the Grammatically Correct Sentences

In this type of question, four sentences are given and we are asked to choose the grammatically
correct sentence. There is no underlined part so you have to observe the entire sentence for its
accuracy and grammar.

Choosing the best alternative.

This is a different type of question where a part of the sentence is high-lighted or underlined.
You have to choose the best alternative from amount the four given sentences.

Identifying the incorrect sentence or Sentences.

In this type of questions four sentences are given, usually connected to one another. You have to
identify the incorrect sentences. At times out, of the four given sentences, three may be incorrect
and at times One or Two May be incorrect so you have to study the sentence with concentration.

Inappropriate Usage.

Here, the different usages are tested. it may be a particular use of word. It may be particular
usage of phrases. You have to choose the option in which the usage in inappropriate or

To score well in the above sections, you need to know Standard English grammar. You must be
able to recognize the various parts of speech and identify the way they are used incorrectly in test
Mainly, your attention should be focused on tenses of verbs, word order, word form, and
agreement of the verb with the subject, difference between principal verb and Auxiliary verb,
that usage of Infinitives and grounds and proper usage of preposition. You must also have a solid
understanding of the different idiomatic phrases and the link between one clause and the other.
i.e. principal clause and sub-ordinate clause. Strategies to solve questions on choosing
grammatically correct sentences

The first thing to do is to go through all the four sentences quickly. The common mistake,
committed by the examinees, is that the movement they find one error immediately they choose
that as error. There may be multiple errors in a sentence. Therefore while choosing the correct
sentence; you have to be careful, the correct answer must correct all the errors. Intelligent
reading will help you to make a judicious selection.

While reading the options you may find one or two sentences with glaring grammatical mistakes.
Obviously, what you should do is to short list your options. Then closely concentrate on the one
or two short listed options out of the four given.

Do not look for spelling errors or errors is the use of capital letters and punctuation marks. In this
type of questions, you can take at for granted that errors, pertaining to spelling, use of capital
letters and punctuation marks, are never included.

Look out for the grammatical errors. We have different types of grammatical errors. You have to
concentrate chiefly on the following kinds of errors.

1) Errors of subject verb agreement or concord of the verb with the subject.
2)Errors based on the wrong usage of certain words of group of words.
3) Errors in the use of pronoun
4) Errors in the use of Tenses
5) Errors in the use of Certain Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs.
6) Errors in the use of Infinitives and gerunds.

Exercise Questions

1. a. I am not one of those who believe everything they hear.

b. I am not one of these who believes everything I hear.

c. I am not one of those who believes everything he hears.

d. I am not one of those who believes in everything one hears.

2. a. Cannot one do what one likes with one’s own?

b. Cannot one do that one likes to do with his own?

c. Cannot one do that one likes with his own?

d. Cannot one do what he likes with his own?

3. a. There’s Mr. Som, whom they say is the best singer in the country.

b. There’s Mr. Som, who they say is the best singer in the country.

c. There is Mr. Som, whom they say is the best singer in the country.

d. There is Mr. Som who, they say is the best s inger in the country.

4. a. Each of the students has done well.

b. Each of the student has done well.

c. Each of the students have done well.

d. Each of the student have done well.

5. a. Today we love, what tomorrow we hate; today we seek, what tomorrow we shun,
today we desire, what tomorrow we fear.

b. Today, we love what tomorrow we hate, today, we seek what tomorrow we shun,
today, we desire what tomorrow we fear.

c. Today we love what tomorrow we hate, today we seek what tomorrow we shun,
today we desire what tomorrow we fear.

d. Today we love what tomorrow we hate; today we seek what tomorrow we shun;
today we desire what tomorrow we fear.

Directions for Questions 6 to 8. In each question, the word given is used in four different
ways, numbered I to 4. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is incorrect or

a. Nagasaki suffered from the fallout of nuclear radiation.

b. People believed that the political fallout of the scandal would be insignificant.

c. Who can predict the environmental fallout of the WTO agreements?

d. The headmaster could not understand the fallout of several of his good students at
the Public examination.


a. She did not have passing marks in mathematics

b. The mad woman was cursing everybody passing her on the road.

c. At the birthday party all the children enjoyed a game of passing the parcel.

d. A passing taxi was stopped to rush the accident victim to the hospital


a. The shopkeeper showed us a bolt of fine silk.

b. As he could not move , he made a bolt for the gate.

c. Could you please bolt the door?

d. The thief was arrested before he could bolt from the scene of the crime.

Answer Key

1.a; 2.a; 3.b; 4.a; 5.d; 6.d; 7.a; 8.b

- You should at once report it to the concerned authority.

- You should report it at once, to the authority concerned.
- You should report it at once, to the concerned authority.
- You should at once report it to the authority concerned.
CORRECT ANSWER : You should at once report it to the authority concerned.
1. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

He studied at Georgetown University, who is in Washington DC.

That he studied at Georgetown University, that is in Washington DC.

He studied at Georgetown University, which is in Washington DC.

2. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

That there are 50 states in the U.S.

There is 50 states in the U.S.

There are 50 states in the U.S.

3. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

Cornus kousa is a tree that originated in Asia.

Cornus kousa that is a tree originating in Asia.

Cornus kousa, which is a tree, originating in Asia.

4. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

Although she had failed algebra, she received a degree in mathematics.

Although she had failed algebra, that she received a degree in mathematics.

Although that she failed algebra, but she received a degree in mathematics.

5. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

As he lived in Paris, composing two operas.

While he was living in Paris, he composed two operas.

While he was living in Paris, that he composed two operas.

6. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

While student enrollment increased during the dean's tenure.

That student enrollment increased during the dean's tenure.

Student enrollment increased during the dean's tenure.

7. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

After he tours Europe, then India.

After he tours Europe, he will next India.

After he tours Europe, he will tour India.

8. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

If you want to retire early, you need to start saving now.

If you want to retire early, while starting to save now.

If you want to retire, after saving now.

9. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

Mary likes apples, I like oranges.

Mary likes apples I oranges.

Mary likes apples, but I like oranges.

10. Select the grammatically correct sentence.

I went to the performance I enjoyed it.

I went to the performance and enjoyed it.

While at the performance, I enjoyed it.

You Scored 0 out of 10

This gives you a grade of E.

Question 1 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: He studied at Georgetown University, which is in

Washington DC..

Question 2 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: There are 50 states in the U.S..

Question 3 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: Cornus kousa is a tree that originated in Asia..

Question 4 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: Although she had failed algebra, she received a
degree in mathematics..

Question 5 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: While he was living in Paris, he composed two

Question 6 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: Student enrollment increased during the dean's

Question 7 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: After he tours Europe, he will tour India..

Question 8 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: If you want to retire early, you need to start saving

Question 9 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: Mary likes apples, but I like oranges..

Question 10 - Incorrect. Actual Answer was: I went to the performance and enjoyed it..
(a) I am not one of those who believe everything they hear.
(b) I am not one of these who believes everything I hear.
(c) I am not one of those who believes everything he hears.
(d) I am not one of those who believes in everything one hears

and the second one is

(a) There’s Mr. Som, whom they say is the best singer in the country.
(b) There’s Mr. Som, who they say is the best singer in the country.
(c) There is Mr. Som, whom they say is the best singer in the country.
(d) There is Mr. Som who, they say is the best singer in the country.
1. a) I, you and Kishore will stay together
b) You, I and Kishore will stay together
c) You, Kishore and I will stay together
d) I, you and Kishore will staying together
Choose the grammatically INCORRECT sentence:
(A) He is of Asian origin.
(B) They belonged to Africa.
(C) She is an European.
(D) They migrated from India to Australia.
Answer: (C)
Explanation: The correct sentence is “She is a European.”
‘an’ applies to those words which get pronounced with a,e,i,o,u.
Here pronunciation is “Uropean” ( E-silent) Hence a European.
Choose the grammatically INCORRECT sentence:
(A) They gave us the money back less the service charges of Three Hundred rupees.
(B) This country's expenditure is not less than that of Bangladesh.
(C) The committee initially asked for a funding of Fifty Lakh rupees, but later settled for a lesser
(D) This country's expenditure on educational reforms is very less.
Sentence improvement exercise
In each of the following sentences a word or phrase is given in bold letters. From the given
alternatives, choose the one that is better than the bolded text. If none of the alternatives
improves the sentence, indicate (d) as your answer.

1. The traveler asked me if I had known the way to the nearest inn.
a) knew
b) was knowing
c) knows
d) No improvement

2. The doctor suggested me to take a holiday.

a) suggested that I should take
b) suggested to take
c) suggested me taking
d) No improvement
3. He was cured of his rheumatism by a specialist.
a) cured from
b) cured with
c) cured after
d) No improvement

4. He threatened that he would shoot me unless I didn’t obey his instructions.

a) if
b) whether
c) if not
d) No improvement

5. There is no question of denying the fact that she broke it.

a) no denying the fact
b) no denial the fact
c) no way to deny the fact
d) No improvement

1. The traveler asked me if I knew the way to the nearest inn.

2. The doctor suggested that I should take a holiday.

3. He was cured of his rheumatism by a specialist.

4. He threatened that he would shoot me if I didn’t obey his instructions.

5. There is no denying the fact that she broke it.

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