RFT Procedure

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1. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
2. REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................................... 2
3. PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION .................................................................................................................. 2
4. SUMMARY OF TESTING ............................................................................................................................ 3
5. PRE-REQUISITES....................................................................................................................................... 3
6. EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................................ 3
7. CALIBRATION STANDARD ........................................................................................................................ 4
8. EXAMINATION ............................................................................................................................................ 6
9. EVALUATION AND ACCEPTANCE STANDARD ....................................................................................... 7
10. DOCUMENTATION ..................................................................................................................................... 8

1.1 This procedure is intended as a guide for Remote Field Testing for installed ferromagnetic heat
exchanger tubular products.

1.2 This procedure describes the technique to be used for Remote Field Testing of Heat Exchanger
Tubes using Olympus MS 5800 to detect discontinuities such as localized defect of dents,
bulges, expansions, bends and general wall loss due to corrosion, erosion. This procedure is
intended to be used on tubes with outside diameter from 0.500 to 2.00 in. (12.70 to 50.80 mm),
with wall thicknesses in the range from 0.028 to 0.134 in. (0.71 to 3.40 mm).

1.3 This procedure describes the techniques that are intended to detect, identify and evaluate
thinning of ferromagnetic tubular products. The testing techniques aim at detecting the
discontinuities originating from both the internal & external surfaces of the tubes.

1.4 This procedure does not establish tube acceptance criteria and must be specified by the client
and end-user.

1.5 The area under tube sheet, three tube diameter of the tube end shall not be covered under this
analysis (due to End effect).


2.1 ASME SEC V, Article-17 Remote Field Testing Examination Method (2015 Ed.)

2.2 ASTM SE-2096 Standard Practice for In Situ Examination of Ferromagnetic of Heat
– Exchanger Tubes using Remote Field Testing.

2.3 ASTM Vol. 03.03 Metal Test Methods and Analytical Procedures-NDT




3.1 Trained personnel shall be responsible for operating this equipment in accordance with the
approved procedure, company written practice and the relevant operation and maintenance
manual. The trained RFT personnel shall validate and/or verify the test equipment performance
in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and approved procedure.

3.2 All Personnel performing, interpreting and evaluating RFT shall be qualified and certified to
Level I or II in accordance with Written, prepared in accordance with ANSI/ASNT CP-189.

3.3 The examination may be performed by Level-I (under guidance or supervision of Level-II or
level-III) or Level-II; however, evaluation and interpretation shall be performed by a Level-II or
Level-III qualified personnel. All personnel performing and evaluating Remote Field Testing
shall have been trained on MS 5800 equipment and its software operations.

4.1 The testing is performed by inserting simplest RFT probe, which carries Single Exciter and dual
pickup coils in a send receive configuration placed by two to three tube diameters. The exciter
coil is energized with an alternating current and emits an AC field. The field travels from the
exciter coil, through the tube wall, axially along the tube, and back through the wall at the
detector coil. At each transition through the tube wall, the field experiences a time delay (phase)
and attenuation in amplitude. When the probe is moved into a region where there is wall loss,
the field has less travel time between the coils and attenuation weakens. Hence both the signal
phase (time of flight) and amplitude (signal strength) show an increase of wall loss. These
changes are detected and displayed by using suitable instrumentation.

4.2 The electromagnetic field transmit from the exciter to detector is affected by discontinuities,
tube dimension change, change in electromagnetic properties of the tube, and by objects in
and around the tube that are ferromagnetic or conductive.

4.3 The system sensitivity is verified using the RFT system reference standard. System sensitivity
and settings are checked and recorded prior to and at regular intervals during the examination.

4.4 The data and system setting is recorded in a manner that allows archiving and later recall of all
data and system settings for each tube.

4.5 Interpretation and evaluation is carried out using one or more flaw characterization standards.


5.1 The tubes should be cleaned from inside to remove any deposits and hard scales using
appropriate cleaning methods such as hydro jetting and chemical cleaning.

5.2 A tube numbering or identification system and proper means to access the tubes for inspection
shall be provided prior to inspection and/or established.

5.3 The RFT is affected by residual magnetism in the tubing, including residual magnetism created
during previous examination using another magnetic method. Tubes with significant residual
magnetism should be demagnetized prior to RFT.


The equipment used for Data acquisition and Data analysis shall be Olympus MultiScan MS 5800.

6.1 System calibration verification

6.1.1 The Remote Field Eddy Current examination equipment shall be capable of generating
multi frequencies simultaneously or multiplexed and be capable of multi parameter
signal combination. In the selection of frequency, consideration is given to optimizing
flaw detection.
6.1.2 The out puts from the Remote Field Eddy current instruments shall provide phase and
amplitude information.
6.1.3 The Remote Field Eddy Current equipment shall be capable of real time recording, play
back of examination data and text information, and detecting / recording dimensional
changes and responses from imperfection of either tube wall surface.
6.1.4 Calibration shall include the complete remote field examination system. If any probe
changes, extension cables, eddy current instruments, recording instruments, or any
other parts of the equipment examination system hardware shall require recalibration.
6.1.5 System calibration verification shall be performed and recorded at the beginning and
end during each unit’s data storage of the recording media.
6.1.6 Recalibration is recommended to be performed after every 4 hours and at the end of
each production run or less frequent recalibration may be done, when less variations is
6.2 Equipment calibration
RFT instrument shall be recalibrated annually and whenever the equipment is subjected to
damage and any major repair. When the equipment has not to be used for a year or more,
calibration shall be performed prior to its use.

6.3 Data analysis

When all the proper conditions are met, changes in the phase of the receiver signal with
respect to the phase of the exciter voltage are directly proportional to the sum of the wall
thickness within the inspection area. Localized changes in wall thickness result in phase and
amplitude changes. These changes can be indicative of defects such as cracks, corrosion
pitting or corrosion/erosion thinning.

6.4 Probes (selection)

Probes may have multiple exciters and detectors in variety of configuration. These
configurations may reduce interference from support plates and other conductive objects.

6.5 Detector
One or more coils or elements used to sense or measure magnetic field is called detector.

6.6 Exciter
A devise used to generate a time-varying electromagnetic field, usually a coil energized with
an alternating current it’s called as exciter.

6.7 Probe traveling speed

The probe traverse speed shall not exceed that which provides adequate frequency response
and sensitivity to the applicable calibration discontinuities. Minimum digitization rates must be
maintained at all times. (Refer Para 9).

The calibration standard shall be manufactured from a defect free length of tubing from the same lot
of the tubes for which testing is to be performed or at least from the identical material, diameter and
wall thickness. The intent of this reference standard is to establish and verify system response. The
following artificial defects are to be created for reference in case of ferromagnetic tubes:
A. One 100 % through wall hole of diameter 4.76mm.
B. One flat 50% Flat-milled flaw
C. One 20% short circumferential groove
D. One 40%Wear scar flaw
E. One 60%tapped flaw
F. One 20% long circumferential groove

A through hole whose diameter is equal to the tube wall thickness multiplied by a specified
factor K. For tubes of outside diameter less than 1 in. is K = 1 and for tubes of outside diameter
greater than or equal to 1 in. is K = 1.5.


Flat milled flaw of a depth of 50% and axial length one half the tube nominal outside diameter.
The flat should be side-milled, of a diameter of 0.25 in. (6.35 mm) to create rounded corners


A short circumferential groove of a depth of 20% and axial length of 0.625 in. (15.88 mm). Edges
shall be angled at 105°.


A simulated wear scar from tube support plate, consisting of a circumferentially tapered groove,
40% deep, extending over 180° of the tube circumference. Axial length measured at the bottom
surface of the flaw shall be 0.625 in. (15.88mm). Edges shall be angled at 105°.


A tapered flaw consisting of a groove, 60% deep, tapered circumferentially and in both
directions axially. The steep side of the flaw shall be angled at 65° to the tube axis. The shallow
side of the flaw shall be axially tapered so that it extends an axial distance of four tube diameters
from the deepest point. The circumferential extent at the maximum point shall be 90°.


A long circumferential groove of a depth 20% and recommended axial length of two tube diameters.
Edges shall be angled at 105°.

8.1 System setup and calibration: (Differential Channel)

The phase rotation of the base frequency (F1) shall be adjusted so that the signal from the
through-wall hole (TWH) appears approximately along the Y (vertical) axis and the signal from
the tube support plate (TSP) lies in the upper left hand and lower right hand quadrants.

The signal response for the through wall hole reference flaw shall be generated when pulling
the probe past the hole such that the initial response is downward followed by an upward
motion an back to the null point on the voltage plane.

The sensitivity shall be adjusted to produce peak to peak to signal of approximately 50% full
screen height from the through hole.

The response from the 20% wear groove on the reference tube should be approximately 150°.

8.2 System setup and calibration: (Absolute Channel)

The signal responses for the absolute channels are set up using the procedure similar to that
used to set up differential channels using voltage plane display. Absolute signals will appear as
half the extent of differential signals

8.3 Determine the optimum pull speed during calibration to the frequency, sample rate and required
sensitivity to flaws. Set other setting required to achieve the minimum sensitivity.

8.4 Examination frequency shall be selected based on tube parameters. Auxiliary frequencies may
be used to examine tubes. They may be multiples (harmonies) of the base frequencies or may
be independent of base frequencies.

8.5 Auxiliary frequencies may be mixed with the base frequencies to produce an output signal that
suppresses unwanted variable responses, such as those from tube support.

8.6 Insert the probe into the calibration tube from the ID bore side.

8.7 To balance the equipment, locate an area in the calibration tube free of flaws and click “balance”

8.8 After balancing, push the probe to the opposite end of calibration tube.

8.9 Select the “Start” button and pull the probe.

8.10 Select “Stop” button after the probe traversed entire tube length

8.11 Select the through hole signal using the red cursor, and rotate Lissajous chart to set the signal
at 90° on phase lag.

8.12 Go to the calibration list.

8.13 Select the through-hole signal using red cursor and click the “partial calibration” to save the

8.14 Repeat it for 20% short Groove signal

8.15 Repeat g, h and j for 40%, 50% and 60% Signals.

8.16 Save the calibration with specific file name such as R999, C999, Z000

8.17 Ensure that the system yields the minimum required flaw sensitivity to all the flaws on the RFT
reference standard at the examination pull speed. For the flaw to be considered detectable, its
indication should exceed the ambient noise by a factor of at least 3.
8.18 Data acquisition.
8.18.1 Push the probe into the tube until it reaches the other end of tube.
8.18.2 Go to “inspection” mode and specify the tube identification such as R1C1
8.18.3 Click “start” icon.
8.18.4 Upon pressing the “start” icon, the equipment starts acquiring and storing the inspection
8.18.5 Pull the probe gradually in a constant speed and avoid any sudden jerks.
8.18.6 Click the stop button after the probe had traversed the entire tube length.

8.19 Data analysis.

8.19.1 Go to “analysis” mode at set up menu.
8.19.2 Load the inspection file.
8.19.3 Start analyzing the inspection data for all tubes.
8.19.4 The “phase-angle analysis” or the “Phase lag and log-amplitude analysis” method shall
be used to estimate the depth of flaw. In both the cases the size (amplitude) of signal
represents flaw surface area, and the phase angle represents flaw depth.
8.19.5 Categories and code the tubes based on remaining wall thickness.

8.20 Report creation.

8.20.1 Verify the tubes with their codes.
8.20.2 Report all the tubes having relevant indications and codes.
8.20.3 Transfer the result to Carto and make the report in tube sheet drawing.
8.20.4 Save and Print the analysis report.


9.1 The acceptance / Rejection of tubes depend upon the customer’s requirement. It varies from
customer to customer as per their requirement which in turn depends upon the application of
the tubes. However the signal exceeding the limit of the signal from the calibration hole should
be reported.
9.2 The acceptance criteria for each equipment will vary based on the unit’s age, service history,
operational requirement etc…. hence a discussion between the concerned people from the
client (Process, Operations, Maintenance and Inspection) shall be called for to decide the
acceptance criteria for the particular unit being inspected. Tubes that are to be repaired or
removed from the services, based on RFT Inspection shall be identified.

9.2.1 Non quantifiable indications shall be recorded and considered as flaw, unless otherwise

9.2.2 Acceptance of tube shall be based on contractual agreement and client specification.


10.1 Reporting.
The following information must be included in the report on standard report format.
1. Summary sheet. (including but not limited to details of Client, Plant site, Equipment
Identification, RFT Procedure No. and revision)
2. Size, material type and grade, and configuration of tubes examined
3. Tube sheet diagram showing numbering system.
4. Extent of examination (for e.g., area of interest, complete or partial coverage, which tubes
and to what length).
5. Personnel performing the examination and their qualification
6. Models, types, and serial number of the components of the RFT system used, including
probe and extension length
7. Serial numbers of all the tube standards used.
8. List of all heat exchanger regions or specific tubes where limited sensitivity was obtained.
9. Specific information about techniques and depth reference curves used for sizing each
10. Complementary examination results that influenced interpretation and evaluation

10.2 Retention of Records:

Unless otherwise specified by the client, the records of inspection as given in Para 10.1 shall
be maintained for 2 years from the date of completion of inspection.




Owner: _________________________________ EQUIPMENT

Plant: __________________________________ Model: _______________________________

Location: ________________________________ Serial No.: ____________________________

Equipment Identification: _______________________________________________ Calibrated on: __________________________

Tube Material & Thickness: ___________________________ PROBES

Tube Dimensions: ___________________________________ Manufacturer: _________________________

No. of tubes in the equipment: __________________________ Serial No.: ____________________________

No. of tubes inspected: ________________________________ Frequency, & Size: _____________________



0% < 10% WALL LOSS 0 0
10% < 20% WALL LOSS 0 0
20% < 30% WALL LOSS 0 0
30% < 40% WALL LOSS 0 0
40% < 50% WALL LOSS 0 0
50% < 60% WALL LOSS 0 0
60% < 100% WALL LOSS 0 0



For Client Use:

_____________________ _____________________


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