TWAD Board Act and Regulations

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Corrected up to 31.12.2011


31, Kamarajar Salai, Chepauk, Chennai – 600 005




1 – 33


34 – 129








178 – 180








1. Short title and Commencement

2. Definitions.



3. Creation and incorporation of the Board.

4. Constitution of the Board

5. Appointment of the Chairman, the Managing Director and Directors to be


6. Term of office and conditions of service of the Chairman, the Managing Director
and the non official Directors.

7. Disqualifications for appointment as Director of the Board.

8. Removal of the Chairman and other non-official Directors.



9. Appointment of Secretary, Chief Engineer, Accounts Officer and other officers
and servants of the Board.

10. Maintaining schedule of establishment


11. Control by the Managing Director.

11A. Common service cadre for employees of Board and the Madras Metropolitan
Water Supply and Sewerage Board.



12. Meetings of the Board

13. Temporary association of persons with Board for particular purposes.

14. Appointment and functions of Committees.

15. Acts of Board not to be invalidated by informality, vacancy etc.



16. Functions of the Board

17. General Powers of the Board




18. Cost of investigation of schemes

19. Preparation of draft schemes by the Board

20. Approval of the scheme by the Government

21. Publication of approval of the draft scheme in the Tamil Nadu Government

22. Execution of approved scheme by the Board

23. Recovery of the cost of the scheme

24. Power of Government to direct the Board to prepare and execute any scheme

25. Power of the Board to agree or refuse to prepare and execute the scheme

26. Local authority to provide adequate facilities to the Board


27. Power of the local authority to undertake schemes.

27A. Exclusion of schemes for Madras Metropolitan area




28. Transfer of assets and liabilities of the Public Health Engineering and Municipal
Works Department to the Board

29. Transfer of Property to the Board

30. Transfer of officers and staff of Public Health Engineering and Municipal Works
Department to the Board.

31. Transfer of any other employees of Government to the Board

32. Transfer of Provident Fund to the Board

33. Government to credit the leave salary and pensionary contributions in respect of
the officers and servants transferred to Board’s Service.


34. Board’s funds.

35. Subventions, loans and grants to the Board.

36. Power of the Board to borrow and lend.

37. Guarantee by Government for loans.

38. Form, signature, exchange, transfer and effect of debentures.

39. Estimates of income and expenditure of the Board to be laid annually and
considered before the Board.

40. Approval of Government to estimates

41. Supplementary estimate
42. Repayment of loans by the Board

43.Establishment and maintenance of sinking and other funds

44. Annual reports, statistics and returns
45.Accounts and Audit
46.Remuneration of Auditor
47. Accounts and Audit report to be forwarded to the Government and placed
Before the State Legislature.
48. Power write off irrecoverable amount.



49. No disqualification in certain cases

50. Penalty for obstructing contractor or removing mark
51.Penalty for breach of the provisions of the Act etc.,
52.Prosecution and trait of offence
53.Arrest of offenders
54.Offences by companies


55. Emergency powers of Managing Director
56. Powers Managing Director as to institution composition etc, of legal proceedings
and obtaining legal advice.

57. Delegation of powers

58. Power of the Government to issue orders and directions to the Board or local
authorities or other authorities
59. Duties of police officers
60. Adjudication of disputes between the Board and local authorities
61. Effect of other laws
62. Notice of suit against Board etc.,
63. General Power of the Board to pay compensation

64.Compensation to be paid by offenders for damage caused by them


65. Mode of recovery of dues

66. Authentication of orders and other instruments of the Board
67. Stamping signature on notices or bills
68. Power of entry
69. Protection of action taken in good faith
70. Officers and servants of the Board to be public servants
71. The Board to be a local authority under central Act I of 1894 and Central Act IX
of 1914



72. Power to make rules

73. Power to make regulations



Received the assent of the President on the 24th March 1971, first published in
the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, Extraordinary on the 25th March 1971
(Chaitra 4 1893).

An Act to provide for the establishment of Water Supply and Drainage Board
and the regulation and development of drinking water and drainage in the State of
Tamil Nadu except the Madras Metropolitan Area.

BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Twenty-

first Year of the Republic of India as follows:-



1. Short title and Commencement.- 1. The Act may be called the “Tamil
Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Act 1970’

(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Government may, by
notification, appoint

2. Definitions.- In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires -

(1) “Board” means the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
constituted under section 4

(2) “Chairman” means the Chairmen of the Board

(3) “Committee “ means any Committee appointed under Section 14:

(4) “ Director” means the Director of the Board and includes its Chairman
and Managing Director:

(5) “Drainage” means the device for carrying off sewage, offensive
matter, polluted water, waste water, rain water or sub-soil water:
(6) “Government” means the State Government:

(7) “local authority” means-

(i) The Municipal Corporation of Madurai, Coimbatore,

Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli, Salem or any other Municipal
Corporation that may be constituted under any law for the time
being inforce of a municipality or a town panchayat constituted
under the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil
Nadu Act V of 1920) or

(ii) a township committee constituted under the Tamil Nadu

District Municipalaities Act , 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of
1920), or the Mettur Township Act 1940 (Tamil Nadu Act XI
of 1940), or the Courtallam Township Act 1954 (Tamil Nadu
Act XVI of 1954), or the Bhavanisagar Township Act,
1954(Tamil Nadu Act XXV of 1954), or the Tamil Nadu
Panchayats Act 1958 (Tamil Nadu Act XXXV of 1958) or
under any other law for the time being in force, or

(iii) a panchayat union council or a panchayat constituted under the

Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1958 (Tamil Nadu Act XXXV of

(8) “regulations” means the regulations made under this Act;

(9) “ rules” means the rules made under this Act;
(10)“scheme’ means any scheme relating to the provision of drinking
water and drainage and such matters incidental thereto and includes a
draft scheme prepared for the above purpose;
(11) “ year” means the financial year



3. Creation and incorporation of the Board.- The duty of carrying out the
provisions of this Act shall, subject to the restrictions, conditions and limitations
therein contained, be vested in a Board to be called “ The Tamil Nadu Water Supply
and Drainage Board”, and such Board shall be a body corporate and have perpetual
succession and a common seal, and shall by the said name sue and be sued.

4. Constitution of the Board.- (1) The Board shall consist of-

(a) a Chairman;

(b) Four whole time Directors namely:

(i) a Managing Director;

(ii) a Joint Managing Director;
(iii) a Finance Director;
(iv) an Engineering Director;

(c) Five Directors to represent respectively the departments of the Secretariat

of the Government dealing with-

(i) Finance;
(ii) Health, Indian Medicine and Homeopathy and Family Welfare;
(iii) Municipal Administration and Water Supply;
(iv) Public Works;
(v) Rural Development;

(cc) three directors from the heads of departments of the Government


(i) the Director of Municipal Administration;

(ii) the Director of Rural Development;
(iii) the Director of Town Panchayat;

(d) the Managing Director. Madras Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage
Board, ex-officio;

(e) the Chairman, Chamber of Municipal Councils, ex-officio;

(f) the President, Tamil Nadu Panchayat Union, ex-officio; and

(g) a person with wide experience in the field of public health engineering
with reference to water supply drainage or disposal of industrial waster who is not
employed by the Government or a local authority or a corporation owned on
controlled by the Government.

(2) The Chairman, the Managing Director, the Joint Managing Director, the
Finance Director and the Engineering Director shall possess such qualifications as
may be prescribed. The Directors other than those referred to in clauses (d) (e) and
(f) of sub-section (1) shall be appointed by the Government.

(3) If for any reason the Director referred to in clause (d) of sub-section (1)
is unable to attend any meeting of the Board , he may depute any officer subordinate
to him to attend such meeting. The officer so deputed shall have the right to take part
in the discussions of the Board, but shall not have the right to vote.

5. Appointment of the Chairman, the Managing Director and Directors to be

notified.- The appointment of the Chairmen, the Managing Director and the official
and non-official Directors shall be notified in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette.

6. Term of office and conditions of service of the Chairmen, the Managing

Director, the Joint Managing Director, the Finance Director and the Engineering
Director and the non-official Directors.- (1) The term of office of and the terms and
conditions of service of, the Chairman, the Managing Director, the Joint Managing
Director, the Finance Director and the Engineering Director and the non-official
Directors and the manner of filling casual vacancies in the offices of the non-official
Directors of the Board shall be such as may be prescribed.

(2) Any Director may resign his office by giving notice in writing to the
Government, but he shall continue in office until his resignation is accepted by the

7. Disqualification for appointment as Director of the Board.- (1) A person shall

be disqualified for being appointed as, and for being , a Director of the Board, if he-

(a) has been sentenced for any offence involving moral turpitude, such sentence
not having been reversed;
(b) is an undischarged insolvent;
(c) is of unsound mind;
(d) is an officer or servant of the Board;
(e) has directly or indirectly, by himself or by any partner, employer or employee,
any share or interest in any contract or employment with, by or on behalf of, the

(f) is a Director or a Secretary, Manager or other officer of any incorporated

company which has any share or interest in any contract or employment with, by or
on behalf of the Board;

(2) A person shall not be disqualified under clause (e) or clause (f) of sub-section
(1) or be deemed to have any share or interest in any contract or employment within
the meaning of those clauses, by reason only of his, or the incorporated company of
which he is a Director, Secretary, Manager, or other officer, having a share or interest
in -

(i) any sale, purchase, lease or exchange of immovable property or any

agreement for the same;

(ii) any agreement for the loan of money or any security for the payment of
money only;

(iii) any newspaper in which any advertisement relating to the affairs of the
Board is inserted.

(iv) The occasional sale to the Board, if the sum paid as consideration does not
exceed two thousand rupees in any one year, of any article in which he or the
incorporated company regularly trades.

(3) A person shall not also be disqualified under clause (e) or clause (f) of sub-
section (1) or be deemed to have any share or interest in any incorporated company
which has any share or interest in any contract or employment with, by or on behalf
of, the Board, by reason only of his being a shareholder of such company;

Provided that such person discloses to the Government the nature and extent
of the shares held by him.

Explanation.- For the purposes of clause (d) of sub-section (1), the Chairman
or the Managing Director or any Director shall not be deemed to be an officer
or servant of the Board.

8. Removal of the Chairman and other non-official Directors.- (1) If at any time it
appears to the Government that the Chairman has shown himself to be unsuitable for
his office, or has been guilty of any misconduct or neglect which renders his removal
expedient, they may, by notification remove him from office after giving him a
reasonable opportunity of showing cause.

(2) The Government may, by notification, remove any non-official Director from
office after giving him a reasonable opportunity of showing cause-

(a) If, he has, without the permission of the Board been absent from the
meetings of the Board for a period of three consecutive months reckoned from the
date of commencement of his term of office, or of the last meeting which he attended,
as the case may be, or within the said period, less than three meetings have been held,
been absent from three consecutive meetings held after the said date;

(b) If he, being a legal practitioner, acts or appears on behalf of any person
other than the Board in any civil, criminal or other legal proceedings in which the
Board is interested, either as a party or otherwise; or

(c) If he, in the opinion of the Government, is unsuitable or has become

incapable of acting as a Director or has so abused his position as a Director as to
render his continuance as such Director detrimental to public interest.

(3) A non-official Director removed under any of the provisions of clauses (a)
and (b) of sub-section 2 shall unless otherwise directed by the Government be
disqualified for appointment as a Director for a period of three years from the date of
his removal.

(4) A non official Director removed under Clause (c) of sub section (2) shall not
be eligible for reappointment until he is declared by an order of the Government to be
no longer ineligible.



9. Appointment of Secretary, Chief Engineers, Accounts Officers and

servants of the Board.- (1) The Board may appoint a Secretary, Chief Engineers,
Accounts Officers and such other officers and servants as it considers necessary for
the efficient performance of its functions.

Provided that the Board shall not without the previous approval of the
Government, sanction the creation of, or appoint any person to, any post the
maximum time scale of pay of which exceeds the limit prescribed by the Government
from time to time.

Provided further that in case of emergency-

(a) the Managing Director may appointing, temporarily, for a period not
exceeding three months such officers or servants as may in his opinion, be required
for the purpose of this Act, and the employment of whom for any particular work had
not been prohibited by any resolution of the Board; and

(b) every appointment made under clause (a) shall be reported by the
Managing Director to the Board at its next meeting.

10. Maintaining schedule of establishment.- (1) The Board shall prepare and
maintain a schedule of establishment showing the number, designation and grades of
the officers and servants (other than the employees who are paid by the day or whose
pay is charged to temporary work), whom it consider necessary and proper to employ
for the purposes of the Act, and also the amount and the nature of the salary, fees and
allowances to be paid to each such officer or servant and contributions payable under
section 33 in respect of each officer and servant.

(2) The schedule referred to in sub-section (1) shall be revised every year before
the first May of the year and shall contain the particulars mentioned in that sub-
section, of the officers and servants of the Board employed on the 31 st March
immediately preceding.

11. Control by the Managing Director.- Subject to such regulations as may be

framed by the Board, the Managing Director shall exercise supervision and control
over the acts and proceeding of all the officers and servants of the Board.

11A. Common service cadre for employees of Board and the Madras
Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board.- Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act or in any other law for the time being in force or in any contract
or other instrument, the Board may, with the concurrence of the Madras Metropolitan
Water Supply and Sewerage Board constituted under the Madras Metropolitan Water
Supply and Sewerage Act, 1978, establish common service cadres and service
conditions for the staff employed by either Board and thereupon such staff shall be
liable to be posted or transferred to the service of either Board;

Provided that no employee of an existing authority as defined under the

aforesaid Act and appointed under Section 20 of that Act, shall be transferred or
posted to the service of the Board except with his consent.



12. Meeting of the Board.- (1) The Board shall meet at such times and places
and shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) and (3) observe such rules of
procedure in regard to transaction of business at its meetings (including the quorum at
meetings) as may be prescribed by regulations;

Provided that the Board shall meet atleast once in three months.

(2) The Chairman or in his absence, the Managing Director shall preside at a
meeting of the Board.
(3) All questions at any meeting of the Board shall be decided by a majority of
the votes of the Directors present and voting and in the case of an equality of votes,
the Chairman or in his absence the Managing Director presiding, shall have and
exercise a second or casting vote.

13. Temporary Association of persons with Board for particular purposes.-

(1)The Board may associate with itself in such manner and for such purposes as may
be determined by regulations any person whose assistance or advice it may desire in
performing any of its functions under this Act:

Provided that the number of persons so associated shall not be more than four.

(2) The Board may invite any person to offer his views on any subject
discussed at any meeting of the Board.

(3) A person associated with the Board under sub-section (1) or invited for a
discussion under sub-section (2) for any purpose shall have the right to take part in the
discussions of the Board relevant to that purpose, but shall not have the right to vote
at a meeting of the Board.

14. Appointment and functions of Committees.- (1) The Board may, from time to
time, appoint Committees consisting of such number of persons as it may think fit for
the purpose of discharging such duties or performing such functions, and on such
terms and conditions as may be prescribed by regulations.

(2) The Chairman or such other person as he may nominate in this behalf shall be
the President of the Committee and the Committee shall observe such rules of
procedure in regard to transaction of business at its meetings as may be prescribed by

(3) All proceedings of the Committee shall be subject to confirmation by the


15. Acts of Board not to be invalidated by informality , vacancy etc.- No act

done or proceedings taken under this Act by the Board or any Committee shall be
invalidated merely on the ground -

(a) of any vacancy or defect in the constitution of the Board or the Committee; or

(b) of any defect or irregularity in the appointment of a person acting as a Director

thereof ; or

(c) of any defect or irregularity in such act or proceeding not affecting the merits
of the case.



16. Function of the Board- The Board shall perform all or any of the following
functions namely.-

(a) at the instance of the Government or a local authority –

(i) investigating the nature and type of schemes that can be implemented in
the area of any local authority for the provision of drinking water and drainage

(ii) planning and preparing of schemes including schemes covering areas

falling within the jurisdiction of more than one local authority for the purpose of
providing the supply of drinking water or drainage facilities.

(iii) executing such schemes under a phased programme for the provision of
drinking water and drainage facilities within the areas of local authorities to which
such schemes relate;

(b) providing technical assistance or giving advice to local authorities in the

execution and maintenance of water supply and drainage works;

(c) establishing and maintaining schemes incidental to water supply and

drainage such as testing of water, designing of plant for purification of water,
conducting research relating to water supply and maintaining farm schemes;

(d) Any other matter which is supplemental, incidental or consequential to any

of the above functions; and

(e) Such other functions as may be prescribed


17. General powers of the Board.- The Board shall, for the purpose of
carrying out its functions under this act, have the following powers namely:-

(i) to acquire and hold such movable and immovable property as it deems
necessary and to lease, sell or otherwise transfer any such property subject to such
conditions as may be prescribed.

(ii) to acquire under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act 1 of 1894)
any land or any interest therein required by the Board for implementing any scheme;

(iii) to incur expenditure and undertake any work in any area in the State for
the preparation and execution of such schemes as it may consider necessary for the
purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, or as the case may be, the
functions entrusted to it by the Government;

(iv) to enter into any contract; and

(v) to do all things necessary for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of
this Act




18. Cost of investigation of schemes.- The cost of investigation of any scheme

undertaken by the Board either at the instance of the Government or local authority
shall be borne by the local authority concerned. In case where the investigation is
undertaken for more than one local authority, the cost of such investigation shall be
borne by the local authorities concerned in such proportion as may be determined by
the Board.

19. Preparation of draft schemes by the Board.- (1) As soon as the

investigation undertaken by the Board is completed, the Board shall prepare an
estimate of the expenditure that is likely to be incurred in regard to the scheme and
also a sketch showing the salient features relating to the schemes and forward the
same along with the report of the investigation to the local authority or authorities

(2) On receipt of the documents referred to in sub-section (1), the local

authority concerned shall, within such time, as may be prescribed, examine the report
of the investigation of the scheme proposed to be implemented in its area with
reference to the cost to be incurred for the scheme and with reference to its financial
capacity to meet the cost of the scheme. If the local authority decides to get the
scheme implemented, it shall pass a resolution within such time as may be prescribed
authorising the Board to execute the scheme. The resolution so passed by the local
authority shall specify clearly that the local authority shall meet the cost of execution
of the scheme and its maintenance and also indicate the manner in which and the

ways and means by which the cost of the scheme is proposed to be borne by such
local authority.

(3) On receipt of the resolution and other particulars referred to in sub-

section(2), the Board shall examine, the general, the feasibility of implementation of
the scheme in all its aspects and in particular the financial capacity of the local
authority concerned. If on such examination the Board is satisfied about the feasibility
of implementation of the scheme, then the Board shall if the cost of the scheme is Ten
crores rupees and below, approve such draft scheme and the Board shall if the cost of
such scheme exceeds Ten crores rupees, forward such draft scheme to the
Government for their approval.

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law relating to local

authorities for the time being in force, or in any other law, for the time being in force,
any resolution passed by any local authority under this section shall be final and any
such resolution shall not be cancelled or rescinded or altered by such local authority
except with the previous approval of the Government.

20. Approval of the scheme by the Government.- As soon as may be, after the
submission of the draft scheme under sub-section (3) of section 19, the Government
shall within such time as may be prescribed, either approve the said draft scheme or
approve it with such modifications, as they may consider necessary or return the said
draft scheme to the Board to modify the draft scheme or to prepare a fresh draft
scheme in accordance with such directions as the Government may issue in this behalf
and resubmit it to the Government for approval.

21. Order of approval of draft scheme.- (1) The Government in the case of
draft scheme the cost of which exceeds Ten crores rupees and the Board in case the
cost of the draft scheme is Ten Crores Rupees and below shall, by an order, accord
their or its approval to the draft scheme.

(2) An order issued under sub-section (1) shall be the conclusive evidence
that the scheme has been duly made and approved. The scheme shall thereupon
become final and shall be hereinafter called the “approved scheme”.

22. Execution of approved scheme by the Board.- As soon as the order under
section 21 is issued, the Board shall execute the approved scheme in the areas of the
local authority or authorities concerned.

23. Recovery of the cost of the scheme. - (1) The cost relating to the
preparation and execution of any scheme by the Board including all incidental
expenses connected therewith incurred by the Board shall be borne by the local
authorities concerned on whose behalf such scheme was prepared and executed by the
Board. In cases where the scheme was prepared and executed for more than one local
authority, the cost of such scheme shall be borne by the local authorities concerned in
such proportion as may be determined by the Board.

(2) The cost relating to the investigation, preparation and execution of any
scheme by the Board including all incidental expenses connected therewith incurred
by the Board shall be recoverable by the Board from the local authority concerned in


such manner and in such number of installments and at such time or times as may be

(3) In the event of any failure on the part of any local authority to pay the cost
of the scheme to the Board, the Government shall pay to the Board, such cost or so
much thereof as is remaining due and shall recover the same from the local authority
concerned in such manner and in such number of instalments at such time or times as
may be prescribed.

(4) The Board may include in the cost of investigation, preparation and
execution of any scheme or any other work undertaken by it, the supervision and
centage charges at such rates as may be prescribed.

24. Power of Government to direct the Board to prepare and execute any
scheme.- Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in any other law for the
time being in force, if in the opinion of the Government, it is expedient in the public
interest to investigate, prepare and execute any scheme in any area of a local
authority, or where any local authority wilfully refuses or fails to pass any resolution
for the execution of any scheme by the Board under section 19 and such refusal or
failure in the opinion of the Government is without sufficient reasons, then, they may,
by general or special order direct the Board to investigate, prepare and execute any
scheme in any area of local authority. The provisions of sections 19 to 22(both
inclusive) shall, so far as may be, apply to the preparation and execution of the
scheme by the Board under this section. The cost relating to the investigation,
preparation, and execution of the scheme by the Board under this section shall be paid
by the Government to the Board and the same shall be recovered by the Government
from the local authority concerned in such manner and in such number of instalments
and at such time or times as may be prescribed.

25. Power of the Board to agree or refuse to prepare and execute the
scheme.– (1) In the case of schemes proposed by a local authority, the Board may
agree to prepare and execute the scheme if it is satisfied that such scheme is necessary
and feasible. The Board may refuse to prepare and execute such scheme if it is
satisfied that such scheme is either unnecessary or not feasible or that it is otherwise

(2) Any local authority deeming itself aggrieved by the refusal of the Board
under sub-section (1) may, within two months from the date of receipt of the order of
such refusal, appeal to the Government who may pass such orders thereon as they
think fit and it shall be the duty of the Board or local authority to give effect to such
orders accordingly.

26. Local authority to provide adequate facilities to the Board.- It shall be the
duty of the local authority concerned to which any scheme relates to provide
necessary assistance to the Board for the proper execution of any approved scheme
within the territorial limits of such local authority.

27. Power of Local Authority to undertake schemes.- No local authority

other than the Municipal Corporations of Madurai, Coimbatore, Tiruchirapalli,
Tirunelveli, Salem and any other Municipal Corporation that may be constituted

under any law for the time being inforce and the special grade municipalities, shall
without the approval of the Board investigate, prepare or execute any scheme.

Provided that no such approval shall be necessary for any local authority to
undertake work connected with hand pump, extension of pipeline and development of
existing water sources by power pumps.

27 A. Exclusion of schemes for Madras Metropolitan Area.–

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Board or any other authority
referred to in this Act shall have no power, function or responsibility for investigation,
preparation or execution of any scheme.

(a) in relation to the Madras Metropolitan Area within the meaning of

the Madras Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Act, 1978 on and from the date
on which the assets and liabilities of the Board are transferred under section 26 of that
Act, and

(b) for the benefit of, a local authority (being an existing authority within
the meaning of the aforesaid Act) in the said area, on and from the date on which the
assets and liabilities of such local authority are transferred under section 26 of that

Provided that works in progress within the meaning of Explanation to

section 27 of the said Act shall be continued and completed by the Board in
accordance with that section.



28. Transfer of assets and liabilities of the Public Health Engineering and
Municipal Works Department to the Board.– All the assets and liabilities of the
Public Health Engineering and Municipal Works Department except the asset and
liabilities which the Government may be general or special order, specify in this
behalf shall, subject to such directions as they may specify in such order, vest in the

29. Transfer of property to the Board.- The Government may transfer to the
Board any building, land or other property movable or immovable for the use of, and
management by the Board on such conditions and subject to such limitations as may
be imposed by the Government.

30. Transfer of officers and staff of Public Health Engineering and

Municipal Works Department to the Board. -

(1) Every person who immediately before the notified date is serving in
connection with the affairs of the Department of Public Health Engineering and
Municipal Works including the office of the Chief Engineer (Public Health

Engineering and Municipal Works) under the Government shall as from that date be
deemed to have been allotted to serve in connection with the affairs of the Board and
shall cease to be an employee of the Government:

Provided that the conditions of service applicable immediately before

the notified date to any person shall not be varied by the Board to his disadvantage
except with the previous approval of the Government:

Provided further that subject to sub-section (2) nothing contained in

this sub-section shall apply to any officer or other employee who has, by notice in
writing given to the Board within sixty days next following the notified date intimated
his intention of not becoming an officer or other employee of the Board.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the second proviso to sub-section

(1), any officer or other employee, who, having given the notice mentioned in that
proviso, continues to serve in connection with the affairs of the Board may, within
sixty days next following the date of the commencement of Tamilnadu Water Supply
and Drainage Board (Amendment) Act 1973, withdraw in writing such notice and on
such withdrawal, he shall, as from the notified date and subject to the first proviso to
that sub-section, be deemed to have

a. been allotted to serve in connection with the affairs of the Board, and

b. ceased to be an employee of the Government.

31. Transfer of any other employees of Government to the Board.- (a) As

soon as may be after notified date, the Government may after consulting the Board
direct by general or special order that such of the employees, other than those
employees, referred to in section 30 serving, immediately before the said date in
connection with the affairs of the State as are specified in such order shall stand
allotted to serve in connection with the affairs of the Board with effect on and from
such date as may be specified in such order.

Provided that no such direction shall be issued in respect of such person

without his consent for such allotment:

Provided further that the conditions of service applicable immediately before

the notified date to any such person shall not be varied to his disadvantage except
with the previous approval of the Government.

(b) With effect on and from the date specified in the order under clause (a) the
persons specified in such order shall become employees of the Board and shall cease
to be employees of the Government.

32. Transfer of Provident Fund to the Board.- (1) The moneys

standing to the credit under the Provident Fund Account of any officer or servant
transferred from the service of the Government to the Board's service, on the notified
date together with any other assets belonging to such fund shall stand transferred to
and vest in the Board with effect on and from the notified date.

(2) The Board shall as soon as may be after the notified date constitute
in respect of the moneys and other assets which are transferred to and vested in it
under sub-section (1) a similar fund and may invest the accumulations under the fund
in such securities and subject to such conditions, as may be specified by the Board
with the approval of the Government.

Explanation.- In this section and in sections 30,31 and 33 "notified

date" in regard to persons who are deemed to have been allotted to the Board's service
under section 30 means such date as is notified by the Government in this behalf; and
in regard to persons, who were allotted by the Government to the Board's service
under section 31 means the respective dates on which such persons become the
employees of the Board.

33. Government to credit the leave salary and pensionary contributions

in respect of the officers and servants transferred to Board's service.- The
Government shall credit the leave salary and pensionary contributions in respect of
the officers and servants transferred to the service of the Board in proportion to the
leave at the credit of such officers and servants or in proportion to the length of their
service under the Government, as the case may be, according to the terms and
conditions as are applicable to them under the Government on the notified date.



34. Board's fund.- (1) The Board shall have its own fund.

(2) The Board may accept loans, grants, subventions, donations and gifts
from the Central or State Government or a local authority or any individual or body or
organisation whether incorporated or not for all or any of the purpose of this Act.

(3) All moneys received by or on behalf of the Board by virtue of this Act,
all proceeds of land or any other kind of property sold by the Board, all charges, all
interest, profits and other moneys accruing to the Board shall constitute the fund of
the Board.

(4) All moneys and receipts specified in the foregoing provisions and
forming part of the fund of the Board shall be deposited into the public accounts of
the Government under such detailed head of accounts as may be prescribed,

or in -

(a) the Reserve Bank of India constituted under the Reserve Bank
of India Act, 1934 )Central Act II of 1934), or

(b) the State Bank of India constituted under the State Bank of
India Act, 1955 (Central Act 23 of 1955), or

(c) any corresponding new Bank as defined in the Banking

Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1970, (Central Act 5 of
1970), and the said account shall be operated upon by such officers of the Board as
may be authorised by the Board and in such manner as may be prescribed.

Provided that the Board may invest any sums not required for
immediate use in such securities or debentures as may be approved by the

35. Subventions, loans and grants to the Board.- The Government may,
from time to time, make subventions, and grants or advance loans to the Board or any
local authority for the purposes of this Act on such terms and conditions as the
Government may, in each case determine.

36. Power of the Board to borrow and lend.- (1) Subject to the provisions of
this Act and the rules made thereunder and subject to such conditions as may be
specified by the Government by a general or a special order issued in this behalf by
them and with their previous approval, the Board may, from time to time, borrow
money required for the purposes of this Act by any one or more of the manners
specified below-

(a) raising loans from any Bank or other financing institutions or the Life
Insurance Corporation established under section 3 of the Life Insurance Corporation
Act, 1956 (Central Act 31 of 1956): or

(b) raising loans from any Corporation owned or controlled by the Central
or the State Government ; or

(c) raising loans from the public by issue of bonds or debentures or stocks
or otherwise in the form and manner approved by the Government.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act and to such conditions and
limitations as may be prescribed, the Board may out of its funds grant loans and
advances on such terms and conditions as it may determine, to any local authority for
the provision, regulation or development of any scheme relating to the water supply
and drainage.

37. Guarantee by Government for loans.- The Government may guarantee in

such manner as they think fit, the payment of the principal and interest of any loan
proposed to be raised by the Board or any loan proposed to be given by the Board to
any local authority in regard to the investigation, preparation or execution of schemes
made under this Act:

Provided that the Government shall, so long as any such guarantees are in
force, lay before both Houses of the Legislature in every year during the Budget
session, a statement of the guarantees, if any given during the current year and an up-
to-date account of the total sums, if any, which have been paid out of the
Consolidated Fund of the State by reason of any such guarantees or paid into the said
Fund towards repayment of any money so paid out.

38. Form, signature, exchange, transfer and effect of debentures.- (1)

Whenever money is borrowed by the Board or debentures, the debentures shall be in
such form as the Board may with the previous sanction of the Government specify.

(2) All debentures shall be signed by the Managing Director or Secretary

or by any one of the official Directors of the Board.

(3) The holder of any debenture in any form specified under sub-section
(1) may obtain in exchange therefor a debenture in any other form specified in the
manner provided in sub-section (1) and upon such terms as the Board may determine.

(4) Every debenture issued by the Board shall be transferable by

endorsement, unless some other mode of transfer is specified therein.

(5) All coupons attached to debentures issued by the Board shall bear the
signature of the Managing Director and such signature may be engraved, lithographed
or impressed by any mechanical process.

39. Estimates of income and expenditure of the Board to be laid annually

and considered before the Board. - (1) The Chairman shall, at a special meeting to be
held in the month of January in each year, lay before the Board :-

a) a revised estimate if any, for the current year including all the
expenditure not covered in the original budget estimate, and

b) an estimate of income and expenditure for the next ensuing year.

(2) Every such estimate shall make provision for the due fulfillment of
the liabilities of the Board, and for the efficient administration of this Act.

(3) Every such estimate shall differentiate capital and revenue funds, and
shall be prepared in such form and shall contain such details, as the Board may, from
time to time, specify.

(4) Every such estimate shall be compiled and a copy thereof sent, by post
or otherwise, to each Director atleast ten clear days before the date of the meeting at
which the estimate is to be laid before the Board.

(5) "Omitted"

(6) The Board shall consider every estimate so laid before it and shall
approve the same, either without modifications or with such modifications as it may
think fit, subject to the guidelines and instructions, if any issued by the Government,
from time to time, in this regard. (Vide Board’s
Lr.No.18814/Estt(Per)/A1/2006/Dated. 26.8.2010).

40. Approval of Government to estimates.- “Omitted” (Vide Board’s


41. Supplementary estimate.- (1) The Board may, at any time, during the year
for which any estimate has been sanctioned, cause a supplementary estimate to be
prepared and laid before it at a special meeting.

(2) The provisions of sub-section (3), (4) and (6) of section 39 shall apply to
every supplementary estimate.(Vide Boards’s Lr.No.18814/Estt(Per)/A1

42. Repayment of loans by the Board. - Every loan taken by the Board
shall paid by the Board within the period agreed upon by the Board by such of the
following methods as may be approved by the Government, namely -

(a) from a sinking fund established under section 43 in respect of the loan:

(b) by paying in equal yearly or half-yearly installments of principal or

of principal and interest, throughout the said period :

(c) from money borrowed for the purpose;

(d) partly from the sinking fund established under section 43 in respect of
the loan, and partly from money borrowed for the purpose; or

(e) from any other source, with the prior permission of the Government.

43. Establishment and maintenance of sinking and other funds.- The Board
may constitute a sinking fund, depreciation reserve fund and a development fund in
such manner and in such form as may be prescribed by regulations. Such funds shall
be invested in such manner as may be determined by the Board with the approval of
the Government.

44. Annual reports statistics and returns. - (1) The Board shall, as soon as
may be after the end of each year, prepare and submit to the Government before such
date and in such form as may be prescribed a report giving an account of its activities
during the previous year and the report shall also give an account of the activities, if
any, which are likely to be undertaken by the Board in the next year and the
Government shall cause every such report to be laid before the state Legislature as
soon as may be after it is received by the Government.

(2) The Board shall furnish to the Government at such times and in such
form and manner as may be prescribed or as the Government may direct, such
statistics and returns and such particulars in regard to any proposed or existing
scheme as the Government may from time to time require.

45. Accounts and Audit.- (1) The accounts of the Board shall be maintained
in such manner and in such form as may be prescribed by regulations. The Board
shall prepare an annual statement of accounts in such form as may be prescribed.

(2) The accounts of the Board shall be audited once in a year by such
auditor as the Government may appoint in this behalf.

(3) The auditor appointed under sub-section (2) shall, in connection with
such audit, have such rights, privileges and authority as may be prescribed and in
particular, the right to demand the production of books, accounts, connected vouchers
and other documents and to inspect any of the offices of the Board.

(4) The Secretary shall cause the report of the auditor to be printed and
forward a printed copy thereof to each Director and shall bring such report before the
Board for consideration at its next meeting.

(5) The Board shall remedy, forthwith, any defects or irregularities that
may be pointed out by the auditor and submit a report thereon to the Government.

46. Remuneration of Auditor.- The Board shall pay to the said auditor such
remuneration as it may decide.(Vide Board’sLr.No.18814/Estt(Per)/A1/2006

47. Accounts and Audit report to be forwarded to the Government and

placed before the State Legislature.- (1) The accounts of the Board, as certified by
the auditor, together with the audit report thereon, shall be forwarded annually to the
Government and the Government may issue such instructions to the Board in respect
thereof as they deem fit and the Board shall comply with such instructions.

(2) The Government shall -

(a) cause the accounts of the Board together with the audit report thereon
forwarded to them under sub-section (1) to be laid annually before the State
Legislature; and

(b) cause the accounts of the Board to be published in the prescribed

manner and make available copies thereof on sale at a reasonable price.

48. Powers to write off irrecoverable amount.- The Board may write off any
amount whatsoever due to it, whether under a contract or otherwise or any sum
payable in connection herewith, if, in its opinion, such amount of sum is

Provided that the Board shall before writing off any such amount or sum
exceeding twenty-five thousand rupees, obtain the sanction of the Government.



49. No disqualification in certain cases. - No person shall be disqualified for
being chosen as, or being a member of a Legislative Assembly or of the Legislative
Council by reason only of the fact that he is Chairman or a Director of the Board.

50. Penalty for obstructing contractor or removing mark – If any person -

(a) obstructs or molests any person with whom the Board has entered into
a contract in the performance or execution by such person of his duty or of anything
which he is empowered or required to do by virtue of, or in consequence of this Act or
any rule or regulation made thereunder, or

(b) removes any mark set up for the purpose of indicating any level or
direction necessary to the execution of works authorised by this Act or any rule or
regulation made or scheme sanctioned thereunder.

he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to two hundred


51. Penalty for breach of the provisions of the Act, etc. - Whoever
contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule or regulation or scheme
made or scheme sanctioned thereunder, shall if no other penalty is provided for such
contravention, be punishable -

(a) with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees ; and

(b) in case of a continuing contravention, with fine which may extend to

fifty rupees for each day after the first during which the contravention continues.

52. Prosecution and trial of offence. - (1) No court shall take cognizance of
any offence punishable under this act or any rule or regulation or scheme made
thereunder unless complaint of such offence is made by the Board or any officer
authorised by it in this behalf within six months next after the commission thereof.

(2) No court inferior to that of a salaried * presidency magistrate or a

salaried magistrate of the first class shall try any offence punishable under this Act.

*According to clause (a) and (c) of sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974), any reference to a Magistrate of
the first class shall be construed as a reference to a Judicial Magistrate of the first
class and any reference to a Presidency Magistrate shall be construed as a reference to
a Metropolitan Magistrate with effect on and from 1st April 1974; Provided, however
that any reference to a Judicial Magistrate of the first class shall, by virtue of section 3
(2) (a) of the Tamil Nadu References to Magistrates in laws (Special Provision )Act,
1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 33 of 1980), be construed as a reference to a District Munsif-
cum-Judicial Magistrate exercising the powers of a Judicial Magistrate of the first

53. Arrest of offenders. - (1) Any police officers not below the rank of a head
constable, may arrest any person who commits in his presence, any offence against
this Act or any rule or regulation or scheme made thereunder, if the name or address
of such person be unknown to him and if such person on demand declines to give his
name or address, or gives a name or address which such officer has reason to believe
to be false.

(2) No person so arrested shall be detained in custody after his true name
and address are ascertained or for any longer time than is necessary for bringing him
before a magistrate and in no case shall such detention exceed twenty-four hours from
the time of arrest without the orders of a magistrate.

54. Offences by companies. - (1) If the person committing an offence under

this Act is a company, every person, who, at the time of the offence was committed,
was in-charge of, and was responsible to the company for the conduct of the business
of the company as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence,
and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly;

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any such
person liable to any punishment provided in this Act, if he proves that the offence was
committed without his knowledge, or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent the
commission of the offence.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) where an

offence under this Act, has been committed by a company, and it is proved that the
offence has been committed with the consent or connivance of, or, is attributable to
any neglect on the part of any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the
company, such director, manager, secretary or other officer shall also be deemed to be
guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished

Explanation. - For the purposes of this section -

(a) "Company" means a body corporate and includes a firm or other

association of individuals; and

(b) "Director in relation to a firm" means a partner in the firm.


55. Emergency Powers of Managing Director. - The Managing Director
may, in cases of emergency, direct the execution of any work or the doing of any act
which requires the sanction of the Board if the immediate execution or the doing of
which is, in his opinion, necessary for the service or safety of the public and may also

direct that the expenses of executing the work or of doing the act shall be paid from
the funds of the Board:

Provided that -

(a) he shall not act under this section in contravention of any direction of
the Board or the Government prohibiting the execution of any particular work or the
doing of any particular act;

(b) he shall report the action taken by him under this section and the
reasons therefor to the Board at its next meeting and shall also submit a copy of his
report to the Government and the Board or the Government may issue, such directions
as it or they may deem fit on such report.

56. Powers of Managing Director as to institution, composition, etc., of legal

proceedings and obtaining legal advice - The Managing Director may, subject to the
control of the Board –

(a) institute, defend or withdraw from legal proceedings instituted under

this Act or any rules or regulations made thereunder;

(b) compound any offence against this Act or any rules or regulations made
thereunder which, under any law for the time being in force or the rule prescribed by
the Government, may lawfully be compounded;

(c) admit, compromise or withdraw any claim made under this Act or any
rules or regulations or schemes made thereunder; and

(d) obtain such legal advice and assistance as he may, from time to time,
think it necessary or expedient to obtain, or as may be desired by the
Board to obtain, for any of the purposes referred to in the foregoing
clauses of this section, or for securing the lawful exercise or discharge
of any power or duty vested in or imposed upon the Board or any
Officer or servant of the Board.

57. Delegation of powers. - (1) The Government may, by notification

authorise any authority or officer to exercise any of the powers vested in them by this
Act except the power to make rules under section 72 and may in like manner
withdraw such authority.

2) The Board may, by general or special order in writing delegate to the

Chairman or Managing Director or any other Director of the Board or the Secretary or
any other Officer of the Board such of its powers and functions under this Act except
the power to acquire land under section 17 and to make regulations under section 73
as it may deem necessary and it may in like manner withdraw such authority.

3) The exercise of any power delegated under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2)
shall be subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be specified in the order and
also to control and revision by the Government or by such officer as may be
empowered by the Government in this behalf or as the case may be by the Board or
such officer as may be empowered by the Board in this behalf.

4) The Government or the Board, as the case may be, shall also have the
power to control and revise the act or proceedings of any officer so empowered.

58. Power of the Government to issue orders and directions to the Board or
local authorities:- The Government may issue to the Board or to the local authority
concerned such orders and directions as in their opinion are necessary or expedient for
carrying out the purposes of this Act and the Board or such local authority, as the case
may be, shall give effect to all such orders and directions.

59. Duties of police officers:- (1) It shall be the duty of every police officer-

(a) to co-operate with the Board for carrying into effect and enforcing the
provisions of this Act or any rule or regulation or scheme made thereunder;

(b) to communicate without delay to the proper officer or servant of the

Board any information which such police officer receives of a design to commit, or of
the commission of, any offence against this Act or any rule or regulation or scheme
made thereunder; and

(c) to assist the Board or any officer or servant of the board reasonably
demanding the aid of such police officer for the lawful exercise of any power vesting
in the Board or any such officer or servant under this Act or any rule or regulation or
scheme made thereunder.

(2) Any police officer who omits or refuses to perform any duty imposed
on him by this Act, shall be deemed to have committed the offence under section 10
or under section 44 of the Tamil Nadu District Police Act, 1859 (Central Act XXIV of

60. Adjudication of disputes between the Board and local authorities.- (1)
when a dispute exists between the Board and one or more than one other local
authority or among local authorities in regard to any matter arising under the
provisions of this Act, and the Government are of the opinion that the parties are
unable to settle it amicably among themselves, they may take cognizance of the
dispute and decide it themselves.

(2) The decision of the Government thereon shall be binding on the Board
and the local authorities concerned and shall not be liable to be questioned in any
Court of law.

61. Effect of other laws.- (1) The provisions of this Act shall be in addition
to and not in derogation of any other law for the time being in force, regulating any
of the matters dealt with in this Act;

Provided that nothing in this Act shall be deemed to prevent the local
authority from discharging its duties in regard to the making, altering, repairing or
renewing any water course or other work in respect of any area within the jurisdiction
of that local authority under any law for the time being in force.
(2) Save as otherwise provided in this Act the provisions of this Act shall
have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any other
law for the time being in force or any custom, usage or contract or decree or order of a
court or other authority.

62. Notice of suit against Board, etc.- No suit shall be instituted against
the Board, or any Director, or any officer or servant of the Board, or any person
acting under the direction of the Board, or of the Chairman or Managing Director or
of any officer or servant of the Board, in respect of any act done or intended to be
done under this Act or any rule or regulation or scheme made thereunder until the
expiration of sixty days next after written notice has been delivered or left at the
Board’s office or the place of abode of such officer, servant or person, stating the
cause of action, the name and place of abode of the intending plaintiff, and the relief
which he claims, and the plaint must contain a statement that such notice has been so
delivered or not.

63. General power of the Board to pay compensation.- In any case not
otherwise expressly provided for in this Act, the Board may pay reasonable
compensation to any person who sustains damage by reason of the exercise of any
of the powers vested by or under this Act in the Board or the Chairman or the
Managing Director or any officer or servant of the Board.

64. Compensation to be paid by offenders for damage caused by

(1) When any person is convicted of any offence under this Act or any rule or
regulation or scheme made thereunder, the magistrate convicting such person may, on
application made in this behalf by the Board or by its officer or servant authorised by
it in this behalf, call upon such person forthwith to show cause as to why he should
not pay compensation to the Board as assessed by the Board or by its officer or
servant making the application for the damage caused by his act or omission in
respect of which he is convicted.

2) The magistrate shall record and consider any cause which such person
may show and if the magistrate, after making such inquiry as he may think fit, is
satisfied that such person is liable to pay compensation, may direct that compensation
to such amount as he may determine, be paid by such person to the Board.

3) The amount of compensation directed to be paid under sub-section (2),

shall, if it be not paid forthwith, be recovered as if it were a fine imposed by the
magistrate on such person.

65. Mode of recovery of dues.- If any amount due to the Board in

accordance with the terms of a contract or otherwise or any sum payable in
connection therewith, has not been paid, the Board may, without prejudice to any
other remedy provided by law, recover such amount or sum as arrears of land

66. Authentication of orders and other instruments of the Board.- (1)

All orders and decisions of the Board shall be authenticated by the signature of the
Secretary or any officer of the Board authorised in writing by the Board in this behalf.

2) The Managing Director or any officer of the Board authorised in writing in

this behalf may sign on behalf of the Board any agreement or other instrument to be
executed on behalf of the Board.

67. Stamping signature on notices or bills.- Every notice or bill, which

is required by this Act or by any rule or regulation made thereunder to bear the
signature of the Managintg Director or any other Director or of any officer or
servant of the Board, shall be deemed to be properly signed if it bears the facsimile
of the signature of the Managing Director or of such other Director or of such officer
or servant, as the case may be, stampled thereupon.

68. Power of entry.- (1) The Managing Director or any person either
generally or specially authorized by the Managing Director in this behalf may, with
or without assistance of workmen, enter into or upon any land, in order –

(a) to make any inspection, survey, measurement, valuation or inquiry;

(b) to take levels;

(c) to dig or bore into the sub-soil;

(d) to set out boundaries and intended lines of work;

(e) to mark such levels, boundaries and lines by placing marks and cutting

(f) to place and maintain pipes, drains and other installations upon, along,
across or under any land; or

(g) to do any other thing, whenever it is necessary to do so for any of the

purposes of this Act or any rule or regulations made or any scheme sanctioned
thereunder or any scheme which the Board intends to frame thereunder.

Provided as follows:-

(a) no such entry shall be made between sunset and sunrise;

(b) no dwelling house, and no public building or hut which is used as a

dwelling place, shall be so entered, except with the consent of the occupier thereof,
without giving the said occupier atleast twenty four hours previous written notice of the
intention to make such entry;

(c) sufficient notice shall, in every instance, be given even when any
premises may otherwise be entered without notice, to enable the inmates of any apartment
appropriated to women to remove themselves to some part of the premises where their
privacy will not be disturbed.

(d) due regard shall always be had, so far as may be compatible with the
exigencies of the purpose for which the entry is made to the social and religious usages of the
occupants of the premises entered

(2) Whenever the Managing Director or a person authorised under

sub- section (1) enters into or upon any land in pursuance of that sub-section, he shall, at
the time of such entry, pay or tender payment for all necessary damage to be done as
aforesaid; and in case of dispute as to the sufficiency of the . of the amount so paid or
tendered, he shall at once refer the dispute to the Board, whose decision shall be final.

69. Protection of action taken in good faith.- (1) No suit, prosecution or

other legal proceeding shall lie against any person for anything which is, in good faith,
done or intended to be done in pursuance of this Act or any rule or order or scheme
made thereunder.

(2) No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against the Government, the
Board or any Committee thereof, for any damage caused or likely to be caused by
anything which is, in good faith, done or intended to be done in purusuance of this
Act or of any rule or order or scheme made thereunder.

70. Officers and servants of the Board to be public servants.- All officers
and servants of the Board, and any person entrusted with the execution of any function
under this Act, shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of
the Indian Penal Code (Central Act XLV of 1860).

71. The Board to be a local authority under central Act I of 1894 and
Central Act IX of 1914.- The Board shall be deemed to be a local authority for the
purposes of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act 1 of 1894), and the Local
Authorities Loans Act, 1914 (Central Act IX of 1914).



72. Power to make rules.- (1) The Government may make rules for the
purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the genenerality of the foregoing

power, such rules may provide for –

(a) all matters expressly required or allowed by this Act to be prescribed;

(b) the qualifications for appointment of, and the grant of leave of absence
to, the Chairman the Managing Director, the Joint Managing Director, the Finance
Director and the Engineering Director of the Board.
(c) the term of office and the terms and conditions of service of the
Chairman, the Managing Director, the Joint Managing Director, the Finance Director,
the Engineering Director and the non-official Directors including the payment of any
honorarium or sitting fees for attending the meetings of the Board and any other

allowances and the manner of filling casual vacancies in the offices of the non-official
Directors of the Board;

(d)the functions of the Board;

(e) the conditions of the acquisition, transfer, etc, of any property by the

(f) the time-limit within which the resolutions of the local authority, for the
preparation, execution, etc., of schemes by the Board will have to be passed and
communicated to the Board;

(g) the time-limit within which the approval of the Government to the draft
schemes prepared and forwarded by the Board, will have to be given;

(h) the manner in which and the number of instalments and the time or times
at which, the cost of the schemes shall be recovered;

(i) the manner of operation of funds by the Board;

(j) the mutual relationship of the Board and other local authorities in any
matter in which they are jointly interested;

(k) the borrowing and lending of money by the Board;

(l) the condition and limitations for the grant of loans and advances by the
Board to the local authorities;

(m) the form in which the reports of the Board will have to be prepared by
the Board and the form and manner and the time-limit for the submission of statistics
and returns by the Board to the Government;

(n) the rights, privileges and authority of auditors appointed under this Act;

(o) the manner in which the accounts of the Board will have to be

(3) All rules made under this Act shall be published in the Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette, and unless they are expressed to come into force on a particular
day, shall come into force on the day on which they are so published.

(4) Every rule made under this Act shall, as soon as possible after it is
made, be placed on the table of both Houses of the Legislature, and if, before the
expiry of the session in which it is so placed or the next session both Houses agree in
making any modification in any such rule or both Houses agree that the rule should
not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of
no effect, as the case may be, so however, that any such modification or annulment
shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule.

73. Power to make regulations.- (1) The Board may, by notification,

make regulations whether prospectively or retrospedively not inconsistent with this Act,
and the rules made thereunder, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this
Act.(Tamil Nadu Government Gazette Extraordinary (Part-IV – sec.2) dated
13.11.2007/ Circular No.1/Estt.(per)/A1/2007, dated 09.01.2008.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing

power, such regulations may provide for –
(a) all matters expressly required or allowed by this Act to be prescribed
by regulations;
(b) the terms and the conditions of appointment and service and the scales
of pay of officers and servants of the Board including the payment of traveling and
daily allowances in respect of journeys undertaken by such officers and servants of
the Board;
(c) The supervision and control over the acts and proceedings of the
officers and servants of the Board and the maintenance of discipline and conduct
among the officers and servants of the Board;
(d) the procedure in regard ot the transaction of business at the meetings of
the Board including the quorum;
(e) the purpose for which and the manner in which temporary association
of persons may be made;
(f) the duties, the functions, the terms and conditions of service of the
members of the Committees;
(g) the duties, the functions and the powers of the Chairman, the
Managing Director, the Joint Managing Director, the Finance Director, the
Engineering Diretor, the Secretary and the Chief Engineers of the Board;
(h) the manner and the form in which a sinking fund, a depreciation
reserve fund and the develolment fund has to be constituted;
(i) the manner and the form relating to the maintenance of the accounts of
the Board;

(3) No regulation shall be made or cancelled or modified unless the same is

approved by the Government. (Tamil Nadu Government Gazette Extraordinary (Part-
IV – sec.2) dated 13.11.2007/ Circular No.1/Estt.(per)/A1/2007, dated 09.01.2008.

(4) The Government, may, by notification, rescind any regulation made

under this section and thereupon, the regulation shall cease to have effect.

(5) All regulations made under this Act shall be published in the Tamil Nadu
Government Gazettee and unless they are expressed to come into force on a particular
day, shall come into force on the day on which they are so published.

(By order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government, Law Department.


The importance of providing for protected drinking water and adequate

drainage facilities to urban and rural areas alike has been engaging the attention of the

Government for quite some time past. At present, matters connected with drinking

water supply and drainage schemes are being dealt with by several Departments. The

Government considered that for effective planning and execution of drinking water

and drainage schemes, it was essential that these were brought under the purview and

control of a single agency for purposes of investigating, preparing and executing

water supply and drainage schemes. Accordingly, the Government constituted the

Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board to achieve the above object.

Government are of the view that if the Board could be set up as an

autonomous body on a statutory footing, it will conduce to speedier planning,

investigation and execution of schemes and also enable it to raise substantial

resources from financing institutions and in the open market, with a view to providing

drinking water and drainage facilities to urban and rural areas in the State of Tamil

Nadu within the shortest possible time. The Bill provides for the constitution of an

autonomous Tamil Nadu Water supply and Drainage Board to be entrusted with

powers and functions to investigate, prepare and execute water supply and drainage

schemes throughout the State and matters connected therewith.

The provisions of the Bill are explained in detail in the notes on clauses.

M. Karunanidhi
Chief Minister.


(B.P. Ms.No.398, dated 13th December 1972)
(Published in Supplement to Part V of Tamil Nadu Government Gazette
Dated 20th December 1972)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 73 of

the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Act 4 of 1971), the Tamil Nadu
Water Supply and Drainage Board with the previous approval of the Government of
Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following regulations in respect of the Officers and
servants of the Board:-

1. Short title and commencement:- (a) These regulations shall be called “The
Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Service Regulations, 1972”.

(b) They shall be deemed to have come into force on the 14th of April 1971.

2. Application:- (1) These Regulations shall apply to the holders of all the
posts under the Board (other than those employed occasionally or subject to discharge
without notice) whether temporary or permanent except to the extent otherwise
expressly provided:-

(a) by or under any orders for the time being in force: or(b) in respect of any
member of the Board Service by a contract or agreement subsisting between such
member and the Board.

Provided that nothing in these regulations shall, unless a contrary intention is

expressly indicated therein, operate to deprive any such person of any right or
privilege to which he is entitled by or under any rule or order applicable to him prior to
the making of these regulations.

(2) The Board shall be the authority competent to interpret these

regulations and the decisions of the Board shall be final and binding.

(3) The Board may by notification, with the previous, sanction of the
State Government, exempt wholly or in part from the operation of these regulations,
the holder of any post or the holders of any class or category of posts.

3. Definitions:- (1) In these regulations, unless there is anything repugnant in

the subject or context-

(i) “The Act” means the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
Act, 1970.

(ii) “Board” means the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.

(2) A person is said to be “appointed to the Service” when in accordance with

these regulations or in accordance with the rules applicable at the time, as the case
may be, he discharges for the first time the duties of a post borne on the cadre of such
class or service or commences probation, instruction or training prescribed for
members thereof.

(3) “Approved candidate” means a candidate whose name appears in an

authoritative list of candidates approved by the Board for appointment to any class, or
category of the Board’s Service.

(4) “Approved probationer” in any class or category in the service means a

member of the class or category who has satisfactorily completed his probation and
has been declared as such and awaits appointment as a full member in that class or

(5) “Backward Classes” means the communities mentioned as such in

Schedule I to Part I of General Rules for the Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate
Service as amended from time to time, by the Government of Tamil Nadu.

(6) “Discharge of a Probationer” means in case the probationer is a full member

or an approved probationer in any other class or category reverting him to such
service, class of another service or category and in any other case, dispensing with
his services.

(7) A person is said to be “on duty” as a member of the Board’s Service-

(a) When he is performing the duties of a post borne on the cadre of such
service or is undergoing the probation, instruction on training prescribed by the Board
for such service:

(b) When he is on joining time; or

(c) When he is absent from duty during vacation or on authorised holidays

or on casual leave taken in accordance with the instructions regulating such leave
issued by the Board having been on duty immediately before and immediately after
such absence.

(d) When he is undergoing any course of Study, training or instruction for

which he is deputed by the Board. (B.P.Ms.No. 83, dated 12.3.74)

(8) “Full member” of a service means a member of that service who has been
appointed substantively to a permanent post borne on the cadre thereof:

(9) “Member of the Service” means a person who has been appointed to the
service of the Board and who has not retired or resigned, been removed or dismissed,
been substantively transferred or reduced to any other category or class or reverted to
Government service or been discharged otherwise than for want of vacancy. He may
be a probationer, an approved probationer or a full member in the Board’s Service.

(10) “Military duty” means, the duty declared as such from time to time by the
Government of Tamil Nadu.

(11) “Minimum general educational qualification” means the qualification

referred to in Schedule I to Part II of the General Rules for the Tamil Nadu State and
Subordinate Service, as amended from time to time, by the Government of Tamil

(12) “Probationer” in the Board’s service means a member of that service who
has not completed his probation.

(13) “Promotion” means the appointment of a member of any category or class

in the Board’s service to a higher category or class in the said service.

(14) “Recruited direct” excepting the cases of appointment by promotion, by

transfer or by appointment from Government service on deputation or on foreign
service terms from any other organization or by appointment on contract, all other
appointments directly made shall be deemed to be made by direct recruitment.

(15) “War Service” means such service as has been recognized as war service
from time to time by the Government of Tamil Nadu.

(16) “Schedule Castes” and “Schedule Tribes” means the communities

mentioned as such in Part A & B of Schedule II to Part I of the General Rules for the
Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Service as amended by the Government of Tamil

(17) “Diploma or Degree” – In cases where the regulations prescribe a degree

or diploma as a qualification, then the degree or diploma granted by any of the
Universities or Institutions recognized by the University Grants Commission for the
purpose of grant specified in Schedule II to the General Rules for the Tamil Nadu
State and Subordinate Service as amended from time to time shall be recognized as

Explanation.- Definitions, as well as other conditions of service etc., not

explicitly mentioned in these regulations, will be the same as found in the
Fundamental Rules and the Subsidiary Rules issued by the Government of Tamil

4. Classification of Services.- The Services under the Tamil Nadu Water Supply
and Drainage Board shall be classified as Class I, Class II, Class III and Class IV as
detailed below:

Class I - All Officers the minimum of whose scale of pay is Rs.1,150 or above.

Class II - All Officers the minimum of whose scale of pay is Rs.750 and above and
less than Rs.1,150 and these posts specifically classified by the Board as

Class III - All staff the minimum of whose scale of pay is Rs.350 or above and less
than Rs.750 and also those posts specifically classified by the Board as

Class IV - All other posts whose scale of pay is below Rs. 350 specifically classified
by the Board as such.

5. Constitution.- (a) The following services shall be constituted for the officers
and servants of the Board.-

I. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board General Service.

II. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Engineering Service.

III. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Engineering

Subordinate Service.

IV. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Ministerial Service.
(B.P.Ms.No. 141, dt. 4.3.86)

V. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Basic Service.

(B.P.Ms.No. 585, dated 10.12.81.)

VI. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Accounts Service.

VII. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board accounts Subordinate
Service (B.P.Ms.No. 321, dt. 2.7.84).

VIII. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board General Subordinate

IX. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Mechanical

Subordinate Service (B.P.Ms.No.141, dt. 4.3.1986).

The posts constituting each service are given below:.

I. Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Service.-

Category.- 1. Secretary to the Board.

1.A Deputy Secretary.
2. Chief Accounts Officer.
3. Assistant Secretary to the Board.
4. Non-Technical Personal Assistant to Chief Engineer.

II. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Engineering Service.
Category.- 1. Chief Engineer.
2. Superintending Engineer.
3. Executive Engineers (including Deputy Chief Engineer)
4. Assistant Executive Engineers.
(B.P.Ms.No.124, dt.6.4.1988)

5. Chief Head Draughtsman

7. Assistant
Assistant Engineer. (B.P.Ms.No.124, dt.6.4.1988)
Water Analyst
Assistant Geologist and
Geological Assistant. } B.P. (Ms.)No.211, dt 25.6.77.
10. EDP Manager
11. System Analyst }
B.P.(Ms).No.7 Estt.(per)
III. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Engineering Subordinate

Category.- 1. Junior Engineers (B.P.Ms.No.124, dt.6.4.1988)

2. Head draughtsman
3. Draughtsman, Grades I, II and III
4. Assistant Draughtsmen
5. Blue Print Operators.
6. Water Works Superintendent
including Electrical Superintendent; and
7. Work Assistant including
Technical Assistant.
} 141

NOTE:- A Junior Engineer or Assistant Engineer or Assistant executive Engineer or

Executive Engineer when posted to a Municipality shall be designated as Municipal
Engineer, grade III, grade II and grade I respectively (B.P.Ms.No. 124, dated 6.4.88)

IV. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Ministerial Service:-

Category:- 1. Superintendents
2. Managers
3. Office Assistants
4. Assistants.
5. Confidential Stenographer
6. Upper Division Stenographer (Camp Clerk to
Chief Engineer)
7. Junior Assistants
8. Typists including Steno-typists
9. Store keepers.
10. Receptionist-cum-Telephone Operator

11. Works clerk and

12. Record assistant. . } B.P.Ms.No. 141, dated 4.3.86

13. Programmer
14. Console Operator } B.P.(Ms).No.7 Estt.(per)

V. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Basic Service:-

(B.P.Ms.No. 585, dated 10.12.81)

Category:- 1. Daffedar
2. Basic Servants and
3. Basic workers including watchman, Lascars, Gardeners and

VI. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Accounts Service:-
(B.P.Ms.No. 321, dated 2.7.84)

Category:- 1. Accounts Officer (Entitlement)

2. Other Accounts Officers.

VII. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Accounts Subordinate
Service:- (B.P.Ms.No. 321, dated 2.7.84)

Category:- 1. Junior Accounts Officer.

2. Divisional Accountants

VIII. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board General subordinate

(i) Maintenance and Operation Branch:-

Category.- 1. Electrician Grade I and II

2. Fitters, Grade I and II (including Crane Operator and Mixer
Machine Operator)
3. Plummer
4. Filter Operator & Mechanic including Filter Bed Operator
5. Turn Cock
6. Pump Operator including Assistant Mechanic
7. Work Inspector, grades I and II
8. Helper
9. Cleaner Grades I & II and
10. Boring Mechanic

(ii) Research branch:-

Category.- 1. Junior Water Analyst including Laboratory assistant and

Chemist; and
2. Laboratory Attender.
(iii) General Branch:-

Category. 1. Driver including Jeep, Van, Lorry, Rigs and tractor Driver;
2. Record Clerk.

IX. Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board Mechanical Subordinate
Service:- (B.P.Ms.No. 141, dated 4.3.1986)

Category:- 1. Junior Mechanical Engineer

2. Foreman (Mechanical/Electrical)
3. Assistant Foreman
4. Mechanic Grades I and II
5. Rewinder
6. Assistant Rewinder
42 40

7. Turner
8. Welder Grades I and II
9. Smith
10. Machinist
11. Tinker
12. Auto Electrician
13. Painter
14. Tool Room Attender
15. Tool keeper
16. Drilling Supervisor
17. Driller
18. Assistant Driller; and
19. Air Compressor Operator including Air
Compressor Mechanic.

6. Cadre.- The permanent cadre strength of each class, category and grade of the
Board Service shall be fixed by the Board. The necessity or otherwise for permanent
retention of temporary posts will as a rule, be examined by the Board after a period of
five years from the date of creation of the post concerned.

7. Proportion or Order of filling up of vacancies.- Where the normal method

of recruitment to any class of service or category or grade is both by direct
recruitment and by promotion:-

(i) the proportion or order in which the vacancies may be filled by persons
recruited direct and by promotes shall be as may be prescribed by the Board.

(ii) nothing in this regulation shall adversely affect any person who on the
date of issue of these regulations was a probationer in such class of service, category
or grade, as the case may be.

8. Reservation of Appointment.- The principle of reservation of

appointments in laid down in rule 22 of General Rules for the Tamil Nadu State and
Subordinate Service shall apply in case of direct recruitment to all posts. The
reservation of appointment to the posts shall be made on the following basis:-

(a) The unit of selection for appointment for the purpose of this regulation
shall be one hundred of which eighteen shall be reserved for the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes and thirty one shall be reserved for the Backward Classes and the
remaining fifty one shall be filled on the basis of merit.

(b) The claims of members of the Scheduled Casts and Scheduled Tribes and
the Backward Classes shall also be considered for the fifty one appointments which
shall be filled on the basis of merit; and where a candidate belonging to a Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes or a Backward Classes is selected on the basis of merit the
number of posts reserved for Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes or for
Backward Classes, as the case may be, shall not in any way be affected.

(c) Appoints under this regulation shall be made in the order of rotation as
prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu from time to time.

(d) If qualified and suitable candidate belonging to any of the Scheduled

Castes and Scheduled Tribes or the Backward Classes is not available for appointment
in the turn allotted for them in the cycle, the turn will lapse and the vacancy shall be
filled by the next turn in the order of rotation. No account shall be taken of any
lapsed turns of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes or of the Backward

9. Mode of Recruitment.- The Board shall notify all vacancies for posts to be
filled up by direct recruitment to the local employment Exchange as provided for in
the Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act 1959
(Central Act No. 31 of 1959) and the rules made thereunder. If the local Employment
exchange is unable to sponsor the required number of qualified and eligible
candidates and gives a certificate to that effect, the Board shall advertise the
remaining vacancies in at least one English daily newspaper and one Tamil Daily
newspaper having wide circulation in the area. The selection of candidates shall be
made from among the candidates sponsored by the Employment Exchange and or
who responded to the advertisement as the case may be. The selection shall be made
by a Selection Committee to be constituted by the Board consisting of the Chairman,
the Managing Director and one more member to be nominated by the Board.
(B.P.Ms.No. 401, dated 28.9.76). The Chairman shall be the Chairman of the
Selection Committee so constituted shall function for one year from the date of its
constitution. The Board may direct the Selection Committee to make the selection on
the results of a written examination or interview or of both as it considers suitable.
The lists of candidates selected and arranged in the order of preference for a Class I
Service shall be submitted to the Board for approval. All appointments by direct
recruitment shall be made only from the list thus approved by the Board. In case the
Board disagrees with the recommendations of the Selection Committee, the Board
shall cause the matter to be referred back to the Selection Committee for
reconsideration in the light of the views expressed by the Board. The Selection
Committee’s recommendations shall be final for posts in Class II and Class III and
appointments by direct recruitment to the classes made with reference to the
recommendations of the Selection Committee be reported to the Board for

(2) Selection for appointment by direct recruitment to Class IV shall be made

by the appointing authority by inviting applications through the Employment

(3) The selection of candidates for appointment for work-charged and

nominal muster roll establishment shall be made by the appointing authorities by
inviting applications through the Employment Exchange.

(4) For promotion to posts of executive engineers and Superintending

Engineers of the Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board, the Chief Engineer of
the Board shall prepare a list of all eligible candidates arranged in the order of
seniority for consideration having regard to their efficiency-cum-seniority showing in
the list their names, present designation, present pay, age, qualifications and
experience and forward the same to the Managing Director with their confidential
reports.The Managing Director after scrutinizing the lists and the confidential reports

will select and appoint the candidates in respect of the post of Executive Engineers.
In respect of Superintending Engineers, the Managing Director will made his
recommendations to the Board for selection, and based on the selection by the Board
he will issue appointment orders. (B.P.Ms.No. 320, dated 1-.9.98). The appointment
of Chief Engineer of the Board will be made subject to the approval of the

(5) No appeal shall lie against the decision of the Selection Committee in
regard to direct recruitment. All appeal shall however, lie to the Board for
appointments made by promotion on the basis of the recommendations of the
Selection Committee and the Board shall dispose of such appeals on merits and its
decision shall be final. With regard to appointment by promotion approved by the
Board, a revision shall lie to Government.

(6) In respect of promotions to technical posts below the rank of Assistant

Executive Engineers and promotions to non-technical posts in Board’s Secretariat and
Chief Engineer’s office and other subordinate offices of Chief Engineer, the
appointing authority is competent to make the promotions.

(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in the above Regulation, the Board

may in any particular case or class of cases adopt a special procedure as more
appropriate than the one prescribed in any of the said Regulations.

10. Revision of list of approved candidates for appointment or promotion.-

Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, the Board shall have power
to revise in any manner it considers suitable, any lists of approved candidates
prepared by the competent authority for appointment or promotion to any post.

11. (a) Candidates included in more than one approved list:- Where a
candidate’s name has been included in the list of approved candidates for more than
one class or category of service, the appointing authority who proposes, to appoint
such a candidate first shall require him to elect the class or category of service to
which he wishes to be appointed. On such selection, the candidate’s name shall be
removed from the list of approved candidates for the class or category of service or
services to which he does not wish to be appointed.

(b) An approved candidate for any class or category of service who joins
the Armed Forces in connection with the National Emergency before he is appointed
to the class or category for which he has been selected or a person who while on such
military duty is selected and included in the list of approved candidates for
appointment to a class or category of service under the Board, shall be appointed to
such class or category on his due turn with effect from the date on which he would
have been so appointed but for his absence on military duty. With effect from the
date on which he is so appointed, he shall be entitled to count the period of his
military duty towards probation in his post under the Board. He shall be deemed to
have entered the time scale applicable to the post with increments which he shall be
eligible in the time scale applicable to the post with effect from the same date. The
military duty shall count for increments to which he shall be eligible in the time-scale
in the same manner in which they would have been admissible, if he had not taken up
the military duty. On discharge from military duty, he shall within a period of six

months from the date of such discharge, take up his post under the Board, and
thereafter, undergo such portion of the period of probation as remain after counting
the period of military duty under the sub-regulation. He shall also undergo such
training and pass such tests as may have been prescribed in these regulations for the
said post within a period equal to the prescribed period of probation or such other
period as may have been prescribed in these regulations from the date of joining the
post after discharge from military duty.

Provided that the time – limit of six months referred to in this sub-
regulation shall not apply to a person who is wounded while on military duty or as a
result of such duty is otherwise rendered unfit to take up his post within that time. he
may take up his post after he is declared on medical examination to be fit for duty,
within a period of two years or such further period as may be granted by the
appointing authority from the date of his discharge from military duty.

12. Permanent allotment of candidates to units and their appointment.- (1)

For purpose of direct recruitment to the Board’s Service, the Offices specified below
shall be a departmental unit.

(a) Board’s Secretariat (in the City)

(b) Office of the Chief engineer, Circle, Division and Subordinate offices,
Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board.

(2) For purposes of recruitment, promotion, seniority, probation, discharge for

want of vacancies, re-appointment of probationers and approved probationers and
appointment as full members, the offices specified above shall be separate
departmental unit.

(3) List of approved candidates for appointment by direct recruitment shall be

prepared separately for each unit of appointment. The candidates included in the list
for each unit shall be regarded as permanently allotted to the unit and appointment in
each unit shall be made from the list for that unit by the appointing authority for the

13. Candidates allotted to but not actually employed in a unit.- A candidate

included in the list for a unit but not actually employed, may with the consent of the
appointing authority in the unit, be allotted to another unit if no candidate is available
from the list current for the latter unit and if the candidate is willing to be so allotted.
If a candidate is allotted only on a temporary basis to the latter unit his temporary
appointment in that unit shall not count for probation in the class of service and shall
cease if the candidate is required to fill a vacancy in the unit in the list for which he
has been included.

14. Failure of approved candidates, discharged probationers and approved

probationers to join duty when required.- When an approved candidate or a
probationer or an approved probationer who has been discharged from the service for
want of a vacancy, fails without adequate reason to take up, when directed to do so by
the competent authority, the duties of a post in a class of service, within 15 days of
such notice, his name shall be removed from the list of approved candidates or as the

case may be, from the list of approved candidates or as the case may be from the list
to probationers or approved probationers by an order of that authority. In the case of
approved probationer, such order shall be passed after observing the prescribed
procedure mentioned in the Discipline and Appeal Regulations. An approved
candidate, a probationer or an approved probationer whose name has been removed
from the list of approved candidates or as the case may be from the list of
probationers or approved probationers by an order so passed by the competent
authority shall not be eligible for appointment against on the basis of the inclusion of
his name in the same list.

Competent Authority.- For the purposes of the above Regulation, the competent
authority shall be the Managing Director in the case of Board’s Secretariat, the Chief
Engineer, TAmil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board for the office of the Chief
Engineer, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board and the Superintending
Engineers concerned for Circle Offices.

15. Transfers.- All officers and servants of the Board are subject to transfer
from the Board’s Secretariat to the unit between the Units and from any unit to the
Board’s Secretariat. All such transfers and postings shall be made by the authority
competent to order such transfers or by the authority to whom powers are delegated.

16. Minimum General Educational Qualifications.- (a) The minimum

general educational qualification wherever referred to in these regulations shall mean
the qualification prescribed in the schedule to the Tamil Nadu General Service Rules.

(b) A candidate who has rendered war service shall be eligible for
appointment to posts for which the minimum general educational qualification
referred to in clause (a) above has been prescribed, if he has appeared for the
Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination of the State and has been declared
eligible for the college course.

NOTE:- An employee in regular service who does not possess the minimum general
educational qualification but who is certified by the competent authority to be
deserving of appointment as full member or promotion or transfer from one post to
another in the same class of service or from one class of service to another, shall be
deemed to possess the minimum general educational qualification if he appears for the
examination of the S.S.L.C. standard conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service

Commission and obtains the minimum percentage of marks specified below.

Subject of the examination. Minimum Percentage

Scheduled Other
castes and Commu
scheduled nities.

1. An essay paper in two parts, the first part being 35 40

essay in Tamil and the Second part in English.

2. A Translation paper in two parts, first part being 35 40

translation from Tamil into English and the second
part from English to Tamil.

3. A paper in general knowledge which will be set in 35 35

English, the candidates being given the option of
answering either in English or in Tamil.

4. A paper in precis writing in English. 35 35

17. General conditions for appointment.- (a) No person shall be eligible for
appointment to any class of service by direct recruitment unless he has attained the
age of 18 years on the first day of July of the year in which the selection for
appointment is made and satisfies the Board or the Selection Committee or the
appointing authroity, as the case may be.

(i) that he is of sound health, active habits and free from any bodily defect
or infirmity unfitting him for such service.

(ii) that his character and antecedents are such as to qualify him for such
service; and

(iii) that such person does not have more than one living wife/husband.

(b) A candidate for appointment to a post under the Tamil Nadu Water Supply
and Drainage Board must be.-

(i) a citizen of India: or

(ii) a subject of Sikkim; or

(iii) a subject of Nepal; or

(iv) a subject of Bhutan; or

(v) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st, January 1962
with the intention of permanently settling in India; or

(vi) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma,
Ceylon or any of the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda or the United Republic
or Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar) with the intention of permanently
settling of India.

Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi) shall be
a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been given by the Government
of Tamil Nadu and if he belongs to category (vi) the certificate of eligibility will be
issued for a period of one year, after which such a candidate will be retained in
service subject to his having acquired Indian Citizenship.

A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary, may be

admitted to an examination or interview conducted by the Tamil Nadu Water Supply
and drainage Board or other recruiting authority and he may also provisionally be
appointed subject to the necessary certification being given to him by the Government
of Tamil Nadu.

(c) The upper age limit prescribed in these regulations shall not apply:-

(i) to the appointment of a candidate belonging to any of the Scheduled

Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Backward Classes to a Category of Post included in a
class of service for which the regulations prescribe a qualification lower than the
degree of B.A., or B.Sc., of any of the Universities recognized by the University
Grants Commission for the purpose of its grant, if such candidate possesses a general
educational qualification. which is higher than that referred to in regulation 16 and he
is otherwise qualified for appointment; or

(ii) to the appointment to a post included in a class of service of a candidate

belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Backward Classes
who holds a degree of any of the Universities recognized by the University Grants
Commission prescribed for appointment to such post and if he is otherwise qualified
for appointment; or

Provided that for direct recruitment to a post included in a class of service

for which the minimum qualification required is not higher than the minimum general
educational qualification, the age-limit prescribed shall be increased by five years in
respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, who do not
possess a general educational qualification, which is higher than the minimum general
educational qualification; (B.P.Ms.No. 585, dated 10.12.81)

(iii) to the appointment, in special circumstances to be recorded in writing,

of a person selected for appointment to one class or service or category thereof, to
another class of service or category thereof the qualification prescribed for
appointment to which are identical with those prescribed for appointment to the
former class of service or category.

(d) In the case of a candidate who has rendered war service the period of his
war service shall be excluded in computing his age for appointment. Such person
shall, if invalidated from war service be entitled to deduct from his age the period
from the time when he was invalidated upto the 1st April 1946.

(e) The age-limit in respect of posts to which minimum general educational

qualification or lower qualification has been prescribed in the regulation, shall be
increased by five years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes. (B.P. Ms. No. 319, dated 5.8.76).

18. Language Qualification.- No person shall be eligible for appointment to

any service either by direct recruitment or any recruitment by transfer or by
promotion unless he has an adequate knowledge of the official language of the State,
namely, Tamil.

Explanation: For the purpose of this sub-rule, a person with an adequate

knowledge of Tamil shall mean a person (I) who has acquired knowledge
in Tamil in the High School Course, or (ii) who whether his mother-tongue
is Tamil or not, is able to speak, read and write Tamil; or (iii) who has
passed the Second Class Language Test in Tamil.

Provided that where a person appointed to any service by transfer or by

promotion has not acquired an adequate knowledge of Tamil, he shall be deemed to
have acquired an adequate knowledge of Tamil if he passes the second class
Language Test in Tamil within the period of his probation or within a period of two
years of duty within a continuous period of three years if no probation has been
prescribed. If he fails to pass the test within such period he shall not be eligible to
draw increments in time scale of pay applicable to him until he passes the test such
inability to draw increment shall not have the effect of postponing his future
increments after he has passed the test.

Provided further that in the case of appointment to technical service if no

qualified and suitable candidates possessing an adequate knowledge of Tamil are
available, recruitment may be made from among persons who do not possess adequate
knowledge of Tamil subject to the condition that such person shall the second class
test in Tamil within the period of their probation.

19. Appointment.- (1) Appointment to the posts specified in column (1) of the table
below shall be made by the methods specified in the corresponding entries in

column (2) thereof;



Name of the post Method of appointment

(1) (2)

Secretary. (B.P.Ms. No. 506, Dt. Promotion from category 1-A or 3; By

13.12.83 and B.P.Ms No. 591, dt. deputation of Deputy Secretary to
31.12.84) Government with not less than three
years of service or a Joint Secretary to
Government; and by direct recruitment
either permanently or on contract.

(1-A) Deputy Secretary By promotion from category 3 (B.P. Ms.

No. 506, dated 13.12.1983)

2.Chief Accounts Officer By deputation of deputy or Assistant

(B.P.Ms.No. 321, dated 2.7.84) Secretary to Government in the Finance

By deputation from among the Offices of

the Treasury and Accounts Service or
from Deputy or Assistant Examiner of
Local Fund Accounts;

By deputation from among the officer of

I.A., and A.S. Service of suitable
seniority and by direct recruitment
permanently or on contract basis.

3. Assistant Secretary (i) By promotion from

Superintendents from among full
members or approved
probationers in the category of
Superintendents of the Board.

(ii) by deputation of Assistant

secretary to Government or some
other officers of the State
Government of equal rank; and

(iii) by direct recruitment on

permanent basis or on contract.

4. Non-Technical P.A. to Chief (i) By promotion from

Engineer Superintendents who are full
members or approved
probationers in the office of the
Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu
water Supply and Drainage Board
and Managers of Circle Offices.

(ii) From among the Superintendents,

full members or approved
probationers in the Tamil Nadu
Water Supply and Drainage
Board Secretariat; and

(iii) By deputation from among the

officers of the State Government
of suitable category and status.

(2) (a) Appointment to the categories specified in column (1) of the Table
below shall be made by the methods specified in the corresponding entries in column
(2) thereof:-



Category Method of appointment

(1) (2)

1) Chief Engineer By promotion from the Superintending Engineer of

Category 2 who possess a degree in Engineering (Civil
or Mechanical ) of an University or Institution,
recognised by University Grants Commission for the
purpose of its grant. (B.P.Ms.No. 57, dt. 16.2.85)

2) Superintending By promotion from Executive Engineers of Category 3

Engineers. who possess a degree in Engineering (Civil or
Mechanical ) of an University or Institution, recognised
by University Grants Commission for the purpose of its
grant. (B.P.Ms.No. 57, dt. 16.2.85)

3) Executive Engineers By promotion from the Assistant executive Engineers of

category 4.

4) Assistant Executive By direct recruitment; and by promotion from the

Engineers Assistant Engineers or Junior Engineers.

5) Chief Head Recruitment by transfer from among the members of the

Draughtsman Office Engineering Subordinate Service in the Office of the
of the Chief Engineer, chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage
Tamil Nadu water Board.
supply and Drainage
6) Assistant Engineers ( i ) Direct Recruitment
( ii ) Recruitment by transfer .
Recruitment between Direct recruitment and
transferees shall be in the ratio of 1:2 . ( B.P.(Ms)
No.140/E(per)Wing/Dated 06.12.2007.

7) Assistant Water By promotion from the Junior Water Analyst; or by

Analyst direct recruitment; or by deputation from Government
service (B.P.Ms.No. 392, dated 14.8.75)

8) Assistant Geologist i) By direct recruitment or

ii) By promotion from among Geological assistants
of the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage
Board Engineering Service; or
iii) For special reasons by recruitment by transfer
from any other service.

9) Geological Assistant i) By direct recruitment; or

ii) By transfer from any other class, category; or
iii) By recruitment by transfer from any other
service in the Board (B.P.Ms.No. 211, dated
10. E.D.P. Manager i) By Direct recruitment (or)
ii) By promotion from System Analyst( or) B.P.Ms.No.7
iii) Recruitment by transfer Estt.(per)
11. System Analyst i) By Direct recruitment (or) B.P.Ms.No.7
ii) By promotion from Programmer (or)
iii) Recruitment by transfer
} Estt.(per)

(b) The post of Chief Engineer, Superintending Engineers, and Executive Engineers
including Deputy Chief Engineers shall be selection posts and promotions to these
posts shall be made on grounds of merit and ability, seniority being considered only
where merit and ability are approximately equal.

Provided that an Assistant Executive Engineer possessing the Upper

Subordinate or Licentiate in Civil Engineering Diploma of the College of
Engineering, Guindy, or of the State Board of Technical Education and Training,
Madras shall not be eligible for promotion to the post of Executive engineer unless he
has shown exceptional merit in his work.
53 51

C) (i) Such number of substantive vacancies among Assistant Executive Engineers as

the Board may from time to time determine shall be filled or reserved to be filled by
direct recruitment on the results of a competitive examination.

(ii) So far as suitable and qualified candidates are available out of every four
vacancies successively arising other wise than substantively among Assistant
Executive Engineers, the first three vacancies shall be filled or reserved to be filled by
recruitment by promotion from among the Assistant Engineers of the Tamil Nadu
Water Supply and Drainage Board Engineering Subordinate Service:-

1 Possessing the B.E. Degree and who have rendered not less than five
years of service.

2 Municipal Engineers, Grade III taken over to the Department of Public

Health Engineering and Municipal Works, possessing Upper Subordinate L.C.E.,
Diploma of the College of Engineering, Guindy or L.S.E. or L.C.E. Diploma of State
Board of Technical Education and Training, Madras or a pass in Sections A and B of
the A.M.I.E. (India) Examination having not less than 10 years of Service; or

3 Municipal Engineer, Grade III taken over to the Department of Public

Health Engineering and Municipal Works, with L.S. qualification having not less than
18 years of service and the fourth vacancy shall be filled or reserved to be filled by
recruitment by transfer from among.-

(A) Junior Engineers of the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
Engineering Subordinate Service having put in not less than 10 years of

(B) Junior Engineers of the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
Engineering Subordinate Service promoted from the rank of Draughtsman in
the same service with U.S. or L.C.E. or L.S.E. Diploma of College of
Engineering, Guindy or State Board of Technical Education and Training,
Madras or a pass in sections A and B of A.M.I.E (India) Examination having
put in not less than 15 years of service or with L.S. qualification having put in
not less than 18 years of service.

(C) Draughtsman, I Grade and Head Draughtsman of the Tamil Nadu water supply
and Drainage Board Engineering Subordinate Service possessing the Upper
Subordinate or L.C.E. Diploma of the College of engineering, Guindy or
L.C.E. or L.S.E of the State Board of Technidal Education and Training,
Madras or a pass in Sections A and B of the A.M.I.E (India)Examination

(D) Draughtsman, I Grade and Head Draughtsman of the Tamil Nadu Water
Supply and Drainage Board engineering Subordinate Service with L.S.
qualification having put in not less than 18 years of service out of which
atleast one year must have been spent on out-door field work.

(3) (a) Appointment to the categories specified in column (1) of the Table below
shall be made by the method specified in the corresponding entries in column (2)

Category Method of appointment

(1) (2)

1. Junior Engineers By direct recruitment including recruitment from

among persons in Municipal Councils or Panchayat
Union Councils or corporation of Madras;

By promotion from Category 2 or 3 provided that

they have put in Service for a minimum of ten years
in category 3; and

For special reasons, recruitment by transfer from

any other service. Provided that twenty per cent of
the vacancies shall be reserved to be filled by
recruitment of municipal supervisors with six years

2. Head Draughtsman By Promotion from Draughtsman Grade I and if no

qualified and suitable draughtsman is available for
such promotion appointment shall be made from
the holders of the posts in category; for special
reasons recruitment by transfer from any other

3. Draughtsman Grade I By promotion from any lower grade and if no

qualified and suitable draughtsman is available for
such promotion, direct recruitment or for special
reasons recruitment by transfer from any other

4. Draughtsman Grade II By promotion from Grade III and by direct

recruitment or for special reasons recruitment by
transfer from any other service.

5. Draughtsman Grade III By Direct recruitment and promotion from Tracers

or for special reasons, recruitment by transfer from
any other service. Provided that in individual
cases, Junior Engineers possessing the Upper
Subordinate Licentiating in Civil Engineering or
Licentiate in Sanitary Engineering qualification
may be appointed temporarily as Draughtsman,
Grade I, II and III according to the Exigencies of
services. The Junior engineers ( including those
possessing Licentiate in Civil Engineering/
Licentiate in Sanitary Engineering Qualifications)
so appointed shall draw the pay admissible to them
as Junior Engineers, so long as they are retained as

6. Assistant Draughtsman By direct recruitment and for special reasons

recruitment by transfer from any other service.

7. Blue Print Operators By direct recruitment and for special reasons

recruitment by transfer from any other service.

8. Water Works i) Recruitment by transfer from any other

Superintendent including service; or
Electrical superintendent ii) Direct recruitment

9. Work Assistant i) Recruitment by transfer from any other

including Technical service; or
Assistant ii) Direct recruitment (B.P.Ms.No. 141, dt.

(b) Promotion to the posts of Head Draughtsman and Draughtsman Grade I, II and
III shall be made on ground of merit and ability, seniority being considered only
where merit and ability are approximately equal.

(c) The direct recruitment of Engineers/Diploma holders/Craftsman by the Tamil

Nadu water supply and drainage Board as Junior Engineers, etc., should be confined
to those who have completed one year of apprenticeship under the Government of
India Scheme or one year of Training under the scheme introduced in the
G.O.Ms.No. 1547, Labour Department, dated 10th October 1970.



(4) Appointment to the categories specified in column (1) of the Table below
shall be made by the methods specified in the corresponding entries in column (2)



Category Method of recruitment

(1) (2)

(1) Superintendents (Including Promotion of Assistants in Category2;

Superintendents in By promotion of Superintendents from the Office
Accounts wing) of the Chief Engineers; and By recruitment by
deputation from secretariat Service on Foreign
Service terms and conditions.

(2) Assistants/Accountants Promotion from Junior Assistants in Category 4;

By promotion of Assistants and Accountants from
the Chief Engineer’s Office;

Direct recruitment to not exceeding 25 per cent of

temporary vacancies;

Recruitment by transfer from any other service

Provided that the number of persons recruited by

transfer shall not at any time be more than 25 per
cent of the permanent cadre of Assistants in the
board; and Promotion of typists and steno-typists in
very exceptional cases;

Explanation.- A Junior Assistant, Typist or Steno-typist need not have

completed his probation before he is promoted as Assistant but a
probationer in any such category shall not be promoted in preference to a
full member of an approved probationer in the same category.

3. Confidential Stenographer. Promotion from Steno-typists.


(4) Junior Assistant Direct recruitment;

Appointment from typists including steno-typists

who are full members or approved probationers;

For special reasons, recruitment by transfer from

any other service.

Note.- The seniority of a person in the category of Assistant appointed from the
category of typists or steno-typists, shall be determined by the date of his regular
appointment as Junior Assistant. A confidential stenographer is eligible for
appointmen5 as Assistant, if he is otherwise qualified and suitable for such

(5) Typists including Steno- Direct recruitment; and appointment of full

typists members and approved probationers in category 4
viz., Junior Assistants, and for special reasons
recruitment from typists or steno-typists in the
office of Chief Engineer or other subordinate
offices or Secretariat Service.

(6) Receptionist-cum- Direct recruitment; Appointment from Junior

Telephone Operator Assistants or Typists who are full members or
approved probationers and for special reasons,
recruitment by transfer from any other service.
(7) Programmer * i) Promotion from Console Operator ( or)
ii) Recruitment by transfer
(8) Console Operator * i) By Direct recruitment
* B.P.Ms.No.7 Estt.(per) dt.9.01.2008.



Category Method of recruitment

(1) (2)

(1) Superintendents, Managers Promotion from Assistants

and Office Assistant

(2) Assistants Promotion from Junior Assistants and Typists

including Steno-typists in the ration of 4:1 with
effect from 16.7.1985 (B.P.Ms.No. 527, dated

3 Assistant-cum-Steno Appointment by transfer from the holders of the

(Camp clerk to Chief post of Assistants. Preference will be given to
Engineer) those who possess shorthand higher grade

(4) Junior Assistants Direct recruitment and for Special reasons

recruitment by transfer from any other service.

(5) Typists including Steno- Direct recruitment and for special reasons
typist recruitment by transfer from any other service.

(6) Store-keeper Direct recruitment and for special reasons

recruitment by transfer from any other service.

(7) Works Clerk Recruitment by transfer from work Inspector Grade

I and for Special reasons from any other category.
( 141 dated 4.3.1986)

(5) Appointment to the categories specified in Column (1) of the Table below
shall be made by the methods specified in the corresponding entries in column (2)


(B.P.Ms.No. 585, dated 10.12.1981)
(All Offices including Board’s Secretariat.)

Category Method of recruitment

(1) (2)

(1) Daffedar Promotion from the lower post or Category within

the jurisdiction of the appointing authority

(2) Basic Servants By direct recruitment; and for special reasons

recruitment by transfer.

1. Basic Workers including Direct Recruitment.

Watchmen, Lascars,
gardeners and sweepers
(B.P.Ms. No. 141, dated

(6) Appointment to the categories specified to column (1) of the table below shall be
made by the method specified in the corresponding entries in column (2) thereof.



Category Method of recruitment

(1) (2)

(1) Accounts Officer 1. Recruitment by transfer from among the holders

(Entitlement) of the post of Superintendents in Tamil Nadu
Water Supply and Drainage Board Secretariat;

2. Deputation of Accounts Officers of the

Accountant General’s Office or Treasuries and
Accounts Department or Deputy Examiners of
Local Fund Audit department having sufficient

(2) Other Accounts Officers 1. Direct recruitment; or

2. Recruitment by transfer from among the holders

of the posts of junior Accounts Officers in the
Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board
Accounts Subordinate service; or

3. Deputation of Accounts Officers in the

Accountant General’s Office or Treasuries, and
Accounts department or deputy Examiners in
the Local Fund Audit Department having
sufficient seniority. (B.P.Ms.No. 321, dt.

(7) Appointment to the categories specified in Column (1) of the Table below
shall be made by the method specified in Column (2) thereof.



Category Method of recruitment

(1) (2)

(1) Junior Accounts Officer 1. Direct recruitment; or

2. Promotion from among the holders of the post

of Divisional Accountants who have put in not
less than five years of service; or

3. Deputation of persons from Accountant

General’s Office who have passed Subordinate
Accounts Service examination.

(2) Divisional Accountant Recruitment by transfer from among the holders of

the posts of Assistants and Superintendents in the
Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
Ministerial service who have put in not less than 3
years of service in the Accounts Branch and have
passed Divisional Accountants test examination.
(B.P.Ms.No. 321, dt. 2.7.84)
61 59

(8) Appointment to the categories specified in Column (1) of the table below shall be
made by the methods specified in the corresponding entries in column (2) thereof.



Category Method of recruitment

(1) (2)

(i) Maintenance and Operation Branch:

(1) Electrician Grade-I i. Promotion from Electrician, Grade-II

ii. Recruitment by transfer from any other
service ; or
iii. Direct recruitment

(2) Electrician Grade-II i. Recruitment by transfer from any other

service; or
ii. Direct recruitment

(3) Fitter Grade-I i. Promotion from Fitter Grade-II; or

ii. Recruitment by transfer from any other service;
iii. Direct recruitment

(4) Fitter Grade-II (including i. Recruitment by transfer from any other

Crane Opertor and Mixer service; or
Machine Operator) ii. Direct recruitment

(5) Plumber i. Recruitment by transfer from any other service;

ii. Direct recruitment

6) Filter operator and i. Recruitment by transfer from any other service; or

Mechanic including filter ii.Direct recruitment
Bed Operator

(7) Turn cock i. Recruitment by transfer from any other service;

ii. Direct recruitment

(8) Pump Operator i. Recruitment by transfer from any other service;

ii. Direct recruitment

(9)Work Inspector Grade-I. i. Recruitment by transfer from any other service;

ii. Direct recruitment

(10) Work Inspector Grade-II i. Recruitment by transfer from any other service;
including Head Mazdoor or
ii. Direct recruitment

(11) Helper Direct recruitment

(12) Cleaner Grade –I i. Promotion from cleaner Grade-II; or

including Lorry Cleaner, ii. Recruitment by transfer from any other service;
Pump Cleaner.

13 Cleaner Grade-II; Direct recruitment

(14) Boring Mechanic i. Recruitment by transfer from any other service;

ii. Direct recruitment

ii. Research Branch:

(1) Junior Water Analyst i. Recruitment by transfer from any other service;
including Laboratory or
Assistant and Chemist. ii Direct recruitment

(2) Laboratory Attender i. Recruitment by transfer from any other service;

ii Direct recruitment

iii) General Branch:

(1) Driver including Jeep, Van, i. Promotion from Cleaner; or

Lorry, Rigs and Tractor ii Recruitment by transfer from Basic Servant; or
Driver. iii. Direct recruitment

Provided that direct recruitment shall be

resorted to only when no qualified persons are
available by promotion or by recruitment by

Provided further that the post shall be filled up

by promotion and recruitment by transfer in the
ratio of 2:1.

(2) Record Clerk. i. Direct recruitment ; or

ii. Recruitment by transfer from Basic servant or
from any other category.

(9) Appointment to the categories specified in column (1) of the Table below shall be
made by the method specified in the corresponding entries in Column (2) thereof.



Category Method of recruitment

(1) (2)

(1) Junior Mechanical i. Promotion from the Drilling Supervisors,

Engineer. Foreman or Drillers.
ii. Recruitment by transfer from Work
Assistant including Technical Assistant.

2) Foreman i. By promotion from Assistant Foreman,

(Mechanical/ Electrical) Mechanic Grade I; or
ii. Recruitment by transfer from electrician
Grade-I or from any other category; or
iii. Direct recruitment.

(3) Assistant Foreman i. Promotion from Mechanic Grade-I; or

ii. Recruitment by transfer from electrician
Grade-I or from any other category; or
iii. Direct recruitment

(4) Mechanic Grade-I i. Promotion from Mechanic Grade-II; or

ii. Recruitment by transfer from any other
service; or
iii. Direct recruitment.

(5) Mechanic Grade-II i. Recruitment by transfer from Helper or

from any other category; or
ii. Direct recruitment.

(6) Rewinder i. Promotion from Assistant Rewinder; or

ii. Recruitment by transfer from other service;
iii. Direct recruitment

7) Assistant Rewinder i. Recruitment by transfer from any other

service; or
ii. Direct recruitment

8) Turner i. Recruitment by transfer from any other

service; or
ii Direct recruitment

(9) Welder Grade-I i. By promotion from Welder Grade-II or

ii. Recruitment by transfer from any other
service; or
iii. Direct recruitment

(10) Welder Grade II i. Recruitment by transfer from Helper , or

from any other category; or
ii. Direct recruitment

(11) Smith i. Recruitment by transfer from Helper , or

from any other category; or
ii. Direct recruitment

(12) Machinist i. Recruitment by transfer from; from Helper ,

or any other category; or
ii. Direct recruitment

(13) Tinker i. Recruitment by transfer from Helper , or

from any other category; or
ii. Direct recruitment

(14) Turner i. Recruitment by transfer from Helper , or

from any other category; or
ii. Direct recruitment

(15) Auto-Electrician i. Recruitment by transfer from any other service;

ii Direct recruitment

(16) Painter i. Recruitment by transfer from any other

service; or
ii Direct recruitment

(17) Tool Room Attender i. Recruitment by transfer from any other

service; or
ii Direct recruitment

(18) Tool Keeper i. Recruitment by transfer from Helper , or from

any other category; or
ii Direct recruitment

(19) Drilling Supervisor i. Promotion from Driller ; or

ii. Recruitment by transfer from any other
service; or
iii. Direct recruitment

(20) Driller i. Promotion from Assistant Driller or

ii. Recruitment by transfer from any other
service; or
iii. Direct recruitment

(21) Assistant Driller i. Recruitment by transfer from Helper , or

from any other category; or
ii. Direct recruitment

(22) Air-Compressor i. Recruitment by transfer from any other

Operator including service; or
compressor Mechanic ii. Direct recruitment
(B.P.Ms.No. 141, dated

20. Appointing Authority.- The appointing authorities for the categories and posts
mentioned in Column (1) of the Table below shall be the authorities specified in the
corresponding entry in Column (2) thereof.

Provided that the Board shall not without the previous approval of Government
appoint any person to any post the maximum salary of which exceeds one thousand
and six hundred rupees.


Category of posts Appointing Authority

(1) (2)



1. Secretary Board

1.A. Deputy Secretary Managing Director with the approval

(B.P.Ms.No. 506, dated 13.12.1983) of the Board

2 Chief Accounts Officer Managing Director.

(B.P.Ms. No.321 dt.2.7.1984
3 Assistant Secretary Managing Director

4 Non-Technical P.A. to Chief Engineer Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu Water

Supply and Drainage Board.



1. Chief Engineers under the Board Board with the previous approval of

2. Superintending Engineers Board (B.P.Ms.No.320, dated 10.9.98)

3. Executive Engineers Managing Director (B.P.Ms.No.320,

4 Assistant Executive Engineers Managing Director.

approval of panel and first

5 Chief Head Draughtsman Managing Director.

6. Municipal Engineers of all grades Managing Director with the previous approval
of Government.

7. Assistant Engineers Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu Water Supply

and Drainage Board.

8. Assistant Water Analyst Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu Water Supply

and Drainage Board.

9. Assistant Geologist Managing Director.

10. Geological Assistant Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu Water Supply

and Drainage Board (B.P.Ms.No.211,

11. E.D.P. Manager * Managing Director

12. System Analyst * Managing Director
* B.P.Ms.No.7, Estt.(per) dt.9.1.08
67 65



1. Junior Engineer Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water Supply

and Drainage Board.

2 Head Draughtsman, Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water Supply

Chief Engineer’s office. and Drainage Board.

3. Head Draughtsman in Circle Offices Superintending Engineer, Tamil Nadu water

Supply and Drainage Board concerned

4. Draughtsman, Grade-I, II and III Deputy Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water
Supply and Drainage Board in respect of
appointments in the Office of Chief Engineer,
Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage
5. Assistant Draughtsman Superintending Engineer, Tamil Nadu water
Supply and Drainage Board concerned in
respect of appointment in his Circle.

Deputy Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water

Supply and Drainage Board in respect of
appointments in the Office of Chief Engineer,
Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage

Superintending Engineer, Tamil Nadu water

Supply and Drainage Board concerned in
respect of appointment in his Circle office
provided first appointment may be made in
their respective division by the Executive
Engineer, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Drainage Board.

6. Blue Print Operators Deputy Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water

Supply and Drainage Board in respect of
appointments in the Office of Chief Engineer,
Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage

Superintending Engineer, Tamil Nadu water

Supply and Drainage Board concerned in
respect of appointment in his Circle.

Executive Engineers in respect of

appointments in their Divisions.

7.Work assistant including Technical Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water Supply
Assistant. and Drainage
8. Water Works Superintendent Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water Supply
including Electrical superintendent. and Drainage



(i) Office of the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Secretariat.

Superintendents Secretary, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and

Assistants Drainage Board.

Accountants Accounts Officer.

Confidential Stenographer, Junior Secretary, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Assistants, Typists including Steno- Drainage Board.
Typists, Receptionist-cum Telephone
Programmer * Managing Director

Console Operator * Managing Director

* B.P.Ms.No.7 Estt.(per) dt.9.1.08

(ii) Office of the Chief Engineer Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board

Superintendents Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water Supply

and Drainage Board.

U.D. Stenographer (Camp Clerk to Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water Supply
Chief engineer) and Drainage Board.

Assistants, Junior Assistants, Typists Deputy Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water
including Steno-typists. Supply and Drainage Board.

Provided that transfers of full members from

the Chief Engineer’s Office to a Circle and
vice versa or from one Circle to another may
be made by the Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu
Water Supply and Drainage Board.

(iii) Circle Office

Managers, Office Assistants, Superintending Engineer, Tamil Nadu water

Assistants, Junior Assistants, Typists Supply and Drainage Board concerned.
including Steno-typists.
Provided that transfers of full members from
one circle to another or from a circle to the
Chief Engineer’s Office and versa may be
made by the Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu
Water Supply and Drainage Board.

(iv). Division and Sub-Division Offices.

Store – keepers, Junior Assistant, First appointment and transfer within the
Typists including Steno-typists and division – Executive Engineer concerned.
Works Clerk Appointment of full members, promotion and
transfer from one division to another –
Superintending Engineers concerned.


(B.P.Ms.No. 585, dated 10.12.1981)

Daffedars, Basic Servants, Basic Secretary, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Workers including Watchman, Drainage Board
Lascars, Gardeners and Sweepers in
the office of the Tamil Nadu water
Supply and Drainage Board

Office of the Chief Engineer, Tamil Senior Deputy Chief Engineer Tamil Nadu
Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Water Supply and Drainage Board.

Office of the Superintending Engineer, Superintending Engineer Tamil Nadu Water

Tamil Nadu water Supply and Supply and Drainage Board.
Drainage Board

Office of the Executive Engineer and Executive Engineer Tamil Nadu Water
Assistant Executive Engineer Tamil Supply and Drainage Board. (B.P.Ms.No.
Nadu Water Supply and Drainage 141, dated 4.3.1986)
70 68



1. Accounts Officer (Entitlement) Managing Director with the previous approval

of the Board.

2. Other Accounts Officers Managing Director with the previous approval

of the Board. (B.P.Ms.No. 321, dated


1. Junior Accounts Officer Secretary, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Drainage Board. in consultation with the
Chief Accounts Officer
2. Divisional Accountant Secretary Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Drainage Board. in consultation with the
Chief Accounts Officer. (B.P.Ms.No. 321,
dated 2.7.1984)



i. Maintenance and Operation Branch.

1. i Electrician Grade I, II and III

2. Fitter Grade I and II including Crane
Operator and Mixer Machine Operator
3. Plumber
4. Filter Operator and Mechanic
including Filter Bed Operator.
5. Turn Cock Executive Engineer concerned
6. Pump Operator including Assistant
7. Work Inspector, Grade –I
8. Work Inspector, Grade-II
9. Helper
10. Cleaner Grades I and II
11. Boring Mechanic.

ii. Research Branch

Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water
1. Junior Water Analyst including Supply and Drainage
Laboratory Assistant and Chemist. Board concerned

2. Laboratory Attender. Executive Engineer, concerned.

iii. General Branch

Drivers and Record Clerks in the Office of Secretary, Tamil Nadu Water Supply
the Tamil Nadu Water supply and Drainage and Drainage Board.
Board Secretariat.

Office of the Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu Senior Deputy Chief Engineer, Tamil
Water supply and Drainage Board. Nadu water Supply and Drainage

Office of the Superintending Engineer Tamil Superintending Engineer, Tamil Nadu

Nadu Water supply and Drainage Board. water Supply and Drainage

Tamil Nadu Water supply and Drainage Executive Engineer, concerned

Board Divisions and Sub-divisions.



1. Junior Mechanical Engineer Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water

Supply and Drainage Board

2. Foreman (Mechanical/ Electrical) Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water

Supply and Drainage Board

3. Assistant Foreman Superintending Engineer, Tamil Nadu

water Supply and Drainage Board

4. Mechanic Grade-I

5. Mechanic Grade-II

6. Rewinder

7.Assistant Rewinder

8.Turner Executive Engineer, Tamil Nadu water

Supply and Drainage Board concerned
9.Welder Grades I & II


11. Machinist

12. Tinker

13 Auto Electrician

14 Painter

15 Tool Room Attender

16 Tool keeper

17. Drilling Supervisor Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu water

Supply and Drainage Board.

18. Driller Superintending Engineer, Tamil Nadu

water Supply and Drainage Board

19 Assistant Driller Executive Engineer, Tamil Nadu water

Supply and Drainage Board concerned
(B.P.Ms.No.141, Dated 4.3.1986)
20 Air Compressor Operator
(including compressor Mechanic)

21 Liability to serve in Defence Services.- Every person appointed as Assistant

Executive Engineer/Assistant Engineer by direct recruitment on or after the 29th
December 1964 shall, during his service including service in and higher category to
which he may be appointed be liable to serve for a minimum period of four years
(including the period spent on training) in the Armed Forces or on works relating to
defence effort anywhere in India or abroad, if so required. The liability to serve in the
Armed forces shall be limited to the first ten years of service from the date of his first
appointment as Assistant executive Engineer/Assistant Engineer and shall not
ordinarily apply to a candidate who is above 40 years of age.

22 Promotion.- (a) No employee shall be eligible for promotion to a higher post

unless he is an approved probationer in the category from which promotion to the
higher post is admissible.

b) Promotion in all cases shall be made on grounds of merit and

ability seniority being considered where merit and ability are approximately equal.

23 Qualification.- No person shall be eligible for appointment to the category

mentioned in column (1) of the Table below by the method specified in column (2) of
the said Table unless he possesses the qualifications specified in the corresponding
entries in column (3) thereof:-



Category Method of Qualification
(1) appointment (3)

1. Secretary to the Recruitment by Must have served as Deputy

Board promotion Secretary or Assistant Secretary or as
Or both for a period of not less than six
by deputation. years.

Qualifications prescribed for Deputy

Secretary to Government (non-IAS)
with the not less than three years of
service or for Joint Secretary to
Government (non IAS) or Deputy
Secretary or Joint Secretary to
Government in IAS Cadre
(B.P.Ms.No.591, dated 31.12.1984)

Direct recruitment A Master’s Degree with experience

for not less than 5 years as a Senior
Executive or Administrative Officer
in a reputed firm or Public
Age: Should not be more than 45

1-A Deputy Secretary By promotion Must have served as Assistant

Secretary for a period of not less than
three years. (B.P.Ms.No 506 dated

2. Chief Accounts Direct recruitment Must a Chartered Accountant and

Officer must have served as Chief
Accountant for not less than five
years in any reputed organisation.
Age: Should not be more than 45

By deputation Qualifications prescribed for

Selection Grade Accounts Officers in
the Treasury and Accounts Branch or
for Deputy Examiner of Local Fund
Accounts; or must be an officer of the
I.A. & AS. Service with at least seven
years service

3. Assistant Secretary By promotion or Qualifications prescribed for

deputation Assistant Secretaries to Government.

By transfer Must have worked as Gazetted

Officer in any of the State Services
for a period of not less than four
years, or by promotion of Non-
technical P.A. to Chief Engineer,
Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Drainage Board.

By direct B.A. or B.Sc., or B.Com., degree

recruitment with experience of not less than 5
years as senior executive in a public
or private undertaking.

4 Non-Technical P.A. to By promotion or Must have served for a period of not

the Chief Engineer deputation less than six years as Superintendent/
Manager in the Office of the Chief
Engineer or the Board Secretariat.



Category Method of
(1) appointment Qualification
(2) (3)
1. Chief Engineer By promotion from Must possess a degree in Engineering
the Superintending (Civil or Mechanical) of an University or
Engineer of Institution, Recognized by University
Category 2. Grants Commission for the purpose of its
2. Superintending By Promotion from Must possess a degree in Engineering
Engineer. Executive Engineers (Civil or Mechanical) of an University or
of Category 3 Institutuion, recognised by University
Grants Commission for the purpose of its
grants and one should have put in not less
than 5 years of service as Executive
Engineer for promotion to higher post, of
which at least 2 years should have been in
Project Formulation scheme or Design or
office work.
(B.P.Ms.No. 124, dated 6.4.88) B.P.Ms.
No 548, dated 5.12.1984)

3. Executive By promotion
Engineer i) Must be approved probationer in
the service as Assistant Executive
ii) Must have rendered service as
Assistant Executive Engineer for
not less than-
(a) Five years if recruited by
transfer, or
(b) Six years if recruited direct; and

iii) Must possess a degree in

Engineering (Civil or Mechanical)
of any University or Institution
recognised by the University Grant
Commission for the purpose of its
grant; or

A Diploma in Civil or Mechanical

Engineering of the College of
Engineering, Guindy or Licentiate
in civil Engineering, Licentiate in
Sanitary Engineering or diploma in
Civil Engineering of the State
Board of Technical Education and
Training, Madras.

Provided in the case of Diploma

holders those with exceptional
merit and ability alone shall be
considered for promotion and

(iv) Satisfactory experience for atleast

two years either separately or
totally in Project Formulation or
Designs or Office work in circle
office, Chief engineer’s Office or
Board’s Head Office. (B.P.Ms.No.
124, dt. 6.4.88)

By direct Must possess a degree in Engineering

recruitment either (Civil or Mechanical)
permanently or on
contract Should have put in not less than 5 years of
service in a similar capacity in an
reecognised (Public or Private) or in a
reputed firm. Should be between 30 to 40
years of age.

4. Assistant By direct
Executive recruitment (i) Must possess a degree in Engineering
Engineer (Civil or Mechanical) of any
University or Institution, recognised
by the University Grants Commission
for the purpose of its grants; Provided
that preference shall be given to
persons who have acquired Master’s
Degree in Public Health Engineering
or a Post-Graduate Diploma in Public
Health Engineering granted by any
University or Institution recognised
by the University Grants Commission
for purpose of its grant.

(ii) Must not have completed or will not

complete 28 years of age on the first
day of July of the year in which
recruitment is made, provided that in
the case of candidates possessing
Post-Graduate Degree in Public
Health Engineering or a Post-
Graduate Diploma in Public Health
Engineering the age-limit shall be
increased by two years.

Recruitment by (i) A degree in Engineering (Civil or

transfer Mechanical of any University or
Institution recognised by the
University Grants commission for
purpose of its grant and service as
Assistant Engineer for a period of not
less than 5 years.

(ii) The L.C.E., L.S.E., or D.C.E.,

Diploma of the State Board of
Technical Education and Training,
Madras and service as Junior
Engineer for a period of not less than
10 years.


(iii) Provided that Head Draughtsmen or

Draughtsmen Grade I possessing the
qualification referred to above shall
be eligible for appointment as
Assistant executive Engineer only if
they have put in a total service of not
less than 10 years and gained
experience in field work for not less
than 3 years and

(iv) Satisfactory experience for not less

than 2 years either separately or
totally in Project Formulation or
Designs or Office work in Circle
Office or Chief Engineer’s Office or
Board’s Head Office.

Savings: Notwithstanding any thing

contained in these regulations,
satisfactory experience for 2 years
in Project Formulation or Designs
or Office work in Chief Engineer’s
office or Board’s Head Office for
promotion to the next cadre shall
take effect only after a period of 2
years from the date of coming into
force of this amendment.
(B.P.Ms.No. 124, dated 6.4.88).


Note I: The degree in Mechanical Engineering or A.M.I.E. or any Diploma in engineering

not specifically mentioned in the rules possessed by the person already in service as on
22nd July 1971 shall not render them ineligible for being considered for promotion to
higher posts if they satisfy all other conditions.

Note: II – In case of Assistant Engineer, Junior Engineer and Draughtsman the service
rendered by them in Madras Engineering Subordinate service, Madras Municipal
Engineering Subordinate service, the Public Health Engineering and Municipal Works
Subordinate Service shall count towards practical experience of service for the purpose of
items (i), (ii) and (iii)

5. Chief Head Recruitment by (1) Must have rendered service for not less than
Draughtsman transfer 10 years in the case of directly recruited Head
Office of the Draughtsman or Draughtsman I Grade.
Chief (2) For not less than six years in the case of
Engineer, promotees from the Lower Grade ; or
Tamil Nadu
Water Supply Must have rendered service for not less than
and Drainage 20 years in all as Draughtsman in the Madras
Board. Engineering Subordinate Service.

6. Assistant By promotion Must have rendered service in the post of Junior

Water from the category Water Analyst for a period of not less than five
Analyst of Junior Water years.
Analyst (B.P.Ms.No.392,dated 14.8.75)

(i) Must have obtained a first or second class

degree in B.Sc., (Hons)., M.A., or M.Sc.
By direct in Chemistry, Zoology or Botany of a
recruitment or University or Institution recognised by
deputation from the University grants Commission for the
Government purpose of its grant.
Preference shall be given to a candidate
who possess in addition, post-graduate
research experience in Water
Bacteriology and Water Chemistry or
Water Biology as the case may be.

(ii) Must not have completed age of 30 years

on the first day of July of the year in
which the selection for appointment is
made, if recruited direct.

7 Assistant By direct 1) A degree in Engineering (Civil or

Engineer. recruitment Mechanical) from any University or
Institution recognised by the University
Grants Commission for the purpose of its
grant. Preference shall be given in the case of
persons who possess the Post Graduate
Degree or Post Graduate Diploma in Public
Health Engineering.

2) Notwithstanding anything contained in regulation

17(c)and (e) of TWAD Board Service
Regulations, one must not have completed the age
of 35 years on the first day of July of the year in
which the selection for appointment to the posts
are made by direct recruitment. (vide

Recruitment by (i) From the category of Junior Engineers or

Transfer Draughting Officers or Junior Draughting
Officers or Technical Assistant or from any
other category.

( ii) Must have acquired the following

qualifications, namely, Degree in Civil or
Mechanical Engineering. A pass in Sections
A and B of the A.M.I.E.
Examination under Civil or Mechanical
Engineering Branch subject to the
following condition namely: Must furnish
evidence of having undergone practical
training in surveying for a period of not less
than one year.
(iii) Must have put in a total service for a period
of not less than 5 years as Draughting
Officer or Junior Draughting Officer or
Technical Assistant or in any other
category. The recruitment between direct
recruitments and transferees shall be in the
ratio 1:2.

8 Assistant By direct i) Must possess B.Sc.,(Hons) or M.Sc., in

Geologist recruitment Applied Geology or Geology of any
University recognised by the University
Grants Commission or foreign University
or be an associate of the Indian School of
Mines in Geology;

ii) Must have practical experience in

investigation of Ground Water for a
period of not less than 3 years or must
have served as Geological Assistant for a
year; and

iii) Must not have completed the age of 35

years on the first day of July of the year in
which the recruitment is made.

By Promotion Must have rendered service as Geological

from the Assistant for a period of not less than five years.
Assistants in the
Tamil Nadu
Water Supply and
Drainage Board

Recruitment by Must possess the qualification specified in items

transfer from any (i) and (ii) prescribed for direct recruitment.
other service in (B.P.Ms.No. 211, dated 25.6.77)
the Board.

9 Geological By direct i) Must have passed B.Sc., degree

Assistant recruitment or by examination in Geology as main subject
recruitment by of any University recognized by the
transfer from any University Grants Commission.
other service in
the Board. Provided that preference shall be given
to the Post graduates in Geology and
also to the candidates possessing
previous experience and

ii) Must not have completed 27 years of age

on the first day of July of the year in
which the recruitment is made. The upper
age limit shall be relaxed by five years in
the case of persons possessing M.Sc. or
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Geology. (B.P.Ms.No.
211, dated 25.6.77)

10. EDP i) By Direct i) M.E./M.Tech in Computer Section with 5 years

Manager * recruitment experience in E.D.P. work
ii) Post Graduate Degree in Computer
Applications (MCA) or B.E., (Computer Science)
of University recognized by the University Grant
commission (or) Any such equivalent
qualifications with experience not less than 5
years in a Public Sector in the relevant field.

ii) By promotion Must have rendered service in the post of System

from System Analyst for a period of not less than 5 years.

iii) Recruitment i) Must possess any of the qualification

by transfer prescribed in (i) above and
ii) Must have put in service of not less than 7
years in TWAD Board including 5 years in the
relevant field.

11. System i) By Direct i) M.E./ M.Tech. in Computer Science with 4

Analyst * recruitment years experience ( or)
Must possess a Post graduate Degree in
Computer Application (MCA) or Degree in
Engineering (Computer Science) of University
recognised by the University Grant commission.
ii) Must have not less than 5 years experience in
System Design and package development in
Main, Mini and P.C.
iii) Must have had independent charges of a team
of System personnel in Multi user environment.

ii) By promotion Must have rendered service in the post of

from Programmer Programmer for a period not less than 5 years.

iii) Recruitment i) Must possess any of the qualification

by transfer prescribed in (1) above for direct recruitment
ii) Must have put in service of not less than 5
years in TWAD Board with experience in the
relevant field.

* B.P.Ms.No.7 Estt.(per) dt.9.1.08




1. Junior By direct recruitment (i) The Licentiate in Civil Engineering

Engineer including recruitment or Licentiate in Sanitary
from among persons in Engineering Diploma or D.C.E.
Municipal Councils or awarded by the State Board of
Panchayat Union Technical Examination and
Councils or Corporation Training, Madras. Or any diploma
of Madras recognised by the Government of
or Tamil Nadu as equivalent thereto
By promotion from for appointment under the said
category 2 or 3 provided Government.
that they have put in
service for a minimum
of ten years in
Category 3
or (ii) Provided further that no
For special reasons Draughtsman holding L.C.E. or
recruitment by transfer L.S.E or D.C.E of the Technical
from any other service. Examination Board or State Board
Provided that twenty of Technical Education and
percent of the vacancies Training or any Diploma
shall be filled by recognised by the Government of
recruitment of Tamil Nadu as equivalent thereto
Municipal Supervisor for appointment under the said
with six years Government, shall be appointed as
experience. Junior Engineers unless he has
rendered service for a continuous
period of not less than ten years on
duty”. (B.P.Ms.No. 425, dated
2. Head By promotion from 1) The Degree in Engineering (Civil or
Draughtsman Draughtsman Grade I or Mechanical); or
direct recruitment
2) L.C.E., L.S.E., D.C.E., L.M.E., or
D.M.E., Diploma awarded by the State
Board of Technical Education and
Training, Madras or any diploma
recognised by the Government of
Tamil Nadu as equivalent thereto for
appointment under the said
Government and practical experience
for not less than ten years.

(B.P.Ms.No.425,dated 1.11.1977)

3.Draughtsman By promotion from (1) The Degree in Engineering (Civil or

Grade I lower grades; or direct Mechanical) or the L.C.E., L.S.E.,
recruitment or D.C.E., L.M.E., or D.M.E., Diploma
recruitment by transfer awarded by the Board of Technical
from any other service. Education and Training Madras or any
Diploma recognised by the
Government of Tamil Nadu as
equivalent thereto for appointment
under the said Government.
(B.P.Ms.No. 425, dated 1.11.1977);

(2) Five years experience as Draughtsman.

4.Draughtsman By promotion from (1) The Degree in Engineering (Civil or

Grade-II. Draughtsman Grade III Mechanical) or the L.C.E., L.S.E.,
or by direct recruitment D.C.E., L.M.E., or D.M.E., Diploma
or recruitment by awarded by the Board of Technical
transfer from any other Education and Training, Madras or any
service including Diploma recognised by the
recruitment from among Government of Tamil Nadu as
Work Assistants in the equivalent thereto for appointment
Board. under the said Government;
(B.P.Ms.No. 425, dated 1.11.1977);

(2) Three years experience as


5 Draughtsman By direct recruitment or Item (1) under Draughtsman, Grade II.

Grade III promotion from Tracers,
or recruitment by
transfer from any other
service including work
charged establishment.

Explanation I: The Engineering degree or Diploma qualification not specifically

mentioned in these rules possessed by persons already in service as on 22nd July 1971 in
respect of categories 1 to 5 shall not adversely affect them and shall not render them liable
for being considered for promotion if they satisfy all other conditions.

Explanation II. In so far as suitable candidates are available, the persons possessing the
certificate qualification in Engineering and who entered service on or before 13.12.1972
shall be considered for promotion to all grades of Draughtsman along with the persons
possessing the degree or diploma in Engineering in the ratio of one certificate holder for
every five degree or Diploma holders. (B.P.Ms.No. 89, dated 5.4.77). The amendment
shall take effect from 13.12.1972. (B.P.Ms.No. 610, dated 21.11.1980)

Explanation : III. The Assistant Draughtsman possessing certificate qualification or any

other qualification prescribed for the post of Assistant Draughtsman in the Tamil Nadu
Water Supply and Drainage Board Service Regulations, 1972 who entered service as
Assistant Draughtsman on or before the 13th December 1972 and who have put in not less
than five years of service from the date of appointment or from the date on which they
become fully qualified shall also be considered for appointment, as Draughtsman Grade
III. A person so appointed shall not be eligible for any further promotion unless he gets
himself qualified for such post. (B.P.Ms;No. 342, dated 3.9.77)

6. Assistant By direct recruitment or 1. Pass in the Government

Draughtsman recruitment by transfer from any Technical Examination, by
other services including work the Lower Grade in
charged establishment. Geometrical Drawing.
Building Drawing and
Estimating and Free hand
outline and Model
drawing; or

2. A completed S.S.L.C
issued under the Authority
of the Government of
Tamil Nadu with a pass in
“Engineering” included as
a special subject in the
bifurcated courses in
Secondary Schools; or

3. A pass in the building and

structural Draughtsmanship
certificate course of
Central Polytechnic,

7. Blue Print By direct recruitment or 1. A pass in the S.S.L.C with

Operator recruitment by transfer from any eligibility for University
other service under the Board. Course or atleast study in
that standard for a period
of not less than one year in
a recognised school; and

2. Practical experience in
Blue Printing work.
Provided that in the case of
Peons appointed as Blue
Printing Operator by
transfer the qualification in
item (1) shall be a pass in
the VIII Standard or atleast
study in that standard for
not less than one year in a
recognized school.

Explanation: Recognized School shall mean a school maintained by or opened with the
sanction of the State Government or to which recognition has been accorded by the
Director of Secondary Education, Madras under the Madras Education Rules.

8. Work Assistant Recruitment by D.C.E., D.C.R.E., D.M.E., or D.E.E., awarded

including transfer or direct by the State Board of Technical Education
Technical recruitment and Training, Madras or any other
Assistant qualification equivalent thereto.

9. Water works Recruitment by 1. Diploma in Electrical or Mechanical

Superintendent transfer or direct Engineering awarded by the State Board of
including recruitment Technical Education and training, Madras
Electrical or any other equivalent qualification.
2. Two years experience in a pumping station
or installation, repairs and maintenance of
electrical pump sets under a firm of
Engineering contractors undertake such
works which has been approved by the
Superintending Engineer, Tamil Nadu
water Supply and Drainage Board.
(B.P.Ms.No. 141, dated 4.3.1986 with
effect from 1.1.1977.

NOTE: For recruitment to all the categories 1 to 9 in the Tamil Nadu water Supply and
Drainage Board Engineering Subordinate Service other things equal preference shall be
given to those borne on work-charged establishment.



1. Superintendent Promotion Must possess a degree of a University recognized by

Office of the of the University Grants Commission.
Tamil Nadu Superintend
Water supply ents from (a) Must possess a degree of a University
and Drainage Chief recognized by the University Grants
Board Engineers commission;
Secretariat Office (b) Must have had previous experience in dealing
and with some of the subjects with which he will
deal as Superintendent;
Promotion (c) Must have had previous drafting experience for
from a period of not less than seven years;
Assistants in
the Tamil Provided that in very exceptional and deserving
Nadu water case any Superintendent who does not hold
Supply and any such degree but who possesses the
Drainage minimum general educational qualification
Board prescribed in the schedule to the general rule
Secretariat. and who has rendered service as
Superintendent for a period of not less than 10
years may be promoted.

Recruitment Must possess a degree of a University recognised by

by the University Grants Commission.
from Must have served as a Superintendent at least for a
Secretariat period of 2 years.

2. Assistant/ Direct Must hold –

Accountant, Recruitment
Office of the 1) The degree of M.A., M.Sc., M.Com., B.A.
Tamil Nadu (Hons) or B.Com (Hons) of a University
Water Supply recognised by the University Grants
and Drainage Commission.
Secretariat 2) A degree in law of any of the recognized

3) The B.A. or B.Com degree of a University

recognised by the University Grants Commission
and must have obtained a first class in English
(Part I) or in the optional subjects (Part III)

4) The B.Sc degree of a University recognised by

the University Grants Commission and must have
obtained a first-class in the optional subjects
(Part III)

Provided that in the case of person

belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes or Backward Classes, it
shall be sufficient if he holds a degree of a
University recognised by the University
Grants Commission and provided that for
the post of Accountant preference shall be
given to holders of M.Com., or B.Com.

Must possess a degree of a University recognised by

Transfer the University Grants Commission. Must have at
least five years drafting experience in the service
from which the person is recruited by transfer.

1. From Junior Assistant possessing the degree

Promotion qualification
2. In very exceptional and deserving cases. Typists
or Steno-typists may be promoted as Assistants
provided they possess minimum general
educational qualification and have five years
service as Steno-typist. Must have training in
drafting and noting for at least one year.

3. Confidential Promotion 1. Must possess minimum general educational

Stenographer qualification;

2. Must have passed the Government Technical

Examination in Tamil and English Typewriting
both by the Higher Grade;

3. Must have passed the Government Technical

Examination in Tamil and English Shorthand
both by the Higher Grade.

Provided that, if candidates with the

qualifications referred to in items (2) and
(3) above are not available, candidates
who have passed the following
examinations in the order of preference
indicated below may be appointed,

i) Government Technical examination in Tamil

Typewriting and Tamil Shorthand both by the
Higher Grade and in English Typewriting and
English Shorthand both by the Lower Grade;
ii) Government Technical Examination in
English Typewriting and English Shorthand
both by the Higher Grade and in Tamil
Typewriting and Tamil Shorthand both by the
Lower Grade.

4. Must have put in a minimum period of five years

of service as Steno-Typist; and

5. Must have passed the

i) Account Test for subordinate Officers, part I;

ii) District office Manual Test; and

iii) Departmental Test in Tamil Nadu water

supply and Drainage Board Act, Tamil Nadu
Water Supply and Drainage Board Discipline
and Appeal Regulations, Tamil Nadu water
Supply and Drainage Board Travelling
Allowance Regulations, Tamil Nadu Water
Supply and drainage Board Conduct
Regulations and Tamil Nadu water Supply
and Drainage Board Service Regulations.
(B.P.Ms.No. 161, dated 14.3.1986).

4. Junior Direct Must hold a degree of a University recognised by the

Assistants, recruitment, University Grants Commission.
Office of the transfer or
Tamil Nadu appointment
water Supply from
and Drainage Typists
Board including
Secretariat. Steno-
Typist in the

5. Typists, Office Direct 1. Must possess minimum general educational

of the Tamil recruitment qualification;
Nadu water or by
Supply and transfer. 2. Must have passed the Government Technical
Drainage Examination in Tamil and English Typewriting
Board both by the Higher Grade;

Provided that, if candidates with the

qualifications referred to in items (2)
above are not available, candidates who have
passed the following examinations in the order
of preference indicated below may be
appointed, namely:-

i) Government Technical examination in Tamil

Typewriting by the Higher Grade and in
English Typewriting by the Lower Grade;

ii) Government Technical Examination in

English Typewriting by the Higher Grade and
in Tamil Typewriting by the Lower Grade.

6. Steno-typists, Direct 1. Must possess minimum general educational

Office of the recruitment qualification;
Tamil Nadu or transfer.
Water Supply 2. Must have passed the Government Technical
and Drainage Examination in Tamil and English Typewriting
Board both by the Higher Grade;
3. Must have passed the Government Technical
Examination in Tamil and English Shorthand
both by the Higher Grade..

Provided that, if candidates with the

qualifications referred to in items (2) and (3)
above are not available, candidates who have
passed the following examinations in the order
of preference indicated below may be
appointed, namely:-

i) Government Technical examination in Tamil

Typewriting and Tamil Shorthand by the
Higher Grade and in English Typewriting and
English Shorthand both by the Lower Grade;
ii) Government Technical Examination in
English Typewriting and English Shorthand
both by the Higher Grade and in Tamil
Typewriting and Tamil Shorthand both by the
Lower Grade.
(B.P. Ms.No. 161, dated 14.3.86)
7. Receptionist - Direct 1. Must possess the minimum general educational
cum-Telephone recruitment qualification and knowledge to operate
Operator or transfer Telephone Switch Board.

2. Must not have completed or will not complete 28

years of age on the first day of July of the year in
which the selection is made. (B.P.Ms.No.585,
dated 10.12.1981)

8. Programmer * i) By Direct i) Must possess a Degree in Computer Science (or)

recruitment Computer Applications (or) A Degree in any
Discipline with PGDCA from an Institution
recognized by University Grant Commission.
ii) Must possess not less than 3 years experience in
Programming in Computer in any recognized
ii) i) Must possess the qualification specified in (i)
Recruitment above.
by transfer ii) Must have put in service of not less than 3 years in
TWAD Board including 2 years experience in

9. Console By Directi) Must possess a Degree in Computer Science (or)

Operator * recruitment Computer Applications (or) A Degree in any
Discipline with 2 years experience of Computer
* B.P.Ms.No.7 Estt.(per) dt.9.1.08
10. Record By Must have completed S.S.L.C and worked as Record
Assistant promotion Clerk for a period of ten years.

Office of the Chief Engineer and other Subordinate Offices:

1. Superintendent/ Transfer or promotion 1. Must possess minimum general

Managers/ from the category of educational qualification; and
Office Assistant Assistants
2. Must have five years of service in the
lower post from which promotion is
2. Assistant Transfer or promotion 1. Must possess the minimum general
from the categories of educational qualification; and
Junior Assistants and
Typists including 2. Must have five years of service in the
Steno-Typists. lower post from which promotion is

3. Upper Division Promotion 1. Must possess the minimum general

Stenographer educational qualification; and
(Camp Clerk to
Chief Engineer) 2. Must have passed the Government
Technical Examination in
Typewriting and Shorthand.

(i) By the Higher Grade in Tamil and

English; or
(ii) By the Higher Grade in Tamil and
Lower Grade in English; or
(iii) By the Higher Grade in English
and Lower Grade in Tamil.

Provided that, candidates with the

Qualifications referred to in item
(ii) above shall be recruited only if
candidates with the qualifications
referred to in item (i) above are not

Provided further that candidates


With the qualifications referred to
in Item (iii) above shall be
recruited only if candidates with
the qualifications referred to in
items (i) and (ii) above are not
available; and

3. Must have completed ten years of

service in the post of Steno-typist.

Explanation.- Leave, other than extra-

ordinary leave without allowances should
be taken into account while computing
the ten year period. (B.P.Ms.No. 161,
dated 14.3.1986)

4. Junior Assistants Direct recruitment Must hold a degree of B.A., B.Sc., or

B.Com., of a University recognised by the
University Grants Commission for the
purpose of its grants. Preference shall be
given to B.Com., Graduates.

For special reasons, 1. Must possess minimum general

recruitment by transfer educational qualification.
from among the
persons working in 2. Must have completed 5 years of
other services in the service in regular establishment or
Board. work charged establishment or in
both; and

3. Must have passed the special

Competitive tests conducted by the

Provided that recruitment by transfer

should not exceed fifty per cent of the
vacancies arising from time to time.
(B.P.Ms.No. 393, dated 6.7.1981)

5. Steno-typist Direct recruitment 1. Must possess the minimum general

educational qualification;

2. Must have passed the Government

Technical examination in Typewriting
and Shorthand;

(i) by the Higher Grade in Tamil and

English; or
(ii) by the Higher Grade in Tamil and
Lower Grade in English; or
(iii) by the Higher Grade in English
and Lower Grade in Tamil.

Provided that candidates with the

qualifications referred to in item (ii)
above shall be recruited only if candidates
with the qualification referred to in item
(i) above are not available;

Provided further that candidates with the

qualifications referred to in item (iii)
above shall be recruited only if candidates
with the qualifications referred to in items
(i) and (ii) above are not available.
(B.P.Ms.No. 161, dated 14.3.1986)

6. Typist Direct recruitment or 1. Must possess the minimum general

transfer. educational qualification;

2. Must have passed the Government

Technical Examination in

(i) by the High Grade in Tamil and

English; or
(ii) by the Higher Grade in Tamil
and Lower Grade in English; or

(iii) by the Higher Grade in English

and Lower Grade in Tamil.

Provided that candidates with the

qualifications referred to in item (ii)
above shall be recruited only if candidates
with the qualification referred to in item
(i) above are not available;

Provided further that candidates with the

qualifications referred to in item (iii)
above shall be recruited only if candidates
with the qualifications referred to in items
(i) and (ii) above are not available.
(B.P.Ms.No. 161, dated 14.3.1986)

7. Works Clerk Recruitment by (i) Must have passed S.S.L.C.

(ii) Must have five years of service as
Work Inspector Grade-I (B.P.Ms. No.
141, dated 4.3.1986 with effect from

8. Store – Keeper By promotion from (i) Must possess the Minimum General
Grade I Store-keeper Grade II educational qualification;

(ii) Must have passed the Government

Technical Examination in Book-
keeping and Commercial
Correspondence by the lower grade;

(iii) Must have experience as Store-

keeper Grade- II for a period of not
less than ten years;

(iv) Must have deposited a sum of Rs.

2000/- (Rupees two thousand only)
as security deposit.

10. Store-keeper Promotion from Store- (i) Must possess the Minimum General
Grade II keeper Grade-III or if educational qualification;
no qualified and
suitable store-keeper (ii) Must have passed the Government
in that grade is Technical Examination in Book-
available for such keeping and Commercial
promotion, direct Correspondence by the lower grade;
recruitment or
recruitment by transfer (iii) Must have experience as Store-
from any other keeper Grade- III for a period of not
service. less than 5 years;

(iv) Must have deposited a sum of

Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand
only) as security deposit.

(v) Must not have completed or will not

complete 28 years of age on the first
day of July of the year in which the
selection is made, if appointment is
made by direct recruitment.

11. Store-keeper By direct recruitment (i) Must possess the Minimum General
Grade-III or for special reasons educational qualification;
recruitment by transfer
from any other (ii) Must have passed the Government
service. Technical Examination in Book-
keeping and Commercial
Correspondence by the lower grade;

(iii) Must have experience for a period of

not less than two years in handling
of Engineering Stores.

(iv) Must have deposited a sum of

Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only)
as security deposit; and

(v) Must not have completed or will not

complete 28 years of age on the first
day of July of the year in which the
selection is made, if appointment is
made by direct recruitment.

The amendment hereby made shall be deemed to have come into force on the 14 th April

Nothing contained in these amendments shall adversely affect the persons already in
service on the date of issue of these amendments (B.P.Ms.No. 155, dated 10.3.1986)

No candidate for appointment by direct recruitment as Assistant or Junior Assistant or

Typist or Steno-typist shall be eligible for the inclusion of his name in the list of approved
candidates if he would have completed 28 years of age on the first day of July of the year
in which the selection is made.


1. Daffedar Promotion Must have studied upto VIII Standard, with

five years experience in the Basic Service.

2. Basic Servants Direct Must have studied upto VIII Standard.

Must be able to ride bicycle; must not have
completed 28 years of age.

3. Basic Workers Direct Must be able to read and write Tamil

including recruitment
Gardners and
141, dated
4.3.1986 with
effect from



1. Accounts Recruitment by Must have rendered service as

Officer transfer from among Superintendent for a period of not less than
(Entitlement) the holders of the seven years.
posts of
Superintendents in
the Tamil Nadu
water Supply and
Drainage Board

2. Other Accounts Directrecruitment (i) Must be a Chartered Accountant or a

Officers Cost and Works Accountant;

(ii) Must have served in a reputed

organisation for a period of not less
than five years;

(iii) Must have completed 40 years of


Recruitment by Must have rendered service as Junior

transfer. Accounts Officer for a period of not less
than seven years.



1. Junior Accounts Directrecruitment (i) Must have passed the final examination
Officer of the Institute of Chartered or Cost
and Works Accountants of India;

(ii) Must have experience in the accounts

branch of a Government Department,
undertaking or private institution for a
period of not less than two years; and

(iii) Must not have completed 35 years of


Provided that the above regulations

shall not adversely affect the Junior
Accounts Officers already appointed by
the Board.

Promotion Must have rendered service as

Divisional Accountant for a period of
not less than five years after passing
the Divisional Accountant Test

Provided that the above regulations

shall not adversely affect the Junior
Accounts Officers already promoted by
the Board.

2. Divisional Recruitment by (i) Must have experience in the Accounts

Accountant transfer Wing of the Divisions, Sub-Divisions or
Accounts Wing in the Board for a
period of not less than three years; and

(ii) Must have passed the Divisional

Accountant Test Examination.

The amendments in respect of Divisional Accountants shall be deemed to have come into
force on the 1st July 1972, in respect of Accounts Officers shall be deemed to have come
into force on the 16th June 1976 and in respect of Junior Accounts Officers shall be
deemed to have come into force on the 17th May 1978, (B.P.Ms.No. 321, dated 2.7.1984)



(i) Maintenance and Operation Branch:

1. Electrician Grade I By promotion Experience as Electrician Grade II for a

period of not less than three years.

By direct (i) Must have passed S.S.L.C., or its

recruitment or equivalent.
recruitment by
transfer (ii) Must possess I.T.I. Certificates; and

(iii) Practical experience for a period of

not less than two years.

2. Electrical Grade-II By direct (i) Must have passed VIII Standard in a

recruitment or recognised school;
recruitment by
transfer (ii) Must possess ITI, certificate in the
Trade of Electrician with two years of
Experience in the type of work.
3. Plumber Recruitment by (i) Must have passed VIII standard in a
transfer or by recognised school;
recruitment (ii) Must possess I.T.I, certificate in the
Trade or Fitter/Plumber; and

(iii) Practical experience in plumbing

work for a period of not less than one

4. Fitter Grade I By promotion Experience as Fitter, Grade II for a period of

not less than three years.

Recruitment by (i) Must have passed S.S.L.C. or its

transfer or by equivalent;
recruitment (ii) Must possess ITI, certificate in the Trade
or Fitter; and

(iii) Practical experience for a period of

not less than three year.

5. Fitter Grade II By direct (i) Must have passed VIII standard in a

including Crane recruitment or recognised school;
Operator and recruitment by
Mixer transfer. (ii) Must possess ITI, certificate in the Trade
Machine Operator. or Fitter; and

(iii) Practical experience for a period of not

less than one year in the type of work.

6. Filter Operator and Recruitment by (i) Must possess a certificate of competency

Mechanic transfer or by for Head Works Fitter granted by the
including direct Board of Examiners, Madras; and
Filter-bed recruitment
Operators. (ii) Experience in the operation of Filter for a
period of not less than three years.

7. Turn Cock Recruitment by Practical experience as Turn Cock

transfer or by

8. Pump Operator Recruitment by (i) Must have passed VIII Standard in a

including transfer or by recognised school; and
Assistant direct
Mechanic recruitment (ii) Must possess ITI certificate in the Trade
of Wireman or experience in operating
electrical motor and dynamo for a period
of not less than three years.

9. Work Inspector By promotion Must have served as Work Inspector Grade-II

Grade I for a period of five years.

10. Work Inspector Recruitment by Must have passed the certificate in the trades
Grade II including transfer or by ITI Draftsman Civil or Mechanical Course or
Head Mazdoor direct Fitter Mechanic.

11. Helper By direct (i) Must have passed VIII Standard in the
recruitment. recognised School.
(ii) Must possess ITI certificate in the trade

12. Cleaner Grade I, By promotion or Must have passed VIII Standard in a

Vehicle Cleaner by direct recognised school or literate three years
and Pump recruitment experience in similar job.

13. Cleaner Grade II By direct Must have passed VIII Standard.


14. Boring Mechanic Recruitment by (i) Certificate of competency for head Fitter
transfer or by granted by Board of Examiner, Madras;
direct or
(ii) Practical experience in boring in various
strata with various tools and plants for a
period of not less than three years.

NOTE: For the purpose of recruitment, promotion, and seniority all posts under the
maintenance and operation branch in each circle shall be separate unit.

(ii) Research Branch

1. Junior Water By direct A degree of B.Sc., B.A., (Hons), M.A., or

Analyst recruitment or M.Sc., in Botany or Zoology or Chemistry.
including Recruitment by
Laboratory transfer
Assistant and

2. Laboratory By direct Must have studied upto S.S.L.C.,

Attender recruitment or
recruitment by


(iii) General Branch

1. Driver including By promotion or (i) Must possess the license for driving Heavy
Jeep Van, by recruitment Vehicles in the case of Lorry, Rig and
Lorry, Rig and by transfer Tractor and Light Vehicle in the case of
Tractor Driver. Car, Van and Jeep.
(ii) Must have experience in driving a motor
Vehicle for a period not less than 3 years;
(ii) Must have worked as cleaner or Basic
Servant for a period of not less than three
(iv) Must not have completed 28 years of age
in the case of candidates belonging to
other communities and 33 years of age in
the case of candidates belonging to
Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes.
2. Record Clerk Direct (i) Must have completed S.S.L.C., and
(ii) Must not have completed 28 years of age in
the case of candidates belonging to other
communities and 33 years of age in the case
of candidates belonging to Backward
Classes, Scheduled Castes and scheduled

Recruitment by (i)Must have studied upto VIII standard

(ii)Must have completed five years of service
(B.P.Ms.No. 141, dated 4.3.86)



1. Junior By promotion from (i) L.M.E., or D.M.E., Diploma awarded by

Mechanical Drilling the State Board of Technical Education
Engineer. Supervisors or and Training, Madras or any other
Foreman Diploma equivalent thereto; and

(ii) Two years service as Drilling Supervisor

or Foreman

By promotion from (i) L.M.E., or D.M.E., Diploma awarded by

Drillers or the State Board of Technical Education
recruitment by and Training, Madras or any other
transfer qualification equivalent thereto; and

(ii) Five years service as Driller or as Work

Assistant including Technical Assistant.

2. Foreman By promotion Experience as Assistant Foreman for two

Mechanical/ years or Mechanic Grade-I/Chargemen,
Electrical Electrician Grade-I or other equivalent posts
for a period of not less than three years.

Recruitment by (i) D.M.E., or D.E.E. awarded by the State

transfer or by direct Board of Technical Education and
recruitment Training, Madras or any other equivalent
thereto; and

(ii) Practical experience for a period of not

less than two years in an establishment
involving Mechanical/Electrical works.

3. Assistant By promotion Experience as Mechanic Grade-I or

Foreman Electrician Grade-I for a period of not less
than three years.

Recruitment by D.M.E ., or D.E.E. awarded by the State

transfer or by direct Board of Technical Education and Training,
recruitment Madras or any other Diploma equivalent

4. Mechanic By promotion. Experience as Mechanic Grade II for a

Grade-I period of not less than three years.

Recruitment by (i) Must have passed VIII standard in a

transfer or by direct recognised school;
(ii) Must have passed ITI certificate in the
Trade of Mechanic (Motor Vehicle or
Diesel, or Tractor or Earth Moving
Machinery) or any other equivalent
qualification; and

(iii) Practical experience for a period of not

less than five years in the trade,
Diesel/Automobile/Pumps in a reputed

5. Mechanic By promotion Must have experience in the type of work for

Grade-II a period of not less than two years.

Recruitment by (i) Must have passed VIII standard in a

transfer or by direct recognised school;
(ii) Must have passed ITI certificate in the
Trade of Mechanic (Motor Vehicle or
Diesel, or Tractor or Earth Moving
Machinery) ; and

(iii) Must have practical experience in the

trade for a period of not less than two
years in a reputed workshop.

6. Rewinder By promotion Must have worked as Assistant Rewinder for

a period of not less than two years.

By direct Must possess ITI Certificate in Electrical

recruitment or Trade with two years experience in
recruitment by rewinding.
7. Assistant Recruitment by (i) Must have passed VIII Standard in a
Rewinder transfer or by direct recognised school; and
(ii) Must possess ITI certificate in Electrical

8. Turner By direct (i) Must have passed VIII Standard in a

recruitment or recognised school;
recruitment by
transfer. (ii) Must possess ITI certificate in the trade
turner; and

(iii) Practical experience for a period of not

less than two years.

9. Welder Grade-I Recruitment by (i) Must have passed VIII Standard in a

promotion, by recognised school;
transfer or by direct
recruitment (ii) Must possess ITI certificate in the trade
of welder; and

(iii) Practical experience for two years.

10. Welder Grade-II By direct (i) Must have passed VIII Standard;
recruitment or
recruitment by (ii) Must possess ITI certificate in trade
transfer. Welder; and

(iii) Practical experience for a period of not

less than one year.

11. Smith Recruitment by (i) Must have passed VIII Standard in a

transfer or by direct recognised school; and
(ii) Must possess ITI certificate in trade

12. Machinist By promotion or (i) Must have passed VIII Standard in a

recruitment by recognised school; and
transfer or by direct
recruitment (ii) Must possess ITI certificate in the trade
Machinist/Fitter; and

(iii) Practical experience for a period of not

less than two years in the type of work.

13. Tinker Recruitment by (i) Must have passed VIII Standard in a

transfer or by direct recognised school;
(ii) Must possess ITI certificate in trade of
sheet metal works; and

(iii) Must have worked as Helper in tinker

trade for a period of not less than two

14. Auto Electrician Recruitment by (i) Must have passed VIII Standard in a
transfer or by direct recognised school;
(ii) Must possess ITI certificate in the trade
Auto Electrician; and

(iii)Practical experience as Auto

Electrician, for a period of not less than
five years in an Automobile workshop.

15. Painter Recruitment by (i) Must have studied upto VIII standard in
transfer or by direct a recognised school; and
(ii) Must have experience for a period of not
less than three years in all types of
painting works including the work of
spray gun, writing of sign Boards and
preparation of stencils.

16. Tool Room Recruitment by (i) Must possess ITI Certificate; and
Attender transfer
(ii) Must have worked as Helper in Tool
Room in the workshop in the Board or
any Diesel/Automobile workshop for a
period of not less than three years.

By direct (i) Must have passed S.S.L.C or its

recruitment equivalent; and

(ii) Practical experience for a period of not

less than two years in handling the
Machine tools, workshop tools in an
Engineering Workshop/Factory.

Provided that other things being equal

preference shall be given to the
candidate possessing ITI certificate in
Diesel/Auto Mechanical Trade.


17. Tool Keeper By direct (i) Must have passed S.S.L.C. or its
recruitment equivalent; and

(ii) Practical experience for a period of not

less than one year in handling tools in a
factory or workshop.

Recruitment by (i) Must possess ITI certificate;

(ii) Must have worked as Helper for a
period of not less than three years.

18. Drilling By promotion Must have worked as Driller for a period of

Supervisor not less than three years.

Recruitment by (i) D.M.E., awarded by the State Board of

transfer or by direct Technical Education and Training,
recruitment Madras or any other equivalent; and

(ii) Practical experience for a period of not

less than three years.

19. Driller By promotion Must have worked as Assistant Driller for a

period of not less than three years.

Recruitment by D.M.E ., awarded by the State Board of

transfer or by direct Technical Education and Training, Madras
recruitment or any other equivalent.

20. Assistant Driller Recruitment by (i) Must possess ITI certificate in the trade
transfer from of Mechanic; and
(ii) Must have worked as Helper in Rigs for
a period of not less than three years.
By direct
recruitment or by (i) D.M.E., awarded by the State Board of
transfer from any Technical Education and Training,
other category Madras or any other equivalent; or

(ii) Must possess ITI certificate in the trade

of Mechanic with practical experience
for a period of not less than two years.

21. Air Compressor Recruitment by (i) Must possess ITI certificate in the trade
Operator transfer or by direct of Mechanic (Automobile, Diesel and
Including recruitment Earth Moving Machinery); and
Mechanic (ii) Must have experience in operational/
Maintenance of diesel engines for a
period of not less than one year.
NOTE: (i) The amendments made relating to Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage
Board Mechanical Subordinate service shall be deemed to have come into force on the 9th
August 1974.

(ii) The Amendment made relating to other services shall be deemed to have
come into force on 1st January 1977.

(iii) Nothing contained in these amendments shall adversely affect the persons
already in service on the date of issue of these amendments. (B.P.Ms.No. 141, dated

Provided that a candidate belonging either to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe

or Backward Class shall not be eligible for the inclusion of his name in the approved list
for appointment as Junior Assistants, Typists and Steno-typists if he has or will complete
30 years of age on the 1st July of the year in which the selection is made.

The age limit shall not apply to the appointment of a candidate belonging to the
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Backward Classes to a post for which a
qualification lower than a degree is prescribed, if such candidate possesses a general
educational qualification which is higher than the minimum general education
qualification and is otherwise qualified for appointment.

The age limit shall not apply to the appointment to a post included in the service of a
candidate belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Backward Classes,
who holds a degree which is not lower than the degree prescribed to such post and if he is
otherwise qualified for appointment.

In the case of candidate who has rendered war service, the period of his war service
shall be excluded in computing his age for appointment, Such persons, if invalided from
war service, be entitled to deduct from his age period from the time when he was
invalided upto 1st April 1946.

24. Age.- No person shall be eligible for appointment by direct recruitment to the
posts specified in column (1) of the Table below if he has completed the age specified
in the corresponding entry in column (2) thereof on the first day of July in which the
selection for appointment is made.-


(1) (2)
Junior Engineer Notwithstanding anything contained in
Regulation 17(c) and (e) of TWAD
Board Service Regulations, 1972, one
must not have completed the age of 35
years in case of direct recruitment.(Vide
B.P.Ms.No.3/E(Per)/dated 13.01.2011)

Head Draughtsman 35 years

Draughtsman Grade I 35 years

Draughtsman Grade II 28 years

Draughtsman Grade III

(Nomenclature of the post changed
as JDO in B.P.Ms.No.185/dated21.04.1984) Notwithstanding anything contained in
Regulation 17(c) and (e) of TWAD
Board Service Regulations, 1972, one
must not have completed the age of 35
years in case of direct recruitment.(Vide
B.P.Ms.No.3/E(Per)/dated 13.01.2011)
Assistant Draughtsman 28 years
Junior Water Analyst including Laboratory 28 years
Assistant and Chemist
Blue Print Operator 28 years
Boring Mechanic 35 years
Mechanic and Filter Operator including Filter 35 years
Bed Operator
Assistant Mechanic 35 years
Turn Cock 28 years
Electrician Grade I 28 years
Electrician Grade II 28 years
Laboratory Attender 28 years

Foreman (Mechanical/Electrical)
Assistant Foreman
Mechanic Grades I and II
Assistant Rewinder
Welder Grades I and II 28 years in the cases of
Smith candidates belonging to other
Machinist communities and 33 years in
Tinker the cases of candidates
Auto Electrician belonging to Backward
Painter Classes, Scheduled Castes and
Tool Room Attender Scheduled Tribes.

Drilling Supervisor
Assistant Driller.
Air Compressor Operator including
Air Compressor Mechanic
Work Assistant including
Technical Assistant
Water Works Superintendent
including Electrical Superintendent
28 years in the cases of
Fitter Grades I and II including
candidates belonging to other
Crane Operator and
communities and 33 years in
Mixer Machine Operator
the cases of candidates
belonging to Backward
Filter Operator and Mechanic
including Filter Bed Operators Classes, Scheduled Castes and
Turn Cock Scheduled Tribes.

Pump Operator including

Assistant Mechanic
Work Inspector Grades I and II
including Head Mazdoor
Cleaner Grades I and II
Boring Mechanic
(B.P.Ms.No. 141, dated 4.3.1986)

25. Probation.- (1) Every person, appointed as Assistant Executive Engineer or

Chief Head Draughtsman shall from the date on which he joins duty, be on probation –
(B.P.Ms.No. 445, dated 25.9.73)

a) for a total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of three
years in the case of

(i) direct recruits; and

(ii) promotees (if at the time of appointment the promotee has not
complete probation in the as not completed probation in the category from which he is
promoted); or

b) for a total period of one year on duty within a continuous period of two
years in the case of –

(i) transferees; and

(ii) promotees (if at the time of appointments the promotee has completed
probation in the category from which he is promoted)

c) An assistant Engineer or Junior Engineer of the Tamil Nadu Engineering

Subordinate Service or any other service who has satisfactorily completed probation in
that service shall not be required to undergo probation on appointment to the Board’s

Provided that an Assistant Engineer or Junior Engineer in the Tamil Nadu

Engineering Subordinate Service or any other service who has not completed his
probation in that service and is appointed to the Board’s service shall be required to
undergo probation and the period of his service rendered in the Tamil Nadu
Engineering Subordinate Service which has been counted for probation in the former
service shall count for probation in the Board’s Service.

(d) A probationary Assistant Executive Engineer or Chief Head Draughtsman

shall be entitled to count towards his probation any service rendered by him as
Assistant Executive Engineer or Chief Head Draughtsman in the Tamil Nadu
Engineering Service or Tamil Nadu Public Health and Municipal Engineering Service
as the case may be. (B.P.Ms.No. 445, dated 25.9.73)

(e) A probationary Assistant Executive Engineer of the Board shall be entitled

to count towards his probation any service rendered by him as Municipal Engineer,
Grade II, in the defunct Municipal Engineer Service. (B.P.Ms.No. 445, dated 25.9.73)

(f) A probationary Assistant Executive Engineer shall be entitled to count

towards his probation any service rendered by him as lecturer in Government
Engineering College and/or Government Polytechnic in the State, if but for such
service he would have rendered service as Assistant Executive Engineer (B.P.Ms.No.
445 dated 25.9.73).

(g) The Authority competent to declare the satisfactory completion of probation

in respect of officers under the Board shall be the appointing authority.

(h) The Chief Engineer of the Board shall, however, be the competent authority
to declare the Assistant Executive Engineer to have satisfactorily completed the
prescribed period of probation and also to extend upto one year for failure to pass tests
within the period of probation.

(i) No probation shall be necessary in the case of appointment between the

categories of Junior Assistants and Typists including Steno-typists.

(j) An Assistant in the office of the Chief Engineer or other subordinate offices
promoted from the category of Junior Assistants who has rendered satisfactory service
for a total period of not less than three years as Junior Assistant shall not be required to
undergo the probation.

26. Right of probationers and approved probationers to re-appointment.-

A vacancy in any class of service, category or grade not being a vacancy which should
be filled by direct recruitment shall not be filled by the appointment of a person who
has not yet commenced his probation in such class of service, category or grade when
an approved probationer or probationer therein is available for such appointment.

27. Discharge and re-appointment of probationers and approved probationers.-

(1) (i) Where the normal method of recruitment to any category is both by direct
recruitment and by promotion, probationers and approved probationers who were
recruited direct, shall not be discharged for want of vacancies. Other probationers and
approved probationers shall be discharged for want of vacancies in the order of
(ii) In other cases, the probationers and approved probationers shall be
discharged for want of vacancies in the order of juniority.

(iii) The order of discharge laid down in clause (i) and (ii) may be departed
from in cases where such order would involve excessive expenditure on travelling
allowance or exceptional administrative inconvenience.

(2) Approved probationers and probationers who have been discharged for want
of vacancies shall be re-appointed as vacancies (not being vacancies which should be
filled by direct recruitment) arise, in the inverse of the order laid down in items (i) of
sub-clause (1):

Provided that the said order may be departed from in cases where such order
would involve excessive expenditure on travelling allowance or exceptional
administrative inconvenience.

28. Suspension, termination or extension of probation.- (1) Where the regulations

prescribe a period of probation for appointment as a full member of the class of service
or where such period of probation has been extended under regulation 31 below, the
appointing authority may, at any time before the expiry of the prescribed probation or
the extended period of probation, as the case may be-

(i) Suspend the probation of probationer and discharge him from the Class of
service for want of a vacancy:
(ii) at its discretion, by order, either extend the probation of a probationer in a
case the probation has not been extended under regulation 31 below or terminate his
probation and discharge him from service after giving him a reasonable opportunity of
showing cause against the proposed termination of probation.

Explanation.- An opportunity to who cause may be given after the appointing

authority arrives at a provisional conclusion on the suitability or otherwise of
the probationer for full membership of the service, either by such authority
himself or by a subordinate authority who is superior in rank to the probationer.

(2) (i) If within the period of probation, a probationer fails to acquire the special
qualifications or to pass the special tests, if any, prescribed for the post or to acquire
such other qualifications as may be declared by the Board or by the Board or by the
appointing authority with the approval of the Board to be equivalent to the said special
qualifications or special tests, the appointing authority shall, by order discharge him

from the class of service unless the period of probation is extended under regulation 31

(ii) If within the period of probation prescribed in regulation 25 for the class of
service or within the extended period of probation, as the case may be, a probationer
has appeared for any such tests or for any examinations in connection with the
acquisition of any such qualifications and results of the tests or examinations for which
he has so appeared are not known before the expiry of such period he shall continue to
be on probation until the publication of the results of the tests or examinations for
which he appeared or the first of them in which he fails to pass, as the case may be.

In case a probationers fails to pass any of the tests or examinations for

which he has so appeared, the appointing authority shall, by order, discharge him from
the class of service.

(iii) Any delay in the issue of an order discharging a probationer under clause (i)
or clause (ii) shall not entitle him to be deemed to have satisfactorily completed his

29. Appeal against discharge.- (1) A probationer who is discharged under

clause (1) of regulation 27 or under cluase (3) of regulation 30 below shall be entitled
to appeal against the order of discharge passed by the competent authority to the
authority to which and within the period of limitation within which an appeal would lie
against an order of dismissal passed by the competent authority against a full member
of the class of service, or category, as the case may be.

(2) The authority competent to entertain an appeal under sub-regulation (1)

may, either of its own motion or otherwise, revise any order discharging a probationer
under any of the provisions referred to in the said sub-regulation within one year of the
date of such order.

(3) (i) When an order discharging a probationer is set aside on appeal

under sub-regulation (1) or on revision under sub-regulation (2) and the probationer is
restored to the service the period on and from the date of discharge to the date of such
restoration may, with the previous sanction of the Board, be treated as on duty except
for purpose of probation. The period of probation undergone by such probationer at the
time of his discharge shall, however, count towards the period of probation prescribed
by the regulations applicable to him.

(ii) Such probationer may, during the period on and from the date of his
discharge to the date of his restoration, be paid such pay and allowances not exceeding
the pay and allowances to which he would have been entitled if he had not been
discharged, as the authority passing the order under sub-regulation (1) or (2) may with
the previous sanction of the Board determine.

30. Probationer's suitability for full membership.- (1) At the end of the
prescribed or extended period of probation as the case may be, the appointing authority
shall consider the probationer's suitability for full membership of the class of service or
category for which he was selected.

(2) If the appointing authority decides that a probationer is suitable for such
membership, it shall as soon as possible issue an order declaring the probationer to
have satisfactorily completed his probation. If no such order is issued within six
months from the date on which he is eligible for such declaration, the probationer, shall
be deemed to have satisfactorily completed his probation on the date of the expiry of
the prescribed or extended period of probation. A formal order declaring the
completion of probation shall, however, be issued by the competent authority. In all
cases in which serious charges are pending and, therefore, probation cannot be
declared, the final order on probation shall be passed as early as possible and in any
case with in one month after the disposal of the charges or six months after the due date
of completion of probation whichever is later.

(3) If the appointing authority decides that the probationer is not suitable for
such membership, it shall unless the period of probation is extended under regulation
31 below, by order, discharge him from the service after giving him reasonable
opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken in regard to him.

Provided that where a probationer has been given reasonable opportunity of

showing cause against the imposition on him of any of the penalties specified in
regulation 8(b) of the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Employees'
Discipline and Appeal Regulations, the procedure laid down therein shall be followed
(even though it is ultimately decided to discharge him from service)

Explanation I.- The decision of the appointing authority tht the probationer is
not suitable for full membership may be based also on his work and conduct till
the date of the decision, inclusive of the period subsequent to the prescribed or
extended period of probation.

Explanation I.- An opportunity to show cause may be given after the

appointing authority arrives at a provisional conclusion on the suitability or
otherwise of the probationer for full membership of the class of service, either
by such authority himself or by a subordinate authority who is superior in rank
to the probationer.

Explanation III.- Where the competent authority proposes to terminate the

probation of a member of a service for general unsatisfactory work or incapacity
without the need for enquiry into specific charges, he shall do so under
regulation 27 or 28 as the case may be. In case, where he proposes to terminate
the probation of such a member for specific charges in addition to or distinct
from general inefficiency or incapacity, he shall frame specific charges and
follow the detailed procedure laid down in regulation 8(b) of the Tamil Nadu
Water Supply and Drainage Board Employee's Discipline and Appeal

Any delay on the part of the competent authority to declare the completion of probation
should not monetarily affect probationers and that arrears of increment should be
allowed from the date of completion of probation as a matter of course, subject to the
following conditions.:-

(1) The probation should have been declared satisfactorily, completed from the
date ordered even if the question of declaration of probation had been taken up earlier.

(2) The declaration of satisfactory completion of probation was delayed by

factors which would not, in any case change the date of such completion;

(3) The person whose probation is declared to have been satisfactorily

completed is qualified as on the date ordered:

(4) Declaration of satisfactory completion of probation was not the result of any
relaxation of regulation.

(5) In all cases coming under items (1) to (4) above orders issued declaring the
probation or relaxing the regulations should include a specific provision in regard to
drawal of arrears of increments.

31. Extension of probation.- (a) the appointing authority may extend the period of
probation of any probationer in any of the services:-

(i) either to enable him to acquire the special qualifications or to pass the
prescribed tests; or

(ii) to enable the appointing authority to apprise and to decide whether the
probationer is suitable for full membership or not.

(b) The order extending the probation shall be issued within the prescribed period
of probation.

(c) The extended period of probation shall terminate, at the latest, when the
probationer has, after the expiry of the period of probation prescribed for the post in
which he is on probation, completed one year of duty in the post. In case where the
probation of a probationer is extended, a condition shall, unless there are special
reasons to the contrary, be attached to the order of extension of probation that the
probationer's increment shall be stopped until he is declared to have satisfactorily
completed his probation. Such stoppage of increments shall not be treated as a
penalty but only as a condition of extension of probation and shall not have the effect
of postponing future increments after he has passed the prescribed tests or after he is
declared to have satisfactorily completed his probation.

32. Officers and Servants going on leave for purpose of Study.- Candidates
who are desirous of undergoing any course of study connected with the affairs of the
Board and which is likely to enhance his usefulness as a member of the service, may
apply for Study Leave and such candidates will be eligible for extraordinary leave
without allowances only for 12 months at a time, provided that the total absence from

duty shall not exceed 3 years in all. Candidates who apply for leave to complete their
study soon after they join duty, may be permitted by the Managing Director, to
continue their studies and the question of granting them leave to the extent necessary be
taken up after they rejoin duty on completion of their studies. In case where a
candidate desires to undergo courses of study unconnected with the Boards affairs he
may, at the discretion of the Managing Director be granted leave to which he is eligible.

33. Exercise of certain powers of appointing authority by higher authority.-

The powers conferred on the appointing authority may be exercised also by any higher
authority to whom the appointing authority is administratively subordinate whether
directly or indirectly, in the following cases.-

(i) Termination of probation;

(ii) Discharge of probationer
(iii) Extension of probation.

34. Special Tests to be passed or other qualifications to be acquired.- (a)

Probationary Assistant Engineer/Junior Engineer shall, within the period of his
probation, pass the Account Test for Public Works Department Officers and

An Assistant Executive Engineer or Executive Engineer appointed by direct

recruitment shall pass the Account test for Public Work Department Officers and
Subordinates within a period of four years from the date of his appointment.

The penalty for failure to pass the test in the case of Assistant Engineers/Junior
Engineers shall be extension of probation and stoppage of increment till the test is
passed and in case of Assistant Executive Engineer the penalty is stoppage of
increment. Such stoppage of increment will not operate to postpone future increments
after the test is passed.

A Geological Assistant appointed by direct recruitment shall pass the Account

Test for Public Works Department Officers and Subordinates within the period of his

The penalty for failure to pass the test shall be the extension of probation. If he
fails to pass the test within the period of four years from the date of his appointment his
service shall be terminated.

Explanation:- Such of the existing incumbents (on the date of issue of

amendment) who do not pass the test, shall pass it within a period of four years.
(B.P.Ms.No. 503, dated 24.9.1979)

(b) Practical Training - A Turncock selected for promotion as Assistant

Mechanic shall undergo training in Filter Station for a period of six months and shall be
appointed on probation as Assistant Mechanic if the Superintending Engineer, Tamil
Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board declares that he has completed his training
satisfactorily. A Turncock shall draw his substantive pay during the period of training.

A directly recruited probationary Assistant Executive Engineer shall during the

first year of his probation, undergo training in Works and Accounts for one year or such
shorter period as may be fixed in each individual case. His pay during the period of
training shall be Rs. 325 per month and the period shall not count for increments in the
time-scale of pay for the post of Assistant Executive Engineer.

(c) No employee shall be eligible for promotion to any of the posts mentioned in
column (1) of the Table below unless and until he has passed the special test specified
in the corresponding entries in column (2) thereof.-


Posts Tests

(1) Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Secretariat.

(i) Superintendents Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I

(ii) Assistants (i) Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I

(ii) District Office Manual Test; and

(iii) A test in the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and

Drainage Board Act; Tamil Nadu Water Supply
and Drainage Board Service Regulations;
Discipline and Appeal Regulations; Conduct
Regulations, and Travelling Allowance

(2) Office of the Chief Engineer, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.

(i) All Assistants. (i) Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I

(ii) District Office Manual Test; and

(iii) A test in the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and

Drainage Board Act; Tamil Nadu Water Supply
and Drainage Board Service Regulations;
Discipline and Appeal Regulations; Conduct
Regulations, and Travelling Allowance

(ii) Assistants employed as Camp Must have passed -

Clerk to the chief Engineer, (i) the Account Test for Public Works Department
Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Officers;
Drainage Board.
(ii) the Government Technical Examination in
shorthand and Typewriting by the Higher grade.

(3) Store Keeper Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I.

Explanation: Notwithstanding anything contained in the above regulations an

Assistant or Superintendent in the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
Secretariat now in service who has not passed the said test but is otherwise
qualified and suitable for promotion to such category, may be promoted
temporarily. But if he does not pass the said test at one of the first three
examinations held after such promotion, he shall be reverted to the lower post
from which he was promoted and shall not again be eligible for promotion till he
passes the test. The penalty for failure to pass the test is stoppage of increment
but such stoppage will not operate to postpone future increments after the test has
been passed.

Explanation: This regulation will not apply to deputationist who are on service on
14th April 1971.

35. Persons appointed to the service whether by direct recruitment or by promotion, as

the case may be, in the categories of posts specified in column (1) of the table below
shall pass the tests or undergo the training or acquire the qualification specified in the
corresponding entry in column (2) within the period stated or as otherwise required by
the corresponding entry in column (3) thereof.


Member of Service. Test training or Period.

(1) qualification (3)
(1) A member appointed as Government Technical Before appointment as
Typist or Steno-Typist who has Examination in full member of the
not passed the Government Typewriting by the Higher service or before rising
Technical Examination in Grade. above the minimum stage
Typewriting by the Higher of the time scale of pay
Grade. sanctioned for the post he
is holding.


(2) A member appointed as Government Technical Within the prescribed of

Typist or Steno-Typist (Tamil) Examination in period of probation
in the Chief Engineer's Office Typewriting English by the
and other subordinate Offices Lower Grade.
who has not passed the
Government Technical
Examination in Typewriting in
English by the Lower Grade.

(3) A member appointed as Government Technical Within the prescribed

Typist or Steno-Typist Examination in period of probation
(English) in the Chief Typewriting Tamil by the
Engineer's Office and other Lower Grade.
subordinate Offices who has
not passed the Government
Technical Examination in
Typewriting in Tamil by the
Lower Grade.

(4) A member appointed as Government Technical Within the prescribed

Steno-Typist in the case of Examination in Shorthand period of probation if
employees of Government by the Higher Grade. recruited direct and
taken over to the Board's within two years from the
service and in the case of date of appointment to
others who have not passed the the post if the
Government Technical appointment is made
Examination in Shorthand by from among typists
the Higher Grade. before completion of
probation in that post.

(5) A member appointed as Government Technical Within the prescribed

Steno-Typist (Tamil) in the Examination in Shorthand period of probation if
Chief Engineer's Office and (English) by the Lower recruited direct and
other subordinate Offices who Grade. within two years from the
has not passed the Government date of appointment to
Technical Examination in the post if the
Shorthand (English) by the appointment is made
Lower Grade. from among typists
before completion of
probation in that post.

(6) A member appointed as Government Technical Within the prescribed of

Steno-Typist (English) in the Examination in Shorthand probation
Chief Engineer's Office and (Tamil) by the
other subordinate Offices who Lower Grade.
has not passed the Government
Technical Examination in
Shorthand (Tamil) by the
Lower Grade.

Explanation: A person appointed to the post of Typist or Steno-typist in the

Board's Secretariat shall undergo training in Tamil Typewriting on the standard
key-board for such period and in such manner as may be required by the
competent authority.

36. Special qualification.- No person shall be eligible for appointment to any

class of service, category or grade of any post borne on the cadre thereof unless he

(a) possesses such qualification and has passed such special tests as may be
prescribed in that behalf in these regulations: or

(b) Possesses such qualification as may be considered to be equivalent to the

said special qualifications or special test by the Board or by the appointing authority
with the approval of the Board.

37. Special qualification to be acquired or special test to be passed during

probation exemption.- Where a probationer has before he commenced probation
already acquired any special qualification or passed any special test prescribed by these
regulations for holders of any posts or has acquired such other qualification as may be
considered by the Board or by the appointing authority with the approval of the Board
to be equivalent to the said special qualification or special test he shall not be required
to acquire such special qualification or to pass such special test again after the
commencement of his probation.

38. Penalty on a member on maximum of his scale for failure to pass

prescribed tests.- Where the regulations prescribe stoppage of increments as a penalty
for failure to pass a special test or acquire a special qualification, such failure shall in
the case of a member who has reached the maximum of the time scale of pay applicable
to him render him liable to the penalty of reduction to the next lower stage in his time

39. Seniority.- (a) The seniority of a person in a class of service, category or

grade shall, unless he has been reduced to a lower rank as a punishment be determined
by the rank obtained by him the list of approved candidates drawn up by the Board or
other appointing authority, as the case may be. The date of commencement of his
probations shall be the date on which he joins duty irrespective of his seniority.

(b) The transfer of a person from one category of grade in a class of service
to another category or grade in the same class of service carrying the same pay or scale
of pay shall not be treated as first appointment to the latter for purpose of seniority and
the seniority of a person so transferred shall be determined with reference to the rank in
the category or grade from which he was transferred. Where any difficulty or doubt
arises in applying this sub-regulation, seniority shall be determined by the appointing

(c) Where a member of a class of service, category or grade is reduced to a

lower class of service, category or grade, he shall be placed at the top of the latter
unless the authority ordering such reduction, directs that he shall take rank in such
lower class of service, category or grade, next below any specified member thereof.

40. Probation on transfer.- (a) Where the Regulation prescribed probation for
members of a class of service appointed to a category or grade by transfer from any
other category or grade, no probation shall be deemed to be compulsory unless such
transfer involves, the assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater importance
than those attaching to the category or grade from which transfer is to be made.

(b) A probationer in any category or class shall be eligible to count for

probation his services, if any, performed otherwise than in a substantive capacity on
regular appointment to a higher category. Nothing contained in this clause shall be
construed as authorising the promotion of a probationer in a category to a higher
category in contravention of Regulation.

41. Duty in a different class of service counting for probation on promotion.-

A member of a class of service promoted from one category to another shall be eligible
to count for probation in the higher category, his service, if any performed otherwise
than in a substantive capacity on regular appointment to another class of service, in
accordance with these regulations if the normal method of recruitment to the latter class
of service is by transfer from the former class of service or category thereof.

42. Revision of orders of promotion to selection posts.- An order promoting a

member of a class of service made by a competent authority, may be revised by an
authority to which an appeal would lie against an order of dismissal passed on a full
member of the class of service, category or grade, as the case may be. Such revision
may be made by the appellate authority aforesaid either Suo Moto at any time, or on a
petition submitted by an aggrieved member within six months from the date of passing
the order:

Provided that the said period of six months may be extended by the
appellate authority if sufficient cause is shown for the delay in submission of the

43. Members absent from duty.- The absence of a member of a service from
duty in such class of service, whether on leave, or foreign service or on deputation or
for any other reason and whether his lien in a post borne on the cadre of such class of
service is suspended or not, shall not, if he is otherwise, fit, render him ineligible in his
turn -

(a) for re-appointment to a substantive or officiating vacancy in the category,

grade or post in which he may be a probationer or an approved probationer;

(b) for promotion from a lower to a higher category in such class of service;
(c) for appointment to any substantive or officiating vacancy in another class
of service for which he may be an approved candidate, as the case may be in the same
manner as if he had not been absent. He shall be entitled to all the privileges in respect
of appointment, seniority, probation and appointment as full member which he would
have enjoyed but for his absence, subject to his completing satisfactorily the period of
probation on his return.

44. Appointment of full members.- (a) Subject to the provisions of regulations

39(a) and 43 an approved probationer shall be appointed to be a full member of the
class of service or category for which he was selected at the earliest possible
opportunity, in any substantive vacancy which may exist or arise in the permanent
cadre of such class or category and if such vacancy existed from a date previous to the
issue of the order of appointment, he may be so appointed with retrospective effect
from the date or, as the case may be, from any subsequent date from which he was
continuously on duty as a member of the class of service or in a higher class or

Provided that where more than one approved probationer is available for
such appointment as full member, the senior most approved probationer shall be

Provided further where by reason of administrative convenience, a member

completes his probation earlier than another member who is senior to him the member
who completes his probation earlier shall not be confirmed before the member who is
senior to him. The senior member shall be confirmed according to his seniority after he
completes satisfactorily the period of his probation.

Provided also that if the senior is on foreign service and does not within a
reasonable time revert to the service of the Board to undergo probation when asked to
do so, the junior may be confirmed in that vacancy.

Explanation.- For the purpose of this sub-regulation an approved

probationer who has been on leave during the period of his probation or after
such period shall be deemed to be on duty as a member of the class of
service or category concerned, if he would have been on duty in such class or
category or in a higher class or category but for his absence on leave.

(b) Where appointment to any service, class or category is cording to rules

normally both by direct recruitment and by transfer, vacancies against which persons
have been recruited direct shall be regarded as a distinct group, while all other
vacancies shall be regarded as another distinct group, and appointment of full members
in accordance with sub-rule (a) shall be made separately in each of these group:

45. Reduction of full members.- (a) If a full members of any class of Service,
category or grade is substantively reduced to a lower class of service, category or grade,
he shall be deemed to be a full member of the latter and the permanent cadre thereof
shall, if there is no vacancy in which he could be absorbed be deemed to be increased
by one:

Provided that against every such addition an officiating or temporary

vacancy, if any, in such lower class of service, category or grade, shall be kept unfilled
and such addition shall be absorbed in the first permanent vacancy that subsequently
arises in such lower class of service, category or grade as the case may be.

46. Appointment in place of members dismissed, removed, compulsorily

retired or reduced.- Where a person has been dismissed, removed, compulsorily

retired or substantively reduced from any class of service, category or grade, no

vacancy caused thereby or arising subsequently in such class of service, category or
grade, shall be substantively filled to the prejudice of such person until the expiry of a
period of one year from the date of such dismissal, removal, compulsory retirement or
reduction or until the appeal, if any, preferred by reduction is decided whichever is

47. Relinquishment of rights by members.- Any person may, in writing

relinquish any right or privilege to which he may be entitled under these regulations, if,
in the opinion of the appointing authority, such relinquishment is not opposed to the
interest of the administration, and nothing contained in these regulations shall be
deemed to require the recognition of any right or privilege to the extent to which it has
been so relinquished.

48. Postings and transfers.- (a) A member of a class of service may be

required to serve in any post borne on the cadre of such class of service in any post
borne on the cadre of such class of service and in any place of duty as the exigencies of
the administration require.

(b) All transfers and postings shall be made by the appointing authority or
such other authority to whom the powers have been delegated in this regard by the
appointing authority.

(c) The authority competent to order postings and transfers of officers and
staff mentioned in column (1) of the table below shall be those mentioned in the
corresponding entries in column (2) thereof.


Posts Authority competent to transfer

(1) (2)

1. Chief Engineer : Board


2. Superintending Engineer : Managing Director with Board’s


3. Executive Engineers : Managing Director

4. Municipal Engineers of all Grades : Managing Director with

Government’s approval

5. Assistant Executive Engineers and : Chief Engineer.

Assistant Geologists.
(B.P.Ms.No. 211, dated 25.6.77)

6. Assistant Executive Engineers : Outside the circle – Chief Engineer

Assistant Geologist, (B.P.Ms.No. 211, Inside the Circle – Superintending


dated 25.6.77) Assistant Engineers, Engineer.

Junior Engineers, Draughtsmen and other
non technical staff.

7. Assistant Engineers, Geological : Inside the Division – Executive

Assistants (B.P.Ms.No. 211, dated Engineer
Junior Engineers, Draughtsmen and
other non-technical staff.
8. Inter-Sectional transfer of Board’s : Secretary

9. Accounts Officers : Managing Director

10. Junior Accounts Officers : Secretary, Tamil Nadu water Supply

and Drainage Board in consultation
with the Chief Accounts Officer.

11. Divisional Accountants : Secretary, Tamil Nadu water Supply

and Drainage Board in consultation
with the Chief Accounts Officer.
12. E.D.P.Manager * Managing Director
13. System Analyst * Managing Director
14. Programmer * Managing Director
15. Console Operator * Managing Director

* B.P.Ms.No.7 E.(per) dt.9.1.08

49. Leave.- The authority to sanction leave to the officers and staff of the Tamil
Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board mentioned in column (1) of the table below, shall
be those mentioned in the corresponding entry in column (2) thereof.


Officers Authority to grant leave.

– (2)
Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Secretariat

1. Secretary
2.Deputy Secretary
3. Chief Accounts Officer Managing Director.
4. Assistant Secretary
5. Other non-gazetted staff of the Bo ard.

Record Assistants, Record Clerks, Secretary . Secretary

Drivers and L.G.G.S.
6. Accounts Officers Managing Director


7. Junior Accounts Officers Secretary in consultation with the Chief

Accounts Officer

8. Divisional Accountants Secretary in consultation with the Chief

Accounts Officer
(B.P.Ms.No. 321, dated 2.7.1984)

9. E.D.P. Manager * Managing Director

10. System Analyst * Managing Director
11. Programmer * Managing Director
12. Console Operator * Managing Director
* B.P.Ms.No.7 E.(per) dt.9.1.08

Chief Engineers Office and Subordinate Offices.

1. Chief Engineer under the Board Managing Director

2. A. Superintending Engineer Managing Director

B. Executive Engineer Chief Engineer

3. Municipal Engineers of all grade Chief Engineer with the approval of Director
of the Municipal Administration.
B.P.Ms.No. 349, dated 20.8.86.

4. Assistant Executive Engineer Chief Engineer.

Assistant Geologist,
Geoloical Assistant,
(B.P.Ms.No. 211, dated 25.6.77)
Assistant Engineers/Junior
Engineers Head Draughtsman,
Draughtsman and Grade I
Superintendents in Chief Engineer’s
Office, Non-Technical P.A. to Chief
Engineer and Chief Head

5. All Non Technical staff up to the

level of Assistant and Technical Staff
below the rank of Draughtsman I Deputy Chief Engineer.
Grade in the office of the Chief
Engineer, Drivers in office of Chief

6. All grades of Technical and

Ministerial staff except Assistant
Engineers/Junior Engineers, in Circle,

Assistant Engineers/Junior Engineers Superintending Engineer.

and Geological Assistants
(B.P.Ms.No. 211, dt. 25.6.77) for
period not exceeding 30 days, all
technical and ministerial staff working
in divisions and sub-divisions
exceeding 30 days, drivers in circle

7. All technical and Ministerial

personnel working in division and
sub-division offices (except
Draughtsman II grade) and Assistants Executive Engineer.
not exceeding 30 days and without
substitute. Drivers in division and sub
– divisions.

If substitutes are required, Superintending Engineer is the authority to sanction leave.

50. Temporary appointments and promotions.- The appointing authority may

appoint or promote temporarily a person otherwise than in accordance with the
provisions of these regulations in the following cases until a person is appointed in
accordance with the regulations. Provided that no employee shall under any
circumstances be temporarily appointed or promoted for a continuous period exceeding
3 months.
(a) (1) Where it is necessary in the interest of the administration to fill up a
vacancy immediately and there would be undue delay in making an appointment or
promotion as the case may be in accordance with these regulations.

(2) Where it is necessary to fill a short vacancy in a post and the

appointment or promotion of the person who is entitled to such appointment or
promotion, as the case maybe would involve excessive expenditure on travelling
allowance or exceptional administrative inconvenience.

Explanation 1: No appointment or promotion shall ordinarily be made

under the above clauses of a person who does not possess the
qualification, if any, prescribed for the post. Every person appointed or
promoted under Clause (a) (1) who does not possess the qualifications
shall be replaced as soon as possible by a person possessing the
prescribed qualifications.

Explanation II: A person appointed or promoted under clause (a) (1)

shall whether or not he possess the prescribed qualification, be replaced
as soon as possible by an approved candidate qualified to hold the post
or by a member of the service, who is entitled for promotion to the post.

(b) Where general or special qualifications have been prescribed for holding a
post in a category and no member of the lower category from which promotion is to be
made to this category possess the prescribed qualifications, a member of the lower
category may be promoted temporarily to the higher category until a member qualified
becomes available for promotion.

(c) where it is necessary to appoint or promote an employee against whom an

enquiry into allegations of corruption or misconduct is pending the appointing authority
may appoint or promote him temporarily pending enquiry into the charges against him.
The competent authority shall have discretion to make regular appointments or
promotions in suitable cases.

(d) A person appointed or promoted temporarily under clause (a), (b) or (c)
shall not be regarded as a probationer in such category or be entitled by reason of such
appointment to any preferential claim to future appointment or promotion to such
category. The service of such a person shall be liable to be terminated by the
appointing authority at any time without notice and without any reason being assigned.

(e) There shall be paid to such person appointed or promoted temporarily the
highest of the following rates of pay.-

i) his substantive pay, or

ii) the minimum of the time scale of the post to which he has been
temporarily appointed or promoted as the case may be; or

iii) the officiating pay which he would have drawn from time to time in the
post regularly held by him immediately prior to the temporary appointment or
temporary promotions, as the case may be.

Provided that, for the purpose of drawing pay under clause (iii) a certificate to
the effect that but for such temporary appointment or temporary promotion as the case
may be, the incumbent would have continued to officiate in the post held by him
immediately prior to the temporary appointment or temporary promotion, shall be
issued by the appointing authority for the officiating post, when the incumbent has to
be allowed an increment in the time scale of pay applicable to the officiating post the
appointing authority shall again issue a certificate to the effect that but for the
temporary appointment or temporary promotion, as the case may be the Board Servant
would have continued to act in the officiating post and drawn the increment, indicating
the date and stage of increment in the post. The Accounts Officer will regulate the
increment in the officiating posts other than in subordinate service on receipt of
certificate from the Board (B.P.Ms.No.419 dated 25.9.1975).

51. Securities.- (a) When a holder of a post is required to deposit security for
due and faithful performance of his duties, appointment to the post shall be made only
after the required security is deposited.


(b) When an employee who has furnished security takes leave other than
casual leave or is deputed to other duty the person who is appointed to officiate for him
shall be required to furnish the full amount of the security prescribed for the post.

(c) Store-keepers shall deposit such security as may be prescribed by the

Chief Engineer.

(d) Clerk and assistants when appointed to posts the holders of which have
to deal with cash, shall deposit such security as may be prescribed.

52. Acceptance of date of birth.- (i) The date of birth of a candidate entered in
the Secondary School Leaving Certificate or Matriculation Register or in the genuine
certificates issued by recognised schools shall be taken as authentic for purpose of
appointment in the service of the Board.

ii) When the date of birth as entered in the records mentioned in clause (I)
above is not available or its genuineness is in doubt, an extract from the date of birth
register with evidence to indicate that the extract relates to the Particular individual,
issued by the Government or Local Authorities or by the Village Munsiffs attested by a
Revenue Officer not lower in rank than a Tahsildar shall be accepted.

iii) In the absence of certificate of date of birth as in clause (i) or (ii) above,
the age certificate from a Medical Officer not lower in rank than an Assistant Surgeon
in Government Hospitals, shall be accepted.
iv) In all doubtful cases of date of birth, the enquiry shall be made by an
Officer belonging to the Revenue Department not lower in rank than a Revenue
Divisional Officer. On receipt of the report of the enquiry the case shall be submitted
to the Tamil Nadu water Supply and Drainage Board for decision. The decision of the
Board shall be final (B.P.Ms.No. 143, dated 12.3.1981.

53. Alteration of date of birth.- (i) If, at the time of appointment a candidate
claims that his date of birth is different from the entered in the records mentioned in
clause (i) of Regulation 52 above, he shall make an application to the appointing
authority stating the evidence on which he relies and explaining how the mistake
occurred. The appointing authority shall cause an enquiry to be made in accordance
with the procedure laid down in clause (iv) of Regulation 52 above. On receipt of the
report of enquiry, the appointing authority shall submit the case to the Tamil Nadu
Water Supply and Drainage Board for decision and the Board's decision shall be final

(ii) After a person has entered service under the Tamil Nadu Water Supply
and Drainage Board an application to correct the date of birth as entered in the records
of the Board shall normally be entertained only if such application is made within five
years of such entry into service. Such an application shall be made to the authority
competent to make an appointment to the post held by the applicant at the time of his
application and shall be disposed of in accordance with the procedure laid down in
clause (iv) of regulation 52 above.

(iii) In doubtful cases relating t o date of birth of person born outside the
State of Tamil Nadu, who apply for appointment in the Board, or if already appointed


under the Board apply for alteration of the date of birth, the following procedure shall
be adopted.-

a) In respect of Chief Engineer's office and subordinate offices.- The

Chief Engineer shall examine and scrutinise the records that may be produced by the
persons and submit the case to the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board for
decision and the decision of the Board shall be final.

b) In respect of the Board's Secretariat.- The Secretary, Tamil Nadu

Water Supply and Drainage Board shall examine and scrutinise the records that may be
produced by the persons and submit the case to the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Drainage Board for decision and the decision of the Board shall be final.

iv) Any application received after five years after entry into service including
the service rendered in the erstwhile Public Health Engineering and Municipal Works
Department if any shall be summarily rejected.
(B.P.Ms.No. 409 dated 10.8.1973)

v) In considering the question of permitting an alteration in the date of birth

as entered in the official records even when such entry is proved to have been due to a
bonafide mistake, the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board shall take into
consideration the circumstances whether the applicant would normally be eligible for
appointment to the concerned post at the time of entry into service had his age been
correctly stated and what would have been the effect on his service and the service
conditions of other employees in the service, and may permit the alteration subject to
such conditions as it may deem fit to impose.

vi) Resort to Medical opinion shall be made only if age cannot be established
otherwise even after enquiry.

54. Power to relax regulations.- The Board shall have powers to relax the
provision of any of these regulations.

55. Physical Fitness.- (a) Every candidate who applies for direct recruitment to
any class of service shall, when required to do so, produce a certificate of physical
fitness in the form that may be prescribed by the Board from time to time.

(b) Any candidate selected, may, pending production of the certificate, be

appointed on such terms as may be laid down by the competent authority subject to his
being found physically fit, but such appointment shall be terminated if he is
subsequently found to be physically not fit:

Provided that in the case of a person appointed by direct recruitment to the

posts of Tracer, Daffedar, Peon, Watchmen, Sweeper, Gardener or Sanitary Worker, he
shall be required to produce a certificate of physical fitness only at the time of his
appointment as a full member.

If any person had produced a certificate of physical fitness as a candidate for

a post in Board's Service, no further medical examination shall be necessary before
employment or confirmation.

Provided that in the case of an approved probationer, who is not the holder
of a permanent post, the appointing authority may, if it has reason to believe that the
probationer's physical fitness has been seriously deteriorated since the production of the
medical certificate, require him to undergo a fresh medical examination.

If the production of a further medical certificate is considered necessary, the

previous medical certificate should be attached to the employees first pay bill after

(d) Physical fitness for appointment.- The physical fitness certificate to be

produced by the candidate recruited direct to the executive cadre and non-executive
cadre before the appointment shall be as specified in the Appendix I of Annexure IA to
the Fundamental Rules.

56. Consequences of resignation.- An officer or servant of the Board shall if he

resigns his appointment, forfeit not only the service rendered by him in the particular
post held by him at the time of resignation but also his previous service under the

The re-employment of such person to any service shall be treated in the

same way as a first appointment under the Board to such service by direct recruitment
and all rules governing such appointment shall apply, and on such re-appointment he
shall not be entitled to count any portion of his previous service for any benefit or
concession admissible under any rule or order.

57. Appointment by deputation and contract.- (a) The Board may obtain
servants of the Central or State Government or other statutory organisations or local
bodies on deputation for appointment under the Board and the terms of deputation of
such person or persons will be as may be agreed upon by the Board in each case, and
except in so far as they are not regulated by the terms of deputation, they will be
governed by the provisions of these regulations.

(b) State or Central Government or other statutory organisations or local

bodies servants on deputation to the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
shall be liable to be recalled by their parent Department. The parent department may
recall such of the Government servants whom the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Drainage Board desires to revert, provided that adequate notice in each case of recall or
reversion is given by the parent department or the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Drainage Board as the case may be, to the other.

(c) The Board may also appoint any person or persons on contract on such
terms as may be considered necessary and in such cases, the conditions and
classifications of the service of such persons shall, except in so far as they are not
governed by the terms of the contract, be regulated by the provisions of these

58. Pay, allowances, leave, leave salary, pension and other conditions of
service.- The Fundamental Rules, The Madras Leave Rules and the Manual of Special
Pay and Allowances and the Pension Code as amended from time to time in so far as

they may be applicable and except to the extent expressly provided in these regulations,
shall Mutatis Mutandis apply to the members of the Board Service in the matter of
their pay, allowances, travelling allowances, leave, leave salary and other conditions of
service. The powers assigned to the Board and the powers assigned to the Head of the
Department under the Fundamental Rules shall be exercised by the Chief Engineer in
the case of Engineering and other staff under his control and by the Secretary in the
case of the Board's Secretariat.

59. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations or Board's

Discipline and Appeal Regulations 1972 or any other orders issued in this regard, the
appointing authority shall have the right to retire in public interest any officer or
employee of the Board by giving three months notice in writing or three months pay
and allowance in lieu of such notice, after he attains the age of fifty years or completed
25 years of qualifying service and in the case of those come under the last grade service
after he attains the age of fifty five years or after he has completed 30 years of
qualifying service.

(2) The Review Committee constituted by the Government in the

administrative department of the Secretariat in charge of the Tamil Nadu Water Supply
and Drainage Board shall review the cases of officers and employees of the Board for
compulsory retirement.

(3) While reviewing the cases of employees of the Board, the Review
Committee shall follow the norms and guidelines prescribed from time to time for
reviewing the cases of Government Servants under FR 56 (d).

(4) The High Level Standing Committee constituted by the Government to

consider the review petitions of Government servants compulsorily retired under FR 56
(d) shall also consider the review petitions of the compulsorily retired employees of the
Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.

(5) An employee compulsorily retired under these regulations shall submit

his review petition to the High Level Standing Committee constituted by the
Government within one month from the date of issue of orders of compulsory
retirement through the authority who issued the orders of compulsory retirement.

(6) The decisions of the Review Committee and High Level standing
Committee are final and shall be implemented by the appropriate authority in the
Board. The orders compulsorily retiring the officer or employee of the Board on the
recommendation of the Review Committee or reinstating the officer or employee in
service on the recommendation of the High Level Standing Committee shall be issued
by the Appointing Authority.

(B.P.Ms.No.416 dated29.9.1975) and (B.P.Ms.No.194 dated 2.4.1980)

Tamil Nadu Water Supply J.S. BHANGO

And Drainage Board, Madras Managing Director.
13th December 1972.


(Board’s proceedings Ms.No.304, dated 11th June 1973). (Published

in Part V of the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette dated 11.7.73)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 73 of

the Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of
1971), the Tamilnadu Water supply and Drainage Board with the previous approval of
the Government of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following regulations in respect of
the Officers and Servants of the Tamilnadu Water supply and Drainage Board.

1. Short title and application.- (a) These regulations may be called the
Tamilnadu Water supply and Drainage Board Officers’ and Servants’ Conduct
Regulations, 1972.

b) They shall apply to all persons appointed to posts in connection with the
affairs of the Tamilnadu Water supply and Drainage Board whether on duty, leave or on
foreign service.

Unless otherwise provided, these regulations shall not apply to others who
are not full-time employees but are engaged by the Board without prejudice to the
exercise of their profession.

They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Tamil
Nadu Government Gazette.

2. Definitions.- In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires-

(a)“Board” means the Tamilnadu Water supply and Drainage Board

Constituted under section 4 of the Tamilnadu Water supply and Drainage Board Act,
1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 1971):

Provided that the powers of the Board shall be exercisable even when the
employee is outside India whether on duty, leave or on foreign service.

(b) “Officer or Servant” means an officer or servant of the Tamilnadu Water

supply and Drainage Board but does not include a servant of the Central or State
Government or of a Local authority whose services have been lent to the Board.

(c) Words importing the masculine gender shall be taken to include women
also, if circumstances so require.

(d) “Members of family” in relation to an Officer or Servant include-

(i) The wife, child or step-child of such officer or servant whether

residing with him or not and in relation to a Board’s officer or servant who is a woman,
the husband residing with her and dependent on her; and

(ii) any other person related, whether by blood or by marriage to the

officer or servant or to such officer’s or servant’s wife or husband and wholly
dependent on such officer or servant, but do not include a wife or husband legally
separated from the officer or servant, or a child or step-child who is no longer in any
way dependent upon him or her, or of whose custody the officer or servant has been
deprived by law.

3. Integrity and devotion to duty.- Every officer and every servant shall at all
times maintain a very high standard of integrity, efficiency, impartiality and devotion to

3-A. Prohibition of child Labour.- No Officer or Servant shall employ a child

below the age of fourteen years to do any work including domestic work.
(B.P.Ms.No.554 dated 8-12-97).

3-B. Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women.- (1) No officer or

servant shall indulge in any act of sexual harassment to any woman at the work place.

(2) Every officer or servant, who is in charge of a work place, shall take
appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment to any woman at such work

Explanation- For the purpose of this regulation, “sexual harassment”

includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour, whether directly
or by implication as specified below:

(a) Physical contact and advances; or

(b) Demand or request for sexual favours; or
(c) Sexually coloured remarks; or
(d) Showing any pornography; or
(e) Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non verbal conduct of sexual
nature (B.P.Ms.No.87, dated 11.08.1999).
4. Refusal to receive pay.- Concerted or organised refusal on the part of officers
or servants to receive their pay shall entail appropriate disciplinary action.
5. Employees not to be employed on private business.- The services of an
employee shall not be utilised for any work unconnected with the affairs of the Board
involving monetary transactions such as purchase of goods. When an officer is
travelling on duty, he may use an employee of the Board to procure for himself a
conveyance, other necessaries on payment of cost but due care shall be taken to ensure
that they are not misused and that proper receipts and vouchers are obtained for the
payments made by the officer.
An employee who is a touring officer may without the previous permission of
the Board engage for driving his car, the peon assigned to him but such engagement
shall be a private engagement between the officer and the peon and shall not form part
of, or interfere in any manner with the normal official duties of such peon.

Explanation.- This sub-regulation shall apply also to officers stationed at

Madras whose work involves touring out-side the city of Madras.

6. Addressing or interviewing superior authorities.- (1) No officer or servant

shall address directly any superior authority other than the one to whom he is
immediately subordinate, in any matter relating to his official duties or affecting him
personally as such officer to servant.

(2) No officer or servant shall approach any person, official or non-official

other than the one to whom he is immediately subordinate, in order to enlist support in
respect of a matter affecting him personally as an officer or servant or to obtain
testimonials or certificates.

(3) No officer or servant shall except with the previous permission of the
superior authority to whom he is immediately subordinate, seek an interview with any
officer other than his immediate superior in respect of any matter affecting him
personally as such officer or servant.

(4) Every application by an officer or servant for appointment or transfer,

shall be sent through the proper channel.

(5) Mahazar petitions from any officer or servant are prohibited.

7. Representation to Directors of Board, Ministers, etc.- No officer or servant

shall make representations or send advance copies of such representations to the
ministers or to the members of the Board direct. All representations shall be sent only
through the proper channel.

8. Consulting a Medical Practitioner for the purpose of obtaining leave.- It

shall be the duty of every officer or servant who consults a Medical Practitioner with a
view to obtaining leave or an extension of leave on medical certificate to disclose to
that practitioner the fact of his having consulted any other practitioner for the same
purpose and the result of such consultation.

Omission on the part of any officer or servant to do this or any false statement
made by him a Medical Practitioner in this respect shall entail appropriate disciplinary

9. Purchase of resignation or leave letter.- Employees of the Board are hereby

prohibited from entering into any pecuniary arrangement for the resignation or entering
on leave by one of them of any office under the Board for the benefit of the others.
Any nomination or appointment consequent on such resignation or entering on leave
shall be cancelled.

10. Gifts.- (1) Save as otherwise provided in these regulations no employee

shall, except with the previous sanction of the Managing Director accept or permit his
wife or any other member of his family to1a3c5cept from any person any gift:

Provided that the sanction of the Managing Director shall not be necessary
for the acceptance of-

(a) Gifts from a person other than a personal friend or relative of a value not
exceeding Rs.50 (Rupees fifty only) or ¼ (one- fourth) of the monthly emoluments

of the employee concerned whichever is less, on occasions other than those covered by
sub-clause (b);

(b) Gifts from the personal friend of value not exceeding Rs.200 (Rupees
two hundred only) on special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals, and
religious functions when the making or receiving of such gifts is in conformity with the
prevailing religious or social customs;

(c) Gifts from relatives without any monetary limit regarding their value on
special occasions such as wedding, anniversaries, funerals and religious functions when
the making or receiving of such gifts is in conformity with the prevailing religious or
social customs.

Explanation.- For the purpose of this sub-regulation, any trowel, key or other
similar articles offered to an employee at the laying of a foundation stone or the
opening of a public building or any ceremonial function shall be deemed to be a

(2) If any question arises whether any gift is one which can be accepted without
the permission of the Managing Director or if an employee is in any doubt whether a
gift offered to him is one which can be accepted without the permission of the
Managing Director, a reference shall be made to the Managing Director by such
employee and the decision of the Managing Director thereon shall be final.

(3) Nothing in this regulation shall be deemed to prevent any employee from
sitting, at the request of any public body, for a portrait, bust or statue not intended for
presentation to him.

(4) Employees shall not make a habitual use of vehicles and animals belonging
to persons other than a member of their family or travel free of charge in any vehicle
plying for hire.

11. Public demonstrations in honour of employees.- No employee shall, except

with the previous sanction of the Managing Director, receive any complimentary or
valedictory address or accept any testimonial or attend any meeting or entertainment
held in his honour, or in the honour of any other employee:

Provided that nothing in this regulation shall apply to-

(i) a farewell entertainment of a substantially private and informal character

held in honour of an employee or any other employee on the occasion of his retirement
or transfer or any person who has recently left the service of a State Government or
Central Government; or

(ii) the acceptance of simple and inexpensive entertainment arranged by

public bodies or institutions; or

(iii) the sitting for or acceptance of a copy of a group photograph of the

officers and staff of his office on the occasion of his transfer or retirement.

12. Subscriptions.- (1) No officer or servant shall, except with the previous
sanction of the Managing Director of such authority as may be empowered by him in
this behalf, ask for or accept contribution to, or otherwise associate himself with raising
of, any fund in pursuance of any object whatsoever.

(2) In the case of official Flag Day collections and such other collections as
are authorised by Government, officers or servants may participate on a voluntary

13. Investments lending and borrowing.- (1) No employee shall speculate in

any investment.

Explanation– The habitual purchase or sale of securities of a notoriously

fluctuating value shall be deemed to be speculation in investments within the meaning
of this sub-regulation.

(2) No employee shall make or permit his wife or any other member of his
family to make any investment likely to embarrass or influence him in the discharge of
his official duties.

(3) If any question arises whether, a security or an investment is of the nature

referred to in sub-regulation (1) or sub-regulation, (2) the decision of the Managing
Director thereon shall be final.

(4) No employee shall make any investment in any Co-operative society or

public company which has an interest in Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.
This prohibition does not apply to investment in the loans floated by the Board from
time to time.

(5) No employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the Managing
Director, lend money to any person possessing land or valuable property within the
local limits of his authority or at interest to any person:

Provided that an employee may make an advance of pay to a private servant or

give a loan of a small amount free of interest to a personal friend or relative even if
such person possesses land or valuable property within the local limits of his authority.

(6) No employee shall, save in the ordinary course of business with a bank or
firm of standing borrow money from or otherwise place himself under pecuniary
obligation to any person within the local limits of his authority, or any other person
with whom he is likely to have official dealings nor shall he permit any member of his
family, except with the previous sanction of the Managing Director to enter into any
such transaction:

Provided that an employee may accept a purely temporary loan of small amount
free of interest from a personal friend or relative or operate a credit account with a
bona-fide tradesman.

(7) When an employee is appointed or transferred to a post of such a nature as a

involve him in the breach of any of the provisions of sub-regulation (5) or (6) he shall
forthwith report the circumstance to the Managing Director and shall thereafter act in
accordance with such orders as may be passed by the Managing Director. An
employee in Class V or Class VI service in the Board’s Secretariat shall make the
report referred to above to the Managing Director and an employee of such service in
the Chief Engineer’s Office and other subordinate office to the Chief Engineer.

(8) Employees of every class may place deposits in and purchase debentures of
the Madras Co-operative Central Land Mortgage Bank Limited, or the Madras Co-
operative Central House Mortgage Bank Limited, but shall not hold any office therein
or take any part in the management thereof.

(9) An employee in the Board’s Secretariat/Chief Engineer’s Office and other

Subordinate offices may with the previous sanction of the Managing Director/ the Chief
Engineer become a member of a land or house mortgage bank provided that he already
owns land or house, as the case may be, in the area within the jurisdiction of such bank,
but shall not hold any office therein or take any part in the management thereof.

(10) If an employee is appointed or transferred to any area within the

jurisdiction of a land mortgage bank or house mortgage bank, of which he is a member
he shall at once bring the fact to the notice of his immediate superior who, if he has
authority to do so, may repost the employee to an area outside the jurisdiction of that
bank, or if he has no authority to do so, submit the case for the orders of the officer
having such authority.

(11) Employee of every class may take out insurance policies from, and become
members, of the South India co-operative Insurance Society Limited.

(12) Employees of every class may become members of Co-operative House

Buildings Societies.

Explanation – Co-operative House Building Societies aforesaid shall include

all types of Co-operative Societies whose object is the construction of house
for their members or the grant of loans for such construction by their members.

(13) Notwithstanding anything contained in this regulation, an employee may

borrow money from a Co-operative Society, of which he is a member, provided that,
where the borrowing is on personal security, the surety shall be of a status equal to, or
higher than, that of the borrower.

(14) The prohibition against lending and borrowing of money applies to all
loans, credits, advances, supply of articles or accommodation at unduly low rates, or for
insufficient consideration and to sales or property for inordinately low prices.

(15) The fact that an employee lending money is acting as an executor,

administrator or as a trustee without profit or advantage to himself shall not exempt him
from the operation of this regulation.

(16) An employee who belongs to a Joint Hindu Family carrying on the

business of money lending as an ancestral profession is exempted from the prohibition
provided he takes no active part in the business and is not employed in the area in
which the business of the Joint Hindu Family is carried on.

14. Movable, Immovable and valuable property.- (1) No employee shall except
after notice to the prescribed authority, acquire or dispose of any immovable property
by lease, mortgage, purchase, sale, gift, exchange or otherwise, either in his own name
or in the name of any member of his family:

Provided that any such transaction conducted otherwise than through a regular
or reputed dealer, shall require the previous sanction of the prescribed authority.

(2) An employee who enters into any transaction concerning any movable
property exceeding Two Thousand rupees in value, whether by way of purchase, sale or
otherwise, shall forthwith report such transaction to the prescribed authority.
(G.O.Ms.No.375, MAWS dated 9.10.97).

Provided that no employee shall enter into any such transaction except with or
through a regular or reputed dealer or agent or with the previous sanction of the said
prescribed authority:

Provided further that an employee who is about to quit the local limit of his
official authority may without reference to the prescribed authority, dispose of any of
his movable property by circulating lists of it among the public generally or by causing
it to be sold by public auction.

Explanation (1).- For the purpose of this sub-regulation, the expression

‘Moveable property’ includes the following property, namely:-

(a) Jewellery, insurance policies, shares, securities and debentures:

(b) Loans advanced by such employee whether secured or not.

(c) Motor cars, motor cycles, horses or any other means of conveyance; and

(d) refrigerators, radios and radiograms.

Explanation(2).- For the purpose of sub-regulations (1) and (2), a society

registered or deemed to be registered as a Co-operative Society under the
Madras Co-operative Societies Act, 1961 (Madras Act 63 of 1961) or any other
law for the time being in force shall be deemed to be a regular or reputed dealer.

(3) Every employee shall, on his first appointment to any post in connection
with the affairs of the Board, submit a return as required by sub-regulation (7) in Form
A appended to these regulations of all immovable properties owned, acquired or
inherited by him or held by him on lease or mortgage either in his own name or in the
name of any member of his family or in the name of any other person.

(4) The Board or any authority or officer empowered by it in this behalf, may,
at any time, by general or special order, require an employee to submit, within a period
specified in the order, a full and complete statement of such movable or immovable
property held or acquired by him or by any member of his family as may be specified
in the order. Such statement shall, if so required by the Board or by the authority or
officer so empowered, include details of the means by which, or the source from which,
such property was acquired.

Provided further that the prescribed authority may exercise the power to call for
property statement under this sub-regulation when a specific vigilance enquiry calls for
it. (B.P.Ms.No.227, dated 20.5.97).

(5) (a) The prescribed authority for the purposes of this regulation shall be:-

(i) The Board in the case of the Chief Engineer;

(ii) The Chief Engineer in the case of employees in his office and in the
office under his control; and

(iii) the Managing Director in the case of employees in the Board’s


(b) In respect of an employee on foreign service, the prescribed authority

shall be the parent office on the cadre on which such employee is borne.

(6) Whenever an employee by inheritance, succession or bequest, becomes

possessed of immovable property in the area in which he is employed or of such
interest in such immovable property as is contemplated by this regulation, he shall
communicate all particulars thereof through the usual channel to the prescribed

(7) Every employee other than a peon or daffedar or Record Clerk shall submit
not later than the 15th January each year, through the usual channel to the prescribed
authority, a statement in Form A appended to these regulations showing all the
immovable property of which he stood possessed or in which he had an interest at the
close of the proceeding calendar year:

Provided that, if in any year an employee has neither acquired nor relinquished
or otherwise disposed of, any immovable property, or any interest in immovable
property, he need not submit the statement referred to in this sub-regulation.

Provided further that every employee after the submission of the returns of his
assets and liabilities at intervals of five years, shall submit return of his assets and

liabilities annually for the last five years prior to his date of superannuation, in form-A
appended to these regulations to the prescribed authority.

Provided also that the prescribed authority shall, within two months from the
date of receipt of such returns from the employee make a review of records of
permission given after the date of submission of the previous return of his assets and
liabilities and check whether they tally with the particulars furnished in the previous
five year return or annual return, as the case may be. (B.P.Ms.No.171, dated 5.5.97).

(8) If an employee receives an order of transfer to an area in which he possesses

or has an interest in immovable property, he shall at once bring the fact to the notice of
his immediate official superiors.

(9) The Managing Director/Chief Engineer shall maintain a register in Form B

appended to these regulations, showing all immovable property held by each employee
in Class I or Class II service and shall revise it each year with reference to the
particulars furnished under sub-regulation (7). When an employee, becomes Class I or
Class II employee he shall at once submit a statement in the Form aforesaid to the
Managing Director/Chief Engineer, as the case may be. In the case of every other
employee, a statement in the Form aforesaid which shall be revised year by year with
reference to the particulars furnished in his annual return, shall be attached to his
service register, every entry or alteration in such statement attached to the service
register being duly attested by the head of his office.

(10) Any attempt to mislead and any failure to give full and correct information
shall render the employee concerned liable to dismissal from the service of the Board.

(11) The restriction on the acquisition and possession of immovable property

shall apply to the acquisition and possession of any personal interest in such property
and to the acquisition and possession of such property by an employee in the name of
any other person, but not to the acquisition or possession of an interest as trustee,
executor or administrator only.

(12) The restrictions imposed on the acquisition of immovable property by

purchase of gift shall apply equally to the acquisition of land under the darkhast rules.

(13) (a) An employee shall not ordinarily be allowed to acquire land within the
local limits of his official authority. Permission for such acquisition shall be granted
only in very special circumstances.

(b) An employee may usually be permitted to acquire immovable property

outside the local limits of his authority. But when on transfer to an area in which he
holds immovable property, an employee makes the report required by sub-regulation
(5), the authority responsible may transfer him to another place.

(c) An annual statement shall be submitted to the Board by the Chief

Engineer not later than the 15th January in each year, of cases in which special
permission has been granted by him for the acquisition by an employee of immovable
property within the local limits of his authority.

The returns submitted shall not include cases disposed of by officers

subordinate to the Chief Engineer.

(d) In clauses (a), (b) and (c), ‘Local limits’ mean, in the case of employees
of subordinate services other than Peons, Daffedars and Record-clerk, the area lying
under the administrative control of the Class I or Class II officer under whom he is
working and over which he can wield influence by virtue of his employment.

(e) Nothing contained in clauses (a) – (d) will apply to the acquisition of land
-including house-sites through a society registered or deemed to be registered as a Co-
operative Society under the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu
Act 53 of 1961) or any other law for the time being in force.

(f) Nothing contained in clause (b) shall apply in cases where the property
concerned is a house constructed or inherited by the employee (B.P.Ms.No.103, dated

(14) In the case of a joint family, a junior member, who is an employee shall not
ordinarily be required to obtain sanction when immovable property is acquired by the
managing member on behalf of the family, but this exception shall not apply to any
acquisition, even though made in the name of the head of the family if it is shown that
it is really intended to be the self-acquired property of the employee.

(15) The annual return shall include all immovable property acquired or registered
in the name of the employee either on his own account or as a trustee, executor or
administrator or temple mirasdar or acquired or registered in the name of or held or
managed by, his wife or by any other member of his family living with, or in any way
dependent on him.

15. Private trade or employment.- (1) No employee shall, except with the
previous sanction of the Board, engage himself directly in any trade or business or
undertake any employment:

Provided that an employee may, without such sanction, undertake honorary

work of a social or charitable nature or occasional work of a literary, artistic or
scientific character, subject to the condition that his official duties do not thereby
suffer; but he shall not undertake or shall discontinue, such work if so directed by the

Provided further that an employee may with the previous sanction of the Board,
deliver lectures at Government or Quasi Government or Government Aided Academic
or Technical Institutions or at Universities for a period not exceeding one year at a time
(B.P.Ms.No.78, dated 12.2.98).

Explanation.- Canvassing by an employee in support of the business of

insurance agency and such like owned or managed by his wife or any other
member of his family shall be deemed to be a breach of this sub-regulation.

(2) No employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the Board take part
in the registration, promotion or management of any bank or company registered
under any law for the time being in force;

Provided that an employee may take part in the registration, promotion or

management of a Co-operative Society registered or deemed to be registered under the
Co-operative Societies Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 53 of 1961) or under any other law
for the time being in force of a literary, scientific or charitable society registered under
the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Central Act XXI of 1860) or any other law for
the time being in force.

(3) (a) An employee shall not, without the permission of the Board, publish any
book or engage himself habitually in literary or artistic work of any kind.

(b) Permission to publish a book other than a text book or a book relating to,
or connected with the work of the employee shall ordinarily be given subject to the
condition that the employee does not use his time and official influence for promoting
the sale of copies of the book.

(c) Permission to publish a text book for use in educational institution or a

book relating to, or connected with the work of the employee shall be given subject to
the conditions that the employee retains no interest in the sale of copies of the book,
that he does not use his time and official influence for promoting the sale of copies of
the book and that he receives only a lump-sum as remuneration from the person
publishing it.

(d) While applying to the Board for permission to publish a book, the
employee shall submit to the Board manuscript copy thereof.

(4) No medical officer of the Board shall maintain or have any financial interest
in a private nursing home, hospital or similar establishment. Nor shall be habitually
accommodate paying patients in his own residence for more than 24 hours. He may,
however, treat patients in a private nursing home provided that the home is not reserved
for the admissions of his own cases and allows the admission of patients of any other
registered medical practitioner. This sub-regulation shall not apply to part-time
medical officers.

(5) No employee shall accept a paid employment in any company, mutual

benefit society or co-operative society or act as an agent, whether paid by salary or
commission to any insurance company or society;

Provided that an employee may take part in the management of a mutual benefit
society, if he has first obtained the sanction of the Chief Engineer if he is
employed in the offices under his control and of the Managing Director, if he
is employed in the Board's Secretariat and a certificate from the above authority to the
effect that the work undertaken will be performed without detriment to his official
duties and such employee does not accept any remuneration.

(6) Employee of every class shall be at liberty to take part in the promotion of
co-operative societies, but no employee shall, except with the sanction of the Board,

hold office in any co-operative society or serve on any committee appointed for the
management of its affairs unless the society is composed wholly of employees of the
board or partly of employees of the Board and partly of employees of local bodies
and/or servants of a State or the Central Government.

Provided that employees of every class, may hold office in co-operative house-
building societies or serve on any committee appointed for the management of its

Explanation.- Co-operative house building societies aforesaid shall include all

types of co-operative societies whose object is the construction of houses for
their members or the grant of loans for such construction by their members.

(7) Subject to the sanction and certificate referred to in sub-regulation (5), an

employee who is a member of a co-operative society composed wholly of employees of
the Board or partly of employees of the Board and partly of employees of local bodies
and/or servant of a State or the Central Government and partly of students of
Government training Schools or Colleges, may accept remuneration for keeping
accounts of the society.

(8) (a) An employee may not act as an arbitrator in any case without the
sanction of his immediate superior or unless he directed so to act by a court having
authority to appoint an arbitrator.

(b) No employee may act as an arbitrator in any case which is likely to come
before him in any shape in virtue of any executive office which he may be holding.

(c) If an employee acts as an arbitrator at the private request of disputants, he

can accept no fees.

(d) If he acts by appointment of a court of law, he may accept such fees as

the court may fix.

(9) The Managing Director in respect of the employee in the Board's

Secretariat and the Chief Engineer in respect of the employees in his office and the
offices under his control may grant permission to attend and take part in such of the
meetings, conferences and committees in which the Board has agreed to participate.

(10) No employee shall apply for outside employment or signify his

willingness to accept such employment without having previously obtained the
permission in writing of the appointing authority in respect of the post, which he is

Provided that in the case of employees who are on leave preparatory to

retirement, such permission shall be that of the Chief Engineer in case the appointing
authority in respect of the post last held by the employee is an authority subordinate to
the Chief Engineer.

(11) (i) Permission to apply for or accept outside employment shall normally be
granted to a person who is on leave preparatory to retirement unless the employment is
in a trading concern in India. Permission to apply for or accept private employment in

a trading concern in India will be granted only in very exceptional cases and may be
subject to the condition of immediate retirement.

(ii) Permission to apply for or accept outside employment shall not be granted
to any other employee unless the competent authority is satisfied that his premature
resignation may be accepted without detriment to the Board’s service.

(iii) The previous approval of the Board shall be obtained in the case of
applications from persons who have been given special and expensive training at the
cost of the Board to increase their utility to the Board.

(12) If a person who is refused permission to apply for or accept outside

employment, wished to resign his appointment such resignation shall ordinarily be

(13) Where a person who is not on leave preparatory to retirement is permitted

to apply for or accept outside employment, he shall resign his appointment under the
Board immediately on accepting such employment.

16. Insolvency or habitual indebtedness.- (1) An officer or servant shall avoid

habitual indebtedness. If an officer or servant is adjudged or declared insolvent, or has
incurred debts aggregating to a sum which, in ordinary circumstances, he could not
repay within a period of two years or if a part of his salary is frequently attached for
debt or has been continuously so attached for a period of two years, or is attached for a
sum which in ordinary circumstances he could not repay within a period of two years,
he may, unless he proves that the insolvency or indebtedness is the result of
circumstances, which with the exercise of ordinary deligence, he could not have
foreseen or over which he had no control, and has not proceeded from extravagant or
dissipated habits, he should be presumed to have contravened this regulation. An
officer or servant who applies to be or is adjudged or declared insolvent shall forthwith
report his insolvency to the Managing Director of the Board.

(2) An officer or servant who has been removed from service on account of
insolvency, shall not be eligible for re-employment under the Board, or any of its
subordinate offices.

17. Unauthorised Communication of Information.- No officer or servant

shall, except when generally or specially empowered in that behalf by the Managing
Director of the Board, communicate directly or indirectly any document or information
which has come into his possession in the course of his official duties or has been
prepared or collected by him in the course of his duties, whether from official sources
or otherwise, to any person or organisation or association not authorised to receive the

Note: The above regulation shall apply to the Part-time employees of the Board.

18. Connection with press or radio.- (1) No officer or servant shall except with
the previous sanction of the Managing Director of the Board, own wholly or in part, or
conduct or participate in the editing or managing of, any newspaper or other periodical

(2) No officer or servant shall, except with the previous permission of at the
Managing Director of the Board, participate with or without payment in a radio
broadcast or contribute any article or publish a book or write any letter either
anonymously, pseudonymously, or in his own name, or in the name of any other person
to any newspaper or other periodical publications:

Provided that no such sanction shall be required if such, broadcast, contribution

or writing is of a purely literary, artistic or scientific character.

(3) An officer or servant who is invited or who wishes to deliver a broadcast

talk shall intimate to the Managing Director of the Board the subject on which he
proposes to talk and if it is on a subject directly or indirectly connected with his official
duties or if so required, shall submit the full text of the talk for his approval before it is

(4) The provisions of clauses (2) and (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the
playing of prepared "recitals" of gramophone record.

Note: The above regulation shall apply to the Part-time employees of the Board.

19. Criticism of Board.- (1) No employee shall by any utterance, writing or

otherwise, discuss or criticise in public or at any meeting of any association or body,
any policy pursued or action taken by the Board or a State or the Central Government
nor shall be in any manner participate in any such discussion or criticism.

(2) No employee shall, in any radio broadcast or in any document published

anonymously or in his own name or in the name of any other person or in any
communication to the press or in any public utterance, make any statement of act or

(i) which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy or
action of the Board, the Central Government or a State Government; or

(ii) which is capable of embarassing the relations between the Board, the
Government of any State, the Central Government or any foreign State:

Provided that nothing in this regulation shall apply to any statement made or
views expressed by an employee in his official capacity or in the due performance of
the duties assigned to him.

(3) An employee shall not, except in the discharge of his official duties,
preside over or take part in the organisation of or occupy a prominent position at or
address any non-official meeting or conference at which it is likely that speeches may
be made or resolutions may be proposed or passed criticising the action of the Board

or a State Government or the Central Government or requesting the Board to take

certain actions, etc.

Explanation.-Regularly convened meetings, for the transaction of their

legitimate business of associations of employees of the Board recognised by the
Board and or committees or branches of such associations are not "non-
official" meetings for the purpose of this regulation.

(4) Nothing contained in this regulation shall be deemed to prohibit any

employee from participating in discussions at any private meeting solely of employees
of the Board or of any recognised association of such employees on matters, which
affect their personal interests individually or generally:

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-regulation shall be construed to limit

or abridge the powers of the Board to require any employee to publish and explain any
policy or action of the Board in such manner as may appear to it to be expedient or

(5) An employee who intends to publish any document or to make any

communication to the press or to deliver any public utterance containing statements in
respect of which any doubts as to the application of the restrictions imposed by this
regulation may arise, shall submit to the Board a copy or draft of the document which
he intends to publish or of the utterance which he intends to deliver, and shall thereafter
act in accordance with such orders as may be passed by the Board.

Note: The above regulation shall apply to part-time employees of the Board.

20. Evidence before committee or any other authority.- (1) Save as provided in
sub-regulation (3) no employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the
Managing Director, give evidence in connection with any inquiry conducted by any
person, committee or authority.

(2) Where sanction has been accorded under sub-regulation (1), no employee
giving such evidence shall criticise the policy or any action of the Board or of the
Central Government or of a State Government.

(3) Nothing in this regulation shall apply to-

(a) evidence given at an enquiry before an authority appointed by the

Government, by parliament or by a State Legislature; or

(b) evidence given in any judicial inquiry; or

(c) evidence given at any departmental inquiry ordered by authorities

subordinate to the Board.

Note: The above regulation shall apply to the part-time employees of the Board.

21. Taking part in politics and Elections.- (1) No employee shall be a member
or be otherwise associated with, any political party or any organisation which take part
in politics nor shall he take part in, subscribe in aid of or assist in any other manner any
political movement or activity.

(2) It shall be the duty of every employee to endeavour to prevent any member
of his family from taking part in, subscribing in aid of, or assisting in any other manner
any movement or activity which is, or tends directly or indirectly to be, subversive of
the Government as by law established, and where an employee is unable to prevent a
member of his family from taking part in, or subscribing in aid of, or assisting in any
other manner, any such movement or activity he shall make a report to that effect to the
Managing Director or to the Officer to whom he is subordinate.

(3) If any question arises whether any movement or activity falls within the
scope of this regulation, the decision of the Board thereon shall be final.

(4) No employee shall canvass or otherwise interfere or use his influence in

connection with or take part in an election to any legislature or local authority:

Provided that -

(i) an employee qualified to vote at such election may exercise his right to vote
but where he does so, he shall give no indication of the manner in which he proposes to
vote or has voted;

(ii) an employee shall not be deemed to have contravened the provisions of this
regulation by reason only that he assists in the conduct of an election in the due
performance of a duty imposed on him by or under any law for the time being in force.

Explanation (1).- Nothing contained in this sub-regulation shall be deemed to

prohibit the wife of an employee or any other member of his family living with,
or in any way dependent on him from standing for election to any legislature or
to any local authority and from canvassing for other candidates.

Explanation (2).- The display by an employee on his person, vehicle or

residence of any electoral symbol shall amount to using his influence in
connection with an election within the meaning of this sub-regulation.

(5) Seditious propaganda or the expression of disloyal sentiments by an

employee shall be regarded as sufficient ground for dispensing with his services. In the
case of such conduct by a pensioner, the Board reserves to itself the right of
withholding or withdrawing a pension or any part of it.

(6) An employee proposing or seconding the nomination of candidate at an

election or acting as a polling agent shall be deemed to have committed a breach of this

Note: The above regulation shall apply to the Part-time employees of the

22. Vindication of Acts and Character of Officers and Servants.- (1) No

officer or servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the Managing Director of
the Board, have recourse to any court or to the press for the vindication of any official
act which has been the subject matter of adverse criticism or an attack of defamatory

Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to prohibit an officer or

servant from vindicating his private character or any act done by him in his private

(2) No officer or servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the
Managing Director of the Board, accept from any person or body of persons
compensation of any kind for any malicious prosecution brought against him or for any
defamatory attack made on his public acts or character unless such compensation has
been awarded by a competent court.

23. Employment under or with near relative in service and employment of

near relatives in firms enjoying Board's patronage.- (a) Every employee in Class I or
II service shall inform his immediate superior official of any reason that there may be
why it is undesirable in the Board's interest that he should be employed in a particular
area or division such as the near relationship of himself or his wife to any person or
persons residing in that area or division.

(b) i) Every employee in Class I or Class II service shall inform his

immediate official superior if any employee closely related to him is posted to work or
training under him.

(ii) Every employee shall inform his immediate official superior if he is

posted to work or training under a member of Class I or Class II Service, who is closely
related to him. (B.P.Ms.No.103 dated 21.2.81).

(c) Whenever the sons/daughters or dependents of the Officers of the Board

appointed to posts carrying a maximum salary of Rs.800 and above wish to accept
employment with private firms with which the officers concerned have official
dealings, or with other important firms having official dealings with the Board, the fact
should be reported to the Board by the officers concerned and the Board's permission
should be obtained to such employment. Where, however, the acceptance of such
employment could not await Board's prior permission or the matter is otherwise
considered urgent, a report should be made to the Board and at the employment
accepted provisionally subject to the Board's permission.

(d) No employee shall in the discharge of his official duties, deal with any
matter or give or sanction any contract to any undertaking or any other person if any
member of his family is employed in that undertaking or under the person or if he or
any member of his family is interested in such matter or contract in any other manner
and the employee shall refer every such matter or contract to his official superior and
the matter or contract shall thereafter be disposed of according to the instructions of the
authority to whom the reference is made.

24. Influencing superior authorities for furtherance of interest.- No officer or

servant shall being or attempt to bring any political or other outside influence to bear
upon any superior of his for the furtherance of his interest pertaining to his service
under the Board.

Explanation No.1:- An Officer or servant causing his own case to be

made the subject of an interpretation in Parliament or the State Legislature shall
be deemed to have contravened his regulation..

Explanation No.2:- When Members of Legislative Assembly, Members of

Parliament and other non-officials make representations on behalf of the
individual officers and servants to Ministers or other higher officers, it shall be
presumed that the concerned officer or servant, as the case may be was
responsible for bringing political or other outside influence to bear upon the
superior authority to further his interest unless he proves to the contrary.
(B.P.Ms.No.103, dated 21.2.81).

Explanation No.3:- (i) A Board employee violating provisions of Regulation

24a of Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Officers" and Servants'
Conduct Regulations, 1972, for the first time shall be advised by the appropriate
disciplinary authority to desist from approaching Members of Parliament or
Members of State Legislature to further his interest in respect of matters relating
to service conditions. A copy of this advice need not, however, be placed in
the Personal file/Record sheet of the employee concerned.

(ii) If a Board employee is found guilty of violating provisions of the said

Regulation 24 a second time despite the issue of advice on the earlier occasion, a
written warning shall be issued to him by the appropriate disciplinary authority and a
copy thereof shall be placed in his Personal file/Record sheet.

(iii) If a Board employee is found guilty of violating provisions of the said

Regulation 24 despite the issue of warning to him, disciplinary action shall be initiated
against him by the appropriate disciplinary authority under the provision of the Tamil
Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Employees' (Discipline and Appeal)
Regulations, 1972 (B.P.Ms.No.284 dated 16.6.97).

25. Bigamous marriages.- (1) No officer or servant who has a wife living, shall
contract another marriage without first obtaining the permission of the Managing
director of the Board, notwithstanding that such subsequent marriage is permissible
under personal law for the time being applicable to him.

(2) No woman officer or servant shall marry any person who has a wife living,
without first obtaining permission of the Managing Director of the Board.

26. Application for posts in Board's service.- (1) An employee of the State or
Central Government or of any local body or of any other institution who applies for
appointment to posts under the service of the Board shall not be eligible for
appointment if he has applied without the consent of the head of the office or

department of the State or Central Government or other employer, as the case may be
under whom he is employed.

NOTE : - The consent of the Government concerned or other employer may be

presumed if he appointing authority is satisfied from the endorsement of the
forwarding officer or otherwise that the application has been made in
accordance with the rules made by the Government concerned or other

(2) An employee in the service of the Board applying for a post or for transfer to
a post in another office or establishment of the Board or for appointment under any
State Government or the Government of India or other employer, shall submit his
application through the authority competent to appoint him to the post which he holds
at the time of making the application such authority shall decide whether the employee
shall be permitted to apply. In the case of an application for outside appointment, the
appointing authority shall decide whether the application may be forwarded or not and
send the case to the Board for orders, with its recommendation. In making a
recommendation in this regard, the fact that the applicant has been given special
training wholly or partly at the cost of the Board shall also be taken into consideration.
Ordinarily, applications may be forwarded unless it is considered that by so doing the
interest of Board's service are likely to suffer.

27. Strikes.- No officer or servant shall engage himself in strikes or in

incitements thereto or in similar activities.

Explanation.- For the purposes of this regulation, the expression "similar

activities" shall be deemed to include the absence from work or neglect of duties
without permission and with the object of compelling something to be done by his
superior officers or the Board or any demonstrative fast usually called "hunger strike"
for similar purposes.

28. Interpretation.- If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these

regulations, it shall be referred to the Board, whose decision thereon shall be final.

29. Saving.- Nothing in these regulations shall be deemed to derogate from the
provisions of any law, or of any order of any competent authority for the time being in
force relating to the conduct of employees of the Board.

30. Repeal.- The transitory Regulation in so far as it relates to Conduct Rules is

repealed on the date on which the above Regulations come into force:

Provided that any order made or action taken under those regulations shall be
deemed to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these

31. Membership of service association.- No officer or servant shall be a

member, representative or office-bearer of any Association representing or purporting

to represent officers or servants of the Board or any class of officers or servants, unless
such Association satisfies the following conditions, namely.-

(a) membership of the Association shall be confined to a distinct class of

Board's servants and shall be open to all Board's servants of that class;

(b) the Association shall not in any way be connected with any political party or
organisation or engage itself in any political activity;

(c) the Association shall be a recognised one and such recognition shall be
accorded by the Board;

(d) the Association shall not issue or maintain any publication, political or
otherwise, except with the permission of the Board;

(e) except with the previous sanction of the Board, the Association shall not
publish any representation on behalf of its members, whether in the press or otherwise;

(f) the Association shall not in any way, be connected with any election to a
Legislative body, whether in India or elsewhere or to a local authority or a body; and

(g) the Association shall not pay or contribute towards expenses of any trade
union which has constituted a fund under section 16 of the Indian Trade Union's Act,
1926 (Central Act XVI of 1926).

32. Demonstrations.- No Board's servant shall engage himself or participate in

any demonstration which is prejudicial to the interests of the sovereignty and integrity
of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order,
decency or morality or which involves contempt of court defamation or incitement to
an offence.

33. Jointing of Associations by Board's servant.- No Board's servant shall join,

or continue to be member of an Association the object or activities of which are
prejudicial to at the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India or public order
or morality.

34. Board's Officer or Servant not to be found drunk while in office.-

A Board's Officer or servant

(a) shall strictly abide by any law relating to consumption of liquor or

intoxicating drugs in force in any area in which he may happen to be for the time being:

(b) shall not be found drunk or under the influence of liquor while attending
office or appearing in a public place. (B.P.Ms.No.479, dated 26.11.82).

34. Prohibition on take, abet the giving or taking of dowry.- No employee shall,

(i) give or take, abet the giving or taking of dowry; or

(ii) demand directly or indirectly, from the parents or guardian of a bride or

bridegroom as the case may be any dowry.

Explanation:- "For the purposes of this Regulation, dowry has the same
meaning as in the Dowry Prohibition Act 1961 (Central Act 28 of 1961).
(B.P.Ms.No.223, dated 10.8.1992).

35. Prohibition of membership of any communal Organisation.- (1) No

employee shall be a member of, or be otherwise associated with any Organisation-

(a) Which promotes or attempts to promote on grounds of religion, race,

place of birth, residence, language, caste or community or any other ground,
whatsoever, disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill will between different
religions, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities; or

(b) whose activities are prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony between

different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities, and
which disturbs or is likely to disturb the public tranquility; or

(c) which organises any exercise, movement drill or other similar activity
intending that the participants in such activity shall use or be trained to use criminal
force of violence, or knowing it to be likely that the participants in such activity will
use or be trained to use criminal force or violence against any religious, racial, language
or regional group or caste or community and such activity for any reason whatsoever
causes or is likely to cause fear or alarm or a feeling of insecurity amongst members of
such religious, racial language or regional group or caste or community.

(2) If any; question arises whether any organisation falls under Sub-Regulation
(1) the decision of the Board thereon shall be final. (B.P.Ms.No.223,dated 10.8.1992).

36. Consumption of intoxicating drinks or drugs.- An employee-

(a) shall strictly abide by any law relating to consumption of liquor or

intoxicating drugs in force in any area in which he may happen to be for the time being;

(b) shall not be found drunk or under the influence of liquor while incitements
thereto or in similar activities. (B.P.Ms.No.223, dated 10.8.1992)

37. Procession and Meetings:- No employee shall conduct any procession or

hold or address any meeting in any part of any open ground adjoining any Board Office
or inside any office premises-

(a) during office hours or any working day; and

(b) outside office hours or on holidays have with the prior permission of the
Managing Director. (B.P.Ms.No.223, dated 10.8.1992).

38. Obtaining of no objection certificate before applying for passport.- No

employee shall, except after obtaining "No Objection Certificate" from the Board apply
for grant of passport or undertake any trip to a Foreign Country. While applying for
such "No Objection Certificate"' information regarding the purpose of the visit, the
duration of stay, and the names of countries proposed to be visited should be furnished.
(B.P.Ms.No.223, dated 10.8.1992).

(See sub-regulations (3) and (7) of rule 14)

Statement of immovable property on first appointment/for the year

1. Name of Officer (in full) and service to which the officer belongs
2. Present post held
3. Date of appointment
4. Present pay

for what purpose the property

whose name held and his/her

inheritance, gift or otherwise

was acquired should also be

Remarks (by what means or
with date of acquisition and
village in which property is

If not in own name, state in

person/persons from whom

Houses and other buildings
Name of district, taluk and

purchase, lease, mortgage,

How acquired whether by
relationship to the Board

Annual income from the

name with details of
Present value

state here)



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Acs. Rs.


Inapplicable clause to be struck out.

* In cases where it is not possible to assess the value accurately the
approximate value in relation to present conditions may be indicated.
Includes short-term lease also

Note: The declaration form is required to be filled in and submitted by every Board
sevant on first appointment to the service and thereafter at a interval of every twelve
months, giving particulars of all immovable property, owned acquired or, inherited by
him or held by him on lease or mortgage or otherwise either in his own name or in the
name of any member of his family or in the name of any person.

(See sub-relations (9) of rule 14)

Register of immovable proper and interests in immovable property held by Board


Particulars regarding property

When acquired,

By what means
In whose name

and for what

division in

the Board

Name of

in which

Name of
Date of



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Acs. Rs.

Managing Director
Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
Madras, 11th June 1973



(B.P.Ms.No.18, dated 19th January, 1973)

(Published in part V of the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette dated 7.2.73)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section 73 of the

Tamil Nadu Water supply and Drainage Board Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of
1971),Tamil Nadu Water supply and Drainage Board with the previous
approval of the Government of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following
regulations for the employees of the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage


1. Short title and commencement. – (a) These regulations may be called the
Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Employees' (Discipline and
Appeal) Regulations, 1972 .

(b) They shall come into force on and from the date of their publication in
the Gazette.

2. Applicability.- Subject to such exceptions as the Board may, from time to

time, make in respect of specified cases or in respect of specified classes of
employees, these regulations shall apply to all the employees of the Board
including the employees of the Government of Tamil Nadu who have opted for
service under the Board:

Provided that nothing in these regulations shall deprive any employee of any
right or privilege to which he is entitled to by or under any law for the time being in

Provided further that in the case of employees appointed on contract, they shall,
except in so far as they are not governed by the terms of contract, be regulated by
the provisions of these regulations.

3. Removal of doubts.- If any doubt arises as to whether these regulations

apply to any employee or in regard to the applicability or otherwise of any of the
provisions in these regulations, the matter shall be referred to the Board, whose
decision shall be final.

4. Definitions.- The terms used in these regulations shall have the same
meaning as in the Tamil Nadu Water supply and Drainage Board Service

5. Penalties.- (a) the following penalties may for good and sufficient reasons
or for any misconduct specified in regulation 6 and as hereinafter provided, be
imposed upon members of the services under the Board, namely:

(i) Censure;

(ii) Fine (in the case of persons for whom such penalty is permissible under
these regulations);

(iii) Withholding of increments or promotion;

(iv) Reduction to a lower rank in the seniority list, to a lower post or time -
scale or to a lower stage in a time-scale;

(v) (a) Recovery from pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to
the Board or to a local body by negligence or breach of orders;

(b) Recovery from pay to the extent necessary of the monetary value
equivalent to the amount of increments ordered to be withheld where such an order
cannot be given effect to.

(c) Recovery from pay to the extent necessary of the monetary value
equivalent to the amount of reduction to a lower stage in a time-scale ordered
where such an order cannot be given effect to.

Explanation.- In cases of stoppage of increment with cumulative effect,

the monetary value equivalent to three times the amount of increments
ordered to be withheld may be recovered.

(vi) Compulsory retirement otherwise than the retirement of an employee :

(a) on attaining the age of superannuation;

(b) Owing to reduction of establishment;

(c) Owing to his permanent incapacity for service on account or bodily

or mental infirmity; and

(d) Whose efficiency has been impaired after completion of 25 years of

continuous service.

(vii) Removal from the service of the Board.

(viii) Dismissal from the service of the Board.

(ix) (a) Suspension (in connection with an enquiry into grave charges against
him or when a complaint against him on a criminal offence is under investigation
or trial) to the extent considered necessary by the authority imposing the penalty.

(b) the discharge of a person -

(i) appointed on probation before the expiry or at the end of the

prescribed or extended period of probation; or

(ii) engaged under contract in accordance with the terms of his

contract; or
(iii) appointed otherwise than under contract to hold a temporary
appointment on the expiration of the period of the appointment does not amount to
removal or dismissal within the meaning of this regulation.

(c) The removal of a person from the service of the Board shall not
disqualify him for future employment but the dismissal of a person from the service
of the Board shall ordinarily disqualify him from future employment under the

(d) The seniority on re-promotion of an employee reduced to a lower post

on time - scale shall be determined by the date of such re-promotion. He shall not
be eligible for his original seniority unless otherwise directed in the orders of
punishment or the revised order on appeal.

(e) An employee on whom the penalty under clause (iii) of sub-regulation

(a) is imposed will, on re-promotion count his previous service in the higher grade
unless the order of punishment or the order passed on appeal directs otherwise.

6. Acts and Omissions constituting misconduct-. The following acts and

omissions shall be deemed to be misconduct:

(i) Willful insubordination or disobedience, whether alone, or in combination

with another or others, of any lawful and reasonable order of a superior.

(ii) Striking work or deliberate slowing down of work either singly or along
with another or others in contravention of orders of any statute, law, enactment or
rule for the time being in force or as applied from time to time.

(iii) Concerted or organised refusal on the part of employees to receive their


(iv) Theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with the Board's property or


(v) Taking or giving bribes or any illegal gratification whatsoever.

(vi) Collection or canvassing for collection without the written permission of

the management of any money within the premises of the establishment.

(vii) Habitual late attendance or habitual absence without leave or without

sufficient causes.

(viii) Carrying on money-lending or any other private business without the

permission of the management within the premises of the establishment.

(ix) Drunkenness, fighting, riotous or disorderly or indecent behaviour in the

premises of the establishment or any act subversive of discipline.

(x) Habitual negligence or neglect of work.

(xi) Habitual indiscipline

(xii) Smoking within the premises of the establishment in places where it is


(xiii) Causing willful damage to work in progress or to any property in the


(xiv) Distribution, exhibition, display or use within the boundaries of work

spot or premises of any newspapers, hand bills, pamphlets or posters, flags or loud
speakers, without previous sanction of management.

(xv) Refusal on the part of an employee to work on a job or a machine other

than the job or machine on which he is usually engaged without adversely affecting
his service conditions.

(xvi) Holding meetings within the establishment or in any of the premises

including the precincts thereof owned by the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Drainage Board without the previous sanction of the management.

(xvii) Gambling within the premises of the establishment.

(xviii) Sleeping while on duty.

(xix) Malingering or slowing down of work.

(xx) Unauthorised use of Board's quarters or land.

(xxi) Acceptance of gifts from subordinates.

(xxii) Lending or borrowing money to or from subordinates.

(xxiii) Insolvency

(xxiv) Writing of anonymous or pseudonymous letters criticising the Board

or any person employed by the Board.

(xxv) Spreading false rumours, or giving false information, which tends to

bring into disrepute the Board or those employees of the Board or spreading panic
among them.

(xxvi) Conviction in any Court of Law for any criminal offence involving
moral turpitude.

(xxvii) Theft of employer's or any employee's property inside the premises

of the establishment.

(xxviii) Continuous absence without permission and without satisfactory

cause for more than five years.

(xxix) Giving false information regarding name, father's name, qualification,

age or previous service or any other information connected with employment, at
the time of employment or any other time during service.
(xxx) Any breach of any rules.

(xxxi) Abetment of or attempt to commit any of the above acts of


(xxxii) Habitual breach of any rules or instructions for the maintenance and
cleanliness of work places.

(xxxiii) Willful disobedience of any order expressly given or any rule

expressly framed for the purpose of securing safety or willful removal or disregard
of or interference with any safety guard or other devise provided for securing

(xxxiv) Accepting service in any other establishment other than that

belonging to Board or private remunerative employment from any persons.

(xxxv) Leaving one's post or duty without prior permission from higher

(xxxvi) Conducting or promoting any raffle or lottery and participating in

any unauthorised lottery or raffle within the premises of the establishment.

(xxxvii) Enrolling as members in any political party.

(xxxviii) Engaging in unlawful or illegal demonstrations to coerce or force

the management to concede any demand or demands.
(xxxix) Indulging in subversive or other activities which are prejudicial to
national security.

(xl) Causing pecuniary loss to the Board by false certificate, or by gross


Explanation.- Whenever heavy losses are sustained by the Board due to

issue of any false certificate by an employee of the Board, or due to his
negligence his services are liable to be terminated. Besides, the liability for
the losses shall also be enforced on him and recovery of the value of such
losses shall be made to the extent necessary from the pay of the employee
(B.P.Ms.No.444, dated 14.10.85)

7. (a) The employees of the class or category mentioned in column (l) of the table
below may be imposed with the penalties mentioned in column (2) of the said table by
the authorities mentioned in the corresponding entries in column (3) thereof and appeal
against such imposition may lie to the authorities mentioned in the corresponding
entries in column (4) thereof.


Class and Category of Penalty Competent Appellate

employees authority to authority
impose the
penalty in
column (2)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1. Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Engineering and General Service

Chief Engineer, (a) Censure Managing Board

Superintending Director
Engineer, Secretary (b) Withholding of
to the Board, increment
Deputy Secretary, (c) Recovery from pay of the Board Government
Accounts Officer whole or part of any
and Assistant pecuniary loss caused to the
Secretary Board or to the local body by
negligence or breach of
orders; or

(d) Recovery from pay to the Board Government

extent necessary of the
monetary value equivalent to
the amount of increments
ordered to be withheld or
equivalent to the amount of
reduction to a lower post in a
time-scale and where such an
order cannot be given effect

(e) Suspension, where a person -Do- -Do-

has already been suspended
to the extent considered

(f) Withholding of promotion. -Do- -Do-

(g) Reduction to a lower rank in -Do- -Do-

the seniority list or to a lower
post or time-scale or to a
lower stage in a time scale

(h) Compulsory retirement -Do- -Do-

otherwise than on attaining
the age of superannuation

(i) Removal from service -Do- -Do-

(j) Dismissal from service -Do- -Do-

2. (i) Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Chief Engineers’ Office -

Non-technical P.A. to Censure Chief Engineer Managing

Chief Engineer Director

(ii) Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Engineering Service -

Executive Engineers/Municipal Chief

Engineers Grade-I, Assistant Censure Engineer Managing
Engineers/Municipal Engineers Director
Grade-II and Chief Head
(iii) Employees in Other penalties in items (b) to Managing Board
item (1) above (j) in column (2) of officers Director
mentioned under item 1 above.

3. Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Engineering Subordinate Service -

(i) Junior Engineer/ Supervisors Censure Deputy Chief Chief Engineer

and other technical staff in Engineer
Chief Engineer’s Office.

(ii) Junior Engineers/ -Do- Superintending

Engineers, Grade-III in

(iii) Technical staff in -Do- Do- -Do-

Superintending Engineer’s

(iv) Technical Staff other than -Do- Executive Superintending

Junior Engineers/ Engineer Engineer
Supervisors in Divisions and

(v) Employees in item 3 above Other penalties Chief Managing

i.e. penalties in Engineer Director
the items (b) to
(j) in column (2)
employees under
item No.1 above.

4. Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Subordinate Service -

(i) Board Secretariat - Censure Secretary Managing

Superintendents, Assistants, Director
Junior Assistants,
Confidential Steno, Steno-
typists, Typists,
Operator and Record

Employees in item 4 above. Other penalties Managing Board

in (b) to (j) in Director
column (2)
employees under
item 1 above

(ii) Chief Engineer’s Office – Censure Chief Engineer Managing

Superintendents, Assistants, Director
Upper Division Steno, Junior
Assistants, Steno-typists,

(iii) Circle Offices – Managers, Censure Superintending Chief Engineer

Office Assistants, Junior Engineer
Assistants, Steno-typists,
Typists and Store-keepers

(iv) Division andSub-Division Censure Superintending Chief Engineer

Offices – Assistants, Junior Engineer
Assistants, Steno-typists,

Employees in item 4 above Other penalties Chief Engineer Managing

column (2) against i.e. penalties in Director
employees under item 1 the items (b) to
above. (j) in column (2)
employees under
item No.1 above.

5. Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board General Subordinate Service and
Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Last Grade Service.

Drivers, Record Penalties in items Immediate superior Next

Clerks, (a) (a) to (e) in officer or any higher higher
Daffedars, column (2) against authority authority
L.G.G.S., employees under
Watchmen and item 1 above and
other posts not fine in respect of
specifically last Grade
mentioned under Servants
the rules

Penalties in item Appointing authority Next

(b) (f) to(j) in column higher
(2) against authority
mentioned under
item 1 above

NOTES.- (1) The expression “Immediate Superior Officer” occurring in

column (3) against item 5 (a) above means the immediate superior
officer under whom the delinquent was working at the time when the
lapses were committed and includes his successor in office.
(2) In cases where first appeal lies to the Chief Engineer and to the
Managing Director, a second appeal may lie to the Managing Director
and to the Board, respectively.

(3) The appellate authority in respect of penalties awarded by the

Board is the Government and in all other cases, the Board is the
appellate authority.

(b) Competency of authorities superior to disciplinary authority – Where in

any case a higher authority has imposed or declined to impose a penalty under this
regulation, a lower authority shall have no jurisdiction to proceed under this regulation
in respect of the same case.

(c) The fact that a lower authority has imposed or declined to impose a
penalty in any case shall not debar a higher authority from exercising his jurisdiction
under this regulation in respect of the same case.

(d) The order of a higher authority imposing or declining to impose in any

case a penalty under this regulation shall supersede any order passed by a lower
authority in respect of the same case.

(e) The fact that a lower authority has dropped a charge against a person as
not proved shall not debar a higher authority from reviving it for reasons to be recorded
in writing and taking suitable action on the charge so revived.

8. Disciplinary authority in certain cases. - (a) Where on promotion or

transfer, a member of a class of a service in a division, category, or grade is holding an
appointment in another division, category or grade thereof or in another class of
service, no penalty shall be imposed upon him in respect of his work and conduct
before such promotion or transfer except by an authority competent to impose the
penalty upon a member of the class of service in the latter division, category or grade or
class of service, as the case may be.

(b) Where a person has been reverted or reduced from one class of service
to another, or from one division, category or grade of a class of service to another
division, category or grade thereof, no penalty shall be imposed upon him in respect of
his work and conduct while he was a member of the class of service, division, category
or grade, as the case may be from which he was reverted or reduced except by any
authority competent to impose the penalty upon a member of such class of service,
division, category or grade, as the case may be.

9. Procedure for imposing of penalties. - (a) In every case where it is proposed

to impose on an employee any of the penalties in item (I), (ii), (iii) and (v) regulation 5,
he shall be given a reasonable opportunity to explain and to make representation as he
may desire and the explanation and the representation, if any, made by him shall be
taken into consideration before the order imposing the penalty is passed:

Provided that the requirements of this sub-regulation shall not apply where it is
proposed to impose on an employee any of the penalties aforesaid on the basis of facts
which have led to his conviction by a Court martial or where the employee concerned
has absconded or where it is for other reason impracticable to communicate with him.

(b) In every case where it is proposed to impose on an employee any of

the penalties in items (iv), (vi) to (viii) in regulation 5, he shall be given a charge
sheet setting forth the grounds on which it is proposed to take action and any other
circumstances which it is proposed to take into consideration in passing orders on the
case. He shall be required to answer the charge or charges in a written statement within
a reasonable time not exceeding one month and also to state whether he desires an oral
inquiry or only to be heard in person. An oral inquiry shall be held if the employee
desires such inquiry, or if so directed by the authority concerned. At that inquiry oral
evidence shall be heard as to such of those allegations as are not admitted. The
employee shall be permitted to produce witness in his defence and cross-examine
any witness on whose evidence the charge rests. The officer conducting the inquiry
may, for special and sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, refuse to call a
witness. The enquiring officer shall ask, in writing the delinquent employee
immediately after the enquiry is over, whether he had a reasonable opportunity of
presenting his case or if he has any complaint in this regard, the enquiring officer
will examine the complaint and set right the matter. If it is considered that the
alleged denial of reasonable opportunity is made with a view to delay the disciplinary

proceedings, the enquiring officer will be competent to ignore the complaint and the
reasons for not complying with the request should be recorded. After the inquiry has
been completed, the person charged shall be entitled to put in if he so desires, a
further written statement of his defence. If no inquiry is held and if he had desired to
be heard in person, a personal hearing shall be given to him. In all cases where
enquiry is conducted, sufficient record of the evidence and a statement of the findings
and grounds thereof should be kept.

After the enquiry or personal hearing referred to above has been completed, and
if the authority competent to impose the penalty mentioned in that clause, is of the
opinion on the basis of the evidence adduced during the enquiry, that any of the
penalties specified therein should be imposed on an employee it shall make an order
imposing such penalty and it shall not be necessary to give the person charge any
opportunity of making representation on the penalty proposed to be imposed:

Provided that in case of a person appointed to a post by recruitment by transfer

from any other class or services, the Board may at anytime before the appointment of
the said person as a full member to the said post, revert him to such other class or
service either for want of vacancy or in the event of his becoming surplus to
requirements or if the Board is satisfied that he has not got the necessary aptitude for
work in the said post, without observing the formalities prescribed in clause (b) above
(B.P. Rt.No.359, dated 30.6.82).

(i) The requirements of clause (b) shall not apply-

(a) Where it is proposed to impose on an employee any such penalty as is

referred to therein on the basis of facts which have led to his conviction in a Criminal
Court (whether or not he has been sentenced at once by such Court to any punishment),
but he shall be given a reasonable opportunity of making any representation that he
may desire to make and such representation, if any, shall be taken into consideration
before the order impos9ng the penalty is passed.

(b) Where it is proposed to impose on an employee any such penalty as is

referred to therein on the basis of facts that have led to this conviction by a Court
martial or where the employee concerned has absconded or where it is for other reasons
impracticable to communicate with him.

(ii) The provisions of clause (b0 shall not apply if the Board is satisfied that in
the interest of security it is not expedient to follow the procedure prescribed in that

(iii) The requirements of clause (a) or/and (b) shall not apply-

(a) When the person is a daily wage earner or casual worker or when the
post held by a temporary employee is retrenched on administrative grounds.

(b) When the person charged admits the charge or charges.

(c) Where the employee is caught red-handed having committed or while

committing an act of misconduct.

(d) (i) All or any of the provisions in clause (a) and (b) may in exceptional
cases, for special and sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing, be waived where
there is a difficulty in observing exactly the requirements of the clauses and those
requirements can be waived without injustice to the person charged.

(ii) If any question arises whether it is reasonably practicable to follow

the procedure in clause (b), the decision thereon of the authority empowered to dismiss
or remove such employee, as the case may be shall be final.

(e) (i) The competent authority or the enquiry officer, as the case may be,
may in discretion give an opportunity to the accused employee to inspect any document
connected with the enquiry but excluding any confidential papers which in its opinion
shall not be disseminated but such request for inspection may for good and sufficient
reasons (which need not be recorded nor communicated) be refused partially or wholly.
The employee will not be entitled to copies of documents.

(ii) No pleader or outsider representative shall be allowed to appear on

behalf of the accused employee during the enquiry or during appeal hearing.

(f) The competent authority may authorise any officer in Class I or Class
II service superior service superior in rank to the employee to initiate departmental
proceedings and to hold enquiry against the employee. On the findings of that Officer,
the competent authority may award punishment or otherwise give a decision.

10. Suspension. - (a) A member of a class of service may be placed under

suspension from service, where

(i) an enquiry into grave charges against him is contemplated or is pending,


(ii) a complaint against him of any criminal offence is under investigation or

trial and if such suspension is necessary in the public interest.

(b) An employee who is detained in custody whether on a criminal charge or

otherwise, for a period longer than forty-eight hours shall be deemed to have been
suspended under this regulation.

(c) Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from

service imposed upon an employee under suspension is set aside on appeal or on review
under these regulations and the case is remitted for further enquiry or action or with any
other directions, the order of his suspension shall be deemed to have continued in force
on and from the date of the original order of dismissal, removal or compulsory
retirement and shall remain in force until further orders.

(d) Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from

service imposed upon an employee of the Board is set aside or declared or rendered
void in consequence of or by a decision of a Court of law and the disciplinary authority
on a consideration of the circumstances of the case, decide to hold a further inquiry
against him on the allegations on which the penalty of dismissal, removal or

compulsory retirement was originally imposed, the employee shall be deemed to have
been placed under suspension by the appointing authority from the date of original
order of dismissal/ removal or compulsory retirement and shall continue to remain
under suspension until further orders.

(e) An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under this
regulation may at any time be revoked by the authority, which made or is deemed to
have made the order or by any authority to which that authority is subordinate.

11. Disciplinary action in respect of employees of State, Central Government or

outside bodies. - (a) If any employee to be proceeded against is an employee of the
State or Central Government or of any other outside body and is on deputation to the
Board, no punishment shall be imposed on him without the concurrence of the
authority who lent his services to the Board. If it is considered that the penalty of
compulsory retirement, reduction in rank, removal or dismissal is to be imposed, the
competent authority shall complete the enquiry and revert the employee concerned to
the State or Central Government or other employer, as the case may be and also
forward the records of enquiry for such action as is considered necessary.

(b) If a Board’s employee is on foreign service the foreign employer shall not impose
any punishment of reduction, compulsory retirement, removal or dismissal is to be
imposed, the foreign employer shall conduct the necessary enquiry, send the complete
papers to the Board and also revert the employee to the Board's service for such
actionas is considered necessary by the Board against him.

(c) In case an employee referred to in clause (a) or (b) has to be suspended pending
enquiry, the foreign employer shall place him under suspension, but shall report
forthwith to the lending authority the circumstances leading to the suspension.

12. Record of enquiry:- (a) The authority imposing any penalty under these
regulations shall maintain a record showing-

(i) the allegations upon which action was taken against the person punished

(ii) the charges framed, if any:

(iii) the person's representation, if any, and the evidence taken, if any; and

(iv) the finding and the grounds thereof, if any

(b) All orders of punishment shall also state the grounds on which they are based and
shall be communicated in writing to the person against whom they are passed.

13. Suspension pending enquiry. - The authority which may impose suspension
pending investigation of enquiry into grave charges under Regulation 10

shall be as follows –

1. Members of Class I and II Service Chief Engineer, Tamil

Assistant Engineer/Chief Head Nadu Water Supply and
Draughtsman, Non-technical Personal Drainage Board,
Assistant to Chief Engineer, Tamil Managing Director.
Nadu Water Supply and Drainage
Board and other

2. Members of Class III and IV Service Appointing Authority

(B.P.Ms.No.437, Dated 19.10.83)

14. Appeal.- Every employee of the Board shall be entitled to appeal to the appellate
authority prescribed in regulation 7 as hereinafter provided against an order passed by
an authority –

(a) Imposing upon him any of the penalties in regulation 5; and

(b) Deducting or withholding the maximum pension including an additional

person, admissible to him.

15. (a) (1) Review by the Board.- An employee of the Board, in whose case the
Board has passed original orders, shall be entitled to submit within a period of two
months from the date on which the order was communicated to him a petition to the
Board for review of the order passed by it on any of the grounds specified below –

(a) that the order was not passed by the competent authority;

(b) that reasonable opportunity of defending himself was not given;

(c) that the punishment is excessive or unjust;

(d)discovery of new matter or evidence which the appellant alleges and proves
to the satisfaction of the Board, was not within his knowledge or could not be adduced
by him before the order imposing the penalty was passed; and

(e)evident error or omission such as failure to apply the Law of Limitation or an

error of procedure apparent on the face of the record.

(2) The petition for review which does not satisfy any of the above grounds shall be
summarily rejected.

(b) Every employee belonging to Class I and II Service shall be entitled to

appeal to the Board against any order passed by the Managing Director or Chief
Engineer who interprets to his disadvantage the provisions of any service regulations
or contract of service whereby his conditions of service, pay, allowance or pension
are regulated.

(c) Every employee belonging to Class III and IV Service shall be

entitled to appeal as indicated below against any order of the kind mentioned in clause
(b) above.

Authorities passing orders Appellate Authority

1. Orders passed by an
Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

2. Orders passed by the

Superintending Engineer Chief Engineer

3. Orders passed by the

Chief Engineer Managing Director

4. Orders passed by the

Secretary to the Board Managing Director

5. Orders passed bythe

Managing Director,
Tamilnadu Water Supply and Tamilnadu Water Supply
and Drainage Board Drainage Board

16. Consideration of appeals.- (1) in the case of an appeal against an order imposing
any penalty specified in regulation 5, the appellate authority shall consider.

(a) Whether the facts on which the order was based have been established

(b) Whether the fats established afford sufficient ground for taking actions;

(c) Whether the penalty is excessive, adequate or inadequate and pass


(i) Confirming, enhancing, reducing, or setting aside the penalty; or

(ii) Remitting the case to the authority which imposed the penalty or to any
other authority with such directions as it may deem fit in the circumstances of the case;

Provided that-

i) If the enhanced penalty which the appellate authority proposed to

impose is one of the penalties specified in clauses (iv), (v) (c), (vi), (vii) and (viii) of
regulation 5 and an inquiry under clause (b) of regulation 9 has not already been held
in the case, the appellate authority shall itself hold such inquiry or direct that such
inquiry be held in accordance with the provisions of clause (b) of regulation 9 and

thereafter, on a consideration of the proceedings of such inquiry make such orders as it

may deem fit.

ii) If the enhanced penalty which the appellate authority proposes to impose
anyone of the penalties specified in clauses (iv), (v) (c) (vi), (vii) of regulation 5 and an
enquiry under clause (b) of regulation 9 has already been held in the case, the appellate
authority shall make such orders as it may deem fit; and

iii) No order imposing an enhanced penalty shall be made in any other case
unless the appellant has been given a reasonable opportunity, as far as may be in
accordance with the provision of clause (b) of regulation 9 of making representation
against such enhanced penalty.

2) Any error or defect in the procedure followed in imposing a penalty may be

disregarded by the appellate authority if such authority considers, for reasons to be
recorded, that error or defect was not material and has neither caused injustice to the
person concerned nor affected the decision of the case.

(3) (A) Not withstanding anything contained in these regulations.

i) the Board or,

ii) the head of the department referred to in the service regulations in the
case of employees serving under the control of such head of a department or

iii) the appellate authority, within six months, of the date of the order
proposed to be reviewed or
iv) any other authority specified in this behalf by the Board by a general
or special order, and within such time as may be prescribed in such general or special

may at any time, either on its own motion or otherwise call for the
records of any inquiry and review any order made under these regulations, and may-

(a) confirm, modify or set aside the order, or

(b) confirm, reduce, enhance or set aside the penalty imposed by the
order, or impose any penalty where no penalty has been imposed ; or

(c) remit the case to the authority which made the order to any other
authority directing such authority to make such further inquiry as it may
consider proper in the circumstances of the case: or

(d) pass such orders as it may deem fit

Provided that no order imposing or enhancing any penalty shall be

made by a reviewing authority unless the employee concerned has been given a
reasonable opportunity of making representation against the penalty proposed and
where it is proposed to impose any of the penalties specified in clause (iv) , (v) , (c),

(vi),(vii) and (viii) of regulation 5 or to enhance the penalty imposed by the order
sought to be reviewed to any of the penalties specified in those clause, no such
penalty shall be imposed except after an inquiry in the manner laid down in clauses (b)
of regulation 9.

Provided further that no power of review shall be exercised by the Head

of the Department specified in the Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
Service Regulations, unless-

(i) the authority which made the order in appeal or

(ii) the authority which made the order in appeal or referred, is

subordinate to him

(B) No proceeding for review shall be commenced until after-

(i) the expiry of the period of limitation for an appeal or

(ii) the disposal of the appeal, where any such appeal has been preferred

(C) An application for review shall be dealt with in the same manner as if it
were an appeal under these regulation (B.P. Rt. No.359, dated 30.6.82)

17. Submission of appeal.- Every person preferring an appeal shall do so

separately and in his own name.

18. Procedure for appeal.- Every appeal preferred under these regulations
shall contain all material statements and arguments relied on by the appellate, shall
contain no disrespectful or improper language and shall be ;complete in itself.
Every such appeal shall be addressed to the authority against whose order the appeal
is preferred.

19. Withholding of appeals. - An appeal may be withheld by the authority not

lower than the authority against whose order it is preferred, if-

(1) it is an appeal in a case in which under these regulations no appeal lies,


(2) it does not comply with the provisions of regulation 18, or

(3) it is not preferred within one month after the date on which the appellant
was informed or was in receipt of order appealed against, and no reasonable cause is
shown for the delay, or

(4) it is a repetition of a previous appeal and is made to the same appellate

authority by which such appeal has been decided and no new facts or circumstances re
adduced which afford grounds for a reconsideration of the case, or

(5) it is addressed to an authority to which no appeal lies under these


Provided that in every case in which an appeal is withheld the appellant shall
be informed of the fact and the reasons for it:

Provided further that an appeal withheld on account only of failure to

comply with the provisions of regulation 18 may be resubmitted at any time within 15
days of the date ;on which the appellant has been informed of the withholding ;of the
appeal, and if resubmitted in a form which complies with those provisions shall not be

20. Appeals against withholding of appeals. - No appeal shall lie against the
withholding of an appeal by a competent authority.

21. Forwarding of appeal and submission of list of appeals withheld. - (a)

Every appeal which is not withheld under these regulations shall be forwarded to
the appellate authority by the authority against whose order the appeal is preferred with
an expression of opinion.

(b) A list of appeals withheld under regulation 18 with the reasons for
withholding them shall be forwarded quarterly by the withholding authority to the
appellate authority.

22. Powers of an appellate authority.- An appellate authority of the Board may

call for any appeal admissible under these regulations which has been withheld by a
subordinate authority and may pass such orders thereon as it considers fit.

23. Review of orders in disciplinary cases. - Any orders issued by an authority

imposing any of the penalties specified in regulation 5 cannot be reviewed, revised or
altered by that authority for any reason whatsoever, but only by the appellate authority,
or any higher authority.

24. Savings. - Nothing in these regulations shall operate to deprive any person
of any right of appeal which he would have had if these regulations had not been made,
in respect of any order passed before the date ;of coming into force of these regulations.

An appeal pending at the time when these regulations come into force shall be
deemed to be an appeal under these regulations and disposed of accordingly.

25. Memorial. - (a) Any employee (including an employee who was in the
service of the Board) whose appeal under these regulations has been rejected by the
appellate authority, may address a memorial to the Board in respect of that matter. The
memorial shall be submitted to the heal of the office to which the employee belongs or
belonged within six months from the date on which the final orders passed on appeal
was communicated to the employee. No such memorial shall be withheld by any

(b) A memorial will be liable to summary rejection if-

(i) the memorialist has not availed himself of the remedies provided by
the regulations or orders applicable to the case:

(ii) the memorial was not submitted within the time-limit mentioned in
clause (a):

(iii) the memorial relates to a matter which has already been disposed of
by the Board.

The authority forwarding a memorial shall state on it whether the

memorialist has complied with the above requirements.

NOTE: A memorial under this regulation is also permissible in respect of

matter disposed by the Board as competent authority and in
respect of which there is no appellate authority.

Madras, J.S. BHANGO,

19th January 1973. Managing Director,
Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.



(G.O.Ms.No.125, Public Works Department, dated 24 th January 1972)

In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (d) of sub-section (2) of Section

73 of the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 4
of 1971), the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board hereby makes the
following Regulations: -

1. These regulations may be called the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage
Board (Conduct of Meetings) Regulations, 1971.

2. (1) In these regulations, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or

context. -

(a) “Act” means the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
Act,1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 1971);

(b) “Agenda” means the list of business proposed to be transacted at a

meeting of the Board;

(c) “Meeting” means the meeting of the Board whether ordinary or extra-

(d) “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Board appointed under section
9 of the Act.

(2) Other expressions shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them
under the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1971, (Tamil Nadu Act 4
of 1971)

(3) If any doubt arises as to the interpretation of these regulations, the decision
of the Board thereon shall be final.

3. Meetings of the Board.- (1) The Board shall ordinarily meet atleast once in
three months, or more frequently, if necessary;

Provided that the Chairman may call for a special meeting of the Board at
anytime to transact urgent business or on a written requisition signed by not less than
five Directors.

(2) The Secretary shall, with the approval of the Chairman, give the
Directors not less than ten clear days notice in writing of the date, time and place of
the proposed meeting, provided that the Chairman may reduce the said period of
notice, whenever it is necessary to call for a meeting to consider any emergent
business or situation.

(3) A notice of the meeting shall be served upon any Director either personally or
by registered post addressed to such Director:

Provided that no such notice shall be necessary in the case of a Director, who
is out of India at the time of the meeting;

4. Place of Meeting. - All the meetings of the Board shall ordinarily be held at
the headquarters of the Board. The Board may, however, have its meetings at any other
place, within the State of Tamil Nadu, as the Board may decide.

5. Agenda for the Meeting.- (1) The Secretary shall circulate a copy of the
agenda with notes, if any, after getting the approval of the Managing Director and the
Chairman, to all Directors atleast three clear days in advance of the date fixed for the
meeting; provided that no such circulation shall be necessary in respect of a emergent

(2) The Secretary shall send to each Director atleast a day in advance, a copy of the
Supplementary Agenda on urgent times, if any, for the meeting approved by the
Managing Director and Chairman, together with copies of the notes on the various
subjects included therein, whenever necessary.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Clauses (1) and (2), any matter not
included in the agenda for a meeting on which the decision of the Board is urgently
required, may, with the approval of the Chairman, be placed before the Board at such
meeting and the Board may consider such matter.

6. Quorum.:- The quorum at a meeting of the Board shall be five. If there is a

quorum within thirty minutes of the time appointed for the meeting, the President of the
meeting shall adjourn the meeting to a future date. No quorum shall be necessary at an
adjourned meeting.

7. Adjournment of Meeting.- (1) The president of the meeting may, with the
consent of the Directors presents at any meeting adjourn the meeting from time to time.

(2) It shall not be necessary to give any notice of a meeting adjourned under
this regulation.

(3) No subject shall be considered at an adjourned meeting other than a

subject included in the agenda or supplementary agenda for the original meeting. An
ordinary or emergent meeting of the Board can be held in continuation of the adjourned
meeting if notice for the same, has been duly given. The rules and regulations
governing such ordinary and emergent meetings shall ipso facts apply to such parts of
the meeting.

8. Matters to be discussed at Meeting.- (1) No subject other than a subject

included in the Agenda or supplementary agenda for a meeting shall, ordinarily, be
considered or discussed at that meeting.

(2) Any proposal on which the decision of the Board is required may also
be circulated to the Directors and if approved by not less than one half of the total
number of Directors may be deemed to have been passed as a resolution at a meeting

of the Board duly convened. Such decisions shall be placed before the Board at its
next meeting for ratification.

(3) The Managing Director shall ensure that a report of any emergent action
taken by him under Section 55 of the Act is included as an item of the agenda for
ratification by the Board. The Board shall consider such report and shall ratify his
action or issue such direction, as it considers necessary.

(4) Any Director desirous of moving a proposal shall send a notice thereof
together with a brief note setting out the reasons in support of the proposal to the
Secretary atleast seven clear days in advance of the meetings, so as to enable the
proposal to be included in the agenda:
Provided that the President of the meeting may, at his discretion, allow any
such proposal to be moved in a meeting despite non-receipt of the notice therefor in
time for inclusion in the Agenda.
(5) Any point of order raised at a meeting shall be decided by the President
of the meeting whose decision thereon shall be final.

9. (1) If a poll be demanded, the names of the Directors voting and the nature
of their votes shall be recorded by the person presiding.

(2) Decisions taken by the majority of the Directors present shall be deemed to
be the decisions of the Board.

10. Persons entitled to attend the meeting.- (1) Officers and Staff of the
Board, whose presence at a meeting is considered necessary by the Chairman may
be invited to attend that meeting.

(2) The Board may take evidence or hear any person in matters concerning the
affairs of the Board.

11. Minutes of Meetings.- (1) The minutes of every meeting of the Board together
with the names of the Directors present shall be recorded and compiled by the Secretary
in an appropriate manner, subject to the approval of the Managing Director and
Chairman, a copy being communicated to each Director and to Government. Such
minutes shall be confirmed at the next meeting and signed by the Chairman at that
meeting. The minute’s book shall be open to inspection by any Director during office

(2) The Chairman shall have the powers to correct any obvious errors and
make verbal alterations in the minutes of the meeting, provided that such corrections or
alterations do not change the sense of the decision taken at the meeting and are made
prior to the confirmation of the same at the next meeting.

12. Savings.- In cases not expressly provided for in these regulations, the
decision of the President of the meeting on all matters relating to the conduct of
business at such meetings shall be final.





(G.O.Ms.No.420/Rural Development and Local Administration Dept., dated 11th March


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 4, Section 6

and sub-clauses (b) and (c) of sub-section (2) of Section 72 of the Tamil Nadu Water
Supply and Drainage Board Act 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 1971), the Governor of
Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following rules regarding qualifications, terms of office,
payment of Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance and other terms and conditions
of service of Chairman, the Managing Director and the Non-official Directors of the
Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.

1. Short title.- The rules may be called “The Chairman, the Managing Director
and the Non-Official Directors of the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board
(qualifications, terms of office, payment of Travelling Allowance and other terms and
conditions of Service) Rules.

2. Qualification of Chairman and Managing Director.-

The Chairman and the Managing Director shall possess the qualifications
specified against them.

Chairman:- He shall be a person interested in Social Service and

considered fit by the Government for appointment to this post.

If no such person is available for this post at a particular time, the

Secretary to Government, Rural Development and Local Administration Department or
any other Secretary to Government may be appointed as Chairman.

Managing Director:- He shall be an experienced Government Officer

well versed in administrative matters.

3. Term of office of Chairman, Managing Director and Non-official


The Chairman, the Managing Director and Non-official Directors appointed

under Clause (g) of sub-section (1) of Section 4 of the Tamil Nadu Water Supply
and Drainage Board Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 1971) shall hold office for such
periods of time as the Government may decide in each case.

4. Resignation.:- The Chairman or the Non-official Director may resign his

office at any time and such resignation shall take effect from the date on which it is
accepted by the State Government.

5. Leave of absence.- The Board may grant leave of absence for any specified
period to the non-official Chairman or any non-official Director and may, if considered
necessary, make temporary appointments to fill such leave vacancies.

If such leave of absence in case of non-official Directors exceeds two meetings

of the Board, such absence may be considered as a disqualification.

6. Filling up of casual vacancies among Directors.- In the event of occurrence

of any vacancy in the office of the Chairman or Director by reason of his death,
resignation or otherwise, the Government may appoint another person in his place and
the person so appointed shall hold Office for such period or periods as the State
Government may determine.

7. Remuneration of Chairman and Managing Director.-

(i) The Chairman shall be paid a consolidated honorarium of Rs.500/- per

mensem and a House Rent Allowance of Rs.500/- per mensem;

(ii) The Board shall provide a car for the use of Chairmen for official
purpose subject to a limit of 2000 Kms. Per mensem in the Head quarters. The Board
shall also provide two L.G.G.S. and a Stenographer; and

(iii) The Managing Director shall draw pay and other allowances as per
terms and conditions for his deputation prescribed by the State Government from time
to time.

8. Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance of Chairman and Directors.-

(i) The Chairman and the Managing Director shall be eligible to travel by
Air within and outside the State. The other non-official Directors shall be eligible to
travel by rail in first class within the State and to travel by Air outside the State. They
shall be eligible to draw daily allowance at the rates fixed by Government from time to

(ii) The Chairman and the Managing Director shall be the controlling
officers in respect of their travelling allowance bills and shall present their bills direct
for payment without counter signature. The Managing Director shall be controlling
officer in respect of the travelling allowance bills of non-official Directors.

(iii) The non-official Directors when on tour on duty shall draw the same
rates as the Managing Director.

(iv) The Managing Director may undertaken journeys for official purposes
throughout the State or outside, whenever officially necessary. A report shall be made
to the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board whenever such journeys outside
the State are undertaken. The Chairman may undertake tours throughout the State. No
journey outside the State shall be performed without the approval of the Board. For the
purpose of travelling allowance, the Chairman, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Drainage Board will be eligible to drawn Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance at
the rate applicable to Group A officers of Government of Tamil Nadu;

(v) The Chairman, the Managing Director and other Directors should as far
as possible complete their official work in such places within the prescribed time so
that stay at the Hotels may be restricted to the minimum extent possible. Wherever
there are Government Guest Houses, and Public Sector Houses, they should, as far as
possible stay in Guest Houses.

9. Sitting Fees.- The Non-Official Directors shall be eligible to draw a sitting

fee of Rs.150/- (Rupees One Hundred and Fifty only) per day on the days of meeting of
the Board (B.P.Ms.No.348, dated Ist November 1989). They will not be eligible to
draw daily allowance for the days on which sitting fees are claimed.

NOTE: a) Rule 7(i) & 7(ii) shall take effect from 17.05.78 i.e. the date of
joining of Thiru A.K. Ranganathan as Chairman, Tamil Nadu Water Supply and
Drainage Board.

b) Rule 9 shall effect from 27.11.72 i.e. date of appointment of Thiru

A.V. Alwar as Non-official Director (Technical).

Secretary to Government
Rural Development and Local
Administration Department.



(B.P.Ms.No. 41, dated 1st February 1973)


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section 73 of the

Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 1971),
Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board with the previous approval of the
Government of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following regulations of the Tamilnadu
Water Supply and Drainage Board.

1. Short title and Commencement.- These regulations may be called the

Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board (Association of Persons with the Board
and appointment of persons to Committees) Regulations, 1971.

2. Definitions.- In these regulations, unless, the context otherwise requires -

(i) "Act" means the Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1970
(Tamilnadu Act 4 of 1971);

(ii) "Section" means a section of the Act.

3. Conditions precedent to association of persons with the Board.- Any

person may be associated with the Board for assistance or advice with reference to any
specific purpose as may be determined by the Board in the performance of its functions
under the Act:

Provided that the sanction of the Government or the local authority concerned
shall be obtained if an officer of Government or local authority is so associated:

Provided further that the consent of the person concerned to serve on the Board
shall also be obtained.

4. Motion by Director to associate any person with the Board.- Any Director
of the Board may bring in a motion at any meeting of the Board for associating a
person with the Board under section 13 of the Act for any specific purpose.

5. Notice of the motion.- Notice of any motion suggesting that a person may be
associated with the Board for a specific purpose or purposes shall be given to the
Chairman three clear days before the meeting of the Board at which the motion is to be

6. Motion to be included in agenda.- Every notice of motion suggested under

regulation 5 shall be included in the agenda of the earliest meeting of the Board after its
receipt and shall be taken up for consideration if the motion is moved and seconded at
the time of meeting by any two Directors. Thereafter, the Board may pass a resolution
accepting or rejecting the motion.

7. Person associated not to serve after expiry of the purpose of association.-

No person associated with the Board under section 13 shall serve on the Board after
the purpose for which he was associated with it, ceases to exist.

8. Appointment of Committees.- (1) The Board, may, from time to time,

appoint Committees consisting of such persons of any of the following classes as it may
think fit, namely:-

(i) Directors of the Board;

(ii) Persons associated with the Board under Section13.

Provided that no committee shall consist of less than three persons.

(2) The Board may appoint a committee at a meeting of the Board on the
initiative of the Chairman, the Managing Director or any of the Directors of the Board
and the with the consent of the persons concerned.

(3) The Board may-

(i) refer to any such Committee for inquiry and report any matter relating
to any of the purposes of the act: and

(ii) delegate to any such committee, by specific resolution and subject to

such restrictions as the Board may specify in this behalf, any of the powers or duties of
the Board.

9. Dissolution of Committee.- The Board may, at any time, dissolve, or subject

to the provision of Regulation 8, alter the constitution of any such committee.

10. Committee to conform to the instructions of the Board.- Every Committee

shall conform to such instructions as may, from time to time be given to it by the

11. Notice.- Notice of any proposal suggesting that a person may be appointed
to a Committee, shall be given to the Chairman three clear days before the meeting of
the Board at which the proposal is to be considered. Every such proposal shall be
included in the agenda of the earliest meeting of the Board after the receipt of the notice
aforesaid and shall be taken up, if the proposal is moved and seconded at the time of
the meeting by two other members. Thereafter, the Board may pass a resolution
accepting or rejecting the proposal before it.

12. Sittings of the Committee.- The sittings of the Committee may be decided
by the committee itself. The Chairman or the Managing Director of the Board shall
have power to call for special meetings of the Committees. The Chairman and the
Managing Director shall have the right to participate in the deliberations of the meeting
of the Committee.

13. Quorum.- No business shall be transacted at any meeting of a Committee

unless there be present at-least one-half of the number of the members constituting the

Provided that in cases where the number of members of the Committee is

odd, the next whole number will constitute the quorum

14. Questions to be decided by majority of members present and voting.- All

questions at any meeting of a Committee shall be decided by a majority of the members
present and voting at the meeting, and in every case of equality of votes the persons
presiding shall have and exercise a second or casting vote. A member who does not
agree with the majority decision will send his note of dissent which will constitute the
proceedings of the Committee.

15. Venue of the meetings.- All the meetings of the Committee shall,
ordinarily, be held at the Headquarters of the Board. The Committee may hold its
meetings at any other place within the State of Tamilnadu, as the Chairman of the
Board may decide.

16. Minutes of proceedings.- Minutes of proceedings of every meeting of the

Committee together with the names of the members present, shall be recorded and
compiled by the Chairman or an Officer authorised by him in that behalf in an
appropriate manner. Such minutes shall be read and confirmed at the next meeting of
the Board and signed by the Chairman or the persons presiding at that meeting.

17. Term of Office.- No person appointed to any Committee shall serve on

such Committee after the expiry of the period for which he was appointed or after the
purpose for which he was appointed ceases to exist.

18. Allowances to associate members.-

Travelling allowances:
A. By Air:
(a) one standard Air fare;
(b) incidental expenses at Rs.25 for each journey
B. By Rails:
(a) Air-conditioned Class or I Class rail fare as the case may be.
(b) Incidental expenses at Rs.25 for each single journey.

Sitting Fees:- For attending meetings of the Board and attending meetings of
any Committee constituted by the Board; Rs.50/- for each day of the meeting of the
Board or the Committee.

Madras, B. Shaik Ismail,

1st February 1973. Secretary.
Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.



(G.O.Ms.No. 677, P.W. (T.W.A.D.) 26 th APRIL 1973)


In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (2) of sub-section (2) of Section

72 of the Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act 4
of 1971), the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following rules:-

1. Short title.- These rules may be called the Tamilnadu Water Supply and
Drainage Board (Investigation, Execution and Maintenance of Water Supply and
Drainage Schemes) Rules, 1973.

2. Definition.- In these rules, unless, there is anything repugnant in the subject

or context the expressions, shall have the same meaning respectively assigned to them
under the Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act
No. 4 of 1971).

3. Preparation of draft schemes.- The Board may take steps to prepare a

programme of water supply and drainage schemes to be taken up during each year
having regard to the resources that are likely to be raised including loans and sub-
ventions that may be made available by the government and suggest the order of
priority in which they may be taken up for execution.

4. Maintenance of water supply or drainage schemes.- The Board may

maintain any water supply or drainage scheme in the area of any local body either on
the request of the local body or on the direction of the Government provided that the
cost of such maintenance is fully borne by the local body or the Government as the case
may be.

5. Cost of maintenance.- The Board shall, if so directed by Government

maintain the part of water supply scheme situated outside the area of local body but
which caters to the needs of that local body, provided that the cost of maintenance is
met from the funds of the local body or by sub-ventions by Government or by both

6. Investigation, preparation and maintenance of any scheme.- The Board

may on the direction of Government take up the investigation, preparation, execution
and maintenance of any scheme for the provision of water and drainage facilities to
meet the needs of any industries or institutions within the area of the local authority.

Additional Secretary to Government.

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