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Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil using Lime

Article  in  International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) · June 2015


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Shailendra Singh
Indore Institute of Science & Technology


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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438

Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil using Lime

Shailendra Singh1, Hemant B. Vasaikar2
Asst. Professor, Indore Institute of Science & Technology, Rau, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Asst. Professor, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Andheri (W), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: The design foundation on black cotton soil (expansive soil) has always been a difficult task for the engineers as the
structure resting on black cotton soil cracks without any warning. Black cotton soil is found in M.P., Karnataka, Maharashtra and
Andhra Pradesh in our country. Soil proportion changes depending upon their constituents, i.e. water content, density, bulk density,
angle of friction, shear strength etc. The properties of black cotton soil can be modified by stabilizing the soil can be modified by
stabilizing the soil with the use of additives or by mechanical means. In this project an attempt has been made to stabilize the soil using
lime. Experimental work has been carried out with 4 % and 6 % of lime content. The experimental work is based on different
percentages of lime content in soil on tests for soil Liquid limit, Plastic limit, O.M.C., M.D.D, Bulk density and Dry density, C.B.R. test,
Grain size analysis and Swelling pressure. The aim is to improve the engineering properties of the black cotton soil such that the
structure built on this soil can be efficiently withstanding applied loads. It was found that the engineering properties of black cotton soil
substantially improved by addition of lime.

Keywords: Black Cotton Soil, Stabilization, Lime, CBR.

1. Introduction
3. Characteristics of B.C. Soil
In India Black Cotton soil also known as „Regurs‟ are found
in extensive regions of Deccan Trap. They have variable Black cotton soils are generally reddish brown to black in
thickness and are underlain by sticky material locally known color and occur from 0.5m to 10m deep and have high
as “Kali Mitti”. In terms of geotechnical Engineering, Black compressibility. The generally observed characteristics of
Cotton soil is one which when associated with as engineering black cotton soils are recorded in table below -
structure and in presence of water will show a tendency to
swell or shrink causing the structure to experience moments Table 1: Characteristics of Black Cotton Soils
which are largely unrelated to the direct effect of loading by S. No. Property Value
the structure. Black cotton soil is not suitable for the 1. Dry Density (γd) 1300 to 1800 kg/m3
construction work on account of its volumetric changes. It 2. Fines (<75µ) 70 to 100%
swells and shrinks excessively with change of water content. 3. 2µ Fraction 20 to 60 %
Such tendency of soil is due to the presence of fine clay 4. Liquid Limit (L.L.) 40 to 120%
5. Plastic Limit (P.L.) 20 to 60%
particles which swell, when they come in contact with water,
6. Activity 0.8 to 18%
resulting in alternate swelling and shrinking of soil due to 7. Soil Classification CH or MH
which differential settlement of structure takes place, so the 8. Specific Gravity (G) 2.60 to 2.75
stabilization is being done for the Stabilization of black 9. Proctor Density 1350 to 1600 kg/m3
cotton soil has been done in this project work by using lime 10. Max. Dry Density O.M.C. 20 to 35 %.
as an admixture. 11. Free Swell Index 40 to 180%
12. Swelling Pressure 50 to 800 kN/m2
The most common types of stabilization are described below 13. C.B.R. (Soaked) 1.2 to 4.0
a) Cement stabilization 14. Compression Index 0.2 to 0.5
b) Bitumen stabilization
c) Chemical stabilization 4. Chemical Composition of B. C. Soil
d) Lime stabilization
e) Salt stabilization The black cotton soils are found to have the following
chemical composition –
2. Distribution in India
Table 2: Chemical Composition of B. C. Soil
In India, an area about one-six is occupied by black cotton S. No. Property Range
soil. The area covers mostly the Deccan Trap plateau, 1. pH Value >7( Alkaline)
between 73°80‟ East longitude and 15° to 24° north, latitude. Organic Content 0.4 to 204 %
Thus, most of soil in and around Mumbai, Madras, Gwalior,
Khandwa, Indore, Nagpur and even some on the river banks 3. CaCO3 5 to 15 %
is Black cotton .That means these soils are predominant in 4. SiO2 50 to 55 %
Deccan trap plateau region, i.e., in states of Andhra Pradesh, 5. SiO2 , Al2O3 3 to 5 %
Western Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Northern
6. Montmorrilonite Mineral 30 to 50 %
Karnataka and Tamilnadu.

Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
Paper ID: SUB154736 2090
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
Black cotton soil are made of varying properties of clay 6.3. Compaction
minerals like Montmorrilonite, Illite and Kaolinite, chemicals
like iron oxide and calcium carbonate ( in the form of Compaction is a process by which the soil particles
kankars), and organic matter like humus. Montmorrilonite is artificially rearrange and packed together into a closer state
the predominant mineral of Black cotton soils. The swelling of contact by mechanical means in order to decrease the
and shrinkage behavior of black cotton soil originate mainly porosity of the soil and thus increase its dry density.
from this mineral are hydrous silicates of aluminum and
magnesium .They are made of sheets of silica (tetrahedral) 6.4. Compressibility
and alumina (octahedral) stacked on above the other forming
sheet like of flaky particle. Montmorrilonite has a three- The property of soil mass pertaining to its susceptibility to
sheeted structure with expanding lattices. The structure decrease in volume under pressure is known as
carries negative charge, due to isomorphic substitution of compressibility.
some aluminum ions by magnesium ions and minerals
becomes chemically active. 6.5. Shear Strength

5. Problem Associated with B. C. Soil This is the resistance to deformation by continuous shear
displacement of soil particles or on masses upon the action of
Black Cotton soils are problematic for engineers everywhere a shear stress.
in the world, and more so in tropical countries like India
because of wide temperature variations and because of 7. Index Properties of B. C. Soil
distinct dry and wet seasons, leading to wide variations in
moisture content of soils. The following problems generally The properties of soil, which are not of primary interest to
occur in black cotton soil - the geotechnical engineering, but are indicative of the
engineering properties are called index properties. This
5.1. High Compressibility includes –

Black Cotton soils are highly plastic and compressible, when 7.1. Particle Size Analysis
they are saturated. Footing, resting on such soils under goes
consolidation settlements of high magnitude. This is method of separation soils into different fraction
bases on particles present into soils. It can be shown
5.2. Swelling graphically on a particle size distribution curve. The coal
ashes can be classified as sandy silt to silty sand as per this
A structure built in a dry season, when the natural water classification.
content is low shows differential movement as result of soils
during subsequent wet season. This causes structures 7.2. Specific Gravity
supported by such swelling soils to lift up and crack.
Restriction on having developed swelling pressures making It can be classified as the ratio of the weights of a given
the structure suitable. volume of soil solid at a given temperatures of the weight of
an equal volume of distilled water at that temperature both
5.3. Shrinkage weight being taken in air.

G s
A structure built at the end of the wet season when the natural w
water content is high, shows settlement and shrinkage cracks The range of specific gravity of coal ashes varies from 1.46
during subsequent dry season. to 2.66 the low values of specific gravity is because of
hollow particles chemosphere the sp. Gr. Of soil solids is
6. Engineering Properties of B. C. Soil determined by –
1. 50 ml density bottle or
The main engineering properties of soil are permeability, 2. A 500 ml flask or
plasticity, compaction, compressibility and shear strength. 3. A pycnometer

6.1. Permeability The density bottle method is most accurate and is suitable for
all types of soil the flask or pycnometer method is suitable
The permeability is defined as the property of a porous for coarse grained soil.
material which permits the passage or seepage of water
through its interconnecting voids 7.3. Atterberg’s Limit

6.2. Plasticity The water content at which the soil changes from one state to
other state are known as consistency limits or Atterberg‟s
It is defined as the property of a soil which allows it to be limit .The Atterberg‟s limit which are useful for engineering
deformed rapidly, without elastic rebound, without volume purposes are; Liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit.
change. These limits are expressed as percent water content.

Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
Paper ID: SUB154736 2091
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
7.3.1. Liquid limit: - It is defined as the minimum water 8.2. Plastic Limit Tests
content at which the soil is still in liquid state but has a
small strength against flowing which can be measured The plastic limit of a soil is the moisture content, expressed
by standard available means. as a percentage of the weight of the oven-dry soil, at the
boundary between the plastic and semisolid states of
7.3.2. Plastic limit:- It is defined as minimum water content consistency. It is the moisture content at which a soil will just
at which soil will just begin to crumble water rolled begin to crumble when rolled into a thread ⅛ in. (3 mm) in
into a thread approximately 3mm in diameter, diameter using a ground glass plate or other acceptable
Plasticity index is determined as difference of L.L. and surface.

7.3.3. Shrinkage limit: - It is defined as the maximum water

content at which a reduction in water content will not
cause a decrease in the volume of soil mass.

8. Stabilization
Lime stabilization helps in increasing the strength, durability
and also minimizes the moisture variations in the soil and
lime must be well compacted for obtaining sufficient strength
and durability by maintaining OMC and the same assumption
is made in the experimental determination of the required Figure 2: Diagrams Illustrating Plastic Limit Test
lime proportion. Quality of lime to be added depends upon
the specific surface area of soil particles and it is more for 8.3. Plasticity Index
fine grained soils even up to 15 % by weight of soil. The
stabilization of black cotton soil with lime has been done in The plasticity index of a soil is the numerical difference
three different ratios of lime i.e. 0%, 4% and 6%. After the between its liquid limit and its plastic limit, and is a
stabilization of soil with lime in above percentage the various dimensionless number. Both the liquid and plastic limits are
tests have been performed – moisture contents.

8.1. Liquid Limit Tests Calculation:

Plasticity Index = Liquid Limit – Plastic Limit
The liquid limit of a soil is the moisture content, expressed as PI = LL – PL
a percentage of the weight of the oven-dried soil, at the
boundary between the liquid and plastic states of consistency. 8.4. Compaction Test
The moisture content at this boundary is arbitrarily defined as
the water content at which two halves of a soil cake will flow Compaction is one kind of densification that is realized by
together, for a distance of ½ in. (12.7 mm) along the bottom rearrangement of soil particles without outflow of water. It is
of a groove of standard dimensions separating the two halves, realized by application of mechanic energy. It does not
when the cup of a standard liquid limit apparatus is dropped involve fluid flow, but with moisture changing altering.
25 times from a height of 0.3937 in. (10 mm) at the rate of
two drops/second.

Figure 1: Mechanical Liquid Limit Device

Figure 3: Standard Proctor Apparatus for Compaction Test
Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
Paper ID: SUB154736 2092
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
8.5. California Bearing Ratio (C.B.R.) Test 9.2. Plastic limit test

California bearing ratio is the ratio of force per unit area Calculation of plastic limit of black cotton soil -
required to penetrate in to a soil mass with a circular plunger Sample taken = 100gms
of 50mm diameter at the rate of 1.25mm/min.
Table 4: Plastic Limit Comparison
S. No. Composition Plastic Limit
1. B. C. Soil + 0% Lime 31%
2. B. C. Soil + 4% Lime Non-Plastic
3. B. C. Soil + 6% Lime Non-Plastic

9.3. Plasticity Index-

Table 5: Plasticity Index

Plasticity Index
S. No. Composition
PI = LL - PL
1. B. C. Soil + 0% Lime 15.3%
2. B. C. Soil + 4% Lime -
3. B. C. Soil + 6% Lime -

9.4. Compaction Test

Determination of compaction parameters of B. C. Soil:-

Sample weight = 3kg
Mass of mould + base plate (W1) = 5520gms
Volume of mould (V) = 1000c.c.
Figure 4: California Bearing Ratio Apparatus
Table 6: Compaction Test Comparison
9. Results S. Determination
B.C. Soil B.C. Soil B.C. Soil
+ 0% + 4% + 6%
No. No.
The results of the following tests are as follows – Lime Lime Lime
Mass of mould +
9.1. Liquid limit test - 1. compacted soil 6993 7263 7202
Mass of
Calculation of liquid limit of black cotton soil - compacted soil
Weight of sample = 100gms 2. 1807 1743 1682
W3 = W2-W1
Table 3: Liquid Limit Comparison Wet density
B.C. Soil + 0% B. C. Soil + 4% B. C. Soil + 6% 3. wt 1.81 1.74 1.68
S. Lime Lime Soil t 
No Water No. of Water No. of Water No. of v
(%) Blows (%) Blows (%) Blows Moisture content
4. 14 14 12
1. 44 60 40 30 35 40 (%)
2. 46 27 42 18 37 35 Dry density

3. 48 15 44 12 40 17 5. d  1.58 1.53 1.50
4. L. L. is 46.3% L. L. is 40.7 % L. L. is 38.1% 1W
(gm/cm )

9.5. California Bearing Ratio (C. B. R.) Test

Comparative table for California Bearing Ratio is given

below -

Table 7: C. B. R. Test Comparison

S. No. Samples C. B. R. Values
1. B. C. Soil + 0% Lime 1.9
2. B. C. Soil + 4% Lime 11.2
3. B. C. Soil + 6% Lime 15.2

Figure 5: Liquid Limit Comparison

Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
Paper ID: SUB154736 2093
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438
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penetration the increase in C.B.R value were also found
six folds and eight folds respectively. Shailendra Singh received the Bachelors of
5) The swelling pressure of Black cotton soil mixed with Engineering from Madhav Institute of Technology &
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4% and 6% lime decreased by 40% and 80%
in Civil Engineering from Shri. G. S. Institute of
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Strength Properties of Geo-grid-Reinforced research areas are Elasto-Plastic analysis, Concrete Technology,
Construction and Demolition Materials using a Finite Element Method, etc.
Modified Large Scale Direct Shear Testing Apparatus”

Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
Paper ID: SUB154736 2094
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
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