Genil v. Rivera Digest

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5. JESUSA ODONEL GENIL, Complainant, vs. JUDGE ROGACIANO Y. RIVERA, Municipal Trial Court, Sta.

Negros Oriental, Respondent. A.M. No. MTJ-06-1619 January 23, 2006

Respondent: Judge Rogaciano Y. Rivera, MTC of Sta. Catalina

Complainant: Jesusa Odonel Genil, barangay captain of Amio, Sta. Catalina

 May 30, 2003, one of complainant’s constituents, Nancy Silfaban filed before the MTC Sta. Catalina, two
criminal complaints against Roderick Sales, one for rape and the other for forcible abduction with rape (Crim
Case Nos. 3791 and 3792) and also filed a criminal complaint against Janice Sales for violation of RA 7610
(Crim Case No. 3793).
 Respondent conducted a preliminary investigation of Crim Case Nos. 3791 and 3792 two and a half months
later or on August 13, 2003. Preliminary investigation was made in open court.
 During the preliminary investigation, Nancy, a minor, was called to the witness stand and, in the course of
her testimony subjected to humiliation as all those present, including respondent, the counsel for the
defense Atty. Arturo Erames, and SPO4 Herminigildo Ortiz Cadungog of the PNP who acted as prosecutor,
were laughing. Respondent had yet to act on Crim Case 3793.
 Apprehensive that respondent would dismiss the cases which Nancy filed, complainant requested this Court
for a change of venue. The letter-complaints were eventually referred for investigation to Judge Orlando C.
Velasco of Branch 63 of the RTC Bayawan City who directed respondent, public prosecutor and Roderick’s
counsel to file their Comment

Comment of Respondent Judge

 Respondent explained that preliminary investigation on the complaints filed by Nancy were not
immediately conducted as the evidence was "weak" and "unbelievable," it being "manifestly inconsistent
with, and repugnant to, the natural course of things."
 Respondent claimed that not only did Nancy not request otherwise; she, albeit a minor, "looks energetic,
psychologically mature and somewhat aggressive who answers questions quickly," and there was nothing
in her affidavit or testimony which warranted the exclusion of the public from the proceedings.
 And respondent disclaimed the occurrence of any laughing incident during the preliminary investigation,
he adding that "all were eager to observe the proceedings."

Comment of SPO4 Cadungog

 Claimed that he is not learned in the law which could explain complainant’s dissatisfaction with his
performance when he acted as prosecutor during the preliminary investigation of the complaints filed. And
he too denied that there was laughing during the preliminary investigation.

Comment of Atty Erames

 Disclaimed that there was laughing during the preliminary investigation. He advanced though that the
relatives of the accused in the first two criminal cases "may have been pleased" with Nancy’s testimonies
which tended to support the defense claim that the accused and Nancy were sweethearts.

 Judge Velasco noted that Nancy was subjected to "unhampered ridicule, embarrassment and humiliation"
during the preliminary investigation, and respondent even "ordered her to turn clockwise to the delight of
every one present."

 recommends that the administrative case against respondent be docketed as a regular administrative
matter and that he be fined P21,000 for gross ignorance of the law, with warning that a repetition of the
same or similar act would be dealt with more severely:
o xxx Respondent took no action on Crim Case No. 3793 from the date of its filing on 30 May 2003
until 09 October 2003 and offered no explanation for its delay. He conducted the preliminary
investigation in Crim Case Nos. 3791 and 3792 only on 13 August 2003, but he has not yet
submitted his resolutions thereon to the Provincial Prosecutor.
o Respondent judge displayed blatant insensitivity to the child victim. He allowed the defense
counsel to cross-examine the child witness and her mother which caused them extreme
humiliation and embarrassment. xxx Parties cannot be subjected to direct examination or cross-
examination. (during PI) Questions or issues that may arise during the investigation should be
addressed to the investigating judge who should propound the same to the party concerned.
o Noteworthy is that the Rule on Examination of a Child Witness (A.M. No. 004-07-SC 21 November
2000) does not permit a defense counsel to even approach a child who is testifying if it appears
that the child is fearful of or intimidated by the counsel. xxx
o Neither does the Rule require a manifestation from the child or her mother to exclude the public
from the hearing. The court may motu proprio exclude the public from the courtroom to protect
the right to privacy of the child; if requiring the child to testify in open court would cause
psychological harm to him; if it would hinder the ascertainment of truth or result in his inability to
effectively communicate due to embarrassment, fear or timidity; and if the evidence to be
produced is of such character as to be offensive to decency or public morals. (Emphasis and
underscoring supplied)

Issue: What may the court do when a child witness testifies?

 Rule on Examination of a Child Witness provides that when a child testifies, the court may, motu proprio,
order the exclusion from the courtroom of all persons who do not have a direct interest in the case.
 In issuing such order, the court is to consider, inter alia,
o the developmental level of the child,
o the nature of the crime, and
o the nature of his testimony regarding the crime.
 It may also exclude the public from the courtroom if the evidence to be produced is of such character as to
be offensive to decency or public morals.

Issue: Under the RECW, what is the duty of the court when questioning the child?
 On top of Sec. 3(e) of Rule 112 of the ROC that the parties in a preliminary investigation have no right to
examine or cross-examine, the Rule on Examination of a Child Witness provides that the court shall exercise
control over the questioning of children so as to facilitate the ascertainment of the truth and ensure that
questions are stated in a form appropriate to their developmental level and protect them from harassment
or undue embarrassment.

 Examination or cross-examination by the parties is proscribed during preliminary investigation. Section
3(e) of Rule 112 provide
o (e) The investigating officer may set a hearing if there are facts and issues to be clarified from a
party or a witness. The parties can be present at the hearing but without the right to examine or
cross-examine. They may, however, submit to the investigating officer questions which may be
asked to the party or witness concerned.

 Yet respondent not only allowed SPO4 Cadungog who acted as prosecutor to cross-examine the accused
Roderick Sales; he also allowed the defense counsel to propound questions to Nancy and her mother.
 It is a fundamental principle that the accused in a preliminary investigation has no right to cross-examine
the witnesses which the complainant may present. Section 3, Rule 112 of the Rules of Court expressly
provides that the respondent shall only have the right to submit a counter-affidavit, to examine all other
evidence submitted by the complainant and, where the fiscal sets a hearing to propound clarificatory
questions to the parties or their witnesses, to be afforded an opportunity to be present but without the
right to examine or cross-examine. (Underscoring supplied)

Issue: WON the respondent judge was remiss in the performance of his duties in allowing SPO4 Cadungog and
defense counsel to propound questions to Nancy and mother?
Ruling: YES.

 Respondent was remiss in the performance of his duties when he not only allowed the cross-examination
of the parties during the preliminary investigation but also failed to resolve the criminal complaints within
the period mandated by law.

 Judges owe it to the public to be knowledgeable, hence, they are expected to have more than just a
modicum of acquaintance with the statutes and procedural rules. When the law is so elementary, not to
know it or to act as if one does not know it constitutes gross ignorance of the law, the mainspring of
injustice. And judges must be faithful to the laws and maintain professional competence.
 Competence is a mark of a good judge. When a judge displays an utter lack of familiarity with the rules, he
erodes the public’s confidence in the competence of our courts. Such is gross ignorance of the law. He owes
the public and the court the duty to be proficient in the law. Unfamiliarity with the Rules of Court is a sign
of incompetence. A judge must be acquainted with legal norms and precepts as well as with procedural
 Verily, failure to follow basic legal commands embodied in the law and the Rules constitutes gross ignorance
of the law, from which no one is excused, and surely not a judge.

 after a preliminary investigation is conducted, the investigating judge must perform his ministerial duty to
transmit within ten days after the conclusion thereof the resolution of the case together with the entire
records to the provincial prosecutor. If on the other hand he determines, after examining the complaint
and other documents offered in support thereof, that there is no ground to continue with the inquiry, he
should dismiss the complaint and transmit the order of dismissal together with the records of the case to
the provincial prosecutor within ten days from the filing of the complaint. And, examination or cross-
examination by the parties is proscribed.

 WHEREFORE, for gross ignorance of the law and procedure, respondent, Judge Rogaciano Y. Rivera of the
Municipal Trial Court of Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental, is FINED P21,000 PESOS and STERNLY WARNED that
a repetition of the same or similar act will merit a more severe penalty. SO ORDERED.

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