Mac Most Mac Dictation Cheat Sheet

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macOS Enhanced Dictation Cheat Sheet

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Select <text> Find and select the spoken text Select the quick brown fox
Select all Select all text
Select [word | sentence | paragraph] Select the current segment of text Select sentence
Select [previous | next] Add the next/previous segment of text Select next

Select [previous | next] Select the next/previous segment of text Select next word
[word | sentence | paragraph]
Deselect that Deselect all selected text
Find the text <text> Search for the next occurrence of the spoken text Find the text lazy dog
Find next Finds the next occurrence of the previous Find
Go to [beginning | end] Jump to the beginning or end of the document Go to end
Go to [beginning | end] of Go to the beginning or end of the current segment Go to end of paragraph
[selection | word | sentence | of text
Move [left | right | up | down] Move the cursor one character or line Move down
Scroll [up | down] Scroll the window up or down Scroll down
Scroll to [top | bottom] Scroll the window to the beginning or end Scroll to bottom

[Cut | Copy | Paste] that Use the clipboard with the current selection
Delete that Delete the selected text
Capitalize [that | <text>] Capitalize selected text or search and capitalize Capitalize Brown Fox
Lowercase [that | <text>] Make all letters lowercase in selection or search lowercase lazy dog

Uppercase [that | <text>] Make all letters uppercase in selection or search uppercase LAZY DOG
Replace <text> with <text> Find the text and replace with new text Replace brown with gray
Bold [that | <text>] Makes the selection or matching text bold Bold lazy dog
Italicize [that | <text>] Makes the selection or matching text italic Italicize jumps over
Underline [that | <text>] Makes the selection or matching text underlined Underline brown fox
[Undo | Redo] that Undo last action, redo last undone action

Caps [on | off] Next spoken segment will be in title case caps on Brown Fox

All caps, all caps [on | off] Next word in caps, or on and off for caps lock all caps BROWN FOX
Numeral, Roman numeral Following number in digits or roman numerals Roman numeral 2019
No space [on | off] Turn off spaces for next spoken segment no space quickbrownfox
Literal [period | comma | colon | etc…] Use the word instead of punctuation* Literal period

, Comma ' Apostrophe = Equals sign @ At sign

- Dash “” [Quote | Endquote] >< [Greater | Less] than | Vertical bar

- Hyphen ‘’ [Begin | End] Single quote + - sign

[Plus | Minus] sign © Copyright sign
; Semicolon & Ampersand % Percent sign ® Registered sign
: Colon * Asterisk × Multiplication sign ™ Trademark sign
. Period, Point, Full stop \ / [Back | Forward] Slash $ ¢ [Dollar | Cent] sign ↩︎ Press Return Key
? Question mark _ Underscore £ Pound sterling sign ↩︎ New Line
! Exclamation mark · • [Large] center dot € Euro sign ↩︎ New Paragraph
… Ellipsis # Hashtag, Pound sign ¥ Yen sign ⇥ Tab Key
* The literal command is very buggy and rarely seems to work Copyright © 2019

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