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SIPART PS2 User Manual Supplement 15900-735

Rev 1
Operation, Parameters September 2006

Parameter Factory
Display Function Parameter Values Unit Definition Benefits
Name Setting
1. YFCT 1 YFCT Type of actuator Choose your actuator type: A SIPART PS2 can be mounted on a linear or rotary actuator. With a travel detection system (C73451-A430-078), linear potentiometer, or
turn: Rotary actuator NCS it can be mounted in a variety of remote installations. This parameter defines the actuator type and feedback algorithm for optimum
"Y" designates output, therefore, read display as "Output Way: Linear actuator (i.e. rising stem actuator) position control.
FunCTion." turn: rotary actuator LWAY: Linear actuator (i.e. rising stem actuator) used with external linear pot to
WAY: linear actuator measure stroke. Typically used for long strokes, i.e. cylinders turn: Select for a rotary actuator with up to 100° rotation.
LWAY: linear potentiometer ncSt: Non Contacting Sensor on rotary actuator, Way: Select for a linear (rising stem) actuator with a stroke of up to 5.25" (with standard hardware).
WAY - ncSt: Same as previous but for reverse acting application LWAY: Select for a linear actuator with a valve stroke in excess of 5.25". For the longer valve stroke, custom mounting and feedback
ncSt: NCS rotary actuator hardware can be developed or an external linear or string potentiometer, 10K Ohm max., can be added. The external potentiometer
ncSL: Non Contacting Sensor on linear actuator
-ncSt: ditto, inverse action (Siemens external detection unit P/N: C73451-A430-D78 or customer supplied pot) is substituted for the PS2 pot. An EMC filter module
ncSL: NCS linear actuator (P/N: C73451-A43-D23) is needed to accept wires from this external detection unit/pot.
ncSt, -ncSt and ncSL: Select when using a Non-Contacting position Sensor for remote applications where a valve experiences high
2. YAGL 2 YAGL Rated AnGLe of rotation for feedback This selection provides the software with the setting of the gear ratio switch This feature enables a user to choose the best feedback resolution, 90° or 33°, without disassembling the positioner from the actuator
(transmission ratio selector). This selection must match the gear ratio switch bracket.
setting (item 7 in Leaflet, View of device). For a valve stroke of as little as 3mm, 33° allows the best resolution.
Set transmission ratio selector (item 7 on Leaflet, View of For a rotary actuator this selection is always 90°. For a rotary actuator, 90° is the fixed value. As a result of selecting "turn" in parameter 1, 33° is unavailable in this parameter.
Device) appropriately. 90° For a linear (rising stem) actuator: For applications with higher vibration levels, the gear ratio switch setting can be locked with the yellow knob located below the terminals.
Degrees 33° 33° with Short Arm (1), valve stroke = 0.80" maximum Note that locking this switch does not prevent the switch from moving, only the switch setting is locked. The slip clutch can be locked using
33° with Long Arm (2), valve stroke = 0.55" minimum, 2.00" maximum the yellow wheel located just below the black knurled slip clutch.
90° with Short Arm (1), valve stroke = 2.85" maximum
90° with Long Arm (2), valve stroke = 1.0" minimum, 7.25" maximum
(1) P/N 6DR4004-8UK; (2) P/N 6DR4004-8UL

3. YWAY 3 YWAY Stroke range - optional parameter _________OFF__________ Optional parameter, not required for initialization Valve travel can be viewed within the diagnostic menu.
5|10|15|20 Applys only to linear (WAY) actuators.
Enter the valve stroke, in millimeters, of a linear ( WAY, _(Short lever arm, 33° scale)_ The feedback pin must be fastened to the feedback arm at the value of the actuator stroke or, if this value is not listed on the feedback arm
LWAY or ncSL) type valve. After initialization, the display 25|30|35 mm OFF scale, set to the next larger scaled value.
will show valve travel in millimeters. _(Short lever arm, 90° scale)_
(Long lever arm, 90° scale)
4. INITA 4 INITA Initialization (Automatic-INITialization) The initialization process is displayed by "Run 1" thru "Run 5". See Leaflet, Using a high resolution potentiometer and the unique slip clutch (Leaflet item 9), mounting adjustments are possible without bracket
Automatic Initial Start-Up for details and possible messages that can appear disassembly. As with every pot there is a "non-active" zone. If this zone is 'seen' during initialization, the display will show a "Down tolerance
Press the [+] key for at least 5 seconds to Auto-calibrate the during calibration. band violated" message, see Leaflet. Adjusting the slip clutch as described in Leaflet allows travel to occur only within 'active' zone of
positioner to the actuator mechanical end-stops. noini | no / ###.# | Strt no Always mechanically drive the valve throughout its stroke before initialization to potentiometer. Also, for linear (rising stem) actuators, positioner indicates optimum feedback pin placement with " Up tolerance band
assure travel is smooth and without obstruction. Starting valve near mid-travel violated ", "Up/down span violated " and "SEt MiDDL" (see Leaflet, Possible messages ).
before initialization produces faster calibration learning.

5. INITM 5 INITM Initialization (Manual-INITialization) The initialization process is displayed by "Run 1" thru "Run 5". See Leaflet, Similar to auto-initiation, however, this mode allows you to specify travel end-stops (soft stops) by driving valve with [+] or [-] buttons. Once
Possible Messages for messages that may appear during calibration. these 'soft' stops are realized, positioner will auto-calibrate between these two positions while making use of it's unique slip clutch feature as
Press the [+] key for at least 5 seconds to activate this noini | no / ###.# | Strt no outlined in parameter 4. Also, the positioner indicates optimum feedback pin placement for rising stem valves.
feature and calibrate the positioner to user-specific 'soft'-
6. SCUR 6 SCUR CURrent range of Setpoint 0 to 20 mA Select current range: 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA. For 0-20 mA range, positioner must be wired as 3-wire or 4-wire input current loop.
0 mA
4 to 20 mA 4 mA Model numbers for 3-wire and 4-wire positioners are: 6DR52.. and 6DR53..
4 mA
7. SDIR 7 SDIR Setpoint DIRection Rising rISE Sets the action (direction) of positioner control: direct or reverse acting with Enables you to change positioner control action.
rISE respect to input signal. Since display action is independent of this setting, see parameter 38, any valve action is possible.
Falling FALL
8. SPRA 8 SPRA Setpoint for stArt of SPlit Range For Split Range application. Enter input signal value where you want positioner When one control signal is used to control more than one valve, you can apply multiple positioners and designate the input signal range of
0.0 to 100.0 % 0.0
to start operating valve. each. This parameter determines the starting input signal value for start of valve operation. See parameter "9.SPRE."
9. SPRE 9 SPRE Setpoint for End of SPlit Range For Split Range application. Enter input signal value where you want positioner When one control signal is used to control more than one valve, you can apply multiple positioners and designate the input signal range of
0.0 to 100.0 % 100 to fully stroke valve. each. This parameter determines the ending input signal value for full stroke valve operation. See parameter "10.SPRA."

10. TSUP 10 TSUP Setpoint ramp Time UP Setpoint ramp up is active in automatic operation and limits the up stroke This bumpless switch prevents rapid process changes. Value is time to fully stroke valve.
Auto speed. It is also active when switching from Manual to Auto modes. When in manual mode, you can drive the valve to any position. When you return to Automatic, valve will bump to current setpoint value.
sec. 0
0 to 400 This parameter prevents bumps and 'water hammer' by driving valve slowly to setpoint.
11. TSDO 11 TSDO Setpoint ramp Time DOwn Setpoint ramp down is active in automatic operation and limits the down stroke This bumpless switch prevents rapid process changes. Value is time to fully stroke valve.
Auto speed. It is also active when switching from Manual to Auto modes. When in manual mode, you can drive the valve to any position. When you return to Automatic, valve will bump to current setpoint value.
sec. 0
0 to 400 This parameter prevents bumps and 'water hammer' by driving valve slowly to setpoint.
12. SFCT 12 SFCT Setpoint function Linear Lin Non-linear valve characteristics can be linearized with this function and flow There are seven pre-defined characteristic curves: Linear (default), three quick opening, and three slow opening. "Free" setting allows 20
Equal Percentage 1:25, 1:33, 1:50 1-25 1-33 1-50 characteristics simulated in linear valve characteristics. point custom characterization. Use this feature to achieve a linear function from a non-linear valve.
Quick Opening 1:25, 1:33, 1:50 n1-25 n1-33 n1-50
Custom FrEE
13. SLO 13 SLO Setpoint Linear turning point at 0% 0.0 Available only when 12.SFCT = Free SL0, SL1...SL19, SL20 represent 20 control signal points.
14. SL1 (example) 5% 5.0 A flow value can be assigned to the respective setpoint value. These points Each setpoint turning point has an equivalent input signal. For example, SL0 is 0% of input signal; SL5 is 25% of input signal; SL10 is 50%;
etc. to to 0.0 to 100.0 % etc. to lead to a polygon chain with 20 straight lines representing a valve SL20 is 100%. Enter the desired valve position at each setpoint turning point. For example, if at setpoint turning point SL4 (an input signal
32. SL19 95% 95.0 characteristic. of 20%), you want the valve position to be 35%, then SL4 = 35.0.
33. SL20 100% 100.0 Consecutive points must differ by a minimum of 0.2%.
34. DEBA 34 DEBA DEad zone/BAnd of controller Dead Zone is the deviation of: control signal and stem position. A fixed value When dEbA = Auto, the PS2 gradually expands the dead zone on detecting control loop oscillation to eliminate continuous changes in
can be entered from 0.1 to 10%. When set to Auto (default), the PS2 positioner output. If steps are taken to reduce or eliminate loop oscillation, the dead zone value will be reduced for tighter control. If the
% Auto continuously monitors for loop-control oscillation and increases the dead zone process is unstable, causing large and continuous control signal changes, precise valve position control is unachievable. The PS2 can
0.1 to 10.0
when oscillation is detected. display an alert if loop oscillation becomes too great; see parameter "54.DEBA."

35. YA 36 YA StArt of manipulated variable limiting Starting point of manipulated variable Generally for flow applications; actual flow may occur at 5% input signal (ball valve). Changing this, and parameters 36 & 37, will correlate
0.0 to 100.0 % 0.0
input signal and feedback variables with flow. To fully close valve, use Tight Shutoff feature, parameters: 39, 40 & 41.
36. YE 36 YE End of manipulated variable limiting Ending point of manipulated variable Generally for flow applications; maximum flow may occur at 75% input signal (ball valve). Changing this, and parameters 35 & 37, will
0.0 to 100.0 % 100.0
correlate input signal and feedback variables with flow. To fully open valve use Tight Shutoff feature, parameters: 39, 40 & 41.
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SIPART PS2 User Manual Supplement 15900-735
Rev 1
Operation, Parameters September 2006

Parameter Factory
Display Function Parameter Values Unit Definition Benefits
Name Setting
37. YNRM 37 YNRM Standardization of To mech. travel MPOS When limiting manipulated variable, two ranges are possible: Input, display, and position feedback values can represent percent of flow rather than position.
manipulated variable To Flow FLOW MPOS - Scales display and position feedback per mechanical stops.
FLOW - Scales display and position feedback per parameters 35 & 36 above.

38. YDIR 38 YDIR Direction of manipulated variable Rising rISE Action of display and 4-20ma feedback: Display and 4-20 mA position feedback variables are independent of positioner control action (parameter 7). This offers the ability to match
for display and feedback (if equipped) Falling FALL Direct or reverse acting with input signal. valve position and readout.
39. YCLS 39 YCLS Tight closing with Without When enabled, tight closing feature directs all supply air to one side of actuator When maximum force is desired to hold the valve open or closed, this feature will deliver all supply air to one side of actuator. Feature is
manipulated variable Top only no to provide maximum closing or opening force. This parameter activates this useful with a valve that has a large pressure drop. This also eliminates valve throttling near valve seat, preventing pre-mature valve seat
Bottom only uP feature for either end stop or both end stops. wear. If experiencing valve seat wear and/or process build-up on valve, see parameters 52 & 53; configure this parameter to ensure valve is
Top and Bottom do seated. YCLS becomes active when the setpoint is below the value set with parameter "40.YCDO" or above that set with parameter
uP do "41.YCUP."
40. YCDO 40 YCDO Valve for tight closing, down 0.0 to 100.0 % 0.5 Input value to activate tight closing, 'bottom'. Enter value to initiate tight closing. Value must be less than 41.YCUP.
41. YCUP 41 YCUP Valve for tight closing, up 0.0 to 100.0 % 99.5 Input value to activate tight closing, 'top'. Enter value to initiate tight closing.
42. BIN1 41 BIN1 Function of BINARY 1 Off OFF Enables/disables Binary input 1. Input 1 is standard in every PS2, see Use as a permissive alarm or as a security tool to prevent unauthorized changes to positioner configuration.
NO contact | NC contact terminals 9 and 10. This input sources 3V, so all that is needed to trigger this When active, status can:
Display message only on -on input is a contact closure - NCC (normally closed contact) or NOC (normally 1. Display a message and send a discrete output signal by way of the alarm module.
Lock-out configuration mode bLock - open contact) action settings available. This parameter defines Binary input #1 2. Prevent configuration mode entry (bLock) or manual and configuration mode entry (bLock2).
Lock-out configuration & manual modes OFF function. 3. Drive valve to either end stop position.
bLock2 -
Drive valve to up position uP -uP 4. Hold valve in current position
Drive valve to down position doWn -doWn
Lock valve movement StoP -StoP
43. BIN2 41 BIN2 Function of BINARY 2 Off OFF Enables/disables Binary input 2. Available only with optional alarm module, see Use as a permissive alarm or as a security tool to prevent unauthorized changes to positioner configuration.
NO contact | NC contact terminals 21 & 22. This input sources 3V, so all that's needed to trigger this When active, status can:
Display message only on -on input is a contact closure, NCC or NOC action settings available. This 1. Display a message and send a discrete output signal by way of the alarm module.
OFF parameter defines Binary #2 input function. 2. Drive valve to either end stop position.
Drive valve to up position uP -uP
Drive valve to down position doWn -doWn 3. Hold valve in current position
Lock valve movement StoP -StoP Binary 2 and Digital Input 1 (terminals 11 & 12) function together as an OR function
44. AFCT 44 AFCT Alarm FunCTion Without Alarm module can report exceeding (max) or dropping below (min) specified Positioner limits can be reported by way of 2 discrete outputs: A1 and A2 (see parameters below).
stroke or angle of rotation. Direct and reverse alarm action available on Alarms can indicate: End travel, Low/low or High/high limits.
A1=min, A2=max min/max, min/min or max/max alarms. Non-Approved Alarm module, P/N: 6DR4004-8A, can transmit 35 Vdc.
For an intrinsically safe application, use Alarm module P/N: 6DR4004-7A with a customer supplied switch isolator that conforms to NAMUR
OFF DIN 19234.
A1=min, A2=min

A1=max, A2=max

45. A1 45 A1 Response threshold of Alarm 1 0.0 to 100.0 % 10.0 Threshold of Alarm 1 Limit position value can be entered. Position value relates to MPOS (Mechanical POSition) scale only.
46. A2 46 A2 Response threshold of Alarm 2 0.0 to 100.0 % 90.0 Threshold of Alarm 2 Limit position value can be entered. Position value relates to MPOS (Mechanical POSition) scale only.
47. FCT 47 FCT FunCTion of alarm output Fault output, terminals 31 & 32. Positioner equipped with: Alarm, SIA, or A number of on-line diagnosis variables are available, see error code table in manual. These variables can report positioner power and
Mechanical Limit Switch modules. operational failures using alarm card or digital communications.
on fault Can alert user of: Alarms can indicate:
1. All 8 on-line errors; see error table in manual 1. Positioner control deviation (input-vs-feedback) - Usually mechanical obstruction or loss of supply air
2. Positioner not in Auto mode 2. Positioner in manual or configuration mode - Indicates to operator that positioner is not in Automatic mode bypassing the control signal
Fault OR not in Auto 3. BIN1 and/or BIN2 active 3. Any digital input active - Indicating: process alarm, limit switch, etc.
4. Power failure 4. Stroke or Direction change limit exceeded - Valve wear preventive maintenance
5. Processor fault 5. End-stop tolerance exceeded - Process build-up and valve seat wear (parameter 39 must be active)
Fault OR not in Auto OR BIN 6. Process loop oscillation - Loose valve/actuator connection, air leakage, excessive valve dead band, excessive valve static friction (i.e.

48. TIM 48 TIM Monitoring TIMe for fault message Auto Elapse time for setting fault output To avoid nuisance alerts, active alarm must exceed this time. Note: Control deviation alarm is deactivated while valve is within tight closing
sec. Auto
"control deviation" 0 to 100 band.
49. LIM 49 LIM Response LIMit for fault message Auto Allowable deviation value in percent To avoid nuisance alerts, deviation must exceed this value. Note: Control deviation alarm is deactivated while valve is within tight closing
% Auto
"control deviation" 0.0 to 100 band.
50. STRK 50 STRK Limit for STRoKe integral OFF Limit (maximum number) of 100% valve strokes Preventive maintenance counter of valve and actuator strokes. This can alert user when valve exceeds this value. Movement is cumulative,
1 to 1.00E9 for example: A valve cycle of 10% will account for 1 stroke at 10 cycles.
51. DCHG 51 DCHG Limit for Direction CHanGe OFF Limit value (maximum number) of valve direction changes Preventive maintenance of valve and actuator. This can alert user of valve wear when valve exceeds this value.
1 to 1.00E9
52. ZERO 52 ZERO Limit for end stop monitoring OFF Tolerance (+/-) value of bottom stop Bottom end-stop value is monitored and alarming can occur if valve exceeds this tolerance. Indicates process build-up on valve seat or valve
ZERO/bottom position 0.0 to 100.0 seat wear. Tight closing must be enabled.
53. OPEN 53 OPEN Limit for end stop monitoring OFF Tolerance (+/-) value of top stop Top end-stop value is monitored and alarming can occur if valve exceeds this tolerance. Indicates process build-up on valve seat or valve
OPEN/top position 0.0 to 100.0 seat wear. Tight closing must be enabled.
54. DEBA 54 DEBA Limit for DEad zone/BAnd monitoring OFF Limit value of dead zone/band adaptation Automatic dead zone, see: parameter "34.DEBA", can be monitored and alarmed. This can alert user to process loop issues such as:
0.0 to 100.0 process variable and controller errors, loose valve connection, excessive valve static friction (stiction), and air leakage.
55.PRST 55 PRST PReSeT (Return to Factory Defaults) "no" nothing activated Returns all parameters to factory settings. This can help when troubleshooting valve and positioner related issues.
"Strt" start factory setting holding [+] key for 5 seconds
"oCAY" is displayed following successful factory default setting
CAUTION: Preset results in "NO INITialization"

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SIPART PS2 Manual Supplement 15900-735
Operation, Diagnostics Rev 1
September 2006
Parameter Displayable
No. Displayed Parameter Unit Reset Description
Name Values
1 STRKS Number of strokes 0 to 4.29E9 - The recorded number of 100% valve strokes is displayed. Movement is cumulative, for example; 10% travel needs to occur 10 times for 1
stroke. Limits can be set via configuration parameter 50. Reset by holding down [+] key.
2 CHDIR Changes of direction 0 to 4.29E9 - The recorded number of changes in valve direction are displayed. Limits can be set via configuration parameter 51. Reset by holding
down [+] key.
3 kCNT Fault counter 0 to 4.29E9 - The recorded number of fault messages is displayed. Every fault is noted and added to the number of fault messages. Reset by holding
down [+] key. See Error code chart in manual.
4 A1CNT Alarm counter 1 0 to 4.29E9 - * When equipped and configured with Alarm card, displays Alarm 1 occurrences. Reset by holding down [+] key.
5 A2CNT Alarm counter 2 0 to 4.29E9 - * When equipped and configured with Alarm card, displays Alarm 2 occurrences. Reset by holding down [+] key.
6 HOURS Operating hours 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Hours unit has been powered is displayed.
7 WAY Determined travel 0 to 130 mm or °
Indicates stroke length in mm. Pre-requisite: Configuration parameter 3 must be enabled.
8 TUP Travel time up 0 to 1000 seconds Up stroke travel time when unit was initialized is displayed.
9 TDOWN Travel time down 0 to 1000 seconds Down stroke travel time when unit was initialized is displayed.
10 LEAK Leakage 0.0 to 100.0 % If leak test was performed during initialization, value is shown. You can execute leakage test by holding [+] key.
Note: Unit must be in manual mode.
11 P0 Potentiometer value lower stop (0%) 0.0 to 100.0 % Measured value of potentiometer at 0% is shown on display. Deviation from this value indicates valve seat wear or process build-up; can
be detected using configuration parameter 52. Note: Tight closing bottom, parameter 39, must be active.
12 P100 Potentiometer value top stop (100%) 0.0 to 100.0 % Measured value of potentiometer at 100% is shown on display. Deviation from this value indicates valve seat wear or process build-up;
can be detected using configuration parameter 53. Note: Tight closing top parameter 39, must be active.
13 IMPUP Impulse length up 2 to 100 ms The smallest recorded piezo valve impulse length is displayed. During initialization, the smallest piezo valve impulse lengths that cause
"up" movement of the actuator are determined. Holding the [+] button allows you to edit and re-tune this value.
14 IMPDN Impulse length down 2 to 100 ms The smallest recorded piezo valve impulse length is displayed. During initialization the smallest piezo valve impulse lengths that cause
"down" movement of the actuator are determined. Holding the [+] button allows you to edit and re-tune this value.
15 DBUP Dead band up 0.1 to 100 % The "up" dead zone of the controller is displayed. This value corresponds either to a manually fixed value of configuration parameter 34
DEBA or the calculated value adapted automatically by the instrument when DEBA is set to "Auto". During initialization, the positioner
determines the dead zone of the entire valve assembly.
16 DBDN Dead band down 0.1 to 100 % The "down" dead zone of the controller is displayed. This value corresponds either to a manually fixed value of configuration parameter 34
DEBA or the calculated value adapted automatically by the instrument when DEBA is set to "Auto". During initialization, the positioner
determines the dead zone of the entire valve assembly.
17 SSUP Short step zone up 0.1 to 100 % The current short step zone is displayed. This is the range in which short piezo valve "up" output pulses are used to reach set point. When
error (feedback - control signal) is outside this zone, the piezo valves are held in a continuous state. Once feedback is within short step
zone, the piezo valves produce short output pulses to reach set point, reducing overshoots.
18 SSUP Short step zone down 0.1 to 100 % The current short step zone is displayed. This is the range in which short piezo "down" output pulses are used to reach set point. When
error (feedback - control signal) is outside this zone, the piezo valves are held in continuous state. Once feedback is within short step
zone, the piezo valves produce small pulse outputs to reach set point, reducing overshoots.
19 TEMP Current temperature -40° to 85° C Current temperature in Celsius is shown on the display.
20 TMIN Minimum temperature (drag pointer) 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Minimum temperature ever experienced by electronics is shown.
21 TMAX Maximum temperature (drag pointer) 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Maximum temperature ever experienced by electronics is shown.
22 T1 Number of operating hours in temp range 1 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Hours of operation while temperature was -30° C or colder is displayed.
23 T2 Number of operating hours in temp range 2 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Hours of operation while temp. was within -30° to -15°C is displayed.
24 T3 Number of operating hours in temp range 3 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Hours of operation while temp. was within -15° to 0°C is displayed.
25 T4 Number of operating hours in temp range 4 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Hours of operation while temp. was within 0° to 15°C is displayed.
26 T5 Number of operating hours in temp range 5 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Hours of operation while temp. was within 15° to 30°C is displayed.
27 T6 Number of operating hours in temp range 6 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Hours of operation while temp. was within 30° to 45°C is displayed.
28 T7 Number of operating hours in temp range 7 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Hours of operation while temp. was within 45° to 60°C is displayed.

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SIPART PS2 Manual Supplement 15900-735
Operation, Diagnostics Rev 1
September 2006
Parameter Displayable
No. Displayed Parameter Unit Reset Description
Name Values
29 T8 Number of operating hours in temp range 8 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Hours of operation while temp. was within 60° to 75°C is displayed.
30 T9 Number of operating hours in temp range 9 0 to 4.29E9 Hours Hours of operation while temp. was 75° C or hotter is displayed.
31 VENT1 Number of cycles pre-controlvalve 1 0 to 4.29E9 - Displays the number of times piezo valve 1 cycled.
32 VENT2 Number of cycles pre-controlvalve 2 0 to 4.29E9 - Displays the number of times piezo valve 2 cycled.
33 STORE Store - - This function will store diagnostic data 7 through 18 in non-volatile memory as "Data of the last maintenance". You can then compare
"current" and "old" data.
34 PRUP Prediction up 1 to 40 - The displayed damping factor was determined during initialization. A small value results in a quick response with overshoot. A large value
results in a slow response without overshoot.
35 PRDN Prediction down 1 to 40 - The displayed damping factor was determined during initialization. A small value results in a quick response with overshoot. A large value
results in a slow response without overshoot.
36 WT00 Number of operation hours in distance class WT00 0 to 4.29E9 Hours * Hours of automatic operation of 5% or less travel is displayed.
37 WT05 Number of operation hours in distance class WT05 0 to 4.29E9 Hours * Hours of automatic operation of 5 to 10% travel is displayed.
38 WT10 Number of operation hours in distance class WT10 0 to 4.29E9 Hours * Hours of automatic operation of 10 to 30% travel is displayed.
39 WT30 Number of operation hours in distance class WT30 0 to 4.29E9 Hours * Hours of automatic operation of 30 to 50% travel is displayed.
40 WT50 Number of operation hours in distance class WT50 0 to 4.29E9 Hours * Hours of automatic operation of 50 to 70% travel is displayed.
41 WT70 Number of operation hours in distance class WT70 0 to 4.29E9 Hours * Hours of automatic operation of 70 to 90% travel is displayed.
42 WT90 Number of operation hours in distance class WT90 0 to 4.29E9 Hours * Hours of automatic operation of 90 to 95% travel is displayed.
43 WT95 Number of operation hours in distance class WT95 0 to 4.29E9 Hours * Hours of automatic operation of 95% or greater travel is displayed.
44 mA Current setpoint 0.0 to 20.0 mA Displays current set point in milliamperes.

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