English 11 12

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English XI-XII 1

Q. 1 Choose the form of the verb that best fills in the blank. Blake isn't going to Daytona Beach for spring break
because fifty dollars ________ all that he has in his vacation fund.

a. Is b. Are
c. Was d. Were

Q. 2 Which part of speech is represented by the word in all caps? After the party, our house WAS a big mess.

a. Adjective b. Adverb
c. Verb d. Preposition

Q. 3 ________ is not much that we can do about the problem until the rain stops.

a. Their b. They're

c. There

Q. 4 It's been __________ around here tonight.

a. Quiet b. Quite

Q. 5 Each of the birds ___________ its turn in the nest.

a. Take b. Takes

Q. 6 That bear could ________ eaten me, but it just stared for a minute and walked on into the night.

a. Have b. Of

Q. 7 ___________ afraid of running over toads with the lawn mower.

a. I'am b. I'm

Q. 8 It had _________ to snow by 4:00 P.M.

a. Began b. Begun

Q. 9 Here is the violin and here is ____________ case.

a. It's b. Its

English XI-XII 2
Q. 10 I watch ______________ of T.V.

a. A lot b. Allot
c. A lot

Q. 11 She is taller ________ she was last year, but she still considers herself a shrimp.

a. Then b. Than

Q. 12 The coach _____________ that I do ten belly flops.

a. Insist b. Insists

Q. 13 I'm getting _____________ much sleep right now.

a. To b. Too

Q. 14 She _____________ always listen to me.

a. Don't b. Doesn't

Q. 15 He came this morning, but he had ____________ his work already.

a. Did b. Done

Q. 16 Which part of speech is represented by the word in all caps? His voice was very WEAK.

a. Adjective b. Adverb
c. Verb d. Pronoun

Q. 17 Two cups of sliced jalapeno peppers _________ extreme for a single batch of burrito filling, but that's the
amount in Felipe's recipe.

a. Seemed b. Had seemed

c. Seems d. Seem

Q. 18 Which term describes a character who is three-dimensional and complex?

a. Round b. Dynamic
c. Flat d. Static

English XI-XII 3
Q. 19 The song of the swan/Might serve for pleasure

a. Simile b. Alliteration
c. Assonance d. Metaphor

Q. 20 Choose the form of the verb that best fills in the blank. Where _________ the earrings that I left by the
bathroom sink? Oh no! That stupid cat has swatted them down the drain again!

a. Was b. Were
c. Is d. Are

Q. 21 Which device draws the reader into poetic experiences by touching on the images and senses which the
reader already knows?

a. Imagery b. Figurative language
c. Litotes d. Hyperbole

Q. 22 Choose the form of the verb that best fits in the blank. Here _______ the box of broken appliances that
you promised to repair, Bob reminded Sue, his wife.

a. Are b. Is
c. Will be d. Have been

Q. 23 What is a type of figurative language that depends on intentional overstatement called?

a. Irony b. Hyperbole
c. Euphony d. Jargon

Q. 24 Which organizational structure shows a chain reaction of events?

a. Comparison and contrast b. Cause and effect

c. State and order d. Topic and description

Q. 25 What are two or more lines of poetry that together form one of the divisions of a poem called?

a. Stanza b. Couplet
c. Quatrain d. Octet

Q. 26 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? Maria promised and vowed that she would arrive to the restaurant on time,
perhaps even early.

a. And vowed b. Would arrive

c. On time d. Even early

English XI-XII 4
Q. 27 The stanza or poem of four lines is called.

a. Quarter b. Quartet
c. Quatrain d. Octet

Q. 28 Mathematics __________ proven to be Sean's easiest subject this semester. He brings Breisha, the lab
assistant, a Monster drink every day, and, as his reward, she finishes his homework.

a. Have b. Has
c. Had d. Will have

Q. 29 Which choice describes the occurrence of the same or similar sounds at the end of two or more words?

a. Meter b. Rhythm

c. Rhyme d. End stopped

Q. 30 The eight slots on Pam's extra large toaster _____________ that no one has to fight over frozen waffles
during breakfast.

a. Meant b. Will mean

c. Mean d. Means

Q. 31 Which word DOES NOT describe a good research question?

a. Relevent b. Realistic
c. Original d. Subjective

Q. 32 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? The amount of time we spent working on this project is approximately around
10 hours.

a. Amount b. Spent working

c. This project d. Around

Q. 33 Claire never loses a single possession. Everyone knows what belongs to her, for each pen, pencil, and
paperclip __________ a tiny flag attached with Claire's full name on it.

a. Will have b. Has

c. Have d. Had

Q. 34 I would never kill a living thing, although I probably have inadvertently while driving automobiles. Captain
Beefheart ,In this quote, INADVERTENTLY means:

a. Imprecisely b. Thoughtfully
c. Deliberately d. Unintentionally

English XI-XII 5
Q. 35 All children, except one, grow up. - Peter Pan ,In the sentence above, the commas help achieve what

a. Add another item to a list b. Provide an exception to a claim

c. Give the reader additional information d. Make the sentence more interesting

Q. 36 Fill in the blank to complete the following rule about writing a research paper. You quote it, you
_______________ it.

a. Wrote b. Note
c. Address d. Claim

Q. 37 Steroid usage has sullied the game of baseball; a once innocent game is now looked upon with doubt.
What do you think "sullied" means?

a. Celebrated b. Hurt
c. Bored d. Stopped

Q. 38 What is the function of a compare/contrast essay?

a. To explain each step of the process using primary b. To provide a clear description and examples
c. secondary support.
synthesize, evaluate, and respond to an related
d. to a topic
To clarify and explain two different topics or ideas

Q. 39 Anna is holding her shopping bag with one hand and turning the door handle with _______________ .

a. Other b. Others
c. Another d. The other

Q. 40 What is a mnemonic device?

a. A literary term b. A repeated word

c. A distraction d. A memory trick

Q. 41 Since anyone can create one, most websites are appropriate for research.


Q. 42 Which choice refers to word order and sentence structure?

a. Syntax b. Diction
c. Connotation d. Annotation

English XI-XII 6
Q. 43 Who studies the science of fossils (dinosaurs)?

a. Orthodontics b. Paleontologist
c. Apothecary d. Gleba

Q. 44 A single metrical line of poetry, or poetry in general.

a. Quatrain b. Verse
c. Prose d. Refrain

Q. 45 In which of these life situations could "assailed" be used correctly?

a. When I chose the orange shirt instead of the blue b. When Jennie snapped her gum loudly in class
oneThe time the 3-year old acted silly in the store
c. d. When my coach yelled at me for missing the

Q. 46 Great leaders don't need to act tough. Their confidence and humility serve to underscore their toughness.
Simon Sinek ,What does the word UNDERSCORE mean?

a. Strengthen b. Dilute
c. Emphasize d. Negate

Q. 47 Vacillate means.

a. Strict b. To be undecided
c. A mystery d. Tired

Q. 48 A line of poetry that has five metrical feet.

a. Octameter b. Hexameter
c. Heptameter d. Pentameter

Q. 49 Pivotal

a. Tired b. Neat
c. Important d. Easy to control

Q. 50 A term like BITTER SWEET is an example of a(n):

a. Mondegreen b. Malapropism
c. Oxymoron d. Onomatopoeia

Q. 51 What is the most common type of meter in the English language?

a. Iambic pentameter b. Heptameter

c. Hexameter d. Iamb

English XI-XII 7
Q. 52 Refers to the intentional downplaying of a situation's significance, often for ironic or humorous effect.

a. Hyperbole b. Overstatement
c. Understatement d. Irony

Q. 53 Scrutinize means.

a. Tired b. To examine closely

c. Passioantely d. Wasteful

Q. 54 Exemplary means.

a. Wasteful b. Seriousness
c. Outstanding d. Tired

Q. 55 Gravity means.

a. Tired b. Unchanging
c. Seriousness d. Happy

Q. 56 Choose the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a. Immediately b. Etiquette
c. Beginning irregular

Q. 57 Frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness.

a. Surmise b. Distinction
c. Flippantly d. Inclement

Q. 58 Determine whether i.e. or e.g. fits in the blank. The best way to get rid of bees is to find another source
they are attracted to ( ________ , honeysuckle, strong perfumes, bright colors).

a. i.e. b. 'e.g.

Q. 59 Calling a video log a vlog is an example of a(n):

a. Acronym b. Malapropism
c. Portmanteau d. Spoonerism

Q. 60 Fastidious means.

a. Tired b. Neat
c. Strict d. Scold

English XI-XII 8
Q. 61 Choose the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a. Feasable b. Borough
c. Leaven d. Rheumatic

Q. 62 Obsequious means.

a. Inequality b. Seriousness
c. Overly attentive d. Tired

Q. 63 Choose the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a. Wrangle b. Heirloom
c. Centrifuge d. Consept

Q. 64 Choose the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a. Mannequin b. Affiliation
c. Symetry d. Permissible

Q. 65 lethargic means.

a. Scold b. Tired
c. A mystery d. Neat

Q. 66 Disparity means.

a. Wasteful b. Inequality
c. Seriousness d. Outstanding

Q. 67 Determine whether i.e. or e.g. fits in the blank. Depending on what hot-button issue ( _______, gun
control, education, the economy) voters focus on this election, the outcome of the race could change.

a. i.e. b. 'e.g.

Q. 68 Which topic is the narrowest?

a. Conservation efforts in the Middle East b. Conservation efforts in the northern Sahara Desert
c. Conservation efforts related to endangered d. Conservation efforts in the deserts of the Middle

English XI-XII 9
Q. 69 Which statement best represents a thesis?

a. Sending a child to public school costs twice as b. Parents who send their children to private school
c. Theasamount
private the
average household contributes to d. Many private schools offer scholarships to offset
education varies by municipality. the cost of tuition, but there are not enough
scholarships to go around.

Q. 70 Which statement represents a thesis?

a. Affirmative action offers low-income students a b. Many states have adopted legislation to preserve
chance to obtain
c. Despite a quality college
the appearance education.
of relative equality due to some of the tenets
d. Republicans andofDemocrats
divided when it
comes to affirmative action.

Q. 71 Which statement represents a thesis?

a. The size of a class has a direct impact on student b. The average class size in high schools across the
c. with
In this paper, larger
I will classthe
discuss sizes producing
effects more
of class size United
d. States iswith
Classrooms 25 students.
more than 25 students require
on student performance. more time and effort on the part of the instructor,
making it difficult to offer attention to individual

Q. 72 Which statement represents a thesis?

a. Countries such as England and Canada have b. To help improve the health of Americans, the
c. adopted
Canadian nationalized
citizens often citehealthcare
problems programs.
with United
d. States must
Currently, adoptcan
Americans a nationalized healthcare
purchase insurance
scheduling appointments and non-essential through state-sponsored private insurance systems.

Q. 73 Which statement represents a thesis?

a. Fuel costs have continued to rise. b. Do rising fuel costs contribute to an increase in the
c. As fuel costs continue to rise, more consumers will purchase
d. Hybridofvehicles
hybrid vehicles?
use less fuel than vehicles with a
turn to hybrid vehicles as a way to save money and standard gasoline-powered engine.

Q. 74 Which statement represents a thesis?

a. What factors have lead to such a significant b. Today, the average student takes out over
c. in the
Federal cost ofoffer
programs attending
some college?
tuition assistance to $30,000
d. in loansgovernment
The federal to cover theshould
cost ofincrease
tuition. the
low-income individuals, but this assistance often isn't amount of tuition assistance it offers to students to

Q. 75 Vehemently means.

a. Tired b. Passionately
c. Unchanging d. Wasteful

English XI-XII 10
Q. 76 The analysis of a poem's meter is called ____________ .

a. Stress b. Scanning
c. Scansion d. Dialect

Q. 77 Which choice describes a metrical foot of two syllables, one long (or stressed) and one short (or

a. Iamb b. Anapest
c. Spondee d. Trochee

Q. 78 Which choice describes a line of poetry that has four metrical feet?

a. Pentameter b. Tetrameter

c. Heptameter d. Octameter

Q. 79 A statement or situation containing apparently contradictory or incompatible elements.

a. Analogy b. Paradox
c. Caesura d. Enjambment

Q. 80 A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole.

a. Metonymy b. Paradox
c. Litotes d. Synecdoche

Q. 81 A phrase, line, or group of lines that is repeated throughout a poem, usually after every stanza.

a. Couplet b. Quarter
c. Refrain d. Quatrain

Q. 82 Choose the word that best fills in the blank. The speech by the President did not have the
same_________on me that it had on you.

a. Effect b. Affect

Q. 83 Choose the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a. Citadel b. Uncertainty
c. Reptilian d. Hefer

Q. 84 Choose the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a. Accommodate b. Flattery
c. Guerilla d. Opportunity

English XI-XII 11
Q. 85 The following is not an attribute of magical realism:

a. A fantasy setting b. Symbols, runes, and imagery

c. Elements of legend or folklore d. A strong narrative drive

Q. 86 Which is not an example of oral literature?

a. Myths b. Praise poems

c. Hymn d. Proverb

Q. 87 ___________ are elaborate literary forms, usually performed only by experts on special occasions. They
often recount the heroic exploits of ancestors.

a. Epics b. Novels

c. Myths d. Funeral dirges

Q. 88 The root word "poly" is closest in meaning to which root word below?

a. Multi b. Sub
c. Super d. Terra

Q. 89 Choose the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a. Cyclone b. Gypsome
c. Generic d. Incentive

Q. 90 Choose the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a. Hartfelt b. Aeronautics
c. Roundabout d. Embroil

Q. 91 Choose the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a. Debt b. Nash
c. Reign d. Knoll

Q. 92 Choose the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a. Aisle b. Blight
c. Ghostly d. Acess

Q. 93 A democracy is a government created by and for the

a. People b. Earth
c. Space d. Fields

English XI-XII 12
Q. 94 What is the generic term for the organizing principle of a literary work?

a. Epithet b. Iamb
c. Foot d. Form

Q. 95 Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of an epic poem?

a. A lengthy or long poem b. Traces the adventures of a hero

c. Usually about insignificant topics or events d. Usually written in formal, serious language

Q. 96 Term used for when a person arrives at the hospital, and has passed away before arriving at the hospital

a. PBS b. Gleba
c. DOA d. Yeti

Q. 97 A pharmacist or anyone who deals with medications

a. Apothecary b. Paleontologist
c. Orthodontics d. Rugby

Q. 98 The word FORLORN means:

a. The foliage of the laurel as an emblem of victory b. Unhappy or miserable; as in feeling, condition, or
or distinction.
c. Characterized by lack of seriousness or sense; d. Existing in one from birth; inborn; native.
frivolous conduct.

Q. 99 Which word describes taking from someone else's writing without referencing?

a. Paradigm b. Oligarchy
c. Oxidize d. Plagiarize

Q. 100 Between which guide words would you look to find the definition of KNOLL?

a. Kiloparsec - king b. Kingbird - kiss good-bye

c. Kissing bug - knackwurst d. Knock-knee - knuckleballer

Q. 101 Refers to the accent or emphasis, either strong or weak, given to each syllable in a piece of writing, as
determined by conventional pronunciation.

a. Meter b. Stress
c. Rhythm d. Rhyme

Q. 102 Of or relating to a time in the past

a. DOA b. Yore
c. Yeti d. Moist

English XI-XII 13
Q. 103 A semicircle is ___________ a circle.

a. Half of b. Under
c. Above d. In between

Q. 104 What vocabulary word is a synonym for the following words: corrupting, overturning

a. Duress b. Deference
c. Discerning d. Subverting

Q. 105 ________ refers to words, phrases, or patterns of expression; standard elements in any language, differing
from language to language and shifting with time.

a. Epithet b. Jargon

c. Irony d. Idiom

Q. 106 What is a line of poetry that has seven metrical feet called?

a. Iambic pentameter b. Heptameter

c. Hexameter d. Meter

Q. 107 A person would see a dermatologist if they had a problem with their _______ .

a. Feet b. Arms
c. Internal organs d. Skin

Q. 108 Choose the word that best fills in the blank. A transatlantic flight means that the plane goes _________ the
Atlantic Ocean.

a. Under b. Across
c. Below d. In between

Q. 109 Refers to the narrator or speaker of the poem, not to be confused with the author.

a. Form b. Trope
c. Persona d. Archetype

Q. 110 A stanza composed of two rhymed lines in iambic pentameter.

a. Couplet b. Heroic couplet

c. Analogy d. Blank verse

Q. 111 Tenacious most nearly means

a. Golden. b. Bright.
c. Stubborn. d. Relaxed.

English XI-XII 14
Q. 112 What are meters that move from an unstressed syllable to a stressed syllable called?

a. Even meter b. Falling meter

c. Rising meter d. Masculine meter

Q. 113 To orchestrate a plan is the same as to

a. Contrive a plan. b. Contradict a plan.

c. Contribute a plan. d. Contract a plan.

Q. 114 Choose the word that best fills in the blank. The neonatal intensive care unit in a hospital is where
the_________ babies are treated.

a. Premature b. Overweight

c. Very tall d. Dynamic

Q. 115 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? The pep rally was brief in length, but helped boost the morale of the athletes.

a. Pep rally b. In length

c. Boost the morale d. The athletes

Q. 116 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? At 6 p.m. in the evening, detectives were called to investigate a domestic
disturbance at a home on Maple Lane.

a. In the evening b. Investigate a domestic disturbance at

c. At a home d. On Maple Lane

Q. 117 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? If you want to become better at calculus, you should start by reviewing the
basic fundamentals of mathematics.

a. If you want b. At calculus

c. Basic d. Of mathematics

Q. 118 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? Despite the gusty winds and heavy rain, a high amount of humidity still
remained in the air after the storm.

a. And heavy rain b. High

c. Still d. After the storm

English XI-XII 15
Q. 119 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? Instead of relying on the computer to create the graphics, Eric opted to draw
them by hand, manually.

a. Instead of relying on the computer b. To create the graphics

c. Opted to draw them d. Manually

Q. 120 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? The students finished the experiment by recording the growth of the plants
although they had originally intended to measure the plants' c

a. The experiment b. Of the plants

c. Plants' d. At first

Q. 121 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? After receiving two different results, the students decided to repeat the
experiment again to hopefully find some consistency among them.

a. Two b. Again
c. Hopefully d. Consistency

Q. 122 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? The restaurant's accountants determined that there might have possibly been a
breach of security involving the restaurant's payment porta

a. Restaurant's b. Possibly
c. Of security d. Payment

Q. 123 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? In 2014. researchers discovered and uncovered one of the biggest dinosaurs of
all time, a new species of titanosaur, one of the largest s

a. In 2014 b. And uncovered

c. A new species of titanosaur d. Species of dinosaurs

Q. 124 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? Historically, in the past, politicians often inserted their religious beliefs into their

a. In the past b. Often

c. Religious d. Their

Q. 125 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? The couple's abrupt decision to elope was sudden and surprised their families.

a. Couple's b. To elope
c. Was sudden d. And surprised

English XI-XII 16
Q. 126 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? As you prepare the newspaper, please ensure that the captions are aligned in a
straight line underneath each photo.

a. The newspaper b. Ensure

c. In a straight line d. Underneath each photo

Q. 127 Which word/phrase in the sentence below is redundant and can be removed without changing the
meaning of the sentence? After a traumatic event, children often revert back to behaviors they exhibited
as babies.

a. Traumatic b. Back
c. Behaviors d. Babies

Q. 128 To jeer or taunt is refered as

a. Pivot b. Gleba
c. Nubbin d. Heckle

Q. 129 Which topic is the broadest?

a. Starting a Local Recycling Program b. The Benefits of Recycling Programs

c. Analyzing a Recycling Program in Duluth, GA d. The Risks and Rewards of a Recycling Program

Q. 130 Which topic is the narrowest?

a. Starting a Local Recycling Program b. The Benefits of Recycling Programs

c. Analyzing a Recycling Program in Duluth, GA d. The Risks and Rewards of a Recycling Program

Q. 131 Which topic is the broadest?

a. The Universe b. The Origin of the Universe

c. The Composition of the Universe d. The Big Bang Theory and Its Critics

Q. 132 Which topic is the narrowest?

a. The Universe b. The Origin of the Universe

c. The Composition of the Universe d. The Big Bang Theory and Its Critics

Q. 133 Which topic is the narrowest?

a. Life in the Desert b. Exploring the Mojave Desert

c. Climate Change in the Sahara Desert d. The World's Deserts

English XI-XII 17
Q. 134 A situation, or a use of language, involving some kind of discrepancy

a. Epithet b. Euphemism
c. Irony d. Idiom

Q. 135 A line of poetry that has six metrical feet.

a. Iambic pentameter b. Heptameter

c. Hexameter d. Iamb

Q. 136 Metrical units that move from stressed to unstressed syllables are called _____ .

a. Hexameter b. Heptameter
c. Iambic pentameter d. Falling meter

Q. 137 A metrical foot of two syllables, both of which are long (or stressed).

a. Anapest b. Dactyl
c. Spondee d. Trochee

Q. 138 ___________ graphics are the study of a group of people.

a. Helio b. Demo
c. Hydro d. Poly

Q. 139 If something is described as monochromatic, it is _________ .

a. Multi-colored. b. Only one color.

c. Powerful. d. Boring.

Q. 140 A person would see a cardiologist if they were having health problems with their

a. Feet. b. Legs.
c. Liver. d. Heart.

Q. 141 What is the best synonym for COHERENT?

a. Logical b. Disorganized
c. Creative d. Brief

Q. 142 What is the best antonym for PROFUSELY?

a. Loudly b. Scarcely
c. Suspiciously d. Delicately

English XI-XII 18
Q. 143 Which rule for using hyphens does the following sentence demonstrate? The young couple was excited to
buy a house in the fastest-growing area of town.

a. Use hyphens with nouns, adjectives, or adverbs b. Use hyphens in compound adjectives with
c. present participles.
hyphens with compound expressions. d. Use hyphens in compound expressions with nouns
and past participles.

Q. 144 Regularized rhythms; An arrangement of language in which the accents occur at apparently equal intervals
in time.

a. Meter b. Iambic pentameter

c. Hexameter d. Heptameter

Q. 145 The reverse of the trochee; a metrical foot of two syllables, one short (or unstressed) and one long (or


a. Falling meter b. Heptameter

c. Anapest d. Iamb

Q. 146 A verbal expression in which words or sounds are arranged in a particular way to achieve a particular

a. Figure of speech b. Falling meter

c. Hyperbole d. Imagery

Q. 147 Teaching adult learners

a. Oncology b. Andragogy
c. Geriatrics d. Senioritis

Q. 148 Which word means plain or unattractive in appearance?

a. Approbation b. Homely
c. Boorish d. Assent

Q. 149 Choose the correct option from the following.

a. Are you go to a party on Friday? b. Do you going to a party on Friday?

c. Are you going to the party on Friday? d. Are you go to the party on Friday?

Q. 150 Are you ready?

a. Yes, I,m not b. Yes, I am

c. Yes, I'm d. Yes, I do

English XI-XII 19
Q. 151 Which one is correct?

a. Where did you have dinner last night? b. Where did you had dinner last night?
c. Where do you have dinner last night? d. Where do you had dinner last night

Q. 152 Which guide words would you look between to find the definition of GAUCHE?

a. Gargle - gaslight b. Gaslit - gather

c. Gather - gazetting d. Gazillion - gemfibrozil

Q. 153 What is a rhyme that occurs in a final unstressed syllable called?

a. Falling meter b. Heptameter

c. Feminine meter d. Hexameter

Q. 154 What is the best antonym for CONTEMPTUOUSLY?

a. Angrily b. Sorrowfully
c. Kindly d. Heartly

Q. 155 What is the use of a soft indirect expression instead of one that is harsh or unpleasantly direct called?

a. Cacophony b. Euphony
c. Euphemism d. Envoy

Q. 156 The term "resolute" is best replaced with...

a. Strong-willed b. Cold
c. Pretentious d. Stiff

Q. 157 What is the best synonym for PRECEDENT?

a. Example b. Requirement
c. Presentation d. Award

Q. 158 What is the best antonym for INDUCED?

a. Admitted b. Caused
c. Intimidated d. Halted

Q. 159 What is the best antonym for RAZED?

a. Comforted b. Stunned
c. Erected d. Interfered

English XI-XII 20
Q. 160 Something that is positive and good for you is called a(n)

a. Benefit b. Automatic
c. Magnifier d. Prototype

Q. 161 If someone is using a pseudonym, they are using a __________ name.

a. Real b. FALSE
c. Old d. First

Q. 162 Between which guide words would you look to find the definition of IMBIBE?

a. Illiterate - imaginary b. Imaginary number - immediate

c. Immediate constituent - immuno d. Immunodeficiency - impassioning

Q. 163 Verbal irony can be presented as:

a. Sarcasm b. Overstatement
c. Understatement d. All of the above

Q. 164 What is the best synonym for REACTIONARY?

a. Influential b. Excessive
c. Sudden d. Resistant

Q. 165 What does QUALITY describe?

a. How good something is b. How much of something there is

c. The type of person who asks questions d. The ability of a factory to retain control

Q. 166 A figure of speech in which affirmative is expressed by the negation of the opposite.

a. Meiosis b. Litotes
c. Irony d. Figure of speech

Q. 167 The shorter final stanza of a poem, as in a ballade.

a. Foot b. Envoy
c. Form d. Meter

Q. 168 Refers to pleasant spoken sound that is created by smooth consonants.

a. Euphemism b. Imagery
c. Euphony d. Cacophony

English XI-XII 21
Q. 169 Pedestrians ____________ jaywalk put __________ lives at risk.

a. That; his or her b. Who; their

c. Whom; their d. Which; their

Q. 170 When someone says or writes something but means something entirely different.

a. Situational irony b. Verbal irony

c. Dramatic irony d. None of the above

Q. 171 The merging of two or more cultures, resulting in struggles for control over resources as well as new
cultural forms is referred to as:

a. Borderlands b. Culture Control

c. Culture Battle d. Border Battle

Q. 172 Raucous most nearly means

a. Raspy. b. Quiet.
c. Expected. d. Scandalize.

Q. 173 What name is given to overworked, overused, trite expressions?

a. Jargon b. Slang
c. Redundancy d. Cliches

Q. 174 Which rule for using hyphens does the following sentence demonstrate? Grass-fed beef have become one
of the latest trends in organic foods.

a. Use hyphens with nouns, adjectives, or adverbs b. Use hyphens with comparatives or superlatives.
and present
c. Use participles.
hyphens with compound expressions. d. Use hyphens in compound expressions with nouns

Q. 175 This can be measured in terms of heavily stressed to less stressed syllables and is measured in feet.

a. Rhyme b. Rhythm
c. Meter d. Iamb

Q. 176 Dealing with her little brother was completely ___________ . She had no energy afterwards.

a. Enervating b. Energizing
c. Excruciating d. Emulating

Q. 177 What is the use of a word or phrase in a sense different from its ordinary meaning called?

a. Trochee b. Trope
c. Persona d. Jargon

English XI-XII 22
Q. 178 Which rule for using hyphens does the following sentence demonstrate? An individual who is self-
motivated sets goals and usually reaches them.

a. Use hyphens with select prefixes. b. Use hyphens with compound expressions.
c. Use hyphens with a nouns and past participles. d. Use hyphens with a noun and present participle.

Q. 179 Widespread acclaim; fame is referred as.

a. Discreet b. Renown
c. Prevarication d. Estimable

Q. 180 The teddy bear was named for Theodore Roosevelt. What is this an example of?

a. Antonym b. Eponym

c. Illustration d. Oxymoron

Q. 181 Which rule for using hyphens does the following sentence demonstrate? After getting into a fight, he was
expelled from school.

a. Use hyphens with the prefix ex- only when it b. Use hyphens with compound modifiers.
c. Use hyphens with select suffixes. d. Use hyphens between prefixes and capitalized

Q. 182 Metacognition means

a. Reading actively to understand the big picture. b. Awareness of oneself.

c. Intellect. d. Reading for pleasure.

Q. 183 Two or more syllables that together make up the smallest unit of rhythm in a poem.

a. Heptameter b. Meter
c. Foot d. Iamb

Q. 184 a descriptive expression, a word or phrase expressing some quality or attribute.

a. Euphony b. Epithet
c. Idiom d. Jargon

Q. 185 refers to words and phrases developed by a particular group to fit their own needs which other people

a. Hyperbole b. Jargon
c. Irony d. Euphony

English XI-XII 23
Q. 186 A figure of speech that consists of saying less than one means, or of saying what one means with less force
than the occasion warrants.

a. Litotes b. Meiosis
c. Idiom d. Euphony

Q. 187 Which rule for using hyphens does the following sentence demonstrate? He bought some delicious-
looking chocolate covered strawberries to serve for dessert.

a. Use hyphens with a noun, adjective, or adverb and b. Use hyphens with two or more words functioning
c. Use hyphens with compound expressions. as
d. an adjective
Use hyphensbefore a noun.
with select prefixes.

Q. 188 Which rule for using hyphens does the following sentence demonstrate? The low-flying airplane caused

concern in the neighborhood.

a. Use hyphens with select prefixes. b. Use hyphens with select suffixes.
c. Use hyphens in compound adjectives with high or d. Use hyphens in compound adjectives with

Q. 189 A baseball team manager said during a speech, "It is beyond my apprehension" instead of "It is beyond my
comprehension." This is an example of a(n):

a. Misunderstanding b. Malapropism
c. Spoonerism d. Syllogism

Q. 190 In a speech, Queen Victoria reportedly said, "I have in my bosom a half-warmed fish" instead of a "half-
formed wish." This is an example of a(n):

a. Mondegreen b. Oxymoron
c. Portmanteau d. Spoonerism

Q. 191 Hearing the lyrics "Every time you go away, you take a piece of me with you" as "Every time you go away,
you take a piece of meat with you," is an example of a(n):

a. Mondegreen b. Malapropism
c. Portmanteau d. Spoonerism

Q. 192 Saying BBC instead of British Broadcasting Corporation is an example of an:

a. Acronym b. Anagram
c. Eponym d. Initialism

Q. 193 Saying NASA instead of National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an example of an:

a. Acronym b. Anagram
c. Eponym d. Initialism

English XI-XII 24
Q. 194 The phrase below is an example of a(n): Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex.

a. Anagram b. Lipogram
c. Pangram d. Telegram

Q. 195 The following phrase is written without using the letter S: He came to greet me at my abode and away into
the horizon we rode. This is an example of a:

a. Anagram b. Eponym
c. Lipogram d. Pangram

Q. 196 Between which guide words would you look to find the definition of PALLOR?

a. Palatability - palisade b. Palisade - palsied

c. Palsied - Pandora's box d. Pandowdy - pant

Q. 197 PERNICIOUS most nearly means

a. Ambitious b. Harmful
c. Pernoctate d. Suspicious

Q. 198 DIRGE most nearly means

a. Poem b. Song
c. Hymn d. Elegy

Q. 199 Favorable, well-timed, lucky are best described as _____________ .

a. Auspicious b. Ashy
c. Aspish d. Aspersion

Q. 200 A DRAM is an old-fashioned term for...

a. 3/8 of an ounce b. An 1/8 of an ounce

c. 6 oz d. An 1/8 of a cup

Q. 201 An old-fashioned word to describe a treaty was

a. Traceable b. Treatable
c. Compact d. Contractable

Q. 202 All the choices below are synonyms for "portentous", except:

a. Foreshadowing b. Unprophetic
c. Threat d. Presage

English XI-XII 25
Q. 203 The opposite of IMPIOUS is:

a. Implied b. Excellent
c. Peaceful d. Reverent

Q. 204 What is the closest and best definition of the word OUST?

a. Dislodge b. Push out

c. Fire d. Throw out

Q. 205 To SANCTION someone's behavior means to:

a. Approve of it b. Disapprove of it
c. Deny it d. Support it

Q. 206 An UNALLOYED medical potion is

a. Adulterated b. Undiluted
c. Impure d. Fresh

Q. 207 Balanced proportions

a. Esoteric b. Extol
c. Symmetry d. Reprove

Q. 208 Being poor:

a. Meticulous b. Devious
c. Impecunious d. Reticent

Q. 209 Something which teaches you a lesson:

a. Sanctuary b. Salutary
c. Sanitary d. Salivary

Q. 210 Which rule for using hyphens does the following sentence demonstrate? You should hire a new hair-stylist
because that dye job is horrendous!

a. Use hyphens with compound modifiers. b. Use hyphens with compound expressions.
c. Use hyphens with two or more or words d. Use hyphens with nouns and past participles.
functioning as an adjective before a noun.

English XI-XII 26
Q. 211 Which rule for using hyphens does the following sentence demonstrate? He was an expert in eighteenth-
century architecture.

a. Use hyphens in compound adjectives with b. Use hyphens in compound numbers.

c. Use hyphens in compound adjectives with d. Use hyphens with compound expressions.

Q. 212 Unless the mail comes before noon, Sarah will miss the deadline. Unless the mail comes before noon is an
example of:

a. Participal phrase b. Misplaced modifier

c. Adverbial clause d. Appositive phrase

Q. 213 What word describes a JOCUND person?

a. Rugged b. Stilted
c. Bleak d. Delighted

Q. 214 Which of the following is an adjectives that means to not have any serious purpose or value?

a. Monastic b. Frivolous
c. Devout d. Exile

Q. 215 Which of the following words is an adjective that means: of or relating to monks, nuns, or others living
under religious vows, or the buildings in which they live.

a. Sage b. Devout
c. Monastic d. Secular

Q. 216 Tim is, without a doubt, the world's messiest person! .The qualifying phrase "without a doubt" is a(n):

a. Participal phrase b. Adverbial phrase

c. Absolute adjective phrase d. Appositive phrase

Q. 217 Appear rather inconsequential in comparison:

a. Significant b. Unimportant
c. Valuable d. Elite

Q. 218 The woman's ERRONEOUS statements about the safety of her company's products led to a number of
lawsuits alleging false representation. What is the meaning of ERRONEOUS?

a. Mistaken b. Incorrect
c. Argumentative d. Singular

English XI-XII 27
Q. 219 Jason, even though he is old enough to drive, prefers to ride a bicycle. In this sentence, "even though he is
old enough to drive" is an example of a(n):

a. Adverbial clause b. Participal phrase

c. Adverbial phrase d. Appositive phrase

Q. 220 An epigram is often________ .

a. Witty b. Nonsensical
c. Illustrated d. Motivational

Q. 221 Where does the name sestina come from?

a. September b. Sestet

c. Session d. Separate

Q. 222 A character who is so one-dimensional as to be predictable is:

a. Static b. Flat
c. Round d. Dynamic

Q. 223 Between which guide words would you look to find the definition of METICULOUS?

a. Meter - metis b. Metonym - mettle

c. Mettled - microbiotic d. Microbicidal - micronome

Q. 224 common, ordinary, lacking freshness, hackneyed

a. Banal b. Ascend
c. Gregarious d. Opaque

Q. 225 Which is NOT something that would be described as EVANESCENT?

a. A rainbow b. A sunset
c. A kitten d. A dream

Q. 226 To scold or to rebuke for a misdeed usually with kindly intent

a. Innate b. Reprove
c. Ascend d. Austere

Q. 227 Peaceful, calm

a. Tranquil b. Prolific
c. Benign d. Capricious

English XI-XII 28
Q. 228 The meaning of insipid

a. Dull b. Exciting
c. Sharp d. To cause pain

Q. 229 The following is correct as is: Every day that little girl acts more like her mother.


Q. 230 The following is correct as is: Sean acted like he had seen a ghost; he ran out of the house screaming and
waving his hands wildly!


Q. 231 Which of the following is the best example of a paradox?

a. Moses supposes his toeses are roses. b. I'll be short.

c. We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. d. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Q. 232 She showed (leisure, flagrant) defiance by eating the cookie when her mother said, "no."

a. Leisure b. Flagrant

Q. 233 Of or related to cooking or the kitchen.

a. Downcast b. Culinary
c. Commenced d. Serenely

Q. 234 Intrepid

a. Outgoing b. Meek
c. Gutsy d. Arrogant

Q. 235 What does exorbitant mean?

a. Happy b. Unreasonable
c. To leave d. Low

Q. 236 Strict, stem; unadorned, ascetic

a. Austere b. Hypocrite
c. Venerate d. Esoteric

English XI-XII 29
Q. 237 Beyond what is needed or required, an overflow

a. Superfluous b. Innocuous
c. Disparage d. Ambivalent

Q. 238 The gloves and the hat is the same color.


Q. 239 The chairs and the table was loaded with packages.


Q. 240 Inundate means.

a. Dry b. Submerge
c. To explain d. To describe

Q. 241 Love is a __________ .

a. Noun b. Adverb
c. Verb d. Subject

Q. 242 when the fields are COVERED WITH WATER by the Nile

a. Emanated b. Ruminated
c. Inundated d. Imbibed

Q. 243 A primary source could be:

a. A biography b. An autobiography
c. An encyclopedia d. An atlas

Q. 244 Between which guide words would you look to find the definition of HARANGUE?

a. Haphazard - hard b. Hardback - hardware

c. Hardware cloth - harpsichord d. Harpy - hatch

Q. 245 Between which guide words would you look to find the definition of OMNIBUS?

a. Old Style - oloroso b. Olympiad - on

c. On - onerousness d. Oneself - OOD

English XI-XII 30
Q. 246 Between which guide words would you look to find the definition of NUPTIAL?

a. Null - nunchakus b. Nunclature - nux vomica

c. Nuyorican - oatmeal d. OAU - objets d'art

Q. 247 Between which guide words would you look to find the definition of LAXITY?

a. Lash - latent b. Latent - latu

c. Latus rectum - law d. Law - layer

Q. 248 Between which guide words would you look to find the definition of JUXTAPOSITION?

a. Junior - justice b. Justice of the peace - kairomone

c. Kaiser - karstic d. Kart - keep

Q. 249 A _____________ of church members is sometimes called a flock.

a. Lot b. Congregation
c. Building d. Roster

Q. 250 Quiet, not verbose

a. Taciturn b. Embellish
c. Disparity d. Angular

Q. 251 To honor, to regard with respect

a. Lawd b. Superfluous
c. Taciturn d. Revere

Q. 252 The lifeguard or the swimming coach are always on duty.


Q. 253 To differentiate between two or more things

a. Discern b. Altruistic
c. Innocuous d. Embellish

Q. 254 Death is to

a. Fortify b. Burial
c. Figurative d. Demise

English XI-XII 31
Q. 255 To have a strong desire to get or do something to seek.

a. Retort b. Stint
c. Addict d. Aspire

Q. 256 Which type of conflict is exhibited when a football player makes a tackle?

a. Person vs person b. Person vs nature

c. Person vs society d. Person vs technology

Q. 257 Abundant, marked by great productivity

a. Prolific b. Venerate
c. Gregarious d. Benign

Q. 258 Calm, placid

a. Engender b. Altruistic
c. Angular d. Serene

Q. 259 Restraint in speech, reluctance to speak

a. Disparity b. Reticence
c. Insipid d. Taciturn

Q. 260 To cause, to produce, to create

a. Engender b. Subtle
c. Aversion d. Discern

Q. 261 Disparage: to degrade, to speak of someone or something in a derogatory manner


Q. 262 Either the meat or the potatoes are burning.


Q. 263 The child was afraid when he heard a coyote howl in the MURKY blackness of the night.

a. Morally bad; evil b. Very dark or gloomy

c. A person who stands near or looks on d. To amaze and make unable to speak

English XI-XII 32
Q. 264 Not allowing the passage of light, not transparent; hard to understand

a. Reprove b. Venerate
c. Tranquil d. Opaque

Q. 265 One who is insincere or deceitful

a. Extol b. Hypocrite
c. Venerate d. Tranquil

Q. 266 Sociable and outgoing

a. Fastidious b. Gregarious
c. Reprove d. Melancholy

Q. 267 To praise, to glorify

a. Extol b. Esoteric
c. Ascend d. Benign

Q. 268 To aggravate, to irritate, to vex

a. Autonomous b. Capricious
c. Exacerbate d. Defamation

Q. 269 To reject, to disown, to disavow

a. Innocuous b. Repudiate
c. Subtle d. Discern

Q. 270 Showy, pretentious

a. Ostentatious b. Reticence
c. Disdain d. Angular

Q. 271 Inequality, the condition or fact of being unequal in age, rank, or degree

a. Taciturn b. Disparage
c. Disparity d. Superfluous

Q. 272 Unselfishly concerned for the welfare of others, generous

a. Angular b. Altruistic
c. Discern d. Lament

English XI-XII 33
Q. 273 Which of the following is a verb that means to make continual twisting, squirming movements or
contortions of the body?

a. Monastic b. Frivolous
c. Writhe d. Venerable

Q. 274 The Word Pragmatism. MOST NEARLY means:

a. Unhappy or miserable; as in feeling, condition ,or b. Obsolete. Fanciful or witty.

c. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an orator or d. Character or conduct that emphasizes practicality.

Q. 275 The Word Stoic .MOST NEARLY means:

a. Extremely or impassably steep: precipitous b. Obsolete. Fanciful or witty.
mountain trails. by lack of seriousness or sense:
c. Characterized d. Seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure
frivolous conduct.

Q. 276 Secret in an underhanded way, stealthy

a. Dawdle b. Capricious
c. Furtive d. Ascend

Q. 277 That medicine may ____________ my ability to drive, however!

a. Effect b. Affect

Q. 278 Having to do with the outer edges, especially in the field of vision.

a. Peripheral b. Jurisprudence
c. Telepathic d. Figment

Q. 279 Depression of spirits

a. Gregarious b. Exacerbate
c. Opaque d. Melancholy

Q. 280 Sluggish, languid are the meanings of _____________ .

a. Lethargic b. Furtive
c. Opaque d. Hypocrite

Q. 281 Reflecting a meticulous or demanding attitude, critical to an extreme

a. Fastidious b. Opaque
c. Reprove d. Melancholy

English XI-XII 34
Q. 282 Understood only by a small group or a select few

a. Esoteric b. Antithesis
c. Extol d. Fastidious

Q. 283 Act of harming or mining another's reputation

a. Defamation b. Banal
c. Gregarious d. Hypocrite

Q. 284 To waste time, to spend time idly, to move in a lackadaisical manner

a. Dawdle b. Exacerbate
c. Autonomous d. Gregarious

Q. 285 Not causing harm, of gentle disposition, beneficial

a. Exacerbate b. Banal
c. Benign d. Prolific

Q. 286 Changing suddenly, fickle

a. Exacerbate b. Capricious
c. Austere d. Fastidious

Q. 287 lament: delicate, elusive, not obvious


Q. 288 Wasteful, a person given to extravagance

a. Disparity b. Prodigal
c. Revere d. Engender

Q. 289 Lawd: to mourn or to express sorrow in a demonstrative manner


Q. 290 Boring and stupid

a. Innocuous b. Disparage
c. Lament d. Insipid

English XI-XII 35
Q. 291 Harmless, producing no injury

a. Innocuous b. Ambivalent
c. Discern d. Prodigal

Q. 292 Strong disinclination, disliking

a. Insipid b. Aversion
c. Discern d. Lawd

Q. 293 Overbearingly assuming; insolently proud

a. Innocuous b. Embellish
c. Aversion d. Arrogant

Q. 294 Atrocious most nearly means...

a. Horrible b. Unmoving
c. Excited d. Lonely

Q. 295 Which word best describes a five-year-old child who doesn't get a toy at the toy store?

a. Querulous b. Exasperating
c. Impetuous d. Jubilant

Q. 296 Related to the study of beauty:

a. Aesthetic b. Gorgeous
c. Intuitive d. Evanescent

Q. 297 Accost means:

a. To sing a song without instruments b. To aquire(get)

c. Question agressively d. To cause pain

Q. 298 INSURGENT means rebel or rebellious.


Q. 299 When told he did a great job on the presentation, Allen gave credit to his whole team. Which word best
fits this scenario?

a. Hedonist b. Impute
c. Superficial d. Submissive

English XI-XII 36
Q. 300 The MOURNFUL meowing of a kitten

a. Penitent b. Pensive
c. Strident d. Plaintive

Q. 301 Elisha, miraculously fed by a woman living in EXTREME POVERTY

a. Penury b. Chicanery
c. Reticence d. Panacea

Q. 302 John the Baptist, the ONE WHO HERALDED THE COMING of Christ

a. Entrepreneur b. Precursor
c. Remonstrance d. Agnostic

Q. 303 Wanting to reflect a THOUGHTFUL AND SERIOUS mood in his music

a. Plaintive b. Pensive
c. Strident d. Caustic

Q. 304 STRENGTHENED OR CONFIRMED the earlier testimony of the defendant

a. Elucidated b. Ruminated
c. Incarcerated d. Corroborated

Q. 305 Squander

a. To sell goods b. To wonder aimlessly

c. To squat d. To waste

Q. 306 Apprehensive nearly means.

a. To be attached b. Comfortable
c. Fearful d. To apply

Q. 307 Abate means.

a. Support or prove true b. Allowed to continue

c. Become less intense d. Please or satisfy

Q. 308 You work in a grocery store and a customer approaches you because she is dissatisfied with the service.
What should you do?

a. Disregard the customer because she is probably b. Regard the complaint as accurate and take
c. Do a full investigation before taking any action. d. Immediately contact your supervisor to handle the

English XI-XII 37
Q. 309 The act of evading the truth; lying:

a. Estimable b. Discreet
c. Prevarication d. Renown

Q. 310 The Word "Capricious" MOST NEARLY means:

a. Characterized by lack of seriousness or sense: b. A fictitious name used by an author to conceal his
c. conduct.
Obsolete. fanciful or witty. or her
d. identity;a pen
Displaying playname.
of lustrous colors like rainbows.

Q. 311 Meander most nearly means...

a. Navigate b. Attack

c. Zigzag d. Forgive

Q. 312 The Word "Sparseness" MOST NEARLY means:

a. Displaying a play of lustrous colors like rainbows. b. Thinly scattered or distributed: a sparse
c. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an orator or d. Extremely or impassably steep: precipitous
oratory. mountain trails.

Q. 313 Animosity means

a. Hatred b. Loved
c. Jealousy d. Kindhearted

Q. 314 ____________ means full of concern.

a. Disdainful b. Estimable
c. Solicitous d. Prevarication

Q. 315 Feeling or showing contempt; scornful:

a. Disdainful b. Discreet
c. Prevarication d. Renown

Q. 316 To deceive:

a. Iota b. Dupe
c. Sum d. Docile

Q. 317 My professor showed no sympathy when I told him the reason I missed my exam was because my dog
died. He obviously lacked:

a. Adulation b. Benevolence
c. Camaraderie d. Compassion

English XI-XII 38
Q. 318 Having or showing careful judgment in speech and action; prudent:

a. Disdainful b. Discreet
c. Prevarication d. Solicitous

Q. 319 The Word "Frivolous" MOST NEARLY means:

a. A fictitious name used by an author to conceal his b. Displaying a play of lustrous colors like rainbows.
or her
c. identity; pen
Characterized byname.
lack of seriousness or sense d. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an orator or

Q. 320 The Word "Oratorical" MOST NEARLY means:

a. Characterized by lack of seriousness or sense: b. A fictitious name used by an author to conceal his

c. conduct.
Extremely or impassably steep: precipitous or her
d. Of, identity; pen
pertaining to,name.
or characteristic of an orator or
mountain trails.

Q. 321 The Word "Precipitous" MOST NEARLY means:

a. Displaying a play of lustrous colors like rainbows. b. Thinly scattered or distributed: a sparse
c. Characterized by lack of seriousness or sense: population.
d. Extremely or impassably steep: precipitous
frivolous conduct.

Q. 322 Deserving of esteem; admirable:

a. Discreet b. Solicitous
c. Renown d. Estimable

Q. 323 A holy-minded man of good _____ there was, and poor, the Parson to a town.

a. Prevarication b. Renown
c. Disdainful d. Discreet

Q. 324 Avaricious most nearly means...

a. Ornamental b. Running
c. Conceited d. Greedy

Q. 325 Florid most nearly means...

a. Embellished b. Gorgeous
c. Inept d. Natural

Q. 326 Forceful; furious.

a. Vegetate b. Vehement
c. Valiant d. Veer

English XI-XII 39
Q. 327 As for her sympathies and tender feelings, she was so charitably _________ .

a. Disdainful b. Solicitous
c. Estimable d. Discreet

Q. 328 Which text/writing structure includes a premise?

a. Cause-effect b. Persuasive
c. Compare-contrast d. Descriptive

Q. 329 Skills

a. Abilities to successfully complete tasks; knowledge b. The quality of being clean and neatly dressed
c. Planning tools

Q. 330 An upright support used to hold up an artist's canvas while the painter is working or to hold a completed
painting for exhibition is called an...

a. Hanger b. Pin
c. Easel d. Contrast

Q. 331 Which of the following lines or phrases have become famous sayings in popular culture or titles of other
authors' works?

a. Fatal Vision b. The Sound and the Fury

c. Something Wicked This Way Comes d. All of the above

Q. 332 Forced isolation to prevent the spread of disease.

a. Puerile b. Quarantine
c. Quandary d. Qualify

Q. 333 To express remorse or regret and to communicate those feelings to an individual.

a. Apology b. Empathy
c. Conflict d. Complaint

Q. 334 The rainy day had turned Mark's energetic mood into something more lackluster.

a. Enthusiastic b. Lifeless
c. Nefarious d. Calculating

Q. 335 Charmingly old-fashioned.

a. Quaint b. Quagmire
c. Prurient d. Puerile

English XI-XII 40
Q. 336 Sage most nearly means

a. Vocal b. Wise
c. Old d. Interested

Q. 337 Impostor most nearly means

a. Unpredictable. b. Impressive.
c. Fake. d. Genuine.

Q. 338 A customer asks you a question that you do not know the answer to. What can you do to help this

a. Make up an answer. b. Advise the customer that you are not sure, but

c. Tell the customer that you don't know and advise d. Call your supervisor over to help the customer.
them to find someone else.

Q. 339 Involving or done by only one side.

a. Unilateral b. Inherent
c. Dissipate d. Unassuming

Q. 340 A very small part or quantity.

a. Maul b. Radiant
c. Rural d. Iota

Q. 341 In alchemy, what is the Soul of the World?

a. The Master Work b. The Universal Language

c. Love d. One's Personal Legend

Q. 342 Stormy, bad, severe.

a. Inclement b. Accede
c. Discreet d. Innate

Q. 343 Over and above the basic product or service offer an organization makes to it's customers.

a. Team Work b. Apology

c. Added Value d. Respect

Q. 344 It is a deliberate exaggeration for effect. Example: "I've got a ton of homework." What is it called?

a. Imagery b. Allusion
c. Hyperbole d. Symbol

English XI-XII 41
Q. 345 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. I'm afraid ____________ going to be a very long season for the
Mighty Ducks.

a. Its b. It's

Q. 346 Choose the word that best fills in the blank. ___________ are no excuses this time, Buddy!

a. There b. Their
c. They're

Q. 347 Is the sentence written using active or passive voice? The movie is being made in Hollywood.

a. Active b. Passive

Q. 348 Read each of the following sentences. Choose the sentence that does not contain any errors.

a. Waiting for the weather to clear up; they played b. We planted the following vegetables in our
c. indoors
Having for hours.
purchases noodles, sprouts, and fish sauce d. Under the light of moon we sat and watched a
at the grocery store; Lin was ready to prepare dinner. movie at the drivein theater.

Q. 349 Read each of the sentences. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

a. The rose, which was deep crimson and in full b. Creeping along the riverbank, the tractor dug up
c. Our was soto
ability perfect that it truth
understand lookedis artificial.
limited: our the soft mud;
d. Being and even
dedicated andlifted theArt
strong, enormous
for the
obligation and power to seek it is limitless, said my track meet three hours each day; consequently, it was

Q. 350 Which of the following is the best definition of symbolism?

a. Words that change meanings based on the context b. Objects, persons, sounds or events that have
in which
c. Whenthey are used
a visual item, sound, person or event conventional
d. meanings
A literary device and specific
in which connotations
the sound of the poem is
represents an abstract idea different from the literal used to add another layer of meaning to the poem

Q. 351 Which of the following statements explains the best way to construct a compound sentence?

a. Connect an independent clause and a dependent b. Connect two independent clauses with a
c. Addwith a comma.
a FANBOY to independent clauses. d. Connect two independent clauses and a
subordinate clause with FANBOYs.

Q. 352 Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

a. It's Amy's car, so let her decide where we're going. b. Its Amy's car, so let her decide where were going.
c. It's Amys car, so let her decide where we're going.

English XI-XII 42
Q. 353 Which of the following sentences is written correctly?

a. He didn't have no money. b. He didn't have none.

c. He didn't have any money. d. I didn't have no money.

Q. 354 Which poetic device is used in the sentence below? My car is a billion years old, I'm surprised it still turns

a. Personification b. Alliteration
c. Rhyme scheme d. Hyperbole

Q. 355 Choose the word that fits the definition below. Without enthusiasm or thoroughness; routine; "going
through the motions"

a. Pernicious b. Pecuniary
c. Partisan d. Perfunctory

Q. 356 Based on the meaning of its prefix and suffix, what is the definition of NONPROFITABLE?

a. Not profiting b. Not capable of making profit

c. Capable of making a profit d. Profiting

Q. 357 Which sentence is a compound sentence?

a. The flowers and grass sprang up all over. b. The seeds were planted, and flowers grew.
c. Trees and grass springing up on the earth. d. The seeds fell to the earth and soon sprouted.

Q. 358 What is an antonym of ARROGANT?

a. Friendly b. Modest
c. Superiority d. Escape

Q. 359 All grownups were once children…but only few of them remember it. - "The Little Prince" In the quote ,
which word is missing a hyphen?

a. Grownups b. Children
c. Only few d. Remember

Q. 360 Which poetic device is NOT being used in the following sentence? Bobby broke a bottle-BAM; the beetles
bellowed and bolted.

a. Onomatopoeia b. Personification
c. Connotation d. Alliteration

English XI-XII 43
Q. 361 What literary device reveals a kind of truth which seems contradictory?

a. Paradox b. Hyperbole
c. Alliteration d. Personification

Q. 362 If you call someone a BLUNDERBUSS you mean that person is

a. Crazy. b. Cautious.
c. Clumsy. d. Creative.

Q. 363 What type of noun is the subject of the following sentence? COMPASSION is the reason that she is very

a. Abstract Noun b. Proper Noun

c. Compound Noun d. Collective Noun

Q. 364 What type of noun is the subject of the following sentence? As soon as the ARMY withdrew, the region
descended into anarchy.

a. Abstract Noun b. Proper Noun

c. Compound Noun d. Collective Noun

Q. 365 What type of noun is the subject of the following sentence? None of the FIREMEN were able to explain the
anomaly they observed in the burning house.

a. Abstract Noun b. Collective Noun

c. Compound Noun d. Proper Noun

Q. 366 Neil Armstrong was not the first man to travel to the moon, but he has been the first man who walked on
the moon. The words "has been the first man who walked" should read:

a. Was the first man to walk b. Was the first man having walked
c. Had been the first man who walked d. No change

Q. 367 Pernicious means.

a. Destructive b. Powerful
c. Profound d. Very large

Q. 368 What is the opposite of hyperbole?

a. Sentimental b. Rhythm
c. Understatement d. Reason

English XI-XII 44
Q. 369 Which word below is closest in meaning to recompense?

a. Leisure b. Payment
c. Praise d. Rethink

Q. 370 Use a ____________ to divide words at the end of a line. Be sure to make the break only between

a. Dash b. Hyphen
c. Comma d. Semicolon

Q. 371 Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?

a. Cousin did you listen to the sermon? b. Did someone ask, Edwin Taylor, to read his poem

c. Thank you, dear wife, for such a lovely thought. "Huswifery"
d. Please read the poem again brother.

Q. 372 Choose the word that best fills in the blank. The Halloween production tried to create the _________ of a
spooky, abandoned castle.

a. Allusion b. Illusion

Q. 373 Knowing how the ball reacts to different types of kicks helps kids become better soccer player. The words
"helps kids become better soccer player" should read:

a. Help kids become better soccer player. b. Helps kids become better soccer players.
c. Helps kid become better soccer player. d. No change

Q. 374 ____________ is an antonym for INCONCEIVABLE.

a. Love b. Believable
c. Assault d. Fantastic

Q. 375 Choose the word that best fills in the blank. The _________ is simple, but within the engine, the
technology is far more complicated.

a. Argument b. Connotative
c. Caustic d. Concept

Q. 376 Which choice best represents the error in the sentence? Experts agree that brushing your teeth daily are
the key to controlling your dental health.

a. Agree b. Brushing your teeth

c. Are the key d. No error

English XI-XII 45
Q. 377 Daniel is a ________ traveler and understands many different cultures; therefore, he never feels out of
place, no matter where he goes.

a. Cache b. Cliché
c. Contort d. Cosmopolitan

Q. 378 "Someone stole ur TV." In the sentence, using Standard American English, "ur" should be replaced by:

a. You are b. Your

c. You're d. You r

Q. 379 The tone of a dirge is usually ______________ .

a. Bright b. Somber

c. Excited d. Angry

Q. 380 The basic plan is including 24 hour gym access, three free personal training sessions, and a complete
physical health analysis. The words "The basic plan is including" should read:

a. The basic plan that includes b. The basic plan includes

c. Included in the basic plan d. No change

Q. 381 ______________ is a synonym for BENEVOLENCE.

a. Alertness b. Offensive
c. Buffer d. Kindness

Q. 382 Use a hyphen with a noun, adjective, or adverb and a present participle when they come before a noun.
Which choice correctly uses this rule?

a. The doctor prescribed some medicine that was b. The doctor prescribed a fast-acting medication.
c. Those were some beautiful looking flowers. d. It was a heavily-decorated room.

Q. 383 ILNY, It's a gr8 plce. What is one rule the sentence above follows?

a. Proper capitalization b. Proper use of an apostrophe

c. Proper use of abbreviations d. Proper removal of nouns

Q. 384 Most veterinarians believe that cats not being given at least fifteen minutes a day of affection, this causes
them to be unhappy. The words "cats not being given at least fifteen minutes a day of affection, this
causes" should read:

a. Cats who are not being given at least fifteen b. Cats not being given at least fifteen minutes a day
c. a day
Cats not of affection,
being this causes
given at least fifteen minutes a day d. No change
of affection which causes

English XI-XII 46
Q. 385 A physical ability that involves flexing the body into different shapes

a. Concoction b. Meticulous
c. Contortion d. Repugnant

Q. 386 What does symbolism function as?

a. A stylistic device that evokes emotion, thought b. A literary device that evokes emotion, thought
c. figurative language device that evokes emotion, d. A connotative device that evokes emotion,
thought and discussion thought and discussion

Q. 387 Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding symbols?

a. Symbols can be based on cultural items like a b. Symbols never vary from one culture to another.

c. flag or religion
Some symbols liketo
can seem a cross for Christianity
be universal across d. Symbols shift their meaning depending on the
cultures like "light" symbolizing knowledge. context.

Q. 388 Use a hyphen to connect two words functioning as an adjective before a noun. Which choice correctly
uses this rule?

a. Mr. Harrison was a well-respected member of b. Mr. Harrison was well-respected.

c. Long-term-planning is something ever high school d. On my birthday, I will turn twenty-one.
should do.

Q. 389 What kind of increase does the word manifold describe?

a. A modest increase b. A gradual increase

c. A tiny increase d. A large increase

Q. 390 Which choice best represents the error in the sentence? As Shakespeare once said, "All the worlds' a

a. As Shakespeare b. Said, "All

c. The worlds' d. No error

Q. 391 What does symbolism in literature allow the reader to do?

a. See the writers point-of-view b. Gauge the writer's attitude

c. Discern the writer's frame of reference d. All of the above

Q. 392 This is gonna be a loooooong day. In the sentence above, why does the author use multiple Os in the word

a. To add emphasis to the sentence b. To fill in extra space

c. To add a bit of humor d. To unstick the O key

English XI-XII 47
Q. 393 Which of the following is an example of a paradox?

a. The Sun Also Rises b. Noisy silence

c. To be or not to be d. You must be cruel to be kind

Q. 394 Name the problem with this sentence: "When the boy opened his eyes, he couldn't believe what he saw,
the horses were running gracefully toward him!"

a. Run on b. Comma splice

c. Faulty parallelism d. Sentence fragment

Q. 395 Mental sharpness; keen insight; shrewdness

a. Prodigal b. Predilection

c. Prevalent d. Perspicacity

Q. 396 Which is a strategy used to identify the main idea of a passage?

a. Read the entire passage b. Summarize each paragraph in the margin

c. Read the first and last sentence d. Rewrite the paragraph in your own words

Q. 397 Name the problem with this sentence: "When the lady left her house, she was hoping to see her best
friend, grab a few groceries, and that she would be home before supper."

a. Run on b. Comma splice

c. Faulty parallelism d. Sentence fragment

Q. 398 Use a hyphen in a compound adjective with a fraction. Which choice correctly uses this rule?

a. I ate half-a-pizza. b. Half-of-a-pepperoni pizza was left.

c. I half-wanted to eat the entire pizza, but I knew I d. Three-quarters are equal to 75-cents or 75-
percent of a dollar.

Q. 399 Which of the following is the best example of a paradox?

a. He was in a room full of people, but he felt alone. b. Her home was like her castle.
c. He played as if he were a professional on the field. d. A live orchestra filled her ears as she listened to
the radio.

Q. 400 The noun form of the word undulate is _____________ .

a. Undulated b. Undulation
c. Undulates d. Undulating

English XI-XII 48
Q. 401 What type of sentence contains the following syntax? Subordinate constructions first, main clause closes
the sentence (most important info is at the end)

a. Periodic Sentence b. Loose Sentence

c. Compound Sentence d. Freight Train Sentence

Q. 402 Choose the word that best fills in the blank. The ______________ streets in the city made it difficult to

a. Convoluted b. Labyrinthine
c. Structured d. Infrastructure

Q. 403 Everyone thought that the___________ house was haunted.

a. Abandoned b. Abandon
c. Abandonment d. Vacancy

Q. 404 The remark was not very ____________ so the girl felt like crying. You should be _______ while trying to
be honest. (same word fits both blanks)

a. Tact b. Gallant
c. Tactful d. Jealous

Q. 405 Which is NOT a synonym for ABOMINABLE?

a. Angry b. Loathsome
c. Abhorrent d. Horrible

Q. 406 I am a sick man . . . I am a spiteful man. - Notes from the Underground .In the sentence, how is the ellipsis

a. To indicate an omission in the sentence b. To show the narrator trailing off in thought
c. To denote information before the sentence d. To connect the two ideas

Q. 407 Film : Director :: Speech :

a. Orator b. Teacher
c. Manager d. Actor

Q. 408 When writing, using a word like SPECTACLES or EYEGLASSES instead of the word GLASSES represents:

a. Regional word choice b. American English

c. British English d. Using a thesaurus

English XI-XII 49
Q. 409 What does learning about symbols teach you to do?

a. Learning about symbols teaches you to think. b. Learning about symbols teaches you to see
c. Learning about symbols teaches you to find abstract
d. All ofrelationships.
the above
meaning in your life and world.

Q. 410 A deceiver is like an impostor, but a deceiver is purposely trying to ______ you.

a. Surprise b. Educate
c. Trick d. Confuse

Q. 411 Which of the following is the best example of a paradox?

a. This rock? Heavy? Why it's as light as a feather. b. The bear slept like a log.

c. It's incredibly warm inside the house. d. She has the face of an angel.

Q. 412 Modern paintings, containing bold colors and clean lines, reflect the aesthetic of current times. The words
"Modern paintings, containing bold colors and clean lines," should read:

a. Because modern paintings contain their bold b. Through containing their bold colors and clean
colors and clean
c. Modern lines containing their bold colors and
paintings lines,
d. Nomodern
change paintings
clean lines

Q. 413 Spelling REALIZE as REALISE is an example of:

a. American English b. Regional word choice

c. Oxford spelling d. Incorrect spelling

Q. 414 Brazil tends to __________ the behavior of the other country, taking an "eye-for-an-eye" approach to
international policy.

a. Benevolent b. Subsequent
c. Reciprocate d. Cavort

Q. 415 Which group of words best describes how we understand the symbolic meaning of an object or an action?

a. Where, when, how and who b. Why, where, when, and how
c. What, why, where, and how d. How, what, where and when

Q. 416 Why does it not matter whether or not an author put a symbol in a book purposely?

a. It does not matter because something is symbolic b. It does not matter, because if the writer did not
if you
c. see itnot
It does that way. because if you see symbolic
matter, intend
d. for something
It does not matterto be symbolic,
because symbolsit probably is not.
are a matter
meaning and you can support that meaning with of opinion.

English XI-XII 50
Q. 417 Blatant means.

a. Loud yelling b. Clearly done on purpose

c. Calm and collected d. Being incredibly annoying

Q. 418 A person might have a __________ sense of other people's feelings and a dog might have a __________
sense of smell (same word fits both blanks)

a. Tactful b. Qualifying
c. Keen d. Gallant

Q. 419 The Fox and the Grapes, like other fables, have a moral. The words "like other fables, have" should read:

a. Like other fables, got b. Like other fables, tell

c. Like other fables, has d. No change

Q. 420 Scientists note that ____________ organisms are some of the most simplistic organisms on Earth.

a. Unicellular b. Unilteral
c. Universal d. Unilaminar

Q. 421 Which choice best represents the error in the sentence? Studies show that adults who enjoyed exercising
on a regular basis were more successful at losing weights than adults who participate in fad diets.

a. Studies show b. On a regular basis

c. Who participate d. No error

Q. 422 Use a __________ in a compound adjective that precedes a noun. If the compound adjective comes after
the noun, do not use.

a. Hyphen b. Dash
c. Comma d. Semicolon

Q. 423 Enduring : Marriage :: Ephemeral :

a. Life b. Pleasure
c. Eternity d. Hope

Q. 424 Eschew : Avoid :: Emulate :

a. Enjoy b. Avoid
c. Copy d. Perform

Q. 425 Remediation : Beneficial :: Divorce :

a. Deleterious b. Natural
c. Unlikely d. Accommodating

English XI-XII 51
Q. 426 Sanctuary : Animal :: Asylum :

a. Mental patient b. Immigrant

c. Child d. Cat

Q. 427 Manager: Leadership :: Designer :

a. Wealth b. Challenge
c. Aesthetic d. Furniture

Q. 428 Funeral : Sorrow :: Promotion :

a. Gloom b. Despondency
c. Jubilation d. Laughter

Q. 429 Resign : Director :: Abdicate :

a. Ruler b. Referee
c. Athlete d. Quit

Q. 430 Choose the best word to fill in each blank. The ___________ organs in your body may be particularly
_____________ by the presence of large particles of soot in the air.

a. Pituitary - soothed b. Olfactory - aggravated

c. Adrenal - assisted d. Cardiac - inflamed

Q. 431 VEXATION most nearly means

a. The act of harassing b. To regard with extreme repugnance

c. Into parts d. To seize and take away by violence

Q. 432 If the word at the end of the line ends in ing and the final consonant is doubled before the suffix, use the
_____________ between the consonants.

a. Comma b. Dash
c. Hyphen d. Semicolon

Q. 433 After Marla completed a week-long self-defense course, she hopes she could protect herself in the face of
danger. The words "she hopes she could protect herself in the face of danger" should read:

a. She hoping she could protect herself in the face of b. Then she hopes she could protect herself in the
c. She hoped she could protect herself in the face of faceNo
d. of change

English XI-XII 52
Q. 434 Cornstarch is often used instead of flour to thicken gravy, because it contains fewer calories cooks feel like
it is healthier. The words "gravy, because it contains fewer calories" should read:

a. Gravy; producing fewer calories allows b. Gravy; because it contains fewer calories
c. Gravy, since it contains fewer calories d. No change

Q. 435 Located on the sprawling estate were a grove of fruit trees, a large pond for swimming, a horse training
ring, and there were many varieties of daffodils. The words "there were many varieties of lush green
grasses" should read:

a. There was many varieties of daffodils b. Of many varieties, daffodils

c. Many varieties of daffodils. d. No change

Q. 436 Which choice best represents the error in the sentence? At the ultrasound, the new parents found out the

gender of there child.

a. Ultrasound, the b. Found out

c. Of there d. No error

Q. 437 Which choice best represents the error in the sentence? Under the new law, motorists must wear their
seat belts, obey the posted speed limit, and only driving in the left lane to pass.

a. New law, motorists b. Must wear their

c. Driving in the left lane d. No error

Q. 438 I am a statement that may be true but seems to say two opposite things, such as "less speed, more haste."
What am I?

a. Paradox b. Pun
c. Symbol d. Apostrophe

Q. 439 Use a _____________ to show a break in though or sentence structure.

a. Hyphen b. Dash

Q. 440 Which of the following is a synonym for DETEST?

a. Love b. Hate
c. Lament d. Respect

Q. 441 Which form of writing from history is most similar to emojis?

a. The Latin alphabet b. Egyptian hieroglyphics

c. Old English d. Chinese phoenetic writing

English XI-XII 53
Q. 442 Choose the word that best fills in the blank. Koko couldn't decide if she preferred the ombre yarns, which
were all one color, or the ______________ yarns, which featured many different colors.

a. Neutral b. Variegated
c. Cohesive d. Monochromatic

Q. 443 Activist : Martin Luther King, Jr. :: Demagogue :

a. Donald Trump b. Adolf Hitler

c. Fidel Castro d. Saddam Hussein

Q. 444 Which word is a reflexive verb that means "to be of use or advantage: serve"?

a. Abhor b. Avail

c. Inconceivable d. Benevolence

Q. 445 An informal expression that is more often used in casual conversation than in formal speech or writing is
referred to as a/an:

a. Paradox b. Allegory
c. Metaphor d. Colloquialism

Q. 446 Choose the word that best fills in the blank. A rubber band is ____________ ; it returns back to it's normal
shape after being stretched.

a. Resilient b. Decadence
c. Aura d. Blazon

Q. 447 An expression of grief or sorrow

a. Hope b. Interlude
c. Lament d. Sestina

Q. 448 INCENSED can be replaced with the synonym:

a. Kindness b. Enrage
c. Character d. Sear

Q. 449 _______________ is "to have aroused to a feeling or action".

a. Provoked b. Manifested
c. Vexed d. Singed

Q. 450 Which of the following is the best example of a paradox?

a. Her parents were so mad they breathed fire. b. He ate two plates full of food, but still felt hungry.
c. Oh, it's nothing. Just forget about it. d. Oh you know me. I'm always busy doing nothing.

English XI-XII 54
Q. 451 Choose the word that best fits in the blank. We decided to advertise at the local _________ because we
knew it would be full of people.

a. Bazaar b. Bizarre

Q. 452 Choose the word that best fits in the blank. The cable company used a classic __________ and switch
technique to saddle us with extra cable charges.

a. Bate b. Bait

Q. 453 Use a ___________ after the prefix anti joined to a word beginning with the letter i and after the prefix

a. Comma b. Colon
c. Dashes d. Hyphen

Q. 454 Fear spread between the hostages.


Q. 455 A dichotomy is:

a. Something made whole b. Something divided into two parts

c. Something added to something else d. Something scattered into many pieces

Q. 456 I can resist anything but temptation. - Oscar Wilde -This quote is a great example of a statement that is

a. Benign b. Somber
c. Paradoxical d. Resilient

Q. 457 A scapegoat is when a person is blamed for the wrongdoings of others, particularly in a company. The
words "when a person is blamed for the wrongdoings of others" should read:

a. A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings of b. If a person is blamed for the wrongdoings of others
c. When a person who is blamed for the d. No change
wrongdoings of others

Q. 458 Parents and children come to the playground in the summer, and the children would play and the parents
would talk to each other. The words "and the children would play and the parents would talk" should read:

a. And the children come to play while the parents b. The children coming to play and the parents
c. Thetalk
children to play and the parents to talk coming
d. to talk
No change

English XI-XII 55
Q. 459 Having finally ousted their dictatorial manager, giving someone full power was something the company's
employees were wary of. The words "giving someone full power was something the company's employees
were wary of" should read:

a. The company's employees were wary of giving b. Giving someone full power was wary of the
c. Wary of the company's employees was giving company's employees
d. No change
someone full power.

Q. 460 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. After experiencing some of the trials that came from their
newfound _________, many of the men began to wish they were back in the confines of the prison cell.

a. Celebration b. Liberation
c. Acquittal d. Shackling

Q. 461 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. At 6 o'clock ___________, the professor rose to prepare for his
first day of instructing young minds at the local institution of higher learning.

a. Eventide b. Punctually
c. Antemeridian d. Ovedue

Q. 462 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. Often one's _____________ determines one's position in life.

a. Pedigree b. Extraction
c. Ineptness d. Calculation

Q. 463 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. Socialist candidates generally promote ___________ rather than
encouraging individuals to support themselves.

a. Absurdism b. Heretics
c. Energization d. Pauperism

Q. 464 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. As the little boy dropped the stone into the pond, small
__________ began to________ across the pond.

a. Stones - travel b. Wavelets - ripple

c. Ripples - contract d. Trout - amble

Q. 465 Choose the best word to fill in each blank. The senator's ______________ from his former colleagues was
in large part due to his _________________ politics.

a. Acceptance - discreditable b. Ostracism - unseemly

c. Liberation - uncharacteristic d. Departure - marketable

Q. 466 The decision of the Continental Congress was perceived as an act of ________ by the King.

a. Honorably b. Homage
c. Treachery d. Travesty

English XI-XII 56
Q. 467 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. The effects of healthy eating and consuming fewer calories are
usually rendered __________________ by the consumption of diet soda.

a. Nugatory b. Incomplete
c. Unfathomable d. Noxious

Q. 468 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. After breaking up with her fifth boyfriend in three years, Sarita
saw finding eternal love as a ___________ task.

a. Irreputable b. Irresponsible
c. Irremediable d. Irregular

Q. 469 Choose the best word to fill in each blank. A ____________ business man is ___________ when making a
deal, always ready with a counter-offer.

a. Cautious - unwilling b. Opportunistic - yielding
c. Condescending - dogged d. Shrewd - tenacious

Q. 470 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. The defendant's _______claims made it difficult for the jury to
rule in her favor.

a. Utopian b. Perfection
c. Nonpareil d. Incredulous

Q. 471 Which choice best represents the error in the sentence? The sun has been shining for billions of years and
was thought to have enough fuel to shine for billions more.

a. Has been shining b. Was thought

c. For billions d. No error

Q. 472 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. The doctor's ____________ words did not help the patient
understand the benefits of having the surgery.

a. Phlegmatic b. Encouraging
c. Embattled d. Extensive

Q. 473 Choose the best word to fill in each blank. Mosquitoes tend to ___________ even the most __________

a. Ignore - unscrupulous b. Attract - unfathomable

c. Rankle - poised d. Encounter - cantankerous

Q. 474 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. The friends of the once uninhibited celebrity became concern
when he __________ himself in his home.

a. Invested b. Confiscated
c. Expired d. Sequestered

English XI-XII 57
Q. 475 Choose the best word to fill in the blank. During hibernation, animals are typically ________________ .

a. Quiescent b. Pastoral
c. Unyielding d. Spiritless

Q. 476 Which choice best represents the error in the sentence? Because eagles are small in number plus making
nests in trees they are rarely seen in the wild.

a. Are b. Plus making

c. Rarely seen d. No error

Q. 477 Which choice best represents the error in the sentence? After reviewing the latest sales report the CEO
called all of his VPs in for a meeting.

a. Report the b. All of his
c. For a meeting d. No error


a. Readily perceived by the senses and especially by b. Worthy of or causing disgust or hatred : detestable
the sense
c. The actofofsight
harassing or irritating: troubling d. The physical makeup of the individual especially
with respect to the health, strength, and appearance

Q. 479 Which verb means "to seize and take away by violence"?

a. Manifested b. Ravished
c. Incensed d. Benevolence

Q. 480 _______________ is an antonym for asunder.

a. Together b. Apart
c. Delight d. Aggravation

Q. 481 A narrow-minded person is also called _______________ .

a. Socialite b. Bigot
c. Introvert d. Amicable

Q. 482 Unbiased means.

a. Objective b. Subjective
c. Reflective d. Perceptive

English XI-XII 58
Q. 483 Blighted nearly means.

a. Lit with helium b. Filled with water

c. Harmed or destroyed

Q. 484 The painter gave a ____________ attention to detail.

a. Reciprocated b. Subsequent
c. Benevolent d. Meticulous

Q. 485 Which of the following topics is the broadest?

a. William Shakespeare b. The Life of William Shakespeare

c. The Early Years of William Shakespeare d. The Works of William Shakespeare

Q. 486 Choose the word that best fills in the blank. From the experience of the past we _______ instructive
lessons for the future.

a. Agitate b. Derive
c. Diffuse d. Swoon

Q. 487 Choose the correctly punctuated word to fit in the blank. ______________ going to give their speech next?

a. Whose b. Who's

Q. 488 Use a _________ after the prefixes all, ex, self, and when identifying a century.

a. Dash b. Hyphen
c. Comma d. Colon

Q. 489 Corp

a. Honor b. Body
c. People d. Group

Q. 490 Which word is NOT another term for EMOJI?

a. Icon b. Pictograph
c. Syllable d. Symbol

Q. 491 Which word most nearly means "one who intervenes; especially between parties at variance"?

a. Asunder b. Abhor
c. Mediator d. Heretofore

English XI-XII 59
Q. 492 Cred

a. Believe b. Proof
c. FALSE d. Faith

Q. 493 It is one of the devices of repetition, in which the same expression (word or words) is repeated at the
beginning of two or more lines, clauses, or sentences. What is it called?

a. Anastrophe b. Antithesis
c. Anaphora d. Anadiplosis

Q. 494 Deliberate means:

a. To think over slowly b. To think over quickly

c. To think over deeply d. To think over uselessly

Q. 495 Tact, Tang, Ting

a. Form b. Master
c. Touch d. Write

Q. 496 The definition of the word conceive is:

a. To condemn b. To think of
c. To test d. To hold back

Q. 497 Which word is a synonym for PLAUDITS?

a. Negativity b. Honor
c. Praise d. Hope

Q. 498 Deep, clear, continuous sound

a. Observant b. Resonant
c. Tonal d. Aesthetic

Q. 499 ___________ means to to burn superficially or lightly: scorch.

a. Ravish b. Avail
c. Singe d. Chaff

Q. 500 Vit, Viv

a. Alive b. New
c. Motion d. Light

English XI-XII 60
Q. 501 Reg, Rect

a. All b. Peace
c. Rule d. City

Q. 502 Ben

a. War b. Mind
c. Name d. Good



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