307th Dec 17 To 31 1944

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APO 469, U. S. ARMY
14 January 1945.
r,j .
SUBJECT: Report of Action Against the Enemy.

TO The Adjutant General, 82nd Airborne Division.

1. Submitted herewith are six copIes of this unit I s history for the
period December 17 - 31, 1944.

2. The first four copies contain:

Historical Narrative
Operations Sketches
Unit Journal
Periodic Reports
Casualty Reports
3. Copies five and six do not cont ain Periodic Report.~s,.

For the Battalion Ccmmander:

En. ,
•• .,.

APe 469, u. S. ARMY

1 January 1945


The Battalion was alerted 2105 Decemberl?, 1944 in its SISSONNE, FRANCE·
garrison. The night was spent in hurried preparations, drawing and· issuing
anmnnjtion, rati"On.t!I, loading equipment on transportation, drawing and issuing
. maps to division units.

The following morning the Battalion deParted after attaching the four
lettered companies to regimental combat teams. All arrived ~~ WmEoMOOT, BEL­
Gn& some 25 miles South of LIEGE the night and morning of Dec IS - 19. Elements
of the Batta.lionmade reconnaissance, placed minefields, repaired a bridge at .
FORGES, buUt a Bailey bridge at HABI~T, cleared wreckage from roads, opened
a water point, drew and broke down maps, and established bivouac.

The nigpt of Dec 20 - 21, Bn CP, Medical Detachment, H&S Co, and Co "A",
which had reverted to battalion control, moved fran 'WERBOl&l:NT to LIERNEUX sane·
15 miles to the Southeast. The t'Wo companies were placed to the South and to
the West in defenSe of Division Headq:uarters. Pa~rols were sent out to REGJE on
the South, to the 325th In! on the East· and to FRAITURE on the West, the enemy
being contacted.

Companies at-tached to combat teams wereplac.ing road blocks. Two men of Co

"C" were wounded by 20nm1 fire of f~ waa~s in the battle of CHENEUX.

On tl}e morning of Dec 22, BnCP, Med Det, H&S Co, and Co "A" moved. to BRA
where defenses for the Division CP were again set up to the South and West.. Com­
pany "C" prepared bridges for demolitions along"Lf -AMBIEVE river East of STAU'dlIT.
CanJ&ny "B" prepared bridges for deolitiorls along the SAUl: river South of TROIS
J'CNTS. _Bridges at TROIS PQITS and ROCHELJ:'NVAL were blown. . .

At this ti.methe clivillion had fanned out to LI A14BIEVE and the SAlA! rivers
and THIER DU MCNT to contact the enelQ' 8n.d U;·· S.troops. that had been in the 51
VIT~ area. The se troops were coming througll our area. Meanwhile tne enemy was
building up forces against our much too long front over which Unit.s were stretched
until t h i n . - - - -- -~

During the night of Dec. 22 - 23 a demolition party was dispat ched to' PETITE
LANGi..IR where a bridge was blown over the .RONCEstream. ·A hundred eneiny vehiCles
bad crossed ~his·bridge during the dar
going North.

en Dec 23rd, Co flD" blew a stone culvert 1-1/2 miles South of .SAlllCHATEAU

after the last vehicle of the 7thAnnoredDivision had paSsed. CompariY liB" blew

the bridge at GRAND HALlJ!DX. We ·thus began placing' obstacles .in front of the

enemy both to slow his progresllf and to make ~. more cautious and timid.

--,- _~-Yirle8--'Were-proeured~and--a, -barrier-plap madefort-h..-rtnal---a1-Vl Sion- -de-!enS±ve---'-­

line during Dec 24th.Christns:s Ev.e night was bitterlY cold. as th8~gin~ers pro­
., .

Historical Narrative, 3Cf7 AlB Engr Bn for month of Dec 1944 (Cont fd) ~ Page 2.

ceeded with their blowing of brid&es, culverts, cutting abatis, laying anti­
~i tank: and anti-persamel minefields. This was coordina.ted with the orderly
withdrawal of the infantry. Some mines exploded 1IIhile being carried. An
entire squad of Co ItC" Were casualties; three were. killed including Ii. Ullrich.

By Christmas morning Battalion Headquarters, Medical Detachme1t, H&.S Co,

and Co "A" had moved to HABJ:E!.fWT and were again set up to defend DiVilSion
Headquarters from the West. This was a bleak day. The men were tired from
- the previous nighS~ s barrier 'WOrk and benumbed by the cold as they ate their
·K.ration cheese.

Fran Dec 26 to Dec 31 the defense line was improved. Mine., concertina
entangl8ment.s, sandbags and entrenching tools were procuNd.. Fortifications
material was issued to the division units. Additional..llinetie1d8 were laic!
until more than a hundred fields were in place. The rOacl net w&snone too good.
Trails through the woods 'Were developed as supply roads. Fortunately the ground
was frozen and the earth roads could take any load. The 238th E'41gr an (Combat)
was., placed in close support of the d1 vision. These· engineers 1nmediatelystart­
edthe improvement of roads in the division rear area. On Dec 27th Lt Prusi and ..
detachment trom 602nd Engr En (Camouflage) were placed with the division to as­
'- sist in any camouflagt!matters. On Dec, 29th Bn Hq moved two miles E~,_o~ HABI­

EMCET to avoid the muzzle blast of heavy artillery which had knocked out all

glass and hind-e,red CP operations.

Now Year' 8 Eve found the Battalion somewhat recovered from the first round,
a second breath had come and the canmand was ready tor· new effort••

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307~::1: I~I?l3C,~'(J"~-- ~1~GI1_r;~SIl BA1~T_~\.LIOI\
APO 469, u. S. AR1D~

S - 1 JOUR1;AL

17 Dece.::~:1;:,er 1941~. ~-
2100 F£ltire Bn received o:'ders c,;1.d was a1,~tt(d to m.:-' a. lIlove into }JSIGIUt: at once.
There ~as aCo Co~~rls'~'3eti~ c~:led a~~ orders given to ea6h Co.
Entire :if started v;ork::cf Fre~arinc: for • 0'.1 e.. T:lis was done throuCllout n i i::l1.t.

18 December 101 ,

09 CO Entire 9n 1';3.5 r reI_,c;.rsd t.:. L..,:ve.

A-B-C-D Sos left GCl'lC}: Siss:;;;ne A to i3EIJ} IU:,_ b ~ truck.
Fro.nee e n.routG b:: tr(lc:-,~
i l l 5 H.P'S :,::;0 and 3L 1-~Q- I ·=<::".3cr:r-~:,;l 2..ef't (~aI~~F ,SiSGOiU1C Ann,ex.,
t 0 ]~l;':I~ c-•. ~ •

2L,oo A-S-C-D Cos arrived 2,t -eJ3CT3, 3EUnUp (535002) ,~J;d 81'(; :::.t i. ·;.::;hcd L t . :eir
respect-ive C.T.5. W~11l &<JHONT
19 Dec~~ber 1944.

0513 ;'sg tc co.=:--; \':':u:'5 t:.- see ;y0\.' :L:cT,edi,te1~.i c.t bis CPo F.l.eF,erted to CO.

"OO T.:n,'~
° 0 , . : J~~~~"L,-.L
,., yo,,"
.",l ~ •. Q~,
wn 'C'~l'v'ed e:t,..~a)i
." "'''1. Or.L.
rt 1;0-1'" 3?!YI~tr""''-' S·:CT '·'Ilr.,·
"ol c-·"'t .. OF

,·l,J. ""'-'. t.,; "".

-J.".'C:C 'j'-;::"o
___ '-'0
~c.I",...'-J ~r "' ... ,.r-4 • .... ;;'0
r' 110 .1-c. ...;1:' -ir-.L"11~'+l·'·"lr~r,n\~c-
j;,~ ikl~_ _ .;jL. __
.. ....' v ...... l-u ;:)~'..",.u..
..... '-',lIt;.....,C'O'.1 - nl"'l
c' ~-' (<::.')0(,'-',\
<;,.+,./,.,)/ ....... \..;..IIJ

Div C/TJ. sts.. (52LC07), Dh' Engr (535002), Div -.siD (5:39':':03). 11ei~ortc:J:'o co.

1210 Bn CP opened cit (535CC2) c.L'':' ref'ort'3l: to 0-3.

•L3.. 5 b ':j en '10\\ fl .~j:/ t. \.0 e l'-J:;Li,J~.

1330 s-3 ,Jade Zngr recenn c:: bric.f::: e ht (569935) vihicL
Corps '~ngr cOIlt::.cted s.nc. -.'Till send Bailey Sridc;e COlnronents. }'cLLl1i,b ile F03A
Engr is tc be centacted.
F. °co.: +
. 0 •C~I, "r o[' \.-.11.,
~ c.. . _ ..... _ t"~ t.;.......
0"'-'• SC;cJ]
• ~ °°''''0 "'-.!-. t' -lU' J'\ C ·,v,·,-il-· '0 1 n~ +e· yC"u' _.'.t 'V'~ lO·V·"'.I' ,~r_' riO·"·.·.
1335 0
"" ) -r ~ V V't "~~l"':O
;.J -... 0.. e;.;......t... '." ,..l..,. lwJ... ...... '-'.....

1405 flag to C-4: ChB.n'l~ion h2.ter ~:oint oFene~l c.t (522CC7).

1410 1st 'Jg-t of Co "D" reF0rts strength .os 4 orf ~r 125 El,: 'dith 4 atchd E1l'. lToseph
R•. -Ci.aJrboi .in.ju.re.d....b.;;.....t:ru..ck_eLroute to approx OMiO. Injul'ie::; p. Losp t,nYJ10wn.

1l.;2D En[r Victor 'ilater point at (522007) open "t 1300 this date.

1's,2: to 3-4: Initial C-L Lc:riocic rel~ort due at r~-l, :.:.t' 200900 Dec. Dailv

1 1430 ~ _ ... i" U

t!lereafter . . Reported tc? 3-!..

1515 1.''''6 tc ~O Ir i'}-4: Re~c'~c;5:' ::'e::crt personnel check ,~~S to rr'_.scLce
of G.tl.J !rA" B2i:;S ~'re3C'::Lt
;irea. VJill be SUl:>L:~itted b:- ~~20C t
H.eror~te,5 to CO EL:'- d 5-4.

1600 CO left Bn CF 8t,route to

1600 1/5g to ~C):

Foilov;ir~L ir~5{~j.'l_1c.tion5r.o\'; e shed-:
" +w~"r ",+ (["l l ,r":') co·t (i~'":'lr}o''!) :l t c i~O

(490027) , 01' --.t"'

U "---.'-'
'..... , ,.J~..A,)-.,.. ~ (.., ... rt:.- v, k.., • •
';/ UU· furLisLe:i
1635 I/s/-.: v 0 80: 1.111 J C C; .. ? fr Corr3 XVIII reque st J2nd
. 30 ft double si.rlgle 3ail'e~,~ 2;:,~-'i or t'ri3rlS1,ortLltiofl tc' tli3C~i.re SEdLG. 1~Gj lee
307 Sngrs ';Jill qrrani G • .
1650 5-3 lef-" Bn GF BLrcute to roSA to obtain. R,iley Bridge or brid:..:inc.' ;..oteri"l.
171C CO returL3 fr Div CF ~::-~j, rSf,orts arl attnck ~'~ill be ."a,de t'Olli . order tc J'cilloV>i.
It FcDer;mott ani lot T... : i"t:J8 i;e:'G sed O\~t tc rr:dl':e recon of ':,t (5c.9S;S5).

RE.iic 1,~3b to CO: fotil... : Baker Co rl Li,ces arrive.

1730 T /5 ihitle:i a.rriv ed ·.~ithor:1J; :r.ins8 dJ;d 65 grcL,':ldes. G0.; "\.< r (A, nct.ii'isd

r~4. F.irst Arn:~j ·~:5 se~-~jin,3-! .--, s,:;;'e ;:.l2,es. j_rrj~valt ~rl-knovt~ • ',:J;_~.
n~:Lnes c;re '-l""(;il[:ib1.e.

B &C Cosa.nd '325 notii'i tOr J"'0. CT CoD to 'oe ;';cti­
fied veroal1;y.

r;.i ·~k::::d l:.~ fTi niLG s an d B-G ? D 80S to

GO of Go 11::;11 <: rriveci 2:
:;.ttack ~~elr respective GTa.

- ..l... ­
... 1; -~

HC] '.J __ •

19 :-)OC (Cant) .
.La 1,;;0
'v si t '; tiar
}32'0 r~c' '~o:'.clr of Co II n 2Jve rei ,crt.. 011 reCOIl c ... j •
195C i~O leJ: ~,D to to :J:-'v ,~p f _1' crc.icrs.

1930 J..·S["tc ,\.11 ':05: v uu are r!~~",iL\_:ed tc. lcrfor11"l all -- r:·.-.,~.l l' . .t.'I:i~..J....ons ,'--<.

z::.-J-l)rC, l~j~ate rt:;~·Cl't.s. (j\d,_,~ tc f1Btt Cc - Sel f (;]'. ._ ~ . ~ CL rbq~ >" s+~ cd )c.
2000 'received as tc ;--":.:ports j~8edel~ ;..:"-~.lj :Jiv. re['!i~:;i~ ,;,"erort writte(,~
Co, leGe '"oe-ir;:; JL ". /\11 08-51..:',1t2.(;5 :>f'l.,;;is dLi.t tc '::j'c' I'cjcrt-:d ty L,is
'l;..nit. ~~trerl.t;t.:; .r2},ol'i b:, tcleI_,Lcr:c d,:'li::i IGC{) h<:'IJr~) 2.1~G c'2cJed.
CO retur!iS freYL ~)i'l (~r. Ii.equ8"sts te;ler1ic;L'8 Jine laid tc
Co ";," is cr::~::strucV Die ir'ber c1DSS L.l:
20)) CO left Rl CP to in Vicrk at bridLe 3i te.
2Gl~O }~s~: sUl-·r·l~J l-cints (~~.s follc',vs - l,'·,:..trs-~·;u~· }(;:316. v,:i:-lab:'3 "-. st
J~ ~ roved b~, COTtS. In t:j ... ·~r··~cLc~ d~-·~.r\~v.': 1 r:-ot :-,8eded. .,..L~ ct e:t ~
':~:-.~: '';':lu t 1 c:'.t~eL }'~7LI.36 n~;/.~ilpbJ!:: re . '\.1 E; st ~) r l,ro -'v r::; d L,llit 3~:.~ r:~T off.
S 2., J de:;C'l::'t ~on ,;;:u r li85~SF 1:25 ;: C,~ ; ·~cr-. '-'.

c,:::'~v,::;d Fic:J_'-:- ("rlir.::r.

.--~ r; t::
~t ~2crl, -=c:; ",'.1', re;'crt~cj iI',

.. t.
2350 Dt .~i, ~e,j .~-] J.' 1:. Fc'r~l'·r."~.:;j, n:,', , c'

-l- _

___ ~'--~"~_"':" ....., :.. ',C• • ' . _ _ "'_"'~,'c.,_.' .'_:~
•... ~.

20 Dec (Conti d).

$.:.3 returns t;o has tUrned

requaredb:rviv.. ' . > ·...i .;ii'i
.WE, J\.sstS~4,P'rt 7 .•Br"as:;~aux. ,rel-30rts to.GPfl'.Sissohrie, li't'B.Dce.
S.;..l;.return fr f:::r;:;; ~.:r~lJ Yi:JJ.Jl2000AT nlirJeS2.Hd400' :1:J nrines;
CO left GF er1rout.e"7;:'0iliv repol''Y to i1€nerh1,l as ordered.
LtlEcDGr£;ott, 1$ ;;T mil",es found at (5669a5}v·tlichCol."r~s
had reported
~-lt-- reportS' 3 liD it Bai1e:y Bridges ma.de avail.able· to 1~b~s
Li.v -~~t (;.}btaned througll. :GOl'p~ _ ...
1830 13n CorridI' returns ii:.!J.d rt'ports tllat. Brrwill:movetothe South elld
set up in a defet;sd;ve "!~""''''''''''';;C'''-'';L in front oJ: Div.FoI'viard Cf'. Bn to.be neal~
l;i-e,rrl el).X• .
··2030 5-4. left;l'F3rl deliver requisitiol1'fornls .for Div to 1'e­
cluisitibil . {,)l.L.L~~ .1.H,·""
2215 Rear GP cCEsisting.of
left. GP.
Co 'IB" atchd ~tc
~Jo !Ifill
v atcb-d'· .. ~

Co IIDII at to

Advance :part ',/ arrived established

. and reDorted toG-3. . .

H~'£ &: G~ nAu arriveda.nd went into'bivcuac and }l8r.S Co (615-,

,889) -each Go leaving required nWlloer of operate

OP .. '

~~'';;':'.;) roo
J 1"~ce'Q"'rt'u'''rQ'5':''''Pr'
..l..-'~ ·C) 0. at.. ..... ~,
. L tICI,>. <.:~1
.l 0"'0' r'1"'c6{·1·o:ut·~'pko""'·"':+':""~'c"";~,,y·-i"·":·r
. ~ti "'-":'; .....~u-- o't'
-\:,Vj,J--::-J;:-~~---:Y-""""'-:"~l-",-""k- =.-. Pn.
u,;-, '..co

"'-A.;:--i-f-"'-:t".-- J

. It~\lt ple,ced_,qutposts i;.nd· roadblocks onroad$ leadihgtoBn 'OP & DivCP. .

LtErl, Co HAil, arrived:'at BrieF aud stated, Lt Tribe puttillg .out clefer~se line 1
alBo stated Bailey Bridge put inyesterda:y",'wasbr- ':dand policed up. ~ gl~.labe:-:,~
'Ellard still on duty> ,. .'." ,

Car:t Decker, HS~S'Co, reported'location of bazookateanl South 01' LIJ:if-lFEUX.

ADE arrives at BnCP and gives location to CO. ,Alfio'states to 'CO where'
') '. ". . : ' , . ' ".' -
_ . ' " ," ,"

Do_sitionssnould b e . , ~ . .
ciri:efof local poJ::l.cecontact.ed CO ~l1d offer:ed C1s_>?ist}-rce in' an:,,/ 9.ay between .

civiliarls:?n,d arm;y."~This"was accepted and order.s,:g:r.yel':to hin as follow5:

in cooper'ation ','iith'cut: local sent):'ies, 3 Ott <,n'e i:('Jquestecl to r'qst v:ithciut­

five rO<;td'b16cks, a sentinel duringdl3.yHght.,hoour-s i'ihowill stop illJ-civil­

7"'--i,arrs goin'g Southar,d~East,arideX8minethe. identi:fY alr~ .All SUSI:iicious of
persons will be held,'fc:>T exarrJ.riationbyour Investi,za:tingOfi'icer. You wil3:-~
assi~t, in,:"~e~~:orcir(~ ~ c'uriers from one 1)O'ur after, dark until 01)0 hour before
dayllgnt. .,,'bl"2:ned r-8..)o1' Lee. '. ,_'_' ,.:. "

CO leftBn''-CP~to'i!12,ke recen of ei'ltire area. ,.

FEjor te.eleft BnCP v;it h chief ,of loca:l 1)01{'6e to point out road

desiE;ilateplaces for bis guard. "

!, ~~ ,.-- r·:;".. '!:J~~' '('I" ......... ~ ~" ..... ~ -..+._ . ~, ,-..

- 1a ~
'or Lee retlu'rled. .\it'Lth
". ­
. ~:. j:H~f1t . v::£t h .C:~C C)~ ficer.

Fir$t:3gts ofo'H8ro';:; . HAll Cos:repodeci to Bn cr· for orders. .

. ny..."o· ~'''''+''''''I'-eQ"
.....'-v~u ..l.·;, :t~,,·"·C··P·"_:""'<
:.·,..~7._, .J';;
f:tL::-~ .~,"".;:'I·'" v .. ..-,,~ ... ~rrp ·o'·'l"t"e-·
. ~.".~. I~' L ,~ . . ~l ...
'''Y'U'' :.~ ';'rJI"c'r;;d'
..L'_, .\,,~ .~~ ,"'l~~:'
ll"", ~., l"ll'",

,~,.), ..V11 ~ .......

c::f er~ti:'e area. Also' rercrted tt,it Co ''':',11 outpostshadall,oy;e4 tViO

soldiers, dre~s:md in.civiliG.1:I clct s, top3.ssthooutposts'. CO turned

two FHs bver, to.CIC...,o' .

:US 2Lbulan~e d~:i~ler 0.sked capt \ri11iGl;15:directi~n

Car,t ::::~ibscn istonmlce. GtJ,tformLlreqp.lsitioh for ,as

i~;~~~?:;~~o.~~))f:j,d~%"\IB;I::i~epOi'~$rsr~U~:~G:i?;l) '~llilJa:rl~r-~tTGn~t}l',
. ~' Cc.~"H__ lt1.~s. "~I ,.0 1,';;:& 10o'7:""1:",4,:tTIvl,ln·re,,,r, area •

. .3f?.}ol~,l"ee.lelt .GPt/o.rr:ake race,',. ,"

ChCJITpion:cepQ:'t.'?,'Crat,2 lAllldozer,s .!:;ind scmer:onto{'lEk1l1ip::len

·1.t E1'l,80 IIA" ,olTe~iorted that r-,~~,trol 'seflt t9>FIlAii}'(ti.;~ ,( 5'7[-;862)

':IT r,;:1:~,lS
'. f 'f'
.,' .... d
--·'r:~r~l:. ,rJ_~\, ge
. (5'r'C;I'C'I't:) , rrh'" .', 11 'f"' . r' 'l~

{;;::i\j.~:;r;)"• . ,.t'.t . e,.'·,J:irH?- _<~::a:rLlS:-.· 'lre- 1},r~J,s' LjCL(1 '.LrZLeI).·Q~jF


and cr:eIii:J' )esH"mated a:t L~ enemy HG 8,lld4 friehdl;v Cal 30 CD,lEP EG. HeY;.or't-:­
ed- --ic.o<- C~2. " . . " i

" .

Bn?~l' Journal dtcl 21 Dea' 4[..

LtHolab.ird, n:ipOl-k,s "2 casualties. Sgt Frit z, 11Ii$8elI~H;

ch.,st P::legs. PieF. B .BJ~mes -shrap inhD,nd(20rr\m) ~
"e" re(m~st s Hedman} Donald G., 11111de Cpl. , Co.5B:YS no; give
,CFto b?Jl1oved. GO ~eft OF to ,m;;tke reconr:<pfproposed 1;1 rea at
CO returns to CP and states Bn will 1'8uian in JJl'CSen;;,' bivcW-.lC.
'drde' redt 6 ,rei f orc~ ,'& str~ngthensecu rit y. and '(louble' 1)0 rspnnel
\:3-2 section ordered to ma}~e brc(;.J'i:dbWn-of mans'to
. , - ' .... " " . . "I,D. url1ts.
" , ._. - ',."
" '
S-2secti o
n .completed mapbroah::dovm and delivered ,~. "-_.... ,,,.,
H}S patrol reported in to CPand stated cont~:3.ct

,Also stat noe,cti1iit~r Their t,

, J



S ..;. 1 JOUI:n'~AL'
22. December 44

0105 Col Shute called cl.,ridstated that S-4shollld get, additional explosive and
pay partict.:.,lar attention to South of our. sector- veryirnportaJ.1.t. F,;ither'
prepare for seethat'bridgesat VELSAUr P...:$r:ThCWHATEAU are 'in'epa.redfor dem...
... :,:.~.~ __~,-.Qliliot"4~~~u5t.get~pernfrss:i;0n·to· 'hfow'-same-f-ronrl:m±t"'oIT;cur~l'e'ft-;-'ftep6t'teQ'--
i taCO. and 8-3.' j' ' , ; ' , ", . ,. ' " ,

0140 H&S patrol repqrted' no c>ange, on contacting 325thIrif.

0755H&S.patrol rep6rtedih Legd;iYe~ lstBII325tb'Inf-rrD'liri~~,q).lP;

, continued. '

0820 AbE reports to Bn CF and gives situation to CO.

,OS50, ADE left Bn CP enroute to Div CP.

OS50: CO ordersBn to 'move at 1000 this date.
0930 Co 1I}\11 left area (605891) on narcb to new C1rea.
1000 En OP closed at:/:JmRN'J.iJ1rX, BEI,GItn,; (&158$9·) enroute·t,o BRA) BELGIlJM (577934).
1100 CP estdblishedat BR.}. (i17934)alld reported to (J..,3.
1115 ;\DE, reports to GP givos sitlJc,tion to CO also brin,!s Mle to R
": ~0:-Q:u: -,"\.vena ,J.s ;COtlc..... ~/ bri<igebv',e.rlays, a.r:dEpr::r,:.barrie,r anddefenBG
1 ,.., ~ ~ '1' ."
1 '-I
f" '-''')
'-,'VJ, _.:J4!
....., . "Ue'.d ;.Lo-·.<_.~.
'n.epo rt· .L. '''''0". ...l,UrTlec.,,_
l' "
oyer l;O ~)-~'.
1125. l~ss to :3-1;.:" ItS ()f-Q600 'dEtil'i? [iJmr:o rel:or'tsYiill'lje sttbnlit.-tect
loY; inc info : ISJ1flio ) (51101';, 'I or) an1.fi'O cxr)ended~ Reports urgel' tl~·
rec,uir(';d cf' all 1mits •. l~"orts to reach this office bYJ}lostexl::;ediC:Lous
],f58 to 'S-Lc: D~v G-~. noW located at. (576935), Div J;£M at (502028) .Reported
ADE left Bn CP entonte f, 0, Diver',
·;0 I A' arrlYe~ au ' :; '7 6', a,nciset, up {JP btl sidestre~t of town. Fi.l'3t P..J..at
tobkup defer.5iVG rosition at (564935) to (.56?931h Third PlateOll too1(
dofensive roar] block at (569925). Onl3 squadof' 2nd,:Plect made two. trips
(6279lJ'O)' haulinge;-.gr StlpEJlie s. One. 8c;uad, of 2hd Plat jla~tled gra.vel
-at (590935). .,..­
1215 . AD]) 1'e:901"t s' to'Bn CP ar::dgives situ::.;.tioE co.

l250ADE'left ·Bn OP enrQljte toDLv CPo '

.1315 ,OOlMt BnCP with lit CherlirlsldJ.Co,'lIDI}, f~c: ,,;,to.ke recan of oll·bridges.

"13'20 'Hater point opened at BEA(588939)' andreportedtoC-4.

1355' ADl~ reports to BnCP , givessit.uflti yJ:1';to }ZxecOff." Also brlnes Jl!C.

~ __£.1!+CO __ ADE.l eft.·En CI:i.cJircu:!', r->t.o....Di.'L Ii P. ~ __ .··~.--'..:~---~--,-,--' --,'''' '

1405 Ysg taCO: Att~iched,.:are 15 eepie's of 1st barrier ovcr1J~"y. Given t.o 8-2.

14io l":sg ~o CO: 1st )\nFJ m..~dep:et nbVi l~cated atH:J1U1" (122337) ~l'; schooJJ'0use.,
Re}'Jortedto S-2 •. ,
11.15 1.:sgto 'CO:' Attacbe.dis one C{jpy 0.if2"X'V'IIICorl')s (A/B) aLd'
15 copies or
diagral}l Gfminefielci:s laidh;;' Div. Turnedover to 3":2.•
S-;, left BLCP t, oln¢l,ke re-ccID.
,hli.. rst"Co IfAU reporls,to Btl .GP
,,_"~· ..~u·. ?en 'char,ge of:'TeC1U1icaJ, Intell;tgence
'that he lsq.vailable t.o . ., ,
.. . . . , .:........:'......:~'.;'--:--_'c"';-:":.,,-";".i.~ __. . "


Lt ;Jurist '1!3ft. EnGP em'O\lte toCci'TI}lJl.

Har:rr~)Go.llCII) .11eport~w En OP
l:arris1eftBn CP Emraute trY Co IICII.
6-4 Lrr.i, ves-c\t, Bn . GF' from ReDTOP. . .'
. GO returns 't,·cBn CP aridrepori., s Iv:; has contact,ed Div I£ngr ·of 106 Div iInd
. Div EnEI' of 7th Armoi'ed Div. Then nade a:cecon wit h 7th Arbor-ed D:LvEn.:.;r •
1710 . 8-3 retu:chs te:Bn CP a11(1 states tlVlt at 16208: c~ yilian named Pierre Leraux in
the t'own 'HAuTE B'ti;UD;~;JJX stopped E[ejor LeeE'nd sttltec1 3 civilians possibly
Germans bad left the tov:n .apprciJcima:te1y 25 J1iinute~ 8.g0. They' were two men
and one v.'OJilan} the tYiO meh~essmd lrl nondescriptivec10thinl;C <:nd the woman
dressed. in lic:ht l'/?incoaL. or Lee alerted th~ civilians in the nearby
area ···and. ·{;old-T,!TBm--o.f',--tbese-13e 01',118 -­ a.nd-:bf-tDei'4·0e-8e-er);--'ag&;in)---b0-t-1:U'I.1'~thefft
ov~r to)uneri,ce.n troops. Before ret.urning S-3inspecteq. .ro8.d b1oclcE~ ,P, sec­
A. ....
-v .......
-'­ - lit. If. , !IB!'·
'~'''' _ ., 'H-',l
__ • l .Jg,c:
j co q · ,
. ,
.... • ~ .

1720 ADE repo:ri:,s to 8i1 CPuUl'gi yes situation to GO 8J:1.d

171-0 ADE left Pn GF enrOtlte to Div .CP. Also deliver'He) EU'jdsitu!3,;tipn reports
1830 :'sg to CO: Effective 221200 all unit s of this DiY will eire.VI Cl~ss V supplies
(oIliPlO) fro,,1 ASP 130 'F'l' FRAI~·::j;.rx (K354159) ;;SP 130 closed 1390-2200 daily for
resto~h:lng emergency.issues em1:'./ during the::;e hours. EeportGu to 8-4. .
Call from Chaplain ',iood stct'Gln{t the collectini;c Doint foi~ ·casuB,lt. res vd.ll be
2.tTPJJU DE BFtA (575960)E.ndtC;; liotif;y' GROto~k~ep a list (..'1 alle:clsualties
. all r.ersonI1a1 effects lNill rewain on pel's ons. If brought' tcburial
point in a. tra.iler j the, tnnler be repJ.aced vVltlll3gifiie G!Q caSi..ldtl8s
-YJill reli'8incn trai1el~in which t llEiY worD ·ol'ought. 1'\.epo1,ted
Dec~:er. . , ' ; '
201,0 Call- 1'1' C-2 stating e. ge'::lera1 far'rcllU\..f;:: EllerG betweentbehour5 oi'
2030. . 20 ,-.'
Gel'E111n DlanB5 Dre expected tof1;y over ,::1'I'"~x~lfJl' "'.reGl
r5._\,~.- j 1 .,.­ "
'>f,or,.Cl'iU'LlS'tS. '~eporGeG to tlAII[ip'-::,c;i'i.. .
2050 GO returns £1' Di:.V·CP.2.Ld ,orders Go ~IAII taLlow dbric:::e at '(6·518B3).
orders )?.x Of~-;t6-qcn:t~lct'LtCfw:P1inski','Jjo ".on ,o..L d.get 'locationoi'
on line. j~lsoLt;:p·rlotifJl,i:. Chi-ip1insldofii-lG briid,geto be b1oymb;y Co HAil ~
2130 };X'Dff ,fivt],~df&~f/~'ar}d_t'WOT:iifleme.nf;t10nl!f!1,.sOq~left.fo.r Co I"DB on frontl:tiws'~
2150 l.:sgtoO:iL - Dei;;.~J-sifroril Engrswil-:t D,ti:,emptto de's.!'Y'o;y bridges iit.( 6i3l~g5S) and '.
I "1-~"''''\'' . •... ,.
. -r 2'" 'J" l~""'"
""'t 0__':'-",) ,JCC. blgneCi; " r'l'-'T-'\' ;':]'U •

Eight n0.n'p8tr6~;f':!.;¢ir, Co H,a,!!. left Co Areo. enroute-toJ3n OP to' pre}

wit hltajor.Le~~- , . : . '. ." ~'.-'-.'
ExOfi' fjil:,1,lr1t::i"t: ,from5QG Sector.and st ct{. 0 5 lie hDdordel":::cl-Lt
sld..~;,Qb~OVibi;; '. ...........( 6~54858). I,lso notified ,S-':3, ~f 50;3 astoGhe
-c.(tettd~':18'r~Fe(}t!rkr,I,:-80ming __ini:,osecti;r. t ,?--QIow_ ~bri<igi2!; af(6 5i833~).-
ordert:>dLb'Gl'laoP1,{filis}:::L,t;O:CEI11' tiTe CP when.bl.'idge.isblown. . .
J;[,Oijor L~e'}.;wn6·.';::··~:01l1i1teel'.edi'ol':t!ledet<.t±; .. ofJ:51.ov':itig bridGe} aDd' eight.1t1.":ll.F.... ;
from .co u AII:'l 8nroubcto blow 1Jridgeftt.. {65l8)3)~. ,Eight tlen.from
Co. uI:,Hal--G";y,6 CP:l.,Burkbal~t).Pfc;;\atlock,\P'~j:.. Lr~Ad3.:;.lB, P'lit 3iegel,;,..-,i
Pv'tHuimi1~l;p' g,at'ldFVtSachitnrio' - .
HEAD';UARb~t{.'3 .
307TI-J AIRBCf:.J'r~ El·:.Gllr.d:ER Bf..'.!:'TlcLION .
"{"TlO' 4'~9
'­ r....,r­ "."
C , TT·
v .. <::: .
u ,\PHV

S - 1 JOUj]~ ilL
23 December 1944

307 Bni::r-1 J 0'.11'::<::,1 23 Dec 4h (Cont I d). Pe,ge,2.

1600 co
reti:,rr.stc ____-'.;r

16(~5 to left BE CP el~_rCf!.lte,.'to Chief 'of 5t2.ff Div C1J.

1630 B;-, r:p aLdJrdcrs Go I!B" Co ne n tc tlolg 13,11 bridges in
t:~ei~ sC'ctor.·
tIl iiee--:co1'5Ies-d3,a:gr3.L'aT"·

-then t~lrricd 'ov0r' to~S-2.

. :3id'GEATi:AU ~ itUi:lt ion~

1725­ t·rdel l





- # - ... < /

~ J.-955

- .. ;-~."
Hq307 AlB Enp'J3n S~l JOurl141 dtd 24 Dec~44 (O~)!it:<i).
·Capt· 9-aJ.yas:!.nb,,, LfaisorYOff" .. 23T·Fngrs,.. 1~~P?rt.s·,~o:Bn·C~.foroTde:(3.•
,00 of t'liis Bh.isGolLinn.·' /l'heY';€l.re. $tobe in~losesuPFc1$, of01.lt.Bni·
·.~.sfollows (l)coinpanytoreporlto. Ge.ptConn~IlYCbB,(1)com.pa!lY·t9 .
report ..to·LtGbaplinsk;fCo· p, ·(l)·~c~omRany. tQ;repoITtto ... Capt . Ha:rr~5Go.C. ".
This'a, ssigwllentw as~ade\by Jlcaj or,I.e~.·The clqse support;"'as!rQde due-to
. a.Possiblebre<'lkthr61,1gh,which·has.ende:~lgeredthisBJ.1 fo!!2daya.·· .
Capt yalva,sinoLiaison 9ff·of 'tlle237Engr.s,left En' CP enrout.e·to·move
Bn:;i.ponsuPlX>rt. ,,~,;...,. ". - ,c, , .

CO'leftBn GP· enroute to Div 'situa.tiol1 1'ootLl.·

1£ Juri~, ,LiaisonOffoft~1is Bnto 325rn!ha~9;~lled
have~:a_de---'.ac..successfulcouhter~ttack ofthetoi'iriXt~.[ RECI~E
ing it at this time~ . This 'relieves the preSstlretc 5cii12
grGut tl'·:rev.t oni:,l;t, Diy. . -
CO S,ADEreturns t6Bri OP fI' meeting with' C of. S.UpOh arrival CO o'rders
to be moved to HABIEMONT~ This must be done as ·.tt is imDossible for the
to holdmuch.lohger astheDiv a~present~sholding-sev~nCkrman , Divs.
,CO thellW13nt:on t() give_situation to . staff. ."
ADm left~ Bn CPenrouteto,niake :recol} ofWs,sible' new,CF at EAB-mfPl~T.
Capt Harris ,00G "reports to' BnCP a11dreceiv6sin_struction.s
, ~'. '. ". -.,'
, : ' , ' , , ' ,"",
as to the '.
1 o.r. -a el.nll.S8uPlJOl ••; " '. . . . ".
.Capt G,alvasino, 237 'Ehgrs"reports to Bn GP.and·in.forms' CO that. its impos­
. sible to have 3. companies of, the 237 Engrs. All ,the;).' are able to furnish
is one' co. '. Major Lee breaks this Co down as follows:'. I Plat to Co C,
IPJ.,at to Co D,..l Plat to CoB. Q

l:Tsg)o .G();Harnes 15 fromCO:.RElquest

Cl. a as n ~~..J{!lllg e .. '"-n _m.o l.8 on
its v\la;zo;)to xeport t,o.thisBn.' . I'
1555 COleftBn CP enroute toDivC'P to attenp.meeting withCG.
1600 . Col Sute, XVIII' Corps, -8.rr1v;es. at Bn Gpand giVes situ.f:.tion to 5 ....3 inth~
coC 8 a,bsence.· - . . ')
1630 . Co~ Shute leftBn CPt
1705 Lt 'Cahplinsld re})orts to SnOP'fcr $itu,~tion end in. stru ct ions c.!' ti e
lin.e, als6.h·e.s C1 Plat of' the 237~}~ngrs assigned.
1725 CO returns to EnGP and givesoTLlers to;O & DCas to blowc:llbriciges upon
withdraWal j,z,0. e.lllateralroads 'will-be. blown ~tt' 2000, this date9 .
IPlatfI'~23Jl~ngrsrepons tQ~£__ l:lt1.cL i p 'assigned to Gant JLarrip_~o~_L_._.'_.
,Capt Coru1ally, CoB; has 1 Plat of· 237 Engrs assigned to him aEG the Go is.
ordered. to . report .to. him.··· . ..... " .. '
1835 Msg to CO: 2 S3 PzDiv 0rder'capt'ured by 325 Gli In! dtd toda;;'. direc""s .2nd
PanzerCor:ps toattacke.long,valle;y road .V~LSALM,LIE1·mw:(, ChLvP£NPd Five
-Eight·· Panz;erGorpsis .• dire~ted_tosecure' 811RI'" REmr~~,LlliHKEXU" to.·assist
2ndPanze,rCorps. ReportedtoCO'who in turn notified Staff.
'-MedDet'moved put of a °
BRA rea'enrput e~t Hi\.BIE1ta':T, .BE:Ifllli'.,;I•
.[l.&S.:·Co leftBRA 'are8.- enroutepY'trtlcktoHABTEMorIT ••
BnCPclosedat BRAaridilloves,b;y t·ruck-.to ~293568) H~.J3IEll(jNT.
~f,lCP_openedat HlffiIEMONTand·rporledyoG-3.:A,B,C·,D Cos withCTs.

307TJ1 AIRBotu':~
lUght of ';~4

Tho ol'Idges'at (681925) ~ (695927), (692934) were prepared

for demolitions ay]l'l blmvn fit qi;3c, 25ti, last \lGhicle gone
over. ·~YJ',::!1n.lles l{Cr'e J._cj.i(1.·i~: the st.rtj(;ts (,t t,Te ~>(" ·r IT H/iIJ,FlJ1C'CSee
sketch). Also till.: trestle over t.be road, at (695 O)V.'ilS 'blown at ,250100 •
. One platoon from the 23?Engr 3n attached ts the Ce:nman;yf5reparGtl aoatti
1:CrGSB roads ,-,-t(6499,~B) (65 1 9!f-6)(stre21;:),' 7Le,ndt61S0:;'57}at p[:r,;ro:::­
imatel;y nco hI'S •. 'rne abba:cti. at(67/+9~;-9) 25C500ai'ter tl'e la5t
veLiclGh::,;,d F1.ssed. ';.'he l'ioad at (66997liJ cra.t ---nul'h,£;
v.. "'()~lC
U>.-..l,... 4,\,.,,,
lt~ ... v ·"·~·U·:ld.·
;0,,--:; _ ... ~;; l~~··r··ed·
l-iU:_.:1 .1-.-.­ '_ "'1'1'.,>1'
,_'...... l...J'l,,1 4,\.e.
l" .. <--­ r'o
_ C",C:.­
....... _

ualtie.s. 1'i-lis wa,s blown at 25053C'. E?C';O'iC:Jet(:'b!.:: }:.'::'1i-t,tir

Ii':, ,~5 'f':('~-:iZGl'~ i.d-rct (;'1- ;31~z..e0 LL:,d l"!,:t<lc>:;:~'
1~·:"'-=-':::,~~ _:·-~·-~It· C,2~J"7·':;~j ~:u '·:'u~;6·~!)1~~- ~l

~!IJ.":'. y-,.-... v'" .~, _ ._1

iorl :1
..t;. ••
j ... ',.)
HEAD::iU .

. AR'l'ERS
307'l'H AIHBORNE }:;]1GIl,i}!:gR BATTALION,

i /9
,,\no' ,,~o,
i.,,- U • u.
0 -..r'RJ'V

25 December 1944

0015 CaPt Chrlstiansel} 1106 Engrs49tJ:! Erlgr Bn arrived at-BnGPandbrbu[;ht over""'

'lay to seconaarydefensive line. See notes,on overlay.
0030 Ex Orf sent Go D back to front lines to comp1l:Jte ~iOrk on minefields as these
have not been marked and, no overlays made." ,,{,)it;
_0115- 'Capt Gibsondelivered AT mines that were stacked in v~cfnity of-oF -and AP mines
that Capt Williams delivered to the three workinK '}3oilnts on1:1LR. "
0130 Sgt 3trensld delivers 20 Danger Mines signs to B,C, 8£ DCas.
0.300 General Gavin ordersBh to put out road,. blocks againsttailk threat: breakthrough
at M:PJ'THAY. -, This i~' a serious threat. The only meil left in this Bn are H&3
r personnel. ' ,"', ' ' '
0.345' General Gavin cha"lgesQrderKtgalL{i.lerlg.nd..recon to be ma::le b J HerB Co. It T

Duttol1was ass:lgnedi:,his··job.' ."'" "

_-'--'---48359! Capt~an reports. trouble near MANtU.Y is aCCOIT1I:1ishing hi,g mission; Iclost con­
, ~tactwith 1 squad and lost 2 ve!-iicle-s, picked up1 abal1.doned vehi'c1e! Bridge
"'blown on main road.
i . .,. "
i,fsgfr Capt Gibs~nto~'Off:DepotthatCorps told us 1'111 our slipplies
~had no pickets -and no too1S~'I have here'? truckl~ad9' of concertinas,about
560 rolls of concertina,7mbre truckloads ofconcerlina'are still enroute
'fI' depot. ,4 trucks ha,VegO!)8 on" to 2. " r, . + _~' "-, '~t t -,-U ";.!.l"~ vV

'0700 I,t.;iolfinger t l:{.:J~t 011 23 D.c c' to'

Jji;J:i"so'n Clff ~'~t.he .
8730, ·It CJ ' 0 ' . • ,-,ul c,; ill
work on
j;,'j ne rerio.rt.s 'ai:d Ci;8Ck fields' this
,.. I .

9800 Cf-l~j1t r);:~"lL r'Jpr:rts -lc:c ~rl CP &:ld -,-st~tJ~. . a; i~'.j~t:l~('oL~;ple±..e.Q':"i~l u,_~_. . .Li-_L-2L-~ ;,-~., j

'bJ,o.~;.iJ1C c::\::.::t:;.:.:.. -- ;:;i~ J.vL l'.i..O-;-.;: ~e:r['len jjefi:I~'iCl Lb pull ;;iris::; ctCl~OSB .
rOLd, - Y;:1thbiL, i;e. br9uL:hi:, or:i:::c.Go-..,aly~.<30 Div ,VIlla hai been QP'~{ \':ithtlle ,
G-Eirrncu1s: .l c~Jcr ~:Ias . oi/Jar to (i--2,. c".
LtErl arrives a.t :3n GP'and repol'ts ~coil;I?leted. ThS Lj. ton t ru,c], cDJ.lpleted
moving dozers Cinclwas truned back" to unit •
to}';.x Off fr 8-4: Have sent t!-1e' 504 4. trucks oiw;Lre to Clover bJ!PeJ.ibrne
,Wou1dlike yOll tosendguidefromH&:Sto 50L~ CP or RSO.- 110c tools Or piclcets.
available in,4 iast trucks that came in. Rat i-0n s to Clover irt jO"nlinutes.
-1 - ':;"4,'~
....... <,­

Engr En 3:-1 Journa,l (Cant I d). Page 2. . ~'

Capt Connal1~/ reports to Bn cp and is 'orientated on LtGhent'sac:complishm.ent

of mission. Also states 'that 'all missionscorulHeted.
C915 Call fr Capt Harps: ' ,All nJissions complGted.Hewas requested
overJa'is and reports. Ex Orf also told him we are serea.; ' l F O f
. conc~rtina 'to 'Cider CPo " . " -~
Lt Holabird aDd Sgt Slocum :rcporttoBrl ·GP_;;:ntt·:F;~1:v§~d!et2:iJ.s
on at 01;.30,25 Dec 41... l,t Ullrich was leadinsa squ2.c:'of Go C :;;en who
were lr",;y":rlgl GfiQlds at (55191.3). lit 1Jl1rich"·'f~s.carrJ,'lr-.g,(3' S;E:..rI;:.lcr~r,~:,.
1"_!::'I,d" ~ ...<~ i-:, l' us' lr1 !~ll'" t~T J'u;J':"';:':J -;'V'I 8ac1'1
~1,--,-~... 1'-,_. Y~.' , '.l-C~.t-i-,lL _... ,I l ..... -W.... C O'n p ' 0': f' t~-;-e A...
• , '"'" _ 1\'Jl'
,~w· ]T_'0~~,:-e6 ~ ~~_ ~

e,rel-'~ :~1'2.ti iJ . the sou~d down. S6~ S-locurll tilen 11ot,ic,; f.J1lyo·icl'1 1 s
legs 'were bJ.own off above' Ule knee. - TV"Q lllcil,Pfc
were killed. 'l'he Sgt Dnd 3 SHJther men were wounded.
~, 1'·
uocIrrer, ' S " - 11-'1" 3'...4,
anu, . Zt'111lr.l. ,,1,-10
bL. _ O\U~
d a VJlI'e '. ' .. ;, ."
connected an AP mine. iniprovised - fro[[, 'ei t!1eI',
-gr~nadEi p1acedb~/ SOnie US :\,,.,in'jT ·outfit other
- --S~'J!-i.l~ --i-l1vest--igated p.n j be-lieved 1 de..t..Qll?tio11,
JDcrtar, :~:rheil~ " . - '" ,
. Animo unavailable, a.t Nsp 130 b;.(f,
.GIJi.:IXJJE ,(K3L:ic1200). .Hot e corrected
stLlte's ',Vlarlt:j -e.--a se~~. 'CoJ~-:
t c Di"';{ CT~~-.
Hq J07 Rngr Pn 3~1 Journal (cont' d). Ptige 2.

161j c.o~ retnrni':;;cl to ?n CP after making a reeon 'of frontlm8,s in' 505 8,
1620 G.O',-left ?n CPenpoute to Div CP.
1625 Capt Harris rer:ortstO Bn eFta' get situati,on ,:.nd sttttus of the l"L.t
baclc[lere­ to CF.
1630 Cline of "~ngrs a,rrived at Pn CP to Ste.t,0S'
'Cell: get one c of ri:ngrs f1' :":l1t;rs 3n i'or;:jLij.nt''''':'"''~'~'''lJ,'-c;;. of i··c/(:,(.d:s.
011cle.rs Cb.pt. Cline to setHI this f~o dow~n: to tli..Ls 8.n and
'1725' , S-,) Returns to 2n CP and gives CO his report of reCGin.
1740 Capt Ihrri,p Ie ft, ....':.::;P enrout e toGo aT'.
181f 5 D Co truckdriver l'eports to 8n CP to. pick up 500 rhines: these';;ill
b~ '3-4 Sec-ti on. .
1915 m8:1 fr P report [lnCf' to obtain 5001'os
push pull devices) these will.be isstlOd by .3...4
2000 t'sg to, 5-4, fr XVIII Corps Capt 11e1'. You .can
" £-Gllo·;-.:ir:.g,~tE/?:, S?\ndbags IDng g, inter
nails, -c.ri,ft p',irJs • . l.t ".s.6 .. }3;3.,r.ge d ,
, yeu r:,ust rei.fuisition thr'ough I,{aster all tbe rest to
R.e\ort to 3-4.
Gipson, e 1NFJ11t.5


APo469, U. S,. AM'
. . • w

13 January 1945.
. . during monthot Decembfar 1944 .

-Hg and Hg &. ServCo


Cc:mpany "A.
., ...

Pte Shirey, Max H.

23 Dec
. Cpl Hughe., ThOmas ~.
31 Dec
Tee 5· :uwD!ord,' HUgh D.·.
31 Dec
. Pre Wagner,Eugen.eF~
22 Dec
'J'vt Arellanes, Augustine L.
31 Dec
.PvtBe~,Howa;'dR. .
21 Dec
Pte . Fox, SarlO. '
24 Dec -
Pvt Hooper" Cla.rericeE., Jr.
22 Dec
PYt Tedesehi"'Jack L.
22 Dec'
Canpany, "C" . ,

1st Lt ULLRICHjJdELVIN C. . 0-442488 . DOll 25' Dec

Pte' MiddlOJidsis,Albert. C. 39027735 KIA 25 Dec

.Pvt 'Bewere, Elmer E. 37629828 ····KIA ,25 Dec

Pvt ,Ca~, LeoR.'

36002959"!IA 21 Dec
Sgt Frlts, Russell H. .3~.,.~_nv~A",---,--~--"20"",,,--D ' c,-'~-:--~_ _~
-~ Sgt - 'KrilCoriiii, -aaro '
3244ll'4D1A 21 Dec
Sg1:. . Slocum, Ra;ymC¥ld A.'> , 32027037 IliA 25 Dec 0

Pte Sym1n, ~anley F. 16064762 DVA 25 Dec

PfcByrne.,Francis B.
38358458: W 21 Dec

Pvt Batchellor, RoyA. 37552660 '

. DVA 20 Dec

Pvt Cushing, Theodore p.

39~3769 LtA 25 Dec
:Pvt ' ' Dockter, Charles C. 337CYl62!} ', LU 25 Dec

Pvt ,~taruk,Harry:J.,",
G138S2S2 lWA. 2S Dec
Pte DickaliZl, Joseph 3275417500 20 Dec
ComPMY ltD" (rro:"w.on&l)' ~,
Cp1 Olivero, ArmandoJ., .' ' '120l4614' .. KIA 31 DeQ

Pte C.reigh,Alfred E., , In 3844087P MIA 21 Dec

Pvt IDuno, Lawrence H.

'39133253 JII:l 21 Dec
Sat Zingler, Wi l1:iam R., Jr. 35531867 UIA 26 Dec

Pvt Abercrombie', fulghH., Jr. 34896239,. ,.,m 26 Dec

Pvt Jacobs, Arthtir.. .e.' 42) 5621.4' IlIA

29 Dec
Pvt Jones, Wi] liamW. ''38.534l41 'UlA 26 Dec
Pvt· Pr.ince, JamesG. 3488as45UiA' 26 Dec

,Pvt sal am JD,Jerry" ' , 3~8lS08, .:rllA' . 26Iiec

Cp1 , McDurri.,<Cl1tford· 20422:1.7.5,., '"w. '19 Dec -,'

Pvt. G1amboi,JosephR. "329610:13'·' ' 'm"'" !S'Dec
"! .

Hq 307A/BEngr Bn ,Battle Oasual:tt,•• of Dec 44 (Contl~.:page2'.

lled1ul Detachment .
., PvtBard,Thomas A. 11998052 . DrA


t:'~IJ);~1itU i\..li.T .L::?,j
307T H J.iI r~3C}1.·,B ~~l- :~~ Ii. :}:Si~~(. ~:3J\rllT.t\.I.J.Cl<':
,,1'0 1;69, U. ;3. "','::.:1,1.:Y

__~~-:F-~ EISTOT'tI8AL NA1:ULRTI'r.s'

1 January 19d- 22 February 191+5

Or: Lew Year 1 s Da-Y,J',.nu;:·.ry 1, 19h5, the Bncir:eers .-:ereFit 'Nork re",r

of the Division's' defensive line froT:: TEOlS POE'l'SSouthvlest to Vi:..UX

GT.uT:. Anti-perSol;nel and ';rrti-t~nk minefields Were bein:; installed •

..-' of Co 11(~lf VJ;JS lc111ed ,vdule placing li.Pl:,;ines. 'l'r'a:L1s throuc1i the 1'0 cds j',eY-e being .
illade, 1.\sab,le for'5uppl;y; ro;,ds. Bl'idZe? culvert.. s'.lere pre:::ared.. fo::,i tion.
A 1'01' cJ leaclin.c into Bl1'.J" was' bein,'~screened ,:frJ)Dl observation w::Lth .tr2.ns-slanted SDruce
trees. A lcn<ce qu::;ntj.t'yo1' cohc;rt:i.na wire c11tahs18nwnt . - issued to
the defending ipf&.rrl;,rJ .,Jater points viera o}jeY'l),ting ano. m;?lpS wel~e procured.
and iSS1Jec1. l\it chen personnel and ecyipn:edtI1Jid2.r1'ived from' the b;:~se C2J:lP and
turkey -witJld.res sine was served.
- ----/". ' .
tJ<lnU:lr:' ~nd Vias ~, contiml2.tion Of road'ilOrk. however, csm::;;;;.r:.les
positions, mine detectors r2.dios were testt=id, i'ie.l~ order 1,0. 1 5(1/0.,_ .
and brirl,~i;;L' VI3.8 [lrr2n.:;ed 2~1 in r:reparation for the f'ol.lovlinzdo.:;rt.s att2.c~:._· ~ ?r~~~
596th Co o.tt2ched to e 517thlr:f coordj~nated engineer U'.sks. "

Durin;; the evenin:::: the discussion turned to tl~eli,se 0:' device :):~. T};e hel­
met to help identify en;::ineers in the field. The mir:efielcl i:l£lT~:e::." ',12-5 eri.
",',"hen Lt i.~cLeod st~:-ted thnt trie reel before::.nd tl)e vk:it~ to bel~:~;::;~r '_cOllld represent
mi.r1e lcle",rirlg oper<!t-ions - s2.fe whe~ the erfcinaers had c:leccredthe' ','["'.:"0,11 agreed
it was 211 excellent idea ..
" t
1101t' nl-r-:;n,
ml pre'lir-· . . _f or .Lvile
{lUlarles I '
s.t 2rveu~
2,tt acl';:
1 ~ i"'r • +~:..,
.uurlrl,e 'b'.-.~
- -
0.1. J- 21'1· ....? - 3 ,
Company l1DIl removed all anti-personnel min.efields that could qereaci}ed. Garsf~gre
ITiade irl- all D..nt--i-:.t-~ITiK:J~lnelle·.l.cisvIJ
'u I·e... .. ~t; ~-.:;1.;y _ t- ~' .3}-~ ~- '.-" ­ ~..:... +.~, _1,
"B" removeel"'2I1 road oIod~s Hlbl-'.::J3t; DUU':::UL. CpI Qlark()r~6mpl was
an anti-personnel mine that exploded while being' I,emoved.

The Division attacy. lias ·lannched during the morni..itg of JEn 3rd. Doori"'Lt
.Jurist reported ti,at his "Atl Comr:uny~ platoon had 3 WIA and r l'IA. .1.1:. ·.w.edlr-g re­
ported that one 8qUO of Company "BI! . suffered 2 l\.IA (Ca.uchy ,antJ.::liley), 2.IIA,and
1 },;IA, and in additiop 2 mine detectors knocked out. The day' s engir:eerin:::: tasles
were many ar:d an accounting is somewhat confusing. In generc:.l ali tasks were giVerl
as platoon jobs, the platoon being the basic work unit. The follo'i,int: repol'S gives
the day's event s ...

Sl~,~ry of Action
307t-h Airborne En£!,r. _Bn.
Jan 3 - .4, 1945.

1:' Seecrttached· sket ch.

02. At 0830 the DiVisiol1 attack was launched:

a. It Finlayson with a plat con of COIi'fpany-r'BII, attached: to 505. InS,

crossed bridge site (A) and moved East towar;c:LFC6SE "lith the IrS2.r:try as
. they .:i.dv?!1ced. .. , . ii~: '
b: Lt Clausen vms attached
I '

£. The 1st Platoon under If; Bild, 576th Engr CoY~asto clear rhines,

on roads and trails NE of bridge (B) and guide the Infmtry thrOugh the

gaps. The 576thmen rom itrtosmall' arnis fire just ~ast of bridge (B) and

fOW1d the5l'(th Inf9;-'1try had not jumped' off .the MLR, as scheduled.

. ,

3. 'Co nG", 238th Engrs (Corps) brougnt trucks loaded with trea.dway bridg­
ing - these arrived later than had been planned. But after ~rival, th~se
were held about a mile ff'il of BASb"E 30DEUX on .order of CO, 517 Inf who did
not w&ilt' vehicles in BAS~'E BulJE.UX drawing enemy artille,ry :fi reo .

4. TanJ.{s were now crossing the stream a.t bri~e (.,1..) on a. log corduroy ford
placed unde'r direction of Co "BillS It Lieding after he blew abutments With
bangalores. .

5. At liOO Col Bedell found bridge train parkeq.. on road. HW of' BAsSE BO.rMn::.
He. ordered the bridges to be put inJ.mmedlat ely.

~. Some enemy artillery fire fell on bridge~,~~lf just as the bridge

train Ol.rrived. The hydrOl.ulic lift on the· Brockivay truck WOl.S S1 ot ,236up.
had platoon leader and 2_A1£wounded. Ii-jar Lee took cli... :rge·':t..nd. with Co
"An, 5 LtMcDennott Ol.nd· a Co IIBI! squad b~longing to It Finliy:son ffimlhandled
the treadway bridge in p~ce by 1348. . . _
b. Col Bede'll took charge at. bridge (B).' Elements. ·from everywhere
helped p~t in the bridge - Capt Conrial1jr of Co tlB", Capt Dalr;ymple Of
596th, It Hong of 23eth. The D-7dozer.blade was used to lift the far end.
of t·read.v'lay into position. The bridge was if', by 1238.

6.. ~. By 1300 It Cl~usen aIld Co. IIAt' Dlatoon was TIK)v1.ng oiL ong\'llth the
325th Inf. It Finlavson <mdOo !'Elt pJ..atoon moved South fran REHAPJ:ONT with
the 505th Inf checki~g ro~ds fer ia.n~5. The 596tI1 Erlgr Co had cleared
mines on .r.oads and tiJiIs NE of' s.;..sSE. 30DEUX~i.ndturned South toward HEI;HI
MOULIN witb cthe 5l7th Inf. An artille~' position. ;o,reaalong road l~or-th of
p ~


£. It Cappa and Uo IIBlI platoon sf;arted war HAlL) street South

from bridge (B) tow@,rd FOSSE.. , . . . '

£. At 0800U hicleod a,nd Co IlJnplatoon were put on (42nd) 'stree-t-from

bri.-dge(A) to FCSSEto check for mi"les and to improve road. At 1400 It
"lemack and another Co ll ClIPlatocn ·";er~ Dlac'id on the sllleToad. This road
was cleared to;ust v . outside
. the town
' of' FOSSE ;;'ihere
. sma:Uarms firestoD­
. ' ~

ped ;'loY'king parties at l3C\r. Co uC" had been.in aD assembly area since
the morninE's jump.,-off.
~. Lt lrcDerrnott and CoilA" platoon started on (PARK)avel:lUe :it bridge
(A) at ~OO us:Lng R-4 tractor and ha.dcleared South to (SUTTOII.) street by
]~CD--;- '._- _. .--­

.7. At 1500 Col Bedell called a meet,lrJE of Com:-,urlY C0mIrwnders at the Div
FOI'\lrard CPt Co Comdrs were told to put ail'~fforts ·inp18.cir.gm.il::lefields
. for ..the night's. defense.

a. Lt Tribe and CO";'Y platoon, 50 f2runcommitted, and Lt I.:cDerlllott

and'meb were sent to assist llClausenIline the 325 Infm try front.
E.~ tt ',Jhalen and Co IIBlI pl;:;.":'"oon (20 men) ,so f;;,r unoo mmitted, were
, sent to help Lt Vinla:rson on 505 Inf2.l)try front.
c. At l800Lt Dutton 3.r;.d Co "D" Til2.tooDViere sent to' helpLt "\.'halen
:-"who wr..sunable to'locate Lt ·FifJ~.yson.·.Co l1DlI men' had slept all daJr
after the pl'evious night' 5 " ... , .
~'} l

:.;'O,.....c·~.j"-CljG Co 11;)118en were rut to ricld-ng up mines ip fielcl.s ~'­

C'-.)-.:)n:.l stock :'il8S of' Tine s. nec,rb;yr.

e. Co was told to pliJ~ mines 011...-5.17 Jj,fE:ntry frcnt~

b",c1c jr, Bat tdio!'\ reserve.

. ££.. ~3:SfJ dt, ser,d:, tr,lCkloads' of mines e·ach ·to

a ;"f
c ' , ''I , COITl:\c\r}jes.

",Jere placed en 325 L-cf;;;t r~'frcnt bec::JUse t\",ey feu ,ht &11
.,;-:2- t,~:!;J:il~;:::;. halt.

To C O::lr l,~t e -;-.'"';;';"

'...J ; ~ ' .... SLC1~1 fell, .i.~a~:llj(: the roi:tds. sliI.··'rer~<'.
arrivea fro:," ;~.a Sissonne base canlp.

4t 1-:. F2":z).near [~roups opened sup!::il;y roads t:TOU

the ,~r2ils cOLsisted 01' tv/o ruts dOl'Jn a fire bre2k. These
Lext, tilt} trail Vias cleired of debris and .snow , i
~" -'-0.
.' _
FoT' .!.",~+
of "'BCI' t r' il
.;:;;v . " ... , ' ...... " .
_ ,'" 1.,:" ,L

this Vl'DS W?s frozen. Eovfever, 5prii"!i~~ dotted the hillsides

This CC'i1'jar:::.tivel;y Vi·arm vlater kept~,the grou.nd in
ltsoftspots lt • A log Ilcord'-,l'oyll !'"atting Was built
;r;att:-!)Cwasplaced 'Soi:lmerfeld n:attinc. These frozen
trails, :;~tt.ed t'ooI-: a111oads,. incllldirlS. des~tro:~lers ~(ncl ,t.:J.r~r:s.
snow on
'1'}l C a ,problern in the rear ~~.,~"'eas. The narrOY-; vr:_j-~d.i!1t
rO~-~Q -on-"·vr:'.s bect:'L:jJ1~'~~ i;-rpassab+e. ThB crOllin 2.:--d tbe
iced top t.-i~erChd the "ditches.

--~~ ---'.--- It i-~)si c.::. c)()2,:c1 (=:o.mouflilce) VJas. wci'kirw with D1vi.sion asCamon­
fl<:.Ee Officer. 'T"'iJO to:'f.ree r:und.red snow cepes v-/(~re rtocured dGily. These ca:nes r;ere
iss1Jed to. illli"L S of t ,-'' ­

Vi "'isicn attacl:ed, roa.ds cant inued to be onened. Enemy·

Y". Qiji. ,,'0 _'::; -l ;~ ~'~. , f' ·:4t-B4.'"--~BGb1~}"" t:-r~l;S.m_"Q-r+--v-er~l.i.c;Le-s---~r}.(L-iPl---~Al:Lldj.l~,g..s--~-­
'::''''''5'; ~o-ste'd of :...-.,~
n'>C'""'I'e,-l'·cl''-·»:·'es _c~J.'u,cl"'l"
\... . '-' d-, a"'u t-r_. ell ,-,- t.o·
,A __ ~~"'"
• __ ~ C'''-'sj
,"'~. ... _-1;---"--- _-,-~, ,~~",f--G"
c -~ "'.....-.-1 ­

do 0 or" 1<::1] co-s :- ~:r.l - I,..) l_-r;~~ :.;:' . ~L.....)'if c_~):L t: OOD J ~q-tc:s •.

c'"rstructed a t,:.nk by-pass nea.l' i,l vieq1-: bridge betweE.:D FC~3SE

D1J~ J;;n 6th. . blocks minefields \iere placed to .

the front. BI;r-cad on supply l'oads to give footinr' totr 1e often ditched'


rOGd blocks and r:iinefields were removed E01' ;m attack

to take tk~ height, 'LHIEE lJU, , the i'inL'.l objective.
tJI1eln:? .rf1mes ;vere re;:,oveu. Te1\.-: C\llver"ts 2.ndbl'id;~es in the vicinity of '1' wjlich

~'; ~

'we 11ad blDvinni· had been repc!.i:redb;rU'e enem;y.· Road repair ana :rclain­
ten"mce cai1tir111ed. IJein::-; pkced in s\ock :roiles a'longsuF-'pl;r 1'o<:.:.ds on .J&t1

9th.-· f,ddi£ior::;;l ~sbeing spread Dverthe· snowcCiveretl roans. 1.:i.ne fi elds 'wer.e

placed on the aivision :rOrlti. Concertina'entanglemer1ts were being supplied· to f'i'ont

line uriits •. "enemy runes "were reruoved. . .

. On 10th Lines were removed and all int&ct bddges over the SAIll
RIVE::-t.in our sector were. r.:r~f;E-~red fc.r Snow was shovelled off roads it1
preparation DiviSion.

,... 3

Begiiming on the afternoon of' JEn loth ,the Battalion moved to a rear reserve
area. This area was in the vicinity of LoU\fEIGI:E filo~e than ill miles South of liEGE.
B::' the night of' t-TDh 11th Bn Hq Vias located on the S01.1th edge of r.OUV1UC:0J.LP1"Ht:S Go
was located in AOOEUI, Go IIA"W~S located in1R.CUGS Tf:lER, lIB", tfC",and IIDn CoL.paDies
"1:?ere in IJElct:Ea - <

For the remainder of the week, through J"m Jl,th, the pel~sQnnel Here set~lin::: In

c.heir billets, cleanint'; their equipment, getting new clothing, and resting.

Beginning J;.;.n 15th a'trai.Ding program was en:.l\l-gerated encompassing orientation

lectures, reconnaissance arid reports, new enemy mines and mine laying, enemy equir£ient,
and physical training. Combat passes to PAInS Were being.issued~

, On Jan 17th Co IID" r'loved South some fiverdles to CEBSSIOE in asser.;bly arec: with
l,ne 508th Inf.

During tLe day J;m 21st Go IIDII l710ved with the 508th ry into ctLeline three

miles North of ST. VITlf. The night 21 - 22 Jan details from this COIilfRny 'llere . sent

:out to place road blocks on· the ST. VITH - P.MBIEVE highw~y. The first and secorid

platoons swept roads for .mines Harth of rom;. The third platoon cleared supply ro ads

with bulldozers.

After placing mines in the vipinityof BURJ!, BELGIUL on Jan 23rd, Company "nlt "was
relieved from attachment to the 50Sth Inf and returned to the battaUon res.t area.

Snow was still on the ground Jan 27th when the Battalion moved to NIEDER ElilllEISER
. HIEDE', 3EIBTU'x.i. The snow had not melted since it arrived mor~ than thr~e weeks pre­
via-usly. Daily more snow falling made deeper drifts and made rbads [:lore difficult to
use. Temperatures of minus 3 degrees F • had, been taken at Batta'lion Headquarters.,
Company tl Aflwas c>.ttached to the 3;?5t~:f-,-at----30Rl;. CornpanJr "Gil W ~;.~ 4- t-, r

5DLth Inf at.ST. VITH • .

The Division attacked to the Northeast from ST. VITH, Jan 28th. Engineers, sup­
rXirti l1g the infantry <tdvance, started their nightmarish job of cle2.rin::;, opening, d.nd
rairitOairri t1g roads. During this time, for a week, there was' a battle each j.n dividna 1,
was ,waging agf'Linst the extreme cold. CoupledViith this ,'laS. tLe battle against snow,
drifted in spots to six feet aricl. higher. The Infantry, in. their rn..3 .rvelous adv<iirice,
left miles of supply r.oads to be opened. There vias the usual case 0'1' not having as
,:cueD equipmer:t as could be used on the t2.sk.But ~uch equiplnent as vtas available a.Ild
;.;.5 conIc be devised was put to work, 2L} hours fJ. day •. In addition to t:l(;_~c~er= tra.c­
tors oi' the Batt,,,-Jicn ahosuPi:,orting er.f:Lneers ,tl:":,iCEs y,ere .rltt.eCi-witil bladestoploi"
snow aside.,

'During this week of opening snow-bound roa.cts Capt Con-n~:lly. c:f COLltHJT({ HEft ..{as
kill ed by she 11fi1'e Jail ~~9th. Cil]Jt,iiggins was placed in~c OfllTcana. of Cor:ll~,an;}r 11 Btl. . The
3at;t2.lion OF H:oved twice - on Jan)oth to :DE:R ;'l.n-a on }"\eb 21:.d to tl1"e l'loodsOI-le :::lle
Southeai:i;~ of ~-:Ol:SF}jID..

Februar;;,' 2nd the m ow began to meli:,. The melting. snoW creat::;d uore a pl~0-
O.Lem l..h2n the frozen snow. The trails turned into bottomless quagmires. 'l'here Viere
r"G !'Ooids thaI:. could b~ properl~T C'~:Lled oythat narne in thy Division sec'Gor. Ccrduro;y
and 3o!1lrz:er:i'eld fii0-tting wer~ used to keep the Th,i..nirm:ull SUPIJljroaCis ,open. Also by Feb
2nd tbe Siegfried Line had been reached. thr,til"cry engineer reGoDDaissance was
/+ -. '
• ' .•cJ'

made of the fcrtificat"ions near l:EUIIOF, ~j;Y. ..u'e ent2ngl,eml;:nts, I-beam t,etra­
hedrans, dragons teeth, pill boxes, anti-ta~lk;;.nd <,nti-l)~rsonnel
• . .
0 fOWld.
On .Feb 3rd, en,:::ineerdeL,olit:"on pa:rties \,;ere b:1the lni'antry 2.Chin::~ the
Siegfried Line near UDBl:B3ETIl, Gl:2.JJJ.~. Y. r:le'connai55<;,.r: ce-b':t. . .f6rts,ocorrt inuea::
.' ,"-~"" ~
Pill boxes ano. emlJIEcelierjts were re;'.dereci uss .by de:i.:.C!litio.ns aft.er cf'!lture.
Some 30 vierc de s·'c, rayed' Feb 4th.

On Feb 5th the Division W;:-LS reli'eved.

The rest was short, fe'r on Feb S'tl' Divi

the First liI'lIly sector.'l'lie ;3attalion bivc1_12..Ced·i:': -::,.he 'of wrecl~ed dr~[O!1S teet}1
and i'ortsone mile .[e st of ftOTT, to t)le- 50:3th Irlf
at b1J:1TC;':;1 ReconnaissD.rlce VoJ2.S r::~de of ~Hoad~ wer~ of deep
lilud and impassable except for one rr::iin r02:d of' e
pQssable in p1 2 ces.
Eext dEy, Feb 9th, tIle 32.tt~'.J.ion :-:,oved to a rQad junction in the I'Joodsfive
l1li,~_es" So'uthvlest of E1Jlfl)GI:2:'~. ·.C_O:Tlr).::r!.~y :J3" 05t~--;;(r a "er" rCC}:l froci. 'IOS~JEL;:iCI'\ to I(Cr/'IT.'EJ.­
SF3ID. l'his rCJ2c1 crossed tl;e. l~AIL creek. rrhis Cl'ee!( _Vi2'.S .~'r~ <1" r:eayt12? fil~ned 'laile~/.
Holz, Teller, 3chu, stocl: J i.lnd I1S11 I:l.:Lnes· ..Jere encountered. vd.ley was littered
,vitll tj'le ciea.d [-<.::6 1'lrecl~-a-G,e 01. three- Dor~tr.s t b;:.t-~.:le. It- V;;i5A~r::":'":lle-d~ I~D6-9tl~-:;:V')?,-I']~~:.r!' b:/
our t roo::,s. .

It -Ch~plinski, !!DO: ·/,lerr~ oC/G!1 "\.;cl1nded·

0'2-: SLJ1e-ll '::'1"'F:S ·fiy-e. Lt l:)e .~-rarn rl~):t, :CCi];t 1':.01­
loZg w;;.s pla.ced in corm::2ncl of

?or C--}~ii:,: ne):t t \"/0 "3 t~';':e -Sr ire.er.s

r "'/IOl~k.ed en sur:
~assj.sT,iJ1F: in of ~~.efensiv~ rositioI~$, 12-'~'
8,,:'0\"{ fell Ci""jG dcr:/, ~.:.clte(:·
The colsed t c, t
to ~ s~:~~~~ed its
dtlbbe·d II S1.1. I"'1T: 2.

I18ccnn:::iss;;.nce of ,_!;E; P£f:3~-l v~;lle='­

fE?et vli'cle.

Pr2.ctice \'}:L
the rive.r.
-'[,0 ere sst !~e l~C~Il. j.~ L~l
v{c,ter: Jill C'F ne=~rby gave boui'ly re2.(lir~cs.

FLeConn2.iss'::nce oncf
Q.S It bOets c m.£!de - all'
VJithout sticce ss. ·,;-{~cbnn:J.issr--;rl ce Di""'risicn
.," ~ .
o .".
,.' &

Here '.' qet-ail led
'"\1 "ir~
n G~::..
G.' 1 -"-J .;•.
c Set, 'Je\vell.
;-;on:b(~ r 3
fc.r~:,' ~ Q,:,;" •
.... .

ret~t" •
V~{}, T!'

3,,·ttt .tieD c HPJ{l'J [< ~l ':l~G'Ef .f~~1i­

1'c] icved L~,!j·n •
"til Wt:d sent t.-h(~ b2.se~ C.CLI1~1) at
J~A::Yon r'eS
fc,cili tie sav2:i1'iJ bl"e and


On nst tilEr
two CO.llVO:/'S. e tr-uck
The t redn convoy ~.rrived at
co]"v arrived cit C,":

1600, Feb 22nd.

'. ~.'L ,.-~-

• H~307 ,A/BEngr>Bxl '
APe' 469, U•. S.Arrpy

Inithe Field .

02:1:600A ,Jap 45 ..
Fe No.1

Maps: France ahdBelgium, GSGS4041, 1/25,000, Sheets' 93 NandS.

See verbal discussion at CPt

2.',.!. do.

b. 307 ,AlB En,gr Bn will clear all roads and construct such additional roads as

. necessary to assist tne forward movement of the division., (~ee overlay)"

, c. , D-aay, .3 January; H-hour, 0$30A.

:3 • a. '. A Compan'y.
(1) 3rd Plat at end: 32.5 GliInf per Div F016. ~
(2) Assists forward movement of 325' Glider Infantry,' J?et10rming'-engineer
work in regimental sector.
,(,3) . SUpervises> con~ruetlon of Claas40 trdw br at A by personnel of 238
Engr (cl I3n., reportingoI;lening time. Corrdinates doubling of bridge
". at.)csite f9r 2-waytraffi6. ~ .' . ~

, '(4) Ope118PARK AvE to ODRIMrnT and SUTTON. PLACE~~@;HIERLOI'.

• (5) , Assembles vicCR)liALL and p.ARK forfuther o r d i ! t ' r s . - '


:£.' BCompani. .
(I) 2nd, Plat atchd 505 ParaInf,· per Div~16.-
(2) PerfoI'II'lsengineer work in regimental 'sector, assisting forwardadvanc~.·
(3)~opens RUBBER by supervising construction of trdy br at B by 238 Engr
(COBn •.
(4) Operis WALL ST to I'ARK AVENUE, and 42ND S'l' from PARK to ViALL. (Eymines
rptd vic OR PARK. and 42ND). .'
(5) Assemble.s· vic CR PARK and WAIL for further order~,.

c'Z~~~~b~SviC6~7900'ato30800A on call.
(2) . Prepares to. assist Div advance by opening 42ND ST from WALL to YADISON, '.
. and BROAIJtlAY. from MADISON to P A R K . · .
(3) InBn reseI"'i8. .

1 In night' 02-03 .January, . remov.es all AP m.i.ries on 508 Para In! front,
and all ATIllines that may hazard. moyement on RUBBER and PARK.
(2) Assem}:)les.vi~·609975 in Bn reservi.
!. 6 Para En r Co~

1 Atchd 517Pal'a.RCT.

(2) It is understoo'd,by agreement, that Co • w:i;ll clea,r road RUBBER from

. . bridge' Bto .MADISON '. and MADISON to H." . .
(3) Every ef.fort will be lJ:!.8.de'to· provi.de Co. w!adozer from CorpsI'eserve
to' f.ill Cr 'on' MADlS00. ..•.
'.-.. !::~·,~.~!~-~lli;J:fx-:~t:~~~:~~t~~~;~R:~~c;~:o;~~~~~f~t.~;-~;:-.i
(2) ,Work parties wfll be .alert to ,capture straggler.fram.the WEHR1!AClfl'. ..>
(3 ) All work,. Preseritly-or' laterly assigned,' ldll ~reported complete • Brs",
,ather, than A& B,wtll' be reported·l/2. hourbetore ,canplet:ion.­ .
- 1-'
FO~o>1 Hq,307 A/B Engr En dtcl,P21700AJan,4,(qont'4'.Paf;e 2.'
•• see Jnnex 3,Div ro16. ,' "
§. Div Engr~pply '1A1mp atCR HABIEJlar!. ,",' , ' '
,2,. D-7 DOzer tQ B COjB-4, Dos.~
• ' . .' .... ,. i'," ", .
to ACo;A/B, Cemp to BCo•

..!. Current sOl inettect. S-. qverlq torbftdge anctp1ace code le'tt-er.sand
nUmbers. _" .' '. - . '
~. Axis 'of' 'COmmun1~Ort8'-no change.

OFFlDIAL: 0.0.


Annex,- OVerlays.

Dist': '
r:-Engr XVIII A/B Corps
1 - G-3" 82 A/B Div.
I ... C~ A,
1- CoB
1- Co 0
1 ~ Co D
'1 - 596ParaFiig~Co'
1 - 238 ·Engr((C) ,an
I-FU. '

- 2,"!",
1.•- -
, APO ~69, U•. 5. ARYY

The following ,list of Officers of the307th AlB Errgr.Bn with their

asgmtand duty is.presented as an ~idin better understanding of the Unit
m~~' .' "
~,.' · RANK '. ' A$fiUr WTY
ASH .'"
Bedell,··Edwrin·. A. It Col 0322823 BnHg {GillEn Ccadr 7004
Bigler, John L . 1st LtOllO()447 nc", lp;'cht) -, piat Comdr 1339
Capozzi, F~ncia B. 1st. a . 01106629 I'B~;il})rcht) !Jet .~ 4470
C,appa, A1tred.· J~ " 1st Lt ,01190038 ···."BIt •(Prcht rPlat, codidr 1339
Chap1.1nsld., CharlesW. 1st It OJ..lOOO46H&S(D}(Prcht) Co comdr133t,
Clau88n , Ralph Tor' 1st Lt Ol107347C"Alt.{Gli) . Plat ComdrJ331>
gla;,well, ·William O. 1st I;t,OllQ3+03i,H&S(D)(Praht ) Plat CCI!Idr ' '1339
CcanaJ ly, David G., Jr.' :Capt 0453893 < ":stt., (Praht)· CoComdr1336
Decker, WiJ.liam w~. Capt 036~463H&s,(G1i)" CocOndr 1336
tutton, Wilmer C., Jr. 2nd It. 01112668 H&S(D)(PrchtjPlat Comdr - , J339
Er1, Fnlnk L. _.. 1st Lt' 0392231 .. "A~"·(Gli) ' C o C o n d r J 3 3 6
Finlayson, AdrumJ. lst'Lt 01102724 "BfI. (P,raht)/; Plat Comtir 1339
.«~_ ___,__ .­ .
F ranks, Benni8E~
Gibson, Olen c., Jr.
,2nd Lt
0887884 BhHq.(~li)lW'~'·Ad~t~~"
0304294'. Bn'Hq (Gli)- ' S - 4 - 4 4 7 0

HanJ.e,· William o. 1stIt 011048i$ IlBlt(Prcht}" 'Aast P1~CCmrlr 1339

Harris, WesleyD. . Capt·· 045..3241 .'''.C!I;,.(.P.reht,.. " Co Condr " 1339X
Holabird, John, A., Jr. 1st Lt 01lO6824IfC~' (Prcht) AdDdnO. '1339'
JaDIIl&er" Joseph J. . 1st Lt047~45 li&S(D)(Pi-cht) Ass't Plat >Condr 1339
JedrziewS1d., Anthony-A. . Capt ' 0352631 BnHq( Gli) BnExec> 2],20
Jurist, Wilb'Ur-W.--·.....~----::~lIt-OtlO;".~-tG11}--. .A~st Piat Comdr :1.336
Kelloa;, WUllam W. Capt' 0446618Bn Hq (Praht) - AsstS~2, 5.-3 '
KirkwoOd, JohnD. . Capt· 0453311 . BnHq(Gli) 1).ADE 7004
Klein,. RObert E. l&tU 01103261 liB"-- (Prcht) . Plat Comdr '1339
Lee,. Johnc. H., Jr~" '< Major 023688 Bn Hq (Gil)' S .. }-- 2162 ­
'Ueding,VIB.1l8.ce o. . 2nd Lt 0159565) ":alt(PJ;cht) Aast Plat Cpnrlr<1339
McDertnott, J1Wiam. . E. . 1st Lt 0],.103307 ,t1A,tt.(Gli) PlatComdr' ,.~%
c ) , . is . (NMI) .,IstJ.t.' 02055S9 .... -­ c:
< s
Ylller, Alvina. WOJq ·W2lD9616H&S.(Gli)" . Iti-- MtrOff
Pegr~ J~sC.
i: ··~giig5i~1~f§~~~~:·~. .~i:~ .• g=~
1st LtOl102420 H&S(D)(Prcht) AdminO•. , .],339
Ratha, Howard W. 2nd It
OU07647H&S(D)(Prcht) AsBtPlat ComdrJ336
, Russell,. William, E. Capt
01693413 MedDet (G1:t) :&'Surgeon­ .3000-'
Sabia, )5ichae1 G. 1st .Lt
,Ol1043B1 t1ctt (Prcht) . Aast Plat Com:ir 1339
L" ...Tribe,--nobertW• . " :tst-Ii.
on03442-"A" (Gli) Plat Comdr 13'3.6
.•.. ~~~-.~Whalen,c EdJfal'd---E.--._. .'
1_s..t~~c-,OllOO~23uI3":.(frchtt_. Admin O~ .•.... 1339
~':"'(.,F~fit,:j7-~=Bn=-:SSO·------·, -; 5000":--~
\¥illi8lns,Bobert K... Capt. '.
Q3 20l79' , Bn,Hq'(Gli) S"- 2 '. -­ 9301-­
Womack, .T ravis.T.• ,-Jr.~ -' IstLt,
Onp1291;nc,,(prcht}l'1a.t .Comir · -1.339,
;zbinden, Albert T. ' cwo
W2UB504 H&S(Gli) .En Pera Adj ­ . 2200
.~_..Zieg1.er,Henry 'B. 1St, Lt 0910282 IlCIl,·.(Prcll.r,), Aast Plat Conrlr 1.339·

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