Powerelectronics in Power System (QB)

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1. How the Power electronics concept is constructive for Power systems?
2. List out the power semiconductor devices.
3. Define controlled and uncontrolled devices with an example.
4. List out the types of power electronics controllers.
5. What is reverse recovery time? State the importance of reverse characteristics in the power
semiconductor Devices.
6. List out the classifications of Diode.
7. Define latching and holding current of SCR.
8. Why the turn – off time of SCR slightly larger than turn – on time? Give typical values.
9. What is the function of snubber circuit?
10. Why IGBTs are becoming popular in their applications to controlled converters?
11. Draw the V-I characteristics of SCR and mark the holding current and latching current.
12. In the figure, the latching current is 4 mA, obtain the minimum width of gating pulse required to
properly turn – on the SCR.
L= 0.1H T

100 V

13. Define softness factor of power diode.

14. In the figure, the latching current of a thyristor circuit is 50 mA .The duration of the firing pulse is 50µs.
Will the thyristor get fired?

R= 20 ohms
100 V

L= 0.5H

15. Compute the peak inverse voltage (PIV) of thyristor connected in the three phase six pulse bridge circuit
having input voltage of 415V voltage safety factor is 2.1
16. What is a fast recovery diode? Mention its uses.
17. What is converter grade and inverter grade SCR?
18. Mention the turn-on methods of the SCR.
19. Define the term pinch of voltage of MOSFET.
20. What are the factors that influence the turn-off time of thyristor?

1) Discuss the transfer, output and switching characteristics of power MOSFET.
2) Explain the switching performance of BJT with relevant waveforms indicating clearly the turn – on, turn –
off times and their components .Also define the term SOA.
3) (i) Elucidate the turn –on characteristics of SCR.
(ii) Compare any six salient features of MOSFET and IGBT.
4) i) Explain the turn – off characteristics of SCR.
ii) Based on the two transistor analogy, explain the turn – on mechanism of SCR also derive an
expression for the anode current.
5) i).Explain the construction, principle of working and static V-I characteristics of SCR.
ii).Distinguish BJT and MOSFET.
6) Discuss the switching characteristics of IGBT with neat circuit diagram and waveforms.
7) What is meant by commutation of SCRs? Explain the various methods of commutation.
8) (i) Explicate the static and switching characteristics of an GTO.
(ii) Give at least four advantages and disadvantages of GTO over SCR.
9) (i) Explain the various types of triggering methods of SCRs.
(ii) Which is the universal method of triggering?
10) The class D commutation circuit is given below. To compute the values of commutating capacitor C and
commutating inductor L for the following data. Edc = 50V , IL(MAX) = 50 A ,toff of SCR1 = 30 µS,
chopping frequency f = 500 HZ and the load voltage variation required is 10 to 100%.



1) Define rectifier.
2) Under what conditions a single phase full converter gets operated as rectifier and inverter?
3) State the principle of phase control in AC-DC converters.
4) What is the purpose of free-wheeling diode in a rectifier?
5) Write the output voltage relation of single phase full wave converter. Draw its variation with firing angle.
6) Define continuous and non continuous current of a rectifier.
7) Define the delay angle of phase controlled rectifier.
8) What is Dual converter?
9) Define harmonic factor of the input current.
10) What is the cause of circulating current in Dual converter?
11) A single phase half wave rectifier supplies power to a load of 10Ω from 230V, 50 HZ a.c supply at a firing
angle of 30˚. Calculate the load current.
12) .What is meant by line and load commutation?
13) Mention any two advantages of circulating current mode of operation of dual converters and how the delay
angle is related between the two converters.
14) What is the effect of source inductance on the converter operation?
15) How delay angle α is reckoned in 3-phase converters?
16) List out the performance factors of rectifier.
17) Give the expression for input p.f of a single phase fully controlled SCR bridge rectifier.
18) Fully controlled converters are 2-quadrant converters. State True or False.
19) A dual converter consists of two converters connected in series. State True or False.
20) What is output ripple in rectifiers? How is it reduced?

1) Explain in detail with a neat power circuit diagram and waveforms the rectification and inversion mode of
operation of a 1-phase fully controlled bridge rectifier for RLE load. Derive the expression for the average
output voltage.
2) With necessary circuit and waveforms explain the principle of operation of 6- pulse bridge converter (fully
controlled) with RL load. Derive the expression for the average output voltage.
3) Explain the effect of source impedance in the operation of single phase fully controlled converter with
circuit diagram and waveforms. Derive the formula for the average output voltage with the effect of source

4) i) A 3φ full converter bridge is connected to supply voltage of 230V/ phase and a frequency of 50HZ. Lѕ= 4
mH, Io= 20A constant, E=400V with Rs=1Ω. Calculate firing angle α and overlap angle.

ii) A 3φ Half-wave converter is operating in the inverting mode connected to a 415V (line) supply. If the
angle of firing advance is 18˚ and the overlap 3.8˚, find the mean voltage at the load.

5) Explain the operation of 3-phase half controlled converter with RLE load. Sketch the associated waveforms.
Derive the expression for the average output voltage.

6) Explain the operation of 1-phase controlled semi converter with RL load. Draw the power circuit diagram
and waveforms. What is the effect of adding a freewheeling diode on the performance of the converter?
Derive the expression for the average output voltage.

7) A 1-phase full converter is supplied from 230V, 50 Hz source. The load consists of R=10Ω and a large
inductance so as to render the load current constant. For a firing angle delay of 30˚, determine
i. Average output voltage
ii. Average output current
iii. Average and RMS values of thyristor currents
iv. The power factor.

8. i) Derive the expressions for harmonic factor, displacement factor and power factor of a single phase full
converter from the fundamental principle.

ii).The single phase dual converter is operated from a 120V, 60Hz supply and the load R=10Ω.The
circulating current inductance is Lr=40mH, α1=60˚.calculate the peak circulating current and the peak
current of converter-1.

9. i).What is the sequence control of converters?

ii).What are the various methods of power factor improvement.

iii).Explain the sequence control of single phase fully controlled converters and show with diagrams how
the reactive power and the power factor is improved.

10. A single phase fully controlled thyristor converter operates from a 240V, 50Hz supply. The a.c source
has a total source inductance of Ls=2mH.The load is highly inductive so that the load current may be
assumed to be smooth and ripple free. Find,
i. The dc voltage drop at any firing angle due to the source inductance when the load current Id=80A.
ii. The firing angle α of the converter when it delivers 80A at 140V d.c to the load.
iii. The communication overlap angle of the converter for the condition of operation of in (ii).
iv. The output d.c voltage for the firing angle α=60˚.


1. Define Inverter.

2. Why thyristors are not preferred for inverters?

3. Mention the difference between sinusoidal PWM and modified sinusoidal PWM techniques?

4. State the need for return current diodes in the inverters.

5. What is meant by current and voltage source inverter?

6. What is the difference between return current diodes and freewheeling diodes?

7. What is PWM technique? List its various techniques.

8. Mention any two advantages of CSI.

9. List four industrial applications of inverters.

10. Name the methods used for controlling the output voltage of an inverter.

11. A 1 φ full bridge inverter has a resistive load of R =3Ω and the d.c input voltage Edc. = 50V .Find the
rms output voltage at fundamental frequency.

12. Define modulation index of PWM .What is its use?

13. What is 180˚ mode and 120˚ mode conduction in 3φ VSI?

14. Differentiate between VSI and CSI?

15. List the different types of PWM techniques.

16. Discuss the functioning of three phase voltage source inverter in 120 degree operating mode

17. What are the advantages of PWM inverter?

18. What is meant by series inverter?

19. What are the application of a CSI?

20. List out the applications of VSI and CSI.

1) Briefly explain the principle of working of a three-phase bridge inverter with an appropriate circuit
diagram. Draw phase and line voltage waveforms on the assumption that each thyristor conducts for 180 0 and
the resistive load is star- connected. The sequence of firing of various SCRs should also be indicated in the
2) Discuss the principle of working of a three-phase bridge inverter with an appropriate circuit diagram. Draw
phase and line voltage waveforms on the assumption that each thyristor conducts for 1200 and the resistive load
is Delta-connected. The sequence of firing of various SCRs should also be indicated in the diagram.

3) What is pulse width modulation? List the various PWM techniques. How do these differ from each other?
4) Elucidate the operation of single phase Auto sequential commutated current source inverter with “L”

5) Draw and explain the single-phase full wave voltage source inverter (continuous current mode) with RLE

load, Draw its voltage and Current waveforms at firing angle  =30ο .

6).What is the need for controlling the output voltage of an inverter?

ii).Explain various methods of voltage control used in inverters.

7) A 3φ bridge inverter delivers power to a resistive load from a 450V d.c source for a star connected load
of 10 Ω per phase determine for both 180˚ mode and 120˚ mode

i).RMS value of load current

ii).RMS value of thyristor current

iii).Load power.

8) i).Describe with a neat circuit and waveforms the operation of a single-phase capacitor commutated

CSI supplying R load.

ii).The single phase half bridge inverter has a resistive load of 24Ω and the dc input Voltage is 48 V.
Determine the rms output voltage at the fundamental frequency, output power and the total harmonic

9) Write the importance of Harmonic control and also explain the harmonic control with its relevant

10) (i) Explain the operation of a series inverter.

(ii) Give the expression for its output frequency.

(iii) Calculate the output frequency of a series inverter with the following parameters. Inductance=6mH,
C =1.2microfarads, load resistance = 100ohms, Toff = 0.2 ms

1 Define reactive power .
2 State the importance of reactive power compensation.
3 List out the types of reactive power compensation.
4 What are the causes for low power factor in power systems?
5 What is load compensation?
6 Mention the drawbacks of synchronous condenser compared to static capacitors.
7 List any four industrial loads which demand large and fluctuating reactive power.
8 What is shunt reactive power compensation?
9 Define distortion factor and displacement factor.
10 Give the expression for power factor of full and half controlled converters.
11 The performance of half controlled converter is superior to fully controlled converter. State true or false.
12 What are the schemes used for improvement of power factor and reduction of harmonics?
13 Name at least four static VAR compensators.
14 State the advantage and drawbacks of series compensation.
15 What are the methods of Voltage control?
16 Draw the terminal voltage -SVC current characteristic
17 What are the advantages of TCR?
18 Draw the single phase TCR
19 Sketch the SVC circuit using a TCR
20 Define current droop

1 i).Explain the switched capacitor method of shunt reactive power compensation with diagram and
ii).For what purpose switched inductors are used?
2 i).What is static reactor compensation?
ii).Name the methods & Explain the TCR method of static reactor compensation with a diagram and wavefor
3 Explain thyristor controlled reactor with diagrams and characteristics for transmission line voltage

4 i).Compare the variation of reactive power drawn by the following converters with a diagram between
per unit d.c output voltage and reactive power.
1. Fully controlled converter
2. Half controlled converter
3. Fully controlled converter with controlled fly wheel.
ii).What are the effects caused by the above converters on the performance of the load?
5 i).What are the methods of power factor control and reduction of harmonics employing natural
ii).Explain any one method in detail.
6 i).What are the methods of power factor control and reduction of harmonics employing forced commutation?
ii).Explain any one method in detail.
7. Derive the expression for active as well as reactive power flow in a lossless transmission line? Draw
necessary phasor diagram
8. Elucidate in detail of reactive power control in electrical power transmission system
9. Briefly explain the performance of SVC in controlling voltage in a power system
10. Explicate the shunt reactor mode on the SVC voltage controller

1 Define power quality.
2 What are the four major reasons for the increased concern about power quality?
3 Give a few conducted and radiated low frequency phenomena which are causing electromagnetic
4 What is transient?
5 What is an impulsive and oscillatory transient?
6 Define overvoltage and under voltage
7 What are sustained interruptions?
8 Define short duration voltage variation.
9 What do you mean by interruption?
10 Define SAG.
11 Define SWELL.
12 What is voltage imbalance?
13 Define waveform distortion.
14 List out the five types of waveform distortion.
15 Define harmonics and notching.

16 Define harmonic index.
17 What is a harmonic filter?
18 What is meant by medium frequency transient?
19 Define the term DC offset
20 Define voltage fluctuation

1 Briefly explain about transient and its types with essential diagrams.
2 Explain in detail about harmonic distortion and harmonic indices with the following
i).Total harmonic distortion ii).Total demand distortion iii) triplen harmonics
3 Explain in detail about various sources of harmonics involved in industrial loads .
4 i).What is passive and active filters?
ii).Explain any one passive filter and an active filter.
5 Enumerate the various steps involved in the design of filters and explain each step briefly.
6 Explain in detail about long duration voltage variation
7 Briefly explain short duration voltage variation
8 Explain the various harmonic sources from commercial loads
9 Explain the principles of controlling harmonics in detail

Prepared by Verified by

G.Ramakrishnaprabu,Asso.Prof/EEE R.Devarajan,Asso.prof/EEE

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