Ey Mint Emergingyu

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Emerging Technologies:

Changing how we live,

work and play
EY-Mint Emerging
Technologies Report 2019
Table of contents

1 Foreword 5

2 Introduction 6

3 Emerging technologies
i. Artificial Intelligence
ii. Internet of Things 18
iii. 3D Printing 26
iv. Robotic Process Automation 32
v. Hardware Robotics 38
vi. Blockchain 46
vii. Augmented/Virtual Reality 52
A slew of emerging technologies is shaping our lives, arguably at a rate of change never
seen before in history. Enabled by cheap computing power and access to large datasets,
machines are already doing a better job than humans in several areas. This ‘intelligence’ is
moving away from central server farms into devices and things that will soon become part
of our every day lives. These devices will potentially negotiate their own way in our world
via ‘smart contracts’ and without significant human intervention. Perceptual information
overlaid on these real world objects will help us break out of the mobile devices that have
captured our attention in this post–internet world. What seems unique about this current
moment is the rapid adoption of many of these enabling technologies and their potential
to work with each other to change our lives.

While there is significant ground to cover, India is promisingly poised to take advantage
of this gathering storm of opportunity. As these technologies move out of the research
labs and innovation hubs in Silicon Valley towards real world implementation, India offers
an opportunity to implement at a scale that is probably matched only by China. As India
goes digital, datasets about various facets of Indian consumers and businesses are
becoming available to fuel improved implementation. Our ecosystem of start-ups features
young and excited entrepreneurs willing to plunge head first into the race to apply these
technologies and data sets to solve unique Indian problems including agriculture, urban
transport, energy management, financial inclusion, small format retail to name only a
few. Last but not the least, the Government of India is taking several steps to spur the
adoption of emerging technologies at scale – as evidenced by the Digital India initiative, a
draft internet of things policy, the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (#AIforAll)
and the Make in India 2.0 program with a focus on robotics and genomics among
other initiatives.
However, there is a lot more to be done. To be able to compete with the US and China,
India will need to invest significantly more to create a conducive environment to foster
innovation and attract talent. This 2019 edition of the EY-Mint report explores a range
of emerging technologies and dives into relevant global and Indian trends, concerns and
growth recipes to inform strategic decision making.

As the boundaries between industries blur businesses will need to rethink their customers’
needs, revamp their product sets and make choices on technology adoption. Creating
teams to deal with this transformation will be critical to success.

The dialogue is not just about survival, but the willingness to fight and thrive to stay
ahead of the curve. Are you ready?

Mahesh Makhija
Partner and Leader, Digital and Emerging Technology,
EY India

Leading in the
transfomative age
Key emerging technologies

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI today is catalysing transformation in every industry – helping companies transform the
customer experience, launch digital products and services, and optimize supply chains. We see
significant investment from big tech firms focussed on horizontal AI platforms and start-ups
focused on niche domain solutions. A critical constraint is the availability of large sets of good
quality data that can be used to learn AI algorithms. While ‘point AI solutions’ are flourishing, we
see a clear trend towards enterprises adopting a ‘general AI’ approach that unifies their efforts
across their business functions. As China and US fight for the race for AI supremacy, India has
the potential to become an AI powerhouse given the large talent base and access to consumers
willing to try new AI enabled products and services.

6 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Internet of Things (IoT)
As billions of devices, services and systems get connected we see consumers
benefiting from improved lifestyle use cases and companies becoming more efficient
as they minimize operational costs and increase asset utilization. IoT will work hand
in hand with real-time AI as edge connected devices move the paradigm from central
clouds to decentralized, ubiquitous intelligence. A key enabler will be the advent of
5G technology that will improve the performance and security of IoT platforms.

3D printing (3DP)
3DP is moving to industrial scale in a number of industries such as aerospace &
defence, automobile, medical and engineering. It has the potential to shrink and
disrupt existing supply chains and logistics. However, costly equipment, lack of talent
and absence of standards and intellectual property (IP) safeguards are some factors
that are restricting organisations to go full throttle with this technology. As and when
the volumes grow, adoption in emerging markets will increase significantly over the
next 3-5 years.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA is changing the world of operations across multiple industries. If applied to the
right operational tasks, RPA can provide significant efficiency thereby bringing cost
savings. It is picking up traction in areas such as finance back-office operations,
supply chain management, accounting and customer service in repetitive tasks
such as data entry and purchase order issuing among others. Some of the cognitive
technologies such as optical character recognition (OCR), natural language
processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG) are taking RPA to the next
level, enabling the software bots to broaden their applicability through “Intelligent

Hardware robotics
Rapid advancement in AI and machine learning supported by increased computing
power has enhanced the sophistication of robots, which continues to replace
redundant and hazardous work activities once performed by humans. We see
industrial robots playing a pivotal role in the rise of Industry 4.0 and countries with
declining or ageing population, such as Korea, Singapore, Japan, Sweden, and
Germany will be the frontrunners in the Industrial robots adoption. Industrial robot
sales in India also has rocketed and is expected to continue its momentum, driven by
use-cases across logistics, agriculture, and manufacturing.

Blockchain is seeing significant investment across a range of industries. We see
successful use cases where the trust paradigm needs to be decentralized (via the
elimination of a central counterparty), large ecosystems need to be integrated and
automation is critical. Governments across the world are leading the way and in
some cases are mandating the use of this technology as they build next generation
citizen services and infrastructure platforms. However, on boarding all players in an
ecosystem is not easy and several critical technical issues including scalability will
need to be addressed for this technology to achieve mainstream adoption.

Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR)

VR (immersive computer-generated world) and AR (overlaying virtual environment
onto the real-world) has been touted as a technology that will transform how we
interact with the world, but its adoption across enterprises has been underwhelming.
In the coming years, we expect the adoption of AR/VR in enterprises to grow rapidly,
especially across use-cases related to advertising, retail, healthcare and education/
training. AR/VR market in India is still in its infancy but is expected to grow due to
positive impetus from the government, industry bodies and investors.

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 7

The dynamic emerging tech landscape
The boundaries between industries are blurring
With the advent of the digital era, the field of play is being disrupted by both incumbents and the influx of new
players from different sectors to redefine value, services, and customer experience. In particular, health care,
mobility, and financial services are industries most affected by convergence.

Traditional automotive players are being challenged by the entry of technology players and the ongoing shift
towards electrification, autonomous driving, diverse mobility, and connectivity.

Meanwhile, the financial services industry, already reeling under strict regulatory regime is being disrupted by not
only FinTech players, but also tech players from different industries (e.g. Apple Pay digital wallet service, Amazon
business lending). Moreover, traditional banks are increasingly collaborating with FinTechs and other tech players,
rather than competing with them to provide a customized value proposition to customers.

The health industry is also being re-imagined as traditional players (providers, payers, life sciences and devices)
and non-traditional new entrants (retailers, telecommunications and tech companies, entrepreneurs and venture
capital investors) co-create tools and platforms, especially focussed on participatory health offerings, including
well-being, remote care, medical imaging at home among others.

Emerging technologies are converging

Technologies like IoT, Blockchain, AI and RPA are increasingly converging under a single digital disruption umbrella.
The EY IoT Competence Center anticipates that suppliers will begin to move toward full integration of IT systems
supporting business processes and automation solutions in order to build fully integrated “Intelligent Automation”

Industry 4.0 – Reimagining the future of production in

an increasingly digital world
The findings of World Economic Forum (WEF) Future of Production
report 2018 indicate that not all countries may seek to pursue Only 25
advanced manufacturing in the future, and only a handful of
countries are
countries are positioned to seize the opportunities arising from
technological advancement. Only 25 countries from Europe, North
America and East Asia are leading adoption (in the best position to to benefit from
benefit from the changing nature of production). These 25 countries Industry 4.01
already hold over 75% of global manufacturing value added (MVA)
and are well positioned to increase their share further in the future.

Note: 1
WEF Future of Production 2018 report

8 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

70% of senior Digitalization and cybersecurity are two
leadership of sides of a coin
organizations has
a comprehensive Digital advances and increased connectivity of people, devices and organizations
continue to drive the emergence of new and increasingly dangerous cyber
understanding of
risks. In the future, cyberattacks can undermine geopolitical stability, pitting
cybersecurity and economic and political rivals against one another in new and dangerous ways.
taking positive All organizations — public and private — are at risk from nefarious attacks that
steps to improve2 can cause serious economic damage and loss of sensitive data or intellectual
property, among other negative effects.

Changing nature of work

Enabled by technology, the nature of work has been changing for some
time. Evolving talent models increasingly include a blend of full-time
employees, contractors and freelancers. As many as 56.7m employees in
the US are currently freelancers3.

Models of working anywhere digitally are enabling enterprises to

reduce their physical footprints, resulting in corresponding savings and
environmental efficiencies. Employees are more fluid than ever before,
moving from job to job across company and geographic boundaries. Uber
and Airbnb are reflective of the so-called sharing economy and the rise of
“no collar” workers that get paid for leveraging their underutilized assets.

Looking ahead, knowledge-based work is increasingly likely to be replaced

by machines through advances in AI and robotics. Industries will be
disrupted and professions will evolve thereby impacting economic growth.
While some see the emergence of a “jobless future,” others differ and
see different types of jobs arising. Investment in training and education
will be required to meet demand for sophisticated science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills.

The rise of the “super consumer”

EYQ – the think tank of EY – expects that the evolution and interplay of AI,
machine learning, IoT sensors, smart devices and new computing interfaces
will pave way for the super consumer, with consumer empowerment reaching
exorbitantly high frontiers. As consumers increasingly want a single connected
life experience, technology will transform the communication between
consumers and markets, and how consumers live. Key questions to answer
• What will it take for intelligent machines to gain the full trust of consumers?
• Can intelligent machines help consumers make more intelligent decisions?
• Does trading data for services have to be a zero-sum game?
• When AI makes the buying decisions, how will brands be noticed?
• What steps will organizations take today to deliver optimal consumer
experiences tomorrow?
• Do organizations have a dual strategy—one for today’s customers and one for
tomorrow’s customers?

Notes: 2 EY Global Information Security Survey indicates

Annual report from Upwork and the Freelancers Union

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 9

Emerging technologies

i. Artificial Intelligence
The age of algorithms
Post breakthrough innovation in deep learning, AI
is now entering an age of rapid implementation
AI will be a key catalyst in driving business efficiency and growth. Much has been talked about the transformative nature
of the technology but we are yet to see the full potential of AI. As per a survey, 85% of CIOs will be piloting AI programs
through a combination of buy, build, and outsource efforts by 2020 in order to develop a business case for AI and step
up their game. It also expects that by 2022 at least 40% of new application development project teams will have AI co-

Note: 1
Gartner Research

10 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Global cognitive and AI systems spending

US$77.6b in 2022 37.3% CAGR 2017-22

AI is driving Industry 4.0 and disrupting diverse
AI is re-inventing the way we live and work. Implementing an AI strategy often means organizational
redesign. An integrated AI strategy has become a key success factor for organizations to thrive in this
transformative age.
For organizations seeking to be more cost-effective than their peers, an AI strategy is critical. For
instance, Japan’s Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance used Intelligent Automation to deliver an annual cost
saving of US$1.6m.
Enhancing customer and employee experiences is one of the most popular use-cases of AI. For
instance, a Canadian telecommunications company leveraged chatbots to boost customer satisfaction
by 65%.
The use of big data is also spurring the growth of AI as enormous data sets can be collected and
analysed to make better predictions.

omer engagement

Robotic surgery,
predicting diseases
and automating
diagnostic tests

ions manage

Automate assemblies, Smart grids; predictive

predict sales, automate maintenance,
wering employee

supplier selection Financial Services energy efficiency

Chatbots, compliance,
credit risk


Retail Logistics &

Automate warehouses Transport
and shopping, Optimizing
forecasting inventories, route
and dynamic optimization

product offerings

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 11

Globally companies are investing in cutting-edge AI trends across

Investment funds, venture

capital (VC) firms and
corporate investors >1,100 new AI 141% rise in investment
across the globe are companies raised first by AI startups in 2017
rapidly increasing equity rounds of equity funding from 2016
investments in AI start-ups since 2016
across sectors, indicating
a growing global interest in
AI technologies and their US$15.2b new AI
commercial applications. invested globally by AI
startups in 2017
Sources: IDC, CBInsights

The intersection of AI, IoT and robotics

The benefits derived from AI and IoT increase multi-fold when used in conjunction, rather than in silos. In near future
we will see the two ground-breaking emerging technologies converge with each other to form an undisputed winning
combination. The AI-IoT combination can transform supply chain management in warehouses, speed up data collection
and processing to accurately predict yield and anticipate the demand in agriculture, enhance predictive maintenance in
manufacturing, and make smart homes even smarter by giving control in the hands of the consumers. Additionally, AI-
driven robots are already making significant impact on process improvement in the manufacturing industry.

Tech giants lead the race in patents and acquisitions in the

AI space
IBM leads the AI patents race with 8,290 patent applications, followed by Microsoft with 5,930 patent applications2.
Computer vision is the main vertical cited by the top companies in their patent applications, however the frontrunner, IBM
is focussed on NLP. Inorganic activity is on the rise among tech giants – seven out of the top 20 companies acquired AI
companies. Alphabet has the highest number of acquisitions in the AI space (18), despite deceleration in its patent filing

The AI-enabled chips boom

2019 will witness chip manufacturers including Intel, NVIDIA, AMD, ARM and Qualcomm ship specialized chips to increase
the pace of execution of AI-led applications, primarily focussed on computer vision, NLP and speech recognition. These
futuristic applications will revolutionize the way sectors operate. Tech incumbents such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google
and Facebook will also boost investment allocation pool in custom chips based on field programmable gate arrays and
application specific integrated circuits.

Note: 2
Technology Trends 2019: Artificial Intelligence by World Intellectual Property Organization,

12 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Countries are drafting dedicated AI roadmaps to stay
relevant in the transformative age
• North America led by the US dominates the global AI market. Over the last five years, San Francisco’s Bay Area, in
particular, has attracted 41% of all global investments in AI3.

• Europe ranks second in the global AI market attributed to growing demand for cybersecurity, medical informatics,
marketing, fraud detection, and national intelligence. The EU is targeting US$24.4b of investment in AI by 2020 to
compete with US and China.

• China is investing heavily in AI technologies and start-ups to become a global leader. The country’s 2030 plan
envisions building a US$150b AI industry.

The new wave of AI strategies indicates a growing interest among

policymakers in the potential benefits and costs of AI.

Future of Industrial
Research AI talent Ethics Data AI in Govt Inclusion
work strategy

South Korea

Source: CIFAR, Building an AI World: Report on National and Regional AI Strategies

The darkest shade represents greatest emphasis of a particular AI strategy within a particular country. The heat map does not provide cross country

Note: 3
Synced Research

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 13

AI is shaping the workforce of the future

EY predicts that by 2022, AI skills penetration

Growth of AI is around 46% of the ranking
expected to create workforce will be engaged
133m new roles, but in entirely new jobs that do 1 US

cause 7m jobs to be not exist today5.

displaced by 2022, 2 China

thereby assuring
AI skills are among the 3 India
that AI could create
fastest-growing skills on
58m net new jobs in 4 Israel
LinkedIn, witnessing a
the next few years4
190% increase from 2015
to 20176. 5 Germany

India has joined the global race to become an AI powerhouse,

however, a lot needs to be done

AI has the potential Ranks third globally Organisations in India

to add approximately About US$150m
with respect to making use of AI will
US$1t to GDP by is invested in India’s AI
penetration of AI skills almost reach 70% by
2035 sector by private players
after China and the US 2020

Sources: consultancy.in, Financial Express, Livemint, Businesstoday

Companies in India are investing heavily in the AI space

Currently there are

Investment in AI start-
Rising investments about 400 start-ups
ups in India has grown
working on AI and
and deals in to US$73m in 2017
machine learning
automation, AI, from US$44m in 2016
machine learning
and big data are
flourishing the
India had the third
start-up landscape
largest number of
in the country. AI start-ups among
G-20 nations in 2016,
growing at a CAGR of
86% since 2011

Sources: CBInsights, Forbes

Notes: 4 World Economic Forum Report “The Future of Jobs 2018”

FICCI-NASSCOM & EY- Future of Jobs- report
LinkedIn Research

14 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Recent AI ecosystem use cases in India across industries
IT and Telecom

• Wipro is using its own cognitive platform HOLMES to automate

multiple processes of its IT projects. HOLMES has the potential to save
costs up to US$46.5m.
• Vodafone launched its AI chatbot, TOBi, which helps customers
seeking answers to basic questions over chat.

Agriculture Retail

• CropIn and Robert Bosch provide • Bengaluru-based Capillary

a range of AI technologies for Technologies launched VisitorMetrix
pest surveillance, climate control, Plus for its in-store vision that provides
controlled irrigation and warehouse a detailed store visitor analytics,
management. including visitor demographics,
• NITI Aayog along with IBM is visitor-fashion profiling to help brands
developing a model for optimise their store operations, to
crop-yield predictions using AI to help increase sales and conversion from
farmers with real-time advisories in each store.
10 states. • The technology is being used by clients
such as Wrangler, Lee and Shoppers
Stop across 1,500 stores globally.

Banking and Finance

• Private banks such as HDFC and ICICI have introduced chat-bots for
customers service.
• Some banks have even placed robots at their branches for customers
service. Canara Bank installed Mitra and Candi robots at some of its
• Punjab National Bank is using AI for reconciliation of accounts.

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 15

Ministry of Commerce and Industry has set up an AI task force
to leverage technology for economic benefits and provide policy
recommendations on its deployment in India
• National Centre on AI along with the network of centres of excellence, must work on creating data
ecosystems, developing talent pipeline, increasing R&D, strengthening data regulations and initiating the AI
adoption in government programmes to truly derive its benefits.

• In June 2018, NITI Aayog introduced a National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (#AIforAll) with five
thrust areas, mentioned below:

Five focus areas of AI in India (#AIforAll)


education through
personalized For precision Smart mobility
learning and reduce farming, to improve
dropout rates crop yield and price AI-based Smart cities
forecasting to plan applications to lower
crop sowing traffic accidents,
Integrating AI with Healthcare
improve public
city infrastructure
fleets, autonomous
to improve security AI-driven
trucking and
and better traffic diagnostics in
better parking
management remote areas,
treatment, early
identification of

India is fostering a partnership ecosystem to enhance AI

capabilities and next wave of talent development
NITI Aayog, the India think tank collaborated with global tech incumbents to usher in a new AI era
in India.
• NITI Aayog-Google partnership to co-develop AI-based solutions to increase the overall economic productivity of India.
Google launched a Machine Learning Crash Course, which provides interactive visualisations, and instructional videos to
train and upskill Indian developers in machine learning.

• NITI Aayog-Microsoft partnership to leverage AI to transform the agriculture and healthcare sectors by increasing the
crop yield (especially in yield and pest detection) via deployment of remote sensing and image processing, and building
diabetic retinopathy screening models respectively.

• NITI Aayog-ABB partnership to leverage AI and IoT to digitize sectors including power and utilities, food, heavy
industries, automotive and transportation (rail, metro and electric mobility) and infrastructure.

16 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

• NITI Aayog-Intel-Tata Institute of Fundamental Research partnership to establish a Model International Center for
Transformative Artificial Intelligence as part of the ‘National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence’.

• NITI Aayog and IBM signed a statement of intent to develop a crop yield prediction model using AI to provide real-
time advisory to farmers. The project aims at introducing climate-awareness of cognitive farming techniques and
identifying systems of crop monitoring, early warning on pest/disease outbreak.

The nation is also forging cross-country ties to increase AI adoption.

• The UAE Minister for Artificial Intelligence and Invest India signed a MoU in 2018 for the India-UAE Artificial
Intelligence Bridge. The partnership is expected to generate ~US$20b in economic benefits during the next decade.

Barriers to AI adoption and the road ahead…

“AI can be a great

Reputational risks Algorithmic bias
tool to augment
6 1 humans, but we
must understand its
Legal risks and
limitations. The best
Issues to overcome
answer from AI may
5 to unleash AI’s 2
vast potential still not be appropriate
Overestimating the
capabilities of AI based on cultural and
corporate values.”
4 3 Nigel Duffy,
Risk of cyber Programmatic
attacks errors EY Global Artificial
Intelligence Leader

Growth recipe for the AI ecosystem in India

Setting realistic expectations in terms of AI The bucket list for boards to seize AI opportunities: AI
capabilities and ROI; building the next wave morality; robust feedback loop
workforce; partnership ecosystem
Boards should understand how AI is being leveraged both

1 2
While there is huge hype around AI and how it will internally and externally. They should ensure that the
change the world, real-world applications of AI will organization has the right structures in place to manage
take time to emerge. The high cost of solutions, ethical conundrums and the issue of algorithmic bias.
shortage of skilled professionals, no clarity on return
They also need to strike the right balance between
on investment and cybersecurity are seen as the
algorithmic transparency and accountability via emerging
main hurdles. According to a recent EY pulse survey,
frameworks, policies and legislation.
56% of respondents saw a lack of AI talent as their
greatest barrier. The return on investment in AI won’t Boards should exuberate confidence in the robustness
be evident for a while, and the entire ecosystem— of their “black box”. This confidence can be achieved
government, companies, employees—needs to brace through a thorough review to determine whether the
for this period of limbo as the domains where AI can system outputs are in line with expectations, and whether
be leveraged shape up. proper controls exist to monitor these systems as they

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 17

ii. Internet of Things
Data, data everywhere
Smarter devices can create smarter businesses and
plug in immense business value
The IoT market is expected to grow steadily as billions of devices, services and systems become connected, mainly
driven by increasingly ubiquitous and cheaper sensors that convert physical data to digital content. The IoT use cases
focused on delivering cost savings from fuel, energy and labour often have significant financial impact and shorter
payback time frames. In terms of the market size, estimates1 indicate that IoT spending is expected to register 15.4%
y-o-y growth to reach US$745b in 2019.

18 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

IoT use cases to deliver fastest spending growth in 2017-22 (CAGR)

Airport facility Electric vehicle Agriculture Bedside

automation charging field monitoring telemetry
22.6% 20.0% 19.8% 19.3%

Source: IDC

Industrial IoT (IIoT) is minimizing operational cost and

increasing asset utilization
The IIoT propels industries such as manufacturing, automotive,
energy, agriculture among others by enabling supply chain Discrete manufacturing
optimization, quality control, asset management, remote
control, and predictive maintenance. Incumbents are
(US$119b), process
spearheading the IIoT wave via collaborations and disruptive manufacturing
solutions. AT&T and Honeywell are collaborating to bring IoT (US$78b), and
tech to aircraft and freight solutions in multiple geographies. transportation
GE offers Predix, an end-to-end IIoT platform, supported by
Predix Edge to allow for edge computing within the platform.
(US$71b) industries
Siemens offers an in-house IIoT platform called MindSphere, will spend the most on
whereas Bosch offers a dedicated IoT suite available on IIoT solutions in 2019.1
Amazon Web Services Marketplace.

Consumer IoT is enhancing quality of living

The growth spurt in digital assistants, such as Google
Home and Amazon’s Alexa, showed that smart consumer
devices will become an integral part of our daily lives. Smart
Consumer IoT
home will be the leading consumer IoT use case in 2019,
attracting ~US$44b in investments.1 The smart home spending will reach
industry will primarily focus on creating a single connected US$108b in 2019.1
life experience, driven by greater integration with the API
ecosystem, and rising number of connected home cloud
hubs. In addition to smart homes, personal wellness and
connected vehicle infotainment will also attract high levels
on investment in 2019.

Note: 1
IDC research

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 19

Edge computing – cloud computing paradox for IoT. The dialogue
is shifting from centralization to de-centralization
Transition of IoT data processing to the network edge was expected to
happen in the early IoT development lifecycle stage. However, decreasing A 2018 survey,
connectivity costs and rising communication networks throughput led indicates that 27%
to a slow pace of this trend, which resulted in a shift toward centralized
of global telecom
cloud processing. Now falling prices and the increasing processing power
of edge devices have kickstarted the transition towards network edge. companies are
The change to edge computing may have a significant impact on an implementing/
organization’s IT and Operational Technology (OT) systems, and how the expanding edge
foundation of new age digital products is laid.
computing in 2019.2

5G will unlock immense IoT potential

The dawn of the 5G era will reshape current wireless communication
methods used for IoT-based applications. According to Aleksander In Oct 2018, Verizon
Poniewierski, EY Global IoT Leader, “IoT cannot thrive without effective and Communications
affordable wireless connectivity, interoperability and common standards. became the first
We believe 5G has the potential to make a ground-breaking impact on the
operator in the world
way in which future IoT ecosystems are designed, especially in the areas of
scalability, latency, reliability, security and the level of individual control on to officially launch
connectivity parameters.” a 5G network in four
US cities (Los Angeles,
Houston, Indianapolis,

The state of global IoT start-up ecosystem

Rising investments in IoT start-ups – Total Focus on Build the
recorded IoT investment value stood at customer needs right team
US$874m in 2Q18, registering a solid 20%
y-o-y growth. Overall annual IoT investment 1 2
value during 2Q17-2Q18 stood at US$3.3b.
Record M&A activity – 2Q18 registered
record 27 deals in the IoT space. Key
acquisitions include Silver Spring Networks Embrace yet Secure
minimize 7 Must haves for 3
by Itron, Gemalto by Thales Group, Relayr by funding
MunichRe among others. risk entrepreneurs
to re-imagine the
Top segments (in terms of number of IoT space
projects) – Smart City led the IoT projects
race with 367 projects, closely followed by
industrial settings with 265 projects. The Evolve 4 Harness digital
Americas accounted for majority of the effective technology &
projects (45%), closely followed by Europe operations analytics
(35%). 5

Source: IoT Analytics Build alliances

Note: 2 Forrester Analytics Global Business Technographics Mobility Survey, 2018

20 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Source: IoT Analytics
The US and China will lead the IoT race in 2019
The US and China will spearhead the IoT spending trend in 2019 at US$194b and US$182b respectively, closely followed
by Japan (US$65.4b), Germany (US$35.5b), Korea (US$25.7b), France (US$25.6b), and the UK (US$25.5b). The countries
that will register the fastest IoT spending growth over 2017-2022 are all located in LATAM: Mexico (28.3% CAGR), Colombia
(24.9% CAGR), and Chile (23.3% CAGR).1

USA China
• California IoT Cybersecurity Law – • Government IoT push – Chinese
In August 2018, California became Government policies provide
the first state to pass a dedicated IoT preferred tax breaks/incentives to IoT
cybersecurity law. manufacturers and the Special Fund
requires public entities to have an IoT
• Largest IoT start-up funding in
2018 – In November 2018, View, a US-
based company that builds IoT-based • Chinese regulators disapproved
building windows raised US$1.1b in Qualcomm-NXP merger – In Oct 2016,
Series H funding from Softbank Vision Qualcomm announced acquisition of NXP
Fund. for US$44b, making it the largest deal
in the semiconductor industry. However,
the merger did not take place despite
approval from eight jurisdictions owing
to disapproval by the Chinese regulator
on account of trade tensions between
the US and China.

Rising IoT adoption, in-house IoT platforms and inorganic

growth strategies

• Rising IoT adoption. 75% of the companies are likely to IoT adoption by 2022
adopt IoT by 2022.3

• In-house IoT platforms. Certain manufacturing giants

have designed their own IoT platform (GE Predix,
Siemens Mindsphere) to manage the data consumed Indonesia Australia
from their multiple connected devices. 86% 83%
• Need for partnerships and acquisitions. New
partnerships are a necessity for companies to offer
an end to end solution (device, network, connectivity, Philippines Singapore
IoT platform, analytics, insights and visualization) 83% 82%
in IoT. Manufacturing, retail, energy sectors among
others are looking forward to partner or even acquire
software vendors in niche segments like analytics, 3DP,
augmented reality etc. to serve their end customer

Note: IoT adoption % share represents the share of WEF Future of Jobs Survey 2018 respondents from companies operating in the country in
question who indicated that, by 2022, their company was “likely” or “very likely” (on a 5-point scale) to have adopted the stated technology as part
of its growth strategy.

Note: 3 Future of Jobs Survey 2018 by World Economic Forum

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 21

Tech incumbents are spearheading the IoT movement in India
With an envisaged allocation of US$100m to smart cities, services and improving public safety, TATA Communications is
laying the building blocks of IoT in India with one of the world’s largest LoRaWAN network encompassing 2,000 communities
and 38 cities. Reliance Jio partnered with Samsung Electronics to set up a nationwide IoT network, which will provide thrust
to use cases primarily including vehicle tracking, smart appliances, smart metering, security, and surveillance. Additionally,
the two incumbents will also continue their partnership to bring Long-Term Evolution coverage to 99% of the Indian
population. Reliance Group’s Unlimit — a dedicated IoT venture for enterprises — and IBM announced a collaboration in 2017
to co-create IoT solutions for sectors including automotive, insurance, utilities and industrial automation.

India has a thriving “Internet of Start-ups” ecosystem in the

connected devices space
India is taking firm strides to raise the IoT quotient. Indian start-ups
Indian VC, Blume,
in the IoT space registered 10x hyper growth from 126 in 2014
to 1,250 in 2018.4 Bengaluru is a hotbed of IoT investments, created a US$100m
accounting for nearly 52% of India’s total IoT start-ups.5 dedicated investment
fund for IoT start-ups

IIoT is driving the growth of IoT market in India

The manufacturing sector is adopting preventive maintenance and supply chain monitoring. Factories and
worksites are implementing connected tools/machines to enhance operational efficiency. IoT also possesses huge
potential to disrupt the healthcare and agriculture sectors, especially in rural healthcare.

Note: 4
IoT Forum
2017 Zinnov study

22 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Recent IoT ecosystem use cases in India across industries

• Tata Communications – Deployed LoRa

network dedicated to Smart City IoT
applications including smart parking, smart
street lightning, smart water distribution
management among others

• SenseGiz – Provides IoT-based consumer

• Cradlewise – Smart solution for and enterprise offerings for smart buildings, • Tata Elxsi – Provides IoT cloud
mothers to track the breathing security, and other smart city applications platform- based solution to maximize
of the babies in the cradle and asset performance, manage
provide real-time alerts warehouse operations, and control
maintenance and operations costs
• Vodafone – Diabetacare - Diabetic
patient monitoring – provided a • Altizon – Provides Datonis IIoT
real-time view of customer data Smart Smart Smart Platform, Datonis Manufacturing
usage, billing and SIM control from Health City Manufacturing Intelligence and Datonis Edge
a single platform

• Maruti Suzuki India – Telematics • Fasa – AgriTech IoT Platform to

solution ‘Suzuki Connect’ for monitor farm data and make “on-
Nexa-branded cars farm” predictions

• Collaborations in the connected Smart Smart Smart • Uolkus – Leveraging machine

vehicles space – Tata Motors Mobility Energy Agriculture intelligence and data-driven
and Microsoft; Nissan India and decisions to assist the smart
Pointer; Honda Cars India and agriculture movement
IBM Watson; Minda iConnect and • Ecolibrium – SmartSense solution enhances
Microsoft asset efficiency with IoT-driven predictive

• CASCADEMIC – Provides wireless and

MODBUS metering adaptors; Enables wireless
monitoring of energy, tower, environment and

• HCL Technologies and Indra – Partnered to

bring IIoT solution, Active Grid Management,
in the utilities space

The Government of India (GoI) is taking strides to change the

way citizens live and work
• Draft IoT Policy 2016 – In line with the GoI’s vision of a Digital India, Department of Electronics and Information
Technology (DEITY) launched India’s first draft IoT policy document in 2016. It lays the foundation of a strong
governance framework for holistic implementation and execution of IoT-related policies and campaigns. It will play an
essential role in realizing the GoI’s vision of a US$15b Indian IoT market, and enable India to hold nearly 5-6% of global
IoT industry.

• National Data Protection Policy (NDCP) 2018 – 5G deployments are likely to entail massive investments to the
tune of US$60b in the next five-six years. The GoI unveiled a roadmap for India’s digital future. The NDCP 2018 is a
progressive policy that embeds broadband in the fabric of India’s digital economy. Key 2022 goals to propel India to

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 23

a trillion dollar digital economy by 2025 include 50 mbps universal broadband
connectivity, 50% households with fixed broadband access, 65% unique mobile
subscriber density, 10m public wi-fi hotspots, 60% telecom tower fiberization, and
an ecosystem of 5b connected IoT devices.

• Smart Cities Mission (SCM) 2015 – The SCM aims at developing 100 smart cities IoT enablers to
with total proposed investment being nearly US$31b. The Ministry of Housing
and Urban Affairs data indicates that just 33% of the total 5,151 SCM projects
pave way for a
have been completed/ are under implementation, utilising 25% of the allocated “Digital India”
investment. However, SCM project implementation stepped up a gear during last
year, registering a solid 290% increase in projects tendered, 332% increase in
projects grounded/completed and 479% increase in projects completed since Oct

• IoT Centre of Excellence (CoE) by NASSCOM, DEITY and ERNET – It is a Digital India initiative to revolutionize the
Indian IoT ecosystem by providing modern infrastructure and facilitating co-creation of IoT solutions via a hub and spoke
network of dedicated CoE (currently present in Bengaluru and Haryana). CoE IoT aims at building “next wave” talent by
providing incubation, funding, acceleration, networking and mentoring via IoT Start-ups Program.

• Upskilling talent – The IoT talent demand in India registered a 304% hyper growth rate between 2014 and 2017.6
NASSCOM, in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, launched the ‘Skills
for Future’ platform at the NASSCOM India Leadership Forum, 2018. It will focus on eight technologies including AI,
VR, RPA, IoT, Big Data Analytics, 3DP, Cloud computing and Social Media and mobile. NASSCOM also launched the
“Foundation Skills in Internet of Things“ course to pave way for future-ready talent development.


for SCM

Environment Capital

‘Skills for Future’ Talent

Think tanks Draft IoT


Foundation NDPC
skills in
Internet of

Source: EY framework of information sourced from secondary research

Note: 6
Talent Supply Index

24 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Issues to overcome to unleash IoT’s vast potential
Labour laws Data privacy issues

10 1
Lack of standards Security concerns

9 2

Inadequate infrastructure Lack of connectivity

and legacy systems
8 Key issues 3
and internet access

Existing workflows are Uncertainty about the

7 4
not well defined promised benefits of IoT

6 5 Availability of skilled
High implementation cost
and time resources in data science,
analytics among others

“The opportunities exist, but for hard-pressed C-suite executives it can be difficult
to imagine the future possibilities created by IoT. The C-suite comprehends
the need to innovate and set the tone inside their organizations around the
importance of embracing new technologies. But then they have to rely on and
enable their people to bring forth new ideas to create the breakthrough results”
Edwina Fitzmaurice, EY Global Advisory Business Development Leader

Growth recipe for the IoT ecosystem in India

Collaboration and local implementation of global The bucket list for C-suite to seize IoT opportunities:
best practices will provide thrust to the IoT New leadership; Business case for IoT; Experimentation
ecosystem in India
Usher in a new era of agile leadership with disruption,

1 2
Will India follow the footsteps of world IoT leaders creativity, innovation and a growth mindset as key IoT
by articulating a dedicated IoT cybersecurity law like agenda items. Strong change management will be critical
California, or incentivizing IoT companies to scale to lead the change.
like China or carve a niche roadmap of its own by
IoT delivers on both the growth and efficiency agenda in
implementing global best practices with a local mind-
different parts of the business. However, it is critical to
set? Irrespective of the approach, India’s IoT journey
understand how to apply IoT to create new sustainable
will not involve the GoI as the only stakeholder. An
business models, and re-imagine existing ways of working.
ecosystem of customers, GoI, thinktanks, industries
and academia will shape the state of IoT dialogue in Create an experimentation and creativity driven culture
India and foster co-creation of ground-breaking IoT to navigate the transformative age by encouraging idea
solutions to realize the Digital India Vision. generation and meeting new and unimagined needs.

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 25

iii. 3D Printing
The future is bright for 3D printing
3DP is more than just about products, it has
immense potential to revolutionize businesses across
Additive manufacturing, or commonly known as 3DP, has been evolving over 3DP global spending (US$b)
the last three decades. The technology involves layer-wise creation of objects by
selectively adding material such as polymers, metals, organic material, live cells, CAGR:
concrete, sand, wax, and ceramic. 3DP has the potential to revolutionize traditional
manufacturing, allowing companies to produce almost anything, layer by layer within 13.8
the boundaries of a single 3D printer. 3D printers and materials will together hold
nearly two third of global 3DP spending share in 20191. 2019 2022
Source: IDC

Note: 1
IDC Research

26 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Evolution of 3DP offers diverse possibilities
• Mass customization: Mass customization 3DP by applications, 2018
is one of the main benefits of 3DP that is
proving useful for medical application, and in Prototype
fashion and apparel, to create custom-made
products. Production 22%
• Cloud-based 3DP: 3D modelling software 41%
are increasingly launching their cloud-based Proof of concept
versions that can help improve collaboration,
reduce errors and the risks to lose data. Marketing samples
• 4D printing: Adds the element of time to 16%
3DP, and is enabling creation of self-healing, Art
self-assembling and self-compiling products.
3DP will likely change inventory mix and alter Education
tracking processes.
2018 2017
Source: Sculpteo – The state of 3D printing 2018

Globally, companies are more likely to use 3DP for multiple

applications. Accelerating product development is the top
priority for businesses to use 3DP.

Advances in materials technology

3DP and materials go hand in hand. Advancement in one generates the need for disruption in the other. 3DP uses a
wide spectrum of materials which are dynamic in nature – including plastics, porcelain, ceramics, stainless steel, carbon,
graphene, titanium among others. The 3DP wave has resulted in the creation of next wave ceramics, and techniques such as
honeycombing. Honeycombing generated metallic micro lattice, one of the lightest metallic structures ever made, which is
already being leveraged by the automotive and aerospace industries.

3DP’s futuristic applications will cut across industries

Automotive Aerospace and Select 3DP use-cases
Mechanical and plant defence

• Aerospace: Reduces aircraft

engineering Medical and dental weight, strengthens materials
Future potential

and streamlines design

Logictics OIl and Pharma Electronics

gas Fashion • Automotive: Allows newer

Power and
Chemicals designs, reduced lead times
Wholesale and decreased costs
and retail
• Medical: Offers customized
Food and beverage

prosthetics, and enables bio-

printing, where scientists print
human-sized bones, cartilage
Low Medium High and muscle
Current application

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 27

Despite 3DP’s industry transformation capabilities, concerns
still prevail
Medical Aerospace Automotive Electronics Tooling
Limited in-house expertise √ √ √
Cost of equipment √ √ √
Cost of materials √
Part quality √ √
Difficulty to scale √ √
Technology limitations √
Limited materials √ √ √

Segmentation of suppliers of 3DP and services

Major industrial companies. Incumbents such as GE and Siemens are investing heavily in the 3DP space. GE is planning to
boost its existing manufacturing operations and build a US$1b 3DP empire by 2020 via acquisitions of Sweden’s Arcam AB
and Germany’s SLM Solutions Group AG. Siemens inaugurated its 15th factory in the UK in 2018. The new 4,500+ square
meters, €30m worth 3DP materials solution facility is equipped with 50 EOS 3D printers, capable of processing varied
metals, ranging from aluminium to titanium.
Specialized 3D printer vendors. Majority of the 3DP makers are focusing on a specific technology of additive layer
manufacturing, whereas some of the 3DP players are focussing on industrial applications. Key 3DP manufacturing
frontrunners include Autodesk, EOS, Exone, Stratasys, 3D Systems, Reprap and Ultimaker.
Software vendors. A unique selling proposition for companies to consider is an open-source platform for crowdsourcing
ideas and providing blueprints for spare parts. Companies that take this
road have been heralded by hobbyists, who eagerly download upgrades or
replacement parts. For instance, C is the first open 3DP software platform (not
including the pioneer Reprap, as it was limited to hardware). C was created by
Autodesk and runs with an Ember 3D printer.
Professional services providers. Bringing together different consulting
competencies including strategy, supply chain, design and engineering, product
development, IT, analytics as well as tax and legal services helps manage the
3DP process and accompany organizations on their journey to adoption. For
instance, Stratasys and Stratasys Direct Manufacturing pooled resources to
create a professional services group, to provide transitional and on-site services
to increase 3DP adoption for manufacturers.
3DP service bureaus. Some 3DP manufacturers provide after-sales service and consulting. Independent service providers
registered a solid y-o-y jump of 36% in revenue garnered from the sale of parts produced by additive manufacturing systems
to reach ~US$3b in 20172.
Marketplace providers. Marketplaces are e-platforms which act as intermediaries between 3DP owners/suppliers and users.
For instance, 3D Hubs – referred to as the world’s largest manufacturing hub network – is a one-stop-shop to source parts
for larger, high value engineering projects among others. In order to keep pace with the changing working world, 3D Hubs
launched Fulfilled by 3D Hubs. The new B2B operating model aims at enhancing automation, standardization, and service

Countries leading the 3DP race

The US will record the largest total spending in 2019 at ~US$5b, closely followed by Western Europe (US$3.6b) and China
(~US$2b). Latin America (25.3% CAGR) and China (21.6% CAGR) are expected to register the fastest 3DP spending growth
during 2017-20223.

Notes: 2 Wohlers Report 18

IDC Research

28 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Start-ups dominate the Indian 3DP market
3DP is still not widely penetrated in India with its usage Number of new 3DP companies founded in
limited to conventional applications such as, prototyping for the last six years in India
visualisation and validation. Overall, Indian 3DP market is 38
expected to reach US$79m by 20224. Domestic 3DP market
is primarily driven by start-ups such as Ethereal Machines, 20
3Dexter, Aha3D Innovations among others. However, the 18
number of start-ups is pretty low with only 124 3DP ventures 9
been launched in the country till date, of which 66 were 4
launched in 2015 and 2016. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Source: Tracxn

Recent select 3DP ecosystem use cases in India across industries

• Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Genesis Foundation used a
3D-printed heart to operate on an 11-year-old girl with congenital
heart defects.

• In collaboration with Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, EOS

developed a medical 3DP solution, to design patient-specific implants
in segmentation with patient CT-scan data to generate a 3D-CAD

• Healthcare venture Osteo3d has dealt with over 850 cases from
building medical models to facilitating a surgery to separate
conjoined twins to providing implants for the neck, hip and knee.

• Maruti Suzuki is using 3DP to

• Coimbatore-based Augrav sells
test its prototypes for design,
3D-printed customized jewellery
engineering, and production.
online. It has served over 5,000
• Tata Motors is using 3DP for customers and has registered
building prototypes in its R&D a solid 50% y-o-y growth in
facility in Pune. revenues in 2018.

• Delhi-based 3Dexter is providing

experiential learning on 3DP at • Brahma3 builds 3D prototypes
schools. for aerospace parts and for
models of unmanned aerial
vehicles and drones.

Note: 4
6Wresearch Report

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 29

Global 3DP giants entering the attractive
Indian market
Foreign 3DP incumbents are eyeing the attractive Indian market, and establishing
their base in the nation. Stratasys, Renishaw among other 3DP giants want to have
a firm grip around the Indian market. EOS also recently announced its expansion
plans in India. HP launched its 3DP solutions in the nation, almost a year after its
international foray, and is exploring the possibility of partnering with the GoI to
expand the scope of business.

Upskilling talent and increasing 3DP awareness quotient

Stratasys is partnering with the Nettur Technical Training Foundation to kickstart India’s first additive
manufacturing certification course, aimed at enabling students to deep-dive into endless disruptive possibilities
of 3DP and enhance their future readiness. Home grown companies such as 3Dexter and Aha3D Innovations are
also in the race to transform the education sector by leveraging 3DP. For instance, Aha3D signed a MoU with the
Bhartiya Skills Development University to impart skills to master the art of 3DP manufacturing.

Providing a launch pad to home grown 3DP start-ups

The inauguration of Foundation for Innovation & Research at Sastra: Technology Business Incubator (FIRST) in
2018 marked another key milestone in India’s 3DP journey. FIRST incubator – aimed at providing consultancy,
training, education and research services to raise the entrepreneurial quotient – was established with support from
the Department of Science and Technology, GoI at a cost of INR15 Crore.

Enablers of 3DP ecosystem in India, and challenges causing

lack of adoption
• Equipment costs • Software development and
• Limited materials available capabilities

• Post-processing requirements • Longer production timelines

Make in India
• Manufacturing costs • Limited recyclability
Global giants • Lack of in-house 3DP resources • Risk of litigation/legal implication
entering the Data storage requirements
Indian • Lack of expertise/training in •

Next wave workforce Absence of formal standards and

market •
talent strong IP safeguards
development • Limited repeatability
initiatives FIRST
to provide Overcoming the challenges will enable
Start-up thrust companies to unleash 3DP’s vast potential
led domestic
Challenges causing the

30 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Must haves for all stakeholders to propel India’s 3DP landscape

Time to Build IP
Focus on technology
Hiring and Monetary change safeguards
strategy and innovation
training investments processes and to discourage
development in additive
attitudes counterfeiters

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 31

iv. Robotic Process Automation
Evolving automation family
Coupling with AI to lay the foundation for “intelligent
automation” across business operations
• RPA adoption is on the rise, with the global market expected to grow at a CAGR of Global RPA software
49.3% during 2017 to 2022. revenue (US$m)
• The early adopters of RPA include banks, insurance companies, utilities and
telecom companies that are looking to automate repetitive and mundane tasks
majorly around finance and accounting and HR services. 501

• 85% of large & very large organizations (revenue of over US$1b) will deploy some 2017 2022
form of RPA by 2022.1 Source: IDC

Note: 1
Gartner research

32 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

RPA can help reduce costs, while improving service levels,
data quality and reducing risk
The implementation of RPA has opened avenues for organizations to further optimize costs
and free up resources to focus on value enhancing business functions. As markets evolve and
technology changes, RPA allows companies to react quickly, without the need to reconfigure a
major IT project or develop new interfaces.

Automated solution Robots work with

can work 24/7 existing IT landscape

Freeing up manual Robots can be

resources for value Benefits trained by business
added tasks of RPA users

Double-digit Reduces processing

reduction in error cost by 80%

RPA’s convergence play with other tools and technologies

Making use of AI and

Used for front-office operations,
Rise of RPA, chatbots enable businesses
attended bots are useful when Rise of
attended to offer an immediate and
the entire process cannot be chatbots
RPA intuitive response to generic
consumer queries

Intelligent Automation (RPA

Humans and machines will
Advent of coupled with AI) allows users
collaborate in many workflows
intelligent to learn, identify patterns and
to form new cognitive roles. For
automation generate real-time insights to
instance, Automation Anywhere,
drive decisions
Emergence a US based RPA provider, has
of digital launched Bot Store – a first of
RPA vendors will deploy optical workforce its kind online marketplace for
character recognition and off-the-shelf, and plug-n-play
Focus on software bots that accelerate
AI technologies to focus on
unstructured business process automation.
extracting information from
unstructured data sources such
as images and mails

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 33

EMEIA is expected to drive adoption of RPA in the future
Americas accounted for the largest share of RPA revenue (51.9%), followed by EMEIA (29.4%) and Asia Pacific & Japan
(18.7%) in 2018. However, both EMEIA and Asia Pacific & Japan are expected to witness faster growth than Americas
during 2017-22, growing at a CAGR of 62.1% and 44% respectively.2

US European Union
• The US Postal Service is running an RPA • UK’s HM Revenue & Customs has deployed
pilot that collects missing information over 11,500 robots across 60 processes.
about packages four times as fast as a It is leveraging RPA in the employer
human worker can. registration process to validate data from
• Using RPA, NASA’s Shared Services online applications and provide a unique
Center automated the creation of reference number to new employers.
personnel cases in its HR system for • The Trelleborg Municipality in Sweden
new hires and internal transfers. The implemented RPA to automate
automated process reduced the time administrative tasks, which led to time
it takes for a case to make it through a savings of 79% in the social services
human-processed queue from 24 hours department and 95% in the Labor Market
to an hour. department.
• The Boston Fed is deploying RPA in • Finnish government’s shared services
several areas having significant amount center for Finance and HR entered into an
of compliance activities to minimize error agreement with OpusCapita for software
and bias. robotics solution, with the potential to
• RPA vendor Blue Prism launched a new provide an overall cost savings of €3m.
program to enable quick and easy RPA • A European Public Sector agency
deployment across the federal, state and improved its service operations using RPA,
local government agencies to improve which helped in cutting processing costs,
operational efficiencies and service reducing errors, and cutting average call
levels, while reducing operating costs. handling time by up to 40%.

RPA solution vendors are enjoying the global automation wave,

having received a series of funding

• The US is at the forefront in terms of funding received in the sector,

having raised investments to the tune of US$857m till August 2018,
followed by Europe at US$379m.3
~US$1.8b in
UiPath Automation Anywhere funding raised
• In September 2018, UiPath, US • In November 2018, Automation by companies
based RPA platform provider, Anywhere raised US$300m operating in the RPA
raised US$225m in a series from the SoftBank Vision Fund,
C round of funding co-led by bringing the overall financing to sector across 45
Alphabet’s late-stage venture over US$500m. rounds since 20174
capital fund CapitalG and Sequoia • The investments will help
Capital, at a valuation of US$3b. accelerate its global customer
• In March 2018, UiPath raised engagements and product
US$153m in its series B round led development.
by Accel.

Notes: 2 IDC research


34 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

With abundant IT talent and huge BPO presence, India can be a
global RPA powerhouse
• RPA is among the eight technologies identified by NASSCOM which are poised to grow tremendously in the coming
decade and expected to create ~ three lakh new jobs in the country by 2021.

• 71% of Indian respondents said their employees used RPA and AI-based augmentation to its full potential – ahead of
even the US and Japan.5

• The Indian RPA market is primarily segmented into three categories:

• Large IT services firms: These organizations are at the forefront of RPA implementation and passing the benefits
to their clients. Infosys RPA solution is used by a CPG major to automate order management process, thereby
reducing the turnaround time and improving reporting operations.

• Captive centers of global firms: These offer data-centric process management activities and are under pressure to
reduce costs to ensure optimal cost structures.

• Start-ups: A number of home-grown start-ups are also offering RPA solutions. Few examples include Sastra
Robotics, Milagrow, Falcon Autotech.

Global RPA companies are increasingly investing in India

• In the past few years, RPA has attracted considerable interest, and is one of the top priorities for
management executives. Many global automation vendors are investing in India to take advantage of
the favourable landscape.

• In April 2018, Automation Anywhere, a RPA enterprise software provider expanded its operations
in India by opening a new facility in Bengaluru to serve the increasing demand for the company’s
Intelligent Digital Workforce Platform. The company already has offices in Baroda and Mumbai, with
a total of 385 employees across the three locations, and plans to hire over 300 new engineering and
operations experts in India to support the growing demand.

• RPA provider UiPath is increasing its focus on the Indian market, with enhanced market initiatives.
The company has over 50 partners and 219 customers in India. UiPath is looking at significantly
increasing its workforce in India from 250 to 1,200 by end the of 2019, expand presence to eight
cities, and increasing workforce across all functions, including sales, pre-sales, and customer

• UK-based RPA provider, Blue Prism is also planning to hire more talent in India as it looks to increase
its share in the growing software market in the country.

Note: 5
The survey “Augmented Human Enterprise” by Goldsmiths and Automation Anywhere

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 35

In India, various sectors such as banking, insurance, retail,
telecom, manufacturing and healthcare are rapidly adopting RPA

Banking and financial

services IT and Telecom

Account opening & closures; loan origination; Billing & ceases; revenue assurance; email
contact center management; customer service; response; SIM swaps; credit checks; order
claims & cheque processing; reconciliation; cash processing; customer reassignment; ID generation

An Indian Bank has deployed RPA in over

200 business processes, including retail
A telecom player uses RPA to monitor
banking operations, agri-business, trade
potential exposure to excess TDS that can
& forex, treasury and human resources
reduce cash blockage in excess of INR1b per
management, which has helped reduce the
response time to customers by up to 60%
and increased accuracy to almost 100%.

Consumer product
Manufacturing and retail

Purchase order processing; inventory Purchase order processing; physical inventory

management; customer service; data cleansing; adjustment; automated inbound receipt;
change of address processing; supply chain order creation & processing; warranty & claim
management; warehousing process; order updates management

An aircraft equipment manufacturer

deployed RPA platform to automate
An Indian start up designs and develops
workflow interface and creation of tasks for
automated food equipment for use in the
downloading purchase orders. The solution
Indian food retail segment.
helped it decrease average handling time
by 75%.

Demand for RPA solutions in India has increased exponentially over the past few years and the growth
momentum is expected to continue, supported by the country’s rich IT talent pool, demand for digitization
and robust training programs. Indian enterprises are realizing the value that RPA brings, but are far from fully
adopting the technology. Organizations are still dealing with the challenges related to ROI, traditional systems,
seamless IT-business interface, and budget constraints, resulting in adoption being limited to silos. To achieve
a significant ROI from RPA, companies need to fully understand their business processes, how they could be
transformed, and the associated benefits of RPA.

36 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 37
v. Hardware Robotics
Collaborative. Intuitive. Capable
Rise of human-machine collaboration to increase
productivity and safety
Innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning, exponential expansion in computing power, and sophisticated
mobile robotics continue to replace redundant and hazardous work activities once performed exclusively by humans.
Intelligent automation, the primary frontier of Industry 4.0, is expected to further widen the spectrum of tasks that these
robots can accomplish. Future solutions are likely to be hybrid, with humans overseeing robots. Annual number of robots
supplied to factories globally will reach nearly 625,000 units in 20211.

Note: 1
International Federation of Robotics (IFR)

38 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Worldwide projected robotics spending

US$103.4b in 2019 18.9% CAGR 2017-22

Source: IDC

Global industrial robot sales are booming

A record 381,000 industrial robot units were shipped
globally in 2017, registering a solid 114% growth during ow th in indu
o-y gr 017
2013-2017. The automotive industry is spearheading 21% y- les value in 2
the industrial robot adoption with a 33% market share of robot
total supply in 2017, primarily attributed to increasing US$16.2b
complexity in the manufacturing process, hybrid and
electric car boom, low and zero emission norm in line
with 2030 climate targets among others1.

2016 2017
Source: IFR World Robotics Report 2018

AI-driven cobots, the next frontier in human-robot

Cobots—collaborative by design— form a breed of robots
Cobot sales:
which are lighter, safer and more affordable than
159% other robot species. The cobot wave is revolutionizing
growth in manufacturing, e-commerce, agriculture and food
service sectors by leveraging new vision technologies
to inspect bulk of items for flaws, automate material
transportation in a facility and avoid malfunctions using
predictive intelligence. Companies such as ABB, Fanuc,
Yaskawa, KUKA and Robert Bosch have entered the race
against Universal Robots, which currently dominates the
Source: Microsoft 2019 Manufacturing Trends Report
cobot market with ~60% market share2.

The robotics industry is on “cloud” nine

Cloud robotics leverages remote computing resources
to provide robots with superior memory capacity,
Cloud robotics market size in 2022:
computational prowess, collaborative learning and
interconnectivity. The trend has kickstarted owing to US$7.5b
initiatives by tech pioneers, Amazon and Google. Amazon’s
CAGR 2017-22
AWS RoboMaker leverages Robot Operating System (ROS)
to provide a cloud based robotics testing platform to
developers, which can be used to build robots, add intelligent
functions, simulate and test robots in varied environments,
and manage and update robot fleets. Google Cloud Robotics
Platform – an ecosystem builder of complete AI, cloud and
robotics-driven automation suite – is also expected to come
Source: Markets and Markets press release
to life in 2019.

Notes: 1 International Federation of Robotics (IFR)

CB Insights

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 39

The professional services robot wave is on the rise
Around 109,543 professional service robot units were sold globally sional
th in profes 017
in 2017, registering a y-o-y jump of 85%. Logistics systems are -y grow alue in
39% y-o robot sales v
frontrunners in professional service robot adoption (with automated s
guided vehicles as the largest component), representing 63% of the US$6.6b
total units and 36% of the total sales value, closely followed by defence
applications (with unmanned aerial vehicles as the largest component)
and public relation robots (with telepresence robots as the largest
2016 2017
Source: IFR World Robotics Report 2018

The state of global robotics start-up ecosystem

• Booming investments in robotics start-ups – Total estimated
robotics investment value stood at ~US$3.3b in 2018, registering
a solid 60% y-o-y growth. The number of equity deals in 2018 is
estimated to reach 264 in 2018, registering a moderate 8% y-o-y
growth in deal volume.

• The US is a frontrunner in volume of robotics deals – The US

Estimated robotics
accounted for 52% of equity deals from Jan 2013-Sept 2018, start-up investment
followed by China (16%), France (4%) and the UK (4%). value in 2018
• Decline in seed-stage deals indicates maturing market – With a US$3.3b
deceleration in seed-stage deals from 54% deal volume in 2014 to
32% deal volume during Jan 2018-Sept 2018, middle-stage deals
Estimated number of
surge, and take the larger chunk of the deal volume pie, indicating equity deals in 2018
a maturing market trend. 264
• Decline in M&A activity – Six robotics M&A deals during Jan
2018-Sept 2018 indicate a cooling trend as compared to 18 M&A
deals in 2015.

• A mixed bag of outcomes, not all robotics start-ups make the

cut – Rethink Robotics – maker of Baxter and Sawyer cobots – and
Airware, drone start-up shut down operations.
Source: CB Insights

Top five markets held 73% of total industrial robot sales volumes
in 2017
China, Japan, South Korea, the US and Germany represented nearly three-fourth of the industrial robot market in volume
terms in 2017, with China alone accounting for 36% market share and registering a solid 59% y-o-y demand growth. Some
of the leading robotics economies like China, Japan, Singapore, Korea among others have clearly articulated national goals
and strategies to lay the launchpad of robotics innovation and adoption.

Note: 1
International Federation of Robotics (IFR)

40 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

China Japan
• Government’s robotics push – • Government’s robotics push –
Robotics Industry Development Plan • In 2014, Japan formulated a five-
(2016–2020) aims at expanding year plan to achieve a “robotics
robot use by 10x in 2025. Hence, revolution,” aimed at welcoming
provincial governments are providing robots into various sectors including
subsidies to accelerate robot buying manufacturing, supply chains,
activity. Overall, China appears to be an construction and health care as well
undisputed leader in providing subsidies as propelling the robotics market to
for robot adoption. US$20b by 2020.
• Futuristic vision: In 2017, the
• Made in China 2025 – Foreign robot
Japanese Prime Minister announced
suppliers increased their sales by 72%
Society 5.0 initiative, which predicts
in 2017, recording a higher growth rate
US$87b investment in robotics in
than local manufacturers. As a result,
the market share of Chinese robot
suppliers decreased to 25% in 2017. • Robotics is imbibed in the nation’s
However, Made in China 2025 plan will culture – Japan hosted the eighth
propel the domestic industry as it has edition of annual “Robot Award” in 2018
envisaged a robot density of 150 and to boost the robotics ecosystem, and
100,000 industrial robot production identify key sector disruptors.
per annum goal by 2020.

Adoption rate of robotics and its impact on “next wave”


Highest industrial robot density in 2017 – number of

robots per 10,000 employees • Germany debunks the Robot-
Unemployment myth – Despite third
highest robot density in the world,
employment in Germany reached
Korea Singapore Germany record level 44m in 2017. The rising

710 658 322

industrial robots wave hasn’t decelerated
employment as new tasks have been
created for the workforce.

• Robots and GDP dialogue – A 2017 Center

Japan Sweden for Economics and Business Research study

308 240
indicates that investment in robots added
10% growth to the GDP in OECD member
countries from 1993 to 2016.

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 41

Industrial robotics is making slow and steady inroads
in India
The Indian robotics industry is still in nascent stages, however
the nation has started ticking the bucket list to become a
notable player in the robotics race. Industrial robot sales in the
The golden Indian
nation registered a solid 30% y-o-y growth to reach a record automation
3,412 new units installed in 2017. The automotive sector is
spearheading industrial robot adoption, supported by a market
leading share of 62% of the total supply in 2017 followed
by rubber and plastics, metal and electrical and electronics Low robot density;
industry segments.
Just 85 industrial
Source: IFR World Robotics Report 2018 robots per 10,000
employees in the
automotive industry
in 2017

42 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Recent select hardware robotics ecosystem use cases in India
across industries

• Vistara created an AI-driven robot, RADA

which can initially scan boarding passes and
provide information on departure gates,
weather conditions of destination city and real-
time flight status.

• Maruti Suzuki India has a high robot density

of one robot per four workers. Overall, it has
~5,000 robots at Manesar and Gurgaon plants.

• Bajaj Auto is one of the first companies in

India to implement cobots to improve its
production capabilities.
• Vattikuti Foundation will propel
India to become the second
largest market for robotic surgery • Center for Artificial Intelligence
(after the US) by installing 200+ and Robotics developed a robot
robots and reaching 20,000+ to replace the human intervention
robotic-assisted surgeries per for testing the eddy current inside
Smart Smart Smart
year by 2020. Surgery Mobility Energy nuclear power plants.

• GreyOrange, India’s frontrunner

• HDFC Bank, in collaboration
in robotics and automation start-
with Invento Makerspaces and
ups launched Butler, a robot
Sensorforth created IRA 2.0,
that sorts 1.2 Crore packets Use-cases dubbed as one of the first banks
per month, presenting a golden Smart Smart
Logistics Banking in India to leverage a humanoid
opportunity to re-imagine the
robot to provide customer service.
warehouse logistics space.

• Chennai-based Robot, which

• GRoboMac is creating an
opened in November 2017, is
intelligent autonomous cotton
the nation’s first robot-themed
harvesting robot arm, aimed at Smart Smart Smart restaurant that uses robots to
driving productivity by at least Agriculture Defence Food
serve food.
five fold.

• The Mumbai Police possesses a brigade

of three new robots, as part of the ‘police
modernisation plan’ formulated post the
26/11 terrorist attack.

• Hyderabad witnessed the launch of the

nation’s first ‘Robocop’. Developed by H-Bots
Robotics, the smart police robot is capable of
receiving complaints, recording audio & video
clips, identifying suspects, detecting metals,
and monitoring temperature.

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 43

Partnership model to propel robot-led Indian economy
India is taking strides to build an effective robotic partnership ecosystem, ranging from cross-country collaboration to
public private partnerships. India and Japan, in an effort to take forward their strategic partnership, are collaborating on
unmanned ground vehicles, robotics and AI. NITI Aayog and ABB partnered to bring benefits of digitalization, AI, robotics,
and industrial automation to India.

Developing “next wave” talent by driving robotics culture

India is taking strides to imbibe robotics in its DNA, supported by the fourth annual edition of one of the world’s largest
robotics championship, TECHNOXIAN’18 conducted by All India Council for Robotics and Automation (AICRA). The event is
in sync with the GoI’s skill India mission to impart robotics education to students of various schools and colleges.

Make in India 2.0, with a focus on robotics

The GoI allocated ~US$13b for robotics under the Make in India initiative in 2015. Start-ups and incumbents are increasingly
exploring the possibilities of indigenising robotic equipment manufacturing to be in sync with the initiative. Defence might
be one of the hotbeds of robotics investment as modern militaries globally are planning to have ~30% of their forces to be
robotic by 2022-2025.The GoI also announced the formation of a task force to analyse the role of AI and robotics in future
battlefield landscape.

Robotics employment surge

Job postings for the robotics sector jumped by 191%, while the number of job seekers in the sector spurred by 186% during
May 2015-May 20183. Maharashtra is firmly holding the talent baton, accounting for the largest number of jobs offered in
the sector, followed by Karnataka and Telangana.

Enablers of hardware robotics ecosystem in India, and missing

pieces of the puzzle
• Robotics Vision: Dedicated National
Cross- Public Private robotics strategy & roadmap
Make in India
country Partnership
2.0 • Policy frameworks: Tax incentives for
collaboration Model
robotics adoption

Employment AICRA
& robot sales Robotics
surge championship
Missing pieces of the puzzle

Robots are strong enablers of productivity, and not necessarily replace talent, but augment it. India is taking
steady strides to imbibe robotics and industrial automation in its DNA, however we still lag behind the global
robotics leaders in terms of strategy articulation and policy framework formulation. Will India follow the
footsteps of China and establish a “new industrial revolution driven by robots” goal, or implement Intelligent
Robot Development and Promotion Act like Korea, or provide proactive tax incentives to promote robot adoption
like Singapore? No plan is full-proof and feasibility of local applicability needs to be conducted, however robots
are coming, and they are here to stay. It will be interesting to see the GoI’s take on the robot revolution and
initiatives to feature India on the global robot economy leader board.

Note: 3
Job Portal Indeed estimates

44 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 45
vi. Blockchain
Harbinger of transparency and trust
Transforming organization strategy and
risk frameworks
The financial sector will witness the maximum blockchain spending (US$552m in 2018), driven largely by rapid
adoption in the banking industry. The retail and professional services industry will drive the adoption in distribution and
services sector (US$379m in 2018), while the manufacturing and resources sector (US$334m in 2018) will be driven
by the discrete and process manufacturing industries.1

Note: 1
IDC Research

46 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Worldwide blockchain spending

US$1.5b in 2018 73.2% CAGR 2017-22

Source: IDC

Blockchain augurs well for diverse industries as its

adoption curve picks pace

Manufacturing, P&U - Supply chain

management, cross border trade & Media and telecom – IP
logistics management, loyalty, royalties
• In New York, blockchain provided by • Comcast, with Charter
LO3 Energy, an energy tech company and Viacom, is working on
is enabling consumers to buy and sell blockchain-based identity
surplus power. Retail, consumer goods – Decentralized
solution building a digital ad
marketplaces, product traceability
market that provides targeted
• IBM and Maersk (a leading shipping • A consortium of 10 CPR companies
advertising while protecting end-
player) exhibited in a PoC, that a partnered with IBM to use
user data.
blockchain can be used to track Hyperledger to mange sourcing
containers during shipping, thereby, of 300 ingredients. Walmart used
enabling reduction in effort and Hyperledger for a batch of mangoes
paperwork. In 2018, both introduced and could retrace mangoes to their
TradeLens Blockchain Shipping original source within 2.2 seconds, as
Solution for the global supply chain. compared to over six days earlier.


Financial services, exchanges - Public sector– Public registries

Cross-border payments, stock and debt (identities, titles), voting, ownership
issuance, trade finance, asset custody rights, dispute and fraud management
• R3, a consortium of over 200 • US based Medici Land Governance
companies has developed blockchain uses blockchain to build low-cost land
based international payments system. Healthcare – Health record administration systems, in developing
management, medical procedure countries. It has signed an MOU
• Ripple uses a consensus ledger
ordering and billing with the Government of Rwanda to
managed by a network of unpaid
• Guardtime, an Estonian implement paperless ‘Blockchain
volunteer validators. It enables banks
blockchain pioneer has tied up Land Governance and Property
settle international transactions
with Estonia’s eHealth Authority Rights Management’.
within few seconds.
to secure the health records of
• JP Morgan aims to roll out the first over a million Estonians.
US bank-backed cryptocurrency to
transform payments business. • Medicalchain, a blockchain based
medical records platform, has
partnered with the London-based
Grove Medical Group, making it
the first medical practice in the
UK to use blockchain technology.

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 47

US$3.9b venture capital 280% VC investment
Venture capitalists and investment in blockchain increase in 9M18 over
start-ups (9M18) entire 2017
other investors are buoyed
on technology’s prospects
as observed from their
investment in blockchain
US$8b-12b reported
potential savings for banks
utilizing blockchain

Source: Diar Research, DCI article

Globally, governments are exploring blockchain technology

applications to strengthen governance

Vermont (The US)
► State records management system
► Recognizing blockchain data in the Estonia Sweden Ukraine Hong Kong
court system ► Digital ► Testing a ► Election platform; ► Educational
identification system for municipal voting; platforms and
Delaware (The US)
registering and municipal property investments for
► Storage of state archival records
auction start-ups
recording land
► Encouraging the use of blockchain
by business titles
Department of Homeland Security China
► Solicitation for Homeland Security ► Software
Analytics infrastructure for
smart cities

The UK
► Several potential
applications (such as
infrastructure and
welfare and aid system)

► Combating
land title

Tunisia Singapore
► Transferring The UAE (global India Australia ► Funding a
operations of the blockchain council) ► Review to blockchain
► GoI exploring use of
national post examine the based
company ► Promoting far-reaching record-keeping
blockchain and ► A state government system
potential and
digital currencies initiated managing
implications ► Test use of
land records and
for both blockchain for
streamlining vehicle
government E-Singapore
and industry Dollar (Project

48 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Case in point:

Estonia is leading the way in embracing Singapore emerging as a premier blockchain

blockchain technology destination
Estonia commenced testing technology in 2008 and • Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is working
introduced it in some parts of governance in 2012. in partnership with R3 and a consortium of financial

1 2
Following are some of its applications: institutions on a proof-of-concept project to conduct
inter-bank payments using blockchain technology.
• Estonia issues cryptographically secure digital ID
cards to citizens and e-residents powered by a KSI • In 2017, Singapore and Hong Kong signed an
blockchain infrastructure. agreement to jointly develop the Global Trade
Connectivity Network (GTCN), a cross-border
• The country lets people, globally, register as an
infrastructure based DLT to digitalise trade and trade
“e-resident” to become a virtual Estonian citizen. As
finance between the two cities.
an e-resident, one can access the online platforms
and public services of Estonia. • Singaporean airline Krisflyer has restructured its
payments and loyalty programme by adopting the
• The Healthcare Registry of Estonia, powered by
blockchain structure for its new digital wallet.
blockchain, provides citizens access to their medical
records and control access to medical professions.

• Estonia has a blockchain enabled online voting

system for national elections.

Blockchain is making strides in India as the country leaps forward

to become a digital economy
Globally, blockchain evolution is in an exciting but nascent stage
as it moves from the protocol stage to application before mass
consumer interfaces are dealt with. This is an appropriate phase As per NASSCOM,
for India to be meticulous and capitalize immense opportunities blockchain has
of this technology. the potential to
• In India, blockchain has the potential to transform several generate value up
sectors of the economy, including banking, financial services to US$5b in India
and insurance (BFSI) industry, travel, retail, healthcare and
supply chain, among others.
through 2018-
23, by increasing
• Despite the potential, the adoption of the technology is still
limited owing to lack of awareness, inadequate talent and
productivity and
insufficient computing infrastructure. reducing cost
• However, the technology has received sustained support from
Indian banks, state governments and private companies, who
have piloted a few proofs of concept (PoC).

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 49

Blockchain applications being evaluated by Indian players

Cross-border payments
• An open, non-profit payment
protocol, partnered with
four financial institutions
to facilitate low-cost global
money transfers to the
Philippines and cross border
payments to and from India,
Trade finance Europe, Kenya, Ghana and
Nigeria. Supply chain financing
• An India-based private sector
bank and a leading banking • A lighting equipment
• Two India-based private sector
group in the Middle East manufacturer experimented
banks are jointly testing
successfully implemented with blockchain to reduce the
blockchain transactions
transactions in international cycle time of bill discounting
focused primarily on cross-
trade finance and remittance process to almost real time
border remittance & trade
using blockchain. from five days earlier.
Blockchain use cases in India

Pharma Energy
• NITI Aayog, GoI’s premier • UP Govt has geared up to
policy think tank, has use blockchain technology
partnered with a tech in power sector. It held a
company, a hospital chain conference with several
and a pharma player to experts to explore its
pilot a real drug supply potential uses in electricity
chain using blockchain generation and distribution.
decentralized ledger and IoT
software to trace and verify
genuineness of medicines.

50 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Blockchain can be a game changer for India – for both corporate
and public sector
India is venturing into a phase where blockchain will likely usher in a new paradigm comprising ‘Internet of
Trust’ and ‘Internet of Value’. This has led GoI to explore and potentially embrace the use of blockchain. The
government is emphasizing the need for its ‘rapid adaptation’ in various applications.

NASSCOM endeavors Blockchain project for Blockchain making waves in

to bolster adoption and eGovernance the state of Andhra Pradesh
deployment of blockchain
• NASSCOM introduced a • NITI Aayog along with • Andhra Pradesh has the
platform, FutureSkills, for blockchain experts, has credit of becoming the
skills development in cutting- commenced work on first state in India to adopt
edge technologies including examining blockchain blockchain for governance.
blockchain. technology, as well It has pioneered two key
as its role in bringing projects: managing land
• The aim of the platform
about transparency in records and streamlining
is to up-skill technology
eGovernance. vehicle registrations.
professionals, and potential
employees and students. • The state has made over
100,000 land records secure
• The body has forged
through an Indian blockchain
an agreement with the
start-up Zebi Data.
Blockchain Research
Institute (BRI), Canada • The state plans to eventually
to foster the blockchain implement blockchain across
ecosystem in India. The two the entire administration.
will jointly hold webinars,
and knowledge sharing for
Indian organisations and
government departments.

Growth recipe for blockchain in India

An effective partnership ecosystem will The bucket list for Boards to seize
help propel India’s blockchain agenda blockchain opportunities

1 2
For India to be in the leadership position, the Have management identified who or which business
government and industry bodies need to work in function owns responsibility for managing the
tandem. While GoI and some state governments implications and exploring the potential of disruptive
are keen on promoting innovation, the large-scale technologies such as Blockchain?
implementation of blockchain merits effort from
Have management developed a strategy to manage the
all parties and involves an adoption curve. Lack of
implications and impact of Blockchain to the business
awareness about the technology, its impact, and
and the industry? If so, has this been communicated and
area of application along with uncertain regulatory
shared with the board?
environment are some of the obstacles preventing
widespread blockchain adoption. What specific digital trust and information security
concerns, if any, have customers, partners or suppliers
raised? What has been management’s response and have
the board been consulted?

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 51

vii. Augmented/Virtual Reality
Changing perception of “reality”
Blurring the boundaries between the physical and
digital worlds
• Overall spending on AR/VR is expected to register a 69% y-o-y growth to reach US$20.4b in 2019.

• Worldwide spending on AR/VR solutions will be led by the commercial sectors, with its share of overall spending expected
to grow from 64% in 2019 to over 80% by 2022.

Note: 1

52 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Worldwide AR/VR spending

Worldwide spending expected to grow

at a CAGR of 69.6% during 2017-22
Source: IDC

Mixed reality (MR) is the new buzzword for enterprises

MR blends the AR/VR worlds to create a new environment Benefits from mixed reality2
where these two technologies interact in real time. It is an
Improved customer experience 62%
important tool to improve employee productivity, training and
customer service and is quickly becoming an integral part of Work process efficiency 55%
enterprise’ digital transformation initiatives. As per a recent Competitive advantage 52%
study, 68% of respondents believed MR to be an important Improved productivity 49%
tool to drive their company’s strategic goals over the next 18 Reduced costs 37%
months2. Increased revenues 31%

AR/VR advertising to grow quickly in the

coming years
AR/VR is recognized as an innovative and creative way of
connecting with customers and increasing engagement. It helps
companies to connect with viewers on an experiential level by
allowing consumers to interact with products while they’re enjoying
Global AR
ad revenue
Coca-Cola partnered with WWF to create
is expected
awareness and raise funds for the protection
of polar bear. It had set up an AR stunt in the to grow to
London Science Museum for three months, US$2.6b by
where visitors could see themselves interacting 20224
with virtual animals in their natural environment,
creating an emotional connection.

The future of shopping is augmented

and virtual
With improvements in AR/VR technology, analysts expect the retail
As per a
industry to be one of its biggest beneficiaries. Brands are seeking
to use AR and VR both for direct sales opportunities and to enrich survey, 32%
the consumer’s experience. The market for AR and VR in retail is retailers are
expected to reach US$1.6b by 20253. Furniture retailers like IKEA, expected to
Wayfair and Houzz offer AR apps that allow customers to envision
products in their homes.
reality over
the next three
Notes: 2 HBR Survey
Goldman Sachs
BRP Consulting

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 53

AR/VR to be increasingly used in learning and training
AR/VR holds unlimited opportunities for firms to deliver truly immersive virtual
training experience for staff. Employees who are subject to training in harsh,
high-risk circumstances can learn in a physically-safe environment without the
Market for AR/
risk or the cost implications of taking them to a dangerous destination. VR in corporate
training is
expected to
The US Army is working with Microsoft to use its HoloLens reach US$2.8b
technology in military training, helping soldiers get real-time by 20236
readings of their environment. The HoloLens, which is worn
around the head and over the eyes, projects virtual images
onto the real world and will enhance the army’s ability to
detect, decide and engage before the enemy.

AR/VR is set on a path to bring transformation across industries

• Novarad Corp. used Microsoft HoloLens to perform an automated

lumbar discectomy. It assists in navigating the patient’s internal
anatomy and view real-time internal imagery.

• AccuVein can project a map of a patient’s veins onto their skin, making
it easier for healthcare workers to find vein in the first time.

• Air France has partnered with

SkyLights to develop “immersive
• Coca-Cola is deploying AR to
entertainment system” which uses
access maintenance and service
VR headsets that passengers can
information, inspect plants at
Healthcare Aviation wear to view 3D and 2D films or
different sites, and minimize
television series.
downtime during changeovers.
• Helsinki Airport and SITA Lab are
• Converse has an AR enabled
using Microsoft HoloLens headset
Shoe Sampler app that allows the
to reproduce the airport operational
user to simply point a phone at
control centre in a mixed reality
their feet, and instantly see how Consumer Manufacturing environment.
different models and colours of
shoes might look on their feet.

• Thyssenkrupp incorporated HoloLens solutions to make the

design process personal for customers and to reduce turnaround

• Boeing uses smart glasses and the Skylight platform that gives its
technicians the instructions they need right in their viewfinder. It
has helped Boeing cut wiring production time by 25%.

Note: 6

54 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Investment in the AR and VR space7
Rising investments in IoT start-ups – Approximately US$829m
was invested in VR space across 125 rounds while AR space
Estimated start-up
witnessed investments to the tune of US$1.01b in 2018.
investment value in
Record M&A activity – 2018 registered record 14 deals in the
AR/VR space. Key acquisitions include Lytro by Google, Akonia
2018 - US$1.83b
Holographics by Apple, Blue Vision Labs by Lyft among others.
Geographical breakup - US has been at the forefront of funding,
having raised over US$5b followed by Europe which has raised Estimated number of
approximately US$1b in AR/VR space till date. equity rounds in
2018 - 207

The US and China will spend the largest on AR/VR in 2019

• US and China will spearhead the AR/ US - Alameda County partnered with Civic Resource
VR spending trend in 2019 at US$6.6b Group to develop an AR application that allows workers
and US$6b respectively, followed by to access relevant information about streetlights and
Japan (US$1.76b), and Western Europe buildings (permits and floorplans) when pointing their
smartphone at them.
• Canada, US and China will register the China - Government of China’s Jiangxi province
fastest AR/VR spending growth during
is planning to raise funds totalling US$460m for
2017-2022 growing at a CAGR of 83.7%,
investment into companies focussing on AR/VR.
77.1% and 76.2% respectively.8
European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme is
allocating approximately €80b of funding for research
and innovation to immersive technology researchers.

AR/VR industry in India is at a nascent stage

Indian AR/VR market is expected to touch US$1b by 2021

Source: Economic Times, TechSci Research

• Despite slow adoption of AR/VR technologies, the Indian market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 76% over
the next five years, fuelled by demand from business and consumer sectors.

• Multifold increase in the smartphone user base coupled with high-speed data communication will drive the
growth of the AR/VR industry in India.

• Manufacturing, entertainment and healthcare sector is expected to drive the adoption in India by 2020.

• As per a survey, 63% of the respondents expect their companies to adopt AR/VR by 2022, which lies above
the median adoption share for all other technologies surveyed such as 3DP, encryption, humanoid robots
among others9.

Notes: 7 Tracxn
The Future of Jobs Report 2018 , WEF Survey

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 55

Over 170 AR/VR start ups have set up shop in India
• Bengaluru has nearly 27% of the AR/VR start-ups followed by Delhi
(25%) and Mumbai (13%). The top 15 AR/
• The Indian AR/VR market is in its nascent stages. Out of its nearly 100 VR start-ups
AR start-ups only 5% have been able to raise funds. collectively
• However, the trend seems to be shifting with a couple of companies raised
raising funds in 2018. In July 2018, AR/VR start-up SmartVizX raised approximately
a US$1.4m in seed funding, while another start up Scapic Innovations
US$3m in
PvT Ltd. raised US$0.5m in Jan 2018.
funding in
Case in point:

AjnaLens, India’s First AR Headset

Launched by Mumbai based start-up Dimension NXG, AjnaLens has become India’s first indigenous
AR headset. Ajna means ‘power of sixth sense’, which resonates with the virtual environment it offers.
The AR headset superimposes a computer generated 3D image on the user’s view of the real world
with a key feature that the user can also interact with the AR objects using hand gestures, voice
commands and gaze control.

• The AR headset features a 90-degree field of view whereas the global AR headsets available
including Microsoft Hololens, Meta and Magic Leap offer a small field of view (35 to 60 degrees).

• The headset will find its use in automobile, aerospace, defence, healthcare, manufacturing,
architecture and construction sectors and will help decrease production, development, training,
operational cost, time and number of errors by at least 60%.

The government, industry bodies and big companies

provide boost to the AR/VR industry
Incubation programs for AR/VR start-ups:
1 • The Karnataka government has started incubation programs where it is promoting AR/VR start-ups by
mentoring, offering fund support and providing pilot deployments with the help of sectors. The state has
nearly 50 start ups in this space in their physical and virtual incubation programmes.

• Social media giant Facebook in association with T-hub, Hyderabad based tech incubator, launched the Indian
Innovation Hub Accelerator in 2018. The accelerator will support start-ups that work on AR/VR applications in
areas such as health tech, industrial manufacturing, education, corporate learning, gaming and entertainment,
and video analytics.

The Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) has developed a committee to look into the AR/VR
2 ecosystem in India. The key agenda of this committee is to nurture AR/VR technology and talent ecosystem
by driving skill development and making strides towards the acceptance of technology by conducting training
workshops to familiarise potential users with technology and build use cases in key sectors.

Note: 10
GrowthEnabler - AR & VR Market Pulse Report India

56 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play

Creation of Centre of excellence (CoE) for AR and VR:
• Kerala Startup Mission has signed an agreement with Unity Technologies, US to develop the AR/VR ecosystem in the state
by setting up a CoE.

• Orrisa government’s Startup Council sanctioned a grant of INR2.5 crore to IIT Bhubaneswar , a government institute to
setup a CoE for virtual & augmented reality for immersive visualization.

• Tech Mahindra has also partnered with US based Unity Technologies to open a CoE on AR/VR focusing on communication
and media & entertainment segment.

The relatively nascent AR and VR market has a huge potential to grow in India by bringing in benefits across all industries.
AR/VR is one of the mega trends for defining the growth of digital India and it becomes imperative for the country to
harness it. This can only be achieved through a structured approach which will span across policy formulations, governance,
technology ecosystem development, reskilling and upskilling talent along with dedicated digital investments and budget

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Artificial Intelligence

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Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 59

3D printing
https://www.business-standard.com/article/co mpanies/maruti-suzuki-to-start-testing-a-fleet-of-50-prototypes-of-evs-


60 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play


Hardware Robotics

Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 61

“Blockchain unchained,” Oppenheimer, April 2018
“Is it time to industrialize blockchain?,” EY, July 2018
“Blockchain Ecosystem Developing Through the Crypto Winter,” Oppenheimer, January 2019
“Global Blockchain Technology Market (2017-2022),” Netscribes, December 2017, accessed via EMIS
“Global blockchain benchmarking study,” 2017, EY, https://www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/ey-global-blockchain-

62 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play



Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 63

Leadership Contributors
Anant Gupta
Mahesh Makhija
Partner and Leader Digital and Emerging Technology
Email: [email protected]
Gangadhar Krishnamoorthy
Shashank Shwet Director
Partner, Performance Improvement
Email: [email protected] Neetu Singh
Senior Manager
Prashant Garg
Partner, Technology Consulting Services Ritesh Kumar
Email: [email protected] Senior Manager

Ashit Saxena
Sukrit Goel
Associate Partner, PI – Supply Chain & Operations
Email: [email protected]
Vinayak Vipul
Senior Manager

Lina Gokarn
Assistant Director

Ankit Bayala
Emerging Technology Team Assistant Director

Ankita Srivastava
Shardendu K Jha Assistant Director
Director, FS Technology
Email: [email protected] Anmol Puri
Senior Associate
Hemant Kshirsagar
Senior Manager – FinTech & Emerging Tech Strategy Mayank Chauhan
Email: [email protected] Senior Associate

64 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play


Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play | 65

66 | Emerging Technologies: Changing how we live, work and play
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