NR Usermanual 22en
NR Usermanual 22en
NR Usermanual 22en
User Manual
Table of Contents
Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Scope of service ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 About NeoRouter ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Key Features ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 What’s New.................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Glossary and Concepts ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.5 How it works ................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.6 System Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................... 9
2. Installation ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Check list.................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Server Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Server Network Requirements ............................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Install NeoRouter server on Windows ................................................................................................... 10
2.2.3 Install NeoRouter server on Mac ........................................................................................................... 12
2.2.4 Install NeoRouter server on Linux ......................................................................................................... 12
2.2.5 Install NeoRouter Server on FreeBSD ................................................................................................... 13
2.2.6 Install NeoRouter Server on OpenWRT Backfire ................................................................................. 13
2.2.7 Install NeoRouter Server on Tomato ..................................................................................................... 13
2.2.8 Setup NeoRouter server ......................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.9 Create first administrator account .......................................................................................................... 14
2.2.10 Setup NeoRouter domain .................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.11 Port forwarding.................................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.12 IPv6 ................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Client Setup ................................................................................................................................................ 16
2.3.1 Install NeoRouter Client on Windows ................................................................................................... 16
2.3.2 Install NeoRouter Client on Mac ........................................................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Install NeoRouter Client on Android ..................................................................................................... 17
2.3.4 Install NeoRouter Client on Linux ......................................................................................................... 17
2.3.5 Install NeoRouter Client on FreeBSD ................................................................................................... 17
2.3.6 Install NeoRouter Client on OpenWRT Backfire .................................................................................. 18
3. Network Explorer ................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.1 Launch and Sign In .................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Computer List ............................................................................................................................................ 19
3.3 Add-on ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.1 Add-on launch pad ................................................................................................................................. 21
3.3.2 Manage Add-ons (Windows) ................................................................................................................. 23
3.3.3 Manage Add-ons (Mac) ......................................................................................................................... 26
3.4 Connection Options.................................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.1 P2P Connection ..................................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.2 Proxy Setting ......................................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.3 Server Local Address ............................................................................................................................. 29
3.5 Multi-Language .......................................................................................................................................... 30
3.5.1 Install a language resource file .............................................................................................................. 30
3.5.2 Language resource file format ............................................................................................................... 30
3.5.3 Multi-Language support for Add-ons .................................................................................................... 31
3.6 Skin ............................................................................................................................................................ 31
3.7 Network Explorer CLI ............................................................................................................................... 31
3.7.1 Launch CLI ............................................................................................................................................ 32
3.7.2 Computer List in CLI............................................................................................................................. 32
3.8 Network Explorer Portable......................................................................................................................... 32
3.8.1 Network Explorer Portable .................................................................................................................... 33
1. Scope of service
1.1 About NeoRouter
NeoRouter is a cross-platform zero-configuration VPN solution that securely connects Windows, Mac and Linux
computers at any locations into a virtual LAN and provides a networking platform for various applications like
remote desktop, shared folders and printers, offsite backup, voice & video chat, games, etc. It is the ideal Remote
Access and VPN solution for small businesses and homes.
Many small businesses or homes have high-speed internet and multiple computers, and users are facing challenges
like remote access, directory management and network security. To solve similar problems at large enterprises,
skilled administrators can deploy very expensive and complex tools like VPN, domain controller and corporate
firewall. But small business or home users do not have the right tools that fit their needs.
Our mission is to provide low-cost zero-configuration networking solutions for small businesses and homes. This is
why we have built NeoRouter.
Feature Description
Cross platform Support Windows (Windows XP and above), Mac OSX (10.5 and above), Linux (all
major distros), BSD, Android, iOS and router firmwares (tomato and openwrt).
Roaming Profile You can sign in from any computer using the same account and your profile (including
the computer list and your preference) will roam with you.
P2P NeoRouter can setup direct peer-to-peer (P2P) connection between computers. When
direct P2P connection is impossible (e.g. your computer is behind a corporate
firewall), NeoRouter relays the network traffic through your own router, while other
VPN products relay through a central server geologically located far away and shared
by thousands of other users.
High portability You can run NeoRouter portable client from a USB drive without installation. This
feature is especially useful if you are using a computer that you do not have the
privileges to setup new software, e.g. in a library or hotel.
Unattended servers NeoRouter runs as a system service (daemon) and will automatically reconnect after
Add-ons Add-ons extend NeoRouter and let you perform additional tasks over the virtual
Proxy Proxy support allows you access your virtual network behind proxy servers that
support HTTP Proxy, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 protocols.
Remote Wakeup You can put your computer to standby mode to conserve electricity and NeoRouter can
wake up the computer when you actually use it.
Reliability NeoRouter does not rely on a central server for connectivity, so you do not need to
worry about the unexpected server maintenance and downtime.
Network Bridge You can either bridge the NeoRouter virtual network with physical networks or create
(1.x only) multiple site-to-site VPN.
Access control You can grant or deny user's accesses to a computer or a service/port individually. For
example, you can prevent your client Bob from accessing your internal file server even
though they are on the same virtual LAN.
Customization You can personalize the user interface with your native language and favorite skin.
Branding Business users can integrate the company's logo and customize the banner.
Version 1.1.2
- Implemented NeoRouter Network Explorer for Android. See
- Ported NeoRouter client and server to BSD. See Install NeoRouter Server on FreeBSD and Install
NeoRouter Client on FreeBSD.
- Added TightVNC client and Putty SSH client to NeoRouter Portable package.
Version 1.1.3
- Added Packet Filter support. See Change Packet Filtering.
- Optimized P2P connection and automatically close it when idle.
Version 1.2.0
- Improved server scalability on Windows and Linux to support thousands of client connections.
- Added user access auditing. See User Access Auditing.
Version 1.3.0
- Added support for OpenWRT Backfire mipsel 2.4 kernel.
Version 1.4.0
- Added support for OpenWRT Backfire x86, tested on Soekris and ALIX boards.
Version 1.5.0
- Added full computer list view support. See Computer List.
- Added IPv6 support for underlying client-server or peer-to-peer connections. See IPv6.
- Allowed NeoRouter Pro clients to connect to NeoRouter Free server.
Version 2.0.0
- Added support for Android (native VPN mode and dynamic port forward mode).
- Added NeoRouter Remote Access Client for Android
- Added NeoRouter Remote Access Client for iOS
- Added NeoRouter Remote Access Client for HTML5 Browsers
- Added NeoRouter Remote Access Client for Chrome Extension
- Added support for Raspberry Pi
- Added NeoRouter Web Console
- Added setup tool nrsetup
- Added "Account lock out control" feature
Version 1.4.0
- Added support for OpenWRT Barrier Breaker (mipsel, x86, ar71xx).
- Added support for TLS 1.1/1.2
NeoRouter Client: A host on the VLAN is called NeoRouter Client. It has a virtual network adapter and is assigned
a virtual IP address.
NeoRouter Server: NeoRouter Server assists clients in discovering and communicating to each other. It also
manages users’ profiles and privileges, software licenses and branding. NeoRouter Clients must connect to server in
order to join the VLAN.
NeoRouter Domain: One NeoRouter Server and multiple NeoRouter Clients that connect to this server are
collectively called NeoRouter Domain. Each domain has a globally unique name as its identification. Domain names
are managed by NeoRouter Inc.
NeoRouter User: A NeoRouter User is a person who uses NeoRouter software and accesses hosts on a virtual
network. Please note that many other VPN solutions like OpenVPN or Hamachi do not distinguish a user from a
client host. NeoRouter introduces the user concept so that a user will have the experience regardless on which
computer he connects to the VLAN and admin can manage each user’s access privilege.
NeoRouter Administrator: A NeoRouter Admin is a user who can also manage the VLAN.
NeoRouter Network Explorer: The main application installed on a client that allows users to log into the VLAN,
view the connection status of other clients, and launch add-on programs to connect to remote clients. It may have
graphic or command-line user interface (executable is nrclientcmd).
NeoRouter Network Explorer Portable/USB (aka Viewer): A version of the NeoRouter Network Explorer that
requires no installation. It is ideal for users who need to connect from a kiosk but do not have the privilege to install
software. It allows users to log in and launch add-on programs just like the regular Network Explorer. But the local
computer will not join the VLAN and other clients will not be able to connect to it. It also ensures no personal
information is left behind after use.
NeoRouter Configuration Explorer (aka Console): An application installed on a client or a server that allows
administrators to manage a VLAN. Configuration Explorer for Windows has a graphic user interface and can be
used to configure local or remote server. Configuration Explorer for Mac and Linux are built into server’s
command-line interface (executable is nrserver) and can configure local server only.
NeoRouter Web Console: A web-based version of NeoRouter Configuration Explorer. It supports HTML5 based
web browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, IE10, BB10 and Firefox.
NeoRouter Client Service: A daemon program installed on a client that establishes connections to server and peer
clients. It always runs in the background and ensures the connections, even when the Network Explorer is not
running. Most users do not need to interactive with this program directly.
NeoRouter Remote Access: A client side tool, that allows users to remotely access computers in the NeoRouter
network using built-in add-ons, such as VNC client, RDP client, Telnet/SSH client, FTP/SFTP client and Wake-On-
Lan client. It supports HTML5 based web browsers, Android, iOS, BB10 and Chrome Extension.
Access Control List (ACL): An ACL of a host specifies which users are granted or denied access to the host and
which ports are allowed. Each host also has a default ACL which is used if a user’s privilege is not explicitly
defined in the host’s ACL or if user does not sign in Network Explorer on the remote host.
NeoRouter Dashboard: A web-based application that allows users to manage domain information and view
domain status. (
NeoRouter Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS): To simplify user log on, NeoRouter maintains domain
name, public IP address and port of every NeoRouter server in a central DDNS server. When user launches Network
Explorer and signs into a domain, Network Explorer contacts the DDNS server, translates the domain name into the
actual IP address and port, and connects to the NeoRouter server.
NeoRouter Server setup: A NeoRouter server setup tool, that make it easy for users to setup the NeoRouter server
when or after installation. On Window, it's included in the Installation Wizard; on non-Windows platforms, it's a
separate command nrsetup.
In the NeoRouter domain shown in the above diagram, three clients at different locations can establish direct P2P
connections with the help from server and can communicate to each other as if they were in the same physical LAN.
A NeoRouter server is usually setup on an always-on host that has stable Internet connection and a static or dynamic
public IP address. If server is behind a router (or firewall), user needs to configure the router and expose the
NeoRouter server port (default to 32976) to Internet by port-forwarding.
NeoRouter client can connect from anywhere as long as it has Internet connection. User can simply launch
NeoRouter Network Explorer, signs in with user credential and domain name, and he/she will be able to view the list
of hosts in the VLAN and launch add-on programs to access them. Network Explorer uses a DDNS-like protocol to
discover and connects to the NeoRouter server (blue lines). When user executes add-on programs, NeoRouter client
will establish a direct P2P connection to the requested peer client (green lines) and a secure tunnel that transfers the
network data from all the add-on programs.
NeoRouter server remembers the signature of a client after its first successful connection and NeoRouter Client
Service daemon can then connect to the VLAN without requiring user to log into NeoRouter Network Explorer.
This allows an untended server to always stay connected.
NeoRouter clients use the STUN and STUNT methods to establish the direct P2P connections and achieve highest
connection speed. These methods are widely used in P2P programs and have very high success rate. If a client is
behind a symmetric NAT which is often found in large corporations, these methods may fail and the connection to
this client will fall back to relay mode. If the traffic between two clients is relayed through server, the server’s
physical location, network speed and CPU load may affect the connection speed.
NeoRouter uses SSL/TLS1.2 (AES-256) protocol to secure the communication channel between client and server
and uses a suite of protocols (RSA 2048bit, DH and AES-256) to protect P2P connections among clients. This
solution meets the industry’s highest security standards.
1.7 Acknowledgements
NeoRouter is made possible because of the following open-source projects:
OpenWrt: a Linux based firmware program for embedded devices such as residential gateways and routers.
Tomato Firmware: a small, lean and simple replacement firmware for Broadcom-based routers.
Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS): a professional open source system to create Windows installers.
NRClientX: a GUI frontend for NeoRouter Network Explorer on Mac, Linux and Windows.
2. Installation
2.1 Check list
Here are the steps to setup a NeoRouter Virtual LAN. Please refer to next few sections for detailed instructions on
your target operating systems.
• Server Setup
a. Choose a host that meets the network requirements as NeoRouter server
b. Install NeoRouter server software
c. Create the first administrator, if necessary
d. Setup NeoRouter domain
e. Configure router or firewall for port-forwarding, if necessary
Note: NeoRouter Server for Windows has an install wizard that guides user through steps b, c & d.
• Client Setup
a. Install NeoRouter client software
b. Sign In Network Explorer and join this host to VLAN
c. Install add-ons, if necessary
A NeoRouter server is usually setup on an always-on host that has stable Internet connection and a static or dynamic
public IP address. If server is behind a router (or firewall), user needs to configure the router and expose the
NeoRouter server port (default to 32976) to Internet by port-forwarding.
1. Download NeoRouter installation package for Windows. NeoRouter server and client for Windows share
the same installation package.
If you are installing on Windows 2000, please download the package for this OS.
2. If you have installed an earlier version of NeoRouter, please uninstall it using Windows Add or Remove
Program tool.
You may be prompted with a dialog box asking whether to remove user data files generated by NeoRouter.
These files include database, configuration and cached information. If you are simply upgrading, please
click “No” to keep the files.
3. Launch the installation wizard, choose NeoRouter Server and click the Next button.
4. Setup a domain name that can uniquely identify your virtual LAN. You will need to enter the domain name
in the "log on to" box during sign in.
5. Setup the administrator account for your domain. You will need to enter the username and password during
sign in.
1. Download NeoRouter Server for Tomato. It is a custom build of the full tomato firmware in TRX format.
2. Flash your router with the downloaded firmware. See for
3. In tomato UI – Administration – Jffs2, enable jffs and format if needed
4. In tomato UI – Administration – scripts – WAN up, add "/usr/bin/ start"
5. Reboot router
6. NeoRouter is installed under /usr/bin and user data is stored under
7. Troubleshoot: If you have trouble signing into NeoRouter Network Explorer from a remote client, please
try DISABLE the Inbound Connection Logging. In tomato UI - Status - Logs - Logging Configuration,
disable Inbound Connection
On Windows, the install wizard will guide user to create the administrator.
On non-Windows platforms, NeoRouter can defer the authentication to the OS. So user can sign in NeoRouter
using the same username and password as he/she logs into OS. An exception is that if user’s OS account does
not have a password, NeoRouter will not allow he/she to log in. In this case user must create the first
administrator account using nrserver CLI: “nrserver -adduser <username> <password> [admin|user]”. On Mac
nrserver is located under “/Library/NeoRouter/”.
This step is only necessary on non-Windows platforms, because Windows install wizard does this
1. Launch web browser, navigate to Dashboard CreateDomain page, fill the form and click Save.
2. Open a terminal on the server host and execute “nrserver -setdomain <domain name> <domain
password>”. On Mac nrserver is located under “/Library/NeoRouter/”.
This step is only necessary if your server host is behind a router or firewall. We need to expose the NeoRouter
server port to Internet so server can accept incoming connections from the NeoRouter clients. If you are using
NeoRouter in-a-box version and your router is directly connected to the cable/DSL modem, this step is
2.2.12 IPv6
NeoRouter IPv6 support is available on all platforms except for Android and Tomato, and it is on by default.
You only need to make sure the server host has both IPv4 and IPv6 public addresses. If your ISP does not
provide IPv6 service yet, you can use a Tunnel Broker like SixXS, gogo6, or Hurrican Electric. No changes are
needed on NeoRouter client computers.
Direct P2P connection can be established between two IPv4 computers or two IPv6 computers. Connection
between an IPv4 only computer and an IPv6 only computer is relayed through NeoRouter server.
1. Download NeoRouter installation package for Windows. NeoRouter server and client for Windows share
the same installation package.
If you are installing on Windows 2000, please download the special package for this OS.
2. If you have installed an earlier version of NeoRouter, please uninstall it using Windows Add or Remove
Program tool.
3. Run the installation wizard, choose NeoRouter Client, and click the Next button.
4. On Vista and above, you may be prompted with a security warning because NeoRouter installs a virtual
network adapter. Please allow the installer to proceed.
5. Follow the wizard to complete installation.
6. NeoRouter Network Explorer and Configuration Explorer are added to Windows Start menu.
3. Network Explorer
3.1 Launch and Sign In
1. On Windows, launch NeoRouter Network Explorer from "Windows Start Menu | All Programs | NeoRouter
| NeoRouter Network Explorer".
On Mac Leopard or above, launch NeoRouter Network Explorer from Applications folder. You can also
pin NeoRouter to the dock.
On Linux or FreeBSD, launch NeoRouter Network Explorer by command “”. (Note: Java 1.6+ is
required on Linux or FreeBSD to launch the GUI client)
With Personalized view, you will always have the same list regardless where you sign in from. Each user will have
his/her personalized view.
Initially, you will see an empty computer list (see the left picture below). To add a computer, you can choose the
menu "Computers | Add a computer", and then select the computer and category in the dialog. Once complete, your
computer list will be updated (see the right picture below).
You can use categories to help manage a long list of computers. To create a category, you can choose menu
"Computers | Create a category". To move a computer to a different category, you can simply drag and drop.
Starting in release v0.9.8, the computer list shows the OS type icons next to a computer name. If a computer is
online, its icon is colourful and its name is bold. If a computer is offline, its icon is grey and its name is not bold.
3.3 Add-on
Add-ons extend NeoRouter Network Explorer and let you perform additional tasks over the virtual network.
If you click on a computer in the computer list, a popup dialog will display a list of actions you can take to remotely
control and access this computer. This dialog is called the add-on launch pad.
Screenshots on Windows
Screenshot on Mac
NeoRouter Network Explorer has a few system default add-ons. If a computer is online, the following add-ons are
Icon Action
remote desktop connection
file sharing
ICMP ping
copy the IP address
Ssh client
Vnc clinet
Sftp client
Icon Action
remote wakeup (WOL)
Note on remote wakeup: NeoRouter server can send the Magic packet and wake up hosts that are WOL enabled. If
the NeoRouter server is installed on a router, remote wakeup works for hosts directly attached to this router. If
server is installed on Windows, Linux or Mac, remote wakeup works for hosts in the same physical LAN. Since
v2.0, an active NeoRouter client can also wake up offline hosts in the same physical LAN. To enable WOL, you
may need to change BIOS and OS settings.
You can download additional add-ons from the NeoRouter download website
( and install them using the Add-on Manager. Here we use UltraVNC
as an example to explain the setup process.
3. To find more add-ons, click on the "Add-ons Gallery" link at the bottom of the dialog, or visit in your web browser. Download the add-on (*.nri) file to
your computer.
4. In the Add-ons Manager dialog, click on "Install..." button, locate the *.nri file you just downloaded, and
click "Open" to install the add-on.
5. Some add-ons, including UltraVNC, may require user to restart the NeoRouter Network Explorer to
complete the installation. In such case you will see the following message box. You can exit NeoRouter
Network Explorer by right click its icon in system tray and choose exit.
6. After installation, you will see the new add-ons show up in the list.
7. When you re-launch NeoRouter Network Explorer, UltraVNC server will be started automatically. If you
have not run UltraVNC server before, you will see the following firewall warning and VNC configuration
8. Please click the unblock button when you see the following dialog.
9. Repeat the above steps on the remote computer that you plan to access.
10. To launch VNC viewer and access the remote computer, choose the computer in the computer list, and
click VNC viewer icon in the launch pad.
3. An add-on is essentially an apple script with NeoRouter parameters. Here are some examples:
Name Script
Copy IP set the clipboard to "$NRIPAddress"
Ping tell application "Terminal" to do script "ping $NRIPAddress"
Shared Folder tell application "Finder" to open location "smb://$NRIPAddress"
Variables $NRIPAddress and $NRComputerName will be replaced with the IP and name of the selected
computer before the add-on is executed.
4. You can also create new add-ons or edit existing ones using the Add-On Properties dialog.
5. To learn more about Apple Script, please visit the following websites:
A router supports hairpin if it allows a host behind it to send network messages to its public-facing interface.
Unfortunately some popular routers do not support this feature or turn off this feature by default.
When user logs into NeoRouter, Network Explorer first translates domain name into router’s public address using
the NeoRouter DDNS service, and then tries to connect to server using this address. If both NeoRouter server and
client are behind the same router and the router does not support hairpin, the router will block the messages that
client sends to the router’s public address, thus client fails to establish connection to server. User could work around
this issue by entering server’s LAN IP address instead of domain name in the “log on to” box, but this can be a
hassle for laptop users who frequently move between networks.
These users can choose the second option “Connect to server using its local address when possible” in the following
dialog and enter server’s local address. NeoRouter Network Explorer can detect when client and server are behind
the same router and automatically choose the specified local address to establish the connection to server.
3.5 Multi-Language
Multi-Language support allows you to change the default language displayed in Network Explorer, NeoRouter
Portable and Configuration Explorer.
NeoRouter applications support 34 languages and English is the default. To install a new language, you can
download the language resource files from and place them under the translation
folder. Then the application will load them and list all available languages in the "Language" menu. You can switch
language in the menu and the application will refresh its UI with the new language.
For NeoRouter Network Explorer and Configuration Explorer, the language resource files should be placed under
one of the following folders:
• “%Program Files%\ZebraNetworkSystems\NeoRouter\Translation\”
• “%AllUsersAppdata%\ZebraNetworkSystems\NeoRouter\Translation\”
For NeoRouter Portable/USB, the language resource file should be placed under .\Translations\ folder next to
The file name should have the following format. [Appliation Name] can be: NRClient, NRViewer and NRConsole;
[LangCd] is the short language code.
[Application name].Resource[LangCd].[xml|dll]
For example, Simplified Chinese version has the following files: NRClient.ResourceZhCn.xml for Network
Explorer, NRConsole.ResourceZhCn.xml for Configuration Explorer and NRViewer.ResourceZhCn.xml for
NeoRouter Portable.
The names and descriptions of the add-ons can be translated to other languages as well. You can download the add-
on configuration file from NeoRouter website and overwrite the following file:
3.6 Skin
Skin allows you to further customize the user interfaces of Network Explorer, NeoRouter Portable and
Configuration Explorer.
To install a new skin, you can download the skin resource file from, and place them under the skin folder.
For NeoRouter Network Explorer and Configuration Explorer, the language resource files should be placed under
one of the following folders:
• “%Program Files%\ZebraNetworkSystems\NeoRouter\Skin\”
• “%AllUsersAppdata%\ZebraNetworkSystems\NeoRouter\Skin\”
For NeoRouter Portable/USB, the language resource file should be placed under .\Skin\ folder next to executable.
To change default skin, you need to modify (or create if not exists)
%AllUserAppData%\ZebraNetworkSystems\NeoRouter\Feature.ini file and add the following:
Usage: nrclientcmd [-d DOMAIN] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-setproxy] [-setconn] [-dbroot DBROOT]
[-internal] [--help]
To launch Network Explorer CLI, you can simply run nrclientcmd in a terminal without parameters. Mac users can
simply double-click on the nrclientcmd shortcut on the Desktop. You will be prompted for domain name and user
If you need to launch nrclientcmd in a startup script, you can also provide domain name or credential in the
command line arguments.
If the client host is behind a proxy, you can use –setproxy option. The proxy information will be stored in the
configuration file and nrclientcmd will respect this setting subsequently.
There are also a few advance options:
- setconn: allow user to specify client-to-client connection type.
- dbroot: allow user to specify the location to store user data
- internal: nrclientcmd will generate tags between information sections. This option can be used by third
party developers to create a UI wrapper for CLI.
After signing in, you will see your computer list just like on Windows. The computer list will automatically update
if there are any changes in your virtual LAN, e.g. a host comes online or offline.
At the bottom of the screen lists the available commands you can use to manage the computer list, change password,
remotely wake up a computer, or to quit.
Note: Prior to v1.1.1 Portable and USB are two separate packages. They are merged into one package in v1.1.1 and
later releases. The new package is a zip file containing both the portable client and the USB Auto Run Configuration
Tool. The functionalities are same as before.
To use Network Explorer Portable client, user can simply download it from NeoRouter download website and run.
Then user will see the same user interface as the regular Network Explorer. The user experience is almost the same
except for the following:
The host running Portable/USB client cannot be added to the computer list or be accessed by remote computer.
You can think of it as a “viewer of the VLAN”.
NeoRouter administrator users can see and manage hosts running Portable/USB clients in the Configuration
Auto Run Configuration Tool allows user to store the portable client, add-ons and configuration on a USB drive.
You can even configure it to launch and sign in automatically when the USB drive is plugged into a computer and to
sign out and exit when the USB drive is unplugged.
4. Click on the “…” button next to the working directory text box and specify a working path. If the target
USB drive is plugged in, you can specify the USB drive root path as the working directory. Or you can
specify a temporary path (e.g. C:\TEMP\USB) and copy the files to your USB driver later.
5. Once you specify a working directory, the "Settings" section will be enabled.
6. Choose CliViewer.exe from the same install zip package as the "Target file".
7. Check the "Sign in" checkbox and enter the domain name and user information to log into your NeoRouter
8. Setup the proxy information if necessary.
9. If you want to import a NeoRouter add-on, click on the button on the right side of the "Add-on file" text
box and specify an add-on *.nri file.
10. If you want to run an application automatically after signing in, click on the "Run application
automatically" check box and input an executable file path and parameters.
11. If you want to hide the NeoRouter Viewer window, click on the "Minimize NeoRouter window when
12. Click on "Save" button to save the configuration files. It will generate the following files under the working
- Autorun.inf
- CliViewer.exe, copied from the target file
- NRAutoRun.xml
- [add-on file].nri, if you specify an add-on
- Proxy.xml, if you specify a proxy
13. You will also see the following dialog if the configuration was successful. Then please copy all files and
sub-folder under the working directory to the root of your USB drive. And the USB drive is ready to use.
Network Explorer CLI has similar functionality. After signing in, user can use –changepassword command to enter
new password.
If a user loses the old password, an administrator can create a new password for him/her using the Configuration
Explorer User Management tool.
NeoRouter is a cross-platform zero-configuration VPN solution that securely connects your computers and devices
at any locations into a virtual LAN and provides a networking platform for various applications like remote desktop,
VNC, SSH, etc.
On devices with Android 4.x and above, NeoRouter for Android operates in VPN mode. User can seamlessly access
remote computers by their virtual IP addresses using any app.
On devices with Android 3.x and below, NeoRouter for Android operates in Tunnel mode. User needs to configure
dynamic or static port forward tunnels. It only works with apps that use outgoing TCP connections.
Once you have signed in, you will see the list of remote computers in your network. If online, a computer is shown
in bold with a color icon. It is also assigned a virtual IP address as shown inside the parenthesis. You can long-click
on an online computer to copy its virtual IP Address. You can also long-click an offline computer to wake-on-LAN.
Launch ConnectBot, enter “user@{virtual ip address}”, and you will connect to the remote computer via SSH.
To exit NeoRouter VPN, you can click Menu – Exit. Alternatively you can open the key icon in the
notification area and then click the disconnect button in the VPN status dialog.
Download and install NeoRouter from Android market. Launch NeoRouter for Android and Sign In. The sign-in
experience on Android is similar to that on Windows and Mac. Once you have signed in, you will see the list of
remote computers in your network. If online, a computer is shown in bold with a color icon. It is also assigned a
virtual IP address as shown inside the parenthesis.
Long-click on an online computer and you will see the launch pad dialog with a list of applications/ports. Choose
SSH (22) from the list and NeoRouter will setup port forward from localhost:32973 to the SSH port of the remote
Launch ConnectBot, enter “user@localhost:32973”, and you will connect to the remote computer via SSH.
Tip: if you need multiple SSH connections concurrently, you can add multiple entries to localhost:32973 in
ConnectBot by changing the Nick Name property. See ConnectBot’s FAQ for more information.
By default, NeoRouter supports three remote ports: SSH (22), VNC (5900) and RDP (3389). To change the default
settings, user can sign in, click “menu” – “Settings” – “Configure Dynamic Port Forward”. Note that
“$NRIPAddress” will be replaced with the IP address of the remote computer.
NeoRouter will listen at all these local ports and forward the incoming connections according to the mappings.
To edit static port forward, user needs to sign in, then click “menu” – “Settings” – “Configure Static Port Forward”.
5.1 Prerequisites
Before using this client, you must
1) setup your NeoRouter server(v1.9 and above) and domain
2) install NeoRouter client on remote computers and join them to this domain.
The NeoRouter software has three editions: Free, Pro and Mesh. The Free edition allows up to 2 mobile clients and
2 web clients; each client can have up to 2 active add-on sessions. Upgrade to Professional or Mesh edition to enjoy
unlimited access.
For browser based users: this app uses HTML5 features like Canvas, Web Socket and Web Storage. We recommend
the latest Chrome or Safari browsers.
5.3.1 VNC
The VNC add-on supports all standard VNC servers, running on any platforms. For TightVNC server, it provides
better performance by implementing the Tight Protocol. It supports mouse/touch events, clipboard, win-key, ctrl-alt-
del key, tab, esc, ctrl, alt, arrow keys. It also supports zoom-in and zoom-out for higher resolution. On tablets and
smart-phones, it supports both soft keyboard and hard keyboard.
5.3.2 RDP
The RDP add-on can to connect to Microsoft Windows computers running Remote Desktop Services, including
Windows 2000 and above. It supports mouse/touch events, win-key, ctrl-alt-del key, tab, esc, ctrl, alt, arrow keys.
On tablets and smart-phones, it supports both soft keyboard and hard keyboard.
• It allows user to upload and download multiple times concurrently.
• In some browsers/devices, such as iPad and BlackBerry 10, that does not support full HTML5 API, the
add-on may not be able to download files. But other functionalities should work.
5.4 Tips
1. Add-on toolbar is scrollable. On devices with small screens, all the toolbar buttons are not shown. Swipe on the
toolbar to show more buttons.
2. If hardware keyboard is attached or detached from the tablet, NeoRouter Remote Access Client will detect the
change when you sign out and then sign back in.
3. To find computer(s) in a large computer list, try entering computer name, category name, virtual ip address or
status("online" or "offline") in the search box above the computer list.
4. When using SFTP/FTP on tablet, long touch click opens a folder or file. On desktop, mouse double-click opens it.
5. When using RDP on a tablet with a single-core CPU (e.g. iPad first generation), please reduce Desktop Size.
6. Configuration Explorer
NeoRouter Configuration Explorer is a management tool that allows an administrator to manage local or remote
NeoRouter server. This is the recommended method to change server settings.
On Windows, user can use the NeoRouter Configuration Explorer for Windows included in the installation package.
On non-Windows platforms, nrserver CLI can be used to perform most configurations. Since NeoRouter v2.0, user
can also use the web based NeoRouter Web Console to manage the server.
1. User can launch it from "Windows Start Menu | All Programs | NeoRouter | NeoRouter Network Explorer"
or from NeoRouter Network Explorer menu “File | Options”.
2. After launch, user will see a sign-in dialog that is similar to the Network Explorer counterpart. Please enter
domain name and user credential to sign in. If the local host is behind a proxy, please click on Connection
button to set proxy information.
3. After sign in, the following general information page will be displayed.
6.4.1 Overview
The ACL of a host specifies which users are granted or denied access to the host and which specific services or ports
are allowed. Administrators can use ACL to manage a NeoRouter domain that has users with different trust levels.
For example, Joe uses NeoRouter to manage the office network at his small business. He wants to share some
documents on a file server with a customer, but block this customer from accessing other services on this file server
and other computers at office. At the same time, Joe and his coworkers should continue to have full access to all
This can be a daunting task with traditional VPN solutions. Once Joe’s customer is connected into the office
network, he/she can access all network resources just like Joe and his coworkers. If the office uses a domain
controller, it can help mitigate the threat, but Joe would have to check all the computers to ensure they are secure.
Some coworkers can make innocent mistakes and share important files or internal websites with “everyone”. With
NeoRouter, Joe can manage all the access control at one place and easily solve this challenge.
Let’s first look at the row for File Server. Joe’s customer will only have access to the files sharing service. There is
no ACL defined for Joe and his co-workers, so the ACL for Default User is effective and they have full access.
Similarly the customer will be blocked from accessing office computer A and B as well as Joe’s laptop, while Joe
and his coworkers have full access to these computers.
When the customer connects to Joe’s NeoRouter domain, his computer will be added to the domain. Because the
ACL for this computer is undefined, it will have the same ACL as “Default Computer”. Thus the customer’s
computer will block all users, including Joe, from accessing it. The customer has physical access to his own
You can think of a computer’s ACL as a row in the above ACL table. An admin can select any computer in the
computer list and edit its ACL. If a group of computers share the same ACL, admin can copy ACL from one
computer to another.
To edit the Default Computer ACL, you can click on the “Edit Default ACL” button in the tool bar.
An ACL entry defines the relationship between one user and one computer. You can think of it as a cell in the above
table. To edit an ACL entry, you can select the computer in the computer list, click Edit ACL in the tool bar, and
then select the user in the User List in the following dialog. If the user does not exist in the list, you can click Add
button and add him/her.
To define the Default User ACL entry for a computer, choose Default User from User List. If several users have the
same trust level, admin can copy the ACL entry from one user to another using the “Copy From” button.
NeoRouter Client Service daemon has a built-in firewall that monitors traffic in the virtual network. The firewall
downloads the ACL from server and uses it to allow or deny incoming connections in the virtual network.
As a result, NeoRouter firewall can control a user’s access to a network resource (a computer, or a service on a
computer) based on the ACL.
Jeff’s company has three business partners A, B and C. Jeff needs to setup bidirectional network connections with
each partner, but these partners should be invisible to each other. Jeff setup a NeoRouter domain and invited the
partners to. Then Jeff creates the following ACL to achieve his access control goals.
Every user will have access to Jeff’s two computers (hub) because they have Default User ACL entry as “Allow
all”. Partner A’s computer does not have a specific ACL defined, so the Default Computer ACL is effective. The
Default Computer ACL grants Jeff access to Partner A’s computer, but make the computer invisible to Partner B and
C. Partner A have physical access to his own computer.
Jason’s company provide technical support for customer A. Jason needs to have one-way access to Customer A’s
computer but block Customer A from accessing Jason’s computer. Jason sets up the following ACL for his domain
and invites Customer A to join his domain. Jason can access all the computers in the domain while Customer A can
access none except for his own.
One day Jason visits another Customer B’s office. He installs NeoRouter client on Customer B’s computer so that he
can provide technical support remotely in the future. When he signs into Network Explorer, he makes sure to
uncheck “remember my password” checkbox. When he leaves customer B’s office, he exits the Network Explorer.
Because Network Explorer is not running on Customer B’s computer, the Default User ACL governs the
connections from Customer B’s computer to other computers in the VLAN. Thus Customer B does not have access
to any computers except for his own. When Jason goes back to his office, he can connect to Customer B’s computer
remotely and provide customer support.
The difference between Customer A and B is that Customer A has a NeoRouter user account while Customer B does
not. The result is that Jason has access to all three computers while Customer A or B can only access his/her own
6.6 Branding
This feature is available in NeoRouter Profession Edition only.
Admin can customize the logo on the sign-in page NeoRouter Network Explorer and the banner below the computer
list. The customization page of the Configuration Explorer allows user to make these changes. The changes will be
effective next time user signs into the Network Explorer.
1. Logo format: custom logo can be .JPG, .JPEG, .BMP or .GIF files. The Logo will be displayed in 180 * 80
pixels and the file will be automatically resized to fit. The color of the pixel at (0, 0) will be used as the
transparent color.
2. Banner format: custom banner can be .JPG, .JPEG, .BMP or .GIF files. The banner will be displayed in
190* 42 pixels and the file will be automatically resized to fit.
3. When user clicks on the banner, Network Explorer will launch a web browser and navigate to the link
specified in the “Banner Link” box. The banner link should be a valid URL that begins with http://, e.g.
7. Advanced Configuration
- The new settings will not take effect until the NeoRouter server stops and restarts
- Since the listening port has been changed, all NeoRouter clients connected to the server will be
disconnected and have to reconnect to the server.
Admin can allow or block network packets based on the protocol types. Some LAN-based protocols can be very
chatty. If user has a very large number of clients in the virtual LAN, broadcast and multicast packages can use much
bandwidth and affect performance. With packet filtering, admin can selectively block nonessential protocols. Packet
Filtering currently can block IPv4 broadcast/multicast packets as well as non-IPv4 packets based on their EtherType
( One special case is that ARP packets are never blocked regardless of
1. Run Configuration Explorer, sign in and open the “Settings” tab.
3. If the NeoRouter Server is running on the same computer, user will be prompted for restarting the
NeoRouter Server.
4. If the NeoRouter Server is running on a different computer or device, user needs to restart the server
- The new settings will not take effect until the NeoRouter server stops and restarts
- The NeoRouter virtual network range must be valid IP range and not be used by the existing private network
3. One can also change the number of attempts allowed before locking out the account.
NeoRouter (v0.9.9 to v1.6.3) supports the Network Bridge feature, which uses two very different means for
interconnecting networks: routing and bridging. Once the feature is enabled, the ACL feature will be disabled
automatically, as we cannot control the packets from the external networks anymore and may cause security issues if
it's not setup properly. So, this is an advanced feature for the users who know about it every well.
Bridging - by comparison, is much simpler. A network "bridge" is simply an electrical interconnection between
separate physical networks that are all carrying the same ranges of IP addresses. Standard dumb network "hubs"
and "switches" are examples of network bridges. With a hub, packets arriving at any port are "bridged" and sent
out to every other port. A switch is a bit smarter, since it is able to adaptively learn which network interface cards
(NICs) are attached to which ports. But a switch is still interconnecting network segments carrying the same
ranges of IP addresses.
Bridging and routing are functionally very similar, with the major difference being that a routed VPN will not pass
IP broadcasts while a bridged VPN will.
Routing advantages
Efficiency and scalability.
Allows better tuning of MTU for efficiency.
Routing disadvantages
Clients must use a WINS server (such as samba) to allow cross-VPN network browsing to work.
Routes must be set up linking each subnet.
Software that depends on broadcasts will not "see" machines on the other side of the VPN.
Works only with IPv4 in general and IPv6 in cases where tun/tap drivers on both ends of the connection
support it explicitly.
Bridging advantages
Broadcasts traverse the VPN -- this allows software that depends on LAN broadcasts such as Windows
NetBIOS file sharing and network neighborhood browsing to work.
No route statements to configure.
Works with any protocol that can function over ethernet
Relatively easy-to-configure solution for road warriors.
Bridging disadvantages
Less efficient than routing, and does not scale well.
The file Feature.ini is located in the main configuration folder, which can be various for different OS.
On Windows Xp:
X:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ZebraNetworkSystems\NeoRouter
On Vista+:
X:\Users\All Users\ZebraNetworkSystems\NeoRouter
On Linux and Mac OSX:
On in-a-box:
LANSegment parameter
This is a set of parameters used for mapping the external IP address or IP range to a virtual IP address, so that
NeoRouter can route the packets to the proper tunnel. It's defined in the following format:
LANSegment[index]=[IP|IP range|segment],VIP
For example:
In the sample above, the setting tells NeoRouter how to route packets.
A company wants create a point-to-site VPN, so that the employees can remotely access the printers or computers in
the office from home or customer site. Since NeoRouter client cannot be installed on the printers and some
computers, that are running Unix OS (HP-Unix, Solaris or SCO Unix), the NeoRouter Network Bridge feature
would the best choice.
Since we want to use the printer, it's better to use the bridging mode. Depending on the requirements, we split the
network into 3 groups.
1. - used for computers or printers
2. - used for NeoRouter DHCP
3. Other IP address we don't want packets from these IP range go to our VPN
1. Setup NeoRouter server and config the DHCP address to
2. Setup the gateway computer by creating a bridge to combine the NeoRouter virtual adapter and a local adapter.
On Windows XP+ (except WinXp x64), one can use Windows tool to create a bridge.
(check out MSDN for details).
Since some adapters may not fully support prosmic mode, one has to enable it manually.
(check out
> netsh bridge show adapter
> netsh bridge set a 1 e
> netsh bridge set a 2 e
3. Setup Feature.ini file on each member of the NeoRouter network. The content of the file is:
After setting the file, restart the nrservice or reboot computer.
A company wants create a site-to-site VPN to link two offices located in different cities. They cannot install
NeoRouter client software on their computers running Unix OS (HP-Unix, Solaris or SCO Unix). The NeoRouter
Network Bridge feature would be the best choice.
To make the VPN fast, it's better to use the routing mode. From the requirements, we can see 3 networks.
1. Office 1
2. Office 2
3. NeoRouter virtual network
1. Setup NeoRouter client on each gateway computers
2. One each gateway computer, enable the feature allowing the OS to forward packets
On Windows 2000+,
create HKEY_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\IPEnableRouter
as a string value equal to 1 in the registry. This will require a system reboot to take effect. To confirm it
is enabled, do ipconfig /all from the command line. IP Routing Enabled should say yes. If not, confirm your
registry setting and reboot again. This setting is flaky in non-server versions of Windows.
On Linux,
> echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
On Mac OS X,
1) The easy way is to create or edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
2) > sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
4. Setup route stable. When using routing method, you need to tell your other machines how to cross the VPN to
access computers on the opposite network.
This requires more work, but limits configuration changes to be at the computer level.
Option 2: (not all routers support this, but it is the minimal configuration method)
On the router acting as the default gateway for 192.168.3.x network, add a static route that says any traffic destined
for network go through 192.168.3.x (IP address of NeoRouter PC on 192.168.3.x network)
On the router acting as the default gateway for 192.168.129.x network, add a static route that says any traffic
destined for network go through 192.168.129.x (IP address of NeoRouter PC on 192.168.129.x
4. In the command, you can use Windows environment variables or NeoRouter variables like
"%NRIPAddress%". If you click on the "..." button next to the Command edit box, you will see the "Edit
Command" dialog with a list of variables you can use.
Manual: the add-on will be displayed in the launch pad of Network Explorer and user can manually
launch the program.
Automatic after signing in: the add-on command is automatically executed when user signs into
NeoRouter Network Explorer.
Automatic after Windows starts: the add-on command is automatically executed when Windows
6. Launch the new add-on, just click on the target computer in Network Explorer, and choose the add-on in
the pop-up launch pad.
7. In the above steps, I have assumed that PsTools are installed at "c:\PsTools" and the remote computer has
telnet service enabled. If not, let's configure the system now.
PsTools: download from, and extract to
"c:\PsTools" folder
8. Configure telnet service on remote computer: This step is required on XP/Vista, but not necessary on
Windows 2003/2008 servers.
Run services.msc from the "Start -> Run" command window and configured the Telnet service for
Automatic. Start the service.
Follow the instructions here:
Launch Windows firewall, and add C:\WINDOWS\System32\tlntsvr.exe to exception list.
NeoRouter supports two types of add-on files: *.nri and *.nra. Most users only need to deal with *.nri files; all files
downloaded from are in this format. *.nra files are used by advanced
users to build custom add-ons.
.nri is the full installation package that contains both the application and the the configure info. Users can simply
download *.nri files from and use the "Install" button to setup the add-on.
.nra contains only the configuration info. Advanced users can create custom add-ons and export the configuration
info as *.nra files using the "Export" button in the add-on properties dialog. Then he/she can import the *.nra file
on another client. But remember that you will need to manually setup the application as well.
# Feature.ini
# This is the feature set configuration file for NeoRouter software.
# If contains the configuration directives that give both client
# and server programs instructions.
# This file should be located in the main configuration folder of
# NeoRouter. For NeoRouter Portable, this file can be loaded from
# the same folder as the executable file.
# Any changes to this file won't take into effect until the
# application restarts.
# If there is no value assigned to a setting key, default value will
# be choose.
#Description: Current Language LocaleID
#Options: local ID on Windows
#Default: 1033
#Description: Support UDP P2P only (do not try TCP P2P connection)
#Description: Number of threads in the thread pool (Windows and Linux ONLY)
#Options: 2*number of CPU cores
#Default: 5
#Description: time of connection inactivity after which the first keep alive
request is sent
#Options: >0
#Default: 15 seconds
#Default: 1
#Description: Keep custom changes, such as add-ons, DNS cache, proxy and so
#Options: 0-Disabled; 1-Enabled
#Default: 1
#Description: Check DNS cache first when parsing NeoRouter Domain Name,
instead of calling NeoRouter Domain server
#Options: 0-Disabled; 1-Enabled
#Default: 1
#Default: 1
#Description: Hardware ID for client (it's used when cannot find a valid
network interface on Linux)
#Options: Any unique string
#Description: Hardware ID for client (it's used when cannot find a valid
network interface on Linux)
#Options: Any unique string
#Default: The parameters are in the format below:
# LANSegment[nIndex]=[value]
# [nIndex] is a number (>0);
# [value] is a string in the format: Network/SubnetMask,VIP
#Description: Max Lines of a Log File, after that a new log file will be
#Options: 0-unlimited
#Default: 0
#Default: 0
# Log.ini
# This is the logging configuration file for NeoRouter software.
# If contains the configuration directives that give both client
# and server programs instructions.
# This file will be searched in the following paths:
# 1. the same folder as the executable file
# 2. the main configuration folder
# Any changes to this file won't take into effect until the
# application restarts.
# If there is no value assigned to a setting key, default value will
# be choosen.
# If a specific application section gets defined, the values in the
# [Default] section would be replaced with the specific values if
# it is re-defined
# Format: FF FFFFFF = Level Modules
# ALL : FF FFFFFF = 4294967295
# TRACE : 3F FFFFFF = 1073741823
# DEBUG : 1F FFFFFF = 536870911
#Description: Error type and modules mask
# ALL : FF FFFFFF = 4294967295
# TRACE : 3F FFFFFF = 1073741823
# DEBUG : 1F FFFFFF = 536870911
# INFO : 0F FFFFFF = 268435455
# WARN : 07 FFFFFF = 134217727
# ERROR : 03 FFFFFF = 67108863
# FATAL : 01 FFFFFF = 33554431
#Default: 536870911
#You can also define specific logging settings for a specific application
8. Licensing NeoRouter
8.2 Activation
If you have purchased NeoRouter Professional Edition, you should receive a product key in email. Please have the
product key ready before starting the activation process.
1. Ensure NeoRouter server is running.
2. Launch Configuration Explorer and sign in
3. Open “General” page, click on the “Activate Product” button
4. Enter the product key in the following dialog
5. Click on the “OK” button to activate it
After successful activation, the “Activate Product” button will disappear and License status will show as activated.
If the server host is non-Windows, you can also activate using nrserver’s CLI. The command is as follows. On Mac
nrserver executable is located under /Library/NeoRouter.
“nrserver –activateproduct <PRODUCT KEY>”
Troubleshooting Steps
14.Check Error
1.Install Server failed failed 9.Install Client
not start
2.Check Server 15. Manually Start 16. Manually Start 10.Check Client
not found Not found
Process Server Client Service Service Process
11.Sign in with
3.Check Server 17. Check Port Cannot
not open 18. Check server server’s local or
Listening port conflicts Sign in
Not solved public IP and port
Sign in successfully
• Step 2 and 10: to check if a process is running, you can use Task Manager or Services Console on
Windows or ps command on other platforms.
• Step 3: to check server listening port, you can use telnet or netstat on all platforms. You can also
TcpViewer on Windows or NetActView on Linux.
• Step 4: to check port forwarding, you can use
• Step 5 and 6: Tip – use Configuration Explorer instead of Network Explorer to debug server issues.
• Step 20: next section will explain how to generate log files.
• Step 22: If your router does not support Hairpin, please set server’s LAN address in the Connection
Options dialog. See Server Local Address.
If you need technical support, please use the following steps to collect the log files and send them to
[email protected].
1. Launch Network Explorer
2. Select menu item Help>>Troubleshooting>>Log Session to File
3. If you want to troubleshoot the server, then restart the NeoRouter server service from the services.msc; if
you want to create log for the client, then restart the NeoRouter client service from the service.msc
4. After reproduce the issue, select menu item Help>>Troubleshooting>> Log Session to File again to disable
the log and restart the service you are trying to log.
5. Select menu item Help>>Troubleshooting>>Open Configuration Folder and you will see the log file
9.2 Contact Us
Company website
Technical support
[email protected]
Support ticket
Support forum
Product sales
[email protected]
Knowledge base