Buldana Urban Info Booklet
Buldana Urban Info Booklet
Buldana Urban Info Booklet
Social Banking
The final destination
of the Co-Operative Movement is
not the differences but
the harmony, enrichment, success
and happiness
of the community.
- Mahatma Gandhi
An Innovation in
Social Banking
2. Financial Inclusion at Buldana Urban
Financial Inclusion has been the key focus for Buldana Urban since its
inception. In fact, one of the major contextual reasons for the formation of
Buldana Urban was the liquidation of a local Cooperative Bank in the
1980s, leaving the community with just one branch of a nationalized bank
for all banking requirements. Staff attitude was callous and quality of
services in this branch was abysmally low, and to top it all, there was
preference only for the well-off clientele. So Buldana Urban was conceived
as a vehicle to provide banking services to the 'common man'. Buldana
Urban has never lost this focus aptly captured in one of its Credos "For every
family & for everyone in the family". This focus on inclusive growth is
manifested in both product designing and service delivery at Buldana
2.1 Innovative Products
Buldana Urban offers a variety of regular banking products to its members
like Savings Accounts, Term Deposits and Recurring Deposits, along with
regular loan products like Term Loans, Cash Credit, Overdraft, Vehicle Loan
and Housing Loan. The continuous development of innovative and need
based financial products is a major manifestation of Buldana Urban's
commitment to its community. Products which focus on inclusive growth
are elaborated below.
2.1.1 Micro-Saving Scheme
Buldana Urban has launched a micro-saving scheme wherein small
deposits as low as Rs. 5 are collected daily by agents from the doorsteps of
members. This particular product has significantly contributed to financial
inclusion to such an extent that the number of saving members in any
branch of Buldana Urban is often three to five times more than its nearest
2.1.2 Development Bonds
As a part of its social commitment, Buldana Urban had taken up the
mandate of developing Malkapur-Buldana-Chikhali State Highway on a
Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis. Buldana Urban has taken up this
toll based project costing Rs. 45 crores to ensure that this critical route in
Buldana district is developed and maintained properly. The majority of
funds required for this project were raised from members by offering 'Road
Development Bonds' for ten years duration. This served the dual purpose of
providing the members with a high return, long-term investment avenue and
reducing the cost of funds for Buldana Urban as compared to borrowing
Buldana Urban Cooperative Credit Society Limited : An Innovation in Social Banking
funds from banks. It is the first and so far the only UCC which has been
permitted to offer such long-term bonds.
2.1.3 Agri Implements Pledge Loan
Agri Implements Pledge Loans are one of the earliest innovative products
developed by Buldana Urban and is modeled after the local money lender
system. Under this product, the farmer can take a loan for the ensuing
agricultural season by pledging the machinery and equipments not needed
for the season. For example, the electric motors of an irrigation pump set can
be pledged during the monsoon season (when external irrigation is not
needed) for raising Kharif (monsoon) crops. Buldana Urban also offers such
pledge loans against other household items and ornaments. Unlike the local
money lenders who always try to gobble up pledged valuables, Buldana
Urban ensures that the valuables are returned to borrower on clearing of the
2.1.4 Rural Warehouse Receipt Finance
Buldana Urban was the first UCC to introduce pledge loan against
agriculture produce called Rural Warehouse Receipt Finance Scheme
(RWRF). This is the most successful example of Buldana Urban's response to
members' needs. As soon as crops are harvested, farmers are often forced to
sell them immediately, partly due to lack of storage facilities and partly due
to pressing need for funds. The RWRF scheme of Buldana Urban addresses
both these problems in one go by providing a secure warehouse for storage
and a loan against the produce so stored. After the peak harvesting season is
over, prices of these commodities start soaring and farmers can earn extra
profits by such deferred sales, even after paying for interest and warehousing
Stalling with a single warehouse in 2001, Buldana Urban now has a network
of approximately 175 warehouses spread over the hinterlands of all
agriculturally important districts of Vidarbha. Every year about 25,000
members get the benefit from the warehousing facilities and about Rs. 200
crores of credit is disbursed against warehouse receipts.
2.1.5 Education Loans
Though loan for education is are a common product offered by nationalized
banks in urban areas, Buldana Urban has its unique way of offering this
product. Generally no bank offers educational loans to the children of
farmers, hence forcing them to sell their land to support a professional
education for their children. Buldana Urban started offering educational
loans to such cases 'rejected' by other banks to help bright students from the
farmers’ community to fulfill their educational aspirations. Despite such
perceived 'risky' lending, Buldana Urban boasts the best repayment track
record for educational loans amongst all financial institutions in the area.
Buldana Urban never ceases to actively look out for toppers who are unable
to afford further education due to paucity of funds and provides them
educational loans. Buldana Urban also, at times, sponsors students with
outstanding credentials.
2.1.6 Micro Loans
Micro loans refer to very small sized loans usually less than Rs. 5,000/- given
to people with limited means. Generally no financial institution other than
the specialized Micro Finance Institutions (MFI) offers such loans. Buldana
Urban has also experimented with various micro loans like LPG Loan,
bicycle loan and Sanitation loan. Most of these micro loans were not
recovered mainly due to lack of the organizational mechanism to recover
such small sized loans. These experiences have not deterred Buldana Urban
from experimenting with micro loans further and it is planning to integrate
the elements of successful microfinance methodologies in its future micro
loan products.
2.1.7 LPG Loan
Timber and firewood are used for fuel throughout Buldana district, causing
deforestation and the traditional ill health effects. Recently, LPG
connections have been made available in the area, but the cost of
conversion has been prohibitive. Buldana Urban provided loans for the LPG
connections with a special focus on the burden of women on two fronts, the
freedom from smoke and the cumbersome load of carrying firewood.
2.1.8 Ekalavya Earn While Learn Scheme
Commuting to High School is a major challenge in rural areas due to lack of
public transportation. Though traveling on a bicycle is a cost-efficient
option, poor parents cannot afford to buy bicycles for their wards. Buldana
Urban conceived a unique scheme to tackle this problem which
simultaneously encourages students to find enterprising solutions to this
problem. Buldana Urban gives loans to students for their bicycles to enable
them to commute. The loan is paid back in weekly installments, which the
student is expected to earn by working on the family farm by helping in a
family shop.
2.1.9 Sanitation Loans
Health, hygiene and sanitation are major concerns in rural Maharashtra.
Contamination of drinking water due to open defecation is a major cause of
several health problems. A large number of toilets is likely to reduce the
Buldana Urban Cooperative Credit Society Limited : An Innovation in Social Banking
instances of defecation in the open. Buldana Urban extended loans for the
construction of toilets.
2.2 Service Delivery Innovations
Besides the innovations in product development, Buldana Urban has
brought in a number of improvements and innovations in service delivery to
ensure consistent, high quality and customer centric service to its members.
2.2.1 The 'Rulebook Banking' Foundation
Within the cooperative sector, Buldana Urban is especially strong in
'Rulebook Banking', documenting its elaborate systems and processes in
operations manuals. From the signboards to the lockers, from branch -
interiors to the employee uniforms, Buldana Urban’s operations are
carefully designed to create and sustain an image of a disciplined,
professional financial institution. Adherence to lay down standards of
service is constantly monitored by the elaborately structured regional
offices, complemented with Audit Squads and the unique Flying Squad. This
solid foundation of 'Rulebook Banking' has helped Buldana Urban in
managing flawless growth up to 160 branches and a deposit base in excess
of Rs. 1,000 crores, especially when examples of successful cooperatives
collapsing at exponential growth stage are aplenty in Maharashtra.
1 The members of Audit Squads visit the branches at regular interval and audit
all transactions of the branch for given audit period (usually a fortnight).
2 The Flying Squad is a special team operating directly under the instructions
of General Manager and it tries to find out frauds and deviations in service
qualities, sometimes even by sending dummy customers.
Buldana Urban pays special attention to its human resources. Employees are
carefully chosen through informal references, followed by tests and
interviews, and finally a personal interview by the Founder Chairman. New
employees receive hands on training under the supervision of seasoned
staff. The training has a dual focus of inculcating financial discipline (which
is the core foundation of any successful financial institution) and imbibing
the 'Apanapan Culture' of Buldana Urban wherein the members are treated
as a family and employees find themselves as part of the family.
Buldana Urban has also pioneered several customer-friendly initiatives in
the cooperative sector such as 12 hours banking, 365 days banking, and
fund transfer across branches. It is one of the few UCCs which have
customized software for its own operations. Soon Buldana Urban will
become the first Urban Credit Cooperative to link its important branches
through a core banking software supported by a dedicated datacenter. The
operations of its Head Office and affiliated branch are certified to be ISO
9000:2001 compliant and its social initiatives are certified as SA 8000:2001
compliant by AQSR International Inc.
2.2.2 Banking beyond Rulebook
'Banking beyond Rulebook' means sensibly and judiciously deviating from
set practices, especially in emergency situations. During non-operating
hours, Buldana Urban allows emergency cash withdrawals. In case of
medical or educational exigencies, funds are remitted to far off branches
within hours.
Buldana Urban is an integral part of the life of its customers, be it dukh
(sadness) or sukh (happiness). This is established by the staff making regular
visits to customers' homes during the times of celebration as well as grief.
This ‘Banking Beyond Rulebooks' differentiates Buldana Urban from
nationalized banks in its vicinity to such an extent that generally within the
first year of establishing a new branch, Buldana Urban attracts the highest
amount of deposits. The branch manager of each branch of Buldana Urban
becomes one of the most respected people in the local community.
Buldana Urban Cooperative Credit Society Limited : An Innovation in Social Banking
This faith stands true of another test, that of the deposits. The deposits have
increased from Rs. 9,204 lakhs in 2001 to more than Rs. 1,150 crores in
March 2009, a ten-fold increase. Loan disbursements have shown a similar
growth path of increasing from Rs. 6,343 lakhs in 2001 to Rs. 83,760 lakhs in
While achieving this phenomenal growth, Buldana Urban has not
compromised with credit quality or financial prudence norms applicable to
UCCs. Since its inception, it has been consistently awarded 'Audit Class A',
the highest audit rating for a UCC, signifying adherence to all prudential
norms of financial management and provisions. Buldana Urban has been
recording on time repayment rates in the range of 97% to 99%. The majority
of the NPAs are recovered through social pressure and soft tactics. It has
rarely resorted to legal action against its members; however, in cases of
defaults due to death, disability,, disasters or accidents, Buldana Urban is
proactive in helping the members besides offering concession in dues.
3.1.3 Rewards & Recognitions
Buldana Urban has been conferred with numerous rewards arid
recognitions including the coveted 'COPCON 2007' award from the
National Federation of Urban Cooperative Banks for the 'Best Performing
Credit Cooperative of India'. The Founder Chairman has been nominated as
Executive Chairman of the Maharashtra State Urban Cooperative Societies
Federation with a membership of about 28,000 UCCs. He has been the
Founder Director of Deposit Guarantee Corporation of UCCs and Buldana
Urban was the single largest contributor to the corpus fund. Every year about
100 delegations of cooperators from various states visit Buldana Urban.
Some State Governments have invited Buldana Urban for advice to
strengthen the cooperative movement in their respective states.
The major awards received in recognition of social services include:
Padmashri Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Agro Innovations Award, 2001.
Padmashri Dr. Manibhai Desai Rashtraseva Award, 2002.
'Sahakar Sevashshri 2004' for outstanding contribution to cooperative
'Janiv Award' for multi-sectoral contribution to social development, 2005
'Samaj Bhushan' award for multi-sectoral contribution to social
development, 2006-07.
Phule-Shahu-Ambedkar Award'' for social service with special focus on the
downtrodden, 2008.
Though the Founder Chairman is justifiably proud of all these awards and
recognitions, he considers the 'trust and love of people' as the supreme
award. The members of Buldana Urban have created a record by
unanimously nominating Bhaiji and his associates six times as Board of
Directors, all of the elections to date. There are several other instances
signifying the members' love and faith on Buldana Urban. Villagers pass
resolutions in their Gram Sabha requesting a Buldana Urban branch in their
village. Farmers donate their land for starting a Buldana Urban branch and
warehouse. Any new initiative of Buldana Urban gets enthusiastically
oversubscribed. Even a stranger in a Buldana Urban uniform gets warm
welcome and loving hospitality in villages.
3.1.4 Impact on Stakeholders
Buldana Urban has a membership base of more than 2.5 lakh. All have been
benefited by at least one financial product. Many of them periodically avail
its services. Its innovative loan products like Agri Implement Pledge Loan
and Rural Warehouse Receipt Finance have not only helped several farmers
to stay away from the clutches of usurious money lenders but also to earn
some extra profit from their farming activities. This is the most significant
impact of Buldana Urban on the membership community as Vidarbha
region has become infamous for farmer’s suicides resulting from agrarian
distress mainly caused by debt traps of private moneylenders.
Its livelihood enhancement initiatives have helped several farmers to find
alternative income avenues, thereby reducing a dependence on the
traditional cotton economy. The revival of sugar mills has ensured
remunerative prices to hundreds of sugarcane farmers from downtrodden
communities. The efforts of Buldana Urban in improving the quality of
education in rural high schools are benefiting more than 10,000 students
studying in its day schools. The Public school at Buldana provides high
quality, multi-dimensional learning environment to nearly 1,000 students
which is otherwise not available in the entire district. Every year, about 100
girls and 300 boys take advantage of the Ajanta and Ellora hostel facilities. Its
Educational Loan product has helped several talented rural youths to pursue
a professional education thereby providing access to better quality of life.
Amongst other social initiatives of Buldana Urban, ambulance service has
been particularly helpful not only to the members but also to the general
public. Since inception, it has helped in the transportation of about 50,000
patients and about 10,000 dead bodies. Physically challenged persons
always get a helping hand from Buldana Urban in terms of periodic
distribution of supporting aids.
Buldana Urban Cooperative Credit Society Limited : An Innovation in Social Banking
4. Conclusion
The 'Social Banking' of Buldana Urban is not just a decorative phrase but the
guiding principle for all its actions. Buldana Urban is a hallmark of
'Responsible Business'. It has effortlessly inculcated the 'triple bottom line'
approach of "People, Planet & Profit' without even bothering to highlight the
‘Social Banking' at Buldana Urban is not just a cliche but the guiding
principle for all its work. Buldana Urban is a hallmark of 'Responsible
Business', utilizing every business opportunity to create a social impact as
well. While difficult to measure precisely, there is a strong sense that
Buldana Urban's business success is mostly, if not fully due to its social
banking. It also suggests that Buldana Urban's upcoming expansion to other
states must necessarily include a strong social banking component.
Buldana Urban is an organization born not out of the narrow idea of
generating surplus for a select few, rather it is based on the idea of casting a
wide net to numerically increase the people able to benefit directly from the
financial surplus so generated and benefit all those it can within the socio-
economic realm that it operates. As has been mentioned throughout the
report the aim is not just to initiate activities to benefit, but the striving is to
innovate with the financial products to bring in financial and social
Growth of Buldana Urban
Figur in Crore
Year Members
30000 2005-2006 26990
2006-2007 30229
27000 2007-2008 34050
2008-2009 37401
2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 Members
Share Capital
Year Share Capital
10 2005-2006 7.06
2006-2007 10.29
2007-2008 14.04
0 2008-2009 18.85
2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 Share Capital
Buldana Urban Cooperative Credit Society Limited : An Innovation in Social Banking
200 Year Investment
150 2005-2006 148.66
2006-2007 152.86
2007-2008 299.14
2008-2009 302.97
2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 Investment
500 Year Advances
400 2005-2006 390.46
300 2006-2007 541.73
200 2007-2008 752.47
2008-2009 837.6
2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 Advances
No. of Branches
120 Year INo. of Branches
90 2005-2006 121
60 2006-2007 144
2007-2008 157
2008-2009 170
2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 No. of Branches
Social Initiatives One Liners
Railway Reservation facility and Tourist Counter.
Ambulance for medical aid.
Hearse to carry dead bodies.
Funeral Service for unclaimed dead bodies.
Jaipur Foot, Polio Callipers and Chandigarh
Artificial Hand to the disabled.
Universal Health Programme consisting of
health insurance, financial assistance and
discount in treatments.
Head Office :
“Sahakar Setu” Hutatma Gore Path, Buldana - 443 001.
Ph. no: (07262) 242705, 243705
Pune Region :
Prabhat Road: “Yashwant”, 38/10 B, Prabhat Road, Pune - 411004.
Ph. no: (020) 25672705
Chinchwad: Thermax Chowk, Telco road, Chinchwad, Pune - 411019.
Ph. no: (020) 27373705, Mob. no: 99754 99273
Aundh: “Sylan” Heights – 1, Opp. Seasons Hotel, Aundh (Sanewadi), Pune – 411007.
Ph. no: (020) 25884705, Mob. no: 99220 09157
Bhosari: Shop No - 1A / 1B, Radheshyam Sahakari Gruharachana Sanstha Maryadit,
Survey No - 690 / 28 / 4 & 5, Bhosari, Pune - Nashik Rd, Pune.
Ph. no: (020) 27120705, Mob. no: 96234 54151
Email: - buldanaurban@rediffmail.com