Key Assessment Parabola Lesson Plan Revised

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Lesson Plan

Lesson Number
Section Number Conic Sections - Parabolas
Section Title
Standard(s) 1. NCTM C2: Understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and
build on one another to produce a coherent whole.
2. NCTM R1: Create and use representations to organize, record, and
communicate mathematical ideas.
3. Common Core HSF-BF.A.1: Build a function that models a
relationship between two quantities.
Central Focus While students are familiar with a parabola as a representation of a
quadratic function, now we are looking at parabolas as a conic
section, and discovering properties of parabolas.

Students will learn to recognize the relationship between the

standard form equation of a parabola and its graphical
Academic Conic Section (from the internet): a figure formed by the intersection
Language of a plane and a right circular cone. May be a circle, an ellipse, a
parabola, or a hyperbola, depending on the angle of the plane.

Parabola (pg156): Let a, b, and c by constants, a ≠ 0. A parabola is the

graph of a quadratic function f(x) = ax2+bx+c, which is U-shaped,
opening upwards or downwards.

Parabola (pg797): The set of points in a plane that are equidistant

from a fixed point and a fixed line. The fixed point is called the focus
and the fixed line is called the directrix of the parabola.

Equation (pg86): A statement that two mathematical expressions are


Function (pg30): A relation in which each element in the domain

corresponds to exactly one element in the range.

Vertex (pg798): The lowest/highest point on a parabola with a

vertical axis, or the leftmost/rightmost point on a parabola with a
horizontal axis.

Focus (of a parabola) (pg798): A point on the axis of symmetry |p|

units from the vertex of the parabola.

Directrix (of a parabola) (pg798): A line perpendicular to the axis of

symmetry that is |p| units from the vertex of the parabola.
|p|: The positive value distance from the vertex to the focus and the
vertex to the directrix.
Goals and Students will be able to…
Objectives Compare previous understanding of parabolas to their new
(make sure to understanding.
bold or italicize Draw conclusions about the graph of a parabola based on its
the language equation, and vice versa.
Activity What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing?
Activity 1: Pass out handout (which starts Record the goals and objectives
Opener (5 min) with the goals and objectives for in notebooks and ask any
the day) and read these out loud clarifying questions about the
to the class. Ask if there are any goals and objectives for the day.
questions about what our focus
for the day will be.
Activity 2: Anticipatory Set: Students will record the
(time) Introduce Conic Sections: “Today definition of conic sections on
we’re going to be talking about their handout in the blank
Relevant conic sections and parabolas.” provided.
Objective(s): Write “Conic Sections” on board.
CU, PF, MR, PS Show what conic sections are
using the physical cones
provided. Show parabola, ellipse,
and hyperbola. Also draw the two
cones on the board. Then write
out definition of conic section
on the board.
Activity 3: -Transition to talking exclusively Students will recall and
(time) about parabolas. “We’re only communicate their past
going to talk about parabolas knowledge of parabolas.
Relevant today.”
Objective(s): -“Tell me everything you know
CU, PF, MR, PS about parabolas, from this class
and past years.” Write what they
say on the board.
-Present old definition of
parabolas from p156; parabolas
as the graphical representation of
a quadratic.
Activity 4: -Write parabola, focus, directrix, Students will construct a
(time) and vertex on the board off to one parabola on their handout using
side, to come back to this later. the new process. Students will
Relevant (this is where I will write the come up to the board and place
Objective(s): definitions) individual points on the graph.

CU, PF, MR, PS -Do first activity on handout,
constructing a parabola on a
graph as the set of all points
equidistant from a fixed point and
a fixed line. Draw this on board,
having them do this on paper.
Give them only a few points as
examples, and have them find the
-“The shortest distance from the
parabola to the directrix is always
a perpendicular line to the
Activity 5: -Define parts of the parabola by -Record these instructions as
(time) writing out the definitions on the notes, paying special attention
board (parabola, focus, to the equation of a parabola.
Relevant directrix, vertex) -Suggest what parts of the graph
Objective(s): -Label parts of graph per student match the definitions
CU, PF, MR, PS suggestions -Help construct the standard
-Find standard form of equation form of equation of a parabola
of a parabola, (x – h)2 = 4p(y – k),
with vertex (h, k).
-Explain what |p| is.
Activity 6: -Do first half of example 1: Sketch Suggest steps for solution.
(time) the graph of x2=8y and label Record example, steps, and
vertex. result.
Relevant “What’s the first thing we do?”
Objective(s): Solve: put in form (x – 0)2 = 4(2)(y
CU, PF, MR, PS – 0)
Activity 7: -Explain what |p| is Record as notes.
(time) -Present method of finding vertex,
focus, and directrix
Relevant -“A parabola always opens
Objective(s): towards the focus and away from
CU, PF, MR, PS the directrix.”
Activity 8: -Do second half of example 1, Suggest steps for solution.
(time) finding the focus and directrix of Record steps and result.
Relevant -Show that 8=4p, so p=2, so first
Objective(s): points of focus & directrix are |2|
CU, PF, MR, PS units from vertex of parabola.
Activity 8.5: Ask why questions. Students will answer questions,
(time) “Why do we call this the focus?” and ask their own questions.
“Why do we call it |p|?”

Relevant “Why are there || signs on either
Objective(s): side of p?”
Activity 9: -Draw a sideways parabola on a Students will suggest what steps
graph. Pose the question, “If we we can take and find the rule.
want a parabola that looks like
this, how do we change the
equation?” Have a discussion
about this.
Solution: switch equation from
y=x2 to x=y2.
Activity 10: Do example 2, sketching and Students will tell me what steps
(time) labeling vertex, focus, & directrix to do to find the result.
of the parabola y2= -2x.
Relevant -And 4p=-2, so p=-1/2, so first
Objective(s): points of focus & directrix are
CU, PF, MR, PS |1/2| units from vertex of
-Discuss sideways parabolas as
we do this problem.
Activity 11: -Example 3, graph the parabola y Students will discover and
(time) = (-1/8)(x+3)2+2. suggest the first step, then solve
To solve, rewrite in form (x – h)2 = the rest like the last example, by
Relevant 4p(y – k). Etc. telling me what steps to do to
Objective(s): find the result.
PS -If students are having a hard
CU, PF, MR, PS time figuring out the first step,
they will talk for 1 minute at
their tables to determine it.
Activity 12: Hand out quick quiz to students. Take quick quiz, grade a peer’s
(time) No more than 5 minutes for quiz. quiz, and ask questions about
Relevant No name on them. Once finished, the material.
Objective(s): students pass around and grade
CU, PF, MR someone’s, then receive questions
about material.

Activity 14 Closure: Students will recall what we

(close): Review of what we learned: have learned for the day,
4 minutes -Parabolas as defined by focus & helping them better retain the
directrix, standard form equation, lesson.
Relevant how to find
Objective(s): focus/directrix/vertex from
CU, PF, MR, PS equation.

Re-read the goals/objectives from
the day.

Close: “We’ll be finishing up with

parabolas tomorrow and moving
on to ellipses. You’ll have a
homework on section 10.1, due
If you run out of If there is not enough time to finish the lesson as planned we will…
If you have If there is time left at the end of the lesson we will…
extra time Example 6: Graph the equation (y – 1)2 = -0.5(x – 2) with a graphing
Solution: Solve equation for y. Get y = 1 +/- sqrt(-0.5(x – 2)). Now
separate into two, so you can plot 1 + ~~ and 1 – ~~. Then graph on

Students with No students with IEP or 504 modifications.

special needs

CU: Conceptual Understanding

PF: Procedural Fluency
MR: Mathematical Reasoning
PS: Problem Solving

Activities/Assessments that
and/or Problem

Lesson Reflection

Self Reflection: How did the lesson go? What things went well? What things did
not go as well as they could have? What things might you change if you were to
teach the lesson again next hour? What things might you change if you were to
teach this lesson again next year?

Did your students meet your objectives for the lesson? How do you know?

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