Chew, 2009
Chew, 2009
Chew, 2009
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Lecture #12
First Edition
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Bin Hu
Intel Research
&C Mor gan &Cl aypool Publishers
Integral Equation Methods for Electromagnetic and Elastic Waves is an outgrowth of several years
of work. There have been no recent books on integral equation methods. There are books written
on integral equations, but either they have been around for a while, or they were written by math-
ematicians. Much of the knowledge in integral equation methods still resides in journal papers.
With this book, important relevant knowledge for integral equations are consolidated in one place
and researchers need only read the pertinent chapters in this book to gain important knowledge
needed for integral equation research. Also, learning the fundamentals of linear elastic wave theo-
ry does not require a quantum leap for electromagnetic practitioners.
Integral equation methods have been around for several decades, and their introduction to elec-
tromagnetics has been due to the seminal works of Richmond and Harrington in the 1960s. There
was a surge in the interest in this topic in the 1980s (notably the work of Wilton and his cowork-
ers) due to increased computing power. The interest in this area was on the wane when it was
demonstrated that differential equation methods, with their sparse matrices, can solve many prob-
lems more efficiently than integral equation methods. Recently, due to the advent of fast algo-
rithms, there has been a revival in integral equation methods in electromagnetics. Much of our
work in recent years has been in fast algorithms for integral equations, which prompted our inter-
est in integral equation methods. While previously, only tens of thousands of unknowns could be
solved by integral equation methods, now, tens of millions of unknowns can be solved with fast
algorithms. This has prompted new enthusiasm in integral equation methods.
Integral Equations, Computational Electromagnetics, Electromagnetic Waves, Linear Vector
Spaces, Energy Conservation Theorem, Low-Frequency Problems, Dyadic Green's Function,
Fast Inhomogeneous Plane Wave Algorithm, Elastic Waves
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Preface v
Acknowledgements vii
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6 Dyadic Green’s Function for Layered Media and Integral Equations 135
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
6.2 Dyadic Green’s Function for Layered Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6.3 Matrix Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
6.4 The ∇ × Ge Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.5 The L and K Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
6.6 The Ez -Hz Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
6.6.1 Example 1: Half Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.6.2 Example 2: Three-Layer Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
6.7 Validation and Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
6.8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
This monograph is an outgrowth of several years of work. It began with a suggestion by Joel
Claypool from Morgan & Claypool Publishers and Constantine Balanis of Arizona State
University on writing a monograph on our recent contributions to computational electromagnet-
ics (CEM). Unfortunately, we had just written a book on CEM a few years ago, and it was hard
to write a new book without repeating many of the materials written in Fast and Efficient
Algorithms in Computational Electromagnetics (FEACEM).
In the midst of contemplating on a topic, it dawned upon me that there was no recent books
on integral equation methods. There had been books written on integral equations, but either they
have been around for a while, such as books edited by Mittra, and by Miller, Medgyesi-Mitschang
and Newman, or they were written by mathematicians, such as the book by Colton and Kress.
Much of the knowledge in integral equation methods still resides in journal papers.
Whenever I have to bring researchers to speed in integral equation methods, I will refer them to
study some scientific papers but not a book. So my thinking was that if we could consolidate all
important knowledge in this field in one book, then researchers just need to read the pertinent
chapters in this book to gain important knowledge needed for integral equation research.
Integral equation methods have been around for several decades, and their introduction to
electromagnetics has been due to the seminal works of Richmond and Harrington. After the ini-
tial works of Richmond and Harrington in the 1960s, there was a surge in the interest in this topic
in the 1980s (notably the work of Wilton and his coworkers) due to the increased power of com-
puters. The interest in this area was on the wane when it was demonstrated that differential equa-
tion methods, with its sparse matrices, can solve many problems more efficiently than integral
equations. However, in recent decades (1990s), due to the advent of fast algorithms, there was a
revival in integral equation methods in electromagnetics.
Much of our work in recent years has been in fast algorithms for integral equations, which
prompted our interest in integral equation methods. While previously, only tens of thousands of
unknowns can be solved by integral equation methods, now, tens of millions of unknowns can be
solved with fast algorithms. This has prompted new enthusiasm in integral equation methods. This
enthusiasm had also prompted our writing the book FEACEM, which assumed that readers
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would have the basic knowledge of integral equation methods. This book would help to fill in that
With this book, important relevant knowledge for integral equations are consolidated in one
place. Much of the knowledge in this book exists in the literature. By rewriting this knowledge, we
hope to reincarnate it. As is in most human knowledge, when it was first discovered, only few could
understand it. But as the community of scholars came together to digest this new knowledge,
regurgitate it, it could often be articulated in a more lucid and succinct form. We hope to have
achieved a certain level of this in this book.
Only one chapter on this book is on fast algorithm, namely, Chapter 7, because the topic of
this chapter has not been reported in FEACEM. This chapter is also the outgrowth of BH’s PhD
dissertation on fast inhomogeneous plane wave algorithm (FIPWA) for free space and layered
Since many researchers in electromagnetics can easily learn the knowledge related to elastic
waves, as many of our researchers do, we decide to include Chapter 8 in this book. It is written pri-
marily for practitioners of electromagnetics—Learning linear elastic wave theory does not require
a quantum leap for electromagnetic practitioners. Because we have recently applied some of our
expertise in solving the elastic wave problems, including the application of fast algorithm, we
decide to include this chapter.
In this book, Chapters 1 to 6 were primarily written by WCC, while Chapter 7 was written
by BH, and MST wrote Chapter 8, the last Chapter. We mutually helped with the proofreading
of the chapters, and in particular MST helped extensively with the proofreading, editing, as well
as the indexing of the book.
As for the rest of the book, Chapter 1 introduces some concepts in CEM, and tries to con-
trast them with concepts in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which itself is a vibrant field that
has been studied for decades.
Chapter 2 is on the fundamentals of electromagnetics. We relate some fundamental concepts
to concepts in linear vector space theory. It is de rigueur that students of CEM be aware of these
relationships. After all, a linear integral equation eventually becomes a matrix equation by project-
ing it into a subspace in the linear vector space.
Chapter 3 gives a preliminary introduction to integral equation methods without being
bogged down by details. It emphasizes mainly on a heuristic and physical understanding of inte-
gral equation methods. For many practitioners, such a level of understanding is sufficient.
Chapter 4 is not for the faint hearted as it delves into more details than Chapter 3. It dis-
cusses integral equations for impenetrable bodies as well as penetrable bodies. It deals with a very
important issue of uniqueness of many of these integral equation methods. It introduces Gedanken
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experiments to prove the nonuniqueness of these solution methods, and discusses remedies for
Chapter 5 is on low-frequency methods in integral equations. Integral equation methods, as
well as differential equation methods, are plagued with instabilities when the frequency is extreme-
ly low, or the wavelength is very long compared to the structure being probed. This is because we
are switching from the regime of wave physics to the regime of circuit physics (discussed in
Chapter 1). This transition presage a change in solution method when one goes into the low-fre-
quency regime, which I have nicknamed “twilight zone!”
Chapter 6 reports on how one formulates the integral equations in the layered media. The
derivation of the dyadic Green’s function for layered media is often a complex subject. It involves
complicated Sommerfeld integrals, which often are poorly convergent. We propose a new formu-
lation, which harks back to the technique discussed in Waves and Fields in Inhomogeneous Media, as
oppose to the Michalski-Zheng formulation, which is quite popular in the literature.
Integral equation methods are in general quite complex compared to differential equation
methods. To convert integral equations to matrix equations, one has to project the Green’s opera-
tor onto a subspace by numerical quadrature. This numerical quadrature involves singular integrals,
and can be quite challenging to perform accurately. We regret not being able to discuss these
numerical quadrature techniques in this book. These often belong to the realm of applied mathe-
matics on numerical quadrature of singular integrals. Much has been written about it, and the
monograph does not allow enough space to discuss this topic.
However, we hope that we have discussed enough topics in this short monograph that can
pique your interest in this very interesting and challenging field of integral equation methods.
Hopefully, many of you will pursue further research in this area, and help contribute to new knowl-
edge to this field!
Many in our research group gave feedback and helped proofread the manuscript at various
stages. Thanks are due Mao-Kun LI, Yuan LIU, Andrew Hesford, Lin SUN, Zhiguo QIAN, Jie
XIONG, Clayton Davis, William Tucker, and Bo HE. During my stay as a visiting professor
at Nanyang Technological University, I received useful feedback from Eng Leong TAN on
some of the chapters. Peter Monk gave useful feedback on part of Chapter 2.
We are grateful to our research sponsors for their supports in the last decade, notably,
AFOSR, SAIC-DEMACO, Army-CERL, Raytheon-UTD, GM, SRC, Intel, IBM, Mentor-
Graphics, and Schlumberger. WCC also thanks supports from the Founder Professorship and
Y.T. Lo Endowed Chair Professorship, as well as supports from the IBM Visiting Professorship
at Brown University, the Distinguished Visitor Program at the Center for Computational
Sciences, AFRL, Dayton, the Cheng Tsang Man Visiting Professorship at NTU, Singapore,
and the MIT Visiting Scientist Program. Supports from Arje Nachman and Mike White of the
government agencies are gratefully acknowledged. We appreciate interactions with partners
and colleagues in the industry, notably, Steve Cotten, Ben Dolgin, Val Badrov, HP Hsu,
Jae Song, Hennning Braunisch, Kemal Aygun, Alaeddin Aydiner, Kaladhar Radhakrishnan,
Alina Deutsch, Barry Rubin, Jason Morsey, Li-Jun Jiang, Roberto Suaya, Tarek Habashy,
and John Bruning. Also, discussions with university partners on various projects such as Ben
Steinberg, Steve Dvorak, Eric Michielsen, and John Volakis have been useful. Last but not
least, constant synergism with members of the EM Laboratory at Illinois, Shun-Lien Chuang,
Andreas Cangellaris, Jianming Jin, Jose Schutt-Aine, and Jennifer Bernhard are enlightening.
This book is also dedicated to the memory of Y.T. Lo, Don Dudley, and Jin Au Kong, who
have been WCC’s mentors and friends.
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Introduction to Computational
In the beginning, mathematics played an important role in human science and technology
advancements by providing arithmetic, geometry, and algebra to enable scientists and tech-
nologists to solve complex problems. For example, precalculus was used by Kepler to arrive
at laws for predicting celestial events in the 1600s. In the late 1600s and early 1700s, Leibniz
and Newton developed early calculus for a better description of physical laws of mechanics [1].
Later, the development of differential equations enabled the better description of many physi-
cal phenomena via the use of mathematics. The most notable of these were the Navier-Stokes
equations for understanding the physics of fluids in the 1800s [2–4].
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) [5] has a longer history than computational electro-
magnetics (CEM) (Richardson 1910 [6], Courant, Friedrichs, and Lewy 1928 [7], Lax 1954 [8],
Lax and Wendroff 1960 [9], MacCormack 1969 [10]). The early works are mainly those of
mathematicians looking for numerical means to solve partial differential equation (PDE), with
the knowledge that many such equations have no closed form solution. Hence, the reason for
the early development of CFD is simple: many fluids problems are analytically intractable.
This stems from the nonlinearity inherent in the Navier-Stokes equations. Early fluids cal-
culations were done numerically, albeit laboriously, with the help of human “computers”. In
fact, the design of the first electronic computers was driven by the need to perform laborious
fluids calculations (Eniac 1945, Illiac I 1952 [11]).
In contrast, most electromagnetic media are linear. Hence, the governing equations for
electromagnetics are, for the most part, linear. The linearity of electromagnetic equations
allows for the application of many analytic techniques for solving these equations.
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These equations are attributable to the works of Faraday (Eq. (1.1), Faraday’s law 1843 [12]),
Ampere (Eq. (1.2), Ampere’s law 1823 [13]), Coulomb (Eq. (1.3), Coulomb’s law 1785 [14]; it
was enunciated in a divergence form via Gauss’ law), and Gauss (Eq. (1.4), Gauss’ law 1841
[15]). In 1864, Maxwell [16] completed the electromagnetic theory by adding the concept of
displacement current (∂D/∂t) in Eq. (1.2). Hence, this equation is also known as generalized
Ampere’s law. The set of equations above is also known as Maxwell’s equations. The original
Maxwell’s equations were expressed in some 20 equations. It was Heaviside [17] who distilled
Maxwell’s equations into the above four equations. Hence, they are sometimes known as the
Maxwell-Heaviside equations. These equations have been proven to be valid from subatomic
length scale to intergalactic length scale.
Because of their linearity, one useful technique for solving electromagnetic equations is the
principle of linear superposition. The principle of linear superposition further allows for the
use of the Fourier transform technique. Hence, one can Fourier transform the above equations
in the time variable and arrive at
∇ × E = iωB (1.5)
∇ × H = −iωD + J (1.6)
∇·D=ρ (1.7)
∇·B=0 (1.8)
The preceding equations are the frequency-domain version of the electromagnetic equations.
When the region is source free, that is, ρ = 0 and J = 0, as in vacuum, B = µ0 H and
D = ²0 E, the simplest homogeneous solution to the above equations is a plane wave of the
form a exp(ik · r) where a is orthogonal to k and |k| = ω µ0 ²0 . Hence, Maxwell’s work
bridged the gap between optics and electromagnetics because scientists once thought that the
electromagnetic phenomenon was different from the optical phenomenon.
Also, for electrodynamic problems, the last two of the above equations can be derived
from the first two with appropriate initial conditions. Hence, the last two equations can be
ignored for dynamic problems [18].
The use of Fourier transform technique brings about the concept of convolution. The
concept of convolution leads to the development of the Green’s function technique [19]. From
the concept of Green’s functions, integral equation can be derived and solved [18].
As a result, electromagneticists have a whole gamut of analytic tools to play with. Many
engineering problems and theoretical modeling can be solved by the application of these tools,
offering physical insight and shedding light on many design problems. The use of intensive
computations to arrive at critical data can be postponed until recently. Hence, CEM concepts
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did not develop until 1960s [20, 21]. Although laborious calculations were done in the early
days, they were not key to the development of many technologies.
∂ c ∂ 1
∼ω∼ ↔ ∼ (1.10)
∂t λ ∂x L
The comparison of time derivative (which is proportional to λ−1 ) to the space derivative
(which is proportional to L−1 ) delineates different regimes in electromagnetics.
Consequently, electromagnetic physics can be divided into the following regimes:
• Low frequency, L ¿ λ.
• Mid frequency, L ≈ λ.
• High frequency, L À λ.
When the object size is much less than the wavelength, the physics of the field around
it is dominated by the fact that the time derivative is unimportant compared to the space
derivative. The field physics is close to that of static field.
In the mid-frequency regime, the space derivative is equally important compared to the
time derivative, but the size of the object, and hence the boundary condition, still controls
the nature of the solution.
In the high-frequency regime, the boundary condition plays a lesser role compared to
the equations in shaping the solution. Hence, the solution resembles the homogeneous so-
lutions of electromagnetic equations, which are plane waves. Plane waves are mathematical
representation of rays, and hence, ray physics becomes more important in this regime.
In the above category, we are assuming that the point of observation is of the same order
as the size of the object L. If one were to observe the field at different distances d from the
object, the physics of the field will change according to the above argument. Hence, we have:
• Near field, d ¿ λ.
• Mid field, d ≈ λ.
• Far field, d À λ.
1 This technique is often used in fluids to arrive at numbers such as the Reynolds number [2].
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In the near-field regime, electrostatic physics is important. In the mid-field regime, wave
physics is important, whereas in the far-field regime, ray physics is important.2 We will
elaborate on the above regimes in more detail in the following discussions.
The top part of Eq. (1.11) is Ampere’s law. It says that a current J produces a magnetic
field H. However, since ∇ · (∇ × H) = 0, it follows that this current satisfies
∇·J=0 (1.13)
or is divergence-free.
The last equation in (1.12) follows from the continuity equation
∇·J+ = 0 or ∇ · J = iωρ (1.14)
It implies that the charge ρ that produces the electric field E in (1.12) comes from the
nondivergence free part of J. Hence, in the limit when ω → 0,
J = Jirr + Jsol (1.15)
namely, the current J decomposes itself into an irrotational component Jirr (which is curl-
free but not divergence-free) and solenoidal component Jsol (which is divergence-free but not
2 It is to be noted that in optics, the ray physics regime can be further refined into the Fresnel zone and
curl-free). The irrotational current models the electroquasistatic fields, whereas the solein-
odal current models the magnetoquasistatic fields. Again, as noted earlier, this is known as
Helmholtz decomposition. In order for the last equation in (1.5) to produce a finite charge ρ,
it is seen that Jirr ∼ O(ω) when ω → 0.
Many CEM methods, which are developed for when ω is nonzero, break down as ω → 0.
This is because those methods, although capable of capturing the physics of the electromag-
netic field when ω is not small, fail to capture the physics correctly when ω → 0.
to the scattering by spheres [61,62] etc. Because electromagnetics was predated by the theory
of sound and fluids [63], much of the mathematics developed for sound and fluids can be used
in electromagnetics with some embellishment to account for the vector nature of the field.
Many of the scattering solutions by canonical shapes is documented in Bowman et al. [64].
Later, when science and technology called for solutions to more complex problems, the-
oretical modeling was performed with the help of perturbation and asymptotic methods. In
asymptotic methods, the wavelength is usually used as a small parameter for a perturba-
tion expansion. This is the field of physical optics, geometrical optics, geometrical theory of
diffraction, etc [36–45]. The solution is usually ansatz based. For example, when the fre-
quency is high, or the wavelength short, the wavenumber k = 2π/λ is large, the scattering
solution from a complex object may be assumed to be dominated by a few salient features
as a consequence of reflection and diffraction. Hence, the approximate solution may be a
superposition of solutions of the form
· ¸
eikr 1 1 1
ψ sca (r) = α a0 + a1 + a2 + a 3 + · · · (1.16)
r kr (kr)2 (kr)3
The constants α and ai ’s are obtained by matching solution with canonical solutions, such as
the Sommerfeld half-plane solution, and the Mie series solution after Watson’s transformation
However, the leaps and bounds progress of computer technology opens up new possibilities
for solving the electromagnetic equations more accurately for theoretical modeling in many
applications. This is especially so when the structure is complex. Instead of being driven
by qualitative engineering where physical intuition is needed, a quantitative number can be
arrived at using CEM that can be used as a design guide.
Moreover, the use of CEM can reduce our dependency on experiments, which are usually
by cut-and-try method. Experiments are usually expensive, and if design decisions can be
made by virtual experiment or virtual prototyping using simulation and modeling techniques
based on CEM, design cost can be substantially reduced. CEM preserves a large part of the
physics of the electromagnetic equations when they are solved, and hence, it can represent a
high-fidelity virtual experiment quite close to the real world.
Asymptotic and approximate methods serve the design needs at high frequencies. How-
ever, they become less reliable when the frequency is low or when the wavelength is long. For
this regime, CEM methods are more reliable than approximate methods. One good example
is the scattering from an aircraft by mega-Hertz electromagnetic waves, where the wavelength
is not short enough to allow for short-wavelength approximation [66].
Alternatively, one can achieve the simplicity of frequency domain by assuming a pure
time-harmonic solution that is completely sinusoidal where the time dependence at any given
point in space is of the form A cos(ωt + φ). Since one can write
1 ¡ −iφ −iωt ¢
A cos(ωt + φ) = Ae e + C.C. (1.17)
where C.C. stands for “complex conjugate”, it is simpler to work with complex time-harmonic
signals of the form e−iωt with complex amplitudes. Such signals are called phasors [34]. To
recover the real signal, one just adds the complex conjugate part to the complex signal, or
simply, takes the real part of the complex signal.
For linear equations, a pure time-harmonic solution can exist as an independent solution,
whereas for nonlinear equations, the incipient of a time-harmonic signal will generate higher
harmonics, causing the mixing of harmonics (see Section 1.2).
The advantages of solving the electromagnetic equations in the frequency domain is the re-
moval of time dependence of the electromagnetic equations, and hence the resultant equations
are simpler (all ∂/∂t can be replaced with −iω). Another advantage is that each frequency
component solution can be solved for independently of the other frequency component—hence,
they can be solved in an embarrassingly parallel fashion with no communication overhead at
all. This multitude of time-harmonic solutions for different frequencies can then be superposed
to obtain the time domain solution [67].
On the other hand, the time-domain solution has to be sought by considering the inter-
dependence of time steps. Although in parallel computing, interprocessor communication can
be reduced via the domain-decomposition method, some communications are still required
[68, 69].
The Green’s function is the solution when the right-hand side is replaced by a point source,
where the dependence of g(r, r0 ) on ω is implied. By the principle of linear superposition, the
solution to the original Helmholtz equation can be expressed as
φ(r, ω) = − dr0 g(r, r0 )s(r0 , ω) (1.21)
For an impenetrable scatterer, the Green’s function can be used to derive an integral
equation of scattering Z
−φinc (r) = dS 0 g(r, r0 )s(r0 ), r ∈ S (1.22)
where φinc (r) is the incident field, g(r, r ) is the free-space Green’s function given by
0 eik|r−r |
g(r, r ) = (1.23)
4π|r − r0 |
and s(r0 ) is some unknown surface source residing on the surface of the scatterer. Physically,
the above equation says that the surface source s(r0 ) generates a field that cancels the incident
field within the scatterer. To solve the integral equation implies finding the unknown s(r0 ).
The advantage of solving an integral equation is that often times, the unknown s(r0 ) resides
on a 2D manifold or surface [70].3 Whereas if a differential equation is solved, the unknown
is the field φ(r) that permeates the whole of a 3D space. Consequently, it often requires more
unknowns to solve a differential equation compared to an integral equation. More precisely,
the unknown count for s(r0 ) on a 2D surface scales as L2 where L is the typical length of the
scatterer, whereas the unknown count for the field φ(r) scales volumetrically as L3 . Hence,
when the problem size is very large, the cruelty of scaling law will prevail, implying that
differential equations usually require more unknowns to solve compared to integral equation.
Another advantage of solving integral equation is that the Green’s function is an exact
propagator that propagates a field from point A to point B. Hence, there is no grid dispersion
error of the kind that exists in numerical differential equation solvers where the field is prop-
agated from point A to point B via a numerical grid. For wave problems, the grid dispersion
error causes an error in the phase velocity of the wave, causing cumulative phase error that
becomes intolerable. Hence, the grid dispersion error becomes a more severe problem with
increased problem size. The grid discretization density has to increase with increased problem
size, prompting the unknown scaling to increase with more than L3 [68, 71].
On the other hand, numerical differential equation solvers are easier to implement com-
pared to integral equation solvers. In integral equation solvers, a proper way to evaluate
integrals with singular integrand is needed. For an N unknown problem, the differential
equation solver also solves an equivalent sparse matrix system with O(N ) storage greatly
reducing the storage requirements, but the matrix system associated with integral equation
is usually a dense matrix system requiring O(N 2 ) storage and more than O(N 2 ) central pro-
cessing unit (CPU) time to solve. However, the recent advent of fast integral equation solver
has removed these bottlenecks [66, 70, 72–75]. Previously, only dense matrix systems with
tens of thousands of unknowns can be solved, but now, dense matrix systems with tens of
millions of unknowns can be solved [76, 77].
3 The pros and cons of differential equation and integral equation solvers were discussed in greater detail
1.9 Conclusions
Differential equation solvers are used almost exclusively in many fields because of the nonlin-
earity of the relevant equations. On the other hand, because of the linearity of the Maxwell-
Heaviside equations, analytic methods, such as the time-domain method and the integral
equation method, can be used to arrive at alternative methods to solve the electromagnetic
equations such as integral equation solvers. Traditional integral equation solvers are ineffi-
cient, but with the advent of fast solvers, they are more efficient than before, and have become
even more efficient than differential equation solvers in many applications.
There has been an interest in applying differential equation techniques to solve electromag-
netic equations. When applied to an aircraft scattering problem, these solvers use resources
that scale more pathological compared to fast integral equation solvers. One way to curb the
scaling law in resource usage is to combine differential equation solvers with integral equation
solvers where the computational domain is truncated by a fast integral equation solver ( [70]
Chapter 13, [81],). If memory and CPU resource are not an issue, differential equation tech-
niques can be used to obtain broadband simulation data in electromagnetics. If memory alone
is not an issue, fast time-domain integral equation solver can be used to obtain broadband
data in electromagnetics ( [70] Chapter 18, [82]).
The morphing of electromagnetic physics from static to long wavelengths, to mid wave-
lengths, and then to short wavelengths implies that different techniques need to be used in
these different regimes. Many complex problems remain in electromagnetics that call for more
sophisticated computational algorithms. One of these problems is the simulation of complex
structures inside a computer at the level of motherboard, package, and chip, as shown in Fig-
ure 1.1. It entails multiscale features that cannot be easily tackled when using conventional
A computer at the finest level consists of computer chips that contain tens of millions
of transistors. Here, X and Y lines in a multilayer fashion route electrical signals among
these transistors (Figure 1.1(c)). A chip forms a data processing unit that has thousands
of electrical input and output wires. A chip communicates outside itself including receiving
power supply via the package (Figure 1.1(b)). Different processing units together form a
system, and different systems, including a power supply system, form a computer as seen at
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(a) Board level complexity. (b) Package level complexity. (c) Chip level complexity.
Figure 1.1: A complex multiscale structure coming from the real world as found inside a
computer at the level of (a) motherboard, (b) package, and (c) chip. (Courtesy of Intel.)
the motherboard level (Figure 1.1(a)) just inside the computer chassis.
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Alternatively, some workers have designed algorithms to solve problems using the hard
drive as well as the RAM as storage space. These are usually known as out-of-core solvers.
Even then, if the memory and computational complexity of the algorithm is bad, the hard-
drive memory can easily become insufficient.
Parallel computers can be used to speed up solutions to large problems, but they do
not reduce the computational complexity of an algorithm. If a problem takes CPU time
proportional to N β , namely,
T → CN β , N → ∞, (A-3)
an ideal parallel algorithm to solve the same problem with P processors has CPU time that
scales as
T → CN β , N → ∞. (A-4)
Such an ideal algorithm is said to have a perfect speed up, and 100% parallel efficiency.
However, because of the communication cost needed to pass data between processors, the
latency in computer memory access as problem size becomes large, 100% parallel efficiency
is generally not attained. In this case, the CPU time scales as
T → CN β , N → ∞, (A-5)
where e is the parallel efficiency in percentage. As can be seen from above, the use of parallel
computers does not reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm, but it helps to
reduce the proportionality constant in the resource formula.
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2.1 Introduction
Linearity allows us to use the Fourier transform technique to transform and simplify the
electromagnetic equations. We express all field and current functions of time using Fourier
transform. For example, Z ∞
F(r, t) = F(r, ω)e−iωt dω (2.1)
2π −∞
Substituting the above into the electromagnetic equations for the fields and currents, the
equations become independent of time in the Fourier space, but the fields and currents are
now functions of frequency and they are complex valued. Furthermore, ∂F(r, t)/∂t Fourier
transforms to −iωF(r, ω). Consequently, the electromagnetic equations in the Fourier space
Each of these fields and currents can then be considered a representation of a time-harmonic
signal. These complex fields and currents in the Fourier space are generally referred to as
being in the frequency domain. The magnetic current M(r, ω), and the magnetic charge
ρm (r, ω) are regarded as fictitious, and are added to symmetrize the above equations.
In the electromagnetic equations, the second two equations are derivable from the first two
equations for time varying fields and current. Hence, there are actually only two equations
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with four unknown quantities E, H, D, and B, assuming that the driving sources of the
system J and M are known. The constitutive relations, which describe the material media,
have to be invoked to render the above equations solvable [1]. For free space, the constitutive
relations are B = µ0 H and D = ²0 E, thus reducing the number of unknowns from four to
If the material media is nonlinear for which there is a nonlinear relation between D and E
for instance, then a purely time-harmonic E will produce a D with more than one harmonics
because of the second and higher order harmonic generation. Then a pure time-harmonic
(monochromatic) signal cannot exist in such a system.
As mentioned in the Chapter 1, linearity permits the definition of the Green’s function
and the expression of solutions by invoking the principle of linear superposition. Conse-
quently, the linearity of electromagnetic equations makes their solutions amenable to a large
number of mathematical techniques, even though many of these techniques are restricted to
linear problems only, such as linear vector space techniques. Because there are a number of
mathematical concepts that are important for understanding computational electromangetics
(CEM) and integral equation solvers, these concepts will be reviewed here.
This chapter is necessary also because a large part of electromagnetic theory can be un-
derstood from the concepts of linear vector spaces. The introduction of linear vector space
concepts to students of computational electromagnetics is mandatory (de rigueur) because
such concepts are very useful in understanding wave physics and computational electromag-
netics (CEM). But many students of electromagnetics are not introduced to such concepts.
In this chapter, additionally, we will look at the reciprocity theorem and the energy
conservation theorem from the viewpoint of a linear vector space [2]. It can be shown that
these properties are intimately related to the symmetry and Hermitian properties of the linear
operators in electromagnetics.
Some of the concepts expressed here are buried in, or may be derived from, the works of
Reed and Simon [3], Felsen and Marcuvitz [4], Hanson and Yakovlev [5], or Collin [6], but
the points expressed here have not been explicitly stated before.
finite dimensional space. One way to arrive at a discrete, finite system is with the subspace
projection method. This is the underlying principle behind the finite element method (FEM)
and the method of moments (MOM). Another method is to use finite-difference approxima-
tion of space time in a finite domain of space, or to use Nyström method to approximate an
integral equation. In Nyström method, integrals are approximated with quadrature rules, so
that a continuum integral is replaced with a discrete summation.
Most of the linear vector space concepts are similar to those in vector space in linear
algebra, except that the vectors can be infinite dimensional. These vectors can be countably
infinite, or uncountably infinite. A finite summation in linear algebra will be replaced by an
infinite summation, or an integral, which may or may not converge.
A linear vector space V consists of a set of infinitely many vectors that can be added and
scaled. The added vectors are members of the space V , and so are the scaled vectors. A set
of vectors, {fn , n = 1, . . . , N }, are linearly independent if
an fn = 0 (2.6)
implies that an = 0, n = 1, . . . , N . This set of vectors spans the vector space V if every
element f in the vector space can be written as
f= an fn (2.7)
The above concept can be extended to the case when N is infinite, or when the vectors
are uncountably infinite. In the case of uncountably infinite set, an integral replaces the
summation above.
For this linear vector space, we can define linear operators (linear transformations) that
transform a vector from linear vector space V to another vector in linear vector space W . For
example we can write
f = Lv (2.8)
where f is a new vector generated when the operator L operates on v. Here, f can be in the
same space as v lives in or it can be outside the space that v is in. The space of functions
that L can operate on is known as the domain of L or D(L). The space spanned by vectors
that Lv can generate for all v ∈ D(L) is known as the range of L or R(L).
The domain or range of L can change depending on the form of L. For instance, if L
contains derivatives, they may render the action of L on some functions undefined, eliminating
these functions from the domain and range of L in the classical sense. However, one can
expand the domain and range to contain distributions.
In electromagnetics, L can be a differential operator, an integral operator or a mixture
thereof. We can think of (2.8) as the elevation of linear algebra concept where L is analogous
to a matrix operator and v, and f are simple vectors in matrix algebra. Instead of being
indexed by discrete indices in matrix algebra, (2.8) can represent functions whose “indices”
are a continuum, and hence of infinite dimension. For example, an explicit form of (2.8) in
one dimension is Z b
f (x) = dx0 L(x, x0 )v(x0 ), a<x<b (2.9)
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where the integral is assumed to converge. This inner product involves elements f (r) and
g(r), which either live in one, two, or three dimensions.
The above is analagous to
ft · g = fi gi (2.12)
in matrix algebra, and hence, we call this the inner product between two functions or infinite
dimensional vectors. The difference between an inner product of a finite dimensional vector
and an infinite dimensional vector is that the latter inner product may not exist because the
integral may diverge.
The inner product in Eq. (2.11) is physically related to the reaction between two field
quantities [11]. We shall call the above the reaction inner product. In the literature, it has
been called the pseudo inner product [5] or the bilinear form [12]. In subsequent sections,
unless otherwise stated, we will use h, i to imply an electromagnetic or reaction inner product.
The electromagnetic reaction inner product has its usefulness: it can be shown that for a
large class of media, called reciprocal media, the electromagnetic equations are analogous to
a complex symmetric system in linear algebra.
In CEM, when the reaction inner product is used, it is to find the matrix representation of
electromagnetic operators. If the electromagnetic operator is symmetric, the matrix system
obtained is complex symmetric, resulting in storage reduction. Because the reaction inner
product is given the physical meaning of a reaction, such a physical concept can be used as
a sanity check in many experimental measurements and engineering designs [11].
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When we need to define an inner product for the energy, we will explicitly denote one of
the vectors with a complex conjugation, namely,
hf ∗ , gi = f ∗ (r)g(r)dr, (2.13)
where f ∗ (r) means the complex conjugation of f (r). Because the above has the physical
meaning of complex energy or power [13], we shall call the above the energy inner product.
In this paper, f and g can be n-vectors (column vectors with n elements). In this case, the
products in the integrands of the right-hand sides of (2.11) and (2.13) are replaced by dot
where the subscript H emphasizes that the conjugation of f is implied. The above inner
product has its elegance because it can be used to define the norm of a function as
||f || = f ∗ (r)f (r)dr.
With this definition, the norm of a function ||f ||2 > 0 if f 6= 0. A norm can be used as a
metric to measure the “distance” between two vectors.
A linear vector space with a defined norm is known as a normed vector space. Different
norms can be used to distinguish different normed linear vector spaces. For example, the set
of all functions f such that the integral in (2.15) exists and is of finite value is known as the
L2 space. More complicated norms can be defined to allow for different normed spaces. For
instance, a norm can be defined such that
||f ||A = f ∗ (r)A(r, r0 )f (r0 )drdr0 , (2.16)
where f and A are chosen so that the above is always a bounded positive number. When
||f ||2A is positive for all candidate f , then A is termed a positive operator. When ||f ||2A is
bounded, for all f such that ||f || = 1, then A is termed bounded.
function f (r). The inner product between two state vectors is defined in Dirac’s bra and ket
notation as Z
hf |gi = f ∗ (r)g(r)dr. (2.17)
This is similar to the energy inner product previously defined. If f = g, then the integrand
on the right-hand side represents a probability function, and this definition of inner product
ensures the positivity of this integrand. Probability functions, which are
R normalized to one,
cannot be destroyed. In other words, the net “energy” of a state vector, |f (r)|2 dr, is always
constant. Hence, a quantum system is “lossless” from that perspective. This is reflected by
the fact that the Hamiltonian operator that governs the time evolution of the state vector is
Hermitian, with real eigenvalues.
To convert an observable operator A of a quantum system into something that can be
measured in the laboratory, one computes the quantity
hf |A|f i = f ∗ (r)A(r, r0 )f (r0 )drdr0 , (2.18)
which is called the expectation value of the operator A. Because this value represents a
measurable quantity, it must always be real. Hence, the operator A has to be self-adjoint or
Hermitian to ensure its reality. In other words, the definition of quantum-mechanics inner
product ensures the reality of the expectation value.
where D(G) and R(G) stand for the domain and the range of G, respectively. The definition
of the transpose of a matrix is simple because we just need to swap the indices. But in an
infinite-dimensional vector space, it is more convenient to define the transpose using inner
products given by (2.19). Notice that the range and the domain of Gt are swapped compared
to those of G. An operator is symmetric if Gt = G.1
The adjoint of an operator G, denoted by Ga , is defined by
to call this the “transpose” because of its analogy to the “transpose” concept in linear algebra.
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where bn (r) are linearly independent vectors or functions, fn are constants, DN = span{bn (r), n =
1, . . . , N } is a space that approximates the original domain space of L, or D(L). DN may be
a subspace of D(L) because DN is finite-dimensional but D(L) is infinite-dimensional. If L is
a differential operator, then f in (2.21) is nonunique unless boundary conditions are specified.
Hence, L has to be augmented with boundary conditions to be invertible.
We can use (2.22) in (2.21), multiply the resultant equation with
tm (r), m = 1, . . . , N
In order for (2.21) to have a solution, g must be in the range space R(L) of L. Therefore,
if RN = span{tm , m = 1, . . . , N } is a good approximation to R(L), then (2.23) is a good
replacement equation to solve instead of (2.21). Moreover, (2.23) can be written in a matrix
L · f = g, (2.24)
[L]mn = Lmn = htm , Lbn i, (2.25)
[f ]n = fn , (2.26)
[g]n = htn , gi = gn . (2.27)
In the above, L is the matrix representation of the operator L, and f and g are the vector
representations of the functions f and g in the subspaces spanned by {fn , n = 1, . . . , N } and
{gn , n = 1, . . . , N }, respectively.
The functions bn (r), n = 1, . . . , N are known as the expansion (or basis) functions, and
together, they form a basis that spans the subspace that approximates the domain of the
operator. The functions tn (r), n = 1, . . . , N are known as the testing (or weighting) functions,
and together, they form a basis that spans the subspace that approximates the range of the
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operator. The above method is a subspace projection method, where the linear operator has
been approximated by subspaces that approximate its domain and its range spaces.
The above method of finding the matrix representation of an operator is known as the
method of moments (MOM) or the boundary element method (BEM) when the operator is
an integral operator. It is known as the finite element method (FEM) when the operator is a
differential operator; the name Galerkin’s method is also used when the testing function is the
same as the expansion function. Mathematically, MOM and FEM are similar methods, where
an operator equation in an infinite-dimensional space is projected onto a subspace spanned
by a finite set of expansion functions.
When the operator is symmetric, the range space is the same as the domain space. In
this case, the matrix representation of the original operator is a symmetric matrix when the
testing functions are the same as the expansion functions, and memory saving in matrix
storage ensues.
Because we have approximated an infinite dimensional space with a subspace of finite
dimension, the matrix representation will not be an exact representation. But it can be made
increasingly accurate by increasing N if the set of expansion functions is complete when N
tends to infinity. In other words, they can be used to approximate any function to arbitrary
accuracy when N tends to infinity.
However, letting N tend to infinity is impractical for most computations. The trick is
on how to obtain a good solution with finite computational resource, that is, with N being
a finite number. Invocation of heuristics is necessary in this case. To make (2.24) a high
fidelity representation of the original equation (2.21), the vector representations f and g must
be good representations of the original functions f and g. For instance, if g is singular, one
may invoke heuristics to infer that f is also singular, and hence, appropriately distribute the
expansion functions to capture the essence of their singularities. Otherwise, an exorbitantly
large number of expansion functions may be needed to approximate these singular functions
As previously noted, an operator L may operate on some function f that may produce a
field g that is singular. But in CEM, we are interested in Lmn = htm , Lbn i being a computable
quantity. There could be choice of expansion and testing functions that may render the matrix
element Lmn infinite or undefined. This is highly undesirable in a numerical computation.
Hence, we restrict our expansion and testing functions with computable inner products when
the matrix representation of the operator is sought. This is the same as requiring physical
quantities to be finite, because the inner product in electromagnetics can be interpreted as
either a reaction or an energy.
Oftentimes, seeking the matrix representation of an operator can also be related to the
minimization of a quadratic functional by the Rayleigh-Ritz method ( [10, Chapter 5]). The
minimization of the quadratic functional can be shown to be equivalent to solving the original
operator equation.
algebra, and hence, the comma here is still analogous to a dot product. Hence, we can think
of L, gi in this extended notation here to be analogous to Lg in many mathematics literature.
Furthermore, for a projection of the operator onto two vectors, we denote it by
This is analogous to f t ·L·g in linear algebra where each comma is analogous to a dot product.
For the outer product between two vectors in Hilbert space, we will use the notation f ihg,
and this is analogous to fgt in linear algebra. It is to be noted that f ihg is not analogous to
f (x)g(x) but f (x)g(x0 ).
Dirac has used a vertical bar to denote an inner product. In his notation, a vector is
denoted by |f i, whereas hf | invariably is analogous to conjugate transpose in linear algebra.
He has used L|gi for (2.29), and hf |L|gi for (2.30) [15, 16]. Because of the implicit conjugate
transpose in the notations, they are not convenient for use in electromagnetics.
We define the subspace as Sn = span{fn (x), n = 1, . . . , N, a < x < b}. If g(x) ∈ Sn , then the
action (or operation) of I(x, x0 ) on g(x) is given by
Z b N
dx0 I(x, x0 )g(x0 ) = fn (x)hf, gi = g(x) (2.33)
a n=1
We can also think of n fn (x)fn (x0 ) as the outer product between two vectors indexed by x
and x0 . Hence, it can also be expressed as
I= fn ihfn (2.34)
g =F·a (2.37)
[g]n = hfn , gi, [F]mn = hfm , fn i, [a]n = an (2.38)
The matrix F is also known as the Grammian [17]. Hence, we can solve (2.37) to get
a=F ·g (2.39)
gi = f t i · F · hf , gi (2.42)
We can identify an identity operator
I = f ti · F · hf (2.43)
When fn ’s are orthonormal, F = I, and the above becomes
I = f t i · hf (2.44)
∇ × (φA) = φ∇ × A − A × ∇φ (2.48)
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It is from this rule, together with Gauss’ divergence theorem, that many integral identities
follow. One can integrate (2.45) over a volume V to obtain, after invoking Gauss’ theorem,
n̂ · (φA)dS = dV (∇φ · A) + dV (φ∇ · A) (2.49)
where S is the surface of V . If either φ or A, or both are of finite support, we can pick V to
be larger than the support of φ or A. Then the left-hand side of (2.49) is zero because φ or
A, or both are zero on S, and we have
dV ∇φ · A = − dV (φ∇ · A) (2.50)
If either A or B, or both are of finite support, then, we can pick V to be larger than the
support of A or B, and the left-hand side of (2.51) is zero, because either A or B, or both
are zero on S, and we have
dV B · ∇ × A = dV A · ∇ × B (2.52)
Eq. (2.47) is similar to Eq. (2.45) if we replace φ = φ1 and A = aφ2 where a is a constant
vector. Therefore, from (2.47),
n̂(φ1 φ2 )dS = dV φ1 ∇φ2 + dV φ2 ∇φ1 (2.53)
For anisotropic media where B = µ·H, and D = ²·E, we can write electromagnetic equations
as · ¸ · ¸ · ¸ · ¸ · ¸
0 ∇×I E ² 0 E J
· + iω · = . (2.60)
∇×I 0 H 0 −µ H −M
where ∇ × I · E = ∇ × E, and overbar over a boldface character implies that it is a second
rank tensor. The above can be more compactly rewritten as
· ¸ · ¸
L = , (2.61)
H −M
where · ¸ · ¸
0 ∇×I ² 0
L= + iω . (2.62)
∇×I 0 0 −µ
We shall prove that the above operator is symmetric when ² and µ are symmetric tensors.
Many authors associate a negative sign with one of the ∇× operators, but that will make the
L operator nonsymmetric [4, 21, 22].
For the fields produced by two different groups of sources, we have
· ¸ · ¸
E1 J1
L = , (2.63)
H1 −M1
· ¸ · ¸
E2 J2
L = . (2.64)
H2 −M2
Multiplying (2.63) by [E2 , H2 ] and (2.64) by [E1 , H1 ], we have
¿ · ¸À ¿ · ¸À
E1 J1
[E2 , H2 ] , L = [E2 , H2 ] , = hE2 , J1 i − hH2 , M1 i, (2.65)
H1 −M1
¿ · ¸À ¿ · ¸À
E2 J2
[E1 , H1 ] , L = [E1 , H1 ] , = hE1 , J2 i − hH1 , M2 i, (2.66)
H2 −M2
where the inner product above is defined by integrating over a volume V bounded by a surface
S. Writing out the left-hand sides of (2.65) and (2.66) explicitly, we have
where S is the surface bounding V . Now using (2.69) in (2.67), and then subtracting (2.67)
and (2.68), we have
LHS(2.65) − LHS(2.66) = dS n̂ · (E2 × H1 ) − dS n̂ · (E1 × H2 ), (2.70)
The surface integral can be made to vanish if the surface S is a perfect electric conductor
(PEC), a perfect magnetic conductor (PMC), or a surface with a certain impedance boundary
condition (IBC), implying that the right-hand side of the above is zero.
Alternatively, if the sources J1 , M1 , J2 , M2 are of finite support, we can make the volume
infinitely large so as to take S to infinity. Using the fact that E and H satisfy the radiation
condition and degenerate to plane waves, the surface integrals in (2.69) cancel and hence
Hence, we conclude that LHS(2.65) = LHS(2.66).2 This also implies that the L operator
defined in (2.61) is a symmetric operator when J and M are of finite support and the fields
they generate satisfy the radiation condition. Alternatively,
Hence, it follows from (2.65) and (2.66) that
hE2 , J1 i − hH2 , M1 i = hE1 , J2 i − hH1 , M2 i. (2.71)
The above is known as the reciprocity theorem. As can be seen, it is a consequence of the
symmetry (in a mathematical sense) of the electromagnetic equations, under the assumption
that µ and ² are symmetric tensors (not Hermitian!).
We can physically interpret hEi , Jj i as the electric field due to sources Ji and Mi “mea-
sured” by source Jj , and −hHi , Mj i as the magnetic field due to sources Ji and Mi “mea-
sured” by source Mj . This “measurement” is symmetric according to the reciprocity theorem
if the medium is also symmetric or reciprocal.
The proof can be generalized easily to bianisotropic media of finite extent. For this case,
the constitutive relation is
· ¸ · ¸ · ¸
D ² ξ E
= · . (2.72)
B ζ µ H
The corresponding modification to the L operator is
· ¸ · ¸
0 ∇×I ² ξ
L= + iω . (2.73)
∇×I 0 −ζ −µ
To retain the symmetry of the L, in addition to requiring symmetry in ² and µ, we require
ξ = −ζ . These are also the requirements for reciprocity in bianisotropic media [23].
2 We are associating [E1 , H1 ]t with g and [E2 , H2 ] with f in (2.19) to arrive at this.
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The implication of the above is that the L operator is not a symmetric operator when the
integration of the inner product is taken over a finite volume, but one can augment the L
operator to make it symmetric when the inner product is defined over a finite volume.
The nonsymmetric part for finite volumes arises from the differential operator, which can
be symmetrized. To this end, we define the curl differential operator to be
· ¸
0 ∇×I
C= . (2.75)
∇×I 0
The above operator is symmetric if the inner product is defined over an infinite volume, and
if the field satisfies the radiation condition at infinity. To make the above operator symmetric
even when the inner product is defined over a finite volume, we augment C with an additional
term, defining a new curl differential operator to be
Ĉ = C + S, (2.76)
where S is an operator with the property that a surface integral will be induced when it is
sandwiched in the inner product definition. Namely,
¿ · ¸À I
E1 1
[E2 , H2 ] , S =− dS n̂ · (E2 × H1 − E1 × H2 ). (2.77)
H1 2 S
The S operator has the sifting property of the Dirac delta function, but in a three-dimensional
space. Hence, it converts a volume integral on the left-hand side to a surface integral. With
this definition,
¿ · ¸À
[E2 , H2 ] , Ĉ = hE2 , ∇ × H1 i + hH2 , ∇ × E1 i
− dS n̂ · (E2 × H1 − E1 × H2 ), (2.78)
2 S
¿ · ¸À
[E1 , H1 ] , Ĉ = hE1 , ∇ × H2 i + hH1 , ∇ × E2 i
− dS n̂ · (E1 × H2 − E2 × H1 ). (2.79)
2 S
Using (2.69), it can be shown that (2.78) and (2.79) are the same. Hence, Ĉ is a symmetric
operator even when the integral is taken over a finite volume.
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The term S[E, H]t can be added to both sides of (2.61) to symmetrize the operator on the
left-hand side, and the Lorentz reciprocity theorem indicated in (2.74) can be derived.
The S operator can be thought of as an operator that will produce an equivalence surface
current on S when it operates on a field. When these sources are tested with another field, a
surface integral is produced. Away from the surface S, this operator has no effect. Physically,
one can think that the S operator places an equivalence current on the surface S so as to
generate a field external to S that cancels the original external field there. By the extinction
theorem [10], this equivalence surface current does not generate a field inside S. Consequently,
one needs only integrate over the finite volume V .
where · ¸ · ¸
0 −i∇ × I ² 0
L= +ω . (2.82)
i∇ × I 0 0 µ
When ² and µ are Hermitian, it can be easily shown, using the definition for self-adjointness,
that L is Hermitian under appropriate boundary conditions. The appropriate boundary
condition is obtained if the above equation is restricted to a resonant modes enclosed by a
surface S and the perfect-electric or perfect-magnetic boundary condition is imposed on the
wall of the resonant modes. In other words, the resonant modes must have no wall loss.
If the resonant modes is source free, (2.80) reduces to
· ¸ · ¸ · ¸ · ¸
0 −i∇ × I E ² 0 E
· = −ω · . (2.83)
i∇ × I 0 H 0 µ H
The above can be thought of as a generalized eigenvalue problem where −ω is the eigenvalue.
If ² and µ are Hermitian, and because the differential operator above is also Hermitian for
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a resonant modes without wall loss, the above equation can only have real eigenvalues. Real
eigenvalues correspond to modes whose fields do not decay with time. This implies that the
resonant modes of the resonant modes do in fact correspond to those of a lossless cavity. We
shall see below that the Hermitian nature of ² and µ is in fact necessary for a lossless medium.
Multiplying (2.80) by [E∗ , H∗ ], and integrating over a volume V , we have
¿ · ¸À ¿ · ¸À
[E∗ , H∗ ] , L = [E∗ , H∗ ] , −i = −i (hE∗ , Ji + hH∗ , Mi) . (2.84)
The above inner product is defined by integrating over a volume V . Writing out the left-hand
sides of (2.84) explicitly, we have
where the normal n̂ points outward from the surface S. Similarly, it can be shown that
ihH , ∇ × Ei = −ω h² · E , Ei + i hJ , Ei + i dS n̂ · (E × H∗ ).
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
The above is reminiscent of the complex Poynting theorem, except that it makes a statement
only on the real part of the complex power E × H∗ . It makes no statement on the imaginary
part of the complex power, which is expressed in complex Poynting theorem. This is because
the differential operator in (2.80) is Hermitian, and it will produce a real quantity under the
inner product we have used here.
In the above, the real part of a complex power corresponds to time-average power. If the
region enclosed by S is source-free, so that J and M are zero, and if ² and µ are Hermitian,
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so that hE∗ , ² · Ei +hH∗ , µ · Hi is pure real, then the right-hand side of (2.89) is zero, and then
there is no time-average power flowing into S, implying that the region is lossless. Hence, the
Hermitian nature of ² and µ is necessary for a lossless medium.
For a bianisotropic medium, Eq. (2.82) becomes
· ¸ · ¸
0 −i∇ × I ² ξ
L= +ω . (2.90)
i∇ × I 0 ζ µ
The conditions for a lossless medium are that ² and µ are Hermitian and ξ = ζ .
To derive a statement on the imaginary part of the complex power, we replace the differ-
ential operator in (2.80) with a skew Hermitian one (we define this to be A† = −A). In this
case, the electromagnetic equations are written as
· ¸ · ¸ · ¸ · ¸ · ¸
0 i∇ × I E ² 0 E J
· −ω · =i . (2.91)
i∇ × I 0 H 0 −µ H −M
Upon multiplying the above by [E∗ , H∗ ], and integrating over a volume V , we have a new
equation that becomes
The above is the energy conservation theorem regarding the imaginary part of the complex
power, which is the reactive power. The reactive power is proportional to the difference
between the stored energy in the magnetic field and the electric field, which is indicated by
the first term on the right-hand side. The second term on the right-hand side corresponds to
the reactive power absorbed or exuded by the sources M and J. The above derivation can
also be generalized to bianisotropic media.
In a time-harmonic sinusoidal system, reactive power is the power that one pumps into a
system in one cycle, and then withdraws from it in the next cycle. This happens, for instance,
when a capacitor is hooked to a sinusoidal generator source, where in one cycle the capacitor
is charged (and hence taking power from the generator), while in another cycle the capacitor
is discharged (hence returning power back to the generator).
It is interesting to note that the energy conservation theorem can be derived using our
understanding of Hermitian operators. Hermitian operators have the physical meaning of
“energy” conserving operators. To derive energy conservation statements, we are also mo-
tivated to construct an operator equation whose operator becomes Hermitian in the lossless
It is to be noted that in wave physics, a lossless medium does not necessarily imply a
Hermitian operator. It is only in the case of a closed cavity with lossless media as well as no
wall loss that the resulting system is Hermitian. Hence, in (2.83), an appropriate boundary
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condition corresponding to no wall loss needs to be imposed before the operator is Hermitian.
For instance, if the radiation condition is imposed on the wave at infinity, the resultant
operator is non-Hermitian. Hence, when the free-space Green’s function, exp(ik|r − r0 |)/|r −
r0 |), forms the kernel of an integral operator, the operator is symmetric, but not Hermitian.
A radiating system, even though it is embedded in a lossless medium of infinite extent, is not
lossless, because it leaks energy to infinity.
2.12 Conclusions
Although most works do not relate the reciprocity theorem and energy conservation theorem
to the properties of linear operators in linear vector spaces, we show that, in fact, they are
intimately related. It will be better to express these theorems from a modern perspective
using linear vector space concepts, which are used frequently in computational sciences. The
reciprocity theorem is related to the symmetry of the electromagnetic operators, and the loss-
less nature of a medium is related to the Hermitian nature of the associated electromagnetic
operators. Moreover, one can define a skew-Hermitian electromagnetic operator from which
the energy conservation of the reactive component of complex power can be derived.
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[2] W. C. Chew, “A new look at reciprocity and energy conservation theorems in electro-
magnetics,” Research Report No.: CCEML 11-06, Oct. 19, 2006. also in IEEE Trans.
Antennas Propag., vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 970–975, April 2008.
[3] M. C. Reed and B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Vol. III: Scattering
Theory, New York: Academic Press, 1979. Section XI.10.
[4] L. B. Felsen and N. Marcuvitz, Radiation and Scattering of Waves, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1973. Sections 1.4c and 1.5b.
[5] G. Hanson and A. Yakovlev, Operator Theory for Electromagnetics: An Introduction, New
York: Springer-Verlag, 2002.
[6] R. E. Collin, Field Theory of Guided Waves, Second edition, New York: Wiley-IEEE
Press, 1990.
[7] L. Cairo and T. Kahan, Variational Techniques in Electromagnetism, New York: Gordon
and Breach, 1965.
[8] R. Harrington, Field Computation by Moment Method, Malabar, FL: Krieger, 1983. (First
printing 1968.)
[9] C. H. Chen and C. D. Lien, “The variational formulation for non-self-adjoint electromag-
netic problems.” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 28, pp. 878–886, 1980.
[10] W. C. Chew Waves and Fields in Inhomogeneous Media, New York: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1990. Reprinted by Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1995.
[11] V. H. Rumsey, “Reaction concept in electromagnetic theory,” Phys. Rev., vol. 94, pp.
1483–1491 (1954), Errata, vol. 95, pp. 1705, 1954.
[13] J. A. Stratton Electromagnetic Theory, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc.,
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[14] I. Stakgold, Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics, vol. I, London: Macmil-
lan Co., 1967.
[15] E. Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1970.
[16] J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1985.
[17] T. K. Moon and W. C. Stirling, Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Pro-
cessing, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000.
[18] C. T. Tai, Dyadic Green’s Functions in Electromagnetic Theory, second edition, Piscat-
away, NJ: IEEE Press, 1993.
[19] H. A. Lorentz, “The theorem of Poynting concerning the energy in the electromagnetic
field and two general propositions concerning the propagation of light,” Amsterdammer
Akad. Weten., vol. 4, pp. 176, 1896.
[20] N. M. Ferrers (Editor), Mathematical Papers of George Green, New York: Chelsea Publ.,
[21] C. Altman and K. Suchy, Reciprocity, Spatial Mapping, and Time Reversal in Electro-
magnetics, Boston: Kluwer Academic Pub., 1991.
[25] O. Heaviside, “Electromagnetic induction and its propagation,” The Electrician, 1885.
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Introduction to
Integral Equations
3.1 Introduction
This chapter serves to give a pedestrian introduction of integral equations to a newcomer in
computational electromagnetics (CEM) who will learn most of surface integral equations from
this chapter. The more detailed subjects will be dealt with in later chapters. The derivation
of various theorems, principles, and operators will be done in the frequency domain.
In the previous chapters, we consider frequency domain solutions to be the solutions of
the electromagnetic equations in the Fourier space. One can also consider frequency domain
solutions when the fields or signals are all purely time harmonic. All time-harmonic vector
fields can be regarded as
h i
F(r, t) =<e F̃(r, ω)e−iωt = F̃r (r, ω) cos(ωt) + F̃i (r, ω) sin(ωt) (3.1)
where F̃(r, ω) = F̃r (r, ω) + iF̃i (r, ω) is a complex field which is independent of time. The
complex function F̃(r, ω) is also known as the phasor representation of the time harmonic
field F(r, t). It is related to the Fourier transform of the time harmonic field. By substituting
the above into the electromagnetic equations, they can be simplified just as Fourier transform
is used to simplify these equations as was done in the previous chapters.
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In the above, r is referred to as the field point (or observation point), while r0 is the source
Because this dyadic Green’s function generates electric field from electric current, it is also
known as the electric dyadic Green’s function. Because of the double derivative on the scalar
Green’s function, the dyadic Green’s function is very singular or hypersingular, and hence, its
numerical evaluation via integration often poses a problem when the field point is close to the
source point. However, in CEM, the practice has been to avoid the evaluation of the dyadic
Green’s function in its above form. The singularity is reduced by various mathematical tricks
such as integration by parts (see Chapter 2).
S inf
V1 S
the equivalence principle and extinction theorem, we start with the vector wave equation
(3.2) where k2 is assumed to be constant everywhere. Figure 3.1 illustrates the setup for
deriving the equivalence principle and the extinction theorem. Here, (3.2), J(r) represents
the currents J1 (r) and J2 (r), where J1 (r) is in V1 and J2 (r) is in V2 . Here, V1 is bounded by
surface S and Sinf while V2 is bounded by S.
Premultiplying (3.4) by E(r) and postmultiplying (3.2) by G(r, r0 ), and then subtracting
the resultant equations, we have
E(r) · ∇ × ∇ × G(r, r0 ) − ∇ × ∇ × E(r) · G(r, r0 ) =δ(r − r0 )E(r)
− iωµJ(r) · G(r, r0 )
and integrating the difference over a volume V1 , we have
where Z
E(r0 ) = dr δ(r − r0 )E(r), (3.10)
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Eq. (3.9), with the help of Gauss’ divergence theorem, can be rewritten as
where the normal n̂ is a normal on the surface S that points outward. The term E(r0 ) is
zero if r0 ∈
/ V1 because of the sifting property of delta function (one can appreciate this only
by going through the detail of the derivation that arrives at the above). Hence, the above
equation can be written as
¾ I
r0 ∈ V1 , E(r0 ) 0
0 =E 1 (r ) + dS n̂ × E(r) · ∇ × G(r, r0 )
r ∈/ V1 , 0
+ iωµ n̂ × H(r) · G(r, r0 ) . (3.14)
By making use of the far field or radiation condition, the integral over Sinf is shown to vanish.
It can be shown that a finite source will generate a field that decays as 1/r as r → ∞,
where r is the source point to field point separation. Hence, E, H, G, and ∇ × G individually
will decay as 1/r. Therefore, each of the terms on the right-hand side of (3.14) decays as
1/r2 . But this reason alone is not sufficient to ignore the contribution from the integral over
Sinf , as the surface area of Sinf grows as r2 when r → ∞. However, it can be shown that
the two terms on the right-hand side of (3.14) cancel each other to leading order, causing
the total integrand to decay as 1/r3 . This is the correct reason that the integral over Sinf
vanishes when r → ∞.
Then by swapping r and r0 , the above finally becomes
¾ I
r ∈ V1 , E(r) £
=E1 (r) + dS 0 n̂0 × E(r0 ) · ∇0 × G(r0 , r)
r ∈ V2 , 0
+ iωµ n̂0 × H(r0 ) · G(r0 , r) . (3.15)
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Taking the transpose of the above equation, and making use of the following (which can be
proven by using the reciprocity theorem [3, 7])
£ ¤t £ ¤t
∇ × G(r, r0 ) = ∇0 × G(r0 , r) , G(r, r0 ) = G(r0 , r) (3.16)
we have
¾ I
r ∈ V1 , E(r) £
=E1 (r) + dS 0 ∇ × G(r, r0 ) · n̂0 × E(r0 )
r ∈ V2 , 0
+ iωµ G(r, r0 ) · n̂0 × H(r0 ) . (3.17)
In the above, we can let Ms (r0 ) = −n̂0 × E(r0 ) and Js (r0 ) = n̂0 × H(r0 ), which can be thought
of as equivalence surface magnetic and electric currents respectively impressed on the surface
S, and the above then becomes
¾ I
r ∈ V1 , E(r) £
=E1 (r) − dS 0 ∇ × G(r, r0 ) · Ms (r0 )
r ∈ V2 , 0
− iωµ G(r, r0 ) · Js (r0 ) . (3.18)
The physical meaning of the above is as follows: The total field E in V1 is generated by the
source J1 inside V1 as well as source outside V1 such as J2 in our example, and it can be
decomposed into the field E1 on the right-hand side which is generated by J1 , plus field gener-
ated by equivalence surface currents Ms and Js impressed on the surface S. The equivalence
surface currents generate the same field produced by J2 or any source in V2 enclosed by S.
Moreover, the total field is zero if the field point is placed in V2 : this is reflected by the
lower part of the left-hand side of (3.18). This implies that the equivalence surface currents
produce a field that exactly cancels E1 in V2 . This is known as the extinction theorem.
It may be instructive to go through different cases to see how the extinction theorem
manifests itself.
Case (a): J1 = 0
In this case, E1 = 0 and E is entirely due to J2 , and hence, E = E2 . Consequently, (3.18)
¾ I
r ∈ V1 , E2 (r) £
= − dS 0 ∇ × G(r, r0 ) · M2s (r0 )
r ∈ V2 , 0
− iωµ G(r, r0 ) · J2s (r0 ) . (3.19)
From the above, one notices that the equivalence surface currents produce the correct field
outside the volume V2 , but produces zero field inside V2 . In other words, if we think of the
equivalence surface currents as propagating information away from the source J2 , it correctly
does so for field points outside V2 , but extincts the field for points inside V2 that contains the
source J2 .
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Case (b): J2 = 0
In this case, E = E1 , and (3.18) after some rearrangement becomes
¾ I
r ∈ V1 , 0 £
= dS 0 ∇ × G(r, r0 ) · M1s (r0 )
r ∈ V2 , E1 (r)
− iωµ G(r, r0 ) · J1s (r0 ) . (3.20)
From the above, we see that the equivalence currents generate no field inside V1 , the region
that contains the source J1 , whereas it generates the correct field (save for a minus sign) in
region V2 that does not contain the source. The minus sign can be absorbed by redefining
the surface normals. From the above, one notes that the physical interpretation of (3.20) is
actually no different from that of (3.19).
As a final note, in deriving Eq. (3.9), if we integrate over V2 instead, a similar equation
for the above for V2 can be derived. By invoking duality, similar equations for the magnetic
field can be derived. The above is the mathematical statement of equivalence principles in
electromagnetics as espoused by Harrington [9].
where G(r, r0 ) is the dyadic Green’s function defined in (3.5) that produces an electric field
due to a point electric current source, Js (r0 ) is the electric surface current on the surface
of the scatterer, Einc (r) is the incident electric field, and S − represents the surface of the
scatterer that is just inside the surface S. In the above, the unknown is the surface current
Js (r0 ) on the surface of the scatterer.
As n̂ × E is zero on the surface of the PEC, Ms = 0. By assuming that E1 = Einc ,
we arrive at the above integral equation. The above equation has three vector components,
but Js , a surface current, has only two vector components. Hence, a vector equation with
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two components is sufficient to solve for Js . Consequently, we can reduce (3.21) to have two
vector components by taking its tangential components, namely,
−n̂ × Einc (r) =iωµn̂ × G(r, r0 ) · Js (r0 )dr0 , r ∈ S (3.22)
As tangential E is continuous across a current sheet, the above integral equation need only
be applied on S. This integral equation is also known as the electric field integral equation
(EFIE) [10–14].
Esca Jinc
S S+ Einc
The above integral equation can also be derived more rigorously by invoking the extinction
theorem in the lower part of Eq. (3.15). Figure 3.2 shows the scattering by a PEC. We assume
that Jinc is a current that generates an incident field Einc that impinges on a PEC object.
Electric current will be induced on the PEC object, which in turn radiates to generate the
scattered field. We can imagine a surface S + that is just large enough to contain S, and apply
the equivalence principle and extinction theorem to it.
When equivalence currents are placed on S + , they produce the total field outside S + and
zero field inside S − . Hence, the PEC object can be removed without disturbing the field
outside. The equivalence currents are given by
where E and H represent total field. But as E × n̂ = 0 on S + , only Jeq is needed to represent
the field outside. Hence, the equivalence principle and extinction theorem becomes
¾ Z
r ∈ V1 , E(r)
= Einc (r) + iωµ dS 0 G(r, r0 ) · Jeq (r0 ) (3.24)
r ∈ V2 , 0 S+
When we apply the extinction theorem part of the above equation to S, we obtain the integral
equation of scattering, viz.,
r ∈ S, 0 = Einc (r) + iωµ dS 0 G(r, r0 ) · Jeq (r0 ) (3.25)
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The magnetic field version of (3.24) can be derived by taking the curl of (3.24), namely,
¾ Z
r ∈ V1 , H(r)
= Hinc (r) + ∇ × dS 0 G(r, r0 ) · Jeq (r0 ) (3.26)
r ∈ V2 , 0 S+
In the above, Jeq is practically the same as Js because S + and S are infinitesimally close
together, and the tangential H on both these surfaces are practically equal to each other.
For a resonant modes whose surface is S, the requirement that n̂ × E = 0 on the cavity
wall will ensure null solution inside the resonant modes except at the cavity resonance. Hence,
away from cavity resonances, it is sufficient to include the tangential component of (3.25) and
(3.27) to get Z
r ∈ S, 0 = n̂ × Einc (r) + iωµn̂ × dS 0 G(r, r0 ) · Jeq (r0 ) (3.28)
r ∈ S, 0 = n̂ × Hinc (r) + n̂ × ∇ × dS 0 G(r, r0 ) · Jeq (r0 ) (3.29)
Eq. (3.28) is known as the electric field integral equation (EFIE) for a PEC, whereas Eq.
(3.29) is known as the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) for a PEC. They break down
at the resonant frequency of the resonant modes enclosed by the PEC surface S, because at
the resonance frequency, the extinction of the tangential components of the E and H fields
does not guarantee the extinction of the field inside the scatterer. This point will be further
elaborated in Section 3.8.
A distinction between EFIE and MFIE is that the current on the surface of the PEC gives
rise to a discontinuous H field across the surface, but a continuous E field across the same
surface. Hence, the EFIE (3.28) holds true irrespective of whether we impose r to be on S,
S + , or S − . However, for the MFIE, (3.29) holds true because of the extinction theorem, and
it is important that we impose r on S such that S is contained in S + .
In the literature, it is a common practice to define the L operator such that
E(r) = L(r, r ) · J(r ) = iωµ G(r, r0 ) · J(r0 )dr0
0 0
In the above, one uses ∇ × ∇g(r, r0 ) = 0 to simplify the K operator, and integration is implied
over repeated variable r0 .
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In the above, Jn (r) is a known as expansion function or a basis function, while In ’s are
unknowns yet to be sought. So the search for the unknown current Js has been transferred
to the search for the finite set of unknown numbers denoted by In ’s.
Substituting the above into the integral equation, we have
−n̂ × Einc (r) =iωµ In n̂ × G(r, r0 ) · Jn (r0 )dr0 , r ∈ S (3.33)
n=1 s
The above is not quite a matrix equation yet. It is an equation that depends on r. To remove
the r dependence, we dot multiply the above by −n̂ × Jm (r), m = 1, · · · , N , and integrate
the resultant dot product over the surface of the scatterer. By so doing, we have, after using
that n̂ × Jm (r) · n̂ × Einc (r) = −Jm (r) · Einc (r)
− Jm (r) · Einc (r)dr =iωµ In drJm (r) · G(r, r0 ) · Jn (r0 )dr0 ,
s n=1 s s
m = 1, ..., N (3.34)
Now the left-hand side is only dependent on m and the double integral on the right-hand side
is only dependent on m, n. The above procedure is known as testing the equation with testing
functions. Thus the above now is a set of linear algebraic equation that can be written more
concisely as
Vm = Zmn In , m = 1, ..., N (3.35)
where V is a column vector that contains Vn as its elements, Z is a matrix that contains Zmn
as its elements, and I is a column vector that contains In . More explicitly,
Zmn =iωµhJm , G, Jn i (3.37)
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hJm , Einc i = Jm (r) · Einc (r)dr (3.40)
The above inner product is the reaction inner product discussed in Chapter 2.
The above method for converting an integral equation into a matrix equation is alter-
natively known as the Galerkin’s method. In the above derivation, the testing functions
need not be from the same basis set as the expansion functions. However, if the operator is
symmetric, which is true of the above, choosing the testing functions to be the same as the
expansion functions, assuming the reaction inner product, gives rise to a symmetric matrix
system, reducing the storage requirements of the system.
Figure 3.3 shows a geometrical discretization (also called tessellation, meshing, gridding)
of an object with triangular patches. Triangular patches are known as simplices in a two
dimensional manifold, and all two-dimensional manifolds can be tessellated with triangles [16].
Hence, they are very versatile in describing surfaces of geometrical objects. For metallic
scatterers, only surface currents are induced on the scatterer, and hence, we need to only
mesh the surface of the scatterer.
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After the object is meshed, the RWG function can be described. The RWG function
straddles two adjacent triangles, and hence, its description requires two contiguous triangles
as shown in the Figure 3.4. The expression for the expansion function describing the current
on the triangle is (
s 2A±
n (r), r ∈ Tn±
Λn (r) = n (3.41)
0, otherwise
where ± is used to denote the respective triangles, `n is the edge length of the contiguous
edge between the two triangles, A± ±
n is the area of the respective triangles, and ±ρn (r) is the
vector from the point r to the apex of the respective triangles, and Tn± is the support of the
respective triangles.
Figure 3.4: The geometry description and the current flowing on a Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG)
As the current function Jn (r) is a vector function, the RWG function is also a vector
function. A current that flows from one triangle to another triangle via the contiguous edge
represents the RWG function. Hence, there is one RWG function for every common edge
of two contiguous triangles. Consequently, only inner edges of a surface require an RWG
One thing is clear—for the RWG function to reside on the surface of the object, the object
must be meshed with good triangles. The triangle mesh shown in Figure 3.5 is considered a
bad mesh, because more than two triangles are sharing an edge, and hence, an RWG function
cannot be described on such a mesh.
The RWG function is vastly popular for a simple reason: an arbitrary surface can be
approximated fairly well with a triangulated surface. This is because a triangle is a simplex
for a 2D manifold (while a line segment is a simplex for a line, and a tetrahedron is a simplex
for a volume). If a surface is not approximated well, it can be further improved by mesh
refinement. This is not the case for a surface that is described by a quad patch, where
frustration can occur. Another reason for its popularity is its simplicity: it is of the lowest
order, is divergence conforming function1 and is defined on a pair of triangles. Its divergence
conforming property makes its representation of the current physical. One may argue that a
1A divergence conforming function is one whose divergence is finite—more of it in the next Chapter.
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Figure 3.5: Defective meshes happen when an RWG function cannot be defined on such
rooftop function defined over two quad patches has similar properties, but it does not have
the versatility of triangular patches.
If one views the center of a triangular patch as a node in a graph, then the RWG functions
allow the flow of current from one node to another, and each node is connected to three other
nodes in the graph (see Figure 3.6). This graph forms a circuit network on which current
can flow. Hence, RWG functions replace a current on a surface approximately by a circuit
network where each node is connected to every other nodes (except for the boundary nodes).
Hence, a smooth-flowing current is replaced by a somewhat tortuous current flow which is
not in a smooth line. Because of the nature of electromagnetic physics, when the scale of this
“circuitous” flow is happening at a lengthscale much smaller than wavelength, this flow can
still capture the physics of the current flow. The graininess of this current flow is due to the
low-order nature of the RWG basis function. One minimizes the effect of this graininess by
making the patch size smaller, or alternatively, one can go to higher-order basis, albeit with
more work.
Figure 3.6: The current in a mesh flows from triangle center to triangle center (left). The
centers of the triangles can be connected to form a network on which the current flows (right).
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Figure 3.7: Example of closed surfaces: (left) An ogive. (right) A flying saucer.
approximate model of facets and approximate expansion functions, this is not a perfect non-
radiating current. It is a weakly radiating current.
MFIE also suffers from the internal resonance problem as the EFIE, but the internal
resonance is of a different nature. MFIE is derived from the invocation of the extinction
theorem, such that the total field is extinct at S − . The nature of internal resonance for
MFIE is quite different from that of EFIE, and we will discuss this in greater detail in the
next chapter.
The internal resonance problem is related to the existence of a null-space solution for the
EFIE. Even if we can solve the EFIE exactly, the current from the internal resonance mode be-
longs to the null space of the EFIE integral operator. For a PEC cavity with lossless medium,
this internal resonance frequency is pure real, and can coincide (collide) with the operating
frequency of one’s calculation. Hence, the current is nonunique when the operating frequency
is exactly at the internal resonance frequency. At frequencies close to the internal resonance
frequency, the equation is ill-conditioned because the pertinent matrix representation of the
EFIE operator is also ill-conditioned: small eigenvalue exists because the resonance condition
is almost satisfied. The internal resonance mode of the EFIE operator is characterized by the
boundary condition n̂ × E = 0 on S.
The ill-conditioned matrix system due to internal resonances is deleterious to iterative
solvers as the iteration count needed to solve such problems becomes exceedingly large (see
last section of this chapter). For noniterative solvers, roundoff error can exist in the solution
because of ill conditioning. The internal resonance gives rise to spurious currents flowing on
the surface of the scatterer, and hence, the current obtained can be very wrong when this
occurs. Luckily, there is a way to remove this problem. The remedy is to formulate the
scattering problem so that the solution external to the scatterer is the same, but the interior
solution corresponds to a lossy wall cavity resonance [18]. Hence, the interior resonance
solution can only occur as a damped sinusoidal signal. In other words, the internal resonances
of the cavity correspond to complex resonances. The operating frequency of the calculation,
which is usually real, does not coincide (or collide) with the complex resonance frequencies
(which correspond to poles in the complex plane below the real axis). Consequently, when
the scatterer is excited by a sinusoidal time-harmonic signal, the interior resonance solution
does not grow to a large value to corrupt the scattered field in the exterior.
Alternatively, the remedy is to use a combined field integral equation (CFIE) [11], which
is a linear superposition of EFIE and MFIE. Usually, the integral equations are superposed
CFIE =αEFIE + η(1 − α)MFIE (3.44)
with α chosen to be about 0.5 and η = µ/² is the intrinsic impedance of space. It is
important that the above equations be combined in a manner so that an effective lossy
boundary condition ensues. As a consequence, the null-space solution of CFIE can occur
only at complex resonance frequencies. (We omit the proof here as it is similar to that for
scalar wave equation [19]. It will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.) Hence, the
equation is free from internal resonance problem. A wrongly combined CFIE can correspond
to reactive boundary condition on the wall rather than dissipative wall losses. Reactive
boundary condition is lossless. In this case, there will still be real resonance modes rather
than complex resonance modes, plaguing calculations with real frequencies.
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where ηs is the surface impedance in ohms. When the surface impedance is zero, we recover
the PEC case. For a thinly coated PEC surface, we can use the following equation to estimate
the surface impedance:
r µr ¶
µ ²µ
ηs = − i tan k0 d (3.46)
² ²0 µ0
where d is the thickness, ² and µ are the complex permittivity and permeability of the
material coating, ²0 and µ0 are free-space permittivity and permeability, and k0 is the free-
space wavenumber. The above is obtained using a simple transmission-line model or a layered-
medium model, and should be quite accurate when the surface is almost flat, and the thickness
is thin.
For lossy, bulky, large dielectric objects one may use the formula
ηs = (3.47)
which is only an approximate concept. A thin dielectric sheet (TDS) can be modeled as a zero
thickness surface with a special impedance condition [12, 13]. Such an impedance condition
Z= (3.48)
where ω is the operating angular frequency, ∆² = ² − ²0 and d is its thickness. Notice that
the above impedance is purely reactive when ² is pure real. When the permittivity is made
to be lossy, the TDS can be used to model a resistive sheet or an R-card. The difference
between an IBC and a TDS is that IBC is best used for modeling coating of an impenetrable
scatterer. On the other hand, a TDS can be used to model a semitransparent dielectric sheet
that allows the transmission of electromagnetic field through it. For instance, one may want
to model the windscreen of a car or a cockpit with a TDS. A more elaborate version of the
TDS has recently been developed [22].
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A · x =b (3.49)
where A = D + T, the matrix D is the diagonal part of A while T is its off-diagonal part.
The above equation can be rewritten as
A =D + T
D · x =b − T · x
−1 ¡ ¢
x =D · b − T · x (3.50)
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Since D is diagonal, finding its inverse is trivial. We can use the last equation to seek the
solution iteratively by writing it as
−1 ¡ ¢
xn =D · b − T · xn−1 (3.51)
In the equation above, we can start with an initial guess for x, substitute it into the right-
hand side and then solve for its new estimate on the left-hand side. The new value can then
be substituted into the right-hand side to obtain a newer estimate of x. This iteration goes
on until the value of x ceases to change. This method is called a fixed-point iteration also
known as Jacobi iteration.
In the above equation, the major cost of each iteration is a matrix-vector product T · x.
For a dense matrix with N unknowns, the cost of the matrix-vector product involves N 2
operations. So if the iterative process converges in Ni iterations, then the cost of solving the
above equation involves N 2 Ni operations. If Ni ¿ N , this method can be much faster than
the direct solver, which involves N 3 operations.
The above is only a simple illustration of an iteration solver, which is based on fixed
point iteration. There are a whole host of different iterative solvers making an alphabet soup
such as CG (conjugate gradient), BCG or BiCG (biconjugate gradient), BCGSTAB (BiCG
stabilized), GMRES (generalized minimal residual), QMR (quasi-minimal residual), TFQMR
(transpose free QMR) etc. Unfortunately, there is no one iterative solver that is the panacea
for all problems. One pretty much has to try different ones to see which one works the best
for our problems.
Many iterative solvers are based on the Krylov subspace method. One can understand
a lot about the properties of these iterative solvers through the Krylov subspace concept
without going through their full machineries [25–28]. In the Krylov subspace method, one
estimates the best solution to a matrix equation (3.49) by performing a number of matrix-
vector multiplies. One defines the initial estimate of the solution as x0 , and the initial residual
error as r0 = b − A · x0 . After K matrix-vector multiplies, K independent ¡ vectors,
¢ each of
length N , are generated that span a space called the Krylov subspace KK A, r0 , or
¡ ¢ n 2 K−1
KK A, r0 = span r0 , A · r0 , A · r0 , . . . , A · r0 (3.52)
An iterative solver finds the optimal solution to (3.49) by making use of these K independent
vectors to minimize the residual error. It finds
¡ the¢ optimal solution at the K-th iteration by
choosing xK = x0 + zK such that zK ∈ KK A, r0 . In this manner, the residual at the K-th
iteration is
rK = b − A · xK
n 2 K
= r0 − A · zK ∈ span r0 , A · r0 , A · r0 , . . . , A · r0
¡ ¢
∈ KK+1 A, r0 (3.53)
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In other words, the best estimate solution has the residual error in the K-th iteration as
2 K
rK = r0 + a1 A · r0 + a2 A · r0 + · · · + a2 A · r0
X k 0
¡ ¢
= ak A · r0 = PK A · r0 (3.54)
where a0 = 1, and the residual error for exact solution is zero, whereas that of the optimal
0 0
one is as small ¡as possible.
¢ In the above, PK (x) is a K-th order polynomial with PK (0) = 1,
and hence, PK A is a polynomial of the matrix A.
Different iterative solvers use different strategies in finding the ak ’s. For instance, in
the CG method (applicable to a positive definite Hermitian system), at every new iteration,
when a new independent vector is added to the Krylov subspace by performing a matrix-
vector product, it constructs a new residual error vector that is orthogonal to all the previous
ones. Because in an N dimensional space, there could be only N independent orthogonal
vectors of length N , the exact solution is found after N iterations.
In practice, however, the arithmetics in a computer is not exact, and numerical roundoff
error often precludes the convergence of the CG method in N steps. Numerical roundoff causes
the loss of orthogonality in these vectors. As a result, different methods are constructed to
remedy this convergence issue. Moreover, methods are developed for non-Hermitian systems.
To understand the convergence issue, one can expand r0 in terms of the eigenvectors of
A, namely,
¡ ¢
r0 = vn wnt · r0 (3.55)
assuming that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are distinct and that a reciprocal set of vectors
wn exists such that wn · vn = δij . Using the above in the k-th term of (3.54), one gets
k ¡ ¢
A · r0 = λkn vn wnt · r0 (3.56)
From the above, one sees that when k → ∞, the eigenvectors with small eigenvalues are
deemphasized in the k-th term, whereas the large eigenvalue terms are emphasized swamping
the small eigenvalue terms. Hence, the new independent vector that can be generated by
this process is limited by numerical roundoff. In the extreme case when one eigenvector has
a very large eigenvalue, while all the other eigenvalues are very small or close to zero, each
matrix-vector product does not add a new independent eigenvector to the Krylov subspace.
Therefore, when the dynamic range of eigenvalues is very large, the iterative method is not
effective in generating new independent vectors after a while because of numerical roundoff.
The condition number of a matrix is the ratio of the largest singular value of the matrix
to the smallest singular value (For positive definite Hermitian matrix, the eigenvalues are also
the singular values). For matrices with large condition numbers, the eigenvector constituents
in the system become imbalanced after a number of iterations. Therefore, the number of
iterations needed to solve the matrix equation is related to the condition number of the
matrix system.
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Iterative ¡method
¢ based on Krylov subspace method seeks the minimum of krK k subject
to zK ∈ KK A, r0 , or
° 0 ¡ ¢ ° ° 0 ¡ ¢°
min krK k = min °PK A · r0 ° ≤ min °PK A ° kr0 k (3.57)
0 0
zK ∈KK (A,r0 ) PK (x) PK (x)
The vector norm krk = |r| = r† · r or the magnitude of the vector, while the matrix norm
° ° ©° ° ª
°A° = max °A · x° / kxk
If the matrix A is diagonalizable such that A = U · Λ · U , where Λ is a diagonal matrix
¡ ¢ 0
¡ ¢ −1
that contains the eigenvalues of A on its diagonal, then PK A = U · PK Λ · U . As a
° 0 ¡ ¢° ° ° ° 0 ¡ ¢° ° °
°PK A ° ≤ °U° °PK Λ ° ° °U °
−1 °
° ° ° °° °
where the inequality °A · B° ≤ °A° °B° has been used. Furthermore
° 0 ¡ ¢°
°PK Λ ° = max |PK 0
(λi )| (3.59)
λi ∈Λ(A)
¡ ¢
where Λ A means the set of all eigenvalues of A. Finally, one gets
° °°° −1 °
min krK k ≤ °U° °U ° kr0 k min
0 (x)
max |PK0
(λi )| (3.60)
zK ∈KK (A,r0 ) PK λi ∈Λ(A)
Therefore, to minimize the residual error, one picks the polynomial PK (x) such that it has
min-max value at the point when x is evaluated at the eigenvalues of A. It is seen that when
the eigenvalues are close to the origin, because PK (0) = 1, it is hard to find such a min-max
polynomial. Also, if the eigenvalues are scattered widely over the complex plane, finding such
a polynomial is difficult. However, if the eigenvalues are clustered around points away from
the origin, finding such a °polynomial is easier.
° °° ° −1 °
The factor °U° °U ° is the condition number of the matrix U. For ill-conditioned U,
this number can be fairly large, and (3.60) is not a very tight bound. For a normal matrix2
for which Hermitian matrix is a special case, the matrix A can be diagonalized such that U
−1 †
is unitary and U = U . The norm of a unitary matrix is 1, and the above bound is tight.
−1 t
For a diagonalizable complex symmetric system, we can show that U = U implying that
U is complex orthogonal, we expect the bound to be tight since complex orthogonal matrices
generally have good condition numbers.
field. We can gain a heuristic understanding of the effect of the right-hand side by performing
an eigenvalue analysis of the pertinent equation (3.49). We let
b= vn (wnt · b) (3.61)
and let
x= cn vn (3.62)
Using the above in (3.49), and using similar technique to (3.55), we deduce that cn = wnt ·b/λn
x= vn wnt · b/λn (3.63)
From the above, we observe that the importance of the eigenvector in a solution depends
very much on the right-hand side and the eigenvalue. The right-hand side will excite different
eigenvectors of the system depending on its nature or the inner product wnt · b. When
eigenvectors with small eigenvalues are excited, poor convergence of the iterative solution
will ensue because of the swamping of small eigenvalues by large eigenvalues in the Krylov
subspace (see discussion after Eq. (3.55)).
A way to reduce the condition number of a matrix is to precondition it by multiplying the
matrix equation by its approximate inverse. It is hoped that the resultant matrix equation,
with a smaller condition number, requires a smaller number of iterations to solve. The
construction of a preconditioner remains an art rather than a science. The matrix is often
constructed with the aid of heuristics or physical insight.
The disadvantage of an iterative solver is that the number of iterations needed is un-
predictable, and very much problem dependent. Also, whenever the right-hand side of the
equation changes, the process has to begin all over again.
3.11 Conclusions
In this chapter, we introduce the concept of integral equations and the method used to solve
them. A very popular method is MOM which has been used with great success in solving a
number of practical problems. Coupled with fast solvers and parallel computers, it can solve
up to tens of millions of unknowns making electrically large problems solvable by numerical
methods, that were previously unsolvable [19, 29–31].
Figure 3.8 shows the current on an 83 Ford Camaro when it is illuminated by an elec-
tromagnetic field generated by a Hertzian dipole at 1 GHz. It is solved with the Fast Illi-
nois Solver Code (FISC) [32], a MOM code where the multilevel fast multipole algorithm
(MLFMA) is applied to accelerate the solution. The body of the car is modeled as a PEC,
the windscreens are modeled as TDS, and the tires are modeled with IBC.
Figure 3.9 shows the current distribution on a 02 Cadillac Deville when an XM antenna
is mounted on its roof [33]. Because of the disparate mesh sizes involved, the matrix system
is extremely ill-conditioned. A specially designed preconditioner, the self-box inclusion (SBI)
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Figure 3.8: The current on a 83 Ford Camaro solved with MOM and the MLFMA accelerated
fast solver called the Fast Illinois Solver Code (FISC) [32].
preconditioner [34], has to be used in order to arrive at a converged solution. The windows
of the car are modeled with TDS.
The XM antenna consists of a probe-fed square patch with edges cleaved so that a circu-
larly polarized wave can be generated by the antenna. The antenna has a dielectric substrate
which is modeled as a volume integral equation (VIE). It has a radome that is modeled as a
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Figure 3.9: (a) The current distribution on an 02 Cadillac Deville when (b) an XM antenna
is mounted on its roof, solved with MOM and the MLFMA accelerated fast solver called the
FastAnt [33]. (c) shows the triangulated geometry description of the car.
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[1] P. M. Morse and H. Feshbach, Methods of Theoretical Physics, New York: McGraw-Hill,
[2] C. T. Tai, Dyadic Green’s Functions in Electromagnetic Theory, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE
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[6] J. A. Stratton and L. J. Chu, “Diffraction theory of electromagnetic waves,” Phys. Rev.,
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[7] W. C. Chew Waves and Fields in Inhomogeneous Media, New York: Van Nostrand Rein-
hold, 1990. Reprinted by Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1995.
[8] W. Franz, “Zur formulierung des huygenschen prinzips,” Z. Naturforsch., vol. 3a, pp.
500-506, 1948.
[10] R. F. Harrington, Field Computation by Moment Methods, Malabar, FL: Krieger, 1968.
[11] R. F. Harrington and J. R. Mautz, “E-field, H-field, and combined field solutions for
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Mag., vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 14–26, Dec. 1993.
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[14] R. Mittra, editor, Computer Techniques for Electromagnetics, New York: Hemisphere
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[16] P. P. Silvester and R. L. Ferrari, Finite Elements for Electrical Engineers, Cambridge,
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tial Integrals for Uniform and Linear Source Distributions on Polygonal and Polyhedral
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rithms in Computational Electromagnetics, Boston, MA: Artech House, 2001.
[20] K. M. Mitzner, “Effective boundary conditions for reflection and transmission by an
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712, 1968.
[21] J. A. Stratton, Electromagnetic Theory, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1941.
[22] I. T. Chiang and W. C. Chew, “Thin dielectric sheet simulation by surface integral
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no. 7, pp. 1927-1934, Jul. 2006.
[23] G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan, Matrix Computations, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
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IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 27–33, 1998.
Integral Equations
for Penetrable Objects
4.1 Introduction
The previous chapter illustrates the derivation of integral equations for a perfect electric
conductor (PEC) object. PEC objects are some of the simplest scattering objects we can
think of. They are also termed impenetrable objects as the electromagnetic energy does
not penetrate into them. Another case of an impenetrable object is the perfect magnetic
conductor (PMC) object. It is the dual of the PEC. In these objects, either the tangential
electric field or tangential magnetic field is zero on the entire surface, so that there could be
no net power flow (real or complex) into them.
However, many objects are penetrable such as dielectric objects, magnetic objects, or
lossy objects. It is possible to have net power flow into or through these objects. Hence, the
tangential electric field or the tangential magnetic field cannot be zero on the entire surface
of the object.
The subject of scattering by penetrable scatterers has been fervently studied by many
workers throughout the years. Before numerical methods were in vogue, approximate analytic
methods were popular such as the high frequency methods [1]. At one time, the extended
boundary condition (EBC) method [2] was popular, because of its simplicity. Other methods
that have been used are generalized multipole method [3], and more recently, differential
equation solvers such as finite element (FEM) and finite difference methods (FDM) [4–8].
There are two main types of integral equations for penetrable scatterers: surface integral
equation (SIE) when the inhomogeneity is piecewise constant, and volume integral equation
(VIE) when the inhomogeneity is highly heterogeneous. Early works were done in two di-
mensions [9–11] in the 1960s. Three dimensional integral equation work based on the method
of moments (MOM) has only become popular in the 1970s to the 1990s (see an account by
Poggio and Miller [12] and Miller et al. [13]). The first comprehensive paper on SIE method
for 3D electromagnetic scatterer was reported by Midgyesi-Mitschang et al. [14]. The readers
are referred to these works plus the references there in for a historical account.
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We will first derive the SIEs for penetrable bodies. We shall assume that the permittivity
² and the permeability µ are different from their free-space values, but are constant or ho-
mogeneous inside these bodies. The case of lossy bodies is easily included by making the ²
or (and) the µ complex. Then later, we will derive the volume integral equations (VIEs) for
inhomogeneous penetrable scatterers.
the scattering object can be removed without disturbing the field outside. The equivalence
surface currents are given by
Js = n̂ × H, Ms = E × n̂ on S+ (4.1)
where E and H represent total fields and n̂ is a outward normal on S . Consequently, the
equivalence principle and the extinction theorem become [16]
¾ Z Z
r ∈ V1 , E(r)
= Einc (r)+iωµ dS 0 G(r, r0 )·Js (r0 )−∇× dS 0 G(r, r0 )·Ms (r0 ) (4.2)
r ∈ V2 , 0 S + S +
When we apply the extinction theorem part of the above equation to S − , we obtain the
integral equation of scattering, viz.,
− 0 0 0
r ∈ S , 0 = Einc (r) + iωµ dS G(r, r ) · Js (r ) − ∇ × dS 0 G(r, r0 ) · Ms (r0 ) (4.3)
S+ S+
The above is also known as the electric field integral equation (EFIE) for a penetrable ob-
ject.1 Understanding the equivalence principle and the extinction theorem above is key to
the understanding of the internal resonance problem as shall be shown in the next section.
Using operator notations, we can rewrite (4.3) more compactly as
−Einc (r) = L1E (r, r0 ) · Js (r0 ) + K1E (r, r0 ) · Ms (r0 ), r ∈ S−, r0 ∈ S + (4.4)
where integrations are implied over repeated variables (extension of the index notation to
continuous variables), and L1E and K1E assume the property of medium 1. More explicitly,
they are µ ¶
L1E (r, r0 ) = iωµ1 G1 (r, r0 ) = iωµ1 I + 2 g1 (r, r0 ) (4.5)
1 When only the tangential components of the above equation is taken, the equation is still known as EFIE
in the literature.
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In the above, we are assuming that Js and Ms are residing on S − , namely, r0 ∈ S − , but they
are the same as those for (4.4) since Js = n̂ × H, and Ms = E × n̂, and tangential E and H
are continuous across the interface S from S − to S + . We can impose (4.4) for r ∈ S − , and
(4.8) for r ∈ S + and obtain two integral equations for two unknowns Js and Ms . Since Js
and Ms are surface currents on a 2D manifold (or surface), only the tangential components
of the Eqs. (4.4) and (4.8) are imposed to solve for the current unknowns.
Even though we have enough equations to solve for the number of unknown functions, the
solution to the penetrable scatterer problem is fraught with nonuniqueness problem at the
internal resonance of the resonant modes formed by the surface S filled with exterior material.
This is because we impose the extinction theorem on a surface S, for the electric field only or
for the magnetic field only, which does not guarantee the extinction of the field in the entire
volume surrounded by S. We shall show this point later.
To derive equations that are free of internal resonances, we need the aid of the magnetic
field equivalence of the above equations. The magnetic field version of (4.2) can be derived
by taking the curl of (4.2) or by invoking the duality principle.
¾ Z Z
r ∈ V1 , H(r)
= Hinc (r)+iω² dS 0 G(r, r0 )·Ms (r0 )+∇× dS 0 G(r, r0 )·Js (r0 ) (4.9)
r ∈ V2 , 0 S+ S+
The above is the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) for a penetrable object.
In a similar manner, MFIE can be compactly written using operator notation
−Hinc (r) = L1H (r, r0 ) · Ms (r0 ) + K1H (r, r0 ) · Js (r0 ), r ∈ S−, r0 ∈ S + (4.11)
where integral over repeated variables is implied, and more explicitly, the operators are
µ ¶
∇∇ 1
L1H (r, r0 ) = iω²1 G1 (r, r0 ) = iω²1 I + 2 g1 (r, r0 ) = 2 L1E (r, r0 ) (4.12)
k1 η1
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Figure 4.1: Scattering by a penetrable object inside which the electric field and the magnetic
field are nonzero.
−α1 Einc (r) = [α1 L1E + α2 L2E ] · Js (r0 ) + [α1 K1E + α2 K2E ] · Ms (r0 ), r ∈ S− (4.15)
Again, we can add (4.11) and (4.14) with a weighting factor to get
−η1 β1 Hinc (r) = η1 [β1 K1H + β2 K2H ] · Js (r0 ) + η1 [β1 L1H + β2 L2H ] · Ms (r0 ), r ∈ S + (4.16)
where η1 is used to ensure that (4.15) and (4.16) are of the same dimension. Again, only
the tangential components of the above equations need to be imposed to generate enough
equations to solve for the surface currents Js and Ms , since they live on a 2D manifold.
When α1 = α2 = β1 = β2 = 1, the above formulation is known as the PMCHWT (Poggio,
Miller, Chang, Harrington, Wu, Tsai) formulation. When α1 = β1 = 1, α2 = − ²²12 , and
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β2 = µµ12 , it is known as the Müller formulation. When the tangential component of the above
equations are extracted, the corresponding K operators have the principal value terms (see
previous chapter). Because of the difference in the direction of the normals, the principal value
terms cancel in the the PMCHWT formulation. They do not cancel in the Müller formulation.
The Müller formulation is good for low contrasts, whereas the PMCHWT formulation is good
for high contrasts.
The internal resonance problem for an EFIE when solving a PEC scattering problem will be
reviewed here. The EFIE for a PEC scattering problem is given as
where Z
LE (r, r0 ) · Jeq (r0 ) = iωµ dS 0 G(r, r0 ) · Jeq (r0 ) (4.18)
In the above, the −n̂ × n̂× extracts the tangential components of the field. It can be replaced
by the dyad It = I − n̂n̂ where I is a unit dyad, and the above can be rewritten as
When the EFIE is solved by imposing tangential n̂ × E = 0 on the surface of the scatterer,
the field is not extinct inside the scatterer if the operating frequency of the time-harmonic
incident wave is at one of the resonance frequencies of the PEC cavity formed by the surface
S. We can also imagine that the scattering solution from a thin PEC shell is being solved, for
which nontrivial interior solution to this PEC shell exists at the resonance frequencies of this
resonant modes. Consequently, a solution to the EFIE exists even when no exciting incident
field is present. In other words, the EFIE in the following has a nontrivial solution at internal
resonance, indicating the presence of the null-space solution to (4.19):
The existence of a null-space solution makes the solution to the equation nonunique. Hence,
when the matrix representation of the EFIE operator is sought, the matrix equation is ill
To elaborate further, Eq. (4.20) is the equation for the internal resonance current of a
PEC cavity at its resonance frequencies. This current produces nontrivial electromagnetic
field inside the cavity, but it produces no field outside the cavity. This can also be understood
from the equivalence principle viewpoint. Hence, the resonance current is nonradiating.
Because the null-space current is a nonradiating current, we may be led to think that
this resonance current will not contribute to the scattered field, and hence, may still obtain
the correct scattered field even though the current is wrong and nonunique. However, the
scattered field is still fraught with small error. The reason is that the numerical solution is an
approximate solution, and this approximate null-space current is not a perfect nonradiating
source. At the resonance frequency of the resonant modes, this nonradiating current will still
leak some energy to the outside of the resonant modes contributing to error in the scattered
field [31].
Because of the nonuniqueness of the integral equation at resonance, the matrix system
representing the integral equation becomes ill conditioned. Hence, when iterative solvers are
used to solve for the solution, the number of iterations required is large, or the iterative
solution is nonconvergent. However, a noniterative solver such as lower-upper triangular
decomposition (LUD) can be used to solve the matrix system near resonance. The solution
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usually exhibits larger error in a narrow band near the resonance frequencies of the resonant
Scattering from a 2D PEC circular cylinder is used as an example here [30], with pulse
expansion functions and point-matching. The diagonal elements of the MOM matrix are
calculated by small argument approximation of the Hankel function and the off-diagonal
elements are evaluated using the one-point quadrature rule [17, p. 41].
The first resonance of TM (transverse magnetic) modes in a circular cylinder is ka =
2.40482555769577 for TM01 mode, where k is the wave number and a is the radius of the
circle. Figure 4.2(a) shows the current distribution calculated by solving EFIE using MOM
and by Mie series at ka = 2.40482555769577. Large difference (relative RMS error: 0.436)
between the MOM results and Mie series is observed. The difference is the resonant electric
current induced on the PEC circular cylinder surface due to the incident plane wave. Because
the resonant electric current does not radiate, very accurate scattered fields as shown in
Figure 4.2(b) are obtained with a relative error as small as 0.001 in comparison with the Mie
6 7
0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
φ (degrees) φ (degrees)
The MFIE is defined by
where Z
KH (r, r0 ) · Jeq (r0 ) = ∇ × dS 0 G(r, r0 ) · Jeq (r0 ) (4.22)
The internal resonance problem of an MFIE for a PEC scattering problem is less well under-
stood. At the internal resonance of the MFIE, the scattered field solution has larger error
compared to that of EFIE. We shall provide a lucid physical explanation for this phenomenon.
To understand this, we perform a Gedanken experiment (see Figure 4.3) to construct a
null-space solution to the MFIE. We assume that the incident field on the scatterer, instead
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µ ,ε1 1 µ ,ε
1 1
σ→∞ S
Figure 4.3: Presence of null-space solution for some integral equations for PEC scatterers can
be proved by performing a Gedanken experiment.
of coming from far away, is generated by equivalence currents impressed on a surface Sinc ,
where Sinc is larger than the surface of the PEC scatterer so that the PEC scatterer is
completely enclosed inside Sinc . In general, by the equivalence principle, two impressed
currents Jinc = n̂ × Hinc and Minc = Einc × n̂ are required on the surface Sinc .
First we pick the operating frequency of the Gedanken experiment to be at the resonance
frequency of the PMC formed by Sinc . In this manner, a nontrivial resonance solution exists
inside this PMC. Next we pick the equivalence currents to be the resonance current on the
surface of this PMC. Then only magnetic equivalence current, Minc = Einc × n̂, is needed,
because the electric equivalence current, Jinc = n̂ × Hinc = 0 on Sinc . Also, just inside
Sinc , n̂ × Hinc = 0 on Sinc since this is the PMC solution. However, the incident field (both
electric and magnetic) inside Sinc is not zero. Therefore, when a scatterer is placed inside
Sinc , scattered field is generated and exists outside the scatterer.
Now, with this experimental picture in mind, we can gradually shrink the size of Sinc such
that it becomes S + , where S + is a surface just infinitesimally larger than S to enclose it. As
the size of Sinc is gradually shrunk, we also alter the operating frequency of the impressed
current so that it becomes the resonance frequency of the new PMC after shrinkage. Because
of this, n̂ × Hinc = 0 always on the surface of the cavity formed by S + , but n̂ × Einc 6= 0,
and only the equivalence magnetic current is needed. Also, there is always an incident field
inside Sinc even when it becomes S + . So when we put a PEC inside S + , electric current will
be induced on the PEC, and a scattered field is generated outside S + .
By the above Gedanken experiment, we have constructed a nontrivial solution to the
MFIE. The driving term of the equation, n̂ × Hinc is zero, because it corresponds to the
tangential magnetic field on the surface of the PMC cavity formed by S + at resonance.
Tangential magnetic field is continuous from S + to S − ; therefore this field is also zero on S − .
Hence, the right-hand side of Eq. (4.21) is zero. Therefore, this nontrivial solution is also the
null-space solution to the MFIE, which is the solution to the following equation:
• The MFIE has a null-space solution when the operating frequency is at the resonance
frequency of the PMC formed by S. This frequency is exactly the same as the resonance
frequency of a similar PEC cavity by duality principle. Therefore, MFIE has the same
breakdown frequencies as EFIE.
• Unlike the null-space solution or current of the EFIE, this null-space current is quite
different physically. It is not the resonance current of the PEC cavity formed by S. But
it is an induced current on the surface S due to an incident field with n̂ × Hinc = 0 and
n̂×Einc 6= 0 on S + . Hence, this current is a good radiator, generating a strong scattered
field outside the scatterer. This is actually observed by MFIE numerical calculation near
the internal resonance frequency of the resonant modes.
The MFIE for a TE (transverse electric) wave scattering from a 2D PEC circular cylinder
is studied in the same way [30]. The diagonal elements are 0.5 and the off-diagonal elements
are evaluated using one-point rule. Figure 4.4 shows the current distribution and scattering
width at ka = 2.40482555769577. The difference is the electric current induced on the surface
due to the incident wave, which radiates and leads to large error in the scattered fields.
By the duality principle, the above can also be applied to prove the existence of internal
resonance problem when EFIE or MFIE is used to solve for the scattering solution of a PMC
5 2.5
Bistatic Scattering Width (λ)
Mie Series
Surface Current (mA/m)
4 2 MOM result
3 1.5
2 Mie Series 1
MOM result
1 0.5
0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
φ (degrees) φ (degrees)
µ ,ε
1 1
µ ,ε S
2 2
Figure 4.5: The presence of null-space solution for some integral equations for penetrable
scatterers can be proved by performing a Gedanken experiment.
Since the surface currents in (4.4) and (4.8) live in a 2D manifold, to maintain the same
number of equations as unknowns in the discretized equation, only the tangential components
of (4.4) and (4.8) are imposed when solving them. These are known as the EFIE form of
the equation for penetrable scatterers. We can show that It ·(4.4) and It ·(4.8) have internal
resonance problem by a similar Gedanken experiment.
To prove the existence of the null-space solution for the EFIE equation when applied to
the penetrable scatterer, we consider an incident field generated by an equivalence current
Jinc impressed on a surface Sinc (Figure 4.5). Again, we pick the frequency such that it is
the resonance frequency of the PEC cavity formed by Sinc in the absence of the scatterer.
Then we make Jinc the resonance current of the PEC cavity formed by Sinc . Only electric
current will be needed by the equivalence principle, since n̂ × Einc = 0 on the surface of Sinc .
But Hinc 6= 0, and Einc 6= 0 inside Sinc . There will be a scattered field Hsca and Esca in
this problem when a penetrable scatterer such as a dielectric scatterer is placed inside Sinc .
Now, we adjust and shrink Sinc so that it just becomes S + , which is infinitesimally larger
than S so as to enclose it, and also we alter the frequency continuously so that the operating
frequency is always equal to the resonance frequency of the resonant modes formed by Sinc .
Then, there exists a trivial n̂ × Einc in (4.4) such that the scattering solution is nontrivial.
Namely Js and Ms are nontrivial, even when n̂ × Einc = 0. This proves the existence of
null-space solutions to the tangential components of (4.4) and (4.8).
For the case when MFIE alone is used to solve for the scattering solution of a penetrable
scatterer, we can repeat the above Gedanken experiment with a PMC resonance cavity that
generates an equivalence magnetic current. We use this resonance current as the equivalence
current to generate an incident field and a scattered field that have associated currents on the
surface of the scatterer. These currents are in the null space of the tangential components of
the equations (4.11) and (4.14).
A few things become clear in this Gedanken experiment.
• The scattering solutions of a penetrable scatterer have internal resonance problem when
only EFIE or MFIE alone is used.
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• The solution is nonunique at the resonance frequencies of the resonant modes formed
by the surface S. These are exactly the same frequencies that one encounters in solving
the PEC or PMC scatterer case when EFIE or MFIE is used to solve the problem.
• The incident field acts like the field from a resonant electric current of a PEC cavity
(for EFIE alone) or a resonant magnetic current of a PMC cavity (for MFIE alone) on
the penetrable scatterer. They will appear as zero on the left-hand sides of (4.4) and
(4.11) when tangential components of the equations are taken. However, these incident
fields are capable of inducing a scattered field from a scatterer. Therefore, there will be
nonzero equivalent surface currents Js and Ms that satisfy these equations, which form
the null-space solutions of the equations. These null-space currents are good radiators
that produce erroneous scattered fields at these frequencies, hence contributing to the
scattered field errors.
4.3.3 A Remedy
With the above insight, the source of the internal resonance problem becomes clear: The
extinction of tangential electric field or tangential magnetic field on a surface S does not
guarantee the extinction of the total field inside the surface S. This is because internal
resonance solutions exist inside the cavity formed by S at its resonance frequencies. These
resonance fields, depending on whether the resonant modes is a PMC or a PEC, have either
n̂ × H = 0 or n̂ × E = 0 on S.
The remedy for this is to arrive at equations such that when the appropriate field com-
ponents are extinct on the surface S, it guarantees the extinction of the total field inside S.
The CFIE is such an equation. It is a linear superposition of the EFIE and MFIE.
The above is the equation for a resonant modes solution with boundary condition that
The above is equivalent to that the tangential electric field and the tangential magnetic
field satisfy an impedance boundary condition (IBC) together on the surface S. If the IBC
is made lossy, then the resonance solutions inside the surface S have complex resonance
frequencies [32]. These complex resonances correspond to damped sinusoidal signals inside
the resonant modes formed by the surface S. Hence, when the solution is sought at a real
time harmonic frequency, this complex resonance solution is not possible and the integral
equation does not have a null space.
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Es = Zs Js , or Ms = −Zs n̂ × Js (4.28)
The above is the integral equation for the cavity resonance problem. Since it is a source-free
problem, it does not have a nontrivial solution except when it is solved at the resonance
frequencies of the cavity. In other words, the integral operator in (4.29) does not have a null
space except at the resonance frequencies of the cavity. When the resonant modes is lossy,
its resonance frequency is complex. Hence, at real ω, the integral operator in (4.29) does not
have a null space.
We can show that (4.29) and (4.25) are related. To this end, we test the above with a
tangential current JT which is tangential to S and is supported at r ∈ S + .
0 = hJT (r), L1E (r, r0 ), Js (r0 )i − Zs hJT (r), K1E (r, r0 ) · n̂0 ×, Js (r0 )i,
r0 ∈ S, r ∈ S+ (4.30)
From the above, the transpose of the integral operator shall be derived. Because L1E (r, r0 ) is
a symmetric operator, its transpose is just itself. Looking more carefully at the second part
of the operator,
Notice that in the above g(r, r0 ) = g(r0 , r). Moreover, r and r0 are dummy variables. Hence,
it can be seen that the transpose of the operator K1E (r, r0 ) · n̂0 × is −n̂0 × K1H (r0 , r) [16].
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1. Extinction of both the tangential and the normal components of the electric or the
magnetic field to guarantee the removal of the resonance solution.
2. Extinction of the tangential components of both the electric and the magnetic field to
guarantee the removal of the resonance solution.
3. Extinction of the tangential component of the electric or the magnetic field at two
surfaces close to each other to remove the internal resonance solution.
4. Insertion of shorts in the resonance cavity to push the resonance frequency of the reso-
nant modes higher (see [29] and references therein).
5. Insertion of a lossy object inside the resonance cavity to cause the resonance frequency
to become complex [34].
However, the above remedies require more equations than unknowns for an impenetrable
scatterer. Hence the CFIE for impenetrable scatterers offers a solution where the equation
number is not increased compared to the number of unknowns.
For a penetrable scatterer, remedy 2 above can be used effectively. The tangential compo-
nents of (4.4), (4.8), (4.11), and (4.14) constitute four equations and two surface unknowns Js
and Ms . The integral equations can be added to the exterior equations to reduce the number
of equations to two, but at the same time, both the tangential components of the electric and
magnetic field are extinct at the surface S − . This will guarantee the extinction of the total
field inside the resonant modes even at internal resonances, and hence, remove the null-space
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solutions that we have constructed by our Gedanken experiment. Numerical calculations with
the weighted-sum methods of PMCHWT (Poggio, Miller, Chang, Harrington, Wu, Tsai) and
Müller do not indicate internal resonance problem for this reason.
∇ × µ−1 2
r · ∇ × E(r) − ω ²r (r) · µ0 ²0 E(r) = iωµ0 J(r) (4.32)
The dyadic Green’s function corresponding to the differential operator on the left hand side
can be derived, viz.,
∇ × ∇ × G(r, r0 ) − k02 G(r, r0 ) = Iδ(r − r0 ) (4.34)
where k02 = ω 2 µ0 ²0 , and µ ¶
G(r, r ) = I + 2 g(r, r0 )
G(r, r0 ) · a can be thought of as the field due to a point source aδ(r − r0 ) located at r = r0 .
By the principle of linear superposition, we treat the right hand side of (4.33) as equivalence
volume sources, and write down the solution E(r) as
E(r) = iωµ0 G(r, r0 ) · J(r)dr0
£ ¤
+ G(r, r0 ) · ∇0 × I − µ−1 0 0 0
r (r ) · ∇ × E(r )dr
£ ¤
− k02 G(r, r0 ) · I − ²r (r0 ) · E(r0 )dr0 (4.36)
where V + is a volume that is slightly larger than the support of the scatterer V defined by the
volume where µr or ²r departs from I. The first term can be considered the field generated
by the current source J in the absence of the scatterer; hence, we call it Einc (r), a known
field. Consequently, (4.36) becomes an integral equation for E(r), or
£ ¤
E(r) = E (r) + G(r, r0 ) · ∇0 × I − µ−1 0 0 0
r (r ) · ∇ × E(r )dr
£ ¤
− k02 G(r, r0 ) · I − ²r (r0 ) · E(r0 )dr0 (4.37)
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The second term on the right-hand side represents the scattered field due to induced magnetic
polarization current from the inhomogeneous permeability, whereas the third term represents
that due to the induced electric polarization current from the inhomogeneous permittivity. A
similar derivation has been presented in [16] for isotropic media. This derivation clearly sepa-
rates the scattered field from the inhomogeneous permeability from that of the inhomogeneous
where integration by parts and that ∇g(r, r0 ) = −∇0 g(r, r0 ) have been used. The meaning
of G(r, r0 ) in (4.39) still has to be properly defined because the dyadic Green’s function is
plagued with singularities whose evaluation has to be taken with great care. However, we can
£ the¤ effect of the singularity if we define the action of the dyadic Green’s operator on
I − ²r (r0 ) · E(r0 ) to mean
£ ¤
dr0 G(r, r0 ) · I − ²r (r0 ) · E(r0 )
µ ¶ Z
∇∇ £ ¤
= I+ 2 · g(r, r0 ) I − ²r (r0 ) · E(r0 )dr0
k0 V
£ ¤ ∇ £ ¤
= dr g(r, r ) I − ²r (r0 ) · E(r0 ) + 2
0 0
g(r, r0 )∇0 · I − ²r (r0 ) · E(r0 )dr0 (4.40)
V k0 V
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In other words, we never move both the ∇ operators completely inside the integrand to render
it ill defined. Also, integration by parts has been used to arrive at the form of the last integral.
The integrals in (4.40) are always well defined.
We can cast the VIE yet into another form which is more suitable for curl-conforming
basis. To this end, we make use of the identity for the dyadic Green’s function using (4.34)
1 £ ¤
G(r, r0 ) = 2 ∇ × ∇ × G(r, r0 ) − Iδ(r − r0 )
1 £ ¤
= 2 ∇ × ∇ × Ig(r, r0 ) − Iδ(r − r0 ) (4.41)
Using (4.41) in (4.39), we have
£ ¤
²r (r) · E(r) = E (r) + ∇ × g(r, r0 ) I − µ−1 0 0 0
r (r ) · ∇ × E(r )dr
£ ¤
−∇× ∇g(r, r0 ) × I − ²r (r0 ) · E(r0 )dr0 (4.42)
where we have moved the delta function contribution from (4.41) in (4.42) to the left-hand
side. By using integration by parts, one arrives at
£ ¤
²r (r) · E(r) = E (r) + ∇ × g(r, r0 ) I − µ−1 0 0 0
r (r ) · ∇ × E(r )dr
V +
©£ ¤ ª
−∇× g(r, r0 )∇0 × I − ²r (r0 ) · E(r0 ) dr0 (4.43)
The above formulations, with the curl operators outside the integrals and some curl operators
inside the integrals, are more suitable for curl-conforming expansion and testing functions.
When the medium is highly anisotropic, the form in (4.42) is preferable, whereas if the medium
is isotropic and piecewise constant, the form in (4.43) is preferable.
We can also derive the magnetic field equivalence of the above equations by duality prin-
ciple. From (4.39), we have
£ ¤
H(r) = Hinc (r) + ∇ × g(r, r0 ) I − ²−1 0 0 0
r (r ) · ∇ × H(r )dr
V +
£ ¤
−k0 G(r, r0 ) · I − µr (r0 ) · H(r0 )dr0 (4.44)
£ ¤
−∇× ∇g(r, r0 ) × I − µr (r0 ) · H(r0 )dr0 (4.45)
The above equations can also be obtained by taking the curl of the EFIEs. They should be
used if the magnetic field is the dominant field inside the volumetric scatterer, or when the
dominant inhomogeneity is coming from the permeability inside the scatterer.
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1 £ −1 0 ¤
ξ(r0 ) = ²r (r ) − I (4.47)
The normal component of D(r) is continuous across the interface of a volume element, and
it is expedient to expand D(r) in terms of divergence conforming expansion functions. Work
on this has been reported in the past [36].
However, when µr 6= I, the existence of ∇ × E(r) in (4.39) calls for the use of curl-
conforming functions such as the edge elements. Such expansion functions have been used
frequently in the finite element literature [6, 7, 37, 38]. When linear edge elements are used,
the matrix representation of (4.39) assumes a simple form. Hence, it is prudent to discuss
finding the matrix representation of the above when curl-conforming expansion function is
used for expanding the electric field E. Assuming that V + is infinitesimally larger than V , the
support of the scatterer, we can break V + into a union of nonoverlapping Vn ’s. For example,
each of the Vn ’s can represent a tetrahedron if the volume V is tesselated into a union of N
tetrahedrons. Consequently, we let
X 6
E(r) = Ini Eni (r), r∈V (4.48)
n=1 i=1
where the Eni (r) is the electric field in the n-th tetrahedron corresponding to the i-th edge,
which is represented by the tetrahedral edge element. The expansion function Eni (r) has
several properties that make it useful for representing E(r).
1. Within each element, the electric field in any direction can be expressed by the six
expansion functions defined on the six edges.
2. Eni (r) has a constant tangential component along edge i, and has no tangential com-
ponent along the other five edges.
3. The component of Eni (r) tangential to the i-th edge is constant and continuous, this
ensures the continuity of the component of electric field tangent to the edges.
4. Ii represents the amplitude of the tangential component of E(r) along the i-th edge.
5. The divergence of Eni is zero inside the tetrahedron for linear edge elements, but it
produces delta function singularities on the faces of the tetrahedron.
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The surface integral term above can also be derived using careful integration by parts argu-
ment, but the derivation is more laborious.
When linear edge elements are used for Eni such that ∇ · Eni = 0 inside Vn , and we
assume that ²r is piecewise constant inside each Vn , the second term in the above vanishes,
leaving only the first and the third term. On testing the above with Emj (r), m = 1, . . . , N ,
j = 1, . . . , 6, and integrating over Vm+ which is infinitesimally larger than Vm , we have after
using integration by parts that
X £ ¤ ®
hEmj , E² i = −k02 Ini Emj (r), g(r, r0 ) I − ²r (r0 ) , Eni (r0 )
£ ¤
+ Ini dr∇ · Emj (r) n̂0 · g(r, r0 ) I − ²r (r0 ) · Eni (r0 )dr0 (4.50)
n,i Vm Sn
Again, if Emj is a linear edge element, its divergence is zero inside Vm , but has delta function
singularities on the faces of Vm , resulting in a surface integral. Consequently, the above
X £ ¤ ®
hEmj , E² i = −k02 Ini Emj (r), g(r, r0 ) I − ²r (r0 ) , Eni (r0 )
£ ¤
+ Ini dS n̂ · Emj (r) n̂0 · g(r, r0 ) I − ²r (r0 ) · Eni (r0 )dr0 (4.51)
n,i Sm Sn
The above surface integral can also be derived using integration by parts if the integral in
(4.50) is over Vm instead of over Vm+ .
By applying the same procedure to the part of the scattered field due to the permeability
in (4.39), we have
X £ ¤ 0
hEmj , Eµ i = Ini h∇ × Emj (r), g(r, r0 ) I − µ−1 0 0
r (r ) , ∇ × Eni (r )i (4.52)
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If the edge element tetrahedral expansion functions are used in the above, their curls give
rise to a regular field (constant in terms of first order element) inside the tetrahedrons, and
surface singularities on the surfaces of the tetrahedrons. However, continuity of the tangential
components of the field will cause these surface charges or singularities that come from ∇0 ×
Eni (r0 ) to cancel each other. Moreover, in testing functions associated with ∇×Emj (r) in the
above, the surface singularities will cancel each other except on the surface of the scatterer
described by µ−1 r (r).
Consequently, using (4.51) and (4.52) together with the matrix representation of the rest
of (4.39), one arrives at the matrix representation of the integral equation (4.39),
X 6
mj = Amj,ni Ini , m = 1, . . . , N, j = 1, . . . , 6 (4.53)
n=1 i=1
mj = hEmj , Einc i (4.54)
Amj,ni = hEmj , Eni i − A²mj,ni− Aµmj,ni (4.55)
£ ¤ ®
Amj,ni = −k0 Emj (r), g(r, r ) I − ²r (r0 ) , Eni (r0 )
² 2 0
£ ¤
+ dS n̂ · Emj (r) n̂0 · g(r, r0 ) I − ²r (r0 ) · Eni (r0 )dr0 (4.56)
Sm S
µ £n ¤ 0
Amj,ni = h∇ × Emj (r), g(r, r ) I − µ−1
0 0
r (r ) , ∇ × Eni (r )i
In the above, the tangential continuity of the electric field has not been used. Using the
fact that tangential E is continuous from element to element, the redundancy of Ini can be
removed, as the Ini ’s from contiguous elements should be the same. This is very much like
the assembly process in the FEM with edge elements where redundancies in unknowns are
removed. Some numerical results using method presented here are given in [39]. Figure 4.6
shows the comparison of the Mie series solution (exact) with the proposed method. It is
seen that as the number of unknowns increases, the agreement with the Mie series solution
a prerequisite is that such an element exists so that Aij is finite. For instance, if
L = ∇∇ (4.59)
RCS(dB/λ )
VIE with 2212 meshes
VIE with 784 meshes
0 60 120 180
Figure 4.6: Radar cross section for a homogeneous sphere with composite material at moderately
low frequency of Mie series (solid line) and the proposed method. The radius of the sphere a = 0.15λ
with the parameters ²r = 1.5, µr = 2.2 with unknowns N = 784 and N = 2, 212 respectively.
If Fj (r) and Ti (r) are discontinuous functions, then the ∇·Fj (r) and ∇·Ti (r) can have delta-
function-like singularities and the inner product (4.60) is undefined
R∞ when these singularities
collide in their evaluation. For instance, in one dimension, −∞ dxδ(x)δ(x) = ∞ due to delta
function collision. Divergence conforming functions are functions whose divergence is finite
and hence Aij exists [40].
Similarly, if
L=∇×∇×I (4.61)
then (4.58), after using integration by parts, becomes
Aij = h∇ × Ti , ∇ × Fj i (4.62)
If Ti (r) and Fj (r) are discontinuous functions such that ∇ × Ti (r) and ∇ × Fj (r) can have
delta-function-like singularities, (4.62) may be infinitely large or undefined. Another possible
scenario such that (4.58) is undefined is when
LFj = ∇ g(r, r0 )∇0 · Fj (r0 )dr0 (4.63)
where 0
eik0 |r−r |
g(r, r0 ) = (4.66)
4π|r − r0 |
The VIE can be simplified if we assume that the volume current Jv (r) inside the TDS is only
tangential in nature. This is true when the contrast of the TDS is high, so that the normal
component of the field is small in it, and only tangential component dominates. Furthermore,
we can assume that the tangential component of Jv is approximately a constant inside the
TDS and that its thickness is much smaller than the wavelength. In this case, we can replace
the volume integral with a surface integral and that the volume current can be replaced by a
surface current Js (r) such that
Js (r) = τ Jv (r) (4.67)
where τ is the effective thickness of the TDS. Consequently, (4.65) becomes
i ∼
E (r) = Zs Js (r) − iωµ0 g(r, r0 )Js (r0 )dS 0
+ g(r, r0 )∇0 · Js (r0 )dS 0 (4.68)
iω²0 S
Zs (r) = (4.69)
ω²0 [²r (r) − 1]τ
Eq. (4.68) bears a striking resemblance to EFIE for a surface PEC scatterer. Hence, a
computer code for EFIE can be easily modified to accept the TDS model. Moreover, if we
let ²(r) ∼ iωµσ, when σ → ∞, then Zs → 0, and we must recover the scattering by a PEC
object. If the TDS is a lossy dielectric sheet, one can replace the Zs with a resistive sheet to
model the loss inside.
χ(r) = ²−1
r (r) − 1 (4.71)
Moreover, one can show that
In the above, χ(r ) = 0 outside the TDS volume, and it is a constant inside the TDS volume.
It can be shown that
∇0 χ(r0 ) · F(r0 )dV 0 = dS 0 n̂0 · [χ(r0 )F(r0 )] (4.74)
0 0
if ∇ · F(r ) is nonsingular. Consequently, we have
I = χ dS 0 n̂0 · D(r0 )g(r, r0 ) (4.75)
when χ is assumed constant within TDS. The surface integral can be broken into contribution
from the side surface plus the contribution from the top and bottom surfaces. Hence, we can
write (4.75) as
I=χ dS 0 n̂0t · Dt (r0 )g(r, r0 ) + χ dS 0 n̂0 · D+ 0 0
n (r )g(r, r )dS
St Sn
+χ dS 0 n̂0 · D− 0 0
n (r )g(r, r )dS
where St represents the side surface and Dt represents the component of D tangential to
the TDS, Sn± and D± n represent the top and bottom surfaces and their respective normal
We can use the ∇ · D = 0 condition to relate Dt , and D±
n , viz.,
∇ · D(r) = 0 = ∇t · Dt (r) + n̂+ · Dn (r),
D+ − D−
≈ ∇t · Dt (r) + n̂t · n n
Using (4.77) in (4.76), we have
I∼=χ dS 0 n̂0t Dt (r0 )g(r, r0 ) + χ dS 0 n̂0+ · D+ 0
n (r )g(r, r )
St Sn
− χτ dS ∇t · Dt (r )g(r, r0 ) − χ
0 0 0
dS 0 n̂0+ · D+ 0 0
n (r )g(r, r ) (4.78)
− +
Sn Sn
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10 10
Mie series Mie series
TDS with only tan. current TDS with only tan. current
5 TDS with full current 5 TDS with full current
0 0
−5 −5
σ ( θ , φ = 90o ) / λ20 ( d B )
σ ( θ , φ = 0o ) / λ20 ( d B )
−10 −10
−15 −15
−20 −20
−25 −25
−30 −30
−35 −35
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
θ (deg) θ (deg)
(a) (b)
Figure 4.7: Scattering by a dielectric shell with radius 1.0 m, thickness 0.05 m, εr = 2.6, and
a vertically polarized incident wave from (θ, φ) = (1800 , 00 ) at 0.2 GHz. (a) RCS at φ = 00 .
(b) RCS at φ = 900 .
g(r, r0 )|Sn+ − g(r, r0 )|Sn− ' τ (r, r0 )|Sn+ + O(τ 3 ) (4.79)
The above integral equation can be solved by expanding Dt (r0 ) in terms of divergence con-
forming expansion function such as RWG function, and Dn (r0 ) can be expanded in terms
of functions as simple as a pulse function. This integral equation requires less number of
unknowns to solve compared to a full-fledge VIE modeling of a TDS (see Figures 4.7, 4.8).
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1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
−0.2 −0.2
−0.4 −0.4
−0.6 −0.6
−0.8 −0.8
1.5 1.5
−1 1 −1 1
1 0.5 1 0.5
0.5 0 0.5 0
0 −0.5 0 −0.5
−0.5 −1 −0.5 −1
−1 −1.5 −1 −1.5
0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
(a) (b)
−1 1
1 0.5
0.5 0
0 −0.5
−0.5 −1
−1 −1.5
Figure 4.8: Current distribution of the case in the previous figure. (a) Tangential current.
(b) Normal current. (c) Full current.
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n̂ × Ms ≈ Zs Js (4.88)
where Zs = η2 ≈ ωµ2 /(iσ2 ) is the surface impedance [51] which is the same as the intrinsic
impedance of medium 2. In fact, the above can be derived from the GIBC. In this manner,
one can solve (4.82) or (4.83) with (4.88) to obtain Js . Again, (4.82) or (4.83) alone may be
fraught with internal resonance problem. In this case, one can combine them and solves the
CFIE to avoid internal resonances.
The above is an approximate method to solve the interior equations. We can also simplify
the exterior equations. As an example, we rewrite (4.82) as
It · Einc (r) + It · L1E (r, r0 )Js (r0 ) = It · K1E (r, r0 )Ms (r0 ), r ∈ S− (4.89)
and we approximate the right-hand side with a local approximation. For example, for a
quasi-planar surface, we may approximate the right-hand side as
It · K1E (r, r0 )Ms (r0 ) ≈ − n̂ × Ms (r), r ∈ S− (4.90)
This second local approximation, together with our first local approximation, (4.88), yields
the approximation that
It · K1E (r, r0 )Ms (r0 ) ≈ − Zs Js , r ∈ S− (4.91)
When Zs is very small, and when the above is used in (4.89), the right-hand side of (4.89) is
much smaller than the individual terms on the left hand side. Hence, we may also approximate
(4.89) as
It · Einc (r) + It · L1E (r, r0 )Js (r0 ) ≈ 0, r ∈ S − (4.92)
and solve for Js directly. Then we can use (4.88) to obtain an approximate value for Ms .
One can also easily derive the MFIE equivalence of the above equations.
We shall investigate how good these local approximations are by studying reflection from
a flat surface and reflection from a cylindrical surface.
E1 ¡ −ik1 z ¢
H = −ŷ e − R12 eik1 z (4.94)
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Figure 4.9: Reflection by a conductive half space can be used to derive an impedance boundary
The above is valid even for a general half space. In general, the tangential E field is not
zero at z = 0. Also, the extinction theorem for z < 0 can be applied exactly for this problem
even if the half space is not conductive.
To apply the extinction theorem, we need Ms 6= 0 and Js 6= 0 in the following equation
We ignore the It · operation because for this 1D problem, the field is naturally tangential. In
the above, the equivalence surface current Js equals the discontinuity of the magnetic field.
Hence, from (4.94)
Js = x̂ (1 − R12 ) (4.96)
Furthermore, Ms equals the discontinuity in the total tangential E field, which in this case,
from (4.93), is
Ms = −ŷE1 (1 + R12 ) (4.97)
In (4.95), L1E (Js ) is the E field produced by an infinite electric current sheet (4.96) extended
over the xy plane, and for z < 0, the electric field it produces is
L1E (Js ) = x̂E1 (1 − R12 )e−ik1 z (4.98)
Remember that in invoking the extinction theorem, we remove medium 2, and replace it with
medium 1; hence, we use the wavenumber k1 , in (4.98) for z < 0. In (4.95), K1E (Ms ) is the
electric field produced by an infinite magnetic current sheet (4.97), and for z < 0
K1E (Ms ) = x̂E1 (1 + R12 )e−ik1 z (4.99)
The incident field is
Einc = x̂E1 e−ik1 z (4.100)
Using (4.98), (4.99), and (4.100) in (4.95), we see the extinction theorem is exactly satisfied
for z < 0 for this general penetrable half space problem.
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Next, we want to see if the equivalent currents Ms and Js are related in a simple fashion
when the half-space is metallic or when its conductivity is high. To this end, we make a high
conductivity approximation to R12 where
µ2 k1
µ2 k1 − µ1 k2 1− µ1 k2 1 − η2 η1−1
R12 = =− µ2 =− ' −1 + 2η2 η1−1 (4.101)
µ2 k1 + µ1 k2 1+ µ1
1 + η2 η1−1
q q
µi ωµ2
where ηi = ²i . If region 2 is highly conductive, η2 ' iσ2 → 0, σ2 → ∞. Using this in
(4.96) and (4.97), we have
Js ∼
= x̂2 , Ms = −ŷ2E1 η2 η1−1 (4.102)
It is clear that n̂ × Ms = Zs Js where Zs = η2 = iσ2 . Hence the surface impedance
approximation, the first local approximation indicated by (4.88) is at least good for this
problem with the appropriate value of Zs .
Furthermore, since
K1E (Ms ) = ± n̂ × Ms + P.V.K1E (Ms ) (4.103)
We can ignore the P.V.K term: for a flat surface, it is exactly zero, and for a quasi-planar
surface, it should be small. Hence, the second local approximation indicated by (4.90) is also
reasonable. Consequently, (4.95) becomes
Einc + L1E (Js ) − n̂ × Ms = 0, z<0 (4.104)
If we let n̂ × Ms = η2 Js , then (4.104) can be readily solved for Js as this is a simple 1D
problem. We can also ignore the Ms term in (4.104) and solve for Js and show that it is
correct to leading order in η2 when we assume that η2 is a small parameter.
For simplicity of analysis, we consider a single cylindrical harmonic wave with ∂/∂z = 0
incident on the conducting cylinder. The general penetrable circular cylinder scattering can
be solved exactly (Figure 4.10). We have
h i
E1 = ẑE1 Jn (k1 ρ) + R12 Hn(1) (k1 ρ) einφ (4.105)
Figure 4.10: Reflection by a lossy cylindrical surface can be used to derive an IBC for a
circular wire.
H2φ = E1 T12 Jn0 (k2 ρ)einφ (4.108)
For n 6= 0, the magnetic field may have a nonzero Hρ component, but only the Hφ component
is needed for the ensuing discussions.
To show the extinction theorem in action for ρ < a, we need the surface equivalence
electric and magnetic currents. The surface equivalence electric current Js is
iE1 h 0 0
Js = ẑ Jn (k1 a) + R12 Hn(1) (k1 a) einφ = ẑJ0 einφ (4.109)
To invoke the extinction theorem, we remove medium 2, and investigate the fields produced
by a current sheet Js . If we have Js = ẑJ0 einφ , it can be shown that such an electric current
sheet produces an electric field which is continuous across the current sheet, and a magnetic
field which is discontinuous across the same current sheet. The electric field is given by
η1 J0 πk1 a inφ Jn (k1 a)Hn (k1 ρ), ρ > a
L1E (Js ) = EJ = −ẑ e (1) (4.111)
2 Hn (k1 a)Jn (k1 ρ), ρ < a
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On the other hand, the magnetic current sheet Ms = φ̂M0 einφ will give rise to a discontinuous
electric field and a continuous magnetic field. Namely, we have
( (1)
M0 πk1 a inφ Jn0 (k1 a)Hn (k1 ρ), ρ > a
K1E (Ms ) = EM = −ẑ e (1) 0 (4.113)
2i Hn (k1 a)Jn (k1 ρ), ρ < a
(1) 0
M0 πk1 a inφ Jn0 (k1 a)Hn (k1 ρ), ρ > a
HM φ =− e (1) 0
2η Hn (k1 a)Jn0 (k1 ρ), ρ < a
The incident field in this problem is given by the first part of (4.105), viz.,
To show the validity of the extinction theorem, we need to take terms from (4.111) and (4.113)
for ρ < a together with (4.115), and show that
η1 J0 πk1 a (1) M0 πk1 a (1)0
E1 − Hn (k1 a) − Hn (k1 a) = 0 , (4.116)
2 2i
with J0 and M0 given by (4.109) and (4.110). To evaluate them, the reflection coefficient R12
is needed, and it can be derived to be [16]
η1 Jn0 (k2 a)Jn (k1 a) − η2 Jn (k2 a)Jn0 (k1 a)
R12 = − (1) (1)0
η1 Jn0 (k2 a)Hn (k1 a) − η2 Jn (k2 a)Hn (k1 a)
As a result, J0 is given by
iE1 h 0 0
J0 = Jn (k1 a) + R12 Hn(1) (k1 a)
iE1 Jn0 (k2 a) πk 1a
= (1) (1)0
η1 Jn0 (k2 a)Hn (k1 a) − η2 Jn (k2 a)Hn (k1 a)
where the Wronskian of Bessel functions has been used, that is,
0 2i
Hn(1) (x)Jn0 (x) − Jn (x)Hn(1) (x) = − .
Similarly, M0 is
h i
M0 = E1 Jn (k1 a) + R12 Hn(1) (k1 a)
E1 η2 Jn (k2 a) πk 1a
= (1) (1)0
η1 Jn0 (k2 a)Hn (k1 a) − η2 Jn (k2 a)Hn (k1 a)
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Consequently, we can show by substituting (4.118) and (4.119) that (4.116) is true for a
general penetrable circular cylinder.
From the above, by comparing (4.118) with (4.119), we deduce that
Jn (k2 a)
M0 = −iη2 J0 (4.120)
Jn0 (k2 a)
C0 ∼ 1, k1 a → 0 (4.124)
Therefore, we see that the local approximation given by (4.122) for a thin wire is in fact quite
different compared to the local approximation of a quasi-planar surface given by (4.90).
To test the idea espoused here, we calculate the input admittance of a copper loop excited
by a delta gap source. The copper loop is 1984 µm by 122 µm, and it has a cross section of 4
µm by 4 µm. For copper, the conductivity is chosen as 5.8e7 s/m. The skin depth decreased
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10 0.02
10 FastHenry
Re (Yin) (A)
Im (Yin) (A)
10 −0.08
−0.1 IBC−WI
10 FastHenry
0.01 0.1 1 10 50 0.01 0.1 1 10 50
frequency (GHz) frequency (GHz)
Figure 4.11: Real and imaginary parts of Yin for the copper rectangular loop. In the figure, GIBC is
compared with three other results. IBC-WI refers to IBC based on wave impedance of the conductive
medium. IBC-MPW refers to IBC based on the modified plane wave model introduced in [52].
FastHenry is the code from J. White’s group at MIT [53].
from 20.9 µm at 0.01 GHz to 0.3 µm at 50 GHz. Via the GIBC, the input admittance could be
compared to the one from FastHenry [53], IBC-WI based on wave impedance and IBC-MPW
based on modified plane wave model [52]. Since empirically FastHenry works for electrical
size less than 0.1 wavelength, it will provide accurate results up to about 10 GHz. From the
numerical results in Figure 4.11, the GIBC shows accurate solution for conductor analysis
over a broadband of frequencies. More of this work including numerical examples can be
found in [54].
4.8 Conclusions
In this chapter, we have discussed the formulations of integral equations for penetrable objects.
They can be solved with SIEs. We have shown by Gedanken experiments how some of
the formulations avoid the internal resonance problem commonly encountered in SIEs. We
have also discussed the use of VIEs to solve the inhomogeneous medium penetrable object
case. Then we presented various formulations for TDS. Finally, we have discussed the use of
impedance boundary condition (IBC) and generalized impedance boundary condition (GIBC)
to approximately model lossy penetrable objects.
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Low-Frequency Problems in
Integral Equations
5.1 Introduction
The development of a number of technologies has called for the solutions of complex structures
when the structures are small compared to wavelength, and yet the complexity of these
structures cannot be ignored. These are the area of high-speed circuit in computer chip
and package designs, the area of small antennas where the antennas can be a fraction of
a wavelength, but its complex design is important, as well as the area of nanotechnology
and metamaterial. These complex subwavelength structures are richly endowed with physics,
especially when they are coupled with nonlinear devices such as transistors and diodes. Their
microscopic designs manifest themselves macroscopically in a vastly different manner. An
example of such is in radio frequency identification (RFID) tag [1].
One can relate the richness of the physics that is buried in microcircuits as due to the
singularity of the dyadic Green’s function ( [2, Chap. 7]). Such a singularity is not found for
instance in the elastodynamic dyadic Green’s function [3], marking a contrast between micro
devices in the mechanical world and those in the electrical world.
It is important to solve the electromagnetic equations in multiscales, and yet preserve
the microscale physics, as it can be manifested on a macroscopic scale. This is unlike some
area where the microscale physics can be homogenized for their connection to the macroscale
physics. In this chapter, we discuss the solutions of integral equations when the wavelength
is much larger than the dimensions of the structures.
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∇ × E = 0, (5.1)
∇ × H = J, (5.2)
∇ · ²E = ρ = limω→0 ıω , (5.3)
∇ · µH = 0. (5.4)
Notice that from (5.2), the current J that produces the magnetic field must be divergence
free. However, the current J that produces the charge ρ in (5.3) cannot be divergence free,
but in order to keep the right-hand side of (5.3) bounded, this J ∼ O(ω), when ω → 0.
Hence we see the total J naturally decomposes into a solenoidal (divergence free) part and a
irrotational (curl-free) part. Namely
This is also known as the Helmholtz decomposition [12]. Moreover, the curl-free part, Jirr ∼
O(ω) when ω → 0 as alluded to above, and hence,
If the total J is the unknown current to be solved for, the above poses a severe numerical
problem.1 One may think that perhaps Jirr is not important when ω → 0, since it is so much
smaller than Jsol . However, this is not the case. The electromagnetic equations separate into
the magnetoquasistatic equations and the electroquasistatic equations. In circuit theory, the
magnetoquasistatic equations are important for describing the world of inductors, whereas
the electroquasistatic equations are important for the world of capacitors. Both are equally
important in capturing circuit physics. Hence, the accuracy of one cannot be compromised
over the other. The solenoidal current Jsol represents eddy currents that produce primarily
the magnetic field at low frequency, whereas the irrotational current Jirr represents charge
currents that produce primarily the electric field at low frequency.
This problem can also be seen when we look at the EFIE operator (see the previous
LE Js = iωµ dS 0 g(r, r0 )Js (r0 ) + ∇ dS 0 g(r, r0 )∇0 · Js (r0 ) (5.7)
S iω² S
where Js is the surface current on the surface S. The first term is due to the vector potential
or it corresponds to the electric field generated by a time-varying magnetic field. We shall
call it the induction term. The second term is due to the scalar potential, or it corresponds
to the electric field produced by the charge in the system. We shall call it the charge term.
1 The disparity between the magnitudes of J
irr and Jsol remains true if the above argument is repeated
for a conductive medium.
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When ω → 0, the second term dominates over the first term, and we have
LE Js ' ∇ dS 0 g(r, r0 )∇0 · Js (r0 ) (5.8)
iω² S
Since there exists Js (r0 ) such that ∇0 · Js (r0 ) = 0, that is, when Js = Jsol , the above integral
operator has a null space. The eigenvalues of the operator LE in (5.7) flip-flop between
very large values for Js = Jirr when the charge term dominates, and very small eigenvalues
for Js = Jsol when the induction term dominates. Hence, the matrix representation of the
above operator becomes extremely ill-conditioned when ω → 0. This is the reason for the
low-frequency breakdown of the EFIE operator.
Another point of view of the low-frequency breakdown is to look at the differential equa-
tion. One can convert the electromagnetic equations to a vector wave equation for a lossless
inhomogeneous medium as
∇ × µ−1 ∇ × E − ω 2 ²E = iωJ (5.9)
When ω → 0, the above becomes
∇ × µ−1 ∇ × E ' iωJ (5.10)
Eq. (5.10) has no unique solution because ∇ × A = b does not guarantee a unique A because
A0 = A + ∇φ will equally satisfy ∇ × A0 = b. In other words, the curl operator has a
null space. Hence, the matrix representation of the differential operator in (5.10) yields a
badly conditioned system. The breakdown of the electromagnetic equations when ω → 0 is
also because that ω = 0 is mathematically a singular perturbation point for solutions to the
electromagnetic equations [13, p. 159].
The fact that ω = 0 is a singular perturbation point is both a curse as well as a blessing.
A curse because it makes the development of robust numerical solvers in this regime (which
is referred to as the twilight zone [14, 15]) difficult. It is a blessing because it is this difficulty
that enriches the world of circuit physics. In other words, it is not simple to transition from
the world of wave physics to the world of circuit physics. If one transitions smoothly from the
world of wave physics to the world of the circuit physics, however, the richness in the world
of circuit physics will be revealed. This is almost like the Alice in Wonderland story!
Helmholtz decomposition.3
Instead of using RWG functions as a basis to span the approximate linear vector space,
we decompose the RWG basis into the loop basis whose members have zero divergence, and
the tree basis (or star basis) whose members have nonzero divergence. This is known as the
loop-tree or loop-star decomposition, which is a quasi-Helmholtz decomposition because the
tree or the star expansion functions are not curl-free. We shall call the space spanned by
RWG basis the RWG space, the subspace spanned by the tree (or star) basis the tree (or
star) space, and that spanned by loop basis the loop space.4
Consequently, we expand [11]
Js (r0 ) = ILn JLn (r0 ) + ICn JCn (r0 ) (5.11)
n=1 n=1
where JLn (r0 ) is a loop expansion function such that ∇ · JLn (r0 ) = 0, and JCn (r0 ) is a tree
expansion (or a star expansion) function such that ∇ · JCn (r0 ) 6= 0 and it is used to model
the charge in the system. We write the above compactly as
t t
Js (r0 ) = JL (r0 ) · IL + JC (r0 ) · IC (5.12)
where £ ¤
JL (r0 ) n = JLn (r0 ), [IL ]n = ILn (5.13a)
£ ¤
JC (r0 ) n = JCn (r0 ), [IC ]n = ICn (5.13b)
When the above is substituted into the EFIE,
LE Js = −Einc (5.14)
and testing the above with the same set of functions as in Galerkin’s method, we have a
matrix equation · ¸ · ¸ · ¸
· = (5.15)
VL = −hJL (r), Einc (r)i (5.16a)
ZLL = iωµhJL (r), g(r, r0 ), JL (r0 )i (5.16c)
ZLC = iωµhJL (r), g(r, r0 ), JC (r0 )i (5.16d)
3 It is interesting to note that the stabilizing of the differential equation (5.9) is done via a quasi-Helmholtz
decomposition where the field is decomposed into a curl-free and the noncurl-free part [4].
4 This is also known as the tree-cotree decomposition in some work [16].
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t t
ZCL = iωµhJC (r), g(r, r0 ), JL (r0 )i = ZLC (5.16e)
ZCC = iωµhJC (r), g(r, r0 ), JC (r0 )i
− ω² h∇ · JC (r), g(r, r0 ), ∇0 · JC (r0 )i (5.16f)
In this case, the integral is over the supports of the expansion and testing functions.
When ω → 0, the frequency-scaling behavior of the matrix system is as follows:
· ¸ · ¸ · ¸
ZLL (O(ω)) ZLC (O(ω)) IL VL
· = (5.17)
ZCL (O(ω)) ZCC (O(ω −1 )) IC VC
where O(ω α ) in the parentheses represents the scaling properties of the matrix elements with
respect to frequency ω when ω → 0. Hence, even after the loop-tree decomposition, the
matrix system is still ill conditioned because of the imbalance of the matrix elements; some
blocks have small values, whereas the lower right block is inordinately large when ω → 0.
One still needs to frequency-normalize the matrix system in order to obtain a stable system.
However, one should note that this determinate frequency scaling is because of the quasi-
Helmholtz decomposition, which isolates the frequency-scaling behavior into different blocks.
This makes the block matrices amenable to frequency normalization.
To this end, we multiply the first row of the equation by ω −1 , and rearrange the matrix
system such that
· −1 ¸· ¸ · −1 ¸
ω ZLL (O(1)) ZLC (O(ω)) IL ω VL
= (5.18)
ZCL (O(ω)) ωZCC (O(1)) ω −1 IC VC
As can be seen, now the diagonal blocks are of O(1) and the off diagonal blocks are of O(ω)
when ω → 0. Now the system is diagonally dominant and hence is better conditioned.
Frequency normalization can be regarded as a kind of post- and prediagonal precondition-
ing such that · −1 ¸ · ¸ · ¸ · −1 ¸
ω 0 1 0 1 0 ω 0
·Z· · ·I= ·V (5.19)
0 1 0 ω 0 ω −1 0 1
P P R · Z · PP O · PP O · I = PP R · V (5.20)
where PP R and PP O , the pre- and the postpreconditioning matrices, can be identified by
comparing (5.19) with (5.20).
The above frequency normalization boosts the importance of the vector potential term,
or the ZLL matrix elements, and suppresses the divergence of the ZCC matrix elements. It
also boosts the importance of the IC and VL . These two terms tend to be vanishingly small
from our discussion in Eq. (5.6) when ω → 0.
In the original EFIE, as ω → 0, it becomes an electroquasistatic system where the electric
field dominates over the magnetic field. Frequency normalization makes the magnetic field
equally important compared to the electric field, and hence, the magnetoquasistatic field
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is solved to the same accuracy as the electroquasistatic field. Consequently, the physics of
inductors is captured with the same accuracy as the physics of capacitors.
To elucidate the physics of the magnetoquasistatic part in the above testing procedure,
since ∇ · JLi = 0 for the loop expansion function, we can express JLı (r) = ∇ × n̂ψi (r). Then
an element of the ZLL matrix in (5.18) becomes
£ ¤
ZLL ij = iωµh∇ × n̂ψi (r), g(r, r0 ), JLj (r0 )i
= iωµhn̂ψi (r), ∇ × Ig(r, r0 ), JLj (r0 )i
= iωµhn̂ψi (r), Hj (r)i (5.21)
where integration is over the r variable, and Hj (r) is the magnetic field produced by JLj (r).
Hence, testing by the loop function is equivalent to testing the normal component of the
magnetic field. In solving a magnetoquasistatic problem, it is sufficient to impose the bound-
ary condition that the normal component of the magnetic field be zero on a metallic surface.
Consequently, the upper left block reduces to a magnetoquasistatic problem for low frequency.
Similarly, from (5.16f), it is seen that the lower right block reduces to an electroquasi-
static problem when ω → 0. Moreover, the electrostatic problem is decoupled from the
magnetostatic problem at ω = 0. This point is underscored in the Eqs. (5.1), (5.2), (5.3),
and (5.4) in the beginning of this chapter.
It is to be noted that right when ω = 0, the problem decomposes into two uncoupled
electrostatic and magnetostatic problems. These problems are important for describing the
worlds of capacitors and inductors respectively, and hence are important for circuit physics.
When the frequency increases, these two worlds start to couple to each other, and it often
is important to include the physics of these two worlds concurrently. We shall call this the
regime of full-field physics, since both the E and H fields are involved, but the regime of
full-wave physics has not fully set in yet. It is in fact found that the loop-tree decomposition
is deleterious in modeling full-wave physics [17]. When the regime of full-wave physics sets
in, the RWG functions are better suited to model this regime.
Figure 5.1: Loop-tree decomposition for an open surface. The serrated cuts represent RWG
expansion functions removed from the edges, and the loops represent loop expansion function
around a node.
For a simple closed surface, every node is an interior node. However, there are only
Nnode −1 loops where Nnode is number of nodes on the triangulated geometry (see Figure 5.2).
If one adds a loop to every node on a closed surface, then the loop added to the last (final)
node is dependent on the previous loops added. One can see this for a tetrahedron, which is
the simplest triangulated closed surface (see Figure 5.2). A loop is dependent on other loops
if it can be formed by a linear superposition of these other loops.
In addition to simple loops described above, there are global loops. Global loops are
distinguished by their irreducibility to a loop around a single node. For instance, if we have
a ribbon, there will be a loop around a ribbon, which cannot be reduced to a loop around
a single node. A ribbon is topologically the same as an open surface with a hole in it (see
Figure 5.3). For a surface with two holes, the number of global loops is two. The number of
global loops is proportional to the number of holes in an open surface.
A closed surface with a hole is equivalent to a doughnut (see Figure 5.4). For a doughnut-
shape object, the number of global loops is two, as can be seen from the figure. If we add one
more hole to the doughnut, the number of global loops increases to four, and so on. When
more than one global loop exist, they may be entangled and special care has to be taken to
account for them [22].
Figure 5.2: Loop-tree decomposition for a closed surface. A tetrahedron represents the sim-
plest triangulated closed surface. The number of loops is one less than the number of nodes.
Figure 5.3: When an open surface has a hole, a global loop is formed.
If s(r) is not charge neutral, we may assume that there are charges at infinity that neutralize
the net charge of s(r). The integral equation for the above can be written as
φ(r) = φ0 (r) + dr0 g0 (r, r0 )σ(r0 ) = 0, r∈S (5.23)
where σ(r0 ) is the surface charge on S, g0 (r, r0 ) = 4π|r−r 0 | is the static Green’s function, and
φ0 (r) is the potential generated by the source s(r). The above can be converted into a matrix
equation by letting
σ(r ) = Qn σn (r0 ) (5.24)
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Figure 5.4: When a closed surface has a hole in it forming a doughnut, two global loops are
where σn (r0 ) is an expansion function for expanding the charge and N is the number of
expansion functions used. Using (5.24) in (5.23), and testing the result by σm (r), m =
1, . . . , N, and integrating over S, and finally, imposing that the total φ = 0 on S gives
−hσm , φ0 i = Qn hσm , g0 , σn i (5.25)
Figure 5.5: A pulse-pair function resulting from taking the divergence of the RWG function.
where Np is the number of pulse functions used. We can connect this with the charge that is
expanded in terms of the pulse-pair functions, namely,
σ(r) = In ∇ · Λn (r) (5.31)
where Λn (r) represents an RWG function, In is the unknown coefficient, and NC is the
number of the subset of the RWG functions that span the tree space, R the subspace of non-
divergence-free functions
R complement to the loop space. In (5.31), S
σ(r)dS = 0, or it is
charge neutral because S ∇ · Λn (r)dS = 0. Hence, if we impose charge neutrality on (5.30),
we can make the connection between Qn and In , because ∇ · Λn (r) is the superposition of
two pulse functions. This connection is necessary to improve on the convergence property of
the frequency normalized equation (5.18).
LLL = ZLL , (5.46)
1 −1
LLC = ZLC · K , (5.47)
1 t t
LCL = (K )−1 · ZCL = LLC , (5.48)
³ t ´−1 −1
CCC = iω K · ZCC · K (5.49)
and LLL is the self-inductance matrix represented in the loop basis, LLC has a unit of induc-
tance, and iωLLC can be regarded as the mutual impedance matrix between the inductance
and the capacitance, and CCC is the self-capacitance matrix represented in the tree or charge
Because inductance is proportional to µ and capacitance is proportional to ², and in MKS
units, µ and ² are vastly different in numerical values, the corresponding diagonal blocks in
(5.45) are vastly different. A remedy is to express (5.45) in dimensionless form, or multiply
the top row in (5.45) by µ−1 , and the bottom row by ² to further normalize the system.
For acceleration purposes, the final equation may be written in terms of a sequence of
matrix-vector products. For instance, we can rewrite (5.45) as
" # " # · ¸ " 1 #
I 0 I 0 IL VL
³ t ´−1 · Ft · Z ³ ´
RWG · F · −1 · = t −1 (5.50)
0 K K Q K · VC
When an iterative solver is used to solve the matrix equation, the matrix-vector product
can be decomposed into a sequence of matrix-vector products as above. A fast matrix-vector
product can be written for ZRWG ·a, and be used to accelerate the total matrix-vector product.
In the above, ZRWG is a conventional impedance matrix constructed from using RWG
functions as a basis, but it can represent a matrix system obtained by using other basis set.
F is a transformation matrix that changes from the conventional basis to the loop-tree basis.
It is a sparse matrix with O(N ) elements and hence, its associated matrix-vector product
can be performed in O(N ) operations. The frequency and matrix normalization can be
incorporated in F. The construction of the F matrix requires the knowledge of the loop-tree
decomposition of a structure. This can be formed by loop-tree search algorithms [18–21].
The matrix-vector product associated with ZRWG · a can be accelerated by a low-frequency
fast multipole algorithm (LF-FMA) [24] requiring O(N ) operations (for simplicity, we use
the acronym LF-FMA to replace LF-MLFMA). Hence, if K · Q can be effected in O(N )
operations, the whole matrix vector product can be effected in O(N ) operations.
5.3.4 Computation of K · Q in O(N ) Operations
As discussed above, it is imperative to effect K · Q in O(N ) operations. Otherwise it will
be the bottleneck in the entire matrix-vector product. Applying K · Q in O(N ) operations
is equivalent to solving
K · I = iωQ (5.51)
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in O(N ) operations. We regroup IC , the nondivergence-free current into a part that involves
junctions, IC1 , and the rest that does not involve junctions, IC2 . Hence, (5.51) can be written
as · ¸ · ¸ · ¸ · ¸
Q1 IC1 A1 B1 IC1
iω =K· = · (5.52)
Q2 IC2 A2 B2 IC2
Then by the matrix partitioning method,
" −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1
−1 A1 + A1 · B1 · D2 · A2 · A1 , −A1 · B1 · D1
K = −1 −1 −1 (5.53)
−D2 · A2 · A1 , D2
In the above, the dimension of A1 is much smaller than that of B2 , and D2 is a small matrix
given by
−1 −1
D2 = B2 − A2 · A1 · B2 (5.54)
−1 −1
Hence, the main cost of K · Q is the action of A1 on a vector y on finding
x = A1 · y (5.55)
A Simple 1D Problem
Before discussing the general problem, it is pedagogical to study the one dimensional (1D)
problem, as it can be more lucidly described. In a simple 1D problem regarding a strip, the
strip current can be expanded in a simple rooftop function
(1 − ln+1 ), xn < x < xn+1 ,
Jn (x) = x̂Jn (x) = x̂ (1 − xnl −x ), xn−1 < x < xn , (5.58)
0, otherwise.
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an interior
ln-1 ln+1
xn-1 xn xn+1
xn-1 x
Figure 5.6: Illustration of the 1D tree problem.
The divergence of this current expansion function yields a charge that is proportional to the
simple Haar function [25] shown in Figure 5.6. The surface current can be expanded in terms
of the simple rooftop function, viz.,
Js (x) = In Jn (x) (5.59)
But we can also expand the surface charge in terms of the pulse basis
σ(x) = Qn Pn (x), (5.62)
where (
ln−1 , xn−1 < x < xn ,
Pn (x) = (5.63)
0, otherwise.
There is one more pulse (patch) function than rooftop functions as can be seen from the
figure. However, we can assign one of the patches to be a charge-neutralizing patch so that
the number of unknowns in (5.60) and (5.62) is the same. Charge neutrality is necessary
because the charge in Eq. (5.60) is naturally neutral, and also the Haar function in (5.61)
has zero net area. For simplicity, we choose the last patch in the figure to be the neutralizing
Multiplying (5.62) by iω, equating the right hand sides of (5.62) and (5.60), and testing
with a pulse function Pm (x), m = 1, . . . , N, we have
iωQm = hPm (x), Hn (x)iIn
= Kmn In , m = 1, . . . , N (5.64)
iωQ = K · I (5.65)
It is quite clear that when the pulse function is used to test the left-most patch of the structure,
only one unknown from the right hand side of (5.64) is involved. In other words, the first row
of K has only one element, and hence, one can solve for I1 in terms of Q1 . The subsequent row
involves two elements, but one of the two unknowns is already solved for from the previous
row. Therefore, one can recursively solve for all the In ’s in terms of the Qn ’s, n = 1, . . . , N .
Here, QN +1 is picked for charge neutrality.
Figure 5.7: Schematic of a general tree. Each node represents the center of an RWG expansion
function, and the line indicates the possibility of current flowing from one center to another
more than three current unknowns, for example, when a quad patch is used. Eventually, for
the RWG basis case, after the unknowns on two of the open branches are solved for, the third
current unknown can be solved for. Finally all current unknowns, In ’s, can be solved for in
terms of Qn ’s, in O(N ) operation, because the CPU cost of recursion is proportional to the
number of nodes or N .
Figure 5.8 shows the loop-tree decomposition of a conical antenna [26]. The conical
antenna consists of two circular, annular surfaces. It is driven from the inner edges which are
connected by a circular cylinder. The outer edges are connected by four wires which can be
shorted or inductively loaded.
The current on the triangulated conical antenna is expanded in terms of RWG functions.
The center of each triangle is assigned a node, and the centers are connected to form loops
(see Figure 5.8(b)). Hence, an RWG function, which is associated with an inner edge on a
triangulated surface, lives between two nodes. The RWG basis is then decomposed into the
loop basis and the tree basis. In the case of Figure 5.8(b), when a group of RWG functions
form closed loops, they form a loop function that belongs to the loop basis. In the case of
Figure 5.8(c), the RWG functions do not form closed loops. Each RWG function living on a
segment of the tree belongs to the tree basis.
If we restrict Js (r0 ) to nondivergence-free basis, such as the tree basis, it turns out that there
are currents in the tree basis where ∇0 · Js (r0 ) ' 0 implying the existence of small eigenvalues
even when the above is applied to the tree space [27].
A way to avoid the divergence operator is via basis rearrangement so that the fundamental
unknown is the charge, which is related to the current via ∇ · Js (r) = iωσ(r), and hence Eq.
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(b) Loop functions of the conical antenna. (c) Tree functions of the conical antenna.
Figure 5.8: The decomposition of (a) a conical antenna into (b) a set of loop functions plus
(c) a set of tree functions.
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(5.66) becomes Z
LC Js = dr0 g(r, r0 )σ(r0 ) = L̂C σ (5.67)
In the above, K is the matrix representation of the divergence operator in the tree space [see
(5.42)], while K is a preconditioner that removes the effect of the divergence operator.
When the frequency is low, the above integral in the inner product can yield numerical
inaccuracies [28]. To remedy this problem, we use the same trick as in Eq. (5.21), and
express JLn (r) = ∇ × n̂ψn (r). By using integration by parts, we convert (5.68) to
so that VnL drops linearly with ω explicitly when ω → 0, whereas this explicit linear depen-
dence on ω is not in (5.68).
The use of low-frequency MOM (LF-MOM) with loop-tree decomposition to solve small
problems is demonstrated in the modeling of a Hertzian dipole in Figure 5.9(a) [11]. The input
impedance is calculated with LF-MOM where the equation is solved using conjugate gradient
(CG) or low-frequency multilevel fast multipole algorithm (LF-MLFMA). The capacitive
model where the input impedance is modeled solely by the capacitance between the two
spheres is also shown.
It is seen that at low frequencies, the dipole is a capacitive structure, in agreement with the
capacitive model. At higher frequencies, the capacitive model starts to depart from the full-
field model using LF-MOM where the magnetic field is solved concurrently with the electric
field. The reason is that the input feed wires of the Hertzian dipole start to become inductive.
At even higher frequencies as shown in Figure 5.9(b), where a nonloop-tree model is used,
the structure starts to resonate like an LC tank circuit.
Figure 5.10 shows the use of this technique to calculate the input impedance of the conical
antenna shown in Figure 5.8 [26]. With this technique, the input impedance can be calculated
to very low frequencies without low-frequency breakdown, but without this technique as in the
finite element radiation method (FERM) code developed at Lincoln Lab [29], the calculation
at low frequency is impossible.
10 2500
Plain CG Resistance
LF−MLFMA 2000 Reactance
Capacitor approximation
1500 1m 1m
1m 1m
Impedance (ohm)
Reactance (ohm)
10 Z in
4 500
1m 1m
1m 1m 0
2 Z in
10 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Frequency (GHz)
Frequency (GHz)
(a) (b)
Figure 5.9: Input impedance of a Hertzian dipole from (a) very low frequency to (b) microwave
(a) (b)
Figure 5.10: Input impedance of a conical antenna at very low frequencies indicating (a) the
conductance, and (b) the susceptance. Data are taken from [26].
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ε1,µ1 ε2,µ2
Figure 5.12: The multidielectric region problem with contacting regions can be solved as the
limiting case of the noncontact region problem.
+ +
_ +
_ _
After basis rearrangement, the fundamental expansion function is a patch pair which is
shown in Figure 5.13(b). A patch pair can be formed by linearly superposing a number of
SPP functions, where there are charge cancelations between the patch pair. Before basis
rearrangement, these SPPs are producing electric field of opposite signs, where supposedly
after basis rearrangement, they are to cancel exactly, but in a numerical setting, they do
not cancel exactly, giving rise to numerical errors. Hence, when the total field is tested at
a field point where exact cancelation should have occurred, numerical error persists. This is
especially true when large problems are solved where the separation between the patch pair
can be very large, and many SPPs are involved before they cancel to form the long patch pair
As a remedy to this problem, we first form a matrix representation of the Green’s operator
using a single-patch expansion function, that is to find
10 mm
2 mm
Input Reactance ( Ω )
ε = 3.0
20 mm
6 7 8
10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
transformation matrix involved with the similarity transform is sparse with O(N ) elements.
Hence, a matrix-vector product can be performed in O(N ) operations.
Figures 5.14(a) and 5.14(b) show the use of contact-region modeling to model an inductive
ring on top of a dielectric substrate [34]. It is shown that the meshes on the two contacting
surfaces need not be the same, and yet the result can be reasonable. The inductor-like PEC-
dielectric composite structure as shown in Figure 5.14(a), where the top part is a square PEC
ring located on the dielectric substrate. For convenience of display, the top part is shifted
upwards in Figure 5.14(a). A delta-gap source is placed peripherally in the middle of one arm
of the PEC part. The input reactance is shown in Figure 5.14(b), which demonstrates the
inductor-like character of the structure. Again the input resistance is negligible compared to
the reactance. Good agreement among different meshes is observed.
Figures 5.15(a), 5.15(b), 5.15(c) show the use of LF-MOM for the solution of some large
structures using LF-MLFMA acceleration with the stabilization of the patch pair described
above [28]. It is only with stabilization that such a large problem can be solved. This example
involves two layers of wires and a ground plane. The width of each wire is 5 µm and the
thickness is 1 µm. The distance between two adjacent parallel wires is 4 µm. The ground
plane is 210 × 210 µm2 . The first layer of wires is 4 µm above the ground plane and the
second layer is 8 µm above. Two ports are defined as in the figure. The conductivity values
of the wires and the ground plane is 3.7 × 107 S/m. The entire structure is assumed to be in
a silicon dioxide background with ²r = 3.8.
σ =3.7× 10 s/m
f = 1 GHz 3
210 µ m
Port 2
Port 1
(a) (b)
7 5
σ =3.7× 10 s/m
f = 1 GHz
Figure 5.15: (a) Two layers of wires with a ground plane. (b) Charge magnitude on the
three-layer structure. (c) Current magnitude on the three-layer structure.
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all the way from very low frequency for objects with very tiny length-scale compared to
wavelength to mid length-scale where the objects are of the order of wavelength or larger.
These methods will be suitable for accelerating integral equation solvers for problems pertinent
to multiscale problems.
However, because of the disparate nature of the physics of small length-scale and physics
of mid-length-scale, it is necessary to decouple these two physical regimes when solutions are
sought. The equivalence principle algorithm (EPA) [41,42] will be a good method to decouple
the solutions of these two regimes. In this manner, solvers can be used separately to solve
for solutions in the regime of small length-scales, and the regime of mid length-scales. This
is still an active area of research.
5.7 Conclusions
This chapter introduces the low-frequency problems and solutions in solving integral equa-
tions. It suggests using the loop-tree decomposition to overcome the low-frequency breakdown
problem. The basis rearrangement method is introduced to arrive at a better conditioned
matrix system, and the physical reason is also given. The low-frequency technique is very im-
portant in solving problems associated with computer technology where wave physics meets
circuit physics. It is also important in modeling nanostructures where the wavelength is much
longer than the size of the structures. However, most structures, as those in computer tech-
nology (see end of Chapter 1), are multiscale. The multiscale problems presage new solution
techniques. We are currently investigating a stable low-frequency solution without the need
for loop-tree decomposition [43].
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6.1 Introduction
In computational electromagnetics (CEM), modeling with layered medium is quite common.
This problem can be formulated in terms of integral equations using the layered medium
Green’s function. As such, the dyadic Green’s function needs to be derived. When the
layered medium Green’s function is used, unknowns are only associated with the embedded
scatterers or objects, but not with the interfaces of the layers. Hence, it greatly reduces the
number of unknowns required to model the problem accurately. The integral equation thus
formulated is then converted into a matrix equation by the method of moments (MOM) [1]
described in the previous chapters.
In this chapter, we introduce an elegant way of deriving the matrix representation of
the dyadic Green’s function for layered media (DGLM) [2]. The derivation is based on the
pilot vector potential approach where two vector potentials in terms of TE and TM fields
are derived. The derivation is succinct and the resulting Sommerfeld integrals only involve
zeroth order Bessel function and two scalar potentials.
The problem of a dipole over a half space was first solved by Sommerfeld [3] in 1909 using
Hertz vector potential. Kong in 1972 suggested using the Ez and Hz formulation to solve
such problems, extending them to layered media [4]. The layered medium dyadic Green’s
function can only be written in terms of Fourier integrals which are expressed in terms of
Sommerfeld integrals [5, 6]. The evaluation of these integrals is time consuming, especially if
they are associated with high order coordinate-space singularities. Because these integrals are
spectral integrals, the coordinate-space singularities translate into higher spectral components
in the Fourier space, causing their slow convergence.
The filling of these matrix elements involves evaluation of Sommerfeld integrals for singular
functions in the coordinate space. These singular functions are due to the spatial derivatives
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of the Green’s function. To evaluate these matrix elements, it is important that the matrix
representations be manipulated into a form whose coordinate-space singularities are as weak
as possible. We shall call such matrix elements the matrix-friendly forms. By this, we mean
that their associated Sommerfeld integrals are more rapidly convergent.
Here, M and N are transverse waves because they are orthogonal to the direction of the plane
wave propagation or the k vector, whereas L is a longitudinal wave because it points in the
direction of the plane wave propagation or the k vector.
The dyadic Green’s function, when expressed in terms of the vector wave functions, is
Z Z∞Z ·
0 1 M(k, r) M(−k, r0 )
G(r, r ) = dk
(2π)3 (k 2 − km
2 )k 2
N(k, r) N(−k, r0 ) L(k, r) L(−k, r0 )
+ − . (6.4)
(k 2 − km
2 )k 2
2 k2
where ks2 = kx2 + ky2 , k 2 = kx2 + ky2 + kz2 , km = ω µm ²m is the wavenumber of the homogeneous
medium, and dk = dkx dky dkz is a three-dimensional Fourier integral. Hence, k is not a
constant at this point. A continuum of Fourier wave number is needed because the above
corresponds to a Fourier expansion in an infinitely large box in the x, y, and z directions.
1 This list is by no means complete.
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The above choice of pilot vector ẑ makes the vector M function transverse to ẑ. If the
above represents the electric field dyadic Green’s function, M corresponds to a TE to z wave,
whereas N resembles the electric field of a TM to z wave. The L function is needed for
completeness. This follows from Helmholtz theorem that a vector field can be decomposed
into the sum of a solenoidal (divergence-free) field and an irrotational (curl-free) field.
A contour integration technique can be applied to the above to evaluate the dkz integration
in closed form. Consequently, the dyadic Green’s function can be decomposed into TEz and
TMz components. Hence, the dyadic Green’s function for a homogeneous medium can be
derived in terms of vector wave functions as [6, p. 411]
ZZ ∞
i dks
G(r, r0 ) = 2 2
[M(ks , r)M(−ks , r0 )
8π −∞ kmz k s
ẑ ẑ
+N(ks , r)N(−ks , r0 )] − 2 δ(r − r0 ), (6.5)
In the above, the M function corresponds to TEz waves whereas the N function corre-
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sponds to TMz waves. For a layered medium, we can replace the above by [6]
where we have assumed that the source point is in region m whereas the field point is in
region n. The function F α (ks , z, z 0 ) above, where α is either TE or TM, satisfies the following
ordinary differential equation [6, 20]
· ¸
d 1 d 1 2 2i
+ k (z) F α (ks , z, z 0 ) = kz (z)δ(z, z 0 ) (6.11)
dz p(z) dz p(z) z p(z)
where p = µ for TE waves, and p = ² for TM waves. Moreover, kz = k 2 (z) − ks2 . When
k(z) is piecewise constant denoted by km for region m, F α can be found in closed form using a
recursive procedure [6, p. 76]. Furthermore, F α describes the propagation of Bz or Dz fields
for TE and TM fields respectively in an inhomogeneous layer. For a homogeneous medium,
F α (ks , z, z 0 ) = exp(ikmz |z − z 0 |).
After using Eqs. (6.9) and (6.10) in Eq. (6.5), and exchanging the order of derivatives
and integrals, we can rewrite the dyadic Green’s function for layered media as
The above Fourier integrals can be expressed in terms of Sommerfeld integrals involving a
single integral and Bessel function (where kρ = ks ) using the techniques described in [6],
Z ∞
TE 0 i dkρ
g (r, r ) = J0 (kρ |rs − r0s |)F TE (kρ , z, z 0 ), (6.15)
4π 0 kmz kρ
Z ∞
i dkρ
g TM (r, r0 ) = J0 (kρ |rs − r0s |)F TM (kρ , z, z 0 ). (6.16)
4π 0 kmz kρ
To arrive at the above, we have made use of the identity that
ZZ ∞ Z 2π Z ∞
dks = dα kρ dkρ (6.17)
−∞ 0 0
Z 2π
1 0
J0 (kρ |rs − r0s |) = eikρ ·(rs −rs ) dα (6.18)
2π 0
where kρ = x̂kρ cos α+ ŷkρ sin α. Because of the 1/ks2 or the 1/kρ term in the integrands, these
spectral integrals are more rapidly convergent compared to those in (6.5). When F TM and
F TE are defined in (6.15)–(6.16), the generalized reflection coefficients R̃TE and R̃TM [6, Chap.
2] embody polarization effects of the layered medium.
Notice that in (6.15) and (6.16), poles exist at kρ = 0, but these poles are unphysical
causing the integrals to diverge. This dilemma is nonexistent because g TE and g TM are not
the final physical quantities, but Ge in (6.12). In fact, the poles disappear because they
cancel each other when (6.15) and (6.16) are substituted in (6.12).
because we assume that the field point and the image source point do not coincide. Likewise,
the TE wave term for the DGLM is
Ge (r, r0 ) = (∇ × ẑ)(∇0 × ẑ)g TE,S (r, r0 ) . (6.20)
The electric field due to an electric current can be expressed with the dyadic Green’s
function for an inhomogeneous medium as [6, p. 411]
E(r) = iω dr0 Ge (r, r0 )µ(r0 ) · J(r0 ). (6.21)
where we have assumed that the source expansion function Jj (r0 ) is entirely in the m-th region.
When a source expansion function straddles two or more regions, the above expression has
to be modified accordingly.
In the above, the matrix representation of the primary field term is obtained in the con-
ventional method. For the secondary field, the term associated with TM waves is
TM,S 1 £
hJT i (r), Ge (r, r0 ), Jj (r0 )i = 2
h∇ · JT i (r), ∂z ∂z0 g TM,S (r, r0 ) , ∇0 · Jj (r0 )i
− kn2 hJT i (r) · ẑ, ∂z0 g TM,S (r, r0 ) , ∇0 · Jj (r0 )i
− km h∇ · JT i (r), ∂z g TM,S (r, r0 ) , ẑ · Jj (r0 )i
+kn2 km
hẑ · JT i (r), g TM,S (r, r0 ) , ẑ · Jj (r0 )i . (6.23)
In deriving the above, we have made use of integration by parts as much as possible to move
the ∇ operators away from g TM,S . Notice that ∂z ∂z0 g TM,S is the most singular function since
derivatives enhance the order of the singularity. If the z derivative operators are brought into
the spectral integral of g TM,S , the resultant integral will be slowly convergent. The other
integrals are more benign and are rapidly convergent when numerically integrated.
For the term associated with TE waves, using (6.20), we can express it as
TE,S £ ¤
hJT i (r), Ge (r, r0 ), Jj (r0 )i = hJT i (r), (∇s × ẑ)(∇0s × ẑ)g TE,S (r, r0 ) , Jj (r0 )i, (6.24)
where ∇s = x̂∂x + ŷ∂y . If JT i and Jj are curl-conforming volume expansion function, integra-
tion by parts can be used to move the curl operators to the expansion and testing functions.
We manipulate the expression by first showing that
(The first equality above can be easily proved in the spectral domain.) Then we can rewrite
(6.24) as
hJT i (r), Ge (r, r0 ), Jj (r0 )i =hJT Si (r), gsTE,S (r, r0 ), JSj (r0 )i
− h∇ · JT i (r), g TE,S (r, r0 ), ∇0 · Jj (r0 )i
− hJT i (r) · ẑ, ∂z g TE,S (r, r0 ), ∇0 · Jj (r0 )i
− h∇ · JT i (r), ∂z0 g TE,S (r, r0 ), ẑ · Jj (r0 )i
− hJT i (r) · ẑ, ∂z ∂z0 g TE,S (r, r0 ), ẑ · Jj (r0 )i.
In the above,
Z ∞
i dkρ kρ
gsTE,S (r, r0 ) = J0 (kρ |rs − r0s |)F TE,S (kρ , z, z 0 ), (6.27)
4π 0 kmz
where the primary field term has been removed in F TE,S , and JT Si is the part of JT i that is
transverse to ẑ, and similarly for JSj .
We can combine the integrals in (6.26) with those in (6.23) to arrive at five basic terms.
By combining the TM and the TE Green’s functions together, and collecting like terms, for
the secondary field, we get
hJT i (r), Ge (r, r0 ), Jj (r0 )i
¿ À
∂z ∂z0 TM,S 0 TE,S 0 0 0
= ∇ · JT i (r), 2 g (r, r ) − g (r, r ), ∇ · Jj (r )
− hJT i (r) · ẑ, ∂z0 g TM,S (r, r0 ) + ∂z g TE,S (r, r0 ), ∇0 · Jj (r0 )i
− h∇ · JT i (r), ∂z g TM,S (r, r0 ) + ∂z0 g TE,S (r, r0 ), ẑ · Jj (r0 )i
+ hẑ · JT i (r), kmn g TM,S (r, r0 ) − ∂z ∂z0 g TE,S (r, r0 ), ẑ · Jj (r0 )i
+ hJT Si (r), gsTE,S (r, r0 ) , JSj (r0 )i. (6.28)
Evaluating (6.28) involves the computation of two basic Green’s functions g TM,S , g TE,S and
their z derivatives. The gsTE,S Green’s function can be obtained from g TE,S by taking Rs
derivatives, where Rs = |rs −r0s |. It can be shown by using the property of the Bessel equation
1 ∂ ∂ TE,S
Rs g + gsTE,S = 0 (6.29)
Rs ∂Rs ∂Rs
these Green’s functions, g TM,S , g TE,S , can be computed and tabulated via Sommerfeld inte-
grals, and their derivatives can be approximated by finite difference on tabulated values to
evaluate the above five terms.
Alternatively, for higher accuracy, one may want to evaluate the z derivatives exactly by
bringing them inside the spectral integrals to avoid the need for finite difference. To this
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end, the Green’s functions sandwiched between the source expansion function and the test
function can be combined into one integral, and tabulated for efficiency. Also, in the special
case when the source point and the field point are in the uppermost layer or the lowermost
layer, the second and the third terms in (6.28) can be further combined, leaving only four
We consider the matrix representation when Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) functions are
used for expansion and testing. Using the vector notation shown in Figure 6.1, the matrix
elements for the impedance matrix can be explicitly expressed as
X Z Z n
l j lk pq pq
Zjk = iωµm p q dr dr0 Zss,jk + Zzz,jk + Zzpq1 ,jk + Zzpq2 ,jk
4S j Sk Sjp Skq
+ZΦ,jk (6.30)
pq ¡ ¢
Zss,jk = ẑ × ẑ × ξpj · (ẑ × ẑ × ξ qk ) gsTE (r, r0 ) (6.31)
pq ¡ p¢ q £ 2 TM TE
Zzz,jk = ẑ · ξj (ẑ · ξk ) kmn g − ∂z ∂z 0 g (6.32)
· ¸
¡ ¢ µn
Zzpq1 ,jk = − 2²q ξpj · ẑ ∂z0 g TM + ∂z g TE (6.33)
· ¸
Zzpq2 ,jk = − 2²p (ξ qk · ẑ) ∂z g TM + ∂z0 g TE (6.34)
· ¸
pq ∂z ∂z0 TM
ZΦ,jk =4²pq 2
g − g TE (6.35)
½ ½
1, p = q 1, s = 1
where ²p,q = , ²s = , s = p, q. The subscripts ss, z1 , z2 , zz, Φ
−1, p 6= q −1, s = 2
of Z·,jk follow [7] for ease of comparison.
q =1
q =2
p =1
Figure 6.1: The notation for the definition of the RWG [21] functions in this Chapter. The
function is also used as a testing function.
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As Z
H(r) = ∇ × Ge (r, r0 ) · J(r0 )dr0 (6.39)
Equations (6.37) and (6.38) will generate the magnetic field when operating on the electric
current. In fact (6.37) and (6.38) are related by duality.
When we need to find the matrix representation of the above operators, we rewrite
TM,S µn
∇ × Ge (r, r0 ) = (∇ × ẑ)(∇0 ∇0 · ẑ + km
ẑ)g TM,S (r, r0 ) (6.40)
Consequently, we have
hJT i (r), ∇ × Ge (r, r0 ), Jj (r0 )i
µn £
= −hJT i (r), ∇ × ẑ∂z0 g TM,S (r, r0 ) , ∇0 · Jj (r0 )i
+km hJT i (r), ∇ × ẑg TM,S (r, r0 ) , ẑ · Jj (r0 )i (6.41)
Similarly, for ∇ × Ge (r, r0 ), we have
∇ × Ge (r, r0 ) = (∇∇ · ẑ + km
ẑ)(∇0 × ẑ)g TE,S (r, r0 ) (6.42)
hJT i (r), ∇ × Ge (r, r0 ), Jj (r0 )i = −h∇ · JT i (r), ∇0 × ẑ∂z g TE,S (r, r0 ) , Jj (r0 )i
+km hJT i (r) · ẑ, ∇0 × ẑg TE,S (r, r0 ) , Jj (r0 )i (6.43)
Le (r, r0 ) = iωGe (r, r0 )µ(r0 ), (6.45)
H(r) = µ−1 (r) ∇ × Ge (r, r0 )µ(r0 ) · J(r0 )
Km (r, r0 ) = µ−1 (r)∇ × Ge (r, r0 )µ(r0 ) (6.47)
E(r) = −² (r) ∇ × Gm (r, r0 )²(r0 ) · M(r0 )
Lm (r, r0 ) = iωGm (r, r0 )²(r0 ) (6.50)
In the above,
µ 2
R 0 ks 1 ∂ 0 T M,R
Ẽmz = ẑ · α̂ 2 − 2 ∇s · α̂ g̃m . (6.57)
km km ∂z 0
Using [6, Eq. (2.3.17)] and from the above, we can derive the other components of the TM
electric field to obtain
µ ¶
1 ∂ R 1 ∂ k2 1 ∂
= 2 ∇s Ẽmz = 2 ∇s ẑ · α̂0 2s − 2 ∇ s · α̂ 0 T M,R
g̃m . (6.58)
ks ∂z ks ∂z km km ∂z 0
Adding the z component to the above, we have
1 1 ∂ ∂
ẼTmM,R = 2
∇s ∇z · α̂0 − 2 2 ∇s ∇s · α̂0
km km ks ∂z ∂z 0
0 ks 1 0 0 T M,R
+ẑ ẑ · α̂ 2 − 2 ∇z ∇s · α̂ g̃m . (6.59)
km km
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We can write
1 1 1 kz2 1 ks2
∇ s ∇ z = 2
(∇∇ z − ∇ z ∇ z ) = 2
∇∇ z + ẑ ẑ 2
= 2
∇∇ z + ẑ ẑ − ẑ ẑ 2
. (6.60)
km km km km km km
Using (6.60) in (6.59), we have
µ ¶
1 1 ∂ ∂ 1 0
ẼTmM,R = 2
∇∇ z − 2 k 2 ∂z ∂z 0
∇ s ∇ s + ẑ ẑ − 2
∇ z ∇ s · α̂0 g̃m
. (6.61)
km km s km
We can always define a new function gmh such that
∂ T M,R ∂ T M,R
g̃m = − g̃mh . (6.62)
∂z ∂z
It can be shown that such a gmh can always be found. In this case, (6.61) can be written
µ ¶ µ ¶
T M,R 1 0 T M,R 1 1 ∂2 T M,R
Ẽm = 2
∇∇z + ẑ ẑ · α̂ g̃m + 2 ∇s ∇s + ∇z ∇s · α̂0 g̃mh . (6.63)
km km ks2 ∂z 2
∂2 2 2
Using ∂z 2 = −kmz = −km + ks2 , the above can be rewritten as
µ ¶ µ ¶
T M,R 1 0 T M,R 1 1 T M,R
Ẽm = 2
∇∇z + ẑ ẑ · α̂ g̃m + 2
∇∇s − 2 ∇s ∇s · α̂0 g̃mh . (6.64)
km km ks
For the TE wave, we can focus again on the reflected wave to obtain the spectral domain
solution as
R 1 1
H̃mz = ẑ · ∇s × α̂0 T E,R
g̃m = α̂0 · ẑ × ∇s g̃ T E,R , (6.65)
iωµm iωµm m
where 0
ωµm eiks ·(rs −rs ) £ T E −ikmz z
T E,R T E ikmz z
=− 2
g̃m Bm e + Dm e . (6.66)
8π kmz
Then, the TE electric field in region m is
α̂ · ẼTms
= α̂ · ẼTmE,R = − (α̂ · ẑ × ∇s ) (α̂0 · ẑ × ∇s ) g̃m
. (6.67)
Using the fact that (an identity easily derived in the spectral domain),
1 1
(α̂ · ẑ × ∇s ) (α̂0 · ẑ × ∇s ) = −α̂ · ẑ ẑ · α̂0 − 2 α̂ · ∇s ∇s · α̂0 − α̂ · α̂0
ks2 ks
= −α̂ · Īs · α̂0 − 2 α̂ · ∇s ∇s · α̂0 , (6.68)
Combining (6.64) and (6.69), we have the total reflected electric field as
µ ¶ µ ¶
1 1 1 T M,R
m = 2
∇∇ z + ẑ ẑ · α̂ 0 T M,R
g̃m + 2
∇∇ s − ∇ s ∇ s · α̂0 g̃mh
km km ks2
µ ¶
+ Īs + 2 ∇s ∇s · α̂0 g̃m T E,R
. (6.70)
Because the electric field due to a point current source J(r) = α̂δ(r − r0 ) is [see (6.21)]
ẼR ˜R 0 0 0
m (r) = iω G (r, r )µ(r ) · α̂ (6.71)
one can extract an expression for the dyadic Green’s function in the spectral domain for the
reflected wave term from the above.
The field in region n < m due to a source in region m is of the form
µ ¶
k2 1 ∂
Ẽnz = ẑ · α̂0 2s − 2 ∇ s · α̂ 0
g̃nT M , (6.72)
km km ∂z 0
g̃nT M = − 2
An e TM
+ R̃n,n−1 e−2iknz dn−1 −iknz z . (6.73)
8π kmz ²n
ATn E can be found using the technique described in [6, pp. 53, 78]. The transverse components
of the field can be found to be
µ ¶
TM 1 ∂ 1 ∂ 1 ∂2
Ẽns = 2 ∇s Ẽnz = 2 ∇s ẑ − 2 ∇s ∇s · α̂0 g̃nT M . (6.74)
ks ∂z km ∂z ks ∂z∂z 0
Adding the z component to the above, we have
µ ¶
TM 1 1 ∂2 ks2 1 0
Ẽn = 2
∇s ∇z − 2 2 ∇s ∇s + ẑ ẑ 2 − 2 ∇z ∇s · α̂0 g̃nT M . (6.75)
km km ks ∂z∂z 0 km km
By using the same trick as before, the first term and third term can be combined, viz,
1 1 1 1 knz 1 kn2 ks2
∇ s ∇ z = 2
∇∇ z − 2
∇ z ∇ z = 2
∇∇ z + 2
ẑ ẑ = 2
∇∇ z + 2
ẑ ẑ − 2
ẑ ẑ. (6.76)
km km km km km km km km
Similar to before, we can define
∂ TM ∂ TM
g̃n = − g̃nh , (6.77)
∂z ∂z
to combine the second and the fourth terms, viz,
1 ∂2 1 ∂2 k2
− 2
∇s ∇s − ∇0z ∇s = 2 2 ∇s ∇s + ∇z ∇s = − nz ∇s ∇s + ∇z ∇s
ks ∂z∂z 0 ks ∂z ks2
= − n2 ∇s ∇s + ∇∇s . (6.78)
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Consequently, we have
µ ¶
1 ¡ ¢ 1 kn2
ẼTn M = 2
∇∇z + kn2 ẑ ẑ · α̂0 g̃nT M − 2 ∇s ∇s − ∇∇s · α̂0 g̃nh
, (6.79)
km km ks2
g̃nT E = − A e + R̃ TE
e−2iknz dn−1 −iknz z
8π 2 kmz µn n n,n−1
Similar to (6.70), one can extract an expression for the dyadic Green’s function in the spectral
domain by noticing that
Ẽn (r) = iω G(r, r0 )µ(r0 ) · α̂0 (6.83)
When the above is used to compute the MOM matrices, they need to be integrated to
yield the spatial domain fields. It is to be noted that when the spectral domain integral is
performed, the derivative operators are taken out of the spectral integrals. Integration by
parts are then used to move the derivative operators to the expansion and testing functions.
Region 1
− d1
Region 2
z = z'
ˆ = ∇s − ∇ z .
where ∇
In region 1, g̃1T M of (6.73) becomes
ωµ2 eiks ·(rs −rs ) ²2 T M ik1z z
g̃1T M = − · A1 e , (6.88)
8π 2 k2z ²1
AT1 M = e−ik2z (d1 +z ) T21
T M ik1z d1
e . (6.89)
In this case g̃1h defined in (6.77) becomes,
TM k2z T M
g̃1h = g̃ , (6.90)
k1z 1
where g̃1T E is similar to g̃1T M in (6.88), but with ( ²²12 )AT1 M replaced by ( µµ12 )AT1 E , and AT1 E is
similar to AT1 M in (6.89) but with T21 TM
replaced by T21 TE
, or
ωµ2 eiks ·(rs −rs ) µ2 −ik2z (d1 +z0 ) T E ik1z d1 +ik1z z
g̃1T E = − e T21 e . (6.92)
8π 2 k2z µ1
Region 1
Region 2 − d1
z = z'
− d2
Region 3
For field in region 2, B2T M and D2T M of (6.56) can be obtained from [6, Eq. (2.4.5)].
h 0
T M ik2z (d2 +z 0 )
B2T M = e−ik2z d1 R21
e−ik2z (d1 +z ) + eik2z (d2 −d1 ) R23 e M̃2 , (6.93)
h 0
T M −ik2z (d1 +z 0 )
D2T M = eik2z d2 R23
eik2z (d2 +z ) + eik2z (d2 −d1 ) R21 e M̃2 , (6.94)
where h i−1
T M T M 2ik2z (d2 −d1 )
M̃2 = 1 − R23 R21 e , (6.95)
and 0
ωµ2 eiks ·(rs −rs ) £ T M −ik2z z ¤
g̃2T M,R =− 2 B2 e + D2T M eik2z z . (6.96)
8π k2z
Moreover, g̃2h as defined in (6.62) is
which can be gathered from (2.4.8) and (2.4.9) of [6]. In this case, g̃1h defined in (6.77)
TM ωµ2 eiks ·(rs −rs ) k2z ²2 T M ik1z z
g̃1h =− 2 Â e , (6.102)
8π k2z k1z ²1 1
where h i
0 0
ÂT1 M = T21
T M −ik2z d1
e −e−ik2z z + eik2z (z +2d1 ) R23
M̃2 eik1z d1 . (6.103)
VV, [6]
−20 HH, [6]
HH, Eqn. (22)
VV, Eqn. (22)
−200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200
Azimuth [deg]
Figure 6.4: The radar cross section of a PEC sphere above a three-layered medium.
6.8 Conclusions
We have arrived at an alternative and elegant way of deriving the matrix representation of
the dyadic Green’s operator in the electric field integral equation (EFIE). The derivation is
based on the pilot vector potential approach where the two vector potentials in terms of TE
and TM fields are derived.
Starting with the dyadic Green’s function formulas in [6], we manipulate them into a
form that is suitable for matrix-element evaluation for CEM, for example, in the MOM.
All integrals involve only Bessel function of zeroth order, and they can be reduced to two
basic integrals for the Green’s function g TM and g TE . When these two Green’s functions are
tabulated, the other integrals needed can be obtained by finite difference on the tabulated
values. This derivation is more succinct than previous derivations.
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IR is now a convergent integral which may be tabulated. IS is singular, but can be integrated
in closed form. By partial fraction
Z ∞ · ¸
0 0 1 kρ
IS = lim F (0, z, z , ρ ) dkρ − 2
²→0 ² kρ k ρ + a2
· ¸
1 ¡ ¢ ∞
= F (0, z, z 0 , ρ0 ) lim ln kρ − ln kρ2 + a2 (A-5)
²→0 2 ²
· ¸
1 ¡ ¢
IS = F (0, z, z 0 , ρ0 ) lim − ln ² + ln ²2 + a2
²→0 2
= −F (0, z, z 0 , ρ0 ) lim ln ² + F (0, z, z 0 , ρ0 ) ln a (A-6)
The singular term in the above will cancel each other in the full dyadic Green’s function or
else it will contribute to a nonphysical field. Hence, it can be ignored a priori and
IS = F (0, z, z 0 , ρ0 ) ln a (A-7)
The above singularity subtraction technique is nonunique, and other ways of subtraction that
yield better convergence for the integral are possible.
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7.1 Introduction
Although new developments in fast algorithm result in the ability to solve large-scale electro-
magnetic simulation problem with presently available computational resources, all of them are
targeted to problems with homogeneous background, also known as free-space (homogeneous
space) problems. However, there are numerous applications of practical interests, where the
free-space approximation is not sufficient. For example, correct modeling of electromagnetic
phenomena in areas such as remote sensing, interconnect characterization, microstrip anten-
nas and monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC), calls for the capability to analyze
structures in the vicinity of stratified medium containing an arbitrary number of dielectric
layers. The casting of this problem into integral based form was systematically addressed by
Michalski and Zheng [1], where several versions of dyadic Green’s function for layered medium
problem were derived. Later, Chew et al. developed an alternative formulation [2–4] and suc-
cessfully applied to the development of fast method for layered medium [5,6]. As shown later,
this formulation is more easily adapted to fast methods developed here and results in similar
efficiency as that for free-space problems.
Although theoretical development for solving layered medium problem using integral equa-
tion based solvers was considered complete, two obstacles exist for solving such problems effi-
ciently. The first difficulty comes from the necessity to fill the impedance matrix when using
the traditional solution method. The core part is to evaluate the spatial Green’s functions,
which are expressed in the Sommerfeld-type integral forms. Because no general analytic closed
forms are available, the numerical integration along the Sommerfeld integration path (SIP)
is necessary and it is quite time consuming. Many techniques have been proposed to reduce
this computation time. The majority of those techniques can be categorized into two main
approaches. The first approach is represented by well known discrete complex image method
(DCIM) [7–10]. The main idea is to fit the spectrum of dyadic Green’s function encountered
in Sommerfeld integrals using a set of special functions, for which closed-form Sommerfeld
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integration results exist. This approach garners significant attention in recent years because
of its simplicity and ease of implementation. The second approach is to perform Sommer-
feld integration through a cleverly designed integration path so that fast convergence can be
achieved in numerical integration. For example, Cui and Chew [6] have demonstrated the
efficiency to perform the numerical integration along the fast converging steepest descent path
(SDP). By using these techniques, the impedance matrix filling time can be reduced to be in
the same order of magnitude as its free-space counterpart. However, the total computational
complexity to fill the impedance matrix remains O(N 2 ).
Although the matrix-filling issue for layered medium problems can be mitigated using
aforementioned techniques, the second difficulty, that is, solving the resultant matrix equation
within a reasonable amount of time, poses a major hurdle for solving the practical problems.
Similar to free-space problems, the impedance matrix resulted from MOM discretization for
layer medium problems is a dense, complex one in general. Because the straightforward fast
multipole method (FMM) implementation for layered medium problem is not possible, there
are multiple efforts to develop efficient methods for large-scale layered medium problems. For
example, the adaptive integral method (AIM) [11] coupled with DCIM [12], thin-stratified
medium fast-multipole algorithm (TSM-FMA) developed by Zhao et al. to solve microstrip
type of problems [5], steepest descent fast multipole method (SDFMM) developed by Jand-
hyala et al. [13], MLFMA-based implementatation using the asymptotic image term developed
by Geng et. al [14], and FMM-PML-MPIE developed by Vande Ginste et al. [15, 16].
In this chapter, we will review the recent progress on fast inhomogeneous plane wave
algorithm (FIPWA) and its application to layered medium problems.
and the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) for inhomogeneous medium is
µ(r) n̂ × ∇ × Ge (r, r0 )µ(r0 ) · J(r0 )dS 0 − J(r) = −n̂ × Hinc (r), (7.2)
S 2
where n̂ is the normal outward vector at point r, Ge (r, r0 ) is the dyadic Green’s function, J(r0 )
is the surface current distribution, and Einc (r) and Hinc (r) are the fields of the impinging
plane wave in the presence of the layered medium.
To reduce the effect of the internal resonances (see Chapters 3 and 4), combined field
integral equation (CFIE) for closed conducting objects is utilized and it is simply a linear
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1 air-dielectric interface
. . .
Figure 7.1: The PEC scatterer S above a layered medium. The outermost layers are Layer 1
and Layer N .
where 0
iωµ eik1 |r−r |
g0 (r, r0 ) = , (7.5)
4π |r − r0 |
g β (r, r0 ) = dkρ g̃ β (kρ , r, r0 ), (7.6)
Im{k ρ }
Re{k ρ}
Figure 7.2: Illustration of the Sommerfeld integration path (SIP). The shift of the path is to
avoid the singularities at kρ = 0 and the surface wave poles.
Im{k ρ }
Re{k ρ}
Figure 7.3: The folded SIP, which is used for the integral with the Bessel function kernel.
where W (kρ ) denote the weight function because it can be considered as the weights applied
to the inhomogeneous plane waves pointing to different directions. For the sake of clarity,
Eqs. (7.15a) and (7.15b) are used to describe the algorithm.
When |ρj − ρi | → 0, it is better to work with the following formula:
g0 (rj , ri ) = 2 dkρ J0 (kρ |ρj − ρi |)eik1z (zj −zi ) , (7.16a)
F SIP k1z
g R (rj , ri ) = 2 dkρ W (kρ )J0 (kρ |ρj − ρi |)eik1z (zj +zi ) , (7.16b)
to avoid the divergence of the Hankel function. Here, FSIP stands for the folded SIP, as
shown in Figure 7.3.
Observation 1. It is easy to observe the similarity between g0 and g R in their spectral
integral representations. Because g0 represents the free-space Green’s function and FIPWA
has been developed to accelerate the matrix-vector multiplication for this kind of kernel, it is
suggested that the same techniques be applied to g R .
where k(θ, φ) = k k̂(θ, φ) = k(x̂ sin θ cos φ + ŷ sin θ sin φ + ẑ cos θ) and rji = rj − ri .
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observation group
11 C’
source group
Figure 7.4: Illustration of the source and observation groups. The source group is centered
at rC 0 and the observation group is centered at rC .
Denoting rC 0 and rC as the centers of the groups containing the elements i and j, respec-
tively, and using rji = rjC + rCC 0 + rC 0 i , as shown in Figure 7.4, the above integral can be
written as
eikrji ik 2π
= dφ dθ sin θeik(θ,φ)·rjC · eik(θ,φ)·rCC 0 · eik(θ,φ)·rC 0 i . (7.18)
rji 2π 0 F SIP
To evaluate the integral efficiently, the SDP can be defined. When the source and obser-
vation groups are aligned along the z axis, that is, rCC 0 = ẑzCC 0 , the SDP on the θ plane is
chosen and shown in Figure 7.5. The integration on φ is within [0, 2π] and can be performed
fairly easily.
We rewrite Eq. (7.18) as
Z 2π Z
= dφ dθf (θ)B(θ, φ)eikzCC 0 cos θ , (7.19)
rji 0 Γ
f (θ) = sin θ, B(θ, φ) = BjC · BC 0 i = eik(θ,φ)·rjC · eik(θ,φ)·rC 0 i , (7.20)
and B(θ, φ) is the combination of the radiation and receiving pattern function for the source
and observation groups, respectively, and f (θ) is considered to be the weight function. De-
noting Ωq = (θq1 , φq2 ), Wq = (wq1 , wq2 ), and q = (q1 , q2 ) as the appropriate abscissas and
MC1483_Chew_Lecture.qxd 8/18/08 12:30 PM Page 165
θ0 π/2 θR
Path I
Path II
Figure 7.5: Illustration of the steepest descent path (SDP) in the θ plane for the free-space
problems with the SIP in the background. The θ0 is defined in Figure 7.4.
weights for the corresponding numerical quadrature methods for θ and φ along the SDP, Eq.
(7.19) can be evaluated as
eikrji X
= f (Ωq )B(Ωq )eikzCC 0 cos θq1 . (7.21)
rji q
To diagonalize the translation operator, the value of the pattern function along the SDP,
that is, B(Ωq ), can be obtained using the interpolation and extrapolation techniques as fol-
lows: X
B(Ωq ) = B(Ωs )I(Ωq , Ωs ), (7.22)
where I(Ωq , Ωs ) is the interpolation and extrapolation kernel and Ωs denotes the samples
on the real θ and φ axis. After substituting Eq. (7.22) into (7.21), it can be derived as
eikrji X
= f (Ωq )B(Ωq )eikzCC 0 cos θq1
rji q
" #
= f (Ωq ) B(Ωs )I(Ωq , Ωs ) eikzCC 0 cos θq1
q s
= B(Ωs ) f (Ωq )I(Ωq , Ωs )eikzCC 0 cos θq1
s q
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= B(Ωs ) · TCC 0 (Ωs ). (7.23)
Here, TCC 0 (Ωs ) is the diagonal translator and Eq. (7.23) can be used to construct an FMM-
like fast algorithm to accelerate the matrix-vector multiplication. As detailed in [18], when
source and observation groups are not aligned in the z axis, the diagonal translation operator
can be obtained by performing the coordinate system rotation with the help of interpolation.
It has been observed that FIPWA achieves the diagonal translator using a different method
from that used by FMM. Except for the different diagonalization procedures, these two al-
gorithms are quite similar. Therefore, the computational complexity can be analyzed in a
similar fashion, which has been discussed by many researchers, such as Song et al. [19]. In
summary, the memory requirement for the multilevel implementation is O(N ) and the CPU
time per iteration scales as O(N log N ).
where W 0 (θ) = k cos θW (θ), and ri and rj denote the source and observation points, respec-
tively. As discussed in the previous section, the source points and observation points are
grouped, as shown in Figure 7.6, where the source and observation groups are centered at
rC 0 and rC , respectively. Comparing Eq. (7.25) with its free-space counterpart, the following
observations can be made.
Observation 2. The g R (rj , ri ) can be interpreted as the field originated from the source
at ri , reflected by the dielectric layers and received by observation points located at rj .
Equivalently, this effect can also be viewed as the field radiated from the mirror image of
ri with respect to the air-dielectric interface, denoted as riI . Thus, the mirror images of
the source points can also be combined to form a group, whose center, denoted as rC 0I , is
also the mirror image of the center for source group located at rC 0 . This grouping scheme
is illustrated in Figure 7.6. Without introducing ambiguity, the mirror images of the source
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observation group
source group 1C
i 1j
air-dielectric interface
C’ I 0
Figure 7.6: The grouping of the source and observation points. The mirror image of the
source points can also be combined to form a mirror image group, both with respect to the
air-dielectric interface.
point and source group are referred to as the source point and source group in the following
discussion. It is to be cautioned that this is not the same as invoking the image theorem.
Observation 3. The basic expression of g R (rj , ri ) is similar to the free-space one. The
only difference lies in the weight function W 0 (θ). Therefore, all techniques developed for the
FIPWA in free-space can be utilized for this kernel.
In the following, several important issues of the proposed algorithm, such as the proper
choice of the SDP, the inclusion of the pole and branch point contributions, and the diago-
nalization of the translation matrices, are discussed.
cos θR cosh θI = 1,
θR > 0, θI > 0;
Path 2 : θlef t ≤ θR ≤ θright ;
Path 3 : θ = θright + θR − iθI ;
cos θR cosh θI = 1;
θR > 0, θI > 0; (7.27)
where θlef t and θright represent the smallest and largest angles that the vectors, directed from
the source points to the observation points located in the respective groups, make with the
z axis, and they are shown in Figure 7.7. The SDP path is illustrated with the SIP in the
background in Figure 7.8.
(1) 1 X
H0 (k|ρj − ρi |) = βjC (k, φq2 ) · τ (k, φq2 , ρCC 0I ) · βC 0I iI (k, φq2 ), (7.28)
N q =1
X π
τ (k, φq2 , ρCC 0I ) = Hn(1) (kρCC 0I )e−in[φCC 0I −φq2 − 2 ] , (7.29)
βjC (k, φq2 ) = eik(xjC cos φq2 +yjC sin φq2 ) , (7.30)
where xjC = xj − xC , and so on. The βC 0I iI and βjC are the 2D radiation and receiving
patterns for the source and observation groups, respectively. Because k is a complex number,
they are both inhomogeneous plane waves.
In principle, the 2D FIPWA [20] can also be used to obtain the plane wave expansion of the
Hankel function, as long as the proper SDP for complex wave numbers is defined (remember
the integration is now performed along the SDP and k sin θ is a complex number in general).
observation group
C’ I
Figure 7.7: Illustration of observation group and the image of the source group. The image
of the source group is centered at rC 0I .
Path 1 SIP
Branch Point
Figure 7.8: The SDP is shown, with the SIP in the background. One contributing pole and
the branch point with the constant phase path, that is, ΓB , passing through it are also shown.
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along the SDP in the θ plane and (φq2 , wq2 ) is for the φ integration. Thus, the numerical
integration is evaluated as
X (1)
g SDP (rj , ri ) = wq1 W 0 (θq1 )H0 (k sin θq1 |ρj − ρi |)eik cos θq1 (zj +zi )
1 X
= wq1 W 0 (θq1 )eik cos θq1 (zj +zi )
N q
× βjC (k sin θq1 , φq2 ) · τ (k sin θq1 , φq2 , ρCC 0I ) · βC 0I iI (k sin θq1 , φq2 )
q2 =1
= BjC (Ωq ) · T SDP (Ωq , rCC 0I ) · BC 0I iI (Ωq ), (7.32)
q1 q2 =1
Ωq = (θq1 , φq2 ), q = (q1 , q2 ), (7.33)
BjC (Ωq ) = eik(Ωq )·rjC , (7.34)
ik(Ωq )·rC 0I iI
BC 0I iI (Ωq ) = e , (7.35)
k(Ωq ) = k (x̂ sin θq1 cos φq2 + ŷ sin θq1 sin φq2 + ẑ cos θq1 ) , (7.36)
wq1 0
T SDP (Ωq , rCC 0I ) = W (θq1 )τ (k sin θq1 , φq2 , ρCC 0I )eik cos θq1 zCC 0I , (7.37)
and rji = rj − ri .
In Eq. (7.32), the numerical integration is performed through the translation of the
inhomogeneous plane waves from the source group to the observation group using the diagonal
translation operator T SDP . The diagonal translator in this context means that there are no
mutual interactions among the inhomogeneous plane waves pointing in different directions.
Although the T SDP is diagonal, this translation scheme is not desirable for two reasons.
First, the number of quadrature samples, especially on Path 2, is directly proportional to the
distance between two groups. Therefore, a large number of Ωq is expected for distant groups.
Second, as the integration path, that is, the SDP, is dependent on the relative position of
the source group with respect to the observation groups, different sets of quadrature samples
are required if this relative position changes. As is well known, the efficiency of the FMM-
like algorithm is based on the precomputing and storing of the far-field pattern samples and
the translation operator, that is, BC 0I iI , BjC and T SDP , before the actual matrix-vector
multiplication. To account for all possible source-observation group pairs, Eq. (7.32) requires
one to precompute and store the samples for all possible SDPs. Obviously, it is inefficient
in view of both the computation time and memory storage required. Previously developed
algorithms [5], [13] store the samples along the integration path and thus are only suitable
for the quasi-planar objects.
To solve this problem, the interpolation and extrapolation techniques are used. First, for
the sake of clarity, Eq. (7.32) is rewritten as
g SDP (rj , ri ) = SDP
BjC (Ωq ) · TCC 0I (Ωq ) · BC 0I iI (Ωq ). (7.38)
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Denoting Ωs = (θs1 , φs2 ) and s = (s1 , s2 ) as the samples for the homogeneous plane waves,
which means that θs1 and φs2 are real, and I(Ωq , Ωs ) as the interpolation/extrapolation
kernel, the samples of the far-field patterns along the SDP can be obtained by
BjC (Ωq ) · BC 0I iI (Ωq ) = BjC (Ωs ) · BC 0I iI (Ωs )I(Ωq , Ωs ). (7.39)
Then, Eq. (7.38) can be manipulated in the same fashion as in Eq. (7.23), that is,
g SDP (rj , ri ) = SDP
BjC (Ωq ) · TCC 0I (Ωq ) · BC 0I iI (Ωq )
= TCC 0I (Ωq ) · BjC (Ωs ) · BC 0I iI (Ωs ) · I(Ωq , Ωs )
q s
= BjC (Ωs ) · T̃CC 0I (Ωs ) · BC 0I iI (Ωs ), (7.40)
T̃CC 0I (Ωs ) = TCC 0I (Ωq ) · I(Ωq , Ωs ), (7.41)
and T̃CC 0I is the desired diagonal translation coefficients. Consequently, the integration along
the SDP is performed by translating the homogeneous plane waves from the source group to
the observation group, with the help of T̃CC 0I . The advantage of this manipulation is that
the far-field patterns are sampled on the real axis, that is, Ωs in Eq. (7.40), and the sampling
criteria are only dependent on the requirement of accurate reconstruction in Eq. (7.39). In
other words, the way of the sampling, such as the number of the samples, is only determined
by the group properties, such as the size of the groups, and it is independent of the source-
observation group pairs involved in the numerical integration. Thus, only one set of samples
of the far-field patterns is necessary for each group.
Observation 4. The radiation pattern function from the image source group, that is,
BC 0I iI (Ωs ), can be constructed from the source group, that is, BC 0 i (Ωs ), in Eq. (7.20) after
exploiting the symmetric properties between them. Therefore, it is not necessary to store
BC 0I iI (Ωs ) when implementing the algorithm.
Pole contribution
In contrast to the free-space version, the weight function W 0 (θ), or essentially the generalized
reflection coefficients embedded within it, has singularities, manifested as the pole and branch
point in the complex θ plane. As a result, the deformation of the integration path from the
SIP to SDP inevitably encompasses some of them, and the effects of these singularities to the
final integration result must be included. As an illustration, a contributing pole is shown in
Figure 7.8.
Using the same technique proposed in [21], all the poles in the complex θ plane can be
located by using a recursive method. Assuming that θp is one of the contributing poles, the
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where <es{θp } is the residue of the weight function W 0 (θ) at θ = θp , and T P is the translation
operator for the pole contribution and is calculated using
<es{θp }
T P (θp , φq2 , rCC 0I ) = τ (k sin θp , φq2 , ρCC 0I )eik cos θp zCC 0I . (7.43)
Observation 5. As the locations of the poles are fixed in the θ plane, the pole contribution
can be accounted for by using a 2D FMM, as manifested in Eq. (7.42).
Pole determination
Although it is quite straightforward to include the pole contribution in FIPWA, a major
problem is to find the accurate locations of all poles in a specific region. A handful of root-
searching routines for nonlinear equations are available, but almost all of them can only
locate one root in the given region. As the locations and the number of poles are not known
beforehand, existing root solvers miss the locations of some poles. As a remedy, a new
recursive method is introduced here to accurately determine arbitrary number of poles for a
given region.
By using the Cauchy theorem in complex variables, which states that the contour integral
of an analytic function is zero, this problem is solved successfully. The basic procedure
is as follows. Given a specific region, normally a rectangular box, the contour integral is
performed around it. A zero result implies that no pole exists inside. If the integration result
is nontrivial, the box is further divided into smaller boxes around which the contour integral
is performed. Obviously, only boxes with nontrivial contour integration results are further
subdivided. In this manner, the approximate locations of the poles can be determined. Then,
some root-searching routines can be used to refine them.
This approach has two advantages. First, this method is systematic and accurate. The
method is mathematically sound. By subdividing the box in a multilevel manner, very small
cells can be achieved in only a few levels, implying that the poles can be located with very
high accuracy. Secondly, it is very efficient, because only the reflection coefficient, which has
a closed form, possesses the poles, it is easy to perform the contour integral. As mentioned
before, in each level, only several contour integrations are actually performed. Therefore,
little time is used to locate the poles. A by-product of this method is that the residue is
obtained directly from the result of contour integral. This is useful when the structure under
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Number real part (φR ) imag part (φI ) |R̃T M | at this point
1 2.04328364451110 −0.164791069566742 1.1157E+12
2 2.04822034059814 −1.26312918284433 2.0315E+10
3 2.40029093077478 −1.11651541355518 3.1057E+14
4 2.91654903716033 −1.49117966962597 6.2335E+13
Pole 1 6
−0.5 3
Pole 3
Pole 2
Pole 4 −2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Figure 7.9: Contour plot of R̃T M in the φ plane. The region plotted is φR ∈ (0, π) and
φI ∈ (− π2 , 0).
study is complex and the derivation of an analytic expression for the residue is tedious, if not
As an illustration of the effectiveness of the proposed pole-locating algorithm, the following
example is shown. The working frequency is f = 3 GHz. The permittivity of the substrate
is εr = 2.56 + i2.56, the thickness is t = 5 cm, and it is backed with the PEC ground plane.
This structure is not typical in microstrip analysis and is chosen so that multiple poles exist.
Figure 7.9 is the contour plot of the reflection coefficient R̃T M in the φ plane. It is shown
that four poles are located on this plane. The poles found by this routine are listed in Table
7.1. Comparing this table with Figure 7.9, it is obvious that the program finds all four poles.
For all other root-searching routines tested so far, only one pole (No. 1 in the table) can be
Because the poles are fixed in the φ plane, the computation time in the order of O(N ) is
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where (θn , wn ) is the numerical quadrature coefficient and the diagonal translator T B is
expressed as
T B (θn , φq2 , rCC 0I ) = W(θn )τ (k sin θn , φq2 , ρCC 0I )eik cos θn zCC 0I , (7.45)
with W(θn ) = W 0+ (θn ) − W 0− (θn ). Here, W 0+ (θn ) is the value of the weight function where
kρ lies in the upper Riemann sheet, that is, <e{kN z } > 0, whereas W 0− (θn ) corresponds to
the lower Riemann sheet, that is, <e{kN z } < 0.
and performing the same coordinate transform in Eq. (7.24), Eq. (7.16b) can be rewritten as
Z 2π Z
g R (rj , ri ) = dφ dθW 0 (θ)ek(θ,φ)·(rj −ri ) , (7.47)
0 1
where W (θ) = sin θW (θ). The FSIP is shown in Figure 7.3. As mentioned before, the
only difference between this Green’s function and the free-space one, that is, Eq. (7.17), is
the weight function. Therefore, the choice of the proper SDP is the same as the free-space
case, which is shown in Figure 7.4. The diagonalization of the translation matrix is similar
to the free-space one, as detailed in [18]. The pole and branch point contributions have to
be included in the final integration result, which can be treated similarly as in the previous
7.4.3 Observations
In the previous section, the application of the FIPWA to the layered medium problem is
discussed in detail. After carefully going through the derivation, several observations are in
Observation 6. As mentioned at the start of this chapter, this approach treats the reflected
part of the Green’s function in the same way as the free-space one. The Sommerfeld-type
integral presented in the reflected part is evaluated rigorously using the method of steepest
descent. In addition, the numerical integration is performed by translating the homogeneous
plane waves between groups, with the help of a diagonal translator. Furthermore, the ra-
diation pattern and the receiving pattern for the free-space problem can be reused for the
reflected-wave part. It is necessary to store additional far-field pattern samples for the re-
flected part.
Observation 7. Because the layered medium information is embedded in the generalized
reflection coefficients, that is, R̃T M and R̃T E , this approach, when applied to solve the prob-
lems with the objects above the layered medium, can handle arbitrary number of layers, with
arbitrary parameters such as the dielectric constant and the thickness for each layer. By using
this scheme, only one image term is actually required for arbitrary layered medium structure.
Observation 8. There are several methods previously designed for the layered medium
problems using the SDP idea, such as the steepest descent fast multipole algorithm (SDFMA)
[13] and the TSM-FMA [5]. Both methods make some assumptions, either about the structure
under study or about the layered medium, and both limit their abilities to handle general
problems. This approach can be considered a generalized one in which those restrictions are
Observation 9. The analysis of the computational complexity of this approach is easy. In
this algorithm, the reflected wave part is treated similarly to the free-space part. As mentioned
previously, the radiation and receiving patterns for the direct radiation term can be reused
for the reflected-wave part. Therefore, the added computational cost for the layered medium
problems is limited to the translation from the image source group to the observation group.
The pole and branch point contributions do not affect the final computational complexity
because these singularities are fixed in the θ plane. Following the similar procedure discussed
in [18], the CPU time per iteration for the multilevel implementation is O(N log N ), where
N is the number of unknowns.
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Figure 7.10: Illustration of the circular cylinder above a two-layer medium. The permittivity
of the first dielectric layer is εr,2 = 2.56 and the bottom one is εr,3 = 6.5 + i0.6.
Observation 10. It is well known that the translation coefficients for the free-space problems
are only the function of the relative position of the source and observation groups. On the
contrary, in the layered medium problems, the translation coefficients for the reflected-wave
part are also dependent on the location of the source group with respect to the air-dielectric
interface. Therefore, additional storage of the translation coefficients is required. From the
implementation point of view, the major memory consumption of the algorithm is the storage
for the samples of the radiation patterns. Therefore, this additional storage does not affect
the total memory requirement much, and the scaling property of the memory usage with
respect to the number of unknowns is unchanged.
VV−pol full matrix CG
HH−pol full matrix CG
−180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180
Figure 7.11: The bistatic radar cross section for a circular cylinder above a two-layer medium.
The incident plane wave is at (θinc , φinc ) = (60o , 0o ). The scattered field is calculated at
θsca = 60o and φsca ∈ [−180o , 180o ]. The cylinder is discretized with 6,472 small triangle
patches and the number of unknowns is N = 9,708. The results are compared with those
computed using the traditional CG program with full matrix-vector multiplication.
of unknowns is N = 9,708. The incident plane wave direction is θinc = 60o and φinc = 0o
and the bistatic RCS is computed at θscat = 60o and φscat ∈ [−180o , 180o ]. A five-level
ML-FIPWA (multilevel FIPWA) program is used in the example. The results are shown in
Figure 7.11 and are compared to those calculated using a conventional MOM code with the
iterative solver using full matrix-vector multiplication. Very close agreement between the two
codes is observed.
The next example is a tank model sitting on the ground, with permittivity of the ground
material as εr = 6.5 + i0.6. The dimensions of the tank model are 8.5 × 3.74 × 2.19 m. A
patch model of the tank is shown in Figure 7.12. The incident plane wave direction is fixed at
θinc = 60o and φinc = 0o . The bistatic RCS is computed at θscat = 60o and φscat ∈ [0o , 360o ].
In Figure 7.13, the bistatic RCS at f = 100 MHz is computed using a five-level ML-FIPWA
code and compared with the one calculated using the conventional MOM code. The tank is
discretized using 2,816 small triangle patches and the number of unknowns is N = 8,334.
The scaling properties of the memory requirement and the CPU time per matrix-vector
multiplication are shown in Figure 7.14. They are compared with the ones from the free-
space codes, including a free-space ML-FIPWA code and the Fast Illinois Solver Code (FISC)
[19, 24]. To make a fair comparison of the computational complexity between this algorithm
and the free-space ones, the parameters for the fast algorithms, such as the number of samples,
the order of interpolation scheme, and the number of levels, are chosen to be the same for
both the free-space and the layered medium codes. To generate this figure, three frequency
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Figure 7.12: Illustration of the tank model sitting on the ground. The dimensions of the tank
are 8.5 × 3.74 × 2.19 m.
VV−pol full matrix CG
25 HH−pol FIPWA
HH−pol full matrix CG
bistatic RCS (dB)
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Figure 7.13: The bistatic radar cross section for the tank model at f = 100 MHz. The incident
plane wave is at (θinc , φinc ) = (60o , 0o ). The scattered field is calculated at θsca = 60o and
φsca ∈ [0o , 360o ]. The tank is discretized with 5,556 small triangle patches and the number
of unknowns is N = 8,334.
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10 FISC − Memory
MLFIPWA Free Space − Memory
MLFIPWA Layer − Memory
MLFIPWA Free Space − CPU
3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10
Number of Unknowns
Figure 7.14: The scaling properties of the memory requirement and the CPU time for one
matrix-vector multiplication with respect to the number of unknowns.
bistatic RCS (dB)
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Figure 7.15: The bistatic RCS of the tank at f = 1,200 MHz. The solid line is the VV
response and the dashed line is the HH response.
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Figure 7.16: The current distribution of the tank residing in free-space. The incident plane
wave direction is (θinc , φinc ) = (60o , 0o ) and it is H-polarized. The working frequency is
f = 1, 200 MHz and the number of unknowns involved is N = 1, 210, 458.
points are chosen. They are 100 MHz, 200 MHz, and 400 MHz, corresponding to the number
of unknowns N = 8,334, N = 33,921, and N = 133,578, respectively. From this figure, it is
shown that the memory increases by merely 5% and the CPU time per iteration increases by
about 25% compared with the free-space ML-FIPWA code. Even compared with FISC, the
increase is about 13% and 30%, respectively. This is a good performance as the MLFMA im-
plemented in FISC is tightly coupled to the MOM code and several specialized optimizations
for efficiency are possible. This result shows that the layered medium problems can be solved
as efficiently as the free-space ones. The additional cost to account for the layered medium
is fairly small.
To show the capability of this algorithm, the scattering of this tank at f = 1,200 MHz is
solved with the number of unknowns as N = 1,210,458. An eight-level program is utilized and
requires about 6.6 GB and about 65 hours of CPU time to achieve the residual error at 0.001.
The problem was solved on one R10000/195-MHz processor of the SGI Origin 2000 array at
the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). In Figure 7.15, the bistatic
RCS of the VV (vertical-vertical) and HH (horizontal-horizontal) responses is shown. If the
conventional solver is used to solve the same size problem, the estimated memory requirement
shall exceed 13 TB and will take about 30 years of CPU time to reach the convergence.
The comparison of the current distribution on the tank, when residing in free-space and
sitting on the ground, is also shown in Figures 7.16 and 7.17. The H-polarization (horizontal
polarization) results are presented and the effect of the layered medium is clearly shown.
However, there is an open issue on solving the ill-conditioned problems using the iterative
solver. For example, the tank model sits on top of a two-layer medium, which is the same
medium as in Figure 7.10. The working frequency is f = 100 MHz. The scattering results of
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Figure 7.17: The current distribution of the tank sitting on the ground. The incident plane
wave direction is (θinc , φinc ) = (60o , 0o ) and it is H-polarized. The working frequency is
f = 1, 200 MHz and the number of unknowns involved is N = 1, 210, 458.
this problem are compared in Figure 7.18. It is obvious that the results obtained using FIPWA
is a little distorted compared to the ones obtained using the full matrix solver, especially in
the back-scattering region. It turns out the resultant impedance matrix is an ill-conditioned
one and the number of iteration used is insufficient; hence a preconditioning procedure is
The same implementation can be readily applied to the buried object problem, which is
a contra-posed problem to the one with objects above layered medium. All of the examples
shown here are the PEC targets buried in the ground, with lossy and lossless ground materials
presented. The plane wave excitation is always assumed and all scattered fields are computed
in the far-field zone. In the following, the scattering from three types of targets is computed.
They include a buried land mine, buried unexploded ordnance, and a buried bunker. Most
of them are of interest to the remote sensing community.
The first example is a buried land mine, whose geometry is shown in Figure 7.19. The
land mine is constructed with two circular cylinders. The diameter for the top one is 17.3
cm and 27 cm for the bottom one. The heights of the two cylinders are 1.62 cm and 7 cm,
respectively. The working frequency is 600 MHz and the object is discretized using 1,764
small triangle patches. The mine is buried within a ground material with εr = (3.3, 0.3) and
the buried depth is 85 cm. The incident plane wave direction is fixed at θinc = 60o and
φinc = −90o . In Figure 7.20, the bistatic RCS, including the HV (horizontal-vertical) and
HH (horizontal-horizontal) response, is computed using the three-level ML-FIPWA code and
the conventional iterative solver with a direct matrix-vector multiplication. The figure shows
close agreement between the ML-FIPWA program and the conventional solver.
The second example deals with an unexploded ordnance model, as shown in Figure 7.21.
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VV−pol full matrix CG
25 HH−pol FIPWA
HH−pol full matrix CG
50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Figure 7.18: The bistatic RCS of the tank sitting on a two-layer medium at f = 100 MHz.
The layered medium is described in Figure 7.9. The solid line is the VV response and the
dashed line is the HH response. There is some distortion in the backscattering region, because
of the ill-condition of the impedance matrix.
Figure 7.19: The geometry of the land mine. It has been discretized by using 1,764 small
triangle patches, and the number of unknowns is N = 2,646.
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bistatic RCS (dB)
HH−pol full matrix CG
−75 HV−pol FIPWA
HV−pol full matrix CG
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Figure 7.20: The bistatic RCS for the buried land mine problem.
Figure 7.21: The geometry model of the unexploded ordnance. It has been discretized by
using 5,688 small triangle patches, and the number of unknowns is N = 8,532.
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VV−pol full matrix CG
−55 VH−pol full matrix CG
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Figure 7.22: The bistatic RCS for the buried unexploded ordnance problem. The VV response
and VH response are shown here.
The geometry is extracted from [14]. It is a cylinder with a hemispherical endcap with a
diameter of 40.6 cm and a length of 153 cm. The object has a symmetry axis and it makes
an angle of 30o relative to the z-axis. The working frequency is 600 MHz and the object is
discretized using 5,688 small triangle patches. The object is buried within a ground material
with εr = 3.5 and the buried depth is 85 cm. The plane wave is incident from θinc = 60o
and φinc = −90o . Again, the bistatic RCS is computed using a five-level ML-FIPWA code
and the conventional iterative solver, which is used as a benchmark. The results are shown
in Figure 7.22 and the close agreement between two solvers is shown.
As a more practical large-scale buried object problem, the scattering from a underground
bunker model is solved. As shown in Figure 7.23, the dimensions of the bunker are 5 m by 5
m with the height of 2 m. The object is buried within a ground material with εr = (3.3, 0.3)
and the buried depth is 2.5 m. The scaling properties of the CPU time per iteration and
memory requirement are shown in Figures 7.24 and 7.25, respectively. They are compared
with the free-space ML-FIPWA code for the same structure. To have a fair comparison,
the background material and the parameters for FIPWA are chosen to be the same for both
programs. From these figures, it is shown that compared to the free-space code, the CPU time
increases by merely 10% and the memory required to solve the same size problem increases
by about 13%. These timing results are similar to what have been observed for objects above
layered medium, that is, the buried object problems can be solved almost as efficiently as
the free-space problem. This excellent scaling property is again mainly due to the plane
wave expansion of the dyadic Green’s function for the buried object problems. To generate
these figures, four frequencies are chosen. They are 75 MHz, 150 MHz, 300 MHz, and 600
MHz, corresponding to the number of unknowns as N =7,674, N =30,090, N =120,180, and
N =480,696.
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Figure 7.23: The geometry of the underground bunker. The one shown here is discretized by
using 5, 116 small triangle patches.
CPU time (s)
4 5 6
10 10 10
Number of Unknowns
Figure 7.24: The scaling property of the CPU time per iteration for the different sizes of the
underground bunker problem. It is compared with the free-space ML-FIPWA code, and CPU
time required for the buried object problem increases by less than 10%.
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Kernel Memory
FIPWA Free Space
FIPWA Buried
Memory (MB)
4 5 6
10 10 10
Number of Unknowns
Figure 7.25: The scaling property of the required memory for different sizes of the under-
ground bunker problems. It is compared with the free-space ML-FIPWA code, and the
memory required for the buried object problem increases by about than 13%.
bistatic RCS (dB)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Figure 7.26: The bistatic RCS (VV-pol) from the underground bunker at f = 900 MHz. The
number of unknowns is N =1,074,588 and it is solved by using one SGI R10000/195-MHz
processor in the Origin 2000 array at NCSA. It uses about 3.94 GB memory and takes about
18 h of CPU time to achieve the residual error of 0.001.
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To show the capability of this algorithm, the bunker problem has been solved at f = 900
MHz. The number of unknowns for this frequency is N =1,074,588 and an eight-level ML-
FIPWA program is used. To solve this problem requires 3.94 GB memory and about 18 h
of CPU time on one R10000/195-MHz processor of the SGI Origin 2000 array at NCSA, and
the residual error is set at 0.001. In Figure 7.26, the bistatic RCS of the VV response is
shown. If a conventional solver is used to solve the same size problem, the estimated memory
requirement will exceed 9.3 TB and takes about 11 years of CPU time, which is unrealistic.
This also underscores the importance of the fast method in solving large-scale problems.
7.6 Conclusions
In this chapter, the FIPWA has been successfully applied to solve the layered-medium prob-
lems, by exploiting the similarity of the Green’s function encountered in a layered medium
with its free-space counterpart. This approach has several merits, such as being efficient,
accurate, and simple. Compared to the previously developed methods for solving the prob-
lems in this category, this method is more general and versatile. The multilevel algorithm is
implemented and the CPU time per iteration is shown to be O(N log N ), and the memory
requirement scales as O(N ). It is interesting to note that the computational labor of this
algorithm increases marginally over its free-space counterpart; typically the increase is less
than 20%. As a result, we conclude that the problems in the presence of the layered medium
can be solved as efficiently as the free-space ones. A large-scale problem with more than one
million unknowns has been solved using this multilevel program.
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[2] W. C. Chew, “Field due to a point source in a layered medium - symmetrized formulation,”
Private Notes, March 25, 2003.
[3] W. C. Chew, J. S. Zhao, and T. J. Cui, “The layered medium Green’s function - A new
look,” Microwave Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 252–255, 2001.
[6] T. J. Cui, and W. C. Chew, “Fast evaluation of Sommerfeld integrals for EM scattering
and radiation by three-dimensional buried objects,” IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 37,
no. 2, pp.887–900, Mar 1999.
[7] D. G. Fang, J. J. Yang, and G. Y. Delisle, “Discrete image theory for horizontal electric
dipole in a multilayer medium,” IEE Proc.-H, vol. 135, pp. 295–303, Oct 1988.
[9] M. I. Aksun, “A robust approach for the derivation of closed-form Green’s functions,”
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 44, pp. 651–658, May 1996.
[24] J. M. Song and W. C. Chew, “Large scale computations using FISC,” in IEEE APS Int.
Symp. Dig., 2000, pp. 1856–1859.
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8.1 Introduction
Students of electromagnetics eventually become expert in wave physics. However, many
disciplines in engineering and science involve wave physics. For instance, elastic wave is used
in nondestructive testing, ultrasound imaging, seismic exploration, well logging, etc. The
subject of elastic wave is within the grasp of students of electromagnetics easily. Even though
this book is mainly about electromagnetic wave, we will introduce the elastic wave concepts
here so that students can easily learn about this subject when they need this knowledge in
the real world. Other areas that can benefit from the understanding of wave physics are the
areas of quantum physics, ocean acoustics, and marine engineering.
This chapter is written for advanced students of electromagnetics who have had some
advanced level courses in the area. Some mathematical sophistication is assumed in the
reader. For some preliminary background in electromagnetics, one can consult [1, Chapter
1]. This chapter is also developed from a set of lecture notes written for advanced students
in electromagnetics [2].
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will provide the restoring forces for the displaced particles. Hence, the study of the balance
of these forces will lead to the elastic wave equation [3–5].
The displacement of the particles in a solid from their equilibrium position causes a small
displacement field u(x, t) where u is the displacement of the particle at position x at time
t. Here, x is a position vector in three dimensions. (Usually, in electromagnetics and many
physics literature, we use r for position vector, but we use x here so that indicial notation can
be used conveniently. In indicial notation, x1 , x2 , and x3 refer to x, y, and z, respectively.)
The displacement field u(x, t) will stretch and compress distances between particles. For
instance, particles at x and x + δx are δx apart at equilibrium. But under a perturbation by
u(x, t), the change in their separation is given by
or in indicial notation,
δui ' ∂j ui δxj (8.3)
where ∂j ui = ∂xj .
This change in separation δu can be decomposed into a symmetric and
an antisymmetric parts as follows:
symmetric antisymmetric
1z }| { 1z }| {
δui = (∂j ui + ∂i uj ) δxj + (∂j ui − ∂i uj ) δxj (8.4)
2 2
Using indicial notation, it can be shown that
where ²ijk is a Levi-Civita alternating tensor. From the identity that [1, Appendix B]
we deduce that
[(∇ × u) × δx]i = (∂k ui − ∂i uk )δxk (8.7)
stretch rotation
z }| { 1 z }| { 1
δui = eij δxj + [(∇ × u) × δx]i = (e · δx)i + [∇ × u) × δx]i (8.8)
2 2
where we have used an overline over a boldface to denote a second rank tensor, and we have
defined the second rank tensor e as
eij = (∂j ui + ∂i uj ) (8.9)
The first term in (8.8) results in a change in distance between the particles, whereas the
second term, which corresponds to a rotation, has a higher order effect. This can be shown
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easily as follows: The perturbed distance between the particles at x and x+δx is now δx+δu.
The length square of this distance is (using (8.8))
(δx + δu)2 ∼
= δx · δx + 2δx · δu + O(δu2 )
= |δx|2 + 2δx · e · δx + O(δu2 ) (8.10)
assuming that δu ¿ δx, because u is small, and δu is even smaller. Hence, the last term in
(8.10) can be ignored. The second term in (8.8) vanishes in (8.10) because it is orthogonal to
The above analysis shows that the stretch in the distance between the particles is deter-
mined to first order by the first term in (8.8). The tensor e describes how the particles in a
solid are stretched in the presence of a displacement field: it is called the strain tensor. This
strain produced by the displacement field will produce stresses in the solid.
Stress in a solid is described by a stress tensor T . Given a surface 4S in the body of
solid with a unit normal n̂, the stress in the solid will exert a force on this surface 4S. This
force acting on a surface, known as traction, is given by (see Figure 8.1)
T = n̂ · T 4S (8.11)
∆S S
Hence, if we know the traction on the entire closed surface S of a volume V , the total
force acting on the body is given by
n̂ · T dS = ∇ · T dV (8.12)
where the second equality follows from Gauss’ theorem, assuming that T is defined as a
continuous function of space. This force caused by stresses in the solid, must be balanced by
other forces acting on the body, for example, the inertial force and body forces. Hence, by
Newton’s law, Z Z Z
ρ 2 dV = ∇ · T dV + f dV (8.13)
V ∂t V V
where ρ is the mass density and f is a force density, for example, due to some externally
applied sources in the body. The left-hand side is the inertial force (mass times acceleration)
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while the right-hand side is the total applied force on the body. Because (8.13) holds true for
an arbitrary volume V , we conclude that
ρ =∇·T +f (8.14)
as our equation of motion.
Because the stress force, the first term on the right hand side of (8.14), is caused by strains
in the solid, T should be a function of e. Under the assumption of small perturbation,
T should be linearly dependent on ē (generalized Hooke’s law). The most general linear
relationship between the second rank tensors is [3]
Tij = Cijkl ekl (8.15)
The above is the constitutive relation for a solid, where Cijkl is a fourth rank tensor.
For an isotropic medium, Cijkl should be independent of any coordinate rotation. The
most general form for a fourth rank tensor that has such independence is
Cijkl = λδij δkl + µ1 δik δjl + µ2 δil δjk (8.16)
Furthermore, because ekl is symmetric, Cijkl = Cijlk . Therefore, the simplified form of Cijkl
Cijkl = λδij δkl + µ(δjk δil + δil δik ) (8.17)
Consequently, in an isotropic medium, the constitutive relation is characterized by two con-
stants λ and µ known as Lamé constant. Note that as a consequence of (8.17), Tij = Tji in
(8.15). Hence, both the strain and the stress tensors are symmetric tensors in an isotropic
medium. The above arguments hold true for inhomogeneous media as well. Reciprocity the-
orem similar to that in electromagnetics exists in linear elastodynamics according to Chapter
Using (8.17) in (8.15), after using (8.9), we have that
Tij = λδij ell + µ(eij + eji )
= λδij ∂l ul + µ(∂j ui + ∂i uj ), (8.18)
which is true for inhomogeneous and isotropic media. Then
(∇ · T )j = ∂i Tij = ∂j (λ∂l ul ) + ∂i (µ∂j ui ) + ∂i (µ∂i uj )
= λ∂j (∂l ul ) + (∂l ul )∂j λ + µ∂j (∂i ui ) + (∂j ui )∂i µ + ∂i µ∂i uj
= (λ + µ)[∇∇ · u]j + (∇ · µ∇u)j + (∇ · u)(∇λ)j + [(∇u) · ∇µ]j
If µ and λ are constants of positions, that is, for a homogeneous medium, the above becomes
∇ · T = (λ + µ)∇∇ · u + µ∇2 u (8.20)
Using (8.20) in (8.14), we have
ρ = (λ + µ)∇∇ · u + µ∇2 u + f (8.21)
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which is the elastic wave equation for homogeneous and isotropic media. By using the identity
that ∇2 u = ∇∇u − ∇ × ∇u, the above equation can be rewritten as
where the double over dots implies second derivative with respect to time.
(λ + 2µ)∇∇ · u − µ∇ × (∇ × u) + ω 2 ρu = −f (8.24)
Ω = ∇ × u, (8.25)
µ∇ × (∇ × Ω) − ω 2 ρΩ = ∇ × f (8.26)
θ = ∇ · u, (8.29)
(λ + 2µ)∇2 θ + ω 2 ρθ = −∇ · f . (8.30)
f 1 1
u(x, ω) = − + 2 ∇ × Ω − 2 ∇θ (8.32)
µks2 ks kc
In a source-free region where f = 0, the above is the Helmholtz decomposition of the dis-
placement field u into a divergence-free part, the S wave, and a curl-free part, the P wave.
Notice that when µ = 0, from (8.26), Ω is nonzero only in the source region, and is zero
outside the source. Hence, only compressional wave exists when µ = 0, and this can be used
to model a fluid medium which is an acoustic medium. An acoustic medium is a special case
of an elastic medium with µ = 0 where shear waves cannot exist.
To further manipulate the above, using (8.28) and (8.31), we have
f 1
u(x, ω) = − 2 + 2 ∇ × dx0 gs (x − x0 )∇0 × f (x0 , ω)
µks µks
− ∇ dx0 gc (x − x0 )∇0 · f (x0 , ω) (8.33)
(λ + 2µ)kc2
Using integration by parts, and the fact that ∇0 g(x − x0 ) = −∇g(x − x0 ), we obtain
f 1
u(x, ω) = − 2 + 2 ∇ × ∇ × dx0 gs (x − x0 )f (x0 , ω)
µks µks
− ∇∇ dx0 gc (x − x0 )f (x0 , ω) (8.34)
(λ + 2µ)kc2
∇2 gs (x − x0 ) + ks2 gs (x − x0 ) = −δ(x − x0 ),
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we arrive at
µ ¶ Z
∇∇ 1
u(x, ω) = I+ 2 · dx0 gs (x − x0 )f (x0 , ω)
ks µ
∇∇ 1
− 2 · dx0 gc (x − x0 )f (x0 , ω) (8.35)
kc λ + 2µ
with the ω dependence suppressed, and the dyadic Green’s function G(x, x0 ) is defined as
µ ¶
∇∇ 1 ∇∇ 1
G(x, x0 ) = I + 2 gs (x − x0 ) − 2 gc (x − x0 ). (8.37)
ks µ kc λ + 2µ
The first term of the dyadic Green’s function produces the transverse wave, and is similar
to the electromagnetic dyadic Green’s function [1, Chapter 1]. The second term produces
the longitudinal wave, and does not exist in a simple electromagnetic medium. It is to be
noted that the scalar Green’s functions have 1/|x − x0 | singularity, and the double ∇ operator
will accentuate this singularity in both terms above. This singularity is also known as the
hypersingularity in the computational electromagnetics parlance. However, it can be shown
that these hypersingularities from both terms above cancel each other when x → x0 . Since
the electromagnetic dyadic Green’s function only has the first term (transverse wave), the
hypersingularity persists.
The hypersingularity, often studied in electromagnetics as the singularity of the dyadic
Green’s function [1, Chapter 7], is both a curse and a blessing! It is a curse because it makes
the numerical evaluation of many integrals involving the dyadic Green’s function difficult. It
is a blessing because it implies that there is rich physics in this hypersingularity. It is within
this hypersingularity that dwells the world of circuit physics that we use to create a plethora
of new technologies. Because within the proximity of this singularity, where dimensions of
structures are much smaller than the wavelength, lie the world of magnetoquasistatics (the
world of inductors), and the world of the electro-quasistatics (the world of the capacitors)
(see Chapter 5).
δ(t − r/cs )
ui (x, t) = δij
·µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶¸
1 r r r r
− ∂ i ∂j t− u t− − t− u t− (8.40)
4πrρ cs cs cc cc
Writing ∂i ∂j = (∂i r)(∂j r) ∂r 2 , the above becomes
δ(t − r/cs )
ui (x, t) = [δij − (∂i r)(∂j r)]
· µ ¶ µ ¶¸
1 r r
− (∂i r)(∂j r) tu t − − tu t −
2πρr3 cs cc
δ(t − r/cc )
+ (∂i r)(∂j r) . (8.41)
4π(λ + 2µ)r
The inverse of the above tensor commutes with itself, so that the inverse must be of the form
αI + βkk, that is, £ ¤ £ ¤
(λ + µ)kk + µk 2 I − ω 2 ρI · αI + βkk = I (8.47)
Solving the above yields that
α= (8.48)
(µk 2 − ω 2 ρ)
−(λ + µ)
β =
[µk 2 − ρω 2 ] [(λ + 2µ)k 2 − ρω 2 ]
µ (λ + 2µ)
= − 2 +
ρω [µk 2 − ρω 2 ] ρω 2 [(λ + 2µ)k 2 − ρω 2 ]
1 1
= − 2 + 2 (8.49)
2 2
ks µ [k − ks ] kc (λ + 2µ) [k 2 − kc2 ]
where ks2 = ω 2 ρ/µ, kc2 = ω 2 ρ/(λ + 2µ). Consequently,
· ¸
kk f (k, ω) kk · f (k, ω)
u(k, ω) = I − 2 · + (8.50)
ks µ(k 2 − ks2 ) kc2 (λ + 2µ)(k 2 − kc2 )
To obtain u(x, ω), we use the relation that
Z ∞
u(x, ω) = dkeik·x u(k, ω). (8.51)
(2π)3 −∞
First, we can perform the integral assuming that we have a point source for f . It can be
shown by contour integration technique [1, Chapters 2 and 7] that
1 1 eik0 r
dkeik·x 2 2 = (8.52)
(2π) (k − k0 ) 4πr
where r = |x|. Hence, it can be shown that
Z µ ¶ µ ¶
1 ik·x kk 1 ∇∇ eiks r
dke I− 2 = I+ 2 (8.53)
(2π)3 ks µ(k 2 − ks2 ) ks 4πµr
where ks = ω/cs , and cs = µ/ρ is the shear wave velocity. Similarly,
1 ik·x kk ∇∇ eikc r
dke = − (8.54)
(2π)3 kc2 (λ + 2µ)(k2 − kc2 ) kc2 4π(λ + 2µ)r
where kc = ω/cc , cc = (λ + 2µ)/ρ is the compressional wave velocity.
By the convolutional theorem,
µ ¶ Z 0
∇∇ eiks |x−x |
u(x, ω) = I + 2 · dx0 f (x0 , ω)
ks 4πµ|x − x0 |
Z 0
∇∇ 0 eikc |x−x |
− 2 · dx f (x0 , ω) (8.55)
kc 4π(λ + 2µ)|x − x0 |
The above is exactly the same as (8.35), the result obtained in the previous Section 8.3.
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u( ) , τ ( )
1 1
µ1 , λ1
u( ) , τ (
2 2)
µ2 , λ2
∇ · T + f = −ω 2 ρu (8.56)
By integrating this over a pillbox whose thickness is infinitesimally small at the interface
between two regions (see Figure 8.2), and assuming that f is not singular at the interface, it
can be shown that
(1) (2)
n̂ · T = n̂ · T (8.57)
The above corresponds to three equations for the boundary conditions at an interface.
If (8.57) is written in terms of a local Cartesian coordinates with ẑ being the unit normal
n̂, then (8.57) is equivalent to the continuity of Tzz , Tzx , and Tzy across an interface. More
explicitly, one can express
In the above λ and µ are functions of z in the local coordinates, since the medium parameters
are assumed to vary across the interface. The z derivative is assumed to be taken across
the interface as well. Furthermore, Tzz cannot be singular (does not contain Dirac delta
functions), then sum of the terms on the right-hand side involving ∂x ux , ∂y uy , and ∂z uz must
be regular. Since ∂x and ∂y are tangential derivatives, and ux and uy are smooth functions
of x and y, ∂x ux and ∂y uy are regular. Therefore ∂z uz must be regular. Requiring ∂z uz to
be regular implies that at the interface
u(1) (2)
z = uz (8.59)
Tzx = µ∂x uz + µ∂z ux , (8.60)
by the same token, the continuity of Tzx implies that ∂z ux must be regular. This induces the
boundary condition that
x = ux
By the same argument from Tzy , we have
u(1) (2)
y = uy (8.62)
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Hence, in addition to (8.57), we have boundary conditions (8.59), (8.61), and (8.62) which
form a total of six boundary conditions at a solid-solid interface.
At a fluid-solid interface, µ1 = 0 in the fluid region assuming that it is region 1, then from
(8.60), Tzx and Tzy are zero at the interface, in order for them to be continuous across an
interface. Furthermore, ux and uy need not be continuous anymore. The boundary conditions
are (8.57) and (8.59), a total of four boundary conditions.
At a fluid-fluid interface, only Tzz is nonzero. Its continuity implies λ∇·u = p is continuous
or the pressure is continuous. Furthermore, it induces the boundary condition (8.59). Hence
there are only two boundary conditions.
Outside the source region the first term is zero. The second term corresponds to S waves
while the third term corresponds to P waves. Hence, in a source-free region, the S component
of (8.63) is
us (x) = 2 ∇ × Ω (8.64)
From the definition of Ω, we have
Ω = ∇ × us (x). (8.65)
In the above, Ω was previously derived in the Section 8.3 to be
Z iks |x−x0 |
1 0 e
Ω(x) = ∇ × dr f (x0 ) (8.66)
µ 4π|x − x0 |
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for this particular point source. Alternatively, P waves can be characterized by upz = −(1/kc2 )∂z θ
Using the Sommerfeld identity [1, Chapter 2],
Z ∞
eikr kρ ikz |z|
=i dkρ e J0 (kρ ρ), (8.70)
r 0 kz
p p
where kρ2 + kz2 = k 2 , ρ = x2 + y 2 , r = ρ2 + z 2 , the above can be expressed as
Z ∞
iAẑ · (∇ × â) kρ iksz |z|
Ωz (r) = dkρ e J0 (kρ ρ), SH, (8.71)
4πµ 0 ksz
iA(ẑ · âks2 + ∂z∇ · â) ∞ kρ iksz |z|
usz (r) = dkρ e J0 (kρ ρ), SV, (8.72)
4πµks2 0 k sz
Z ∞
p ±A∇ · â
uz (r) = dkρ kρ eikcz |z| J0 (kρ ρ), P (8.73)
4π(λ + 2µ)kc2 0
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Since the SV waves and the P waves are always coupled together in a planar layered
medium, we need to write them as a couplet:
· s ¸ Z ∞ · s ¸
uz ikz |z| ez±
u z>0
φ= = dk k
ρ ρ e p (8.75)
upz 0 uez± z<0
iA(ẑ · âks2 ± iksz ∇s± · â) ±A∇p± · â
esz± =
u J0 (kρ ρ), epz± =
u J0 (kρ ρ) (8.76)
4πµks2 ksz 4π(λ + 2µ)kc2
· ¸
ksz 0
kz = , ∇s± = ∇s ± ẑiksz , ∇p± = ∇s ± ẑikcz . (8.77)
0 kcz
In the above ∇s = x̂∂x + ŷ∂y . When the point excitation is placed on top of a layered medium,
we have Z ∞ h i
φ= dkρ kρ eikz |z| · u
e ± + eikz (z+d1 ) · R · eikz d1 · u
e − J0 (kρ ρ) (8.78)
£ s ¤
where e t±
u = u epz± and R is the appropriate reflection matrix describing the reflection
ez± , u
and cross-coupling between the SV and P waves.
The above derivation could be repeated with the Weyl identity if we so wish. The reflection
coefficient RHH and the reflection matrix R can be found by matching boundary conditions.
Then the field due to an elastic point source in or on top of a layered medium can be derived
similar to the formalism described in Chapter 2 in [1].
If λ and µ are functions of z only, and ∂x = 0 and u = x̂ux , that is, we have an SH wave
only, then extracting the x̂ component of (8.80) leads to
∇s · µ∇s ux + ω 2 ρux = 0 (8.81)
∂ ∂
where for this example, ∇s = ŷ ∂y + ẑ ∂z . Hence for this problem, a displacement field
µ1 , λ1
µ2 , λ2 x y
Figure 8.3: Reflected and transmitted SH plane wave at the interface of two-layer media
polarized in x with no variation in x is a pure shear wave with no coupling to the P wave.
Even when µ and λ are discontinuous in z, only SH waves will be reflected and transmitted,
as shown in Figure 8.3.
However, if the incident plane wave is an SV (shear vertical) wave, the displacement of the
particles at an interface will induce both P (compressional) and SV reflected and transmitted
waves. To see this, we let us = ŷuy + ẑuz . Then (8.80) becomes
∇s (λ∇s · us ) + ∇s · (µ∇s us ) + (µ∇s us ) · ∇ s + ω 2 ρus = 0. (8.82)
The above is the equation that governs the shear and compressional waves in a one-
dimensional inhomogeneity where ∂x = 0.
Since λ, µ and us are smooth functions of y, ∂y is smooth. Since µ and λ functions which
are discontinuous with a step jump in the z direction, the z derivative may be discontinuous
unless boundary conditions are satisfied by the field. To this end, we extract the z component
of the terms in (8.82) that contain z derivative. They are
µ ¶
∂ ∂
λ∇s · us + 2µ uz (8.83)
∂z ∂z
In order for ∂z to be nonsingular in (8.82), we require
λ∇s · us + 2µ uz (8.84)
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∂ ∂
µ uy + µ uz (8.85)
∂z ∂y
to be continuous. This is the same as requiring Tzy to be continuous. In order for (8.84) and
(8.85) to be regular, uz and uy have to be continuous functions of z. Hence, the boundary
conditions at a solid-solid interface are
u(1) (2)
z = uz (8.86)
u(1) (2)
y = uy (8.87)
∂ (1) ∂ (2)
λ1 ∇s · u(1)
s + 2µ1 uz = λ2 ∇s · u(2)
s + 2µ2 u (8.88)
∂z ∂z z
µ ¶ µ ¶
∂ (1) ∂ (1) ∂ (2) ∂ (2)
µ1 uy + uz = µ2 uy + uz (8.89)
∂z ∂y ∂z ∂y
The reflection of SH waves by a plane interface is purely a scalar problem. However, the
reflection of a P wave or an SV wave by a plane boundary is a vector problem. In this case,
us can always be decomposed into two components us = v̂uv + p̂up where p̂ is a unit vector
in the direction of wave propagation, and v̂ is a unit vector in the yz-plane orthogonal to p̂.
For z > 0, the incident wave can be written as
· inc ¸ · ¸
inc uv v0 e−ik1vz z
us = = eiky y
p p0 e−ik1pz z
· −ik z ¸· ¸
e 1vz 0 v0
= eiky y
0 e−ik1pz z p0
= e−ik1z z · u0 eiky y (8.90)
where · ¸ · ¸
v0 k1vz 0
u0 = , k1z = (8.91)
p0 0 k1pz
In the presence of a boundary, the reflected wave can be written as
· ref ¸
ref uv
us = = eik1z z · ur eiky y (8.92)
ur = R · u0 (8.93)
where · ¸
Rvv Rvp
R= (8.94)
Rpv Rpp
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s = e−ik2z z · ut eiky y (8.95)
ut = T · u 0 (8.96)
and · ¸
Tvv Tvp
T= (8.97)
Tpv Tpp
There are four unknowns in ur and ut which can be found from four equations as a conse-
quence of the boundary conditions (8.86) to (8.89).
region 1
region 2
z = −h
region 3
The three-layer problem can be solved using the constraint boundary conditions introduced
in Chapter 2 of [1]. Then a recursive formula can be derived from which the reflection matrix
for an N -layer problem can be easily found.
When three layers are present as shown in Figure 8.4, the field in Region 1 can be written
u1 = e−ik1z z · a1 + eik1z z · b1 ,
h i
e−ik1z z + eik1z z · R
= 12 · a1 (8.98)
In Region 2, we have
u2 = e−ik2z z · a2 + eik2z z · b2
h i
= e−ik2z z + eik2z (z+h) · R23 · eik2z h · a2 (8.99)
The amplitude b1 of the upgoing wave in Region 1 is the consequence of the reflection
of the downgoing wave in Region 1 plus the transmission of the upgoing wave in Region 2.
Hence, at z = 0,
e · a = R · a + T · eik2z h · R · eik2z h · a
b1 = R (8.103)
12 1 12 1 21 23 2
e , yielding
Using (8.101), the above can be solved for R12
e =R
R + T12 · eik2z h · R23 · eik2z h
12 12
h i−1
· I − R21 · eik2z h · R23 · eik2z h · T12 , (8.104)
where R e is the generalized reflection operator for a layered medium. If a region is added
beyond Region 3, we need only to change R23 to R e in the above to account for subsurface
The above is a recursive relation which in general, can be written as
R = Ri,i+1 + Ti+1,i · eiki+1,z hi+1 · Re iki+1,z h
i,i+1 i+1,i+2 · e ·
h i−1
I − Ri+1,i · eiki+1,z hi+1 · R iki+1,z hi+1
· Ti,i+1
i+1,i+2 · e
where hi+1 is the thickness of the (i + 1)-th layer. Eq. (8.102) is then
h i−1
ai+1 = I − Ri+1,i · eiki+1,z h · R iki+1,z h
· Ti,i+1 · ai
i+1,i+2 · e (8.106)
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∂ 2 ux ∂Txx ∂Txz
ρ = + (8.107)
∂t2 ∂x ∂z
∂ 2 uz ∂Txz ∂Tzz
ρ = + (8.108)
∂t2 ∂x ∂z
∂ux ∂uz
Txx = (λ + 2µ) +λ (8.109)
∂x ∂z
∂uz ∂ux
Tzz = (λ + 2µ) +λ (8.110)
∂z ∂x
µ ¶
∂ux ∂uz
Txz = Tzx =µ + (8.111)
∂z ∂x
Defining υi = ∂ui /∂t, the above can be transformed into a first-order system, that is,
µ ¶
∂υx −1 ∂Txx ∂Txz
=ρ + (8.112)
∂t ∂x ∂z
µ ¶
∂uz ∂Txz ∂Tzz
= ρ−1 + (8.113)
∂t ∂x ∂z
∂Txx ∂υx ∂υz
= (λ + 2µ) +λ (8.114)
∂t ∂x ∂z
∂Tzz ∂υz ∂υx
= (λ + 2µ) +λ (8.115)
∂t ∂z ∂x
µ ¶
∂Txz ∂υx ∂υz
=µ + (8.116)
∂t ∂z ∂x
Using a central difference scheme, the above can be written as
k+ 1 k− 1 ∆t h k i
υx,i,j2 − υx,i,j2 = ρ−1
Txx,i+ 1 ,j − Txx,i− 1
∆x 2 2 ,j
∆t h i
ij T k
1 − T k
1 (8.117)
∆z xz,i,j+ 2 xz,i,j− 2
k+ 1 k− 1 ∆t h k i
υz,i+2 1 ,j+ 1 − υz,i+2 1 ,j+ 1 = ρ−1
i+ 1 ,j+ 1
Txz,i+1,j+ 1 − Txz,i,j+ 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 ∆x 2 2
∆t h i
+ρ−1 1 1
i+ 2 ,j+ 2 ∆z
T k
zz,i+ 2 ,j+1 − T k
zz,i+ 2 ,j (8.118)
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k+1 k ∆t h k+ 21 k+ 1
Txx,i+ 1
− Txx,i+ 1
,j = (λ + 2µ)i+ 21 ,j υx,i+1,j − υx,i,j2
2 2 ∆x
∆t h k+ 21 k+ 1
+λi+ 12 ,j υz,i+ 1 ,j+ 1 − υz,i+2 1 ,j− 1 (8.119)
∆z 2 2 2 2
k+1 k ∆t h k+ 21 k+ 1
Tzz,i+ 1
− Tzz,i+ 1
,j = (λ + 2µ)i+ 2 ,j
1 · υz,i,j+1 − υz,i,j2
2 2 ∆z
∆t h k+ 21 k+ 1
+λi+ 21 ,j υx,i+ 1 ,j − υx,i,j2 (8.120)
∆x 2
k+1 k ∆t h k+ 12 k+ 21
Txz,i,j+ 1 − Txz,i,j+ 1 = µi,j+ 1
2 ∆z
υ x,i,j+1 − υ x,i,j
2 2
∆t h k+ 21 k+ 1
+µi,j+ 12 υz,i+ 1 ,j+ 1 − υz,i−2 1 ,j+ 1 (8.121)
∆x 2 2 2 2
The above finite difference formulas are easy to implement and has been used to solve for
various practical problems [6–9].
γ∇∇ · u − µ∇ × ∇ × u + ω 2 ρu = −f (8.123)
where γ = λ + 2µ.
The dyadic Green’s function for an elastic medium has been derived in Section 8.3 in Eq.
(8.37), which is repeated here as
µ ¶
0 1 ∇∇ 1 ∇∇
G(x, x ) = I+ 2 gs (x − x0 ) − gc (x − x0 ) (8.124)
µ ks γ kc2
It satisfies
ρ, λ, µ
V0 nˆ′ uI
ρ 0 , λ0 , µ0 x1
S x2
Right multiplying (8.123) by G(x, x0 ) and left multiplying (8.125) by u(x), and subtracting
the result, we have
£ ¤
γ ∇(∇ · u(x)) · G(x, x0 ) − u(x) · ∇∇ · G(x, x0 )
£ ¤
−µ ∇ × ∇ × u(x) · G(x, x0 ) − u(x) · ∇ × ∇ × G(x, x0 )
= −f (x) · G(x, x0 ) − δ(x − x0 )u(x) (8.126)
we can integrate (8.126) over a volume V bounded by S, as shown in Figure 8.5, to result in
£ ¤
γ dS n̂ · (∇ · u(x))G(x, x0 ) − u(x)∇ · G(x, x0 )
£ ¤
−µ dS n̂ · (∇ × u(x)) × G(x, x0 ) + u(x) × ∇ × G(x, x0 )
Z S ½
0 −u(x0 ), x0 ∈ V
+ f (x) · G(x, x )dx = (8.129)
V 0, x0 ∈
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where t is the traction vector which can be related to u by Hooke’s law, and Σ(x, x0 ) =
λI∇ · G + µ(∇G + G∇) is a third-rank Green’s tensor introduced by Pao and Varatharajulu
[11]. Eq. (8.134) is also known as the Somigliana’s identity [12]
C (x)u(x) = [U (x, x0 )t(x0 ) − T (x, x0 )u(x0 )] dS 0 + uI (x) (8.135)
by identifying U = G and T = n̂0 · Σ, where U and T are the Stokes’ displacement and
traction tensors, respectively. In Eq. (8.135), C(x) is a tensor which takes the identity dyad
for x in V , 0 for x in V0 , and a real function of the geometry of S in the vicinity of x for
x on S. If the geometry is smooth at x, then C(x) = I/2. If we incorporate the boundary
conditions at the surface of a scatterer, which are the continuity of t and u for a solid-solid
interface as shown in Section 8.5, we have the integral equations
1 T T
u(x) + [T (x, x0 ) · u(x0 ) − G (x, x0 ) · t(x0 )] dS 0
2 S
= uI (x), x ∈ S
1 T T
u(x) + [G0 (x, x0 ) · t(x0 ) − T0 (x, x0 ) · u(x0 )] dS 0
2 S
= 0, x ∈ S (8.136)
The first equation above is obtained by letting the field point x approach the surface S from
the exterior of the scatterer and the second equation is achieved when x approaches S from
the interior of the scatterer. The kernels G and T are related to the medium in V while G0
and T0 are related to the medium in V0 . We have assumed that the geometry is smooth at the
field point x on S so that the coefficient 1/2 appears in the equations. From these boundary
integral equations (BIE’s)1 , the total displacement vector u and total traction vector t at
the scatterer surface can be solved. If the scatterer is a traction-free cavity, then the total
traction on the surface vanishes and the above equations reduce to
1 T
u(x) + T (x, x0 ) · u(x0 ) dS 0 = uI (x), x ∈ S. (8.137)
2 S
On the other hand, if the scatterer is a fixed rigid inclusion, then the total displacement on
the surface vanishes and the above equations reduce to
G (x, x0 ) · t(x0 ) dS 0 = −uI (x), x ∈ S. (8.138)
The above BIE’s can be solved using different methods such as boundary element method
(BEM) [12]– [20], method of fundamental solutions (MFS) [21], Nyström method [22], or
method of moments (MOM) [23]. In the MOM implementation as described in Chapters 2–4,
when applied to the elastic wave case, we need to decompose the unknown vectors into tan-
gential and normal components. This is because the unknown vectors are three-dimensional
1 In electromagnetic literature, these are also known as surface integral equations.
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at the scatterer surface, which are different from the induced currents in electromagnetics.
Taking Eq. (8.138) as an example, we decompose the unknown traction vector as
where tt (x0 ) is the tangential component and tn (x0 ) is the normal component. We then
expand the two components using Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) basis and pulse basis, respec-
tt (x0 ) = αn f n (x0 )
tn (x0 ) = βn n̂n (x0 ). (8.140)
In the above, f n (x0 ) is the RWG basis as shown in Figure 8.6, n̂n (x0 ) is the unit normal
vector of the nth triangle patch used as a pulse basis, and αn and βn represent the unknown
expansion coefficients to be solved. The RWG basis is redefined here as [24]
+ 0
`n 0 +
2Sn+ Λn (x ), x ∈ Sn
0 `n − 0
f n (x ) = − Λn (x ), x ∈ Sn−
0 (8.141)
0, otherwise.
where `n is the length of the common edge of two neighboring triangles, Sn+ and Sn− are the
areas of the two triangles, and Λ+ 0 − 0
n (x ) and Λn (x ) are the distance vectors as indicated in
Figure 8.6. We have in total Nt nonboundary edges connecting two neighboring triangles
in which the RWG bases are defined and Nn triangles in which the pulse bases are defined.
After using the above expansion, the BIE can be written as
αn G(x, x0 ) · f n (x0 ) dS 0 +
n=1 Sn
βn G(x, x0 ) · n̂n (x0 ) dS 0 = −uI (x). (8.142)
n=1 Sn
where we omit the transpose T on G(x, x0 ) because G(x, x0 ) is symmetrical [12]. The next
step is the testing using the basis functions as the weighting functions. By doing so, the
following matrix equations are formed
X Nn
αn Amn + βn Bmn = Emn , m = 1, · · · , Nt
n=1 n=1
X Nn
αn Cmn + βn Dmn = Fmn , m = 1, · · · , Nn .
n=1 n=1
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x′ x′ n
x 0− n
n (x′)
x 0+ n
S n+ S n−
Figure 8.6: RWG basis f n defined in two neighboring triangles Sn+ and Sn− . These two
triangles share the nth nonboundary edge whose length is `n . Here Sn+ and Sn− also denote
the corresponding areas of the two triangles.
Amn = hf m (x), G(x, x0 ), f n (x0 )i
`m `n + 0 + 0
= + + hΛm (x), G(x, x ), Λn (x )i +
4Sm Sn
`m `n + 0 − 0
+ − hΛm (x), G(x, x ), Λn (x )i +
4Sm Sn
`m `n − 0 + 0
− + hΛm (x), G(x, x ), Λn (x )i +
4Sm Sn
`m `n − 0 − 0
− − hΛm (x), G(x, x ), Λn (x )i
4Sm Sn
Bmn = hf m (x), G(x, x0 ), n̂n (x0 )i
`m + 0 0
= + hΛm (x), G(x, x ), n̂n (x )i +
`m − 0 0
− hΛm (x), G(x, x ), n̂n (x )i
Cmn = hn̂m (x), G(x, x0 ), f n (x0 )i
= hn̂m (x), G(x, x0 ), Λ+ 0
n (x )i +
hn̂m (x), G(x, x0 ), Λ− 0
n (x )i
Dmn = hn̂m (x), G(x, x0 ), n̂n (x0 )i
Emn = hf m (x), uI (x)i
`m `m
= − + hΛ+ I
m (x), u (x)i −
− I
− hΛm (x), u (x)i
2Sm 2Sm
Fmn = −hn̂m (x), uI (x)i (8.144)
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Λ+ 0
n (x ) = x0 − x+
− 0 −
Λn (x ) = x0n − x0 . (8.145)
To illustrate the MOM solutions for the above BIE’s, we first consider the scattering by
a fixed rigid sphere with a radius of a = 1.0. The host medium has Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.25
and mass density ρ = 1.0. The incident wave is a time-harmonic dilatational plane wave
propagating along −x3 direction with a unit circular frequency (ω = 1.0) and normalized
wave number of κc a = π. Figure 8.7 shows the radial and tangential (elevated) components
of total traction along the principal cut (φ = 0◦ and θ = 0◦ ∼ 180◦ ) at the sphere surface. It
can be seen that the solutions agree with the analytical solutions very well. The analytical
solutions for general elastic wave scattering by a sphere can be found in [25].
We then consider the scattering in an elastic medium by a traction-free spherical cavity.
The cavity has a radius of a = 1.0 and the host medium is characterized by Poisson’s ratio
ν = 1/3, Young’s modulus E = 2/3 and mass density ρ = 1.0. The incident wave is the
same as before but with the normalized wave number of κc a = 0.913. Figure 8.8 plots the
radial and tangential (elevated) components of total displacement along the principal cut at
the surface. The solutions are also very close to the analytical solutions.
For the generalized case with both the host medium and scatterer being elastic, we select
λ = 0.53486, µ = 0.23077 and ρ = 1.0 for the host medium, and λ0 = 0.23716, µ0 = 0.52641
and ρ0 = 1.9852 for the elastic spherical inclusion with a unit radius. The incident wave is
the same as the one for scattering by the spherical cavity. Figure 8.9 depicts the radial and
tangential (elevated) components of total displacement at the surface along the principal cut.
These results are also in excellent agreement with the analytical solutions.
8.10 Conclusions
In this chapter, we start with the motion of particles under a small perturbation in a homo-
geneous elastic medium and derive the elastic wave equation in a PDE form. The equation
is then solved by using different techniques, that is, Helmholtz decomposition, time-domain
approach, Fourier-Laplace transformation, and finite difference scheme. For inhomogeneous
media, we derive the boundary conditions for different interfaces, that is, solid-solid, solid-
fluid and fluid-fluid interfaces, and address the elastic wave physics in planar layered media.
Moreover, we derive the corresponding integral equations from the PDE counterpart for elas-
tic wave scattering by using the equivalence principle and extinction theorem. The integral
equations are solved by using MOM which is first implemented in elastodynamics. Since the
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|t | Exact
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
θ (Degrees)
Figure 8.7: Radial and tangential (elevated) components of total traction along the principal
cut at the surface of a rigid sphere, kc a = π.
|ur| Exact
Radial and Tangential Components of Displacement
|uθ| Exact
2 |ur| MOM
|uθ| MOM
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
θ (Degrees)
Figure 8.8: Radial and tangential (elevated) components of total displacement along the
principal cut at the surface of a spherical cavity, kc a = 0.913.
MC1483_Chew_Lecture.qxd 8/18/08 12:30 PM Page 219
1 |uθ| MOM
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
θ (Degrees)
Figure 8.9: Radial and tangential (elevated) components of total displacement along the
principal cut at the surface of an elastic sphere, kc a = 0.913.
unknown functions are three-dimensional over a surface in the BIE’s, the implementation
of MOM is different from that in electromagnetics. Several numerical examples are used to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the solution technique.
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[1] W. C. Chew, Waves and Fields in Inhomogeneous Media, New York: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1990. Reprinted by Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1995.
[2] W. C. Chew, Elastic Wave Class Notes, U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Fall, 1991.
[3] K. Aki and P. G. Richards, Quantitative Seismology: theory and methods, Chapter 1, San
Francisco: Freeman, 1980.
[4] J. A. Hudson, The Excitation and Propagation of Elastic Waves, pp. 15–24, Cambridge,
MA: Combridge University Press, 1980.
[6] Y.-H. Chen, W. C. Chew, and Q. H. Liu, “A three-dimensional finite difference code for
the modeling of sonic logging tools,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 93, pp. 702–712, 1998.
[7] W. C. Chew and Q. H. Liu, “Perfectly matched layers for elastodynamics: A new absorbing
boundary condition,” J. Comput. Acoust., vol. 4, pp. 341–359, 1996.
[8] C. J. Randall, “Absorbing boundary condition for the elastic wave equation: velocity-
stress formulation,” Geophys., vol. 54, pp. 1141–1152, 1989.
[9] Q.-H. Liu, E. Schoen, F. Daube, C. Randall, H.-L. Liu, and P. Lee, “A three-dimensional
finite difference simulation of sonic logging,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 100, pp. 72–79,
[10] P. M. Morse and H. Feshbach, Methods of Theoretical Physics, pp. 1770, New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1953.
[11] Y.-H. Pao and V. Varatharajulu, “Huygens’ principle, radiation conditions, and integral
formulas for the scattering of elastic waves,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 59, pp. 1361–1371,
[12] F. J. Rizzo, D. J. Shippy, and M. Rezayat, “A boundary integral equation method for
radiation and scattering of elastic waves in three dimensions,” Int. J. Numer. Methods.
Eng., vol. 21, pp. 115–129, 1985.
MC1483_Chew_Lecture.qxd 8/18/08 12:30 PM Page 222
[14] I. R. Gonsalves, D. J. Shippy, and F. J. Rizzo, “Direct boundary integral equations for
elastodynamics in three-dimensional half-spaces,” Comput. Mech., vol. 6, pp. 279–292,
[15] F. J. Rizzo and D. J. Shippy, “An advanced boundary integral equation method for
three-dimensional thermoelasticity,” Int. J. Numer. Methods. Eng., vol. 11, pp. 1753–
1768, 1977.
[16] T. A. Cruse, “An improved boundary-integral equation method for three dimensional
elastic stress analysis,” Comput. Struct., vol. 4, pp. 741–754, 1974.
[17] Y. Liu and F. J. Rizzo, “Hypersingular boundary integral equations for radiation and
scattering of elastic waves in three dimensions,” Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., vol.
107, pp. 131–144, 1993.
[18] W. S. Hall, The Boundary Element Method, London: Kluwer Academic Publ., 1994.
[25] Y.-H. Pao and C. C. Mow, “Scattering of plane compressional waves by a spherical
obstacle,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 34, pp. 493–499, 1963.
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Glossary of Acronymns
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TM transverse magnetic;
Weng Cho CHEW received the B.S. (1976), M.S. (1978), Engineer’s (1978), and Ph.D.
(1980) degrees in EE from MIT. He is serving as the Dean of Engineering at The University of
Hong Kong on leave of absence from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).
Previously, he was a professor and the director of the Electromagnetics Laboratory at the
University of Illinois. Before that, he was a manager and program leader at Schlumberger-Doll
Research. He was on IEEE Adcom for AP-S and GRSS, and was active with various journals
and societies. He researches in wave physics for various applications and fast algorithms for
solving wave problems, and originates several fast algorithms for solving scattering and inverse
problems. A research group that he led, for the first time, solved dense matrix systems with
tens of millions of unknowns for integral equations of scattering. He wrote the book Waves
and Fields in Inhomogeneous Media, coauthored the book Fast and Efficient Methods in
Computational Electromagnetics, as well as numerous journal, conference publications, and
book chapters. He is an IEEE, OSA, and IOP Fellow, and was an NSF PYI (USA). He
received the Schelkunoff Best Paper Award for TAP, the IEEE Graduate Teaching Award,
UIUC Campus Wide Teaching Award, and IBM Faculty Awards. He was a Founder Professor
and is currently, a Y.T. Lo Endowed Chair Professor at UIUC. Recently, he served as an IEEE
Distinguished Lecturer, and Cheng Tsang Man Visiting Professor at Nanyang Technological
University in Singapore. ISI Citation elected him to the category of Most-Highly Cited
Authors (top 0.5%). This year, he has been chosen to receive the IEEE AP-S Distinguished
Educator Award.
Mei Song TONG is a visiting research scientist at the Center for Computational Electro-
magnetics and Electromagnetics Laboratory (CCEML), Department of Electrical and Com-
puter Engineering (ECE), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He received
the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (China)
in 1985 and 1988, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Arizona State University (ASU)
in 2004, all in electrical engineering. His research interests include numerical methods in
electromagnetics, acoustics and elastodynamics, simulation and design for antennas and
RF/microwave circuits, and electronic packaging for digital devices. He is a senior mem-
ber of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Bin HU received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University in 1995,
the M.S. degree from Syracuse University in 1997, and Ph.D. degree from University of Illinois
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at Urbana-Champaign in 2001. Since 2001, he has been with Process Technology Modeling
division at the Intel Corporation, currently as a Senior Staff Research Scientist. Dr. Hu leads
the development of advanced lithography modeling techniques, a key enabling component of
resolution enhancement solutions for Intel’s next generation process technology. His research
interests include all aspects of lithography modeling techniques and fast algorithms in com-
putational electromagnetics. Dr. Hu is the co-author of 9 journal articles and book chapters,
15 conference papers, and 4 (pending) patents. At Intel, Dr. Hu received numerous awards
for his work on lithography modeling, including the prestigious Intel Achievement Award. He
was the recipient of Y.T. Lo Outstanding Research Award in 2000.
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equivalence surface current, 36, 47, 49, finite element method (FEM), see FEM
72, 97, 99 finite element radiation method (FERM), see
Huygens’ principle, 44 FERM
mathematical form, penetrable object, 48 FIPWA, 160, 163, 172, 177, 187
equivalence principle algorithm (EPA), see EPA 2D, 168
equivalence volume source, 84 cf. full matrix solver, 181
expansion function, 27, 29, 87, 148 diagonal translator, 166
approximate, 57 direct part, primary part, 166
completeness, 28, 51 free-space, 163, 166, 167
curl-conforming, 87, 140 layered medium, 166, 175
for range and domain space, 83 multilevel, 184
for range space of compact operator, 29 first-kind integral equation, 56
for singular and smooth functions, 28 FISC, 63, 64, 177, 180
Galerkin’s method, 28, 52 fixed rigid inclusion, 214, 217
layered media, 140, 142, 143 fluid medium, 198
patch pair, 111, 127 fluid-solid, fluid-fluid interface, 203
RWG function, 52, 53 FMM, 160
expectation value, quantum mechanics, 26 2D, 168, 172
extinction theorem, 36, 100 alternative to, 163, 166
derivation of integral equation, 49, 72, FMM-like fast algorithm, 166, 170
213 FMM-PML-MPIE, 160
elastic wave, 211, 217 folded SIP (FSIP), see FSIP
equivalence principle, 44, 45, 47, 49, 72 Fourier integral
general penetrable half space, 97, 99 layered media, 135, 139
inside-out manner, 73, 74 three-dimensional, 136
MFIE, 50, 56, 57 Fourier space, 21, 24, 36, 43
extrapolation in FIPWA, 165, 170, 171 Fourier transform, 2, 8, 21
Fourier-Laplace transform, 200, 217
far-field pattern, 170, 171, 175 free-space permittivity, permeability, 58
far-field regime, zone, 5, 7, 176, 181 frequency domain, 9, 21, 24, 43
Faraday’s law, 2 frequency normalization, 111, 116, 118
fast algorithm, 11, 13, 59, 63, 65 frequency-normalized matrix blocks, 111
Fast Illinois Solver Code (FISC), see FISC FSIP, 163, 175
fast inhomogeneous plane wave algorithm full-wave physics, 112
fast multipole method (FMM), see FMM Galerkin’s method, 28, 52, 110
FDM, 23, 71 Gauss’ divergence theorem, 32
FEM, 23, 28, 71, 89, 119 Gauss’ law, 2
FERM, 124 Gauss-Laguerre, Gauss-Legendre methods, 168
field point, 138–140 Gaussian elimination, 13, 59
at, near interface, 139 Gedanken experiment, 77–80, 84
coplanar with source point, 137 internal resonance, 75, 80, 102
exterior, interior to the scatterer, 214 generalized eigenvalue problem, 36
finite difference method, 141, 152, 211, 217 generalized impedance boundary condition
finite difference method (FDM), see FDM (GIBC), see GIBC
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FIPWA example, 177, 180, 187 penetrable object, 71–73, 75, 80, 81, 95
integral equation, 93 EFIE, 72
multilevel implementation, 175 IBC, GIBC, 95, 102
VIE, 89 in layered media, 144
numerical quadrature, 165, 174 inhomogeneous medium, 102
numerical roundoff error, 57, 61 internal resonance problem, 79
Nyström method, 23, 214 penetrable scatterer, see penetrable object
perfect electric conducting (PEC), see PEC
observable quantity, operator, 25, 26 perfect magnetic conductor (PMC), see PMC
observation group, 166, 168, 174–176 perturbation expansion, method, 8
source group, 164, 166, 170, 171 phase velocity, grid dispersion error, 10
open surface, 55, 56, 112 physical optics, 8
operating frequency, 76, 78–80, 151 physics of fluids, 1, 7
operator, invertible, 27 physics of inductors, capacitors, 112
optical fiber, communication, dispersion man- physics regime, 3
agement, soliton, 3 piecewise constant medium, 71, 86, 88
optical frequency, 3, 7 pilot vector potential approach, 135–137, 152
ordinary differential equation, layered media,
Planck’s constant, 7
plane wave, radiation condition, 34
orthogonal, orthonormal basis, 30, 31
PMC, 34, 71, 75, 79, 81
oscillatory nature, mid-frequency regime, 6
cavity, 78, 81
out-of-core solver, 14
Gedanken experiment, 78, 80
P wave, 197, 198, 203–207 PMCHWT (Poggio-Miller-Chang-Harrington-
parallel computer, 14, 63 Wu-Tsai) formulation, see PMCHWT
partial differential equation (PDE), see PDE formulation
patch-pair basis, 127 PMCHWT formulation, 74, 75, 83, 124, 126
PDE, 1, 217 point source field, 145
PEC, 58, 63, 71, 160 elastic wave, 205
and dielectric composite structure, 128 electric field, 137, 147
cavity, 57, 76, 79–81 Hertzian dipole, 145
CFIE, 56, 74 lower half space, 149
circular cylinder, 77 three-layered media, 150
delta-gap source, 128 Poisson’s equation, 5, 33
EFIE, MFIE, 50, 75, 76 Poisson’s ratio, 217
Gedanken experiment, 78 polarization current, penetrable object, 72
ground plane, 173 polarization effect, 139
impenetrable object, 75 pole contribution, 137, 171, 172
integral equation, 48 and branch point contribution, 171
internal resonance, 50, 56, 75, 77, 81 and branch point contributions, 167, 175
MOM, 51 unphysical, 139
scatterer, 48, 49, 181 pole locating with contour integral, 171–173
sphere, 151 pole, complex resonance, 57
surface charge density, 117 Poynting theorem, 36, 37
penetrable half-space, cylinder, 96–98, 101 preconditioner, 63, 64, 111, 124, 132, 181
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pressure (P) wave, see P wave, see also com- Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG)
pressional wave function, see RWG function
primary field contribution, 138, 141, 145 ray physics, 4–6, 11
coordinate space representation, 139 transport equation, eikonal equation, 6
matrix representation, 140 Rayleigh scattering, solution, 7
principal value integral method, 56 Rayleigh-Ritz method, 28
probability function, quantum mechanics, 26 RCS, 151
projection of operator, 30 FIPWA, 177, 180, 181, 184, 187
pseudo inner product, 24 reaction inner product, 24, 52
pulse basis, 115, 121, 127 reactive boundary condition, 75
charge neutrality, 117 CFIE, 57, 58
connection matrix, 119 IBC, 83
relation to pulse pair function, 115 reactive power, 38
pulse basis, normal component, 215 receiving pattern function, 164, 175
pulse function, 77, 93 reciprocity theorem, 22, 34, 39, 44, 47
pulse shape, compression, expansion, 3 a new look, 33
pulse-pair function, 115, 116 complex symmetric system, 24, 34
elastodynamics, 196
quad patch in spanning tree, 121 Lorentz, 35
quadrature sample, 170 symmetric measurement, 34
qualitative engineering, 8 reflected field, see secondary field
quantization of electromagnetic energy, 7 reflected-wave part, 162
quantum mechanics, 24–26, 29, 193 elastic wave, 207
quantum physics, see quantum mechanics FIPWA, 166, 175, 176
quantum system, 36 reflection coefficient, 172, 173
quantum-mechanics inner product, 26 reflection matrix, 205, 208, 209
quasi diagonal operator, conductive media, 95 remedy for internal resonance
quasi-Helmholtz decomposition, 109–111 CFIE, 74
quasi-minimal residual (QMR), see iterative insertion of lossy object, 83
method insertion of shorts, 83
quasi-planar object, 170 residual error, 60–62, 172, 173, 180, 187
resistive sheet, R-card, 58, 91
radar cross section (RCS), see RCS resonance cavity, condition, 56, 57
radiating current, 57 resonance solution, 75–81, 83
radiation condition, 34, 35, 39, 46 resonant mode, 36, 37, 73, 75–77, 79–83
radiation damping, 79 frequency, 50
radiation pattern function, 164, 171, 175, 176 leakage of energy, 76
radio frequency identification (RFID) tag, 107 source free case, energy conservation, 36
random access memory (RAM), 13 resource usage, scaling law, 11, 13, 14
range space, 23, 27–29 Riemann sheets, 174
Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) rooftop function, 54, 112, 119–121
basis, see RWG function root solver, 172, 173
Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) RWG basis, 53, 54, 112, 122, 215
basis function, see RWG basis func- RWG function, 115, 116, 142
tion connection matrix, 119, 127
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Watson’s transformation, 8
wave equation, 9, 57
wave physics, 5, 109, 130, 193, 217
wavelet, 5, 6
weight function
FIPWA, 164, 167, 172, 174, 175
inhomogeneous plane waves, 163
weighted-sum, PMCHWT, Müller method, 74,
weighting function, 27, 215
Weyl identity, 163, 203
also, see Sommerfeld identity
world of inductors, capacitors, 108, 109, 112
Wronskian, Bessel function, 100
Yee scheme, 11
Young’s modulus, 217