Shifting Practices For A Stronger Tomorrow: Local Journalism in The Pacific Northwest (2019)

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Practices for
a Stronger


Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

In late 2017 the Agora Journalism Center published a study1 exploring the state of local
journalism in the Pacific Northwest. Authored by Damian Radcliffe, the lead researcher
of this new paper, it explored the journalistic mission and changing practices at 10
newsrooms in the region.

The report found that – despite a challenging financial backdrop – newsrooms were
actively embracing concepts of engaged journalism, new revenue models, as well
as the storytelling opportunities afforded by digital platforms. The tone was one of
cautious optimism.

Given the pace of change across the media landscape, coupled with increasing levels
of interest in the health of local journalism across the United States, we felt that it was
important to revisit this arena and update this story.

We also recognized that there was considerable value in bringing together a community
of practice, and indeed that this is an important function for public institutions - like
the University of Oregon – to fulfill.

With that in mind, in March 2019, the Agora Center hosted a one day workshop for 28
news organizations from across Oregon and Washington (including one covering the
wider Western United States). Split into three groups, attendees dived into the topics
first explore in 2017: business and revenue models, changing journalistic practice and
the practice of engagement.

The fruits of these updated discussions will be represented in a series of White Papers
authored by Damian and some of the graduate and undergraduate students who were
involved in the day. They will be published over the course of the next few months.

For the Agora Center, driven by our mission to drive transformational advancements in
journalism and communication to enhance public knowledge, and to enrich civic life for
all community members, understanding this landscape matters, because understanding
– and facilitating - healthy democratic communities is at the heart of our work.

In this report you will be able to read how newsrooms are adapting to address the
realities of the journalism industry in 2019. Their experiences, and the solutions
they are deploying, are not unique to the Pacific Northwest. We hope that news
organizations in the United States and beyond will benefit from these insights.

We look forward to your thoughts on the ideas outlined in this report.

Regina Lawrence
Associate Dean, School of Journalism and Communication Portland
Director of the Agora Journalism Center

Andrew DeVigal
Chair in Journalism Innovation and Civic Engagement

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Foreward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Doing more with less: seven practical tips for local newsrooms everywhere. . . . . . . . . . 4

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Emerging Themes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1. Managing Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.1 Prioritizing Available Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2 Collaboration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 Partnerships and Gateways. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2. Serving Underserved Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.1 Engagement with communities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2 Attitudes to coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3 Whose story is it anyway? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3. Ensuring Newsroom Diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1 Promoting inclusiveness and supporting journalists of color. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2 The value of freelancers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.3 Appreciating specialization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4. Building Trust and Credibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4.1 Ensuring Transparency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.2 Peeking behind the curtain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.3 Local journalism’s secret sauce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

5. Doing Things Differently . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

5.1 Media Metrics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.2 Ceding some control to the audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.3 “Going for it”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

About the Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Previous Agora Research and Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Footnotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Suggested Citation: Radcliffe D., Alvarez, D., Powers, A., Schenone, J. (November 2019).
Shifting Practices for a Stronger Tomorrow: Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest
(2019). Agora Journalism Center.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Executive Summary
Doing more with less: seven practical
tips for local newsrooms everywhere
By Jaycie Schenone and Damian Radcliffe

Building a sustainable model of audience supported, public-interest journalism

is not easy.

The story of declining advertising revenues2, relationships with third party platforms3
and the reality of smaller newsrooms4 is well told. Addressing this new reality may
feel daunting, not least because it will involve5 changing journalistic approaches and
traditional work practices, but it cannot be avoided.

In a bid to explore these challenges, on 1st March 2019, senior editors and journalists
from 28 local news organizations in the Pacific Northwest convened for a one-day
conference hosted by the Agora Journalism Center in Portland, Oregon, to discuss the
challenges - and opportunities- for their industry.

Here are seven practical takeaways for local newsrooms based on a roundtable
conversation focused on changing journalistic practice:

1. Content doesn’t need to

be perfect to be valuable
A key theme for this group focused on how to best serve groups that have too often
been left out of the news. For far too long communities, ranging from indigenous
groups to Latino communities, as well as African-Americans, women and LGBTQ, have
been absent from both our newsrooms and our reporting.

Serious efforts need to be made to hire reporters - be they staffers and/or freelancers
- that truly represent these communities in the newsroom and to tell their stories.
However, our group felt, too often newsrooms wait for the perfect hire, or the right
resources, to address this issue. Sometimes this means waiting a long time, perhaps too
long, to make a move.

John Schrag6, the Executive Editor of Pamplin Media Group, suggested that doing
something was often better than doing nothing. One option his group is exploring is -
in the absence of a Spanish speaker, or budget for translation services - using Google
Translate7 for some of their stories. “We have really good content,” he said, “and we
can’t share it with those people that can’t understand [English].”

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

The software isn’t perfect, Schrag acknowledged, but the Latino communities
that Schrag has approached with this content recognized - and appreciated - the
sentiment behind these efforts

2. Share resources within a city

not just a company
Across the Pacific Northwest, some local newsrooms have joined forces to report
within their community, sharing bylines and workloads instead of competing
for the scoop.

Rattled: Oregon’s Concussion Discussion8, a joint project of InvestigateWest, Pamplin

Media Group and the Agora Journalism Center, is a good example of this.

The initiative - supported in part by grants from Meyer Memorial Trust and the Center
for Cooperative Media - partnered with the Solutions Journalism Network and others
to tell the story about the impact of concussion on Oregon teens. The series conducted
the first-ever analysis of high school sports concussions in Oregon, a condition which
across the U.S. affects one in five American teens.

Many newsrooms increasingly recognize the importance of collaboration9. Morgan

Holm10, SVP and Chief Content Officer at OPB, discussed sharing their drone with
other news organizations, a practical example of resource sharing which goes beyond
human capital, allowing other newsrooms to access this technology and its visual
storytelling potential.

3. Proximity Matters
Local journalists can quite easily bump into the people they
are reporting on. Sources and subjects of stories may be
a journalist’s neighbors, their children’s teachers, or the
people standing in line behind them at the grocery store.
“Local journalists
Because of this, local journalists enjoy a unique vantage
enjoy a unique
point for understanding the communities that they report
on, and leveraging this to help engender trust11 in the
vantage point for
wider profession.
understanding the
This is an asset that local newsrooms need to emphasize
more, employing the tools of engaged journalism12 to communities that
unlock benefits which can help both the business model
and content creation. they report on.”

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

“We want a reporter from that community,” Carl Segerstrom13, an Assistant Editor at
High Country News14, said when discussing how they want to approach stories. This
means “putting the affected voices at the center of the story rather than reporting
from outside the community.” It’s an approach others, such as the Seattle Globalist15,
have also sought to deploy, working - wherever possible - with people directly from the
communities they are reporting on.

4. Ask your audience what

they want to know
Engagement with audiences - in both real life and online16 - has taken some reporters to
unexpected places and helped increase traction for publishers on digital platforms.

There are a variety of ways to reach audiences for content input, including events,
comments pages (still very popular and a source of discussion at our conference),
Facebook Live and Reddit style AMA’s.

In Seattle, KUOW Public Radio asked their audience17 to propose potential questions
that reporters would answer and then ran a poll on social media to determine the
winner. The results took them to the bottom of Lake Washington18 and went viral.

Image via KUOW Public Radio

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

It was a story, Deborah Wang19, a reporter and host at KUOW Public Radio, said, the
newsroom would never have typically considered covering. Yet, their audience loved it.

“When you start having fun with your reporting, your reporting sounds better on the
air,” she said. Engaging with your audience in this way is just one way to inject new life -
and different ideas - into your newsroom.

5. Pull back the curtain

Rebuilding trust with audiences is a necessity for many
newsrooms. Without it, building (paying) audiences and
turning the tide against the “fake news” narrative will be
extremely difficult.
“Rebuilding trust
This matters not just for the financial health of the
with audiences is a
journalism industry, but in ensuring a healthy democracy
where a vibrant, free press helps to ensure that the
necessity for many
information needs of communities are met.
“We have to stop assuming people know how we do our
jobs,” argues20 The Trusting News Project. “Instead, we
need to actively work to earn trust from our communities
by telling them why we’re worthy of their time,
trust and support.”

Activities which can help address this goal include, but are not limited to, sharing
the story behind the story21, finding opportunities for audiences to get to know who
reporters are (like the Seattle Times’ “Behind the Byline22” series), as well as using
spaces like events, social media23 and podcasts24, to share insights into editorial
processes and decisions25.

6. Understand the value of

longitudinal reporting
Cable news, push notifications, news apps and social media mean that the news is
always at our fingertips. These technologies have also pushed newsrooms to break the
news as early as possible. After all, no one wants to be outscooped.

But, some news organizations and audiences are recognizing that this isn’t always
the right approach. The emergence26 of the Slow News27 movement, coupled with the
growth of solutions journalism, as well as key tenets of engaged journalism28 such
as listening, inclusivity and relationship building, are just some29 of the reporting
approaches which newsrooms are using to do things differently.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Alongside these changing practices, long-form and longitudinal reporting – offering

deep-dives into issues which matter to your community are also part of the secret
sauce of delivering journalism that matters.

Lynn Jacobson30, the Deputy Managing Editor at the Seattle Times referred to “taming
the beast” by recalibrating their story mix to more effectively blend breaking news
stories with longer, richer, pieces of reporting.

This type of in-depth content is a key plank in the Times’ move towards a subscription
based business model. Jacobson cited Education Lab31, an ongoing project looking at
local education issues and solutions, as just one example of where the Seattle Times is
putting this principle into action.

7. Embrace partnerships
When local newsrooms are looking for partners, they often think of funders and other
newsrooms. Higher education providers may be an underutilized resource. Some
have access to assets (including equipment, as well as a body of young, motivated
journalists) that smaller organizations may not have access to.

In Oregon, the Snowden Internship Program32 partners with news organizations across
the state, partially funding the salary of young journalists for the summer.

Elsewhere, news outlets in the region have found success working with ProPublica,
Report for America, Hearken, the Solutions Journalism Network and other
organizations. Through these partnerships they have been able to access funding,
journalists, and insights into new ways of doing things.

Newsrooms have a choice, Malheur Enterprise’s Les Zaitz33 said. “Create change or have
change be put against you.”

What our conversation showed is that through partnerships, changing approaches to

reporting, as well as being prepared to experiment, newsrooms in the Pacific Northwest
are actively seeking to change what they do and how they do it.

The lessons from their journey are potentially valuable to journalists across
the country and beyond. It’s going to be fascinating to see where this evolution
takes them next.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

It is a truth, universally acknowledged that the journalism industry is plagued by
declining public trust34, political instability35 and loss of revenues36. This truth is so well
fixed in the minds of media watchers, that there is a widespread recognition that for
newsrooms to survive, they need to adapt and evolve37.

Local Journalism Roundtable - Changing Journalistic Practice Group

Image via Agora Journalism Center and Erika Berardi

As many newsrooms across America continue to shrink, and the power of digital
platforms (especially as vehicles for advertising revenue38) continues to grow,
journalists and media organizations need to make the most of these new digital
realities. As Dr. Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, Director of the Reuters Institute for the Study of
Journalism and Professor of Political Communication at the University of Oxford, has
acknowledged39: “I think that we accept the fact that whatever local journalism is in the
future, it won’t be what it was.”

This not only means embracing new platforms and storytelling tools like Facebook
Live, Instagram Stories and podcasting. It also means understanding the increasingly
interconnected nature of changing journalistic practice and the business models which
underpin this industry40.

In an era where subscriber-led income becomes increasingly important to publishers,

so the relationship between the content that audiences consume and the ability to
convert this into reader-driven revenue41 will only become more prevalent.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

It is, partially, against this backdrop that we have seen the rise of engaged journalism42.
Newsrooms and media organizations recognize the importance of driving loyalty to
their products and reducing churn, as well as the storytelling potential which can be
unlocked by interacting – and listening - to audiences both online and in real life43.

In March 2019, 28 reporters and editors from a wide range of Pacific Northwest media
organizations gathered in Portland, Oregon, to discuss the state of local journalism in
the Pacific Northwest.

Splitting into three groups, each cohort focused on a particular element of this
landscape: business and revenue models, engaged journalism and changing journalistic
practice. They were joined by faculty, graduate and undergraduate students from the
School of Journalism and Communication (SOJC) at the University of Oregon, bringing
the total participants for the day to 50.

Participants in each conversation discussed challenges, potential solutions, and shared

ideas about their experiences.

This is the first in a series of reports stemming from that day. It summarizes the key
ideas and case studies shared by the group which focused on changing journalistic
practice. Where appropriate, it also adds further context to those conversations, often
based on the work produced by these outlets.

The paper will be followed later this year by additional reports looking at engaged
journalism and efforts by news outlets in the region to “make media pay.”

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

List of participants: Roundtable on

Changing Journalistic Practice
Industry (roles and titles correct at the time of the event)

Venice Buhain - Editorial Director, The Seattle Globalist

Holly Dillemuth - Reporter, Herald and News

Morgan Holm - Senior Vice President, Chief Content Officer, Oregon Public Broadcasting

Lynn Jacobson - Deputy Managing Editor, The Seattle Times

Kevin Max - Founder, Chief Content Officer, Statehood Media

John Schrag - Executive Editor, Pamplin Media Group

Carl Segerstrom - Assistant Editor, High Country News

Amanda Waldroupe - Freelance Journalist, President of SPJ Oregon

Deborah Wang - Contributing Reporter, Editor, Host, KUOW Public Radio

Les Zaitz - Editor and Publisher, Malheur Enterprise

University of Oregon, School of Journalism and Communication


Nicole Dahmen - Associate Professor

Damian Radcliffe - Professor of Practice, Carolyn Chambers Professor of Journalism

Brent Walth - Assistant Professor

Graduate Rapporteurs

Destiny Alvarez - Journalist

Alex Powers - Journalist

Undergraduate Reporters

Shawn Medow - Journalist

Jaycie Schenone - Journalist

Brandon Taylor - Journalist

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Emerging Themes
This paper focuses on how the work produced by journalists in the Pacific Northwest,
and the newsrooms they inhabit, is developing to meet the realities of the journalism
industry in 2019. Five key themes emerged during our roundtable discussion:

1. Making the most of limited resources

Organizations big and small are increasingly looking at opportunities for collaboration,
partnerships and shared content, both in response to resource challenges and to
broaden the scope of their coverage.

2. Efforts to reach underserved communities

Engaging with minorities - and telling a wider range of stories and experiences - is an
issue for many news organizations in the region, and one they are keen to address. This
requires using a wide range of engaged journalism techniques, as well as a recalibration
of resources and mindsets.

3. Broadening newsroom diversity

Across the U.S. newsrooms are often criticized, rightly, for being too male, too white44
and too urban45. Creating a working environment that promotes inclusiveness should
not just address these concerns internally, but also consider how freelance journalists
(and the pool they are drawn from) can further support these diversity efforts.

4. Building trust and credibility

Organizations and journalists need to do more than just deliver valuable journalism.
Great output alone will not be enough to restore faith in the profession. If news
outlets want to change perceptions about the journalism profession and broaden
their user base, they will need to be more transparent and engage with a wider
potential audience.

5. Doing things differently

Changing traditional practices won’t happen overnight. Yet, adjusting to market shifts
is crucial for survival. Prioritizing in-depth and impactful reporting, using metrics to
help focus on specific audiences, and telling different types of stories – as well as
delivering them in fresh formats - can all help journalists and media organizations
reinvigorate their output and their newsrooms.

In this report we explore these ideas in more detail, showing how news
organizations in the Pacific Northwest are addressing these considerations.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

1. Managing Resources
With newsrooms often under pressure to do more with less, the allocation and balance
of newsroom resources is critical. For newsrooms in the Pacific Northwest, large and
small alike, this means exploring partnerships, prioritizing in-depth coverage, exploring
opportunities for engagement and re-evaluating where journalists spend their time.

As, Les Zaitz, editor and publisher at the Malheur Enterprise46 (Vale, Oregon),
explained: “All of us have resources, but it’s a matter of how we use those resources.”

1.1 Prioritizing Available Resources

The pivot to subscriptions, and the move away47 from chasing
large-scale online traffic, has led to some news organizations
prioritizing newsroom resources to focus on where they can
have the most impact.
“Being able to
The Seattle Times (Seattle, Washington), is “dialing way

back” on high school sports coverage, for example, to make these tough
reallocate journalists to public service stories. “What are
you not doing because you’re sending three reporters and calls about the
three photographers to [high school] football games every
Friday night?” asked the paper’s deputy managing editor
Lynn Jacobson49.
beats you cover
Traditional reporting practices can be hard to break, but at a
is essential.”
time of diminished resources (with most newsrooms smaller
than they were at the start of the decade) being able to make
these tough calls about the beats you cover is essential.

1.2 Collaboration
Amanda Waldroupe50, a freelance journalist and President of SPJ Oregon51, was
just one participant who highlighted the importance of collaboration52 in these
resource-strapped times.

“Getting multi[ple] news outlets to work on one big project together... That’s a good
way to respond to shrinking newsrooms and layoffs. Divide the labor and draw on
people’s strengths,” Waldroupe advised.

“There is competition for attention,” said Morgan Holm, the SVP Chief Content Officer
for OPB53 (Portland, Oregon), “but collaboration doesn’t destroy that.” Highlighting
the potential of content shot using drones, Holm offered to share resources. “OPB is
willing to put a drone in the air if another [news organization] puts a reporter on the
ground,” he said.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Small local publications are also making moves to collaborate more. Holly Dillemuth54,
a reporter for the Herald and News55 (Klamath Falls, Oregon), shared how the paper had
begun a partnership with a local radio station. “We’re looking for ways to freshen things
up,” Dillemuth said.

In a similar vein, KUOW - a National Public Radio member station in Seattle,

Washington - seeks to work with younger listeners, as part of their work in
the community.

As their website explains, through a program called RadioActive56, “young people

discover public radio journalism and gain access to the skills, community and
institutional resources that spur their growth as media makers. Through their stories,
listeners of all ages gain a deeper understanding of young people whose voices are
rarely heard by the greater public.”

Local Journalism Roundtable, Changing Journalistic Practice Discussion

Image via the Agora Journalism Center and Erika Berardi

1.3 Partnerships and Gateways

A number of news organizations are turning to grant-funded positions, and
partnerships, to expand their coverage, or coverage of specific beats.

The Malheur Enterprise, a weekly newspaper in Eastern Oregon, is just one publication
in the Pacific Northwest actively seeking these opportunities to help expand newsroom
capacity57. This summer the paper hosted two interns58 as well as a Report for
America-funded, Spanish-language reporting position. Editor and publisher, Les Zaitz
outlined how the Report for America supported position59 could help the paper better
access the region’s Latino community, a cohort that is typically underrepresented
in their coverage.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

News organizations in the region can also benefit from the work being undertaken by
news outlets who operate outside of the traditional daily newscycle.

High Country News60 (Paonia, Colorado), is one such example; a nonprofit news
organization covering stories for, and about, the American West. They syndicate
content for free through a publisher partnership program61. Carl Segerstrom, assistant
editor for the publication, shared how they had become a gateway to relevant regional
coverage for other papers.

“Once our story is out there anyone else can run it,” he said. “It brings value to our
news organization and allows other organizations to benefit as well.”

“We want to look at these issues that are region wide, from a local scope,” Segerstrom
said. Examples of stories covered by High Country News in the past few months
include: how Indigenous nation treaties factor into climate change62 (which ran in the
Seattle-based Crosscut63), as well as an exploration of the importance of biodiversity64
and immigration (several65 stories66 in the latter category were shared67 by The
Marshall Project).

High Country News also participates in the Solutions Journalism Network68 and
partners with smaller newspapers, as well as larger outlets, so that even the smallest
newsrooms can harness their work.

The Malheur Enterprise is a small weekly newspaper located in the

agricultural town of Vale, east of Ontario, Ore.
Image via E.J. Harris/East Oregonian via AP

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

2. Serving Underserved Communities

Representation in journalism - both in terms of newsroom personnel and in breadth of
reporting - remains a critical issue69 that many media organizations are facing.

Pamplin Media executive editor John Schrag (center)

Image via the Agora Journalism Center and Erika Berardi

In the Pacific Northwest, participants in our roundtable said their papers often struggle
to access, reach and engage with Latino audiences in Oregon; an issue they are all
keen to remedy.

John Schrag, the executive editor of Pamplin Media Group70 (Portland, Oregon), argued
traditional ways of reporting on these communities need to change. “Publications often
miss the mark when they try and create separate coverage in Latino communities,”
Schrag said. “They’re people, they live in the same community, and they want to know
about the same things.”

For newsrooms, several key questions need to be addressed, including:

• How do journalists cover these communities?

• Who are they reporting for? Are news outlets trying to reach the community at
large, these specific under-reported communities, or a combination of both?

• And allied to all of this: who are the people producing these stories?

In tackling these questions, newsrooms are not just thinking about personnel, but also
their whole approach to newsgathering and community engagement.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

2.1 Engagement with Communities

Journalists should take the time to step out of their traditional reporting habits and
identify opportunities to engage with underrepresented parts of their communities.

To do this, journalists need to ask: What isn’t being covered? And how can we, as
journalists, better cover the lives and support their information needs?

“[We need to be] reflective and honest about those communities and give them the
same things we are giving the privileged,” said Malheur Enterprise’s Les Zaitz.

Getting to know leaders within underrepresented community groups, and attending

group-hosted events, is one way to develop these relationships and unearth
these stories.

Alongside this, newsrooms also need to consider the balance of their coverage,
avoiding traditional narratives and offering a more balanced view (e.g. through the
deployment of solutions journalism71 and by using some of the techniques encouraged
by engagement journalism72) about the realities of life in these communities.

However, editors (and journalists) need to recognize73 that doing this means avoiding
“parachute journalism74.” Cultivating genuine, and meaningful, relationships takes time.

KUOW Public Radio75 reporter and host Deborah Wang

Image via the Agora Journalism Center and Erika Berardi

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Auditing, and systematically reflecting who you are talking to, is also a good habit to
get into. During summer 2019, ABC News in Australia launched76 the 50:50 Project
to achieve equal representation of women and men in their content by the end of
next year. Similarly, The Financial Times is actively rebranding their opinion section
to include and appeal to more female voices77. Many other organizations78 are doing
something similar.

Local organizations can replicate these efforts. At KUOW Public Radio (Seattle,
Washington), reporter and host Deborah Wang said her organization uses a form/
checklist to gauge source demographics, in order to create an accurate representation
of the community in their work.

2.2 Attitudes to Coverage

Accurately reporting on underrepresented communities requires journalists to actively
engage with these groups. That means seeking out their views, and their guidance, with
both sourcing and fact-checking stories.

Les Zaitz, editor and publisher for the Malheur Enterprise stated that engaging with
underserved communities is increasingly important. “As journalists we need to remove
as many barriers as we can,” Zaitz said. “It’s a fundamental responsibility of us all.”

Kevin Max79, the founder and chief content officer for Statehood Media80 (Bend,
Oregon), highlighted the importance of figuring out how to engage. “We hire local
photographers and writers in those communities,” Max said. “We were never going to
come in and say ‘this is how we’re doing [i.e. covering] your community.’”

OPB’s Morgan Holm argued that there’s also a business imperative to addressing this
issue. “By shifting our perspective, it gives us a competitive advantage,” he said.

Underserved audiences can be a source for new, fresh, stories, as well as a means to
ensure journalistic narratives better reflect the complexities of the world around us.
Engaging with these groups, in turn, should ensure that coverage is distinctive as well
as fair, accurate and multi-faceted.

2.3 Whose Story Is It Anyway?

Journalists do not have to be a part of a community to represent, and report, on them
accurately. However, having a reporter on the ground that understands, is trusted by -
and often comes from - that community can help to reduce coverage gaps and bring to
light stories that matter.

As Venice Buhain81, editorial director for The Seattle Globalist82, (Seattle, Washington),
reminded us, there are many people who do not see their reality in the media. Given
this, it’s not surprising that some audiences have low levels of trust in journalism, or
that large numbers83 simply choose to ignore the news media altogether.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

One way to remedy this, Buhain suggested, is to hear from

people impacted by events and developments, rather than
simply recapping what has (or might) happened. It also
means reporting positive stories, and not just covering “crisis
“There are many
all the time” she suggested. people who do not
The group also discussed giving people in underrepresented
communities power over how they are covered. see their reality
Carl Segerstrom, an assistant editor for High Country News, in the media.
talked about “centering voices” and noted their experience
creating a dedicated Indigenous Affairs desk led by three
editors, two of whom, Tristan Ahtone84 and Graham Lee
Given this, it’s not
Brewer85, are native journalists. surprising that some
Stories produced by the desk in recent months include
features exploring missing and murdered86 indigenous audiences have low
women87, problems with furthering stereotypical media
portrayals88, and the challenges that indigenous immigrants levels of trust in
face at the border89.
Segerstrom said putting native voices at the center90 of
their coverage, and in positions of editorial power, had
been very effective for their reporting. “A big thing we
talked about [is] not reporting about a community, but
for and from that community,” he said. “We want a reporter from that community
putting the affected voices at the center of the story, rather than reporting [on it] from
outside the community.”

High Country News Indigenous Affairs Home Page

Image via High Country News91

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

3. Ensuring Newsroom Diversity

Diversifying newsrooms goes beyond hiring demographics92. It means editors and
executives coming together to create inclusive work environments that foster new
conversations and learning. It may also mean working with people from outside
professional journalism to use their skills, and experience, to help tell great stories.

3.1 Promoting Inclusiveness and

Supporting Journalists of Color

Editorial director for The Seattle Globalist, Venice Buhain (left), shares ideas
Image via the Agora Journalism Center and Erika Berardi

Venice Buhain, editorial director for The Seattle Globalist, (Seattle, Washington),
said she believes in an inclusive work environment that creates opportunities for
journalists from diverse backgrounds, and that there is a hunger for information about
underserved communities.

Buhain heads an apprenticeship program whose applicants don’t have to be in school

or have published work to apply. “We don’t limit it to a traditional news person,” Buhain
said. “We look for people who might have not seen themselves as a journalist or a
subject of a journalist.”

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

2017 The Seattle Globalist Youth Apprentices

Image via The Seattle Globalist

The program93 aims to bring diverse voices into

storytelling and train them in journalism. Successful
alumni include Vice Indonesia94 contributor Alia
Marsha and Esmy Jimenez95, who now reports on
“Newsrooms should
immigration issues for KUOW. not just support
“Mentored by professional Seattle-based journalists
and writers,” their website notes, “apprentices will journalists of color by
receive in-depth training in effective reporting, writing,
interviewing, photography, video and radio.” recruiting them. They
Apprentices have had the opportunity to cover a also need to find ways
wide array of stories including a Seattle office of
Immigration and Customs Enforcement activism
vigil96, and Portraits of Resilience97.
to let them know the
Buhain said including voices of color is important in
newsroom is theirs
the newsroom, but so is supporting them.
and a place where
The Seattle Globalist relies on a lot of freelancers,
most of whom are people of color from marginalized they belong.”
groups. They often explore the communities they
come from, Buhain said.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

However, while that can give them the inside track on specific issues, this brings
challenges with it too. “We’ve had people come through our program and say it’s really
hard to cover this sort of thing,” Buhain said. “And it is hard because for them it [is] like
talking to their family. There’s a big emotional component.”

As a result of covering stories that you are often close to, Buhain said that it’s
important for newsrooms to teach journalists resilience, an idea echoed by many others
around the table.

Newsrooms should not just support journalists of color by recruiting them98. They also
need to find ways to let them know the newsroom is theirs and a place where they
belong99. Moreover, it’s also incumbent on editors to ensure that these journalists do
not get pigeon-holed. For the sake of their mental health, and to help them become
better journalists, they must cover a wide variety of stories, and not just about minority
issues and communities100.

3.2 The Value of Freelancers

Freelance reporter and president of SPJ Oregon Amanda Waldroupe (center)

Image via the Agora Journalism Center and Erika Berardi

In an era of budget cuts and reduced resources, the role of freelancers can be a tricky
one for many newsrooms to negotiate. On the one hand, freelance budgets may be
among the first to be cut. On the other, some outlets rely more on freelancers, seeing
this as a potential workaround to hiring (or being unable to hire) more staffers.

Against this complicated backdrop, freelance journalists can, nonetheless, be an

untapped resource for enhancing newsroom diversity. Making an effort to broaden the
range of freelancers you work with, and the stories newsrooms commission them to
cover, is one way to bring different voices into your coverage.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

The founder and chief content officer for Statehood Media, Kevin Max, said his
organization has been successful in utilizing freelancers101. According to Max, “50 to 65
percent of our work is from freelancers… They provide necessary perspectives and fill
coverage needs.”

Freelance journalists can also be valuable assets in diversifying a newsroom because

they may have more specialist knowledge and skills than in-house reporters. They may
work to a different rhythm too; although their understanding of the inner machinations
of a specific newsroom will be different from those who are inside it 24/7.

Amanda Waldroupe, a freelance reporter with bylines in The New York Times102, The
Guardian103 and The Oregonian104, said one of the drawbacks of working in a newsroom
is the overwhelming pressure to share content on social media which drives traffic to
stories. Waldroupe said that as a freelancer, “I spend the majority of my day writing and
reporting, and that’s not something that I feel happens in newsrooms today.”

3.3 Appreciating Specialization

Journalists increasingly need to be able to shoot video, take pictures, fly drones, code,
scrape data, host engagement events, or provide solutions angles in their reporting.
These are all specializations which can play a key role in diversifying a newsroom -
bringing different skills and insights to the table - and creating distinctive, high-quality
news and information.

Freelance journalists, as well as staffers, need to have (and develop) these skills.
Given the pace of change across the communications landscape, newsrooms should
encourage, and provide training, for both in-house journalists and freelancers in order
to ensure that they continue to expand their knowledge and reporting capabilities.

As Kevin Max reminded us, specializations matter. “We’ve always needed people that
are specialists in different areas,” he said. And that’s not likely to change any time soon.

Image via 1859 Magazine

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

4. Building Trust and Credibility

Trust in journalism has ebbed and flowed105 in recent years. The causes of this are
complex and myriad. Trust levels can be determined by people’s life experience, such
as how/where people grew up and their demographic affiliations. as well as how
they identify politically106. But it may also be a consequence of a more complex
information environment.

Audiences have access to tremendous amounts of misinformation107 at the touch of

a button. In a world of information proliferation, the concept of being a “paper-of-
record,” may feel outdated. Journalists and news outlets certainly need to earn trust.
They cannot take it for granted.

Statehood Media’s Kevin Max expressed the view that the

journalism industry, and journalists in general, struggle to
market themselves properly. “We ask kids to go out and
spend a ton of money to get journalism degrees and then we “ Journalists
don’t do anything about it after,” Max said.
and news outlets
Max cited the difference between journalism and other
professions, such as law and accounting, where a lot more
“noise” is made about the qualifications of personnel
certainly need to
practicing these trades. “Why are we doing that to
ourselves?” he asked.
earn trust. They
In response to this, and wider conversations among the cannot take it
group about trust in the media, there was a recognition
that newsrooms need to be more open, engaged, and for granted.”
transparent108. Many are making concerted efforts to deliver
on these aspirations.

4.1 Ensuring Transparency

In the past, news organizations held stories close. The fear of being scooped led to
secrecy around reporting and an opaqueness that left some audiences questioning the
methods of the press. That opaqueness still exists109. As, of course, does a desire not
to be scooped.

Nonetheless, in a polarized political climate110 with trust in the media near all-time
lows, being upfront and transparent about reporting methods becomes increasingly
important. Without it, we may not be able to arrest the negative attitudes towards
journalism - and journalistic techniques - prevalent with some constituencies.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

One space where inter-newsroom transparency can be seen is in large-scale, often

collaborative111, investigative work. John Schrag, the executive editor of Pamplin Media
Group, highlighted how his teams had partnered with the Agora Journalism Center112
and InvestigateWest on a large investigative project113 examining traumatic head
injuries among high school athletes in Oregon.

In undertaking this project, they shared with their audience ambitions for the initiative,
as well as work in progress114, a move which Schrag hoped would engender trust and
potentially tease out further sources and case studies. “We no longer have to keep
secret what our plans are,” he said. “When we did our concussion series, we announced
it six months before we published our first story.”

Focused on what school sports coaches have done to comply with strict return-to-play
protocols imposed by Oregon lawmakers in 2009, the series allowed organizations to
combine resources to tell an important story on a scale which otherwise would not
have been possible.

Features such as: “Missing the trainer115,” “On top of the world. Until one too many
concussions116” and “Solving the funding puzzle117” are just a few examples of the stories
produced through this partnership.

Image via InvestigateWest

4.2 Peeking Behind the Curtain

While larger organizations have more capacity to set aside resources to create new
ways to reach audiences and rebuild credibility, smaller shops may not have the same
capacity to do this. Nonetheless, it is important for them to do so.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Les Zaitz, editor and publisher of the Malheur Enterprise, and the founder and editor
for the Salem Reporter118, regularly writes “Behind the Story” pieces, such a profile of on
an Oregon legislative executive119.

During the roundtable discussion, Zaitz contended that it’s important to tell readers
what is going on, how organizations are reporting certain issues, and to avoid relying
on the audience blindly trusting that journalists are doing everything right.

The Seattle Times is another outlet actively seeking to humanize elements of its work
through their Behind the Byline series120. These articles aim to help readers to get to
know the journalist behind the news, by profiling Times personnel such as video editor
Corinne Chin121 and Traffic Lab122 reporter Mike Lindblom123.

Holly Dillemuth, a reporter for the Herald and News in Klamath Falls, said “I am really
interested in finding ways to make sure people trust us,” highlighting how journalists
at her paper are harnessing Twitter, sharing what they’re covering the next day124,
where they’ll be125 as well as incorporating video126 and other multimedia elements
into their work.

The Seattle Times Behind the Byline homepage

Image via The Seattle Times

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

4.3 Local Journalism’s Secret Sauce

At the local level, small newsrooms often have a closer connection to their audience,
due to the fact that they live and work in the same place.

“Being a rural reporter, you run into these people in the store,” Herald and News’ Holly
Dillemuth said. “You’ll most likely see five of them before you get home.”

Small-town reporters appreciate that they may have public interactions with the people
they report on. That proximity to the audience, arguably, builds in some accountability
whereby community journalists can’t hide behind a screen or avoid the subjects
of their work.

Proximity alone, however, is not enough to engender trust. Morgan Holm, SVP
and Chief Content Officer for Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) suggested that
newsrooms also need to tell stories differently if they wish to remain relevant and to
have an impact.

Rebuilding trust in journalism starts with the public understanding what journalism is,
and what it can do, he argued. “People will lie, fake, cheat. What do we have? Facts,”
Holm said. “We have the ability to marshal facts and make a difference in communities.”

According to Holm, one of the key ways OPB has sought to marshal facts and deliver
value to their audience is through longitudinal reporting127. “It’s creative thinking,”
Holm said. “It’s taking a different perspective.”

Recent examples of OPB’s efforts include “Bundyville: The Remnant128,” a seven-part

podcast series “that explores the world beyond the Bundy family and the armed
uprisings they inspired,” and “Class of 2025129,” a multimedia series following a group of
Oregon students from first grade to graduation.

Image via OPB130

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

5. Doing Things Differently

Rebuilding trust, however, is likely to require more than increasing transparency
and producing good work. It may also mean that journalists need to do some
things differently. Partly, this is a response to changing audience habits, but it’s
also a recognition that the pressures on newsrooms are likely to require changes in
journalistic practice too.

In some instances, this means looking at new formats to engage audiences.

The Herald and News, in Klamath Falls, for example, has introduced “a “sneak preview
of stories to be found in the next day’s newspaper edition” via their short “Tomorrow’s
Headlines Today131” podcast.

Herald and News “Tomorrow’s Headlines Today.”

Image via Herald and News

Deborah Wang, a reporter and host at KUOW Public Radio argued that journalists need
to start questioning some traditional journalistic conventions. “Do we need we need
a newscast at the top of the hour,” she asked. “We’ve been doing [certain] things for
so long,” she said, “do we continue to use these formats because we have been doing
things for so long or because they work?”

The group offered some suggestions to this philosophical question, which included
exploring the opportunities afforded by metrics, working more closely with audiences
and piloting new (sometimes imperfect beta) approaches to their work; all with the
goal of breaking existing newsroom paradigms.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

5.1 Media Metrics

With digital platforms changing the way people consume media, metrics and audience
data are becoming increasingly important. Some newsrooms exclude their staff
from that information132, preferring frontline journalists focus on reporting. Other
organizations have started to involve their staff in the conversations about data.

Herald and News’ Holly Dillemuth advocated that smaller newsrooms discuss the
business side with their journalists, including sharing metrics133 and other relevant
performance data. Co-locating editorial and business teams, so that they sit side by
side and not in different parts of the building, was one suggestion that she offered to
help bridge this gap.

Lynn Jacobson shared how The Seattle Times has used

metrics to shape their reporting strategies134, and as
part of their efforts to drive subscriptions. Speaking to
their wider business model, Jacobsen observed that: “We
“If something is not
wanted to build relationships with readers that were so
strong and so valuable that readers were willing to
doing well and it’s
pay for them.”
not mission critical
As a result, the Times’ reporters are focusing more on the
metrics135, and telling stories that can help convert more then we have to
casual consumers into subscribers.

Jacobson, the deputy managing editor for the Times,

stop doing that and
admitted that sharing these insights (subscription data
and the route to subscription) had received a mixed
focus on something
reaction in the newsroom, but that this data was an
important way of shaping their coverage.
that is more central
“If something is not doing well and it’s not mission critical to our readers.”
then we have to stop doing that and focus on something
that is more central to our readers,” Jacobson said.

According to Jacobson, this has meant placing a greater

emphasis on deeply-reported, high impact, and visually rich stories. “We’re not feeding
the beast, but we’re taming the beast with longer, richer enterprise reporting,” she said.

Recent work from The Seattle Times exemplifying this approach includes Project
Homeless136, an “initiative that explores and explains the region’s complex, troubling
problem of homelessness,” Her Story is Our Story137, a video series “about women
and female-identifying members of our community… that redefine the hero’s journey
through the experiences, lives and lenses of women,” and detailed reporting into “How
Boeing, FAA certified the suspect 737 MAX flight control system138.”

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Seattle Times Digital Subscription Growth 2013-2018

Image via Monday Note139

Founder and chief content officer for Statehood Media, Kevin Max, also emphasized the
detail, and value, that metrics can deliver to newsrooms.

“The tools for building and delivering things to audiences through social media140 is so
great,” he said, noting the ability to target specific audiences on these platforms, as
well as the ability to know more about them.. “Being able to know an audience ... about
who these people are is very valuable if you can use the tools that feed the information
back to you.”

According to Max, metrics can help publications identify opportunities for both content
and revenue generation. Afterall, advertisers want to be associated with successful
content, material which either reaches a certain number of eyeballs, or which is closely
aligned with their brand.

Metrics therefore can be used not just to shape strategies for future content (as at The
Seattle Times) but also to help publishers harness their archive and more evergreen
material141. Evergreen content requires minimal updating, isn’t beholden to the whim of
news cycles (remaining relevant for longer), and has a strong SEO value142.

As an example, Max highlighted how 1859 Magazine143, a Statehood Media publication,

ran an article in January 2018 on building an outdoor sauna144. A year on, it continues to
be a consistent performer for them. Max said because they look at the metrics for their
publications, they were able to identify this story as one that received 50 to 100
clicks a day.

This story “consistently gets all of this traffic,” Max said. “Then we think who are the
advertisers that would be interested in aligning their brand with something like this.”

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

1859 Magazine’s “How to build your own outdoor sauna” story

Image via 1859 Magazine

5.2 Ceding Some Control to the Audience

Historically, many newsrooms have “played God” determining the issues that
get covered and the questions that get asked. At some outlets, however, that is
starting to change.

Hearken, a “tech-enabled consultancy” designed to “help newsrooms and content

creators of all kinds shift their processes and practices to work for the information
age,” (and145 the subject of a previous146 Agora report147,) is just one player advocating
for a different approach. “Listen to your audiences first, not last,” they contend in their
Twitter bio148. “Makes for better everything and makes money.”

Putting elements of this into practice, Seattle based public radio station KUOW
asked listeners to pose - and vote - on questions that they would like the
newsroom to cover.

Contributing reporter, editor and host, Deborah Wang, said the stories which stemmed
from this audience engagement, such as “What’s on the bottom of Lake Washington?”,
not only allowed reporters to cover interesting topics (and ones that they might not
have explored otherwise), which also resonated with audiences.

“The stories we did got people really excited and these were the best reporting stories
on our website,” Wang said. “They blew up. We never have stories go viral and these
went viral.”

Carl Segerstrom, an assistant editor for High Country News, shared the value of
working for a publication which works outside of the daily news cycle, giving journalists
more time to listen150 to their audience, helping to ensure that they are covering what’s
important in a community.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Last summer, for example, High Country News’ Indigenous Affairs desk reached out
to indigenous communities asking them to pitch151 stories, demonstrating a different
approach to the typical model for finding enterprise stories.

Examples of recent indigenous affairs stories covered by High Country News include a
collaboration with BuzzFeed News152 on Navajo voters fighting to be heard153, how tribal
enterprises are filling gaps in financial deserts154 and how Indigenous educators are
fighting for accurate historical representations in California155.

5.3 “Going for It”

Not every journalistic innovation will be perfect. Many changes may be implemented
on a trial and error basis, and our discussants suggested that this approach should start
in - and be encouraged by - journalism education.

“The younger generation needs to be willing to fail,” said Executive editor for Pamplin
Media Group John Schrag, recognizing at the same time that efforts to experiment and
innovate must be supported by management.

As an example of how his papers have sought to adopt

a more experimental mindset, Schrag shared how, in
an effort to reach underserved communities, Pamplin
has started using Google Translate to produce Spanish “The younger
language content for the Latinx population in their
coverage area. generation needs to
One key reason for doing this, Schrag argued, was that he
didn’t know how long they might have to wait until they
be willing to fail.”
had the resources (funding or personnel) to offer Spanish-
language news more comprehensively. As a result, an
imperfect solution was better than no solution at all.

Deborah Wang agreed that experimentation needs to be in journalism students’ DNA.

KUOW is a smaller newsroom that is typically well supported, she argued, and this
means that they are fortunate to have the opportunity to try new things.

One successful example of this has been the development of “an Amazon beat,” which
included exploring what happens when Amazon moves into a town. The idea morphed
into a podcast, Prime(d)156, with local roots (KUOW is based in Seattle, Amazon’s home
town) and national recognition.

“We are a local operation,” Wang said, but - acknowledging the wider reach of the
podcast - “it looks great when your reporters have a national profile. That adds to your
value locally.”

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

6. Conclusion
Local news outlets across the country, and around the world, have faced multiple
challenges in recent years.

Changes to traditional business and revenue models, evolving consumer behaviors, as

well as new digital tools and fresh approaches to the practice of journalism, have all
had an impact on newsrooms.

The pace of change shows no signs of letting up; and therefore it’s important for
organizations - as well as journalism schools - to discuss and make sense of these
developments. As we have seen in this paper, there’s an increasing willingness
to do this.

In sharing the experiences of outlets in the Pacific Northwest, we hope to contribute to

a wider discussion about the future of local journalism.

This includes an honest conversation about the challenges facing the sector, as well as
some potential solutions and remedies which news organizations can put into place to
help ensure their resilience and (dare we say it) prosperity.

Local news media continues to play an important role in supporting the information
needs of communities, as well as the wider news industry. As a result, understanding
newsroom realities matters to policy makers, funders, citizens and journalists alike.

We really appreciated the honesty and willingness of participants at this industry

roundtable to share their experiences with us. We hope you do too.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

About the Authors

Damian Radcliffe is the Carolyn S. Chambers Professor in
Journalism, and a Professor of Practice, at the University of
Oregon. Alongside holding the Chambers Chair at the School
of Journalism and Communication (SOJC), he is also a Fellow of
the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University,
an Honorary Research Fellow at Cardiff University’s School of
Journalism, Media and Culture Studies, and a fellow of the Royal
Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA).

An experienced digital analyst, consultant, journalist, and researcher, Damian has

worked in editorial, research, policy, and teaching positions for the past two decades
in the UK, Middle East and USA. This includes roles in all media sectors (commercial,
public, government, regulatory, academic, and nonprofit/civil society) and all platforms
(print, digital, TV and radio).

Destiny Alvarez is a freelance journalist based in Portland,

Oregon. She graduated from the University of Oregon School
of Journalism and Communication (SOJC) with a Master’s in
Journalism in 2019. Alvarez was the 2019 Editor-in-Chief of the
award-winning student-led SOJC publication Flux Magazine.

Alvarez served as the Spring 2019 Demystifying Media Intern and

the 2019 Charles Snowden Program for Excellence in Journalism intern for The Register-
Guard in Eugene, Oregon. Alvarez graduated from the University of Idaho with a B.S in
Journalism in 2017. She is a happy plant mom, journalist and coffee enthusiast.

Alex Powers is a freelance multimedia journalist based in

Eugene, Oregon. He graduated from the University of Oregon
School of Journalism and Communication with degrees in
journalism and sociology in 2018 and a master’s degree in
journalism in 2019.

He reported the news for community dailies in Coos Bay

and Klamath Falls before returning to school in the Willamette Valley. Alex was a
photojournalist and copy editor for the SOJC’s award-winning, student-led publication
Flux. He is co-authoring a podcast on language, identity and place to be published by
the end of the summer.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Jaycie Schenone is a project coordinator for ESPN Films and

ESPN+ Original Content in New York City. She graduated
from the University of Oregon, School of Journalism and
Communication Honors Program, in spring 2019, with a focus in
documentary production and women gender studies.

During her time at the SOJC, she served as the Executive

Producer of the student-run television program, Duck TV, and was the Multimedia/
Video Editor for OR Magazine, an award-winning interactive magazine.

Schenone interned at the PBS affiliate KCTS 9 and Crosscut News in Seattle
Washington with the arts and culture department, and the ABC affiliate KEZI 9 in
Eugene, Oregon with the sports department.

Kelly Kondo is a Master’s student in the Advertising and

Brand Responsibility program at the University of Oregon.
She graduated from the University of Oregon School of
Journalism and Communication with a Bachelor’s of Science in
Advertising. Kondo is a freelance designer and an art director
for the SOJC’s student-run advertising agency Allen Hall

Kondo formerly worked as the art director for the Daily Emerald, an independent
student-run media organization. During her time at the Emerald, her work was featured
as a finalist for the Associated Collegiate Press Design of the Year award.

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Previous Agora Research and Reports

APRIL 2019

Building Engagement: Supporting the Building Engagement


Practice of Relational Journalism

Regina G. Lawrence, Eric Gordon, Andrew DeVigal, Caroline Mellor, Jonathan Elbaz


Putting Engagement to Work: How


News Organizations are Pursuing

“Public-Powered Journalism” Putting
Thomas R. Schmidt, Regina G. Lawrence Engagement
to Work
How News Organizations are Pursuing

“Public-Powered Journalism”

Thomas R. Schmidt & Regina G. Lawrence

The 32% Project: How Citizens Define Trust


and How Journalists Can Earn It Percent
Project How Citizens Define
Trust and How
Journalists Can Earn It

Lisa Heyamoto, Todd Milbourn L I S A H E YA M OTO & TO D D M I L B O U R N JUNE 2018


Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest:

Agora Journalism Center
Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest
Why It Matters, How It’s Evolving, and Who Pays for It

Why It Matters, How It’s Evolving LOCAL JOURNALISM Damian Radcliffe


and Who Pays For It Why It Matters,

How It’s Evolving,
and Who Pays for It

Damian Radcliffe

Damian Radcliffe
1   Image for holding purposes only:
ence/endofsocial-body.jpg  September 2017

Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Accessed September 20, 2019

newspapers/ Accessed September 20, 2019

Accessed September 20, 2019

has-dropped-by-a-quarter-since-2008/ Accessed September 20, 2019

5 Accessed
September 20, 2019

6 Accessed September 20, 2019

7 Accessed September 20, 2019

8 Accessed September 20, 2019

Accessed September 20, 2019

10 Accessed September 20, 2019

upend-the-fake-news-narrative-e67a2b81c636 Accessed September 20, 2019

upend-the-fake-news-narrative-e67a2b81c636 Accessed September 20, 2019

13 Accessed September 20, 2019

14 Accessed September 20, 2019

15 Accessed September 20, 2019

life-11a0c261a500 Accessed September 20, 2019

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Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

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journalism/ Accessed September 20, 2019

and-finishable-news-is-quickly-growing-a-following/ Accessed September 20, 2019

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for-newspaper-industry/ Accessed September 20, 2019

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models-is-a-revolutionary-shift-for-journalism/ Accessed September 20, 2019

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life-11a0c261a500 Accessed September 20, 2019

diverse-than-u-s-workers-overall/ Accessed September 20, 2019

5d0662bb18b5 Accessed September 20, 2019

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2016-rafat-ali/ Accessed September 20, 2019

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newspaper-in-rural-oregon-is-thriving Accessed September 20, 2019

as-it-joins-national-program Accessed September 20, 2019

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Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

into-climate-change Accessed September 20, 2019

Accessed September 20, 2019

depend-on Accessed September 20, 2019

the- Accessed September 20, 2019


Accessed September 20, 2019

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solutions_journalism.php Accessed September 20, 2019

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50-50-gender-diversity-project/11431804 Accessed September 20, 2019

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Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

Accessed September 20, 2019

84 Accessed September 20, 2019

85 Accessed September 20, 2019

missing-indigenous-women Accessed September 20, 2019

missing-indigenous-women Accessed September 20, 2019

westworlds-ghost-nation Accessed September 20, 2019

challenges-at-the-border Accessed September 20, 2019

and-for-indigenous-audiences Accessed September 20, 2019

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ice-vigil/75738 Accessed September 20, 2019

district/70767 Accessed September 20, 2019

newsroom-culture/ Accessed September 20, 2019

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defeated.html Accessed September 20, 2019

homeless Accessed September 20, 2019

are-different-for-women-heart-health-2019.html Accessed September 20, 2019

Accessed September 20, 2019

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campaigns-on-twitter Accessed September 20, 2019

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journalists-to-collaborate-on-the-panama-papers/ Accessed September 20, 2019

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concussions-in-oregon/ Accessed September 20, 2019

oregon-are-least-likely-to-have-athletic-trainers/ Accessed September 20, 2019

concussions/ Accessed September 20, 2019

look-to-the-state-to-pay-for-athletic-trainers/ Accessed September 20, 2019

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an-oregon-legislative-executive Accessed September 20, 2019

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complete/ Accessed September 20, 2019

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know-how-many-people-read-their-stories/395033/ Accessed September 20, 2019

images.php Accessed September 20, 2019

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growth/ Accessed September 20, 2019

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Local Journalism in the Pacific Northwest (2019)

872427b2eccb Accessed September 20, 2019

reshaping-news/ Accessed September 20, 2019

to-evergreen-content Accessed September 20, 2019

evergreen-content-for-seo Accessed September 20, 2019

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aa30046c6593 Accessed September 20, 2019

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seeks-pitches Accessed September 20, 2019

elections-voter-suppression Accessed September 20, 2019

be-heard-award Accessed September 20, 2019

battle-credit-deserts Accessed September 20, 2019

accurate-history-of-california-missions Accessed September 20, 2019

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