Line Follower Robot Using Arduino 2
Line Follower Robot Using Arduino 2
Line Follower Robot Using Arduino 2
by Aarav G
In this instructable, I will teach you how to make a and on the basis of input received from the sensors,
line follower robot using Arduino, which is a very the Arduino will direct the motors to move with the
common microcontroller board. The robot will use help of a motor shield.
two infrared proximity sensors to detect the line
In this case, only the right sensor detects the line In this case, both the sensors detect the line. This
which means that the car requires to turn in the means that the end has come. Both the motors stop
right direction. The left motor rotates forward and rotating. As a result, the car stops.
the right motor rotates backward. As a result, the car
turns right. That is the working structure of our robot...
Case 4:-
Tools required:-
Soldering Iron
Hot Glue Gun
Screw Driver
Gather these parts and be ready for the next step ...
Now, assemble your robot body. Everyone may have Also, attach the proximity sensors at the front on
a different chassis. So assemble your chassis either side, facing down. Make sure that they are
accordingly. Most of the chassis come with an attached at the corners...
instruction manual and even mine came with it so
have a look at it and build your chassis accordingly. Attach the switch too...
Then, attach the components to the chassis.
Arduino, with the motor shield attached to it and Solder wires to the motors and also switch and
also the battery holder must be fixed on the keep ready...
Left Sensor>>Arduino:-
Right Sensor>>Arduino:-
Connect the motors to the motor shield and plug the motor shield onto the Arduino board. Connect the
battery holder to the shield through a switch. That's it for the connections, let's move on to the next step...
Now its time for the main thing- coding our robot...
Download my Arduino code file or write up your own code to get done...
I made this project but I decided to use my own chassis and board but the coding would be the
same. I had to alter some parts of the code it could work with my robot but otherwise, it worked
Awesome work...
Hey i am going to make this for a student project and I was wondering do I only need the power
source of the 4 AA batteries? Or do I need something to power the board as well?
The 4 AA batteries can be used to power the board and the motors will be powered as well by
them. So using 4 AA batteries are enough as the motor shield can provide the motors with enough
current so you just have to connect the battery wires to the arduino power pins
Ok that makes more sense. Thanks for the help!!!
Thanks a lot...!!! I made it. There was some changes needed in the code that's it.
//defining motors
AF_DCMotor motor1(4, MOTOR12_8KHZ);
AF_DCMotor motor2(3, MOTOR12_8KHZ);
AF_DCMotor motor1(3, MOTOR12_8KHZ);
AF_DCMotor motor2(4, MOTOR12_8KHZ);
void setup() {
//setting the speed of motors
//declaring pin types
//begin serial communication
void loop(){
//printing values of the sensors to the serial monitor
//line detected by both
if(analogRead(lefts)<=400 && analogRead(rights)<=400){
//line detected by left sensor
else if(analogRead(lefts)<=400 && !analogRead(rights)<=400){
//turn left;;
How to Make Line Follower Robot Using Arduino: Page 6
//line detected by right sensor
else if(!analogRead(lefts)<=400 && analogRead(rights)<=400){
//turn right;;
//line detected by none
else if(!analogRead(lefts)<=400 && !analogRead(rights)<=400){
I have made all connections and coding but the left sensor is unable to rotate the motors, it reacts
when black colour comes but it's unable to send signal to the motor and act accordingly, can u pls
tell me where is the problem.
You need to change the code because your sensors are of complement type. Means they give
signal 1 when there is black line.
Try checking sensor values using the serial monitor.
The arduino microcontroller is used to control the moment of the robots. I was attended the ipt in
trichy, it is very helpful for my projects to do my self.
For more details: