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1. Seorang anak, 16 kg, mendapat terapi Sefazolin untuk mengatasi sepsisnya (infeksi berat). Jika
dosis Sefazolin i.v yang direkomendasikan 100 mg/kgBB/24 jam dalam dosis terbagi q6-8h.
Berapa mL yang harus diberikan tiap kali pemberian ?

2. Seorang anak, 14 th, BB=40 kg mengalami infeksi. Dokter meresepkan sefaklor suspensi 1,5
sendok takar, 2 kali sehari. Jika dosis Cefaklor yang direkomendasikan adalah 15-
20mg/kgBB/24j q2h, tepatkah dosis yang diberikan dokter tersebut ?

3. The usual initial dose of chlorambucil is 150 mcg/kg of body weight. How many
milligrams should be administered to a person weighing 154 lb.?
4. The dose of a drug is 500 mcg/kg of body weight. How many miligrams should be given
to a child weighing 55 lb?
5. The dose of gentamicin for patients with impaired renal function is adjusted to ensure
therapeutically optimal dosage. If the normal daily dose of the drug for adults is 3
mg/kg/day, administered in three divided doses, what would be the single (8-hour)

dose for a patient weighing 165 lb and scheduled to received only 40 % of the usual
dose, based on renal impairment?
6. In a clinical trial of ciprofloxacin (CIPRO), pediatric patients were initiated on 6 to 10
mg/kg intravenously every 8 hours and converted to oral therapy, 10 to 20 mg/kg,
every 12 hours. Calculate the ranges of the total daily amounts of ciprofloxacin that
would have been administered intravenously and orally to a 40-lb child.
7. A patient weighing 120 lb was administered 2,1 g of a drug supposed to be dosed at
30 mg/kg. Was the dose administered correct, or was it an overdose, or was it an
underdose ?
8. For a 22-lb pediatric patient, the dose of sefdinir (OMNICEF) was determined to be 7
mg/kg. What quantity of an oral suspension containing 125 mg of cefdinir in each 5 ml
shoulded be administered ?
a. 2,8 ml
b. 5,6 ml
c. 8,9 ml
d. 13,6 ml
9. Calculate the dose for a child 4 years of age, 39 in height, and weighing 32 lb for a drug
with an adult dose of 100 mg, using the following :
a. Young’s Rule
b. Cowling’s Rule
c. Clark’s Rule
d. BSA (use the BSA equation)
10. How many capsules, each containing 250 mg of clarithromycin, are needed to provide
50 mg/kg/day for 10 days for a person weighing 176 lb?
11. The recommended pediatric dose of epinephrine for allergic emergencies is 0,01
mg/kg. If a physician, utilizing this dose, administered 0,15 mg, what was the weight
of the patient in pounds?
12. Bagaimana perhitungan aligasinya dari pembuatan alcohol 70 % sebanyak 10 ml, alkohol
yang tersedia 95% !
13. Bagaimana perhitungan aligasinya dari pembuatan alcohol 55% sebanyak 15 ml, alkohol
yang tersedia 70 % ?

Jl. Bendungan Sutami No.118-A Malang
Telp. 0341-587760
Apoteker : Alma Ameera K SP :
Iter 3 x
Dari dokter : dr Alby Azzamy K
Tertulis tanggal : 30 Nov 2018
Dibuat tanggal : 30 Nov 2018 No: 006545
Untuk : Ratna . BB 10 kg Umur : 2 tahun

R/ Proris syr Fl I

S 4 dd ½ cth (5 ml)

----Det orig ------

Malang, 10 Des 2018


(STEMPEL Apotek)

Diketahui :
- Volume proris syr 1 fls adalah 30 ml
- Setiap sendok takar (5 ml) mengandung ibuprofen 100 mg
- Dosis -- 20 mg/kg berat badan per hari dalam dosis terbagi
Permasalahan :
a. Sediaan proris syrup diganti dengan proris tablet dan dibuat dalam sediaan serbuk
terbagi/puyer! Bagaimana perhitungannya?
Diketahui : sediaan yang tersedia di apotek adalah proris chewable dengan kekuatan
200 mg/tablet.
Berat 1 tablet = 300 mg
Bagaimana perhitungan dosisnya!
b. Bagaimana copy resepnya?

15. Diketahui : Dosis Lazim : 0,5 – 1 g/1,5 – 3 g
Dosis Maximum : 1 g/ 8 g
Hitung :
a. Dosis copy resep dibawah ini
b. Penimbangan bahan
c. Copy Resepnya


Jl. Bendungan Sutami No.118-A Malang
Telp. 0341-587760
Apoteker : Alma Ameera K SP :
Iter 1 x
Dari dokter : dr Alby Azzamy K
Tertulis tanggal : 30 Nov 2018
Dibuat tanggal : 30 Nov 2018 No: 006545
Untuk : Ratna . Umur : 9 tahun

R/ Acidum acetylosalisylicum 0,25

Glucose qs
mf. la pulv dtd no. X

----Det orig ------

Malang, 10 Des 2018


(STEMPEL Apotek)

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