Scheil Equation

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Scheil equation
In metallurgy, the Scheil-Gulliver equation (or Scheil equation) describes solute
redistribution during solidification of an alloy.

Four key assumptions in Scheil analysis enable determination of phases present in a cast part.
These assumptions are:

1. No diffusion occurs in solid phases once they are formed ( )

2. Infinitely fast diffusion occurs in the liquid at all temperatures by virtue of a high diffusion
coefficient, thermal convection, Marangoni convection, etc. ( )
3. Equilibrium exists at the solid-liquid interface, and so compositions from the phase diagram are
4. Solidus and liquidus are straight segments
The fourth condition (straight solidus/liquidus segments) may be relaxed when numerical
techniques are used, such as those used in CALPHAD software packages, though these calculations
rely on calculated equilibrium phase diagrams. Calculated diagrams may include odd artifacts (i.e.
retrograde solubility) that influence Scheil calculations.


The hatched areas in the figure represent the amount of solute in the solid and liquid. Considering
that the total amount of solute in the system must be conserved, the areas are set equal as follows:

Since the partition coefficient (related to solute distribution) is 1/2
12/13/2019 Scheil equation - Wikipedia

(determined from the phase diagram)

and mass must be conserved

the mass balance may be rewritten as

Using the boundary condition


the following integration may be performed:

Integrating results in the Scheil-Gulliver equation for composition of the liquid during

or for the composition of the solid:

Gulliver, G.H., J. Inst. Met., 9:120, 1913.
Kou, S., Welding Metallurgy, 2nd Edition, Wiley -Interscience, 2003.
Porter, D. A., and Easterling, K. E., Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys (2nd Edition),
Chapman & Hall, 1992.
Scheil, E., Z. Metallk., 34:70, 1942.
Karl B. Rundman Principles of Metal Casting Textbook - Michigan Technological University
H. Fredriksson, Y. Akerlind, Materials Processing during Casting, Chapter 7, Wiley:Hoboken,

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