Royal HaskoningDHV Shipyards Brochure PDF

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Shipyards for smarter

Royal HaskoningDHV is an international engineering Within Royal HaskoningDHV, we have created a
consultancy with over 100 years of experience in range of multidisciplinary shipyard services that pair
the planning, design and development of maritime our engineering design services with the shipyard
facilities. technology excellence and market expertise of First
Marine International an integrated company within
Our experts work closely with clients to create Royal HaskoningDHV.
sustainable maritime developments – whether
shipyards, naval bases, ports or terminals. We As industry experts, we have the capability to
specialise in tackling the multitude of challenges support you through all the stages of the shipyard
facing today’s shipyards: from the ongoing pressure to life cycle. Whether you’re building a new shipyard
reduce running costs and ensure appropriate security looking to navigate through market research and
measures, to mitigating against climate change, to initial feasibility studies; or you’re looking to upgrade
capturing, utilising and acting on the vast amount of existing facilities and technology, introducing new
data generated daily for Smart shipyards. digital innovations – we have a solution for every

Life Cycle

Market Research &

Strategic Planning

Performance & Feasibility Studies

Operational Improvement & Site Selection

Benchmarking Conceptual Design

& Competitiveness & Masterplan

Procurement Design
& Construction & Specification

2 Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations

Smart Shipyards – Innovation backed by experience
Current global attention on the Fourth Industrial To achieve best performance there needs to be a
Revolution, or Industry 4.0, has sharpened focus on balance drawn between the implementation of digital
digital technologies in shipyard operations. Shipyards and more conventional technologies, in the context of
have been on a digital pathway since the 1970s, with the shipyard cost base and product mix.
some more advanced than others.
We have developed our Smart Shipyards toolbox to
Recent acceleration in the availability of advanced help clients navigate this potential minefield and
technologies, cyber-physical systems and related develop a road map for the sequenced implementation
technologies present a wide array of opportunities. of complementary technologies. We can also assist
Although some bring real benefits, the range of with implementation and provide related services
possibilities can be a minefield and there is no single such as shipyard modelling and the development of
universal remedy to improving shipyard performance. digital twins.

A global history of excellence

With an unrivalled track record in the planning and design of shipyards spanning almost 80 years,
our experts have pioneered a range of technologies that have shaped how shipyards are developed:
Continued advice
Development of the naval The expansion and revision on the design
Design of the world’s vessel CGT for the globally of BS 6349-3:2013, ‘Code of of the world’s
largest dry dock in adopted system of shipbuilding Practice for the Design of largest stand-
Okpo, Korea production planning Shipyards and Sea Locks’ alone shipyard
1970s 1990s 2013 2019

1960s 1980s 2000s 2014

Development Drafting the first British Strategic planning and Design of the world’s
of the modern Standard (BS 6349-3:1988) for construction for one longest spanning dock
shiplift in the the design of dry docks, shiplifts, of the Middle East’s flap gate in Singapore
USA dock gates and slipways largest shipyards

Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations 3

An approach tailored to you
Our independent expertise throughout your development process

At Royal HaskoningDHV, we work to understand When there is a good understanding of your unique
your existing business processes before proposing challenges, we can select the preferred technical
a technical solution. With this information, we solution – deploying it in a way that is tailored to you
can identify the functional interrelationships and and the context of your shipyard.
bottlenecks of your shipyard – whether that includes
constraints that you face from statutory regulation, Alongside this, our commitment to sustainable
incorporating the needs of external stakeholders, or thinking is embedded in our culture. By providing
ensuring that existing business operations are smooth. you with options and information on the most
appropriate environmental and social, economic and
sustainable solutions, your development can progress
with excellent credentials. This is vital to meet many
funders’ requirements.

Development Process
Market & Feasibility Study
Basic Design & Engineering / FEED
Detailed Design & Engineering
Site Construction Supervision
Operations Start-up
Performance Improvement
& Benchmarking

e d
Va l u e

4 Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations

Market research & strategic planning
Our industry knowledge – helping you see beyond the horizon

At Royal HaskoningDHV, our experts have made us Our services include:

one of the leading forecasters of maritime activity; n Market research, competitor analysis and customer
developing innovative approaches to monitoring and targeting
analysing the shipbuilding and ship repair markets, n Product mix definition and target revenue
continually surveying factors that impact shipyard n International competitiveness and global market
development. economics
n Identification of target markets, throughput and
Our strategic planning service extends to the performance levels
revitalisation of existing shipyards and we have n Cost structure review and business strategy
extensive experience in carrying out strategic planning n Rationalisation and restructuring
for shipyards and equipment suppliers.

Our expertise
Tim Walters Kayleigh Elliott
With over 20 years’ experience A specialist in all aspects of shipyard
including management positions related maritime market research,
in shipping and financial services, Kayleigh Elliott has qualifications
Tim Walters is a market specialist in both business with marketing
in shipbuilding, ship repair, and strategic marketing.
offshore industries and
ship recycling.

Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations 5

Feasibility & site selection
Balancing the factors to find your perfect location

Our in-house experts specialise in carrying out Feasibility factors include:

feasibility studies for new and existing shipyard n Market availability
facilities, balancing the factors that will help you make n Site location
the most of your proposed business model and costs. n Layout and design
n Capital costs
Choosing the right location for your shipyard is key to n Operating costs
the feasibility and long term economic viability of your n Potential sustainability enhancements
shipyard business. Access to markets, accessibility for n Labour availability and accessibility
shipping, suitability of land surface and the marine n Financial viability
environment are all factors to be considered and
are crucial to the success of your shipyard Our experts explore and advise on the
development project. following site selection criteria:
n Shipping traffic pattern analysis
n Ancillary support industry
n Labour availability
n Marine access
n Transport links
n Environmental impact
n Wave climate
n Topography & Bathymetry
n Geology and Sedimentation

Our expertise
Adrian Arnold Malcolm Bell
With over 40 years’ experience An expert in developing and
in shipyard infrastructure implementing new shipyard
developments, Adrian Arnold is technology for advanced
a Fellow of both the Institution production engineering practices
of Civil Engineers and the and productivity, Malcolm Bell
Institution of Shipbuilders and has over 40 years’ experience in
Engineers in Scotland. state-of-the-art shipyards.

6 Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations

Conceptual design & masterplan
Designs tailored to your needs

Initial concept designs help you make informed The elements of conceptual design include:
decisions before committing to the cost of final n Layout plan showing major facilities
detailed facility design. With design components n Sizing of production areas
often being interchangeable, we combine attributes n Sizing, arrangement and type of workshop buildings
from two or more concepts, to arrive at the concept n Sizing and locating docking facilities
that’s tailored for you and your needs. We balance the n Routing of services and location of sub stations and
forecast revenues with the CAPEX and OPEX. compressor houses
n Overall manning levels
Moving to the design stage, our capability includes n Overall layout of the shipyard workflows
process design and the necessary civil, structural, n Order of magnitude costs
mechanical and electrical systems design. The
financial success of your shipyard depends on the The masterplan includes:
decisions made at the design stage. The size of the our n Location and sizes of production areas
shipyard design group means our project teams can be n Production workshop layouts, levels of technology
assembled to provide the necessary multidisciplinary and operations
input for complex shipyard infrastructure designs. n Pre-production equipment lists
n Civil and structural preliminary engineering
n Mechanical and electrical services arrangements
n Final budget estimates and shipyard operating cost

Our expertise
Andrew Pate Vasil Miladinov
A Chartered Mechanical Engineer, With 20 years’ experience
Andrew Pate is a specialist in in shipbuilding, oil & gas
shipyard layouts, production engineering, multi-disciplinary
improvement strategies, co-ordination and fabrication
international competitive of offshore structures, Vasil
benchmarking and technology Miladinov is a qualified
transfer. Mechanical/Marine Engineer.

Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations 7

Design & specification
Delivering efficiency and sustainability through design

The strength of our shipyard design capability at Royal The detailed designs include:
HaskoningDHV means that multidisciplinary teams can Production process design
be assembled easily to tackle any problem. Our experts n Equipment specification
use their combined experience to provide the optimum n Detailed layouts of individual workshops and open
solution to all shipyard infrastructure requirements, production areas
improving performance and reducing construction and n Specialised jigs, manipulators, access towers and
maintenance costs. services catenaries
n Production workstation operations
We are also committed to digital transformation, n Ship production process strategy and methodology
creating Smart Shipyards that combine digital n Mechanical piped services and electrical points
innovation and tools with production intelligence;
enabling yards to work more efficiently. Infrastructure design
n Dry docks including dock gates
n Shiplifts & Floating docks
n Ship launch systems
n Piers and quays
n Assembly and construction halls
n Workshops, stores and offices
n Breakwaters & dredging

Our expertise
Stephen Davies Katherine Moore
A Fellow of the Institution of Civil With over 20 years’ experience on
Engineers and with extensive a variety of shipyard projects
experience in the design of all covering all aspects of onshore
types of specialist shipyard shipyard facilities including
maritime structures, Stephen complex major workshops,
Davies regularly acts as an expert Katherine Moore is a Chartered
witness. Engineer.

8 Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations

Procurement & construction
Securing the best people to deliver your project

Obtaining the wide range of specialist suppliers technical and contractual issues. Working on-site, our
needed for the construction of your shipyard is team of highly qualified engineers is there to look
complex. It involves tender and selection processes, after your interests.
price negotiation and contractual engagement. The
success of delivering your shipyard development on Experienced in managing supervision teams,
schedule and to budget depends on choosing the right monitoring workmanship and construction progress,
suppliers that can deliver. our site engineers will be on hand to clarify drawings
and specifications and confirm the valuation and
Our experience in the procurement of equipment quality of the work completed by the contractor.
and construction services is unrivalled. Our in-house
quantity surveyors and contract experts provide Our construction supervision services include:
contractual advice, prepare bills of quantities, write n Client representation
tender documents and provide technical and financial n On-site construction supervision
evaluation of tenders. n Recruiting and training management and technical
On-site engineers representing your interests n Establishing supply chain agreements
The successful construction of a shipyard demands n Commissioning systems and equipment
excellent site supervision to confront and resolve

Our expertise
Richard Parsons Andrew Cook
A qualified project manager and A Fellow of the Royal Institution of
a Fellow of the Institution of Chartered Surveyors, with an MSc
Civil Engineers with 20 years’ in Construction Law and Dispute
experience, Richard Parsons has Resolution, Andrew Cook has
specialist experience of major worldwide quantity surveying
global shipyard developments. experience of shipyard contracts.

Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations 9

Benchmarking & competitiveness
Applying global best practice to your shipyard

Whether existing or new, our benchmarking and Our competitiveness studies have established the
competitiveness systems and studies can be used to correlation between the use of best practice, output
gauge the position of your shipyard against global best performance and profitability – while our experts have
practice. scientific knowledge of shipyards and the industry
that can help you invest or restructure to give you the
Our benchmarking system has been applied in over competitive edge.
150 shipyards worldwide – and has formed the
foundation of major industry-wide performance
improvement projects for the European Commission,
the US Department of Defense and the UK Ministry of

Our expertise
Damien Bloor Stephen Maguire
An expert in shipyard design, A qualified Marine Engineer
benchmarking, cost structure extensively experienced in shipyard
analysis and shipbuilding production systems and the
competitiveness, Damien Bloor is ‘Lean and Six Sigma’ efficiency
a Chartered Engineer and naval philosophies, Stephen Maguire is a
architect with specialist knowledge shipyard competitiveness specialist.
of super-yachts and warships.

10 Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations

Performance & operational improvement
Adapting to change

To stay competitive in the increasingly demanding Our services include:

commercial, military and leisure markets, shipyards n Cost structure review, financial analysis and
must improve their overall performance and business strategy development
productivity continuously. n Industry benchmarking and technology profiling
n Operational benchmarking and identification of
Our approach to shipyard design and development technology gaps
ensures the facilities, processes and practices will allow n Development and implementation of performance
your shipyard to achieve the level of performance improvement programmes
required for market success. We use the same tools n Implementation of modern shipbuilding and repair
to analyse existing shipyards and to help you develop technology
effective performance improvement programmes. n Management and staff retraining

Our expertise
Adam Broughton Sam Godding
A naval architect with high A chartered civil engineer with
performance shipyard production a broad experience of entire
experience, Adam Broughton shipyard developments, Sam
applies his expertise to achieve Godding specialises in facility
operational improvements in performance improvement and
shipyards. upgrades.

Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations 11

Due diligence (technical & financial)
Understanding the sector so you can act

For those looking to invest in the shipyard sector, We are able to undertake most aspects of
due diligence is key. At Royal HaskoningDHV we offer shipyard due diligence including:
technical and financial due diligence to clients seeking n Market appraisal
to appraise any shipyard investment. n Equipment appraisal
n Facilities condition survey
In addition to our industry expertise, we also draw n Business plan validation
on the financial expertise of our in-house investment n Shipyard valuation
services, environmental and civil engineering teams,
with whom we have developed close working
relationships across a range of shipyard projects.

Our expertise
Mark Spicknall Cliff Ohl
A naval architect with over 35 A Chartered Civil and Structural
years’ experience of shipyard Engineer with 25 years’ experience
management and business in marine works design and
practices, Mark Spicknall has the construction, Cliff Ohl covers all
breadth of knowledge necessary aspects of specialist shipyard
to assess the value of ongoing infrastructure necessary for due
shipyard businesses. diligence.

12 Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations

Business case development & funding
Advice backed by industry knowledge

Throughout shipyard development we provide Services we provide include:

financial advice services – ranging from initial analysis n Financial feasibility analysis
of potential projects and determining whether you n Business case structuring
should proceed with the opportunity; to structuring a n Cost benefit analysis
bankable business case and sourcing funding. We work n Bankability analysis
on green field investments and assess defined projects n Investor and financier engagement
requiring an independent opinion. n Project valuation
n Transaction advisory
As a signatory to the FAST Standard for Financial n Financial modelling
Modelling, we provide financial modelling services
that meet the international standards of the financial

Our expertise
Patrick van Dijk Stuart White
With over 20 years as a financial A chartered civil engineer with
advisor structuring large privately 20 years’ experience across
financed projects plus PPP, the full spectrum of shipyard
Patrick van Dijk has experience of infrastructure, Stuart White
bankable shipyard business cases is a specialist in shipyard
and project financing. development scheduling to
maximise early revenues at
minimum investment.

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Environmental & sustainability credentials
Sustainability through innovation

For shipyards, there are great benefits in environmental Key environmental and sustainability
sustainability, not least the economic benefit in being challenges for shipyards and naval bases:
an attractive partner of choice for your customers, who n Air quality, noise, light pollution, contamination
require a socially responsible supply chain. n Energy and water efficiency
n Transportation and traffic
As an organisation whose values centre on enhancing n Waste management and recycling
society, our teams at Royal HaskoningDHV incorporate n Safety risks to third parties
solutions to environmental and sustainability n Dredging
challenges throughout our planning and development n ‘Beyond the gate’ – social and community
processes – delivering day-to-day operational initiatives
cost savings. n Optimal environmental location
and aesthetics

14 Royal HaskoningDHV | Developing shipyards for smarter operations

Our expertise
Sian John John Drabble
An acknowledged expert in EIAs for With over 30 years’ experience in
coastal developments, Sian John the management of emissions
has over 30 years’ experience from infrastructure and
in multi-disciplinary maritime transportation sources, John
projects including as specialist Drabble is an expert in air
advisor to the UK’s Marine quality, occupational safety and
Management Organisation. environmental permitting.

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Regional Office Locations

Royal HaskoningDHV is an independent, international engineering and project management

consultancy with more than 137 years of experience. Our professionals deliver services in the fields
of aviation, buildings, energy, industry, infrastructure, maritime, mining, transport, urban and rural
development and water.

Backed by the expertise and experience of 6,000 colleagues across the world, we work for public and
private clients in over 140 countries. We understand the local context and deliver appropriate local

We focus on delivering added value for our clients while at the same time addressing the challenges
that societies are facing. These include the growing world population and the consequences for towns
and cities; the demand for clean drinking water, water security and water safety; pressures on traffic
and transport; resource availability and demand for energy and waste issues facing industry.

We aim to minimise our impact on the environment by leading by example in our projects, our own
business operations and by the role we see in “giving back” to society.

By showing leadership in sustainable development and innovation, together with our clients, we are
working to become part of the solution to a more sustainable society now and into the future.

Our head office is in the Netherlands, other principal offices are in the United Kingdom, South Africa
and Indonesia. We also have established offices in Thailand, India and the Americas; and we have a
long standing presence in Africa and the Middle East.

Adrian Arnold
M: +44 (0) 7766 366836
E: [email protected]

Damien Bloor
M: +44 (0) 7900 582098
E: [email protected]

Stuart White
M: +44 (0) 7867 904981
E: [email protected]

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