Eo Residue in Medical Devices 03

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Residual Ethylene Oxide in Medical Devices and Device Material

Article  in  Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B Applied Biomaterials · August 2003

DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.10036 · Source: PubMed


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7 authors, including:

Anne D Lucas
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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Residual Ethylene Oxide in Medical Devices and Device Material
Anne D. Lucas, Katharine Merritt, Victoria M. Hitchins, Terry O. Woods, Scott G. McNamee, Dan B. Lyle,
Stanley A. Brown
Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Office of Science and Technology, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Received 6 November 2002; accepted 8 January 2003

Abstract: Ethylene oxide (EO) gas is commonly used to sterilize medical devices. The
amount of residual EO remaining in a device depends partly on the type and size of polymeric
material. A major concern is the amount of residue that may be available in the body. With
the use of the method described by AAMI for headspace analysis of EO residues, different
polymers and medical devices subjected to different numbers of sterilization cycles were
examined. Next, the effect of various extraction conditions and extraction solutions on these
polymers and medical devices was evaluated. The results showed different polymers desorb
EO differently. One polyurethane (PU 75D) had much higher EO residue than a different
polyurethane (PU 80A). Repeated extraction of the PU 75D was necessary to quantify total EO
residue levels. Different extraction solutions influence the amount and reproducibility of EO
detected, whereas multiple resterilizations showed no difference in amount of residual EO.
Bioavailability of EO was estimated by extracting the devices and polymers in water. Com-
parison of total EO residues to EO that was bioavailable showed no difference for some
polymers and devices, while others had an almost eightfold difference. Some standard bio-
compatibility tests were run on extracts and devices, but no significant effects were observed.
© 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 66B: 548 –552, 2003

Keywords: ethylene oxide; medial device; polymer; bioavailable; toxicity

INTRODUCTION device following repeated EO resterilizations. EO has been

reported to accumulate in some materials5. There are three
About 20 –30% of the hospitals in the United States were residue levels based on exposure categories: limited (daily),
formerly reprocessing medical devices.1 Now there is regu- prolonged (monthly), and permanent. Current allowable lim-
latory involvement on the reuse of medical devices, and many its for EO exposure from medical devices are 250 ppm
hospitals have left the reprocessing of devices to contractors. (recommended level from AAMI TIR 19 as a substitute for
Still, this practice raises many issues, including possible testing for irritation and sensitization), with a daily maximum
deleterious effects on the material properties, change in de- human exposure of 20 mg EO for the first day, and 2 mg per
vice performance, and risk of infection. The type of steriliza- device for frequently used devices.6,7 These standards have
tion method used in reprocessing may have a significant sections on exhaustive extraction and simulated-use extrac-
impact on the performance and safety of a reprocessed and tion for EO residues. The standards recommend simulated-
resterilized device. In the health-care center, one of the more use extraction as the method of choice; however, this is
common ways to sterilize devices is to use ethylene oxide impractical for devices used for long periods of time, for
gas. Ethylene oxide (EO) is used to sterilize medical devices example, implants, for which exhaustive extraction is the
that cannot be sterilized by heat or radiation. EO sterilization usual choice.
is relatively inexpensive,1 but EO and some of its degradation To address some of these issues, a series of studies were
products are carcinogenic and mutagenic.2– 4 conducted to examine residual EO levels in medical devices
One question regarding the impact of EO on resterilized and polymers with the use of the method developed by
medical devices is the amount of EO residues remaining in a ANSI/AAMI/ISO7 for headspace analysis of EO residues.
The effects of various extraction conditions, extraction solu-
tions, and the number of resterilization cycles on the amount
The opinions or assertions identified by brand name or otherwise are the private
views of the authors and are not to be construed as conveying either an official
of EO residues were evaluated. In addition, the total amount
endorsement or criticism by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or the of EO, using exhaustive extraction, was compared to the
Food and Drug Administration.
Correspondence to: Anne D. Lucas, US FDA, CDRH/OST, HFZ 112, 12709 amount EO that was bioavailable.8,9 For this study bioavail-
Twinbrook Pkwy, Rockville, MD 20852 (e-mail: [email protected]) able is defined as the amount of EO that may be assimilated
© 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. by the body; this is estimated by extraction of the material or

device containing EO in an aqueous solution at 37 °C for heating to 100 °C for 60 min, followed by GC residue
24 h. Following the analytical work, some biocompatibility analysis of the headspace gas. Samples were repeatedly
tests were conducted on EO sterilized polymers and the heated and analyzed, with nitrogen purge or evacuation be-
aqueous extracts of EO sterilized devices. tween cycles, until EO levels approached the limit of reliable
quantitation (approximately 5 ␮g/g).
To evaluate bioavailability of EO residues, water, culture
MATERIALS AND METHODS media [RPMI-1640 with L-glutamine and 10% fetal bovine
serum (FBS)], and cottonseed oil were compared as extrac-
Materials tion solutions. EO was added to each solution (500 ␮g) and
Two different polyurethanes, Pellethane 2363-75D (PU 75D) kept at 37 °C for 24 h.9 The following day, 1-ml aliquots were
and 2383-80A (PU 80A), and Nylon 66 were tested. Material removed and analyzed. Based on the results of the three
sheets 0.5 mm thick were cut into 10 ⫻ 45-mm strips with extraction solutions, water was deemed best, and all of the
five strips per specimen sample. Two types of electrophysi- materials were subsequently extracted in 13 ml of water for
ology diagnostic electrode catheters were also tested. Both 24 h at 37 °C with 1 ml removed for GC residue analysis. The
types were from the same manufacturer (Bard), made of hollow and solid catheter pieces used for liquid extraction had
cross-linked polyurethane (personal communication), and ap- a final surface area to extraction solution volume ratio of 1.96
peared to be identical except for the connectors. However, cm2/ml. PU 75D, PU 80A, and Nylon 66 had a 3.5 cm2/ml
one catheter had embedded wires (designated solid or S) in surface area to volume ratio.8
the shaft, whereas the other one was hollow with removable
Biocompatibility Testing
wires (hollow or H). The wires in the hollow catheter samples
were removed before sterilization. The catheters were cut into Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity. In one series of tests, 1 ml
45-mm-long sections with nine sections composing a speci- of the water extracts for each material was placed into cell
men sample. culture with 2-ml Jurkat cells (a human lymphoma cell,
ATCC CRL 8163) to test viability and appearance of apo-
EO Sterilization ptotic cells. In addition, EO standards (final concentration in
Materials were sterilized on the weekend at the NIH Clinical cell culture 0.2 to 83 ␮g/ml) were prepared in water and
Center with the use of 10% EO at 54 °C, 65% RH for 130 tested with these cells. Twenty-four hours after adding the
min, followed by 12 h aeration at 132 °C. On Monday, after sample or EO standard, an aliquot of the cells was removed
2 days at room temperature, the samples were retrieved and and analyzed using a flow cytometer and LYSIS I-I software
stored at ⫺ 70 °C until prepared for analysis. For resteriliza- (FACScan, Becton Dickenson, San Jose, CA), as previously
tion studies, samples were left at room temperature for 5 days described.10,11 Cells were analyzed according to the side-
before resterilization with EO. Specimens were EO sterilized scattering profile (proportional to cellular granularity) verses
0, 1, or 5 times. the forward-scattering profile (proportional to the cellular
cross sectional area). Changes in the cell populations were
Analytical Method evaluated by gating on the normal cell population and com-
paring to the test groups over time. Apoptotic cells exhibit a
The EO stock standard used in this study was 50 mg/ml in decrease in forward scatter (reduced cell size) and an increase
methanol (Suppelco 4-8838). The standard was then diluted in side scatter (increased granularity) and can readily be
in water or methanol as needed. EO levels were determined quantified with the use of a flow cytometer.10 –13
using the ISO method7. Headspace sampling is a method of
introducing volatile components, such as EO, from a liquid or Cytotoxicity Testing. The polymer PU 75D, which had
solid sample into a gas chromatograph. The vial is heated, the highest EO residue, was tested for its effect on fibroblasts
allowing the volatile compounds to go into the air (or head- in culture. EO levels for this particular lot of PU 75 D were
space) above the liquid or solid sample. After heating, a 1540.7 ␮g/g EO for exhaustively extracted and 458 ␮g/g in
gastight syringe is used to remove a portion of the air from the water extracts. The protocol was conducted according to
the headspace and inject the sample directly into the gas ANSI/AAMI/ISO14 using extracts and according to ASTM F
chromatograph. A Hewlett-Packard headspace auto sampler 81315 using direct contact tests. The PU 75D samples were
(HP 7694 oven 100 °C, loop 105 °C, vial equilibration time either used immediately after retrieval following the EO
15– 60 min, pressure: 0.5 min, loop fill: 0.15 min, loop sterilization and aeration protocol (detailed in EO sterilization
equilibration time 0.05 min), a HP gas chromatograph 5890 section) or were kept frozen at ⫺70 °C until use. The control
series II (inlet 105 °C, 30 m ⫻ 0.32 mm Omega-wax 320 PU 75D needed to be sterilized by a means other than EO for
capillary column; 30 °C 5 min, 20 °C/min to 100 °C, hold 15 comparison; so control samples were sterilized by autoclav-
min) and an FID detector (220 °C) were used. ing. Samples were cut to size before the sterilization cycles.
L929 fibroblast cells were grown to a confluent monolayer in
Extraction Method
100 ⫻ 15-mm culture dishes with RPMI 1640 medium con-
Samples were analyzed for total EO concentration. Solid taining 10% FBS. The medium was removed prior to addition
specimens were sealed in a vial and thermally extracted by of the sample or extracts.

ence on the amount of EO residuals in the samples studied

(Figure 1).

Exhaustive Extraction

The values in Figure 2 are the cumulative EO values over the

accumulated extraction time. Repeated thermal extraction of
some specimens was necessary to obtain the total amount of
EO. PU 75D had much higher EO residue, while PU 80A had
barely detectable levels (less than 10 ␮g/g, data not shown).
After EO sterilization and aeration, repeated thermal desorp-
tion of some materials was necessary to obtain total EO
residues; the Nylon 66 and PU 75D were thermally extracted
Figure 1. Resterilization effect. Materials were resterilized with EO 8 times at 60 min at 100 °C to extract most of the EO (Figure
one (1 ⫻) or five (5 ⫻) times. There was no significant difference in 2). PU 75D is harder and more crystalline than PU 80A.
residue levels between sterilizing once or five times for the polymers
Previous studies of EO residues in polymers demonstrate that
and devices used in this study. PU is polyurethane; N, nylon, S, solid
catheter; H hollow catheters. the more crystalline polymer have higher residue,17–19 poly-
mers with increased chain length desorb EO slower,19 hard-
ened polymers release EO slowly,5 while glassy polymers
retain the lowest amounts.17 Also, highly porous materials
Direct Contact. The strips of PU 75D (from the same lot
tend to have higher EO values20 due to low diffusion coef-
as used in the cytotoxicity testing detailed above) were placed
ficients and high solubility. Tensile strength testing following
directly on the cells. Fresh medium was then carefully added
EO sterilization for PU 75D, PU 80A, and Nylon 66 has been
to the dishes. The strips tended to float and those that floated
reported.21 After EO sterilization, PU 75D showed a large
were carefully submerged with the pipette. The cultures were
loss of tensile strength, Nylon 66 a small but significant
examined at 24, 48, and 72 h for evidence of damage to the
increase, while PU 80A did not change. These data may
cells in the monolayer.
indicate that for those materials that retain larger quantities of
EO, larger changes in material properties, such as strength,
Cytotoxicity of Medium Extracts. For examination of the
might occur.
effect of extracts, PU 75D samples were placed into RPMI
The solid and hollow catheter pieces also had significantly
1640 with FBS for 24 hours at 37 °C. The sample area to
different amounts of residual EO. This was a bit surprising, as
volume ratio was 6 cm2/ml. At the end of 24 h, the extract
both devices were purchased from the same manufacturer
was withdrawn and placed on the monolayer of cells. The
with the only apparent differences being the connectors and
monolayers were examined at 24, 48, and 72 h for evidence
whether the wires were embedded or removable. The solid
of cytotoxicity.
catheter needed to be thermally desorbed repeatedly, just like
Complement Activation. Whole complement activation
was screened in two steps, in accordance with ASTM Stan-
dard Practice F1984-99.16 Briefly, 0.1 ml of a standard human
complement serum was placed on each of six polymer strips
that had not been exposed to EO, six strips previously ex-
posed to EO (stored at -70 °C until testing), were placed in six
glass tubes on ice, and in six glass tubes to be placed with the
polymer strips in 100% humidity at 37 °C. Following 1 h
incubation, all serum samples were transferred to cold glass
tubes on ice, diluted, and then tested for complement activity
by determining their capacity to lyse sheep red-blood cells
previously coated with a hemolytic antibody (indicated by
cell-free hemoglobin in test supernatant, tested for by absor-
bance at 405 nm).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2. Cumulative EO thermally extracted from PU 75D, Nylon 66,
and solid catheter pieces. Samples were thermally extracted eight
Resterilization times at 60 min at 100 °C then analyzed until EO levels were at the
limit of detection. Both PU 80A and the hollow catheter had very low
The amount of EO varied greatly for the different samples. levels of EO (less than 10 ␮g/g and 10.4 ␮g/g, respectively; data not
However, the number of sterilization cycles had little influ- shown).

extracts from PU 75D, Nylon 66, PU 80A, or solid or hollow

catheter pieces (data not shown). The current limit for EO
exposure from most medical devices is 250 ppm,6,7 and even
adding 250 ␮g of the EO standard directly to the cells showed
no changes in viability or number of apoptotic cells. This is
probably due to two factors. First, a cold solution cannot be
added directly to the cells. In warming the water up to room
temperature, EO becomes a gas (boiling point 10.4 °C).
Second, in cell-culture medium, there are large amounts of
proteins, lipids, and other biological molecules in solution.
EO is a reactive alkylating agent; it kills microbes by adding
alkyl groups to DNA, RNA, and proteins. This also makes
EO a toxin for human beings. Before a significant amount of
Figure 3. Extraction solution effect. Reproducibility and recovery of EO can reach the cells to affect them, most of the EO had
EO (relative to water) in different extraction solutions. 500 ␮g/ml of EO probably reacted first with components in the biological
in cottonseed oil, water, and media were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h, media.
then analyzed. Media had some coeluting interferences and the oil
had reproducibility problems. Water was used for all subsequent
Direct Contact and Indirect Extraction Assays. For the
PU 75D strips used in these assays, there was an average of
1540.7 ␮g/g EO in the exhaustively extracted sample and 458
␮g/g EO in water extracts (data not shown). There was no
the Nylon 66 and the PU 75 D, whereas the hollow catheter evidence of damage to the cell monolayer by direct contact
pieces had low EO residues (10.2 ␮g/g). with the EO-sterilized PU 75D strips or by direct contact with
the autoclaved strips. Cells grew up to and onto the strips.
Extraction Solutions Similarly, the extracts did not cause any damage to the cells.
The extracts themselves were clear, pH did not change, and
Figure 3 shows a comparison of three candidate solutions for
they supported cell growth. Previous reports of different
extracting EO sterilized medical devices and polymers to
materials have shown a small effect on L929 cells at this
determine residues that are bioavailable. The culture medium
level22 (agar overlay method).
with FBS had much less extractable EO, as the EO probably
reacted with the proteins in the solution (Figure 3). The
Complement Assay. Although the PU 75D EO sterilized
control culture medium had some substances that coeluted
strip did activate complement, it was not significantly more
with EO. Water and oil did not have any coeluting peaks;
than PU 75D not treated with EO. Although these specific
however, the oil presented some significant reproducibility
biocompatibility tests did not generate a positive response,
problems. Because EO is a relatively polar molecule, it did
the toxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and teratogenicity
not dissolve in the oil and was not dispersed uniformly,
of EO have been well documented.3
resulting in large standard deviations (see Figure 3). Water
showed good reproducibility and a reasonable signal; there-
fore, it was chosen as the extraction solution.

Total EO versus Bioavailable EO. Comparison of EO

residue levels from exhaustive extraction with the levels
obtained from water extraction (Figure 4) illustrates that for
some polymers (Nylon, PU80A, hollow catheters) there is no
significant difference, whereas for others (PU75D, solid cath-
eters) there is up to an eightfold difference. This is likely
related to the microstructure of the polymeric material. Pre-
vious studies have shown that materials with increasing crys-
tallinity will retain more EO, whereas softer flexible materials
will retain less.17,18 Presumably, the EO retention difference
between the catheters is due to the physical structure. The
hollow catheters had a much larger surface area for EO Figure 4. Total EO compared to bioavailable EO. Comparison of the
total amount of thermally extracted EO to that which is bioavailable
diffusion. (extracted in water). Only PU 75D (a polyurethane) and solid catheter
pieces (solid) showed a significant difference between total EO and
Biocompatibility bioavailable EO. PU 75D had approximately 8 times more EO in the
total extract, whereas the solid catheter had 5.5 times more. Nylon 66,
Apoptosis and Cytotoxicity. No significant difference hollow catheter pieces (hollow), and polyurethane 80A (PU80A)
was seen between control cells and those with the water showed no significant differences.

CONCLUSIONS 6. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.

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