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In this article we are providing you all short notes on Neural Control and Coordination for
NEET 2019. This is one of the important and theoretical chapter from Unit Human
Physiology as many concepts required revision at frequent intervals. Significant questions
are asked from this chapter in NEET, AIIMS, JIPMER and various other medical
examination. So Let’s begin with the brief introduction about Neural system.


The process of interaction of two or more organs in order to adjunct the functions is called
the coordination. Similarly, when these organs are coordinated to perform the body
functions as a unit, it is called the integration. The neural system of the human body is
responsible to catalyse the coordination and integration.

It is made up of specialised cells called the neurons that are arranged in the form of the
central and peripheral nervous system. The neurons are capable of the following:
1. Sensation of the stimuli via specific receptors from the environment.
2. Processing of the stimuli to gather the information.
3. Response to the stimuli via effector organs.


It can be studied under following heads:
1. CENTRAL NEURAL SYSTEM (CNS): It is comprised of the major organs called the
brain and spinal cord that lie along the mid-dorsal axis of the body.
2. PERIPHERAL NEURAL SYSTEM (PNS): It is made up of the neurons that arise from
the central neural system and run along the body to innervate various organs. It is
further divided as somatic neural system and autonomic neural system.


The bundle or group of neuron fibres is called the nerves while the bundle of cell-bodies is
called the ganglion in the Peripheral Nervous System. The nerves are of following types:
1. AFFERENT NERVE FIBRES: These nerves are responsible for the transmission of
stimuli from the receptors to the central nervous system. Hence, these are made
up of sensory neurons.
2. EFFERENT NERVE FIBRES: These nerves are responsible for the transmission of
response impulses from the central nervous system to the effector organs. Hence,
these are made up of motor neurons.


1. SOMATIC NEURAL SYSTEM: The neurons that innervate the skeletal muscles are
kept under this system. So, this system is concerned with the coordination of the
voluntary activities of the body.
2. AUTONOMIC NEURAL SYSTEM (ANS): The neurons that innervate the involuntary
performing organs are kept under this system. It does not involve the conscious
control over the responses



The motor component of the ANS is further divided into the following types:
1. SYMPATHETIC NEURAL SYSTEM: It is concerned with the mediation of ‘fight-
or-flight’ responses. It is designated by paired 21 ganglia extending from cervical
part to the sacral part of the spinal cord. The following types of nerves fibres are
functional in this system:
a) Preganglionic Fibres: These comprise of short nerve fibres. These occur only
in the thoracic and lumbar region of the spinal cord. Due to this, the
sympathetic nervous system is said to giving thoracolumbar outflow. These
are cholinergic, that is, they release acetylcholine as the neurotransmitter.
b) Collateral ganglia: This system consists of three prevertebral ganglia as
coeliac ganglion, superior mesenteric ganglion and inferior mesenteric
c) Postganglionic Fibres: Their cell bodies synapse with either the
preganglionic fibres or collateral ganglia. They transmit the motor impulse
to the effector organs. These are adrenergic, that is, they release
noradrenaline as the neurotransmitter.

2. PARASYMPATHETIC NEURAL SYSTEM: It is concerned with the mediation of

‘rest-and-digest’ responses. The following types of nerve fibres are functional in
this system:
a) Preganglionic Fibres: These comprise of the neurons that lie in the midbrain,
brainstem and the sacral part of the spinal cord. So, both the cranial nerves
and spinal nerves make up the preganglionic fibres. Due to this, the
parasympathetic nervous system is said to be giving craniosacral outflow.
These are longer and are cholinergic.
b) Parasympathetic ganglia: These are the cell bodies that are situated in the
visceral organs. The preganglionic fibres synapse with them.
c) Postganglionic Fibres: These synapse with the parasympathetic ganglia and
they innervate the effector organs to transmit the response impulse. These
are also cholinergic.

A neuron is the structural and the functional unit of the neural system. It is made up of a
cell body from which the cytoplasmic processes arise. The details of the structure are as
follows (Fig.1):
1. Cell body: It is also referred to as cyton or soma. It has the cellular organelles of
nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi Apparatus, and Nissl’s granules. The Nissl’s granules
are rough endoplasmic reticulum attached with ribosomes that are involved in the
protein formation.
2. Neurites: The cytoplasmic processes are called the neurites. These are of following
a. Dendrites or dendrons: These are branched and short processes that
are involved in the conduction of the nerve impulse towards the cell body.
b. Axon: It is a single and long process that conducts the impulse away
from the cell body towards the synapse. It arises from a point on the cell
body called axon hillock. The ends of the axon are branched and are called
axon terminals. These ends are provided with the synaptic knobs that
release the neurotransmitters in the synapse.



Non-polar Neurons • There are several branches coming out from the cyton.
• Commonly seen in invertebrates.

Unipolar Neurons • There is a single axon coming out from the cyton.
• Commonly seen in embryonic stages.

Pseudounipolar • There is a single process that comes out from the cyton.
Neurons • It then divides into dendrites and axon.
• The dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord are pseudounipolar

Bipolar Neurons • There are two processes coming out from the cyton.
• One acts as dendrite and the other as axon.
• These are seen in the retina.

Multipolar Neurons • There are many dendrites coming out from one end and a
single axon.



For the neurons of the central neural system, the Schwann cells form the myelin while for
the neurons of the peripheral neural system, the oligodendrocytes produced the myelin.
1. MYELINATED NEURONS: The axons are covered with the myelin sheath. There are
gaps between the two myelin that are called the nodes of Ranvier. These axons
form the white matter of the central nervous system.
2. NON-MYELINATED NEURONS: The myelin sheath is absent from around the axons.
Along with the cell bodies of the myelinated axons, they form the grey matter of
the neural system.


A nerve impulse can be defined as change in electric potential across the membrane of
the axon. It can be described as follows:
a) Polarisation: When the neuron is at rest, the membrane is said to be polarised
because the axoplasm has a negative potential and extracellular fluid has a positive
potential. This is called the resting potential and it is maintained due to the activity
of the Na-K pumps that cause efflux of three sodium and influx of 2 potassium.
Also, the negatively charged proteins contribute to the negative potential. It is -
b) Depolarisation: The arrival of the threshold stimulus causes the influx of the sodium
ions that inverses the potential of the axoplasm from negative to positive. This is
the generation of the impulse.
c) Repolarisation: The efflux of potassium ions to bring the state of axoplasm back to
d) Hyperpolarisation: At times, the repolarization may cause the potential to fall
beyond -70mV. The Na-K pumps activate now to bring the polarisation back.

The nerve impulse is then transferred to the next point along the membrane of axon.

In the myelinated neurons, the depolarization is followed only at the nodes of Ranvier and
not along the entire axon as in the case of non-myelinated neurons. The nerve impulse
appears to be jumping from one node to the next over the successive myelin sheaths and
it is called the saltatory conduction. It is much faster as compared to transmission in non-
myelinated axons.

1. ELECTRICAL SYNAPSE: The gap junctions provide a continuous channel between
the presynaptic and post-synaptic neurons. The impulse is transferred through the
electric current via the ions.
2. CHEMICAL SYNAPSE: There is a gap between the presynaptic and postsynaptic
neurons called the synaptic cleft. The neurotransmitters are delivered into the
space that are perceived by the receptors.

1. EXCITATORY NEUROTRANSMITTERS: They cause the generation of the action
potential, e.g., acetylcholine, norepinephrine.


2. INHIBITORY NEUROTRANSMITTERS: They cause the inhibition of the action

potential, e.g., gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA).

It is the time taken for the release of the neurotransmitters, their binding to the receptors
and then generation of action potential in the post-synaptic neuron. It occurs in the
chemical synapse.

It is caused due to depletion of the neurotransmitter as a result of continuous conduction.

It is also called the Bell-Megendie law, according to which, the nerve impulse travels in
one way always from the axon terminal of the presynaptic neuron to the dendrites of the
post-synaptic neuron.

All about NEET examination:

All the best!

Team Gradeup


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