IPC MCQ Questions

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RESULT – CORRECT 11; INCORRECT 10; NOT ATTEMPTED 3; (I don’t know the answer of 1 question

that is question number 12)

MARKS (22 – 2.5) Thus, 19.5 out of 50

IPC Test 2 (25 Questions) (Maximum Marks 50) (0.25 Negative Marking)

1. In the famous case of Naz Foundation V. Government of N.C.T. of Delhi, the Section of the
Indian Penal Code, whose Constitutional Validity was challenged, is
(a) Section 377 (b) Section 375 (c) Section 497 (d) Section 498
2. How many circumstances has enumerated under Section 300 of the Indian Penal Code, under
which culpable homicide is murder?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
3. For what ‘Govinda’, the accused in the famous case of ‘R V. Govinda’ (1876) 1 Bombay 342,
was punished?
(a) Culpable homicide (b) Grievous hurt (c) Murder (d) He was acquitted
4. If a convict undergoing sentence of life imprisonment attempts to murder someone and if
hurt is caused
(a) he shall be punished with death. (b) he may be punished with death. (c) he shall be
punished for causing hurt. (d) he shall be punished with life imprisonment.

Explanation – Refer Section 307 Attempt of murder by life convicts, if hurt is caused is
punishable with death.

5. What punishment for custodial rape is provided?

(a) 7 years rigorous imprisonment with fine. (b) Rigorous imprison for a term which shall not
be less than 10 years, but which may extend to imprisonment for life and shall also be
liable to fine. (c) 15 years of imprisonment. (d) 20 years of imprisonment.
6. What is minimum punishme nt for voluntarily causing grievous hurt by use of acid ?
(a) 7 years imprisonment with fine (b) 10 years imprisonment with fine (c) 15 years
imprisonment with fine (d) 20 years imprisonment with fine
7. ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are at quarrel. It develops into fight in which both suffer bodily injury. However, ‘Y’
suffers more grievous hurt and dies after three days in hospital. ‘X’ will be liable for
(a) Causing grievous hurt (b) Murder (c) Culpable homicide (d) No offence
8. Which one of the following Sections of the I.P.C. provides punishment for causing death or
resulting in persistent vegetative state of victim?
(a) Section 376 A (b) Section 376 B (c) Section 376 C (d) Section 376 E
9. ‘A’ sings obscene songs near the gate of Girls Degree College. What offence he was
(a) Assault (b) Outraging the modesty of a woman (c) Criminal intimidation (d) Obscenity
10. Whoever has been previously convicted of an offence punishable under section 376 or 376-A
or 376-D of Indian Penal Code and is subsequently convicted for an offence punishable under
any of the said sections, shall be punished with
(a) rigorous imprisonment of 20 years which may be extended to life-imprisonment. (b)
rigorous imprisonment of 20 years and also with fine. (c) imprisonment for life or with
death. (d) simple imprisonment upto 20 years.
EXPLANATION - Refer Section 376 E - Whoever has been previously convicted of an
offence punishable under section 376 or section 376A or section 3760 and is
subsequently convicted of an offence punishable under any of the said sections shall be
punished with imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder
of that person's natural life, or with death.'
11. ‘A’ kills ‘C’ thinking ‘C’ is ‘B’. Here ‘A’ is guilty of the offence punishable under Indian Penal
Code under
(a) Section 301 (b) Section 304 Part I (c) Section 302 (d) Section 304 Part II
12. “A” sets fire by night to an inhabited house in a large town for the purpose facilitating to
commit robbery and thus cause the death of “B”. Here “A” will be punishable for the offence
(a) Causing death voluntarily (b) Abetment (c) Mischief (d) An attempt to commit robbery
13. Sexual harassment of women is defined under Indian Penal Code in
(a) Section 354 (b) Section 354 A (c) Section 354 B (d) Section 509
14. The main difference between Section 324 and 326 Indian Penal Code, 1860 is that of the
(a) intention (b) nature of injuries (c) use of weapons or means (d) None of the above
15. “A” shoots at “B” with intention to kill him. ‘B’ survive from the injury. Here ‘A’ is liable under
Indian Penal Code for the offence of (a) murder (b) attempt to murder (c) culpable homicide
(d) hurt
16. Buying or obtaining possession of a minor for the same purposes is dealt under-
(A) Section 371 of IPC (B) Section 372 of IPC (C) Section 373 of IPC (D) Section 374 of IPC
17. Habitual dealing in salves is dealt under-
(A) Section 371 of IPC (B) Section 372 of IPC (C) Section 373 of IPC (D) Section 374 of IPC
18. A quarrel arose between C on the one side and A and B on the other. C abused A, whereupon
A struck him with a stick, and B struck him down with an axe on the head. He also received
two other wounds with the axe on the other parts of the body. Any one of the three axe
wounds was sufficient enough to cause death, especially the one on the head.
A. C is guilty for voluntarily provoking the attack while B is guilty of culpable homicide
B. A is guilty of culpable homicide, while B is guilty of voluntarily causing hurt
C. B is guilty of culpable homicide, while A is guilty of voluntarily causing hurt
D. Both A and B are guilty of culpable homicide

19. The accused without any provocation caught hold of the legs of a 7 year old child and
dashed his head thrice in quick succession resulting in the death of the boy. Immediately after
the occurrence the accused ran away. The accused pleaded insanity in defence.

A. the offence falls under Clause (iii) of Section 300, IPC

B. the offence falls under Clause (iv) of Section 300, IPC

C. the offence falls under Clause (v) of Section 300, IPC

D. the offence falls under Clause (vi) of Section 300, IPC

20. The accused shot dead his father who was abusing his mother and was going to cut her
throat. The accused: (A) acted with vindictive feelings (B) acted so due to the imminent danger
to his mother’s life (C) is not guilty (D) Both (B) and (C)

21. The people of the village S having assembled proceeded to cut the bandh. People of the
village K resisted but were turned back. Meanwhile a large crowd collected on both sides,
armed with lathis, spears and garases. People of K seeing that the people of S were not likely
to listen to their remonstrance, proceeded in a body to prevent the cutting of the bandh to
drive them away. There was one man from village S who received fatal injuries and died.
A. the action is well within the bounds of the right to private defence of person and property

B. the conviction of the accused under Section 302 of the IPC, cannot be sustained

C. neither (A) nor (B)

D. both (A) and (B)

22. B assaults A using a sharp edge weapon, resulting in an injury which is 6 cm long and 0.5
cm deep in the right forearm of A. B is liable to be charged for an offence punishable under

a. Section 323

b. Section 324

c. Section 325

d. Section 326

23. Whoever causes bodily pain, disease, or infirmity to any person is said to cause hurt.

a. using force is essential to cause the offence of hurt

b. direct physical contact between accused and victim is essential to the offence of hurt

c. It is irrelevant that no force was used

d. All of the above

Option A and Option C are contradictory therefor its is not possible that D can be the right
answer. Also physical contact is not necessary in hurt but force is. However do check
whether option A is correct or option C is correct.

24. Ram aged 25 tells sham who is 17 years old and on account of his father’s death is sad,
that if sham dies by jumping in a burning pyre of a woman he i.e. sham would meet his father
in heaven and would find bliss. Sham, aged 17 knows that by doing so he would be committing
suicide, but on account of instigation by Ram suffers death by jumping in the burning pyre of
a woman. Ram is guilty of –

a. Abetment of suicide committed by sham

b. Murder of sham

c. no offence

d. Both 1 and 2

25. A with an intent to murder administered a fatal dose of poison to Z and then while Z was
still alive B a stranger without A’s knowledge attacked Z and shot him dead

a. A and B both will be guilty of Murder

b. A would be guilty of culpable homicide while B will be Guilty of murder

c. A would be guilty of attempt to murder while B would be guilty of murder

d. A would be guilty of instigating B to commit murder and B would be guilty of Murder

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