Impact of Non Financial Rewards On Employee Attitude Performance in The Workplace A Case Study of Business Institutes of Karachi

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 2554

ISSN 2229-5518

“Impact of Non-Financial Rewards on Employee

Attitude &Performance in the workplace”
A case study of Business Institutes of Karachi
Neelam Bari , Uzma Arif , Almas Shoaib

Abstract:The purpose of the study is to find out the impact of non-financial rewards on employee attitude and to get information about the factors which
affect their performance at workplace in the business institutes of Karachi. A survey was conducted from the different designation of employees and 9
Universities of Karachi were selected to find out whether the Non-Financial Rewards are offered to employees and if does, so itaffects employee attitude
in the workplace and increases Employee Performance. Sample of 300 employees were taken, out of which 217 employees from nine Universities
responded which were randomly selected. Data was gathered through Questionnaires containing 15 likert scale questions. The data obtained from the
research are analyzed through SPSS 15.0. Correlation is used to analyze the data and the results showed thatfeedback to employees, freedom, career
development plan, and valuation of employees, learning programs, open & comfortable work environment and good supervisory relations, all these
factors positively impacts employee attitude and performance in the workplace. It would further be suggested that focusing the factors that positively
impacts employee attitude and performance would enhance the performance of employee and create a positive work environment which will also help
grow the Institute and its productivity. Their classroom performance will also be enhanced and students learning would also move upward.

Keywords: Employee Performance, Employee attitude, non-financial rewards, Performance in the workplace, Extrinsic rewards, Intrinsic rewards.
Career development plan, Work life balance, Recognition.

Introduction: in the work and results will be effective output. And

employee feels committed when they receive intrinsic
Employee Performance plays a vital role in the
rewards, which also increases job satisfaction and motivate
Organizational growth. High Performance of employee
employees. Satisfied employees are less likely to quit their
depends on what kind of reward policies an organization
jobs. So an effective organization needs to revise their
offers. Several methods are used to increase employee
compensation and benefit plans to retain their employees.
performance. Reward policies are one of the important
practices of Human Resource among which Monetary (Ray) The attitudes of employees in the workplace can have
rewards directly effects employee performance and also a significant effect on the business as a whole. Attitude is
organization offers non-monetary rewards to increase the one of the hidden, hard-to-measure factors that end up
motivational level of employees which will help increase being crucial to the success of a company. Whether for
the performance of employee and result will be the better or for worse, employee attitudes tend to have a
increased productivity of organization. Effective non- drastic impact on the productivity of a business, both
monetary rewards can change a person’s attitude in the directly and through the effect on other job-related factors.
workplace which itself brings a positive change in
environment and also enhances employee performance. (ANDERSON)Money and other material things cannot
When employees have positive attitude towards their job, fully satisfy one’s being. Everyone has their own
they feel committed with the organization and get engaged psychological needs to fulfill and this is a good target for
employee rewards. Aside from bonuses and other
materialistic prize, employees will also be happy to receive
• Neelam Bari is currently Senior Lecturer in the faculty of Business any of the top non-monetary rewards. Rewards do not
Administrationat Jinnah University for Women Karachi, Pakistan. E-mail:
[email protected] necessarily have to be expensive to show sincere
• Uzma Arif is student of BBA (final Year) in Jinnah University for Women appreciation. Hardworking people are sometimes satisfied
Karachi, Pakistan. with just the thought that someone recognizes their efforts.
• Almas Shaib is student of BBA (Final Year) in Jinnah University for
Women Karachi, Pakistan.
Non-monetary employee rewards can be in any form as
long as the sincerity is present.
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 2555
ISSN 2229-5518

(Simmons, 2011) If your employees are not performing as Pakistan. Data collected from 200 full time employees from
well as you would like, it’s very likely because they are not public sector schools show that there is a strong
very satisfied with their jobs and committed to the relationship of non-financial rewards with job satisfaction.
organization. Their lack of satisfaction and commitment is And also the satisfaction increases with the age. The older
most likely a result of a crappy HR practice or system of employees are more satisfied with non-financial rewards
practices. Stop blaming employees and fix the systems if than younger employees.
you want to improve attitudes, behaviors and performance
in the workplace. (Dambisya, 2007)Investigated that the use of nonfinancial
incentives for health worker leads to satisfaction of
(Simmons, Bret L. Simmons, 2010) The study did confirm employees. This study was conducted in health sector and
that younger workers do have a sense of entitlement, found that non-financial rewards affect the performance of
meaning they strongly value extrinsic rewards (e.g. pay, an individual.
promotion) but are less willing than previous generations
to put in long hours to work for those rewards. More than (Group, 2011)This study was conducted in online staff in
any other generation, younger workers value leisure and business sector that are more satisfy with non-financial
time away from work. The study also confirmed that across rewards rather than financial rewards. He concluded that
all generations, intrinsic rewards remain highly valued. non-financial rewards effects on performance and also
Contrary to popular belief, there really is very little new effects to increase the productivity and profitable growth of
under the sun when it comes to the fundamentals of organization.
motivating behavior at work. (Sammer, 2011) This study was conducted as nonfinancial
The study is conducted from 9 Universities of Karachi from rewards can create perceptions of the overall fairness of a

different level of employees. rewards program. A study of more than 500 professionals
conducted by World at Work found that reward fairness
a. Problem Statement: focus on nonfinancial aspects of the total reward offering,
This research is conducted to know how including (career development opportunities, nonfinancial
Organizations are using non-monetary rewards to recognition, and employee development and training).
motivate their employees in order to improve their
(Dzuaranin, 2012) Suggested from the results that
performance and to determine up to what extent
companies that only have cash incentives must also
non-monetary rewards impacts on employee
introduce noncash rewards to their performance incentive
attitude and performance.
systems to increase the motivation level of employees.
b. Research Questions: (Nsour, 2012)Investigated the incentives approach and the
− Are Business Institutes using effective level of performance in Jordanian Universities. Descriptive
non-monetary rewards to motivate their analysis was used to analyze the data and five Universities
employees? were selected for this study. The results showed the
− To what extent Organization offers non- significance relationship between moral incentives and
monetary rewards to their employees? learning and growth in Jordanian Universities and also
− Does non-monetary rewards impacts on there is a high level of Organizational Performance. Internal
employee attitude and performance? business process is ranked in the second place followed by
learning and growth.

Literature Review:
(Zhou, 1998)Collected data from 210 participants who
performed a role-playing task in a laboratory setting. The (Erbasi, 2012)Examined the effect of financial and non-
study concluded that individual receiving positive financial incentives on job satisfaction.Questionnaires were
feedback, working in a high task autonomy environment, applied to eleven employees at food premises. And several
and achievement effects on creative performance. techniques were used to analyze data via SPSS. Results
showed significant relationship between financial and non-
financial incentives and the job satisfaction of employees.
Attitude towards financial incentives have strongereffect on
(Tausif, 2012)Explored the relationship between the non-
job satisfaction than attitude towards non-financial
financial rewards (promotion, job enrichment and job
autonomy) and job satisfaction for the educational sector of

IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 2556
ISSN 2229-5518

iv. H 4 : Collective Intrinsic Rewards

(encouraging employees, open &
(Stovall, 2003)Evaluated various non-monetary means of comfortable work environment and
increasing employee participation in fire safety education supervisory relations) affects
activities. The purpose was to develop a program employee attitude and performance.
emphasizing primarily non-monetary incentives to
motivate employees to participate. Evaluative, descriptive c. Data Collection and Techniques:
and action research were employed. This Research also Primary data was collected through Questionnaires that
concluded that organizations using effective reward contains 15 likert scale questions. And data was gathered
programs better accomplishes organizational objectives and from different business institutes of Karachi which were
also influences employee behavior. Three programs were randomly selected.
recommended for the fire safety education programs on the
basis of research: advancement to participation, progressive Secondary data was collected from internet that includes
participation in the fire fighter career path and providing theories and reviews.
recognition by the use of low-cost-on-the-spot rewards.
d. Sample:
Sample of total 300 employees were taken from Business
Institutes in Karachi out of which 217 employees
(Roberts, 2005) Investigated whether rewards and
responded. The sample includes Professors, Lecturers and
recognition impacts on employee motivation. Sample
Assistant Professors from 9 different Business Institutes
included 184 employees. Inferential tests used include the
that were randomly selected.
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, Multiple

Regression Analysis and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Data Analysis:
Research resulted that there is a positive relationship
between rewards, recognition and motivation. It also DemographicInformation:
concluded that good reward and recognition system Gender * marital status Crosstabulation
contributes to employee satisfaction and the more highly
rewarded and recognized employees, more they are marital status Total
satisfied and satisfied employees are less likely to quit the Single
Married Single
job. Gender Male 42 84 126
METHODOLOGY: Female 59 32 91
Total 101 116 217
a. Statistical Techniques Used: Gender * age group Crosstabulation
This statistical technique used in this research is age group Total
Inferential Statistics through Correlation. 23-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 23-30
b. Hypothesis: Gender Male 36 56 21 13 126
i. H 1 :Individual Extrinsic Rewards Female 46 32 8 5 91
(appreciation & recognition, praise Total 82 88 29 18 217
and feedback to employees) affects
employee attitude and performance.
ii. H 2 :Individual Intrinsic Rewards
(assigned tasks & responsibilities,
freedom, career development plan
and advancement opportunities)
affectsemployee attitude and
iii. H 3 :Collective Extrinsic Rewards (fair
opportunity, work-life balance,
learning programs and valuation of
employees) affects employee attitude
and performance.

IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 2557
ISSN 2229-5518

Correlation Analysis: There is no significant relation found between assigned

tasks and responsibilities with the employee attitude and
Employee attitude and Performance performance in Business Institutes of Karachi. Correlation
Variable Spearman Significance Coefficient value is 0.022 and significant value is 0.751
correlation (2-tailed) >0.05. Assigning tasks and responsibilities does not support
Appreciation & 0.063 0.359 H 2 i.e. Individual Intrinsic Rewards affects employee
Recognition attitude and performance in Business Institutes of Karachi.
Praised 0.024 0.727
Feedback to Employees 0.173** 0.011 There is a positive relationship between freedom in the
workplace with employee attitude and performance. It has
Assigned tasks/ 0.022 0.751
a positive influence on the dependent variables. Spearman
Correlation is 0.342 and significant value is 0.00 < 0.05.
Freedom 0.342** 0.000
Therefore, freedom in the workplace supports H 2 i.e.
Advancement 0.110 0.115
Individual Intrinsic Rewards affects employee attitude and
performance in Business Institutes of Karachi.
Career Development 0.258** 0.00
Plan There is no relation between advancement opportunities
Fair Opportunity for 0.110 0.196 with employee attitude and performance in the Business
complaints & Institutes of Karachi. Correlation value is 0.110 and
suggestions significant value is 0.115 > 0.05. Hence an advancement
Valuation of Employees 0.413** 0.000 opportunity for employee does not support H 2.

Work Life Balance 0.054 0.430
Learning Programs 0.371** 0.000 There is a positive relation between career development
plan and employee attitude and performance in Karachi
Encouraging Employees 0.126 0.065
Business Institutes. Correlation value is 0.258 and
Open & Comfortable 0.176** 0.009
significant value is 0.00 < 0.05. It shows that career
Work Environment
development plan also supports H 2.
Good Supervisory 0.436** 0.000
Relations There is no relation between fair opportunity for
** Correlation is Significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) complaints & suggestions with employee attitude and
performance. Correlation value is 0.110 and significant
value is 0.196 > 0.05. Hence, it shows that fair opportunity
Interpretations: for complaints & suggestions does not support H 3 i.e.
This result indicates that appreciation and recognition of
Collective Extrinsic Rewards affects employee attitude and
employees do not correlate with employee attitude in the
performance in Karachi Business Institutes.
work place and performance in Business Institutes of
Karachi. Correlation Coefficient is 0.063 and significant There is a positive relationship between valuation of
value is 0.359 > 0.05. Appreciation and Recognition does not employees and employee attitude and performance in
support H 1 i.e. Individual Extrinsic Rewards affects Karachi Business Institutes. Correlation value is 0.413 and
employee attitude and performance in Business Institutes. significant value is 0.00 < 0.05. It shows that valuation of
employees strongly correlates with dependent variable and
No Significant relation is found in Business Institutes while also supports H 3.
praising the employees in their attitudes and performance.
Correlation Coefficient is 0.024 and significant value is There is no relation between work-life balance of
0.727 > 0.05. Hence praising the employees in the workplace employees and employee attitude & performance in
also does not supportH 1 i.e. Individual Extrinsic Rewards Business Institutes of Karachi. Correlation value is 0.054
affects employee attitude and performance in Business and significant value is 0.430> 0.05. It shows that work-life
Institutes. balance strongly correlates with dependent variable and
also supports H 3.
There is a significant relation between feedback and
employee attitude and performance. It directly affects the There is also a positive relationship between learning
dependent Variable. Correlation value is 0.173 and programs of employees and employee attitude &
significant value is 0.011< 0.05. Feedback supports H 1 . performance in Business Institutes of Karachi. Correlation
value is 0.371 and significant value is 0.00 < 0.05. It shows
IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 2558
ISSN 2229-5518

that it has a positive effect on dependent variable and also (Simmons, Bret L.Simmons, 2009) Build relationships with
supports H 3. your employees, ask them what they think and seek their
suggestions on how to improve the work they do, and then
There is no positive relation between encouraging involve them in implementing those changes. According to
employees and employee attitude & performance. Simmons building relationship with employees must be
Correlation value is 0.126 and significant value is 0.065 > focused. Employees feel that they are being valued and this
0.05. It shows that it does not support H 4 i.e. Collective study also proved that valuation of employees positively
Intrinsic Rewards affects employee attitude and impacts employee attitude and also performance in the
performance. workplace.

There is a positive relationship between open & The findings of this study also concluded that employees’
comfortable work environment and employee attitude & not receiving non-monetary rewards that has positive
performance. Correlation value is 0.176 and significant impact on employees in the Business Institutes of Karachi
value is 0.009 < 0.05. It shows that open & comfortable have low positive attitude in the workplace towards their the workplace directly and positively job and performance than those who receive.
impacts dependent variable and also supports H 4.

There is a positive relationship between good supervisory Limitations:

relations and employee attitude & performance in Karachi This study has many limitations. Firstly, the limitation
Business Institutes. Correlation value is 0.436 and occurred in measuring the variables of ‘Employee Attitude
significant value is 0.00 < 0.05. It shows that good and Performance in the Workplace’. It is all based on
supervisory relation with employees strongly correlate with

respondents’ perception and attitudes through the
dependent variable and it supports H 4. Questionnaire. Therefore, there might be possible error in
the data set. Secondly, the time period and resources were
short to complete the targeted sample size, some
Conclusion and Recommendation:
questionnaires were not returned back to us and also the
This survey found that various factors directly and
problem faced was that some Institutes Management
positively affect employee attitude and their performance
straightforwardly denied to survey in their Institute. On the
in the Business Institutes of Karachi.The factors studied in
other hand, more Business Institutes would be included in
this survey includes various factors among whichsome
the population area but there were unavailability of
factors positively impacts employee attitude and
employees because of their schedule. Besides it, this study
performance are feedback to employees, freedom, career
would be specific in the Business Institutes of Karachi.
development plan, and valuation of employees, learning
programs, open & comfortable work environment and
good supervisory relations. Some factors are supporting Future Recommendation:
Hypothesis while others not. It could also be concluded as Institutes has an increasingly competitive environment, so
the better the feedback, freedom, career development plan, by revising their non-monetary reward policies that has
valuation of employees, learning programs, open & positive influence on employee attitude and performance,
comfortable environment and good supervisory relations they can help retain their employees. They would get
provided to employees, the higher is the employee benefit by focusing and effectively using the factors that has
performance and positive attitude in the workplace and positive influence. Recognizing employees effort can
therefore it would result the higher performance and good impact positively not only on employees performance but
environment in the workplace which will increase the also upon organization’s image. Non- financial rewards
productivity of organization.However, Business Institutes has long –run impact , so this is strongly recommended to
could use the outcome of this study to recognize its institutes that turn their focus on intrinsic and extrinsic
focusing area and further work on it. rewards. A public applaud and a tap on shoulder could be
impact greatly on employee’s performance.

IJSER © 2013
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 7, July-2013 2559
ISSN 2229-5518

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