Practical Note of Classification
Practical Note of Classification
Practical Note of Classification
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
Used to study science. Mathematics is often used to study or describe other subjects e.g.,
Mathematical geography.
6. Influencing Relation
When the phases are so involved that one is influencing the exposition of the other, it is
termed as the influencing relation. This phase relation is very prominent and frequent in
research. For example, the Influence of British Constitution on the Indian Constitution;
Impact of IT on library service
C. Levels of Relations
To make class numbers brief and precise Ranganathan has differentiated each of the six
relations into three levels, viz., whether they occur at the level of the main class, facets or
D. Phase Relations
When foci involved in some relation belong to two different main classes, it is termed as
Phase Relation. For example:
Difference between Mysticism and Religion.
(Difference Phase Relation)
Law for Social workers
(Bias Phase Relation)
Science and Religion
(General Phase Relation)
Impact of Climate on Economic growth
(Influencing Phase Relation)
1. Intra-Facet Relations
When the two parts belong to one and the same main class, same category, but to different
arrays, it is termed as Intra-Facet Relation. For example, Difference between Jew and Muslim
Here both Jew and Muslim religions belong to the personality facet of the main class Q
Religion, but their arrays are different. Similarly, let us take the example of the title
“Influence of Transport on Trade”. Both Transport and Trade belong to the Energy facet of X
Economics, but belong to the different arrays. They are again of six kinds ranging from
general to influencing relations. Some more examples are:
A Comparative study of Indian and British Laws.
(Intra-Facet Comparison Relation)
Relation between Algebra and Geometry
2. Intra-Array Relations
Ranganathan has carried the division one step further by inventing what he calls Intra-Array
Relations. In this case the two foci not only belong to the same facet of a main class, but also
to the same array of that particular facet. In other words it is the relation between two equally
ranked isolates whose immediate parents are the same.
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
For example: “Relation between the First and the second House of the Indian Parliament”.
Here both the First and Second House belong to the same facet Personality and the same
array 3 of [P2] in V History. Thus it is a case of Intra-Array General Relation.
“Difference between the Education of Male and female students”.
Since both the “Male” and “Female” belong to the 5tharray in [P] of T Education, so it is a
case of Intra-array difference Relation.
Comparison of English and French Pronunciations. Here English and French languages
belong to the same array in the personality facet of P Linguistics. It is obviously a case of
Intra-Array Comparison Relation.
These (Intra-Array Relations) are again of six kinds, like other levels of relations ranging
from General to influencing relations. Thus in all there are (6×3)18 kinds of relations. Intra-
Facet and Intra-Array relations are not in any phase relation, as both the component belong to
the same main class. These are only for the brevity of the class number.
E. Phase analysis
Having analysed the kind and level of the relation of two phases, it is not difficult to construct
the class number for the complex subject. But prior to this, precedence of one phase over the
other must be determined. Since the CC is a very standardized scheme, so the determination
of the First and the second Phase (Called Primary and Secondary Phase respectively) is vital.
Ranganathan has formulated rigid but easy and unambiguous rules for this purpose:
E.1. Symmetrical relation
General, Comparison and Difference Relations at any level are symmetrical relations. Any of
the two could be the primary phase. For standardization, Ranganathan prescribes that the
Primary Phase is one with lesser ordinal value, i.e., which occurs first in the schedules.
Accordingly, the Phase with higher ordinal value becomes the Secondary Phase. For
example, in “Relation between Chemistry and Physics” c physics forms the Primary Phase,
while E Chemistry forms the secondary Phase. Let us take another example, “Difference
between Drama and Fiction”. Here Drama is the Primary Phase and Fiction forms the
Secondary Phase. BC-2 prescribes the reversal of the phases for entry in a classified
E.2. Asymmetrical relations
But in case of Bias, Influencing and Tool Phases determination of the First Phase is bit
different and not as mechanical as their relation is asymmetrical. In these cases secondary
phase qualifies the first. In case of Bias Phase Relation the Bias Phase, i.e., discriminating or
favoring phase forms the Primary Phase. To put it in other words, we can call it the donor or
the active phase. Accordingly the Favoured phase becomes the Secondary Phase. For
example, in “Mathematics for Engineers”, Mathematics is the Biased Phase, which is
favouring or is the donor, so it is the Primary Phase; and therefore Engineering is the
Secondary Phase. Similarly in “Law for Sociologists”, Law is the Primary Phase. In
“Sociology for Town Planners” and “Epistemology for Librarians”. Sociology and
Epistemology form the Primary Phases respectively. In both the cases primary phase
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
constitutes the primary theme whereas the secondary phase gives the phase relation its
distinctive name.
E.3. Influencing relation:
While in case of Influencing Relation, the above rule seems reversed. Here the Influenced
Phase forms the primary phase and the Influencing phase becomes the secondary phase. Here
the receiver is the First Phase.
For example, take the subject “Influence of Bhagavad-Gita on Hindi Literature”. Here Hindi
Literature is the influenced phase, so it will form the First Phase, and the Bhagavad-Gita is
the Second Phase, as it is the influencing Phase. Again in the subject “Influence of Calculus
on Physics”, Physics is the first phase and Calculus the Second Phase. Rationale behind such
a decision is simple. In the above examples Hindi Literature and Physics are respectively the
subject proper and the Bhagavad-Gita and Calculus are simply effecting their exposition.
Hence the rule.
3. Tool phase:
In such a relation the subject which acts as the tool is the secondary phase while the subject
studied is the primary phase. In Mathematical biology, Biology is the first phase, whereas in
Sociology of Town Planning, Town planning is the first phase.
4. Constructing Complex Class Numbers:
Having determined the First and the Second Phases connect the two phases by a zero and the
specified relation indicator digit, which is always a roman small. Put the first phase, then a
zero as a connecting symbol, and a roman small digit taken from Chapter 6 of the schedule
(page 2.28) followed by the notation for the Second Phase. Phase relations digits are so
designed to keep complex classes ahead of the regular facets.
Phase I + 0 + a/y + Phase II
If there are common digits between Phase I and Phase II, these should be removed in
Phase ll.
Let us take examples one by one of every kind of phase relation:
General Phase Relation
Relation between Language and Literature
Bias Phase Relation
Mathematics for Engineers
Comparison Phase Relation
Geography compared with Geology
Difference Phase relation difference between History and Political Science
Influence Phase Relation
Influence of Mathematics on Physics (It is not mathematical physics)
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
Impact of Computers on Research Libraries
236 0y D65,8(B)
4.1. Intra-Facet Relations
Relation between Hinduism and Jainism
Intra-Facet Comparison Relation
Comparison of Racial Psychology with Social Psychology
S7 0m8
A Comparative Study of Shakespeare and George Bernard Shaw
O111,2J640m M5
Intra-Facet Difference Relation
Difference between Gold and Paper currencies
Intra-Facet Influencing Relation
Influence of Consumption on Production
X : 20r1
4.2. Intra-Array Relations
Intra-Array General Relation
Relation between University and Research Libraries
Chemical Relation between Silver and Gold
E115 0t8
Intra-Array Comparison Relation
Comparison of Male and Female Curricula in Education
T510v5 :2
Comparison of Atomic Weights of Gold and Silver
E1150v8: 14
Intra-Array Difference Relation
Difference between Refraction and Reflection of Light
C5 : 220w3
Difference between Circulation systems of University andcollege Libraries
2330w4 : 6
However, types of various relations have not been isolated except the bias phase relation
added since the 18th edition (1971) through the standard subdivisions-024.
The standard subdivisions -024 denotes “Works for specific types of users.” Examples:
510.2462 Mathematics for engineers
Another standard subdivision – 015 stands for application of various scientific principles.
Statistical principles of Library Classification
025.42+015 (T1)+195 (from 519.5 Statistics)=025.42015195
Dynamics applied to long jumps
796.432+015T1+3111 (from 531.11 Dynamics) =796.4320153111
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
The mode of formation of subjects is actually a search for the pattern of relationship among
the ideas forming constituents of subjects. It represents a typology of relation among ideas
subject or subjects.
A subject can be formed by any one of the following modes of formation
• Loose assemblage-1 : Two and more subjects are studied in their mutual relation .It is also
called inter phase relation. Eg. Difference between Physics and Chemistry
• Loose assemblage-2: Two and more isolates from same schedule are brought into mutual
relation, also called intra phase relation. Eg. Relation between farmer and agriculture
• Loose assemblage-3: Two or more isolates taken from same array and same schedule are
brought into mutual relation, which is called intra array phase relation. Eg. Difference
between school and college education
• lamination-1: One or two isolates from same class combined with basic class. •lamination-
2: Lamination of basic subject and an isolate idea give rise to new subject ie compound
subject. Eg drought in Karnataka
•Fission: A basic subject splits into subdivisions.
•Fusion : Two or more subjects are fused together in such a way that each of them lose its
individuality. And give rise to new subject. Eg: Biophysics
• Distillation: A pure discipline is evolved as a primary subject out of its appearance in
action in diverse subjects, going with either different basic subject or same subjects. Eg:
Forestry, Management Science
•Agglomeration: Collect together entities of large population without cohesion among the
components. Eg: Natural Science
• Cluster: Several specialized studies on a particular phenomenon are gathered together into
a field of study. Eg: Ocean Science
1. Loose Assemblage
Loose assemblage is basically concerned with mutual relations. They are available at three
types of Loose Assemblage (three levels of phase relations):
a) Loose Assemblage 1
-simple or compound-are studied in their
mutual relation.”
-subject phase relation” and gives rise to a complex subject.
(iii) Comparison; (iv) Difference; (v) Influence and (vi) Tool (one subject may be used as a
tool for studying
Examples: (i) The relation of mathematics to biology. The general relation between political
science and history.
(ii) Physics biased to biology. Psychology for doctors.
(iii) Physics compared with chemistry. Anthropology compared with sociology.
(iv) The difference between physics and chemistry. The difference between physics and
(v) The influence of physics on biology. The influence of sociology on law.
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
(vi) The application of statistics to the study of library science. The application of statistics
to the study of economics. The application of physics to chemistry.
b) Loose Assemblage 2
he same schedule are brought into mutual relation”.
-schedule phase relation.
c) Loose Assemblage 3
types of mode of formation (relation): (i) General relation; (ii) Bias; (iii) Comparison; (iv)
Difference; (v) Influence and (vi) Tool.
(i) The relation between city residents and rural residents. The relation between UDC and
(ii) The bias of rural residents towards city residents. The bias of UDC towards DDC.
(iii) City residents compared with rural residents. CC compared with DDC.
(iv) The difference between rural folk and city folk. The difference between CC and DDC.
(v) The influence of city folk on rural folk. The influence of CC on DDC.
Growth of knowledge
Relations: Phase, intra facet and Intra array relations
1. Phase relation
A. General Phase Relation
Relation between Language and Literature = O0ap
B. Bias Phase Relation
Mathematics for Engineers = B0bD
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
Psychology for Doctor = S0bL ( psychology=S, Medicine =L, connection digit= 0,
phase bias relation =b )
Mathematics for engineers = BobD ( Mathematics=B, Engineers=D, bias=0b)
Law for medicine = Z0bL
Science for Social Development =A 0b Y : 7 : 7
Weather forecasting for agriculture = U28910bJ (weather=U2891, Agriculture=J,
connecting symbol =0, bias symbol=b)
Calculus for physical chemistry = B320bE (calculus=B32, Chemistry)
2. Intra-Facet Relations
A. General
Relation between Hinduism and Jainism =Q20j3
Relation between academic libraries and business library reference book catalogue =
230j4;47:55 (academic library P 23, business library P 24, catalogue E: 55, reference
book M 47 )
B. Intra - Facet Bias Relation
Buddhism for Christianity = Q60k4
Book for Thesis = 2430k94
C. Intra-Facet Comparison Relation
Comparison of Racial Psychology with Social Psychology =S7 0m8
A Comparative Study of Shakespeare and George Bernard Shaw =O111,2J640m M5
Hinduism compared with Buddhism = Q20m4 (Hinduism Q2, BuddismQ4)
3. Intra-Array Relations
A. Intra-Array General Relation
Relation between University and Research Libraries = 2340t6
Chemical Relation between Silver and Gold = E115 0t8
University Library
Library science=2, University (P) = 34
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
Answer is 234
Classification or library classification
Classification (E) = 51
Ans is 2:51
Time isolates
1901 AD = N01 here fix date
1850AD= M50 here also fix date
1880s = M8 here decads ( Dasak)
1920s = N2 ( Dasak)
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
1055AD= E55 Fix date
Reference service in University library of Nepal in 2015
2[P];[M]:[E][2P].[S]'[T] here P= 34, M= 0, S= 4497, T= P15
Ans = 234:7:44974'P15
Maintenance work in libraries for blind
Blind P=68, Maintenance work E= 88
Book selection in college libraries
College libraries P = 33, Book Selection E= 8,
Ans = 233:81
Classification in 20 century
Library science =2, Classification E 51, 20 century = N
Ans = 2:51'N
Cataloguing of manuscript in National libraries
National libraries P = 213. Cataloguing E = 55, Manuscripts M= 12
Ans = 213; 12:55
Curriculum of secondary education
Education T Main Class, Secondary P=2, curriculum E=2
Ans = T2:2
History of India
History V main class, India= 44, here do not write in v.44 it is not correct.
See V44 do write. ( In history class geographical space is personality)
Ans = V44
Marketing = x:51
Horse feeding =Kz442:1 ( Kz Main class, Horse P=442, Breeding E:6
Fish breeding =Kz332:6 ( Kz main class, fish =332, breeding E=6)
Disease of Horse = Kz442:4
Kz horse P=442, disease E= 4
Disease of Rice
J main class P rice =381, Disease E = 4 here answer is J381:4
Heart disease L Main class, Heart P = 32, disease E = 4 here answer = L32:4
Life insurance X Main class, Insurance P =813 here answer = X813
Treatment of skin disease of children by unani system of medicine.= LD,9c,87:4:6 (
Medicine L, Disease E:4, treatment E: 4(2E):6, children P L9c, Unani system P LD,
Skin disease P 87
Classification of patents in commerce library by cc
BS is library science =2, commerce library =45, patents M= 48, classification E:51, by
Ans = 245;48:51N3
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
Classification of Physic by UDC
Basic class library science 2, personality physics (C) , Classification=51, by UDC = M96
Here if Ans = 2(C):51M96 (it is wrong answer)
Correct answer is = 2:51M96(C)
Classification of patient in commerce library by CC
BS =2, Commerce library = 45, Patents M= 48, Classification E=51, CC= N3
= 245;48:5N3 it will be wrong
Ans = 245;48:51N3
Colon classification of library science 2:51N3, (2)
Dewey Decimal Classification= 2:51M
Expansive classification=2:51M9
Universal classification=2:51M96
Library of congress classification: 2:51N
Colon classification= 2:51N3
Bibliographical classification =2:51N34
Child psychology = S1 ( Main class psychology is S and Child P=1)
Buddhism = Q4 Here (MC=Religion Q, Buddhism (P)=4)
Analytical chemistry = E:3 ( BS= Chemistry E, Energy E=3)
Worship in Hindu = Q1:414 (MC Religion Q, Hindu P= 1, worship E=414)
Female education= T55
History of china =V41
Reference in medical library= 24(L):7
Corn feeding to horse= KZ442:1(J385)
Regvedic mythology= Q11:1
English poetry = O111,1
Public libraries in India =22.44
Treatment of heart disease = L32:4:6
City library =222
Ayurvedic treatment of lungs disease in children = LB,9C,45:4:6 (ayurvedic P=LB,
Treatment E: 6, Disease E: 4, Children P= L9C, Lungs L P 45=
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
67) Public library in India. 027.4+-54= 027.43 add to base number 027.4 notation 3-9 from
table 2 = 027.4+54=027.454
68) Political condition in USA. 320.9+-73=320.973
69) Foreign policy of Nepal.327.1+-5496=327.5496
70) Political condition of Nepal. 320.9+-5496=320.95496
71) School libraries of Nepal. 027.8 but 027.809+5496= 027.8095496
72) Libraries of Nepal. 027.09+-5496 but here 027.5496
73) Cancer of lungs.(616.994 +24 taken from 611.24) 616.994+24=616.99424
74) Harvesting of grapes. 634.8+8+5from 631.55= 634.885
75) Periodical on cultivation and harvesting 631.5+-05=631.505
76) Child labour in Nepal. 331.31+-5496=331.31+09+5496
77) Women workers in India. 331.4+09+-54=331.40954
78) Library in Saudi Arabia. 027+009+-538= 027.009538
79) Foreign relation between Nepal and China. Here, 327.3-09+549+51 = 327.5496051 (if
there is no any instruction, in this case which is first that should be chosen.
Use of Table -3 (Note if * in literature schedule we can use or add table 3 otherwise the
number is only according to listed which is in schedule)
80) Nepali literature 891.495
81) Nepali poetry 891.4951
82) Newari poetry 895.49
83) Sanskrit literature 891.2
84) Chinese literature drama 895.1+2-895.12
85) Hindi poetry (891.431-438)891.43+1
86) Newari Drama 895.49
87) Nepali one act play 891.495+2041
88) Hindi epic poetry 891.43+1032=891.431032
89) English narrative poetry base 82from 820-828=82+103=821.03
90) Spanish melodrama base 86 from 860-862=86+20527=862.0527
91) Nepali short stories 891.95+301=891.95301
92) Hindi literature 891.43
Literature collection number and Period number may be different according to
schedule and table 3
93) Collection of Hindi literature 891.4308
94) Collection of Hindi literature 891.43+08=891.4308( for literature add to base number
891.430 from 891.4301-4309) here 8 of without 0 from 08 is collection
95) See for period under 891.4 such as Hindi literature of 19th century
96) Collection of Hindi Poetry of 20th Century =891.43100871 (891.43 literature +1008
collection+71 time20th century)
97) English literature =820
98) English collection of literature =820.8 (820+8)
99) 891.43+08+4=891.43084 here 08 collections and 4 is 19th century.
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
100) English literature of 19th century =820.88 (820+8+8)
101) Hindi poetry 891.431
102) Collection Hindi poetry =891.431008
103) Collection of Hindi Poetry of 20th Century =
104) Sonnets in Hindi Literature = 891.43+04208(Special literature)
105) Collection of sonnets in Hindi literature about love 891.43+04208+3543
=891.43042083543 (Sonnets means 4 line poet)
106) Collection of Hindi Poetry for Children = Hindi literature 891.43, Hindi poetry
891.431 , Hindi Poetry Collection 891.431008 but for specific people
891.43+1008(10080 base for specific people)+9282 (Children from T3C)
=891.4310080+9282 = 891.43100809282
107) Collection of Nepali Haiku of 19th Century = 891.495104108 (891.495 Nepali
literature, Nepali Haiku-1041, Collection for Haiku 08 according to instruction * here
do not allowed to add Period /century number for Nepali , Newari and Hindi literature)
108) History of 20th century English literature =820.90091(English literature 820, History
means historical period for 9 from -01-09, and 91 period From English literature
Schedules instruction of Twenty century)
109) Nepali language 491.495
110) Nepali Grammar 491.4955 (-5 from Table 4 according to language schedules *
111) Phonology of English
112) Chinese alphabets = 495.11 (Chinese language 495.1+Alphabet -11 from Table 4)
113) A study of words of Sanskrit language 491.2+-81= 491.281
114) English Reader 420+-86 =428.6 ( Here base number 42 according to instruction 421-
Use of Table 4
115) Grammar of English language 420+5=425 Or Base 42+5 =425
116) Hindi readers for new literates 491.431-438 base number 491.43+862 =491.43862
117) Use of English words in Hindi 491.3 Hindi+24 words+-21 English(T6) =491.43+24+-
118) French words in English. Here base number is English language 42 from 420 and
words 24, French language 41(T6) =422.441
119) Use of Sanskrit words in Telugu Language( Telugu language 494.827, words -24
(T4)+Sanskrit language 91.2 (T 6) =494.827+24+912 =494.82724912
120) Nepali language 491.495 (-91495) according to instruction of 420-490)
Base number of individual language number and add to see from T4 grammar
121) Nepali Grammar 491.495+-5 Grammar (T4) =491.495+5=491.4955
122) Phonology of English
123) Chinese alphabets 495.1+ alphabets -11=495.111
124) A study word of Sanskrit language 491.2+-81 word =491.281
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
125) English Reader 420+-86 here English base number 42 according to instruction =42+-
Use Table 5
126) Psychology of Indians base number (155.84 from 155.841-849 and add 91411 from T5
Indians) =155.84+-91411=155.8491411
127) Psychology of Nepali base number 155.84+ Nepali or Nepalese -91495from T5=
Use of Table -6
128) French Germany Dictionary (French language 440, Germany language 431 and
dictionary -3 ) 44 (440)base number French language +-3+-31=443.31
129) Spanish encyclopaedia base number of encyclopaedia 036+ Spanish -1(6 in 61-69)
130) General encyclopaedia in Japanese language (here general encyclopaedia is
039+Japanese Language-956=039.956
131) Spanish Proverbs 398.9+Spanish-61=398.9+61=398.961
132) English Proverbs 398.9+ English Language -21
Bilingual base number language +3(T4) +2nd Language of T6 olb b'j} dxTjk"0f{ 5 eg] cuf8L
cfpg]nfO{ k5f8L / k5f8L cfpg]nfO cuf8L /fv]/ ldnfpg].
133) Sanskrit Germany (language) dictionary (Sanskrit 491.2+3(T4+-31(T6) =491.231
134) English French dictionary 42+3(T4)+41(T6)=423.41
135) Russian Punjabi dictionary 491.7+3(T)4+-9142(T6)=491.739142
136) Hindi Vishwokosh 039+(-9143) from T4 =039.9143
137) French phrases in English language 42+24+41=422.441(42 base number +24 for
specific language in T4+ 41 French language)
138) English readers for French speaking people =428.6441 (base 42 English language+
readers for specific people -864+ French language 41)
139) Collection of Hindi Poetry =891.431008(Hindi literature 891.43+poetry collection
140) Philosophy of Invertebrate =592.01(Invertebrate 592+ philosophy-01)
141) Encyclopaedia of organizations on applied psychology
=158.06(psychology158+encyclopaedia-03+organizatio -06 but here two standards
number among of two according to first preference of standard table 1 use-06)
Symbol ( ) used in for place, = used in for language, '' '' used in for time or period,
Form type
1. Dictionary of Buddhism. Dictionary (038)+Buddhism 24 Ans (038)24
2. Thesis of engineering. (043)+62 Ans (043)62
3. Periodicals of Gynaecology. Ans (-05)618
4. Annual''5501'' periodicals (-05) of Gynaecology 618. Ans (-05)''5501''618
5. Guide book (036) of agriculture 631. Ans631(036)
6. Agriculture in Nepal. Ans 631(541.35)
7. Cricket in England. 796.358(410.1)
8. Cricket in England and wales. 796358+(410.1) (410.3) Ans is 796.358(410.1+410.3)
9. India and Pakistan. (540+549.1)
10. History of India and Pakistan. 94(540+549.1)
11. English Language. =111
12. English speaking people. (=111)
13. Arts of 20th Century. 7''19''
14. Peoples of Stone Age. (=11/=8)''631/634''
15. Politics in Pakistan. 32(549.1)
16. Political organization in Pakistan. 321(549.1)
17. Meta Physics 11 in relation to religion 2 Answer is 11:2 (here connection of relation
symbol: is used.)
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari
Classification Practical Note
18. Foreign policy of India in relation to Nepal. 327 (540) (541.35) ans is
19. History of China. 94(510)
20. Economics of 21st Century. 330''20''
21. Geology and Zoology. 55+59
22. Magazine in French language. (-051)=133.1
23. Physics and Chemistry. 53+54
24. Manual (035) to applied microbiology (035)579
25. Ornament of Afro-Asiatic races 391.7(=41)
26. Black people in the USA (=414)(73)
27. North Amerindian folklore (=81/=82)398 but best answer 398(=81/=82)
28. National uniform of Nepal 391(541.35)
29. Global Society 316.32
30. History as science 930.1
31. Encyclopaedia(031) of organic chemistry 547 here answer (031)547
32. International (100)conference 005.745 answer is (100)005.745
33. International (100)organization 061.2 answer (100)061.2 (be careful different for
governmental non-governmental like as 061.1, 061.2
34. Cataloguing techniques 025.3 in USA(73) answer is 025.3(73)
35. Design and manufacture of library furniture. 684.4:022 (Taken from furniture design
and manufacture 684.4 and library furniture 022)
36. Drawing 741/744 (here not in general all cover)
37. Mineralogical sciences, crystallography, mineralogy. answer 548/549 (matter common
of 548 to 549)
38. Mineralogy 549 (This is separate)
39. Furniture design and manufacture 684.4
40. Library furniture 022
41. Foreign policy of France in relation to Bahrain 327(44:536.5)
42. Labour disputes in Great Britain 331.109(410)
43. Cartographic images on Buddhism (084.3)24
44. Literature of 20th century 82''19''
45. Literature in English of Nepal 82.111(41.35)
46. Multi lingual handbook of Zoology 59(035)=00
47. Nuclear engineering documents translated from German into English
48. Medical works translated from Japanese into English 61=030.521=111
49. International Federation of Library Association 061.25(100):[061:027]
50. Handbook of Physics in English , French and German 53(035)=111=112.2=113.1
51. Victims of disasters -58.66
52. Earthquakes victims 550.34-058.66
53. Bachelors -058.832-055.1
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Classification Practical Note
54. Spinsters -058.832-055.2
55. Male / Boy -055.1
56. Female / Girl -055.2
57. Nurse 616.083
58. Male nurse 616.083-055.1
59. Female nurse 616.083-0552
60. Oil made by sunflower 582.998-035.83
61. Straight roads 625.7-023.211
62. Rectangular table cloth 642.7-023.44
63. Nepali fiction 821=214.43-3 Here (Base number for Individual literature 821, Nepali
language =214.43, Fiction 3 from Same table of 82-3 of Individual Literature) Answer
is 821=214.43-3
64. Encyclopaedia of agriculture 631(031)
65. Unmarried girl in India 058.832-055.2(540)
66. National Uniform in China 391(510)
67. Black People in Africa(=414)(6)
68. International conference 005.745(100)
69. Medical works translated from French into Chinese. Here medical works 61 and
translation =030 so answer is 61=030.133.1=581
70. Medical works translated from Russian to French 61=133.1=030.161.1(listed near
other medical works in French)
71. Medical works translated from Russian into French (listed near other medical works in
French) answer is 61=030.161.1=133.1
72. Multilingual hand book of chemistry (035)=00 and 54here, 54(035)=00
73. Handbook in Physics in English, French, and German 53(035)=111=112.2=133.1
74. Cataloguing Techniques in USA 025.3 and (73) here, 025.3(73)
75. Annual publications Answer is (-05)''5501''
Prepared by Mahendra Prasad Adhikari