Ross308 308FF BroilerPO2019 en

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ROSS 308
Performance Objectives
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives

The Ross® 308 broiler is available in two types, a slow-feathering bird which produces sexable broilers
(308) and one which produces all fast-feathering broilers (308 FF). The sexable-type produces fast-
feathering female broilers and slow-feathering male broilers. This allows the broilers to be sexed in the
hatchery by evaluating feather development differences.

This booklet contains the performance objectives for the 308 and the 308 FF broiler and is to be used with
the Ross Broiler Management Handbook.

These objectives indicate the performance achievable under good management and environmental
conditions and when feeding recommended nutrient levels.

Producers may find that local factors prevent such performance being achieved. For example:

• The availability of raw materials may limit nutrient content and intake.
• Extreme climatic conditions will reduce performance.
• Economic considerations may limit choice of production systems.

Therefore, average performance may be lower than the figures presented here.

The objectives are presented in two sections to reflect the global nature of the publication.

Section 1 g contains the performance data in metric measurements and

Section 2 lb contains imperial measurements.

In the tables, the values are rounded. This may result in small inaccuracies when using the objectives to
calculate other performance statistics.

Yields will vary between processing plants depending on type of equipment used (e.g. carcass chilling
technology, automated versus manual deboning) and the exact portion being produced.

Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information presented,
however, Aviagen accepts no liability for the consequences of using this information for the management
of chickens.

For further information on the management of Ross stock, please contact your local Ross representative.

1 2019
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives


02 Key Management Points

03 Section 1 g As-Hatched Performance

04 Section 1 g Male Performance

05 Section 1 g Female Performance

07 Section 2 lb As-Hatched Performance

08 Section 2 lb Male Performance

09 Section 2 lb Female Performance

11 Carcass Yield

Key Management Points

Cost effective production of chicken meat depends on achieving good bird performance and the following
points are important for optimising performance of the Ross 308 broiler:

• Maximise chick quality by good management of hatching, storage and transport conditions.
• Design the brooding set-up to ensure easy access to water and feed at placement and to ease the
transition between supplementary systems and the automated feeders and drinkers at 4-5 days.
Feed a highly digestible, and nutritionally balanced Starter diet.
• Keep chicks in their thermal comfort zone by monitoring chick behaviour, but beware of low relative
humidities (less than 50% RH). Establish a minimum ventilation programme from day one.
• Monitor crop fill, feeding and drinking behaviour and 7-day live weight to allow continuous
improvement of the brooding set-up.
• Keep birds in their thermal comfort zone throughout the growing period. Fast growing broilers
produce large amounts of heat, particularly in the second half of the growout period. Keeping
ambient temperatures less than 21ºC (69.8ºF) from 21 days onwards may improve growth rates.
• Maintain high standards of biosecurity and cleanliness to keep disease to a minimum.

2019 2
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives g
As-Hatched Performance
Day Body weight Daily gain Av. daily gain/week Daily intake Cum. intake FCR3
(g)1 (g) (g) (g) (g)2
0 43
1 61 18 13 0.206
2 79 18 17 29 0.370
3 99 20 21 50 0.502
4 122 23 24 74 0.607
5 148 26 28 102 0.693
6 176 29 32 134 0.763
7 208 32 23.50 36 170 0.821
8 242 35 40 211 0.869
9 280 38 45 255 0.911
10 321 41 49 304 0.947
11 366 44 54 358 0.979
12 414 48 58 416 1.007
13 465 51 63 480 1.033
14 519 54 44.46 69 548 1.057
15 576 58 74 622 1.080
16 637 61 79 702 1.101
17 701 64 85 786 1.122
18 768 67 90 877 1.142
19 837 70 96 973 1.162
20 910 72 102 1075 1.182
21 985 75 66.55 108 1183 1.201
22 1062 78 114 1297 1.221
23 1142 80 120 1416 1.240
24 1225 82 125 1542 1.259
25 1309 84 131 1673 1.278
26 1395 86 137 1810 1.297
27 1483 88 143 1953 1.317
28 1573 90 84.07 149 2102 1.336
29 1664 91 154 2256 1.355
30 1757 93 160 2415 1.375
31 1851 94 165 2580 1.394
32 1946 95 170 2750 1.414
33 2041 96 175 2926 1.433
34 2138 96 180 3106 1.453
35 2235 97 94.47 185 3290 1.473
36 2332 97 189 3480 1.492
37 2430 98 194 3674 1.512
38 2527 98 198 3872 1.532
39 2625 98 202 4074 1.552
40 2723 98 206 4279 1.571
41 2821 98 209 4489 1.591
42 2918 97 97.67 213 4702 1.611
43 3015 97 216 4918 1.631
44 3112 96 219 5137 1.651
45 3207 96 222 5359 1.671
46 3303 95 224 5583 1.690
47 3397 94 227 5810 1.710
48 3491 94 229 6039 1.730
49 3583 93 95.04 231 6270 1.750
50 3675 92 233 6503 1.770
51 3766 91 235 6738 1.789
52 3856 90 236 6974 1.809
53 3944 89 238 7212 1.829
54 4032 87 239 7451 1.848
55 4118 86 240 7690 1.868
56 4203 85 88.47 241 7931 1.887
57 4286 84 241 8172 1.907
58 4369 82 242 8414 1.926 1
On-farm body weight (i.e. feed
59 4450 81 242 8656 1.945
present in intestinal tract).
60 4530 80 242 8898 1.965
61 4608 78 242 9141 1.984 2
Feed consumption per living bird.
62 4685 77 242 9383 2.003 3
FCR includes initial body weight at
63 4760 76 79.66 242 9625 2.022
placement and does not account
64 4835 74 242 9867 2.041
for mortality.
65 4907 73 242 10109 2.060
66 4979 71 241 10350 2.079 NOTE: In the table values are
67 5049 70 240 10590 2.098 rounded. This may result in
68 5117 69 240 10830 2.116 small inaccuracies when using
69 5184 67 239 11069 2.135 the objectives to calculate other
70 5250 66 69.98 238 11307 2.154 performance statistics.
3 2019
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives g
Male Performance
Day Body weight Daily gain Av. daily gain/week Daily intake Cum. intake FCR3
(g)1 (g) (g) (g) (g)2
0 43
1 60 17 11 0.190
2 78 18 16 27 0.346
3 98 20 20 47 0.474
4 121 23 23 70 0.579
5 147 26 28 98 0.666
6 175 29 32 129 0.738
7 207 32 23.44 36 166 0.799
8 242 35 41 206 0.851
9 281 39 45 252 0.896
10 323 42 50 302 0.934
11 369 46 55 357 0.969
12 418 49 60 418 0.999
13 471 53 66 483 1.027
14 527 56 45.69 71 555 1.053
15 587 60 77 632 1.076
16 650 63 83 715 1.099
17 717 67 89 804 1.120
18 788 70 95 899 1.141
19 861 74 101 1000 1.161
20 938 77 108 1108 1.181
21 1018 80 70.13 114 1222 1.200
22 1101 83 120 1342 1.219
23 1186 86 127 1469 1.238
24 1275 88 133 1602 1.257
25 1366 91 140 1742 1.276
26 1459 93 146 1888 1.294
27 1554 95 152 2040 1.313
28 1651 97 90.51 159 2199 1.332
29 1751 99 165 2364 1.350
30 1852 101 171 2535 1.369
31 1954 102 177 2712 1.388
32 2058 104 183 2895 1.406
33 2163 105 188 3083 1.425
34 2269 106 194 3277 1.444
35 2376 107 103.51 199 3476 1.463
36 2484 108 204 3681 1.482
37 2592 108 209 3890 1.501
38 2701 109 214 4104 1.520
39 2809 109 219 4323 1.539
40 2918 109 223 4546 1.558
41 3027 109 227 4774 1.577
42 3136 109 108.58 231 5005 1.596
43 3245 109 235 5240 1.615
44 3353 108 238 5478 1.634
45 3461 108 242 5720 1.653
46 3568 107 245 5965 1.672
47 3674 106 248 6212 1.691
48 3780 106 250 6462 1.710
49 3885 105 106.93 253 6715 1.729
50 3989 104 255 6970 1.747
51 4091 103 257 7227 1.766
52 4193 102 259 7485 1.785
53 4294 101 260 7746 1.804
54 4393 99 262 8007 1.823
55 4491 98 263 8270 1.841
56 4588 97 100.50 264 8534 1.860
57 4684 96 265 8799 1.879
58 4778 94 265 9064 1.897 1
On-farm body weight (i.e. feed
59 4871 93 266 9330 1.916
present in intestinal tract).
60 4962 91 266 9597 1.934
61 5052 90 267 9863 1.953 2
Feed consumption per living bird.
62 5140 88 267 10130 1.971 3
FCR includes initial body weight at
63 5227 87 91.22 267 10397 1.989
placement and does not account
64 5312 85 266 10663 2.007
for mortality.
65 5396 84 266 10929 2.025
66 5478 82 266 11194 2.044 NOTE: In the table the values
67 5559 81 265 11459 2.062 are rounded. This may result in
68 5638 79 264 11724 2.079 small inaccuracies when using
69 5715 78 263 11987 2.097 the objectives to calculate other
70 5791 76 80.66 263 12250 2.115 performance statistics.
2019 4
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives g
Female Performance
Day Body weight Daily gain Av. daily gain/week Daily intake Cum. intake FCR3
(g)1 (g) (g) (g) (g)2
0 43
1 61 18 14 0.222
2 79 18 18 31 0.395
3 100 20 22 53 0.530
4 123 23 25 78 0.636
5 148 26 29 107 0.720
6 177 28 32 139 0.787
7 208 31 23.55 36 175 0.842
8 242 34 40 215 0.888
9 279 37 44 259 0.926
10 320 40 48 307 0.959
11 363 43 52 359 0.988
12 409 46 57 415 1.015
13 458 49 61 476 1.039
14 511 52 43.24 66 542 1.062
15 566 55 71 613 1.083
16 624 58 76 688 1.104
17 684 61 81 769 1.124
18 747 63 86 855 1.144
19 813 66 91 946 1.163
20 881 68 96 1042 1.183
21 951 70 62.97 102 1144 1.202
22 1024 72 107 1251 1.222
23 1098 74 112 1363 1.241
24 1175 76 118 1481 1.261
25 1252 78 123 1604 1.281
26 1332 79 128 1732 1.300
27 1413 81 133 1865 1.320
28 1495 82 77.64 138 2004 1.340
29 1578 83 143 2147 1.360
30 1662 84 148 2295 1.380
31 1747 85 153 2447 1.401
32 1833 86 157 2605 1.421
33 1919 86 162 2766 1.441
34 2006 87 166 2932 1.462
35 2093 87 85.43 170 3102 1.482
36 2180 87 174 3276 1.503
37 2267 87 178 3453 1.523
38 2354 87 181 3635 1.544
39 2441 87 185 3819 1.564
40 2528 87 188 4007 1.585
41 2614 86 191 4198 1.606
42 2700 86 86.75 194 4392 1.626
43 2786 85 196 4588 1.647
44 2870 85 199 4787 1.668
45 2954 84 201 4988 1.688
46 3038 83 203 5192 1.709
47 3120 82 205 5397 1.730
48 3202 82 207 5604 1.750
49 3282 81 83.16 209 5813 1.771
50 3362 80 210 6023 1.792
51 3441 79 212 6235 1.812
52 3518 78 213 6447 1.833
53 3595 76 214 6661 1.853
54 3670 75 215 6876 1.874
55 3744 74 215 7091 1.894
56 3817 73 76.43 216 7307 1.914
57 3889 72 216 7523 1.934
58 3960 71 217 7740 1.955
59 4029 69 217 7957 1.975
On-farm body weight (i.e. feed
present in intestinal tract).
60 4097 68 217 8173 1.995
61 4164 67 217 8390 2.015 2
Feed consumption per living bird.
62 4230 66 217 8607 2.035
63 4294 64 68.10 216 8823 2.055
FCR includes initial body weight
64 4357 63 216 9039 2.075
at placement and does not
65 4419 62 216 9255 2.094
account for mortality.
66 4479 61 215 9470 2.114 NOTE: In the table the values
67 4539 59 214 9684 2.134 are rounded. This may result in
68 4597 58 214 9898 2.153 small inaccuracies when using
69 4654 57 213 10111 2.173 the objectives to calculate other
70 4709 56 59.30 212 10323 2.192 performance statistics.
5 2019
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives g

2019 6
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives lb
As-Hatched Performance
Day Body weight Daily gain Av. daily gain/week Daily intake Cum. intake FCR3
(lb)1 (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb)2
0 0.095
1 0.134 0.039 0.028 0.206
2 0.174 0.040 0.037 0.064 0.370
3 0.219 0.045 0.045 0.110 0.502
4 0.269 0.050 0.054 0.163 0.607
5 0.325 0.056 0.062 0.225 0.693
6 0.388 0.063 0.071 0.296 0.763
7 0.458 0.070 0.052 0.080 0.376 0.821
8 0.534 0.076 0.089 0.464 0.869
9 0.618 0.084 0.098 0.563 0.911
10 0.708 0.091 0.108 0.671 0.947
11 0.806 0.098 0.118 0.789 0.979
12 0.912 0.105 0.129 0.918 1.007
13 1.024 0.112 0.140 1.058 1.033
14 1.144 0.120 0.098 0.151 1.209 1.057
15 1.271 0.127 0.163 1.372 1.080
16 1.404 0.134 0.175 1.547 1.101
17 1.545 0.141 0.187 1.734 1.122
18 1.692 0.147 0.199 1.933 1.142
19 1.846 0.154 0.212 2.145 1.162
20 2.005 0.160 0.225 2.370 1.182
21 2.171 0.166 0.147 0.238 2.608 1.201
22 2.342 0.171 0.251 2.858 1.221
23 2.518 0.176 0.264 3.122 1.240
24 2.700 0.181 0.277 3.399 1.259
25 2.886 0.186 0.290 3.688 1.278
26 3.076 0.190 0.302 3.991 1.297
27 3.270 0.194 0.315 4.306 1.317
28 3.468 0.198 0.185 0.328 4.633 1.336
29 3.669 0.201 0.340 4.973 1.355
30 3.874 0.204 0.352 5.325 1.375
31 4.080 0.207 0.364 5.688 1.394
32 4.289 0.209 0.375 6.063 1.414
33 4.500 0.211 0.386 6.450 1.433
34 4.712 0.212 0.397 6.847 1.453
35 4.926 0.214 0.208 0.407 7.254 1.473
36 5.141 0.215 0.418 7.672 1.492
37 5.356 0.215 0.427 8.099 1.512
38 5.572 0.216 0.436 8.535 1.532
39 5.788 0.216 0.445 8.980 1.552
40 6.003 0.216 0.454 9.434 1.571
41 6.219 0.215 0.462 9.896 1.591
42 6.433 0.215 0.215 0.469 10.365 1.611
43 6.647 0.214 0.476 10.841 1.631
44 6.860 0.213 0.483 11.324 1.651
45 7.071 0.211 0.489 11.813 1.671
46 7.281 0.210 0.495 12.308 1.690
47 7.489 0.208 0.500 12.809 1.710
48 7.696 0.206 0.505 13.314 1.730
49 7.900 0.204 0.210 0.510 13.824 1.750
50 8.102 0.202 0.514 14.337 1.770
51 8.303 0.200 0.518 14.855 1.789
52 8.500 0.198 0.521 15.376 1.809
53 8.695 0.195 0.524 15.900 1.829
54 8.888 0.193 0.526 16.426 1.848
55 9.078 0.190 0.528 16.954 1.868
56 9.265 0.187 0.195 0.530 17.485 1.887
57 9.450 0.184 0.532 18.016 1.907
58 9.631 0.182 0.533 18.549 1.926 1
On-farm body weight (i.e. feed
59 9.810 0.179 0.534 19.083 1.945 present in intestinal tract).
60 9.986 0.176 0.534 19.617 1.965
Feed consumption per living bird.
61 10.158 0.173 0.534 20.152 1.984
62 10.328 0.170 0.534 20.686 2.003 3
FCR includes initial body weight at
63 10.495 0.167 0.176 0.534 21.220 2.022 placement and does not account for
64 10.658 0.164 0.533 21.753 2.041 mortality.
65 10.819 0.160 0.532 22.286 2.060
66 10.976 0.157 0.531 22.817 2.079
NOTE: In the table the values
are rounded. This may result in
67 11.130 0.154 0.530 23.347 2.098
small inaccuracies when using
68 11.282 0.151 0.529 23.876 2.116
the objectives to calculate other
69 11.430 0.148 0.527 24.403 2.135
performance statistics.
70 11.575 0.145 0.154 0.525 24.928 2.154

7 2019
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives lb
Male Performance
Day Body weight Daily gain Av. daily gain/week Daily intake Cum. intake FCR3
(lb)1 (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb)2
0 0.095
1 0.133 0.038 0.025 0.190
2 0.172 0.039 0.034 0.060 0.346
3 0.217 0.044 0.043 0.103 0.474
4 0.267 0.050 0.052 0.154 0.579
5 0.323 0.057 0.061 0.215 0.666
6 0.387 0.063 0.070 0.285 0.738
7 0.457 0.070 0.052 0.080 0.365 0.799
8 0.534 0.078 0.090 0.455 0.851
9 0.619 0.085 0.100 0.555 0.896
10 0.712 0.093 0.111 0.665 0.934
11 0.813 0.101 0.122 0.787 0.969
12 0.921 0.108 0.133 0.921 0.999
13 1.038 0.116 0.145 1.066 1.027
14 1.162 0.124 0.101 0.157 1.223 1.053
15 1.294 0.132 0.170 1.393 1.076
16 1.434 0.140 0.183 1.576 1.099
17 1.581 0.148 0.196 1.772 1.120
18 1.736 0.155 0.210 1.982 1.141
19 1.899 0.162 0.223 2.205 1.161
20 2.068 0.169 0.237 2.442 1.181
21 2.244 0.176 0.155 0.251 2.693 1.200
22 2.427 0.183 0.265 2.958 1.219
23 2.616 0.189 0.280 3.238 1.238
24 2.810 0.195 0.294 3.532 1.257
25 3.010 0.200 0.308 3.840 1.276
26 3.216 0.205 0.322 4.162 1.294
27 3.426 0.210 0.336 4.498 1.313
28 3.641 0.215 0.200 0.350 4.848 1.332
29 3.860 0.219 0.364 5.211 1.350
30 4.082 0.223 0.377 5.588 1.369
31 4.308 0.226 0.390 5.978 1.388
32 4.537 0.229 0.403 6.381 1.406
33 4.769 0.232 0.415 6.797 1.425
34 5.003 0.234 0.428 7.224 1.444
35 5.238 0.236 0.228 0.439 7.664 1.463
36 5.476 0.237 0.451 8.115 1.482
37 5.714 0.239 0.462 8.576 1.501
38 5.954 0.239 0.472 9.048 1.520
39 6.194 0.240 0.482 9.531 1.539
40 6.434 0.240 0.492 10.023 1.558
41 6.674 0.240 0.501 10.524 1.577
42 6.914 0.240 0.239 0.510 11.033 1.596
43 7.153 0.239 0.518 11.551 1.615
44 7.392 0.239 0.526 12.077 1.634
45 7.629 0.237 0.533 12.610 1.653
46 7.866 0.236 0.540 13.149 1.672
47 8.100 0.235 0.546 13.695 1.691
48 8.333 0.233 0.552 14.247 1.710
49 8.564 0.231 0.236 0.557 14.804 1.729
50 8.793 0.229 0.562 15.366 1.747
51 9.020 0.227 0.566 15.932 1.766
52 9.244 0.224 0.570 16.502 1.785
53 9.466 0.222 0.574 17.076 1.804
54 9.685 0.219 0.577 17.653 1.823
55 9.902 0.216 0.580 18.233 1.841
56 10.115 0.214 0.222 0.582 18.814 1.860
57 10.326 0.211 0.584 19.398 1.879 1
On-farm body weight (i.e. feed
58 10.533 0.208 0.585 19.983 1.897 present in intestinal tract).
59 10.738 0.204 0.586 20.570 1.916
60 10.939 0.201 0.587 21.157 1.934
Feed consumption per living
61 11.137 0.198 0.588 21.745 1.953 bird.
62 11.332 0.195 0.588 22.333 1.971 3
FCR includes initial body
63 11.523 0.191 0.201 0.588 22.920 1.989 weight at placement and does
64 11.711 0.188 0.587 23.507 2.007 not account for mortality.
65 11.896 0.185 0.586 24.094 2.025
66 12.077 0.181 0.585 24.679 2.044 NOTE: In the table the values
67 12.255 0.178 0.584 25.263 2.062 are rounded. This may result in
68 12.429 0.174 0.583 25.846 2.079 small inaccuracies when using
69 12.600 0.171 0.581 26.427 2.097
the objectives to calculate other
70 12.768 0.168 0.178 0.579 27.005 2.115
performance statistics.

2019 8
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives lb
Female Performance
Day Body weight Daily gain Av. daily gain/week Daily intake Cum. intake FCR3
(lb)1 (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb)2
0 0.095
1 0.135 0.040 0.030 0.222
2 0.175 0.040 0.039 0.069 0.395
3 0.220 0.045 0.047 0.117 0.530
4 0.271 0.051 0.055 0.172 0.636
5 0.327 0.056 0.063 0.235 0.720
6 0.390 0.063 0.071 0.307 0.787
7 0.459 0.069 0.052 0.079 0.386 0.842
8 0.534 0.075 0.088 0.474 0.888
9 0.616 0.082 0.096 0.570 0.926
10 0.705 0.089 0.106 0.676 0.959
11 0.800 0.095 0.115 0.791 0.988
12 0.902 0.102 0.125 0.915 1.015
13 1.011 0.109 0.135 1.050 1.039
14 1.126 0.115 0.095 0.145 1.195 1.062
15 1.247 0.121 0.156 1.351 1.083
16 1.375 0.128 0.167 1.518 1.104
17 1.508 0.134 0.178 1.695 1.124
18 1.648 0.139 0.189 1.885 1.144
19 1.793 0.145 0.201 2.085 1.163
20 1.943 0.150 0.212 2.298 1.183
21 2.098 0.155 0.139 0.224 2.522 1.202
22 2.257 0.160 0.236 2.758 1.222
23 2.421 0.164 0.248 3.006 1.241
24 2.589 0.168 0.259 3.265 1.261
25 2.761 0.172 0.271 3.536 1.281
26 2.936 0.175 0.282 3.818 1.300
27 3.115 0.178 0.294 4.112 1.320
28 3.296 0.181 0.171 0.305 4.417 1.340
29 3.479 0.183 0.316 4.733 1.360
30 3.665 0.186 0.326 5.059 1.380
31 3.852 0.187 0.337 5.395 1.401
32 4.041 0.189 0.347 5.742 1.421
33 4.231 0.190 0.356 6.098 1.441
34 4.422 0.191 0.366 6.464 1.462
35 4.614 0.192 0.188 0.375 6.838 1.482
36 4.806 0.192 0.383 7.222 1.503
37 4.998 0.192 0.392 7.613 1.523
38 5.190 0.192 0.399 8.013 1.544
39 5.382 0.192 0.407 8.420 1.564
40 5.573 0.191 0.414 8.834 1.585
41 5.763 0.190 0.421 9.255 1.606
42 5.953 0.189 0.191 0.427 9.682 1.626
43 6.141 0.188 0.433 10.115 1.647
44 6.328 0.187 0.439 10.553 1.668
45 6.513 0.185 0.444 10.997 1.688
46 6.697 0.184 0.448 11.445 1.709
47 6.878 0.182 0.453 11.898 1.730
48 7.058 0.180 0.457 12.355 1.750
49 7.236 0.178 0.183 0.460 12.815 1.771
50 7.412 0.176 0.464 13.279 1.792
51 7.585 0.173 0.466 13.745 1.812
52 7.756 0.171 0.469 14.214 1.833
53 7.925 0.169 0.471 14.685 1.853
54 8.091 0.166 0.473 15.158 1.874
55 8.255 0.164 0.475 15.633 1.894
56 8.416 0.161 0.168 0.476 16.109 1.914
57 8.574 0.158 0.477 16.586 1.934
On-farm body weight (i.e. feed
58 8.729 0.156 0.478 17.063 1.955
present in intestinal tract).
59 8.882 0.153 0.478 17.541 1.975
60 9.033 0.150 0.478 18.019 1.995 2
Feed consumption per living
61 9.180 0.147 0.478 18.497 2.015 bird.
62 9.325 0.145 0.478 18.975 2.035
63 9.466 0.142 0.150 0.477 19.452 2.055
FCR includes initial body
weight at placement and does
64 9.606 0.139 0.476 19.928 2.075
not account for mortality.
65 9.742 0.136 0.475 20.403 2.094
66 9.875 0.133 0.474 20.878 2.114 NOTE: In the table the values
67 10.006 0.131 0.473 21.350 2.134 are rounded, this may result in
68 10.134 0.128 0.471 21.821 2.153 small inaccuracies when using
69 10.259 0.125 0.469 22.291 2.173 the objectives to calculate other
70 10.382 0.122 0.131 0.467 22.758 2.192 performance statistics.
9 2019
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives lb

2019 10
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives

Carcass Yield
The following diagrams indicate how yields of the major portions change with increasing live weight
in each sex. Eviscerated yield is broken down into breast meat and leg meat to represent a deboning

Definitions of Terms

Eviscerated % eviscerated carcass (without neck, abdominal fat and internal

organs) as a percentage of live weight.
Breast % breast meat (without skin and bone) as a percentage of live weight.
Thigh/Drumstick % whole thigh/drumstick (with skin and bone) as a percentage of live

Male - Portion
kg (lb) Breast % Thigh % Drumstick % Eviscerated %

1.2 2.65 17.97 11.49 10.45 69.49

1.4 3.09 19.68 11.91 10.38 70.47

1.6 3.53 20.98 12.27 10.33 71.45

1.8 3.97 22.00 12.43 10.29 71.84

2.0 4.41 22.80 12.60 10.26 72.21

2.2 4.85 23.48 12.75 10.23 72.57

2.4 5.29 24.03 12.88 10.21 72.92

2.6 5.73 24.49 13.00 10.19 73.26

2.8 6.17 24.90 13.11 10.17 73.59

Live weight

3.0 6.61 25.25 13.22 10.16 73.91

3.2 7.05 25.56 13.31 10.15 74.23

3.4 7.50 25.82 13.40 10.14 74.53

3.6 7.94 26.04 13.49 10.13 74.82

3.8 8.38 26.25 13.54 10.12 75.08

4.0 8.82 26.44 13.59 10.11 75.32

4.2 9.26 26.61 13.63 10.10 75.56

4.4 9.70 26.76 13.67 10.10 75.78

4.6 10.14 26.91 13.70 10.09 76.00

4.8 10.58 27.04 13.74 10.09 76.20

5.0 11.02 27.16 13.77 10.08 76.40

0 10 20 30 40 50

NOTE: These figures represent dry yield. They do not include any moisture retained during chilling
or processing. Carcass component yields will vary among processing plants depending on, for
example, type of equipment used and the exact portion(s) being produced.

11 2019
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives

Definitions of Terms

Eviscerated % eviscerated carcass (without neck, abdominal fat and internal

organs) as a percentage of live weight.
Breast % breast meat (without skin and bone) as a percentage of live weight.
Thigh/Drumstick % whole thigh/drumstick (with skin and bone) as a percentage of live

Female - Portion
kg (lb) Breast % Thigh % Drumstick % Eviscerated %

1.2 2.65 18.87 12.08 9.94 69.90

1.4 3.09 20.90 12.33 9.79 70.88

1.6 3.53 22.42 12.56 9.69 71.86

1.8 3.97 23.61 12.72 9.60 72.29

2.0 4.41 24.56 12.89 9.54 72.71

2.2 4.85 25.36 13.05 9.48 73.10

2.4 5.29 25.98 13.18 9.43 73.49

2.6 5.73 26.55 13.31 9.40 73.85

2.8 6.17 27.02 13.42 9.36 74.21

Live weight

3.0 6.61 27.42 13.47 9.33 74.46

3.2 7.05 27.78 13.52 9.31 74.69

3.4 7.50 28.09 13.56 9.29 74.92

3.6 7.94 28.37 13.59 9.27 75.13

3.8 8.38 28.62 13.63 9.25 75.34

4.0 8.82 28.84 13.65 9.23 75.54

4.2 9.26 29.05 13.68 9.22 75.72

4.4 9.70 29.23 13.70 9.21 75.90

4.6 10.14 29.40 13.73 9.19 76.07

4.8 10.58 29.55 13.75 9.18 76.22

5.0 11.02 29.70 13.76 9.17 76.37

0 10 20 30 40 50

NOTE: These figures represent dry yield. They do not include any moisture retained during chilling
or processing. Carcass component yields will vary among processing plants depending on, for
example, type of equipment used and the exact portion(s) being produced.

2019 12
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives

Definitions of Terms

Breast % breast meat (without skin and bone) as a percentage of live weight.
Leg Meat % sum of deboned thigh (without skin) and deboned drumstick
(without skin) as a percentage of live weight.
Total % sum of leg meat and breast meat

Male - Debone

kg (lb) Leg Meat % Breast % Total %

1.2 2.65 13.59 17.97 31.56

1.4 3.09 14.42 19.68 34.10

1.6 3.53 15.04 20.98 36.02

1.8 3.97 15.48 22.00 37.48

2.0 4.41 15.86 22.80 38.66

2.2 4.85 16.16 23.48 39.64

2.4 5.29 16.40 24.03 40.43

2.6 5.73 16.60 24.49 41.09

2.8 6.17 16.77 24.90 41.67

Live weight

3.0 6.61 16.91 25.25 42.16

3.2 7.05 17.04 25.56 42.60

3.4 7.50 17.14 25.82 42.96

3.6 7.94 17.23 26.04 43.27

3.8 8.38 17.34 26.25 43.58

4.0 8.82 17.43 26.44 43.86

4.2 9.26 17.51 26.61 44.12

4.4 9.70 17.58 26.76 44.35

4.60 10.14 17.65 26.91 44.56

4.8 10.58 17.71 27.04 44.75

5.0 11.02 17.77 27.16 44.93

0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

NOTE: These figures represent dry yield. They do not include any moisture retained during chilling or
processing. Carcass component yields will vary among processing plants depending on, for example,
type of equipment used and the exact portion(s) being produced.

13 2019
ROSS 308/ROSS 308 FF BROILER: Performance Objectives

Definitions of Terms

Breast % breast meat (without skin and bone) as a percentage of live weight.
Leg Meat % sum of deboned thigh (without skin) and deboned drumstick
(without skin) as a percentage of live weight.
Total % sum of leg meat and breast meat

Female - Debone

kg (lb) Leg Meat % Breast % Total %

1.2 2.65 15.37 18.87 34.24

1.4 3.09 15.63 20.90 36.53

1.6 3.53 15.82 22.42 38.24

1.8 3.97 15.96 23.61 39.57

2.0 4.41 16.06 24.56 40.62

2.2 4.85 16.12 25.36 41.48

2.4 5.29 16.19 25.98 42.18

2.6 5.73 16.24 26.55 42.78

2.8 6.17 16.26 27.02 43.28

Live weight

3.0 6.61 16.31 27.42 43.74

3.2 7.05 16.36 27.78 44.14

3.4 7.50 16.40 28.09 44.49

3.6 7.94 16.43 28.37 44.80

3.8 8.38 16.46 28.62 45.08

4.0 8.82 16.49 28.84 45.34

4.2 9.26 16.52 29.05 45.56

4.4 9.70 16.54 29.23 45.77

4.6 10.14 16.56 29.40 45.96

4.8 10.58 16.58 29.55 46.13

5.0 11.02 16.60 29.70 46.29

0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

NOTE: These figures represent dry yield. They do not include any moisture retained during chilling or
processing. Carcass component yields will vary among processing plants depending on, for example,
type of equipment used and the exact portion(s) being produced.

2019 14
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