Creep Effect On Buckling of Axially Restrained Steel Columns in Real Fires
Creep Effect On Buckling of Axially Restrained Steel Columns in Real Fires
Creep Effect On Buckling of Axially Restrained Steel Columns in Real Fires
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: At present, Harmathy creep model is used in most fire resistance analysis, which explicitly consider creep.
Received 21 April 2011 Harmathy creep model only predicts creep strains with acceptable accuracy for the case of constant stresses,
Accepted 5 September 2011 but becomes invalid for the case of variable stresses. For the case of axially restrained steel columns subjected
Available online 28 September 2011
to fire, the fire induced stresses vary considerably and rapidly with time and temperature. In this paper, the
effect of creep on the buckling behavior of axially restrained steel columns in real fires has been investigated.
Axially restrained steel columns
A creep model in ANSYS, which is capable of predicting creep strain regardless of any coupling between time
Buckling temperatures and either stress or temperature of steel, is used to predict creep strains. The results for buckling tempera-
Real fires tures and axial deformations, predicted with and without considering creep in numerical simulations, are
Creep model compared. Both fast and slow fires are considered. The study found that for axially restrained steel columns
Numerical study in slow fires, considering creep gives higher buckling temperatures than those not considering creep; and for
axially restrained steel columns in fast fires, considering creep might give higher or lower buckling temper-
atures than those not considering creep.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0143-974X/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G.-Q. Li, C. Zhang / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 71 (2012) 182–188 183
Kodur and Dwaikat [13] studied the effect of high temperature creep on
the fire response of restrained steel beams. A validated model was ap-
plied to investigate the effect of load level, heating rate, fire scenario
and fire induced axial restraint on the extent of creep deformations.
Current high temperature creep models are compared with test data.
Harmathy creep model was found to be generally sufficient for reason-
ably predicting the creep deformations for unprotected steel members
but becomes inaccurate when high stress and temperature are main-
tained in steel members for long time durations. The results of the
study shows that neglecting high temperature creep in fire resistance
analysis of steel structures can lead to unconservative predictions.
This paper investigates the behavior of axially restrained steel col-
umns, which is the common case for building components, exposed to Fig. 1. Illustration of the HRR history in a NFSC fire.
real fires. Four different fire scenarios including two arbitrary fires and
two post-flashover fires are considered. The temperatures of steel The heat generation rate of the source is input as HRR specified by
members in post-flashover fires are obtained by solving the one zone NFSC. The compartment boundaries, and the insulation coatings of
compartment fire model with considering the heat sink effect of steel the steel members are modeled using LINK32. Convection and radia-
members. The structural behavior is modeled using a validated FE tion at fire or environment exposed surfaces are modeled using
model. The effect of creep on the buckling behavior of axially restrained LINK34 and LINK31, respectively. Gas and steel volumes are modeled
steel columns in real fires has been investigated. using MASS71. Radiation at opening is modeled using LINK31. Con-
vection at opening by mass exchange is modeled using LINK34.
2. Methodology LINK32, LINK31 and LINK34 are 2D conduction bar, 2D radiation
link and convection link elements, respectively; and MASS71 is a
2.1. Steel temperature in post-flashover fires point thermal mass element [26]. The FEM model has been verified
by program OZone [19], as shown in Fig. 3.
Post-flashover fires are commonly considered in fire resistance de-
sign. In literature, the temperature of steel members exposed to a 2.2. Creep model
post-flashover fire is usually determined by first modeling the fire phe-
nomenon by a empirical correlation (e.g. parameter fire model [14]) or Creep is the progressive time-dependent inelastic deformation
advanced computer simulation (e.g. Fire Dynamic Simulation [15]) to under constant load and temperature [21]. Generally, under constant
obtain a temperature–time curve to represent the fire environment, temperature and stress level, creep strain passes through three
then substituting the fire curve into a 1D condensed heat transfer phases, namely primary creep, secondary creep and tertiary creep.
model to obtain the steel temperatures [16,17]. The temperature of The tertiary creep stage is usually not analyzed since it implies
steel members in a fire can also be determined by advanced computer impending failure. Thus, in high temperature creep models, the pri-
simulations [18]. mary and secondary phases of high temperature creep strain are gen-
It is obvious that the steel members in a fire compartment will ab- erally used in the fire resistance analysis.
sorb a portion of the heat released by combustion. That portion of Creep strains are derived from steady state tests during which
heat will heat the steel members on one hand and cool the compart- stress is kept constant. There are usually two cases for calculating
ment on the other hand. As a result, the temperature of a steel member creep strains. The first case is when the stress state is close to a steady
within a fire compartment is dependent on the heating mechanism of state and the second case is when stress is changing with time. As for
the compartment. However, in current model as mentioned above, the first case, a “time hardening rule” is used where creep strain rate
the temperature of a steel member within a fire compartment is related is written as a function of time and stress in steel and is integrated
to the fire curve which is determined without considering the heat sink with respect to time; and for the second case, a “strain hardening
effect of the steel member. Here, the heat sink effect of steel members in rule” is used where creep strain rate is written as a function of
fire compartments has been considered by adding a quantity to the tra- creep strain and stress in steel and is integrated with respect to
ditional heat balance equation for one zone compartment model, thus time [13]. In calculation, creep can be considered implicitly and
HRR ¼q̇g þq̇w þq̇o;c þ q̇o;r þ q̇s ð1Þ At present, Harmathy creep model is used in most fire resistance
analyzes [11,22]. Harmathy creep model is mainly based on Dorn's
where HRR is heat release rate due to combustion; q̇ g is rate of theory, which assumes constant stress. However, in the case of axially
heat storage in the gas volume; q̇ w is rate of heat loss through the restrained steel columns subjected to fire, the fire induced stresses
walls, ceiling and floor; q̇ o;c is rate of heat loss due to replacement
of hot gases by cold; q̇ o;r is rate of heat loss by radiation through
the openings; and q̇ s is rate of heat storage in steel members. The nat-
ural fire safety concept (NFSC) [14,19] is used to represent the fire
conditions. The NFSC fire is assumed to be t-square in the growth
stage and decay stage begins at the time when 70% of design fire
load is consumed. Fig. 1 shows the HRR history in a NSFC fire. The
detail explanation and calculation of the remaining terms in Eq.(1)
can be found in [20].
Solve Eq.(1) by using technologies like finite differential method
(FDM) and finite element method (FEM), we can obtain both gas
and steel temperatures in fire compartments. Here, the FEM software
package ANSYS is employed to simulate the model. Fig. 2 shows the
FEM thermal model. In the FEM model, the heat source is modeled
by a perfect conductor, which is represented by one LINK32 element. Fig. 2. Illustration of the FEM thermal model for heat transfer analysis.
184 G.-Q. Li, C. Zhang / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 71 (2012) 182–188
theory on plasticity and creep strains, can model both the primary
and secondary creep, and is capable of predicting creep strain regard-
less of any coupling between time and either stress or temperature of
steel. The model is given in a simplified format, as
vary considerably and rapidly with time and temperature, and these 2.3. Temperature-stress–strain models
conditions are not captured by Dorn's theory. Kodur and Dwaikat
[13] compared creep strains predicted using Harmathy model with Temperature-stress–strain curves, for structural steel, given by
test data for different cases of constant and variable stresses, as EC3 [23], Lie [24] and Poh [25] are widely used in fire resistance sim-
shown in Fig. 4. For the case of constant stress and temperature, ulations. In EC3 constitutive model, creep is implicitly included, while
Harmathy creep model predicts creep strains within acceptable accu- in Lie and Poh models, creep is excluded.
racy. However, for the case of varying stress with time, Harmathy High temperature creep is highly nonlinear transient phenome-
creep model diverges from the test data. The creep strains predicted non and creep characteristics change with time as stress and temper-
using ANSYS are also plotted in Fig. 4. The ANSYS creep model used ature vary significantly with time too. Therefore, it is impossible to
in [13] predicts creep strains within acceptable accuracy for both fully include the effect of creep in static-strain curves that do not in-
cases. corporate the time factor (whether rates or absolute times). In [13],
In our investigation, the ANSYS creep model used in [13] is temperature-stress–strain relations recommended by Poh was used
adopted. The model, namely implicit creep model 11 in ANSYS for the analysis.
which is based on work of Zienkiewicz and Cormeau on unified
2.4. FEM structural model
In this paper, the FEM program ANSYS [26] is employed as the nu-
merical tool for both thermal and structural analysis. The FEM model
for structural analysis is given below.
Fig. 5 shows the FEM structural model of axially restrained col-
umns. The steel column is modeled using 3D linear finite strain
beam element, BEAM188. BEAM188 is based on Timoshenko beam
theory and is suitable for analyzing slender to moderately stubby/
thick beam structures. The axial restraint is modeled by an axial
spring using spring-damper element, COMBIN14.
The initial column crookedness is assumed to be a half sine wave.
The initial deflection amplitude at mid-height, if not specified, is
taken as 0.1% of the column length. The load utilization ratio, βL in
Fig. 5, is defined as
βL ¼ ð3Þ
βa ¼ ð4Þ
Fig. 4. Creep strains predicted using ANSYS and Harmathy models compared to test
data, given by Kodur and Dwaikat [13]. Fig. 5. Illustration of the FEM model of axially restrained steel column.
G.-Q. Li, C. Zhang / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 71 (2012) 182–188 185
where, ka is the stiffness of axial restraint; and kco = E0A/lc is the Table 1
column axial stiffness at room temperature, in which E0 is elastic Comparison between the predicted and measured results for TP112 test in [3].
modulus of steel at room temperature, and lc is column length. Name Failure temperature Restraint force Maximum reaction force
°C kN kN
Table 2
Different fires in case studies.
m× m × m m×m MW
Table 3
Predicted failure temperatures in Fire2.
βL σ−ε βa
Fig. 10. Axial deformations predicted by using Lie-creep and Lie model for βL =0.5 in Fire2.
Table 4
Predicted failure temperatures in Fire3.
βL σ−ε βa
0.3 Lie-creep 654.2 (132.9) 577.4 (105.6) 481.2 (80.7) 412.4 (65.4)
Lie 655.9 (133.9) 570.4 (103.5) 520.9 (90.4) 466.6 (77.4)
0.5 Lie-creep 529.0 (92.5) 473.2 (78.9) 382.2 (59.4) 323.4 (48.1)
Lie 530.2 (92.8) 469.2 (78.0) 373.1 (57.6) 360.5 (55.2)
0.8 Lie-creep 314.3 (46.5) 261.6 (37.4) 197.4 (27.2) 162.9 (22.1)
Fig. 9. Axial deformations predicted by using Lie-creep and Lie model for βL = 0.5,
Lie 316.9 (47.0) 258.0 (36.8) 213.0 (29.6) 176.8 (24.1)
βa = 0.1 in Fire1.
G.-Q. Li, C. Zhang / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 71 (2012) 182–188 187
Fig. 11. Axial deformations predicted by using Lie-creep and Lie model for βL =0.5 in Fire3. Fig. 13. Calculated creep and thermal strain for case βL = 0.3, βa = 0 in Fire2.
0 0.02 0.06 0.1 Using a creep model which can predict creep strains with acceptable
0.3 Lie-creep 653.3 (374.4) 590.9 (302.1) 500.8 (223.0) 436.6 (178.2)
accuracy for conditions with constant and variable stresses, the buckling
Lie 661.8 (389.4) 574.3 (285.9) 473.9 (203.3) 431.7 (175.2) behavior of axially restrained steel columns in different fire scenarios has
0.5 Lie-creep 536.1 (251.5) 486.3 (212.0) 402.8 (157.9) 343.6 (126.2) been investigated. Based on the results of this study, the following con-
Lie 537.6 (252.7) 475.6 (204.5) 379.7 (144.9) 319.2 (114.5) clusions can be drawn:
0.8 Lie-creep 330.6 (120.0) 285.8 (99.6) 219.2 (72.6) 182.4 (59.1)
Lie 333.2 (121.2) 277.8 (96.0) 207.4 (68.2) 169.7 (54.8)
• Creep has effect on the buckling temperature of axially restrained
steel columns in real fires. For axially restrained steel columns in
slow fires, considering creep will give higher buckling temperatures
more the restrained elongation, the larger is the additional compressive than those not considering creep. For steel columns in fast fires, con-
force. As a result, considering creep will give smaller additional com- sidering creep might give higher or lower buckling temperatures.
pressive force which might lead to prediction of higher buckling tem- • For steel columns in real fires, considering creep will give smaller
peratures. It should be noted that the converse effect of creep, namely axial deformations than those not considering creep.
“stress relaxation” [26], will reduce the yield stress of steel which also • For weakly restrained steel columns, considering creep will give
leads to prediction of lower buckling temperatures. higher bucking temperatures than those not considering creep;
For axially restrained steel columns in slow fires like Fire2 and and for free steel columns, considering creep will give slightly
Fire4, the steel columns reach buckling after a long time that the de- lower buckling temperatures than those not considering creep.
veloped creep strains in columns are comparatively large, as shown in
Fig. 13. The creep strain in Fig. 13 is calculated by Eq. (2). Correspond- References
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