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Case Digest for Special Proceedings

Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE OF DECEASED PERSONS and imprisonment of such person until he performs
such order or judgment, or is released.
Section 4. Presumption of death. — For purposes of
Venue and Process
settlement of his estate, a person shall be presumed
Section 1. Where estate of deceased persons settled. — dead if absent and unheard from for the periods fixed in
If the decedents is an inhabitant of the Philippines at the Civil Code. But if such person proves to be alive, he
the time of his death, whether a citizen or an alien, his shall be entitled to the balance of his estate after
will shall be proved, or letters of administration payment of all his debts. The balance may be recovered
granted, and his estate settled, in the Court of First by motion in the same proceeding.
Instance in the province in which he resides at the time BASIC ELEMENTS
of his death, and if he is an inhabitant of a foreign
country, the Court of First Instance of any province in  Decedent
which he had estate. The court first taking cognizance of  Estate in the Philippines (Rule 73, Sec. 1)
the settlement of the estate of a decedent, shall
exercise jurisdiction to the exclusion of all other courts. DEATH
The jurisdiction assumed by a court, so far as it depends  Actual
on the place of residence of the decedent, or of the A person is dead, when there is a certificate of
location of his estate, shall not be contested in a suit or death issued attesting to the fact of it.
proceeding, except in an appeal from that court, in the Regardless of his brain dead, or not breathing or
original case, or when the want of jurisdiction appears whatever, your best proof that the person is
on the record. dead, actually dead, is when there is a
certificate of death issued. Don’t make your life
Section 2. Where estate settled upon dissolution of difficult by defining a brain dead person. All you
marriage. — When the marriage is dissolved by the need to do is to get a certificate of the fact of
death of the husband or wife, the community property
 Presumptive ( Art. 390-392, Civil Code)
shall be inventoried, administered, and liquidated, and  Rule 131 , Section 3
the debts thereof paid, in the testate or intestate
proceedings of the deceased spouse. If both spouses ESTATE
have died, the conjugal partnership shall be liquidated
in the testate or intestate proceedings of either. Estate is a person. It is a legal personality. It is not a
thing that is left merely by the decedent.
Section 3. Process. — In the exercise of probate
jurisdiction, Courts of First Instance may issue warrants 1. Limjoco v Intestate Estate of Fragrante
and process necessary to compel the attendance of
witnesses or to carry into effect theirs orders and
judgments, and all other powers granted them by law. If Public Service Commission granted the application of
a person does not perform an order or judgment Pedro O. Fragante to operate an ice plant.
rendered by a court in the exercise of its probate
jurisdiction, it may issue a warrant for the apprehension Limjoco contends that it was error on the part of the
commission to allow the substitution of the legal
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

representative of the estate of Pedro O. Fragante for (This is important because Limjoco also questioned the
the latter as party applicant in the case then pending citizenship of the estate since the certification for public
before the commission, and in subsequently granting to convenience can only be granted to Filipino Citizens)
said estate the certificate applied for, which is said to be
in contravention of law. We can perceive no valid reason for holding that within
the intent of the constitution (Article IV), its provisions
ISSUE: Whether the estate of Pedro O. Fragrante is a on Philippine citizenship exclude the legal principle of
"person" within the meaning of the Public Service Act? extension above adverted to. If for reasons already
YES. stated our law indulges the fiction of extension of
personality, if for such reasons the estate of Pedro O.
HELD: Fragrante should be considered an artificial or juridical
The estate of the decedent is a person in legal person herein, we can find no justification for refusing
contemplation to declare a like fiction as to the extension of his
citizenship for the purposes of this proceeding.
As the estate of the decedent is in law regarded as a
person, a forgery committed after the death of the man 2. Lim v CA
whose name purports to be signed to the instrument G.R. No. 124715, January 24, 2000
may be prosecuted as with the intent to defraud the
estate. Billings vs. State, 107 Ind., 54, 55, 6 N. E. 914, 7 Can an estate include corporations? No.
N. E. 763, 57 Am. Rep. 77.
The estate of the decedent is a person in legal
contemplation. "The word "person" says Mr. Abbot, "in Petitioner Rufina Lim and her nephew George Luy filed
its legal signification, is a generic term, and includes a petition for the administration of the estate of Pastor
Y. Lim. Respondent corporations, whose properties
artificial as well as natural persons," 2 Abb. Dict. 271;
Douglas vs. Pacific, etc. Co., 4 Cal. 304; Planters', etc., were included in the inventory of the estate of Pastor
Bank vs. Andrews, 8 Port. (Ala.) 404. It said in another Lim opposed and moved for the exclusion of certain
work that 'persons are of two kinds: natural and properties from the estate of the decedent.
artificial. A natural person is a human being. Artificial Rufina Lim filed an amended petition. She averred that
persons include (1) a collection or succession of natural although the subject business entities dealt and
persons forming a corporation; (2) a collection of engaged in business with the public as corporations, all
property to which the law attributes the capacity of their capital, assets and equity were however,
having rights and duties. The latter class of artificial personally owned by Pastor Lim. Hence, the alleged
persons is recognized only to a limited extent in our stockholders and officers appearing in the articles of
law. "Examples are the estate of a bankrupt or incorporation were dummies of Pastor Lim and were
deceased person." listed for purposes of registration.
The Citizenship of Pedro is extended to his estate

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

ISSUE: WON a corporation may be the proper subject of By its denial of the motion for exclusion, the probate
and be included in the inventory of the estate of a court in effect acted in utter disregard of the
decedent NO presumption of conclusiveness of title in favor of
private respondents. Certainly, the probate court
HELD: through such brazen act transgressed the clear
Titles of real properties under the name of the provisions of law and infringed settled jurisprudence on
corporation this matter.

Inasmuch as the real properties included in the Rudimentary is the rule that a corporation is invested by
inventory of the estate of the Late Pastor Y. Lim are in law with a personality distinct and separate from its
the possession of and are registered in the name of stockholders or members. In the same vein, a
private respondent corporations, which under the law corporation by legal fiction and convenience is an entity
possess a personality separate and distinct from their shielded by a protective mantle and imbued by law with
stockholders, and in the absence of any cogency to a character alien to the persons comprising it.
shred the veil of corporate fiction, the presumption of 3. CMH v CA
conclusiveness of said titles in favor of private
respondents should stand undisturbed. G.R. No. 112625, March 7, 2002
Properties of the corporation should have been HOJILLA, CESAR M. HOJILLA, CLAUDIO M. HOJILLA,
excluded by probate court
Accordingly, the probate court was remiss in denying HOJILLA, petitioners, vs.HON. COURT OF APPEALS AND
private respondents' motion for exclusion. While it may CRISTOBAL M. HOJILLA, respondents.’
be true that the Regional Trial Court, acting in a
restricted capacity and exercising limited jurisdiction as FACTS:
a probate court, is competent to issue orders involving Cristobal M. Hojilla filed a complaint for "Disregarding
inclusion or exclusion of certain properties in the and Piercing the Veil of Corporate Fiction, Formal
inventory of the estate of the decedent, and to adjudge, Declaration or Recognition of Successional Rights and
albeit, provisionally the question of title over Recovery of Title with Damages" with the RTC of
properties, it is no less true that such authority Bacolod City against his siblings namely: Carlos M.
conferred upon by law and reinforced by jurisprudence, Hojilla, Cesar M. Hojilla,Cornelio M. Hojilla, Claudio M.
should be exercised judiciously, with due regard and Hojilla and Corazon M. Hojilla and CMH Agricultural
caution to the peculiar circumstances of each individual Corporation (CMH for brevity).
Cristobal alleged in his complaint that CMH was a
Notwithstanding that the real properties were duly dummy corporation created to be the alter-ego of their
registered under the Torrens system in the name of mother, the late Concepcion Montelibano-Hojilla, who
private respondents, and as such were to be afforded purposely organized the same in 1975 to shield her
the presumptive conclusiveness of title, the probate paraphernal properties from taxes by fictitiously
court obviously opted to shut its eyes to this gleamy assigning them to CMH, with her children acting as
fact and still proceeded to issue the impugned orders. dummy stockholders. Immediately upon its
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

incorporation, the following properties of his mother A reading of the complaint filed by private respondent
were assigned to CMH: Hacienda Manayosayao, shows that its primary objective is to protect his
Hacienda Nangka and a house and lots on 23rd Street, successional rights as an heir of his late mother,
Bacolod City, consisting of Lot Nos. 240, 241, 242, 246, Concepcion M. Hojilla, whose paraphernal properties he
247 and 248. claimed were fictitiously assigned to CMH to evade
payment of taxes. He alleged therein that the
After their mother's death, Cristobal and his siblings properties had already been the subject of extra-judicial
extrajudicially partitioned the properties. Corazon, partition between the heirs with the house and lots on
Claudio and Cristobal were apportioned Hacienda 23rd Street, Bacolod City, being bestowed upon him
Manayaosayao, the house and lots on 23rd Street, and his co-heirs Corazon and Claudia. He claimed that
Bacolod City, and some lots which were not assigned to the failure of his other siblings, Carlos, Cesar and
CMH. Thereafter, with the promise that the title over Cornelio, to turn over the title to him and his co-heirs
the property would be delivered to them, Corazon, allowed CMH to continue claiming the house and lots as
Claudio and Cristobal took possession of the subject its own and even attempted to lease a few of the lots to
house and lots. However, Cristobal claimed that the title other persons without the knowledge of private
over the said property had not been turned over to respondent and his co-heirs. Thus, private respondent
them and on several occasions Carlos, Cesar and filed the complaint to consolidate his claim over the
Cornelio had, without his and his co-owners' subject properties and forestall any further intrusive act
knowledge, mortgaged the said lots comprising the 23rd from the CMH which would place his and his co-
Street property in Bacolod City to several banking heirs/co-owners' rights over the properties in constant
institutions and even leased the same to Pilipinas Shell peril. Private respondent's position as a stockholder of
Petroleum Corporation. CMH and his relationship to the other stockholders,
became incidental only to the issue of ownership over
Thus, Cristobal prayed that the veil of corporate fiction the subject properties and did not convert the action
be pierced as CMH was being used to deprive and into an intra-corporate controversy within the exclusive
defraud him of his successional rights over the house jurisdiction of the SEC but remained a civil action
and lots on 23rd Street, Bacolod City. cognizable by the regular courts.
Defendants raised the defense of lack of jurisdiction
alleging that as an intra –corporate controversy, the Neither does the allegation about CMH's formation as
same is cognizable by SEC. an alleged dummy corporation designed to be the alter-
ego of the late Concepcion M. Hojilla and the prayer for
ISSUE: Does the RTC have jurisdiction over the piercing the corporate veil convert the action into an
complaint . YES intra-corporate controversy as the former is merely
cited as the ground relied upon by private respondent
Can the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate entity to prove his claim of ownership over the said house and
be applied? YES lots whereas through the said prayer, he in effect
exhorts the court to confirm his allegations and thus,
HELD: protect his successional rights.
Thrust of the complaint is protection of successional
rights ; not an intra-corporate controversy
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Application of the doctrine “piercing the veil of simultaneously with and as a condition precedent to the
corporate entity” filing of the public instrument, or stipulation in the
Thus, in Cease v. CA this Court took cognizance of the action for partition, or of the affidavit in the office of
civil case filed by respondents against their siblings the register of deeds, a bond with the said register of
(petitioners therein) and the Tiaong Milling and deeds, in an amount equivalent to the value of the
Plantation Company, Inc. praying that the corporation personal property involved as certified to under oath by
be declared identical to their deceased father, Forrest L. the parties concerned and conditioned upon the
Cease, and that its properties be divided among his payment of any just claim that may be filed under
children as his intestate heirs. The Court treated the section 4 of this rule. It shall be presumed that the
case as an action for partition and, applying the decedent left no debts if no creditor files a petition for
doctrine of piercing the corporate veil, disregarded the letters of administration within two (2) years after the
separate personality of the corporation from that of its death of the decedent.
stockholders reasoning that if the legal fiction of
separate corporate personality were sustained, then it The fact of the extrajudicial settlement or
would be used to delay and ultimately deprive and administration shall be published in a newspaper of
defraud respondents of their successional rights over general circulation in the manner provided in the nest
the estate of their deceased father. succeeding section; but no extrajudicial settlement shall
be binding upon any person who has not participated
SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE therein or had no notice thereof.

Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate (Rule 74) Section 2. Summary settlement of estate of small value.
— Whenever the gross value of the estate of a
RULE 74 deceased person, whether he died testate or intestate,
Summary Settlement of Estate does not exceed ten thousand pesos, and that fact is
made to appear to the Court of First Instance having
Section 1. Extrajudicial settlement by agreement jurisdiction of the estate by the petition of an interested
between heirs. — If the decedent left no will and no person and upon hearing, which shall be held not less
debts and the heirs are all of age, or the minors are than one (1) month nor more than three (3) months
represented by their judicial or legal representatives from the date of the last publication of a notice which
duly authorized for the purpose, the parties may shall be published once a week for three (3) consecutive
without securing letters of administration, divide the weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the
estate among themselves as they see fit by means of a province, and after such other notice to interest
public instrument filed in the office of the register of persons as the court may direct, the court may proceed
deeds, and should they disagree, they may do so in an summarily, without the appointment of an executor or
ordinary action of partition. If there is only one heir, he administrator, and without delay, to grant, if proper,
may adjudicate to himself the entire estate by means of allowance of the will, if any there be, to determine who
an affidavit filled in the office of the register of deeds. are the persons legally entitled to participate in the
The parties to an extrajudicial settlement, whether by estate, and to apportion and divide it among them after
public instrument or by stipulation in a pending action the payment of such debts of the estate as the court
for partition, or the sole heir who adjudicates the entire shall then find to be due; and such persons, in their own
estate to himself by means of an affidavit shall file,
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

right, if they are of lawful age and legal capacity, or by circumstances require, against the bond provided in the
their preceding section or against the real estate belonging to
the deceased, or both. Such bond and such real estate
guardians or trustees legally appointed and qualified, if shall remain charged with a liability to creditors, heirs,
otherwise, shall thereupon be entitled to receive and or other persons for the full period of two (2) years
enter into the possession of the portions of the estate after such distribution, notwithstanding any transfers of
so awarded to them respectively. The court shall make real estate that may have been made.
such order as may be just respecting the costs of the
proceedings, and all orders and judgments made or Section 5. Period for claim of minor or incapacitated
rendered in the course thereof shall be recorded in the person. — If on the date of the expiration of the period
office of the clerk, and the order of partition or award, if of two (2) years prescribed in the preceding section the
it involves real estate, shall be recorded in the proper person authorized to file a claim is a minor or mentally
register's office. incapacitated, or is in prison or outside the Philippines,
he may present his claim within one (1) year after such
Section 3. Bond to be filed by distributees. — The court,
disability is removed.
before allowing a partition in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding section, my require the 1. Gerilla v De Figuracion
distributees, if property other than real is to be
G.R. No. 154322, August 22, 2006
distributed, to file a bond in an amount to be fixed by
Partition not proper; settlement must be
court, conditioned for the payment of any just claim undertaken for proper accounting of the
which may be filed under the next succeeding section. FACTS:
charges against the estate
Section 4. Liability of distributees and estate. — If it As a result of the death of the parents of the petitioner
shall appear at any time within two (2) years after the (Emilia) and the respondents (De Figuracion et al),
settlement and distribution of an estate in accordance several properties were left to them.
with the provisions of either of the first two sections of In February 1971, Emilia and her family went to the
this rule, that an heir or other person has been unduly United States where they stayed for ten years.
deprived of his lawful participation in the estate, such
heir or such other person may compel the settlement of It was sometime later that this dispute erupted. Emilia
the estate in the courts in the manner hereinafter sought the extrajudicial partition of all properties held
provided for the purpose of satisfying such lawful in common by her and respondents. On May 1994,
participation. And if within the same time of two (2) Emilia filed a complaint in the RTC for partition,
years, it shall appear that there are debts outstanding annulment of documents, reconveyance, quieting of
against the estate which have not been paid, or that an title and damages against respondents.
heir or other person has been unduly deprived of his
Respondents took the position that Leandro’s estate
lawful participation payable in money, the court having
should first undergo settlement proceedings before
jurisdiction of the estate may, by order for that
partition among the heirs could take place. And they
purpose, after hearing, settle the amount of such debts
claimed that an accounting of expenses chargeable to
or lawful participation and order how much and in what
the estate was necessary for such settlement. Among
manner each distributee shall contribute in the
other things, respondents apparently wanted petitioner
payment thereof, and may issue execution, if
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

to share in the expenses incurred for the care of their In estate settlement proceedings, there is a proper
parents during the ten years she stayed in the United procedure for the accounting of all expenses for which
States, before she could get her part of the estate while the estate must answer. If it is any consolation at all to
petitioner apparently wanted her gross share, without petitioner, the heirs or distributees of the properties
first contributing to the expenses. may take possession thereof even before the
settlement of accounts, as long as they first file a bond
ISSUE: conditioned on the payment of the estate’s obligations.
WON there needs to be a prior settlement of father’s
intestate estate before the properties can be Atty. Tiu: They go for partition under Rule 69 if they
partitioned or distributed? YES. cannot agree. If they agree, then they can go for an
extrajudicial settlement by executing a written
HELD: agreement to that effect. However, judicial partition is
There are two ways by which partition can take place not feasible if there are debts left by the decedent. That
under Rule 69: by agreement under Section 2 and is why you have no choice but to got the settlement
through commissioners when such agreement cannot proceedings outline under this set of Rules. So you have
be reached, under Sections 3 to 6. to be able to distinguish when do you have to go to
partition and when do you go to partition and when do
Neither method specifies a procedure for determining you go for settlement. Because these two are not the
expenses chargeable to the decedent’s estate. While same. We have a special civil action for partition under
Section 8 of Rule 69 provides that there shall be an Rule 69. And that will only apply if according to Gerilla
accounting of the real property’s income (rentals and vs. De Figuracion, there are no debts left by the
profits) in the course of an action for partition, there is decedent. And when you see debts, they refer to the
no provision for the accounting of expenses for which expenses for the last years of the decedent, taxes, and
property belonging to the decedent’s estate may be as well as the burial expenses. So all of these have been
answerable, such as funeral expenses, inheritance taxes settled and all you have left are properties among the
and similar expenses enumerated under Section 1, Rule heirs but they cannot agree on how to partition the
90 of the Rules of Court. property, then you go for the special civil action for
partition under Rule 69. But if there are debts as in the
In a situation where there remains an issue as to the case of De Figuracion, then you don’t go for partition,
expenses chargeable to the estate, partition is you file for a settlement case. So be very careful. Be able
inappropriate. While petitioner points out that the to distinguish when to go for Rule 69 and when to go for
estate is allegedly without any debt and she and Rule 73.
respondents are Leandro Figuracion’s only legal heirs,
she does not dispute the finding of the CA that “certain 2. Pereira v CA
Simple partition proper
expenses” including those related to her father’s final
G.R. No. L-81147, June 20, 1989
illness and burial have not been properly settled.Thus,
the heirs (petitioner and respondents) have to submit FACTS:
their father’s estate to settlement because the
determination of these expenses cannot be done in an Andres Pereira, an employee of the Philippine Air Lines,
action for partition. passed away without a will. He was survived by his

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

legitimate spouse of 10 months, herein petitioner Assuming, however, that there exist assets of the
Victoria Pereira, and his sister Rita Pereira Nagac deceased Andres de Guzman Pereira for purposes of
(private respondent). administration, We nonetheless find the administration
proceedings instituted by private respondent to be
Nagac instituted special proceeding for the issuance of unnecessary as contended by petitioner.
letters of administration in her favor pertaining to the
estate of deceased, which includes death benefits from General Rule: property of decedent must be judicially
PAL, SSS, savings deposits with PNB, etc. Petitioner filed administered
her opposition and motion to dismiss alleging that there
exists no estate for purposes of administration, and if it The general rule is that when a person dies leaving
does exist, that the letters of admin be issued in her property, the same should be judicially administered
favor as surviving spouse. and the competent court should appoint a qualified
administrator, in the order established in Section 6, Rule
ISSUE: 78, in case the deceased left no will, or in case he had
left one, should he fail to name an executor therein. An
(1) Whether or not there exists an estate of the exception to this rule is established in Section 1 of Rule
deceased Andres de Guzman Pereira for purposes of 74. Under this exception, when all the heirs are of
administration; lawful age and there are no debts due from the estate,
(2) Whether or not a judicial administration proceeding they may agree in writing to partition the property
is necessary where there are no debts left by the without instituting the judicial administration or
decedent; and applying for the appointment of an administrator.

(3) Who has the better right to be appointed as Section 1, Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court,
administratrix of the estate of the deceased, the however, does not preclude the heirs from instituting
surviving spouse Victoria Bringas Pereira or the administration proceedings, even if the estate has no
surviving sister Rita Pereira Nagac? debts or obligations, if they do not desire to resort for
good reasons to an ordinary action for partition. While
HELD: Section 1 allows the heirs to divide the estate among
themselves as they may see fit, or to resort to an
First Issue:
ordinary action for partition, the said provision does not
SC cannot order an unqualified and final exclusion or compel them to do so if they have good reasons to take
non-exclusion of the property involved from the estate a different course of action. It should be noted that
of the deceased. The resolution of this issue is better recourse to an administration proceeding even if the
left to the probate court before which the estate has no debts is sanctioned only if the heirs have
administration proceedings are pending. The trial court good reasons for not resorting to an action for partition.
is in the best position to receive evidence on the Where partition is possible, either in or out of court, the
discordant contentions of the parties as to the assets of estate should not be burdened with an administration
the decedent's estate, the valuations thereof and the proceeding without good and compelling reasons.
rights of the transferees of some of the assets, if any.

Second Issue:

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

If no obligations, judicial administration is superfluous achieved in an action for partition and the trial court is
and unnecessary not justified in issuing letters of administration.

Thus, it has been repeatedly held that when a person In still another case, We did not find so powerful a
dies without leaving pending obligations to be paid, his reason the argument that the appointment of the
heirs, whether of age or not, are not bound to submit husband, a usufructuary forced heir of his deceased
the property to a judicial administration, which is wife, as judicial administrator is necessary in order for
always long and costly, or to apply for the appointment him to have legal capacity to appear in the intestate
of an administrator by the Court. It has been uniformly proceedings of his wife's deceased mother, since he
held that in such case the judicial administration and may just adduce proof of his being a forced heir in the
the appointment of an administrator are superfluous intestate proceedings of the latter.
and unnecessary proceedings.
No good reason to burden the estate with an
Exception: good reasons for not resorting to partition administration proceeding

Now, what constitutes "good reason" to warrant a We see no reason not to apply this doctrine to the case
judicial administration of the estate of a deceased when at bar. There are only two surviving heirs, a wife of ten
the heirs are all of legal age and there are no creditors months and a sister, both of age. The parties admit that
will depend on the circumstances of each case. there are no debts of the deceased to be paid. What is
at once apparent is that these two heirs are not in good
In one case, We said:
terms. The only conceivable reason why private
What can be undertaken in an ordinary action for partition?
Again the petitioner argues that only when the heirs do respondent seeks appointment as administratrix is for
not have any dispute as to the bulk of the hereditary her to obtain possession of the alleged properties of the
estate but only in the manner of partition does section deceased for her own purposes, since these properties
1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court apply and that in this are presently in the hands of petitioner who supposedly
case the parties are at loggerheads as to the corpus of disposed of them fraudulently. We are of the opinion
the hereditary estate because respondents succeeded that this is not a compelling reason which will
in sequestering some assets of the intestate. The necessitate a judicial administration of the estate of the
argument is unconvincing, because, as the respondent deceased. To subject the estate of Andres de Guzman
judge has indicated, questions as to what property Pereira, which does not appear to be substantial
belonged to the deceased (and therefore to the heirs) especially since the only real property left has been
may properly be ventilated in the partition proceedings, extrajudicially settled, to an administration proceeding
especially where such property is in the hands of one for no useful purpose would only unnecessarily expose
heir. it to the risk of being wasted or squandered. In most
instances of a similar nature, the claims of both parties
In another case, We held that if the reason for seeking as to the properties left by the deceased may be
an appointment as administrator is merely to avoid a properly ventilated in simple partition proceedings
multiplicity of suits since the heir seeking such where the creditors, should there be any, are protected
appointment wants to ask for the annulment of certain in any event.
transfers of property, that same objective could be

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

3. Avelino v CA existence of other properties of the decedent is a

matter still to be reckoned with, administration
G.R. No. 115181 March 31, 2000 proceedings are the proper mode of resolving the same.
MARIA SOCORRO AVELINO, petitioner, vs. COURT OF In addition, petitioner contends that the estate is in
APPEALS, ANGELINA AVELINO, SHARON AVELINO, danger of being depleted for want of an administrator
ANTONIO AVELINO, JR., TRACY AVELINO, PATRICK to manage and attend to it.
respondents. Second, petitioner insists that the Rules of Court does
Conversion to ordinary partition possible by
mere MOTION in an administration / settlement not provide for conversion of a motion for the issuance
FACTS: proceeding of letters of administration to an action for judicial
partition. The conversion of the motion was, thus,
Maria Socorro Avelino is a daughter and compulsory procedurally inappropriate and should be struck down
heir of the late Antonio Avelino, Sr., and his first wife for lack of legal basis.
private respondent Angelina Avelino.
The other private respondents, Sharon, Antonio Jr., WON the conversion of administration proceeding
Tracy, Patrick and Mark Anthony all surnamed Avelino (special proceeding) to judicial partition (ordinary
are likewise compulsory heirs of Avelino, Sr. Sharon, an action for partition) is proper. YES
American, is the second wife of Avelino Sr. The other
private respondents are siblings of Ma. Socorro. HELD:
Ma. Socorro ,in a petition for the issuance of letters of Section 1 Rule 74 of the Rules of Court is applicable
administration of the estate of Antonio Avelino, Sr., When a person dies intestate, or, if testate, failed to
asked that she be appointed the administrator of the name an executor in his will or the executor so named is
estate of her late father.
incompetent, or refuses the trust, or fails to furnish the
bond required by the Rules of Court, then the
Angelina and the other siblings filed a motion to decedent's estate shall be judicially administered and
convert the said judicial proceedings to an action for the competent court shall appoint a qualified
judicial partition which was GRANTED. administrator in the order established in Section 6 of
Rule 78.5 The exceptions to this rule are found in
MR of Ma. Socorro was denied as well as the CA Sections 1 and 2 of Rule 746 which provide:
Certiorari. Sec. 1. Extrajudicial settlement by agreement between heirs.
— If the decedent left no will and no debts and the heirs are
Hence this petition. all of age or the minors are represented by their judicial or
legal representatives duly authorized for the purpose, the
Contentions of Petitioner: parties may, without securing letters of administration, divide
First, no partition of the estate is possible in the instant the estate among themselves as they see fit by means of a
case as no determination has yet been made of the public instrument filed in the office of the register of deeds,
and should they disagree, they may do so in an ordinary
character and extent of the decedent's estate. She
action of partition. . .
points to the Court's ruling in Arcilles v.Montejo, 26
SCRA 197 (1969), where we held that when the

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Sec. 2. Summary settlement of estates of small value. — Nature and character of estate may be determined in a
Whenever the gross value of the estate of a deceased person, partition proceeding
whether he died testate or intestate, does not exceed ten In a last-ditch effort to justify the need for an
thousand pesos, and that fact if made to appear to the
administrator, petitioner insists that there is nothing to
Regional Trial Court having jurisdiction of the estate by the
partition yet, as the nature and character of the estate
petition of an interested person and upon hearing, which shall
have yet to be determined. We find, however, that a
be held not less than one (1) month nor more than three (3)
months from the date of the last publication of a notice which complete inventory of the estate may be done during
shall be published once a week for three (3) consecutive the partition proceedings, especially since the estate
weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the province, has no debts. Hence, the Court of Appeals committed
and after such other notice to interested persons as the court no reversible error when it ruled that the lower court
may direct, the court may proceed summarily, without the did not err in converting petitioner's action for letters of
appointment of an executor or administrator, and without administration into an action for judicial partition.
delay, to grant, if proper, allowance of the will, if any there
be, to determine who are the persons legally entitled to
Nor can we sustain petitioner's argument that the order
participate in the estate and to apportion and divide it among
of the trial court converting an action for letters of
them after the payment of such debts of the estate as the
administration to one for judicial partition has no basis
court shall then find to be due; and such persons, in their own
right, if they are lawful age and legal capacity, or by their in the Rules of Court, hence procedurally infirm. The
guardians or trustees legally appointed and qualified, if basis for the trial court's order is Section 1, Rule 74 of
otherwise, shall thereupon be entitled to receive and enter the Rules of Court. It provides that in cases where the
into the possession of the portions of the estate so awarded heirs disagree as to the partition of the estate and no
to them respectively. The court shall make such order as may extrajudicial settlement is possible, then an ordinary
be just respecting the costs of the proceedings, and all orders action for partition may be resorted to, as in this case.
and judgments made or rendered in the course thereof shall We have held that where the more expeditious remedy
be recorded in the office of the clerk, and the order of
of partition is available to the heirs, then the heirs or
partition or award, if it involves real estate, shall be recorded
the majority of them may not be compelled to submit
in the proper register's office.
to administration proceedings. The trial court
appropriately converted petitioner's action for letters of
The heirs succeed immediately to all of the rights and
administration into a suit for judicial partition, upon
properties of the deceased at the moment of the
motion of the private respondents.
latter's death. Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court,
allows heirs to divide the estate among themselves
4. Teves v CA
without need of delay and risks of being dissipated.
When a person dies without leaving pending G.R. No. 109963, October 13, 1999
obligations, his heirs, are not required to submit the
property for judicial administration, nor apply for the FACTS:
appointment of an administrator by the court.
After Marcelina Cimafranca and Joaquin Teves died,
In this case , the decedent left no debts and the heirs intestate and without debts, in 1943 and 1953,
and legatees are all of age. With this finding, it is our respectively, their (nine) children executed extrajudicial
view that Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court should settlements(notarized) purporting to adjudicate unto
apply. themselves the ownership over two parcels of land
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

belonging to their deceased parents and to alienate contained therein. In order to overthrow a certificate of
their shares thereto in favour of their sister Asuncion a notary public to the effect that the grantor executed a
Teves. certain document and acknowledged the fact of its
execution before him, mere preponderance of evidence
plaintiffs-appellants Ricardo and Arcadia Teves filed a will not suffice. Rather, the evidence must be so clear,
complaint with RTC for the partition and reconveyance strong and convincing as to exclude all reasonable
of two parcels of land. Plaintiffs hold that said dispute as to the falsity of the certificate. When the
document is spurious claiming that the signatures of evidence is conflicting, the certificate will be
Pedro Teves, Felicia Teves and Gorgonio Teves are all upheld. The appellate court’s ruling that the evidence
forgeries. To support this allegation, Helen T. Osmena, presented by plaintiffs-appellants does not constitute
daughter of Felicia Teves and Erlinda Teves, daughter of the clear, strong, and convincing evidence necessary to
Gorgonio Teves were presented as witnesses. Being overcome the positive value of the extrajudicial
allegedly familiar with the style and character of the settlements executed by the parties, all of which are
handwriting of their parents these witnesses declared public documents, being essentially a finding of fact, is
unequivocally that the signatures of their parents entitled to great respect by the appellate court and
appearing on the document are forgeries. should not be disturbed on appeal.
ISSUE: WON the Extrajudicial Partition is Valid? YES. 5. Hernandez v Andal
HELD: Thus, for a partition pursuant to section 1 of Rule G.R. No. L-273, March 29, 1947
74 to be valid, the following conditions must concur: (1)
the decedent left no will; (2) the decedent left no debts, Can you prove an oral partition? Yes.
or if there were debts left, all had been paid; (3) the EJP is not a disposition of property
heirs are all of age, or if they are minors, the latter are FACTS: Rule 74 is not explicit in requiring that the
instrument be in writing for validity
represented by their judicial guardian or legal Plaintiff Hernandez, intervenors Maria and Aquilina
representatives; (4) the partition was made by means of Hernandez and Pedro and Basilia Hernandez are
a public instrument or affidavit duly filed with the brothers and sisters. They acquired from their father a
Register of Deeds. parcel of land. On Jan. 23, 1944, the intervenors sold
Since the EJP was made in a public instrument, clear 1800 square meters of this parcel of land. This portion
purports to be the combined shares of the intervenors
and convincing evidence is necessary to overthrow the
in the larger parcel of land, allotted to them in a verbal
presumption of validity. In this case, SC said evidence
presented is insufficient. partition alleged to have been made among the 5
brother and sisters.
We uphold, finding no cogent reason to reverse, the
trial and appellate courts’ factual finding that the After the sale, plaintiff Hernandez attempted to
repurchase the land sold to Andal, who refused to part
evidence presented by plaintiffs-appellants is
insufficient to overcome the evidentiary value of the with the property. Andal said that he had been in
extrajudicial settlements. The deeds are public possession of the land in question until he returned it to
the intervenors.
documents and it has been held by this Court that a
public document executed with all the legal formalities
is entitled to a presumption of truth as to the recitals
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

During trial, intervenors were asked if the parcel of land debts if no creditor files a petition for letters of
has been the object of a partition. administration within two years after the death of the
However, the counsel for the plaintiff raised an decedent.
objection on the ground that the document of partition
was the best evidence. It is contended that under this rule a verbal partition is
entirely void and cannot be validated by any acts of the
ISSUE: WON an oral partition may be proved (and be parties short of the execution of a public document and
given effect) YES its registration.

HELD: As a general proposition, transactions, so far as they

affect the parties, are required to be reduced to writing
There is a conflict of authority as to whether an either as a condition of jural validity or as a means of
agreement of partition is such a contract as is required
providing evidence to prove the transactions. Written
to be in writing under the statute of frauds. One line of
form exacted by the statute of frauds, for example, "is
authorities holds the affirmative view; other authorities for evidential purposes only."
say no. The reason for the rule that excludes partition
from the operation of the statute of frauds is that Section 1 of Rule 74 contains no such express or clear
partition is not a conveyance but simply a separation declaration that the required public instruments is to be
and designation of that part of the land which belongs constitutive of a contract of partition or an inherent
to each tenant in common. element of its effectiveness as between the parties. And
this Court had no apparent reason, in adopting this rule,
On general principle, independent and in spite of the to make the efficacy of a partition as between the
statute of frauds, courts of equity have enforced oral parties dependent on the execution of a public
partition when it has been completely or partly instrument and its registration.
The requirement that a partition be put in a public
It is on the effects of Rule 74, section 1, of the Rules of
document and registered has, in our opinion, for its
Court on a parol partition that there are sharp purpose the protection of creditors and at the same
divergences of opinion among the members of this
time the protection of the heirs themselves against
Court. This section reads: tardy claims. Note that the last sentence of the section
If the decedent left no debts and the heirs and legatees speaks of debts and creditors. The object of registration
are all of age, or the minors are represented by their is to serve as constructive notice, and this means notice
judicial guardians, the parties may, without securing to others. It must follow that the intrinsic validity of
letters of administration, divide the estate among partition not executed with the prescribed formalities
themselves as they see fit by means of a public does not come into play when, as in this case, there
instrument file in the office of the register of deeds, and are no creditors or the rights of creditors are not
should they disagree, they may do so in an ordinary affected. No rights of creditors being involved, it is
action of partition. If there is only one heir or one competent for the heirs of an estate to enter into an
legatee, he may adjudicate to himself the entire estate agreement for distribution in a manner and upon a
by means of an affidavit filed in the office of the register plan different from those provided by law.
of deeds. It shall be presumed that the decedent left no

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Atty. Tiu : Prior to Rule 74, Sec 1, what was the rule with JOSEPH CUA, petitioner,
respect to oral partition? vs.
Isn’t it that Sec 1 Rule 74 requires that the agreement VARGAS, MARITES VARGAS, EDELINA VARGAS AND
must be in writing. Precisely you have to put it in a GEMMA VARGAS, respondents.
public instrument? How is that different now from the
old rule that says that it must be written? Or is there FACTS:
something more in the old rule which says that unless it A parcel of residential land was left behind by the late
is written, it is void? Paulina Vargas.
Atty. Tiu : there is a distinction between the old rule and
the new rule. Both rules require that “must be in On February 4, 1994, a notarized Extra Judicial
writing.” Correct. Section1 Rule 74 says it has to be in Settlement Among Heirs was executed by and among
writing and in a public instrument registered with the Paulina Vargas' heirs, namely Ester Vargas, Visitacion
Register of Deeds. Vargas, Juan Vargas, Zenaida V. Matienzo, Rosario V.
Forteza, Andres Vargas, Gloria Vargas, Antonina Vargas
Does that mean that oral partition is not allowed? and Florentino Vargas, partitioning and adjudicating
unto themselves the lot in question, each one of them
Atty. Tiu: SC sad NO. Because the phrase “and not
getting a share of 11 square meters. Florentino, Andres,
otherwise” which was stated in the old rule was not
Antonina and Gloria, however, did not sign the
carried over in the new rule. Meaning to say even if the
document. Only Ester, Visitacion, Juan, Zenaida and
partition is not in writing, it can still be given effect. It is
Rosario signed it. The Extra Judicial Settlement Among
not an inherent element to the validity and effectivity of
Heirs was published in the Catanduanes Tribune for
that partition even if it is oral or verbal. Precisely, you
three consecutive weeks.
have an action to compel partition if you are able to
prove that oral partition in court because that is not
On November 15, 1994, an Extra Judicial Settlement
covered by the parol evidence rule. And the reason why
Among Heirs with Sale was again executed by and
it is not covered by the parol evidence rule is because
among the same heirs over the same property and also
there is no disposition of the real property. There is only
with the same sharings. Once more, only Ester,
a segregation. Why? Because the transfer of ownership
Visitacion, Juan, Zenaida and Rosario signed the
occurred from the moment of death of the decedent.
document and their respective shares totaling 55
There is nothing more to transfer because it happened
square meters were sold to Joseph Cua, petitioner
upon the death of the decedent. As to requirement that
it must be in writing, SC said that di na kailangan kasi it
was not carried over the “and not otherwise.” So pwede,
According to Gloria Vargas, the widow of Santiago
you can prove oral partition. And if you can prove it in
Vargas and one of respondents herein, she came to
court, you can demand for the partition of the property
know of the Extra Judicial Settlement Among Heirs with
based on your parole evidence.
Sale dated November 16, 1994 only when the original
6. Cua v Vargas house built on the lot was being demolished sometime
in May 1995. She likewise claimed she was unaware
G.R. No. 156536, October 31, 2006 that an earlier Extra Judicial Settlement Among Heirs
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

dated February 4, 1994 involving the same property had happened in the instant case with the publication of the
been published in the Catanduanes Tribune. first deed of extrajudicial settlement among heirs.
The publication of the settlement does not constitute
After knowing of the sale of the 55 square meters to constructive notice to the heirs who had no knowledge
petitioner, Gloria Vargas tried to redeem the property. or did not take part in it because the same was notice
after the fact of execution. The requirement of
When the offer to redeem was refused and after having publication is geared for the protection of creditors and
failed to reach an amicable settlement at the barangay was never intended to deprive heirs of their lawful
level, Gloria Vargas filed a case for annulment of Extra participation in the decedent's estate. In this
Judicial Settlement and Legal Redemption of the lot connection, the records of the present case confirm
with the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of Virac, that respondents never signed either of the settlement
Catanduanes against petitioner and consigned the documents, having discovered their existence only
amount of P100,000 which is the amount of the shortly before the filing of the present complaint.
purchase with the Clerk of Court on May 20, 1996. Following Rule 74, these extrajudicial settlements do
Joining her in the action were her children with not bind respondents, and the partition made without
Santiago, namely, Aurora, Ramon, Marites, Edelina and their knowledge and consent is invalid insofar as they
Gemma, all surnamed Vargas. are concerned.
MTC and RTC ruled in favor of petitioner but CA
reversed both Courts on appeal hence this petition. This is not to say, though, that respondents' co-heirs
cannot validly sell their hereditary rights to third
ISSUE: Whether the heirs are deemed constructively persons even before the partition of the estate. The
notified and bound, regardless of their failure to heirs who actually participated in the execution of the
participate therein, by an extrajudicial settlement and extrajudicial settlements, which included the sale to
partition of estate when the extrajudicial settlement petitioner of their pro indiviso shares in the subject
and partition has been duly published. NO property, are bound by the same. Nevertheless,
respondents are given the right to redeem these shares
HELD: pursuant to Article 1088 of the Civil Code. The right to
“Notice” under Rule 74 contemplates a notice before redeem was never lost because respondents were
any deed of settlement /partition never notified in writing of the actual sale by their co-
The procedure outlined in Section 1 of Rule 74 is an ex heirs. Based on the provision, there is a need for written
parte proceeding. The rule plainly states, however, that notice to start the period of redemption, thus:
persons who do not participate or had no notice of an
extrajudicial settlement will not be bound thereby. It Should any of the heirs sell his hereditary rights to a
contemplates a notice that has been sent out or stranger before the partition, any or all of the co-heirs
issued before any deed of settlement and/or partition is may be subrogated to the rights of the purchaser by
agreed upon (i.e., a notice calling all interested parties reimbursing him for the price of the sale, provided they
to participate in the said deed of extrajudicial do so within the period of one month from the time they
settlement and partition), and not after such an were notified in writing of the sale by the vendor.
agreement has already been executed as what
Redemption period has not yet lapsed
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

It bears emphasis that the period of one month shall be of the builder that the land the latter is building on is
reckoned from the time that a co-heir is notified in one's own without knowledge of any defect or flaw in
writing by the vendor of the actual sale. Written notice one's title.Petitioner derived his title from the Extra
is indispensable and mandatory, actual knowledge of Judicial Settlement Among Heirs With Sale dated
the sale acquired in some other manner by the November 15, 1994. He was very much aware that not
redemptioner notwithstanding. It cannot be counted all of the heirs participated therein as it was evident on
from the time advance notice is given of an impending the face of the document itself. Because the property
or contemplated sale. The law gives the co-heir thirty had not yet been partitioned in accordance with the
days from the time written notice of the actual sale Rules of Court, no particular portion of the property
within which to make up his or her mind and decide to could have been identified as yet and delineated as the
repurchase or effect the redemption. object of the sale. This is because the alienation made
by respondents' co-heirs was limited to the portion
Though the Code does not prescribe any particular form which may be allotted to them in the division upon the
of written notice nor any distinctive method for written termination of the co-ownership. Despite this glaring
notification of redemption, the method of notification fact, and over the protests of respondents, petitioner
remains exclusive, there being no alternative provided still constructed improvements on the property. For this
by law. This proceeds from the very purpose of Article reason, his claim of good faith lacks credence.
1088, which is to keep strangers to the family out of a As to the issue of lack of jurisdiction, petitioner is
joint ownership, if, as is often the case, the presence of estopped from raising the same for the first time on
outsiders be undesirable and the other heir or heirs be appeal. Petitioner actively participated in the
willing and in a position to repurchase the share sold. proceedings below and sought affirmative ruling from
It should be kept in mind that the obligation to serve the lower courts to uphold the validity of the sale to
written notice devolves upon the vendor co-heirs him of a portion of the subject property embodied in
because the latter are in the best position to know the the extrajudicial settlement among heirs. Having failed
other co-owners who, under the law, must be notified to seasonably raise this defense, he cannot, under the
of the sale. This will remove all uncertainty as to the peculiar circumstances of this case, be permitted to
fact of the sale, its terms and its perfection and validity, challenge the jurisdiction of the lower court at this late
and quiet any doubt that the alienation is not definitive. stage. While it is a rule that a jurisdictional question
As a result, the party notified need not entertain doubt may be raised at any time, an exception arises where
that the seller may still contest the alienation. estoppel has already supervened.

Considering, therefore, that respondents' co-heirs failed Estoppel sets in when a party participates in all stages
to comply with this requirement, there is no legal of a case before challenging the jurisdiction of the lower
impediment to allowing respondents to redeem the court. One cannot belatedly reject or repudiate its
shares sold to petitioner given the former's obvious decision after voluntarily submitting to its jurisdiction,
willingness and capacity to do so. just to secure affirmative relief against one's opponent
or after failing to obtain such relief. The Court has, time
Petitioner not a builder in good faith and again, frowned upon the undesirable practice of a
Likewise untenable is petitioner's contention that he is party submitting a case for decision and then accepting
a builder in good faith. Good faith consists in the belief
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

the judgment, only if favorable, and attacking it for lack was distribution among the heirs. It cannot be construed
of jurisdiction when adverse. as a constructive notice as there was already execution
of the estate thereof.
Atty. Tiu: In the case of Cua, what was the significance
of the ruling that the publication did not constitute 7. Sampilo v CA
constructive notice to the heirs? FACTS:

Persons who did not participate and had no notice of Teodoro Tolete died intestate in January, 1945. He left
the extrajudicial settlement should not be bound several parcels of land. On July 25, 1946, Leoncia de
thereby. Because heirs should not be deprived of their Leon executed an affidavit stating that she is the only
lawful participation of the Estate. person who is to inherit the properties as the deceased
left no children. The affidavit was thereafter field with
Atty. Tiu: But the fact that it was published, isn’t that the Register of deeds. On the same day, she executed a
enough notice about the fact of the settlement such that deed of sale of all the above parcels of land in favor of
even the persons/heirs shall be deemed notified of the Benny Sampilo for the sum of P10,000. This sale was
fact of settlement? also registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds of
Pangasinan. On June 17, 1950, Benny Sampilo, in turn,
Although it can be construed that there is constructive sold the said parcels of land to Honorato Salacup for
notice to the whole world upon publication, it remains P50,000 and this sale was also registered in the Office of
that there could be fraud amongst the heirs that they the Register of Deeds of Pangasinan.
may be deprived of the participation of the estate. It
On March 1950, Sinopera instituted proceedings for the
would be easy for the heirs to exclude somebody who
administration of the estate of Teodoro Tolete and
also had rightful shares to the estate.
having secured her appointment as administratrix,
brought the present action on June 20, 1950.
Atty. Tiu: What is the nature of the proceeding under
Sec1, Rule 74? Sinopera alleged that the widow Leoncia de Leon, had
no right to execute the affidavit of adjudication and that
A: Ex-parte. Honorato Salacup acquired no rights to the lands sold to
him, and that neither had Benny Sampilo acquired any
Meaning? right to the said properties.

A: An ex parte proceeding is proceeded by a single De leon and Sampilo argued that the right of action of
the (Sinopera) administratrix has prescribed and lapsed
person and it is not adversarial in nature.
because the same was not brought within the period of
two years as Prescribed in Section 4 of Rule 74 of the
Why is the publication here in Cua not considered
Rules of Court.
constructive notice?
ISSUE: WON the right of action of the administratix has
Because the notice was given after the fact of execution. prescribed? NO
The settlement was already executed, therefore, there
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

NEW RULE (Sections 1 and 4 of Rule 74) VS. OLD RULE who have participated or taken part or had notice of the
Section 596, Act No. 190 extrajudicial partition, and, in addition, (2) when the
provisions of Section 1 of Rule 74 have been strictly
We notice two significant provisions in Sections 1 and 4 complied with, i.e., that all the persons or heirs of the
of Rule 74. In Section 1, it is required that if there are decedent have taken part in the extrajudicial settlement
two or more heirs, both or all of them should take part or are represented by themselves or through guardians.
in the extrajudicial settlement. This requirement is The case at bar fails to comply with both requirements
made more imperative in the old law (Section 596, Act because not all the heirs interested have participated in
No. 190) by the addition of the clause "and not the extrajudicial settlement, the Court of Appeals
otherwise." By the title of Section 4, the "distributees having found that the decedent left aside from his
and estate" are indicates the persons to answer for widow, nephews and nieces living at the time of his
rights violated by the extrajudicial settlement. On the death.
other hand, it is also significant that no mention is made
expressly of the effect of the extrajudicial settlement on Atty.Tiu: In the case of Sampilo, the remedy availed of
persons who did not take part therein or had no notice by the administratix is the filing of judicial settlement
or knowledge thereof. There cannot be any doubt that case and pursuing the properties by asking for an
those who took part or had knowledge of the appointment of administrator. Therefore, it is not
extrajudicial settlement are bound thereby. As to them covered by the two year limitation under Rule 74.
the law is clear that if they claim to have been in any
manner deprived of their lawful right or share in the Not barred by Statute of limitations on Fraud
estate by the extrajudicial settlement, they may The period from the limitation start to run is from the
demand their rights or interest within the period of two time of discovery, so the complaint was filed well within
years, and both the distributes and estate would be the period allowed.
liable to them for such rights or interest. Evidently, they
are the persons in accordance with the provision, may 8. Alcala v Pabalan
seek to remedy, the prejudice to their rights within the
G.R. No. L-6463, August 12, 1911
two-year period. But as to those who did not take part
in the settlement or had no notice of the death of the FACTS:
decedent or of the settlement, there is no direct or
express provision is unreasonable and unjust that they On April 23, 1897, Juan Banatin died, leaving a widow
also be required to assert their claims within the period Damasa Alcala (plaintiff herein) and 17 nieces and
of two years. nephews. On the 13th day of June 1897, the said widow
and 17 nieces and nephews (except Tranquilina
With the advent of the new rules, the remedy that can Banatin) entered into a voluntary agreement among
be availed of in order to recover property is not limited themselves for the division of all the property left by
to that which is provided under Rule 74 the decedent, except the house described in paragraph
4 of the petition. By terms of said agreement, the said
The provisions of Section 4 of Rule 74, barring
house was to remain undivided, that the widow should
distributees or heirs from objecting to an extrajudicial
receive ½ of the usufruct of said house during her
partition after the expiration of two years from such
extrajudicial partition, is applicable only (1) to persons
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

lifetime, and other half should be distributed equally The lower court in appointing the plaintiff and appellee
among the other 17 heirs. as administratrix of the property in question, evidently
did so upon the theory that the said property was still
Francisco Salgado, based on the agreement, was to the property of the estate of Juan Banatin. In this theory
administer said house and collect rents for the same. the lower court was mistaken. There was nothing left of
However, he failed to pay to Damasa her share of the the estate of Juan Banatin to be administered. The heirs
usufruct of the property. He was sued and a judgment by mutual agreement had divided the property among
rendered in favor of Damasa. An execution was issued themselves. There was no occasion and no reason for
upon said judgment and ½ of the undivided property in the appointment of an administrator by the probate
question was sold to Macario Decena. This was court, and, therefore, the judgment of the lower court
repurchased by the heirs of Salgado, the money which appointing Damasa Alcala as administratrix of the estate
was used belonged to the 4 heirs of Juan Banatin. The of Juan Banatin for the purpose of administering the
other heirs property mentioned in paragraph 4 of the petition, is
ISSUE: WON the heirs can divide the property hereby revoked.
extrajudicially YES What is the effect of an extrajudicial settlement? What
What is the effect of extrajudicial settlement? It renders is the gist of this case?
settlement proceeding unnecessary
Atty. Tiu: The general effect is that there is no more
HELD: estate to speak of. It renders the settlement proceeding
superfluous or unnecessary. It bars the filing of the
With reference to this assignment of error, the heirs of settlement claims. It bars the filing of a petition for the
Juan Banatin were at perfect liberty to divide the estate issuance of letters of administration or for the
among themselves, assuming the responsibility of any appointment of an administrator of a nonexistent
debts which might exist. There is no proof that any estate. That is the general and logical effect when you
debts existed. After the actual division of the estate have an extrajudicial settlement. Nothing to administer
among themselves they became the absolute owners of because the property now belongs exclusively to the
their respective allotments and were tenants in heirs who received their shares! So it bars the filing of an
common of that portion of the property which administration case, and if there is already one filed,
remained pro indiviso. After the mutual agreement then it calls for the dismissal of such.
among themselves for the division of the estate, either
actually distributing their respective shares or leaving Excluded Heirs
the same undivided, the property in question was no 1. Sampilo v CA
longer the property of the estate of Juan Banatin, but
the undivided property of the heirs. They were tenant in G.R. No. L-10474, February 28, 1958
common of that portion of the property which
remained undivided. As such tenants in common the BENNY SAMPILO and HONORATO SALACUP,
majority of them had a right to agree upon the petitioners, vs. THE COURT OF APPEALS and FELISA
SINOPERA respondent.
appointment of an administrator of their property. (Art.
398, Civil Code.) The property belonged to them. They
had a right to administer it.
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

What are the remedies of an excluded heir? If you are covering the said properties on June 26, 1950. This
an excluded heir, and then you discovered that your notice, however, was subsequent to the registration of
relatives have already settled among themselves the the deed of sale, in favor of Honorato Salacup, which
estate of the deceased person, what are your remedies? took place on June 17, 1950.

 Seek appointment as administrator The complaint alleges that the widow Leoncia de Leon,
had no right to execute the affidavit of adjudication and
 File a case for recovery as such administrator that Honorato Salacup acquired no rights to the lands
sold to him, and that neither had Benny Sampilo
acquired any right to the said properties. Sampilo and
Teodoro Tolete died intestate leaving 4 parcels of land, Salacup filed an amended answer alleging that the
lots Nos. 12006, 119967, 14352 and . He left as heirs his complaint states no cause of action; that if such a cause
widow, Leoncia de Leon, and several nephews and exists the same is barred by the statute of limitations;
nieces, children of deceased brothers and sisters. that defendants are innocent purchasers for value; and
that the complaint is malicious, frivolous and spurious,
On July 25, 1946, without any judicial proceedings, his intended to harass and inconvenience the defendants.
widow executed an affidavit stating that "the deceased
Teodoro Tolete left no children or respondent neither RTC rendered the sale NULL and VOID .
ascendants or acknowledged natural children neither
In the present petition, one of the contentions by
brother, sisters, nephews or nieces, but the, widow
petitioner is that the action was instituted almost four
Leoncia de Leon, the legitimate wife of the deceased,
years after the affidavit of adjudication was registered
the one and only person to inherit the above
in the Office of the Register of Deeds Of Pangasinan, the
properties" .
right of action of the administratrix has prescribed and
This affidavit was registered in the Office of the lapsed because the same was not brought within the
Register of Deeds of Pangasinan. On the same day, she period of two years as Prescribed in Section 4 of Rule 74
executed a deed of sale of all the above parcels of land of the Rules of Court, and as decided in the cases of
in favor of Benny Sampilo for the sum of P10,000. This McMickingvs. Sy Conbieng, 21 Phil., 211 and Ramirez vs.
sale was also registered in the Office of the Register of Gmur, 42 Phil., 855 869.
Deeds of Pangasinan. On June 17, 1950, Benny Sampilo,
in turn, sold the said parcels of land to Honorato ISSUE: WON the sale by the widow is void.
Salacup for P50,000 and this sale was also registered in HELD:
the Office of the Register of Deeds of Pangasinan .
Section 4 of Rule 74 provides, in part, as follows:
In March, 1950, Felisa Sinopera instituted proceedings
for the administration of the estate of Teodoro Tolete SEC. 4. Liability of distributees and estate. — If it shall
and having secured her appointment as administratrix, appear at any time within two years after the
brought the present action to recover ½ of the subject settlement and distribution of an estate in accordance
lost allegedly belonging to Teodoro. Notice of lis with the provisions of either of the first two sections of
pendens was filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds this rule, that an heir or other has been unduly deprived
and said notice was recorded on certificates of title of his lawful participation of the such heir or such other

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

person may compel the settlement estate in the courts “Two year” prescriptive period applies to those who
in the manner hereinafter provided for the purpose of took part or had knowledge of settlement ; as to those
satisfying such lawful participation. . . . who had no knowledge, the law is vague and
insufficient as to the prescriptive period.
Section 1, which is mentioned in Section 4, reads as
follows: We notice two significant provisions in Sections 1 and 4
of Rule 74. In Section 1, it is required that if there are
SEC. 1. Extrajudcial settlement by agreement between two or more heirs, both or all of them should take part
the heirs. — If the decedent left no debts and the heirs
in the extrajudicial settlement. This requirement is
and legatees are all of age, or the minors are made more imperative in the old law (Section 596, Act
represented by their judicial guardians, the parties may, No. 190) by the addition of the clause "and not
without securing letters of administration, divide the otherwise." By the title of Section 4, the "distributees
estate among themselves as they see fit by means of a and estate" are indicates the persons to answer for
public instrument filed in the office of the register of rights violated by the extrajudicial settlement. On the
deeds, and should they disagree, they may do so in an
other hand, it is also significant that no mention is made
ordinary action of partition. If there is only one heir or expressly of the effect of the extrajudicial settlement on
one legatee, he may adjudicate to himself the entire
persons who did not take part therein or had no notice
estate by means of an affidavit filed in the office of the or knowledge thereof. There cannot be any doubt that
register of deeds. It shall be presumed that the decedent those who took part or had knowledge of the
left no debts if no creditor files a petition for letters of extrajudicial settlement are bound thereby. As to them
administration within two years after the death of the
the law is clear that if they claim to have been in any
decedent. manner deprived of their lawful right or share in the
It will be noted that the provision next above-quoted estate by the extrajudicial settlement, they may
contains two parts, the first referring to a case in which demand their rights or interest within the period of two
there are two or more heirs interested in the estate of a years, and both the distributes and estate would be
deceased person, and the second in which there is only liable to them for such rights or interest.
one heir. The section was taken from Section 596 of the
Evidently, they are the persons in accordance with the
old Code of Civil Procedure (Act No. 190, as amended by provision, may seek to remedy, the prejudice to their
Act No. 2331). Said Section 596 as amended, was as
rights within the two-year period. But as to those who
follows: did not take part in the settlement or had no notice of
SEC. 596. Settlement of Certain Intestates Without Legal the death of the decedent or of the settlement, there is
Proceedings. — Whenever all the heirs of a person who no direct or express provision is unreasonable and
died intestate are of lawful age and legal capacity and unjust that they also be required to assert their claims
there are no debts due from the estate, or all the debts within the period of two years.
have been paid the heirs may, by agreement duly To extend the effects of the settlement to them, to
executed in writing by all of them, and not otherwise, those who did not take part or had no knowledge
apportion and divide the estate among themselves, as thereof, without any express legal provision to that
they may see fit, without proceedings in court. effect, would be violative of the fundamental right to

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

due process of law. In the case of Ramirez vs. Gmur, strictly complied with, i.e., that all the persons or heirs
supra, cited by the appellants in this case, we held: of the decedent have taken part in the extrajudicial
settlement or are represented by themselves or
It will be noted that while the law (see. 754) provides through guardians. The case at bar fails to comply with
that the order of distribution may be had upon the both requirements because not all the heirs interested
application of the executor or administrator, or of a have participated in the extrajudicial settlement, the
person interested in the estate, no provision is made for Court of Appeals having found that the decedent left
notice, by publication or otherwise, of such application. aside from his widow, nephews and nieces living at the
The proceeding, therefore, is to all intents and purposes time of his death.
ex parte. As will be seen our law is very vague and
incomplete; and certainly it cannot be held that a purely The present action by respondent is based on fraud
ex parte proceeding, had without notice by personal which prescribes in 4 years
service or by publication, by which the court undertakes
to distribute the property of deceased persons, can be The next contention of appellants is that plaintiff's
action is barred by the statute of limitations. The origin
conclusive upon minor heirs who are not represented
therein. of the Provision (Section 4, Rule 74), upon which this
contention is predicated, which is Section 596 of Act No.
The procedure outlined in Section 1 of Rule 74 of 190, fails to support the contention. In the first Place,
extrajudicial settlement, or by affidavit, is an ex parte there is nothing therein, or in its source which shows
proceeding. It cannot by any reason or logic be clearly a statute of limitations and a bar of action
contended that such settlement or distribution would against third person's. It is only a bar against the parties
affect third persons who had no knowledge either of who had taken part in the extrajudicial proceedings but
the death of the decedent or of the extrajudicial not against third persons not Parties thereto. In the
settlement or affidavit, especially as no mention of such second place, the statute of limitations is contained in a
effect is made, either directly or by implication. We different chapter of Act No. 190, Chapter XL, and if
have examined the two cases cited by appellants and Section 596 of the Act had been meant to be a statute
there is no similarity at all between the circumstances of limitations, it would naturally have been included in
on which the ruling therein had been predicated and the chapter which defines the statute.
those of the case at bar.
But even if Section 4 of Rule 74 is a statute of
Two year rule does not apply to herein respondent limitations, it is still unavailing to the defendants. The
When is the Two Year Rule Applicable? action is one based on fraud, as the widow of the
Following the above-quoted decision of this Court in the deceased owner of the lands had declared in her
case of Ramirez vs. Gmur, supra, we are of the opinion affidavit of partition that the deceased left no nephews
and so hold that the provisions of Section 4 of Rule 74, or niece, or other heirs except herself. Plaintiff's right
barring distributees or heirs from objecting to an which is based on fraud and which has a period of four
extrajudicial partition after the expiration of two years years (Section 43, par. 3, Act no. 190; Article 1146, Civil
from such extrajudicial partition, is applicable only (1) to Code), does not appear to have lapsed the action was
persons who have participated or taken part or had instituted. Judicial proceedings where instituted in
notice of the extrajudicial partition, and, in addition, (2) March, 1950 and these proceedings must have been
when the provisions of Section 1 of Rule 74 have been instituted soon after the discovery of fraud. In any case,
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

the defendants have the burden of proof as to their those to whom they were illegally adjudicated alleging
claim of the statute of limitations, which is their that the latter misrepresented that they were the only
defense, and they have not proved that when the action heirs of the deceased when in fact they knew well that
was instituted, four years had already elapsed from the he left a nephew who was alive and was the only one
date that the interested parties had actual knowledge entitled to inherit his property.
of the fraud.
CFI dismissed the complaint on the ground that the
The second assignment of error, i.e., that the action has already prescribed. The trial court also said:
defendants-appellants are innocent purchasers for "The claim of the plaintiff, in the opinion of the Court,
value was rejected as unfounded by the court of was filed out of time. In summary settlement of the
Appeals. Said court said. estate of a deceased person, any heir deprived of his
lawful participation therein should file the
Atty. Tiu: In the Sampilo case, the first step was to file a corresponding petition in the court having jurisdiction
judicial settlement case. Nagpa-appoint muna siya as of the estate within two years after the settlement and
administrator bago niya hinabol ang properties. That
distribution thereof (sec. 4, Rule 74, Rules of
was the remedy availed of. Court).While the Rules of the Court do not prescribe
What was the ruling of the SC? Were they able to any time limit during which an heir deprived of his
recover the property? lawful participation in the state of a person which was
settled in a regular testate or intestate proceeding,
It prospered! So that is one of the proper remedies. File Article 1100 of the Civil Code, however, provides that
a judicial settlement, ask for the court to appoint you as action for rescission on account of "lesion" shall
administrator, and then habulin mo ang properties. prescribe after four years from the time the partition
was made. Considering that judicial partition of the
2. Llanera v Lopos
estate of Gorgonio Llanera was made on May 17, 1949,
G.R. No. L-12588, August 25, 1959 hence plaintiff's action was commenced beyond the
prescriptive period provided by law."
ELIGIO LLANERA, plaintiff-appellant, vs. ANA LOPOS,
ET AL., defendants-appellants. ISSUE: Won the trail court was correct in dismissing the
complaint? NO
Gorgonio Llanera died single and intestate on October
13, 1942 leaving an estate consisting of the proceeds of The action filed by eligio was to recover property
an insurance policy amounting to $5,150. The first based on fraud and not based on lesion
cousin of the deceased filed a petition for estate
Again, we find this reasoning incorrect, for it overlooks
alleging that they were the only heir and so the estate
the fact that the present action is not for rescission of a
was distributed to them.
contract based on "lesion" but an action to recover
It turned out however that the deceased had brother property based on fraud which under our law may be
Zacarias( who is also dead) who had a son name Eligio. filed within a period of four years from the discovery of
Eligio commenced this action in the CFI to recover the the fraud. (sec. 43 par. 3, Act 190). Since, as alleged in
proceeds of the insurance policy left by his uncle against the complaint, fraud was discovered only in 1953 and
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

the action was brought in 1955, it is clear that plaintiff's 1939, executed a deed of extrajudicial partition among
action has not yet prescribed. It is therefore an error to themselves, to the exclusion and without the
dismiss the complaint based on prescription. knowledge and consent of their nephews and nieces,
the herein plaintiffs-appellants, and in virtue thereof,
3. Villaluz v Neme O.C.T. No. 217 was cancelled and Transfer Certificate of
G.R. No. L-14676, January 31, 1963 Title No. 269 was issued in their names after having
made representations that they were the only heirs of
Remedy: complaint for partition their mother, Maria Rocabo.

FACTS: After attempts of amicable settlement had failed, the

plaintiffs on June 3, 1954, filed a complaint for partition
Maria Rocabo died intestate on Feb 17, 1937, leaving a
of said land and recovery of their respective shares on
parcel of land. She left 3 daughters named Sinforosa,
the property and accounting of the fruits thereof.
Patricia and Maria, surnamed Villaluz and
grandchildren, Candida, Emilia, Clemencia, Roberto and ISSUE: WON the extrajudicial partition is binding to the
Isidra Villaluz, legitimate children of her deceased son other heirs NO
Pedro Villaluz; Isabelo and Teodoro Napoles, legitimate
sons of a deceased daughter; Severina Villaluz and HELD:
Sinforosa and Leonor Napoles, legitimate daughters of
The deed of extrajudicial partition (Exh. 2), was
another deceased daughter, Gregoria Villaluz. fraudulent and vicious, the same having been executed
After the approval of her application, but before among the 3 sisters, without including their co-heirs,
granting of the patent, on March 6, 1926, Maria Rocabo who had no knowledge of and consent to the same. The
donated the southern portion of the land to Maria, and partition, therefore, did not and could not prejudice the
the northern portion to Patricia, in two notarial deeds interest and participation of the herein plaintiffs-
donation, giving them the right to present their deeds appellants, and the sale of the land to the defendants
of donations to the Bureau of Lands. The said donees did not and could not also prejudice and effect
accepted the donations and took actual possession of plaintiffs-appellants' interest and participation thereon.
their respective portions, but only Maria Villaluz The cancellation of O.C.T. No. 217 and the issuance of
remained on the entire land because Patricia left. Maria T.C.T. No. 269, did not likewise prejudice the interest
cultivated and improved the land from 1927 to 1938, and the participation of the plaintiffs-appellants. The
inclusive. Maria and Patricia, however, forgot and cared three sisters could not have sold what did not belong to
not to present the deeds of donation to the Bureau of them. Nemo dat quod non habet.
Lands. On March 27, 1930, the patent was granted and Issue as to WON the action has prescribed
O.C.T. No. 217 was issued in the name of Maria Rocabo.
Realizing that the deeds of donation were not in The trial court held that under Sec. 4, Rule 73 of the
accordance with the formalities required by law, and Rules, the plaintiffs' cause of action had already
because Sinforosa Villaluz, who had the custody of the prescribed. This section, however, refers only to the
title would not surrender it to the donees, unless given settlement and distribution of the estate of the
a share, upon the advise of a Notary Public, Carlos de deceased by the heirs who make such partition among
Jesus, Maria, Patricia and Sinforosa, on September 1, themselves in good faith, believing that they are the

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

only heirs with the right succeed. In the case at bar, signed. Upon the execution of a REM on the land, the
however, the surviving sisters could not have ignored loan was approved.
that they had co-heirs, the children of the 3 brothers
who predeceased their mother. Considering that Maria Rosario Diez exercised rights of ownership over the
Rocabo died during the regime of the Spanish Civil land. In 1985, she brought an ejectment suit against
Code, the distribution of her properties should be petitioner Jovita Yap Ancog's husband and son to evict
governed by said Code, wherein it is provided that them from the ground floor of the house built on the
between co-heirs, the act to demand the partition of land for failure to pay rent. Shortly thereafter,
the inheritance does not prescribe. (Art 1965 [Old Civ. petitioner Jovita Ancog learned that private respondent
Code]; Baysa, et al. v. Baysa, 53 Off. Gaz., 7282). Verily Rosario Diez had offered the land for sale.
the 3 living sisters were possessing the property as Petitioner Ancog immediately informed her younger
administratrices or trustees for and in behalf of the brother, petitioner Gregorio Yap, Jr., who was living in
other co-heirs, plaintiffs-appellants herein, who have Davao, of their mother's plan to sell the land. They filed
the right to vindicate their inheritance, regardless of the this action for partition in the Regional Trial Court of
lapse of time. Bohol .
Action for partition
4. Ancog v CA Petitioners alleged that the extrajudicial instrument was
simulated and therefore void. They claimed that in
G.R. No. 112260 June 30, 1997
signing the instrument they did not really intend to
JOVITA YAP ANCOG, and GREGORIO YAP, JR., convey their interests in the property to their mother,
petitioners, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, ROSARIO DIEZ, but only to enable her to obtain a loan on the security
and CARIDAD YAP, respondents. of the land to cover expenses for Caridad's school fees
and for household repairs.
At the pre-trial conference, the parties stipulated:
The land, with improvements thereon, was formerly the
conjugal property of the spouses Gregorio Yap and 1. That the parcel of land in question originally belonged
Rosario Diez. In 1946, Gregorio Yap died, leaving his to the conjugal partnership of spouses Gregorio Yap and
wife, private respondent Rosario Diez, and children, Rosario Diez Yap;
petitioners Jovita Yap Ancog and Gregorio Yap, Jr., and
private respondent Caridad Yap as his heirs. 2. That Gregorio Yap, Jr. is the legitimate child of
spouses Gregorio Yap and Rosario Diez Yap;
Rosario Diez applied , for the second time, for a loan to
the bank, offering the land in question as security. The 3. That Gregorio Yap is not a party in the execution of
bank’s lawyer suggested that she submit an extrajudicial the Extra Judicial Settlement of the Estate dated April 4,
settlement covering the disputed land as a means of 1961;
facilitating the approval of her application. The 4. That all the encumbrances found in the TCT are
suggestion was accepted and an extrajudicial admitted by the plaintiffs subject to the condition that
settlement, which the heirs, with the exception of the Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate , was made by
petitioner Gregorio Yap, Jr., then only 15 years old, the parties that the same was only for the purpose of
securing a loan with the Philippine National Bank.
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

RTC and CA affirmed the validity of the Extra Judicial even though it should purport to be a sale, an exchange,
Settlement. or any other transaction.

ISSUE: We hold, however, that the Court of Appeals erred in

ruling that the claim of petitioner Gregorio Yap, Jr. was
WON the extrajudicial settlement executed by Rosario barred by laches. In accordance with Rule 74, §1 9 of
and signed by the other heirs was valid. Extrajudicial the Rules of Court, as he did not take part in the
settlement is valid but Gregorio Yap, Jr. is not barred by partition, he is not bound by the settlement.
laches from recovering his share in the property in
question. It is uncontroverted that, at the time the extrajudicial
settlement was executed, Gregorio Yap, Jr. was a minor.
HELD: For this reason, he was not included or even informed
That the heirs (Jovita Yap Ancog and Caridad Yap) of the partition.
meant the extrajudicial settlement to be fully effective
Instead, the registration of the land in Rosario Diez's
is shown by the fact that Rosario Diez performed acts of
name created an implied trust in his favor by analogy to
dominion over the entire Land, beginning with its Art. 1451 of the Civil Code, which provides:
registration, without any objection from them. Instead,
petitioner Jovita Ancog agreed to lease the land from When land passes by succession to any person and he
her mother, private respondent Rosario Diez, and causes the legal title to be put in the name of another, a
accepted from her a special power of attorney to use trust is established by implication of law for the benefit
the land in question as collateral for a loan she was of the true owner.
applying from the DBP. Indeed it was private
In the case of O'Laco v. Co Cho Chit, Art. 1451 was held
respondent Diez who paid the loan of the Ancogs in
order to secure the release of the property from as creating a resulting trust, which is founded on the
mortgage. presumed intention of the parties. As a general rule, it
arises where such may be reasonably presumed to be
Petitioner Jovita Yap Ancog contends that she could not the intention of the parties, as determined from the
have waived her share in the land because she is facts and circumstances existing at the time of the
landless. For that matter, private respondent Caridad transaction out of which it is sought to be established.
Yap is also landless, but she signed the agreement. She In this case, the records disclose that the intention of
testified that she did so out of filial devotion to her the parties to the extrajudicial settlement was to
mother. establish a trust in favor of petitioner Yap, Jr. to the
extent of his share. Rosario Diez testified that she did
Thus, what the record of this case reveals is the not claim the entire property, while Atty. de la Serna
intention of Jovita Ancog and Caridad Yap to cede their added that the partition only involved the shares of the
interest in the land to their mother Rosario Diez. It is
three participants.
immaterial that they had been initially motivated by a
desire to acquire a loan. Under Art. 1082 of the Civil A cestui que trust may make a claim under a resulting
Code, every act which is intended to put an end to trust within 10 years from the time the trust is
indivision among co-heirs is deemed to be a partition repudiated. Although the registration of the land in
private respondent Diez's name operated as a

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

constructive notice of her claim of ownership, it cannot On 1992, Montinola, a nephew of Lilia Roces, executed
be taken as an act of repudiation adverse to petitioner an affidavit of self-adjudication over the Arayat
Gregorio Yap, Jr.'s claim, whose share in the property properties alleging that spouses Rocesdied and that the
was precisely not included by the parties in the spouses left no heirs except the brother of Lilia Roces,
partition. Indeed, it has not been shown whether he who was his father; that neither of the spouses left any
had been informed of her exclusive claim over the will nor any debts; and that he was the sole heir of the
entire property before 1985 when he was notified by Roces spouses.Montinola executed a deed of absolute
petitioner Jovita Yap Ancog of their mother's plan to sell sale of the property in favor of petitioner spouses
the property. Eduardo and Josefina Domingo. Both TCT Nos. 7299 and
7673 contained the following annotation:
This Court has ruled that for prescription to run in favor
of the trustee, the trust must be repudiated by Subject to the provision of Section 4, Rule 74 of the Rules
unequivocal acts made known to the cestui que trust of Court with respect to the inheritance left by the
and proved by clear and conclusive evidence. deceased SPS. CESAR ROCES & LILIA MONTINOLA
Furthermore, the rule that the prescriptive period
should be counted from the date of issuance of the When respondents learned of the sale of the property
to petitioners, they filed a complaint against Montinola
Torrens certificate of title applies only to the remedy of
reconveyance under the Property Registration Decree. and petitioners with the RTC. They argued that the
Since the action brought by petitioner Yap to claim his affidavit of self-adjudication was fraudulent because
share was brought shortly after he was informed by Montinola was not an heir of the Roces spouses and it
was not true that Lilia Roces was dead. Therefore, the
Jovita Ancog of their mother's effort to sell the
property, Gregorio Yap, Jr.'s claim cannot be considered affidavit of self-adjudication, as well as the deed of
barred either by prescription or by laches. absolute sale all covering the subject property, were
null and void.
5. Arenas v Roces
Petitioners alleged that they were buyers in good faith
G.R. No. 147468, April 9, 2003 and that their action was barred by estoppel and laches.

SPOUSES EDUARDO ARENAS DOMINGO & JOSEFINA ISSUE: WON the petitioners are purchasers in good
CHAVEZ DOMINGO, petitioners, vs. LILIA MONTINOLA faith? NO
ROCES, JOSE ANTONIO M. ROCES and MARIA VIDA Petitioners cannot be considered buyers in good faith
PRESENTACION ROCES,respondents. and cannot now avoid the consequences brought
FACTS: about by the application of Rule 74, Section 4 of the
Rules of Court.
Spouses Cesar and liliaRoces owned two contiguous
parcels of land. When Cesar died in 1980, he left his Rule 74 Section 4 covers transfers of real property
surviving spouse and 4 children (respondents of this to any person, as long as the deprived heir or creditor
case). vindicates his rights within two years from the date of
the settlement and distribution of estate. Contrary to

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

petitioners’ contention, the effects of this provision are Lamberto’s estate on January 20, 1993. On the basis of
not limited to the heirs or original distributees of the the extrajudicial settlement, a new certificate of title
estate properties, but shall affect any transferee of the over the property, TCT No. 27335, was issued on March
properties. 26, 1993 in the names of the Spouses Reynaldo and
Norma Taningco and Erlinda Benolirao and her children.
In David v. Malay,it was held that the buyer of real Pursuant to Section 4, Rule 74 of the Rules, the
property the title of which contain an annotation following annotation was made on TCT No. 27335:
pursuant to Rule 74, Section 4 of the Rules of Court
cannot be considered innocent purchasers for value. In x x x any liability to credirots (sic), excluded heirs and
the same vein, the annotation at the back of TCT No. other persons having right to the property, for a period
7299 in this case referring to Rule 74, Section 4 of the of two (2) years, with respect only to the share of
Rules of Court was sufficient notice to petitioners of the Erlinda, Andrew, Romano and Dion, all surnamed
limitation on Montinola’s right to dispose of the Benolirao.
property. The presence of an irregularity which excites
or arouses suspicion should prompt the vendee to look Tan eventually failed to pay the balance. He refused to
beyond the certificate and investigate the title of the comply with vendors’ demands and instead wrote them
vendor appearing on the face thereof. Purchasers of a letter (dated May 28, 1993) claiming that the
registered land are bound by the annotations found at annotation on the title, made pursuant to Section 4,
the back of the certificate of title.
Rule 74 of the Rules, constituted an encumbrance on
Participating Heir (Rule 74, Sec. 1, 4) the property that would prevent the vendors from
delivering a clean title to him. Thus, he alleged that he
Unpaid /Defrauded Creditor (Rule 74, Sec. 1, 4) could no longer be required to pay the balance of the
purchase price and demanded the return of his down
Liability under Rule 74 , Sec. 4
1. Tan v Benolirao
ISSUE: Is an annotation made pursuant to Section 4,
G.R. No. 153820, October 16, 2009 Rule 74 of the Rules of Court (Rules) on a certificate of
title covering real property considered an encumbrance
FACTS: on the property? YES
Spouses Lamberto and Erlinda Benolirao and the
Spouses Reynaldo and Norma Taningco were the co- HELD:
owners of a 689-square meter parcel of land (property) A Section 4, Rule 74 annotation is an encumbrance on
located in Tagaytay City. On October 6, 1992, the co- the property
owners executed a Deed of Conditional Sale over the
property in favor of Tan for the price of P1,378,000.00. While Tan admits that he refused to pay the balance of
the purchase price, he claims that he had valid reason
On November 6, 1992, Lamberto Benolirao died to do so – the sudden appearance of an annotation on
intestate. Erlinda Benolirao (his widow and one of the the title pursuant to Section 4, Rule 74 of the Rules,
vendors of the property) and her children, as heirs of which Tan considered an encumbrance on the property.
the deceased, executed an extrajudicial settlement of

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

We find Tan’s argument meritorious. any transfers of real estate that may have been made.
[Emphasis supplied.]
The annotation placed on TCT No. 27335, the new title
issued to reflect the extrajudicial partition of Lamberto An annotation is placed on new certificates of title
Benolirao’s estate among his heirs, states: issued pursuant to the distribution and partition of a
decedent’s real properties to warn third persons on the
x x x any liability to credirots (sic), excluded heirs and possible interests of excluded heirs or unpaid creditors
other persons having right to the property, for a period in these properties. The annotation, therefore, creates
of two (2) years, with respect only to the share of a legal encumbrance or lien on the real property in
Erlinda, Andrew, Romano and Dion, all surnamed favor of the excluded heirs or creditors. Where a buyer
Benolirao. purchases the real property despite the annotation, he
must be ready for the possibility that the title could be
This annotation was placed on the title pursuant to subject to the rights of excluded parties. The
Section 4, Rule 74 of the Rules, which reads: cancellation of the sale would be the logical
consequence where: (a) the annotation clearly appears
Sec. 4. Liability of distributees and estate. - If it shall on the title, warning all would-be buyers; (b) the sale
appear at any time within two (2) years after the unlawfully interferes with the rights of heirs; and (c) the
settlement and distribution of an estate in accordance rightful heirs bring an action to question the transfer
with the provisions of either of the first two sections of within the two-year period provided by law.
this rule, that an heir or other person has been unduly
deprived of his lawful participation in the estate, such By the time Tan’s obligation to pay the balance of the
heir or such other person may compel the settlement of purchase price arose on May 21, 1993 (on account of
the estate in the courts in the manner hereinafter the extensions granted by the respondents), a new
provided for the purpose of satisfying such lawful certificate of title covering the property had already
participation. And if within the same time of two (2) been issued on March 26, 1993, which contained the
years, it shall appear that there are debts outstanding encumbrance on the property; the encumbrance would
against the estate which have not been paid, or that remain so attached until the expiration of the two-year
an heir or other person has been unduly deprived of his period. Clearly, at this time, the vendors could no
lawful participation payable in money, the court longer compel Tan to pay the balance of the purchase
having jurisdiction of the estate may, by order for that since considering they themselves could not fulfill their
purpose, after hearing, settle the amount of such debts obligation to transfer a clean title over the property to
or lawful participation and order how much and in Tan.
what manner each distributee shall contribute in the JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE
payment thereof, and may issue execution, if
circumstances require, against the bond provided in
the preceding section or against the real estate BP 129 , as amended by RA 7691 (Effective April 15,
belonging to the deceased, or both. Such bond and such 1994)
real estate shall remain charged with a liability to
creditors, heirs, or other persons for the full period of Limited Jurisdiction
two (2) years after such distribution, notwithstanding
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

1. Bernardo v CA Petitioners instituted the present Certiorari petition

alleging that the appellate court erred in not declaring
G.R. No. L-18148 February 28, 1963 that the probate court, having limited and special
DEOGRACIAS BERNARDO, executor of the testate jurisdiction, had generally no power to adjudicate title
estate of the deceased EUSEBIO CAPILI; and the and erred in applying the exception to the rule.
instituted heirs, namely: ARMANDO CAPILI and ISSUE: WON the Probate Court can pass upon the
ARTURO BERNARDO, ET AL., petitioners, vs. HON. validity of title to property in a testate proceeding. YES,
if the exceptions apply
AL., and JOSE ISIDORO, ET AL., respondents. (As to the property: Is it conjugal or does it belong to
the husband exclusively? )
Eusebio Capili and Hermogena Reyes were husband and
wife. Exception applies in this case

Eusebio died testate and disposed of his properties in In a line of decisions, this Court consistently held that as
favor of Hermogena and his other relatives. A year later, a general rule, question as to title to property cannot be
Hermogena died. passed upon on testate or intestate proceedings,
Provisional except where one of the parties prays merely for the
The executor of Eusebio’s estate filed a project of inclusion or exclusion from the inventory of the
partition adjudicating the estate of Eusebio Capili property, in which case the probate court may pass
among the testamentary heirs with the exception of provisionally upon the question without prejudice to its
Hermogena Reyes. The relatives of Hermogena filed an final determination in a separate action. However, we
opposition to the executor's project of partition and
have also held that when the parties interested are all
submitted a counter-project of partition of their own, heirs of the deceased, it is optional to them to submit to
claiming 1/2 of the properties mentioned in the will of Definite the probate court a question as to title to property, and
the deceased Eusebio Capili on the theory that they when so submitted, said probate court may definitely
belonged not to the latter alone but to the conjugal pass judgment thereon (Pascual v. Pascual, 73 Phil. 561;
partnership of the spouses. Manalac v. Ocampo, et al., 73 Phil. 661); and that with
In the hearing of the opposition to the project of the consent of the parties, matters affecting property
partition, the executor of Eusebio’s estate claimed that under judicial administration may be taken cognizance
the properties disposed of in the will of the deceased of by the court in the course of intestate proceeding,
Eusebio Capili belonged to him (Eusebio) exclusively and provided interests of third persons are not prejudiced
not to the conjugal partnership, because Hermogena (Cunanan v. Amparo, 80 Phil. 229, 232).
Reyes had donated to him her half share of such
In the light of this doctrine, may it be said correctly that
partnership; the trial court as well as the Court of Appeals erred in
The probate Court declared the donation void . The CA upholding the power of the probate court in this case to
affirmed the finding . adjudicate in the testate proceedings, the question as to
whether the properties herein involved belong to the

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

conjugal partnership of Eusebio Capili and Hermogena To this end, and as a necessary corollary, the interested
Reyes, or to the deceased husband exclusively? parties may introduce proofs relative to the ownership
of the properties in dispute. All the heirs who take part
At the outset, let it be clarified that the matter at issue in the distribution of the decedent's estate are before
is not a question of jurisdiction, in the sense advanced the court, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, in all
by appellants that the trial court had completely no matters and incidents necessary to the complete
authority to pass upon the title to the lands in dispute, settlement of such estate, so long as no interests of
and that its decision on the subject is null and void and third parties are affected.
does not bind even those who had invoked its authority
and submitted to its decision because, it is contended, In the case now before us, the matter in controversy is
jurisdiction is a creature of law and parties to an action the question of ownership of certain of the properties
can not vest, extend or broaden it. If appellants' involved — whether they belong to the conjugal
contention is correct, then there can be no exception to partnership or to the husband exclusively. This is a
the no-jurisdiction theory. But as has been stated in the matter properly within the jurisdiction of the probate
case of Cunanan v. Amparo (supra) the Supreme Court court which necessarily has to liquidate the conjugal
speaking through Mr. Justice Pedro Tuason: partnership in order to determine the estate of the
decedent which is to be distributed among his heirs
"Determination of title to property is within the who are all parties to the proceedings, including, of
jurisdiction of Courts of First Instance. The responding course, the widow, now represented because of her
Soriano's objection (that the probate court lacked death, by her heirs who have been substituted upon
jurisdiction to order the delivery of the possession of
petition of the executor himself and who have appeared
the lots to the estate) relates exclusively to the voluntarily. There are no third parties whose rights may
procedure, which is distinct from jurisdiction. It affects be affected. It is true that the heirs of the deceased
only personal rights to a mode of practice (the filing of widow are not heirs of the testator-husband, but the
an independent ordinary action) which may be waived". widow is, in addition to her own right to the conjugal
Strictly speaking, it is more a question of jurisdiction
property. And it is this right that is being sought to be
over the person, not over the subject matter, for the enforced by her substitutes. Therefore, the claim that is
jurisdiction to try controversies between heirs of a
being asserted is one belonging to an heir to the
deceased person regarding the ownership of properties testator and, consequently, it complies with the
alleged to belong to his estate, has been recognized to requirement of the exception that the parties
be vested in probate courts. This is so because the interested (the petitioners and the widow, represented
purpose of an administration proceeding is the by dents) are all heirs claiming title under the testator.
liquidation of the estate and distribution of the residue
among the heirs and legatees. Liquidation means Jurisdiction over the person of the parties has been
determination of all the assets of the estate and acquired
payment of all the debts and expenses.Thereafter,
Petitioners contend additionally that they have never
distribution is made of the decedent's liquidated estate
among the persons entitled to succeed him. The submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of the probate
proceeding is in the nature of an action of partition, in court, for the purpose of the determination of the
question of ownership of the disputed properties. This
which each party is required to bring into the mass
whatever community property he has in his possession. is not borne by the admitted facts. On the contrary, it is
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

undisputed that they were the ones who presented the separate petition for the probate of his last will and
project of partition claiming the questioned properties testament wasfiled. Nelson Jimena was named executor
as part of the testator's asset. The respondents, as and substituted Pedrosa in the partition proceedings.
representatives or substitutes of the deceased widow
opposed the project of partition and submitted another. The new judge(in the nullity case) ordered the partition
As the Court of Appeals said, "In doing so all of them proceeding terminated in view of the circumstances and
must be deemed to have submitted the issue for held Ledesma should just file an action for intervention
resolution in the same proceeding. Certainly, the in the intestate proceeding of Ciprirano.
petitioners can not be heard to insist, as they do, on the
approval of their project of partition and, thus, have the ISSUE: WON the new judge is correct.NO
court take it for granted that their theory as to the
character of the properties is correct, entirely without HELD:
regard to the opposition of the respondents". In other The SC cited the case of The case of Macadangdang vs.
words, by presenting their project of partition including Court of Appeals, where a similar issue was involved —
therein the disputed lands (upon the claim that they the husband having died after the legal separation of
were donated by the wife to her husband), petitioners the spouses had been finally decreed but before the
themselves put in issue the question of ownership of actual liquidation of their community of properties — is
the properties — which is well within the competence on point. The SC said in that case that legal separation
of the probate court — and just because of an results to the dissolution and liquidation of properties
opposition thereto, they can not thereafter withdraw (Art. 106 FC) The aforequoted provision mandates the
either their appearance or the issue from the dissolution and liquidation of the property regime of
jurisdiction of the court. Certainly, there is here a the spouses upon finality of the decree of legal
waiver where the parties who raise the objection are separation. Such dissolution and liquidation are
the ones who set the court in motion. They can not be necessary consequences of the final decree. This legal
permitted to complain if the court, after due hearing, effect of the decree of legal separation ipso facto or
adjudges question against them. automatically follows, as an inevitable incident of, the
judgment decreeing legal separation for the purpose of
2. Ledesma v Intestate Estate of Cipriano Pedrosa determining the share of each spouse in the conjugal
G.R. No. 102126 March 12, 1993 assets. Hence, the properties that may be allocated to
ANGELICA LEDESMA, petitioner, vs. INTESTATE ESTATE the deceased petitioner by virtue of the liquidation of
OF CIPRIANO PEDROSA represented by Nelson Jimena, the conjugal assets, shall be distributed in accordance
Honorable Judge Bethel Katalbas-Moscardon in her with the laws of intestate succession
capacity as Presiding Judge-Designate, Branch 51, RTC,
Bacolod City,respondents. The Macadangdang decision involved legal separation
but, with equal reason, the doctrine enunciated therein
FACTS: should be applied to a marriage annulment which is the
Ledesma’s marriage to Cipriano Pedrosa was declared a situation at bar.The new judge is directed to decide the
nullity by RTC on 8 February 1984. During the pendency partition (liquidation) case (Civil Case No. 1446) within
of the partition proceeding pursuant to the declaration thirty (30) days from receipt of notice of this decision to
of nullity of marriage the judge and Cipriano died. A determine which of the properties of the conjugal
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

partnership should be adjudicated to the husband and SC cannot order an unqualified and final exclusion or
the wife non-exclusion of the property involved from the estate
of the deceased. The resolution of this issue is better
3. Pereira v CA left to the probate court before which the
G.R. No. L-81147, June 20, 1989 administration proceedings are pending. The trial court
is in the best position to receive evidence on the
FACTS: discordant contentions of the parties as to the assets of
the decedent's estate, the valuations thereof and the
Andres Pereira, an employee of the Philippine Air Lines,
rights of the transferees of some of the assets, if any.
passed away without a will. He was survived by his
legitimate spouse of 10 months, herein petitioner Second Issue:
Victoria Pereira, and his sister Rita Pereira Nagac
(private respondent). Assuming, however, that there exist assets of the
deceased Andres de Guzman Pereira for purposes of
Nagac instituted special proceeding for the issuance of administration, We nonetheless find the administration
letters of administration in her favor pertaining to the proceedings instituted by private respondent to be
estate of deceased, which includes death benefits from unnecessary as contended by petitioner.
PAL, SSS, savings deposits with PNB, etc. Petitioner filed
her opposition and motion to dismiss alleging that there General Rule: property of decedent must be judicially
exists no estate for purposes of administration, and if it administered
does exist, that the letters of admin be issued in her The general rule is that when a person dies leaving
favor as surviving spouse. property, the same should be judicially administered
ISSUE: and the competent court should appoint a qualified
administrator, in the order established in Section 6, Rule
(1) Whether or not there exists an estate of the 78, in case the deceased left no will, or in case he had
deceased Andres de Guzman Pereira for purposes of left one, should he fail to name an executor therein. An
administration; exception to this rule is established in Section 1 of Rule
74. Under this exception, when all the heirs are of
(2) Whether or not a judicial administration proceeding
lawful age and there are no debts due from the estate,
is necessary where there are no debts left by the
they may agree in writing to partition the property
decedent; and
without instituting the judicial administration or
(3) Who has the better right to be appointed as applying for the appointment of an administrator.
administratrix of the estate of the deceased, the
Section 1, Rule 74 of the Revised Rules of Court,
surviving spouse Victoria Bringas Pereira or the
however, does not preclude the heirs from instituting
surviving sister Rita Pereira Nagac?
administration proceedings, even if the estate has no
HELD: debts or obligations, if they do not desire to resort for
good reasons to an ordinary action for partition. While
First Issue: Section 1 allows the heirs to divide the estate among
themselves as they may see fit, or to resort to an
ordinary action for partition, the said provision does not
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

compel them to do so if they have good reasons to take especially where such property is in the hands of one
a different course of action. It should be noted that heir.
recourse to an administration proceeding even if the
estate has no debts is sanctioned only if the heirs have In another case, We held that if the reason for seeking
good reasons for not resorting to an action for partition. an appointment as administrator is merely to avoid a
Where partition is possible, either in or out of court, the multiplicity of suits since the heir seeking such
estate should not be burdened with an administration appointment wants to ask for the annulment of certain
proceeding without good and compelling reasons. transfers of property, that same objective could be
achieved in an action for partition and the trial court is
If no obligations, judicial administration is superfluous not justified in issuing letters of administration.
and unnecessary
In still another case, We did not find so powerful a
Thus, it has been repeatedly held that when a person reason the argument that the appointment of the
dies without leaving pending obligations to be paid, his husband, a usufructuary forced heir of his deceased
heirs, whether of age or not, are not bound to submit wife, as judicial administrator is necessary in order for
the property to a judicial administration, which is him to have legal capacity to appear in the intestate
always long and costly, or to apply for the appointment proceedings of his wife's deceased mother, since he
of an administrator by the Court. It has been uniformly may just adduce proof of his being a forced heir in the
held that in such case the judicial administration and intestate proceedings of the latter.
the appointment of an administrator are superfluous
and unnecessary proceedings. No good reason to burden the estate with an
administration proceeding
Exception: good reasons for not resorting to partition
We see no reason not to apply this doctrine to the case
Now, what constitutes "good reason" to warrant a at bar. There are only two surviving heirs, a wife of ten
judicial administration of the estate of a deceased when months and a sister, both of age. The parties admit that
the heirs are all of legal age and there are no creditors there are no debts of the deceased to be paid. What is
will depend on the circumstances of each case. at once apparent is that these two heirs are not in good
terms. The only conceivable reason why private
In one case, We said: respondent seeks appointment as administratrix is for
Again the petitioner argues that only when the heirs do her to obtain possession of the alleged properties of the
not have any dispute as to the bulk of the hereditary deceased for her own purposes, since these properties
estate but only in the manner of partition does section are presently in the hands of petitioner who supposedly
1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court apply and that in this disposed of them fraudulently. We are of the opinion
case the parties are at loggerheads as to the corpus of that this is not a compelling reason which will
the hereditary estate because respondents succeeded necessitate a judicial administration of the estate of the
in sequestering some assets of the intestate. The deceased. To subject the estate of Andres de Guzman
argument is unconvincing, because, as the respondent Pereira, which does not appear to be substantial
judge has indicated, questions as to what property especially since the only real property left has been
belonged to the deceased (and therefore to the heirs) extrajudicially settled, to an administration proceeding
may properly be ventilated in the partition proceedings, for no useful purpose would only unnecessarily expose

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

it to the risk of being wasted or squandered. In most

instances of a similar nature, the claims of both parties Virginia was appointed as administratrix and included in
as to the properties left by the deceased may be her inventory the aforementioned five (5) parcels of
properly ventilated in simple partition proceedings lands in Salomague , Bugallon, Pangasinan.
where the creditors, should there be any, are protected
in any event. Private respondents of the first marriage prayed for the
exclusion of said parcels of land which was GRANTED
4. Jimenez v IAC with finality on Certiorari with CA.
G.R. No. 75773 April 17, 1990
TOMAS JIMENEZ, VISITACION JIMENEZ, DIGNO Two years later, petitioners filed an action to recover
JIMENEZ, ANTONIO JIMENEZ, AMADEO JIMENEZ, possession/ownership of the subject five (5) parcels of
MODESTO JIMENEZ and VIRGINIA JIMENEZ, land (Civil Case No. 16111) as part of the estate of Lino
petitioners, vs. HONORABLE INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE Jimenez and Genoveva Caolboy and to order private
COURT, HON. AMANDA VALERA-CABIGAO, in her respondents to render an accounting of the produce
capacity as Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court, therefrom. Private respondents moved for the dismissal
Branch XXXVII, Lingayen, Pangasinan, LEONARDO of the complaint on the grounds that the action was
JIMENEZ, JR. and CORAZON JIMENEZ, respondents barred by prior judgment . However, petitioners
opposed the motion to dismiss contending that (1) the
FACTS: action was not barred by prior judgment because the
Lino Jimenez contracted 2 marriages during his lifetime. probate court had no jurisdiction to determine with
The first was with Consolacion Ungson with whom he finality the question of ownership of the lots which
begot 4 children. Upon Consolacion’s death, Lino must be ventilated in a separate action.
married Genoveva Caolboy with whom he begot 7
children. ISSUE: Whether in a settlement proceeding (testate or
intestate) the lower court has jurisdiction to settle
Upon the death of Lino and Genoveva, Virginia Jimenez questions of ownership . YES but merely provisional
of the second marriage prayed that she be appointed
administratrix. She enumerated in her petition as heirs WON petitioners’ present action for recovery of
the children from the first marriage. possession is barred by res judicata. NO

Herein private respondent Leonardo Jimenez, Jr., son of HELD:

Leonardo Jimenez, Sr. of the first marriage, filed a Determination of ownership by probate court is
motion for the exclusion of his father's name and those merely provisional
of Alberto, Alejandra, and from the petition, inasmuch Petitioners' present action for recovery of possession
as they are children of the union of Lino Jimenez and and ownership is appropriately filed because as a
Consolacion Ungson and not of Lino Jimenez and general rule, a probate court can only pass upon
Genoveva Caolboy and because they have already questions of title provisionally. Since the probate,
received their inheritance consisting of five (5) parcels court's findings are not conclusive being prima facie, a
of lands in Salomague, Bugallon, Pangasinan of the separate proceeding is necessary to establish the
conjugal partnership of Lino and Consolacion. ownership of the five (5) parcels of land.
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

was lodged before the Regional Trial Court of

The patent reason is the probate court's limited Pangasinan, Branch XXXVII in the exercise of the court's
jurisdiction and the principle that questions of title or general jurisdiction. It was, in fact, such "separate or
ownership, which result in inclusion or exclusion from ordinary proceedings" contemplated by the rules for a
the inventory of the property, can only be settled in a final determination of the issue of ownership of the
separate action. disputed properties. To repeat, since the determination
of the question of title to the subject properties in S.P.
All that the said court could do as regards said 5346 was merely provisional, petitioners are not barred
properties is determine whether they should or should from instituting the appropriate action in Civil Case No.
not be included in the inventory or list of properties to 16111.
be administered by the administrator. If there is a
dispute as to the ownership, then the opposing parties Indeed, the grounds relied upon by private respondents
and the administrator have to resort to an ordinary in their motion to dismiss do not appear to be
action for a final determination of the conflicting claims indubitable. Res judicata has been shown here to be
of title because the probate court cannot do so. unavailable and the other grounds of prescription and
laches pleaded by private respondents are seriously
The provisional character of the inclusion in the disputed. The allegation in the complaint is that the
inventory of a contested property was again reiterated heirs of Leonardo Jimenez, Sr. (referring to private
in the following cases: Pio Barreto Realty Development, respondents,) forcibly intruded into and took
Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, Junquera vs. Borromeo, possession of the disputed properties only in 1978, after
Borromeo vs. Canonoy, Recto vs. de la Rosa. It has also the death of Genoveva Caolboy. Since the action for
been held that in a special proceeding for the probate reconveyance was instituted in 1984, it would appear
of a will, the question of ownership is an extraneous that the same has not yet prescribed or otherwise
matter which the probate court cannot resolve with barred by laches.
finality. This pronouncement no doubt applies with
equal force to an intestate proceeding as in the case at There are a number of factual issues raised by
bar. petitioners before the lower court which cannot be
resolved without the presentation of evidence at a full-
Res judicata does not exist because of the difference in blown trial and which make the grounds for dismissal
the causes of actions. Specifically in S.P. No. 5346, the dubitable. Among others, the alleged admission made
action was for the settlement of the intestate estate of by petitioners' mother in the deed of sale is vehemently
Lino Jimenez and Genoveva Caolboy while Civil Case No. denied, as well as the fact itself of adjudication, there
16111 was an action for the recovery of possession and being no showing that the conjugal partnership of Lino
ownership of the five (5) parcels of land. Moreover, Jimenez and Consolacion Ungson had been liquidated
while admittedly, the Court of First Instance of nor that a judicial or extra-judicial settlement of the
Pangasinan, Branch V in S.P. No. 5346 had jurisdiction, estate of Lino Jimenez was undertaken whereby such
the same was merely limited jurisdiction. Any adjudication could have been effected.
pronouncement by said court as to title is not
conclusive and could still be attacked in a separate The grounds stated in the motion to dismiss not being
proceeding. Civil Case No. 16111, on the other hand. indubitable, the trial court committed grave abuse of
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

discretion in dismissing the complaint in Civil Case No. The prevailing rule is that for the purpose of
16111. determining whether a certain property should or
should not be included in the inventory, the probate
5. Valero Vda. De Rodriguez v CA court may pass upon the title thereto but such
determination is not conclusive and is subject to the
G.R. No. L-39532 July 20, 1979 final decision in a separate action regarding ownership
Testate Estate of Jose M. Valero, FLORA VALERO VDA. which may be instituted by the parties (3 Moran's
DE RODRIGUEZ and ROSIE VALERO DE Comments on the Rules of Court, 1970 Edition, pages
GUTIERREZ, petitioners-appellants, vs. COURT OF 448-9 and 473; Lachenal vs. Salas, L-42257, June 14,
APPEALS and CARMEN VALERO-RUSTIA, respondents- 1976, 71 SCRA 262, 266).
We hold further that the dictum of the Court of Appeals
FACTS: and the probate court that the two disputed lots are not
Jose Valero (had 2 children during 1st marriage) and subject to collation was a supererogation and was not
Beartiz Bautista (had adopted child named Carmen) are necessary to the disposition of the case which merely
spouses who did not beget any child during their involved the issue of inclusion in, or exclusion from, the
marriage. Beatriz died on September 1972 and Jose inventory of the testator's estate. The issue of collation
died testate a month later. Lawyer Celso F. Unson, the was not yet justifiable at that early stage of the testate
executor (for the estate of Jose), submitted an proceeding. It is not necessary to mention in the order
inventory wherein, following the list of conjugal assets of exclusion the controversial matter of collation.
in the testator's will, the two San Lorenzo Village lots
were included as part of the testate estate. Whether collation may exist with respect to the two lots
and whether Carmen’s (Mrs.Rustia) Torrens titles
Carmen filed a motion for the exclusion of the two San thereto are indefeasible are matters that may be raised
Lorenzo Village lots from the testator's inventoried later or may not be raised at all. How those issues
should be resolved, if and when they are raised, need
estate alleging that the said properties were donated to
her and that since 1966 she has been the registered not be touched upon in the adjudication of this appeal.
owner of the lots as shown by two Torrens titles, copies The intestate and testate proceedings for the
of which were attached to the motion. settlement of the estates of the deceased Valero
spouses were consolidated, as ordered by the lower
The executor opposed the motion contending that the court on November 21, 1974, so that the conjugal
issue on collation was prematurely raised. The probate estate of the deceased spouses may be properly
court excluded the two lots from the inventory of the liquidated, as contemplated in section 2, Rule 73 of the
testator's estate but with the understanding "that the Rules of Court and Act No. 3176 (Pages 223 and 235-6,
same are subject to collation. Rollo).

ISSUE: WON the probate court was correct? NO We have examined the expedientes of the two cases.
We found that the proceedings have not yet reached
HELD: the stage when the question of collation or
advancement to an heir may be raised and decided. The

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

numerous debts of the decedents are still being paid. matter of the Special Proceedings and proposed that he
The net remainder (remanenteliquido) of their conjugal be permitted to pay the balance on the sale with
estate has not yet been determined. On the other hand, mortgage in accordance with the terms of his written
up to this time, no separate action has been brought by proposal.
the appellants to nullify Mrs.Rustia's Torrens titles to
the disputed lots or to show that the sale was in reality On September 25,1979, with the court’s permission, a
a donation. Deed of Undertaking was entered into by respondent
Moslares and the Administrator to implement the
In this appeal, it is not proper to pass upon the question Contract of Sale with Mortgage. Such deed provided for
of collation and to decide whether Mrs.Rustia's titles to the mode of payment which Moslares was to follow.
the disputed lots are questionable. The proceedings
below have not reached the stage of partition and Moslares failed to pay as agreed. Thus, the
distribution when the legitimes of the compulsory heirs administrator reported the matter to the probate court
have to be determined. which approved the sale of the property to Pio Barretto
6. Pio Barretto v CA Realty, Inc. The deed of sale was duly registered.
Mosrales filed a motion for reconsideration, but the
G.R. No. L-62431-33, August 31, 1984 same was not acted by the probate court
Cancellation of unfulfilled offer to buy
FACTS: Under the theory of Moslares, it is insisted that the
Nicolai Drepin died testate on August 23, 1972. He left probate court has no authority to cancel his unfulfilled
behind three (3) parcels of titled land. Since the filing of offer to buy, notwithstanding the fact that he failed
the petition for probate of the Drepin’s will nine (9) miserably to comply with the terms of his own offer to
offers had been made for the purchase of the Drepin buy.
lands, among them, that of GM Management Phils
through its President Honor P. Moslares. On May 18, 1981, Pio Barreto Realty filed Civil Case No.
41287 before the CFI of Rizal to determine title and
Moslares alleged that on October 9,1970, Drepin ownership over the Drepin lands. A petition for
executed a deed of sale with mortgage executed by the certiorari was filed by respondent Moslares before the
decedent in his favor. He also alleged that on June 25, Court of Appeals.
1971, Drepin and Moslares entered into a "Joint
Venture Agreement" where it was agreed that Drepin ISSUES: (1) Can the Court of Appeals act upon the issue
shall be the registered "owner" of the lots and of exclusion of properties in theestate when it is not
denominated Moslares as "developer" tasked with passed upon by the court a quo? NO
converting the lands into a residential subdivision. But (2) Can the probate court order theexecution of the
before the agreement could be implemented, Nicolai deed of sale with Pio Barreto?
Drepin died.
Upon learning of the existence of Special Proceedings, As to the first issue: No.
Moslares informed the Judicial Administrator that he is The question of whether the properties sold by Drepin
already the owner of the properties made subject to Petitioner should be excluded from the probate
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Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

proceedings below, cannot be determined with finality power of the probate court. We cannot allow an absurd
by the Supreme Court in this case, because in this situation to arise where the Drepin estate will never be
petition We are merely reviewing the acts of the settled and liquidated because even if Moslares cannot
respondent CFI as a probate court. Any ruling by the pay the agreed purchase price of the Drepin lands, still
probate court to include those properties "is only the probate court can no longer sell the lands to other
provisional in character and is without prejudice to a prospective buyers. It is also to be emphasized that it
judgment in a separate action on the issue of title or was not respondent's contract of sale with decedent
ownership" (Sebial v. Sebial, L-23419, June 27,1975, 64 that had been invalidated but rather the administrator's
SCRA 385). authority to sell to respondent. Moreover, the
respondent is not without remedy if truly his claim of
Consequently, in reviewing the exercise of such limited ownership is proper and meritorious. Since the probate
probate jurisdiction, We cannot order an unqualified court has no jurisdiction over the question of title
and final exclusion of the properties involved, as prayed andownership of the properties, the respondents may
for; to do so would expand the probate court's bring a separate action if they wish toquestion the
jurisdiction beyond the perimeters set by law and petitioner's titles and ownership
jurisprudence. It is fitting and proper that this issue be
ventilated and finally resolved in the already instituted Notes:
Civil Case No. 41287, even as We hold that respondent In the case of Pio, what was the contract involved here?
court's act of not excluding the lots involved did not Contract to sell.
constitute grave abuse of discretion. In view of this Would that give rise to an issue of ownership? No maam
limitation, We need not resolve the issue of whether because ownerhip cannot be pass under a contract to
there was novation of the Deed of Sale with Mortgage, sell.
or not.
Maam: So the main issue in the case of Pio is not really
As to the Second Issue: Yes. about ownership. That is why, the issue posed here is,
Actions of the probate court, in the case at bar, do not can the settlement court rescind the contract previously
refer to the adjudication of rights under the contract entered into by the decedent. That is answered in the
entered into by the deceased during his lifetime. It is to case of Pio Barreto.
be noted that the dealings of the respondent with the
court arose out of the latter's bid to sell property under Yes. In the case of Pio Barreto, if the contract concerns a
its authority to sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber pending transaction and in the midst of it the decedent
property of the estate to pay or settle against the died, but was subsequently continued by the
estate. administrator and as ordered by the probate court, then
the probate court has jurisdiction to decide. Hence, in
Thus, by estoppel, respondent bound himself under an the same way that it has also the power to rescind it,
agreement with the court separate and distinct from the probate court has the power over transactions
that which he had with the decedent. In rescinding such entered into by the administrator.
contract, the court merely seeks to enforce its right to
put an end to an agreement which had ceased to be a 7. Dorotheo v CA
working proposition. Surely, this is well within the
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

G.R. No. 108581 December 8, 1999 An Order was issued on November 29, 1990 by Judge
LOURDES L. DOROTHEO, petitioner, vs. COURT OF Zain B. Angas setting aside the final and executory
APPEALS, NILDA D. QUINTANA, for Herself and as Order dated January 30, 1986, as well as the Order
Attorney-in-Fact of VICENTE DOROTHEO and JOSE directing the issuance of the writ of execution, on the
DOROTHEO, respondents. ground that the order was merely "interlocutory",
hence not final in character. The court added that the
FACTS: dispositive portion of the said Order even directs the
Private respondents were the legitimate children of distribution of the estate of the deceased spouses.
Alejandro Dorotheo and Aniceta Reyes. The latter died Private respondents filed a motion for reconsideration
in 1969 without her estate being settled. Alejandro died which was denied in an Order dated February 1, 1991.
thereafter. Sometime in 1977, after Alejandro's death, Thus, private respondents filed a petition before the
petitioner, who claims to have taken care of Alejandro Court of Appeals, which nullified the two assailed
before he died, filed a special proceeding for the Orders dated November 29, 1990 and February 1, 1991.
probate of the latter's last will and testament. In 1981,
the court issued an order admitting Alejandro's will to Hence this present petition.
probate. Private respondents did not appeal from said
order. In 1983, they filed a "Motion To Declare The Will ISSUE: WON the January 30 1986 order is final. YES
Intrinsically Void."
The trial court GRANTED the motion in an order dated A final judgment on a probated will is binding
January 30, 1986. In said order , the court declared that The petition is without merit. A final and executory
Lourdes Legaspi is not the wife of the late Alejandro decision or order can no longer be disturbed or
Dorotheo and the provisions of the last will and reopened no matter how erroneous it may be. In
testament of Alejandro Dorotheo is intrinsically void. setting aside the January 30, 1986 Order that has
Furthermore, it declared that Vicente Dorotheo, Jose attained finality, the trial court in effect nullified the
Dorotheo and Nilda Dorotheo Quintana are the only entry of judgment made by the Court of Appeals. It is
heirs of the late spouses Alejandro Dorotheo and well settled that a lower court cannot reverse or set
Aniceta Reyes, whose respective estates shall be aside decisions or orders of a superior court, for to do
liquidated and distributed according to the laws on so would be to negate the hierarchy of courts and
intestacy upon payment of estate and other taxes due nullify the essence of review. It has been ruled that a
to the government. final judgment on probated will, albeit erroneous, is
binding on the whole world.
Petitioner’s MR and Appeal were , respectively denied.
This dismissal became final and executory on February It has been consistently held that if no appeal is taken in
3, 1989 and a corresponding entry of judgment was due time from a judgment or order of the trial court,
forthwith issued by the Court of Appeals on May 16, the same attains finality by mere lapse of time. Thus,
1989. A writ of execution was issued by the lower court the order allowing the will became final and the
to implement the final and executory Order. question determined by the court in such order can no
longer be raised anew, either in the same proceedings
or in a different motion. The matters of due execution
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Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

of the will and the capacity of the testator acquired the Court which will no longer be disturbed. Not that this
character ofres judicata and cannot again be brought Court finds the will to be intrinsically valid, but that a
into question, all juridical questions in connection final and executory decision of which the party had the
therewith being for once and forever closed. Such final opportunity to challenge before the higher tribunals
order makes the will conclusive against the whole world must stand and should no longer be reevaluated.
as to its extrinsic validity and due execution. Failure to avail of the remedies provided by law
constitutes waiver. And if the party does not avail of
It should be noted that probate proceedings deals other remedies despite its belief that it was aggrieved
generally with the extrinsic validity of the will sought to by a decision or court action, then it is deemed to have
be probated, particularly on three aspects: fully agreed and is satisfied with the decision or order.
a. whether the will submitted is indeed, the decedent's As early as 1918, it has been declared that public policy
last will and testament; and sound practice demand that, at the risk of
b. compliance with the prescribed formalities for the occasional errors, judgments of courts must at some
execution of wills; point of time fixed by law become final otherwise there
c. the testamentary capacity of the testator; will be no end to litigation. Interes rei publicae ut finis
d. and the due execution of the last will and testament. sit litium — the very object of which the courts were
constituted was to put an end to controversies. To fulfill
Under the Civil Code, due execution includes a this purpose and to do so speedily, certain time limits,
determination of whether the testator was of sound more or less arbitrary, have to be set up to spur on the
and disposing mind at the time of its execution, that he slothful. The only instance where a party interested in a
had freely executed the will and was not acting under probate proceeding may have a final liquidation set
duress, fraud, menace or undue influence and that the aside is when he is left out by reason of circumstances
will is genuine and not a forgery, that he was of the beyond his control or through mistake or inadvertence
proper testamentary age and that he is a person not not imputable to negligence, which circumstances do
expressly prohibited by law from making a will. not concur herein.

The intrinsic validity is another matter and questions Petitioner was privy to the suit calling for the
regarding the same may still be raised even after the declaration of the intrinsic invalidity of the will, as she
will has been authenticated. Thus, it does not precisely appealed from an unfavorable order
necessarily follow that an extrinsically valid last will and therefrom. Although the final and executory Order of
testament is always intrinsically valid. Even if the will January 30, 1986 wherein private respondents were
was validly executed, if the testator provides for declared as the only heirs do not bind those who are
dispositions that deprives or impairs the lawful heirs of not parties thereto such as the alleged illegitimate son
their legitime or rightful inheritance according to the of the testator, the same constitutes res judicata with
laws on succession, the unlawful respect to those who were parties to the probate
provisions/dispositions thereof cannot be given effect. proceedings. Petitioner cannot again raise those
This is specially so when the courts had already matters anew for relitigation otherwise that would
determined in a final and executory decision that the amount to forum-shopping. It should be remembered
will is intrinsically void. Such determination having that forum shopping also occurs when the same issue
attained that character of finality is binding on this had already been resolved adversely by some other
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

court. It is clear from the executory order that the to the laws of succession. In this case, the court had
estates of Alejandro and his spouse should be ruled that the will of Alejandro was extrinsically valid
distributed according to the laws of intestate but the intrinsic provisions thereof were void. Thus, the
succession. rules of intestacy apply as correctly held by the trial
Petitioner posits that the January 30, 1986 Order is
merely interlocutory, hence it can still be set aside by Furthermore, Alejandro's disposition in his will of the
the trial court. In support thereof, petitioner argues that alleged share in the conjugal properties of his late
"an order merely declaring who are heirs and the shares spouse, whom he described as his "only beloved wife",
to which set of heirs is entitled cannot be the basis of is not a valid reason to reverse a final and executory
execution to require delivery of shares from one person order. Testamentary dispositions of properties not
to another particularly when no project of partition has belonging exclusively to the testator or properties
been filed." The trial court declared in the January 30, which are part of the conjugal regime cannot be given
1986 Order that petitioner is not the legal wife of effect. Matters with respect to who owns the properties
Alejandro, whose only heirs are his three legitimate that were disposed of by Alejandro in the void will may
children (petitioners herein), and at the same time it still be properly ventilated and determined in the
nullified the will. But it should be noted that in the same intestate proceedings for the settlement of his and that
Order, the trial court also said that the estate of the late of his late spouse's estate.
spouses be distributed according to the laws of
intestacy. Accordingly, it has no option but to Petitioner's motion for appointment as administratrix is
implement that order of intestate distribution and not rendered moot considering that she was not married to
to reopen and again re-examine the intrinsic provisions the late Alejandro and, therefore, is not an heir.
of the same will.
8. Lachenal v Salas
It can be clearly inferred from Article 960 of the Civil
Code, on the law of successional rights that testacy is G.R. No. L-42257, June 14, 1976
preferred to intestacy. But before there could be
testate distribution, the will must pass the scrutinizing FACTS:
test and safeguards provided by law considering that Victorio Lachenal died on November 20, 1969. His
the deceased testator is no longer available to prove testate estate is pending settlement in the Court of First
the voluntariness of his actions, aside from the fact that Instance of Rizal, Pasig Branch I (Special Proceeding No.
the transfer of the estate is usually onerous in nature 5836). His son, Ildefonso Lachenal, was named executor
and that no one is presumed to give — Nemo of his will. Among the properties included in the
praesumitur donare. No intestate distribution of the inventory of his estate is a fishing boat called Lachenal
estate can be done until and unless the will had failed to
pass both its extrinsic and intrinsic validity. If the will is
extrinsically void, the rules of intestacy apply regardless On April 1, 1971 the executor filed in that proceeding a
motion to require the spouses Lope L. Leonio and
of the intrinsic validity thereof. If it is extrinsically valid,
Flaviana Lachenal-Leonio to pay the rentals for the lease
the next test is to determine its intrinsic validity — that
is whether the provisions of the will are valid according of Lachenal VII.

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Questions of ownership adjudicated in a separate

Mrs. Leonio, who was a daughter of the testator, action
opposed the executor's motion. She countered with a Normally, it is expedient and convenient that the
motion to exclude the fishing boat from the decedent's question of title to property, which arises between the
estate. She claimed that she is the owner of the boat decedent's estate and other persons, should be
because she purchased it from her father in 1967. The adjudicated in a separate action because such a
executor opposed the motion for exclusion. question requires the presentation of appropriate
pleadings (complaint, motion to dismiss, answer,
The probate court in its order of January 28, 1972 counterclaim and reply). A resort to the modes of
designated a commissioner to receive the evidence of discovery may be necessary so that the issues may be
the parties relative to the ownership of the motorboat. clearly defined and the trial may be expedited. Those
Mrs. Leonio had already finished the presentation of matters can be effectively accomplished in an ordinary
her evidence before the commissioner. action rather than in the testamentary or intestate
proceeding (Mangaliman vs. Gonzales, L-21033,
The executor did not present his countervailing December 28, 1970, 36 SCRA 462).
evidence. Instead, he and the testator's other children
filed in the CFI of Rizal an action against the Leonio The court may also have to resolve ancillary issues as to
spouses and the other three children of the testator damages and counterclaims for money or property.
named Crispula, Modesto and Esperanza, for the Ultimately, execution has to be issued. The execution of
recovery of the motorboat Lachenal VII - Civil Case No. a judgment is usually made by the Court of First
3597. Instance in an ordinary action and not in a special
ISSUE: WON the probate court may pass upon the issue
of ownership of the fishing boat NO 9. Baybayan v Aquino

HELD: G.R. No. L-42678, April 9, 1987

We hold that the title to the fishing boat should be
determined in Civil Case No. 3597 because it affects the FACTS: Summary settlement

lessee thereof, Lope L Leonio, the decedent's son-in- Private respondents Norberto Padua et al all claiming to
law, who, although married to his daughter or be the nephews and nieces of one Vicente Oria who
compulsory heir, is nevertheless a third person with died intestate sometime in 1945 in Balungao,
respect to his estate. "The administrator may not pull Pangasinan, filed a petition for the summary settlement
him against his will, by motion, into the administration of the decedent's estate, the value of which did not
proceeding". exceed P6,000.00. The petition was filed in the then
Court of First Instance of Pangasinan, Tayug Branch.
This case falls under the general rule that questions as
to title to property cannot be passed upon in the testate Probate court issued an order adjudicating the estate to
the heirs of decedent. Eventually, a writ of execution
or intestate proceeding but should be ventilated in a
was issued, as well as a writ of possession (private
separate action.
respondents were placed in possession of their

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

respective shares). However, they were prevented by ISSUE: WON the determination of ownership of
Jose Diaz and Cipriano Evangelista. In view thereof, the property by the probate court is final NO
private respondents filed a motion to cite said Jose Diaz
and Cipriano Evangelista in contempt of court. HELD:
We find that the respondent Judge committed a grave
As a consequence, herein petitioners Pedro Baybayan, abuse of discretion, amounting to lack of jurisdiction, in
Cipriano Evangelists, and the spouses Bartolome and dismissing the complaint filed by the petitioners, for
Consuelo Baybayan, claiming to be the registered their alleged failure to amend their complaint to
owners of the lots involved, filed a complaint for the exclude therefrom Lot E which the respondent Judge
quieting of their title, plus damages, and to restrain said found, in his order of 30 October 1975, issued in the
defendants from enforcing the writ of execution issued probate court, to be owned by the petitioners Cipriano
by the probate court. Evangelists and Consuelo Baybayan.

Meanwhile, at the hearing of the motion for contempt Determination of ownership by probate court not final
in Spec. Proc. No. 24-R, the question of the Identity of The findings of the respondent Judge as to the
the lands subject of Spec. Proc. No. 24-R, was brought ownership of Lot E after the hearing conducted in Spec.
up, so that the probate court ordered a relocation Proc. No. 24-R do not justify the order to amend the
survey and commissioned a geodetic engineer to complaint since the determination of the ownership of
undertake said survey. After the survey, the the said lot by the respondent Judge presiding over a
commissioner submitted to the Court a report stating, court exercising probate jurisdiction is not final or
among others, that the lands which were delivered by ultimate in nature and is without prejudice to the right
the Deputy Sheriff to the heirs of Vicente Oria, pursuant of an interested party to raise the question of
to the writ of possession issued by the probate court, ownership in a proper action.
are registered in the names of herein petitioners.
It is a well-settled rule in this jurisdiction, sanctioned
By reason thereof, the probate court, in an order dated and reiterated in a long fine of decisions, that "when
30 October 1975, dismissed the contempt charge questions arise as to ownership of property alleged to
against Jose Diaz and Cipriano Evangelists. However, the be a part of the estate of a deceased person, but
same court ordered the petitioners to amend their claimed by some other person to be his property, not by
complaint filed in Civil Case No. 231-R since "it is virtue of any right of inheritance from the deceased, but
necessary that an amended complaint be filed by by title adverse to that of the deceased and his estate,
Pedro Baybayan in order to determine whether or not such questions cannot be determined in the courts of
the property in question is part of the property under administrative proceedings. The Court of First Instance,
Spec. Proc. No. 24-R (probate)." acting, as a probate court, has no jurisdiction to
adjudicate such contentions, which must be submitted
Petitioners however failed to comply with the order of to the Court of First Instance in the exercise of its
the judge to Amend the Complaint to exclude Lot E. general jurisdiction as a court of first instance."
Hence, respondent Judge dismissed the case.
Besides, the order to amend the complaint is vague and
hazy and does not specify what the amendments should
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

be or how the complaint should be amended so that the Probate proceedings are purely statutory and their
petitioners should not be faulted if the amended functions limited to the control of the property upon
complaint subsequently filed by them in Civil Case No. the death of its owner, and cannot extend to the
231-R does not contain the allegations that the adjudication of collateral questions (Woesmes, The
respondent Judge would want to appear therein. American Law of Administration, Vol. I, p. 514, 662-
10. De Borja v De Borja
It was in the acknowledgment of its limited jurisdiction
G.R. No. L-6622 July 31, 1957 that the lower court dismissed the administrator's
Intestate Estate of the deceased MARCELO DE BORJA. counterclaim for moral damages against the oppositors,
CRISANTO DE BORJA, administrator-appellant, particularly against Marcela de Borja who allegedly
vs.JUAN DE BORJA, ET AL., oppositors-appellees. uttered derogatory remarks intended to cast dishonor
to said administrator sometime in 1950 or 1951, his
ISSUE: Honor's ground being that the court exercising limited
May a claim for moral damages may be entertained in a jurisdiction cannot entertain claims of this kind which
proceeding for the settlement of an estate? NO should properly belong to a court of general
jurisdiction. From what ever angle it may be looked at,
HELD: a counterclaim for moral damages demanded by an
Application of Doctrine of Limited Jurisdiction ;
administrator against the heirs for alleged utterances,
Incidental Matters not to be Entertained pleadings and actuations made in the course of the
Special Proceedings No. 6414 of the Court of First proceeding, is an extraneous matter in a testate or
Instance of Rizal (Pasig branch) was instituted for the intestate proceedings. The injection into the action of
purpose of settling the Intestate Estate of Marcelo de incidental questions entirely foreign in probate
Borja. In taking cognizance of the case, the Court was
proceedings should not be encouraged for to do
clothed with a limited jurisdiction which cannot expand otherwise would run counter to the clear intention of
to collateral matters not arising out of or in any way the law, for it was held that:
related to the settlement and adjudication of the
properties of the deceased, for it is a settled rule that The speedy settlement of the estate of deceased
the jurisdiction of a probate court is limited and special persons for the benefit of the creditors and those
(Guzman vs. Anog, 37 Phil. 361). entitled to the residue by way of inheritance or legacy
after the debts and expenses of administration have
Although there is a tendency now to relax this rule and been paid, is the ruling spirit of our probate law
extend the jurisdiction of the probate court in respect (Magabanua vs. Akel, 72 Phil., 567, 40 Off Gaz., 1871).
to matters incidental and collateral to the exercise of its
recognized powers (14 Am. Jur. 251-252), this should be
Atty. Tiu: You have to remember that in a settlement
understood to comprehend only cases related to those case, there is no cause of action. So there can be no
powers specifically allowed by the statutes. For it was counterclaim because there is no violation of a right
even said that:
that you seek to enforce. A counterclaim is only proper
in an ordinary action. In the case of De Borja, a
counterclaim here was disallowed, a counterclaim for
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

moral damages. And the reason being, the cause of acquired is retained until a new domicile is gained"
action arose from defamatory statements that are not (Minor, Conflict of Laws, p.70; Restatement of the Law
included in the settlement case. on Conflict of Laws, p. 47; In re Estate of Johnson, 192
Iowa, 78). Under the circumstances surrounding the
Powers of Settlement Court (Rule 73, Sec. 3) case at bar, if Andres Eusebio established another
domicile, it must have been one of choice, for which the
Venue (Rule 73, Sec. 1) following conditions are essential, namely: (1) capacity
1. Eusebio v Eusebio to choose and freedom of choice; (2) physical presence
at the place chosen; and (3) intention to stay therein
G.R. No. L-8409, December 28, 1956 permanently (Minor, Conflict of Laws, pp. 109-110;
In the Matter of the Intestate of the deceased Andres Googrich, Conflict of Laws, p. 169; Velilla vs. Posadas, 62
Eusebio. EUGENIO EUSEBIO, petitioner-appellee, vs. Phil., 624; Zuellig vs. Republic of the Philippines, 46 Off.
AMANDA EUSEBIO, JUAN EUSEBIO, DELFIN EUSEBIO, Gaz. Suppl. No. 11, p. 220). Admittedly, the decedent
VICENTE EUSEBIO, and CARLOS EUSEBIO,oppositors- was juridically capable of choosing a domicile and had
appellants. been in Quezon City several days prior to his demise.

FACTS: 2. Fule v CA

Eugenio Eusebio filed with the CFI of Rizal, a petition for G.R. No. L-40502, November 29, 1976
his appointment as administrator of the estate of his
father, Andres Eusebio, who died on November 1952, FACTS:
residing, according to said petition, in the City of On May 2, 1973, Virginia G. Fule filed with the Court of
Quezon. The illegitimate children objected thereto First Instance of Laguna, at Calamba. a petition for
alleging that the deceased was domiciled in San letters of administration, docketed as Sp. Proc. No. 27-
Fernando, Pampanga, and praying, therefore, that the C, alleging, inter alia, "that on April 26, 1973, Amado G.
case be dismissed upon the ground that venue had Garcia, a property owner of Calamba, Laguna, died
been improperly filed. CFI overruled this objection and intestate in the City of Manila, leaving real estate and
granted said petition. personal properties in Calamba, Laguna, and in other
places, within the jurisdiction of the Honorable Court."
ISSUE: WON the petition was filed in the proper venue. At the same time, she moved ex parte for her
NO appointment as special administratrix over the estate.
On May 2, 1973, Judge Malvar granted the motion.

Domicile defined Preciosa Garcia filed an opposition to the petition,

raising the issues of jurisdiction, venue, among others.
It being apparent from the foregoing that the domicile
of origin of the decedent was San Fernando, Pampanga, During the hearing of the various incidents of this case
where he resided for over seventy (70) years, the (Sp. Proc. 27-C) before Judge Malvar, 2 Virginia G. Fule
presumption is that he retained such domicile, and, presented the death certificate of Amado G. Garcia
hence, residence, in the absence of satisfactory proof to showing that his residence at the time of his death was
the contrary, for it is well-settled that "a domicile once Quezon City. On her part, Preciosa B. Garcia presented
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

the residence certificate of the decedent for 1973 venue, the terms are synonymous, and convey the same
showing that three months before his death his meaning as the term "inhabitant." In other words,
residence was in Quezon City. Virginia G. Fule also "resides" should be viewed or understood in its popular
testified that Amado G. Garcia was residing in Calamba, sense, meaning, the personal, actual or physical
Laguna at the time of his death habitation of a person, actual residence or place of
abode. It signifies physical presence in a place and
ISSUE: WON the venue was proper NO actual stay thereat.

HELD: Different claims as to the residence of the deceased at

Section 1, Rule 73 of the Revised Rules of Court the time of his death
provides: "If the decedent is an inhabitant of the Fule, in her original petition stated that decedent was a
Philippines at the time of his death, whether a citizen or property owner of Laguna, who died intestate in hte
an alien, his will shall be proved, or letters of City of Manila. On the other hand, Preciosa Garcia
administration granted, and his estate settled, in the claims that, as appearing in the death certificate, the
Court of First Instance in the province in which he last residence was at 11 Carmel Avenue, Carmel
resides at the time of his death, and if he is an Subdivision, Quezon City.
inhabitant of a foreign country, the Court of First
Instance of any province in which he had estate. Death certificate controlling
On this issue, We rule that the last place of residence of
The aforequoted Section 1, Rule 73 (formerly Rule 75, the deceased Amado G. Garcia was at 11 Carmel
Section 1), specifically the clause "so far as it depends Avenue, Carmel Subdivision, Quezon City, and not at
on the place of residence of the decedent, or of the Calamba, Laguna. A death certificate is admissible to
location of the estate," is in reality a matter of venue, as prove the residence of the decedent at the time of his
the caption of the Rule indicates: "Settlement of Estate death. Other documents also show that the last
of Deceased Persons. Venue and Processes. It could not residence was in QC (such as certificates of titles, deed
have been intended to define the jurisdiction over the of donation, etc).
subject matter, because such legal provision is
contained in a law of procedure dealing merely with 3. Jao v CA
procedural matters. In plain words, it is just a matter of
method, of convenience to the parties. G.R. No. 128314, May 29, 2002
RODOLFO V. JAO, petitioner, vs.COURT OF APPEALS and
What does the term "resides" mean? PERICO V. JAO, respondents.
In the application of venue statutes and rules — Section
1, Rule 73 of the Revised Rules of Court is of such FACTS:
Rodolfo and Perico Jao were the only sons of the
nature — residence rather than domicile is the
significant factor. Even where the statute uses the word spouses Ignacio Jao Tayag and Andrea V. Jao, who died
"domicile" still it is construed as meaning residence and intestate in 1988 and 1989, respectively. The decedents
left real estate, cash, shares of stock and other personal
not domicile in the technical sense. Some cases make a
distinction between the terms "residence" and
"domicile" but as generally used in statutes fixing
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

On April 17, 1991, Perico instituted a petition for Rodolfo filed a rejoinder, stating that he gave the
issuance of letters of administration in the RTC of information regarding the decedents’ residence on the
Quezon City . Pending the appointment of a regular death certificates in good faith and through honest
administrator, Perico moved that he be appointed as mistake. He gave his residence only as reference,
special administrator. He alleged that his brother, considering that their parents were treated in their late
Rodolfo, was gradually dissipating the assets of the years at the Medical City General Hospital in
estate. More particularly, Rodolfo was receiving rentals Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. Their stay in his house
from real properties without rendering any accounting, was merely transitory, in the same way that they were
and forcibly opening vaults belonging to their deceased taken at different times for the same purpose to
parents and disposing of the cash and valuables therein. Perico’s residence at Legaspi Towers in Roxas
Boulevard. The death certificates could not, therefore,
Rodolfo moved for the dismissal of the petition on the be deemed conclusive evidence of the decedents’
ground of improper venue. He argued that the residence in light of the other documents showing
deceased spouses did not reside in Quezon City either otherwise.
during their lifetime or at the time of their deaths. The
decedent’s actual residence was in Angeles City, ISSUE: Where should the settlement proceedings be
Pampanga, where his late mother used to run and had --- in Pampanga, where the decedents had their
operate a bakery. As the health of his parents permanent residence, or in Quezon City, where they
deteriorated due to old age, they stayed in Rodolfo’s actually stayed before their demise? Quezon City
residence at 61 Scout Gandia Street, Quezon City, solely
for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment and HELD:
hospitalization. Rodolfo submitted documentary Rule 73, Section 1 of the Rules of Court states:
evidence previously executed by the decedents,
consisting of income tax returns, voter’s affidavits, Where estate of deceased persons be settled. – If the
statements of assets and liabilities, real estate tax decedent is an inhabitant of the Philippines at the time of his
death, whether a citizen or an alien, his will shall be proved,
payments, motor vehicle registration and passports, all
or letters of administration granted, and his estate settled, in
indicating that their permanent residence was in
the Court of First Instance in the province in which he resides
Angeles City, Pampanga.
at the time of his death, and if he is an inhabitant of a foreign
country, the Court of First Instance of any province in which
In his opposition,Perico countered that their deceased he had estate. The court first taking cognizance of the
parents actually resided in Rodolfo’s house in Quezon settlement of the estate of a decedent shall exercise
City at the time of their deaths. As a matter of fact, it jurisdiction to the exclusion of all other courts. The jurisdiction
was conclusively declared in their death certificates that assumed by a court, so far as it depends on the place of
their last residence before they died was at 61 Scout residence of the decedent, or of the location of his estate,
Gandia Street, Quezon City.Rodolfo himself even shall not be contested in a suit or proceeding, except in an
appeal from that court, in the original case, or when the want
supplied the entry appearing on the death certificate of
of jurisdiction appears on the record.
their mother, Andrea, and affixed his own signature on
the said document.
Clearly, the estate of an inhabitant of the Philippines
shall be settled or letters of administration granted in

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

the proper court located in the province where the Entries in Death Certificate Presumed Correct
decedent resides at the time of his death. Furthermore, the decedents’ respective death
certificates state that they were both residents of
Petitioner Rodolfo invokes our ruling in the case of Quezon City at the time of their demise. Significantly, it
Eusebio v. Eusebio, et al., where we held that the situs was petitioner himself who filled up his late mother’s
of settlement proceedings shall be the place where the death certificate. To our mind, this unqualifiedly shows
decedent had his permanent residence or domicile at that at that time, at least, petitioner recognized his
the time of death. In determining residence at the time deceased mother’s residence to be Quezon City.
of death, the following factors must be considered, Moreover, petitioner failed to contest the entry in
namely, the decedent had: (a) capacity to choose and Ignacio’s death certificate, accomplished a year earlier
freedom of choice; (b) physical presence at the place by respondent.
chosen; and (c) intention to stay therein permanently.
While it appears that the decedents in this case chose The recitals in the death certificates, which are
to be physically present in Quezon City for medical admissible in evidence, were thus properly considered
convenience, petitioner avers that they never adopted and presumed to be correct by the court a quo. We
Quezon City as their permanent residence. agree with the appellate court’s observation that since
the death certificates were accomplished even before
The contention lacks merit. petitioner and respondent quarreled over their
inheritance, they may be relied upon to reflect the true
The facts in Eusebio were different from those in the situation at the time of their parents’ death.
case at bar. The decedent therein, Andres Eusebio,
passed away while in the process of transferring his The death certificates thus prevailed as proofs of the
personal belongings to a house in Quezon City. He was decedents’ residence at the time of death, over the
then suffering from a heart ailment and was advised by numerous documentary evidence presented by
his doctor/son to purchase a Quezon City residence, petitioner. To be sure, the documents presented by
which was nearer to his doctor. While he was able to petitioner pertained not to residence at the time of
acquire a house in Quezon City, Eusebio died even death, as required by the Rules of Court, but to
before he could move therein. In said case, we ruled permanent residence or domicile. In Garcia-Fule v.
that Eusebio retained his domicile --- and hence, Court of Appeals, we held:
residence --- in San Fernando, Pampanga. It cannot be
said that Eusebio changed his residence because, In statutes fixing venue, “domicile” and “residence”
strictly speaking, his physical presence in Quezon City are synonymous
was just temporary. xxx xxx xxx the term "resides" connotes ex vi termini
"actual residence" as distinguished from "legal
In the case at bar, there is substantial proof that the residence or domicile." This term "resides", like the
decedents have transferred to petitioner’s Quezon City terms "residing" and "residence", is elastic and should
residence. Petitioner failed to sufficiently refute be interpreted in the light of the object or purpose of
respondent’s assertion that their elderly parents stayed the statute or rule in which it is employed. In the
in his house for some three to four years before they application of venue statutes and rules – Section 1, Rule
died in the late 1980s. 73 of the Revised Rules of Court is of such nature –
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

residence rather than domicile is the significant factor. actions, and Rule 73, Section 1, which applies
Even where the statute uses the word "domicile" still it specifically to settlement proceedings. He argues that
is construed as meaning residence and not domicile in while venue in the former understandably refers to
the technical sense. Some cases make a distinction actual physical residence for the purpose of serving
between the terms "residence" and "domicile" but as summons, it is the permanent residence of the
generally used in statutes fixing venue, the terms are decedent which is significant in Rule 73, Section 1.
synonymous, and convey the same meaning as the term Petitioner insists that venue for the settlement of
"inhabitant." In other words, "resides" should be estates can only refer to permanent residence or
viewed or understood in its popular sense, meaning, the domicile because it is the place where the records of
personal, actual or physical habitation of a person, the properties are kept and where most of the
actual residence or place of abode. It signifies physical decedents’ properties are located.
presence in a place and actual stay thereat. In this
popular sense, the term means merely residence, that Petitioner’s argument fails to persuade.
is, personal residence, not legal residence or domicile.
Residence simply requires bodily presence as an It does not necessarily follow that the records of a
inhabitant in a given place, while domicile requires person’s properties are kept in the place where he
bodily presence in that place and also an intention to permanently resides. Neither can it be presumed that a
make it one’s domicile. No particular length of time of person’s properties can be found mostly in the place
residence is required though; however, the residence where he establishes his domicile. It may be that he has
must be more than temporary. his domicile in a place different from that where he
keeps his records, or where he maintains extensive
Decedent’s stay in QC was more than temporary personal and business interests. No generalizations can
Both the settlement court and the Court of Appeals thus be formulated on the matter, as the question of
found that the decedents have been living with where to keep records or retain properties is entirely
petitioner at the time of their deaths and for some time dependent upon an individual’s choice and peculiarities.
prior thereto. We find this conclusion to be
substantiated by the evidence on record. A close Standing Rule: "Residence", in the context of venue
perusal of the challenged decision shows that, contrary provisions, means nothing more than a person’s actual
to petitioner’s assertion, the court below considered residence or place of abode, provided he resides
not only the decedents’ physical presence in Quezon therein with continuity and consistency.
City, but also other factors indicating that the At any rate, petitioner is obviously splitting straws when
decedents’ stay therein was more than temporary. In he differentiates between venue in ordinary civil actions
the absence of any substantial showing that the lower and venue in special proceedings. In Raymond v. Court
courts’ factual findings stemmed from an erroneous of Appeals19 and Bejer v. Court of Appeals,we ruled
apprehension of the evidence presented, the same that venue for ordinary civil actions and that for special
must be held to be conclusive and binding upon this proceedings have one and the same meaning. As thus
Court. defined, "residence", in the context of venue provisions,
means nothing more than a person’s actual residence or
Petitioner strains to differentiate between the venue place of abode, provided he resides therein with
provisions found in Rule 4, Section 2, on ordinary civil continuity and consistency.. All told, the lower court
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

and the Court of Appeals correctly held that venue for of a person is his personal, actual or physical habitation,
the settlement of the decedents’ intestate estate was or actual residence or place of abode, which may not
properly laid in the Quezon City court. necessarily be his legal residence or domicile provided
he resides therein with continuity and
4. San Luis v San Luis consistency. Hence, it is possible that a person may
have his residence in one place and domicile in another.
G.R. No. 133743, February 6, 2007
FACTS: In the instant case, while petitioners established that
Felicisimo was domiciled in Sta. Cruz, Laguna,
Felisicimo contracted three marriages during his respondent proved that he also maintained a residence
lifetime: 1st Virginia Sulit (predeceased Feli), Mary lee in Alabang, Muntinlupa from 1982 up to the time of his
Corwin (US divorce), Felicidad. Felicidad filed a petition death. Respondent submitted in evidence the Deed of
for letters of administration before RTC Makati. Rodolfo Absolute Sale dated January 5, 1983 showing that the
San Luis, one of the children of Felicisimo by his first deceased purchased the aforesaid property. She also
marriage, filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds of
presented billing statements from the Philippine Heart
improper venue and failure to state a cause of action. Center and Chinese General Hospital for the period
Rodolfo claimed that the petition for letters of
August to December 1992 indicating the address of
administration should have been filed in the Province of Felicisimo at "100 San Juanico, Ayala Alabang,
Laguna because this was Felicisimo’s place of residence Muntinlupa." Respondent also presented proof of
prior to his death. membership of the deceased in the Ayala Alabang
ISSUE: WON the petitioner was properly filed in Village Association and Ayala Country Club, Inc., letter-
Makati? YES. envelopes from 1988 to 1990 sent by the deceased’s
children to him at his Alabang address, and the
HELD: deceased’s calling cards stating that his home/city
address is at "100 San Juanico, Ayala Alabang Village,
“resides”- there must be continuity and consistency
Muntinlupa" while his office/provincial address is in
SC reiterated the ruling in thecase of FULE. SC futher "Provincial Capitol, Sta. Cruz, Laguna."
held that It is incorrect for petitioners to argue that
Parties in Interest
"residence," for purposes of fixing the venue of the
settlement of the estate of Felicisimo, is synonymous Probate Proceeding
with "domicile." The rulings in Nuval and Romualdez are
inapplicable to the instant case because they involve 1. Acain v IAC
election cases. Needless to say, there is a distinction G.R. No. 72706 October 27, 1987
between "residence" for purposes of election laws and
"residence" for purposes of fixing the venue of actions.
In election cases, "residence" and "domicile" are Constantino Acain filed on the RTC, a petition for the
treated as synonymous terms, that is, the fixed probate of the will of the late Nemesio Acain and for
permanent residence to which when absent, one has
the issuance to the same petitioner of letters
the intention of returning. However, for purposes of testamentary on the premise that Nemesio Acain died
fixing venue under the Rules of Court, the "residence" leaving a will in which petitioner and his brothers
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Antonio, Flores and Jose and his sisters Anita, effect of annulling the "Institution of heirs will be,
Concepcion, Quirina and Laura were instituted as heirs. necessarily, the opening of a total intestacy except that
proper legacies and devises must, as already stated
The oppositors (respondents herein Virginia A. above, be respected.
Fernandez, a legally adopted daughter of tile deceased
and the latter's widow Rosa Diongson Vda. de Acain Since there is preterition, Constantino (brother) has no
filed a motion to dismiss on the following grounds for legal standing to petition for probate.
the petitioner has no legal capacity to institute these
proceedings; (2) he is merely a universal heir and (3) the Intestate Proceeding
widow and the adopted daughter have been preterited.
1. San Luis v San Luis
ISSUE: WON the legally adopted daughter and the G.R. No. 133743 February 6, 2007
widow may legally oppose? YES EDGAR SAN LUIS, Petitioner,
Legally adopted daughter may oppose since she was x ---------------------------------------------------- x
preterited and that she will stand benefited in the G.R. No. 134029 February 6, 2007
annulment of the institution of the heirs RODOLFO SAN LUIS, Petitioner,
Legal adoption by the testator has not been questioned vs.
by petitioner. Under Article 39 of P.D. No. 603, known FELICIDAD SAGALONGOS alias FELICIDAD SAN
as the Child and Youth Welfare Code, adoption gives to LUIS, Respondent.
the adopted person the same rights and duties as if he
were a legitimate child of the adopter and makes the FACTS:
adopted person a legal heir of the adopter. It cannot be During his lifetime, Felicisimo contracted three
denied that she has totally omitted and preterited in marriages. His first marriage was with Virginia Sulit on
the will of the testator and that both adopted child and out of which were born six children. Virginia
the widow were deprived of at least their legitime. predeceased Felicisimo.
Neither can it be denied that they were not expressly
disinherited. Hence, this is a clear case of preterition of Five years later, on May 1, 1968, Felicisimo married
the legally adopted child. Merry Lee Corwin, with whom he had a son, Tobias but
which marriage ended in divorce.
Pretention annuls the institution of an heir and On June 20, 1974, Felicisimo married respondent
annulment throws open to intestate succession the Felicidad San Luis. He had no children with respondent
entire The only provisions which do not result in but lived with her for 18 years from the time of their
intestacy are the legacies and devises made in the will marriage up to his death on December 18, 1992.
for they should stand valid and respected, except
insofar as the legitimes are concerned. On December 17, 1993, respondent filed a petition for
letters of administration before the Regional Trial Court
The universal institution of petitioner together with his of Makati City.
brothers and sisters to the entire inheritance of The
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Respondent alleged that she is the widow of Felicisimo; ISSUE: What is the proper venue for the petition for
that, at the time of his death, the decedent was residing letters administration? Makati City
at 100 San Juanico Street, New Alabang Village,
Alabang, Metro Manila; that the decedent’s surviving HELD:
heirs are respondent as legal spouse, his six children by Under Section 1, Rule 73 of the Rules of Court, the
his first marriage, and son by his second marriage; that petition for letters of administration of the estate of
the decedent left real properties, both conjugal and Felicisimo should be filed in the Regional Trial Court of
exclusive, valued at P30,304,178.00 more or less; that the province "in which he resides at the time of his
the decedent does not have any unpaid debts. death." In the case of Garcia Fule v. Court of Appeals,
Respondent prayed that the conjugal partnership assets we laid down the doctrinal rule for determining the
be liquidated and that letters of administration be residence – as contradistinguished from domicile – of
issued to her. the decedent for purposes of fixing the venue of the
settlement of his estate:
On February 4, 1994, petitioner Rodolfo San Luis, one of
the children of Felicisimo by his first marriage, filed a [T]he term "resides" connotes ex vi termini "actual
motion to dismiss on the grounds of improper venue residence" as distinguished from "legal residence or
and failure to state a cause of action. domicile." This term "resides," like the terms "residing"
and "residence," is elastic and should be interpreted in
Rodolfo claimed that the petition for letters of the light of the object or purpose of the statute or rule
administration should have been filed in the Province of in which it is employed. In the application of venue
Laguna because this was Felicisimo’s place of residence statutes and rules – Section 1, Rule 73 of the Revised
prior to his death. He further claimed that respondent Rules of Court is of such nature – residence rather than
has no legal personality to file the petition because she domicile is the significant factor. Even where the statute
was only a mistress of Felicisimo since the latter, at the uses the word "domicile" still it is construed as meaning
time of his death, was still legally married to Merry Lee. residence and not domicile in the technical sense. Some
cases make a distinction between the terms "residence"
In the instant consolidated petitions, Edgar and Rodolfo and "domicile" but as generally used in statutes fixing
insist that the venue of the subject petition for letters of venue, the terms are synonymous, and convey the same
administration was improperly laid because at the time meaning as the term "inhabitant." In other words,
of his death, Felicisimo was a resident of Sta. Cruz, "resides" should be viewed or understood in its popular
Laguna. They contend that pursuant to our rulings in sense, meaning, the personal, actual or physical
Nuval v. Guray and Romualdez v. RTC, Br. 7, Tacloban habitation of a person, actual residence or place of
City, "residence" is synonymous with "domicile" which abode. It signifies physical presence in a place and
denotes a fixed permanent residence to which when actual stay thereat. In this popular sense, the term
absent, one intends to return. They claim that a person means merely residence, that is, personal residence,
can only have one domicile at any given time. Since not legal residence or domicile. Residence simply
Felicisimo never changed his domicile, the petition for requires bodily presence as an inhabitant in a given
letters of administration should have been filed in Sta. place, while domicile requires bodily presence in that
Cruz, Laguna. place and also an intention to make it one’s domicile.
No particular length of time of residence is required
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

though; however, the residence must be more than Muntinlupa" while his office/provincial address is in
temporary. "Provincial Capitol, Sta. Cruz, Laguna."

It is incorrect for petitioners to argue that "residence," From the foregoing, we find that Felicisimo was a
for purposes of fixing the venue of the settlement of the resident of Alabang, Muntinlupa for purposes of fixing
estate of Felicisimo, is synonymous with "domicile." The the venue of the settlement of his estate. Consequently,
rulings in Nuval and Romualdez are inapplicable to the the subject petition for letters of administration was
instant case because they involve election cases. validly filed in the Regional Trial Court which has
Needless to say, there is a distinction between territorial jurisdiction over Alabang, Muntinlupa. The
"residence" for purposes of election laws and subject petition was filed on December 17, 1993. At
"residence" for purposes of fixing the venue of actions. that time, Muntinlupa was still a municipality and the
In election cases, "residence" and "domicile" are branches of the Regional Trial Court of the National
treated as synonymous terms, that is, the fixed Capital Judicial Region which had territorial jurisdiction
permanent residence to which when absent, one has over Muntinlupa were then seated in Makati City as per
the intention of returning. However, for purposes of Supreme Court Administrative Order No. 3. Thus, the
fixing venue under the Rules of Court, the "residence" subject petition was validly filed before the Regional
of a person is his personal, actual or physical habitation, Trial Court of Makati City.
or actual residence or place of abode, which may not
necessarily be his legal residence or domicile provided Atty. Tiu: In San Luis vs. San Luis, the SC made a ruling
he resides therein with continuity and consistency. that the term residence is the same as the one laid down
Hence, it is possible that a person may have his in the case of Fule and Hao. It is a reiteration of the
residence in one place and domicile in another. doctrine in Fule and Hao. And it distinguishes the
In the instant case, while petitioners established that concept of residence between a settlement case and for
Felicisimo was domiciled in Sta. Cruz, Laguna, purposes of election. So for purposes of settlement of
respondent proved that he also maintained a residence the estate, residence or reside should mean the personal
in Alabang, Muntinlupa from 1982 up to the time of his actual or physical habitation of the person, actual
death. Respondent submitted in evidence the Deed of residence or place of abode. It is not the same as
Absolute Sale dated January 5, 1983 showing that the domicile in election laws that there should be intent to
deceased purchased the aforesaid property. She also return.
presented billing statements from the Philippine Heart
Center and Chinese General Hospital for the period What is meant by the phrase in Section 1 that “The
August to December 1992 indicating the address of court first taking cognizance of the settlement of the
Felicisimo at "100 San Juanico, Ayala Alabang, estate of a decedent, shall exercise jurisdiction to the
Muntinlupa." Respondent also presented proof of exclusion of all other courts.”?
membership of the deceased in the Ayala Alabang
Village Association and Ayala Country Club, Inc., letter- Atty. Tiu: This only apply for nonresident decedents and
envelopes from 1988 to 1990 sent by the deceased’s not to resident decedents because there is only one
children to him at his Alabang address, and the venue and that is where he last resided at the time of his
deceased’s calling cards stating that his home/city death. For the nonresident, you have plenty of options if
address is at "100 San Juanico, Ayala Alabang Village, there are several properties present in many locations.
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Now you choose. But when you made your choice, it aspect of the testate or intestate proceedings, but
would exclude all the others. Meaning you settle there, instead provides for specific instances when such
to the exclusion of others. The purpose for that is for the persons may accordingly act in those proceedings, we
orderly administration and successful administration of deem that while there is no general right to intervene
the estate. Because regardless of the number of on the part of the petitioners, they may be allowed to
properties of the decedent, there is only one estate, seek certain prayers or reliefs from the intestate court
there is only one settlement proceeding. not explicitly provided for under the Rules, if the prayer
or relief sought is necessary to protect their interest in
the estate, and there is no other modality under the
2. Hilado v CA Rules by which such interests can be protected
G.R. No. 164108, May 8, 2009 3. Tayag v Tayag –Gallor
G.R. No. 174680, March 24, 2008
At the time of the death of Benedicto, there were 2 civil
cases (based on tort) pending with the deceased as FACTS:
defendant and Hilado as one of the plaintiffs therein. On September 7, 2000, Ismael Tayag died intestate.
Hilado sought to intervene in the proceeding for the
estate of Benedicto claiming that he in a party-in- On 15 January 2001, respondent herein, Felicidad A.
interest. Tayag-Gallor, filed a petition for the issuance of letters
of administration over the estate of Ismael Tayag. She
ISSUE: WON Hilado may intervene. Yes , but only to a alleged that she is one of the three (3) illegitimate
limited extent. children of the late Ismael Tayag and Ester C. Angeles.
The decedent was married to petitioner herein, Victoria
HELD: Petitioners’ interests in the estate of Benedicto
C. Tayag, but the two allegedly did not have any
may be inchoate interests, but they are viable interests
children of their own.
nonetheless. We are mindful that the Rules of Special
Proceedings allows not just creditors, but also “any
Petitioner Victoria Tayag opposed. She averred that it is
person interested” or “persons interested in the estate”
necessary to allege that respondent was acknowledged
various specified capacities to protect their respective
and recognized by Ismael Tayag as his illegitimate child.
interests in the estate. Anybody with a contingent claim
There being no such allegation, the action becomes one
based on a pending action for quasi-delict against a
to compel recognition which cannot be brought after
decedent may be reasonably concerned that by the
the death of the putative father.
time judgment is rendered in their favor, the estate of
the decedent would have already been distributed, or
ISSUE: WON respondent’s petition for the issuance of
diminished to the extent that the judgment could no
letters of administration sufficiently states a cause of
longer be enforced against it.
action (considering that respondent merely alleged
In the same manner that the Rules on Special therein that she is an illegitimate child of the decedent,
Proceedings do not provide a creditor or any person without stating that she had been acknowledged or
interested in the estate, the right to participate in every recognized as such by the latter) YES

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

HELD: illegitimate child of his parents and must be brought

Petition must be filed by interested person during the lifetime of the presumed parents.
Rule 79 of the Rules of Court provides that a petition for
the issuance of letters of administration must be filed Petitioner’s thesis is essentially based on her contention
by an interested person. In Saguinsin v. Lindayag, the that by Ismael Tayag’s death, respondent’s illegitimate
Court defined an interested party as one who would be filiation and necessarily, her interest in the decedent’s
benefited by the estate, such as an heir, or one who has estate which the Rules require to be material and
a claim against the estate, such as a creditor. This direct, may no longer be established. Petitioner,
interest, furthermore, must be material and direct, not however, overlooks the fact that respondent’s
merely indirect or contingent. successional rights may be established not just by a
judicial action to compel recognition but also by proof
Hence, where the right of the person filing a petition for that she had been voluntarily acknowledged and
the issuance of letters of administration is dependent recognized as an illegitimate child.
on a fact which has not been established or worse, can
no longer be established, such contingent interest does In Uyguangco v. Court of Appeals, supra, Graciano
not make her an interested party. Here lies the Uyguangco, claiming to be an illegitimate child of the
complication in the case which the appellate court had decedent, filed a complaint for partition against the
not discussed, although its disposition of the case is latter’s wife and legitimate children. However, an
correct. admission was elicited from him in the course of his
presentation of evidence at the trial that he had none of
Essentially, the petition for the issuance of letters of the documents mentioned in Article 278 of the 1950
administration is a suit for the settlement of the Civil Code to show that he was the illegitimate son of
intestate estate of Ismael Tayag. The right of the decedent. The wife and legitimate children of the
respondent to maintain such a suit is dependent on decedent thereupon moved for the dismissal of the
whether she is entitled to successional rights as an case on the ground that he could no longer prove his
illegitimate child of the decedent which, in turn, may be alleged filiation under the applicable provision of the
established through voluntary or compulsory Civil Code.
The Court, applying the provisions of the Family Code
Voluntary recognition which had then already taken effect, ruled that since
Voluntary recognition must be express such as that in a Graciano was claiming illegitimate filiation under the
record of birth appearing in the civil register, a final second paragraph of Article 172 of the Family Code, i.e.,
judgment, a public instrument or private handwritten open and continuous possession of the status of an
instrument signed by the parent concerned. The illegitimate child, the action was already barred by the
voluntary recognition of an illegitimate child by his or death of the alleged father.
her parent needs no further court action and is,
therefore, not subject to the limitation that the action In contrast, respondent in this case had not been given
for recognition be brought during the lifetime of the the opportunity to present evidence to show whether
putative parent.[16] Judicial or compulsory recognition, she had been voluntarily recognized and acknowledged
on the other hand, may be demanded by the by her deceased father because of petitioner’s
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

opposition to her petition and motion for hearing on Teodorico A. Aquino filed a petition for the probate of
affirmative defenses. There is, as yet, no way to the will in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City.
determine if her petition is actually one to compel
recognition which had already been foreclosed by the While the petition was pending, Oscar Casa died
death of her father, or whether indeed she has a intestate on May 24, 1999. The firm of Aquino, Galang,
material and direct interest to maintain the suit by Lucas, Espinoza, Miranda & Associates entered their
reason of the decedent’s voluntary acknowledgment or appearance as counsel of Federico Casa, Jr., who
recognition of her illegitimate filiation. claimed to be one of the heirs of Oscar Casa and their
Mere allegation that respondent is illegitimate child is
sufficient On August 14, 2002, the probate court issued an Order
We find, therefore, that the allegation that respondent denying the entry of appearance of said law firm,
is an illegitimate child of the decedent suffices even considering that Federico Casa, Jr. was not the executor
without further stating that she has been so recognized or administrator of the estate of the devisee, hence,
or acknowledged. A motion to dismiss on the ground cannot be substituted for the deceased as his
of failure to state a cause of action in the complaint representative as required by Section 16, Rule 3 of the
hypothetically admits the truth of the facts alleged Rules of Court. On November 22, 2002, the court issued
therein. Assuming the fact alleged to be true, i.e., an order directing Aquino to secure the appointment of
that respondent is the an administrator or executor of the estate of Oscar Casa
decedent’s illegitimate child, her interest in the estate in order that the appointee be substituted in lieu of the
as such would definitely be material and direct. The said deceased.
appellate court was, therefore, correct in allowing the
proceedings to continue, ruling that, “respondent still On February 26, 2003, Aquino filed a pleading entitled
has the duty to prove the allegation (that she is an "Appointment of Administrator" the Casa heirs, praying
illegitimate child of the decedent), just as the petitioner that Federico Casa, Jr. be designated as administrator
has the right to disprove it, in the course of the of the estate of Oscar Casa and that he be substituted
settlement proceedings.” for the deceased.

4. San Juan v Cruz In compliance with the order of the court, Epifanio San
Juan filed a "Motion to Declare Appointment of
G.R. No. 167321, July 31, 2006 Administrator As Inadequate or Insufficient." He
EPIFANIO SAN JUAN, JR., petitioner, vs.JUDGE RAMON maintained that the heirs should present an
A. CRUZ, REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, BRANCH 224, administrator of the estate of Oscar Casa as the
QUEZON CITY and ATTY. TEODORICO A. representative of the estate in the case.
AQUINO, respondents.
In his reply, Aquino stated that, under Section 16, Rule 3
FACTS: of the Rules of Court, the heirs of Oscar Casa may be
Loreto Samia San Juan executed a Last Will and
substituted for the deceased without need for
Testament naming Oscar Casa as one of the devisees
appointment of an administrator or executor of the
therein. Upon Loreto's death on October 25, 1988, Atty. estate. He also claimed that the court is enjoined to
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Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

require the representative to appear before the court executor or administrator and the court may appoint a
and be substituted within the prescribed period. guardian ad litem for the minor heirs.
The court shall forthwith order said legal representative or
representatives to appear and be substituted within a period
The RTC DENIED the motion of San Juan. The court
of thirty (30) days from notice.
held that there was, after all, no need for the
If no legal representative is named by the counsel for the
appointment of an administrator or executor as
deceased party, or if the one so named shall fail to appear
substitute for the deceased devisee. It is enough, the within the specified period, the court may order the opposing
court declared, that a representative be appointed as party, within a specified time, to procure the appointment of
provided in Section 16, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court. an executor or administrator for the estate of the deceased
and the latter shall immediately appear for and on behalf of
In an MR, San Juan further posited that the estate court, the deceased. The court charges in procuring such
sitting as a probate court, does not only decide on the appointment, if defrayed by the opposing party, may be
questions of identity and testamentary capacity of the recovered as costs.
testator and the due execution of the will; it is likewise
The rule is a revision of Section 17, Rule 3 of the Rules
charged with the settlement of the estate of the
testator after the will has been approved. Thus, the of Court which reads:
Death of party. – After a party dies and the claim is not
probate court must not only determine the validity of
thereby extinguished, the court shall order, upon proper
the will, but also the rightful heirs, legatees and
notice, the legal representative of the deceased to appear and
devisees for the purpose of settling the estate of the to be substituted for the deceased, within a period of thirty
testator. (30) days, or within such time as may be granted. If the legal
representative fails to appear within said time, the court may
The MR was denied hence this petition . order the opposing party to procure the appointment of a
legal representative of the deceased within a time to be
ISSUE: Whether there is a need for the appointment of specified by the court, and the representative shall
an administrator of the estate of Oscar Casa, or whether immediately appear for and on behalf of the interest of the
deceased. The court charges involved in procuring such
it is enough that he be substituted by his heirs.
appointment, if defrayed by the opposing party, may be
recovered as costs. The heirs of the deceased may be allowed
to be substituted for the deceased, without requiring the
Section 16, Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure appointment of an executor or administrator and the court
reads: may appoint guardian ad litem for the minor heirs.
Sec. 16. Death of party; duty of counsel. – Whenever a party
to a pending action dies, and the claim is not thereby
The second paragraph of the rule is plain and explicit:
extinguished, it shall be the duty of his counsel to inform the
the heirs may be allowed to be substituted for the
court within thirty (30) days after such death of the fact
deceased without requiring the appointment of an
thereof, and to give the name and address of his legal
representative or representatives. Failure of counsel to administrator or executor. However, if within the
comply with this duty shall be a ground for disciplinary action. specified period a legal representative fails to appear,
the court may order the opposing counsel, within a
The heirs of the deceased may be allowed to be substituted specified period, to process the appointment of an
for the deceased, without requiring the appointment of an administrator or executor who shall immediately
appear for the estate of the deceased. The
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Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

pronouncement of this Court in Lawas v. Court of do not specifically prohibit them from representing the
Appeals(relied upon by petitioner), that priority is given deceased, and since no administrator had as yet been
to the legal representative of the deceased (the appointed at the time of the institution of the Complaint
executor or administrator) and that it is only in case of with the SEC, we see nothing wrong with the fact that it
unreasonable delay in the appointment of an executor was the heirs of John D. Young, Sr. who represented his
or administrator, or in cases where the heirs resort to estate in the case filed before the SEC.
an extrajudicial settlement of the estate that the court
may adopt the alternative of allowing the heirs of the The heirs of the estate of Oscar Casa do not need to
deceased to be substituted for the deceased, is no first secure the appointment of an administrator of his
longer true. In Gochan v. Young, a case of fairly recent estate, because from the very moment of his death,
vintage, the Court ruled as follows: they stepped into his shoes and acquired his rights as
devisee/legatee of the deceased Loreto San Juan. Thus,
The above-quoted rules, while permitting an executor a prior appointment of an administrator or executor of
or administrator to represent or to bring suits on behalf the estate of Oscar Casa is not necessary for his heirs to
of the deceased, do not prohibit the heirs from acquire legal capacity to be substituted as
representing the deceased. These rules are easily representatives of the estate. Said heirs may designate
applicable to cases in which an administrator has one or some of them as their representative before the
already been appointed. But no rule categorically trial court.
addresses the situation in which special proceedings for
the settlement of an estate have already been Summary Settlement (Rule 74, Sec. 2)
instituted, yet no administrator has been appointed. In
such instances, the heirs cannot be expected to wait for Regular Settlement Proceeding
the appointment of an administrator; then wait further
to see if the administrator appointed would care
 Testate Proceedings
enough to file a suit to protect the rights and the
 Venue (Rule 73, Sec. 1)
interests of the deceased; and in the meantime do
nothing while the rights and the properties of the
decedent are violated or dissipated. 1. Uriarte v CFI of Negros
The Rules are to be interpreted liberally in order to G.R. Nos. L-21938-39 May 29, 1970
promote their objective of securing a just, speedy and VICENTE URIARTE, petitioner, vs.THE COURT OF FIRST
inexpensive disposition of every action and proceeding. INSTANCE OF NEGROS OCCIDENTAL (12th Judicial
They cannot be interpreted in such a way as to District) THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF MANILA,
unnecessarily put undue hardships on litigants. For the BRANCH IV, JUAN URIARTE ZAMACONA and HIGINIO
protection of the interests of the decedent, this Court URIARTE, respondents.
has in previous instances recognized the heirs as proper
representatives of the decedent, even when there is FACTS:
already an administrator appointed by the court. When Petitioner filed with the Negros Court a petition for the
no administrator has been appointed, as in this case, settlement of the estate of the late Don Juan Uriarte y
there is all the more reason to recognize the heirs as the Goite(non-resident). Private respondents herein, filed
proper representatives of the deceased. Since the Rules an opposition to the above-mentioned petition alleging
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

that he was a nephew of the deceased Juan Uriarte y Instance in provinces where the deceased left any
Goite who had "executed a Last Will and Testament in property have concurrent jurisdiction to take
Spain, a duly authenticated copy whereof has been cognizance of the proper special proceeding for the
requested and which shall be submitted to this settlement of his estate. In the case before Us, these
Honorable Court upon receipt thereof," and further Courts of First Instance are the Negros and the Manila
questioning petitioner's capacity and interest to Courts — province and city where the deceased Juan
commence the intestate proceeding. Uriarte y Goite left considerable properties. From this
premise petitioner argues that, as the Negros Court had
first taken cognizance of the special proceeding for the
Private respondent, commenced Special Proceeding in
settlement of the estate of said decedent (Special
the Manila Court for the probate of a document alleged
Proceeding No. 6344), the Manila Court no longer had
to be the last will of the deceased Juan Uriarte y Goite,
jurisdiction to take cognizance of Special Proceeding.
and on the same date he filed in Special Proceeding No.
The proper procedure would have been to submit the
6344 of the Negros Court a motion to dismiss the same
will in Negros Court
on the gorund that, as the deceased Juan Uriarte y
Goite had left a last will, there was no legal basis to Private Respondent should have submitted said will for
proceed with said intestate proceedings probate to the Negros Court, either in a separate special
proceeding or in an appropriate motion for said
Petitioner opposed the aforesaid motion to dismiss
purpose filed in the already pending Special Proceeding
contending that, as the Negros Court was first to take
No. 6344. In the first place, it is not in accord with public
cognizance of the settlement of the estate of the
policy and the orderly and inexpensive administration
deceased Juan Uriarte y Goite, it had acquired exclusive
of justice to unnecessarily multiply litigation, especially
jurisdiction over same pursuant to Rule 75, Section 1 of
if several courts would be involved. This, in effect, was
the Rules of Court.
the result of the submission of the will aforesaid to the
Negros Court sustained the motion to dismiss and Manila Court. In the second place, when respondent
dismissed the Special Proceeding pending before it. HiginioUriarte filed an opposition to Vicente Uriarte's
petition for the issuance of letters of administration, he
ISSUE: WON the Negros Court observed the proper had already informed the Negros Court that the
procedure? NO deceased Juan Uriarte y Goite had left a will in Spain, of
which a copy had been requested for submission to said
court; and when the other respondent, Juan
Negros court has jurisdiction
UriarteZamacona, filed his motion to dismiss Special
The Rules provides that the estate of a decedent
Proceeding No. 6344, he had submitted to the Negros
inhabitant of the Philippines at the time of his death,
Court a copy of the alleged will of the decedent, from
whether a citizen or an alien, shall be in the court of
which fact it may be inferred that, like HiginioUriarte,
first instance in the province in which he resided at the
he knew before filing the petition for probate with the
time of his death, and if he is an inhabitant of a foreign
Manila Court that there was already a special
country, the court of first instance of any province in
proceeding pending in the Negros Court for the
which he had estate. Accordingly, when the estate to be
settlement of the estate of the same deceased person.
settled is that of a non-resident alien — like the
As far as HiginioUriarte is concerned, it seems quite
deceased Juan Uriarte y Goite — the Courts of First
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

clear that in his opposition to petitioner's petition in deliver the same, when ordered so to do, to the court
Special Proceeding No. 6344, he had expressly promised having jurisdiction, may be committed to prison and
to submit said will for probate to the Negros Court. there kept until he delivers the will.

Probate of Will (Rule 75, Sec. 1) 2. Nuguid v Nuguid

RULE 75 G.R. No. L-23445, June 23, 1966

Production of Will. Allowance of Will Necessary FACTS:

Section 1. Allowance necessary. Conclusive as to Rosario Nuguid died on December 30, 1962, single,
execution. — No will shall pass either real or personal without descendants, legitimate or illegitimate.
estate unless it is proved and allowed in the proper Surviving her were her legitimate parents, Felix Nuguid
and Paz Salonga Nuguid, and six (6) brothers and sisters,
court. Subject to the right of appeal, such allowance of namely: Alfredo, Federico, Remedios, Conrado, Lourdes
the will shall be conclusive as to its due execution. and Alberto, all surnamed Nuguid.

Section 2. Custodian of will to deliver. — The person

Petitioner Remedios Nuguid presented before the CFI a
who has custody of a will shall, within twenty (20) days
holographic will allegedly executed by Rosario 11 years
after he knows of the death of the testator, deliver the
before her death. The will instituted Remedios as the
will to the court having jurisdiction, or to the executor
universal heir.
named in the will.

Section 3. Executor to present will and accept or refuse The father and mother of decedent opposed the said
trust. — A person named as executor in a will shall, probate on that ground that by the institution of
within twenty (20) days after he knows of the death of petitioner Remedios Nuguid as universal heir of the
the testate, or within twenty (20) days after he knows deceased, oppositors — who are compulsory heirs of
that he is named executor if he obtained such the deceased in the direct ascending line — were
knowledge after the death of the testator, present such illegally preterited and that in consequence the
will to the court having jurisdiction, unless the will has institution is void.
reached the court in any other manner, and shall,
within such period, signify to the court in writing his ISSUE: WON the court may rule on the intrinsic validity
acceptance of the trust or his refusal to accept it. of the will YES

Section 4. Custodian and executor subject to fine for HELD:

neglect. — A person who neglects any of the duties Probate generally confined to due execution; extrinsic
required in the two last preceding sections without validity
excused satisfactory to the court shall be fined not Right at the outset, a procedural aspect has engaged
exceeding two thousand pesos. our attention. The case is for the probate of a will. The
court's area of inquiry is limited — to an examination of,
Section 5. Person retaining will may be committed. — A
and resolution on, the extrinsic validity of the will. The
person having custody of a will after the death of the
due execution thereof, the testatrix's testamentary
testator who neglects without reasonable cause to
capacity, and the compliance with the requisites or
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

solemnities by law prescribed, are the questions solely after the death of the testator, shall annul the
to be presented, and to be acted upon, by the court. institution of heir; but the devises and legacies shall be
Said court at this stage of the proceedings — is not valid insofar as they are not inofficious.
called upon to rule on the intrinsic validity or efficacy of
the provisions of the will, the legality of any devise or Really, as we analyze the word annul employed in the
legacy therein. statute, there is no escaping the conclusion that the
universal institution of petitioner to the entire
A peculiar situation is here thrust upon us. The parties inheritance results in totally abrogating the will.
shunted aside the question of whether or not the will Because, the nullification of such institution of universal
should be allowed probate. For them, the meat of the heir — without any other testamentary disposition in
case is the intrinsic validity of the will. Normally, this the will — amounts to a declaration that nothing at all
comes only after the court has declared that the will has was written. Carefully worded and in clear terms, Article
been duly authenticated. But petitioner and oppositors, 854 offers no leeway for inferential interpretation.
in the court below and here on appeal, travelled on the
issue of law, to wit: Is the will intrinsically a nullity? Ineffective disinheritance vs preterition
Petitioner also avers that the present is "a case of
Waste of time if case was to be remanded for probate ineffective disinheritance rather than one of
We pause to reflect. If the case were to be remanded preterition". From this, petitioner draws the conclusion
for probate of the will, nothing will be gained. On the that Article 854 "does not apply to the case at bar". This
contrary, this litigation will be protracted. And for aught argument fails to appreciate the distinction between
that appears in the record, in the event of probate or if pretention and disinheritance.
the court rejects the will, probability exists that the case
will come up once again before us on the same issue of Preterition "consists in the omission in the testator's
the intrinsic validity or nullity of the will. Result: waste will of the forced heirs or anyone of them, either
of time, effort, expense, plus added anxiety. These are because they are not mentioned therein, or, though
the practical considerations that induce us to a belief mentioned, they are neither instituted as heirs nor are
that we might as well meet head-on the issue of the expressly disinherited." Disinheritance, in turn, "is a
validity of the provisions of the will in question. After testamentary disposition depriving any compulsory heir
all, there exists a justiciable controversy crying for of his share in the legitime for a cause authorized by
solution. law." In Manresa's own words: "La privacion expresa de
la legitima constituye la desheredacion. La privacion
The deceased Rosario Nuguid left no descendants, tacita de la misma se denomina pretericion." Sanchez
legitimate or illegitimate. But she left forced heirs in the Roman emphasizes the distinction by stating that
direct ascending line her parents. And, the will disinheritance "es siempre voluntaria"; preterition,
completely omits both of them. This is a clear case of upon the other hand, is presumed to be "involuntaria".
preterition. Express as disinheritance should be, the same must be
supported by a legal cause specified in the will itself.
ART. 854. The preterition or omission of one, some, or
all of the compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether The will here does not explicitly disinherit the testatrix's
living at the time of the execution of the will or born parents, the forced heirs. It simply omits their names
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

altogether. Said will rather than be labeled ineffective preterition exists, the institution of heirs is annulled.
disinheritance is clearly one in which the said forced Ineffective disinheritance, on the other hand, shall also
heirs suffer from preterition. annul the institution of heirs insofar as it may prejudice
the person disinherited.
On top of this is the fact that the effects flowing from
preterition are totally different from those of 3. Balanay v Martinez
disinheritance. Preterition under Article 854 of the Civil
Code, we repeat, "shall annul the institution of heir". G.R. No. L-39247 June 27, 1975
This annulment is in toto, unless in the will there are, in In the Matter of the Petition to Approve the Will of
addition, testamentary dispositions in the form of Leodegaria Julian. FELIX BALANAY, JR., petitioner,
devises or legacies. In ineffective disinheritance under vs.HON. ANTONIO M. MARTINEZ, Judge of the Court of
Article 918 of the same Code, such disinheritance shall First Instance of Davao, Branch VI; AVELINA B.
also "annul the institution of heirs", put only "insofar as ANTONIO and DELIA B. LANABAN, respondents.
it may prejudice the person disinherited", which last
phrase was omitted in the case of preterition. 21 Better ISSUE:
stated yet, in disinheritance the nullity is limited to that WON the probate Court erred in passing upon the
portion of the estate of which the disinherited heirs intrinsic validity of the will before ruling on its
have been illegally deprived. allowance or formal validity . NO

Notes: HELD:
Ma’am Tiu: The issue on preterition would determine The trial court acted correctly in passing upon the will's
whether the will is valid or not. So, you’re dealing with intrinsic validity even before its formal validity had been
intrinsic validity. And if the will is intrinsically void, what established. The probate of a will might become an idle
ceremony if on its face it appears to be intrinsically
is the point of ruling on it’s extrinsic validity? It’s a waste
of time. If you’re going to rule on the extrinsic validity, void. Where practical considerations demand that the
and yet at the end of it all, the will is intrinsically void, intrinsic validity of the will be passed upon, even before
then nothing will be gained. They will go back to square it is probated, the court should meet the issue .
one. So, this is an exception: if on its face, the will is
intrinsically void. Atty. Tiu: Initially, there was the issue of preterition of
the husband here, although a husband cannot be
Now, there is a peculiar section in Nuguid that talks preterited. That was one of the grounds. Plus the
about the difference of preterition and ineffective peculiar nature of the testamentary provisions wherein
disinheritance, what are these distinctions? there was a prohibition to partition the properties
Preterition consists in the omission in the testator’s will during the lifetime of the husband, as well as the
payment of the legitime of children from the fruits of the
of the forced heirs or any one of them, either because
they are not mentioned therein, or, though mentioned, property. So these are the questions that have been
they are neither instituted as heirs nor are expressly raised which point to the validity of the testamentary
provisions of the will.
disinherited. Disinheritance, in turn, is a testamentary
disposition depriving any compulsory heir of his share in
the legitime for a cause authorized by law. When
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Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Now, after the intrinsic validity of the will has been opposition alleging inter alia that the execution of the
examined, was the will valid? Will was procured by undue and improper influence.

Yes, it was valid. The lower court denied the probate of the Will on the
ground that as the testator admitted in his Will to
Atty. Tiu: So, only if the defect in the “will” will cohabiting with the petitioner from December 1952
invalidate the entire will can the court declare it invalid until his death on July 16, 1974, the Will's admission to
even at the probate proceedings, and even if it’s probate will be an Idle exercise because on the face of
supposed to limit itself to extrinsic validity. the Will, the invalidity of its intrinsic provisions is
But if the effect of the will does not result to intestacy, ISSUE: WON the lower court was correct in passing
the court should proceed to determine the extrinsic upon intrinsic validity of the will? YES
validity of the will, because the will is not invalidated in
its entirety. Because the probate court refused to HELD: The general rule is that in probate proceedings,
proceed with the examination of extrinsic validity, the the court's area of inquiry is limited to an examination
Supreme court said, that’s where the error lies. There and resolution of the extrinsic validity of the Will. The
should have been a determination of the extrinsic rule, however, is not inflexible and absolute. Given
validity, given that the only objectionable provision of exceptional circumstances, the probate court is not
the will does not result to intestacy. Therefore, you powerless to do what the situation constrains it to do
proceed with the determination of the extrinsic validity and pass upon certain provisions of the Will.
of the will. Kasi nauna e, baligtad e. Dapat mauna ang
In Nuguid v. Nuguid (17 SCRA 449) cited by the trial
extrinsic validity bago ang intrinsic validity. But in this
court, the testator instituted the petitioner as universal
case, because of the issues raised, inuna nila ang
heir and completely preterited her surviving forced
intrinsic validity. Now, since the defect of the will did not
heirs. A will of this nature, no matter how valid it may
result to intestacy, balik kayo sa step 1: determine now
appear extrinsically, would be null and void. Separate or
the extrinsic validity. That was in Balanay.
latter proceedings to determine the intrinsic validity of
the testamentary provisions would be superfluous.
4. v CA
Even before establishing the formal validity of the will,
G.R. No. L-62952 October 9, 1985
the Court in Balanay .Jr. v. Martinez (64 SCRA 452)
passed upon the validity of its intrinsic provisions
invoking "practical considerations"
ANG, CARMELITA JUGO,respondents.
We see no useful purpose that would be served if we
FACTS: remand the nullified provision to the proper court in a
separate action for that purpose simply because, in the
Martin Jugo died with a will. In his will, he instituted
probate of a will, the court does not ordinarily look into
Sofia Nepomuceno (mistress) as his sole executor. He
the intrinsic validity of its provisions.
also acknowledged in his will his marriage to Gomez and
the existence of two legitimate children. Sofia filed a
petition for probate. Gomez and her children filed an
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Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

the prohibition in Article 739 of the Civil Code is against 1. Article 816 of the Civil Code states that the will
the making of a donation between persons who are of an alien who is abroad produces effect in the
living in adultery or concubinage. It is Philippines if made in accordance with the
formalities prescribed by the law of the place
the donation which becomes void. The giver cannot give
where he resides, or according to the
even assuming that the recipient may receive. The very formalities observed in his country.
wordings of the Will invalidate the legacy because the 2. Section 1, Rule 73 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
testator admitted he was disposing the properties to a Procedure provides that if the decedent is an
person with whom he had been living in concubinage. inhabitant of a foreign country, the RTC of the
province where he has an estate may take
Subject of Probate cognizance of the settlement of such estate.

1. Palaganas v Palaganas
The rules do not require proof that the foreign will has
GR 169144, January 26, 2011 already been allowed and probated in the country of
its execution.
Does the probate proceeding cover wills executed
abroad ? YES Our rules require merely that the petition for the
allowance of a will must show, so far as known to the
Will the will executed abroad require the prior probate
petitioner: (a) the jurisdictional facts; (b) the names,
of that will abroad before it can be probated here? NO
ages, and residences of the heirs, legatees, and devisees
FACTS: of the testator or decedent; (c) the probable value and
character of the property of the estate; (d) the name of
Ruperta Palaganas, a Filipino who became a naturalized the person for whom letters are prayed; and (e) if the
US citizen, died on Nov 8, 2001. She had designated her will has not been delivered to the court, the name of
brother Sergio as the executor for her will. Her will was the person having custody of it. Jurisdictional facts
executed in California. refer to the fact of death of the decedent, his residence
Ernesto (another brother of Ruperta) filed a petition for at the time of his death in the province where the
the probate of Ruperta’s will. However, petitioners probate court is sitting, or if he is an inhabitant of a
Manuel and Benjamin, nephews of Ruperta, opposed foreign country, the estate he left in such province.
the petition on the ground that Ruperta’s will should Reprobate does not apply in this case
not be probated in the Philippines but in the US where
she executed it. Reprobate is specifically governed by Rule 77 of the
Rules of Court. Contrary to petitioners’ stance, since
ISSUE: WON a will executed by a foreigner abroad may this latter rule applies only to reprobate of a will, it
be probated in the Philippines although it has not been cannot be made to apply to the present case. In
previously probated and allowed in the country where it reprobate, the local court acknowledges as binding the
was executed YES findings of the foreign probate court provided its
HELD: jurisdiction over the matter can be established.

A foreign will can be given legal effects in our Petitioners’ stand is fraught with impracticality
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

If the instituted heirs do not have the means to go an act of disposition in itself. In other words, the
abroad for the probate of the will, it is as good as disinheritance results in the disposition of the property
depriving them outright of their inheritance, since our of the testator Segundo in favor of those who would
law requires that no will shall pass either real or succeed in the absence of Alfredo.
personal property unless the will has been proved and
allowed by the proper court. Moreover, it is a fundamental principle that the intent
or the will of the testator, expressed in the form and
2. Seangio v Reyes within the limits prescribed by law, must be recognized
as the supreme law in succession. All rules of
G.R. Nos. 140371-72, November 27, 2006 construction are designed to ascertain and give effect to
Can a will containing merely a disinheritance be that intention. It is only when the intention of the
probated? YES testator is contrary to law, morals, or public policy that
it cannot be given effect.
Holographic wills, therefore, being usually prepared by
The controversy involves a document denominated as one who is not learned in the law, as illustrated in the
Kasulatan sa Pag-Alis ng Mana executed by the late present case, should be construed more liberally than
Segundo Seangio . In the said document, Alfredo the ones drawn by an expert, taking into account the
Seangio , decedent’s son, was disinherited ; no other circumstances surrounding the execution of the
dispositions were found except the disinheritance. instrument and the intention of the testator. In this
Thus, Alfredo contends that said document purporting regard, the Court is convinced that the document, even
to be the holographic will of Segundo does not contain if captioned as Kasulatan ng Pag-Aalis ng Mana, was
any disposition of the estate of the deceased and thus intended by Segundo to be his last testamentary act
does not meet the definition of a will under Article 783 and was executed by him in accordance with law in the
of the Civil Code. form of a holographic will. Unless the will is probated,
the disinheritance cannot be given effect.
ISSUE: WON the Kasulatan sa Pag-Alis ng Mana may be
the subject of probate. Effect of Probate

HELD: 1. Galanosa v Arcangel

A document containing only a disinheritance is still a GR L-29300, June 21, 1978

will and is thus subject to probate
Segundo’s document, although it may initially come
across as a mere disinheritance instrument, conforms to Florentino Hitosis executed a will on June 19, 1938. He
the formalities of a holographic will prescribed by law. It died on May 26, 1939. On June 24, 1939, a petition for
is written, dated and signed by the hand of Segundo the probate of his will was filed in CFI Sorsogon.
himself. An intent to dispose mortis causa can be clearly Opposition to the probate of the will was registered by
deduced from the terms of the instrument, and while it the testator's legal heirs, namely, his surviving brother,
does not make an affirmative disposition of the latter’s Leon, his nephews and nieces. The CFI Judge admitted
property, the disinheritance of Alfredo, nonetheless, is

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

the will to probate and appointed Gallanosa as the will is genuine trial is not a forgery. Accordingly,
executor. these facts cannot again be questioned in a subsequent
proceeding, not even in a criminal action for the forgery
The testamentary heirs later submitted a project of of the will.
partition covering 61 parcels of land, which was
approved by the judge. In 1952, the heirs of Florentino’s After the finality of the allowance of a will, the issue as
deceased brothers and sisters instituted an action for to the voluntariness of its execution cannot be raised
the recovery of the parcels of land. Gallanosa moved to anymore.
dismiss on the ground of bar by prior judgment in the
probate proceeding. Judge dismissed the complaint on Atty Tiu: Why is it that there is no such animal as
the ground of res judicata. “ANNULMENT OF PROBATED WILL”? The explanation is
very simple. When you say annulment, what is the basic
28 years after the probate of the will, plaintiffs filed ground for annulling a document? It’s basically vitiated
another action in the same court for the annulment of consent. Now, if a will has passed probate, there is now
the will of Hitosis and for the recovery of the 61 parcels a conclusive finding as to the voluntariness of the
of land. They alleged that the Gallanosa spouses, execution of the will. Necessarily, it being conclusive, it
through fraud trial deceit, caused the execution trial follows that at the time of the making of the will, the
simulation of the document purporting to be the last testator was not suffering from any vitiated consent. So,
will trial testament of Florentino Hitosis. there is no such remedy as annulment of a probated will
because Sec 1 of Rule 75 says that, “a will that has been
ISSUE: WON a will that has passed probate can be probated is conclusive as to its due execution.”
annulled NO
2. Mang-oy v CA
GR L-27421, September 12, 1986
No annulment of will
Is there an exception to the rule that: unless a will is
Our procedural law does not sanction an action for the probated it cannot be enforced? YES
"annulment" of a will. In order that a will may take
effect, it has to be probated, legalized or allowed in the FACTS:
proper testamentary proceeding. The probate of the
On September 4, 1937, Old Man Tumpao executed a
will is mandatory. The 1939 decree of probate is
conclusive as to the due execution or formal validity of last will and testament. The contents of this document
the will. were read to the beneficiaries named in the will. To
implement the document, the beneficiaries executed an
Testator of sound mind, no fraud: these cannot be agreement on September 7, 1937. 2 days later, Old Man
questioned in subsequent proceeding Tumpao died. The parties remained in possession of the
lots assigned to them. But things changed in 1960, 23
That means that the testator was of sound trial years later.
disposing mind at the time when he executed the will
and was not acting under duress, menace, fraud, or On November 4, 1960, respondents executed an
undue influence; that the will was signed by him in the extrajudicial partition in which they divided the
presence of the required number of witnesses, and that property of Old Man Tumpao among the 3 of them
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

only, to the exclusion of the other persons. A new title RULE 76

was then issued in favor of the 3. The title is now being
questioned by the petitioners Mang-oy et al. RTC ruled Allowance or Disallowance of Will
in their favor but CA reversed. CA said that the will was Section 1. Who may petition for the allowance of will. —
null and void because it had not been probated. Any executor, devisee, or legatee named in a will, or
ISSUE: WON the will may be sustained YES any other person interested in the estate, may, at any
time after the death of the testator, petition the court
HELD: having jurisdiction to have the will allowed, whether the
same be in his possession or not, or is lost or destroyed.
General rule: a will must be probated
The testator himself may, during his lifetime, petition
We sustain the ruling-made both by the trial court and the court for the allowance of his will.
the Court of Appeals - that the will, not having been
probated as required by law, was inoperative as such. Section 2. Contents of petition. — A petition for the
The settled principle, as announced in a long line of allowance of a will must show, so far as known to the
decisions in accordance with the Rules of Court, is that petitioner:
no will shall pass either real or personal property unless
it is proved or allowed in court. (a) The jurisdictional facts;

Document may be sustained; exception lies in the (b) The names, ages, and residences of the heirs,
Spanish Civil Code legatees, and devisees of the testator or decedent;

(c) The probable value and character of the property of

We find, however, that the document may be sustained
on the basis of Article 1056 of the Civil Code of 1899, the estate;
which was in force at the time the said document was (d) The name of the person for whom letters are
executed by Old Man Tumpao in 1937. prayed;
Art. 1056. If the testator should make a partition of his (e) If the will has not been delivered to the court, the
properties by an act inter vivos, or by win, such partition name of the person having custody of it.
shall stand in so far as it does not prejudice the legitime
of the forced heirs. But no defect in the petition shall render void the
allowance of the will, or the issuance of letters
As the trial court put it: The will alone would be testamentary or of administration with the will
inoperative for the simple reason that it was not annexed.
probated, However, when the persons who were
named therein as heirs and beneficiaries voluntarily Section 3. Court to appoint time for proving will. Notice
agreed in writing to abide by its terms probably to save thereof to be published. — When a will is delivered to,
the expenses of probate. and furthermore, carried out or a petition for the allowance of a will is filed in, the
its terms after the death of the testator until now, then court having jurisdiction, such court shall fix a time and
it must be held to be binding between them. place for proving the will when all concerned may
appear to contest the allowance thereof, and shall
Jurisdiction of Probate Court (Rule 76, Sec. 1) cause notice of such time and place to be published
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

three (3) weeks successively, previous to the time testator. In the absence of any such competent witness,
appointed, in a newspaper of general circulation in the and if the court deem it necessary, expert testimony
province. may be resorted to.

But no newspaper publication shall be made where the Section 6. Proof of lost or destroyed will. Certificate
petition for probate has been filed by the thereupon. — No will shall be proved as a lost or
testatorhimself. destroyed will unless the execution and validity of the
same be established, and the will is proved to have
Section 4. Heirs, devisees, legatees, and executors to be
been in existence at the time of the death of the
notified by mail or personally. — The court shall also testator, or is shown to have been fraudulently or
cause copies of the notice of the time and place fixed accidentally destroyed in the lifetime of the testator
for proving the will to be addressed to the designated without his knowledge, nor unless its provisions are
or other known heirs, legatees, and devisees of the clearly and distinctly proved by at least two (2) credible
testator resident in the Philippines at their places of witnesses. When a lost will is proved, the provisions
residence, and deposited in the post office with the
thereof must be distinctly stated and certified by the
postage thereon prepaid at least twenty (20) days judge, under the seal of the court, and the certificate
before the hearing, if such places of residence be
must be filed and recorded as other wills are filed and
known. A copy of the notice must in like manner be recorded.
mailed to the person named as executor, if he be not
the petitioner; also, to any person named as coexecutor Section 7. Proof when witnesses do not reside in
not petitioning, if their places of residence be known. province. — If it appears at the time fixed for the
Personal service of copies of the notice at lest (10) days hearing that none of the subscribing witnesses resides
before the day of hearing shall be equivalent to mailing. in the province, but that the deposition of one or more
of them can be taken elsewhere, the court may, on
If the testator asks for the allowance of his own will,
motion, direct it to be taken, and may authorize a
notice shall be sent only to his compulsory heirs. photographic copy of the will to be made and to be
Section 5. Proof at hearing. What sufficient in absence presented to the witness on his examination, who may
of contest. — At the hearing compliance with the be asked the same questions with respect to it, and to
provisions of the last two preceding sections must be the handwriting of the testator and others, as would be
shown before the introduction of testimony in support pertinent and competent if the original will were
of the will. All such testimony shall be taken under oath present.
and reduced to writing. It no person appears to contest Section 8. Proof when witnesses dead or insane or do
the allowance of the will, the court may grant allowance not reside in the Philippines. — If the appears at the
thereof on the testimony of one of the subscribing time fixed for the hearing that the subscribing witnesses
witnesses only, if such witness testify that the will was are dead or insane, or that
executed as is required by law.
none of them resides in the Philippines, the court may
In the case of a holographic will, it shall be necessary admit the testimony of other witnesses to prove the
that at least one witness who knows the handwriting sanity of the testator, and the due execution of the will;
and signature of the testator explicitly declare that the and as evidence of the execution of the will, it may
will and the signature are in the handwriting of the
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

admit proof of the handwriting of the testator and of satisfied from the testimony of other witnesses and
the subscribing witnesses, or of any of them. from all the evidence presented that the will was
executed and attested in the manner required by law.
Section 9. Grounds for disallowing will. — The will shall
be disallowed in any of the following cases: If a holographic will is contested, the same shall be
allowed if at least three (3) witnesses who know the
(a) If not executed and attested as required by law; handwriting of the testator explicitly declare that the
(b) If the testator was insane, or otherwise mentally will and the signature are in the handwriting of the
incapable to make a will, at the time of its execution; testator; in the absence of any competent witnesses,
and if the court deem it necessary, expert testimony
(c) If it was executed under duress, or the influence of may be resorted to.
fear, or threats;
Section 12. Proof where testator petitions for allowance
(d) If it was procured by undue and improper pressure of holographic will. — Where the testator himself
and influence, on the part of the beneficiary, or of some petitions for the probate of his holographic will and no
other person for his benefit; contest is filed, the fact that the affirms that the
holographic will and the signature are in his own
(e) If the signature of the testator was procured by
handwriting, shall be sufficient evidence of the
fraud or trick, and he did not intend that the instrument
genuineness and due execution thereof. If the
should be his will at the time of fixing his signature
holographic will is contested, the burden of disproving
the genuineness and due execution thereof shall be on
Section 10. Contestant to file grounds of contest. — the contestant. The testator to rebut the evidence for
Anyone appearing to contest the will must state in the contestant.
writing his grounds for opposing its allowance, and
Section 13. Certificate of allowance attached to prove
serve a copy thereof on the petitioner and other parties
will. To be recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds. —
interested in the estate.
If the court is satisfied, upon proof taken and filed, that
Section 11. Subscribing witnesses produced or the will was duly executed, and that the testator at the
accounted for where will contested. — If the will is time of its execution was of sound and disposing mind,
contested, all the subscribing witnesses, and the notary and not acting under duress, menace, and undue
in the case of wills executed under the Civil Code of the influence, or fraud, a certificate of its allowance, signed
Philippines, if present in the Philippines and not insane, by the judge, and attested by the seal of the court shall
must be produced and examined, and the death, be attached to the will and the will and certificate filed
absence, or insanity of any of them must be and recorded by the clerk. Attested copies of the will
satisfactorily shown to the court. If all or some of such devising real estate and of certificate of allowance
witnesses are present in the Philippines but outside the thereof, shall be recorded in the register of deeds of the
province where the will has been filed, their deposition province in which the lands lie.
must be taken. If any or all of them testify against the
1. Rodriguez v De Borja
due execution of the will, or do not remember having
attested to it, or are otherwise of doubtful credibility, G.R. No. L-21993, June 21, 1966
the will may nevertheless, be allowed if the court is
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Which Court will have jurisdiction over the proceeding if Court where will delivered first acquires jurisdiction ;
the will is submitted in one venue and a petition was Court can act upon the will even if no petition is yet
filed in another venue? The Court where the will was filed
first delivered
The jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance of Bulacan
FACTS: became vested upon the delivery thereto of the will of
the late Father Rodriguez on March 4, 1963, even if no
The will of decedent Fr. Celestino Rodriguez was petition for its allowance was filed until later, because
delivered by Apolonia Pangilinan and Adelaida Jacalan
upon the will being deposited the court could, motu
on March 4, 1963 to the Clerk of Court of Bulacan. (first proprio, have taken steps to fix the time and place for
delivery; no petition yet) proving the will, and issued the corresponding notices
On March 12, 1963 at 8 AM, Angela and Maria conformably to what is prescribed by section 3, Rule 76,
Rodriguez filed before the Court of First Instance of of the Revised Rules of Court (Section 3, Rule 77, of the
Rizal a petition for the settlement of the intestate old Rules):
estate of Fr. Rodriguez alleging, among other things, SEC. 3. Court to appoint time for proving will. Notice
that Fr. Rodriguez was a resident of Parañaque, Rizal, thereof to be published. — When a will is delivered to,
and died without leaving a will and praying that Maria or a petition for the allowance of a will is filed in, the
Rodriguez be appointed as Special Administratrix of the
Court having jurisdiction, such Court shall fix a time and
estate; place for proving the will when all concerned may
On March 12, 1963 at 11 AM Apolonia Pangilinan and appear to contest the allowance thereof, and shall
Adelaida Jacalan filed a petition in the Court of Bulacan cause notice of such time and place to be published
for the probation of the will delivered by them on three (3) weeks successively, previous to the time
March 4, 1963. appointed, in a newspaper of general circulation in the
The movants contend that since the intestate
proceedings in the Court of First Instance of Rizal w But no newspaper publication shall be made where the
petition for probate has been filed by the testator
Angela and Maria contend that the Court of Bulacan did himself.
not acquire jurisdiction over the proceeding since the
petition was first filed in the Court of Rizal . The use of the disjunctive in the words "when a will is
delivered to OR a petition for the allowance of a will is
Panglinan and Jacalan take the stand that the Court of filed" plainly indicates that the court may act upon the
First Instance of Bulacan acquired jurisdiction over the mere deposit therein of a decedent's testament, even if
case upon delivery by them of the will to the Clerk of no petition for its allowance is as yet filed. Where the
Court on March 4, 1963, and that the case in this Court petition for probate is made after the deposit of the
therefore has precedence over the case filed in Rizal on will, the petition is deemed to relate back to the time
March 12, 1963. when the will was delivered. Since the testament of Fr.
Rodriguez was submitted and delivered to the Court of
ISSUE: Which Court acquired jurisdiction first ?
Bulacan on March 4, while petitioners initiated intestate
HELD: proceedings in the Court of First Instance of Rizal only

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

on March 12, eight days later, the precedence and proceedings, said court did not commit any abuse of
exclusive jurisdiction of the Bulacan court is discretion.
Principal Testate Proceeding
Testate takes precedence over Intestate proceedings
Who may File Petition (Rule 76 , Sec. 1)
The other reason is that, in our system of civil law,
1. Maloles v Philipps
intestate succession is only subsidiary or subordinate to
the testate, since intestacy only takes place in the GR 129505, January 31, 2000
absence of a valid operative will. Says Article 960 of the
Civil Code of the Philippines: FACTS:

ART. 960. Legal or intestate succession takes place: Dr. Arturo de Santos filed a petition for probate of his
will (Makati RTC Branch 61), where he declared the
(1) If a person dies without a will, or with a void will, or Arturo de Santos Foundation Inc as the sole legatee and
one which has subsequently lost its validity; devisee. RTC Makati Judge Gorospe issued an order
(2) When the will does not institute an heir to, or allowing the will on February 16, 1996. Shortly after the
dispose of all the property belonging to the testator. In probate, Dr. De Santos died on February 26, 1996.
such case, legal succession shall take place only with Petitioner Octavio Maloles II filed a motion for
respect to the property in which the testator has not intervention claiming that, as the only child of testator’s
disposed; sister, he was the sole full-blooded nephew and nearest
kin of the testator. He also alleged that he was a
(3) If the suspensive condition attached to the
institution of heir does not happen or is not fulfilled, or creditor of the testator. He thus prayed for the
if the heir dies before the testator, or repudiates the reconsideration of the order allowing the will and the
issuance of letters of administration in his name.
inheritance, there being no substitution, and no right of
accretion takes place; On the other hand, private respondent Pacita de los
(4) When the heir instituted is incapable of succeeding, Reyes Phillips, the designated executrix of the will, filed
except in cases provided in this Code. a motion for the issuance of letters testamentary with
Branch 61. She later moved to withdraw the motion,
Therefore, as ruled in Castro, et al. vs. Martinez, 10 Phil. which was granted.
307, "only after final decision as to the nullity of testate
succession could an intestate succession be instituted in Pacita, who earlier withdrew her motion for the
the form of pre-established action". The institution of issuance of letters testamentary in Branch 61, refiled a
intestacy proceedings in Rizal may not thus proceed petition for the same purpose with the Regional Trial
while the probate of the purported will of Father Court, Makati, which was docketed as Sp. Proc. No. M-
Rodriguez is pending. 4343 and assigned to Branch 65. Judge Abad Santos of
Branch 65 then issued an order appointing her as
We rule that the Bulacan Court of First Instance was special administrator of the estate.
entitled to priority in the settlement of the estate in
question, and that in refusing to dismiss the probate On July 29, 1996, petitioner sought to intervene in Sp.
Proc. No. M-4343 and to set aside the appointment of
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

private respondent as special administrator. He Rule 76, §1 likewise provides: Sec. 1 Who may petition
reiterated that he was the sole and full blooded nephew for the allowance of will. – xxx The testator himself may,
and nearest of kin of the testator; that he came to know during his lifetime, petition in the court for the
of the existence of Sp. Proc. No. M-4343 only by allowance of his will.
accident; that the probate proceedings in Sp. Proc. No.
M-4223 before Branch 61 of the same court was still Rationale for allowing the probate of wills during the
pending. lifetime of testator

It is far easier for the courts to determine the mental

On August 28, 1996, Judge Abad Santos ordered the
transfer of Sp. Proc. No. M-4343 to Branch 61, on the condition of a testator during his lifetime than after his
ground that "[it] is related to the case before Judge death. Fraud, intimidation and undue influence are
Gorospe of RTC Branch 61 . . ." minimized. Furthermore, if a will does not comply with
the requirements prescribed by law, the same may be
But Judge Gorospe returned the said records to Branch corrected at once. The probate during the testator’s life,
65 on the ground that there was already a pending case therefore, will lessen the number of contest upon wills.
involving the said estate in that court. Judge Abad Once a will is probated during the lifetime of the
Santos eventually took cognizance of the case to testator, the only questions that may remain for the
expedite the proceedings (but he previously said that it courts to decide after the testator’s death will refer to
would have been improper for Branch 65 to resolve the the intrinsic validity of the testamentary dispositions.
petition considering that the probate proceedings were
commenced with Branch 61). Branch 61 could only issue certificate of allowance of
ISSUE: WON Branch 65 could not lawfully act upon
private respondent’s petition for issuance of letters Thus, after the allowance of the will of Dr. De Santos on
testamentary NO February 16, 1996, there was nothing else for Branch 61
to do except to issue a certificate of allowance of the
HELD: will pursuant to Rule 73, §12 of the Rules of Court.
There is, therefore, no basis for the ruling of Judge Abad
Testator may file petition for probate of his will
Santos of Branch 65 of RTC-Makati that – “Branch 61 of
Ordinarily, probate proceedings are instituted only after the Regional Trial Court of Makati having begun the
the death of the testator, so much so that, after probate proceedings of the estate of the deceased, it
approving and allowing the will, the court proceeds to continues and shall continue to exercise said jurisdiction
issue letters testamentary and settle the estate of the to the exclusion of all others. It should be noted that
testator. probate proceedings do not cease upon the allowance
or disallowance of a will but continues up to such time
However, Art. 838 of the Civil Code authorizes the filing that the entire estate of the testator had been
of a petition for probate of the will filed by the testator partitioned and distributed.”
himself. Art. 838. Xxx The testator himself may, during
his lifetime, petition the court having jurisdiction for the Other branches not barred from taking cognizance of
allowance of his will. xxx settlement of estate after testator’s death

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

It is noteworthy that, although Rule 73, §1 applies she did not receive by personal service the notices of
insofar as the venue of the petition for probate of the the proceedings.
will of Dr. De Santos is concerned, it does not bar other
branches of the same court from taking cognizance of ISSUE: WON Dr. Nittscher may ask for the allowance of
the settlement of the estate of the testator after his his own will YES
death. It is noteworthy that, although Rule 73, §1 HELD:
applies insofar as the venue of the petition for probate
of the will of Dr. De Santos is concerned, it does not bar Regarding the issues, we note that Dr. Nittscher asked
other branches of the same court from taking for the allowance of his own will. In this connection,
cognizance of the settlement of the estate of the Section 4, Rule 76 of the Rules of Court states:
testator after his death. As held in the leading case of
SEC. 4. Heirs, devisees, legatees, and executors to
Bacalso v. Ramolote: The various branches of the Court
be notified by mail or personally. – …
of First Instance of Cebu under the Fourteenth Judicial
District, are a coordinate and co-equal courts, and the If the testator asks for the allowance of his own
totality of which is only one Court of First Instance. The will, notice shall be sent only to his compulsory heirs.
jurisdiction is vested in the court, not in the judges. And
when a case is filed in one branch, jurisdiction over the Petitioner’s allegation that she was denied due process
case does not attach to the branch or judge alone, to is without basis
the exclusion of the other branches.
In this case, records show that petitioner, with whom
Necessarily, therefore, Branch 65 of the RTC of Makati Dr. Nittscher had no child, and Dr. Nittscher’s children
City has jurisdiction over Sp. Proc. No. M-4343. from his previous marriage were all duly notified, by
registered mail, of the probate proceedings. Petitioner
2. Nittscher v Nittscher even appeared in court to oppose respondent’s petition
for the issuance of letters testamentary and she also
GR 160530, November 20, 2007
PETITION FOR PROBATE AND filed a motion to dismiss the said petition. She likewise
FACTS: ISSUANCE OF LETTERS filed a motion for reconsideration of the issuance of the
TESTAMENTARY letters testamentary and of the denial of her motion to
On January 31, 1990, Dr. Werner Nittscher filed with the dismiss. We are convinced petitioner was accorded
RTC of Makati a petition for the probate of his every opportunity to defend her cause.
holographic will and for the issuance of letters
testamentary to respondent Atty. Nogales. RTC issued Claim of title to properties in an ordinary action; not
an order allowing the said will. before probate court

Dr. Nittscher died on September 26, 1994. Atty. Nogales As a final word, petitioner should realize that the
then filed a petition for letters testamentary for the allowance of her husband’s will is conclusive only as to
administration of Nittscher’s estate. Petitioner Cynthia its due execution. The authority of the probate court is
Nittscher, the surviving spouse, moved for the dismissal limited to ascertaining whether the testator, being of
of said petition. She claims that the properties listed for sound mind, freely executed the will in accordance with
disposition in her husband’s will actually belong to her. the formalities prescribed by law. Thus, petitioner’s
She insists she was denied due process of law because claim of title to the properties forming part of her

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

husband’s estate should be settled in an ordinary action ISSUE: Is mandamus proper to compel delivery of will?
before the regular courts. NO


Mandamus may be availed of to compel performance
In Maloles, a separate petition was filed by the executor of a public duty ; Nixon had other remedies available
for letters testamentary. Meaning, the petition for to compel delivery of will thus mandamus will not lie
issuance of letters testamentary is separate and not a
continuation of the probate proceedings. The first paragraph of Section 3 of Rule 65 of the Rules
of Court pertinently provides that—
In Nittscher, the petitioner questioned the petition for
issuance of letters testamentary since it lacked a CNFS. SEC. 3. Petition for mandamus.—When any tribunal,
The Court, through Admin Circular 04-94 required a corporation, board, officer or person unlawfully
neglects the performance of an act which the law
CNFS for all initiatory pleadings. But the Court said that
specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an office,
the petition for the issuance of letters testamentary is
NOT an initiatory pleading but a mere continuation of trust, or station, or unlawfully excludes another from
the original petition for probate of will. Hence, the lack the use and enjoyment of a right or office to which such
of CNFS was not a ground for the outright dismissal of other is entitled, and there is no other plain, speedy and
the said petition. adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, the
person aggrieved thereby may file a verified petition in
Note that in Nittscher, the testator himself filed a the proper court, alleging the facts with certainty and
petition for probate of his own will AND for the issuance praying that judgment be rendered commanding the
of letters testamentary to Atty. Nogales. In Maloles, respondent, immediately or at some other time to be
testator filed a petition only for the probate of his will. specified by the court, to do the act required to be done
to protect the rights of the petitioner, and to pay the
Delivery of Will (Rule 75, Sec.2-5)
damages sustained by the petitioner by reason of the
1. Uy Kiao Eng v Nixon Lee wrongful acts of the respondent.

G.R. No. 176831, January 15, 2010 Mandamus is a command issuing from a court of law of
competent jurisdiction, in the name of the state or the
Can Mandamus lie to compel the delivery of will?NO sovereign, directed to some inferior court, tribunal, or
board, or to some corporation or person requiring the
performance of a particular duty therein specified,
Nixon Lee filed a petition for mandamus with damages which duty results from the official station of the party
against his mother,Uy Kiao Eng so that the latter be to whom the writ is directed or from operation of law.
compelled to produce the will of their deceased This definition recognizes the public character of the
patriarch and the probate proceedings be instituted. Uy remedy, and clearly excludes the idea that it may be
Kiao Eng denies custody of the said will. resorted to for the purpose of enforcing the
performance of duties in which the public has no
The CA eventually granted the writ hence this petition interest. The writ is a proper recourse for citizens who
by Uy Kiao Eng. seek to enforce a public right and to compel the
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

performance of a public duty, most especially when the to the public and to the government; hence, it is called
public right involved is mandated by the Constitution. a prerogative writ. To preserve its prerogative
As the quoted provision instructs, mandamus will lie if character, mandamus is not used for the redress of
the tribunal, corporation, board, officer, or person private wrongs, but only in matters relating to the
unlawfully neglects the performance of an act which the public.
law enjoins as a duty resulting from an office, trust or
station. Moreover, an important principle followed in the
issuance of the writ is that there should be no plain,
The writ of mandamus, however, will not issue to speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
compel an official to do anything which is not his duty law other than the remedy of mandamus being invoked.
to do or which it is his duty not to do, or to give to the In other words, mandamus can be issued only in cases
applicant anything to which he is not entitled by where the usual modes of procedure and forms of
law. Nor will mandamus issue to enforce a right which remedy are powerless to afford relief. Although
is in substantial dispute or as to which a substantial classified as a legal remedy, mandamus is equitable in
doubt exists, although objection raising a mere its nature and its issuance is generally controlled by
technical question will be disregarded if the right is equitable principles. Indeed, the grant of the writ of
clear and the case is meritorious. As a mandamus lies in the sound discretion of the court.
rule, mandamus will not lie in the absence of any of the
following grounds: [a] that the court, officer, board, or Nevertheless, Nixon Lee can still institute probate
person against whom the action is taken unlawfully proceedings whether he is in possession of the will or
neglected the performance of an act which the law
specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from office, trust, In the instant case, the Court, without unnecessarily
or station; or [b] that such court, officer, board, or ascertaining whether the obligation involved here—the
person has unlawfully excluded petitioner/relator from production of the original holographic will—is in the
the use and enjoyment of a right or office to which he is nature of a public or a private duty, rules that the
entitled. On the part of the relator, it is essential to the remedy of mandamus cannot be availed of by
issuance of a writ of mandamus that he should have a respondent Lee because there lies another plain,
clear legal right to the thing demanded and it must be speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
the imperative duty of respondent to perform the act law. Let it be noted that respondent has a photocopy of
required. the will and that he seeks the production of the original
Recognized further in this jurisdiction is the principle for purposes of probate. The Rules of Court, however,
that mandamus cannot be used to enforce contractual does not prevent him from instituting probate
proceedings for the allowance of the will whether the
obligations. Generally, mandamus will not lie to enforce
purely private contract rights, and will not lie against an same is in his possession or not. Rule 76, Section 1
relevantly provides:
individual unless some obligation in the nature of a
public or quasi-public duty is imposed. The writ is not Section 1. Who may petition for the allowance of will.—
appropriate to enforce a private right against an Any executor, devisee, or legatee named in a will, or
individual. The writ of mandamus lies to enforce the any other person interested in the estate, may, at any
execution of an act, when, otherwise, justice would be time, after the death of the testator, petition the court
obstructed; and, regularly, issues only in cases relating
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

having jurisdiction to have the will allowed, whether the will, the remedy of mandamus cannot be availed of.
same be in his possession or not, or is lost or destroyed. Suffice it to state that respondent Lee lacks a cause of
action in his petition. Thus, the Court grants the
Another remedy to compel delivery is provided for by demurrer.
the Rules
Contents of Petition (Rule 76, Sec. 2)
An adequate remedy is further provided by Rule 75,
Sections 2 to 5, for the production of the original 1. Fran v Salas
holographic will. Thus—
GR 53546, June 25, 1992
SEC. 2. Custodian of will to deliver.—The person who
has custody of a will shall, within twenty (20) days after FACTS:
he knows of the death of the testator, deliver the will to Remedios Vda de Tiosejo executed a last will and
the court having jurisdiction, or to the executor named testament. She died on July 10, 1972. On July 15, 1972,
in the will. Jesus Fran filed a petition with CFI Cebu for the probate
SEC. 3. Executor to present will and accept or refuse of testator’s will. Private respondents asked for time to
the petition but did not actually file an opposition to the
trust.—A person named as executor in a will shall within
twenty (20) days after he knows of the death of the probate. Hence, the petition was uncontested.
testator, or within twenty (20) days after he knows that Evidence submitted: a copy of the original of the will
he is named executor if he obtained such knowledge and its English translation.
after the death of the testator, present such will to the
court having jurisdiction, unless the will has reached the ISSUE: WON the original will must be attached for the
court in any other manner, and shall, within such court to acquire jurisdiction NO
period, signify to the court in writing his acceptance of
the trust or his refusal to accept it.
Not necessary that original will is attached
SEC. 4. Custodian and executor subject to fine for
neglect.—A person who neglects any of the duties In Santos vs. Castillo and Salazar vs. Court of First
required in the two last preceding sections without Instance of Laguna, decided six (6) months apart in
excuse satisfactory to the court shall be fined not 1937, this Court already ruled that it is not necessary
exceeding two thousand pesos. that the original of the will be attached to the petition.
In the first, it ruled: "The original of said document [the
SEC. 5. Person retaining will may be committed.—A
will] must be presented or sufficient reasons given to
person having custody of a will after the death of the
justify the nonpresentation of said original and the
testator who neglects without reasonable cause to
acceptance of the copy or duplicate thereof." In the
deliver the same, when ordered so to do, to the court
second case, this Court was more emphatic in holding
having jurisdiction, may be committed to prison and
that: The law is silent as to the specific manner of
there kept until he delivers the will.
bringing the jurisdictional allegations before the court,
There being a plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the but practice and jurisprudence have established that
ordinary course of law for the production of the subject they should be made in the form of an application and
filed with the original of the will attached thereto. It has
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

been the practice in some courts to permit attachment 2. Alaban v CA

of a mere copy of the will to the application, without
prejudice to producing the original thereof at the GR 156021, September 23, 2005
hearing or when the court so requires. This precaution Is personal notice a jurisdictional requirement? NO (but
has been adopted by some attorneys to forestall its take note of Aranz v Galing)
disappearance, which has taken place in certain cases.
Annexing of original not jurisdictional requirement
Private respondent Provido filed a petition for the
That the annexing of the original will to the petition is probate of the will of the sale Soledad Elevencionado.
not a jurisdictional requirement is clearly evident in Respondent alleged that he was the heir and executor
Section 1, Rule 76 of the Rules of Court which allows the of Soledad’s will. RTC Iloilo then allowed the probate of
filing of a petition for probate by the person named the will and directed the issuance of letters
therein regardless of whether or not he is in possession testamentary to respondent.
of the will, or the same is lost or destroyed. The section
reads in full as follows: 4 months later, petitioners filed a motion for the
reopening of the probate proceedings. They also filed
Sec. 1. Who may petition for the allowance of will. — an opposition to the allowance of the will. They claimed
Any executor, devisee, or legatee named in a will, or any that RTC did not acquire jurisdiction over the petition
other person interested in the estate, may, at any time due to lack of notice to the other heirs.
after the death of the testator, petition the court having
jurisdiction to have the will allowed, whether the same ISSUE: WON personal notice to the other heirs is a
be in his possession or not, or is lost or destroyed. jurisdictional requirement NO

In the instant case, a copy of the original will and its HELD:
English translation were attached to the petition as
Probate proceeding is one in rem; publication extends
Annex "A" and Annex "A-1", respectively, and made
to all interested persons
integral parts of the same. It is to be presumed that
upon the filing of the petition the Clerk of Court, or his Petitioners are mistaken in asserting that they have not
duly authorized subordinate, examined the petition and become parties to the probate proceedings. Under the
found that the annexes mentioned were in fact Rules of Court, any executor, devisee, or legatee named
attached thereto. If they were not, the petition cannot in a will, or any other person interested in the estate
be said to have been properly presented and the Clerk may, at any time after the death of the testator,
of Court would not have accepted it for docketing. petition the court having jurisdiction to have the will
allowed. Notice of the time and place for proving the
Ma’am Tiu: For purposes of filing the petition, you need
will must be published for three (3) consecutive weeks,
not attach the original. But for purposes of presenting it
in a newspaper of general circulation in the province, as
in evidence, you produce the original.
well as furnished to the designated or other known
Notice of Hearing (Rule 76, Sec. 3-4; Rule 77, Sec.2; Rule heirs, legatees, and devisees of the testator. Thus, it has
79, Sec. 3) been held that a proceeding for the probate of a will is
one in rem, such that with the corresponding

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

publication of the petition the court's jurisdiction personal notice upon the heirs is a matter of procedural
extends to all persons interested in said will or in the convenience and not a jurisdictional requisite. The non-
settlement of the estate of the decedent. inclusion of petitioners’ names in the petition and the
alleged failure to personally notify them of the
Publication vests the court with jurisdiction proceedings do not constitute extrinsic fraud.
Publication is notice to the whole world that the Petitioners were not denied their day in court, as they
proceeding has for its object to bar indefinitely all who were not prevented from participating in the
might be minded to make an objection of any sort proceedings and presenting their case before the
against the right sought to be established. It is the probate court.
publication of such notice that brings in the whole 3. Aranz v Galing
world as a party in the case and vests the court with
jurisdiction to hear and decide it. Thus, even though G.R. No. 77047, May 28, 1988
petitioners were not mentioned in the petition for
probate, they eventually became parties thereto as a Note: This case is an exception to the rule set forth in
consequence of the publication of the notice of hearing. Alaban v CA . The two cases can be reconciled in this
wise: if the name and address of heirs, legatees, and
Petition for annulment of probate must fail devisees are known they shall be personally notified. If
not, individual notice is not necessary as long as the lack
Annulment is based on only two grounds: extrinsic of knowledge is in good faith on the part of petitioning
fraud, and lack of jurisdiction or denial of due process.
An action to annul a final judgment on the ground of
fraud lies only if the fraud is extrinsic or collateral in FACTS:
character. Fraud is regarded as extrinsic where it
prevents a party from having a trial or from presenting Joaquin R-Infante filed a petition for the probate of the
his entire case to the court, or where it operates upon will of the Montserrat R-Infante y G-Pola. In the
petition, the devisees and legatees were named along
matters pertaining not to the judgment itself but to the
manner in which it is procured. The overriding with their corresponding addresses.T
consideration when extrinsic fraud is alleged is that the The probate court issued an order setting the petition
fraudulent scheme of the prevailing litigant prevented a for hearing on 5 May 1986 at 8:30 o'clock in the
party from having his day in court. morning. Said order was published in the "Nueva Era" A
Non-inclusion of petitioners’ names in the petition and newspaper of general circulation in Metro Manila once
the alleged failure to personally notify them of the a week for three (3) consecutive weeks.
proceedings do not constitute extrinsic fraud There was no opposition thus an order to receive
Petitioners, as nephews and nieces of the decedent, are evidence ex parte was issued. Joaquin was appointed
neither compulsory nor testate heirs who are entitled
to be notified of the probate proceedings under the The named devisees and legatees filed a motion for
Rules. Besides, assuming arguendo that petitioners are reconsideration alleging that, as named legatees, no
entitled to be so notified, the purported infirmity is notices were sent to them as required by Sec. 4, Rule 76
cured by the publication of the notice. After all, of the Rules of Court and they prayed that they be given
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

a period of ten (10) days within which to file their the probate court. The petition for the allowance of the
opposition to the probate of the will. wig itself indicated the names and addresses of the
legatees and devisees of the testator. But despite such
CA held that the individual notice is merely for knowledge, the probate court did not cause copies of
procedural convenience. the notice to be sent to petitioners. The requirement of
ISSUE: WON personal notice of the probate proceedings the law for the allowance of the will was not satisfied by
to the named legatees and devisees is a jurisdictional mere publication of the notice of hearing for three (3)
requirement. YES weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the
The case of Joson vs. Nable cited by the Court of
The standing rule is that ; if the name and address of Appeals in its assailed decision to support its theory is
heirs, legatees, and devisees are known they shall be not applicable in the present case. In that case,
personally notified. If not, individual notice is not petitioners Purificacion Joson and Erotica Joson failed to
necessary. contest the will of Tomas Joson because they had not
been notified of the hearing of the petition for
Sec. 4, Rule 76 of the Rules reads:
probate.T he the petition included the residence of
SEC. 4. Heirs, devisees, legatees, and executors to be petitioners as Dagupan Street No. 83, Manila,
notified by mail or personally. — The court shall also petitioners claimed that their residence was not
cause copies of the notice of the time and place fixed for Dagupan Street No. 83, Manila. There the Court said:
proving the will to be addressed to the designated or
Petitioners maintain that no notice was received by
other known heirs, legatees, and devisees of the testator
them partly because their residence was not Dagupan
resident in the Philippines at their places of residence,
Street No. 83 as alleged in the petition for probate. If
and deposited in the post office with the postage
the allegation of the petition was wrong and the true
thereon prepaid at least twenty (20) days before the
residence of petitioners was not known, then notice
hearing, if such places of residence be known. A copy of
upon them individually was not necessary. Under the
the notice must in like manner be mailed to the person
provision above quoted, individual notice upon heirs,
named as executor, if he be not, the petitioner; also, to
legatees and devisees is necessary only when they are
any person named as co-executor not petitioning, if
known or when their places of residence are known. In
their places of residence be known. Personal service of
other instances, such notice is not necessary and the
copies of the notice at least ten (10) days before the day
court may acquire and exercise jurisdiction simply upon
of hearing shall be equivalent to mailing.
the publication of the notice in a newspaper of general
It is clear from the aforecited rule that notice of the circulation. ...
time and place of the hearing for the allowance of a will
In Re: Testate Estate of Suntay, the Court, speaking
shall be forwarded to the designated or other known
thru Mr. Justice Sabino Padilla, said:
heirs, legatees, and devisees residing in the Philippines
at their places of residence, if such places of residence ... It is a proceedings in rem and for the validity of such
be known. There is no question that the residences of proceedings personal notice or by publication or both to
herein petitioners legatees and devisees were known to all interested parties must be made. The interested

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

parties in the case were known to reside in the issuance to the same petitioner of letters
Philippines. The evidence shows that no such notice was testamentaryon the premise that NemesioAcain died
received by the interested parties residing in the leaving a will in which petitioner and his brothers
Philippines. The proceedings had in the municipal Antonio, Flores and Jose and his sisters Anita,
district court of Amoy, China, may be likened to a Concepcion, Quirina and Laura were instituted as heirs.
deposition or to a perpetuation of testimony, and even
if it were so it does not measure or come up to the The oppositors (respondents herein Virginia A.
standard of such proceedings in the Philippines for lack Fernandez, a legally adopted daughter of tile deceased
of notice to all interested parties and the proceedings and the latter's widow Rosa DiongsonVda. de Acain filed
were held at the back of such interested parties. a motion to dismiss on the following grounds for the
petitioner has no legal capacity to institute these
xxx xxx xxx proceedings; (2) he is merely a universal heir and (3) the
widow and the adopted daughter have been
... In view thereof, the will and the alleged probate preterited.
thereof cannot be said to have been done in accordance
with the accepted basic and fundamental concepts and ISSUE: WON the legally adopted daughter and the
principles followed in the probate and allowance of widow may legally oppose? YES
wills. Consequently, the authenticated transcript of
proceedings held in the municipal district court of
Amoy, China, cannot be deemed and accepted as The Legally adopted daughter may oppose since she
proceedings leading to the probate or allowance of a was preterited and that she will stand benefited in the
will and, therefore, the will referred to therein cannot annulment of the institution of the heirs
be allowed, filed and recorded by a competent court of
court. Legal adoption by the testator has not been questioned
by petitioner. Under Article 39 of P.D. No. 603, known
Who may Oppose (Rule 79, Sec. 1) as the Child and Youth Welfare Code, adoption gives to
1. Acain v IAC the adopted person the same rights and duties as if he
were a legitimate child of the adopter and makes the
G.R. No. 72706, October 27, 1987 adopted person a legal heir of the adopter. It cannot be
CONSTANTINO C. ACAIN, petitioner, vs. HON. denied that she has totally omitted and preterited in
INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT (Third Special Cases the will of the testator and that both adopted child and
Division), VIRGINIA A. FERNANDEZ and ROSA the widow were deprived of at least their legitime.
DIONGSON, respondents. Neither can it be denied that they were not expressly
disinherited. Hence, this is a clear case of preterition of
Does the preterited heir have the right to oppose the the legally adopted child.
will? YES
Pretention annuls the institution of an heir and
FACTS: annulment throws open to intestate succession the
entire The only provisions which do not result in
Constantino Acain filed on the RTC, a petition for the intestacy are the legacies and devises made in the will
probate of the will of the late NemesioAcain and for the

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

for they should stand valid and respected, except named therein as executors, or any of them, and the
insofar as the legitimes are concerned. court, after hearing upon notice, shall pass upon the
sufficiency of such grounds. A petition may, at the same
The universal institution of petitioner together with his time, be filed for letters of administration with the will
brothers and sisters to the entire inheritance of The annexed.
effect of annulling the "Institution of heirs will be,
necessarily, the opening of a total intestacy except that Under this provision, it has been held that an
proper legacies and devises must, as already stated "interested person" is one who would be benefited by
above, be respected. the estate, such as an heir, or one who has a claim
against the estate, such as a creditor, and whose
Since there is preterition, Constantino (brother) has no interest is material and direct, not merely incidental or
legal standing to petition for probate. contingent.
2. Maloles II v Philips
Even if petitioner is the nearest next of kin of Dr. De
GR 129505, January 31, 2000 Santos, he cannot be considered an "heir" of the
testator. It is a fundamental rule of testamentary
FACTS: succession that one who has no compulsory or forced
heirs may dispose of his entire estate by will.
Dr. Arturo de Santos filed a petition for probate of his
will, where he declared the Arturo de Santos Nephew not a compulsory heir and does not have the
Foundation Inc as the sole legatee and devisee. RTC right to intervene or oppose
Makati judge issued an order allowing the will. Shortly
after the probate, Dr. De Santos died. Petitioner, as nephew of the testator, is not a
compulsory heir who may have been preterited in the
Petitioner Octavio Maloles II filed a motion for testator’s will.
intervention claiming that, as the only child of testator’s
sister, he was the sole full-blooded nephew and nearest Nor does he have any right to intervene in the
kin of the testator. settlement proceedings based on his allegation that he
is a creditor of the deceased. Since the testator
ISSUE: May the petitioner (nephew of testator) instituted or named an executor in his will, it is
intervene and oppose the petition for issuance of incumbent upon the Court to respect the desires of the
letters testamentary? NO testator.

HELD: Atty. Tiu: He claimed to be a creditor so why is he not a

interested person still?
Interested persons may oppose
He raised the issue of being a creditor as a mere
Rule 79, §1 provides:
Opposition to issuance of letters testamentary.
3. Leviste v CA
Simultaneous petition for administration. - Any person
interested in a will may state in writing the grounds why G.R. No. L-29184, January 30, 1989
letters testamentary should not issue to the persons

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Does a lawyer trying to enforce a contingent fee have a Maxima C. Reselva. Upon the dismissal of her petition
direct interest in the probate of the will? NO for probate of the decedent's will, she lost her right to
inherit any part of the latter's estate. There is nothing
FACTS: for the petitioner to accept in her name.
Atty. Leviste appeared as counsel of Rosa Del Rosario This Court had ruled in the case of Recto vs.
in a petition for probate of the holographic will of the Harden, 100 Phil. 1427, that "the contract (for
late Maxima C. Reselva. Under the will, a piece of real contingent attorney's fees) neither gives, nor purports
property was bequeathed to Del Rosario. It was agreed
to give, to the appellee (lawyer) any right whatsoever,
that Atty. Leviste’s contigent fee would be thirty-five personal or real, in and to her (Mrs. Harden's) aforesaid
per cent (35%) of the property that Rosa may receive share in the conjugal partnership. The amount thereof
upon the probate of the will . is simply a basis for thecomputation of said fees."
Atty. Leviste was eventually terminated while the
The Court of Appeals did not err in dismissing the
proceeding was ongoing . He filed a motion to intervene petition for mandamus, for while it is true that, as
in the probate proceeding but the same was denied. contended by the petitioner, public policy favors the
Nevertheless, he continued to file pleadings for Del probate of a will, it does not necessarily follow that
Rosario. every will that is presented for probate, should be
Del Rosario waived her right to the devise in favor of allowed. The law lays down procedures which should be
private respondents but even so the Court disallowed observed and requisites that should be satisfied before
the will . Atty. Leviste filed a notice of appeal and an a will may be probated. Those procedures and
appeal bond. The private respondents filed a motion to requirements were not followed in this case resulting in
dismiss alleging that Atty. Leviste was not a party in the disallowance of the will. There being no valid will,
interest. the motion to withdraw the probate petition was
ISSUE: WON the appeal was proper. NO
Petitioner was not a party to the probate proceeding
HELD: in the lower court. He had no direct interest in the
probate of the will. His only interest in the estate is an
Atty. Leviste is not a creditor
indirect interest as former counsel for a prospective
Article 1052 of the Civil Code does not apply to this heir. In Paras vs. Narciso, 35 Phil. 244, We had
case. That legal provision protects the creditor of a occassion to rule that one who is only indirectly
repudiating heir. Petitioner is not a creditor of Rosa del interested in a will may not interfere in its probate.
Rosario. The payment of his fees is contingent and Thus:
dependent upon the successful probate of the
... the reason for the rule excluding strangers from
holographic will. Since the petition for probate was
contesting the will, is not that thereby the court maybe
dismissed by the lower court, the contingency did not
prevented from learning facts which would justify or
occur. Attorney Leviste is not entitled to his fee.
necessitate a denial of probate, but rather that the
Furthermore, Article 1052 presupposes that the obligor courts and the litigants should not be molested by the
is an heir. Rosa del Rosario is not a legal heir of the late intervention in the proceedings of persons with no

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

interest in the estate which would entitle them to be Photostatic copy or xerox copy of the holographic will
heard with relation thereto. (Paras vs. Narciso, 35 Phil. may be allowed because comparison can be made
244, 246.) with the standard writings of the testator

Similary, in Morente vs. Firmalino, 40 O.G. 21st Supp. 1, Pursuant to Article 811 of the Civil Code, probate of
We held: holographic wills is the allowance of the will by the
court after its due execution has been proved. The
We are of the opinion that the lower court did not err in probate may be uncontested or not. If uncontested, at
holding that notice of an attorney's lien did not entitle
least one Identifying witness is required and, if no
the attorney-appellant to subrogate himself in lieu of witness is available, experts may be resorted to. If
his client. It only gives him the right to collect a certain contested, at least three Identifying witnesses are
amount for his services in case his client is awarded a required. However, if the holographic will has been lost
certain sum by the court. or destroyed and no other copy is available, the will
How to Oppose (Rule 76, Sec. 10) cannot be probated because the best and only evidence
is the handwriting of the testator in said will. It is
Proof Required necessary that there be a comparison between sample
handwritten statements of the testator and the
Lost or Destroyed Will (Rule 76, Sec. 6)
handwritten will. But, a photostatic copy or xerox copy
1. Rodelas v Aranza of the holographic will may be allowed because
comparison can be made with the standard writings of
G.R. No. L-58509 December 7, 1982 the testator. In the case of Gam vs. Yap, 104 PHIL. 509,
IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION TO APPROVE THE the Court ruled that "the execution and the contents of
WILL OF RICARDO B. BONILLA deceased, MARCELA a lost or destroyed holographic will may not be proved
RODELAS, petitioner-appellant, vs.AMPARO ARANZA, ET by the bare testimony of witnesses who have seen
AL., oppositors-appellees, ATTY. LORENZO and/or read such will. The will itself must be presented;
SUMULONG, intervenor. otherwise, it shall produce no effect. The law regards
the document itself as material proof of authenticity."
FACTS: But, in Footnote 8 of said decision, it says that "Perhaps
it may be proved by a photographic or photostatic copy.
The petition with CFI for the probate of the holographic
Even a mimeographed or carbon copy; or by other
will of Ricardo B. Bonilla and the issuance of letters
similar means, if any, whereby the authenticity of the
testamentary in his favour was opposed on the ground
handwriting of the deceased may be exhibited and
that the alleged hollographic will itself,and not an
tested before the probate court," Evidently, the
alleged copy thereof, must be produced, otherwise it
photostatic or xerox copy of the lost or destroyed
would produce no effect.
holographic will may be admitted because then the
ISSUE: Whether a holographic will which was lost or authenticity of the handwriting of the deceased can be
cannot be found can be proved by means of a determined by the probate court.
photostatic copy. YES
Atty. Tiu : The very reason why a copy of a holographic
HELD: will should be presented in court is for there to be some
basis that the will was indeed in the handwriting of the
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

testator. Because a holographic will is one written, Grounds for Disallowance of Will ( Rule 76, Sec. 9)
dated, and signed in the testator’s own handwriting. So
the only way to authenticate it is to examine the 1. Ortega v Valmonte
handwriting. If there is no photocopy available, then
there can be no way of probating that lost holographic GR 157451, December 16, 2005
will. But if you can produce a photocopy or a carbon
copy of the holographic will, then that can be allowed. FACTS:
PROVIDED, that you were able to establish the
Placido Valmonte executed a notarial last will and
circumstances why you are presenting secondary
evidence. testament. The allowance to probate of this will was
opposed by petitioner Leticia (Placido’s sister) on the
In notarial wills, it is not really a problem, because the grounds that, among others, the will was not executed
notary public usually has a copy. You can easily request in accordance with law, that the will was executed
one from them. But in the event that there is a mere under duress, that the signature of testator was
photocopy of a notarial will, and the original has been
procured by fraud, etc.
lost or destroyed, you still have to present evidence of
the due execution and validity of that notarial will. The CA reduced the opposition to two grounds, namely:
formalities that have to be complied with are very
specific. Plus the fact that the will existed at the time of 1. Non-compliance with the legal solemnities and
death of the testator. And you should prove the
formalities in the execution and attestation of
fraudulent or destruction of the will during the lifetime
the will; and
without his knowledge. Why do you think that it should
without the knowledge of the testator? Because if he
2. Mental incapacity of the testator at the time of
knew of its destruction, but didn’t do anything about it,
then there would be an implied revocation of such will. the execution of the will as he was then in an
advanced state of senility
Atty. Tiu: In short, even if the will has been lost or
ISSUE: WON the will was executed in accordance with
destroyed, you can prove its existence, provided that
law YES
you were able to prove that the lost or destruction was
not intended by the testator during his lifetime. Because HELD:
that will be considered a revocation.
Varying dates in execution and attestation of the will
Holographic will, you can only prove that it was lost or properly explained
destroyed if there is a copy. If it is a notarial will, you
According to Leticia, deception is allegedly reflected in
can prove that it was lost or destroyed even without a
the varying dates of the execution and the attestation
copy. The problem with that is how will you prove the
of the will. SC ruling: the conflict between the dates
contents?Section 6 Rule 76. Present 2 Credible
appearing on the will does not invalidate the document,
“because the law does not even require that a notarial
will be executed and acknowledged on the same
Uncontested Will (Rule 76, Sec. 5, 12)
occasion.” The variance in the dates of the will as to its
Contested Notarial Will (Rule 76, Sec. 11; Sec. 7, Sec. 8)
supposed execution and attestation was satisfactorily
Contested Holographic Will (Rule 76, Sec. 11, Sec. 12)
and persuasively explained by the notary public and the
instrumental witnesses.
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

It was explained during the testimony of the lawyer and holding that Placido had testamentary capacity at the
witnesses that the will was typed during the first week time of the execution of his will.
of June when they first went to Atty Sarmiento’s office.
But when the witnesses returned on June 15, Atty. It must be noted that despite his advanced age, he was
Sarmiento was out of town. So they were only able to still able to identify accurately the kinds of property he
sign the will on Aug 9. Atty Sarmiento explained that he owned, the extent of his shares in them and even their
did not make the corrections on the dates because he locations. As regards the proper objects of his bounty,
did not want to make alterations. He, instead, wrote the it was sufficient that he identified his wife as sole
date of the acknowledgment using his own handwriting. beneficiary. As we have stated earlier, the omission of
some relatives from the will did not affect its formal
Fraud must be proven; it is not presumed validity.

Petitioner contends that it was “highly dubious for a 2. Baltazar v Laxa

woman at the prime of her young life [to] almost
immediately plunge into marriage with a man who G.R. No. 174489, April 11, 2012
[was] thrice her age x x x and who happened to be [a] Forgetfulness is not a ground to disallow a will ;neither
Fil-American pensionado,” thus casting doubt on the is the non presentation of all subscribing witnesses and
intention of respondent in seeking the probate of the the notary public
will. Moreover, it supposedly “defies human reason,
logic and common experience” for an old man with a FACTS:
severe psychological condition to have willingly signed a
Paciencia , a 78 year old spinster executed a Will
last will and testament.
bequeathing all her properties to her nephew , Lorenzo
SC: That the testator was tricked into signing it was not Laxa (respondent) whom she considered as her son as
sufficiently established by the fact that he had well as his wife and children. She lived with Lorenzo’s
instituted his wife, who was more than fifty years his family . She was childless and without brothers or
junior, as the sole beneficiary. We stress that the party sisters.
challenging the will bears the burden of proving the
The witnesses to the Will were Dra. Maria Lioba A.
existence of fraud at the time of its execution.
Limpin (Dra. Limpin), Francisco Garcia (Francisco) and
Unfortunately in this case, no evidence of fraud was
Faustino R. Mercado (Faustino). The Will remained in
ever presented.
the custody of Judge Limpin in whose house the will
Testator was of sound mind: was executed.

According to Article 799, the three things that the Four days after Paciencia’s death, Lorenzo filed a
testator must have the ability to know to be considered petition for the probate of the Will of Paciencia and for
of sound mind are as follows: (1) the nature of the the issuance of Letters of Administration in his favor.
estate to be disposed of, (2) the proper objects of the
Antonio Baltazar(petitioner) filed an opposition and
testator’s bounty, and (3) the character of the
averred that the properties subject of Paciencia’s Will
testamentary act. Applying this test to the present
belong to Nicomeda Regala Mangalindan, his
case, we find that the appellate court was correct in
predecessor-in-interest; hence, Paciencia had no right

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

to bequeath them to Lorenzo. Petitioner asked that the Art. 799. To be of sound mind, it is not necessary that
will be denied on the following grounds: the testator be in full possession of all his reasoning
faculties, or that his mind be wholly unbroken,
Paciencia was mentally incapable to make a Will at the unimpaired, or unshattered by disease, injury or other
time of its execution; that she was forced to execute cause.
the Will under duress or influence of fear or threats;
that the execution of the Will had been procured by It shall be sufficient if the testator was able at the time
undue and improper pressure and influence by of making the will to know the nature of the estate to
Lorenzo or by some other persons for his benefit; that be disposed of, the proper objects of his bounty, and
the signature of Paciencia on the Will was forged; that the character of the testamentary act.
assuming the signature to be genuine, it was obtained
through fraud or trickery; and, that Paciencia did not In this case, apart from the testimony of Rosie
intend the document to be her Will. pertaining to Paciencia’s forgetfulness, there is no
substantial evidence, medical or otherwise, that would
Petitioners, through their witness Rosie, claim that show that Paciencia was of unsound mind at the time of
Paciencia was "magulyan" or forgetful so much so that the execution of the Will. On the other hand, we find
it effectively stripped her of testamentary capacity. more worthy of credence Dra. Limpin’s (daughter of
They likewise claimed in their Motion for Judge Limpin) testimony as to the soundness of mind of
Reconsideration filed with the CA that Paciencia was Paciencia when the latter went to Judge Limpin’s house
not only "magulyan" but was actually suffering from and voluntarily executed the Will. "The testimony of
paranoia. subscribing witnesses to a Will concerning the testator’s
mental condition is entitled to great weight where they
CA allowed the probate. are truthful and intelligent." More importantly, a
ISSUE: testator is presumed to be of sound mind at the time of
the execution of the Will and the burden to prove
Is forgetfulness a ground for disallowance of the will? otherwise lies on the oppositor. Article 800 of the New
NO Civil Code states:

Will the non presentation of the attesting witnesses and Art. 800. The law presumes that every person is of
notary public cause the disallowance of the will? NO sound mind, in the absence of proof to the contrary.

HELD: The burden of proof that the testator was not of sound
mind at the time of making his dispositions is on the
Forgetfulness not a ground to disallow a will;
person who opposes the probate of the will; but if the
Forgetfulness not equivalent to unsoundness of mind
testator, one month, or less, before making his will was
Being forgetful does not necessarily make a person publicly known to be insane, the person who maintains
mentally unsound so as to render him unfit to execute a the validity of the will must prove that the testator
Will. Forgetfulness is not equivalent to being of made it during a lucid interval.
unsound mind. Besides, Article 799 of the New Civil
Here, there was no showing that Paciencia was publicly
Code states:
known to be insane one month or less before the
making of the Will. Clearly, thus, the burden to prove
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

that Paciencia was of unsound mind lies upon the attested to it, or are otherwise of doubtful credibility,
shoulders of petitioners. However and as earlier the will may nevertheless, be allowed if the court is
mentioned, no substantial evidence was presented by satisfied from the testimony of other witnesses and
them to prove the same, thereby warranting the CA’s from all the evidence presented that the will was
finding that petitioners failed to discharge such burden. executed and attested in the manner required by law.

Furthermore, we are convinced that Paciencia was If a holographic will is contested, the same shall be
aware of the nature of her estate to be disposed of, the allowed if at least three (3) witnesses who know the
proper objects of her bounty and the character of the handwriting of the testator explicitly declare that the
testamentary act. As aptly pointed out by the CA: will and the signature are in the handwriting of the
testator; in the absence of any competent witnesses,
A scrutiny of the Will discloses that [Paciencia] was and if the court deem it necessary, expert testimony
aware of the nature of the document she executed. She may be resorted to.
specially requested that the customs of her faith be
observed upon her death. She was well aware of how We note that the inability of Faustino and Judge
she acquired the properties from her parents and the Limpin to appear and testify before the court was
properties she is bequeathing to LORENZO, to his wife satisfactorily explained during the probate
CORAZON and to his two (2) children. A third child was proceedings. As testified to by his son, Faustino had a
born after the execution of the will and was not heart attack, was already bedridden and could no
included therein as devisee. longer talk and express himself due to brain damage. To
prove this, said witness presented the corresponding
Bare allegations of duress or influence of fear or medical certificate. For her part, Dra. Limpin testified
threats, undue and improper influence and pressure, that her father, Judge Limpin, suffered a stroke in 1991
fraud and trickery cannot be used as basis to deny the and had to undergo brain surgery. At that time, Judge
probate of a will.
Limpin could no longer talk and could not even
Will could not be disallowed on the basis of non remember his daughter’s name so that Dra. Limpin
presentation of witnesses when absence is stated that given such condition, her father could no
satisfactorily explained longer testify. It is well to note that at that point,
despite ample opportunity, petitioners neither
Section 11. Subscribing witnesses produced or interposed any objections to the testimonies of said
accounted for where will contested. – If the will is witnesses nor challenged the same on cross
contested, all the subscribing witnesses, and the notary examination. We thus hold that for all intents and
in the case of wills executed under the Civil Code of the purposes, Lorenzo was able to satisfactorily account for
Philippines, if present in the Philippines and not insane, the incapacity and failure of the said subscribing witness
must be produced and examined, and the death, and of the notary public to testify in court. Because of
absence, or insanity of any of them must be this the probate of Paciencia’s Will may be allowed on
satisfactorily shown to the court. If all or some of such the basis of Dra. Limpin’s testimony proving her sanity
witnesses are present in the Philippines but outside the and the due execution of the Will, as well as on the
province where the will has been filed, their deposition proof of her handwriting. It is an established rule that
must be taken. If any or all of them testify against the "[a] testament may not be disallowed just because the
due execution of the will, or do not remember having attesting witnesses declare against its due execution;
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

neither does it have to be necessarily allowed just deceased. Codoy et al filed an opposition thereto
because all the attesting witnesses declare in favor of alleging that the holographic will was a forgery and that
its legalization; what is decisive is that the court is the same is even illegible. This gives an impression that
convinced by evidence before it, not necessarily from a "third hand" of an interested party other than the
the attesting witnesses, although they must testify, "true hand" of MatildeSeñoVda. deRamonal executed
that the will was or was not duly executed in the the holographic will.
manner required by law."
Calugay et al presented six (6) witnesses and various
Moreover, it bears stressing that "[i]rrespective x x x of documentary evidence. Codoy et al instead of
the posture of any of the parties as regards the presenting their evidence, filed a demurrer to evidence,
authenticity and due execution of the will x x x in claiming that respondents failed to establish sufficient
question, it is the mandate of the law that it is the factual and legal basis for the probate of the
evidence before the court and/or [evidence that] ought holographic will of the deceased Matilde Seño Vda.
to be before it that is controlling." "The very existence deRamonal.
of [the Will] is in itself prima facie proof that the
supposed [testatrix] has willed that [her] estate be The trial court granted the demurrer to evidence filed
distributed in the manner therein provided, and it is thus the petition for probate was denied. The case
incumbent upon the state that, if legally tenable, such
desire be given full effect independent of the attitude of
ISSUE: WON the trial court was correct in denying
the parties affected thereby." This, coupled with probate?
Lorenzo’s established relationship with Paciencia, the
evidence and the testimonies of disinterested HELD:
witnesses, as opposed to the total lack of evidence The records are ordered remanded to the court of
presented by petitioners apart from their self-serving
origin with instructions to allow petitioners to adduce
testimonies, constrain us to tilt the balance in favor of evidence in support of their opposition to the probate
the authenticity of the Will and its allowance for of the holographic will of the deceased Matilde
probate. Señovda. De Ramonal. [the court said that the
Demurrer presentation of the 6 witnesses was not sufficient for
the probate of the will as the strokes were really
1. Codoy v Calugay different. However, SC did not immediately dismiss the
proceeding as there was no evidence adduced by the
G.R. No. 123486, August 12, 1999
oppositors to support their allegation of fraud. So
thecase was remanded for receipt of more evidence]
"the object of the solemnities surrounding the
PATIGAS, respondents.
execution of wills is to close the door against bad faith
and fraud, to avoid substitution of wills and testaments
and to guaranty their truth and authenticity. Therefore,
Calugay et al (legatees and devisees of the will) filed a
the laws on this subject should be interpreted in such a
petition for probate of the holographic will of the
way as to attain these primordial ends. But on the other
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

hand, also one must not lose sight of the fact that it is June 16, 1978,35 the strokes are different. In the letters,
not the object of the law to restrain and curtail the there are continuous flows of the strokes, evidencing
exercise of the right to make a will. that there is no hesitation in writing unlike that of the
holographic will. We, therefore, cannot be certain that
However, we cannot eliminate the possibility of a false ruling holographic will was in the handwriting by the
document being adjudged as the will of the testator, deceased.
which is why if the holographic will is contested, that
law requires three witnesses to declare that the will was Guide Questions:
in the handwriting of the deceased. So, how many witnesses should be presented? 3
witnesses are required. Six were presented in this
The will was found not in the personal belongings of the case. However, some of the witnesses only testified
deceased but with one of the respondents, who kept it that they were familiar but they did not actually
even before the death of the deceased. In the testify that they saw the testator execute the will.
testimony of Ms.Binanay, she revealed that the will was
in her possession as early as 1985, or five years before  Were the testimonies of these six witnesses
the death of the deceased. sufficient to prove the probate of the will? No. In
this case, the court said that it was not sufficient for
There was no opportunity for an expert to compare the the probate of the will. The court here readily saw
signature and the handwriting of the deceased with that the strokes were really different.
other documents signed and executed by her during her
lifetime. The only chance at comparison was during the  So what did the oppositor do? Given that despite
cross-examination of Ms.Binanay when the lawyer of the testimony of the 6 witnesses, they were not
petitioners asked Ms.Binanay to compare the satisfied that the necessary proof was sufficiently
documents which contained the signature of the adduced to probate the will. Did the oppositors
deceased with that of the holographic will and she is present contrary evidence? No, they did not. They
not a handwriting expert. Even the former lawyer of the only said that the holographic will was a forgery.
deceased expressed doubts as to the authenticity of the
signature in the holographic will.
 What was the basis of the court in denying the
A visual examination of the holographic will convince us probate of the will, when in fact, they did not
that the strokes are different when compared with present any evidence? Remember, forgery is not
other documents written by the testator. The signature presumed, you must substantiate that.
of the testator in some of the disposition is not
readable. There were uneven strokes, retracing and  Instead, what did they do? What was the basis of
erasures on the will. the ruling of the trial court? They filed a demurrer
to evidence. This is when a party presents evidence
Comparing the signature in the holographic will dated and the opposing party feels that what they
August 30, 1978,33 and the signatures in several presented was insufficient to establish their claim,
documents such as the application letter for pasture then you file a demurrer.
permit dated December 30, 1980,34 and a letter dated
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

 Is demurrer applicable in special proceedings? Yes,  So, out of the 6 witnesses, how many positively
it applies. identified that it was the handwriting of the
testator? Only 1, so the 3 witness requirement was
not satisfied.
 Ma’am Tiu: This case actually deals with demurrer.
There are consequences when you file a demurrer.  Now, why didn’t the Supreme Court just affirm the
It’s different in a criminal case. You ask for leave of ruling of the lower court? Because they still allowed
court, if it’s granted, you file your demurrer, and if the witnesses to present evidence to support their
the demurrer is denied, you can still present opposition. They denied the probate of the will not
evidence. If you file it without leave of court and it is mainly on demurrer but on the basis of the evidence
denied, then you can no longer present evidence, presented.
and the court will rule based on the prosecution’s
evidence. In CIVIL cases, you file a demurrer to
evidence and it is granted, the case will be  Ma’am Tiu: Ok, so in this case, the SC did not apply
dismissed. But if the dismissal is appealed, and the the consequence of demurrer under Rule 33 because
appellate court reverses the dismissal, given the necessity of determining the due execution
automatically, the judgment is reversed, and the of the will, there has to be an exhaustive
other party can no longer present evidence. That’s presentation of evidence. Both for, and against the
Rule 33 of the Civil procedure. probate of the will. And the only way to do that is to
allow either parties to present their respective
 If your demurrer is denied by the trial court, can evidence. So, the rule of demurrer was not applied.
you present evidence? YES! This is what happened Although it was availed of, but it only resulted to
here. The probate court granted the demurrer, the delay.
civil case was dismissed. On appeal, the appellate
court reversed. And on reversing, the appellate  So, what did the SC do here? The SC, being not sure
court said that you are now precluded from if indeed it was the handwriting of the deceased,
presenting evidence, therefore, the will is now remanded the case to the trial court with
considered probated, kahitwalang proof instructions to allow the oppositors to produce
angoppositor. This is a contested holographic will. evidence.
So being contested, you must be able to comply of
the number of witnesses to present. Three
witnesses. In this case, 6 angprinesent! Without any  Ma’am Tiu: So, the court allowed them to produce
opposition evidence, on the basis of the testimony of evidence. Why? Because given the lack of 3
the 6 witnesses, nagruleang trial court based on the witnesses to positively identify the handwriting of
demurrer filed. Denied ang probate. Nireverse upon the testator, such document cannot be considered
appeal, sabing appellate court, granted ang as the last will and testament of the testator, given
probate. Tama bayun? What did the SC say? that they are certain questionable circumstances
that they have noticed in the will itself. They cannot
allow a fraudulent document to be considered as
the last will and testament of a testator. That is how

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

important a last will and testament is. It has to be will shall have the same effect as if originally proves and
ascertained that it is really the document executed allowed in such court.
by the testator. Kasi unusual daw di ba? Every
disposition may date sakanyang will. The SC was Section 4. Estate, how administered. — When a will is
concerned here, that if you apply the rule on thus allowed, the court shall grant letters testamentary,
demurrer, then there is a possibility that a or letters of administration with the will annexed, and
fraudulent document can be considered as the last such letters testamentary or of administration, shall
will and testament of the testator. The number 1 extend to all the estate of the testator in the
purpose of probate is really to ascertain whether Philippines. Such estate, after the payment of just debts
that will is really the intended will of the testator. and expenses of administration, shall be disposed of
according to such will, so far as such will may operate
Certificate of Allowance (Rule 76, Sec. 13) upon it; and the residue, if any shall be disposed of as is
provided by law in cases of estates in the Philippines
Ancillary Testate Proceeding (Rule 77, Sec. 1) belonging to persons who are inhabitants of another
state or country.
1. Roberts v Leonidas
Allowance of Will Proved Outside of Philippines and
Administration of Estate Thereunder G.R. No. L-55509. April 27, 1984

Section 1. Will proved outside Philippines may be ETHEL GRIMM ROBERTS, petitioner, vs. JUDGE TOMAS
allowed here. — Wills proved and allowed in a foreign R. LEONIDAS, Branch 38, Court of First Instance of
country, according to the laws of such country, may be Manila; MAXINE TATE-GRIMM, EDWARD MILLER
allowed, filed, and recorded by the proper Court of First GRIMM II and LINDA GRIMM, respondents.
Instance in the Philippines.
Section 2. Notice of hearing for allowance. — When a
copy of such will and of the order or decree of the The question in this case is whether a petition for
allowance thereof, both duly authenticated, are filed allowance of wills and to annul a partition, approved in
with a petition for allowance in the Philippines, by the an intestate proceeding by Branch 20 of the Manila
executor or other person interested, in the court having Court of First Instance, can be entertained by its Branch
jurisdiction, such court shall fix a time and place for the 38 (after a probate in the Utah district court).
hearing, and cause notice thereof to be given as in case Edward Grimm, an American resident of Manila, died in
of an original will presented for allowance. Manila. He was survived by his second wife, Maxine
Section 3. When will allowed, and effect thereof. — If it Tate Grimm and their two children, named Edward
appears at the hearing that the will should be allowed in Miller Grimm II (Pete) and Linda Grimm and by Juanita
Grimm Morris and Ethel Grimm Roberts (McFadden),
the Philippines, the shall so allow it, and a certificate of
its allowance, signed by the judge, and attested by the his two children by a first marriage which ended in
seal of the court, to which shall be attached a copy of divorce.
the will, shall be filed and recorded by the clerk, and the Grimm executed on January 23, 1959 2 wills in
California. First will: disposed of his Philippine estate
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

which he described as conjugal property of himself and aside (petition to annul partition and testate
his second wife. Second will: disposed of his estate proceeding).
outside the Philippines. (In both wills, the 2nd wife and 2
children were favoured). ISSUE: WON an agreement abroad (with regard to the
estate) can be enforced in the Philippines, even if the
The 2 wills and a codicil were presented for probate by agreement is not in accordance with the last will and
Maxine on March 7, 1978 in Utah. But before this, there testament of the decedent NO
was already an intestate petition filed in Manila by Ethel
on January 1978. Maxine admitted that she received
notice of the said intestate petition. Thereafter, the 2 Probate is mandatory
wills and codicil were admitted to probate.
A testate proceeding is proper in this case because
2 weeks later, Maxine and her 2 children (with Grimm died with two wills and "no will shall pass either
knowledge of the intestate proceedings in Manila) real or personal property unless it is proved and
entered into a compromise agreement in Utah allowed".
regarding the estate. On March 11, Maxine (through
Angara law office), filed an opposition and motion to The probate of the will is mandatory. It is anomalous
dismiss the intestate proceeding on the ground of the that the estate of a person who died testate should be
pendency of a proceeding for the probate of Grimm’s settled in an intestate proceeding. Therefore, the
will in Utah. The opposition and motion to dismiss were; intestate case should be consolidated with the testate
however, withdrawn by Maxine (through a new lawyer proceeding and the judge assigned to the testate
Limqueco). This was apparently done pursuant to the proceeding should continue hearing the two cases.
aforementioned Utah compromise agreement.
Atty Tiu: Maxine was originally represented by ACCRA
Acting on the declaration of heirs and project of who was replaced by Limqueco, and then replaced again
partition signed and filed by lawyers Limqueco and by another lawyer. So the motion to dismiss filed by
Macaraeg (not signed by Maxine and her two children), Maxine in the intestate proceeding was withdrawn
Judge Conrado M. Molina in his order of July 27, 1979 when she changed lawyer. Nung nagkagulo na sila at
adjudicated to Maxine onehalf (4/8) of the decedent's naisahan na sila ni Limqueco kasi kinonchaba ni
Philippine estate and one-eighth (1/8) each to his four Limqueco, nagpalit siya ng lawyer hanggang sa bumalik
children. siya ulit kay ACCRA. Since natapos na yung project of
partition in accordance with the agreement in UTAH
6 days later (Aug 2), Maxine replaced Limqueco as which is not in accordance with the last will and
lawyer and moved to defer the approval of the testament of the testator. Ano ang remedy? Eh nagfinal
partition. The motion was considered moot by the court na ang partition nila. So ACCRA came back to the
since it had already approved the partition. picture and what they did was to file a case for
On June 10, 1980, the Angara law firm (ACCRA) filed annulment of judgment on the ground of fraud. But
again its appearance as counsel for Maxine. They soon before that, meron pa silang finile at a different branch
of the court, what is it that they filed? Another petition
filed, in Branch 38 of the lower court, a petition praying
for the reprobate of Grimm’s 2 wills that were already for probate! This is now the reprobate of the wills.
probated in Utah, and that the Utah partition be set
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Ok, note, initially, tama ang ginawa ni Maxine! The RTC Bulacan issued an order, directing the issuance
Ipapadismiss ang intestate, papalitan ng reprobate of letters of special administration in favor of petitioner
proceedings. Nagpalit siya ng lawyer! So withdrawn. So upon her filing of a P10,000.00 bond.
they went along with the intestate proceeding, which
according to the SC was anomalous because the On May 31, Atty. Federico Alday filed a notice of
testator died testate. Why then would you settle it appearance as counsel for the heirs of Dr. Jose F.
intestate? So they went along nga, until they came up Cunanan, namely, Dr. Rafael Cunanan, Sr., Priscilla
with the project of partition only to realize later na Cunanan Bautista, Lydia Cunanan Ignacio, Felipe F.
naisahan sila sa project of partition yun. So balik siya Cunanan and Loreto Cunanan Concepcion (Cunanan
kay ACCRA, at dun si ACCRA nagdamage control. There heirs). He also manifested that his clients were unaware
should have been a reprobate of the wills that were of the filing of the testate estate case and therefore, "in
already probated in Utah. Regardless of whatever the interest of simple fair play," they should be notified
agreement they may have entered into abroad. So kung of the proceedings .
may will probated abroad, no choice ka pa rin, you have The appointment of petitioner was highly opposed by
to reprobate it here. This is what this case is telling us. the Cunanan heirs .
Notice of Hearing (Rule 77, Sec. 2) On February 21, 1984, Judge de la Llana issued an order,
disallowing the reprobate of the two wills, recalling the
Proof Required (Art. 816, Civil Code)
appointment of petitioner as special administratrix,
1. Perez v Tolete requiring the submission of petitioner of an inventory of
the property received by her as special administratrix
G.R. No. 76714, June 2, 1994 and declaring all pending incidents moot and academic.
FACTS: Judge de la Llana reasoned out that petitioner failed to
prove the law of New York on procedure and allowance
Spouses Dr. Jose Cunanan and Dr. Evelyn Cunanan are of wills and the court had no way of telling whether the
American citizens (naturalized) . Upon their death, their wills were executed in accordance with the law of New
separate wills were probated in separate proceedings York.
with the Surrogate Court of the Country of Onondaga,
New York . The two wills were admitted and letters The reprobate case was reassigned and the Judge
testamentary issued in favor of Dr. Rafael Cunanan Jr., deemed the proceeding closed and terminated when it
substitute executrix. was first disallowed in February 21, 1984.

On February 21, 1983, Salud Teodoro Perez (petitioner), Thereafter, petitioner filed a motion to resume
the mother of Dr. Evelyn Cunanan, filed with the proceedings on account of the final settlement and
Regional Trial Court, Malolos, Bulacan a petition for the termination of the probate cases in New York.
reprobate of the two bills ancillary to the probate
Just when petitioner was ready to submit further
proceedings in New York. She also asked that she be evidence on the law obtaining in the State of New York"
appointed the special administratrix of the estate of the and praying that she be granted "the opportunity to
deceased couple consisting primarily of a farm land in present evidence on what the law of the State of New
San Miguel, Bulacan.
York has on the probate and allowance of wills, in the

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

end, the Judge denied the reprobate of the will .The wills contain essentially the same provisions and pertain
denial is one the ground that the probate of separate to property which in all probability are conjugal in
wills of two or more different persons even if they are nature, practical considerations dictate their joint
husband and wife cannot be undertaken in a single probate.
Requirements for Reprobate
The respective wills of the Cunanan spouses, who were
WON the Judge is correct in disallowing the reprobate American citizens, will only be effective in this country
of two wills in a single petition. NO upon compliance with the following provision of the
Civil Code of the Philippines:
(Based on Outline) What is the proof required for
reprobate of wills? Art. 816. The will of an alien who is abroad produces
effect in the Philippines if made with the formalities
WON the Cunanan heirs are entitled to notice
prescribed by the law of the place in which he resides,
HELD: or according to the formalities observed in his country,
or in conformity with those which this Code prescribes.
Joint Probate is not prohibited; liberal application of
rules Thus, proof that both wills conform with the formalities
prescribed by New York laws or by Philippine laws is
The separate wills of the Cunanan spouses should be imperative.
probated jointly. Respondent Judge’s view that the
Rules on allowance of wills is couched in singular terms The evidence necessary for the reprobate or allowance
and therefore should be interpreted to mean that there of wills which have been probated outside of the
should be separate probate proceedings for the wills of Philippines are as follows:
the Cunanan spouses is too literal and simplistic an
(1) the due execution of the will in accordance with the
approach. Such view overlooks the provisions of Section
foreign laws;
2, Rule 1 of the Revised Rules of Court, which advise
that the rules shall be "liberally construed in order to (2) the testator has his domicile in the foreign country
promote their object and to assist the parties in and not in the Philippines;
obtaining just, speedy, and inexpensive determination
of every action and proceeding." (3) the will has been admitted to probate in such
A literal application of the Rules should be avoided if
they would only result in the delay in the administration (4) the fact that the foreign tribunal is a probate court,
of and (5) the laws of a foreign country on procedure and
allowance of wills
What the law expressly prohibits is the making of joint
wills either for the testator’s reciprocal benefit or for Except for the first and last requirements, the petitioner
submitted all the needed evidence.
the benefit of a third person (Civil Code of the
Philippines, Article 818). In the case at bench, the The necessity of presenting evidence on the foreign
Cunanan spouses executed separate wills. Since the two laws upon which the probate in the foreign country is
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

based is impelled by the fact that our courts cannot RULING: Judge was wrong in denying the reprobate
take judicial notice of them because Joint Probate is not prohibited Petitioner is
directed to present further evidence to comply with 4
Petitioner must have perceived this omission as in fact requirements for reprobate and Court should receive
she moved for more time to submit the pertinent them . Notices should be sent to the Cunanan heirs .
procedural and substantive New York laws but which
request respondent Judge just glossed over. While the In the case of Perez vs Tolete, Perez argued that why
probate of a will is a special proceeding wherein courts would I have to notify the other relatives of the
should relax the rules on evidence, the goal is to receive daughter’s husband when under the wills that she
the best evidence of which the matter is susceptible wanted to reprobate, she was the sole and only heir.
before a purported will is probated or denied probate. Kelangan pa ba? Because according to the will of the
wife, pagsabay silang namatay, presumed na si husband
On Notice ang nagpredeceased. Sa will ng husband, ganun din.
Petitioner has always considered herself the sole heir Since nung namatay si wife, wala na rin siyang anak,
of Dr. Evelyn Perez Cunanan and because she does not kasi sabay sabay silang nasunog, then the sole heir of
consider herself an heir of Dr. Jose F. Cunanan, she the wife is the ascendant, yung nanay. So sabi nung
noticeably failed to notify his heirs of the filing of the nanay, why would I have to notify the others? Ako lang
proceedings. ang sole and only heir. Why would I have to comply with
Sec 4 of Rule 76?! Is that correct?
The rule that the court having jurisdiction over the
reprobate of a will shall "cause notice thereof to be No. The SC said, “the rule that the court having
given as in case of an original will presented for jurisdiction over the reprobate of a will shall cause
allowance" (Revised Rules of Court, Rule 27, Section 2) notice thereof to be given as in case of an ORIGINAL
means that with regard to notices, the will probated WILL presented for allowance”. This means that with
abroad should be treated as if it were an "original will" regard to notices, the will probated abroad should be
or a will that is presented for probate for the first time. treated as if it were an “original will” or a will that is
Accordingly, compliance with Sections 3 and 4 of Rule presented for probate for the first time. Accordingly,
76, which require publication and notice by mail or compliance with Sections 3 and 4 of Rule 76, which
personally to the "known heirs, legatees, and devisees require publication and notice by mail or personally to
of the testator resident in the Philippines" and to the the “known heirs, legatees, devisees of the testator
executor, if he is not the petitioner, are required. resident in the Philippines” and to the executor, if he is
not the petitioner, are required.
The brothers and sisters of Dr. Jose F. Cunanan,
contrary to petitioner's claim, are entitled to notices of Ma’am Tiu: Although reprobate siya, it’s as if
the time and place for proving the wills. Under Section 4 panibagong will ito. You still have to comply with the
of Rule 76 of the Revised Rules of Court, the "court shall requirements. But there is another point in this case,
also cause copies of the notice of the time and place what are the requirements that you should comply with
fixed for proving the will to be addressed to the in proving a will already probated?
designated or other known heirs, legatees, and devisees
of the testator.

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

The SC held that, “the evidence necessary for the On October 1982, Audrey’s will was also admitted to
reprobate or allowance of wills which have been probate by the then CFI Pasig docketed as Special
probated outside of the Philippines are as follows: Proceeding No. 9625.(Later on 1988, CFI issued an
order declaring Richard and Kyle as heirs and
1) the due execution of the the will in accordance with adjudicated the properties including the Makati
foreign laws; property to them.)
2) the testator has his domicile in the foreign country On 1984, Richard died, leaving a will, wherein he
and bequeathed his entire estate to respondent, save for his
rights and interests over the A/G Interiors, Inc. shares,
3) the will has been admitted to probate in such country
which he left to Kyle. The will was also admitted to
4) the fact that the foreign tribunal is a probate court; probate by the Court in Maryland, U.S.A, and eventually
and designated Atty. Quasha as ancillary administrator.
The ancillary administrator in the Special proceedingNo.
5) the laws of a foreign country on procedure and
M-888 (for Richard’s Estate) also filed a project of
allowance of wills.
partition wherein 2/5 of Richard’s interest in the Makati
Was the fact that the wills were admitted for probate property was allocated to respondent, while 3/5 thereof
abroad, isn’t that enough proof of the due execution of were allocated to Richard’s three children. This was
the will in accordance with the foreign law? How do you opposed by Candelaria on the ground that under the
present the law of a foreign country? How do you do law of the State of Maryland, “a legacy passes to the
that? You search the internet, copy the law, and submit legatee the entire interest of the testator in the
it to court? property subject of the legacy.” Since Richard left his
entire estate to respondent, except for his rights and
Ma’am Tiu: Go to your rule on evidence. Andiyan yan! interests over the A/G Interiors, Inc, shares, then his
entire ¾ undivided interest in the Makati property
2. Ancheta v Guersey-Dalaygon
should be given to Candelaria. RTC found merit in
G.R. No. 139868, June 8, 2006 respondent’s opposition.

FACTS: Candelaria filed with CA a complaint for the annulment

of the trial court’s Orders dated 1988, issued in SP No.
Spouses Audrey and Richard were American citizens 9625. She argued that since Audrey devised her entire
who have resided in thePhilippines for 30 years. They estate to Richard, then the Makati property should be
have an adopted daughter, Kyle. On 1979, Audrey died, wholly adjudicated to him, and not merely ¾ thereof,
leaving a will. In it, she bequeathed her entire estate to and since Richard left his entire estate, except for his
Richard, who was also designated as executor. The will rights and interests over the A/G Interiors, Inc., to
was admitted to probate before Court of Maryland, her(candelaria) , then the entire Makati property should
U.S.A. The court also named Atty. Ancheta (petitioner) now pertain to her.
of the QuashaAsperillaAncheta Pena &Nolasco Law
Offices as ancillary administrator. In 1981, Richard ISSUE: Whether the entire property or only ¾ thereof
married Candelaria Guersey-Dalaygon (respondent). should be adjudicated to Candelaria? Entire Property.
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Section 4, Rule 77 of the Rules of Court on Allowance of judicial notice of the law of Nevada despite failure to
Will Proved Outside the Philippines and Administration prove the same.
of Estate Thereunder, states:
Exception: Courts may take judicial notice thereof if
SEC. 4. Estate, how administered.—xxx Such estate, interested person for that matter does not dispute the
after the payment of just debts and expenses of existence or validity of said law
administration, shall be disposed of according to such
In this case, given that the pertinent law of the State
will, so far as such will may operate upon it;xxx.
of Maryland has been brought to record before the CA,
General RULE: Courts are not authorized to take and the trial court in Special Proceeding No. M-888
judicial notice of Foreign laws; they must be proved appropriately took note of the same in disapproving the
proposed project of partition of Richard’s estate, not to
While foreign laws do not prove themselves in our
mention that petitioner or any other interested person
jurisdiction and our courts are not authorized to take
for that matter, does not dispute the existence or
judicial notice of them; however, petitioner, as ancillary
validity of said law, then Audrey’s and Richard’s estate
administrator of Audrey’s estate, was duty-bound to
should be distributed according to their respective wills,
introduce in evidence the pertinent law of the State
and not according to the project of partition submitted
of Maryland.
by petitioner. Consequently, the entire Makati property
Petitioner admitted that he failed to introduce in belongs to respondent.
evidence the law of the State of Maryland on Estates
Effect of Reprobate (Rule 77, Sec. 3,4)
and Trusts, and merely relied on the presumption that
such law is the same as the Philippine law on wills and Intestate Proceeding
succession. Thus, the trial court peremptorily applied
Philippine laws and totally disregarded the terms of Who may File Petition
Audrey’s will. The obvious result was that there was no
1. Acain v IAC
fair submission of the case before the trial court or a
judicious appreciation of the evidence presented. G.R. No. 72706, October 27, 1987
Properties of Audrey passed on to Richard upon
Audrey’s death. Meanwhile, Richard, in his will,
bequeathed his entire estate to respondent, except for Constantino Acain filed on the RTC, a petition for the
his rights and interests over the A/G Interiors, Inc. probate of the will of the late Nemesio Acain and for
shares, which he left to Kyle. When Richard the issuance to the same petitioner of letters
subsequently died, the entire Makati property should testamentary on the premise that Nemesio Acain died
have then passed on to respondent. This, of course, leaving a will in which petitioner and his brothers
assumes the proposition that the law of the State Antonio, Flores and Jose and his sisters Anita,
of Maryland which allows “a legacy to pass to the Concepcion, Quirina and Laura were instituted as heirs.
legatee the entire estate of the testator in the property
which is the subject of the legacy,” was sufficiently The oppositors (respondents herein Virginia A.
proven in Special Proceeding No. 9625. Nevertheless, Fernandez, a legally adopted daughter of tile deceased
the Court may take judicial notice thereof in view of the and the latter's widow Rosa Diongson Vda. de Acain
ruling in Bohanan v. Bohanan. Therein, the Court took filed a motion to dismiss on the following grounds for

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

the petitioner has no legal capacity to institute these by the estate such as an heir or one who has a claim
proceedings; (2) he is merely a universal heir and (3) the against the estate like a creditor. Petitioner is not the
widow and the adopted daughter have been preterited. appointed executor, neither a devisee or a legatee
there being no mention in the testamentary disposition
ISSUE: WON the legally adopted daughter may oppose? of any gift of an individual item of personal or real
YES property he is called upon to receive. At the outset, he
HELD: appears to have an interest in the will as an heir,
defined under Article 782 of the Civil Code as a person
Widow not preterited since not in the direct line called to the succession either by the provision of a will
or by operation of law. However, intestacy having
Insofar as the widow is concerned, Article 854 of the
resulted from the preterition of respondent adopted
Civil Code may not apply as she does not ascend or
child and the universal institution of heirs, petitioner is
descend from the testator, although she is a
in effect not an heir of the testator. He has no legal
compulsory heir. Stated otherwise, even if the surviving
standing to petition for the probate of the will left by
spouse is a compulsory heir, there is no preterition even
the deceased and Special Proceedings No. 591 A-CEB
if she is omitted from the inheritance, for she is not in
must be dismissed.
the direct line.
2. Maloles II v Philips
Legally adopted child preterited
G.R. No. 129505, January 31, 2000
The same thing cannot be said of the other respondent
Virginia A. Fernandez, whose legal adoption by the FACTS: (See facts under previous digests )
testator has not been questioned by petitioner. Under
Article 39 of P.D. No. 603, known as the Child and Youth ISSUE: Who may file a petition for probate ?
Welfare Code, adoption gives to the adopted person
the same rights and duties as if he were a legitimate
child of the adopter and makes the adopted person a Art. 838 of the Civil Code authorizes the filing of a
legal heir of the adopter. It cannot be denied that she petition for probate of the will filed by the testator
has totally omitted and preterited in the will of the himself. It provides:
testator and that both adopted child and the widow
CIVIL CODE, ART. 838. No will shall pass either real or
were deprived of at least their legitime. Neither can it
be denied that they were not expressly disinherited. personal property unless it is proved and allowed in
Hence, this is a clear case of preterition of the legally accordance with the Rules of Court.
adopted child. The testator himself may, during his lifetime, petition
Petitioner cannot intervene the court having jurisdiction for the allowance of his
will. In such case, the pertinent provisions of the Rules
In order that a person may be allowed to intervene in a of Court for the allowance of wills after the testator's
probate proceeding he must have an interest iii the death shall govern.
estate, or in the will, or in the property to be affected
by it either as executor or as a claimant of the estate
and an interested party is one who would be benefited
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

The Supreme Court shall formulate such additional of the will, he may be acting under duress or undue
Rules of Court as may be necessary for the allowance of influence, but these are rare cases.
wills on petition of the testator.
After a will has been probated during the lifetime of the
Subject to the right of appeal, the allowance of the will, testator, it does not necessarily mean that he cannot
either during the lifetime of the testator or after his alter or revoke the same before his death. Should he
death, shall be conclusive as to its due execution. make a new will, it would also be allowable on his
petition, and if he should die before he has had a
Rule 76, §1 likewise provides:
chance to present such petition, the ordinary probate
Sec. 1. Who may petition for the allowance of will. — proceeding after the testator's death would be in order.
Any executor, devisee, or legatee named in a will, or Thus, after the allowance of the will of Dr. De Santos on
any other person interested in the estate, may, at any
February 16, 1996, there was nothing else for Branch 61
time after the death of the testator, petition the court
to do except to issue a certificate of allowance of the
having jurisdiction to have the will allowed, whether the will pursuant to Rule 73, §12 of the Rules of Court.
same be in his possession or not, or is lost or destroyed. There is, therefore, no basis for the ruling of Judge Abad
The testator himself may, during his lifetime, petition in Santos of Branch 65 of RTC-Makati that —
the court for the allowance of his will. Branch 61 of the Regional Trial Court of Makati having
The rationale for allowing the probate of wills during begun the probate proceedings of the estate of the
the lifetime of testator has been explained by the Code deceased, it continues and shall continue to exercise
Commission thus: said jurisdiction to the exclusion of all others. It should
be noted that probate proceedings do not cease upon
Most of the cases that reach the courts involve either the allowance or disallowance of a will but continues up
the testamentary capacity of the testator or the to such time that the entire estate of the testator had
formalities adopted in the execution of wills. There are been partitioned and distributed.
relatively few cases concerning the intrinsic validity of
testamentary dispositions. It is far easier for the courts The fact that the will was allowed during the lifetime of
to determine the mental condition of a testator during the testator meant merely that the partition and
his lifetime than after his death. Fraud, intimidation and distribution of the estate was to be suspended until the
undue influence are minimized. Furthermore, if a will latter's death. In other words, the petitioner, instead of
does not comply with the requirements prescribed by filing a new petition for the issuance of letters
law, the same may be corrected at once. The probate testamentary, should have simply filed a manifestation
during the testator's life, therefore, will lessen the for the same purpose in the probate court.
number of contest upon wills. Once a will is probated 3. Leviste v CA
during the lifetime of the testator, the only questions
that may remain for the courts to decide after the GR. No. 29184, January 30, 1989
testator's death will refer to the intrinsic validity of the
testamentary dispositions. It is possible, of course, that FACTS:
even when the testator himself asks for the allowance (See More facts in page 22)

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Leviste as a lawyer (on a contingent fee basis) 4. San Luis v San Luis
contended that by virtue of his contract of service with
Rosa Del Rosario thus he is considered a creditor thus a G.R. No. 133743, February 6, 2007
proper party to the proceeding. FACTS:
ISSUE: Is his contention tenable? NO
The instant case involves the settlement of the estate of
HELD: Felicisimo T. San Luis (Felicisimo), who was the former
Article 1052 of the Civil Code does not apply to this governor of the Province of Laguna. During his lifetime,
case. That legal provision protects the creditor of a Felicisimo contracted three marriages. His first marriage
repudiating heir. Petitioner is not a creditor of Rosa del was with Virginia Sulit on March 17, 1942 out of which
Rosario. The payment of his fees is contingent and were born six children, namely: Rodolfo, Mila, Edgar,
dependent upon the successful probate of the Linda, Emilita and Manuel. On August 11, 1963, Virginia
holographic will. Since the petition for probate was predeceased Felicisimo.
dismissed by the lower court, the contingency did not
Five years later, on May 1, 1968, Felicisimo married
occur. Attorney Leviste is not entitled to his fee.
Merry Lee Corwin, with whom he had a son, Tobias.
Furthermore, Article 1052 presupposes that the obligor However, on October 15, 1971, Merry Lee, an American
is an heir. Rosa del Rosario is not a legal heir of the late citizen, filed a Complaint for Divorce in Hawaii.
Maxima C. Reselva. Upon the dismissal of her petition
for probate of the decedent's will, she lost her right to On June 20, 1974, Felicisimo married respondent
inherit any part of the latter's estate. There is nothing Felicidad San Luis. He had no children with respondent
for the petitioner to accept in her name. but lived with her for 18 years from the time of their
marriage up to his death on December 18, 1992.
Petitioner was not a party to the probate proceeding in
the lower court. He had no direct interest in the Thereafter, respondent sought the dissolution of their
probate of the will. His only interest in the estate is an conjugal partnership assets and the settlement of
indirect interest as former counsel for a prospective Felicisimo’s estate. On December 17, 1993, she filed a
heir. In Paras vs. Narciso, 35 Phil. 244, We had petition for letters of administration.
occassion to rule that one who is only indirectly
On February 4, 1994, petitioner Rodolfo San Luis, one of
interested in a will may not interfere in its probate.
the children of Felicisimo by his first marriage, filed a
motion to dismiss and claimed that respondent has no
... the reason for the rule excluding strangers from legal personality to file the petition because she was
contesting the will, is not that thereby the court maybe only a mistress of Felicisimo since the latter, at the time
prevented from learning facts which would justify or of his death, was still legally married to Merry Lee.
necessitate a denial of probate, but rather that the
courts and the litigants should not be molested by the ISSUE: WON a co-owner in the estate may file for a
intervention in the proceedings of persons with no petition for intestate proceedings YES
interest in the estate which would entitle them to be
heard with relation thereto. (Paras vs. Narciso, 35 Phil.
244, 246.) Respondent, as co-owner, has personality to file

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Even assuming that Felicisimo was not capacitated to the property be acquired through their joint labor,
marry respondent in 1974, nevertheless, we find that efforts and industry. Any property acquired during the
the latter has the legal personality to file the subject union is prima facie presumed to have been obtained
petition for letters of administration, as she may be through their joint efforts. Hence, the portions
considered the co-owner of Felicisimo as regards the belonging to the co-owners shall be presumed equal,
properties that were acquired through their joint efforts unless the contrary is proven.
during their cohabitation.
Meanwhile, if respondent fails to prove the validity of
Section 6, Rule 78 of the Rules of Court states that both the divorce and the marriage, the applicable
letters of administration may be granted to the provision would be Article 148 of the Family Code which
surviving spouse of the decedent. However, Section 2, has filled the hiatus in Article 144 of the Civil Code by
Rule 79 thereof also provides in part: expressly regulating the property relations of couples
living together as husband and wife but are
SEC. 2. Contents of petition for letters of administration. incapacitated to marry. The Court described the
– A petition for letters of administration must be filed
property regime under this provision as follows:
by an interested person and must show, as far as known
to the petitioner: x x x. The regime of limited co-ownership of property
governing the union of parties who are not legally
An "interested person" has been defined as one who
capacitated to marry each other, but who nonetheless
would be benefited by the estate, such as an heir, or live together as husband and wife, applies to properties
one who has a claim against the estate, such as a acquired during said cohabitation in proportion to their
creditor. The interest must be material and direct, and respective contributions. Co-ownership will only be up
not merely indirect or contingent. to the extent of the proven actual contribution of
Respondent qualifies as an interested person money, property or industry. Absent proof of the extent
thereof, their contributions and corresponding shares
In the instant case, respondent would qualify as an shall be presumed to be equal.
interested person who has a direct interest in the estate
of Felicisimo by virtue of their cohabitation, the In view of the foregoing, we find that respondent’s legal
existence of which was not denied by petitioners. If she capacity to file the subject petition for letters of
proves the validity of the divorce and Felicisimo’s administration may arise from her status as the
capacity to remarry, but fails to prove that her marriage surviving wife of Felicisimo or as his co-owner under
with him was validly performed under the laws of the Article 144 of the Civil Code or Article 148 of the Family
U.S.A., then she may be considered as a co-owner under Code.
Article 144 76 of the Civil Code. This provision governs Co-owner in the Estate
the property relations between parties who live
together as husband and wife without the benefit of Form of Petition ( Rule 79, Sec. 1)
marriage, or their marriage is void from the beginning.
It provides that the property acquired by either or both Contents of Petition (Rule 79, Sec. 2)
of them through their work or industry or their wages Notice of Hearing ( Rule 79, Sec. 3)
and salaries shall be governed by the rules on co-
ownership. In a co-ownership, it is not necessary that Who may Oppose ; grounds (Rule 79, Sec. 4)
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Hearing (Rule 79, Sec. 5) believed to have an interest in the estate, in the manner
provided in sections 3 and 4 of Rule 76.
Section 4. Opposition to petition for administration. —
Opposing Issuance Of Letters Testamentary. Petition
Any interested person may, by filing a written
And Contest For Letters Of Administration opposition, contest the petition on the ground of the
Section 1. Opposition to issuance of letters incompetency of the person for whom letters are
testamentary. Simultaneous petition for administration. prayed therein, or on the ground of the contestant's
— Any person interested in a will may state in writing own right to the administration, and may pray that
the grounds why letters testamentary should not issue letters issue to himself, or to any competent person or
to the persons named therein as executors, or any of person named in the opposition.
them, and the court, after hearing upon notice, shall
Section 5. Hearing and order for letters to issue. — At
pass upon the sufficiency of such grounds. A petition
the hearing of the petition, it must first be shown that
may, at the time, be filed for letters of administration notice has been given as hereinabove required, and
with the will annexed. thereafter the court shall hear the proofs of the parties
Section 2. Contents of petition for letters of in support of their respective allegations, and if satisfied
administration. — A petition for letters of that the decedent left no will, or that there is no
administration must be filed by an interested person competent and willing executor, it shall order the
and must show, so far as known to the petitioner: issuance of letters of administration to the party best
entitled thereto.
(a) The jurisdictional facts;
Section 6. When letters of administration granted to
(b) The names, ages, and residences of the heirs, and any applicant. — Letters of administration may be
the names and residences of the creditors, of the granted to any qualified applicant, though it appears
decedent; that there are other competent persons having better
right to the administration, if such persons fail to
(c) The probable value and character of the property of
appear when notified and claim the issuance of letters
the estate;
to themselves.
(d) The name of the person for whom letters of
administration are prayed.
Who may be Appointed (Rule 78, Sec . 1,2,3,4)
But no defect in the petition shall render void the
issuance of letters of administration.
Section 3. Court to set time for hearing. Notice
thereof. — When a petition for letters of administration Letters Testamentary and of Administration, When
is filed in the court having jurisdiction, such court shall and to Whom Issued
fix a time and place for hearing the petition, and shall
cause notice thereof to be given to the known heirs and Section 1. Who are incompetent to serve as executors or
creditors of the decedent, and to any other persons administrators. — No person in competent to serve as
executor or administrator who:
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

(a) Is a minor; or to such person as such surviving husband or wife, or

next of kin, requests to have appointed, if competent
(b) Is not a resident of the Philippines; and and willing to serve;
(c) Is in the opinion of the court unfit to execute the
(b) If such surviving husband or wife, as the case may
duties of the trust by reason of drunkenness, be, or next of kin, or the person selected by them, be
improvidence, or want of understanding or integrity, or incompetent or unwilling, or if the husband or widow,
by reason of conviction of an offense involving moral or next of kin, neglects for thirty (30) days after the
death of the person to apply for administration or to
Section 2. Executor of executor not to administer estate. request that administration be granted to some other
— The executor of an executor shall not, as such, person, it may be granted to one or more of the
administer the estate of the first testator. principal creditors, if may be granted to one or more of
the principal creditors, if competent and willing to
Section 3. Married women may serve. — A married serve;
woman may serve as executrix or administratrix, and
the marriage of a single woman shall not affect her (c) If there is no such creditor competent and willing to
authority so to serve under a previous appointment. serve, it may be granted to such other person as the
court may select.
Section 4. Letters testamentary issued when will
allowed. — When a will has been proved and allowed, 1. Ramos v Judge Barot
the court shall issue letters testamentary thereon to the A.M. No. MTJ-00-1338, January 21, 2004
person named as executor therein, if he is competent,
accepts the trust, and gives bond as required by these FACTS:
An administrative complaint was filed against Judge
Section 5. Where some coexecutors disqualified others Barot . The complaint alleged that said Judge acted as
may act. — When all of the executors named in a will attorney-in-fact for his uncle Florencio A. Barot and
can not act because of incompetency, refusal to accept represented the latter in DARAB Cases filed by Florencio
the trust, or failure to give bond, on the part of one or Barot against Dominador Ramos (complainant), among
more of them, letters testamentary may issue to such of others.
them as are competent, accept and give bond, and they
may perform the duties and discharge the trust ISSUE: WON the Judge violated the Code of Conduct.
required by the will. YES

Section 6. When and to whom letters of administration (based on the outline) WON a Judge may be appointed
granted. — If no executor is named in the will, or the executor, administrator, or trustee. NO
executor or executors are incompetent, refuse the HELD:
trust, or fail to give bond, or a person dies intestate,
administration shall be granted: The Code of Judicial Conduct lays down the guidelines
with respect to fiduciary activities that judges may
(a) To the surviving husband or wife, as the case may engage in. The thin line between what is allowed and
be, or next of kin, or both, in the discretion of the court, what is not allowed is set forth in Rule 5.06, and therein
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

made very specific. As a general rule, judges cannot administratrix and that the appointment of Alfredo G.
serve as executor, administrator, trustee, guardian or Baluyut as special administrator be set aside.The lower
other fiduciary, except if he acts in a fiduciary capacity court in its order of March 1975 cancelled Baluyut's
for the estate, trust or person of a member of his appointment as special administrator. In that same
immediate family. The Code defines "immediate order the lower court noted that after asking
family" as being limited to the spouse and relatives Mrs.Baluyut a series of questions while on the witness
within the second degree of consanguinity. Clearly, stand, it found that she "is healthy and mentally
respondent's paternal uncle does not fall under qualified".
"immediate family" as herein defined.
ISSUE: WON the lower court acted with grave abuse of
The Code does not qualify the prohibition. The intent of discretion in appointingMrs.Baluyut as administratrix?
the rule is to limit a judge's involvement in the affairs HELD:
and interests of private individuals to minimize the risk
While the Spouse enjoys preference it does not follow
of conflict with his judicial duties and to allow him to
that he should be named as administratrix
devote his undivided attention to the performance of
his official functions. We hold that while the probate court correctly assumed
that Mrs.Baluyut as surviving spouse enjoys preference
Order of Preference (Rule 78, Sec. 6 ) in the granting of letters of administration (Sec. 6[a),
Rule 78, Rules of Court), it does not follow that she
1. Baluyut v Cruz-Pano
should be named administratrix without conducting a
G.R. No. L-42088, May 7, 1976 full-dress hearing on her competency to discharge that
CRUZ PAÑO, ENCARNACION LOPEZ VDA. DE BALUYUT, Even the directive of the testator in his will designating
JOSE ESPINO and CORAZON ESPINO, respondents. that a certain person should act as executor is not
binding on the probate court and does not
FACTS: automatically entitle him to the issuance of letters
Sotero Baluyut died on 1975. A few weeks later, his testamentary. A hearing has to be held in order to
nephew, Alfredo G. Baluyut, filed in the CFI verified ascertain his fitness to act as executor. He might have
petition for letters of administration. He alleged that been fit to act as executor when the will was executed
the deceased was survived by his widow, Encarnacion but supervening circumstances might have rendered
Lopez, who was mentally incapable of acting as him unfit for that position.
administratrix of the decedent's estate. Alfredo Hearing is still necessary
surmised that the decedent had executed a will. He
Thus, it was held that a hearing is necessary in order to
prayed that he be appointed regular administrator and
determine the suitability of the person to be appointed
in the meantime as special administrator.
administrator by giving him the opportunity to prove his
Mrs.Baluyut in her verified opposition alleged that she qualifications and affording oppositors a chance to
was unaware that her deceased husband executed a contest the petition (Matute vs. Court of Appeals, L-
will. She characterized as libelous the allegation as to 26106, January 31, 1969, 26 SCRA 768, 791).
her mental incapacity. She prayed that she be named

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

In this case the probate court briefly and perfunctorily executed wills which should be delivered to the court
interrogated Mrs.Baluyut in order to satisfy itself on her for probate.
mental capacity. The court did not give Alfredo G.
Authority issued to executors/ administrators: Letters
Baluyut a chance to contest her qualifications. He had
squarely raised the issue as to her competency. The
probate court assumed that 2. De Roxas v Pecson

Alfredo G. Baluyut had no interest in the decedent's G.R. No. L-2211, December 20, 1948
estate. As it now turned out, he is one of the legatees
named in the decedent's alleged will. NATIVIDAD I. VDA. DE ROXAS, petitioner, vs.
POTENCIANO PECSON, Judge of First Instance of
Moreover, it is necessary to convert the proceeding in Bulacan, MARIA ROXAS and PEDRO ROXAS,
the lower court into a testamentary proceeding. The respondents.
probate of the will cannot be dispensed with and is a
matter of public policy (Art. 838, Civil Code; See. 1, Rule FACTS:
75, Rules of Court; Guevara vs. Guevara, 74 Phil. 479
Pablo Roxas died, leaving properties in Bulacan. The
and 98 Phil. 249).
other respondents Maria and Pedro Roxas, sister and
After the will is probated, the prior letters of brother respectively of the deceased, filed on August 3,
administration should be revoked and proceedings for 1946, a petition for the administration of the latter's
the issuance of letters testamentary or of estate, in special intestate proceeding No. 1707 of the
administration under the will should be conducted (Sec. Court of First Instance of Bulacan, and Maria Roxas was
1, Rule 82, Rules of Court; Cartajena vs. Lijauco and appointed special administratrix upon an ex-parte
Zaballa, 38 Phil. 620; Rodriguez vs. De Borja, L-21993, petition.
64 O.G. 754, 17 SCRA 418).
On August 10, 1946, the petitioner Natividad Vda. de
Whether Sotero Baluyut died testate or intestate, it is
Roxas, widow of Pablo M. Roxas, filed a petition for the
imperative in the interest of the orderly administration
probate of an alleged will of her deceased husband, and
of justice that a hearing be held to determine
for her appointment as executrix of his estate
Mrs.Baluyut's fitness to act as executrix or
designated is said will, and the petition was docketed as
administratrix. Persons questioning her capacity should
special proceeding No. 172 of the same court. In said
be given an adequate opportunity to be heard and to
will the deceased bequeathed one-half of his estate to
present evidence.
his widow, the herein petitioner, and the other half to
The lower court departed from the usual course of Reynaldo Roxas, an adulterous child 9 years old of the
probate procedure in summarily appointing Mrs. decedent. Upon agreement of both parties, the
Baluyut as administratrix on the assumption that intestate proceeding No. 170 was dismissed and
Alfredo G. Baluyut was not an interested party. That ordered closed by the court.
irregularity became more pronounced after Alfredo G.
Baluyut's revelation that the decedent had executed a In view of the opposition to the probate of the will by
will. He anticipated that development when he the respondents Maria and Pedro Roxas, the petitioner
articulated in his petition his belief that Sotero Baluyut was appointed on September 10, 1946, special
administratrix and qualified as such over the objection

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

of the respondents Maria and Pedro Roxas, who sought Besides, even if the will is not probated, the widow in
the appointment of Maria as such. the present case would have, under the law, the right of
usufruct over one-half of the exclusive property of the
After hearing on December 15, 1947, the respondent decedent, besides her share in the conjugal partnership.
judge rendered a decision denying the probate of the The beneficial interest required as a qualification for
will presented by the petitioner on the ground that the appointment as administrator of the estate of a
attesting witnesses did not sign their respective names decedent is the interest in the whole estate and not
in the presence of the testator, from which the only in some part thereof. The petitioner being entitled
petitioner has appealed, and the appeal is now pending. to one-half in usufruct of all the exclusive properties of
On December 29, 1947, the respondents Maria and the decedent, she would have as much if not more
Pedro Roxas renewed their petition for the interest in administering the entire estate correctly.
appointment of Maria Roxas as special administratrix or No need to appoint 2 administrators
special co-administratrix, and on May 5, 1948, the
respondent judge rendered his resolution appointing There is absolutely no reason for appointing two
the petitioner Natividad I. Vda. de Roxas as special separate administrators, specially if the estate to be
administratrix only of all the conjugal properties of the settled is that of a deceased husband as in the present
deceased, and Maria Roxas as special administratrix of case, for according to articles 1422 and 1423 of the Civil
all capital or properties belonging exclusively to the Code, only after the dowry and parapherna of the wife
deceased Pablo M. Roxas. and the debts, charges, and obligations of the conjugal
partnership have been paid, the capital or exclusive
ISSUE: WON the judge was correct in appointing two property of the husband may be liquidated and paid in
special co-administratices of the estate of the deceased so far as the inventoried estate may reach; and if the
Pablo Roxas NO estate inventoried should not be sufficient to pay the
HELD: dowry and the parapherna of the wife and the debts,
charges and obligations of the partnership, the
Respondent judge erred in appointing 2 administrators provision of Title XVII of the Civil Code relating to
concurrence and preference of credits shall be
Respondent's subsequent act of appointing her as
observed. If two separate administrators are appointed
special administratrix only of the conjugal or community
as done in the present case, in every action which one
property, and Maria Roxas as special administratrix of
of them may institute to recover properties or credit of
the capital or exclusive property of the decedent, does
the deceased, the defendant may raise the question or
not seem to be in conformity with logic or reason. The
set up the defense that the plaintiff has no cause of
petitioner has or claims to have the same beneficial
action, because the property or credit in issue belongs
interest after the decision of the court disapproving the
to the class which is being administered by the other
will, which is now pending on appeal, as she had prior
administrator, which cannot be done if the
to it, because the decision is not yet final and may be
administrator of the entire estate is only one.
reversed by the appellate court.
In view of all the foregoing, we hold that the court
Widow has beneficial interest over the estate
below has no power to appoint two special
administratices of the estate of a deceased husband or
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

wife, one of the community property and another of the The Court ordered Johnny to bring to the estate
exclusive property of the decedent, and therefore the properties belonging to the deceased.
respondent judge acted in excess of the court's
jurisdiction in rendering or issuing the order complained Not satisfied with the compliance of private respondent
of, and therefore said order is hereby set aside. to the order of the Court, petitioner reiterated his
motion for removal of the former as co-administrator,
Atty. Tiu: The appointment of 2 special administrators, but the same was denied.
in the case of De Roxas vs Pecson, was illegal because it
The trial court found that private respondent
separated the conjugal and separate property of the
deceased. The court appointed a special administrator substantially complied with the order directing him to
for each. That is why it was not allowed. But are you bring into the estate properties owned by or registered
saying now, that just because under the factual in the name of the deceased not subject of any adverse
circumstances of Roxas vs Pecson, there can be no 2 claim or controversy when he listed the alleged
special administrators appointed by the court? Are you properties suspected to be concealed, embezzled or
conveyed away by the persons named therein. Thus, it
generalizing it now? There was no ruling that the court
is prohibited from 2 special administrators. It is just that, found no cogent reason to remove private respondent
as co-administrator.
under the factual circumstances in this case, it was an
error appointing 2 special administrators to administer Thereafter, petitioner appealed to the Court of Appeals
the conjugal and separate properties of the decedent. by way of a petition for certiorari which however,
If a special administrator is simply a temporary dismissed the petition.
administrator pending issuance of letters testamentary The Court of Appeals held that the refusal of the trial
of for administrarion to the regular court to remove private respondent as co-administrator
executor/administrator, and there can be 2 executors, of the estate is neither an error of jurisdiction nor a
or 2 administrators appointed by the court, can you not grave abuse of discretion; that the appointment of
say the same for special administrators? Especially if the private respondent was justified; that the order of
estate is so vast, that a single special administrator preference under Section 6 of Rule 78 of the Rules of
cannot handle everything. So, there is no prohibition. Court does not rule out the appointment of co-
3. Uy v CA administrators; that the institution of a case for
annulment of title and reconveyance against
G.R. No. 167979, March 15, 2006 respondent does not justify private respondent’s
removal as co-administrator.
ISSUE: WON the Trial Court erred in disregarding the
Jose K.C. Uy died intestate and survived by his wife and order of preference. NO
5 children including Wilson(petitioner). Letters of
administration were granted to petitioner. HELD:

Johnny K.H. Uy (respondent), brother of the deceased Under Section 6, Rule 78 of the Rules of Court, the
was allowed to intervene and was appointed co – preference to whom letters of administration may be
administrator with Wilson. granted are as follows:

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

SEC. 6. When and to whom letters of administration judgment will not be interfered with on appeal unless it
granted. – If no executor is named in the will, or the appears affirmatively that the court below was in error.
executor or executors are incompetent, refuse the
trust, or fail to give bond, or a person dies intestate, x x x Unsuitableness may consist in adverse interest of
administration shall be granted: some kind or hostility to those immediately interested
in the estate. x x x.
(a) To the surviving husband or wife, as the case may
be, or next of kin, or both, in the discretion of the court, In the instant case, the order of preference was not
disregarded by the trial court. Instead of removing
or to such person as such surviving husband or wife, or
next of kin, requests to have appointed, if competent petitioner, it appointed private respondent, a creditor,
and willing to serve; as co-administrator since the estate was sizeable and
petitioner was having a difficult time attending to it
(b) If such surviving husband or wife, as the case may alone. In fact, petitioner did not submit any report
be, or next of kin, or the person selected by them, be regarding the estate under his administration. In its
incompetent or unwilling, or if the husband or widow, March 16, 2000 Order, the trial court found thus:
or next of kin, neglects for thirty (30) days after the
death of the person to apply for administration or to Going over all the arguments of the parties, after
request that administration be granted to some other hearing has been set relative thereto, this Court has
observed that indeed the judicial administrator had not
person, it may be granted to one or more of the
principal creditors, if competent and willing to serve; submitted to the Court any report about the Estate
under his administration except those involving the
(c) If there is no such creditor competent and willing to cases he filed and/or intervened in other branches. This
serve, it may be granted to such other person as the may be due to his being inexperienced, but this fact
court may select. will not be reason enough to remove him from the
administration of the Estate as Judicial Administrator
Unsuitability defeats the order of preference thereof. However, considering that the Intervenor is
The order of preference in the appointment of an claiming to be the patriarch of the Uy family and who
administrator depends on the attendant facts and claims to have enormous knowledge of the businesses
circumstances. In Sioca v. Garcia, this Court set aside and properties of the decedent Jose K.C. Uy, it is the
the order of preference, to wit: feeling of this Court that it will be very beneficial to the
Estate if he be appointed co-administrator (without
It is well settled that a probate court cannot arbitrarily removing the already appointed Judicial Administrator)
and without sufficient reason disregard the preferential of the Estate of Jose K.C. Uy, if only to shed more light
rights of the surviving spouse to the administration of to the alleged enormous properties/businesses and to
the estate of the deceased spouse. But, if the person bring them all to the decedent’s Estate pending before
enjoying such preferential rights is unsuitable, the this Court.
court may appoint another person. The determination
of a person’s suitability for the office of administrator A co-administrator performs all the functions and duties
rests, to a great extent, in the sound judgment of the and exercises all the powers of a regular administrator,
court exercising the power of appointment and such only that he is not alone in the administration. The
practice of appointing co-administrators in estate

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

proceedings is not prohibited. In Gabriel v. Court of Authority Issued to Executors/Administrators

Appeals, this Court reaffirmed that jurisprudence allows
the appointment of co-administrators under certain Letters Testamentary (Rule 78, Sec. 4)
circumstances, to wit: 1. Maloles v Philips
Under both Philippine and American jurisprudence, the G.R. No. 129505, January 31, 2000
appointment of co-administrators has been upheld for
various reasons, viz: (1) to have the benefit of their FACTS: See facts under “who may file the petition”
judgment and perhaps at all times to have different Petitioner claims the right to intervene in and oppose
interests represented; (2) where justice and equity the petition for issuance of letters testamentary filed by
demand that opposing parties or factions be private respondent. He argues that, as the nearest next
represented in the management of the estate of the of kin and creditor of the testator, his interest in the
deceased; (3) where the estate is large or, from any matter is material and direct.
cause, an intricate and perplexing one to settle; (4) to
have all interested persons satisfied and the HELD:
representatives to work in harmony for the best Rule 79, §1 provides:
interests of the estate; and (5) when a person entitled
Opposition to issuance of letters testamentary.
to the administration of an estate desires to have
Simultaneous petition for administration. - Any person
another competent person associated with him in the
interested in a will may state in writing the grounds why
letters testamentary should not issue to the persons
Thus, petitioner’s argument that the trial court cannot named therein as executors, or any of them, and the
re-open the issue of the appointment of an court, after hearing upon notice, shall pass upon the
administrator without removing the incumbent sufficiency of such grounds. A petition may, at the same
administrator is erroneous. In probate proceedings, time, be filed for letters of administration with the will
considerable latitude is allowed a probate court in annexed.
modifying or revoking its own orders as long as the Under this provision, it has been held that an
proceedings are pending in the same court and timely "interested person" is one who would be benefited by
applications or motions for such modifications or the estate, such as an heir, or one who has a claim
revocations are made by the interested parties. In the against the estate, such as a creditor, and whose
instant case, the estate of the deceased has not yet interest is material and direct, not merely incidental or
been settled and the case is still within the jurisdiction contingent.
of the court.
Even if petitioner is the nearest next of kin of Dr. De
The foregoing discussion renders moot the second issue Santos, he cannot be considered an "heir" of the
raised by petitioner. We see no cogent reason to set testator. It is a fundamental rule of testamentary
aside the findings of the Court of Appeals, because its succession that one who has no compulsory or forced
findings of fact is conclusive and binding on the parties heirs may dispose of his entire estate by will.
and not subject to review by this Court, unless the case
Petitioner, as nephew of the testator, is not a
falls under any of the exceptions to the rule.
compulsory heir who may have been preterited in the
testator’s will.
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Nor does he have any right to intervene in the respondent’s petition for the issuance of letters
settlement proceedings based on his allegation that he testamentary lacked a certification against forum-
is a creditor of the deceased. Since the testator shopping.
instituted or named an executor in his will, it is
incumbent upon the Court to respect the desires of the ISSUE: WON the lack of CNFS in a petition for the
testator. As we stated in Ozaeta v. Pecson: issuance of letters testamentary is fatal NO

The choice of his executor is a precious prerogative of a HELD:

testator, a necessary concomitant of his right to dispose
Petition for issuance of letters testamentary not an
of his property in the manner he wishes. It is natural
initiatory pleading; failure to include CNFS not a
that the testator should desire to appoint one of his
ground for outright dismissal
confidence, one who can be trusted to carry out his
wishes in the disposal of his estate. The curtailment of As to the first issue, Revised Circular No. 28-918 and
this right may be considered a curtailment of the right Administrative Circular No. 04-949 of the Court require
to dispose. a certification against forum-shopping for all initiatory
Only if the appointed executor is incompetent, refuses pleadings filed in court. However, in this case, the
the trust, or fails to give bond may the court appoint petition for the issuance of letters testamentary is not
other persons to administer the estate. None of these an initiatory pleading, but a mere continuation of the
circumstances is present in this case. original petition for the probate of Dr. Nittscher’s will.
Hence, respondent’s failure to include a certification
2. Nittscher v Nittscher
against forum-shopping in his petition for the issuance
FACTS: of letters testamentary is not a ground for outright
dismissal of the said petition.
On January 31, 1990, Dr. Werner Nittscher filed with the
RTC of Makati a petition for the probate of his Letters of Administration with a Will Annexed
holographic will and for the issuance of letters
Letters of Administration (Rule 79, Sec. 2)
testamentary to respondent Atty. Nogales. RTC issued
an order allowing the said will. Special Administrator (Rule 80 , Sec. 1; Rule 86, Sec 8 )

Dr. Nittscher died on September 26, 1994. Atty. Nogales RULE 80

then filed a petition for letters testamentary for the
administration of Nittscher’s estate. Petitioner Cynthia Special Administrator
Nittscher, the surviving spouse, moved for the dismissal Section 1. Appointment of special administrator. —
of said petition. She claims that the properties listed for
When there is delay in granting letters testamentary or
disposition in her husband’s will actually belong to her.
of administration by any cause including an appeal from
She insists she was denied due process of law because the allowance or disallowance of a will, the court may
she did not receive by personal service the notices of
appoint a special administrator to take possession and
the proceedings. However, the court in its September
charge of the estate of the deceased until the questions
29, 1995 Order denied petitioner’s motion to dismiss, causing the delay are decided and executors or
and granted respondent’s petition for the issuance of
administrators appointed.
letters testamentary. Petitioner contends that
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Section 2. Powers and duties of special adminsitrator. Meanwhile, the marriage of Crisanta and Lorenzo had
— Such special administrator shall take possession and been declared void for being bigamous and the latter
charge of the goods, chattels, rights, credits, and estate was replaced by Mariano as administrator.
of the deceased and preserve the same for the
executors or administrator afterwards appointed, and Subsequently, Belinda, claiming to be the only
for that purpose may commence and maintain suits as legitimate child of Crisanta and Lorenzo filed a motion
administrator. He may sell only such perishable and for intervention .
other property as the court orders sold. A special Roberto Gabriel, the legally adopted son of Crisanta
administrator shall not be liable to pay any debts of the filed a probate for the alleged will of Crisanta and a
deceased unless so ordered by the court. petition for issuance of letters testamentary in his favor.
Section 3. When powers of special administrator In said will, Roberto was designated sole heir and
cease. Transfer of effects. Pending suits. — When letters alternative executor .
testamentary or of administration are granted on the Belinda died. The two special proceedings were
estate of the deceased, the powers of the special consolidated and Roberto was appointed special
administrator shall cease, and he shall forthwith deliver administrator of his mother’s estate to which Mariano
to the executor or administrator the goods, chattels, filed a petition for certiorari with the CA.
money, and estate of the deceased in his hands. The
executor or administrator may prosecute to final The heirs of Belinda filed a Motion praying that they be
judgment suits commenced by such special allowed to substitute their mother as party-litigant .
administrator. Upon Roberto’s death, his widow Dolores filed a motion
and prayed to be appointed administratrix of the estate
1. Heirs of Castillo v Gabriel of Crisanta.
Is the rule of preference applicable to the appointment The heirs of Belinda questioned the kinship of Dolores
of a special administrator? with Roberto and filed an opposition. The lower Court
FACTS: appointed Dolores as special administratrix upon a bond
of P200,000.00.
Crisanta Yanga-Gabriel, wife of Lorenzo B. Almoradie,
died and left behind a sizable inheritance consisting The Court ruled;
mostly of real estate and shares of stock. …even assuming that movant Dolores L. Gabriel’s lawful
Her mother instituted an intestate proceeding alleging relationship with petitioner, and corollarily with the
that the estate is being managed by Lorenzo , the decedent, was not proven, the stringent rules regarding
deceased’s incompetent and wastrel husband . She the order of preference in the appointment of an
prayed that letters of administration be issued in favor Administrator does not find application in the instant
case … for what is at stake here is the appointment of a
of her son Mariano, brother of the deceased but RTC
appointed Lorenzo as administrator . Special Administrator as such position was vacated by
the death of the previously appointed Special
Administrator in the person of petitioner herein.

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

ISSUE: WON it was proper to appoint Dolores as The Court has repeatedly held that the appointment of
administratrix. YES a special administrator lies in the sound discretion of
the probate court. A special administrator is a
HELD: representative of a decedent appointed by the probate
Appointment of special administrator discretionary ; court to care for and preserve his estate until an
order of preference inapplicable executor or general administrator is appointed. When
appointed, a special administrator is regarded not as a
The appointment of a special administrator lies entirely representative of the agent of the parties suggesting
in the discretion of the court. The order of preference in the appointment, but as the administrator in charge of
the appointment of a regular administrator under the estate, and, in fact, as an officer of the court. As
Section 6, Rule 78 of the Rules of Court does not apply such officer, he is subject to the supervision and
to the selection of a special administrator. In the control of the probate court and is expected to work
issuance of such appointment, which is but temporary for the best interests of the entire estate, especially its
and subsists only until a regular administrator is smooth administration and earliest settlement.
appointed, the court determines who is entitled to the
administration of the estate of the decedent. On this Principal object of appointment to preserve the estate
point, We hold that the preference of private The principal object of appointment of temporary
respondent Dolores Gabriel is with sufficient reason.
administrator is to preserve the estate until it can pass
Crisanta is rightful administrator being an heir of the into hands of person fully authorized to administer it for
deceased special administrator the benefit of creditors and heirs. In many instances,
the appointment of administrators for the estates of
The facts of this case show that Roberto Gabriel – the decedents frequently become involved in protracted
legally adopted son of Crisanta Yanga-Gabriel – survived litigations, thereby exposing such estates to great waste
Crisanta’s death. When Crisanta died on January 25, and losses unless an authorized agent to collect the
1989, her estate passed on to her surviving adopted son debts and preserve the assets in the interim is
Roberto. When Roberto himself later died on April 16, appointed. The occasion for such an appointment,
2001, pursuant to the law on succession, his own estate likewise, arises where, for some cause, such as a
which he inherited from Crisanta passed on to his pendency of a suit concerning the proof of the will,
surviving widow, private respondent. regular administration is delayed.

While it is true, as petitioners submit, that private Section 1, Rule 80 of the Revised Rules of Court
respondent is neither a compulsory nor a legal heir of provides:
Crisanta Yanga-Gabriel and is considered a third person
to the estate of Crisanta, nonetheless, private Section 1. Appointment of Special Administrator. –
respondent is undeniably entitled to the administration When there is delay in granting letters testamentary or
of the said estate because she is an heir of her husband of administration by any cause including an appeal from
Roberto, whose estate is the former estate of his the allowance or disallowance of a will, the court may
adopting mother Crisanta. appoint a special administrator to take possession and
charge of the estate of the deceased until the questions
Special administrator is an officer of the Court

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

causing the delay are decided and executors or will consequently be prolonged necessitating the
administrators appointed. immediate appointment of a special administrator.

When is appointment of special administrator proper? As enunciated above, the probate court has ample
jurisdiction to appoint respondent as special
The new Rules have broadened the basis for the administratrix. The deceased Crisanta Yanga-Gabriel left
appointment of an administrator, and such a document purporting to be her will where her
appointment is allowed when there is delay in granting adopted son, Roberto, was named as the sole heir of all
letters testamentary or administration by any cause,
her properties. However, pending probate of the will,
e.g., parties cannot agree among themselves. Roberto died leaving his widow, the respondent herein,
Nevertheless, the discretion to appoint a special as his sole heir. Thus, the respondent has much stake in
administrator or not lies in the probate court.[33] In De Crisanta’s estate in case the latter’s will is allowed
Guzman v. Guadiz, Jr., the Court further elucidated – probate. It needs to be emphasized that in the
Under the above rule, the probate court may appoint a appointment of a special administrator (which is but
special administrator should there be a delay in granting temporary and subsists only until a regular
letters testamentary or of administration occasioned by administrator is appointed), the probate court does not
any cause including an appeal from the allowance or determine the shares in the decedent’s estate, but
disallowance of a will. Subject to this qualification, the merely appoints who is entitled to administer the
appointment of a special administrator lies in the estate. The issue of heirship is one to be determined in
discretion of the Court. This discretion, however, must the decree of distribution, and the findings of the court
be sound, that is, not whimsical, or contrary to reason, on the relationship of the parties in the administration
justice, equity or legal principle. as to be the basis of distribution. Thus, the preference
of respondent is sound, that is, not whimsical, or
The basis for appointing a special administrator under contrary to reason, justice, equity or legal principle.
the Rules is broad enough to include any cause or
reason for the delay in granting letters testamentary or Preference of administrator not applicable in
of administration as where a contest as to the will is appointment of special administrator
being carried on in the same or in another court, or The petitioners’ strenuous invocation of Section 6, Rule
where there is an appeal pending as to the proceeding 78 of the Rules of Court is misplaced. The rule refers to
on the removal of an executor or administrator, or in the appointment of regular administrators of estates;
cases where the parties cannot agree among Section 1, Rule 80, on the other hand, applies to the
themselves. Likewise, when from any cause general appointment of a special administrator. It has long been
administration cannot be immediately granted, a settled that the appointment of special administrators is
special administrator may be appointed to collect and not governed by the rules regarding the appointment of
preserve the property of the deceased. regular administrators. Thus, in Roxas v. Pecson,[38] this
It is obvious that the phrase "by any cause" includes Court ruled:
those incidents which transpired in the instant case It is well settled that the statutory provisions as to the
clearly showing that there is a delay in the probate of prior or preferred right of certain persons to the
the will and that the granting of letters testamentary appointment of administrator under Section 1, Rule 81,

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

as well as the statutory provisions as to causes for more preponderant, who is preferred in the choice of
removal of an executor or administrator under section administrator of the decedent’s estate.
653 of Act No. 190, now Section 2, Rule 83, do not apply
to the selection or removal of special administrator. ... Petitioners also claim that they are more competent
As the law does not say who shall be appointed as than private respondents or their attorney-in-fact to
special administrator and the qualifications the administer Gerardo’s estate. Petitioners Vilma and
appointee must have, the judge or court has discretion Gerardo “Jake” Tan (Jake) claim to have lived for a long
in the selection of the person to be appointed, time and continue to reside on Gerardo’s estate, while
discretion which must be sound, that is, not whimsical respondents are not even in the Philippines, having long
or contrary to reason, justice or equity. established residence abroad.

2. Tan v Gregorio ISSUE: WON Private respondents should be preferred in

the appointment as special administrator? NO.
G.R. No. 166520, March 14, 2008
Order of Preference not applicable
Gerardo Tan (Gerardo) died without a will. Private
respondents (who are claiming to be the children of the The order of preference in the appointment of a regular
administrator as provided in the afore-quoted provision
deceased) filed a with the RTC a Petition for the
issuance of letters of administration. Petitioners, does not apply to the selection of a special
claiming to be legitimate heirs of Gerardo Tan, filed an administrator. The preference under Section 6, Rule 78
Opposition to the Petition. of the Rules of Court for the next of kin refers to the
appointment of a regular administrator, and not of
aspecial administrator, as the appointment of the
latter lies entirely in the discretion of the court, and is
Private respondents then moved for the appointment of not appealable.
a special administrator and prayed that their attorney-
in-fact, Romualdo D. Lim (Romualdo), be appointed as Proper Remedy is Certiorari
the special administrator. Petitioners filed an
Opposition to private respondents’ Motion for Not being appealable, the only remedy against the
appointment of a special administrator
is Certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, which
RTC issued an Order appointing Romualdo as special was what petitioners filed with the Court of
administrator of Gerardo’s Estate. Appeals. Certiorari, however, requires nothing less than
grave abuse of discretion, a term which implies such
Petitioners contendthat they should be given priority in capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment which is
the administration of the estate since they are allegedly equivalent to an excess or lack of jurisdiction. The
the legitimate heirs of the late Gerardo, as opposed to abuse of discretion must be so patent and gross as to
private respondents, who are purportedly Gerardo’s amount to an evasion of a positive duty or a virtual
illegitimate children. Petitioners rely on the doctrine refusal to perform a duty enjoined by law, or to act at
that generally, it is the nearest of kin, whose interest is all in contemplation of law.

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Residence of SA Immaterial brother respectively of the deceased, filed on August 3,

1946, a petition for the administration of the latter's
We find immaterial the fact that private respondents estate, in special intestate proceeding No. 1707 of the
reside abroad, for the same cannot be said as regards Court of First Instance of Bulacan, and Maria Roxas was
their attorney-in-fact, Romualdo, who is, after all, the appointed special administratrix upon an ex-parte
person appointed by the RTC as special petition.
administrator. It is undisputed that Romualdo resides in
the country and can, thus, personally administer On August 10, 1946, the petitioner Natividad Vda. de
Gerardo’s estate. Roxas, widow of Pablo M. Roxas, filed a petition for the
probate of an alleged will of her deceased husband, and
When issuance of SA Proper for her appointment as executrix of his estate
If petitioners really desire to avail themselves of the designated is said will, and the petition was docketed as
order of preference provided in Section 6, Rule 78 of special proceeding No. 172 of the same court. In said
the Rules of Court, so that petitioner Vilma as the will the deceased bequeathed one-half of his estate to
supposed next of kin of the late Gerardo may take over his widow, the herein petitioner, and the other half to
administration of Gerardo’s estate, they should already Reynaldo Roxas, an adulterous child 9 years old of the
pursue the appointment of a regular administrator and decedent. Upon agreement of both parties, the
put to an end the delay which necessitated the intestate proceeding No. 170 was dismissed and
appointment of a special administrator. The ordered closed by the court.
appointment of a special administrator is justified only In view of the opposition to the probate of the will by
when there is delay in granting letters, testamentary (in the respondents Maria and Pedro Roxas, the petitioner
case the decedent leaves behind a will) or was appointed on September 10, 1946, special
administrative (in the event that the decedent leaves administratrix and qualified as such over the objection
behind no will, as in the Petition at bar) occasioned by
of the respondents Maria and Pedro Roxas, who sought
any cause. The principal object of the appointment of a the appointment of Maria as such.
temporary administrator is to preserve the estate until
it can pass into the hands of a person fully authorized to After hearing on December 15, 1947, the respondent
administer it for the benefit of creditors and heirs. judge rendered a decision denying the probate of the
will presented by the petitioner on the ground that the
In the case at bar, private respondents were attesting witnesses did not sign their respective names
constrained to move for the appointment of a special in the presence of the testator, from which the
administrator due to the delay caused by the failure of petitioner has appealed, and the appeal is now pending.
petitioner Vilma to comply with the directives of the
court-appointed commissioner. On December 29, 1947, the respondents Maria and
Pedro Roxas renewed their petition for the
3. De Roxas v Pecson appointment of Maria Roxas as special administratrix or
FACTS: special co-administratrix, and on May 5, 1948, the
respondent judge rendered his resolution appointing
Pablo Roxas died, leaving properties in Bulacan. The the petitioner Natividad I. Vda. de Roxas as special
other respondents Maria and Pedro Roxas, sister and administratrix only of all the conjugal properties of the

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

deceased, and Maria Roxas as special administratrix of Code, only after the dowry and parapherna of the wife
all capital or properties belonging exclusively to the and the debts, charges, and obligations of the conjugal
deceased Pablo M. Roxas. partnership have been paid, the capital or exclusive
property of the husband may be liquidated and paid in
ISSUE: WON the judge was correct in appointing two so far as the inventoried estate may reach; and if the
special co-administratices of the estate of the deceased estate inventoried should not be sufficient to pay the
Pablo Roxas NO dowry and the parapherna of the wife and the debts,
HELD: charges and obligations of the partnership, the
provision of Title XVII of the Civil Code relating to
Respondent judge erred in appointing 2 administrators concurrence and preference of credits shall be
observed. If two separate administrators are appointed
Respondent's subsequent act of appointing her as
as done in the present case, in every action which one
special administratrix only of the conjugal or community
of them may institute to recover properties or credit of
property, and Maria Roxas as special administratrix of
the deceased, the defendant may raise the question or
the capital or exclusive property of the decedent, does
set up the defense that the plaintiff has no cause of
not seem to be in conformity with logic or reason. The
action, because the property or credit in issue belongs
petitioner has or claims to have the same beneficial
to the class which is being administered by the other
interest after the decision of the court disapproving the
administrator, which cannot be done if the
will, which is now pending on appeal, as she had prior
administrator of the entire estate is only one.
to it, because the decision is not yet final and may be
reversed by the appellate court. In view of all the foregoing, we hold that the court
below has no power to appoint two special
Widow has beneficial interest over the estate
administratices of the estate of a deceased husband or
Besides, even if the will is not probated, the widow in wife, one of the community property and another of the
the present case would have, under the law, the right of exclusive property of the decedent, and therefore the
usufruct over one-half of the exclusive property of the respondent judge acted in excess of the court's
decedent, besides her share in the conjugal partnership. jurisdiction in rendering or issuing the order complained
The beneficial interest required as a qualification for of, and therefore said order is hereby set aside.
appointment as administrator of the estate of a
Atty. Tiu: The appointment of 2 special administrators,
decedent is the interest in the whole estate and not
in the case of De Roxas vs Pecson, was illegal because it
only in some part thereof. The petitioner being entitled
separated the conjugal and separate property of the
to one-half in usufruct of all the exclusive properties of
deceased. The court appointed a special administrator
the decedent, she would have as much if not more
for each. That is why it was not allowed. But are you
interest in administering the entire estate correctly.
saying now, that just because under the factual
No need to appoint 2 administrators circumstances of Roxas vs Pecson, there can be no 2
special administrators appointed by the court? Are you
There is absolutely no reason for appointing two generalizing it now? There was no ruling that the court
separate administrators, specially if the estate to be is prohibited from 2 special administrators. It is just that,
settled is that of a deceased husband as in the present under the factual circumstances in this case, it was an
case, for according to articles 1422 and 1423 of the Civil
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

error appointing 2 special administrators to administer Order of preference:

the conjugal and separate properties of the decedent.
Under Section 6, Rule 78 of the Rules of Court, the
If a special administrator is simply a temporary preference to whom letters of administration may be
administrator pending issuance of letters testamentary granted are as follows:
of for administrarion to the regular
executor/administrator, and there can be 2 executors, SEC. 6. When and to whom letters of administration
or 2 administrators appointed by the court, can you not granted. – If no executor is named in the will, or the
executor or executors are incompetent, refuse the trust,
say the same for special administrators? Especially if the
estate is so vast, that a single special administrator or fail to give bond, or a person dies intestate,
cannot handle everything. So, there is no prohibition. administration shall be granted:

(a) To the surviving husband or wife, as the case may be,

Powers and Duties ( Rule 80, Sec. 2,3 )
or next of kin, or both, in the discretion of the court, or
Co-Administrator to such person as such surviving husband or wife, or
next of kin, requests to have appointed, if competent
1. Uy v CA and willing to serve;
(Please see facts on previous case for more details) (b) If such surviving husband or wife, as the case may
The brother of deceased , who also happens to be a
be, or next of kin, or the person selected by them, be
creditor, was appointed co-administrator with the incompetent or unwilling, or if the husband or widow, or
deceased’s son.The son was first appointed prior to the next of kin, neglects for thirty (30) days after the death
brother . of the person to apply for administration or to request
ISSUE : WON the appointment of co-administrator was that administration be granted to some other person, it
proper vis a vis : may be granted to one or more of the principal
creditors, if competent and willing to serve;
1. Finality of the order designating the son as
administrator (YES) (c) If there is no such creditor competent and willing to
serve, it may be granted to such other person as the
2. Order of preference (YES) court may select.

HELD: The order of preference may be set aside for certain

Finality :
The order of preference in the appointment of an
In probate proceedings, considerable latitude is allowed
administrator depends on the attendant facts and
a probate court in modifying or revoking its own orders
circumstances. In Sioca v. Garcia,11 this Court set aside
as long as the proceedings are pending in the same
the order of preference, to wit:
court and timely applications or motions for such
modifications or revocations are made by the interested It is well settled that a probate court cannot arbitrarily
parties. In the instant case, the estate of the deceased and without sufficient reason disregard the preferential
has not yet been settled and the case is still within the rights of the surviving spouse to the administration of
jurisdiction of the court. the estate of the deceased spouse. But, if the person
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

enjoying such preferential rights is unsuitable, the to the alleged enormous properties/businesses and to
court may appoint another person. The determination bring them all to the decedent’s Estate pending before
of a person’s suitability for the office of administrator this Court.
rests, to a great extent, in the sound judgment of the
court exercising the power of appointment and such Appointment of co-administrator not prohibited in
judgment will not be interfered with on appeal unless it certain cases
appears affirmatively that the court below was in error. A co-administrator performs all the functions and duties
and exercises all the powers of a regular administrator,
x x x Unsuitableness may consist in adverse interest of
some kind or hostility to those immediately interested only that he is not alone in the administration. The
in the estate. x x x. practice of appointing co-administrators in estate
proceedings is not prohibited. In Gabriel v. Court of
Order of preference was NOT disregarded in this case Appeals, this Court reaffirmed that jurisprudence allows
the appointment of co-administrators under certain
the instant case, the order of preference was not circumstances, to wit:
disregarded by the trial court. Instead of removing
petitioner (son) , it appointed private respondent Under both Philippine and American jurisprudence, the
(brother) , a creditor, as co-administrator since the appointment of co-administrators has been upheld for
estate was sizeable and petitioner was having a difficult various reasons, viz:
time attending to it alone. In fact, petitioner did not
(1) to have the benefit of their judgment and perhaps
submit any report regarding the estate under his
administration. In its March 16, 2000 Order, the trial at all times to have different interests represented;
court found thus: (2) where justice and equity demand that opposing
Going over all the arguments of the parties, after parties or factions be represented in the management
hearing has been set relative thereto, this Court has of the estate of the deceased;
observed that indeed the judicial administrator had not (3) where the estate is large or, from any cause, an
submitted to the Court any report about the Estate intricate and perplexing one to settle;
under his administration except those involving the
cases he filed and/or intervened in other branches. This (4) to have all interested persons satisfied and the
may be due to his being inexperienced, but this fact will representatives to work in harmony for the best
not be reason enough to remove him from the interests of the estate; and
administration of the Estate as Judicial Administrator
(5) when a person entitled to the administration of an
thereof. However, considering that the Intervenor is
estate desires to have another competent person
claiming to be the patriarch of the Uy family and who
associated with him in the office.
claims to have enormous knowledge of the businesses
and properties of the decedent Jose K.C. Uy, it is the Conclusion: Appointment of co-administrator proper in
feeling of this Court that it will be very beneficial to the certain circumstances. When the Court do appoints
Estate if he be appointed co-administrator (without one, It does not necessarily disregard the order of
removing the already appointed Judicial Administrator) preference under the Rules.
of the Estate of Jose K.C. Uy, if only to shed more light

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

RULE 81 or for other sufficient case, with the conditions named

in the last preceding section.
Bond of Executors and Administrators
Section 3. Bonds of joint executors and administrators.
Section 1. Bond to be given issuance of
— When two or more persons are appointed executors
letters. Amount. Conditions. — Before an executor or or administrators the court may take a separate bond
administrator enters upon the execution of his trust, from each, or a joint bond from all.
and letters testamentary or administration issue, he
shall give a bond, in such sum as the court directs, Section 4. Bond of special administrator. — A special
conditioned as follows: administrator before entering upon the duties of his
trust shall give a bond, in such sum as the court directs,
(a) To make and return to the court, within three (3) conditioned that he will make and return a true
months, a true and complete inventory of all goods,
inventory of the goods, chattels, rights, credits, and
chattels, rights, credits, and estate of the deceased
estate of the deceased which come to his possession or
which shall come to his possession or knowledge or to knowledge, and that he will truly account for such as
the possession of any other person for him; are received by him when required by the court, and
(b) To administer according to these rules, and, if an will deliver the same to the person appointed executor
executor, according to the will of the testator, all goods, or administrator, or to such other person as may be
chattels, rights, credits, and estate which shall at any authorized to receive them.
time come to his possession or to the possession of any
other person for him, and from the proceeds to pay and
discharge all debts, legacies, and charges on the same, Revocation of Administration, Death, Resignation, and
or such dividends thereon as shall be decreed by the Removal of Executors or Administrators
Section 1. Administration revoked if will
(c) To render a true and just account of his discovered. Proceedings thereupon. — If after letters of
administration to the court within one (1) years, and at administration have been granted on the estate of a
any other time when required by the court; decedent as if he had died intestate, his will is proved
and allowed by the court, the letters of administration
(d) To perform all orders of the court by him to be shall be revoked and all powers thereunder cease, and
performed. the administrator shall forthwith surrender the letters
Section 2. Bond of executor where directed in to the court, and render his account with such time as
will. When further bond required. — If the testator in his the court directs. Proceeding for the issuance of letters
will directs that the executors serve without bond, or testamentary or of administration under the will shall
with only his individual bond, he may be allowed by the be as hereinbefore provided.
court to give bond in such sum and with such surety as
Section 2. Court may be remove or accept resignation of
the court approves conditioned only to pay the debts of executor or administrator. Proceeding upon death,
the testator; but the court may require of the executor resignation, or removal. — If an executor or
a further bond in case of a change in his circumstance, administrator neglects to render his account and settle
the estate according to law, or to perform an order or

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

judgment of the court, or a duty expressly provided by Section 1. Inventory and appraisal to be returned within
these rules, or absconds, or becomes insane, or three months. — Within three (3) months after his
otherwise incapable or insuitable to discharge the trust, appointment every executor or administrator shall
the court may remove him, or in its discretion, may return to the court a true inventory and appraisal of all
permit him to resign. When an executor or real and personal estate of the deceased which has
administrator dies, resign, or is removed the remaining come into his possession or knowledge. In the
executor or administrator may administer the the trust appraisement of such estate, the court may order one
alone, unless the court grants letters to someone to act or more of the inheritance tax appraisers to give his or
with him. If there is no remaining executor or their assistance.
administrator, administration may be to any suitable
person. Section 2. Certain article not to be inventoried. — The
wearing apparel of the surviving husband or wife and
Section 3. Acts before revocation, resignation, or minor children., the marriage bed and bedding, and
removal to be valid. — The lawful acts of an executor or such provisions and other articles as will necessarily be
administrator before the revocation of his letters consumed in the substinence of the family of the
testamentary or of administration, or before his deceased, under the direction of the court, shall not be
resignation or removal, shall have the like validity as if considered as assets, nor administered as such, and
there had been no such revocation, resignation, or shall not be included in the inventory.
Section 3. Allowance to widow and family. — The
Section 4. Powers of new executor or administrator. widow and minor or incapacitated children of a
Renewal of license to sell real estate. — The person to deceased person, during the settlement of the estate,
whom letters testamentary or of administration are shall receive therefrom, under the direction of the
granted after the revocation of former letters, or the court, such allowance as are provided by law.
death, resignation, or removal of a former executor or
administrator, shall have the like powers to collect and RULE 84
settle the estate not administered that the former General Powers and Duties of Executors and
executor or administrator had, and may prosecute or Administrators
defend actions commenced by or against the former
executor or administrator, and have execution on Section 1. Executor or administrator to have access to
judgments recovered in the name of such former partnership books and property. How right enforced. —
executor or administrator. An authority granted by the The executor or administrator of the estate of a
court to the former executor or administrator for the deceased partner shall at all times have access to, and
sale or mortgage of real estate may be renewed in favor may examine and take copies of, books and papers
of such person without further notice or hearing. relating to the partnership business, and make examine
and make invoices of the property belonging to such
RULE 83 partnership; and the surviving partner or partners, on
Inventory and Appraisal. Provision for Support of request, shall exhibit to him all such books, papers, and
Family property in their hands or control. On the written
application of such executor or administrator, the court
having jurisdiction of the estate may order any such
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

surviving partner or partners to freely permit the Article 133, Family Code
exercise of the rights, and to exhibit the books, papers,
and property, as in this section provided, and may puish RULE 85
any partner failing to do so for contempt. Accountability and Compensation of Executors and
Section 2. Executor or administrator to keep buildings in Administrators
repair. — An executor or administrator shall maintain in Section 1. Executor or administrator chargeable with all
tenanble repair the houses and other structures and estate and income. — Except as otherwise expressly
fences belonging to the estate, and deliver the same in provided in the following sections, every executor or
such repair to the heirs or devisees when directed so to administrator is chargeable in his account with the
do by the court. whole of the estate of the deceased which has come
into his possession, at the value of the appraisement
Section 3. Executor or administrator to retain whole
contained in the inventory; with all the interest, profit,
estate to pay debts, and to administer estate not willed.
— An executor or administrator shall have the right to and income of such estate; and with the proceeds of so
the possession and management of the real as well as much of the estate as is sold by him, at the price at
the personal estate of the deceased so long as it is which it was sold.
necessary for the payment of the debts and the Section 2. Not to profit by increase or lose by decrease
expenses of administration. in value. — No executor or administrator shall profit by
the increase, or suffer loss by the decrease or
destruction, without his fault, of any part of the estate.
Executor /Administrator (Rule 81, Sec. 1,2) He must account for the excess when he sells any part
of the estate for more than the appraisement, and if
Co-Executors/ Co-Administrators ( Rule 81, Sec. 3) any is sold for the less than the appraisement, he is not
Special Administrator (Rule 81, Sec. 4) responsible for the loss, if the sale has justly made. If he
settles any claim against the estate for less than its
Powers of Executor /Administrator (Rule 87, Sec. nominal value, he is entitled to charge in his account
2,3,4,6,7,8) only the amount he actually paid on the settlement.

Duties of Executor/Administrator Section 3. When not accountable for debts due estate.
— No executor or administrator shall be accountable
Rule 83, Sec. 1
for debts due the deceased which remain uncollected
Rule 84, Sec. 2,3 without his fault.

Rule 85, Sec. 3, 8 Section 4. Accountable for income from realty used by
him. — If the executor or administrator uses or occupies
Rule 87, Sec. 9 any part of the real estate himself, he shall account for
it as may be agreed upon between him and the parties
Accountability of Executor / Administrator (Rule 85, Sec.
interested, or adjusted by the court with their assent;
1, 2,4,5,6)
and if the parties do not agree upon the sum to be
Expenses Allowed (Rule 85, Sec. 6, 7; Rule 83, Sec. 3)
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Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

allowed, the same may be ascertained by the court, difficulty, and has required a high degree of capacity on
whose determination in this respect shall be final. the part of the executor or administrator, a greater sum
may be allowed. If objection to the fees allowed be
Section 5. Accountable if he neglects or delays to raise taken, the allowance may be re-examined on appeal.
or pay money. — When an executor or administrator
neglects or unreasonably delays to raise money, by If there are two or more executors or administrators,
collecting the debts or selling the real or personal estate the compensation shall be apportioned among them by
of the deceased, or neglects to pay over the money he the court according to the services actually rendered by
has in his hands, and the value of the estate is thereby them respectively.
lessened or unnecessary cost or interest accrues, or the
persons interested suffer loss, the same shall be When the executors or administrator is an attorney, he
deemed waste and the damage sustained may be shall not charge against the estate any professional fees
charged and allowed against him in his account, and he for legal services rendered by him.
shall be liable therefor on his bond. When the deceased by will makes some other provision
Section 6. When allowed money paid as cost. — The for the compensation of his executor, that provision
amount paid by an executor or administrator for costs shall be a full satisfaction for his services unless by a
awarded against him shall be allowed in his written instrument filed in the court he renounces all
claim to the compensation provided by the will.
administration account, unless it appears that the
action or proceeding in which the costs are taxed was Section 8. When executor or administrator to render
prosecuted or resisted without just cause, and not in account. — Every executor or administrator shall render
good faith. an account of his administration within one (1) year
Section 7. What expenses and fees allowed executor or from the time of receiving letters testamentary or of
administrator. Not to charge for services as administration, unless the court otherwise directs
attorney. Compensation provided by will controls unless because of extensions of time for presenting claims
renounced. — An executor or administrator shall be against, or paying the debts of, the estate, or for
allowed the necessary expenses the care, management, disposing of the estate; and he shall render such further
and settlement of the estate, and for his services, four accounts as the court may require until the estate is
pesos per day for the time actually and necessarily wholly settled.
employed, or a commission upon the value of so much Section 9. Examinations on oath with respect to
of the estate as comes into his possession and is finally account — The court may examine the executor or
disposed of by him in the payment of debts, expenses, administrator upon oath with respect to every matter
legacies, or distributive shares, or by delivery to heirs or relating to any account rendered by him, and shall so
devisees, of two per centum of the first five thousand examine him as to the correctness of his account before
pesos of such value, one per centum of so much of such the same is allowed, except when no objection is made
value as exceeds five thousand pesos and does not to the allowance of the account and its correctness is
exceed thirty thousand pesos, one-half per centum of so satisfactorily established by competent proof. The heirs,
much of such value as exceed one hundred thousand legatees, distributees, and creditors of the estate shall
pesos. But in any special case, where the estate is large, have the same privilege as the executor or
and the settlement has been attended with great
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Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

administrator of being examined on oath on any matter ground that the 3 children are all of age, 2 are gainfully
relating to an administration account. employed and one is married.

Section 10. Account to be settled on notice. — Before The Order was granted hence this petition.
the account of an executor or administrator is allowed,
notice shall be given to persons interested of the time ISSUE: Won it was proper to include the children who
and place of examining and allowing the same; and such are no longer minors in the order to give support. YES
notice may be given personally to such persons HELD:
interested or by advertisement in a newspaper or
newspapers, or both, as the court directs. The Civil Code allows children, without distinction,
their rightful allowance
Section 11. Surety on bond may be party to accounting.
— Upon the settlement of the account of an executor The controlling provision of law is not Rule 83, Sec. 3 of
or administrator, a person liable as surety in respect to the New Rules of Court but Arts. 290 and 188 of the
such account may, upon application, be admitted as Civil Code reading as follows:
party to such accounting.
Art. 290. Support is everything that is indispensable for
1. Santero v CFI of Cavite sustenance, dwelling, clothing and medical attendance,
according tothe social position of the family.
G.R. No. L-61700, September 14, 1987
Support also includes the education of the person
PRINCESITA SANTERO, FEDERICO SANTERO and WILLIE entitled to be supported until he completes his
SANTERO, petitioners, vs. HON. COURT OF FIRST education or training for some profession, trade or
INSTANCE OF CAVITE, ANSELMA DIAZ, VICTOR, vocation, even beyond the age of majority.
SANTERO, and REYNALDO EVARISTO, in his capacity as Art. 188. From the common mass of property support
Administrator of the Intestate Estate of PABLO shall be given to the surviving spouse and to the
SANTERO, respondents. children during the liquidation of the inventoried
property and until what belongs to them is delivered;
FACTS: but from this shall be deducted that amount received
Anselma Diaz is the mother and guardian of Victor, for support which exceeds the fruits or rents pertaining
Rodrigo, Anselmina, and Miguel. They are the natural to them.
(illegitimate) children of herein decedent Pablo Santero The fact that private respondents are of age, gainfully
whose estate in being settled. In such proceeding, the employed, or married is of no moment and should not
guardian filed a Motion for Allowance praying that her 3 be regarded as the determining factor of their right to
other children with deceased be also given support. allowance under Art. 188. While the Rules of Court limit
She prayed for the order to deliver the sum of allowances to the widow and minor or incapacitated
P6,000.00 to each of the seven (7) children of Anselma children of the deceased, the New Civil Code gives the
Diaz as their allowance from the estate of Pablo surviving spouse and his/her children without
Santero. This order was opposed by petitioners on the distinction. Hence, the private respondents Victor,
Rodrigo, Anselmina and Miguel all surnamed Santero

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

are entitled to allowances as advances from their shares grandchildren in accordance with the provisions of the
in the inheritance from their father Pablo Santero. Since holographic will.
the provision of the Civil Code, a substantive law, gives
The probate court denied Edmond’s motion for release
the surviving spouse and to the children the right to
of funds but granted Montes’ motion in view of
receive support during the liquidation of the estate of
Edmond’s lack of opposition. It thus ordered the
the deceased, such right cannot be impaired by Rule 83
release of the rent payments to the decedent’s three
Sec. 3 of the Rules of Court which is a procedural rule.
Be it noted however that with respect to "spouse," the
same must be the "legitimate spouse" (not common- Petitioner alleges that this provision only gives the
law spouses who are the mothers of the children here). widow and the minor or incapacitated children of the
deceased the right to receive allowances for support
2. Ruiz v CA during the settlement of estate proceedings. He
contends that the testator’s three granddaughters do
G.R. No. 118671, January 29, 1996
not qualify for an allowance because they are not
FACTS: incapacitated and are no longer minors but of legal age,
married and gainfully employed. In addition, the
On 1987, Hilario M. Ruizexecuted a holographic will
provision expressly states “children” of the deceased
naming as his heirs his only son, Edmond Ruiz, his
which excludes the latter’s grandchildren.
adopted daughter, private respondent Maria Pilar Ruiz
Montes, and his three granddaughters, private ISSUE: Whether the probate court, after admitting the
respondents Maria Cathryn, Candice Albertine and will to probate but before payment of the estate’s debts
Maria Angeline, all children of Edmond Ruiz. The and obligations, has the authority to grant an allowance
testator bequeathed to his heirs substantial cash, from the funds of the estate for the support of the
personal and real properties and named Edmond Ruiz testator’s grandchildren? NO
executor of his estate. HELD:
Ruiz died on 1988. Four years after, Montes filed Grandchildren are not entitled to provisional support
petition for the probate and approval of Hilario Ruiz’s
Section 3 of Rule 83 of the Revised Rules of Court
will and for the issuance of letters testamentary to
Edmond Ruiz.
“Sec. 3. Allowance to widow and family. - The widow
The probate court admitted the will to probate and
and minor or incapacitated children of a deceased
ordered the issuance of letters testamentary
person, during the settlement of the estate, shall
to Edmond.
receive therefrom under the direction of the court, such
Edmond filed an “Ex-Parte Motion for Release of allowance as are provided by law.”
Funds.” It prayed for the release of the rent payments
It is settled that allowances for support under Section 3
deposited with the Branch Clerk of Court. Montes
of Rule 83 should not be limited to the “minor or
opposed the motion and concurrently filed a “Motion
incapacitated” children of the deceased. Article 188 of
for Release of Funds to Certain Heirs” praying for the
the Civil Code of the Philippines, the substantive law in
release of the said rent payments to the three
force at the time of the testator’s death, provides that
during the liquidation of the conjugal partnership, the
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

deceased’s legitimate spouse and children, regardless of was only P7,000.00, a sum they had allegedly already
their age, civil status or gainful employment, are paid.
entitled to provisional support from the funds of the
estate.The law is rooted on the fact that the right and RTC Cavite ruled in favor of Atty Serquina and ordered
duty to support, especially the right to education, the respondent heirs to pay the sum of P65,000.
subsist even beyond the age of majority. Petitioners now question that the decision of the court
Be that as it may, grandchildren are not entitled to is null and void for the following reasons: (1) the
provisional support from the funds of the decedent’s respondent court never acquired jurisdiction over the
estate. The law clearly limits the allowance to “widow "motion for attorney's fees" for failure on the part of
and children” and does not extend it to the deceased’s the movant, Ephraim Serquina, to pay docket fees; (2)
grandchildren, regardless of their minority or the respondent court also gravely abused its discretion
incapacity.It was error, therefore, for the appellate in awarding attorney's fees contrary to the provisions of
court to sustain the probate court’s order granting an Section 7, of Rule 85, of the Rules of Court.
allowance to the grandchildren of the testator pending
ISSUE: WON RTC was correct in awarding attorney’s
settlement of his estate.
fees of 68K NO
Fees Allowed (Rule 85, Sec. 7)
1. Lacson v Reyes
First issue: (just in case i-ask)
G.R. No. 86250,February 26, 1990
In that event, the parties should have known, the
FACTS: respondent court in particular, that docket fees should
have been priorly paid before the court could lawfully
On August 26, 1987, private respondent Atty. Ephraim
act on the case, and decide it.
Serquina petitioned the RTC of Cavite for the probate of
the last will and testament of Carmelita Farlin. He also It may be true that the claim for attorney's fees was but
petitioned the court, in his capacity as counsel for the an incident in the main case, still, it is not an escape
heirs (herein petitioners) and as executor under said valve from the payment of docket fees because as in all
will. The petition was not opposed, and the RTC issued a actions, whether separate or as an offshoot of a
certificate allowance on November 17, 1987. pending proceeding, the payment of docket fees is
On March 14, 1988, Atty. Serquina filed a "motion for
attorney's fees" against the petitioners, alleging that Assuming, therefore, ex gratia argumenti, that Atty.
the heirs had agreed to pay, as and for his legal services Serquina's demand for attorney's fees in the sum of
rendered, the sum of P68,000.00. Summons were P68,000.00 is valid, he, Atty. Serquina, should have paid
served upon the heirs "as if it were a complaint against the fees in question before the respondent court could
said heirs" directing them to answer the motion. validly try his "motion".

Thereafter, the heirs filed their answer and denied the Second issue:
claim for P68,000.00 alleging that the sum agreed upon
An attorney who is concurrently an executor of a will is
barred from recovering attorney's fees from the estate
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

SEC. 7. What expenses and fees allowed executor or Administrator/executor is allowed fees but attorney’s
administrator. Not to charge for services as attorney. fees should not be recovered from the estate
Compensation provided by will controls unless
renounced. — An executor or administrator shall be The rule is therefore clear that an administrator or
allowed the necessary expenses in the care, executor may be allowed fees for the necessary
management and settlement of the estate, and for his expenses he has incurred as such, but he may not
services, four pesos per day for the time actually and recover attorney's fees from the estate. His
necessarily employed, or a commission upon the value compensation is fixed by the rule but such a
of so much of the estate as comes into his possession compensation is in the nature of executor's or
and is finally disposed of by him in the payment of administrator's commissions, and never as attorney's
debts, expenses, legacies, or distributive shares, or by fees. In one case, we held that "a greater sum [other
delivery to heirs or devisees, of two per centum of the than that established by the rule] may be allowed 'in
first five thousand pesos of such value, one per centum any special case, where the estate is large, and the
of so much of such value as exceeds five thousand pesos settlement has been attended with great difficulty, and
and does not exceed thirty thousand pesos, one-half per has required a high degree of capacity on the part of
centum of so much of such value as exceeds thirty the executor or administrator.'" It is also left to the
thousand pesos and does not exceed one hundred sound discretion of the court. With respect to
thousand pesos, and one-quarter per centum of so much attorney's fees, the rule, as we have seen, disallows
them. Accordingly, to the extent that the trial court set
of such value as exceeds one hundred thousand pesos.
But in any special case, where the estate is large, and aside the sum of P65,000.00 as and for Mr. Serquina's
the settlement has been attended with great difficulty, attorney's fees, to operate as a "lien on the subject
and has required a high degree of capacity on the part properties," the trial judge must be said to have gravely
of the executor or administrator, a greater sum may be abused its discretion (apart from the fact that it never
acquired jurisdiction, in the first place, to act on said
allowed. If objection to the fees allowed be taken, the
allowance may be reexamined on appeal. Mr. Serquina's "motion for attorney's fees").

If there are two or more executors or administrators, the Who shoulders attorney's fees?
compensation shall be apportioned among them by the In that connection, attorney's fees are in the nature of
court according to the services actually rendered by actual damages, which must be duly proved. They are
them respectively. also subject to certain standards, to wit: (1) they must
When the executor or administrator is an attorney, he be reasonable, that is to say, they must have a bearing
shall not charge against the estate any professional fees on the importance of the subject matter in controversy;
(2) the extent of the services rendered; and (3) the
for legal services rendered by him.
professional standing of the lawyer. In all cases, they
When the deceased by will makes some other provision must be addressed in a full-blown trial and not on the
for the compensation of his executor, that provision bare word of the parties. And always, they are subject
shall be a full satisfaction for his services unless by a to the moderating hand of the courts.
written instrument filed in the court he renounces all
claim to the compensation provided by the will. The records show that Atty. Ephraim Serquina, as
counsel for the heirs, performed the following:

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

xxx xxx xxx services rendered probably to assist the adminsitrators,

that can be considered as valid fees to be charged in the
5. That after the order of allowance for probate of estate. Unless it can be shown that the heirs has
the will, the undersigned counsel assisted the heirs to specifically hired the lawyers.
transfer immediately the above-mentioned real estate
in their respective names, from (sic) the payment of 2. Quasha Law Office v LCN Construction
estate taxes in the Bureau of Internal Revenue to the
issuance by the Registry of Deeds of the titles, in order G.R. No. 17 487 3, August 26, 2008
for the heirs to sell the foregoing real estate of 10,683 Nothing in the records, however, reveals that any one of
the lawyers of Quasha Law Office was indeed a
sq. cm (which was also the subject of sale prior to the substitute administrator for Atty. Quasha upon his death.
death of the testator) to settle testator's obligations and In the proceedings for the intestate settlement of
day-to-day subsistence being (sic) that the heirs, except Raymond his widow, Amy Consuelo Triviere and
Zena F. Velasco, are not employed neither doing any children were represented by Atty. Enrique P. Syquia
business; (Syquia) and Atty. William H. Quasha (Quasha) of the
Quasha Law Office. Syquia and Quasha were appointed
The Court is not persuaded from the facts above that administrators of the estate of the deceased in April
Atty. Serquina is entitled to the sum claimed by him 1988. As administrators, Atty. Syquia and Atty. Quasha
(P68,000.00) or that awarded by the lower court incurred expenses for the payment of real estate taxes,
(P65,000.00). The Court observes that these are acts security services, and the preservation and
performed routinely since they form part of what any administration of the estate, as well as litigation
lawyer worth his salt is expected to do. The will was expenses.
furthermore not contested. They are not, so Justice
Pedro Tuason wrote, "a case [where] the administrator In February 1995, Atty. Syquia and Atty. Quasha filed a
was able to stop what appeared to be an improvident Motion for Payment of their litigation expenses. Citing
disbursement of a substantial amount without having to their failure to submit an accounting of the assets and
employ outside legal help at an additional expense to liabilities of the estate under administration, the RTC
the estate," to entitle him to a bigger compensation. He denied in May 1995 the Motion for Payment of Atty.
did not exactly achieve anything out of the ordinary. Syquia and Atty. Quasha.

In 1996, Atty. Quasha also passed away. Atty. Redentor

Zapata (Zapata), also of the Quasha Law Office, took
The records also reveal that Atty. Serquina has already over as the counsel of the Triviere children, and
been paid the sum of P6,000.00. It is our considered continued to help Atty. Syquia in the settlement of the
opinion that he should be entitled to P15,000.00 for his estate.
efforts on a quantum meruit basis. Hence, we hold the
heirs liable for P9,000.00 more. On 6 September 2002, Atty. Syquia and
Atty. Zapata filed another Motion for Payment, for their
Atty Tiu: Ok so that is the general rule, that if the own behalf and for their respective clients, presenting
administrator happens to be a lawyer, he cannot charge the following allegations:
against the estate his fees for services rendered rather
he should charge it to the clients. But if he is not an Xxx
administrator like in the case of Quasha, purely legal
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Xxx [B]oth the Co-Administrator and counsel for the

deceased (sic) are entitled to the payment for the
(7) That Administrator Syquia, who is a lawyer, is services they have rendered and accomplished for the
entitled to additional Administrator’s fees since, as estate and the heirs of the deceased as they have over a
provided in Section 7, Rule 85 of the Revised Rules of decade now spent so much time, labor and skill to
Court: accomplish the task assigned to them; and the last time
“x x x where the estate is large, and the settlement has the administrators obtained their fees was in 1992.
been attended with great difficulty, and has required a
Hence, the RTC granted the second Motion for
high degree of capacity on the part of the executor or Payment; however, it reduced the sums to be paid.
administrator, a greater sum may be allowed…”
On certiorari, the CA ruled that while Atty. Syquia and
(8) That considering all the foregoing, especially the
the Quasha Law Office, as the administrators of the
fact that neither the Administrator or his client, the
estate of the late Raymond Triviere, were entitled to
widow; and the Quasha Law Offices or their clients, the administrator’s fees and litigation expenses, they could
children of the deceased, have received any money for not claim the same from the funds of the
more than ten (10) years now, they respectfully move estate. Referring to Section 7, Rule 85 of the Revised
that the amount of P1Million be taken from the Estate Rules of Court, the appellate court reasoned that the
funds, to be divided as follows:
award of expenses and fees in favor of executors and
a) P450,000.00 as share of the children of the administrators is subject to the qualification that where
deceased [Triviere] who are represented by the Quasha the executor or administrator is a lawyer, he shall not
Ancheta Peña & Nolasco Law Offices; charge against the estate any professional fees for legal
services rendered by him. Instead, the Court of Appeals
b) P200,000.00 as attorney’s fees and held that the attorney’s fees due Atty. Syquia and the
litigation expenses for the Quasha Ancheta Peña & Quasha Law Offices should be borne by their clients, the
Nolasco Law Offices; widow and children of the late Raymond Triviere,
c) P150,000.00 as share for the widow of the
deceased [Raymond Triviere], Amy Consuelo Triviere; ISSUE: WON petitioners can claim administrator’s fees
and and litigation expenses from the estate of the deceased.
d) P200,000.00 for the administrator Syquia,
who is also the counsel of the widow; and for litigation Quasha Law Office contends that it is entitled to the
costs and expenses. award of attorney’s fees and that the third paragraph of
Section 7, Rule 85 of the Revised Rules of Court, which
LCN, as the only remaining claimantagainst the
Intestate Estate of the Late Raymond Triviere filed its
Comment on/Opposition to the Motion . Section 7. What expenses and fees allowed executor or
administrator. Not to charge for services as attorney.
As to the payment of fees of Atty. Syquia and the
Compensation provided by will controls unless
Quasha Law Office, the RTC found as follows:
renounced. x x x.

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

xxxx 2003 denying Petitioner’s Motion for Reconsideration

of the First Order
When the executor or administrator is an attorney, he
shall not charge against the estate any professional fees xxxx
for legal services rendered by him.
I. Statement of Antecedent Facts
is inapplicable to it. It’s allegation is that it did not act
as administrator.

HELD: 4. On 13 May 2004, Atty. Enrique Syquia, co-

administrator and counsel for respondent Amy
The circumstances show that Quasha Law did not act Consuelo Triviere and the undersigned counsel, co-
as administrator for the estate administrator and counsel for the children of the late
Raymond Triviere filed their Comment.
In the pleadings filed by the Quasha Law Office before
the Court of Appeals, it referred to itself as co- Quasha Law Office asserts that it is not within the
administrator of the estate. purview of Section 7, Rule 85 of the Revised Rules of
Court since it is not an appointed administrator of the
In the Comment submitted to the appellate court by estate. When Atty. Quasha passed away in 1996, Atty.
Atty. Doronila, the member-lawyer then assigned by the Syquia was left as the sole administrator of the estate of
Quasha Law Office to the case, it stated that: the late Raymond Triviere. The person of Atty. Quasha
The 12 June 2003 Order granted the Motion for was distinct from that of petitioner Quasha Law Office;
Payment filed by Co-Administrator and counsel Atty. and the appointment of Atty. Quasha as administrator
Enrique P. Syquia and the counselAtty. Cirilo E. of the estate did not extend to his law office. Neither
Doronila and Co-Administrator for the children of the could petitioner Quasha Law Office be deemed to have
late Raymond Triviere. x x x. substituted Atty. Quasha as administrator upon the
latter’s death for the same would be in violation of the
It would again in the same pleading claim to be the “co- rules on the appointment and substitution of estate
administrator and counsel for the heirs of the late administrators, particularly, Section 2, Rule 82 of the
Raymond Triviere.” Revised Rules of Court. Hence, when Atty. Quasha died,
petitioner Quasha Law Office merely helped in the
Finally, the Memorandum it submitted to the Court of
settlement of the estate as counsel for the petitioner
Appeals on behalf of its clients, the petitioner-children
children of the late Raymond Triviere.
of the late Raymond Triviere, the Quasha Law Office
alleged that: In its Memorandum before this Court, however,
petitioner Quasha Law Office argues that “what is being
2. The petition assails the Order of the Honorable
charged are not professional fees for legal services
Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 63 granting the
rendered but payment for administration of the Estate
Motion for Payment filed by Co-Administrators Atty.
which has been under the care and management of the
Enrique P. Syquia and the undersigned
co-administrators for the past fourteen (14) years.”
counsel together with the children of the deceased
Raymond Triviere, and the Order dated 29 October

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

On the other hand, in the Motion for Payment filed with adverse party in order to enable it to properly meet the
the RTC on 3 September 2002, petitioner Quasha Law issue raised in the new theory.
Office prayed for P200,000.00 as “attorney’s fees and
litigation expenses.” Being lumped together, and On the foregoing considerations, this Court finds it
absent evidence to the contrary, theP200,000.00 for necessary to exercise leniency on the rule against
attorney’s fees and litigation expenses prayed for by the changing of theory on appeal, consistent with the rules
petitioner Quasha Law Office can be logically and of fair play and in the interest of justice. Petitioner
reasonably presumed to be in connection with cases Quasha Law Office presented conflicting arguments
handled by said law office on behalf of the with respect to whether or not it was co-administrator
estate. Simply, petitioner Quasha Law Office is seeking of the estate. Nothing in the records, however, reveals
attorney’s fees as compensation for the legal services it that any one of the lawyers of Quasha Law Office was
rendered in these cases, as well as reimbursement of indeed a substitute administrator for Atty. Quasha upon
the litigation expenses it incurred therein. his death.

The court has jurisdiction to appoint an administrator of

The Court notes with disfavor the sudden change in the
theory by petitioner Quasha Law Office. Consistent with an estate by granting letters of administration to a
person not otherwise disqualified or incompetent to
discussions in the preceding paragraphs, Quasha Law
Office initially asserted itself as co-administrator of the serve as such, following the procedure laid down in
estate before the courts. The records do not belie this Section 6, Rule 78 of the Rules of Court.
fact. Petitioner Quasha Law Office later on denied it was Corollary thereto, Section 2, Rule 82 of the Rules of
substituted in the place of Atty. Quasha as Court provides in clear and unequivocal terms the
administrator of the estate only upon filing a Motion for modes for replacing an administrator of an estate upon
Reconsideration with the Court of Appeals, and then the death of an administrator, to wit:
again before this Court. As a general rule, a party
cannot change his theory of the case or his cause of Section 2. Court may remove or accept resignation of
action on appeal. When a party adopts a certain theory executor or administrator. Proceedings upon death,
in the court below, he will not be permitted to change resignation, or removal. x x x.
his theory on appeal, for to permit him to do so would
When an executor or administrator dies, resigns, or is
not only be unfair to the other party but it would also
removed the remaining executor or administrator may
be offensive to the basic rules of fair play, justice and
administer the trust alone,unless the court grants
due process. Points of law, theories, issues and
letters to someone to act with him. If there is no
arguments not brought to the attention of the lower
remaining executor or administrator, administration
court need not be, and ordinarily will not be, considered
may be granted to any suitable person.
by a reviewing court, as these cannot be raised for the
first time at such late stage. The records of the case are wanting in evidence that
Quasha Law Office or any of its lawyers substituted
This rule, however, admits of certain exceptions. In the
Atty. Quasha as co-administrator of the estate. None of
interest of justice and within the sound discretion of the
the documents attached pertain to the issuance of
appellate court, a party may change his legal theory on
letters of administration to petitioner Quasha Law
appeal, only when the factual bases thereof would not
Office or any of its lawyers at any time after the demise
require presentation of any further evidence by the
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

of Atty. Quasha in 1996. This Court is thus inclined to entitled to an attorney’ s fees and they are not subject
give credence to petitioner’s contention that while it to the exception under section 7 of rule 85
rendered legal services for the settlement of the estate
of Raymond Triviere since the time of Atty. Quasha’s In the case of Quasha, there was a flip flopping in the
death in 1996, it did not serve as co-administrator position of Quasha law office. First they said that they
thereof, granting that it was never even issued letters of were administrators, and they made around and say
administration. they were not administrators, so which is which? Were
they administrators or merely lawyers?
The attorney’s fees, therefore, cannot be covered by
the prohibition in the third paragraph of Section 7, Rule They were merely considered as lawyers.
85 of the Revised Rules of Court against an attorney, to And who should pay for their services?
charge against the estate professional fees for legal
services rendered by them. The heirs that they represented are the ones liable to
pay for the services
Quasha law served as legal counsel
Examination on Accounting (Rule 85, Sec. 9,10,11)
However, while petitioner Quasha Law Office, serving as
counsel of the Triviere children from the time of death Revocation of Administration ( Rule 82, Sec. 1)
of Atty. Quasha in 1996, is entitled to attorney’s fees
Removal of Executor/ Administrator ( Rule 82, Sec.2 )
and litigation expenses of P100,000.00 as prayed for in
the Motion for Payment dated 3 September 2002, and Claims Against the Estate ( Rule 86)
as awarded by the RTC in its 12 June 2003 Order, the
same may be collected from the shares of the Triviere RULE 86
children, upon final distribution of the estate, in
Claims Against Estate
consideration of the fact that the Quasha Law Office,
indeed, served as counsel (not anymore as co- Section 1. Notice to creditors to be issued by court. —
administrator), representing and performing legal Immediately after granting letters testamentary or of
services for the Triviere children in the settlement of administration, the court shall issue a notice requiring
the estate of their deceased father. all persons having money claims against the decedent
to file them in the office of the clerk of said court.
Atty. T. : So if the administrator who happens to be a
lawyer cannot charge the estate for the services Section 2. Time within which claims shall be filed. — In
rendered by him, who should be charged? the notice provided in the preceding section, the court
shall estate the time for the filing of claims against the
He should charge the heirs, who he is representing as in
estate, which shall not be more than twelve (12) not
the case of Quasha.
less than six (6) months after the date of the first
In that case the lawyers who are asking for publication of the notice. However, at any time before
compensation as the administrator or executor of the an order of distribution is entered, on application of a
estate were not given such compensation, but rather, creditor who has failed to file his claim within the
the SC said that they are administrator or executor but previously limited, the court may, for cause shown and
they represented the heirs in their claim, so they are

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

on such terms as are equitable, allow such claim to be the estate, as though the claim had been presented
filed within a time not exceeding one (1) month. directly before the court in the administration
proceedings. Claims not yet due, or contingent, may be
Section 3. Publication of notice to creditors. — Every approved at their present value.
executor or administrator shall, immediately after the
notice to creditors is issued, cause the same to be Section 6. Solidary obligation of decedent. — Where the
published three (3) weeks successively in a newspaper obligation of the decedent is solidary with another
of general circulation in the province, and to be posted debtor, the claim shall be filed against the decedent as
for the same period in four public places in the province if he were the only debtor, without prejudice to the
and in two public places in the municipality where the right of the estate to recover contribution from the
decedent last resided. debtor. In a joint obligation of the decedent, the claim
shall be confined to the portion belonging to him.
Section 4. Filing of copy of printed notice. — Within ten
(10) days after the notice has been published and Section 7. Mortgage debt due from estate. — A creditor
posted in accordance with the preceding section, the holding a claim against the deceased secured by
executor or administrator shall file or cause to be filed mortgage or other colateral security, may abandon the
in the court a printed copy of the notice accompanied security and prosecute his claim in the manner provided
with an affidavit setting forth the dates of the first and in this rule, and share in the general distribution of the
last publication thereof and the name of the newspaper assets of the estate; or he may foreclose his mortgage
in which the same is printed. or realize upon his security, by action in court, making
the executor or administrator a party defendant, and if
Section 5. Claims which must be filed under the there is a judgment for a deficiency, after the sale of the
notice. If not filed, barred; exceptions. — All claims for mortgaged premises, or the property pledged, in the
money against the decent, arising from contract, foreclosure or other proceeding to realize upon the
express or implied, whether the same be due, not due,
security, he may claim his deficiency judgment in the
or contingent, all claims for funeral expenses and manner provided in the preceding section or he may
expense for the last sickness of the decedent, and rely upon his mortgage or other security alone, and
judgment for money against the decent, must be filed
foreclosure the same at any time within the period of
within the time limited in the notice; otherwise they are the statute of limitations, and in that event he shall not
barred forever, except that they may be set forth as
be admitted as a creditor, and shall receive no share in
counterclaims in any action that the executor or the distribution of the other assets of estate; but
administrator may bring against the claimants. Where nothing herein contained shall prohibit the executor or
an executor or administrator commences an action, or administrator from redeeming the property mortgaged
prosecutes an action already commenced by the
or pledged, by paying the debt for which it is held as
deceased in his lifetime, the debtor may set forth by security, under the direction of the court, if the court
answer the claims he has against the decedent, instead
shall adjudge it to be for the best interest of the estate
of presenting them independently to the court as
that such redemption shall be made.
herein provided, and mutual claims may be set off
against each other in such action; and if final judgment Section 8. Claim of executor or administrator against an
is rendered in favor of the defendant, the amount so estate. — If the executor or administrator has a claim
determined shall be considered the true balance against against the estate he represents, he shall give notice
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

thereof, in writing, to the court, and the court shall service of a copy of the claim on the executor or
appoint a special administrator, who shall, in the administrator, he shall file his answer admitting or
adjustment of such claim, have the same power and be denying the claim specifically, and setting forth the
subject to the same liability as the general administrator admission or denial. If he has no knowledge sufficient to
or executor in the settlement of other claims. The court enable him to admit or deny specifically, he shall state
may order the executor or administrator to pay to the such want of knowledge. The executor or administrator
special administrator necessary funds to defend such in his answer shall allege in offset any claim which the
claim. decedent before death had against the claimant, and
his failure to do so shall bar the claim forever. A copy of
Section 9. How to file a claim. Contents thereof. Notice the answer shall be served by the executor or
to executor or administrator. — A claim may be filed by administrator on the claimant. The court in its
delivering the same with the necessary vouchers to the discretion may extend the time for filing such answer.
clerk of court and by serving a copy thereof on the
executor or administrator. If the claim be founded on a Section 11. Disposition of admitted claim. — Any claim
bond, bill, note, or any other instrument, the original admitted entirely by the executor or administrator shall
need not be filed, but a copy thereof with all immediately be submitted by the clerk to the court who
indorsements shall be attached to the claim and filed may approve the same without hearing; but the court,
therewith. On demand, however, of the executor or in its discretion, before approving the claim, may order
administrator, or by order of the court or judge, the that known heirs, legatees, or devisees be notified and
original shall be exhibited, unless it be list or destroyed, heard. If upon hearing, an heir, legatees, or devisee
in which case the claimant must accompany his claim opposes the claim, the court may, in its discretion, allow
with affidavit or affidavits containing a copy or him fifteen (15) days to file an answer to the claim in
particular description of the instrument and stating its the manner prescribed in the preceding section.
loss or destruction. When the claim is due, it must be
supported by affidavit stating the amount justly due, Section 12. Trial of contested claim. — Upon the filing
of an answer to a claim, or upon the expiration of the
that no payments have been made thereon which are
not credited, and that there are no offsets to the same, time for such filing, the clerk of court shall set the claim
for trial with notice to both parties. The court may refer
to the knowledge of the affiant. If the claim is not due,
or is contingent, when filed, it must also be supported the claim to a commissioner.
by affidavits stating the particulars thereof. When the Section 13. Judgment appealable. — The judgment of
affidavit is made by a person other than the claimant, the court approving or disapproving a claim, shall be
he must set forth therein the reason why it is not made filed with the record of the administration proceedings
by the claimant. The claim once filed shall be attached with notice to both parties, and is appealable as in
to the record of the case in which the letters ordinary cases. A judgment against the executor or
testamentary or of administration were issued, administrator shall be that he pay, in due course of
although the court, in its discretion, and as a matter of administration, the amount ascertained to be due, and
convenience, may order all the claims to be collected in it shall not create any lien upon the property of the
a separate folder. estate, or give to the judgment creditor any priority of
Section 10. Answer of executor or
administrator. Offsets —Within fifteen (15) days after
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Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Section 14. Costs. — When the executor or He alleged that his failure was due to his belief that it
administrator, in his answer, admits and offers to pay was unnecessary to do so because of the fact that the
part of a claim, and the claimant refuses to accept the testator, in his will, expressly recognized them and
amount offered in satisfaction of his claim, if he fails to directed that they should be paid. The inference is that
obtain a more favorable judgment, he cannot recover had plaintiff's claims not been mentioned in the will he
costs, but must pay to the executor or administrator would have presented to the committee as a matter of
costs from the time of the offer. Where an action course; that plaintiff was held to believe by this express
commenced against the deceased for money has been mention of his claims in the will that it would be
discontinued and the claim embraced therein presented unnecessary to present them to the committee; and
as in this rule provided, the prevailing party shall be that he did not become aware of the necessity of
allowed the costs of his action up to the time of its presenting them to the committee until after the
discontinuance. committee had made its final report.

Notice to Creditors (Rule 86, Sec. 1, 2,3,4,5) ISSUE: WON the claim of Santos is barred by Statute of
non-claims? YES
Statute of Non-Claims
1. Santos v Manarang
(claim should have been filed within 6 months from
G.R. No. L-8235, March 19, 1914 January 23, 1908 or until July 23, 1908; Santos only filed
ISIDRO SANTOS, plaintiff-appellant, vs. LEANDRA his claim on July 14, 1909)
MANARANG, administratrix, defendant-appellee. Statute of Non-Claims Explained

FACTS: Section 689 providesThat court shall allow such

time as the circumstances of the case require
Don Lucas de Ocampo died on November 18,
for the creditors to present their claims the
1906Among the debts mentioned in the list referred to
committee for examination and allowance; but
are two in favor of the plaintiff, Isidro SantosThe will
not, in the first instance, more than twelve
was duly probated and a committee was regularly
months, or less than six months; and the time
appointed to hear and determine such claims against
allowed shall be stated in the commission. The
the estate as might be presented. This committee
court may extend the time as circumstances
submitted its report to the court on June 1908. On July
require, but not so that the whole time shall
14, 1908, the plaintiff, Isidro Santos, presented a
exceed eighteen months.
petition to the court asking that the committee be
required to reconvene and pass upon his claims against It cannot be questioned that thus section supersedes
the estate which were recognized in the will of testator. the ordinary limitation of actions provided for in
This petition was denied by the court. The plaintiff chapter 3 of the Code. It is strictly confined, in its
instituted the present proceedings against the application, to claims against the estate of deceased
administratrix of the estate to recover the sums persons, and has been almost universally adopted as
mentioned in the will as due him. Relief was denied in part of the probate law of the United States. It is
the court below, and now appeals to this court. commonly termed the statute of nonclaims, and its
purpose is to settle the affairs of the estate with

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

dispatch, so that residue may be delivered to the If the committee fails to give the notice required, that is
persons entitled thereto without their being afterwards a sufficient cause for reconvening it for further
called upon to respond in actions for claims, which, consideration of claims which may not have been
under the ordinary statute of limitations, have not yet presented before its final report was submitted to the
prescribed. court. But, as stated above, this is not the case made by
the plaintiff, as the committee did give the notice
The object of the law in fixing a definite period required by law. Where the proper notice has been
within which claims must be presented is to given the right to have the committee recalled for the
insure the speedy settling of the affairs of a consideration of a belated claim appears to rest first
deceased person and the early delivery of the upon the condition that it is presented within six
property of the estate in the hands of the months after the time previously limited for the
persons entitled to receive it. (Estate of De Dios, presentation of claims.In the present case the time
24 Phil. Rep., 573.) previously limited was six months from July 23, 1907.
This allowed the plaintiff until January 23, 1908, to
Due possibly to the comparative shortness of the period present his claims to the committee. An extension of
of limitation applying to such claims as compared with this time under section 690 rested in the discretion of
the ordinary statute of limitations, the statute of the court. (Estate of De Dios, supra.) In other words, the
nonclaims has not the finality of the ordinary statute of court could extend this time and recall the committee
limitations. It may be safely said that a saving provision, for a consideration of the plaintiff's claims against the
more or less liberal, is annexed to the statute of estate of justice required it, at any time within the six
nonclaims in every jurisdiction where is found. In this months after January 23, 1908, or until July 23, 1908.
country its saving clause is found in section 690, which Plaintiff's petition was not presented until July 14, 1909.
reads as follows: The bar of the statute of nonclaims is an conclusive
under these circumstances as the bar of the ordinary
On application of a creditor who has failed to statute of limitations would be. It is generally held that
present his claim, if made within six months claims are not barred as to property not included in the
after the time previously limited, or, if a inventory. (Waughop vs. Bartlett, 165 III., 124; Estate of
committee fails to give the notice required by Reyes, 17 Phil. Rep., 188.) So also, as indicated by this
this chapter, and such application is made court in the case last cited, fraud would undoubtedly
before the final settlement of the estate, the have the same effect. These exceptions to the operation
court may, for cause shown, and on such terms of the statute are, of course, founded upon the highest
as are equitable, renew the commission and principles of equity. But what is the plea of the plaintiff
allow further time, not exceeding one month, in this case? Simply this: That he was laboring under a
for the committee to examine such claim, in mistake of law — a mistake which could easily have
which case it shall personally notify the parties been corrected had he sought to inform himself; a lack
of the time and place of hearing, and as soon as of information as to the law governing the allowance of
may be make the return of their doings to the claims against estate of the deceased persons which, by
court. proper diligence, could have been remedied in ample to
present the claims to the committee. Plaintiff finally
discovered his mistake and now seeks to assert his right
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

when they have been lost through his own leaving in the hands of said administrator no property
negligence. Ignorantia legis neminem excusat. We or thing of value whatever belonging to said estate.
conclude that the learned trial court made no error in
refusing to reconvene the committee for the purpose of Meanwhile, Engracio Palanca was removed from office
considering plaintiff's claims against the estate. as administrator of the estate of Margarita Jose, and
Jose McMicking (plaintiff) was appointed in his stead.
Exception to Statute of Non-Claims (Rule 86, Sec.5,7) Said Palanca was removed from office by reason of the
fact that he failed and refused to render an account of
Remedies of Mortgagor (Rule 86, Sec. 7)
the property and funds of the estate of the said
Claims Not Due, Contingent (Rule 88, Sec. 5) Margarita Jose. At the time of his removal he was
indebted to the estate in the sum of P41,960.15.
1. McMicking v Sy Conbieng
For the default of Engracio Palanca, Mcmicking filed a
G.R. No. L-6871, January 15, 1912!!!!!!!! (pls see full claim in the amount of 30,000 to the estate of Pio de la
text) Guardia Barretto as the surety of Doroteo Velasco who
is the administrator of the estate of Mariano Ocampo
JOSE McMICKING, administrator of the estate of
who in turn is the surety of said Engracio Palanca.
Margarita Jose, plaintiff-appellant, vs. BENITO SY
CONBIENG, administrator of the estate of Pio de la The lower court dismissed the case and rendered
Gurdia Barretto Sy Pioco, defendant-appellee. judgment in favour of defendant.

FACTS: ISSUE: WON plaintiff may claim against the defendant

as the surety of Doroteo Velasco NO
Facts: One Engracio Palanca was appointed
administrator of the estate of Margarita Jose. Mariano HELD:
Ocampo became one of the sureties of Engracio
Palanca. After the execution of the bond, said Palanca SC affirmed the lower court’s decision. The Court based
took possession of all the property of Margarita Jose. their decision upon the ground that Doroteo Velasco,
Later on, Mariano Ocampo died, testate. Doroteo for whom the deceased Pio de la Guardia Barretto was
Velasco was appointed administrator of the estate of surety, would not have been liable himself had this
Mariano Ocampo while Pio de la Guardia Barretto action been commenced against him. If the principal is
(defendant) qualified as one of the sureties of said not liable upon the obligation, the surety cannot be.
Doroteo Velasco. At the head of the law of administration of the
Doroteo Velasco, as administrator, filed with the court a Philippine Islands stand sections 596 and 597 of the
complete report and inventory of the property of the Code of Civil Procedure. They are as follows:
deceased, together with a statement of all his debts and "SEC. 596.Settlement of intestate estates, without legal
liabilities. The Court of First Instance affirmed and proceedings, in certain cases. — Whenever all the heirs
approved the partition. Pursuant to such agreement of a deceased person are of lawful age and legal
and order of the court approving the same, Doroteo capacity, and there are no debts due from the intestate
Velasco, delivered to the devisees and legatees of
estate, or all the debts have been paid by the heirs, the
Mariano Ocampo, all of the property of said decedent heirs may, by a family council as known under Spanish
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

law, or by agreement between themselves, duly These provisions should, therefore, be given the most
executed in writing, apportion and divide the estate liberal construction so that the intent of the framers
among themselves, as they may see fit, without may be fully carried out. They should not be straitened
proceedings in court. or narrowed but should rather be given that wideness
and fullness of application without which they cannot
"SEC. 597.In such case distributees liable for debts. — produce their most beneficial effects.
But if it shall appear, at any time within two years after
such settlement and distribution of the estate, that Standing, as we have said, at the head of the law of
there are debts outstanding against the estate which administration of these Islands, they are the first
have not been paid, any creditor may compel the provisions to which our attention is directed in seeking
settlement of the estate in the courts in the manner a legal method for the division and distribution of the
hereinafter provided, unless his debt shall be paid, with property of deceased persons. They are thus made
interest; and the administrator appointed by the court prominent. And justly so. The purpose which underlies
may recover the assets of the estate from those who them, as we have already intimated, is to put into one's
have received them, for the purpose of paying the debts; hands the property which belongs to him not only at
and the real estate belonging to the deceased shall the earliest possible moment but also with the least
remain charged with the liability to creditors for the full possible expense. By permitting the partition and
period of two years after such distribution, division without proceedings in court no time is lost and
notwithstanding any transfers thereof that may have substantially all expense and waste are saved. This is as
been made." it should be. The State fails wretchedly in its duty to its
citizens if the machinery furnished by it for the division
These sections provide for the voluntary division of the and distribution of the property of a decedent is so
whole property of the decedent without proceedings in cumbersome, unwieldy and expensive that a
court. The provisions which they contain are extremely considerable portion of the estate is absorbed in the
important. The wisdom which underlies them is process of such division. Where administration is
apparent. It is the undisputed policy of every people
necessary, it ought to be accomplished quickly and at
which maintains the principle of private ownership of very small expense; and a system which consumes any
property that he who owns a thing shall not be deprived
considerable portion of the property which it was
of its possession or use except for the most urgent and designed to distribute is a failure. It being undoubted
imperative reasons and then only so long as is necessary that the removal of property from the possession of its
to make the rights which underlie those reasons owner and its deposit in the hands of another for
effective. It is a principle of universal acceptance which administration is a suspension of some of his most
declares that one has the instant right to occupy and important rights of property and is attended with an
use that which he owns, and it is only in the presence of expense sometimes entirely useless and unnecessary,
reasons of the strongest and most urgent nature that such procedure should be avoided whenever and
principle is prevented from accomplishing the purpose wherever possible.
which underlies it. The force which gave birth to this
stern and imperious principle is the same force which As we have already indicated, the basis of the liability of
destroyed the feudal despotism and created the a surety on an administrator's bond is the fault or
democracy of private owners. failure of the principal. The liability of the principal

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

precedes that of the surety. If Velasco incurred no Certiorari on CA was dismissed.

liability, then his surety incurred none.
2. Hilado v CA
Based on outline: WON a contingent creditor may be
G.R. No. 164108, May 8, 2009 allowed to intervene . YES but to a limited extent
(please read Conclusion part )
FARMERS HOLDING CORPORATION, Petitioners, vs. THE What are the rights/ remedies available to a contingent
AMOR A. REYES, Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court of
CAMPOS BENEDICTO, Respondents. Rule on Intervention under Rule 19 not applicable in
Special Proceedings

Roberto S. Benedicto died intestate and was survived by Section 1 of Rule 19 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
his wife, private respondent Julita Campos Benedicto Procedure requires that an intervenor “has a legal
(administratrix Benedicto), and his only daughter, interest in the matter in litigation, or in the success of
Francisca Benedicto-Paulino. At the time of his death, either of the parties, or an interest against both, or is so
there were two pending civil cases (quasi delict) against situated as to be adversely affected by a distribution or
Benedicto involving the petitioners as plaintiff. other disposition of property in the custody of the court
x x x” While the language of Section 1, Rule 19 does not
Julita Campos Benedicto filed a petition for the issuance literally preclude petitioners from intervening in the
of letters of administration in her favor, pursuant to intestate proceedings, case law has consistently held
Section 6, Rule 78 of the Revised Rules of Court. The that the legal interest required of an intervenor “must
RTC issued an order Benedicto as administrator of the be actual and material, direct and immediate, and not
estate of her deceased husband, and issuing letters of simply contingent and expectant.”
administration in her favor.
Nonetheless, it is not immediately evident that
Petitioners filed with the Manila RTC a intervention under the Rules of Civil Procedure
Manifestation/Motion Ex Abundanti Cautela, praying necessarily comes into operation in special proceedings.
that they be furnished with copies of all processes and The settlement of estates of deceased persons fall
orders pertaining to the intestate proceedings. Private within the rules of special proceedings under the Rules
respondent opposed the manifestation/motion, of Court, not the Rules on Civil Procedure. Section 2,
disputing the personality of petitioners to intervene in Rule 72 further provides that “*i+n the absence of
the intestate proceedings of her husband. special provisions, the rules provided for in ordinary
actions shall be, as far as practicable, applicable to
The RTC issued an order denying the special proceedings.”
manifestation/motion, on the ground that petitioners
are not interested parties within the contemplation of We can readily conclude that notwithstanding Section
the Rules of Court (Rule 19) to intervene in the intestate 2 of Rule 72, intervention as set forth under Rule 19
proceedings. does not extend to creditors of a decedent whose credit
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

is based on a contingent claim. The definition of interest therein;” (5) Section 10 of Rule 85, which
“intervention” under Rule 19 simply does not requires notice of the time and place of the
accommodate contingent claims. examination and allowance of the Administrator’s
account “to persons interested;” (6) Section 7(b) of Rule
Yet, even as petitioners now contend before us that 89, which requires the court to give notice “to the
they have the right to intervene in the intestate persons interested” before it may hear and grant a
proceedings of Roberto Benedicto, the reliefs they had petition seeking the disposition or encumbrance of the
sought then before the RTC, and also now before us, do properties of the estate; and (7) Section 1, Rule 90,
not square with their recognition as intervenors. In which allows “any person interested in the estate” to
short, even if it were declared that petitioners have no petition for an order for the distribution of the residue
right to intervene in accordance with Rule 19, it would of the estate of the decedent, after all obligations are
not necessarily mean the disallowance of the reliefs either satisfied or provided for.
they had sought before the RTC since the right to
intervene is not one of those reliefs. In a pending civil case against decedent , it is proper to
implead the estate, as represented by the
“Interested Person” under Rules on Special administrator, in the civil case
Had the claims of petitioners against Benedicto been
To better put across what the ultimate disposition of
based on contract, whether express or implied, then
this petition should be, let us now turn our focus to the they should have filed their claim, even if contingent,
Rules on Special Proceedings. under the aegis of the notice to creditors to be issued
In several instances, the Rules on Special Proceedings by the court immediately after granting letters of
entitle “any interested persons” or “any persons administration and published by the administrator
interested in the estate” to participate in varying immediately after the issuance of such notice. However,
capacities in the testate or intestate proceedings. it appears that the claims against Benedicto were based
Petitioners cite these provisions before us, namely: (1) on tort, as they arose from his actions in connection
Section 1, Rule 79, which recognizes the right of “any with Philsucom, Nasutra and Traders Royal Bank. Civil
person interested” to oppose the issuance of letters actions for tort or quasi-delict do not fall within the
testamentary and to file a petition for administration;” class of claims to be filed under the notice to creditors
(2) Section 3, Rule 79, which mandates the giving of required under Rule 86. These actions, being as they are
notice of hearing on the petition for letters of civil, survive the death of the decedent and may be
administration to the known heirs, creditors, and “to commenced against the administrator pursuant to
any other persons believed to have interest in the Section 1, Rule 87. Indeed, the records indicate that the
estate;” (3) Section 1, Rule 76, which allows a “person intestate estate of Benedicto, as represented by its
interested in the estate” to petition for the allowance of administrator, was successfully impleaded in Civil Case
a will; (4) Section 6 of Rule 87, which allows an No. 11178, whereas the other civil case was already
individual interested in the estate of the deceased “to pending review before this Court at the time of
complain to the court of the concealment, Benedicto’s death.
embezzlement, or conveyance of any asset of the Evidently, the merits of petitioners’ claims against
decedent, or of evidence of the decedent’s title or Benedicto are to be settled in the civil cases where they
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

were raised, and not in the intestate proceedings. In the determined in said civil case will necessarily reflect and
event the claims for damages of petitioners are granted, have a far reaching consequence in the determination
they would have the right to enforce the judgment and distribution of the estate. In so taking cognizance
against the estate. Yet until such time, to what extent of civil case No. V-331 the court does not assume
may they be allowed to participate in the intestate general jurisdiction over the case but merely makes of
proceedings? record its existence because of the close interrelation of
the two cases and cannot therefore be branded as
Petitioners place heavy reliance on our ruling having acted in excess of its jurisdiction.
in Dinglasan v. Ang Chia, and it does provide us with
guidance on how to proceed. A brief narration of the Appellants' claim that the lower court erred in holding in
facts therein is in order. abeyance the closing of the intestate proceedings
Suspension of the closing of the intestate proceeding pending
determination of a related civil case is justified pending determination of the separate civil action for
Dinglasan had filed an action for reconveyance and the reason that there is no rule or authority justifying
damages against respondents, and during a hearing of the extension of administration proceedings until after
the case, learned that the same trial court was hearing
the separate action pertaining to its general jurisdiction
the intestate proceedings of Lee Liong to whom has been terminated, cannot be entertained. Section 1,
Dinglasan had sold the property years earlier. Dinglasan
Rule 88, of the Rules of Court, expressly provides that
thus amended his complaint to implead Ang Chia, "action to recover real or personal property from the
administrator of the estate of her late husband. He estate or to enforce a lien thereon, and actions to
likewise filed a verified claim-in-intervention, recover damages for an injury to person or property,
manifesting the pendency of the civil case, praying that
real or personal, may be commenced against the
a co-administrator be appointed, the bond of the executor or administrator." What practical value would
administrator be increased, and that the intestate this provision have if the action against the
proceedings not be closed until the civil case had been administrator cannot be prosecuted to its termination
terminated. When the trial court ordered the increase of simply because the heirs desire to close the intestate
the bond and took cognizance of the pending civil case,
proceedings without first taking any step to settle the
the administrator moved to close the intestate ordinary civil case? This rule is but a corollary to the
proceedings, on the ground that the heirs had already
ruling which declares that questions concerning
entered into an extrajudicial partition of the estate. The ownership of property alleged to be part of the estate
trial court refused to close the intestate proceedings but claimed by another person should be determined in
pending the termination of the civil case, and the Court a separate action and should be submitted to the court
affirmed such action. in the exercise of its general jurisdiction. These rules
If the appellants filed a claim in intervention in the would be rendered nugatory if we are to hold that an
intestate proceedings it was only pursuant to their intestate proceedings can be closed by any time at the
desire to protect their interests it appearing that the whim and caprice of the heirs x x x
property in litigation is involved in said proceedings
It is not clear whether the claim-in-intervention filed by
and in fact is the only property of the estate left Dinglasan conformed to an action-in-intervention under
subject of administration and distribution; and the the Rules of Civil Procedure, but we can partake of the
court is justified in taking cognizance of said civil case
spirit behind such pronouncement. Indeed, a few years
because of the unavoidable fact that whatever is later, the Court, citing Dinglasan, stated: “[t]he rulings
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

of this court have always been to the effect that in the Rules by which such interests can be protected. It is
special proceeding for the settlement of the estate of a under this standard that we assess the three prayers
deceased person, persons not heirs, intervening sought by petitioners.
therein to protect their interests are allowed to do so
to protect the same, but not for a decision on their The first is that petitioners be furnished with copies of
Kasi nga sa separate proceeding dapat (
action.” Rule88),so pwede niya mapasuspend ang closing all processes and orders issued in connection with the
the proceeding
intestate proceedings, as well as the pleadings filed by
Petitioners’ interests in the estate of Benedicto may be the administrator of the estate. There is no questioning
inchoate interests, but they are viable interests as to the utility of such relief for the petitioners. They
nonetheless. We are mindful that the Rules of Special would be duly alerted of the developments in the
Proceedings allows not just creditors, but also “any intestate proceedings, including the status of the assets
person interested” or “persons interested in the estate” of the estate. Such a running account would allow them
various specified capacities to protect their respective to pursue the appropriate remedies should their
interests in the estate. Anybody with a contingent claim interests be compromised, such as the right, under
based on a pending action for quasi-delict against a Section 6, Rule 87, to complain to the intestate court if
decedent may be reasonably concerned that by the property of the estate concealed, embezzled, or
time judgment is rendered in their favor, the estate of fraudulently conveyed.
the decedent would have already been distributed, or
diminished to the extent that the judgment could no At the same time, the fact that petitioners’ interests
longer be enforced against it. remain inchoate and contingent counterbalances their
Standing rule ability to participate in the intestate proceedings. We
Since no specific right is given to herein petitioners are mindful of respondent’s submission that if the Court
they may be allowed to seek certain prayers or reliefs were to entitle petitioners with service of all processes
from the intestate court not explicitly provided for and pleadings of the intestate court, then anybody
under the Rules, if the prayer or relief sought is claiming to be a creditor, whether contingent or
necessary to protect their interest in the estate, and otherwise, would have the right to be furnished such
there is no other modality under the Rules by which pleadings, no matter how wanting of merit the claim
such interests can be protected. may be. Indeed, to impose a precedent that would
mandate the service of all court processes and
In the same manner that the Rules on Special
pleadings to anybody posing a claim to the estate, much
Proceedings do not provide a creditor or any person less contingent claims, would unduly complicate and
interested in the estate, the right to participate in every burden the intestate proceedings, and would ultimately
aspect of the testate or intestate proceedings, but offend the guiding principle of speedy and orderly
instead provides for specific instances when such
disposition of cases.
persons may accordingly act in those proceedings, we
deem that while there is no general right to intervene Fortunately, there is a median that not only exists, but
on the part of the petitioners, they may be allowed to also has been recognized by this Court, with respect to
seek certain prayers or reliefs from the intestate court the petitioners herein, that addresses the core concern
not explicitly provided for under the Rules, if the prayer of petitioners to be apprised of developments in the
or relief sought is necessary to protect their interest in intestate proceedings. In Hilado v. Judge Reyes, the
the estate, and there is no other modality under the Court heard a petition for mandamus filed by the same
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

petitioners herein against the RTC judge, praying that Nonetheless, in the instances that the Rules on Special
they be allowed access to the records of the intestate Proceedings do require notice to any or all “interested
proceedings, which the respondent judge had denied parties” the petitioners as “interested parties” will be
from them. Section 2 of Rule 135 came to fore, the entitled to such notice. The instances when notice has
provision stating that “the records of every court of to be given to interested parties are provided in: (1) Sec.
justice shall be public records and shall be available for 10, Rule 85 in reference to the time and place of
the inspection of any interested person x x x.” The Court examining and allowing the account of the executor or
ruled that petitioners were “interested persons” administrator; (2) Sec. 7(b) of Rule 89 concerning the
entitled to access the court records in the intestate petition to authorize the executor or administrator to
proceedings. We said: sell personal estate, or to sell, mortgage or otherwise
encumber real estates; and; (3) Sec. 1, Rule 90
Contingent creditors are allowed to access the records regarding the hearing for the application for an order
of the settlement proceeding for distribution of the estate residue. After all, even the
Petitioners' stated main purpose for accessing the administratrix has acknowledged in her submitted
records to—monitor prompt compliance with the Rules inventory, the existence of the pending cases filed by
governing the preservation and proper disposition of the petitioners.
the assets of the estate, e.g., the completion and Contingent creditor cannot compel administrator to
appraisal of the Inventory and the submission by the submit appraisal and inventory
Administratrix of an annual accounting—appears
legitimate, for, as the plaintiffs in the complaints for We now turn to the remaining reliefs sought by
sum of money against Roberto Benedicto, et al., they petitioners; that a deadline be set for the submission
have an interest over the outcome of the settlement of by administratrix Benedicto to submit a verified and
his estate. They are in fact "interested persons" under complete inventory of the estate, and upon submission
Rule 135, Sec. 2 of the Rules of Court x x x thereof: the inheritance tax appraisers of the Bureau of
Internal Revenue be required to assist in the appraisal
Allowing creditors, contingent or otherwise, access to of the fair market value of the same; and that the
the records of the intestate proceedings is an eminently
intestate court set a deadline for the submission by the
preferable precedent than mandating the service of administratrix of her verified annual account, and, upon
court processes and pleadings upon them. In either
submission thereof, set the date for her examination
case, the interest of the creditor in seeing to it that the under oath with respect thereto, with due notice to
assets are being preserved and disposed of in them and other parties interested in the collation,
accordance with the rules will be duly satisfied. preservation and disposition of the estate. We cannot
Acknowledging their right to access the records, rather
grant said reliefs.
than entitling them to the service of every court order
or pleading no matter how relevant to their individual Section 1 of Rule 83 requires the administrator to
claim, will be less cumbersome on the intestate court, return to the court a true inventory and appraisal of all
the administrator and the heirs of the decedent, while the real and personal estate of the deceased within
providing a viable means by which the interests of the three (3) months from appointment, while Section 8 of
creditors in the estate are preserved. Rule 85 requires the administrator to render an account
of his administration within one (1) year from receipt of
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

the letters testamentary or of administration. We do RTC admitted to probate the holographic will of Alice
not doubt that there are reliefs available to compel an O. Sheker and thereafter issued an order for all the
administrator to perform either duty, but a person creditors to file their respective claims against the
whose claim against the estate is still contingent is not estate. In compliance therewith, petitioner(Alan) filed a
the party entitled to do so. Still, even if the contingent claim for agent's commission due him and a
administrator did delay in the performance of these certain amount as reimbursement for expenses
duties in the context of dissipating the assets of the incurred and/or to be incurred by petitioner in the
estate, there are protections enforced and available course of negotiating the sale of said realties.
under Rule 88 to protect the interests of those with
contingent claims against the estate. The executrix of the Estate of Alice
O. Sheker (respondent) moved for the dismissal of said
Contingent creditor has the right to seek removal of money claim against the estate on the grounds that (1)
administrator on certain grounds the requisite docket fee, as prescribed in Section 7(a),
Rule 141 of the Rules of Court, had not been paid; (2)
Concerning complaints against the general competence
petitioner failed to attach a certification against non-
of the administrator, the proper remedy is to seek the forum shopping; and (3) petitioner failed to attach a
removal of the administrator in accordance with Section
written explanation why the money claim was not filed
2, Rule 82. While the provision is silent as to who may and served personally.
seek with the court the removal of the administrator,
we do not doubt that a creditor, even a contingent one, On January 15, 2003, the RTC issued the assailed Order
would have the personality to seek such relief. After all, dismissing without prejudice the money claim based on
the interest of the creditor in the estate relates to the the grounds advanced by respondent.
preservation of sufficient assets to answer for the debt,
and the general competence or good faith of the Petitioner maintains that the RTC erred in strictly
applying to a probate proceeding the rules requiring a
administrator is necessary to fulfill such purpose.
certification of non-forum shopping, a written
Conclusion : CA and RTC are correct in ruling that explanation for non-personal filing, and the payment of
intervention is not proper as petitioners is not a real docket fees upon filing of the claim. He insists that
party in interest . Nonetheless, they may be allowed to Section 2, Rule 72 of the Rules of Court provides that
seek certain prayers or reliefs from the intestate court rules in ordinary actions are applicable to special
not explicitly provided for under the Rules, if the prayer proceedings only in a suppletory manner.
or relief sought is necessary to protect their interest in
the estate, and there is no other modality under the ISSUE: WON the RTC was correct in dismissing the
Rules by which such interests can be protected kasi petitioners claim? NO
daw these claims, although contingent, are still viable. HELD:
3. Sheker v Estate of Alice Sheker Petitioner's contention that rules in ordinary actions
G.R. No. 157912, December 13, 2007 are only supplementary to rules in special proceedings
is not entirely correct

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Sec. 2. Applicability of rules of Civil Actions. - In the and 5, Rule 86 of the Rules of Court, after granting
absence of special provisions, the rules provided for in letters of testamentary or of administration, all persons
ordinary actions shall be, as far as practicable, having money claims against the decedent are
applicable in special proceedings. mandated to file or notify the court and the estate
administrator of their respective money claims;
Stated differently, special provisions under Part II of the otherwise, they would be barred, subject to certain
Rules of Court govern special proceedings; but in the exceptions.
absence of special provisions, the rules provided for in
Part I of the Rules governing ordinary civil actions shall A money claim is only an incidental matter in the main
be applicable to special proceedings, as far as action for the settlement of the decedent's estate;
practicable. more so if the claim is contingent since the claimant
cannot even institute a separate action for a mere
The word “practicable” is defined as: possible to contingent claim. Hence, herein petitioner's
practice or perform; capable of being put into practice, contingent money claim, not being an initiatory
done or accomplished.This means that in the absence of
pleading, does not require a certification against non-
special provisions, rules in ordinary actions may be forum shopping.
applied in special proceedings as much as possible and
where doing so would not pose an obstacle to said On the issue of filing fees
proceedings. Nowhere in the Rules of Court does it
categorically say that rules in ordinary actions are the Court ruled in Pascual v. Court of Appeals, that the
inapplicable or merely suppletory to special trial court has jurisdiction to act on a money claim
proceedings. Provisions of the Rules of Court requiring a (attorney's fees) against an estate for services rendered
certification of non-forum shopping for complaints and by a lawyer to the administratrix to assist her in fulfilling
initiatory pleadings, a written explanation for non- her duties to the estate even without payment of
separate docket fees because the filing fees shall
personal service and filing, and the payment of filing
fees for money claims against an estate would not in constitute a lien on the judgment pursuant to Section 2,
any way obstruct probate proceedings, thus, they are Rule 141 of the Rules of Court, or the trial court may
order the payment of such filing fees within a
applicable to special proceedings such as the settlement
of the estate of a deceased person as in the present reasonable time. After all, the trial court had already
assumed jurisdiction over the action for settlement of
the estate. Clearly, therefore, non-payment of filing
CNFS not required for the filing of money claims fees for a money claim against the estate is not one of
against estate the grounds for dismissing a money claim against the
The certification of non-forum shopping is required
only for complaints and other initiatory pleadings. The With regard to the requirement of a written
RTC erred in ruling that a contingent money claim explanation,
against the estate of a decedent is an initiatory
pleading. In the present case,the whole probate If only to underscore the mandatory nature of this
proceeding was initiated upon the filing of the petition innovation to our set of adjective rules requiring
for allowance of the decedent's will. Under Sections 1 personal service whenever practicable, Section 11 of
Rule 13 then gives the court the discretion to consider
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

a pleading or paper as not filed if the other modes of Answer (Rule 86, Sec. 10)
service or filing were not resorted to and no written
explanation was made as to why personal service was Approval of Admitted Claims (Rule 86, Sec. 11)
not done in the first place. The exercise of discretion Trial of Contested Claims ( Rule 86, Sec. 12)
must, necessarily consider the practicability of
personal service, for Section 11 itself begins with the Judgment (Rule 86, Sec. 13)
clause “whenever practicable”.
Costs ( Rule 86, Sec. 14)
We thus take this opportunity to clarify that
Actions that Survive (Rule 87, Sec. 1)
under Section 11, Rule 13 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure, personal service andfiling is the general rule, Who May File? (Rule 87, Sec. 1,3)
and resort to other modes of service and filing, the
exception. Henceforth, whenever personal service or RULE 87
filing is practicable, in the light of the circumstances of
Actions By and Against Executors and Administrators
time, place and person, personal service or filing
is mandatory. Only when personal service or filing is Section 1. Actions which may and which may not be
not practicable may resort to other modes be had, brought against executor or administrator. — No action
which must then be accompanied by a written upon a claim for the recovery of money or debt or
explanation as to why personal service or filing was not interest thereon shall be commenced against the
practicable to begin with. In adjudging the plausibility executor or administrator; but to recover real or
of an explanation, a court shall likewise consider the personal property, or an interest therein, from the
importance of the subject matter of the case or the estate, or to enforce a lien thereon, and actions to
issues involved therein, and the prima facie merit of the recover damages for an injury to person or property,
pleading sought to be expunged for violation of Section real or personal, may be commenced against him.
11. (Emphasis and italics supplied)
Section 2. Executor or administrator may bring or
defend actions which survive. — For the recovery or
protection of the property or rights of the deceased, an
In the present case, petitioner holds office
executor or administrator may bring or defend, in the
in Salcedo Village, Makati City, while counsel for
right of deceased, actions for causes which survive.
respondent and the RTC which rendered the assailed
orders are both in Iligan City. The lower court should Section 3. Heir may not sue until shall assigned — When
have taken judicial notice of the great distance between an executor or administrator is appointed and assumes
said cities and realized that it is indeed not practicable the trust, no action to recover the title or possession of
to serve and file the money claim personally. lands or for damages done to such lands shall be
maintained against him by an heir or devisee until there
Processing Cliams
is an order of the court assigning such lands to such heir
Filing of Claims (Rule 86, Sec. 9) or devisee or until the time allowed for paying debts has
1. Sheker v Estate of Alice Sheker (pls refer to previous

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Section 4. Executor or administrator may compound papers belonging to such estate as came to his
with debtor. — Within the approval of the court, an possession in trust for such executor or administrator,
executor or administrator may compound with the and of his proceedings thereon; and if the person so
debtor of the deceased for a debt due, and may give a cited refuses to appear to render such account, the
discharge of such debt on receiving a just dividend of court may punish him for contempt as having disobeyed
the estate of the debtor. a lawful order of the court.

Section 5. Mortgage due estate may be foreclosed. — A Section 8. Embezzlement before letters issued — If a
mortgage belonging to the estate of a deceased person, person, before the granting of letters testamentary or
as mortgagee or assignee of the right or a mortgage, of administration on the estate of the deceased,
may be foreclosed by the executor or administrator. embezzles or alienates any of the money, goods,
chattels, or effects of such deceased, such person shall
Section 6. Proceedings when property concealed, be liable to an action in favor of the executor or
embezzled, or fraudulently conveyed. — If an executor administrator of the estate for double the value of the
or administrator, heir, legatee, creditor or other
property sold, embezzled, or alienated, to be recovered
individual interested in the estate of the deceased, for the benefit of such estate.
complains to the court having jurisdiction of the estate
that a person is suspected of having concealed, Section 9. Property fraudulently conveyed by deceased
embezzled, or conveyed away any of the money, goods, may be recovered. When executor or administrator
or chattels of the deceased, or that such person has in must bring action. — When there is a deficiency of
his possession or has knowledge of any deed, assets in the hands of an executor or administrator for
conveyance, bond, contract, or other writing which the payment of debts and expenses of administration,
contains evidence of or tends or discloses the right, and the deceased in his lifetime had conveyed real or
title, interest, or claim of the deceased, the court may personal property, or a right or interest therein, or an
cite such suspected person to appear before it any may debt or credit, with intent to defraud his creditors or to
examine him on oath on the matter of such complaint; avoid any right, debt, or duty; or had so conveyed such
and if the person so cited refuses to appear, or to property, right, interest, debt or credit that by law the
answer on such examination or such interrogatories as conveyance would be void as against his creditors, and
are put to him, the court may punish him for contempt, the subject of the attempted conveyance would be
and may commit him to prison until he submits to the liable to attachment by any of them in his lifetime, the
order of the court. The interrogatories put any such executor or administrator may commence and
person, and his answers thereto, shall be in writing and prosecute to final judgment an action for the recovery
shall be filed in the clerk's office. of such property, right, interest, debt, or credit for the
benefit of the creditors; but he shall not be bound to
Section 7. Person entrusted with estate compelled to commence the action unless on application of the
render account. — The court, on complaint of an
creditors of the deceased, not unless the creditors
executor or administrator, may cite a person entrusted
making the application pay such part of the costs and
by an executor or administrator with any part of the expenses, or give security therefor to the executor or
estate of the deceased to appear before it, and may administrator, as the court deems equitable.
require such person to render a full account, on oath, of
the money, goods, chattels, bonds, account, or other
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Section 10. When creditor may bring action. Lien for On May 13, 1995, Alfonso P. Orfinada, Jr. died intestate.
costs. — When there is such a deficiency of assets, and He left a widow, Esperanza P. Orfinada, whom with
the deceased in his lifetime had made or attempted whom he had seven children namely: Lourdes P.
such a conveyance, as is stated in the last preceding Orfinada, Alfonso "Clyde" P. Orfinada, Nancy P.
section, and the executor or administrator has not Orfinada-Happenden, Alfonso James P. Orfinada,
commenced the action therein provided for, any Christopher P. Orfinada, Alfonso Mike P. Orfinada
creditor of the estate may, with the permission of the (deceased) and Angelo P. Orfinada.
court, commence and prosecute to final judgment, in
the name of the executor or administrator, a like action The deceased also has a paramour ,Teodora Riofero,
for the recovery of the subject of the conveyance or and illegitimate children namely: Veronica, Alberto and
attempted conveyance for the benefit of the creditors. Rowena.
But the action shall not be commenced until the On November 14, 1995, Alfonso James and Lourdes
creditor has filed in a court a bond executed to the Orfinada discovered that on June 29, 1995, Teodora
executor or administrator, in an amount approved by Rioferio and her children executed an Extrajudicial
the judge, conditioned to indemnify the executor or Settlement of Estate of a Deceased Person with
administrator against the costs and expenses incurred Quitclaim involving the properties of the estate of the
by reason of such action. Such creditor shall have a lien decedent located in Dagupan City and that accordingly,
upon any judgment recovered by him in the action for the Registry of Deeds in Dagupan issued Certificates of
such costs and other expenses incurred therein as the Titles Nos. 63983, 63984 and 63985 in favor of Teodora
court deems equitable. Where the conveyance or Rioferio, Veronica Orfinada-Evangelista, Alberto
attempted conveyance had been made by the deceased Orfinada and Rowena Orfinada-Ungos. Alfonso and
in his lifetime in favor of the executor or administrator, Lourdes also found out that Teodora et.al. were able to
the action which a credit may bring shall be in the name obtain a loan of P700,000.00 from the Rural Bank of
of all the creditors, and permission of the court and Mangaldan Inc. by executing a Real Estate
filing of bond as above prescribed, are not necessary. Mortgage over the properties subject of the extra-
1. Rioferio v CA judicial settlement.

G.R. No. 129008 January 13, 2004 On December 1, 1995, Alfonso "Clyde" P. Orfinada III
filed a Petition for Letters of Administration .
assisted by her husband ZALDY EVANGELISTA, ALBERTO While the abovementioned Special Proceeding was
ORFINADA, and ROWENA O. UNGOS, assisted by her pending, the rest of the Orfinada children filed
husband BEDA UNGOS, petitioners, vs. COURT OF a Complaint for the Annulment/Rescission of Extra
APPEALS, ESPERANZA P. ORFINADA, LOURDES P. Judicial Settlement of Estate of a Deceased Person with
ORFINADA, ALFONSO ORFINADA, NANCY P. ORFINADA, Quitclaim, Real Estate Mortgage and Cancellation of
ALFONSO JAMES P. ORFINADA, CHRISTOPHER P. Transfer Certificate of Titles with Nos. 63983, 63985 and
ORFINADA and ANGELO P. ORFINADA, respondents. 63984 and Other Related Documents with Damages
against Teodora et.al., the Rural Bank of Mangaldan,
FACTS: Inc. and the Register of Deeds of Dagupan City .

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Teodora raised , by way of affirmative defense, that The Trial Court cannot be faulted for recognizing the
Orifnada et.al are not the real parties-in-interest but legal standing of the respondents as heirs to bring the
rather the Estate of Alfonso O. Orfinada, Jr. in view of suit.
the pendency of the administration proceedings.
Pending the filing of administration proceedings, the
The Trial Court denied Teodora’s motion to set the case heirs without doubt have legal personality to bring suit
for preliminary hearing on her affirmative defense in behalf of the estate of the decedent in accordance
holding that Orfinada etl al ,as heirs, are the real with the provision of Article 777 of the New Civil Code
parties-in-interest especially in the absence of an "that (t)he rights to succession are transmitted from the
administrator who is yet to be appointed . moment of the death of the decedent." The provision in
turn is the foundation of the principle that the property,
The CA likewise ruled against Teodora hence this rights and obligations to the extent and value of the
petition. inheritance of a person are transmitted through his
ISSUE: WON the heirs are the real parties in interest in a death to another or others by his will or by operation of
suit to recover property of the estate pending the law.
appointment of an administrator. Even if administration proceedings have already been
HELD: commenced, the heirs may still bring the suit if an
administrator has not yet been appointed.
(Procedural) The holding of a preliminary hearing on
an affirmative defense is discretionary This is the proper modality despite the total lack of
advertence to the heirs in the rules on party
SEC. 5. Pleadings grounds as affirmative defenses.- Any representation, namely Section 3, Rule 3 and Section 2,
of the grounds for dismissal provided for in this rule, Rule 87of the Rules of Court. In fact, in the case
except improper venue, may be pleaded as an of Gochan v. Young, this Court recognized the legal
affirmative defense, and a preliminary hearing may be standing of the heirs to represent the rights and
had thereon as if a motion to dismiss had been filed. properties of the decedent under administration
pending the appointment of an administrator. Thus:
Certainly, the incorporation of the word "may" in the
provision is clearly indicative of the optional character The above-quoted rules, while permitting an executor
of the preliminary hearing. The word denotes discretion or administrator to represent or to bring suits on behalf
and cannot be construed as having a mandatory effect. of the deceased, do not prohibit the heirs from
Subsequently, the electivity of the proceeding was representing the deceased. These rules are easily
firmed up beyond cavil by the 1997 Rules of Civil applicable to cases in which an administrator has
Procedure with the inclusion of the phrase "in the already been appointed. But no rule categorically
discretion of the Court", apart from the retention of the addresses the situation in which special proceedings for
word "may" in Section 6, in Rule 16 thereof. the settlement of an estate have already been
instituted, yet no administrator has been appointed. In
Pending the filing of administration proceedings, the
such instances, the heirs cannot be expected to wait for
heirs have legal personality to bring suit in behalf of
the appointment of an administrator; then wait further
the estate of the decedent under Art. 777 of the Civil
to see if the administrator appointed would care
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

enough to file a suit to protect the rights and the One of the creditors of the deceased, Absolute
interests of the deceased; and in the meantime do Management Corporation (respondent) , filed a claim
nothing while the rights and the properties of the on the estate in the amount of P63,699,437.74. As
decedent are violated or dissipated. administratrix, Betty T. Chua tentatively accepted said
amount as correct, with a statement that it shall be
There are also instances when even if there is an reduced or adjusted as additional evidences may
administrator or executor, the heirs may still bring the warrant.
suit in behalf of the estate
In the interim, Absolute Management Corporation
Even if there is an appointed administrator, noticed that the deceased’s shares of stocks with Ayala
jurisprudence recognizes two exceptions, viz: (1) if the Sales Corporation and Ayala Construction Supply, Inc.
executor or administrator is unwilling or refuses to were not included in the inventory of assets.
bring suit;and (2) when the administrator is alleged to
have participated in the act complained of and he is As a consequence, it filed a motion to require Betty T.
made a party defendant. Evidently, the necessity for the Chua to explain why she did not report these shares of
heirs to seek judicial relief to recover property of the stocks in the inventory. Through a reply, Betty T. Chua
estate is as compelling when there is no appointed alleged that these shares had already been assigned
administrator, if not more, as where there is an and transferred to other parties prior to the death of
appointed administrator but he is either disinclined to her husband, Jose L. Chua. She attached to her reply the
bring suit or is one of the guilty parties himself. deeds of assignment which allegedly constituted proofs
of transfer. Such explanation was accepted by the
All told, therefore, the rule that the heirs have no legal Court.
standing to sue for the recovery of property of the
estate during the pendency of administration Absolute Management Corporation, suspecting that the
proceedings has three exceptions, the third being when documents attached to Betty T. Chua’s reply were
there is no appointed administrator such as in this case. spurious and simulated, filed a motion for the
examination of the supposed transferees. xxx It
Actions on behalf of Estate ( Rule 87, Sec. 5, 8) premised its motion on Section 6, Rule 87, Revised
Actions on behalf of Creditors ( Rule 87, Sec. 9, 10) Rules of Court, infra, which states that when a person is
suspected of having concealed, embezzled, or conveyed
Proceedings under Rule 87 Sec 6 away any of the properties of the deceased, a creditor
may file a complaint with the trial court and the trial
2. Chua v Absolute Management Corporation
court may cite the suspected person to appear before it
G.R. No. 144881, October 16, 2003
BETTY T. CHUA, JENNIFER T. CHUA-LOCSIN, BENISON T. and be examined under oath on the matter of such
CHUA, and BALDWIN T. CHUA, petitioners complaint.
COURT OF APPEALS, respondents. The motion was denied by Court since Absolute sought
to engage in a fishing expedition for evidence to be
FACTS: used against the administratrix and others whom it
seeks to examine.
Betty T. Chua was appointed as administratrix of the
intestate estate of the deceased Jose L. Chua.
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

The CA gave due course to Absolute’s Motion for the the corresponding proceedings has supervision and
Examination of the Administratrix and Others, hence control over these properties. The trial court has the
this petition. inherent duty to see to it that the inventory of the
administrator lists all the properties, rights and credits
ISSUE: WON the CA erred in granting the Motion for which the law requires the administrator to include in
Examination of Administratix uncer Rule 87 Section 6. his inventory. In compliance with this duty, the court
NO also has the inherent power to determine what
HELD: properties, rights and credits of the deceased the
administrator should include or exclude in the
Section 6, Rule 87 of the Rules of Court provides: inventory. An heir or person interested in the properties
of a deceased may call the court’s attention that certain
SEC. 6. Proceedings when property concealed,
properties, rights or credits are left out from the
embezzled, or fraudulently conveyed. — If an executor
inventory. In such a case, it is likewise the court’s duty
or administrator, heir, legatee, creditor, or other
to hear the observations of such party. The court has
individual interested in the estate of the deceased,
the power to determine if such observations deserve
complains to the court having jurisdiction of the estate
attention and if such properties belong prima facie to
that a person is suspected of having concealed,
the estate.
embezzled, or conveyed away any of the money, goods,
or chattels of the deceased, or that such person has in However, in such proceedings the trial court has no
his possession or has knowledge of any deed, authority to decide whether the properties, real or
conveyance, bond, contract, or other writing which personal, belong to the estate or to the persons
contains evidence of or tends to disclose the right, title, examined. If after such examination there is good
interest, or claim of the deceased, the court may cite reason to believe that the person examined is keeping
such suspected person to appear before it and may properties belonging to the estate, then the
examine him on oath on the matter of such complaint; administrator should file an ordinary action in court to
and if the person so cited refuses to appear, or to recover the same. Inclusion of certain shares of stock by
answer on such examination or such interrogatories as the administrator in the inventory does not
are put to him, the court may punish him for contempt, automatically deprive the assignees of their shares.
and may commit him to prison until he submits to the They have a right to be heard on the question of
order of the court. The interrogatories put to any such ownership, when that property is properly presented to
person, and his answers thereto, shall be in writing and the court.
shall be filed in the clerk’s office.
In the present case, some of the transferees of the
Section 6 of Rule 87 seeks to secure evidence from shares of stock do not appear to be heirs of the
persons suspected of having possession or knowledge decedent. Neither do they appear to be parties to the
of the properties left by a deceased person, or of having intestate proceedings. Third persons to whom the
concealed, embezzled or conveyed any of the decedent’s assets had been conveyed may be cited to
properties of the deceased. appear in court and examined under oath as to how
they came into possession of the decedent’s assets. In
The court which acquires jurisdiction over the
case of fraudulent conveyances, a separate action is
properties of a deceased person through the filing of
necessary to recover these assets.
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Taken in this light, there is no reason why the trial court RULE 88
should disallow the examination of the alleged
transferees of the shares of stocks. This is only for Payment of the Debts of the Estate
purposes of eliciting information or securing evidence Section 1. Debts paid in full if estate sufficient. — If,
from persons suspected of concealing or conveying after hearing all the money claims against the estate,
some of the decedent’s properties to the prejudice of and after ascertaining the amount of such claims, it
creditors. Petitioners’ admission that these persons are appears that there are sufficient assets to pay the
the decedent’s assignees does not automatically negate debts, the executor or administrator pay the same
concealment of the decedent’s assets on their part. The within the time limited for that purpose.
assignment might be simulated so as to place the shares
beyond the reach of creditors. In case the shares are Section 2. Part of estate from which debt paid when
eventually included in the estate, this inventory is provision made by will. — If the testator makes
merely provisional and is not determinative of the issue provision by his will, or designates the estate to be
of ownership. A separate action is necessary for appropriated for the payment of his debts, the
determination of ownership and recovery of expenses of administration, or the family expenses,
possession. they shall be paid according to the provisions of the will;
but if the provision made by the will or the estate
Payment of Debts appropriated, is not sufficient for that purpose, such
Solvent Estate ( Rule 88, Sec. 1,2,3,6) part of the estate of the testator, real or personal, as is
not disposed of by will, if any shall be appropriated for
Insolvent Estate ( Rule 88, Sec. 7, 8,9, 10 ) that purpose.

Contingent Claim ( Rule 88, Sec. 5) Section 3. Personalty first chargeable for debts, then
realty. — The personal estate of the deceased not
Time for Payment of Debts and Legacies (Rule 88, Sec. disposed of by will shall be first chargeable with the
15, 16)
payment of debts and expenses; and if said personal
Order and Manner for Payment and Distribution of estate is not sufficient for tat purpose, or its sale would
Assets ( Rule 88, Sec. 11, 12, 13, 14) redound to the detriment of the participants for the
estate, the whole of the real estate not dispose of by
Sale, Mortgage, Encumbrance of Assets ( Rule 89, Sec. will, or so much thereof as is necessary, may be sold,
2,4,6,8,9) mortgaged, or otherwise encumbered for that purpose
by the executor or administrator, after obtaining the
Sale of Personalty (Rule 89, Sec. 1,4)
authority of the court therefor. Any deficiency shall be
Sale, Mortgage, Encumbrance of Realty (Rule 89, Sec. met by contributions in accordance with the provisions
2,4,5) of section 6 of this rule.

Who may Oppose? (Rule 89, Sec. 3) Section 4. Estate to be retained to meet contingent
claims. — If the court is satisfied that a contingent claim
Regulations for Granting Authority (Rule 89, Sec. 7) duly filed is valid, it may order the executor or
administrator to retain in his hands sufficient estate to
pay such contingent claim when the same becomes
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

absolute, or if the estate is insolvent, sufficient to pay a Section 7. Order of payment if estate insolvent — If the
portion equal to the dividend of the other creditors. assets which can be appropriated for the payment of
debts are not sufficient for that purpose, the executor
Section 5. How contingent claim becoming absolute in or administrator shall pay the debts against the estate,
two years allowed and paid. Action against distributees observing the provisions of Articles 1059 and 2239 to
later. — If such contingent claim becomes absolute and 2251 of the Civil Code.
is presented to the court, or to the executor or
administrator, within two (2) years from the time Section 8. Dividends to be paid in proportion to claims.
limited for other creditors to present their claims, it — If there are no assets sufficient to pay the credits of
may be allowed by the court if not disputed by the any once class of creditors after paying the credits
executor or administrator and, if disputed, it may be entitled to preference over it, each creditor within such
proved and allowed or disallowed by the court as the class shall be paid a dividend in proportion to his claim.
facts may warrant. If the contingent claim is allowed, No creditor of any one class shall receive any payment
the creditor shall receive payment to the same extent until those of the preceding class are paid.
as the other creditors if the estate retained by the
executor or administrator is sufficient. But if the claim is Section 9. Estate of insolvent non-resident, how
disposed of. — In case administration is taken in the
not so presented, after having become absolute, within
said two (2) years, and allowed, the assets retained in Philippine of the estate of a person who was at the time
the hands of the executor or administrator, not of his death an inhabitant of another country, and who
exhausted in the payment of claims, shall be disturbed died insolvent, hi estate found in the Philippines shall,
as far as practicable, be so disposed of that his creditors
by the order of the court to the persons entitled to the
same; but the assets so distributed may still be applied here and elsewhere may receive each an equal share, in
to the payment of the claim when established, and the proportion to their respective credits.
creditor may maintain an action against the distributees Section 10. When and how claim proved outside the
to recover the debt, and such distributees and their Philippines against insolvent resident's estate paid. — If
estates shall be liable for the debt in proportion to the it appears to the court having jurisdiction that claims
estate they have respectively received from the have been duly proven in another country against the
property of the deceased. estate of an insolvent who was at the time of his death
an inhabitant of the Philippines, and that the executor
Section 6. Court to fix contributive shares where
devisees, legalitees, or heirs have been possession. — or administrator in the Philippines had knowledge of
Where devisees, legalitees, or heirs have entered into the presentation of such claims in such country and an
possession of portions of the estate before the debts opportunity to contest their allowance, the court shall
receive a certified list of such claims, when perfected in
and expenses have been settled and paid, and have
become liable to contribute for the payment of such such country, and add the same to the list of claims
proved against the deceased person in the Philippines
debts and expenses, the court having jurisdiction of the
so that a just distribution of the whole estate may be
estate may, by order for that purpose, after hearing,
settle the amount of their several liabilities, and order made equally among all its creditors according to their
how much and in what manner each person shall respective claims; but the benefit of this and the
preceding sections shall not be extended to the
contribute, and may issue execution as circumstances
require. creditors in another country if the property of such
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

deceased person there found is not equally apportioned Section 15. Time for paying debts and legacies fixed, or
to the creditors residing in the Philippines and the other extended after notice, within what periods. — On
creditor, according to their respective claims. granting letters testamentary or administration the
court shall allow to the executor or administrator a time
Section 11. Order for payment of debts. — Before the for disposing of the estate and paying the debts and
expiration of the time limited for the payment of the legacies of the deceased, which shall not, in the first
debts, the court shall order the payment thereof, and instance, exceed one (1) year; but the court may, on
the distribution of the assets received by the executor application of the executor or administrator and after
or administrator for that purpose among the creditors, hearing on such notice of the time and place therefor
as the circumstances of the estate require and in given to all persons interested as it shall direct, extend
accordance with the provisions of this rule. the time as the circumstances of the estate require not
Section 12. Orders relating to payment of debts where exceeding six (6) months for a single extension not so
appeal is taken. — If an appeal has been taken from a that the whole period allowed to the original executor
decision of the court concerning a claim, the court may or administrator shall exceed two (2) years.
suspend the order for the payment of the debts or may Section 16. Successor of dead executor or administrator
order the distributions among the creditors whose
may have time extended on notice within certain period.
claims are definitely allowed, leaving in the hands of the — When an executor or administrator dies, and a new
executor or administrator sufficient assets to pay the administrator of the same estate is appointed, the court
claim disputed and appealed. When a disputed claim is may extend the time allowed for the payment of the
finally settled the court having jurisdiction of the estate
debts or legacies beyond the time allowed to the
shall order the same to be paid out of the assets original executor or administrator, not exceeding six (6)
retained to the same extent and in the same proportion months at a time and not exceeding six (6) months
with the claims of other creditors. beyond the time which the court might have allowed to
Section 13. When subsequent distribution of assets such original executor or administrator; and notice shall
ordered. — If the whole of the debts are not paid on the be given of the time and place for hearing such
first distribution, and if the whole assets are not application, as required in the last preceding section.
distributed, or other assets afterwards come to the RULE 89
hands of the executor or administrator, the court may
from time to time make further orders for the Sales, Mortgages, and Other Encumbrances of
distributions of assets. Property of Decedent

Section 14. Creditors to be paid in accordance with Section 1. Order of sale of personalty. — Upon the
terms of order. — When an order is made for the application of the executor or administrator, and on
distribution of assets among the creditors, the executor written notice to the heirs and other persons
or administration shall, as soon as the time of payment interested, the court may order the whole or a part of
arrives, pay the creditors the amounts of their claims, or the personal estate to be sold, if it appears necessary
the dividend thereon, in accordance with the terms of for the purpose of paying debts, expenses of
such order. administration, or legacies, or for the preservation of
the property.

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Section 2. When court may authorize sale, mortgage, or the real or personal estate, will be beneficial to the
other encumbrance of realty to pay debts and legacies heirs, devisees, legatees, and other interested persons,
through personalty not exhausted. — When the the court may, upon application of the executor or
personal estate of the deceased is not sufficient to pay administrator and on written notice to the heirs,
the debts, expenses of administration, and legacies, or devisees, and legatees who are interested in the estate
where the sale of such personal estate may injure the to be sold, authorize the executor or administrator to
business or other interests of those interested in the sell the whole or a part of said estate, although not
estate, and where a testator has not otherwise made necessary to pay debts, legacies, or expenses of
sufficient provision for the payment of such debts, administration; but such authority shall not be granted
expenses, and legacies, the court, on the application of if inconsistent with the provisions of a will. In case of
the executor or administrator and on written notice of such sale, the proceeds shall be assigned to the persons
the heirs, devisees, and legatees residing in the entitled to the estate in the proper proportions.
Philippines, may authorize the executor or
administrator to sell, mortgage, or otherwise encumber Section 5. When court may authorize sale, mortgage, or
so much as may be necessary of the real estate, in lieu other encumbrance of estate to pay debts and legacies
of personal estate, for the purpose of paying such in other countries. — When the sale of personal estate,
debts, expenses, and legacies, if it clearly appears that or the sale, mortgage, or other encumbrance of real
such sale, mortgage, or encumbrance would be estate is not necessary to pay the debts, expenses of
administration, or legacies in the Philippines, but it
beneficial to the persons interested; and if a part cannot
be sold, mortgaged, or otherwise encumbered without appears from records and proceedings of a probate
injury to those interested in the remainder, the court in another country that the estate of the
authority may be for the sale, mortgage, or other deceased in such other country is not sufficient to pay
encumbrance of the whole of such real estate, or so the debts, expenses of administration, and legacies
there, the court here may authorize the executor or
much thereof as is necessary or beneficial under the
circumstances. administrator to sell the personal estate or to sell,
mortgage, or otherwise encumber the real estate for
Section 3. Persons interested may prevent such the payment of debts or legacies in the other country,
sale, etc., by giving bond. — No such authority to sell, in same manner as for the payment of debts or legacies
mortgage, or otherwise encumber real or personal in the Philippines.
estate shall be granted if any person interested in the
estate gives a bond, in a sum to be fixed by the court, Section 6. When court may authorize sale, mortgage, or
conditioned to pay the debts, expenses of other encumbrance of realty acquired on execution or
administration, and legacies within such time as the foreclosure. — The court may authorize an executor or
court directs; and such bond shall be for the security of administrator to sell mortgage, or otherwise encumber
the creditors, as well as of the executor or real estate acquired by him on execution or foreclosure
administrator, and may be prosecuted for the benefit of sale, under the same cicumstances and under the same
either. regulations as prescribed in this rule for the sale,
mortgage, or other encumbrance of other real estate.
Section 4. When court may authorize sale of estate as
Section 7. Regulation for granting authority to sell,
beneficial to interested persons. Disposal of proceeds. —
When it appears that the sale of the whole or a part of mortgage, or otherwise encumber estate. — The court
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

having jurisdiction of the estate of the deceased may governed by the provisions concerning notice of
authorize the executor or administrator to sell personal execution sale;
estate, or to sell, mortgage, or otherwise encumber real
estate, in cases provided by these rules and when it (f) There shall be recorded in the registry of deeds of
appears necessary or beneficial under the following the province in which the real estate thus sold,
regulations. mortgage, or otherwise encumbered is situated, a
certified copy of the order of the court, together with
(a) The executor or administrator shall file a written the deed of the executor or administrator for such real
petition setting forth the debts due from the deceased, estate, which shall be as valid as if the deed had been
the expenses of administration, the legacies, the value executed by the deceased in his lifetime.
of the personal estate, the situation of the estate to be
sold, mortgaged, or otherwise encumbered, and such Section 8. When court may authorize conveyance of
other facts as show that the sale, mortgage, or other realty which deceased contracted to
encumbrance is necessary or beneficial. convey. Notice. Effect of deed. — Where the deceased
was in his lifetime under contract, binding in law, to
(b) The court shall thereupon fix a time and place for deed real property, or an interest therein, the court
hearing such petition, and cause notice stating the having jurisdiction of the estate may, on application for
nature of the petition, the reasons for the same, and that purpose, authorize the executor or administrator
the time and place of hearing, to be given personally or to convey such property according to such contract, or
by mail to the persons interested, and may cause such with such modifications as are agreed upon by the
further notice to be given, by publication or otherwise, parties and approved by the court; and if the contract is
as it shall deem proper; to convey real property to the executor or
administrator, the clerk of court shall execute the deed.
(c) If the court requires it, the executor or administrator The deed executed by such executor, administrator, or
shall give an additional bond, in such sum as the court
clerk of court shall be as affectual to convey the
directs, conditioned that such executor or administrator property as if executed by the deceased in his lifetime;
will account for the proceeds of the sale, mortgage, or but no such conveyance shall be authorized until notice
other encumbrance;
of the application for that purpose has been given
(d) If the requirements in the preceding subdivisions of personally or by mail to all persons interested, and such
this section have been complied with, the court, by further notice has been given, by publication or
order stating such compliance, may authorize the otherwise, as the court deems proper; nor if the assets
executor or administrator to sell, mortgage, or in the hands of the executor or administrator will
otherwise encumber, in proper cases, such part of the thereby be reduced so as to prevent a creditor from
estate as is deemed necessary, and in case of sale the receiving his full debt or diminish his dividend.
court may authorize it to be public or private, as would Section 9. When court may authorize conveyance of
be most beneficial to all parties concerned. The lands which deceased held in trust. — Where the
executor or administrator shall be furnished with a deceased in his lifetime held real property in trust for
certified copy of such order; another person, the court may after notice given as
(e) If the estate is to be sold at auction, the mode of required in the last preceding section, authorize the
giving notice of the time and place of the sale shall be executor or administrator to deed such property to the
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

person, or his executor or administrator, for whose use Alex Lina filed a motion for his appointment as new
and benefit it was so held; and the court may order the administrator of Intestate Estate of Remedios Sandejas,
execution of such trust, whether created by deed or by which was granted by the court.
In Aug 1986, heirs Sixto Sandejas, et al, filed an MR for
1. Sandejas v Lina the appointment of another administrator, Mr. Sixto
G.R. No. 141634 February 5, 2001 Sandejas in lieu of Alex Lina. Alex had no objection to
the appointment of Sixto as administrator, provided
that Sixto be also appointed as administrator of the
On February 17, 1981, Eliodoro Sandejas, Sr. filed a intestate estate of his father Eliodoro Sandejas (which
petition in the lower court praying that letters of the 2 cases have been consolidated). After payment of
administration be issued in his favor for the settlement administrator’s bond and approval by the court, Sixto
of the estate of his wife, REMEDIOS R. SANDEJAS, who Sandejas took his oath as administrator and were issued
died on April 17, 1955. This was granted by the court. Letters of Administration.

On April 19, 1983, an Omnibus Pleading for motion to On Nov 29, 1993, Intervenor filed a motion to approve
intervene and petition-in-intervention was filed by the deed of conditional sale executed between Alex
Movant Alex A. Lina alleging among others that on June Lina and Eliodoro Sandejas, and to compel heirs of
7, 1982, movant and Administrator Eliodoro P. Remedios and Eliodoro to execute a deed of absolute
Sandejas, in his capacity as seller, bound and obligated sale in favor of Alex Lina pursuant to said conditional
himself, his heirs, administrators, and assigns, to sell deed of sale. On January 13, 1995, the lower court
forever and absolutely and in their entirety the rendered the questioned order granting intervenor's
following parcels of land (4 PARCELS LOTS NO. 22, 21, 5, [M]otion for the [A]pproval of the Receipt of Earnest
6 BLOCK 45) which formed part of the estate of the late Money with promise to buy between Plaintiff-in-
Remedios R. Sandejas. lntervention Alex A. Lina and Eliodoro Sandejas, Sr.
dated June 7, 1982.
On January 7, 1985, counsel for Sandejas filed a
Manifestation alleging that Mr. Eliodoro Sandejas died ISSUE: WON Eliodoro P. Sandejas Sr. is legally obligated
sometime in Nov 1984 in Canada. He also alleged that to convey title to the property referred to in the subject
the matter of the claim of intervenor Alex Lina becomes document which was found to be in the nature of a
a money claim to be filed in the estate of the late contract to sell (where the suspensive condition set
Eliodoro Sandejas. forth therein [i.e.] court approval, was not complied
On Nov 22, 1985, Alex Lina filed with RTC an Omnibus
Pleading for petition for letters of administration and to HELD:
consolidate SP. Proc. No. 85- 33707 entitled 'IN RE:
Contract was a conditional sale, not a contract to sell
ALEX A. LINA PETITIONER". Petitioners argue that the CA erred in ordering the
conveyance of the disputed 3/5 of the parcels of land,
despite the nonfulfillment of the suspensive condition --
court approval of the sale -- as contained in the "Receipt

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

of Earnest Money with Promise to Sell and to Buy" (also heirship or co-ownership. In other words, they can sell
referred to as the "Receipt"). Instead, they assert that their rights, interests or participation in the property
because this condition had not been satisfied, their under administration. A stipulation requiring court
obligation to deliver the disputed parcels of land was approval does not affect the validity and the effectivity
converted into a money claim. of the sale as regards the selling heirs. It merely implies
that the property may be taken out of custodia legis,
We disagree. Petitioners admit that the agreement but only with the court's permission.13 It would seem
between the deceased Eliodoro Sandejas Sr. and that the suspensive condition in the present conditional
respondent was a contract to sell. Not exactly. In a sale was imposed only for this reason.
contract to sell, the payment of the purchase price is a
positive suspensive condition. The vendor's obligation Obligation NOT converted into a mere money claim
to convey the title does not become effective in case of
failure to pay. Thus, we are not persuaded by petitioners' argument
that the obligation was converted into a mere monetary
On the other hand, the agreement between Eliodoro Sr. claim. Paragraph 4 of the Receipt, which petitioners rely
and respondent is subject to a suspensive condition -- on, refers to a situation wherein the sale has not
the procurement of a court approval, not full payment. materialized. In such a case," the seller is bound to
There was no reservation of ownership in the return to the buyer the earnest money paid plus
agreement. In accordance with paragraph 1 of the interest at fourteen percent per annum. But the sale
Receipt, petitioners were supposed to deed the was approved by the intestate court; hence, the proviso
disputed lots over to respondent. This they could do does not apply.
upon the court's approval, even before full payment.
Hence, their contract was a conditional sale, rather than Because petitioners did not consent to the sale of their
a contract to sell. ideal shares in the disputed lots, the CA correctly
limited the scope of the Receipt to the pro-indiviso
When a contract is subject to a suspensive condition, its share of Eliodoro Sr. Thus, it correctly modified the
birth or effectivity can take place only if and when the intestate court's ruling by excluding their shares from
condition happens or is fulfilled. Thus, the intestate the ambit of the transaction.
court's grant of the Motion for Approval of the sale filed
by respondent resulted in petitioners' obligation to Issue as to jurisdiction of Settlement Court:
execute the Deed of Sale of the disputed lots in his The suspensive condition did not reduce the conditional
favor. The condition having been satisfied, the contract sale between Eliodoro Sr. and respondent to one that
was perfected. Henceforth, the parties were bound to was "not a definite, clear and absolute document of
fulfil what they had expressly agreed upon. sale," as contended by petitioners. Upon the occurrence
Court approval required in disposition of estate of the condition, the conditional sale became a
reciprocally demandable obligation that is binding upon
Court approval is required in any disposition of the the parties. The existence of the suspensive condition
decedent's estate per Rule 89 of the Rules of Court. did not remove that property from the jurisdiction of
Reference to judicial approval, however, cannot the intestate court.
adversely affect the substantive rights of heirs to
2. Orola v Pontevedra
dispose of their own pro indiviso shares in the co-
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

G.R. No. 158566 September 20, 2005 production of fish. To finance the endeavor, he needed
MANUEL OROLA, ANTONIO OROLA and ALTHEA On September 11, 1980, Emilio Orola filed a motion in
OROLA, Petitioners, the guardianship case for authority to negotiate
vs. aP600,000.00 loan from the Central Bank of the
THE RURAL BANK OF PONTEVEDRA (CAPIZ), INC., Philippines for the full and complete development of
EMILIO Q. OROLA, THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF CAPIZ the fishpond portion of the estate.
CAPIZ, Respondent. On September 12, 1980, the court granted the motion
of the administrator .
Emilio then filed an application with the Rural Bank for
On July 16, 1969, Trinidad Laserna Orola died intestate a financing loan of P600,000.00. He was informed that
survived by her husband Emilio Orola and their six the Central Bank would intervene by virtue of the
minor children, namely, Antonio, Josephine, Manuel, amount of the loan. However, if the P600,000.00
and other siblings, Myrna, Angeline and Althea. would be broken down into three parts of P200,000.00,
The estate consisted of portions of Lot 1071 and Lot each to be applied for by three applicants to whom the
1088. property to be used as collateral would be leased by the
estate, Central Bank would no longer intervene. Emilio
Execution by Emilio of Waiver of Rights and Interest agreed and talked to his children, Josephine, Manuel
Emilio Orola, who, in the meantime, had married anew, and Antonio, about the bank’s proposal. The three
executed a waiver of all his rights and interests over the siblings agreed.
said property in favor of his children, namely,
Josephine, Myrna, Angeline, Manuel, Antonio and Execution of Contract of Lease and Amended Contract
Althea. of Lease

In 1973, Emilio Orola’s petition for his appointment as The Estate of Trinidad Laserna, through its
guardian over the persons and property of his minor administrator, Emilio, as lessor, and Josephine, Manuel
children was granted, and Emilio Orola was appointed and Antonio, all surnamed Orola, as lessees, executed
guardian not only over the persons of his minor children separate contracts of lease over the aforesaid property
but also over their property. of the estate. On September 20, 1982, the intestate
On November 6, 1973, Emilio filed a petition with the estate court issued an Order approving the contracts.
RTC for the settlement of the estate of his deceased
spouse and his appointment as administrator of her An Amended Contract of Lease was submitted to the
estate which was likewise granted. Court for approval. This Contract of Lease contained a
stipulation tha the lessees (Josephine, Manuel,
Application for Loan to Develop Swampy Portion of Antonio) were authorized to negotiate loans for the
Estate development of the leased premises not to
exceed P200,000.00, and to bind the leased premises by
As such administrator of the estate, Emilio developed way of real estate mortgage as security therefor. Emilio
portions of the property devoted for sugar production Orola notified Josephine, Myrna , Angeline, Manuel,
and opened a sugar account with PNB . However, in Antonio and Althea of his motion for the approval of the
1976 and 1977, there was a sudden collapse of the amended contracts of lease. Angeline, Myrna and
sugar industry. Emilio Orola found it necessary to Althea Orola filed their Joint Affidavit of Conformity. On
develop the swampy portion of the estate for the December 17, 1982, the court granted the motion of
Emilio and approved the amended contracts of
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

lease. On December 20, 1982, the Rural Bank notified the sale of the property subject of the said deed at
Emilio that the loan applications of his children had public auction. They alleged therein that they became
been approved. the sole owners of Lots 1088 and 1071 when their
father executed a waiver of his rights over the said lots
Antonio, Manuel and Josephine signed separate in their favor. They also alleged that the real estate
Promissory Notes on March 21, 1983 in which they mortgage contracts were null and void because the
promised and bound themselves to pay their respective same were never submitted to and approved by the
loans in 10 years in stated annual installments. RTC ( settlement proceeding). Moreover, they were
hoodwinked by their father into signing the contracts of
Execution of Real Estate Mortgages by Lessees lease and amended contracts of lease, promissory notes
and deeds of real estate mortgages as security for
Antonio Orola, for and in behalf of his father Emilio the P600,000.00 loan on the assurance that they would
Orola, executed a Real Estate Mortgage over Lot 1088 be benefited therefrom; moreover, they did not receive
as security for the payment of his loan. Manuel Orola, the proceeds of the said loans. As such, the extrajudicial
also as attorney-in-fact of the administrator of the foreclosure of the real estate mortgages and the sale of
estate, likewise, executed a real estate mortgage in the property covered by the said deeds were null and
favor of the Rural Bank over the said lots as security for void.
his loan. Josephine Orola, as attorney-in-fact of the
administrator of the estate, executed a separate real RTC ruled in favor of Plaintiffs. On appeal, CA ruled that
estate mortgage agreement over a portion of Lot 1088 the intestate estate court’s approval of the amended
and Lot 1071 as security for her loan. However, the real contracts of lease carried with it the approval of the real
estate mortgage contracts were not submitted to the estate mortgages executed by Emilio Orola in favor of
guardianship and intestate estate courts for approval. the Rural Bank. Angeline, Myrna and Althea even
Neither were Myrna, Angeline and Althea aware of the conformed to the amended contracts of lease; hence,
said loans. were estopped from assailing them, as well as the real
Emilio, thereafter, failed to pay the amortizations of the estate mortgage contracts. Hence, this petition.
loans to the Rural Bank. The Lots were extrajudicially
foreclosed, sold on public auction and certificates of ISSUE: WON the REMs executed on the subject Lots are
sale issued in favor of the Rural Bank as highest bidder. null and void. YES

On September 1, 1987, the guardianship court HELD:

terminated the guardianship and dismissed the case. On
September 21, 1987, Josephine, Myrna, Manuel and The REM deed must be submitted for the
Antonio Orola executed a Deed of Acceptance of consideration and approval or disapproval of the
Waiver or Donation in which they accepted their court; Emilio failed to secure Order from Intestate
father’s waiver of his rights, interests and participation Court to mortgage the Lots
over their mother’s estate.
Section 2, Rule 89 of the Rules of Court provides that,
Complaint upon application of the administrator and on written
notice to the heirs, the court may authorize the
On October 1, 1987, Josephine Orola and her siblings, administrator to mortgage so much as may be
Myrna, Angeline, Manuel, Antonio and Althea, filed a necessary of the real estate for the expenses of the
Complaint against the Rural Bank, their father Emilio administrator, or if it clearly appears that such
and the Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff for the nullification mortgage would be beneficial to the persons interested:
of the Promissory Notes and Real Estate Mortgages
executed by Josephine, Manuel and Antonio Orola, and
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Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Sec. 2. When court may authorize sale, mortgage, or other such part of the estate as is deemed necessary, and in case of
encumbrance of realty to pay debts and legacies through sale the court may authorize it to be public or private, as
personality not exhausted. – When the personal estate of the would be most beneficial to all parties concerned. The
deceased is not sufficient to pay the debts, expenses of executor or administrator shall be furnished with a certified
administration, and legacies, or where the sale of such copy of such order;
personal estate may injure the business or other interests of
those interested in the estate, and where a testator has not, (e) If the estate is to be sold at auction, the mode of giving
otherwise, made sufficient provision for the payment of such notice of the time and place of the sale shall be governed by
debts, expenses, and legacies, the court, on the application of the provisions concerning notice of execution sale;
the executor or administrator and on written notice to the
heirs, devisees, and legatees residing in the Philippines, may (f) There shall be recorded in the registry of deeds of the
authorize the executor or administrator to sell, mortgage, or province in which the real estate thus sold, mortgaged, or
otherwise, encumber so much as may be necessary of the real otherwise encumbered is situated, a certified copy of the
estate, in lieu of personal estate, for the purpose of paying order of the court, together with the deed of the executor or
such debts, expenses, and legacies, if it clearly appears that administrator for such real estate, which shall be as valid as if
such sale, mortgage, or encumbrance would be beneficial to the deed had been executed by the deceased in his lifetime.
the persons interested; and if a part cannot be sold,
mortgaged, or otherwise encumbered without injury to those After the real estate mortgage is executed in
interested in the remainder, the authority may be for the sale, accordance with the foregoing regulations, the said
mortgage, or other encumbrance of the whole of such real deed must be submitted for the consideration and
estate, or so much thereof as is necessary or beneficial under approval or disapproval of the court.
the circumstances.
The records show that respondent Emilio Orola notified
Section 7 of Rule 89 provides the rules to obtain court
the petitioners of his motion for the approval of the
approval for such mortgage:
amended contracts of lease. Although the motion
(a) The executor or administrator shall file a written petition
was ex parte, nonetheless, petitioners Angeline, Myrna
setting forth the debts due from the deceased, the expenses and Althea Orola filed their Joint Affidavit of
of administration, the legacies, the value of the personal Conformity.
estate, the situation of the estate to be sold, mortgaged, or
otherwise encumbered, and such other facts as show that the However, the Court agrees with the petitioners’
sale, mortgage, or other encumbrance is necessary or contention that respondent Orola failed to secure an
beneficial; order from the intestate estate court authorizing him to
mortgage the subject lots and execute a real estate
(b) The court shall thereupon fix a time and place for hearing mortgage contract in favor of respondent Rural Bank.
such petition, and cause notice stating the nature of the
What the intestate estate court approved in its
petition, the reason for the same, and the time and place of
hearing, to be given personally or by mail to the persons
December 17, 1982 Order was the authority
interested, and may cause such further notice to be given, by incorporated in the amended contracts of lease
publication or otherwise, as it shall deem proper; respondent Orola gave to petitioners Josephine,
Manuel and Antonio Orola so that the said lots could
(c) If the court requires it, the executor or administrator shall be mortgaged to the respondent Rural Bank as security
give an additional bond, in such sum as the court directs, for the P600,000.00 loan under their respective names.
conditioned that such executor or administrator will account In fine, the intestate estate court authorized the
for the proceeds of the sale, mortgage, or other petitioners, not respondent Orola, to mortgage the said
encumbrance; lots to respondent Rural Bank. Moreover, under Section
(d) If the requirements in the preceding subdivisions of this
7 of Rule 89 of the Rules of Court, only the executor or
section have been complied with, the court, by order stating
such compliance, may authorize the executor or administrator
administrator of the estate may be authorized by the
to sell, mortgage, or otherwise encumber, in proper cases, intestate estate court to mortgage real estate belonging

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

to the estate; hence, the order of the estate court property described therein at public auction, can thus
authorizing the petitioners to mortgage the realty of be attacked directly and collaterally.
the estate to the respondent Rural Bank is a nullity. Contrary to the contention of respondent Rural Bank,
The respondents must have realized that the order of the petitioners were not estopped from assailing the
the intestate estate court authorizing petitioners real estate mortgage contracts, the extrajudicial
Manuel, Antonio and Josephine Orola to mortgage the foreclosure thereof and the sale of the property to
lots was void because respondent Emilio Orola caused respondent Rural Bank.
the real estate mortgage contracts in favor of
respondent Rural Bank to be executed by his children, Although the records show that petitioners Josephine,
petitioners Josephine, Manuel and Antonio Orola, Manuel and Antonio Orola received the proceeds of the
"acting as attorneys-in-fact of the administrator of the loan from respondent Rural Bank, the amount was
estate." However, the estate court had not appointed deposited by respondent Emilio Orola in his savings
petitioners Antonio, Josephine and Manuel Orola as account with respondent Rural Bank. He was obliged to
attorneys-in-fact of respondent Emilio Orola deposit the said amount in the estate’s account with
empowered to execute the said contracts. Hence, they the Republic Planters Bank, as ordered by the intestate
had no authority to execute the said Real Estate estate court. Worse, respondent Rural Bank
Mortgage Contracts for and in behalf of respondent applied P229,771.20 of the loan proceeds to liquidate
Orola, in the latter’s capacity as administrator of the the accommodation loan it granted to respondent
estate. Emilio Orola. There is no showing in the records that the
Worse, respondent Orola failed to submit the real intestate estate court ever authorized the use of the
estate mortgage contracts to the intestate estate court proceeds of the loan to pay respondent Emilio Orola’s
for its consideration and approval. To give approval accommodation loan. The loan proceeds were to be
means to confirm, ratify, or to consent to some act or used to develop property belonging to the estate into a
thing done by another. Unless and until the said fishpond from which income could be generated. Of the
contracts are approved by the intestate estate court, net proceeds of theP582,000.00 loan, only P4,292.79
the same cannot have any binding effect upon the remained as of September 9, 1983. Respondent Emilio
estate; nor serve as basis for any action against the Orola failed to pay the amortization of the loan for the
estate and against the parcels of land described in the respondent Rural Bank of the estate.
said contracts belonging to it.
Had the real estate mortgage contracts been submitted
A REM executed by an administrator over the Estate to the intestate estate court for consideration and
without proper authority is null and void and no title approval after proper notice to the petitioners, the
passes to the purchaser at public auction court would have been apprised of the terms and
conditions contained therein, and that about one-half
It bears stressing that respondent Orola had no right or of the loan would be used to pay the accommodation
authority to mortgage the realty belonging to the loan of respondent Emilio Orola.
estate. He derived his authority from the order of the
estate court which had jurisdiction to authorize the real Petitioners Manuel, Josephine and Antonio Orola
estate mortgage thereof under such terms and executed the amended contracts of lease, the
conditions and upon proper application. Any mortgage promissory notes and the real estate mortgages upon
of realty of the estate without the appropriate authority the prodding of their father, respondent Emilio Orola,
of the estate court has no legal support and is void. The and upon the suggestion of respondent Rural Bank,
purchaser at public auction acquires no title over the solely to facilitate the speedy approval of the loan of
realty. The real estate mortgage contracts, as well as the estate, which was to be the ultimate beneficiary
the extrajudicial foreclosure thereof and the sale of the thereof. The petitioners acted on the belief that the
loan would be used to develop the swampy portion of
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

the realty into an income-generating fishpond, children of the first marriage, namely, Josephine,
impervious of the fact that almost one-half of the Myrna, Angeline, Manuel, Antonio and Althea.
proceeds of the loan had been used to pay the
accommodation loan of respondent Emilio Orola. It is understood that, upon the registration of the
project of partition which the co-owners will present
Waiver of Rights Executed by Emilio already Effective that the shares and participations of the undersigned
in Favor of his Children shall be consolidated in the names of the children
mentioned above in equal right and participation.
The claim of respondent Emilio Orola that part of the
property used as collateral for the loan was part of his NOTE: Although not found in the Rules, a Deed of REM
and his deceased wife’s conjugal property, and that the should be presented in Court for approval or disapproval
waiver he executed was to take effect only upon his as laid down in this case.
death, is belied by the records. Indeed, in his Waiver of
Rights dated October 26, 1976, respondent Emilio Orola 3. Bonaga v Soler
declared that: G.R. No. L-15717,June 30, 1961
JULIAN BOÑAGA, plaintiff-appellant, vs. ROBERTO
1. That during the lifetime of my first wife, Trinidad SOLER, ET AL., defendants-appellants.
Laserna, we have acquired property by purchase from
Mr. Manuel Laserna, in co-ownership with Pedro FACTS:
Laserna, Dolores Deocampo, Jesus Laserna and Emiliana
Laserna affecting Lots Nos. 1070, 1071, 1074, 1075, Intestate proceedings for the settlement of the estate
1088, 1050 & 1051, all of Pontevedra Cadastre; of spouses Alejandro Ros and Maria Isaac were
commenced in the CFI where Juan Garza (the
2. That the said [properties] mentioned above are still administrator) was authorized by the probate court on
under co-ownership, pro indiviso, between and among
August 1944 to sell certain parcels of land pertaining to
the Vendees whose names are mentioned above;
the estate. Pursuant hereto, Garza sold said parcels of
3. That during the marital relations between me and my land on August 30, 944 in favor of Roberto Soler , which
deceased wife, Trinidad Laserna, we have six (6) sale was subsequently approved.
children, namely, Josephine, Myrna, Angeline, Manuel,
Antonio and Althea, all surnamed Orola; Sometime during the war, the records of Intestate
proceeding were destroyed. Upon reconstitution of
4. That the co-owners have decided to terminate the these records by court order, Julian Boñaga was issued
co-ownership over the above-mentioned properties of letters of administration. An action was filed by Boñaga
which the aforementioned children of the spouses,
in his capacity as administrator, seeking to annul the
Emilio Orola and Trinidad Laserna, became co-owners
thereof in representation of their deceased mother, sales in favor of Roberto Soler on the ground that said
Trinidad Laserna, by operation of law and the herein transactions were fraudulent made without notice to
undersigned desires to give protection to his children of the heirs of Alejandro Ros of the hearing of the
the first marriage which are named above. application to sell, and that the sales were not
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the love, beneficial to the heirs for various reasons.
affection and mutual agreements, I, EMILIO Q. OROLA,
by these presents, do hereby waive and relinquish all Bonaga alleges that these lands comprised almost the
my shares, interests and participations over all the entire estate. Nothing in the record would
above-mentioned properties in favor of my six (6) showwhether, as required by Rule 90, sections 4 and 7,

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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

the application for authority to sell was set for hearing, made for the purpose of paying debts or expenses of
or that the court ever caused notice thereof to be administration (or legacies), a condition which
issued to the heirs of Alejandro Ros Incidentally, these circumscribes the applicability of that section. On the
heirs seem not to have gotten any part of the purchase face of the reamended complaint at any rate, it does
price since they were then allegedly in Spain. Yet, in the not appear that the contested sale was one under
order of declaration of heirs of the wife and approving section 2 of Rule 90; and the same can not be invoked
the sale to Soler, the declaration of the heirs of the to sustain the motion to dismiss. Without reception of
husband Alejandro Ros was expressly held in abeyance, further evidence to determine whether the requisites of
indicating a recognition of their existence. the applicable provisions of the Rules had been
followed, the dismissal of the action was erroneous and
ISSUE: WON the sale made in favour of Soler was valid? improvident. Plaintiff should at least have been given a
NO chance to prove his case.
HELD: WHEREFORE, the case REMANDED, with instructions to
Requisites under rule 90 must be complied with; proceed in accordance with this decision.
otherwise the sale is void 4. Pahamotang et. al v PNB , et al
G.R. No. 156403. March 31, 2005
A sale of properties of an estate as beneficial to the
interested parties, under Sections 4 and 7, Rule 90, FACTS:
must comply with the requisites therein provided,
which are mandatory. Among these requisites, the On July 1, 1972, Melitona Pahamotang died. She was
fixing of the time and place of hearing for an application survived by her husband Agustin Pahamotang, and their
to sell, and the notice thereof to the heirs, are essential; eight (8) children, namely: Ana, Genoveva, Isabelita,
and without them, the authority to sell, the sale itself, Corazon, Susana, Concepcion and herein petitioners
and the order approving it, would Josephine and Eleonor, all surnamed Pahamotang.
be null and void abinitio . Rule 90, Section 4, does not
distinguish between heirs residing in and those
residing outside the Philippines. Therefore, its On September 15, 1972, Agustin filed with the then
requirements should apply regardless of the place of Court of First Instance of Davao City a petition for
residence of those required to be notified under said issuance of letters administration over the estate of his
rule. deceased wife. In his petition, Agustin identified
petitioners Josephine and Eleonor as among the heirs of
The contention that the sale was made under Section 2,
his deceased spouse. It appears that Agustin was
Rule 90 (wherein notice is required only to those heirs,
appointed petitioners' judicial guardian in an earlier
etc., residing in the Philippines), is not substantiated by
case. The Court granted this petition.
the record. Neither the deed of sale on August 30, 1944,
nor the orders issued by the probate court in PNB and Agustin executed an Amendment of Real and
connection there with, show whether, as required by Chattel Mortgages with Assumption of Obligation. It
said Section 2, the personal properties were insufficient appears that earlier (on Dec 14, 1972), the intestate
to pay the debts and expenses of administration. There court approved the mortgage to PNB of certain assets
is not even a showing, to start with, that the sale was
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Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

of the estate to secure an obligation in the amount of Meanwhile, the obligation secured by mortgages on the
P570,000.00. Agustin signed the document in behalf of: subject properties of the estate was never satisfied.
(1) estate of Melitona; (2) daughters Ana and Corazon; Hence, on the basis of the real estate mortgage
and (3) a logging company PLEI which appeared to have contracts dated July 6, 1973 and October 22, 1974,
an interest in the properties of the estate. Offered as mortgagor PNB filed a petition for the extrajudicial
securities are 12 parcels of land. foreclosure of the mortgage.

Agustin filed with the intestate court a Petition for Petitioner Josephine filed a motion with the intestate
Authority to Increase Mortgage on the said properties court for the issuance of an order restraining PNB from
of the estate, which was granted. Agustin again filed extrajudicially foreclosing the mortgage. In its Order
with the intestate court another petition, a Petition for dated August 19, 1983, the intestate court denied
Declaration of Heirs and Authority to Increase Josephine’s motion. Hence, PNB was able to foreclose
Indebtedness, which was also granted. the mortgage in its favor.

Agustin filed a Petition (Request for Judicial Authority to Petitioners Josephine and Eleanor filed motions with
Sell Certain Properties of the Estate), therein praying for the intestate court to set aside orders of the court. They
authority to sell to Arturo Arguna the properties of the were denied. Thus, Josephine and Eleanor filed a
estate. Agustin yet filed with the intestate court complaint for Nullification of Mortgage Contracts and
another petition, this time a Petition to Sell the Foreclosure Proceedings and Damages against Agustin,
Properties of the Estate. PNB, Arturo Arguna, PLEI, etc. Trial court in effect
rendered judgment for the plaintiffs. CA reversed and
In separate Orders both dated Feb 25, 1980, the court ruled that petitioners, while ostensibly questioning the
granted Agustin authority to sell real estate properties, validity of the contracts of mortgage and sale entered
in which orders the court also required all the heirs of into by their father Agustin, were essentially attacking
Melitona to give their express conformity to the
collaterally the validity of the four (4) orders of the
disposal of the subject properties of the estate and to intestate court.
sign the deed of sale to be submitted to the same court.
Strangely, the 2 orders were dated 2 days earlier than ISSUE: WON petitioners can obtain relief from the
Feb 27, 1980, the day Agustin supposedly filed this effects of the contracts of sale and mortgage entered
petition. In an MR, Agustin prayed for the amendment into by Agustin without first initiating a direct action
of one of the court orders cancelling the requirement of against the orders of the intestate court authorizing the
express conformity of the heirs as a condition for the challenged contracts YES
disposal of said properties. This was granted by the
court. HELD:

Hence, estate properties were sold to Arturo Arguna, Trial Court had jurisdiction over the subject matter
while another property was sold to PLEI. Arguna and The trial court acquired jurisdiction over the subject
PLEI filed with the court a motion for the approval of matter of the case upon the allegations in the complaint
the deeds of sale in their favor, which was granted. that said contracts were entered into despite lack of
notices to the heirs of the petition for the approval of
those contracts by the intestate court.

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Contrary to the view of the Court of Appeals, the action which is null and void but also the order of the court
which petitioners lodged with the trial court in Civil authorizing the same.
Case No. 16,802 is not an action to annul the orders of
the intestate court, which, according to CA, cannot be The requirements of Rule 89 of the Rules of Court are
done collaterally. It is the validity of the contracts of mandatory and failure to give notice to the heirs would
mortgage and sale which is directly attacked in the invalidate the authority granted by the
action. intestate/probate court to mortgage or sell estate
Orders of the court were null and void for lack of
compliance with notice requirements Here, it appears that petitioners were never notified of
the several petitions filed by Agustin with the intestate
And, in the exercise of its jurisdiction, the trial court court to mortgage and sell the estate properties of his
made a factual finding in its decision of August 7, 1998 wife.
that petitioners were, in fact, not notified by their
father Agustin of the filing of his petitions for According to the trial court, the "[P]etition for Authority
permission to mortgage/sell the estate properties. The to Increase Mortgage" and "[P]etition for Declaration of
trial court made the correct conclusion of law that the Heirs and for Authority to Increase Indebtedness", filed
challenged orders of the intestate court granting by Agustin on July 16, 1973 and October 5, 1974,
respectively, do not contain information that
Agustin’s petitions were null and void for lack of
compliance with the mandatory requirements of Rule petitioners were furnished with copies of said petitions.
89 of the Rules of Court, particularly Sections 2, 4, 7 Also, notices of hearings of those petitions were not
thereof... sent to the petitioners.

(See Sections 2 and 4: there must be written notice to Issue as to laches:

the heirs, devisees and legatees) In the present case, the appellate court erred in
appreciating laches against petitioners. The element of
Sec. 7. Regulations for granting authority to sell,
mortgage, or otherwise encumber estate. – delay in questioning the subject orders of the intestate
court is sorely lacking. Petitioners were totally unaware
xxx (b) The court shall thereupon fix a time and place for of the plan of Agustin to mortgage and sell the estate
hearing such petition, and cause notice stating the properties. There is no indication that mortgagor PNB
nature of the petition, the reason for the same, and the and vendee Arguna had notified petitioners of the
time and place of hearing, to be given personally or by contracts they had executed with Agustin. Although
mail to the persons interested, and may cause such petitioners finally obtained knowledge of the subject
further notice to be given, by publication or otherwise, petitions filed by their father, and eventually challenged
as it shall deem proper". the orders of the intestate court, it is not clear from the
challenged decision of the appellate court when they
Settled is the rule in this jurisdiction that when an order (petitioners) actually learned of the existence of said
authorizing the sale or encumbrance of real property orders of the intestate court. Absent any indication of
was issued by the testate or intestate court without
the point in time when petitioners acquired knowledge
previous notice to the heirs, devisees and legatees as of those orders, their alleged delay in impugning the
required by the Rules, it is not only the contract itself validity thereof certainly cannot be established. And the
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Court of Appeals cannot simply impute laches against HELD:

Petitioner entered into the Contract to Sell in her
5. Opulencia v CA capacity as heiress and not as executrix or
G.R. No. 125835 July 30, 1998 administratix; No Court approval required
In a nutshell, petitioner contends that "where the
estate of the deceased person is already the subject of a
OLIVAN, respondents.
testate or intestate proceeding, the administrator
cannot enter into any transaction involving it without
prior approval of the Probate Court." She maintains that
Aladin Simundac and Miguel Oliven filed a complaint for the Contract to Sell is void because it was not approved
specific performance alleging that defendant Natalia by the probate court, as required by Section 7, Rule 89
Carpena Opulencia executed in their favor a of the Rules of Court:
"CONTRACT TO SELL" Lot 2125 of the Sta. Rosa Estate; Sec. 7. Regulations for granting authority to sell, mortgage, or
that plaintiffs paid a downpayment of P300,000.00 but otherwise encumber estate. — The court having jurisdiction of
defendant, despite demands, failed to comply with her the estate of the deceased may authorize the executor or
obligations under the contract. administrator to sell, mortgage, or otherwise encumber real
estate, in cases provided by these rules and when it appears
Natalia admitted the execution of the contract in favor necessary or beneficial, under the following regulations:
of plaintiffs and receipt of P300,000.00 as xxx xxx xxx
downpayment. However, she alleged that the property
subject of the contract formed part of the Estate of As correctly ruled by the Court of Appeals, Section 7 of
Demetrio Carpena (Natalia's father), in respect of which Rule 89 of the Rules of Court is not applicable, because
a petition for probate was filed with the RTC Laguna ; petitioner entered into the Contract to Sell in her
that at the time the contract was executed, the parties capacity as an heiress, not as an executrix or
were aware of the pendency of the probate proceeding; administratrix of the estate. In the contract, she
that the contract to sell was not approved by the represented herself as the "lawful owner" and seller of
probate court; that realizing the nullity of the contract , the subject parcel of land. She also explained the
Natalia had offered to return the downpayment reason for the sale to be "difficulties in her living"
received plaintiffs but the latter refused to accept it; conditions and consequent "need of cash." These
that plaintiffs further failed to provide funds for the representations clearly evince that she was not acting
tenant who demanded P150,00.00 in payment of his on behalf of the estate under probate when she
tenancy rights on the land; that Natalia had chosen to entered into the Contract to Sell. Accordingly, the
rescind the contract. jurisprudence cited by petitioners has no application to
the instant case.
A demurrer to evidence was filed by Natalia which the
We emphasize that hereditary rights are vested in the
Trial Court granted .
heir or heirs from the moment of the decedent's death.
On appeal, the CA declared the Contract to Sell valid, Petitioner, therefore, became the owner of her
subject to the outcome of the testate proceedings on hereditary share the moment her father died. Thus, the
Demetrio Carpena's estate hence this petition. lack of judicial approval does not invalidate the Contract
to Sell, because the petitioner has the substantive right
ISSUE: WON a contract to sell a real property involved to sell the whole or a part of her share in the estate of
in restate proceedings valid and binding without the her late father.
approval of the probate court.

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Thus, in Jakosalem vs. Rafols, the Court resolved an over the parcel of land to the private respondents is
identical issue under the old Civil Code and held: subject to the full payment of the purchase price and to
Art. 440 of the Civil Code provides that "the possession the termination and outcome of the testate
of hereditary property is deemed to be transmitted to proceedings. Therefore, there is no basis for petitioner's
the heir without interruption from the instant of the apprehension that the Contract to Sell may result in a
death of the decedent, in case the inheritance be premature partition and distribution of the properties
accepted." of the estate. Indeed, it is settled that "the sale made by
an heir of his share in an inheritance, subject to the
And Manresa with reason states that upon the death of pending administration, in no wise stands in the way of
a person, each of his heirs "becomes the undivided such administration."
owner of the whole estate left with respect to the part
or portion which might be adjudicated to him, a Petitioner Natalia is in Estoppel
community of ownership being thus formed among the
coowners of the estate while it remains undivided." . . . Finally, petitioner is estopped from backing out of her
And according to article 399 of the Civil Code, every part representations in her valid Contract to Sell with private
owner may assign or mortgage his part in the common respondents, from whom she had already received
property, and the effect of such assignment or P300,000 as initial payment of the purchase price.
mortgage shall be limited to the portion which may be Petitioner may not renege on her own acts and
allotted him in the partition upon the dissolution of the representations, to the prejudice of the private
community. Hence, where some of the heirs, without respondents who have relied on them. Jurisprudence
the concurrence of the others, sold a property left by teaches us that neither the law nor the courts will
their deceased father, this Court, speaking thru its then extricate a party from an unwise or undesirable
Chief Justice Cayetano Arellano, said that the sale was contract he or she entered into with all the required
valid, but that the effect thereof was limited to the formalities and with full awareness of its
share which may be allotted to the vendors upon the consequences.
partition of the estate.
6.Lee v RTC of Quezon City
Administration of the Estate Not Prejudiced by the G.R. No. 146006 ,February 23, 2004
Contract to Sell
Dr.Juvencio P. Ortañez died. He left behind a wife
Petitioner further contends that "[t]o sanction the sale
at this stage would bring about a partial distribution of (Juliana Salgado Ortañez), three legitimate children
the decedent's estate pending the final termination of (Rafael, Jose and Antonio Ortañez) and five illegitimate
the testate proceedings." This becomes all the more children by Ligaya Novicio (herein private respondent
significant in the light of the trial court's finding, as Ma. Divina Ortañez-Enderes and her siblings Jose,
stated in its Order dated August 20, 1997, that "the Romeo, Enrico Manuel and Cesar, all surnamed
legitimate of one of the heirs has been impaired."
Petitioner's contention is not convincing. The Contract
to Sell stipulates that petitioner's offer to sell is On September 1980, Rafael Ortañez filed before the CFI
contingent on the "complete clearance of the court on (now RTC) a petition for letters of administration of the
the Last Will Testament of her father." Consequently, intestate estate of Dr.Ortañez. Ma.Divina Ortañez-
although the Contract to Sell was perfected between
Enderes and her siblings filed an opposition to the
the petitioner and private respondents during the
pendency of the probate proceedings, the petition for letters of administration and, in a
consummation of the sale or the transfer of ownership
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

subsequent urgent motion, prayed that the intestate personal capacity without prior approval of the Court,
court appoint a special administrator. the same is not binding upon the Estate.

RTC appointed Rafael and Jose Ortañez joint special ISSUE: WON the RTC was correct in declaring the sale of
administrators (SA) of their father’s estate. the shares to flag void? YES.

It appears that several years before (but already during HELD:

the pendency of the intestate proceedings RTC), Juliana
Ortañez (surviving spouse) and her two children, Sale of property without court approval is void and
entered into a memorandum of agreement dated passes no title to the purchaser. .
March 4, 1982 for the extrajudicial settlement of the it is clear that Juliana Ortañez, and her three sons, Jose,
estate of Dr.Juvencio Ortañez, partitioning the estate Rafael and Antonio, all surnamed Ortañez, invalidly
(including the Philinterlife shares of stock) among entered into a memorandum of agreement
themselves. This was the basis of the number of shares extrajudicially partitioning the intestate estate among
separately sold by Juliana Ortañez on April 15, 1989 themselves, despite their knowledge that there were
(1,014 shares) and by Jose Ortañez on October 30, 1991 other heirs or claimants to the estate and before final
(1,011 shares) in favor of herein petitioner FLAG. settlement of the estate by the intestate court. Since
SA Enderes filed an urgent motion to declare void ab the appropriation of the estate properties by Juliana
initio the memorandum of agreement dated March 4, Ortañez and her children (Jose, Rafael and Antonio
Ortañez) was invalid, the subsequent sale thereof by
1982. On January 9, 1996, she filed a motion to declare
the partial nullity of the extrajudicial settlement of the Juliana and Jose to a third party (FLAG), without court
decedent’s estate. These motions were opposed by SA approval, was likewise void.
Jose Ortañez An heir can sell his right, interest, or participation in the
On February 4, 1997, Jose Ortañez filed an omnibus property under administration under Art. 533 of the
Civil Code which provides that possession of hereditary
motion for (1) the approval of the deeds of sale of the
Philinterlife shares of stock and (2) the release of Ma. property is deemed transmitted to the heir without
interruption from the moment of death of the
Divina Ortañez-Enderes as special administratrix of the
Philinterlife shares of stock on the ground that there decedent. However, an heir can only alienate such
portion of the estate that may be allotted to him in the
were no longer any shares of stock for her to
division of the estate by the probate or intestate court
after final adjudication, that is, after all debtors shall
RTC denied the omnibus motion of Special have been paid or the devisees or legatees shall have
Administrator Jose Ortañez for the approval of the been given their shares.21 This means that an heir may
deeds of sale for the reason that Under only sell his ideal or undivided share in the estate, not
the Godoy case, supra, it was held in substance that a any specific property therein. In the present case,
sale of a property of the estate withoutan Order of the Juliana Ortañez and Jose Ortañez sold specific
probate court is void and passes no title to the properties of the estate (1,014 and 1,011 shares of
purchaser. Since the sales in question were entered into stock in Philinterlife) in favor of petitioner FLAG. This
by Juliana S. Ortañez and Jose S. Ortañez in their they could not lawfully do pending the final
adjudication of the estate by the intestate court
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

because of the undue prejudice it would cause the intestate court is void and passes no title to the
other claimants to the estate, as what happened in the purchaser.
present case.
 That they were denied of due process
OTHER CONTENTIONS of Juliana Ortañez et al:
SC: It must be noted that private respondent-Special
 That the probate court could not issue a writ of Administratrix Enderes filed before the intestate court
execution with regard to its order nullifying the (RTC of Quezon City, Branch 85) a "Motion to Declare
sale because said order was merely provisional Void Ab Initio Deeds of Sale of Philinterlife Shares of
i.e., that the determination by a probate or Stock" on March 22, 1996. But as early as 1994,
intestate court of whether a property is included petitioners already knew of the pending settlement
or excluded in the inventory of the estate being proceedings and that the shares they bought were
provisional in nature, cannot be the subject of under the administration by the intestate court because
execution. private respondent Ma. Divina Ortañez-Enderes and her
mother Ligaya Novicio had filed a case against them at
SC: We are not dealing here with the issue of inclusion the Securities and Exchange Commission.
or exclusion of properties in the inventory of the estate
because there is no question that, from the very start, 7. Liu v Loy
the Philinterlife shares of stock were owned by the G.R. No. 145982, July 3, 2003
decedent, Dr.JuvencioOrtañez. Rather, we are
concerned here with the effect of the sale made by the
decedent’s heirs, Juliana Ortañez and Jose Ortañez, Teodoro Vaño (Teodoro), as attorney-in-fact of Jose
without the required approval of the intestate Vaño, sold seven lots to Benito Liu, through petitioner
court.This being so, the contention of petitioners that Frank Liu (Frank), and to Cirilo Pangalo. The lots sold to
the determination of the intestate court was merely Benito Liu were Lot Nos. 5, 6, 13, 14, and 15 while the
provisional and should have been threshed out in a lots sold to Cirilo Pangalo were Lot Nos. 14 and 15.
separate proceeding is incorrect. When Jose Vaño passed away, Benito Liu stopped
further payments but after the Supreme Court declared
 That the writ of execution should not be
valid the will of his father, Teodoro informed Frank that
executed against them because they were not
he could already transfer the titles to the buyers’ names
notified, nor they were aware, of the
upon payment of the balance of the purchase price.
proceedings nullifying the sale of the shares of
stock. It was only after nine years that Frank responded that
he was ready to pay the balance of the purchase price
SC: We are not persuaded. The title of the purchaser
of the seven lots after he had purchased the lots
like herein petitioner FLAG can be struck down by the
formerly sold to Benito Liu and Cirilo Pangalo. He
intestate court after a clear showing of the nullity of the
requested for the execution of a deed of sale of the lots
alienation. This is the logical consequence of our ruling
in his name and the delivery of the titles to him. Despite
in Godoyand in several subsequent cases. The sale of
repeated demands by Frank, Teodoro sold Lot No. 6 to
any property of the estate by an administrator or
respondent Teresita Loy.
prospective heir without order of the probate or

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Frank then filed a complaint against Teodoro for specific administratrix of the motion and hearing for the sale of
performance, execution of deed of absolute sale, estate property.
issuance of certificates of title and construction of
subdivision roads, before the Court of First Instance and ISSUE: WON the contract sell made by the decedent
a notice of lis pendens on the seven lots was filed prevails over a contract of sale made by the
before the Register of Deeds. administrator without court approval YES

A year after, Teodoro sold Lot No. 5 to respondent HELD:

Alfredo Loy. When the complaint filed by Frank was Whether there was a valid cancellation of the contract
dismissed, he filed his claim to the probate court which to sell
was subsequently granted. Milagros Vaño, who
succeeded as administratrix of the Estate of Jose Vaño, There was no valid cancellation of the contract to sell
executed a deed of conveyance covering the seven lots because there was no written notice of the cancellation
in favor of Frank. The probate court, however, also to Benito Liu or Frank Liu. There was even no implied
approved the sale to respondents Teresita and Alfredo cancellation of the contract to sell. The trial court
Loy upon their motion and new titles were issued under merely "viewed" the alleged "unilateral extrajudicial
their name. rescission" from the letter of Teodoro Vaño, dated 1
January 1955, addressed to Frank Liu (but there was no
As a result, Frank Liu filed a complaint for reconveyance mention of rescission in the letter).
or annulment of title of Lot Nos. 5 and6. The trial court
confirmed the unilateral extrajudicial rescission of the The fact that Teodoro Vaño advised Frank Liu to file his
contract by the late Teodoro Vaño and it was later on claim with the probate court is certainly not the
affirmed by the Court of Appeals. conduct of one who supposedly unilaterally rescinded
the contract with Frank Liu.
Summary of facts: while the decedent was still living,
his son and attorney-in-fact sold in behalf of the alleged Whether the registration by the Loys of their contracts
decedent certain parcels of land to Frank Liu. After the of sale made them the first registrants in good faith to
decedent died, the son sold the same properties to two defeat prior buyers
persons. Upon an ex parte motion filed by the 2nd set
The registration by the Loys of their contracts of sale did
of buyers of estate properties, the probate court
not defeat the right of prior buyers because the person
approved the sale to them of said properties.
who signed the Loys’ contracts was not the registered
Consequently, certificates of title covering the estate
owner. The registered owner of Lot Nos. 5 and 6 was
properties were cancelled and new titles issued to the
the "Estate of Jose Vaño." Teodoro Vaño was the seller
2nd set of buyers. Frank Liu filed a complaint for
in the contract of sale with Alfredo Loy, Jr. The Estate of
reconveyance/ annulment of title with the Regional
Jose Vaño was the seller in the contract of sale with
Trial Court. The trial court dismissed the complaint and
Teresita Loy. Teodoro Vaño signed both contracts of
the Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal. When the
sale. The rule is well-settled that "one who buys from a
case was appealed to us, we set aside the decision of
person who is not the registered owner is not a
the appellate court and declared the probate court's
purchaser in good faith."
approval of the sale as completely void due to the
failure of the 2nd set of buyers to notify the heir-
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Whether the probate court’s ex-parte approval of the capacity as sole heir of the deceased Jose Vaño. Thus,
contracts of the Loys was valid Opulencia applies to the sale of the lot to Alfredo Loy,
Jr., which means that the contract of sale was binding
Section 8, Rule 89 of the 1964 Rules of Court specifically between Teodoro Vaño and Alfredo Loy, Jr., but subject
requires notice to all interested parties in any to the outcome of the probate proceedings.
application for court approval to convey property
contracted by the decedent in his lifetime. Despite the In Frank Liu’s case, as successor-in-interest of Benito
clear requirement of Section 8 of Rule 89, the Loys did Liu, his seller was Jose Vaño, who during his lifetime
not notify the administratrix of the motion and hearing executed the contract to sell through an attorney-in-
to approve the sale of the lots to them. The fact, Teodoro Vaño. This is a disposition of property
administratrix, who had already signed the deed of sale contracted by the decedent during his lifetime.
to Frank Liu as directed by the same probate court,
objected to the sale of the same lots to the Loys. Thus, Frank Liu applied to the probate court for the
grant of authority to the administratrix to convey the
The failure to notify the administratrix and other lots in accordance with the contract made by the
interested persons rendered the sale to the Loys void. decedent Jose Vaño during his lifetime. The probate
court approved the application.
In this case, the administratrix, the wife of the deceased
Teodoro Vaño, was not notified of the motion and In Teresita Loy’s case, her seller was the Estate of Jose
hearing to approve the sale of the lots to the Loys. Vaño. Teodoro Vaño executed the contract of sale in his
Frank Liu did not also receive any notice, although he capacity as administrator of the Estate of Jose Vaño, the
obviously was an interested party. The issuance of new registered owner of the lots. The Court has held that a
titles to the Loys on 10 May 1976 by the Registry of sale of estate property made by an administrator
Deeds did not vest title to the Loys because the without court authority is void and does not confer on
"conveyance itself" was "completely void." The the purchaser a title that is available against a
consequences for the failure to notify the administratrix succeeding administrator.
and other interested parties must be borne by the Loys.
Clearly, both the law and jurisprudence expressly
Necessity of court approval of sales require court approval before any sale of estate
property by an executor or administrator can take
Indisputably, an heir can sell his interest in the estate of
the decedent, or even his interest in specific properties
of the estate. However, for such disposition to take 8. WT Construction v Canete
effect against third parties, the court must approve such G.R. No. 157287, February 12, 2008
disposition to protect the rights of creditors of the WT CONSTRUCTION, INC., petitioner, vs. HON. ULRIC R.
CAÑETE, Presiding Judge, RTC, Mandaue City, Branch
estate. What the deceased can transfer to his heirs is
55, and the ESTATE OF ALBERTO CABAHUG, thru its
only the net estate, that is, the gross estate less the Administratrix, JULIANA VDA. DE
liabilities. CABAHUG, respondents.

In Alfredo Loy’s case, his seller executed the contract of FACTS:

sale after the death of the registered owner Jose Vaño.
The seller was Teodoro Vaño who sold the lot in his

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Juliana vda. De Cabahug filed a case for the settlement amount of P4,259,400.00 less expenses incurred in the
of the estate of her deceased husband, Alberto ejectment case within a period of fifteen (15) days,
Cabahug, before the RTC of Mandaue City . otherwise, failure to do so will prompt the court to issue
a writ of execution as prayed for by movant-
On January 10, 1992, Ciriaco Cabahug, the administrator administratrix.
of the estate and heir of Alberto, was granted the
authority to sell one of the properties of the estate to A Writ of Execution of the above Order was issued due
defray the expenses for the payment of taxes due from to WT Construction’s failure to file a manifestation.
the estate. The property to be sold was the parcel of
land subject of the petition, Lot 1, FLS-322-D. The Motion to Quash the Writ of Execution was denied.
On Certiorari, CA likewise denied the quashal.
Ciriaco entered into an Agreement for Sale of Land with
ISSUE: WON the probate Court can adjudicate the rights
Downpayment with WT Construction for P8,691,000 on
of parties in a Deed of Sale concerning a property
September 23, 1996. In accordance with the agreement,
WT Construction made a down payment of fifty percent belonging to the estate , such sale being for the purpose
(50%) of the purchase price or P4,431,600 [should of payment of taxes due from the estate. YES
be P4,345,500]. The balance of the purchase price was HELD:
to be paid "immediately after the land is free from all
occupants/obstructions." As to petitioner’s argument that the probate/estate
court cannot adjudicate the rights and obligations of the
Subsequently, WT Construction took steps in clearing parties under the deed of sale, the CA rightly found that
the property of its occupants by filing a complaint for this was a new issue not raised in the probate/estate
ejectment in 1998 with the MTC of Mandaue City . court. Furthermore, the deed of sale in question is the
It was later discovered that Ciriaco did not inform his sale of the property of the estate to pay for taxes, a
co-heirs of the sale and was thereafter relieved as matter definitely within the power of the
probate/estate court to order.

Consequently, Administrator Linda Cabahug-Antigue, It is but logical that probate/estate courts can enforce
along with her co-heirs, demanded from WT obligations under such a deed of sale. Otherwise, they
Construction the payment of the balance of the would not be able to secure the proceeds to pay for the
purchase price. Referring to the provision of the taxes and this would defeat the purpose of the
agreement relating to the payment of the balance of proceedings to settle the estate. Stated otherwise, the
the purchase price conditioned upon the removal of power to enforce obligations under the deed of sale of a
occupants and obstructions in the property, WT property ordered sold to pay debts of the estate is but a
Construction refused to pay the remaining balance. necessary incident of the power of a probate/estate
court to order and effect such sale in the first place.
On July 6, 2000, The Court issued an Order, giving WT
Construction a period within which to manifest its Distribution and Partition of Estate (Rule 90)
intent to rescind the sale ;that if no manifestation is RULE 90
filed within the stated period, WT Construction shall
be ordered to pay the estate of Alberto Cabahug the Distribution and Partition of the Estate

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

Section 1. When order for distribution of reside made. with the intention of the testator; otherwise, they shall
— When the debts, funeral charges, and expenses of be paid by the parties in proportion to their respective
administration, the allowance to the widow, and shares or interest in the premises, and the
inheritance tax, if any, chargeable to the estate in apportionment shall be settled and allowed by the
accordance with law, have been paid, the court, on the court, and, if any person interested in the partition does
application of the executor or administrator, or of a not pay his proportion or share, the court may issue an
person interested in the estate, and after hearing upon execution in the name of the executor or administrator
notice, shall assign the residue of the estate to the against the party not paying the sum assessed.
persons entitled to the same, naming them and the
proportions, or parts, to which each is entitled, and Section 4. Recording the order of partition of estate. —
such persons may demand and recover their respective Certified copies of final orders and judgments of the
shares from the executor or administrator, or any other court relating to the real estate or the partition thereof
person having the same in his possession. If there is a shall be recorded in the registry of deeds of the
controversy before the court as to who are the lawful province where the property is situated.
heirs of the deceased person or as the distributive 1. Tayag v CA
shares to which each person is entitled under the law, G.R. No. 95229 June 9, 1992
the controversy shall be heard and decided as in CORITO OCAMPO TAYAG, petitioner, vs. HON. COURT
ordinary cases. OF APPEALS and EMILIE DAYRIT CUYUGAN, respondent.

No distribution shall be allowed until the payment of FACTS:

the obligations above mentioned has been made or
provided for, unless the distributees, or any of them, EMILIE DAYRIT CUYUGAN in her capacity as mother and
give a bond, in a sum to be fixed by the court, legal guardian of minor Chad D. Cuyugan, filed on April
conditioned for the payment of said obligations within 9, 1987 a complaint (CIVIL CASE) denominated "Claim
such time as the court directs. for Inheritance" against herein petitioner as the
administratrix of the estate of the late Atty. Ricardo
Section 2. Questions as to advancement to be Ocampo alleging that chad is the illegitimate child of the
determined. — Questions as to advancement made, or other (her basis for filiation is handwritten instrument
alleged to have been made, by the deceased to any heir signed by the parent concerned).
may be heard and determined by the court having
jurisdiction of the estate proceedings; and the final Petitioner (administratix) contends that the action to
order of the court thereon shall be binding on the claim for inheritance filed by herein private respondent
person raising the questions and on the heir. in behalf of the minor child, Chad Cuyugan, is
premature and the complaint states no cause of action,
Section 3. By whom expenses of partition paid. — If at she submits that the recognition of the minor child,
the time of distribution the executor or administrator either voluntarily or by judicial action, by the alleged
has retained sufficient effects in his hands which may putative father must first be established before the
lawfully be applied for the expenses of partition of the former can invoke his right to succeed and participate in
properties distributed, such expenses of partition may the estate of the latter. Petitioner asseverates that
be paid by such executor or administrator when it since there is no allegation of such recognition in the
appears equitable to the court and not inconsistent complaint denominated as "Claim for Inheritance," then
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

there exists no basis for private respondent's aforesaid right to inherit. There being no allegation of such
claim and, consequently, the complaint should be acknowledgment, the action becomes one to compel
dismissed. recognition which cannot be brought after the death of
the putative father. The ratio decidendi in Paulino,
The trial court denied the motion to dismiss filed by the therefore, is not the absence of a cause of action for
administratrix. failure of the petitioner to allege the fact of
ISSUE: WON the lower court was correct in taking acknowledgment in the complaint, but the prescription
cognizance of the complaint denominated as “claim for of the action.
inheritance”? YES Applying the foregoing principles to the case at bar,
HELD: although petitioner contends that the complaint filed by
herein private respondent merely alleges that the minor
The instant case is similar to the case of Paulino vs. Chad Cuyugan is an illegitimate child of the deceased
Paulino, et al., wherein the petitioner, as plaintiff, and is actually a claim for inheritance, from the
brought an action against the private respondents, as allegations therein the same may be considered as one
defendants, to compel them to give her share of to compel recognition. Further that the two causes of
inheritance in the estate of the late Marcos Paulino, action, one to compel recognition and the other to
claiming and alleging, inter alia, that she is the claim inheritance, may be joined in one complaint is not
illegitimate child of the deceased; that no proceedings new in our jurisprudence.
for the settlement of the deceased's estate had been
commenced in court; and that the defendants had As early as 1922, we had occasion to rule thereon in Briz
refused and failed to deliver her share in the estate of vs. Briz, et al., wherein we said:
the deceased. She accordingly prayed that the The question whether a person in the position of the
defendants therein be ordered to deliver her aforesaid present plaintiff can any event maintain a complex
share. The defendants moved for the dismissal of her action to compel recognition as a natural child and at
complaint on the ground that it states no cause of the same time to obtain ulterior relief in the character
action and that, even if it does, the same is barred by of heir, is one which, in the opinion of this court must
prescription. be answered in the affirmative, provided always that
The only difference between the aforecited case and the conditions justifying the joinder of the two distinct
the case at bar is that at the time of the filing of the causes of action are present in the particular case. In,
complaint therein, the petitioner in that case had other words, there is no absolute necessity requiring
already reached the age of majority, whereas the that the action to compel acknowledgment should have
claimant in the present case is still a minor. In Paulino, been instituted and prosecuted to a successful
we held that an illegitimate child, to be entitled to conclusion prior to the action in which that same
support and successional rights from the putative or plaintiff seers additional relief in the character of heir.
presumed parent, must prove his filiation to the latter. Certainly, there is nothing so peculiar to the action to
We also said that it is necessary to allege in the compel acknowledgment as to require that a rule
complaint that the putative father had acknowledged should be here applied different from that generally
and recognized the illegitimate child because such applicable in other cases. . .
acknowledgment is essential to and is the basis of the
Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo
Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

The conclusion above stated, though not heretofore Proceedings Covered (Rule 91, Sec. 5)
explicitly formulated by this court, is undoubtedly to
some extent supported by our prior decisions. Thus, we Procedure (Rule 91, Sec. 1,2,3)
have held in numerous cases, and the doctrine must be Recovery of Escheated Properties (Rule 91, Sec. 4)
considered well settled, that a natural child having a
right to compel acknowledgment, but who has not been RULE 91
in fact legally acknowledged, may maintain partition
proceedings for the division of the inheritance against
his co-heirs . . .; and the same person may intervene in Section 1. When an by whom petition filed. — When a
proceedings for the distribution of the estate of his person dies intestate, seized of real property in the
deceased natural father, or mother . . . In neither of Philippines, leaving no heir or person by law entitled to
these situations has it been thought necessary for the the same, the Solicitor General or his representative in
plaintiff to show a prior decree compelling behalf of the Republic of the Philippines, may file a
acknowledgment. The obvious reason is that in partition petition in the Court of First Instance of the province
suits and distribution proceedings the other persons where the deceased last resided or in which he had
who might take by inheritance are before the court; and estate, if he resided out of the Philippines, setting forth
the declaration of heirship is appropriate to such the facts, and praying that the estate of the deceased
proceedings. be declared escheated.
SC ultimately held that Article 285 of the Civil Code Section 2. Order for hearing. — If the petition is
(which provides that action may be brought until 4 sufficient in form and substance, the court, by an order
years after reaching the age of majority) and NOT the reciting the purpose of the petition, shall fix a date and
FC is applicable since right of action of the minor child place for the hearing thereof, which date shall be not
has been vested by the filing of the complaint in court more than six (6) months after the entry of the order,
under the regime of the Civil Code and prior to the and shall direct that a copy of the order be published
effectivity of the Family Code. Hence, the action has for before the hearing at least once a week for six (6)
filiation of an illegitimate child has not prescribed. successive weeks in some newspaper of general
circulation published in the province, as the court shall
Digester’s note: I think that this has something to do
be deem best.
with the following provision
Section 3. Hearing and judgment. — Upon satisfactory
Rule 90; Section 1- xxx If there is a controversy before
proof in open court on the date fixed in the order that
the court as to who are the lawful heirs of the deceased
such order has been published as directed and that the
person or as the distributive shares to which each
person died intestate, seized of real or personal
person is entitled under the law, the controversy shall
property in the Philippines, leaving no heir or person
be heard and decided as in ordinary cases.xxx
entitled to the same, and no sufficient cause being
Expenses of Partition (Rule 90, Sec. 3) shown to the contrary, the court shall adjudge that the
estate of the estate of the deceased in the Philippines,
Recording of Partition Order ( Rule 90, Sec. 4) after the payment of just debts and charges, shall
escheat; and shall, pursuant to law, assign the personal
Escheats (Rule 91, Sec. 1)

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo

Case Digest for Special Proceedings
Based on the Syllabus of Atty. Geraldine Q. Tiu

estate to the municipality or city where he last resided

in the Philippines, and the real estate to the
municipalities or cities, respectively, in which the same
is situated. If the deceased never resided in the
Philippines, the whole estate may be assigned to the
respective municipalities or cities where the same is
located. Shall estate shall be for the benefit of public
schools, and public charitable institutions and centers in
said municipalities or cities.

The court, at the instance of an interested party, or on

its own motion, may order the establishment of a
permanent trust, so that the only income from the
property shall be used.

Section 4. When and by whom claim to estate filed. — If

a devisee, legatee, heir, widow, widower, or other
person entitled to such estate appears and files a claim
thereto with the court within five (5) years from the
date of such judgment, such person shall have
possession of and title to the same, or if sold, the
municipality or city shall be accountable to him for the
proceeds after deducting reasonable charges for the
care of the estate; but a claim not made within the said
time shall be forever barred.

Section 5. Other actions for escheat. — Until otherwise

provided by law, actions reversion or escheat of
properties alienated in violation of the Constitution or
of any statute shall be governed by this rule, except that
the action shall be instituted in the province where the
land lies in whole or in part.

Alvar, Ceballo, Cuabo


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