Development and Validation of RP - HPLC Method For The Estimation of Oxyclozanide in Pure and Pharmaceutical Formulation

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IJPAR |Volume 3 | Issue 2 | April –June -2014 ISSN: 2320-2831

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[Research article]
Development and Validation of RP – HPLC Method for the
estimation of Oxyclozanide in Pure and Pharmaceutical
Anusha.G*, T.Rattaiah Guptha, S.Manohar Babu.
Sims College of Pharmacy, Mangaldas Nagar, Mangalagiri Road, Guntur, A.P. India.

A simple, fast, precise, selective and accurate RP-HPLC method was developed and validated for the
simultaneous determination of oxyclozanide from pharmaceutical formulation. Chromatographic separation was
achieved gradient on a YMC c18 column (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 µ particle size) using a mobile phase acetonitrile and
water in the ratio of 80:20.the flow rate was 1.0ml / min and effluent was detected at 300nm.the retention time
of oxyclozanide was found to be 1.89min. Linearity was observed in the concentration range of 10 -100µg / ml
.The method was validated according to ICH guidelines with respect to specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision
and robustness. The method developed can be used for the routine analysis of oxyclozanide.
Keywords: Oxyclozanide, RP-HPLC, Development, Validation.

Oxyclozanide is chemically 2, 3, 5-Trichloro-N-(3, Hydroxy benzamide used as anti helmenthic.

Figure 1: Chemical structure of oxyclozanide

Several HPLC, GC, and LC/MS-MS methods have chromatographic run times and requirement for
been reported for the analysis of oxyclozanide in gradient analysis or use of an internal standard.
plasma that suffer from either undesirably long

* Corresponding author: Anusha.G
E-mail address: [email protected]
Anusha.G, et al / Int. J. of Pharmacy and Analytical Research Vol-3(2) 2014 [185-191]

The objective of this study was to develop reverse Working standard solutions of oxyclozanide were
phase high performance liquid chromatography prepared by accurately transferring the
method for the estimation of oxyclozanide in pure (0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8 and 1.0 ml) aliquots of the
and pharmaceutical dosage form without any standard stock solution into a series of six 10 ml
derivatization and having the short retention time. volumetric flasks. The volume was made up to
This method was found to be linear, precise, mark with mobile phase to obtain concentration
accurate, sensitive, specific, and robust, and range of 10 –100 µg/ml.
therefore suitable for routine analysis.
Preparation of sample solutions
MATERIALS AND METHOD 20 tablets were weighed individually and their
average weight was calculated. Then the tablets
HPLC Instrumentation and
were grounded and weight equivalent to 141.25mg
Chromatographic conditions
of oxyclozanide was taken into 25mL volumetric
The analytical separations were carried out on a
flask and then the sample was diluted to 25ml with
waters 2487 HPLC system equipped with Photo
mobile phase to get concentration of 1000µg/ml
Diode Array detector. The output of signal was
and used for analysis.
monitored and integrated using LC – solutions
2000 software. The analytical column was YMC
C18 (250 × 4.6mm, 5µ). Mobile phase consisted RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Acetonitrile and water in the ratio of 80:20. Mobile HPLC method development and
phase was mixed, filtered through 0.45µmembrane optimization
filter and degassed under ultrasonication. The To optimize the chromatographic conditions,
mobile phase was used as diluent. The flow rate different columns, mobile phases, flow rates etc.,
was 1.0 ml/min and runtime was 5 minute. The were tested. Acetonitrile and water in the ratio of
column was maintained at ambient temperature. 80:20 was preferred as mobile phase because it
UV detection was measured at 300 nm and the resulted in a greater response to oxyclozanide after
volume of sample injected was 10 μl. several preliminary investigatory runs compared
with the different mobile phase combinations. The
Preparation of standard stock solution effect of the flow rate was studied in the range 0.9
25mg of oxyclozanide was weighed accurately and to 1.5ml/min and 1.0ml/min was preferred to be
dissolved in 25ml of mobile phase to get the effective. Under these conditions, the analyte peak
concentration of 1000 µg/ml. Resultant solution obtained was well-defined and free from tailing.
was filtered through Whatman filter paper. The The retention time (RT) was found to be 1.89 min.
standard chromatogram for oxyclozanide (100 The optimized chromatographic parameters were
μg/ml) was shown in figure 2. listed in table 1

Preparation of working standard solution

Fig 1. optimized chromatogram

Anusha.G et al / Int. J. of Pharmacy and Analytical Research Vol-3(2) 2014 [185-191]

Table 1: Optimized chromatographic parameters

Optimized Chromatographic parameters

Elution gradient

Mobile phase acetonitrile water (80:20)

YMCc18 column
Flow rate
Injection volume
Retention time
5.0 min
Run time
Concentration 10 - 100μg/ml

Validation of the method system. Retention time (RT), tailing factor (T), and
When method development and optimization are peak asymmetry (AS), resolution (RS) were
complete, it is necessary to accomplish method evaluated. The system suitability test was
validation. The validation studies include linear performed using five replicate injections of
range (correlation coefficient), method precision standards before analysis of samples. The system
(RSD, %), method accuracy (% recovery and RSD, suitability method acceptance criteria set in each
%), sensitivity studies (LOD & LOQ), and validation run were: capacity factor > 2.0, tailing
robustness. factor ≤ 2.0 and theoretical plates > 2000. In all
cases, the relative standard deviation (R.S.D) for
System suitability studies the analytic peak area for two consecutive
System-suitability tests are an integral part of injections was < 2.0%. System suitability
method development and are used to ensure parameters were shown in table 2.
adequate performance of the chromatographic

Table 2: System suitability parameters

Parameters Values
Retention time 1.89min

Linearity HPLC system. Excellent correlation between

The linearity of the method was evaluated by oxyclozanide peak area and concentration was
preparing six series of standard solutions of observed with R2 = 0.998 (Figure.3). The
oxyclozanide in the range of 10 – 100 µg/ml in regression equation was found to be Y =18861 x
mobile phase and injecting the solutions into the +33523. Statistical data are presented in table 3 and
the calibration curve was shown in figure 3.
Table 3: Linearity results for oxyclozanide concentration Area
1 10 207406
2 20 437484
3 40 786045
4 60 1506426
5 80 1945004
6 100 2065987

Anusha.G, et al / Int. J. of Pharmacy and Analytical Research Vol-3(2) 2014 [185-191]

Fig 2. Calibration curve for oxyclozanide

y = 18861x + 33523
2500000 R² = 0.9987

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
cocentration (µg/ml)

PRECISION relative standard deviation (% RSD) for peak

System precision: (Repeatability) responses was calculated. Results of system
To study precision, five replicate standard solutions precision studies were shown in table 4.
of oxyclozanide (40 µg/ml) were prepared and
analyzed using the proposed method. The percent
Table 4: Results of system precision for oxyclozanide Retention time(min) Area(Mv. sec)

1 1.193 1023654
2 1.923 1.45897
3 1.857 1056488
4 1.857 1023654
5 1.913 1023564
6 1.848 1023654
Mean 1.8854 1032833.5
Standard deviation 0.047545968 14609.88216
% RSD 1.645189498 1.414543

Method precision: (Reproducibility) solutions of 100µg/ml. The result was reported in

The intraday and inter-day precision of the terms of relative standard deviation (% RSD).
proposed method was determined by analyzing the Results of method precision studies were shown in
corresponding responses 6 times on the same day table 5.
and on different days for concentration of sample
Table 5: Results of Method precision for oxyclozanide Peak area %labelled claim

1 803093 102
2 832580 99.3
3 830258 99.6
4 833425 98
5 803092 102
6 823695 99

Anusha.G et al / Int. J. of Pharmacy and Analytical Research Vol-3(2) 2014 [185-191]

Intermediate precision concentration of sample solutions 40 µg/ml. The

The intermediate precision of the proposed method percent relative standard deviation (% RSD) for
was determined by performing the method by two peak responses was calculated. The results for
analysts (Analyst 1 and Analyst 2) for intermediate precision were shown in table 6.
Table 6: Results of Intermediate precision for oxyclozanide

S.NO AREA (Mv.sec) Retention time AREA (Mv.sec) Retention time
1 1088512 1.857 786045 1.857

2 1088836 1.857 774744 1.865


3 1085985 1.857 785396 1.857

4 1045311 1.848 774744 1.865

5 1055614 1.873 803093 1.865

MEAN 1072852 1.8584 785011 1.601

S.D 20789.75 0.009044 10393 0.00438178

% RSD 1.937803 0.486673 1.323 0.235453007

ACURACY replicate analysis (n=3). Known amount of

standard drug solution (40µg/ml) was added to a
Accuracy of the method was confirmed by the
pre analyzed sample solution (40 and 60 µg/ml)
standard addition method, which was carried out by
and percentage drug content was measured. The
performing recovery studies at 2 different
closeness of obtained value to the true value
concentrations 40 and 60 µg/ml of these expected,
indicates that the proposed method is accurate.
in accordance with ICH guidelines, by
Recovery studies were shown in table 7.

% Recovery = [(Ct –Cpa)/ Cs] × 100.

Ct = Total concentration of analyte
Cpa = Concentration of pre-analysed sample
Cs = Concentration of standard added to pre-analysed sample.

Table 7: Results of recovery studies for oxyclozanide by using RP –HPLC method std level Amount added Total recovery recovered %recovery

1 40 40 40 81.3 41.3 103.25
2 40 40 40 83.93 43.93 109.825
3 40 40 40 81.39 41.39 103.475
4 40 60 60 98.3 58.3 97.1
5 40 60 60 102.46 62.46 104.1
6 40 60 60 100.8 60.8 101.3

ROBUSTNESS checked by changing parameters like flow rate of

mobile phase and detection wavelength
The robustness study was performed to evaluate the
influence of small but deliberate variation in the  Change in the detection wavelength by ± 2nm
chromatographic condition. The robustness was (298 nm and 300 nm)

Anusha.G, et al / Int. J. of Pharmacy and Analytical Research Vol-3(2) 2014 [185-191]

 Change in flow rate by ± 0.1 ml/minute (1.2 After each change, sample solution was injected
ml/min and 0.9 ml/minute) and % assay with system suitability parameters
were checked.
Robustness values were given in table 8

Table 8: Results of Robustness for oxyclozanide

parameter Rt(min) Area(mvsec)
Flow rate(ml/min)1.2 1.90 1485965
0.9 1.892 1300145
Wavelength(nm)302 2.08 1328815
298 1.986 1215141

Limit of Detection and Quantitation

Detection and Quantitation limit were calculated by slope of the calibration plot, using the formula
the method based on the standard deviation () and

Limit of Detection   × 3.3/S

Limit of Quantitation   × 10/S
Where  = the standard deviation of the response.
S = the slope of the calibration curve (of the analyte).

Table 9: Results of LOD, LOQ for oxyclozanide


1 0.081 0.075702

Specificity be present in the sample matrix. Chromatograms of

standard and sample solutions were compared in
Specificity of an analytical method is its ability to
order to provide an indication of specificity of the
measure the analyte accurately and specifically in
the presence of component that may be expected to

Assay of pharmaceutical formulation

The proposed validated method was successfully pharmaceutical dosage form and the % Assay
applied to determine oxyclozanide in their results were shown in table 10.

Table 10: Results of % assay by using RP – HPLC method

Drug Sl.No Amount found(mg) Test area Standard area % Assay

(AT /AS*100)
Oxyclozanide 1 999.99 774744 785396.563 98.64%

2 999.99 803093 102.25%

3 999.99 786045 100.08%

CONCLUSION cost-effective due to short retention time which

A simple, rapid, accurate, and precise RP-HPLC enabled analysis of oxyclozanide samples with a
method for the analysis of oxyclozanide in pure small amount of mobile phase. From the % RSD
and in pharmaceutical dosage forms had been values of precision and recovery studies the method
developed and validated in accordance with ICH was found to be precise and accurate. The low
guidelines. The RP-HPLC method developed is detection and quantification limits achieved

Anusha.G et al / Int. J. of Pharmacy and Analytical Research Vol-3(2) 2014 [185-191]

indicate the method is very sensitive. The proposed RP-HPLC method developed by the
robustness data gathered during method validation author is suitable for routine analysis and quality
showed that the method is not susceptible to small assessment of oxyclozanide in pharmaceutical
changes in chromatographic conditions. The products.

Table 12: Summary of validated parameters for proposed method

Parameter Result
Linearity range 10 – 100 µg/ml
Regression equation Y = 18861 x +33523
Slope 18861
Intercept 33523
Correlation coefficient 0.998
System precision (% RSD,n=5)1.4145
Intermediate precision (% RSD, n=5) 0.23
LOD (µg/ml) 0.081
LOQ (µg/ml) 0.075
% Recovery (Accuracy, n =3) 100%
% Assay (% Assay, n=3) 100%

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