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Exercises: Collections

1. Make a List of Circle objects. Use a random radius. Keep adding circles to the list until Math.ran-
dom() returns less than 0.01. Then, loop down the list and print out each area. If you do not have a
good Circle class to use, steal mine from the shapes3 package of the oop-advanced project.

2. Make a Map that associates the following employee IDs with names. Keys and values of Maps can
be any Object type, so in real life you would probably have the key be a String and the associated
value be a Person or Employee object. To make things simpler on this exercise, you can use String
for both the ID and the name, rather than bothering to create a Person or Employee class. The point
here is to associate keys with values, then retrieve values later based on keys.
ID Name
a1234 Steve Jobs
a1235 Scott McNealy
a1236 Jeff Bezos
a1237 Larry Ellison
a1238 Bill Gates
Make test cases where you test several valid and invalid ID’s and print the associated name.

3. Go back to the previous problem and make your lookup method work with keys in any case. For
example, both “a1234” and “A1234” should match Steve Jobs. Hint: very easy, so if your solution
is complex, you are overlooking the obvious.

4. Make a Map that associates numbers (e.g., 2) with words (e.g, “two” or “dos”). Test the Map out by
passing in a few ints and printing out the corresponding words.

5. Do some timing tests to see if you can verify the performance claims of the lecture regarding the
difference between ArrayList and LinkedList for accessing the middle element. Hints:
• Use System.currentTimeMillis or System.nanoTime to lookup the current time. Compute a delta
and divide to get an elapsed time in seconds.
• To ensure meaningful results, use very long lists and access the middle element many times.
• Run several tests, each with larger and larger lists.

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