+M - M

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1. Arrange the following groups in the increasing order of +m :
(i) I, Cl, F, Br (ii) –NH2, –OH,

2. Arrange the following groups in the increasing order of –m :

(i) –NO2, –COOR, –CHO, –CN, –COR (ii) , ,

3. Classify the following groups as +m, –m, ±m, +I, –I ?

(i) –NO2 (ii) –OH (iii) –ONO
(iv) –NO (v) (vi) –SO3H

4. Classify the following groups as +m, –m, ±m, +I, –I ?

(i) –S–R (ii) (iii)

(iv) –Cl (v) –CF3 (vi) –B(OH)3

5. Draw all the contributing structures of (i) Aniline (ii) Benzaldehyde ?

6. The correct decreasing order of electron density in aromatic ring of following compounds is :

|| || ||
C–H O–C–H NH – CH3 C – NH – CH3

(I) (II) (III) (IV)

+ m group increases electron density and – m group decreases electron density in aromatic ring.
7. Draw the resonance structures for the following compounds. Show the electron shift using curved arrow
(a) C6H5OH (b) C6H5NO2 (c) CH3CH=CHCHO (d) C6H5–CHO

(e) C6H5– (f) CH3CH=

8. How many groups (attached with benzene ring) show + M effect?

9. Write resonating structure of the compound .

10. Write decreasing order of electron density in aromatic ring in following compounds.
11. Which of the following group show –m and –I effect ?
(A) –NO2 (B) –NH2 (C) –OH (D) –Cl

12. Identify which of the following group acts as +m as well as –m ?

(A) –F (B) –NH2 (C) –Cl (D) –OH

13. +m and +I both effects are shown by :

(A) (B) (C) (D) – C (CH3)3

14. The weakest + m group of the given species is :

(A) – OCH3 (B) – F (C) – I (D) – N (CH3)2

15. Which of the following group show +m and +I effect ?

(A) (B) –NH (C) (D) –F

16. The correct order of + m effect of ‘N’ containing functional group on benzene ring, amongst the given compounds

(A) I > II > IV > III (B) II > I > III > IV (C) I > II > III > IV (D) IV > III > II > I

17. In which case the -bond pair and  bond pair of electrons both are attracted in the same direction,
(towards same atom.) :
(A) H2C = CH — Cl (B) CH3 – CH2 – NH2 (C) H2C = CH – CH = O (D) H2C = CH – OCH3

18. Which of the following group show +m effect?

(A) –CN (B) –O–NO (C) –CCl3 (D) –CHO
19. Which of the following group show –m effect?

(A) –CMe3 (B) (C) (D)

20. Which of the following group show +m and –I effect ?

(A) (B) (C) –O (D) –OH
21. Which is the incorrect order of electron density in aromatic ring ?

(A) > > >

(B) > > >

(C) < < <

(D) > > >

22. Which of the following is not the correct resonating structure of C6H5NH2 ?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

23. Which of the following group show +m > –I effect ?

(A) –F (B) (C) (D) –COOH

24. The decreasing order of electron density on the ring is :

(A) III > II > I (B) II > III > I (C) I > III > II (D) III > I > II

25. The correct order of electron density in aromatic ring of following compounds is :

(A) IV > III > II > I (B) I > II > III > IV
(C) IV > II > I > III (D) IV > II > III > I

26. The decreasing order of electron density on the ring is :

(A) x > w > y > z (B) z > y > w > x

(C) x > z > y > w (D) y > z > w > x

27. The decreasing order of electron density on the ring is :

(I) (II) (III) (IV)

(A) (II) > (III) > (IV) > (I) (B) (IV) > (I) > (II) > (III)
(C) (IV) > (I) > (III) > (II) (D) (I) > (III) > (IV) > (II)

28. The most unlikely representation of resonance structures of p-nitrophenoxide ion is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Comprehension :
Identification of +m & –m groups : If the first atom of the group has lone pair or negative charge shows
+m effect. If the group has vacant p-orbital or vacant d-orbital on first atom. Also a multiple bonded group
in which second atom is more electronegative than the first then it shows –m effect.

29. Identify which of the following does not show + m effect.

|| ||
(A) –NH2 (B) –O 
(C)  NH  C  CH (D)  C  NH  CH
3 3

30. Identify which of the following cannot show – m effect.

(A) –CH = O (B)  P(CH ) (C) –F (D) –B(CH3)2
3 3
31. Decreasing + m-power of given group is :
(I) – NH2 (II) – OH (III) (IV) – NH – CO – CH3
(A) I > III > IV > II (B) III > II > I > IV
(C) III > I > II > IV (D) II > I > IV > III

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