Math Quizz - 2016 MASTER PLUMBER

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MATH QUIZ 6 July 15, 2015

1. Find the single trade discount equivalent to discounts of 20% and 10%

a. 30% b. 28% c. 25% d. 22%

2. If a certain fund earns an interest of 12% compounded quarterly, what is the effective rate of

a. 12% b. 3% c. 12.55% d. 12.68%

3. The value or worth of a property as shown on the accounting records of a company

a. Market Value b. Book Value c. Salvage Value d. Fair Value

4. Find the single trade discount equivalent to discounts of 30%, 10% and 5%

a. 40.15% b. 37.5% c. 25% d. 22.5%

5. If Php 100,000 is loaned for 10 years at a simple interest rate of 15% per annum, determine the total
amount due at the end of 10 years.

a. Php 350,000 b. Php 200,000 c. Php 250,000 d. Php 300,000

6. Convert 2.5 m3 to US gallon

a. 549.92 b. 660.43 c. 259.75 d. 275.95

7. Find the net price of a centrifugal pump listed at Php 25000 with discounts of 20%, 10% and 5%

a. Php 18750 b. Php 17500 c. Php 17100 d. Php 16250

8. If Php 100,000 is loaned for 10 years at an interest rate of 15% compounded annually, the equivalent
worth at the end of 10 years is,

a. Php 405,800 b. Php 404,555 c. Php 408,600 d. Php 402,265

9. 3200 mils is equivalent to

a. 45° b. 90° c. 180° d. 270°

10. If you invest Php 10,000 today in savings account at an interest rate of 8% compounded annually,
how much principal and interest would you accumulate in 5 years?

a. Php14,905 b. Php14,693 c. 14,500 d. 14,724

11. Determine the "exact simple interest" on 50,000 pesos for the period from Jan. 15 to Nov. 28, 1992,
if the rate of interest is 22.

a. 9,583.56 pesos b. 9,553.42 pesos c. 9,523.29 pesos d. 9,686.11 pesos

12. What is the Roman Numeral for 1966?


13. Find the water power in KW of a centrifugal pump when delivering 2000 GPM of water at a total
head of 10 meters (Fluid Mechanics – Pumps)

a. 12.36 b. 8.25 c. 15 d. 10

14. A square sheet has sides of 30 cm each. The largest circle is cut from it. What is the area of the
remaining portion of the square sheet? (Geometry -Area)

a. 193 cm² b. 84 cm² c. 252 cm² d. 126 cm²

15. What is the equivalent of Roman Numeral for 2022


16. Find the total surface of a cube whose side is 6 cm

a. 226 cm² b. 226 cm² c. 216 cm² d. 256 cm²

17. If a horse is tied to a stake by a tether 14 meters long, over how many square meters may the horse
a. 1232 m² b. 154m² c. 616 m² d. 462m²

18. It is the weight per unit volume of the material. (Physics – Elements)

a. Specific Weight c. Force per Unit Volume

b. Specific Gravity d. Density

19. What minimum size of circular bar is required to make a hexagonal nut of 16mm sides along the

a. 32mm b. 36mm c. 24mm d. 10mm

20. The radius of a circle is 15 cm. Find the length of an arc of this circle which substends a central angle
of 60° ?

a. 18.2 cm² b. 15.7 cm² c. 12.8 cm² d. 14.5 cm²

21. Express decimally: Seven hundred twenty-five hundred thousandths

a. 0.000725 b. 0.00725 c. 0.0725 d. 0.725

22. An angular unit equivalent to 1/400 of the circumference of a circle is called

a. mil b. degree c. radian d. grad

23. A trapezoid has an area of 36 m² and an altitude of 2m. Its two bases have a ratio of 4:5. What are
the lengths of the bases?

a. 12, 15 b. 16, 20 c. 8, 10 d. 7, 11

24. How many cubic meters is 100 cubic ft of liquid

a. 3.785 b. 28.31 c. 37.85 d. 2.831

27. If eight is added to the product of nine and the numerical number, the sum is seventy-one. Find the
unknown number

a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8
28. An airplane flying with the wind, took 2hours to travel 1000 km and 2.5 hours in flying back. What
was the wind velocity in kph

a. 50 b. 60 c. 70 d. 40

29. On a certain trip, Edgar drive 231 km in exactly the same time as Erwin drive 308 km. If

Erwin’s rate exceeded that of Edgar by 13kph, determine the rate of Erwin.

a. 39 kph b. 44 kph c. 48kph d. 52 kph

30. Another term for parallelogram

a. Geoid b. Rhomboid c. Cuboid d. Spheroid

31. Numbers that states the position of individual objects in a sequence.

a. Integers b. Real c. Imaginary d. Ordinal

32. It is the study of geometrical relations by algebraic methods using the coordinate system.

a. Calculus c. Analytic Geometry

b. Plane Geometry d. Descriptive Geometry

33. ______ = 0.7854d² x Height

a. Volume of Circle c. Circumference of Circle

b. Area of Circle d. Volume of Cylinder

34. What is the difference between v150 and v54

a. 2v6 b. 6v2 c. 16v6 d. 3v6

35. John is 3 times as old as Jaime. Three years ago, John was four times as old as Jaime. The sum of
their ages is?

a. 20 b. 24 c. 28 d. 36

36. Portion of regular solid left after cutting off the upper part by a plane parallel to the base.

a. frustum b. ungula c. truncated solid d. prismatoid

37. To hire any person to do whatever work he is skilled in doing:

a. promotion cost b. material cost c. salary cost d. labor cost

38. Eight percent of 36 is 72% of what number?

a. 2.06 b. 2.88 c. 3.24 d. 4

39. What is the value of “a” in the statement 3ab = 15 if b = 5?

a. 1 b. 0 c. 2 d. 5

40. A father tells his son, I was your age now when you were born”. If the father is now 38

years old, how old was his son 2 years ago?

a. 15 b. 17 c. 19 d. 21

41. A notational symbol or combination of symbols that represents a number.

a. Complex b. Composite c. Numerals d. Significant Figures

42. It is a sharp sudden increase in money or credit or both without corresponding increase in business

a. deflation b. subrogation c. inflation d. resultant

43. The average of four numbers is 28. if three of the four numbers are 18, 20 and 36, what is the fourth

a. 32 b. 38 c. 35 d. 34

44. 3 is 6% of a certain number. What is the number?

a. 24 b. 36 c. 28 d. 50

45. If A can do the work in “x” days and B in “y” days, how long will they finish the job working together?

..+.. ..+..

a. b.

46. How many 2” pipes does it take to equal the volume capacity of a 6” pipe?

a. 2 b. 5 c. 7 d. 9

47. Write 16% as a decimal number and a fraction (reduce to lowest terms)
a. 0.16 or 4/25 c. 0.016 or 1/5

b. 0.16 or 8/50 d. 0.016 or 11/50

48. A prize of Php20, 000 is to be shared by two winners of a contest in the ratio of 6 to 4. the larger is

a. Php800 b. Php1, 200 c. Php12, 000 d. Php8, 000

49. If the short hand of the clock is at 4, what is the degree of its angle?

a. 90 b. 120 c. 130 d. 150

50. John and Peter working together can finish painting a house in 6 days. John working alone can finish
it in 5 days less than Peter. How long will it take each of them to finish the work alone?

a. 8, 13 b. 10, 15 c. 6, 11 d. 7, 12

51. A number on its own is called a ________. It is a single term that is a real number.

a. Expression b. Coefficient c. Constant d. Variable

52. A fork lift moves 34m carrying a 1023N box across the warehouse floor. How much WORK is done by
the fork lift?

a. 30.35J b. 0.033J c. 34,782J d. 347.82J

53. Which of the following equation has at LEAST value?

a. 6 + 3 x 3 b. 6 x 4 + 3 c. 6 + 4 x 3 d. 2 + 6 x 4

54. What is the sum of v12 + v27?

a. v29 b. 5v3 c. 3v5 d. 7v3

55. How much water must be evaporated from 10 kg solution which has 4% salt to make a solution of
10% salt?

a. 4 kg b. 5 kg c. 6 kg d. 7 kg
56. What is -2 + (-3.1) + (-.02)?

a. -.512 b. 5.012 c. 0.512 d. -5.12

57. Mr. Cruz left his house at 7:00am and drove his car at 50kph. He rested for half an hour. What time
will be reach his destination which is 600kms away?

a. 7:30pm b. 7:00pm c. 8:00pm d. 8:30pm

58. Solve this equation: v16 + (9 + 16)²

a. 626 b. 627 c. 269 d. 629

59. What is the smallest positive number which, when it is divided by 3, 4 or 5 will leave a reminder of 2?

a. 42 b. 22 c. 62 d. 122

60. A goldsmith has two alloys of gold, the first being 70% pure and the second being 60% pure. How
many ounces of the 60% pure gold must be used to make 100 ounces of an alloy which will be 66% gold?

a. 40 b. 35 c. 45 d. 38

61. It is either a single number or a variable, or a product or quotient of numbers and variables.

a. Expression b. Notation c. Term d. Equation

62. 3 x 4 + 9/3 – 8/4 = _____

a. 13 b. 14 c. 15 d. 12

63. Elvie is 67 years old. Her daughter Hanna joy is 29 years old. In how many years will

Hanna joy be exactly half his mother’s age?

a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9

64. What part of an hour elapses between 11:50 am and 12:14 pm?
a. 2/5 b. 7/30 c. 17/30 d. 1/6

10+14=24 24/60= 2/5

65. If a two digit number has x for its unit’s digit and y for its ten’s digit, represent the number.

a. 10x + y b. 10y + x c. yx d. xy

66. Convert 1,000,000 to scientific notation.

a. 1x105 b. 1x107 c. 1x106 d. 1x108

67. What is the average of A, B, C?

a. ABC/3 b. (A+B+C)/3 c. 3(A+B+C) d. ABC/A+B+C

68. 2 is what percent of 5?

a. 25% b. 38% c. 40% d. 35%

69. How many 6-number combinations can be generated from the numbers from 1 to 42 inclusive,
without repetition and with no regards to the order of the numbers?

A. 850,668 B. 5,245,786 C. 188,848,296 D. 31,474,716

70. The sum of the two numbers is 21 and one number is twice the other. Find the numbers.

a. 6, 15 b. 7, 14 c. 8, 13 d. 9, 12

71. Which formula in logarithm for product is correct?

a. logb (xy) = logb (x) + logb (y) c. log10(xp) = plogb(x)

b. log10 (xy) = logb (x) + logb (y)

d. log2 (xy) = log10(x) + logb(y)


What is the pressure in pounds per square inch at the base of a 10 foot water cylinder?

a. 0.433 psi b. 4.33 psi c. 23.1 psi d. 4.63 psi


In one day (24 hours), how many times will the hour hand and minute hand of a continuously driven
clock be together

a. 21 b. 22 c. 23 d. 24

74. Efficiency of a machine is the ratio of:

a. power output to power input c. total work done to total energy

b. power input to power output d. total energy to total power

75. If eight is added to the product of nine and the numerical number, the sum is seventy-one. Find the
unknown number.

a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8

76. 3.54 is multiplied by 10 to the fifth power, what would be the value?

a. 35,400 b. 354,000 c. 30.54 d. 305.40

77. The rate at which velocity changes with time is known as ________.

a. acceleration c. average speed

b. instantaneous speed d. instantaneous velocity

78. How many minutes after 3:00 will the minute hand of the clock overtakes the hour hand?

a. 14/12 mins b. 16-11/12 mins c. 16-4/11 mins d. 14/11 mins

79. Find the distance between A (4, –3) and B (–2, 5).

a. 11 b. 10 c. 9 d.8

80. The product of 1/4 and 1/5 of a number is 500. What is the number?

a. 50 b. 75 c. 100 d. 125

81. ax² + bx – c = 0 is the standard form of a quadratic equation. Its solution is?

a. (– b ± vb² – 4ac) c. – b ± (vb² – 4ac)

b. ± b -(vb² – 4ab) d. – b ± (vb² – 4ab)

82. The intersection of the interior angle bisectors of a triangle is called :

a. Centroid b. Circumcenter c. Incenter d. Orthocenter

83. The perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle intersect at a point which is known as :

a. Incenter b. Circumcenter c. Orthocenter d. Centroid

84. A line segment that is divided into two segments, a greater a and a smaller b such that the length of
a + b is to a and a is to b. such division is known as

a. golden segment c. golden proportion

b. golden ratio d. all of the above

85. The ten’s digit of a number is 3 less than the unit’s digit. If the number is divided by the sum of the
digits, the quotient is 4 and the remainder is 3. What is the original number?

a. 36 b. 47 c. 58 d. 69
86. A triangle having no two sides equal.

a. scalene b. obtuse c. isosceles d. right

87. How many degrees are in a perigon?

a. 360 b. 180 c. 90 d. 45

88. Each angle of an equilateral triangle equals?

a. 180 b. 90 c. 30 d. 60

89. If two angles have their sides parallel, right side to left side and left side to right side, the angles are.

a. acute b. a straight angle c. supplementary d. perpendicular

90. A jogger starts a course at a steady rate of 8 kph. Five minutes later, a second jogger starts the same
course at 10 kph. How long will it take the second jogger to catch the first?

a. 20 min b. 21 min c. 22min d. 18 min

91. The arithmetic mean of a and b is …

a. vab b. (a + b)/2 c. ab/2 d. (a – b)/2

92. The smallest interior angle of a isosceles is half as much as one of other angles. If the area of the
triangle is 240 sq.m., find its perimeter? (Trigonometry)

a. 74.82 b. 78.42 c. 87.24 d. 84.72

93. The space between two lines meeting at a point called the vertex.

a. Parallel b. Angle c. Distance d. Curve

94. How fast does the minute hand of the clock travels?
a. 9degrees/min b. 8degrees/min c. 6degrees/min d. 4degrees/min

95. Pedro can paint a fence 50% faster than Juan and 20% faster than Pilar and together they can paint a
given fence in 4 hours. How long will it take Peter to paint the same fence if he had to work alone?

a. 10 hrs. b. 11hrs. c. 13hrs. d. 15hrs.

96. Which of the following number is not irrational numbers? (System of Numbers)

a. 0.333 b. v2 c. e d. p

97. In how many years will a sum of money triple itself at 12% interest? (EcoN – Compound Interest)

a. 8.35 years b. 9.6 years c. 9.2 years d. 10.2 years

98. From a bag containing 4 black balls and 5 white balls, two balls are drawn one at a time. Find the
probability that both balls are black. Assume that the first ball is returned before the second ball is
drawn. (Probability)

a. 8/9 b. 16/81 c. 7/9 d. 16/9

99. Round off 0.005076 to three significant figures. (Rounding Off)

a. 0.00508 b. 0.005 c. 0.00507 d. 0.51 x 10-2

100. In a commercial survey involving 1000 persons on brand preference, 120 were found to prefer
brand x only, 200 prefer brand y only, 150 prefer brand z only, 370 prefer either brand x or y but not z,
450 prefer brand y or z but not x and 370 prefer either brand z or x but not y. How many persons have
no brand preference, satisfied with any of the three brands?

A. 130 B. 230 C. 180 D. 280


1. B 26. A 51. C 76. B

2. C 27. C 52. C 77. A

3. B 28. A 53. A 78. C

4. A 29. D 54. B 79. B

5. C 30. B 55. C 80. C

6. B 31. D 56. D 81. C

7. C 32. C 57. A 82. C

8. B 33. D 58. D 83. B

9. C 34. A 59. C 84. B

10. B 35. D 60. A 85. B

11. B 36. A 61. C 86. A

12. C 37. D 62. A 87. A

13. A 38. D 63. D 88. D

14. A 39. A 64. A 89. C

15. D 40. B 65. B 90. A

16. C 41. C 66. C 91. B

17. C 42. A 67. B 92. A

18. A 43. B 68. C 93. B

19. A 44. D 69. B 94. C

20. B 45. C 70. B 95. A

21. B 46. D 71. A 96. A

22. D 47. A 72. B 97. B

23. B 48. C 73. B 98. B

24. D 49. B 74. A 99. A

25. C 50. B 75. C 100. D



Algebra – Elements

Algebra – Equation

Algebra – Logarithm

Algebra – Quadratic




Econ – Elements

Econ – Simple Interest

Econ – Compound Interest

Econ – Annuity

Flow Rate

Fraction Problem

Geometry – Elements

Geometry -Areas

Geometry -Volumes

Geometry – Inscribe/ Circu



Physics – Elements


Progression -Arithmetic

Progression -Geometric

Progression -Harmonic

Properties of Multiplication



Rounding Off

Significant Figures
System of Number – Elements

Trigo – Angle

Trigo – Elements

Trigo – Heron's

Trigo – Pythagorean

Trigo -Law of Sines

Trigo -Law of Cosines

Trigo -Law of Tangents

Trigo -Quadrant

Trigo – Soh Cah Toa

Trigo – Angle of Elevation

Trigo – Angle of Depression

Venn Diagram

Worded Problem – Number

Worded Problem – Digit

Worded Problem – Mixture

Worded Problem – Clock

Worded Problem -Age

Worded Problem – Work

Worded Problem – Motion


1. C 16. C

2. A 17. C

3. C 18. B

4. A 19. D

5. B 20. D

6. C 21. C
7. D 22. D

8. C 23. B

9. A 24. A

10. C 25. C

11. C 26. C

12. B 27. B

13. A 28. A

14. D 29. D

15. A 30. B

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