Gamma Irradiation

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The key takeaways are the importance of dosimetry in radiation sterilization validation and the standards that provide guidance on developing a traceable dose measurement system.

The main standards discussed are ISO 11137 for healthcare products and ISO 14470 for food. ASTM E61 standards are also referenced that provide guidance on various aspects of dosimetry, dosimetry systems, applications and specialty areas.

The main steps required to validate a radiation sterilization process according to ISO 11137 are to define the equipment, product and process, and then validate the process through equipment installation qualification, equipment operational qualification, and process/performance qualification.




Denise A. Cleghorn
Boston Scientific Corp.
Vice Chair, ASTM E61 – Radiation Processing: Dosimetry & Applications
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Questions to Ask Yourself
1. What product am I irradiating?
2. What is the intended effect to be achieved?

3. What standards should I follow?

4. What am I required to do to validate my process?
5. How do I maintain compliance?

What is the intended effect
to be achieved?
Phytosanitary Treatment of Produce

up to 1 kGy

What is the intended effect
to be achieved?
Elimination of Pathogens

3 – 30 kGy

What is the intended effect
to be achieved?
Sterilization of Healthcare Products / Medical Devices

25 kGy

What standards should I follow?
Industry Standard for Food:

ISO 14470 “Food Irradiation- Requirements for the

development, validation and routine control of the process of
irradiation using ionizing radiation for the treatment of food”

Twelve ASTM E10.01/E61 standards are referenced in ISO 14470: 2011

What standards should I follow?
Industry Standard for Health Care Products:
ISO 11137-1:2006 “Sterilization of Healthcare Products – Radiation –
Part 1: Requirements for development, validation, and routine
control of a sterilization process for medical devices”
ISO 11137-2:2012 “Sterilization of Healthcare Products – Radiation –
Part 2: Establishing the sterilization dose”
ISO 11137-3:2006 “Sterilization of Healthcare Products – Radiation –
Part 3: Guidance on dosimetric aspects” 1
1 Fourteen ASTM E10.01/E61 standards are referenced in ISO 11137-3:2006

What am I required to do?
Define your sterilization equipment (ISO 11137-1 Section 6)

Define your product (ISO 11137-1 Section 7)

Define your process (ISO 11137-1 Section 8)
1. Maximum Acceptable Dose (8.1)
2. Sterilization Dose (8.2)

Validate your process (ISO 11137-1 Section 9)

1. Equipment Installation Qualification (9.1)
2. Equipment Operational Qualification (9.2)
3. Process / Performance Qualification (PQ) (9.3)

Monitoring & Control of your process (ISO 11137-1 Section 10)


What is a CRITICAL component

to your radiation sterilization

Why Dosimetry
Dosimetry is used in:
Maximum Dose Establishment - At what dose does the product fail?
Sterilization Dose Establishment - At what dose is the product SAL achieved?
Equipment Installation Qualification - Is the equipment delivering the dose

Equipment Operational Qualification - What is my equipment capable of

delivering with respect to dose distribution?

Performance Qualification - What is the distribution of dose within my product?

Routine monitoring & control - How will I release my product?

Dose Measurement

How can I ensure the correct dose is delivered

and the intended effect is achieved?

Dosimetry Standards – Measurement
ASTM E2628 “Standard Practice for Dosimetry in Radiation Processing”

ASTM E2701 “Standard Guide for Performance Characterization of

Dosimeters and Dosimetry Systems for Use in Radiation Processing”

ISO/ASTM 51261 “Standard Guide for Selection and Calibration of

Dosimetry Systems for Radiation Processing”

ISO/ASTM 51707 “Standard Guide for Estimating Uncertainties in

Dosimetry for Radiation Processing”

Unbroken Calibration Chain

For traceability to national standards there must be an unbroken

chain of measurements.

• Absorbed Dose is transferred from a national standard to

reference and transfer standard dosimetry systems within the
calibration laboratory.

• Absorbed Dose is then transferred to the user for a given set

of conditions and performance characteristics.

Traceability and Uncertainty

All aspects of the calibration procedure must be fully defined and

documented and all possible influence quantities must be taken in
to account.

• The aim of the calibration is to ensure that dose measurements

can be related to accepted standards through a series of known
steps, each with a defined level of uncertainty.

ISO/ASTM 51707 “Standard Guide for Estimating Uncertainties in

Dosimetry for Radiation Processing”

Traceability Chain
• Calorimeters
Laboratory • Ionization Chambers
Dw Gy (+1%) Dw kGy (+2%)

Reference Standard • Fricke, Ceric,

Dosimetry Systems Dichromate
(+3%) • Alanine, Calorimeters

Routine Dosimetry • Radiochromic Films

Systems (+5%) • Plastics, Dyed plastics

Traceability is achieved by:

Calibration based on measurements from a laboratory that itself

can demonstrate traceability (an Approved Laboratory).

Ensure that all instrumentation is performing correctly.

Take account of influence quantities (temperature, dose rate, etc.)

both at the time of calibration and during the whole period of use.

Fully document all steps and assess the associated uncertainty.

Traceability can be lost by:
Calibration based on measurements from a laboratory that
cannot demonstrate traceability.

Not controlling the instrumentation and ensuring its correct


Not taking all relevant influence quantities into account during

the lifetime of the calibration.

Not maintaining adequate documentation (traceability needs to

be demonstrated).

Not establishing full uncertainty budgets.

Dosimetry Standards - Application:
ISO 11137-3:2006 “Sterilization of health care products – Radiation – Part 3:
Guidance on dosimetric aspects”

ASTM E2303 “Standard Guide for Absorbed Dose Mapping in Radiation

Processing Facilities”

ISO /ASTM 51608 “Standard Practice for Dosimetry in an X-ray

(Bremsstrahlung) Facility for Radiation Processing”

ISO/ASTM 51649 “Standard Practice for Dosimetry in an Electron Beam

Facility for Radiation Processing at Energies Between 300 keV and 25

ISO/ASTM 51702 “Standard Practice for Dosimetry in Gamma Irradiation

Facilities for Radiation Processing”
E2303 Dose Mapping Prerequisite

5.2 Calibration of the Dosimetry System:

5.2.1 Prior to use, the dosimetry system (consisting of a specific batch of
dosimeters and specific measurement instruments) shall be calibrated in
accordance with the user’s documented procedure that specifies details of the
calibration process and quality assurance requirements.
This calibration process shall be repeated at regular intervals to ensure that the
accuracy of the absorbed-dose measurement is maintained within required limits.
Calibration methods are described in ISO/ASTM Guide 51261.

What am I required to do?
Define your sterilization equipment
• Radiation source
• Irradiator and its characteristics
• Location of the Irradiator
• Process controls
• Product Pathway

Define your product

• What is it?
• What is it made of?
• How is going to be presented to the irradiation source?
• Will it be part of a family?
What am I required to do?
Define your process
Maximum Dose
• Ensure product is irradiated to a dose greater than the expected
processing range and tested for functionality
Minimum Dose
• Establish the minimum sterilization dose through an appropriate
method to achieve the desired SAL
o Method 1, Method 2 or VDMAX
 Dose Map
 Verification Dose

What am I required to do?
Validate your process
Equipment Installation Qualification
• Gamma Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51702)
• Electron Beam Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51649)
Beam Energy
Scan Width / Uniformity
• X-ray Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51608)
Beam Energy
Scan Width / Uniformity

E2303: Confirm installation is correct.

Select appropriate dosimetry system for dose mapping

What am I required to do?
Validate your process (cont.)
Equipment Operational Qualification
• Gamma Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51702 )
Dose Mapping (ASTM E2303)
• Electron Beam Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51649)
Dose Mapping (ASTM E2303)
• X-ray Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51608)
Dose Mapping (ASTM E2303)

Place a sufficient number of dosimeters in

homogenous material to determine
absorbed dose distribution.

Measure replicates at the same

23 to determine variability.
What am I required to do?
Validate your process (cont.)
Process / Performance Qualification
• Gamma Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51702 ) Dose Mapping (ASTM E2303)
• Electron Beam Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51649) Dose Mapping (ASTM E2303)
• X-ray Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51608) Dose Mapping (ASTM E2303)

Replicate dose maps are performed for specific product and load
Correlation of dose at reference monitoring position to product dose are
measured to document variability.

What am I required to do?
Monitoring & Control of your process
 Gamma Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51702 )

 Electron Beam Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51649)

 X-ray Irradiator (ISO/ASTM 51608)

Dose measurement traceability and

guidance from supporting standards,
provides a way to ensure compliance
to regulatory requirements.

ASTM E61 Radiation Processing

Standards that provide guidance to end

users in developing and maintaining a

Thank you for listening!

Subcommittee Subcommittee Subcommittee Subcommittee
Subcommittee E61.02 E61.03 E61.04 E61.05
Dosimetry Dosimetry Specialty Food
Systems Application Application Irradiation

51205 Ceric Cerous

51539 Radiation
E2303 Dose Mapping F1355 Phytosanitary
E2628 Use of Indicators
51275 Radiochromic Film

51276 PMMA
NEW Process 51900 Agricultural F1356 Red Meat and
51310 Optical Waveguide Control Research Poultry

51401 Dichromate
E2701 Performance
Characterization 51702 Gamma 51939 Blood F1640 Food Irradiation
51538 Ethanol
Chlorobenzene Irradiators Irradiation Packaging

51540 Radiochromic Liquid

51607 Alanine 51608 X-ray E2116 Self Contained F1736 Finfish &
Irradiators Dry Storage Aquatic Invertebrates
51261 Calibration
51631 Calorimetry

51650 CTA 51649 High E-beam E2232 Mathematical

F1885 Spices
Irradiators Methods
51956 TLD

51707 Measurement E2304 LiF

Uncertainty 51818 Low E-beam E2449 Processed Meat
E2381 Fluidized Beds
Irradiators & Poultry
E1026 Fricke

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