GROW Coaching Model Questions
GROW Coaching Model Questions
GROW Coaching Model Questions
Here are 15 coaching questions you can use during the Goal Setting phase – the
first step of the GROW coaching model
Here are some coaching questions you can use during the second GROW coaching
model step – Reality.
1. What is happening now? (what, where, when, who, how much, how often). Be
precise if possible.
2. How do you know that this is accurate?
3. How have you verified, or would you verify, that that is so?
4. What other factors are relevant?
5. Who is involved (directly and indirectly)?
6. What is their perception?
7. When things are going badly on this issue, what happens to you?
8. What happens to the others directly involved?
9. What is the effect on others?
10. What have you done about this so far?
11. What results did that produce?
12. What is missing in the situation?
13. What do you have that you’re not using?
14. What is holding you back?
15. What is really going on (intuition)?
The last step of the GROW coaching model is Will. Here are some example
coaching questions to inspire you: